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Clin , Phormocokinet. 28 (3): 216-234.

DRUG DISPOSITION 03 12-5963/95/OOO3-o2 16/ S(1I.50/0

© Adis Internotionol Umited. All rights reserved.

Clinical Pharmacokinetics of
Dipyrone and its Metabolites
Micha Levy,l Ester Zylber-Katz 1 and Bernd Rosenkranz2
1 Division of Medicine, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
2 Clinical Research, Hoechst AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Summary ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
1. Pharmacokinetic Properties in Healthy Volunteers . 217
1.1 Assay Methodology 217
1.2 Absorption . . . . . . . . . : . 218
1.3 Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . 220
1.4 Metabolism and Elimination . 222
1.5 Acetylation Phenotyping . . 225
2. Pharmacokinetics in Special Populations . 226
2.1 Influence of Age, Gender and Ethnic Origin 226
2.2 Pregnancy .. . 227
2.3 Liver Disease. . 227
2.4 Kidney Disease 228
3. Drug Interactions . . 229
4. Dosage and Tolerability 229
5. Clinical Implications and Conclusions . 231

Summary The pharmacokinetics of dipyrone are characterised by rapid hydrolysis to the

active moiety 4-methyl-amino-antipyrine (MAA), which has 85% bioavailability
after oral administration in tablet form, and takes a short time to achieve maximal
systemic concentrations (t max of 1.2 to 2.0 hours). Absolute bioavailability after
intramuscular and rectal administration is 87 and 54%, respectively. MAA is
further metabolised with a mean elimination half-life (t I/ 2 ) of 2.6 to 3.5 hours to
4-formyl-amino-antipyrine (FAA), which is an end-metabolite, and to 4-amino-
antipyrine (AA), which is then acetylated to 4-acetyl-amino-antipyrine (AAA)
by the polymorphic N-acetyl-transferase (t1/2 of AA is 3.8 hours in rapid acetyla-
tors and 5.5 hours in slow acetylators). Urinary excretion of these 4 metabolites
accounts for about 60% of the administered dose of dipyrone. Protein binding of
the 4 main metabolites is less than 60%. The volume of distribution of MAA is
about 1.15 Llkg of lean body mass. All 4 metabolites are excreted into breast
A single-dose study (0.75, 1.5 and 3g) and a multiple-dose study (lg 3 times
a day for 7 days) revealed nonlinear pharmacokinetics consistent with a shift of
MAA metabolism from FAA to AA. Apparent MAA clearance decreased by 22%
during multiple administration. MAA clearance was reduced by 33% in the
Pharmacokinetics of Dipyrone 217

elderly. In patients with cirrhosis of the liver, the apparent clearance of all meta-
bolites is generally reduced. In patients with renal disease, apparent clearance
of MAA remains unchanged, whereas elimination of the renally excreted me-
tabolites AAA and FAA is markedly impaired. No clinically important drug
interactions have thus far been recognised. Dipyrone does not affect the phar-
macodynamic response to alcohol (ethanol), glibenclamide (glyburide), oral anti-
coagulants or furosemide (frusemide).
The low toxicity of dipyrone and its efficacy support its use in clinical practice,
despite some complex aspects of its disposition.

Dipyrone is a water soluble pyrazolone deriva- products could be discerned, most of which were
tive available in oral, rectal and injectable forms. characterised by nuclear magnetic resonance spec-
Since its introduction in 1922 it has been recog- troscopy or mass spectrometry (fig. 1)[3]. After oral
nised as an effective analgesic, antipyretic and anti- or intravenous administration, more than 90% of
spasmodic drug. Some anti-inflammatory proper- the administered radioactivity was recovered in the
ties have also been recognised in pharmacological urine and less than 10% was recovered in the fae-
models, although whether this is of any clinical cesp,4] The 4 major metabolites of dipyrone are
relevance is still questionable. It is indicated for 4-methyl-amino-antipyrine (MAA), 4-amino-anti-
severe pain and, particularly, for pain associated pyrine (AA), 4-acetyl-amino-antipyrine (AAA)
with smooth muscle spasm or colic affecting the and 4-formyl-amino-antipyrine (FAA) [fig. 1],
gastrointestinal, biliary or urinary tracts. It is also which account for about 60% of the administered
dose.[5,6] In total 85% of all urinary metabolites
useful for fever that is refractory to other treat-
have been identified.
The analgesic effect of dipyrone was found to
The drug is widely used in some countries,
be correlated with the time course of salivary MAA
while in others (i.e. the US and Sweden) it has been
plus AA concentrations. [7] The introduction of high
banned or restricted because of the risk of adverse
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) tech-
reactions, notably agranulocytosis. However, it has
niques allowing simultaneous determination of the
been estimated by the International Study of 4 major dipyrone metabolites has enabled the study
Agranulocytosis and Aplastic Anemia that the ex- of many aspects of their pharmacokinetics. The
cess risk of agranulocytosis associated with any data gathered thus far are presented in this first
dipyrone exposure in one treatment week is 1.1 review of dipyrone pharmacokinetics.
cases per million users. In patients receiving sali-
cylates, butazones or indomethacin for any indica-
tion during a week, the estimates were 0.06, 0.2 and 1. Pharmacokinetic Properties
0.4 per million, respectively.[I] The same study did in Healthy Volunteers
not find an association between aplastic anaemia
and dipyrone use. 1.1 Assay Methodology
The study of dipyrone pharmacokinetics began
in the 1970s. Initial studies using 14C-dipyrone re- The 4 main metabolites of dipyrone, MAA,
vealed that following its oral administration it is AA, AAA and FAA, have been determined in hu-
rapidly hydrolysed in the gastric juice and under- man plasma (or serum), urine and saliva by
goes extensive and complex biotransformationP] HPLC and UV-detection (internal standard, iso-
More recently it has been reported that after admin- propylamino antipyrine).[8.1O] The detection limit
istration of 14C-dipyrone to humans more than 20 was 0.1 mglL; within-day precision varied between

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218 Levy et a/.



Other metabolites

Other metabolites

Other metabolites

Fig. 1. Biotransformation of dipyrone in humansPI

1.5 and 3.6%andday-to-dayprecision between2.4 of 1g dipyrone as tablets, drops, suppositories, in-

and6.7%.[8] tramuscular and intravenous injection (tables I to
IV).[19] The bioavailability of MAA was 85% for

1.2 Absorption the tablets, 89% for the drops, 54% for the supposi-
tories and 87% for the intramuscular injection. Al-
Dipyrone is rapidly hydrolysed to MAA in the though the results came from 2 separate sets of
gastric juice and is almost completely absorbed in data, it was suggested that following intramuscular
this form. f 11,12] The pharmacokinetics of MAA and injection, peak MAA concentrations (C max ) and the
its secondary metabolites were studied in healthy time taken to achieve Cmax values (t max ) did not differ
volunteers after the administration of a single dose markedly from the oral formulations, whereas

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Pharmacokinetics of Dipyrone 219

Table I. Pharmacokinetic characteristics of 4-methyl-amino-antipyrine (MAA) after administration of a single dose of dipyrone in heaijhy male,
unless specified, individuals. Results are expressed as mean [± SO], unless specified differently

Dose Route of No. of Cmax tmax AUC CUF VdlF h"p Ae CLR Reference
(g) administration patients a (mg/L) (h) (mg/Loh) (ml/min) (L) (h) ('Yo dose) (ml/min)
(dosage form)
0.75 PO(T) 15 10.6 1.4' 48.7 180 41.3 2.7 2.2 4 13
[2.3] [0.3] [14.9] [67] [7.9] [1.1] [1.4] [2]
1.5 PO(T) 15 20.5 1.7 115.5 165 41.2 2.9 2.9 4
[3.8] [0.4] [45.9] [74] [8.3] [0.8] [1.4] [3]
3.0 PO(T) 15 41.4 2.0 314.7 110' 38.3 3.7' 4.0' 4
[5.7] [0.5] [82.9] [27] [4.9] [0.7] [1.3] [2]
1.0 PO(T) 9 12.2 1.3 64.5 170 43.8 2.7 3.0 5 14
[1 .4] [0.4] [13.4] [37] [4.7] [0.5] [1.0] [2]
1.0 PO(T) 12 12.3 1.5 NO 3.97 1.19 2.6 NO NO 15b
[1.1] [0.1] [0.38]C [0.13]d [0.2]
1.0 PO(T) 12 10.3 1.5 76.3 NO NO 2.6 NO NO 16
[fasting] [3.1] [0.4] [27.8] [0.8]
1.0 PO(T) 12 9.7 1.9' 95.1 NO NO 2.5 NO NO
[with food] [2.8] [0.4] [34.1] [0.6]
1.0 PO(T) 12 10.0 1.6 75.4 3.6 NO 3.5 NO NO 17
(slow [0.6] [0.6] [32.9] [1.1]" [0.8]
5 female)
1.0 PO(T) 11 11 .0 1.2 71 .3 4.4 NO 3.1 NO NO
(rapid [3.0] [0.4] [30.9] [2.0]" [1.1]
7 female)
1.0 PO(T) 6 13.9 1.3 69.1 NO NO 2.6 NO 6 18
[5.3] [0.5] [40.8] [0.6] [1]
1.0 IV 6 51.3 NO NO 2.8 NO 28
[31.1] [0.6] [17]
1.0 PO(T) 12 17.3 1.4 80.9 146 42.9' 3.2 3.4 3 19
[7.5] [0.5] [34.1] [54] [11.6] [0.9] [1.2] [1]
1.0 POtS) 12 14.3 1.2 69.1 164 45.4' 3.2 2.6 4
[2.9] [0.5] [19.6] [61] [8.5] [0.7] [1 .0] [1]
1.0 IV 12 71.2 150 34.0 3.2 16.6 4
[13.7] [30] [6.2] [0.8] [4.6] [1]
1.0 IV 12 67.8 161 33.5 2.8 22.1 4 19
[16.1] [44] [9.8] [1.1] [5.7] [2]
1.0 1M 12 11.4 1.7 64.1 168 55.0' 3.1 14.0 10
[3.1] [0.7] [14.8] [36] [9.3] [1.0] [4.8] [4]
1.0 Rectal 12 6.1 2.4 47.0 256' 100.0' 4.1 5.0 6
[1 .9] [1.2] [22.2] [89] [29.9] [3.2] [1 .8] [2]
a For a given parameter the actual number may be less, if precise calculation was impossible.
b ± SEM instead of SO.
c CL given as mllmin/kg lean body mass.
d Vd/F given as L1kg lean body mass.
e CL given as mllmin/kg.
Abbreviations and symbol: Ae =amount excreted in urine; AUC =area under the plasma concentration-time-curve; CLR = renal clearance;
Cmax = maximum plasma concentration; CUF = apparent total body clearance after oral administration where F represents bioavailability
(including extent of metabolite formation) ; 1M =intramuscular administration; IV =intravenous administration; NO =not determined or reported;
PO =oral administration S =oral solu1ion; !max =time to maximum plasma concentration; VdlF =apparent oral volume of distribution; h,p =terminal
elimination half-life; T =tablet; , =significantly different from comparison groups, p S 0.05.

© Adis International Limited. All rights reseNed. Clln. Pharmacokinet. 28 (3) 1995
220 Levy et al.

Table II. Pharmacokinetic characteristics (mean ± SO) of 4-amino-antipyrine (AA) after a single dose of dipyrone in healthy individuals
Oose Route of No. of Cmax tmax AUC CUF h2~ Ae CLR Reference
(g) administration patientsa (mg/L) (h) (mg/Loh) (mllmin) (h) (%dose) (ml/min)
(dosage form)
0.75 PO(T) 15 1.0 3.4 10.6 1064" 4.1"" 5.2 32 13
[0.5] [1.5] [7.9] [655] [1.3] [3.9] [20]
1.5 PO(T) 15 2.3 4.6 29.0 805 4.8 6.4 31
[1.1] [2.3] [20.2] [531] [2.1] [4.7] [12]
3.0 PO (T) 15 4.7 6.9" 71.7 652 5.4 9.2" 34
[2.7] [2.4] [48.4] [430] [1.7] [7.2] [17]
1.0 PO(T) 9 1.5 4.4 16.9 820 3.7 6.1 38 14
[0.8] [0.9] [9.7] [501] [1.3] [2.9] [13]
1.0 PO(T) 12 (slow 2.7 6.7 45.6 NO 5.5 NO NO 17
acetylators, [0.6] [2.1] [12.7] [1 .0]
5 female)
1.0 PO(T) 11 (rapid 1.6" 3.2" 16.7" NO 3.8" NO NO
acetylators, [0.7] [1 .1] [4.7] [1.2]
7 female)
1.0 PO(T) 12 1.9 4.8 33.5 459 8.3 9.1 29 19
[0.8] [2.1] [19.6] [383] [3.5] [4.7] [12]
1.0 POlS) 12 1.7 5.1 30.4 390 9.9 8.9 30
[0.6] [2.5] [13.0] [208] [3.5] [4.1] [9]
1.0 IV 12 1.5 4.8 22.9 600 8.6 6.3 28
[0.8] [2.5] [11.3] [438] [4.6] [3.6] [8]
1.0 IV 12 1.6 3.1 20.9 508 6.2 8.1 41 19
[0.4] [3.2] [6.2] [176] [2.2] [3.7] [15]
1.0 1M 12 1.6 5.5 25.1 459 6.7 8.8 36
[0.3] [2.2] [11.1] [194] [2.0] [4.1] [12]
1.0 Rectal 12 1.4 6.0 21.2 506 6.7 8.1 43
[0.4] [2.2] [7.4] [175] [2.6] [3.7] [18]
a For a given parameter the actual number of patients may be less, if precise calculation was impossible.
Abbreviations and symbols: Ae = amount excreted in urine; AUC = area under the plasma concentration-time-curve; CLR = renal
clearance; C max = maximum plasma concentration; CUF = apparent total body clearance after oral administration where F represents
bioavailability (including extent of metabolite formation); 1M = intramuscular administration; IV = intravenous administration; NO = not
determined or reported; PO = oral administration; S = oral solution; t max = time to maximum plasma concentration; tll.1~ = terminal elimination
han-Jije; T = tablet; " significant difference between comparison groups, p S 0.05; "" significant difference between 0.75 and 3.0g doses, p S 0.05.

absorption from suppositories was delayed and in- (AUC) or C max between fasting and nonfasting
complete (see tables I to IV). conditions. Small differences were noted in the ab-
As shown in table I, a linear relationship was sorption rate constant (ka ) between the fasting
found between dose and C max of MAA following the (0.96 ± 0.35 hours) and the nonfasting (1.58 ± 0.92
administration of film-coated tablets of dipyrone in hours) states (p < 0.05).[16]
a crossover study.[13] The tmax was reached between
1.4 and 2.0 hours following oral doses of 0.75, 1.5 1.3 Distribution
and 3.0g. These results tend to indicate that None of the major metabolites of dipyrone is
dipyrone is absorbed by a nonsaturable process. extensively bound to plasma proteins.[20] The mean
In 12 healthy volunteers given a single Ig dose plasma protein binding, as determined by ultra-
of dipyrone, taking the tablets with food resulted filtration in an ex vivo study, was 57.6% for MAA,
in a significant, but small, delay in the mean tmax of 47.9% for AA, 17.8% for FAA and 14.2% for AAA.
MAA.[16] There was no significant difference in The correlation between unbound and total plasma
area under the plasma concentration-time curve concentration was linear for each of the metab-

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Pharmacokinetics of Dipyrone 221

olites. No association was found between total The transfer of dipyrone metabolites to breast
plasma protein concentration and the extent of milk was determined in 8 nursing women follow-
binding. The greater binding affinity for MAA and ing a single oral dose of the drug. A good correla-
AA relative to FAA and AAA relates to the physico- tion (p < 0.005) was found between concentrations
chemical nature of these substances such as lipid in the plasma and breast milk of MAA (r = 0.89),
solubility. AA (r = 0.93), FAA (r = 0.98) and AAA (r =0.96).
The mean volume of distribution (V d) of MAA in Mean (± SD) milk to plasma concentration ratios
healthy volunteers after intravenous administration were as follows: MAA 1.37 ± 0.28; AA 1.15 ± 0040;
of dipyrone (table I) is 33.5L.[l9J In another study, FAA 1.03 ± 0.09; and AAA 0.97 ± 0.24J21J The
following oral administration, the mean apparent Vd concentration-time profiles of the metabolites in
(i.e. VdIF)ofMAAwas 1.19 L/kgleanbodymass.[ISJ breast milk were studied in 2 nursing mothers. In
Taking into account protein binding, this value is con- one mother (a slow acetylator), 4 hours after drug
sistent with the hydrophilic properties of MAA and administration the milk concentration of MAA,
the lack of extensive tissue binding. AA, FAA and AAA were 5.8, 0.98, 3.5 and 0.8

Table Ill. Pharmacokinetic characteristics of 4-acetyl-amino-antipyrine (AAA) after a single dose of dipyrone in healthy individuals
Dose Route of No. of patients' C max tmax AUC CUF t'h~ Ae CLR Reference
(g) administration (mg/L) (h) (mg/L.h) (mllmin) (h) (% dose) (ml/min)
(dosage form)
0.75 PO(T) 15 2.1 11.1 50.3 201 8.8 24.0 47 13
[1.1] [4.0] [19.4] [81] [1.9] [5.8] [13]
1.5 PO(T) 15 4.7 13.1 120 173 9.4 22.2 36
[2.8] [5.8] [51] [61] [1.4] [11.4] [15]
3.0 PO(T) 15 8.0 17.9' 222 186 8.6 26.8 45
[4.6] [6.9] [95] [82] [1.3] [10.7] [17]
1.0 PO(T) 9 1.8 15.0 51.4 281 9.5 26.4 61 14
[0.6] [6.4] [15.9] [90] [1.5] [8.2] [8]
1.0 PO(T) 12 1.6 16.1 62.8 ND 11.2 ND ND 17
(slowacetylators, [0.4] [5.1] [25.6] [2.1]
5 female)
1.0 PO(T) 11 4.4' 10.0' 125.8' ND 9.9 ND ND
(rapid acetylators, [1.1] [2 .6] [27.2] [2.2]
7 female)
1.0 PO(T) 12 1.8 14.0 45.8 266 10.3 21.2 64 19
[0.8] [6.5] [11.4] [56] [2.5] [6.7] [16]
1.0 PO(S) 12 1.8 11.8 46.3 277 10.6 21.0 59
[1.0] [4.6] [17.0] [79] [3.0] [8.3] [11]
1.0 IV 12 1.4 13.0 31.3 412 11.1 15.2 66
(0.8] [5.8] [11.4] [132] [3.4] [4.7] [11]
1.0 IV 12 1.6 17.3 46.3 312 12.4 16.8 62 19
[1.1] [7.3] [24.8] [130] [3.7] [6.0] [18]
1.0 1M 12 1.8 18.3 48.8 269 11.7 19.3 60
[0.9] [6.2] [20.2] [88] [2.1] [7.5] [15]
1.0 Rectal 12 1.7 19.7 44.3 301 12.8 17.1 70
[0.8] [7.0] [15.5] [127] [4.8] [6.6] [17]
a For a given parameter the actual number may be less, if precise calculation was impossible.
Abbreviations and symbol: Ae =amount excreted in urine; AUC =area under the plasma concentration-time-curve; CLR = renal clearance;
C mex = maximum plasma concentration; CUF = apparent total body clearance after oral administration where F represents bioavailability
(including extent of metabolite formation); 1M =intramuscular administration; IV =intravenous administration; ND =not determined or reported;
PO =oral administration S =oral solution; t max =time to maximum plasma concentration; VdlF =apparent oral volume of distribution; tll2~ =terminal
elimination half-life; T = tablet; , = significantly different from comparison groups, p " 0.05.

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Clin. Pharmacoklnet. 28 (3) 1995
222 Levy et al.

Table IV. Pharmacokinetic characteristics (mean ± SO)014-formyl-amino-antipyrine (FAA) aiter a single dose of dipyrone in healthy individuals
Oose Route of No. of patients' Cmax lmax AUC CUF t'f.!~ Ae CLR Reference
(g) administration (mglL) (h) (mglLoh) (mllmin) (h) (% dose) (mllmin)
(dosage form)
0.75 PO(T) 15 1.6 6S 34.4 268 9.6 15.8' 42 13
[0.5] [2.3] [11.5] [100] [1.7] [6.2] [14]
1.5 PO(T) 15 2.5 8.0 73.3 347 10.0 12.7 39
[0.9] [2.2] [40.4] [217] [2.7] [6.1] [16]
3.0 PO(T) 15 3.1 8.9 81 .0 516' 10.3 11.0 48
[1.3] [2.1] [40.1] [334] [2.2] [4.7] [23]
1.0 PO(T] 9 2.4 5.8 52.1 221 11.2 22.7 49 14
[0.5] [1.3] [6.3] [28] [1.5] [4.3] [5]
1.0 PO(T) 12 1.8 7.7 48.1 NO 10.0 NO NO 17
(slowacetylators, [0.4] [2.6] [7.9] [1.4]
5 female)
1.0 PO(T) 11 2.5 6.6 57.9 NO 10.1 NO NO
(rapid acetylators, [1.1] [2.3] [16.9] [2.1]
7 female)
1.0 PO(T) 12 1.8 7.0 38.7 296 10.6 16.8 53 19
[0.3] [2.5] [7.4] [72] [2.2] [2.1] [12]
1.0 PO(S) 12 1.8 6.7 38.3 304 10.6 16.1 51
[0.5] [1.6] [8.3] [90] [2.3] [3.1] [13]
1.0 IV 12 1.4 7.2 27.7 414 9.7 13.0 57
[0.3] [2.3] [5.7] [93] [2.4] [2.4] [10]
1.0 IV 12 1.4 8.2 36.9 334 13.1 14.2 44 19
[0.5] [2.9] [15.3] [111] [2.4] [4 .2] [17]
1.0 1M 12 1.4 10.7 39.4 330 12.8 13.5 45
[0.4] [3.7] [12.1] [205] [2.9] [4.1] [10]
1.0 Rectal 12 1.4 9.7 42.2 289 15.3 14.5 34
[0.4] [2.8] [11 .0] [132] [3.9] [4.0] [13]
a For a given parameter the actual number may be less. if precise calculation was impossible.
Abbreviations and symbols: Ae = amount excreted in urine; AUC = area under the concentration-time-curve; CLR = renal clearance;
Cm,x =maximum plasma concentration; CUF =apparent total body clearance aiter oral administration where F represents bioavailability (including
ex1ent of metabolite formation); 1M = intramuscular administration; IV =intravenous administration; NO =not determined or reported; PO = oral
administration; S = oral solution; tm,x =time to maximum plasma concentration; t l",~ =terminal elimination half-life; T =tablet; , statistically
significant difference between comparison groups, p $ 0 .05.

mg/L, respectively. In a second mother (a rapid trations of FAA and AAA in the saliva were similar
acetylator) the milk concentrations of MAA, AA, to their respective plasma concentrations. while
FAA and AAA were 3.7, 1.3,4.3 and 2.6 mg/L, re- those of MAA and AA were lower than their plasma
spectively. At 48 hours after drug administration, concentrations. The saliva: plasma concentration
MAA and AA were undetectable and FAA and AAA ratio is also dependent on the sampling time. These
were 0.2 and 0.3 mg/L for the first mother and 0.4 and differences in the relationship between saliva and
0.7 mg/L, respectively, for the second mother. plasma concentrations for the 4 metabolites can be
Passage of dipyrone metabolites into the cerebro- explained by the differing plasma protein binding
spinal fluid (CSF) is presently under investigation. and the pKa values of the metabolites.
Our own unpublished preliminary results indicate
that all 4 metabolites cross the blood-brain barrier. 1.4 Metabolism and Elimination
MAA, AA, FAA and AAA are all found in saliva,
and their concentrations correlate well (p < 0.001) In vitro, dipyrone is degraded with a half-life of
with their respective plasma concentrations (r = 0.81, 16 minutes.[12) After intravenous administration.
0.62, 0.83 and 0.91. respectively).l7,IO) Concen- unchanged dipyrone may be present in plasma for

© Adis Internationallirnited. All rights reserved. Clin. Pharrnacokinet. 28 (3) 1995

Pharmacokinetics of Dipyrone 223

a very short period of time, whereas after oral ad- 10 Slow acetylators (n = 12)

ministration of the drug it cannot be detected in DMAA

plasma or urine. The primary hydrolysis product, eAA
MAA, is metabolised, possibly in the liver, by de- & FAA
methylation to AA and either directly or via AA to
FAA (see fig. 1). The specific cytochrome P450
isoenzymes involved in this metabolism have not 0,

yet been identified. The acetylation of AA to AAA

has been demonstrated to result from the activity ~
C 0.1
of the hepatic polymorphic N-acetyl-transferase Q)
0 10
systemJl7] This explains the marked interindivid- 0
ual differences in AAA concentrations first re- E
ported by Goromaru et alJ22] c::
The mean plasma concentration-time curves of
the metabolites in individuals who are rapid or
slow acetylators, following single dose adminis-
tration of dipyrone Ig, are shown in figure 2 (see
also tables I to IV). MAA, the product of the non-
enzymatic hydrolysis of dipyrone in the intestine, O.ll+-.---r-..,---,---,--,--r-.---r---,
is the first of the major metabolites of dipyrone to o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
achieve Cmax values and then becomes the first me- Time (h)

tabolite to be nondetectable in the plasma. Next to

Fig. 2. Concentration-time-profiles of dipyrone metabolites (4-
reach C max values are AA and FAA. AAA and FAA methyl-amino-antipyrine: MAA; 4-amino-antipyrine: AA; 4-acetyl-
are the major metabolites present in the urine. They amino-antipyrine: AAA; and 4-formyl-amino-antipyrine: FAA) in 12
slow and 11 rapid acetylators.[171Data are given as means ± SEM.
are still detectable in the plasma of healthy volun-
teers 48 hours after administration of the drugJl6]
In a more recent study,[23] the pharmacokinetic pa- increased more than dose-proportionally; there
rameters of dipyrone metabolite formation and was a 2.7-fold increase in AUC when the dose was
elimination obtained in 9 slow and 3 rapid acetyl- doubled from 1.5 to 3g. In addition, there was a
ators are summarised in table V. Mean tY2 values for much less than expected increase in the AUC of
MAA, FAA and AAA were similar in both slow and FAA (AUC increased by only 10% when the dose
rapid acetylators, while a significant difference was doubled. The tY2 values for AA increased when
was found for AA - tl/2 of 8.1 hours for slow and the dose of dipyrone was increased from 0.75 to
3.7 hours for rapid acetylators.
3.0g; AUC increased nonlinearly. CLIP of FAA be-
The pharmacokinetics of dipyrone metabolites
came larger with increasing doses, whereas the
were also studied in 15 healthy volunteers follow-
pharmacokinetics of AAA were essentially un-
ing administration of single oral doses of 0.75, 1.5
or 3g [tables I to IV).[l3] These tables include val- changed with increasing doses.
ues for apparent clearance (CLlF) of all 4 metabo- The nonlinear pharmacokinetics observed for
lites. It should be noted that 'F' adjusts for both some metabolites point to the saturability of the
bioavailability and metabolite formation; never- metabolic pathways. There were no significant be-
theless CLIP is considered to be a clinically useful tween-dose differences in renal clearance for any
parameter since it is a predictor for average steady- of the major metabolites. For the doses studied in
state concentrations. The tl/2 of MAA increased and healthy volunteers the changes observed are un-
CLIP decreased significantly with the dose. AUC likely to be clinically significant.

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Clin. Pharmacokinet. 28 (3) 1995
224 Levyet at.

Table V. Mean (± SEM) pharmacokinetic characteristics of dipyrone metabolites in 9 slow and 3 rapid acetylators after oral administration of
19 dipyronel231
Acetylator t'f.1P Vd AUC Ae CUF ClR ClNR ClM
status (h) (Ukg) (mg/l-h) (mg) (ml/minlkg) (ml/min/kg) (ml/min/kg) (mllmin/kg)

Slow 2.7 0.59 58.8 22.6 2.6 0.10 2.5
[0.2) [0.05) [6.4) [2.7) [0.3) [0.02) [0.2)
Rapid 2.5 0.55 50.6 23.0 2.8 0.11 2.7
[0.5) [0.03) [8.9) [1 .9) [0.7) [0.03) [0.7)

Slow 8.1 23.8 54.7 0.55 0.25
[1.1) [2.6) [5.7) [0.05) [0.03)
Rapid 3.7* 5.0' 14.3' 0.62 0.10'
[0.6) [0.6) [0.6) [0.03) [0.02)

Slow 10.6 29.9 102.3 0.87 0.78
[0.9) [4.9) [10.0) [0.07) [0.09)
Rapid 10.8 67.0' 240.0' 0.76 7.53"
[1.1) [1.4) [22.7) [0.05) [1.23)

Slow 10.9 30.1 99.0 0.78 0.39
[1 .6) [2.3) [7.5) [0.05) [0.05)
Rapid 10.8 27.5 89.1 0.69 0.49
[1.5) [3.5) [15.2) [0.06) [0.11)
Abbreviations and symbol: Ae = amount of metabolite excreted in the urine; CUF = apparent total body clearance after oral administration
where F represents bioavailability (including the extent of metabolite formation); CLNR = non-renal clearance; ClM = clearance of metabolite;
ClR = renal clearance; t1f.!P = terminal elimination half-life; Vd = volume of distribution; "= statistically significant difference between comparison
groups, p < 0.05.

In a multiple-dose study, the pharmacokinetic plained by a reduction in the metabolic clearance

properties of the 4 dipyrone metabolites were de- of MAA. This could be a direct result of enzyme
termined in healthy volunteers following a single saturation or product inhibition resulting in either
Ig oral dose and compared with results obtained an increased formation of AA due to a shift of MAA
after administration of Ig 3 times daily for 7 days metabolism from FAA to AA or in a decrease of
(22 doses, including a final dose on day 8) [table conversion of AA to FAA; these interpretations are
VI].l14] Significant changes in several pharmaco- consistent with the observed increase in the CLIF
kinetic parameters occurred for MAA, AA and of FAA with increasing doses. However, other
FAA during multiple dose administration. As illus- changes in the distribution or elimination processes
trated in figure 3, mean plasma concentrations of of any of the 4 metabolites cannot be excluded.
MAA and AA during multiple administration were A significant difference was found in the rate of
approximately 1.3- to 2-fold higher than those pre- metabolism of AA to AAA between slow and rapid
dicted after single-dose administration. In contrast, acetylators. Similar differences were noticed for
plasma concentrations of FAA decreased by 66% and the urinary excretion.[23]
AAA phannacokinetics remained unchanged (fig. 3). The mean percentage of the dose found in the
Following multiple administration of dipyrone, urine following the oral administration of 19 of
relative CLiF of MAA decreased and its tl/2 and dipyrone is 2 to 4% for MAA, 5 to 9% for AA, 21
MRT increased. The CLiF of AA decreased, while to 27% for AAA and 11 to 23% for FAA (tables I
that of FAA increased. These findings, together to IV). Renal clearance of the 4 metabolites is on
with those of the dose-linearity study[13] can be ex- average between 3 and 70 mllmin (0.18 to 4.2 L/h)

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Clin. Pharmacokinet. 28 (3) 1995
Pharmacokinetics of Dipyrone 225

[tables I to IV]. Thus, tubular secretion most likely with the function of the polymorphic N-acetyl-
is not involved in renal excretion of dipyrone. It transferase system (fig. 4))17] The AAA : AA
was shown that the cumulative urinary excretion concentration ratio measured in plasma or urine
of MAA, following administration of a Ig oral was demonstrated to be a reliable discriminatory
dose, was much less than after administration by index between slow and rapid acetylators.[23]
the intravenous route.[I8,19] It was suggested that
Thus, measuring these metabolites in plasma or
after intravenous administration some of the un-
changed dipyrone is excreted into the kidneys urine can be used to determine acetylation pheno-
where it is converted to MAA.[18] Another way to type (fig. 4).
explain the finding could reside in a supposed Similar bimodality is evident from the sali-
process of intestinal N-demethylation of MAA. vary AAA : AA concentration ratios. Six hours
after dipyrone ingestion, the saliva AAA : AA
1.5 Acetylation Phenotyping ratio was 2.6 ± 0.6 (n = 7) in slow acetylators
and 15.3±3.1 (n=3) in rapid acetylators, and
It was shown that the acetylation of AA to AAA there was a significant difference between
correlates with that of dapsone, thus, consistent groups (p < 0.02))10]

Table VI. Pharmacokinetic characteristics of dipyrone metabolites after single- and multiple-dose administration in healthy individuals. [141 Nine
healthy male individuals received 1g dipyrone (2 film-coated tablets of 0.5g) as a single-dose followed by 3 doses of 1g daily for 7 days after
a washout period of 6 days. On day 8 of the multiple-dose period only the morning dose was given, and blood and urine samples were taken
as after the first single-dose. Results are expressed as mean [± SD)
Phase Cmax tmax AUC' CUF Vd/F tlf.1~ MT Ae b CLR
(mg/L) (h) (mg/L.h) (ml/min) (L) (h) (h) (% dose) (ml/min)

Single-dose 12.2 1.3 64.5 170 43.8 2.7 4.4 3.0 5
[1.4) [0.4) [13.4) [37) [4.7) [0.5) [0.8) [1.0) [2)
Multiple-dose 16.5 1.3 81.8' 132' 43.2 3.3' 5.6' 4.2' 5
[2.6) [0.5) [18.4) [29) [5.8) [0.4] [0.7) [1.1) [2)

Single-dose 1.5 4.4 16.9 820 3.7 8.6 6.1 38
[0.8) [0.9) [9.7] [501) [1.3) [1.8) [2.9) [13)
Mu[tiple-dose 4.9 2.8 33.0- 479- 3.7 9.3 8.9- 40
[2.7) [1.2) [18.6) [388) [0.5) [1.8) [4.0] [8)

Single-dose 1.8 15.0 51.4 281 9.5 24.1 26.4 61
[0.6) [6.4) [15.9] [90) [1.5) [2.9) [8.2) [8)
Multiple-dose 7.1 1.5 46.5 300 8.5 23.8 27.7 73-
[3.3] [2.0) [22.4) [120] [1.8] [4.2] [11.2) [9)

Single-dose 2.4 5.8 52.1 221 11.2 19.6 22.7 49
[0.5) [1.3] [6.3) [28) [1.5) [2.1] [4.3) [5]
Multiple-dose 2.7 1.6 17.6' 662' 9.4- 20.3 10.1' 59
[0.8) [1.6] [4.9] [173) [1.9) [3.6] [1.8] [9)
a AUC extrapolated to infinity for single-dose and calculated during the dosage interval for multiple-dose.
b Ae to 144 hours for single-dose and during dosage interval for multiple-dose.
Abbreviations and symbol: Ae = amount of metabolite excreted in the urine; AUC = area under the plasma concentration-time curve;
C max = maximal plasma concentration; CUF = apparent total body clearance after oral administration where F represents
bioavailability (including the extent of metabolite formation); CLR = renal clearance; MT = mean residence time; t'f.1~ = terminal elimination
half-life; tmax = time taken to achieve maximal plasma concentration; VdlF = apparent volume of distribution after oral administration; - = statistically
significant difference between comparison groups, p < 0.05.

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Clin. Pharmacokinet. 28 (3) 1995
226 Levy et a/.

100 10

•• ••
0, •• •• ft

§. 10


0.1 0.1
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192

100 AAA 10

§. 10


0.1 0.1
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240
Time (h) Time (h)

Fig. 3. Mean plasma concentrations of 4-methyl-amino-antipyrine (MAA), 4-amino-antipyrine (AA), 4-acetyl-amino-antipyrine (AAA)
and 4-formyl-amino-antipyrine (FAA) during multiple administration of dipyrone.(14) Trough concentrations and concentrations after
the last dose of the multiple-dose administration phase are given by points; the lines indicate the multiple-dose concentration-time
profiles predicted from single-dose data.

2. Pharmacokinetics and 3 male) who were free from any major sys-
in Special Populations temic disease. Results were compared with those
reported in 12 young (21 to 30 years old), male,
healthy volunteers. Mean (± SEM) tl/2 in the elderly
2.1 Influence of Age,
and young were 4.5 ± 0.5 and 2.6 ± 0.2 hours, re-
Gender and Ethnic Origin
spectively. The CLIF of MAA decreased by 33% in
It was reported that children (1 to 11 years old) the elderly compared with the young and correlated
eliminated dipyrone metabolites more rapidly than well with creatinine clearance. f15] However, it is
did adults.[24] The interpretation of these findings also possible that impaired hepatic metabolism
is hampered by the fact that these investigators largely contributes to the prolonged MAA elimina-
used a nonspecific spectrophotometric assay that tion in the elderly, since a more recent study[25]
could not discriminate between the various me- could not detect any definite relationship between
tabolites of dipyrone. In practice, the dosage of creatinine clearance and MAA clearance.
dipyrone for infants and children is governed by No gender difference in the pharmacokinetics of
bodyweight. MAA was seen in a single-dose study (slow acetyl-
The pharmacokinetics of MAA were studied in ators: 7 male and 5 female; rapid acetylators: 4
9 elderly (73 to 90 years old) individuals (6 female male and 7 female).f 17 ] In an unpublished drug in-

© Adis Internotionollimited. All rights reserved. Clin. Phormocokinet. 28 (3) 1995

Pharmacokinetics of Dipyrone 227

teraction study in 6 healthy male and 6 healthy fe- 1.4 • Slow acetylators
• •
male individuals, however, slower elimination of
MAA and AA was noticed in females (W. Scholz,
B. Rosenkranz, personal communication). The
question of gender difference after multiple admin-
'W 10

o Rapid acetylators

• •

istration of the drug remains unanswered.
<C .
~ 0.6

In a study of dipyrone metabolite kinetics in 10 <C
Black and 10 White healthy volunteers, no statis- iii 0.4
r = 0.895
a: p <0.0005
tically significant differences were detected after
normalisation for the different bodyweights of the 0.2

individuals (B.H. Meyer, B. Rosenkranz, personal 0.0 •
communication). No pharmacokinetic studies of di- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10
pyrone in other ethnic groups have been published. MADDS/Dapsone

2.2 Pregnancy

The pharmacokinetics of dipyrone during preg- m
• •
nancy have been investigated, but the results are "
2- 6
difficult to interpret because a nonspecific assay <C
was used.l 26 ] Decreased excretion of dipyrone me- ~
<C 4
tabolites in the first 9 hours after oral administra- 0
~ r = 0.968
tion[26] and a prolonged tv,[27] have been reported. a: p <0.0005
In another study,[ 28 1 the tv, of the metabolites of
dipyrone was similar in pregnant and nonpregnant
patients. a
a 2 3 4 5 6
Ratio AANAA (plasma)
2.3 Liver Disease 10 r = 0.995
p <0.0005
The pharmacokinetic parameters of the metabo-
lites of dipyrone were determined following the
administration of a single 1.0g dose of dipyrone to "
2- 6
12 individuals with cirrhosis of the liver.[29] These <C
results were compared with those obtained in 12 ~
<C 4
healthy individuals (table VII). The mean C max of 0
MAA was similar in the 2 groups. Significant dif- a: r = 0.995
ferences were found between the cirrhotic and 2 P <0.0005

healthy individuals for tmax, tl/2 and CLiF. The latter

difference was largely due to differences in non- a
renal clearance; however, renal clearance was a 10 20 30 40
Time (h)
also significantly diminished in the patients with
Fig. 4. Top: Correlation between the ratio of plasma concentrations
liver disease. The mean plasma concentration-time of 4-acetyl-amino-antipyrine (AAA) to 4-amino-antipyrine (AA) [2
curves for MAA in the patients with hepatic cirrho- hours after administration of 19 dipyronel and the ratio of plasma
sis and in healthy individuals are shown in figure 5. concentrations of the acetylated product of dapsone (MADDS) to
those of dapsone in plasma (3 hours after administration of dapsone
In the patients with liver disease, linear correla- 0.1 g) in 23 individuals.!'7] Middle: Correlation between the AANAA
tions (p < 0.05) were found between tl/2 of MAA ratio in plasma (6 hours after oral administration of dipyrone) and the
AANAA ratio in 24h urine.!23] Bottom: Ratio of AANAAconcentration
and the following: serum albumin (r =0.71), as- in urine at various time points following oral administration of 19
partate aminotransferase (r =0.77), alanine amino- dipyrone to slow and rapid acetylators.[23]

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Clin. Pharmacokinet. 28 (3) 1995
228 Levy et al.

Table VII. Mean (± SEM) pharmacokinetic characteristics of MAA 2.4 Kidney Disease
in patients with liver disease and healthy individuals (M. Levy, E.
Zylber-Katz, personal communication)
The pharmacokinetics of dipyrone were stud-
Parameter Patients with liver Healthy individuals
ied in 24 patients with creatinine clearance val-
disease (n = 12) (n = 12)
Cma,(mg/L) 9.6 ± 1.2 11.S± 1.1
ues between 4 and 157 mllmin (0.24 and 9.42
tma, (h) 3.0 ± 0.6 1.6±0.1' Llh) after oral administration of a I g dose.f 251
tlr"p (h) 10.6 ±2.0 2.7 ±0.2' While renal clearance of all 4 metabolites de-
Ae (mg) 39.8 ± 7.8 22.8 ± 2.0' creased in linear relationship to creatinine clear-
CUF (ml/min/kg) 1.12 ± 0.24 2.68 ±0.23' ance, CLiF of MAA and AA remained unaltered
CLR (mllmin/kg) O.OS ± 0.01 0.1 ±0.01'
in patients with different degrees of renal impair-
CLNR (mllmin/kg) 1.07 ± 0.24 2.S8 ± 0.22'
Abbreviations and symbol: Ae = amount of metabolite excreted in
ment (fig. 6). This may be explained by the fact
the urine; Cma, = maximal plasma concentration; CUF = apparent that the main pathway of elimination for these
total body clearance after oral administration where F represents 2 metabolites is hepatic metabolism.
bioavailability (including the extent of metabol ite formation);
CLR = renal clearance; CLNR = nonrenal clearance; t1/,P = terminal CLiF of AAA and FAA is linearly related to cre-
elimination half-life; tma, = time taken to achieve maximal plasma atinine clearance. It should be noted that the esti-
concentration; , indicates statistically significant difference between
mated CLiF of AAA in anuric patients is still 31
comparison groups.
ml/min (1 .9 L/h), whereas that of FAA is not sig-
nificantly different from 0 mllmin (0 Llh). This is
transferase (r = 0.67), lactic dehydrogenase (r = 0.79), consistent with the metabolic scheme described
(fig. I), which indicates that FAA is a true end-
alkaline phosphatase (r = 0 .76) and total biliru-
metabolite, whereas AAA may undergo further
bin (r = 0.89) levels and the prothrombin ra-
metabolism. The mean (± SO) tl/2 of AAA and
tio (r = 0.64)J291Close to a 3-fold increase in tmax
FAA significantly increased to 50.7 ± 21.5 and
and tl/2 were noted for FAA in the patients with 87.8 ± 59.7 hours in patients with creatinine
cirrhosis, and reduced metabolite formation was clearances below 10 mllmin (0.6 Llh).
also observed. The appearance of AA was signif- In 6 patients with chronic renal failure, the
icantly delayed in these patients and the acetyla- mean (± SO) terminal tY2 of MAA was somewhat
tion of AA to AAA was significantly impaired. prolonged after intravenou s administration of
The t max and tY2 of AAA were doubled in the dipyrone compared with that observed in 3 indi-
patients with cirrhosis compared with values viduals with normal renal function (3.8 ± 2.1 vs
in healthy individuals (E. Zylber-Katz, personal 2.6 ± 0.7 hours); total body clearance was lower
communication). [91.5 ± 41.7 vs 140.2 ± 37.5 mllmin/1.73m 2
These results show that dipyrone metabolism is (5.5 ± 2.5 vs 8.4 ± 2.25 LIhI1.73m 2)] and renal clear-
impaired in patients with liver cirrhosis due to a ance of AA, FAA and AAA was decreased. [301 A
reduction in both the demethylation-oxidation and possible reason for the differences observed in
the total clearance of MAA in both studies may
acetylation pathways. When the urinary excretion
be that parent drug (dipyrone) is eliminated via
of the 4 metabolites was accumulated, levels of uri-
the kidney, after its intravenous administration,
nary excretion in patients with cirrhosis were only
and that this mechanism of elimination is also
70% of those in controls. Possible explanations impaired in patients with renal disease.
may be altered bioavailability or increased forma- The kinetics of the metabolites of dipyrone were
tion of another non detected metabolite. Decreased also studied in 46 intensive care patients with and
renal clearance in patients with cirrhosis, as ob- without acute renal failurePl1 In patients with
served for MAA, is well known for endogenous acute renal impairment, a marked reduction in the
substances as well as for drugs. total clearance and prolongation of the plasma

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Clin. Pharmacokinet. 28 (3) 1995
Pharmacokinetics of Dipyrone 229

o Patients with liver cirrhosis
• Healthy individuals
o 10

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (h)

Fig. 5. Mean 4-methyl-amino-antipyrine (MAA) plasma concentration-time curves in 12 patients with cirrhosis of the liver and 12
healthy individuals (M. Levy, E. Zylber-Katz, personal communication).

11/2 of MAA were noted. This is most likely to be It has been suggested that the anticoagulant ef-
due to reduced hepatic metabolic activity. fect of ethyl-biscoumacetate is increased by di-
MAA is rapidly eliminated by haemodialysis, pyrone,134J However, a latter study has shown that
haemofiltration or haemoperfusion, in vitro, with the anticoagulant activity of phenprocoumon or of
t';2 values of 6, 11 and 3 minutes, respectively,132J ethyl-biscoumacetate is not influenced by simulta-
neous administration of therapeutic doses of di-
pyrone. [35] When dipyrone 1g 3 times daily for 3 days
3. Drug Interactions was given to healthy individuals, it did not affect
the diuretic effect offurosemide (frusemide) 20mg
In healthy volunteers coadministration of administered intravenously on the third day,D6]
20ml of aluminium hydroxide/magnesium hy- Little is known about whether other drugs can
droxide gel (Maaloxan®) did not affect the phar- inhibit or induce the metabolism of dipyrone. Fol-
macokinetics of metabolites of dipyrone (W. Scholz, lowing intravenous administration of dipyrone 1 to
B. Rosenkranz, personal communication). 1.5g to patients hospitalised in intensive care units,
The pharmacokinetics of alcohol (ethanol) and no significant difference in t';2 and CLIF of MAA
the results of performance tests were similar was found between a group who had concomi-
whether alcohol (1 g/kg) was given with dipyrone tantly received a mean daily dose of 30 mg/kg
(lg) or with placebo (L.M. Badian, B. Rosenkranz, pentobarbital (pentobarbitone) and a group who
personal communication). had not.[3?] The sedative glutethimide was reported
In a single-blind trial, 6 patients with non-insulin- to reduce the potency of dipyrone,138]
dependent diabetes treated with glibenclamide (gly-
buride) were given dipyrone Ig for 2 days and pla- 4. Dosage and Tolerability
cebo for 5 days. In 6 other patients the order of
administration was reversed. As evident from blood Dipyrone is available for oral administration in
glucose profiles there was no interaction between the form of 0.5g tablets, 5% syrup and 50% aque-
the 2 drugs,l33] ous solution as drops. A 50% aqueous solution is

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Clin. Pharmacokinet 28 (3) 1995
230 Levy et al.

500 2500
CUF =0.37 x CL CR +147 • CUF = 2.90 x CLCR + 413
400 • 2000

C 300 :s.§ 1500
u. •.•........
•• • I
() 200
• • •
a 1000 • • • •
• .... . .•. .
. .... • .. .....
•• •• •

• • 500

~ ... ..-- ...... . .
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 o 24 48 72 96 120 144 168

400 600
CUF = 1.93 x CL CR + 31
... FAA
CUF = 2.61 x CL CR - 8 •

300 .. 500

C 250 c
~ :§
.s 200 • I 300
u. u.
::::J ::::J
() 150 ()

o 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 o 24 48 72 96 120 144 168

CL CR (ml/min) CL CR (ml/min)

o MAA: CL R = 0.02 X CLCR + 0.72
60 • AA: CL R = 0.17 X CLCR + 0.49
o AAA: CLR = 0.28 X CL CR - 0.59
50 A FAA: CL R = 0.42 X CLCR - 2.46
C ~.¥ o
:§ 40 .... ·.. ··0
E . ......
....J •.. .. '

.. , .. ' .. '
() '


0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168
CLCR (ml/min)

Fig. 6. Correlation between creatinine clearance (CLCR) and apparent oral clearance (CUF) or renal clearance (CLR) of 4-methyl-amino-anti-
pyrine (MAA), 4-amino-antipyrine (AA), 4-acetyl-amino-antipyrine (AAA) and 4-formyl-amino-antipyrine (FAA) in 24 patients with CLCR values
between 4 and 157 ml/min (0.24 and 9.42 Uh).[25]

© Adis International Limited . All rights reserved. Clin. Pharmacokinet. 28 (3) ] 995
Pharmacokinetics of Dipyrone 231

used for parenteral administration, while 1.0 and of an anaphylactic reaction, but can also occur as
0.3g suppositories are available for rectal adminis- a result of pharmacologically induced vasodila-
tration. The recommended dose in adults and ado- tion. In patients with very high fever, such as some
lescents aged IS years or over is O.S to 1.0g (orally) of those in intensive care units, or after rapid injec-
or 1 to 2g (parenterally) given as a slow intra- tions of dipyrone, such reductions in blood pres-
venous injection (administered at a rate of SOOmg sure, without further signs of hypersensitivity, may
per minute or less). The dose should be modified occurJ47]
according to the analgesic or antipyretic response.
The currently recommended maximum daily dose 5. Clinical Implications
is 4 to Sg, although higher doses also have been and Conclusions
shown to be well toleratedJ39] Dipyrone is not
Dipyrone is usually used episodically for treat-
recommended for infants under 3 months of age or
ment of acute pain and fever, although prolonged
those under Skg bodyweightJ40]
use for musculoskeletal pain or the control of pain
Although the relationship between plasma con-
in patients with cancer is also practised. The phar-
centrations of dipyrone metabolites and toxicity
macokinetic profiles of MAA and AA are in line
has not been established, the therapeutic index of
with the clinically required rapid onset of effect
dipyrone is very high. The dose that is lethal to
and compatible with a 4-times daily dosage regi-
SO% (LD 50) of animals (rats mice, rabbits) is about
men. The virtually complete bioavailability of
1000 mg/kg or more and subchronic toxicity in
dipyrone renders the oral route of administration
dogs and rats, manifested by an increase in Heinz
favourable in most cases, except for situations
bodies and reticulocytosis in both species and by a when this is not feasible or when a more rapid onset
reduction in haematocrit in dogs, was reported af- of effect is desired, as in colic pain. The bioavail-
ter administration of a 4S0 mg/kg doseJ40] Since ability of dipyrone suppositories can be as low as
the metabolic profile of dipyrone is similar in rats 40%, making this mode of administration less fa-
and humans, these toxicological data may be clin- vourable. Intramuscular injection has no pharma-
ically relevant. cokinetic advantages over the oral route.
There are hardly any reports in the literature of Dipyrone, unlike most of the nonsteroidal anti-
dipyrone overdosage in humans,[41] although occa- inflammatory drugs, is not known to produce clin-
sionally reversible renal insufficiency has been re- ically important interactions related to displace-
ported after an overdose of dipyroneJ42] A patient ment of other substances from plasma proteins.
who swallowed 98 dipyrone tablets (49g) had This is readily explained by the relatively low pro-
symptoms of vomiting, and the urine eventually tein binding of the metabolites of dipyronePOl
became red. Stomach emptying and forced diuresis No significant amounts of dipyrone metabolites
were employed, and the patient recovered without will be found in the breast milk if nursing is initi-
any sequelaeJ43] The red colour of the urine re- ated more than 48 hours after the last dose of
sulted from the excretion of a putative metabolite, dipyrone. [21]
rubazonic acid.[44] Agranulocytosis and the more At present the available information on the re-
frequently observed skin rashes are hypersensi- lationship between pharmacokinetics of dipyrone
tivity reactions.[1,45] and its effect indicates that the analgesic effect of
Two cases of agranulocytosis following pro- dipyrone is correlated with both MAA and AA con-
longed high-dose usage of intravenous dipyrone centrations.[7] MAA has been shown to cause a
have recently been reported. [46] However, these pa- moderate inhibition of platelet aggregation and
tients concomitantly received other drugs known thromboxane release from human platelets[48-50]
to cause agranulocytosis. Shock, as evidenced by and prostaglandin (PG) E2 release from human
a critical reduction in blood pressure, may be part gastric mucosa.[51] Animal studies have demon-

© Adls International Limited. All rights reserved. Clin. Pharmocokinet. 28 (3) 1995
232 Levy et al.

strated release of PGlz from rat aorta[49] and PGE2 practice it is judged that overall adjustment of the
from rabbit brain[52] in MAA concentrations sim- dose is not warranted. Available reports on di-
ilar to those observed clinically (between about 5 pyrone pharmacokinetics in pregnancy are defi-
and 35 )lmollL). However, other studies failed to cient in their analytical methodologies, and pro-
show an inhibition of prostanoid release by MAA vide contradictory results, but overall these studies
in this concentration range. AAA and FAA have do not seem to warrant changes in dosage regi-
been reported to be ineffective in vitro and in iso- mens. Although the elimination of dipyrone meta-
lated organs, whereas it remains unclear whether bolites is usually prolonged in liver disease, in
AA contributes to the inhibition of eicosanoid for- practice no dose adjustment seems to be necessary
mation after dipyrone intake.[49.53] It is also un- when patients are being administered single doses.
known to what extent other effects of dipyrone on For long term treatment, an increase in dosage
the central nervous system account for its analgesic intervals might be advocated; this deserves further
and antipyretic action.l 54] study.
The pharmacological and pharmacokinetic prop- The prolonged action of the drug, combined
erties of the many other metabolites of dipyrone with its tolerability relative to nonsteroidal anti-
described recently[3] remain unclear as well as the inflammatory drugs in patients with bleeding dis-
putative question whether one of these metabolites orders, might be advantageous in patients with cir-
contributes to the risk of adverse reactions. rhosis who require analgesic and/or antipyretic
Several factors explaining pharmacokinetic therapy. Furthermore, dipyrone per se is not known
variability of dipyrone have been detected. These to cause hepatic damage.
include saturable metabolism, N-acetylation poly- In patients with chronic renal disease, disposi-
morphism, age, possibly gender, and liver and renal tion of MAA is not markedly altered. It is question-
disease. Since saturable metabolism mainly affects able whether the impaired elimination of AAA and
formation and elimination of secondary metabo- FAA should be accounted for in the dosage regi-
lites, its clinical relevance remains questionable. men. There have been occasional reports of tran-
No dosage adjustment is required for slow and sient renal disorders with oliguria or anuria, pro-
rapid acetylators. However, the impact of pharmaco- teinuria and interstitial nephritis,[42,58-60] which
genetic polymorphism on the risk of adverse re- may be explained by inhibition of prostanoid for-
actions is unknown. Slow acetylators of drugs such mation or immunological mechanisms.
as hydralazine, isoniazid and procainamide are not A multicenter case-control study, in which reg-
only more susceptible to dose-related toxicity, but ular analgesic intake was defined as consumption
also to autoimmune phenomena such as the induc- of at least 15 doses of analgesic per month for at
tion of antinuclear antibodies and the lupus syn- least a year, was undertaken in patients with end-
drome.l 55 .56 ] The question of whether the risk of stage renal failure and controls to assess the risk of
dipyrone-induced agranulocytosis is influenced by nephropathy associated with prolonged analgesic
genetic polymorphisms is intriguing, but difficult use. A dose-dependent increase in the risk associ-
to answer due to the rarity of the disease. ated with analgesic mixtures containing phenace-
Further study of the pharmacogenetics of di- tin, paracetamol (acetaminophen), aspirin (acetyl-
pyrone, such as the determination of the cyto- salicylic acid) and phenazones was noted. No
chrome P450 systems[57] involved with the forma- increase could be demonstrated for dipyrone-con-
tion of AA and FAA is of interest and could provide taining mixtures.[61]
clues for potential clinically important interac- Population pharmacokinetics may help deter-
tions. mine the effect of gender, and liver and kidney dis-
Although the data show some age and gender ease on the pharmacokinetics of dipyrone after re-
differences in the pharmacokinetics of dipyrone, in peated administration of the drug. [62] Furthermore,

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Clin. Pharmacokinet. 28 (3) 1995
Pharmacokinetics of Dipyrone 233

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