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The Importance of a Master's Degree

in Today's Economy
Due to increased stiff competition among potential employees and the global
economic crisis, job searching has become an uphill task for many people during
recent years. Studies have shown that people are tirelessly equipping themselves
with the necessary skills to get them a lucrative job and keep them there. In the
past, having a bachelor’s degree was enough. However, there has been an increase
in demand for master’s graduates. This has dampened the hope of many
undergraduates and even some degree holders of finding a good job.

A study conducted by Times Higher Education revealed that there has been a
tremendous increase in the number of master’s courses being taught. The findings
also showed that employers are adding more value to postgraduates, hence
discerning between just good employees and exceptional ones. But why is the
master’s graduate preferred to the bachelor’s degree graduate?

Key professional skills

Serious employers need employees who have the best skills for a particular
profession. In order to acquire the best, one needs to take an extra mile in
education, in this case undertaking a master’s degree and short courses. Master’s
graduates tend to have better expertise in their profession, making them the most
preferred candidates for top jobs. Skills such as critical and creative thinking,
project management, IT, communication, data analysis, independent thinking as
well as problem-solving are best acquired and instilled when undertaking a
master’s degree.

Most bachelor’s degree graduates deal with a wide scope of a particular job. They
tend to know a little of everything, but are masters of no particular niche. This
makes them unfit for sensitive jobs that require high proficiency levels. Master’s
graduates on the other hand seem to have a little knowledge about everything and
also everything about a particular area. They therefore tend to be the best for
consultation and problem-solving.

Profit-driven companies require employees who are assets and not liabilities. To
be a treasured asset in a company, a master’s degree is mandatory. Clients tend to
trust the most learned people. Having such a person in a company will indubitably
boost sales. Studies have showed that most master’s graduates are offered
lucrative jobs even without looking for them.
Master’s graduates are always relevant in their field. They are always at par with
the required level of education and prowess. Any employer would want to have
the very best and pay the best to aid the growth of the company.

Enhanced employability
One of the factors that employers look at is the employability of a candidate.
Master’s graduates tend to go through dissertation, course work and taught
modules. This combination helps them develop skills such as the ability to meet
deadlines, organizational skills and time management. They therefore attract
numerous employers.

Explore Argosy University's master's degree programs today!

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