1957 Clarke Russian Bible Society Bulgarians

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P 756.12. 3 HARVARD SLAVIC STUDIES EDITORIAL COMMITTEE ‘Aun B, Lop ‘Wocror Wanrmave Ge VOLUME IIL MOUTON & CO ‘Gravenhage 1957 Distbuted In he USA. by HARVARD UNIVERSETY PRESS CONTENTS ‘Marko Marui (1480-1525) ' Minko A. UsMant, Daltousle Unversity ert 18 Maton 8 es Te ee, “Te dso Wo of he Dey rer fm Se Ee a renie tt Wat of ati St etre tee insy bm Soe A: zany, Hard Unesty a “The Russian Bible Society andthe Bulgarians o Tavs F, CLARKE, University of Psurgh |The Ray ofthe Microcosm, by Petar Petrov Nieeo: “Translation and Tatroduction 10s Anica Savie-Reaac ‘The publication of this volume, sponsored by mi ? Recurrent Imagery in Dostocvsi 201 the ‘Department of Slavie Languages and Literatures of Harvard Unlversity, has been made possible by a grant from the Connie RaLea E, Maraw, Harsard Univesity ‘The Battle for Literatore in th Soviet Ukraine: A Docurpen- Jor the Promotion of Advanced Slavic Cultural tary Study of vaPute (1925-1928) ar porn (Gronce S. N. Lucevs, Unters of Toronto Prague andthe Purple Sage u 'SUATAVA PIRKOVAIAKOWON, Harvard University “The Sad Atmchai: Notes on Soviet War and Postwar Lyrical Poetry 20 ‘Vara Saxpounsky, Wayne University ren cy HRNTNS, TH HACE « Serge A. Zenkorsky thse reasons the continuance of Rusia traditionalist thought nthe nineteenth century devolved upon other groups ia Rusian society than the Old Belevers. But the Denisov” ideas as to the spinel ‘union of the Russian people with Christ, the messianic destiny ofthe Russian nation the humble nature ofthe Rusia spirit and man, nd the soboryj concept of the Russian state all foe place in the teachings ofthe Slavophil, PoSveniti, and Poplist, whose theories, ‘beara clos resemblance fo those a thas vo oustanding eighteenth contury Russian thinkers. Thus, he teaching of the Denisov for & ‘Sgnfcant link inthe evolution of Russian thought and reveal many ‘ofits most vital elements. The appeal thatthe brother teachines Il Yor Russians was confirmed not only bythe growth of the Old Beliver movemeat but aso by the rescence of many oftheir Sdeas inthe nineteenth and twentieth cents, ‘THE RUSSIAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND THE BULGARIANS* by James F. Clarke ‘Although they were not aware oft the time, twas eminently sppropviate for Russians, who hid reosved the Bible from the ‘Bulgarians inthe tenth century, tty to give i ack to them inthe inleenth. The projet to provide a modeen Bulgarian translation of the New Testment was intatad in T816 by the newly established Rinsian Bible Soci, aided and abetted by its parent in London, the Baitih and Foreign Bile Sockty. The ateation of the RES was first directed to the Balkans by a Phanariot Greck prince (Constan- tine Ypslang), The ides of « Bulacan translation ofthe Scriptures ‘was proposed by « Russkan-appointed Moldavian archbishop. The Itanslation was executed by an otherwise obscure monk Who Was robebly a Greek, Teodos, abbot of Wallahian monastery. He was recommended by 3 Grek Patarch who was shortly to be hanged by the Turks, The translation was “santioned” by Moldavian, Serbian (actually Greek), Russi, Armenian, and Greek bishops in Ksiney, Bessrabia The project, whic lasted more than seven Years, Was ro- moted and supervised by thre Scotsmea, on loan fo the RBS from the BFBS, which also supplied some of the funds. The work was tllted by the RBS Russian proofeader of Church Slavonic. After 12000 of the planned S000 copies of Mrttow were printed in St. ‘Petersburg in 1825, the translation was deemed workless and prnt- ing was halted, Not lng ater, the RBS its was liquidate. ‘Under such inauspicious crcomstances it not surprising thatthe frst brave attempt to publish a rasltion ofthe New Testament in Bulgarian should have eaded in ter failure, There was no aoepted Bulgarian literary language and virtually no literature, for only nine "Thi esa i nein prt on & pb Fada x conference of Ss at ‘Ana Arbor 1988 A Ford Foundation pat ade polo peparton or 6 James F Clarke publications by four authors are recorded before the RBS blundered {nto print wth Teodos's translation. With the ignorance of tho facts ad the naive enthusiasm prevalent in Bible Socioty eels, sucess could hardly have been expected. Nevertheless the history of a Failure may prove instructive, and any scrap of evidence on the in- cipient Bulgarian literary activity ofthe time is of interest. Further, the Teodost miscarriage di, indirectly to be sure, eventually lead 10 “standard Bulgarian version of the Bible. The involved circum stanees and th outcome ofthe Teodos afr and the RBS Matthew (of 1823, complicated by the fact that almost as much mystery and confusion surounded the seoond and somewhat more socrsfal {tanslation of the New Testament tn 1828, have led Bulgarian bibliogaphers and Bible historians, in some instances five mes semored fom the rg Surs, 1 pode sh of at a fantasy Because not even the printed portion of the RBS Bulgarian New Testament was published, and because the persons concerned init were so remote from the Bulgarian scene, in more ways thaa one, {here are few eary references to it in Slave sourees, and these are ‘vague or misleading. Only two possible notices appea in contemper- iy Bulgarian books, The fit i a derogatory remark in the post: Sexipt to te 1824 Primer by Peter Beron, who wrote, “What dishonor and shame is brought upon our people by a bad translation suchas that sent hy Archimaadrite Theod. to the Bible Society in Petre burg." The second ian allusion in the preface to Ansslas Kpiloy- Skis Sacred Stores, which sppeared year later. Because announced ‘translations had not yet ben publised, Kipiloski explained he was ‘offering these Old and New Testament stories asa substiute* Thus Lina nV. Poprts, Opn tre piston srt gt (1802-1877) (soi 125, Por snarany sar with be 8s Teagan, uta {Reber ee cep oa aml art he work, tmnt Become 1 Groat book of Seen, Ss, 3,351 here so ster bore ila for Buln Bie ans on cou on ha Wa, De to tics hema dr Biel nyse ot ele Tee desloen” ASIP, 3 (3b, 07-50. PR Beto, ars retype (aa, 124. Pace and esp miei ar eatin (18,147 1 TS, 1, A Soon ipl, Systeme nara it Zire stony ‘or (Baapt, 125 ao pay soared by Boa Dt end f rT ‘The Rusian Bible Society and the Bulgarians ° itis clear shat Buleasian emigre circles noth of the Danube were at least aware of Teodos's projet ew ofthe pioneer Slavic scholars, even in St.Petersburg, knew ch more, The fist notice was taken bythe Russian scholar Peter ‘Keppen (Kappen)-In 1826 he reported that while in Transylvania on fan antiguaran foraging expedition in 1822 he Feared from “in- formed” Bulgarians Hermenastadtthata"Feodos),archimandrite of Bistritsa, by bith a Greek, had translated the Gospels into Bolpssan togsiber with a native Bulgarian."© At the same time Safa, in hit Mistry of Slavic Language end Literatre, mentioned, ion the bas ofthe Society's report thatthe RES was publishing Bulgarian New Testament? Reviewing Safait’s book the next ear, obrowsky, on te strength ofthe remark in Kipowski, "doubted ery mush that the RBS bad actually printed a Bulgarian New ‘Testament The welLiformed Kopitar, st Slavie scholar to take interest in Blgarian books, made no meation ofthe RBS item in his list of known Buleasian sources in 1829, although Sapunov's 1828 Gospels is ncuded.” On the other hand, Saft was deceived by an ‘invartasted interpolation in a fourthchand article in @ German Inagarine into believing tat a Bugasian New Testament had been Dnted in London in (8282° He later (1834) surmised that this tein Stra his chrysler Seba out Sonnowil 1 cn atprahnccr' V Duran ey, Story doy ‘Ho Tor Repro lech 196182 (Prag, 1951), 5.38 “inthe pol eb by epen, pase Lig, No.4 (Apel 125, ssn. "Hui, Gosche dr shoe Seach wd Liye nach len Maron ast, 109 25 res aed ih My 125. ""Knonetus tov In he Jaber der erat, No. 37 (em, 12, fi t0 be nce 1 Dobro on he Pa of Saas coremondecs ih Kopi (Barta Saito ap. 2 and Kenoen WA. Paty Kerepundnce Pte Joe Softy 308 rgae, 1921 28h. Dobos ‘omice Kaos took Gon Kept. Allsaiywslacsce nt Dletche Sprache” Jc de Lie au, op. Rai id hl a os bakin jon Span ma Barns Asana Nee, 818, 1-73, ‘tt dr eetahen Mone Lees von Konstantinos tet Adan pl nach Trove in egret fa, No. 278 (Ont 88), 197~ Toone below, nt 1 From Stihl Sek ‘ttopapty andthe ino geal ecusion ” James F. Clarke ‘dion must have been sent fom London to St.Petersburg and there “thrown into the fre or outhouse." An American footnote was added by Tals, who wrote in 1838, “The Ruslan Bible Society propared 2 Bulgarian trarltion ofthe Now Testament, ited more expel forte neat of about 300) ‘Bulgarian coloitin the Rossan province of Beara Du he spc ten printed in 1823 enced so mia doubt a othe competency of the frandatr, that st was deemed advsile to put a sop to is further proses. 1 is not strange that Safaik, Kopitar, and the wester Stavst| should have known litle ot nothing about the RBS misadventure, considering the dfiulty of communication, but it seems odd that the Interested scholars even in St.Petersburg were unaware of i. Even [BEBS agents in the Lovant were ignorant ofthe outcome some yes after ie fate we sted. ‘The first of the Russian catalogues and crtes of Bulgarian literature in Russia afer Keppen war the muck-iouted Ruthenian Suri) Venein, himself one of the prime stimulators of the Bulgarian literary revival. Although personally acquainted with some of Teadoe’'s Bulgarian erties ater hi stay i KiSiney in 1823-1825, Venelin doesnot mention the Mfezhew ina review of the rebirth of ‘Bulgarian iterature which he published in 1837." Murzakevi, dhe (Odessa historian who farished Safa and others with Bulgarian ‘books also fas to refer 19 Teodosi§® Neither Vasil Apily, the Later to Va, May 4,134, in Stone Yana pelt Blade 1909 1V, 8; ant omy, Zot {ad aS Kara ls, 929. aby th Elva Roden, nde These Alber Louie ver, ako “etre of Sti langage at vais Set, wih pec oe esto hoe” Ble! Rosny, 4 (Adve, 3), 32-3, {15°51 a hes ner i aroun Engi Gorman and Fresh version “aoa had nse to ib Sen sources Nae the say fet [ngage an tat of Hendon se goted baw. Tay wes response Fert supine) Thao Sorel rom Hendenon’s pets th [i'm tnd for the Beazabas Bupa, fhe to passe evo {5 te uta anaes, Tas) ott he old no a of rare” ‘Wo rade neve iar erat,” Monon rable, Sete tur 17 epee ata Bok, Mosconi: Dulin amon ‘Milo tra, es) and N- Das bul 18). N,N Mean, “Nytene tie proven ole," 2MNP 19 (Ri, HO: Franc, Kreme Por 72. ‘The Russian Bible Soclety andthe Bulgarians TL ‘Bulgarian amateur scholar and philanthropist of Odessa, nor his crite Solov'ev, Murzakevil' colleague inthe Lyoée Richelieu, refer {o Teodos.1. Sreznevski’s 1846 bibliographical urvey docs not ist, Mathe3® Tn the fist crude attempt at a Bulgarian bibliography, young Konstantin Jistck, using material colleced by his grandfather Safa, sted a New Testament, translated by Archimandrite Teodas, abbot of Bistrisa, and an anonymous Bulgarian, printed in Londos jn TB28 in $000 copies, sent to St.Petersburg and there destroyed in toro." A few years Inter he corrected himself in a footnote tothe textent of supesting two alleratives: that Teodos'tansation made or the RBS in 1821 was unusable and immediatly suppressd, or that 5000 copies were printed in 1823 and then suppressed, the Serpturesin the vernacular being considered dangerous." Practically all subsequent Bulgarian bibliogrphers have followed iret ‘combining and adding to previous errors — Teodorows” Nato," ‘Kutiagev*" and even Pogoreloy, the Russian compiler of the only satisfactory bibliography of early Bulgarian imprints" Historians of Bulgarian Bible translation have not done mech ‘beter than the bibligaphers. The latest and most complete survey svat made by Markovskiin 1927, but he too was unable surmount VF. Apo, Dena moda arcana (dens, 1D, ‘for econ eo toe ese ronon by M.A. Sle Motion, Noise, 12-168; Apeon esd, Dope, SP 1 “1 1 Sere. “Otek tlpnetaana¥ Boga” ZMNP, St 84, sd -2 On Renan solar an he lara, Pane, Pee se troy po encengu susie, premaesen zap Posie mono (dana fa 1877-189 Ga 15) pp 1-5 OAK Just Kat ma rable Kl 1806-1870 (inna, 1W7R, mo 9H The deeb “hogan” ty I. Sones, Spek se Boles iy hits de’ oa tana, 1852), say mera he Geshe der Bare Prag, 178, $36, note 3. "A Teor (haa stu kn (6-187 Sbornh e maa aro, 9 99) sol 3-16; and Bega op o2 09 goed 06 ‘as Son 180. Adana caecns ty N. Nav a SONU, 26(910-12, s¥and Sbomie BAN 99) Sand 7 (929.17 azon “Novara kes ptt lo Ua of 186 do 187, nan, sn, Kune, Peat» Bue do ones, 1920, p19, cen ger the arn ofthe Engin per, Wate “Sgwon, Op. n James F. Clarke the bibliographical discrepancies piled up by his predecessors!" The fst important contribution tothe study ofthe Bulgarian translations ame in 1898 from Leo Wiener of Harvard University, but he was Sparen unaware ofthe RBS Teodes! venture" Hisartele aroused ‘Fest interest in Bulgaria. Quoted, summarized, and amplified by Siimanoy, it became the point of departute forall subsequent work ‘on the subject The second major contribution was the fist of @ {erie of atte on the Bulgarian renascence published in 1902 by the director of the Odesa Publis Library, Poprazento. By exploiting Russian material onthe RBS that had been previously overlooked, he ‘made considerable progres award pinning dowa Teodosi; but a he had never seen or hour of copy, questions remained, inluding that ofthe hypetbetical London 1828 edition * Ie was let fo other Russian scholars to supply the msing links. [A year after his fist antl, Popruzeako published an “Addendum” reporting the discovery by Jaeieski) of sovral printed copies of| what Popruzenko surmised war Teodor? 1623 Mattew.®" These samples al defective, containing oly pages 27-96 10: 210 the end), were found in the Moldavian monastery of Biseiani, V. Sremesii) ‘eseribed another of Jcimirski's copies" #1, Manton, “toa a bagi sna priv Bit” ann mir Fak) 4 U3, ah Na on doe Mode Geek vrion wi Morn Blan) Amer Share the Regeneration of Darn 1AO-189)" Maden Langage Me, 13 (19), 6-8, Abugh based on pay ours, Weer ‘econ astro acura pci ine Blain Vata. 1 Sano “Nov! dann ot oi nant Yr” Bula SAH 6 Pomrateals, “Ot po ior osetia boteogo mrs 1. Pawrody Novopo Zavala an,” ZMNP, November 192320 tind walle in Buzran by Ne Moov in Barska sora, 12 (309, Tipe "Tomo Det evnga erat,” Jadon oa Sa 190, pp. 0-4, sed Wiener Sano Dope. “Dope pervema fr,” 2HNP, Oxeber 13, 85-346 "= popeato Bop” p40 api of cop in te Poebrg ‘nts Leg, Saar a Feta at oy cg ‘Sry, preuray the Sve aon kota 9,230, Sezer ‘shes py donate by Jia the Mana Seo Syeda © opi” postpiec¥ rkopaoe ote 19 ga.” ele ‘tha hans se 20 0900, 0130 (erin a O13 ple st). The Russian Bile Society and the Bulgarians 73 The first to locate and fally deseribe a complete copy and to dent it corel as the RDS 1823 Marthew was N. M. Petrov, who found it in the library of tbe Kazan’ Theologieal Academy, wit it was even listed in the published catalogue of 1876. Yet, tecause ofthe persistence of entrenched erors and seeming contre dictions, Petroaki, after a review ofall the literature, reached the ‘unsatisfactory hypothesis that tore were two separste versions: one by Teodosi of Hermannstadt for the RBS, of Which Mathew was printed in St. Polosburg in 1823; and a second by Teodos! of Bistrita for the BFBS, the New Testartent being published in London in 1828. Unless copy ofthe 1828 edition were tobe found, he concluded, the question would not be completly resolved." Pogoreloy, in his 1923 Bibliography, did not meation the 1823 Teodosi, but Seisev, in a comprehensive review article, pointed out the omision and cited the ene complete and two defective known copies" However, theres a fourth copy, complete and fly authen- Seated, which has escaped the notice of al. Listed jn the second volume ofthe Catalogue ofthe library of the BFBS, published in 1911, the RS Teodosi New Testament translation, of which only Matthew was “published” in 1823 in St. Petersburg" The Hirary ‘copy of the Catalogue hasan add note that twas found in March 1910, What makes this particular Matthew noteworthy i two-page dentication on the Alea inthe hand of Ebenezer Henderon, BFBS representative in St. Petersburg at the time, according 10 whi NM, Pesan, “K vprntopenom ptstom pervade Novo Ze bn povbolpl Jc” NO faaS, 229, bm 2, NT. The apy ad ‘ented rom Afr achop of Karan who doo in 85am the Si PeestrySemimy (ray be olf ht hare eer man a 18 Sie Seay NI) Sel, wea saropetany ols ai” Sle, 5, 280-266 He she Acad copa ar noted above = 3 0TH. Darow and HF. Mul, Hora Ctl of th Printed Eons of th Holy Scrpes nthe Layo the ri and Fart Be Sty {oten, 1911 Te ont oe in Bgl ot th sore sd Prorat at el es Rata Mlb, “Nowonigrtte povodi mabe Ei Sa Users, pepe 1527 However Miva il wore aout ¢ pe ‘Loodon etn 188 npn older adnan doubters for eae Ine bt, “Spud rac mane Ort Po 1908, 9 ad ED. Srmaoy, "vod vss na bipttowuraan,” Bara 000 Foi Sta, 1530), p. 28-18; and Marka, cdf no 23 nore % James F Clarke “Theoosos n 1823 completed 8 verton ofthe New Testaent i the Balgnan dalet at Boshart ef which an edon was ordered to be ined at St.Petersburg, bt aller pening 2000 cpis of St. Mathew’ {Goopl (of wh thie oe). twas domed viet pul sop {oo progres as doubla wee btrtained of the competency ofthe ran thor The leather binding bears the seal of the RBS. The pgs the ony identication being the printed beading of St. Matthew.” “The bibliographical comedy’ofertors about a work of no intinsic merit came about because of diiculies of communication, te ack tf standing among Bulgarian ofthe translator Teodos the rudiment- fry slate of Bulgarian iterate and cultural lie at the time, the tistarbed political conditions atending the Greek Revelation, the ‘understandable confusion between the BFBS and the RBS, and, ‘ost important, the eanesiling ofthe translation and suppression of the printed portion, which soon was followed by the disgrace and ‘emis of the RBS tal sno tte The Gospel ‘The Russian Bible Society was another ofthe curious aberrations of Tour Alexander 1 In its short ie i iiited translations thet frentually led to standard versions in Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, land numberof other languages, although these projects were com= Dleted under other auspices, afler the RBS had been dissolved, ‘Aletander approved the pane fora Bible society in December 181 elaying his departure from St Petersburs for Moscow and the re treating Grand Army of Napoleon to do so. The plas were sub- itt to him hy the Minster of Foreign Confessions who was his influential boyhood fend, Prince A. N. Goliey, in bealf of John Paterson, emissary of the Betsh and Foreign Bible Socsty The BEBS had, almost from its formation in 1804, looked tothe reat Rosian empire a a promising Sel of activity and expansion, but the cooling of relations betwoon England and Russa following ‘Tk had cut off the orginal fers. The initative for establishing 3 The dal of he RBS a «Ruin domestic epode i revend in 5. Tomplim “Tie Rassan Tile Socety — A Cae i Res Meno bina” Uren Si ad Ent Bxopeon Reve, 7 (989, 231-26 He ‘apa wach fhe hey wl set ano or he So's Bulan projet lode ‘The Russian Bible Society and the Bulgarians 78 Bible society in St. Petersburg came from two Seotsmen, John Paterson and Robert Pinkerton. Paterson, having helped to sot up Societies in Scandinavia and in the ocealy annexed Russian province fof Finland with Ebenezer Henderson, sugested to London that he teauthoriznd to investigate the situation i St.Petersburg, where he arrived in August of 1812. Meanwhile Pinkerton, who had withdrawn from a Scottish mission at Kacist in the Caueasus Because of i health, was pursuing a similar proc in Moscow, where he had been Tvingsnee 1810, and had writen Paterson about his schome* The two men joined forces, Paterson drew up plans and by-laws forthe proposed scl, collaboration with Count VP. Koeube), former ‘Minister of the Itsior, Prinee Golieyn, and others. ‘Alexander's approval having beea publicly announce, the St Petersburg Bible Society (as it was fist called), was offally and Speetaculrly launched on January 23, 1813™ Because of the active backing of Alexander, who himself became # member and heavy subscriber, many prominent offi, members of the nobility, and higheranking eclesase, a well as cotric of mystics and religious addi, fl necessary to pve the Society suppor, sincere a other- wise" Besides Prince Golleyn and Count Kotubs 2 number of Aigitaris graced the Society as offers: Count K. A. Lieven, President of the Protertant Consistory; Couat C. B. Vieinghol, brother of Alexanders future mother confexor, Madame dc Keidener; Count A.K. Razumovskij, Minister of Education; (ater (on) M. M, Speransij; Mil, Metropolitan of Novgorod aod St. ‘Petersburg; Seri, Metropolitan of Moscow: Flare, Archbishop fof Tver; and the heads of foreign religious denominations. Its president and guiding sir was Golieyn sn to become even more ‘rose of tha Canty ant aan (Lovo 853), 9.3 AO, stay td te an trol! mina eae, acpi id Sree "Shebn Peeson, The Baa for Bey Land: Rerincnces of Labo and Adve i he Wark of Be Ct he Nor of ua nd si ii ano 9 Aten tre er a Seo Wr Nr en. 7 Romp The Ln fhe Holy dnc. The Lif of ae de Rien (sen York 5, pe, 16 James F. Clarke {nflcntial inthe positions of Minister of Eeclesistial Affairs and of aucation. “The St. Petersburg Bible Society was formed with the ostensible objeto relating the Scriptores primarily among the non-Russian tnd non Orthodox inhabitants of the Empire ("members of foreign feligions only"), especially the Protestant Germans, but almost immediatly the Committe resolved to join in the dstebution of the Slavonie Bibl, the printing of which was the exclusive prerogative of the Holy Synod” This was the particular ebct of the Moscow ‘tury established by Pinkerton in 1813, When the four-volume ‘Synod edition was found to be too cumbersome, expensive, and Timited in supply, Goliey, a8 Procurator of the Holy Synod, ob taibed permission for the Soietyto print is ova Slavonic Seripares| with improved ‘ype and the new stereotype proces Introduced in Russa by Paterson Ths sep was facilitate by “packing the court {sit were — appointing members ofthe Synod tothe Commits ‘A this tne alo the name was changed to the Russian Bile Society ‘by imperial kas, and branches mashroomed by fat throughout the ‘mpie from Poland to Siberia, eventually numbering 289% Bot in the Tong run it was this vey strength that Became the weakness of the RBS. “The ansation ofthe Bible into Russian was without question the rmost important undertaking of the Society. The sponsors of this Fadil ea were more than willing to give Alexander ful eedit, nd it'was officially reported that “the idea of this noble work isthe ‘achive property of His Imperial Majesty, the pure suggestion of bis ‘own benevolence" Here agin the Synod was persiaded to yiel, ‘heondition, however, thatthe Slavonic text accompany the trans lation and conservative opposition was temporary silenced by ‘nother imperial ukase and the indirect sanction of the Greek Patriarch, At Easter, 1819, specially bound copy ofthe Gospels was ++ Pron Goce, Fic Aland Nolin nd i Ze 1, an croos si Th fl nan a eR ot on Eg wel Siotan ata hc ype Rose Ba ct en teres et st eB Ida Pie tema oy Panay, 110-3. ce of af sin Nn ep, ei reno, Be or By Lon 23% Pro, 3, SEAS Tl fee IO. BS The Russian Bible Society and the Bulgarians == 77 presented to Alexander, the fist portion of the Bible in Russian. Now thatthe Sot thus had broken wi its arisinal purpose, cer ventures were rapidly added. From the Greeks of South Russia tttetion easily extended to the Greats ofthe Ooms Eric, with te cooperation of the Russian ambassador at the Porte, Baron Stopanov. Direction of the Soviet" efforts to other Orthodox ine hubvtants ofthe Balkans came about naturally thowh the interes aroused inthe Princialites by Constantine Ypsilanti former Hos- podar of Moldavia (1799-1801) and Wallachia (1802-1806) At the fecond annual meeting of the RBS (ISHS), the members were particularly pleased with a company of Grosks from Ancient ‘Macedonia Prince Ipilanti and waite,” especialy since “these worthy descendants of the Church of Philippi all subseibed, the prince ving 500 rubles. At Paterson's suggestion Ypsilanti was made @ icepresident in charge of the “call from the South, especialy Moldavia and Walacia.” The Commitee thereupon voted to pint 00 copies ofthe New Testament in Moldavian “or the inhabitants fof Ancient Macedonia,” much help being expected from Ypsilanti, Suho had offered t correct the proofs. When the ist printed sheet tear reeived in London it waslablleda dialect of moder Crook." Paterson was under the impression that it was basically Slavic. Pinkerton, however, more accurately diagnosed Moldo-Wallchian ‘half Latin and half Greck, Turkish and Slavonian, "very diferent fiom the dialects of the Slavonian spoken among the Sevians, olgarians, and Dalmatians." ‘Al of thi ilustrates the understandable ignorence about the peoples, languages, and geography of the Balkans, whieh proved Expensive to the RBS on at least two occasions, but was ess costly 1 A Cito, or pert i ar gk ed SP. 189), pp. 2 Fre putt n 167 th work atarleChow oeee) ‘pt oa hry of eR so wl 1 at whe ‘its Ypsiniy “De Fin Aleander vod Konsaatin Yost al aspire der Malia apd Wahu” en ln ev Ende Beamer, 3 (is 35,2528 ‘Later from Ypun, DFAS, Fuse Report (IIB), App. #150: ‘Tyg Repr (810) Aa Pp. 26-2, ste ir Ey ant 20 te tum Patron, Pt Aen 1, 815 BERS Teh Repr, Ap 7. Apparent tes re fo ‘Matis Boe Soc Soe n ames F Clarke than the error made by young Alexander Ypsilanti in heisting the Ras of Greek revolution in the Rumanian Principals afew years Inte Pence Goliya was fresighted, therefore, in urging Pinkerton rarake a tour of southestern Europe. Ths was in Tine with the ‘eey ofthe London commit, whic insructed Paterson to ke=p Finkeeton “moving sbout as much as posible in Poland, Russi, ‘Moldavia, and the Crimea.” ‘Zqupped wth «good Knowledge of Rusian and pining and a ess philological sense, Pinkerton set forth on his fist extensive ‘Sploration in March 1816 He reached Odesa in ate June, having Srbmoted the establishment of Bible Society branches all along The may, and ilignty gathered information on every dialect he (nevuntered. After starting a locl Bible Society, he set out for inv, the capital of Bessrabin. "Thanks to plague epidemic in Moldavia, Pinkerton, on his way from Kisiney to L'vov and Cracow, was delayed atthe quarantine Slaton at Dubossary on the Dnest Tong enough to write a lengthy wares His tat errand in Kisiey had been to arrange for the Teooting of $000 Rumanian Bibles ia the Intel established press of Gartil Exareh of Moldavia, A second object was to set on foot & ‘Moldavian Bible Society. Lay, Pinkerton wrote tn tion thee important obits the (Molva Esse an he aeneePiuceopatian ve both promis tae hese in oder (erecure nsemon of he New Tsane i the ula neve Ie Proc goa tbe rods and most impure tof the Slavonian, Teta miu with he Tork, and niet t the other ieGuae tates Ther churerGooks anderson of tbe Sepres are Ssyonhvcnay, andthe very sme 90 those wed in dhe Resin sod aa ease Om ths macuntthe Ear, ad ets are me Serr es atparan ave qe snabl to understand the Savonian th tsa of sone prof he sce test into Alpi Bane Astin mance ich was mae some tine ago By om of ‘ra, fy Ber an 25, ese ie Pan ws spel reson othe BBS In. Peenbore. Ee eT gealy pub & tamtion of atns Pravlrce tn Sur he ies The Pret Sit ofthe Oreck. rio Charch 0 ey of Cian Bay y Pan new York 183) rit the Re Pakeron oi te our iPad oman (Lando, 11, 2-35 380 BEES, Thrace (817, App 957-15. vr ‘The Rusian Bible Society and the Bulgarians 79 tiie Bishops i Bucharest. Proper seach isto be made fortis a, Shou it be fund, wl rove a elp. However, the arch has in his Dover by his conneions wih the Bulgarian Bishops, o get good tans Bion ides and as they ie the Stavonan crac, ean Be printed tt the type intended to be used forthe Wallachia Bible and in te Pringle of the Eaten. From ths ew partis, you wil seve, That veo important conseusnes for promoting the case of BMG Stole, are Hel to be rus of my Vist to Molds Kitinew was the closes Pinkerton got to the Balkans on this ocrasion, but during the rest of his journey he condnuad to think bout Bulgarian translation. In Vienna he had an audience with Prince Metternich, who invited him to dinner and graciously placed hms at Piakerto's disposal. At Metternich’ quest he subasted 2 project for an Austrian Bible Society, in whic, along with the fariows “tribes” within and outside the Awsrian Empie 10 be teaited, ementioned the “lamentable condition ofthe Bulgarians.” However of much more value than Mettmich’s diplomatic polite nse wae Pinkerton’s asocaton with Kopitar, who impressed him feats.” From him Pinkerion probably acquired some of the opinions on Slave philology and ethnography tht he incorporated in another long report, wher be deplored the stat of the Bulgarians tnd the "corupines oftheir language, so removed from the parent, that they were last able to understand the Slavonic Bible which they sil wed" Pinkerton hesitated evn to lst Bulgarian in his lassie tation ofthe eight Slavie diets, but finally included ic with the Russian language, The numberof Blgarans, which he reckoned at half million, fully jstifed the steps he had alveady taken at ‘Kiney to obtain «tsnalation ofthe New Testament. s Actly Mate was sii of ie sce a be ma ofl ose a a es Er Fn ton on a ‘ten fot year ir Aer Menthe sackeanenen Pps (ices, 000 Ina etc of Februar 18 Kopitar Sand {Std hm tr she Visas Ch f Po an Comoro he hie Scity dens ex, covspoders wih te RBS) Ser Aen raisin rn ron 20-28 ele, 930 Vin, Aug or Exc of ate Biron p38 Koa td oy veo ec beg ncreng Nos nh Blea Sena Gel li = a ofS fut gee we oun gure forte Bers (om atin 2a Bi Konan, cei sr riches Sac p33 23 =r « James F Clarke ‘ai in December Pinkerton was bck in St, Petrsbur ving cory gent Tn sto fn tha he Russian ie Socket a SUC spenid quarters presented by the Exper, wich Tipwed fr sateen seeotpe press and an ena tpt of s0Stno vlumesAdstonl hao had avd inthe eo of 4 stan Etenene Henderson, Patron’ former ascites ‘RergSSttlencouien™Afow wok ler Pnkertons eu ewan crested by the ennounenment ofthe nes grant om ESS fone 120 fra Blgran New Testament ini Ech Gun of Mev, ror othe ils Soy, was tering Hime ret fis meting Wi Fest Sine te deat of ont in Moscow inane 1816, be at ret eveng the provkof te Molnvan New Teste! et ADS vetcahur.and when te Beara ranch wa reid to reseed slong withthe Russian g0=r0% ‘Gener Boxer Sema meting ofthe RBS in September 181 alter 1a reise fom Gal ws renin which piste “SUSE utara a neboring poop ofthe same rl Haan paraty needed to hive the Word of Lien ice ‘ee Ration ses tay were not cto derstand she lvoe obaenty Gavel undeook to fd out a rend anlation of ‘Exact of Leer rom Jim Pteron and Enz Hendrn tg tit eget Te aghast Ba Pes of ai Sede, Deh pepe Tera he HEBS Lancome oe mang Hono i eran la of a een i Sennett reo os nb 8. eco ease W, Con sane ht en 115 oc ne enon ueatan New fame Hoy ofthe EBS London, on. 2s a Ragan by bith, bl true et, Bor Gar inept Manon, Ranson, He ead Ro Bula, eying nde es Contamina eof Paha er Semele ot Nolan, 752: aso of hater aa eer cr 9: mer of Holy Syed 0: penne oe Meat Catia Malay fe; Mesopolan of Fe cr an cc of ols, 112 ol eth oe Ae Sn bee amt ave rele o Rar (nd Meee oi Sa Cum ane dre Pt e162 Bids i tn, 5 Gotan, La Bos (Rowe, essa 19 hc 0. 90.31 Tr ‘The Russian Bile Society and the Bulgarians 81 the Holy Sevptuces was to be found in that language and if not he ‘would try to seek out a suitable translator. Inrelersng to this eter, Pinkerton added that Gavail "is now corresponding with learned sen of that ation, about this very ncesstry and desirable object.”= “Ther it no record of any els ofthe Exarch’s good intestions re was left to Pinkerton himeel to inte the frst Bulgarian teans lation of the New Testament. This etn about in connection with his second and even more extended tour of Southern Europe between February 1819 and February 18202" Armed with leters of intro duction to Ambassador Stroganoy and the Russian consuls, and to the several patriares, Pinkerton eventually landed in Constantinople foi Greece in September. Among his errands here was the revision fof Turkish Bible made fom a sevententh-cntury manuscript he had discovered in Leiden, which the Brith soclety was about 10 publish Secondly, Pinkerton hoped to obtain anew translation of {he whole Bible in modern Greck to eplace the alos 200yearold version of the New Testament eieulted since 1810. ‘While making arangements for printing Greek Bibles and Tests rents atthe Patriarchate, Pinkerton made inguirisabouta Bulscian ranslato. His orginal idea had been to etur to Rossa overland by way of Adrianople, Bucharest, and Iasi. Gregorios, the Greek Po {rare with Whom be had established cordial relations, therefore furnisted him with a strong letter of recommendation to Toankie, Greek Metropolitan of Timovo and Exatch of Bulgaria, requesting hi "to sear fora person among his clergy qualified to translate the [New Testament nto the vernacular Bulgarian.” At the same time the Patriarch recommended "a certain Archimandrite named Theodosius ‘of the Monastery of Bisrita near Bukarest” asthe person best, ‘alifed for the work." © Pp, doo he Fah Ase Report of he RBS, fo 1817 i Jae 81); Pron, Duy 23, 1817" BEDS, Purch Rye? 039), App Lie tendering hie wip ae the BEES Loadon Aros es as sven tay OS}, cApints ok Noy some were plate in BERS, ‘Sn Row (30, App pp I~, odin RBS pation, ‘ATA. Coops, The Sta of he (Orman) Tak Vers (London, 1901, 1 when be Nt pron wat pba in Par 189 poland wor Traut 10, Oven nreuy ofthe BFBS), Cpe, Oct. 1819- BEES, ‘tants Repo’, p35. Quad abo by Py, aban tar poe inasutzgen etc ery 2, Wa, aon wote a= Tmooses 2 James F. Clarke Unfortunately, severe illness forced Pinkerton to give up the mare arduous twelve-day land route preference forthe ret sea voyage fo dena, were Re arived atthe end of Novensber, ony to find that ‘eeould not evn vist Besarabia and his frends in Kifinev because fhe recurent plague. Instead he forwaeded the Patriarch’ ter to ‘Timovo and while in quarantine took steps that he hoped would ‘ulimatly produce ¢ version of the New Testament for the poor ignorant Bulgarians." Evidcotly the Paviareh’s candidate proved acceptable as well a receptive, for on returning t St, Petensbure Pinkerton was informed by Psi, the Russian consul in Bucharest that Toodoe was already at work on the translation.” “Ther is, of eure, no assurance thatthe outcome would Rave bean diferent had Pinkerton been blero carry out hi original plas, bri is conceivable that through personal contacts on the spot he might ether have sucesedd in locating a more suitable candidate or tbe have dissuaded the Bible Society from hastily embarking on 2 fash venture As it was the Committesin St.Petersburg, reminded ‘by Pinkerton ofthe £200 grant from London, rusbed into an unani- mous reso {o publish Teodos's translation, apparently without Farther investigation of his fitness, and to have the plating done {also at Pinkerlon's recommendation) at the Exarchs press in \esinev. The importance attached to this projets indicate bythe fact that it was one reason for Golicy’s recommending that Pinker- ton made a second vst to Constantinople: he was prevented from so ‘doing, however, by the sate of his health. According to the RBS ‘annual report for 1820, the Committee had been informed that ‘Robot Teodos had finished his tearlation and that steps were being {taken fo revise it withthe spiritual leaders of the Bulgarian people” ot matces aspen sels by Parr GregrioeV(1797-98, 1806-08, tae esa, Deen 21 1895 BFS, “Ages Book” No, 2 Pak, who tau pont mek iu dn Conan, dace th br th ‘ies gate, won he marge fo ore 8s (a eS February 7 180; BERS, Stew Rp (EDD) pA. Pressly Potro a's cr of iaodon oP od ay have fora Pata eter tr im “Sakenon to Owen SPH, Juse 1,180: FBS “Agents Book” No 3. “Ts pe soot Gav anton om 8140189, Bye, ldo 8 ‘The Russian Bible Society and the Bulgarians 83 Tn March 1821, Pinkerton was able to report on the basis of an ffl communication from Consol Pini that Teodosi was making the final copy, the translation having taken about a year. Six months Titer, the manuserptarsved in St Petersburg and was referred back for approval tothe principal clrsy in Bulgari," which presumably est the fends in Kine. Fnaly, in February 1822, at a more than wsually splendid mestng ofthe General Committe ofthe RBS that was “graced” by Aly vice-presidents and director, including three metropolitan, three archbishops, several bishops and archi- smandits, governors, nobles, and others of the highest rank,“ ‘peautfal manuscript of the whole New Testament in Bulgari Senctioned by the eelesiastial authorises of Bessarabia, and ready forthe press” was presented and it was unanimously resolved 10 rit 5000 copies — i St.Petersburg "Yet neither the highest eoesiastical sanction nor the most splendid collection of vcepresigents could transform Teodas?s handiwork {nto Bulgarian translation ofthe Now Testament n the course of Skto-mile tour of inspection and promotion through southern ‘Rusia, taken ths time by Paterson and Henderson between March HOU and February 1822, the fst hit of trouble came light ® On their way south from Xotn to Kiiney, at Skuleal, the quarantine station onthe Pru, they encountered more than 2,600 Wallachians, ‘Moldavians, Serbians, Bulgarian, Greeks, Jews, and gypsies Nleeng the consequences of young Ypsilant's rsh revolution. At Kine, tbo thronged with refuges they found that their good ticad ‘Exarch Gavil was na more” A meeting ofthe local Bible Society {o discuss the refugee problem hold on June 22 was attended by the governor, General Inzov," and other notables, including Daniel, Greck metropolitan of Adrianope, who, according to Henderson, had escaped the fate of Patriarch Gregorios by “suffering himself to be confined in an empty wine cask, in which he was conveyed ina ‘ar, drawn by oxen, i the midst ofa caravan that had been hired to 4 Plkerion to Oven, Mare 6,121: BFBS, pee Rr (82), p29: suc fan ths Mites of the RAS bid ibe 2 Sor 1821," BEBS, “Corspondnce Boo No.9 ‘Pokaton,Febrary 3,122: BFBS, Etch Report (82) p18. ‘Hendra’ ia! Rw and Tras In Raa (Loo, 18) la deat to thom rpatd BEBS, ihe por. "randy ira: Din ity a James F. Clarke convey a large quantity of wine t the cosstof the Euxine. I this ‘Swkward situation he remained for thee days tl safely shipped for oy ‘From refuges the discussion led to colonists and to the subj of the Bulgarian New Testament, The two visitors were assured that ‘comparatively few Bulgarians spoke ot rad Bulgarian, using Turkish intend, as did many Greeks and Armenians. The Armenian arch- Wishop. therefore, suggested that a Turkish version of the New ‘Testament in Cyril eters would be more useful. Considering the disturbed conditions in Tukey, te Kiinev Commitee decided as an txperiment to rsommend the printing i his form of 2000 copies of St Luke forthe 30,000 Bulgarian colonists of Bessarabia. Happily this novel Mes was not adopted in St, Petersbure** ‘More significant and more crys ia reference 10 Teodosi in a ogres report {rom Paterson and Hendetson to the London ‘Committee, writen shorty afer tele Kine visit ‘Doubt aving ben entertained of the proper qualictions of the ‘Arhmandste « Grsk by bith, we had been recommended sf for this ts, 9 native Dlgastan, ois sad to poses considerable ering, hd volun undertaken the cnstalon which be engaged to lace rth spore ofthe Rusan Bible Sooty; but, a fs impossible for the Commie to come to any determination onthe set before they wee fn possession of mare saison information respecting the seri ofthe veson it was fered tote endo Kishine to isle {proper Inquiry relative tothe pot, and without delay communicate the routs of thle invetption to Petersburgh In the meantime the ‘tant, inpaent thatthe bsiows had ben postponed had published Dba! Resch, 264 few days ate Pttsan and Henderson re sete the BERS ie flo he Pane nO Some bua fort rosonmenation det for Tuk the orn « tage eet in gr oul and was ue coment Turks tel Gres, Soe year stir Dabo Slvr f Vince wate in pose 10 npblsied cols of Bugran sermon." lave mace we of expresions fhe Tuc angmg, bcs yh ete Bulgin pope in Torkh {ans ve lee acco (0 speaking Tush sd ave ot tie Ener A Teodoro Bly Sot Pan Sas, 10d p72 oP. Sree San Pac el, he Tai “Tn the Bulgaran tons, proba so sre a bs ors chan Thon, Blew Beane (oy 193) pp. 28-257 Cnhan, Lt Be late py 203th sy alr suo ele Pen ew Tush ad ‘Sa enema wt Renan eos pied ced, ‘The Russian Bible Society and the Bulgarians 85 an aes ths aon, in which be cll upon ther to asst ho in ‘Seine the work throug the pees Bot the “address” and its impatont author remaia otherwise unidentified. Although fist doubts about Teodos seem to have been Fai before his translation was actualy received in St.Petersburg, they were temporarily forgoten aftr the manuscript was turned ith the blessing ofthe Bessarabian rend, By the time the manserpt was rally ready forthe press, impor ant changes were taking place in the St. Petersburg organization, Paterson and Henderson had out the British and Foreign Bible Society, party it appears because of jealousy of Pinkerton, but ‘mainly aoause they fet themselves ad ei opinions disegarded in London.** They were promptly engaged by the RBS, Paterson as manager of all printing and distribution and the more scholar linguist Henderson to ben charge of Oriental versions. Fortunately they continued f0corespond with London. Pinkerton, on the other hand, was about to be recalled to London. Meanwhile Teodos, sccompanied by two deacons, atved in St.Petersburg from Her Imanrstad at the end of October 1822, to assist in sting his New ‘Testament through the press. He had magsanimously refed any competion other than expenses for himself and his deacons, tlthough that cost was estimated to be more than tre times what he would have recived forthe translation, In addition, although it doubled the cost of printing, Teodos! insted thatthe authorized ‘Slavonic text be printed parallel with the Bulgarian, on the theory that singe the Bulgarians a et had no books in their vernacular, his would make ie more acceptable. Nea, Jay 4, 121: BBS, "Agens Bock” No.4 Undestandaly this sagem mid oe the Evert Report (123, pp 16-18 ad eo ESNEUn Hendenone Boa Resarce, 9.29 She meine case ae hngsadingcontonery ove he Turkish NT das THI), ch be BOS deel ain to cet with 2 aaa ‘hu eet Intec of Hendonon and Puen hat tbe appl ‘rentialytwa conltcysevoel eal repubie wi he OF in “Sputson st for Ens Lan, 3G Pinon onthe ee ad 0k ese eve avg reve ony om the Rasa Goverment oe RBS. "ence the confnon reaping Teno!” Hermanns, 2 lee tom Pinto, November 1 as) and Paterson, Noverber 719 ‘naa: Fig, “Apans Book” No Peron eit the eon (pes) ‘he wale NT would cov a en 36000 abs to who ad aes oe a ames F. Clarke “The fist shets of Teodosis transition had searely come from thapriter on November 19 when fresh attacks arose. Inan optimistic bot seveeling report to London Paterson wrote Tiny ast o De. Sinkopf I fered to the Blgarian and i react sich Sone in high tems of the Arehiandst, the translator who Bas es pice to eit he wor, Ihave stil the same opiion of hin Tenet chor uta are he Bulgin is enced 1 fear that 1 Rigdon pea fhm ina very ferent manne. I had no 000e" sen ‘Beha poor sheet than bog to fear be was but il qualified fr the ‘Mock tay underiaken, 1 appeared evident that be had no fed eae [Bis or rammar, of oxhoprapty oF even of tunlaton, A few dave See ce ncmaril was set i from a numberof Bulan com sieting ort tansiaon and alo” we had strong reson for 96 ving ‘Bop uh to the memoria, yet nter could we pce oll contdence Ine taslatr- Buti blag he sot render csr o Prose {fone T proposed thceloreto the Comme that instead of peitng “fo cores we shoul oly priat 2000 and a the Skvonin was printed ‘oe othiein parallel curios the people woulda lest have one ext ‘BOTS hth ould depend, to withthe Bulgarian alo th se ikt So ioe woul tat serve eam explanation. Iba taken anoter prt sccure aginst rows Tals and preserve sory a for ‘ease By eppoating our Slavonian coretor, who witha ite eerse Peay make himself sofa he master of he ngage ap o understand Stat the pros elong withthe archimansite. By hs eas ve 15.0 ope tet me may be abl to prodoe a version fleraby comes {0% feat, which alo” not always cores in ts ile wl either ‘Soin adions orion noe papaya ering. Ha thins; Sree pine anywhere ee than in Peerburg 1 fxr we would Pee Lai put down under the reco very bad one. ‘Yet a year after printing had started Paterson was compelled 10 admit thatthe tansltor sas atten unqualified regardless of where the translation might be printed Tn footnote to his history ofthe Russian Bibl, Cistovi supple ets ofthe ebargesof the Bulgarian memorialss” and ofTeodos’s BS cars tuts tha Tendo rave 400 ra forthe neaton sy RES pine EXD PDS coin fora Dagan ein) aay {co for avaing eens vera pererade Bw 8 *oagh Hopes Janay 23, 1: BBS, ce Hoo” No, 8 te a Sakon (oren eter), November 119, 102, reporting sa eth Rt prowl Paso ha need made mo rc of et ce {SSERASL of wun aod presomay war note aware of ay ft yy ‘The Russian Bible Society and se Bulgarians 87 sebutal* The authors, Bulgarians livin in Transylvania, professed trtitudeto the RBS forts Christin eare but expaced nothing ood from ArchimanditeTeodosi Not being a native, he could not know ‘Bulgarian grammar, nor did he know Slavonic or Russia. His ative belper, om the other had, Knew only Bulgarian. Consequently in| their eagerness to further the caus, the*memorilists” recommended thee compatriots Known for this Iarhing. patriotism, and know- Jedge of Bulan, Slavonic, and Russian grammar: Mihail Kislov, former Moseow Commercial Academy teacher, and the merchants ‘Atanas Nekoi and Vasil Nekovf, the lst of whom had already ‘made a specimen translation. “Teodos,in tira, wrote ofthe charges as stale and familar in- ‘wigues based on pretended patriotism: he dismissed the authors 2s iliterate (shown by their Grek signatires, ete); he condemned the Specimen translation as incorrect and distorted, an awsation for ‘hich he supplied proof. Since there were no books in Bulacan, there could be no les Tor it, and those used by the would-be Itanslator neither wore acepted by nor wers the same forall Bula jas. Because Bulgarian was derived from Slavonic he had used the ‘grammatical ules ofthat language except whee usage di not permit. “Apparently Teodos's defence was elective. In any event, Paterson was not deterred from continuing. But almost a year later, when the printing of Matthew wae finished about the middle of Oxober, and lfter be had returned from a six-month vacation atthe Emperors expense, Paterson reported to London, “We have been obliged to ‘Bve up the iea of proceeding with the Bulgarian at preset as after Dtng ws to an expense of more than 10,000 Rubles, we found that the translator was utterly unqualified for hs work" Regreflly he wrote few months late, "I fear we can make no use ofthe Gospel I have printed ano attention hasbeen paid to aay ofthe rules of _ramma.” Stl, “oue Commitee had nt taken any decision on this Subject" But in the sume eter Paterson wrote, "You wil joie to Dear that we have the prospect of obtaining 2 correct translation in tara prvd Bib pp. 45.47. Thre i na lt Totes anonymous elev son by Repo (14), who mn Hermann 16 ‘So toners of the Compa ia S.No "asian Ts menoned Shwhere in RBS source. Couuae Noni 2% 163: BBS, “Caripntese Bok” No 9 ‘Ap Dk DEBS "Coermpoodne Book” No 3 88 James F. Clarke the Bulgarian language. Tis nation appears to be beting isl at present and se they have voluntarily entered into correspondence with us on the subject we hope the result wil be favorable, provided there be no interference from any other quae. “That nothing came of the new prospects ito be inferred from the fect that thee wa interference from “other quarters." It was ony a couple of month fer this st etter of Paterson's that dissser over- {ok the RBS. Following upon radical changes inthe composition of the Committe, which drastiily curtailed its activites, there came a crackdown on politi! subversives and religious delinguents, The ‘Suspension of the RBS ordered by Alexanders successor, Nicholas, in fet put an end ois activities two years ater. "This snot the place to go into the many posible explanation for the liquidation ofthe RBS." A contributing factor was certainly the serice of unfortunate translations and editions, of which Teodoss twas a very minor one. The phenomenal growth and sucess of the Society was based on the acune support of the emperor and the overnment ("burcaucratc, almost police dissemination of the [Bible™) and in large measure doe tothe personal interest and in fence of its president, Prince Golicyn, who was at once Minister of Faeation and Ecclesiastical Afurs, Procurator ofthe Holy Synod, Director of Posts, head ofa number of her philanthropic societies, land a confidant of Alexander. Whea the ar came under the in- ‘uence of Metternich, ArakSeer, and others of thei ilk, Golicyn was ‘ven less able to holdin chock the nationalist reactionary Orthodox ‘Slement, who in spite of lipservice to the Society had always been ‘pposed to is ai. Goiyns fall me about in May 1824 At the ‘Sventy-ninth and Tas mostng ofthe RBS, he was feed to ye his presidency to the senior vice-president, Serafim, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Novgorod and previously a seeming supporter ofthe Society. The Ministry of Edveation went to Admiral Siskoy, the ‘muh ted and decorated President of the Russian Academy and fone ofthe leaders in the revolt against Golicym and the Bible Soc. + suaet Tonpn' aise cE note 52 sheeted many oi problem, (CL Pypin, lesan sar pp. 2s Chon, Hue pres BO pec s1 10, F Sehemae, Kater andr (Vol Tl Gece Resa (Be ar Hole (Bl, 1908) po. 5-40 *“oypin dna sta, 2. Paso calle Alera "ive ning ‘ahr he RDS, Bok for Bey Lap 280 ‘The Ruslan Bible Society and the Bulgarians 89. “The Ministry of Ecclesiastical Afiirs was broken up and Goleyn retained oaly the Ministy of Posts. Thus the prop was itrally [knocked out from under the RBS. Its demise followed soon after that ‘of Alexander, in whose funeral proesion the RBS wis not ncied, (Characeristc ofthe psychology behind the opposition isa parody of the First Psalm found amon Siskows papers ‘lesed i the man tht walketh no inthe cote! of the ungodly Methodists, nor standeth nthe way’ of sles who cancel themselves {rind the Bibi, nor iteth inthe seat ofthe scorn ent the sere fresezaion widun te Bible sce: Bul his delight si the law of ‘he Lord inthe law of the Lord doth be mediate day apd night, even {for 1824 yeas the Haly Ortodox Church hs taht." In the general obscurity attending the lst days ofthe RBS, the final disposition ofthe 2000 Marts remine a matter of cone tre” Safuik's guess about the fie or outhouse may have een correct In a comparable eas, after “blasphemies” were discovered jn'a badly edited RBS edition of Henry Martya’s Persian New ‘Testament, it was condemned to wast-papee, Or the Matthews could shave been among the many books destroyed by the record-breaking flood tht inundated the Bible House storeroom on Catherine Canal in November 1824 How the incomplete copies discovered by ‘acimirsij pot to Moldavia remains a mystery, wnless perhaps they ad fist boen sent to Kisney for some kind of review. One might ‘expect to find copies of Matthew in Teodos'sBistritsa monastery in Wallachia, which Jacimirskij alo ransacked, rather hanin Biserian inthe Bistitsa valley in northern Moldavia Atal events, although there ae references in RBS and BFBS reports othe “publication” of ‘Math, its evident tacit was neither published nor eicuated, coven though Nicholas’ ukase of April 24,1826, suspending the RBS "Gao in Caton, ari pads BS, p27, who aes 10 ME" Rtopc ona the ui cops inthe nnieRBS consplay. Whe Gon na miner Dg or of oct 00 ae Inte name of Karas User howe he bought nota ot Wey) Shusequre vay santo poms Hite or NT: ct Pypin, p22 sero dud ae Rake tr ning al HU Spe; Raa pss. Pron, Bak fr Ee Lan p36, 386-392, aon pat the Baga Init ame ctepury we Pein Tash and Sri nen. tantra to Bacar Jaca, Semi frie rep Take ‘ier pp. 237-28. i %0 Tomes F. Clarke permite the sale of aleady printed Scriptures. That no tile page tras prnted can also be asumed."* “tadsing from the printed evidence, Teodos's hodgepodge can scareny be called a Dalaran translation. Often there is ite or no Siterence between the right Slavonic”) and tft ¢*Bulerian”) stumns, carefully labled by Henderson in the BFBS Libray copy. Bulgarian and Slavonic ae mited and there is lac of consistency in the dfycone footnote loses and in tho parenthetical explanations ieithin the text To what extent the net efit sto be aributed to ‘Teodos's dependenes on the Slavoni original, (0 bis Bulgarian (Collaborator, or to Patsson’s Russian “corrector” of Slavonic annot be determined, but it may be questioned whether the last, tpamed added anything to its Bulgarian characte." “About Teodos! nothing furthers known, other than that Re was 2 Greek (orat best ellenized Bulgarian, that he was an archiman- Ate and head of Bisirisa monastery near Rimnik nLite Wallach, aid hat he presumably traveled to St Ptesburg via Hermannstadt, “eros the mountains fom Bistritsa, with two deacons, one of whom tay have been is Bulgarian helper. It is known tht Bistisa, Tounded atthe end ofthe fifteenth century and famous forthe rei ‘of the medieval Bulgarian writer, Grigor Sint, had Bulgarian ‘mater, as did many other monasteries north ofthe Danube, One of "Teodosts immediate successors Was in fct a Bulgarian, Gavi Petrov, of Veen After the asco in St. Petersburg Teodos appears Ay ie the 1838 BERS Report, “Compendium of Langs” 8 aulan voto St Mathes std der RES and PT 1600 Ra Re toe ofthe sprenod RBS Rusby OT as bck Seas Otte apron one mon copies a Spores 0 isomer es ey oct Ste taint ge “Ot Mai syns, aetna ‘sa tt ear it ee Se ae essa NUMER ci ehtenans eras um cmos dd setenv. Arn” For ober este Poca 1OMdaS, 23 bn 2.345 “fry nad Roman Coie Rl et phd env Bart ing BU) 27. Bess Be a lead ESSE osha ce eon’ late of February 2 1830 and ‘Selioe onal Pit ware ce ouch with ny Teo iy Dav made is Esc ince Hendesnn so one EBS Lier cons wT Geary, Grad Wracs= SBNt, 14 (1900, A233. eto wane sada ene tito of Vso Sn ao on Beran te ‘The Rusian Bible Society and the Bulgarians 94 have lapsed back to oblivion along with his abortive translation Not anuch more i known sbout Teodos's erties and rivals. One thing i apparent hat the known intrest ofthe RBS ina Bulgarian teanalation of the New Testament, publicized by Pinkerton and per haps by Exarch Gavel and oer, was suicient arouse attention uinong the small group of budding Bulgarian literati in the 1820. ‘Unfortunate the deny of the various tatslations and would-be trscalators mentioned in Bible society sources largely a matter of tonjctue, In 1816, Pinkerton was tld in Kisiev of purported ‘namusrit tunslaibn of pats of the Bible by a Bulgarian bishop in Bucharest, Chances aretha reference hereis a Sofron (1739-1813), formecty bishop of Vraca. In 1803 Softoni had exchanged the precarious pattonage of Pasvanogl in Vidin for Bucharest and the protection of the Hospodsr, Constantine pill, and of the Metropolitan, Dosole FHS. As the author of the first Bulgarian ‘ook, substantial 546.page volume of translated Serptue readings tnd sermons published in 1806 at the episcopal press in Rimi, Sofron should have bea known to anyone concerned with Bulgarian Die translation" In addition to wring "day and night” for his people, a4 he says in hs autobiography, Bishop Sofroni was also tcive in geting Bulgarian volunteers for the Ressans during the TRuso-Turkih wae of 1806-1812. He died probably before 1816, ving a number of unpublished works." "Among translations of the Scriptures in existence at this time though apparently not known in Kitiney, isthe Bulgarian New ‘Testament’ manvscript discovered in 1898 by the indefatigable Jacmirsi inthe Moldavian monastery of Nea, noted Slave an olgstian rigious and literary center, founded atthe begining oF the feenth century and astoeiated with the name of Grigori Cam- bak" Lacking any identification, thas been dated all the way from thoi: ml es in. “i ean oot” Hard Lory Noe 3 i), 95 In te pees Sal Siete ne cl fore Bgrn tomlin of te Sate ‘FY. Nr Anak polos roe ma Selo Vata pet reso ‘Nbc on by Seno dst octet 200 he ior oti ies VB, Snir “bt mera bua rod” Penton ane 690 I "Sipser fy locum ie “Saeki ios naneow ons Ramya Dern Th Slo Nom Tap Ns aie. ste? 2 James F. Clarke the cad of he eventzenth acimiai tothe tgining ofthe nie- {Retheones: Peon) places te. 1822andsupzstsaconection ‘Sun'Tendon?s tas, Yeton the basi alone oft omatc and onsen’ modern, Bulgarian language and. orthography, ths Sapoticsis mst bs dscounted** The Neus New Testament aaa ‘ln would fave teen admirably suited ote purpose of he RBS, fad it ben known and approve. “Tt Exach Galva cont wih ata! Bulgarian bishop is to-be doubted inasmuch a Sofroni was viral the only one in ch Paonaorconolled church of hat tne. Mor kel, he may have oten in touch wth Grek incmbena of Bulgarian ss, pesly 5h Tounikon, Metopatan of Travo (818-182), to whom the Paviach tered Pinkerton in 1619, of with his, prodeosr. Dirty or tne Gavel ay als have een itouch with Bulgar earned men fo a they wer, Pinkerton reported in TBIf- As rout of ie unfavrible pub accorded Teodot in TED in Beons widely ued textbook, several Bulgarians appr to fave hd the ide of making ter own New Testament ransiations, tov unin tte fac that swan interest was invave, ats Sher dmc one fads considerable Reston reading Rosin Sonnets pecly by Bulgarian ving in Tk. ‘One of the pacpl areas of Bulgarian acy a hs ime lay ortho the Danube Tranyvania and the Prine, cneing 'moetarest and Bro. Following te outbreak ofthe Greck {Gtnodow Revolution: and Tudor Vinee’ eon both of (ich Bulgarians wer ino, the longstanding Bulgin mer~ Shenton Bay eset ty ned fs fom Buti prope and tom Bosharest so that it bcame fr Bulgaians Tomething Uke what Now Sad was forte Ses. In fac in he mide {Was Bulgarian emigre in Brogov were planning sor of Bulgarian Matsa" 'We kam ffom son (1795-187D, who came to (089,17, 21; serpin RIA, 4 (199, 47-81 and S246 120; Gta sesh Sl trai reps tel. S1-69 The Nea NT as Yon ait, vacua Spon. ior ln Nem 192 ofan epal work set comparable Pas ore {lewis Senin story ce. Care, "Fue Pa and Busan Hog. i'n § apn, ed Fehr of Wee hen, 190 pp 256-25, “Contin Wein Rora as mda Dr Raml 9 nail Irigardate setane Sa, 194), 9p 1 The Russian Bible Society and the Bulgarians 93 ‘Brasov from Bucharest in 183, that “elders or trustees (prop!) had besa selected to supervise the publishing and translation of Bulgarian books. In the postscript to his Prime, Bron appealed to his compatriots to collet manvserp for publication and send them to the trustees, who already had undertaken the task of obtaining 2 translation of the New Testament. He aso listed half a dozen forthcoming books scheduled for publication * “There can be no doubt ofa direct connection between the Tran- sybvania Bulgarians who memorialized the RBS with regard to “Teodos’s translation in 1822 and the activities ofthe Bragoy trusts, ‘ero specibclly refers to Teodos’s translation: “about which our people wrote to St. Peesbura] and begged that they arrange for Teared persons to look it over and to correct itso that it may ‘ecome good and every Bulgavian understand i” The Vall “Neko 8," one ofthe three candidate translators nominated in the memer 2, whose sample translation was attached, appears to be the Vasil Nenovie named by Beron as one of the rustes responsible for prodvcing « Buearisn New Testament. His translation of Old and [New Testament history, announced by Beron in 1824, was published in 1825." Nenovit also dabbled in commerce, lav, and politics. Venelin damped hin for using the post-positve ate and credit for ending his teaching and literary cares. “The Russian-edveated Mihail Kis, Mdentifed in the Transyl- ‘ania memorial as former teacher in the Moscow Commercial Academy, was translator (or interpreter) forthe Superoe Council in Kili in 1825 (an perhaps earlier), and served in a similar capacity with Governor-General Kiseev and at the Russian Consulate in Bachar, He became Russian citizen and eventually secretary ofthe ‘Odessa gubemija. As an author he is of litle account, his main ‘contribution being & translation of Venoi’s caustic appraisal of| cso a te of te Mh en ey (8) a Pr Tec Coe "D Fro Ha Bone Bron” n.Nepeco ad IBithancy ey Sore Di Pere Bern (Se, 1920) po 3 1 Sata ria elon of Perse | Nee ak Budept, 125, Pla "Colo Bula lao” Omar Proferat Ie rae dg, 01)- 9p. 0-10: ca Tene Sta, 90839 1, Sei; 14, is. Neo ao appears Nenkons” in some sowed es James F. Clarke Young Balin Har a 155 printed frie dsibton Salcopin Bulan and Gresko Dour aig te bulk of ies for ahouain bathe Tteve, but made he mistake Yceoustg te one othe Roman coma a Bucharest ach edit to ergs he cour promie ‘hae no pitd vdeo he rary ates of he hind cand, Atanas Nkov hough oe set thes tasatins 6 ‘oot Rl for evison a pact, Av eas 104 he an Sc uusurg,nconocion wih poll seme supported by Bop Ste, sh nhom he ao colabrated during the 106- Tete Ohersiping tne “Deputy of be Blast Nation,” he Inti fo ory sets in Itanbl Dchae, Se Petsbure ond ‘zn for hist and for various poll hens, Wht he Conan othe RBS wat ore fo St Peetu, he was in (esa with’ pension om te Rusan goverment, were be ha Tense om tbl by Ansar Soganov afer he out (ihe Oreck Revlon ris pose tat oe ofthe tres proposed anor was the seared butimpatent ante Blain feed oy Paterson td endson as oddeingan appeal tobi ation nf for yn bling hs Now Teen amlaon" Atallevens hereon {bee cveconsstonfeweon te "Olea i the Brsoy ‘Bemorl nde opr ped vp in cshborng Hermans by eprom in 123, fora thee ently Todt sb Greek beat tho aouet a meonig 2 Bulgarian per One my aio Presume tat te unite oreponence wih ates, nthe Spring of 18D jolly foes ning toa coe nslaton Semmed om de aor group, hough here no ote reece toitiaiesokey or Blan sources Zea ms ae mt a1, Feeptng or in pre» boot orl content ut Knee app SE lm does wn ra or, 17 PP oc Siimanov, Now! at east ma blershoro recess: VE. April a BR eS 3 BE Hoe oe ris 18 Gig ound ach aes uns pois aig ie neni Rr ol ate wey Soen SR SeciSpotan igor snes mt emma. 1 Ca San stansehe ‘The Russian Bible Society and the Bulgarians 95 Wiile Teodost and the RBS were being busied in St.Petersburg, tne soone of Busan Bible translation activity sifted to Bulgaria proper. The chief actors now became Henry Leeves, Gist reguae [BFBS agent inthe Levant; and Hatin, 2 Crewn and the reluctant csr of the martyred loanikis as Metropolitan of Timove and Exarch of all Bulgaria" In May 1825, Leeves was inquiring of Pinkerton in London about the RBS Bulgarian version. At the same fine he reported that Hlarion wat in the Turkish capital with a Bulgarian tanslation of the New Testament which e had had revised and was prepared fo print a the patriarchal pres along with fome other Bulgarian religious books. Some months later he told Pinkerton that if nothing was forthcoming from Russia, Harion was ina position to eta tamlation published in Bucharest." Then in Deromber ation told Leeves he Was on th tral of anther trans- lation bya “schoolmaster of Vraea” who hoped to make his fortune with tn Russia but would part witht fr 3000 plasters, meanwhile Aelaying his journey to St.Petersburg: and tat he had invited the suthorandhitmanuserpctoTimovo wherethebestjudges pronounced ‘cellent. But inspite ofthe fct that the translator now are that Teodoa’sranlation had been condemned in St Petersburg was {tng impatient, the London comme ordered afreshexamination his tme the Ttaovo experts rejected i!" “The Bible Society corespondence is annoyingly anonymous with raion ma lvttin Je 12, te ann of onion in ont G Reon sa rea $Tunoe in Feboary 18: PC, “Sara Kenda ma fro mo oll Spang), 10-16 1 Soren, “Taro ropa eho Stone" Spon, 2 W985, 20-4 ton inns in Bara sary Bouse nog darn te ol Tove paca aay: Ter, Shedsnc egos narbpanta Sa v Tone” SPAN, 16 aon a Ati, May 24s se 5 FBS, “Aa Ds oo tren Dmary ase BEDS, “Ames Book™” NO, 7, $0 ps (em) to or tine soea oer arya th me Tk Sere Soop. oat the tama ig ake “0 Ten es er ‘Nese Rist cpt 500 pow ony A) to waste the NTS Bae, Se, Novant 3 SS HS, “Aot aNe,Athe weg ‘once who posLandw ud ode ely La ed 96 James F. Clarke regard tothe authorship ofthe several actual or proposed translations Teporte. The oaly schoolmaster known to ave Been in Vesca a this tine was Konstantin Ognjnovie (1792-1858, of Secbian origi, {tansator, author, of publisher of several Bulgatin books, including 1 ratslation ofthe popular St. Alexis legend. He had and in tstabishing te ist Bulgarian pees in Constantinople (183), where fhe served as Bulgarian teacher to the American missionary Elis Riggs and ossited him in the preparation of Bulgarian tracts. Tn 1885 he wos profesor of Slavic and Buropean languages atthe Greck theological seminary on Halk Authories difer on his inlusive tte fn Visca bu agree that he was hited 38 teacher by 1822 and lef for Bucharest not before [927,On the other hand, although he had a finger inthe distribution of NooSit Risks 1840 New Testament thre i nowhere any reference to any previous connection of his ‘own with Bible translation “Ava events, hardly was the ink dry on che rejection in Timovo when the energetic larion came up with afresh propos. There were {vo individuals in town in his diocese, he wrote Leves in 1826 “Sroployed in forming @ grammar ofthe Vulgar Bulgarian founded con that ofthe Ancient,” who were capable of making translation of the New Testament and would do t0 a5 soon as they finished the ‘Brammar."© A cue to thei identities furnished ins Teter Haion ‘rote to Aptloy year later in which be claimed he had persuaded “Me men in Svstor, learned in Slavonic and Bulgarian, to collab- orate on @ Bulgarian prommat which be bad undertaken to pubis, ‘nhc basisof which he had planned ogetthe Scriptures transatd™ "There wee three noted teachers in vty in Tlarion's ime, all of whom publsted Bulgarian grammars, but only two were therein 1826: One ofthese was Emanuil Vaskidove (1795-1875), Grek by 1 pation and Mou (Ctl, 1) comet ny the bool

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