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VBA is a editor to write a macro

2.macro is a object oriented program. is a piece of code to perform some operation.

how to get developer into the ribbon


office button->excel options->popular->select "show developer tab" check box->ok


file->options->customize ribbon->select "developer" checkbox->ok

how to open VBA window

1.developer tab->visual basic
2. ALT+F11

Different Windows in VBA

1.Project explorer window
2.Properties window
3 Code window
sheet code window
module code window
class code window
userform code window
4.Object explorer
5.Immediate window

Project explorer window

It will show all the list of opened projects(list of workbooks) and each project
objects list(sheets,modules,classes,userforms...)

Properties window
it will show properties of the list of sheets.
According to our requirement we can change the property.
Ex: Name,standardwidth,visible etc

code window
Empty space where we have to write our macro

Sheet code: We can write code in individual sheets.But we can excute(output)

this code only in that particular sheet
How to get sheet code window
double click on sheet

Module code:By using this window we can work with different sheets and
How to get module code window
insert->module->double click on module

how to rename module

single click on module->view->properties window->change name property

class code window:in this window we can create our own classes
class contains methods,properties,events

Ex:Method:Performing action(Sheet add,delete etc)

Property:changing the old value(font color,borders,font size,sheet name etc)

Event:executing a macro when we perform some action(workbook open,close,button

click etc)

How to get class code window

insert->class module->double click on module

how to rename class module

single click on class->view->properties window->change name property

Userform code window:In this window we will write events to work with
How to get userform code window

how to rename userform

single click on userform->view->properties window->change name property

object browser

it will show all the list of objects available and its methods,properties and

How to see available classes

view->object browser

in the left side it will show all the classes available

in the rights side methods,properties and events of the particular class

Method:green color box

property:hand symbol
event:yellow symbol
Immediate window:

It will give us immediate results about excel in VBA


Types procedures

1.sub procedure
2.Function procedure

Sub Procedure:If we want to perform more than one action then we have to write code
in sub procedure


sub macro_name()

end sub

Function procedure:To create our own functions we have to write code in function


function func_name(arguements List)


end function


The value which we have to provide to the function as a input to get the output.

Naming Conventions(macro_name/function_name)

1.Macro name should not start with numbers

2.It will not allow any special characters except underscore(_)
3.Macro name length should not be more than 255
4.It should start with character
Ex: abc(yes)


1.Public(by default)

Sample macro

sub test()

msgbox("welcome to macro programming")

end sub

Ways to run a macro

___________________ on play button

2.F5 is the shortcut key
3.assign macro to other objects(Picture,Shapes,controls etc)
4.Developer tab->macros->select macro->click on run button
5.Developer tab->macros->select macro->options->assign shortcut key to your macro

6.F8 line by line exexution(like evaluate formula option)

7.F9 is a break point

How to save the file

file->save as->save as type:Excel macro Enabled Workbook->ok

How to enable macros



file/office button->options/excel options->trust center->trust center settings-

>macro setting->select enable all macros radio button


developer tab->macro security->macro settings->select enable all macros radio


cell reference

To comment the line add single quote(') in the beginning of the line

Comment block/un-comment block


View->toolbars->customize->select command button->categories:Edit->in commands

section->drag and drop comment block/un-comment block into the ribbon

select block of code->click on comment block

select block of code->click on un-comment block

VBA Editor font


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