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Romeo and





From st12a1

One day, Dr. Alfred Scott van Schwarzenigger finally reached his
dreams when he graduated in BS Biology at the University of Illinois,
USA as a Suma Cum Laude. He has also acquired his PhD in Biology in
Boston University. He really loves the world of Biology and dreams to
be a world-renowned biologist. He has contributed a lot of significant
researches about cells, leading him to win a Nobel award in Biology in
2008. Inspired from the field he has taken, he became obsessed of it. His
apartment is full of biological beings such as plants and animals – even
the common and exotic ones are there. The plenteous amount of plants
and animals made him realize that the space in his room is too narrow to
even walk through.
With the prize money he won in many major Science competitions,
he bought a residential house to expand the space he can use in his
experiments, projects and researches. His neighbors dubbed him as crazy
and a madman. They even wanted to call the police when they heard him
shouting “Eureka! Eureka!” and ran in the streets with both his hands in
the air.
Obsessed with the world of biology, cells in particular, he decorated
his newly-bought house by labelling things that fit the idea of the cell
parts. He realized that the house is the perfect analogy of a eukaryotic
cell because it can be perfectly paired to the cell parts.
First, he labelled the door as Cell membrane as it regulates what goes
in and out of the house. He also put a tag in his stairs because for him, it
signifies the Endoplasmic Reticulum in the cell as it is used for
transport. He also labelled the kitchen as the Ribosome because it
synthesizes protein, just as it produces food in the kitchen. Then there’s
the fridge, when instead of putting cute fruit magnets that stick in the
surface of the fridge, or sticky notes for writing reminders, like everyone
else, he labelled it with a boring sticker that read “Vacuole” since it
functions as a storage, even though what’s inside are only a few couple
of things – a bottle of wine and nachos. Looking for what will symbolize
as the Cytoplasm, he walks around the house looking for answers.
Staring at the floor, he realized he was looking at the cytoplasm all along.
He laughed and gave himself a face palm. He has also ascertained that
the computer is synonymous to the Golgi Apparatus of the cell because
it helps him in modifying, sorting and packaging e-mails about his recent
journals when he wanted to send them to his colleagues and peers for
review before publishing. To be found outside of his house was the
generator that was always humming while producing electricity.
“This is the perfect representation of Mitochondria, the powerhouse
of the cell.”, muttered Dr. Alfred, who sounds like reciting a line from a
He even created a name tag for himself that says “Nucleus” as the
nucleus is the control center of the cell, just as him to his house.
Every time he works, he loses his senses in reality, descending
himself down to the rabbit hole. His house was already back to what his
former apartment look like, papers messed up everywhere, dishes were
not washed, and all the necessary chores needed to be done weren’t even
started yet. Unable to keep up with the chores, he wanted to have a maid.
But deep inside his unconsciousness, little did Dr. Alfred know, it seems
that he was just lonely and wanted someone for company.
He initiated interviews of people who wanted to work for him. There
were a lot of ladies who applied but the one that really captured his
attention, and at the same time, qualifies his standards for the job, was a
lady named Ma. Lourdes Mercedes Velez-Montefalco, or as she wants
to be called “Lourdes”.
“She’s the one I’d been looking for”, thought Dr. Alfred the moment
that Lourdes came in the room.
Lourdes introduced herself as a native from Spain. She is a tall lady,
with a body like an hour glass. She doesn’t use that much make-up but
Dr. Alfred could really see that her face is glowing. Lourdes really talks
like a Hispanic American where she pronounces every R with spiciness
and sexiness. She is just a typical Latina who is tan and has dark hair,
but to Dr. Alfred she is like nobody.
She started working the day after in Dr. Alfred’s house. It
immediately went from messy to spotless and everything went back in
order. Dr. Alfred has also given his maidservant a name tag which says
“Lysosome”, a significant part of the cell that functions as a waste
Days passed, and Dr. Alfred has secretly fall in love to Lourdes. He
treated her with more care and shows her a sense of affection. Dr. Alfred
became soft when it comes to Lourdes. He rarely scolds her. They even
share meals sometimes and go out and have friendly dates. He really
loves her but it breaks his heart to know that Lourdes was already
One day, Dr. Alfred overheard sobs from Lourdes’ room. He knocked
but there was no confirmation to go inside, yet Dr. Alfred respected that.
“Is everything okay?”, asked Dr. Alfred.
“Errr…yes”, answered Lourdes while sounding like she tried to clear
her nose. “I’ll be out a minute to cook your dinner, Mister Alfred”, added
Lourdes, while still trying to sound formal and Hispanic.
The following day, the neighbors once heard Dr. Alfred screaming.
But this time, it wasn’t the word “Eureka!”. This time, it was different.
His voice was full of fear. When the neighbors reached his house, he was
petrified while standing in front of a corpse. They immediately recognize
it was Lourdes, hanging with her neck in a rope.
Police investigations concluded that the cause of death was suicide.
They found evidences which seems to be the apparent reason behind
Lourdes’ death. It was a voice message from his husband in Abu Dhabi
which says
“I love you Lourdes,
Dr. Alfred didn’t accept of what has happened to Lourdes. If only he
could’ve opened the door that night. If only he just reassured to her that
everything will be okay. If only he didn’t believe her “It’s okay”, he
could’ve saved her from her miseries that night.
Days after Lourdes’ death, the house seemed empty. It was quiet
Everything was back from before. Dr. Alfred became weak. Just like a
cell that has a lysosome that bursts, it dies.

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