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days on a single wind.

movement runs for five
The manual-winding
10: 2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m


BOVeT 1822 AmAdeO fLeURieR 44,




roster of complications.

The visual lightness of the

suspended movement belies the impressive

sides of the spacious reversible timepiece.

THe WATCH mAgAziNe RedefiNed

Identically curved sapphire crystals cover both

volume - 1-866-675-2078
Dior VIII Grand Bal “Plume” Model.
Pink gold, diamonds and ceramic.
“Dior Inversé 11 ½” automatic calibre,
42-hour power reserve.
Patented oscillating weight in gold set
with diamonds and feathers.
e s t. 1 9 6 1
quick reads
the watch magazine redefined
10: 2013 wa t c hj ou r n a l . c om

Industry watch
The inside track from the world of watches—the
+ brands, the business, the industry as a whole.

+ LuXE fIndEr
Watch Journal
brings together
020 top products from
every corner of the
luxury market.

039 + + +


This new dive watch was A new special edition Gallardo Modern styling meets double
designed in collaboration with model brings a racecar engine retrograde displays in a new
Baltic Sea research divers. to the street. calendar GMT.

Two extendable antennas
and the first built-in
dual-frequency locator
beacon make this
watch a life saver.

122 + EvEnt watch

Who’s doing what, where and why:
Discover how the watch industry
influences events, philanthropy
and celebrities.
In 1839 Vacheron Constantin created several machines, among them
the famous pantograph, a mechanical device which meant that for
the first time in history principal watchmaking components could be
reproduced with total precision, raising the quality of its timepieces
once again. This invention carried the brand into the future and
would revolutionise Swiss watchmaking.

Faithful to the history for which it is renowned,

Vacheron Constantin undertakes to maintain, repair
and restore all watches it has produced since its
foundation: a sign of excellence and confidence which
still today gives the manufacture its reputation.

Overseas Chronograph Perpetual Calendar

Self-winding mechanical movement, Caliber 1136 QP
Chronograph with 30-minute and 12-hour counters
18K 5N pink gold, Water resistance: 15 bar (500 feet)
the watch magazine redefined
10: 2013 wa t c hj ou r n a l . c om

066 + + +


Eberhard & Co. joins Monte-Carlo's The House of Bovet aims to perpetuate Shinola revives American industrialized
annual classic car event. traditional watchmaking skills. watchmaking in the Motor City.

108 + + +


After a 17-year absence, Tudor is back Rare handcrafts shine in Patek A new partnership between Ball and
in the US. Philippe's new Ref. 6002. BMW takes off.


Watches that work as timely reminders that
098 there is no time to waste.

Watchmaking's most clever compositions
put the world on your wrist.
Entirely invented and manufactured in- house

Tourbillon Souverain - Ref. TN

Remontoire and dead-beat second
18K solid Gold movement
Platinum or red Gold case



+1 212 644 5918 +1 305 993 4747 +1 310 294 8585 +1 561 750 2310

the watch magazine redefined
10:2013 wa t c hj ou r n a l . c om

in focus
+ The Graham Tourbillon Orrery,
inspired by an 18th-century prede-
cessor, was 20 years in the making.

in focus
How Officine Panerai and its
030 + charity of record, Sailing Heals,
are bringing people together.

5 minutes with
Master watchmaker Roger Dubuis, page 58, Bell &
058 + Ross creative director Bruno Belamich, page 60,
filmmaker Carmen Chaplin, page 62.

+ on the cover
The Bovet 1822
Amadeo Fleurier 44,
Tourbillon Virtuoso
pa n e r a i . c o m

design a n d technology.

luminor 1950 chrono monopulsante

8 days gmt titanio - 4 4mm

Available exclusively at Panerai boutiques and select authorized watch specialists.

publisher’s letter
the watch magazine redefined
10:2013 wa t c hj ou r n a l . c om

and one watch that has become a reality
i have always found astronomy and cosmology to be fascinating subjects. that may be why i think the graham tourbillon
orrery is supercool. it’s a wrist-worn mechanical timepiece that also illustrates the relative positions and orbits of mars,
earth and our moon that was 20 years in the making.
our solar system has intrigued civilizations since the beginning of humanity. these days, i’m most intrigued by the
recent discoveries of new planets. with roughly three or four billion stars in the milky way, there are potentially many
billions of habitable planets out there. recently, astronomers
discovered a triple star system with three super-earths, each
three or four times the size of our planet. this system is called
gliese 667, and scientists say its only 22 light years away. i think
we should go, but getting there depends on how fast we can
travel through space.
in the 1960s, when the uS air force and naSa launched an
experimental aircraft powered by an X-15 rocket, it traveled at
a blazing 4,519 mph. later, there were the space shuttles; they
orbited the earth at a whopping 17,500 mph. then, in 2006,
naSa launched an unmanned rocket-powered spacecraft, the
New Horizons. it was clocked traveling at more than double the
speed of the shuttle, an amazing 36,360 mph. unfortunately, it
ran out of gas somewhere between here and Pluto.
But what if we could travel at New Horizons speeds all the
way to gliese 667, logging a stupendous 318,513,600 miles a
year? how soon could we arrive in beautiful gliese, explore the
trio of super-earths and return home—a round trip of 44 light
years? let’s do the math.
a light year is equivalent to 5.878625 trillion miles. dividing that impressive number by our stupendous 318,513,600
miles per year, it would take 18,456 years to travel one light year. But astronomers have determined that gliese 667 is 22
times more distant. instead of zipping through space for 18,456 years, our total voyage to this distant system will take
a mind-boggling 406,032 years—one way! allowing a few hundred thousand years for traipsing around each of gliese’s
super-earths before making our return trip home, i guess we’re looking at about a million years altogether.
i hate to be the one to expose how unlikely we are to reach any of the habitable planets in gliese 667; however, we have
plenty of time to fantasize about it and plenty of time to read more about the graham tourbillon orrery. find the story on
page 28 of this issue. enjoy!

—Glen B. Bowen

10:2013 | w a t c h j o u r n a l . c o m
Grande Seconde Quantième, ref. J007030245
Côtes de Genève dial and blue opaline flange. Stainless steel case.
Self-winding mechanical movement. Power reserve of 68 hours.
letter from switzerland
the watch magazine redefined
10:2013 wa t c hj ou r n a l . c om

the word
recently, my wife’s english family came to visit us in Switzerland for the first time. we had a full house, and we were look-
ing for things to do together, especially “Swiss” activities—chocolate factory tours, fondue dinners, visits to the major cities,
historical castles and more. one day we hiked into the mountains, and we ran into emmanuel Bouchet, the watchmaker
behind harry winston’s opus 12, in a café at one of the ski stations. he invited us all to his workshops in the tiny jura
village of les geneveys-sur-coffrane to see how his watches are made.
i wasn’t sure this was a good idea—a visit to a watchmaker’s workshop is not everyone’s idea of a good time—but i
needn’t have worried. the entire family was captivated by
all that goes into the making of the opus 12. Bouchet did
such a great job of introducing these newcomers to watch-
making that, by the time it was over, they were completely
sold on fine watches.
a few days later, i was seated next to a “captain of
industry” on a flight in the uS. he was wearing a nice suit,
expensive shoes—and a $100 timex ironman. it was quite
incongruous, really. don’t get me wrong, i have great
respect for timex as a company, and i think the ironman
is a quality watch, but the bottom line is that this guy just
didn’t know about choices like the harry winston opus
12. and that’s where we watch lovers come in. we can
spread the word about watches and bring more people Emmanuel Bouchet
into the fold.
i struck up a conversation with this gentleman, who in-
deed owned his own company and was very successful. he The entire family was captivated by all
asked me what i did, and we started talking about watches, that goes into the making of the Opus 12.
and within 10 minutes, my new friend was thoroughly in-
trigued and was asking me what he should buy. i suggested
that he save his timex for the gym and find an entry-level mechanical watch to wear for business. i left him with a copy
of Watch Journal, so he could start to pick out his next watch purchase.
Seeing the light come on in people’s eyes when they begin to understand the appeal and inherent value of fine
watches is a real treat for me. one of my personal goals is to get as many people as possible to see the light and enjoy
watches the way i do.

—Keith W. Strandberg
international editor
Photo by Patrice Schreyer

10:2013 | w a t c h j o u r n a l . c o m
The world’s thinnest automatic tourbillon watch
White gold, 10.4 mm thick
Piaget Manufacture movement 1270P
Mechanical self-winding tourbillon movement



[journal] ®

THe WATCH mAgAziNe RedefiNed

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W hy just be precise When you can be the most precise?

master tourbillon Dualtime.

jaeger-lecoultre calibre 978b with patented jumping date.
Winner of the first International Timing Competition of the 21st century,
held under the auspices of the Geneva observatory, jaeger-lecoultre calibre 978
boasts peerless precision in a new 41.5 mm-diameter pink gold case. its 71-part tourbillon
regulator features an ultra-light grade 5 titanium carriage and a large variable-inertia
balance beating at a cadence of 28,800 vibrations per hour. yo u D e s e rv e a r e a l Watc h.
watch report | nEwS And HAPPEnI nGS FROM THE wORLd OF wATCHES


The recently released Gucci Sync
watch from Gucci Timepieces &
BEAUTY: Jewelry helped to raise money
Gong Li strikes a for the Chime for Change cam-
pose for Piaget. paign this summer. Between
May 27 and August 31, half of the
retail price of two models sold
undergo precision testing at online at was donated
l’Observatoire de Besançon, to programs that empower girls
then it’s on to the COSC test- and women through Chime for
ing facility in Bienne for fur- Change’s fundraising partner
ther evaluation. Following a, a technology plat-
battery of tests for resistance form that connects Chime for
to shocks and magnetism at Change community members to
the Arc Advanced Engineering the organizations and projects
College in Le Locle, the that matter to them most. It
watches return to the COSC currently represents more than
for another round of preci- 80 entities in 70 countries. The
sion testing. The results of Sync was chosen for this initia-
this year’s competition will tive because it was designed
be announced on October 24 with a young, digitally con-
in Besançon. The biannual nected audience in mind. The
contest repeats in 2015, with streamlined quartz watches
entries accepted through come in black or white and in
January 31, 2015. 36-mm or 46-mm cases. 201.867.8800,

Gucci Sync, $495

A NEW ROLE cial duties was a photo shoot

From Beijing, Piaget with renowned Chinese
announced that celebrated photographer Feng Hai,
actress Gong Li has become in which Li is adorned
its new global brand ambas- with Piaget’s Couture
sador. As a classic beauty of Précieuse jewelry.
exceptional talent and stead- 877.8PIAGET,
fast dedication, she reflects
Piaget’s pursuit of perfection. COMPETITIVE
Acclaimed for her roles in SPIRIT
films including “Raise the The 2013 Concours
Red Lantern” and “Farewell International de
My Concubine,” Li is the only Chronométrie is now in full
Chinese actress to have won swing, with 18 companies,
individual awards in all three 12 young watchmakers and
of the world’s major interna- three watchmaking schools
tional film festivals. Among involved in the timekeeping
the new ambassador’s first offi- competition. Entered watches

10:2013 | w A T C H J O U R n A L . C O M
Idyllic Pont des Amoureux
Poetic Complications watch, white gold,
diamonds, “contre-jour” enamel,
mechanical movement with
retrograde hours and minutes.

Haute Joaillerie, place Vendôme since 1906

Visit our online boutique at - 877-VAN-CLEEF


Watch manufacture Ulysse
Nardin has opened its third
boutique in the US in partner-
ship with Jeffrey Khalaf and
Michael Rosenberg of the
Timepiece Collection in New
Jersey. The new mono-brand
boutique is found inside the
Ritz-Carlton on Central Park in
New York City. The shop fea-
tures a collection of more than
100 of the maker’s finest time-
pieces, including models from
the Limited Edition Boutique
line. Nelson Lucero, vice presi-
Audemars Piguet has launched
dent of sales and marketing for the fourth in a series of YOUTUBE:
Ulysse Nardin, comments, “We online video profiles of its Tendulkar represent-
ing Audemars Piguet
are thrilled to be expanding our brand ambassadors, each to the balance rate regulator by
167-year-old brand in the New from the world of sports and changing the active length of the
York market with our partners, each at the top of his game. to break the rules you must first balance spring. A range of elec-
who have been in the retail Following tennis champion master them. For this player, tronics monitor the movement,
watch industry for more than Novak Djokovic, racing legend there were no shortcuts to suc- compare its rate to a reference
10 years. New York timepiece Michael Schumacher and soc- cess, but he eventually broke rate provided by an ultra-high-
enthusiasts are very passionate, cer’s Lionel Messi, the Swiss many records. He is the first frequency electronic oscillator,
and we cannot wait to provide watch brand has focused on batsman in the history of the calculate the difference between
them with a destination where Indian cricket player Sachin sport to score 100 international the timing rates and deliver that
they can experience Ulysse Tendulkar, who helped win the centuries and the first cricketer information to the user. Urwerk
Nardin’s craftsmanship, quality World Cup for India in 2011. to score a double hundred in co-founder Felix Baumgartner
and innovation at work.” Tendulkar’s story illustrates the One Day International compe- says, “EMC is revolutionary in
561.988.8600, Audemars Piguet philosophy, tition. View the video “Sachin the world of watchmaking. It is which advocates that in order Tendulkar – Defining Moment” now a question of implementa-
on YouTube. tion. The EMC adventure is up
888.214.6858, and running. This is the start of
Ulysse Nardin at the something big.”
Ritz-Carlton, New York
Urwerk has revealed its new
EMC watch movement con-
cept, designed, developed
and manufactured to provide
watch connoisseurs with the
tools necessary to assess
and maintain timekeeping
precision. The manufac-
ture movement features a
timing adjustment screw,
accessible at the back of
the watch case. The screw
enables fine adjustments Urwerk’s EMC movement concept

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M



IndyCar champ Scott Dixon HAPPY ON THE GO

and his Louis Moinet Legends As part of its continuing
chronograph, $11,900 celebration of the 20th anni-
versary of the Happy Sport
Collection, Chopard has
unveiled new iPhone and
Android apps that allow users
to personalize Happy Sport
watches. Customers choose
materials, colors, gemstone
settings, straps and charms
to customize a 36-mm watch.
The Happy Sport creations
can be saved and modified at
a later date or ordered through
the nearest Chopard boutique.
Happy Sport watches may
also be customized using iPad
and Android tablet apps and
Swiss watch brand Louis Moinet The Colette concept store in 2013. These Flight Instrument happy-sport.
has partnered with two-time Paris was the venue chosen by watches are limited in pro- 800.CHOPARD,
IZOD IndyCar Series champion Bell & Ross for the launch of its duction to 999 examples, and
Scott Dixon to create a limited Flight Instruments Collector’s the first 99 examples of each EXECUTIVE
edition automatic chronograph Box. Configured in the fashion model have been reserved APPOINTMENTS
wristwatch honoring the racer. of an aviation dashboard, the exclusively for sale in this col- Christie’s International
The new watch is part of the luxurious boxed set of Bell & lector’s set. Three additional recently announced two new
brand’s Legends Collection of Ross Flight Instrument watches Flight Instrument watches—the appointments in its New York
timepieces developed in col- includes the BR01 Heading BR01 Horizon, Altimeter and offices. John Reardon has
laboration with iconic figures, Indicator, the BR01 Airspeed Turn Coordinator—complete joined Christie’s New York
who excel in their respective and the BR01 Climb, all of the package. Watch Department as senior
fields. Dixon more than fits the which premiered at Baselworld 888.307.7887, vice president and head of
bill. Since 2007, he has never the department. With a back-
finished outside of the top three ground in watch auctions,
in the IZOD IndyCar Series. retail, distribution, marketing
Commenting on the collabora- and management, Reardon
tion, Dixon says, “I am excited will work to further develop
and honored to be a part of the “Important Watches” auctions
Louis Moinet family. It’s a brand in New York. At the same
with such an amazing history. time, Reginald Brack becomes
The chronograph we have cre- vice president and director
ated is a beautiful combination of private sales. He comes to
of great design, innovation and Christie’s with many years of
precision, and I am proud to experience as an auction con-
wear it both in and out of my sultant and curator of world-
Indy car.” The $11,900 steel- class private collections, and
cased watch, replete with racing he will work one-on-one
references, is produced in a lim- with clients to meet their
ited edition of 365 pieces. collecting needs.
678.827.7900, Bell & Ross at Colette, Paris

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M

P I LOT M O N T R E D ’A E R O N E F T Y P E 2 0 G M T

The Manufacture has consistently accompanied aviation pioneers by offering

them onboard instruments and timepieces on a par with their achievements.
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Boasting generous white superluminova-enhanced Arabic numerals, the

Type 20 GMT exalts visibility and ensures precision thanks to a Zenith Elite 693
movement, while a dual-time display sets the crowning touch.

For more information please contact:

866 675 2079

3,000-square-meter building
represents a new milestone in
the brand’s development and an
important step toward in-house
manufacturing. Cases and
select movement components,
including baseplates and bridg-
es, are already being manufac-
tured on site by a team of 30
CNC programmers, inspectors
and polishers.

Frédérique Constant found-
ers Peter and Aleta Stas
have published “Live Your
Passion: Building a Watch
Mario Peserico, winning dial designer “Lundi,” Barbara Monti and the Eberhard &
Co. Champion V featuring Lundi’s dial Manufacture,” the story of their
company and the watch brands
NAME GAME logerie-suisse of Switzerland, that they have brought to prom-
Swiss watch manufacture forumamontres of France, orolo- 50-piece limited edition dubbed inence. The couple undertook
Christophe Claret recently giepassioni of Italy, watchuseek the Big Bang Ferrari Beverly this book project with the goals
unveiled its Chinese brand of the Netherlands and relojes- Hills. The new watch is avail- of creating an account of their
name. The name, which is especiales of Spain) rose to the able exclusively at the Hublot company’s history and setting
written as 柯籁天音 and pro- challenge, creating dials and boutique in Beverly Hills. A down a guide for the long-term
nounced as “kē lài tiān yīn” in voting in the first round of the UNICO chronograph movement culture and legacy of the com-
the Pinyin phonetic system, competition. A jury comprised is the engine inside the watch’s pany. Part coffee-table tome
contains references to the nature of international journalists and 45.5-mm black ceramic case. Its and part business manual, the
of sound and the melody of the Eberhard & Co. CEO Barbara 330 components include the book elucidates the company’s
world. It’s a fitting moniker for Monti then chose the three chronograph column wheel and core values, its Accessible
the maker, which specializes in winning designs. A member of dual horizontal coupling that, Luxury concept and its mission
chiming mechanisms among the French forum, who goes by appearing on the dial side, is to let more people enjoy luxury.
other horological complications. “Lundi,” took first prize for a reminiscent of a Ferrari alloy 877.619.2824,
Beyond that, anyone who is design with a motoring spirit. wheel. “Gas pedal” chronograph
sensitive to the visual beauty of A Champion V watch featuring pushers, a dashboard style min-
ideograms in addition to their this dial has been produced, utes counter and the famous
meaning may recognize a refer- and No. 1 in the limited edition prancing horse logo provide
ence to a Chinese proverb in the was presented to the winner by additional Ferrari references.
characters themselves. Monti and Eberhard & Co. man- The watch is priced at $29,900.
954.610.2234, aging director Mario Peserico. 800.536.0636, 603.206.5195, MILESTONE MOMENT
FINAL ANALYSIS Richard Mille, creator of
The final phase of a dial-design- DESIGN CUES groundbreaking ultralight and
ing competition for online Hublot, the official timekeeper of impact-resistant sports watches,
watch forums launched last Ferrari, Scuderia Ferrari and the has opened the Proart Factory,
autumn by Eberhard & Co. is Ferrari Challenge is expanding its first watch case and compo-
now complete. The members of its partnership with the Italian nent factory, in Switzerland’s
five international forums (hor- auto maker by launching a new Jura region. The contemporary

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
in focus

A person could be forgiven for not realizing that tourbillon’s bridge is more than
a solar emblem: on either side
2013 marks the 300th anniversary of the invention of that primeval forerunner to
of the diamond at its center, the
the modern-day planetarium, the orrery. However, Eric Loth, founder of the Graham
intricate engraving depicts two
luxury watch brand, had long anticipated this day. Twenty years ago, he first discov- curving phoenix busts, George
ered astronomer George Graham’s orrery at the Oxford History of Science Museum; Graham’s own secret signature.
immediately inspired, he began work on the intricate calculations and designs that Neatly balancing the tourbil-
lon’s position are the slender
would result two decades later in the Tourbillon Orrery wristwatch. Loth’s dream
hands set atop the bridge’s
project was unveiled earlier this year at baselworld. right edge. Discreet, almost
negligible, hours and minutes
tracks mark the dial’s periphery,
THE oRIGINAL creation was a spectacular remain the same: a clockwork but this is a work of extrava-
Graham’s 1713 orrery was the breakthrough of the European mechanism, interlocking gant, virtuoso craftsmanship;
original mechanical model of Enlightenment and a famed gears, a demonstration of the and you’re unlikely to purchase
our solar system; it takes its symbol of that era’s scientific relative positions and motions it merely in order to read the
name from the Earl of Orrery, creativity. Today’s orrery is most of celestial bodies, each rep- time! You’ll be too entranced by
the instrument-maker’s patron likely to be a lightweight, bat- resented by a sphere mounted the jeweled planetary orbits.
to whom it was presented tery-powered classroom model, on a turning spindle. The timepiece is designed to
that same year. but some basic accurately track the planetary
Graham’s elements MoDERN orbits for the coming millen-
INTERPRETATIoN nium. Only occasional correc-
Loth’s new Graham Tourbillon tions are required: every seven
Orrery owes its timely comple- years for the moon, every 25
tion, in part, to the horo- years for Mars and every 1,156

logical genius of watchmaker years for Earth. Facilitating the

Christophe Claret, who collabo- schedule, a 100-year scale, etched
Tourbillon Orrery
rated with Loth to finalize the on the outer edge of the sap-
watch’s complex mechan- phire crystal caseback, indicates
ics. The timepiece’s the years in which each kind of
own miniature, bejew- correction should be made. The
eled orrery display watch comes with two additional
consists of the off- crystals, each marking out correc-
center, polished and tions for a subsequent century.
hand-engraved rose Thereafter, it’s hoped that further
gold tourbillon sapphire discs might be crafted
bridge, repre- to measure out the next several
senting the sun centuries at least. Given what
and dwarfing an accomplished feat of micro-
nearby Earth, engineering the Tourbillon
a blue sapphire, Orrery has proven to be, only
running a concen- 20 examples are being manu-
tric track between the factured. So if you come to own
inner zodiac scale and this remarkable piece of watch
the outer calendar; a tiny history, you will be very lucky
rhodium Moon attends. indeed—and so will your grand-
A small ruby, represent- children and great-grandchildren
ing Mars, runs an elliptical for generations to come.
course relative to the grand,
left-of-center tourbillon. The

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
George Graham was a brilliant
product of the Enlightenment who
made vital contributions as an
inventor and a geophysicist.

Many of George Graham’s major inven-
tions were pivotal to the evolution of
the clock. These include the mercury
pendulum, the liquid metal component
of which ensured a more regular and
precise motion. He also created a pen-
dulum clock escapement that improved
timekeeping accuracy to within one sec-
ond per day. With such a legacy, it makes
perfect sense that Graham is considered
by many to be the father of modern ho-
rology. Graham was driven, above all, by a
naturalist’s enlightened curiosity about the
workings of the universe; he was a scientist
who pushed back the limits of the known.
in focus

What extraordinary force of nature has the

power to bring together a cadre of fascinating people from disparate backgrounds
for a Friday afternoon sail? I can think of only two: the call of the sea itself and
watchmaker Officine Panerai.

On one such recent after- CHARITABLE regatta series as their charity

noon in San Diego, Sailing CONNECTION of record, and, they really roll
Heals executive director Trisha The event was a sail organized out the red carpet for guests V IP
Gallagher Boisvert, award- by the nonprofit Sailing Heals, who attend our healing sails gue
st s o
winning chef Jeffrey Strauss, which provides spirit-lifting in Marblehead, Nantucket and n t h e s ail

world champion sailor JJ Fetter, days of sailing for cancer Newport, where their PCYC
jewelry store owner and Panerai patients and their caregiv- regattas take place every COMPETITION
retail partner Vahid Moradi, ers, like those who joined August. Panerai has also put CONNECTION
naval architect Greg Stewart, the sail from the Moores on some truly beautiful events Expressing its historical ties to
plus administrators, doctors and Cancer Center. Panerai North in our honor to help us pro- the sea (the brand was an early
patients of the UC San Diego America is the group’s found- mote Sailing Heals to excep- 20th-century supplier to the
Moores Cancer Center and oth- ing partner. Boisvert remarks, tional people who want to give Italian Navy), Panerai is a major
ers all gathered to enjoy a relax- “Panerai has been an out- back. Through Panerai, we sponsor of classic yacht regattas
ing time on the water. And the standing partner to us right have been introduced to sev- around the world, including the
one thing they all have in com- from the start. The brand has eral people who have become North American Circuit of the
mon is that each is connected in tied us to its annual Panerai outstanding Sailing Heals PCYC. These sailing competi-
some way to Panerai. Classic Yachts Challenge board members.” tions draw classic sailing yachts
from up and down the East Coast
and beyond. It was through these
regattas that Panerai met world-
champion sailor JJ Fetter and
naval architect Greg Stewart. San
Diego natives, the two helped to
locate the perfect classic wooden
boats, including a 65-foot wooden

Event photos by Paul Barnett Photography; other photos courtesy of Panerai

yawl, for the San Diego sail.

It’s virtually impossible to talk
about Panerai without talking
about its enthusiastic customer
base. Devoted fans of Panerai
watches propelled the brand
to meteoric success in the late-
1990s, when its watches first
became available to consumers
on the luxury watch market. Chef
and restaurateur Jeffrey Strauss
is one such outspoken devotee
of Panerai watches. When he
Shoreline view from the
65-foot wooden yawl Jada arrived at the dock, a couple of
hours before the Sailing Heals

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
“ Panerai has been an outstanding
Partner to us right from the start.”
— trisha boisvert, sailing heals

outing, to check on preparations ly catered by Strauss’

for on-board catering provided team and attended
by his Pamplemousse Grill, he by Fetter, who may
was wearing a favorite Panerai, just have her eye on
the PAM 382 “Bronzo.” He a classic Radiomir.
says his next watch will be the And so the con-
Panerai Tuttonero, a GMT piece nections continue
in black ceramic. Luckily for and proliferate,
t ri
Strauss, nearby La Jolla, Calif., sha als and at the center
boisvert, sailing he
is home to one of the country’s of it all is Panerai, the
nine Panerai boutiques, oper- common element in an
ated by the brand’s retail part- Panerais from his cache were expansive network of
ner Vahid Moradi, whose C.J. on display inside the boutique fascinating people and
Panerai’s PAM
Charles Jewelers was one of on the previous evening as he exciting projects. 526 Luminor
Panerai’s earliest US retailers. hosted an in-store viewing of 1950 Regatta,
Moradi is himself a Panerai col- Panerai’s 2013 watch collection, a, $18,800
lector, and examples of vintage gathering which was also expert-

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
F r a n c k M u l le r M an u Fact u r e d
twin Bar rel
7 d ay Power r es erve
©2013 - The Franck Muller Group, All rights reserved

luxe finder
Watch Journal’s curated selection of the hottest Watches and most luxurious products

















Premiering recently at the Frankfurt Motor Show, the all-
wheel-drive 2014 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Squadra
Corse is a special edition racecar for the street that hits 60
mph in just 3.4 seconds. From $259,100,

A carbon-fiber rear wing and removable engine hood
are just part of the car’s weight-saving strategy.
Carbon fiber is also used liberally in the interior—for
the bucket seats, center console, door panels, and
even the steering wheel.

A full 154 lbs. lighter than its prede-
cessor LP 560-4 and equipped with a
570-hp V10, the Squadra Corse has
no trouble reaching 124 mph in 10.4
seconds. Top speed is 199 mph.

The car’s 19-inch forged wheels are painted in high-
gloss black, and the visible callipers of the carbon-
ceramic brakes are available in red, black or yellow.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

A special mobile cylinder system at the back The 48.5-mm-wide steel case, which incor-
of the lugs adjusts for optimal wearability. porates elements from the Apollo 11 space
Each watch in the 25-piece limited edition is capsule, was designed around the self-wind-
fitted with a black alligator strap. ing mechanical RJ3000-A movement and
conceived to highlight the flying tourbillon
mechanism on the left side of the display.

In a tribute to the conquest of space, Romain Jerome
presents the Moon Orbiter, an imposing creation featuring
a manufacture movement with flying tourbillon and a see-
through case fitted with five specially shaped sapphire
crystals. $115,000, 813.926.3367,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

SoloartiSt Working alone in his Bavarian atelier, luthier and industrial designer Ulrich
Teuffel creates handmade electric guitars that redefine the guitar form
while using only classic materials. The Rhodium Birdfish guitar is among
his latest creations. $25,000,

This guitar’s two sets of inter-
changeable cylindrical wooden
tone bars are quilted maple
and Honduran mahogany. Their
sideways mount provides a
twangy attack.
Hardware components, including
screws, are all manufactured by
Teuffel to ensure the perfect harmony
of all the guitar’s parts.

The modular design features a body of
carved aluminum parts, one modeled after
a bird and the other representing a fish.
A control unit with five-way switch forms
the head of the bird.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

In a nod to Pedrosa’s racing num-
ber, production is limited to just 26
watches in titanium and 26 watches
in Honda Repsol orange aluminum.
The number 26 marks the caseside.

The dial features subdi-
als in the form of brake
discs and a power reserve
indicator styled like a fuel ELEMENTS
gauge. Pedrosa’s logo is
etched onto a plate at 9. Two vents on the left side of
the case add dynamism to the
design and recall the air intakes
of a motorbike. Other biking-
inspired elements include the
crown, which is evocative of
a flywheel, and chronograph
pushbuttons inspired by throt-
tle and brake grips.

Race way Cvstos presents the Challenge Dani Pedrosa Limited Edition, its first watch co-created with
Pedrosa, a MotoGP racing champion. Inspired by the world of motorcycle racing, the watch is
both lightweight and powerful. $22,000, 212.463.7045,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

Preserving the hull design and waterlines of the Ferretti 881 while maximizing new concepts, the Ferretti 960 is a
new flagship and the largest planing yacht ever built by the Ferretti Group. Price upon request,

With its 23.98-meter hull length, the boat is
firmly in the CE design class, meaning it can
be managed as a pleasure boat, eliminating
the need for a professional captain.
A layout with the master cabin
on the main deck and four
equivalent guest cabins on
the lower deck plus three crew
cabins with access from the
galley is a first in a Ferretti
planing yacht.

Glass runs the length of the main deck,
contributing to a light and sporty profile and
providing lots of natural light in the interior space.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

RELIABILITY An illuminated dot on the graduated,
Equipped with a self-winding automatic two-tone dive bezel marks the start of a
movement, featuring a shock-resistant dive. The bezel’s uni-directional rotation
woodpecker neck regulator with fine is a diving safety feature, which ensures
adjustment capability, this timepiece is that dive time cannot be accidentally
a powerful and reliable diving partner, lengthened by an inadvertant rotation of
whether in the frigid waters of Rostock or the bezel during a dive.
the warm currents of the Mediterranean.

The bezel and dial are designed for
legibility. Super-LumiNova applied
to the hands, numerals and mark-
ers keep the watch’s essential
information easy to read, even in
fading light. The dial is availabe in
blue, black or orange.

Originally designed in collaboration with

research divers at the University of Rostock to
conquer the harsh conditions of the water
Baltic Sea, the new Rasmus 2000 by Mühle
Glashütte is at home in every corner of
the underwater world. $3,499–$3,599,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

DESIGN The watch takes style cues from
a classic 1940s officer’s watch.
The self-winding watch has a Pine from the floorboards of
winding rotor made in part from the center of operations at
the wheel of an original Enigma Bletchley Park is incorporated
machine. The design of the case- into the watch’s crown. On the
back is influenced by the wheels of caseside, fragments of paper
England’s Bombe machine, used to punch cards from Bletchley
break the Enigma codes. Park are used to form each
watch’s limited edition number.

The limited edition com-
prises 240 watches in steel
cases and 50 in rose gold. A
portion of the proceeds from
sales of this watch help to
fund the ongoing restoration
of Bletchley Park.

A tribute to the World War II–era codebreakers of
England’s Bletchley Park, who famously cracked the
ciphers generated by Germany’s Enigma machines, the
new Bremont Codebreaker incorporates historical arte-
facts and offers flyback chronograph and GMT function-
ality. $33,995, 800.BREMONT,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
Marine Chronograph Manufacture
Self-winding movement. Silicium technology.

Enamel Grand Feu dial. 18 ct rose gold case.

Water-resistant to 100 meters. Limited Edition of 150 pieces.

For a catalog, call 561-988-8600 or

W W W . U LY S S E - N A R D I N . C O M

Part of the Fiat 500 Design Collection, the Smeg 500
3.5-cubic foot chest refrigerator revives a historic
20th-century collaboration between two Italian legends:
automaker Fiat and appliance manufacturer Smeg. Price
upon request,


The front end of a Fiat is replicated with headlights, Keep the hood open for display without losing your
grille, wheels, tires and a hinged hood. Reflecting its cool. Glass sliding doors beneath the hood keep the
Italian roots, the refrigerator is offered in red, white cold air in. An adjustable thermostat maintains cold
and green. drinks at the desired temp.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

The watch uses an automatic Swiss move- A rotating dial with a single aperture
ment, Fortis Caliber F-2024 with 21 jewels, changes position on the hour to reveal
28,800 bph and Incabloc shock protection. the correct hour numeral of a station-
ary disc below the dial. A single minutes
hand is the only other visible moving
component on the dial side.

Jump Start Fortis presents its own twist on the jumping hour complication in the new lim-
ited edition F-43 Jumping Hour Black, available with four straps and one bracelet
option. $4,600, 845.425.9882,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

big noise Each pair of handmade Rinz Sound speakers

reflects the ethos of eco-conscious product
designer Arina Sprynz, whose work on luxury
products has been attracting attention world-
wide. From £18,000,

The three-way, 150-watt
speakers use aluminum dome
tweeters and woven Kevlar
woofers. Each stands 51
inches high and weighs a
little over 50 lbs.

The Ghost Pearl color is one of
nine different options made from
recycled glass and an organic
resin. Some are embellished with
ethically sourced exotic skins:
python, water snake or gazelle.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

The titanium color of the dial adds to
the apparent depth of the multilevel
ICONOGRAPHY display and enhances the contrast
between the black ceramic bezel and
The crown bears an engraving of the the dial’s red details.
collection’s octopus icon, and the
caseback is decorated with an octopus
design drawn by brand co-founder
Morten Linde.

Linde Werdelin’s new Oktopus II Double Date Titanium Red
was conceived for use with the maker’s attachable Reef
diving instrument in mind. Prominent laser-cut red wheels
at 11 and 1 turn to display the watch’s namesake double-
digit date. $10,900, 888.894.4255,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

Jaquet Droz’s poetic flagship moon
phase model, the Éclipse, is now
presented in a 39-mm red gold variation
with grand feu enamel dial. This piece
is designed for men and women with a
penchant for refined elegance.
$27,400, 888.866.0059,

in motion
A self-winding Jaquet Droz 6553L2
mechanical movement drives the
watch’s poetic displays. It features
double spring barrels and 22-karat
white gold oscillating weight.

DISPLAYED The watchmaker’s signature number,
eight, is reflected in the dial’s interpre-
An elegant serpentine hand surmounted
tation of a night sky, studded with eight
by a crescent moon points to the date
precious metal stars. A racquet-shaped
numerals, which are set at intervals at
cover obscures and then reveals a gold-
the edge of the dial. Apertures display the
en moon at 6.
month and the day of the week.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

daily grind
A companion to the home espresso machine and a boon to the coffee
connoisseur, the finely crafted HG one grinder is designed to produce a
complex and rich-tasting espresso. From $905,

Crafted of stainless steel and
aluminum and designed to be
simple to clean and service, this
hand-powered grinder is built to
last for generations. Each easily-
replaced burr set is rated to last
for 30 years—that’s about 1,600
lbs. of coffee beans.

The 83-mm conical burr grind-
ing mechanism comes in a
choice of a titanium nitride
coating or a micro bead blasted
finish and is designed
to release ground coffee,
reducing the amount of residue
in the mechanism.

With its clean lines and basic-
black finish, this machine has the
makings of a modern classic.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

Bell & Ross brings together vintage inspiration, contemporary sen-
sibilities, aviation history and complex mechanisms in a tribute to
the legendary Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird: the limited edition BR 126
Blackbird flyback chronograph. $6,700, 888.307.7887,

The chronograph features flyback functionality, which
stops, resets and restarts the timer with a single push
of a button. Central chronograph seconds and minutes
hands make for easy readout of elapsed time.

The black PVD finish of the 43-mm A tachymetric scale, date display, 24-hour am/
stainless steel case echoes the black pm indicator and time display with small seconds
titanium body of the stealth recon- round out the indications of the dial. A highly
naissance plane. Inside the case, curved, anti-reflective sapphire crystal provides a
an automatic mechanical Dubois window on the dial.
Depraz movement powers the
watch’s broad range of functions.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

The 107-hp, 999.6-cc
Prostar 1000 engine runs
on 87-octane fuel and
accelerates from 0 to 50
mph in 5.33 seconds.

The all new, moisture-resistant
A new high-performance, bolstered seats slide forward and
on-demand all-wheel-drive backward. The new steering wheel
system enhances responsive- has 10-inch tilt.
ness and handling and delivers
full torque for pulling through
corners and over washboards.

An advanced suspension and class-leading
acceleration deliver outstanding control and
a smooth ride at any speed in the Polaris RZR
XP1000. From $19,999,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

Life saver
Breitling presents the first wristwatch with a built-in dual-frequency
locator beacon. The Emergency II uses a transmitter that com-
plies with the international satellite alert system and functions to
issue alerts and to guide search and rescue missions. $15,750,

The Breitling Caliber 76 ther-
mocompensated SuperQuartz
movement is COSC-certified.
It powers analog time and
digital multifunction displays,
including a 1/100th-second
chronograph, second time
zone, calendar and battery
end-of-life indication.

A new integrated antenna sys-
tem comprises two extendable A powerful rechargeable bat-
antenna sections that are manu- tery was developed specifically
ally deployed on each side of the for this watch. A charger/tester
titanium case. Depending on the device automatically checks the
circumstances, the transmitter operation of the transmitter
uses either part or all of the two whenever it is plugged in.
antennas to transmit alternately
on two emergency frequencies.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

real A six-sided case is the standout feature of the Renato

Master Horologe Mostro MKII, a 50-by-55-mm behemoth,
produced in 15 distinct dial and case combinations, each one

numbered and limited. $1,495,

The rubber strap is custom-
tooled to fit the case; its deploy-
ant clasp neatly hides the tongue
of the strap underneath.

An 8-mm screw-down
crown provides 300-
meter water resistance
and protects the watch’s
DISPLAY Swiss-made Ronda
The notched bezel anchors a sapphire quartz movement.
crystal and frames a multi-layered
dial, displaying the date at 1, retro-
grade day of the week between 8 and
12, and small seconds at 6.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
skeletonized automatic movement


Interlocking aluminum panels and riveted construction pay hom-
age to the English spitfire airplanes of World War II in a collection
of Raleigh Spitfire hardcases from designer Timothy Oulton. $495–

A five-stage finishing process
endows the aluminum with
a gently worn look. Inside,
a sueded fabric lining features
a fighter jet blueprint design.

Hand-dyed aniline leather grips and In four sizes ranging from 18 inches to 32
interior leather trim recall a pilot’s inches in length, the handcrafted classic
flight jacket, and Timothy Oulton’s hard cases serve a whole range of functions;
signature bowler tag provides the the smaller cases can double as briefcases
finishing touch to each piece. and as luggage.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

A half-trailing hours function uses a chain that advances
the digital hours display over a period of about three The automatic winding system winds a
seconds each hour, revealing the beauty of the mecha- spring, which in turn winds a secondary
nism in action and preventing extreme jumps in energy. spring. This secondary spring drives the
time display and is kept fully wound to
ensure an optimal energy level when
the hour and retrograde minutes dis-
plays spring into action.

The watch uses an
in-house movement
with three patented
mechanisms that regu-
late energy and com-
pensate for the effects
of gravity to improve
timekeeping precision.

next gen
A new variant among the second-generation
models from Hautlence, the HL2.4 introduces
a grade 5 titanium case to the HL2.0 line of
timepieces with wraparound sapphire crystals.
$65,000, 41.32.924.0062,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

Vintage styling meets modern engi-
neering in the Cykno electric motorbike,
a sustainable mobility solution from
motorcycle engineer Bruno Greppi and
luxury product designer Luca Scopel.
Price to be announced,

The central motor is mounted to a carbon
Aluminum parts, such as the
fiber cradle, which is attached to the bike’s
handlebar, pedals, front fork
monocoque carbon fiber frame. The bike’s
brackets and rear caliper
battery takes a full charge in four hours and
bracket, pair with the carbon
has a range of 37 miles.
fiber frame to keep the bike
light. This electric vehicle
weighs in at just over 57 lbs.

A carbon fiber front fork holds the 26-inch front wheel; the rear wheel
is equipped with a stainless steel brake disc.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

Automatic Caliber ML191 is The stainless steel case is 43 mm in
adjusted in five positions and diameter and features polished and
drives retrograde displays of the satin-finished surfaces. The crocodile-
date and 24-hour time in a skin strap is lined in black calfskin and
second zone. Central hours and stitched in black. Like the case, the
minutes, small seconds and strap’s folding clasp incorporates both
remaining power reserve round satin and polished finishes.
out the indications of the dial.

Designed to reflect the dynamism and elegance of
the 21st century, the Maurice Lacroix Masterpiece
Double Rétrograde combines modernist sen-
sibilities with technical sophistication. $7,900,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
Five Minutes with...
roger dubuis | the return of a namesake
text by: Keith W. strandberg

When master watchmaker roger Dubuis re- minute repeater is equipped

turned to the manufacture that bears his name two years ago this october, one of with a flying tourbillon and
employs twin platinum micro-
the great misfortunes of modern watchmaking was remedied. Dubuis couldn’t be
rotors for automatic winding. It
happier, and the manufacture couldn’t be more fortunate. “When I walked back is the only such watch to have
into the building for the first time, it was like coming back home after a long earned the Geneva seal.
journey,” he explains. “I was so happy to see that the philosophy I put in place 18
years ago was still used and respected.” another WorLd
Dubuis clearly remembers his
first watch project. “the first
haVing Fun Group, Dubuis has been “otherwise, I wouldn’t be here! watch I did at watchmaking
In 2005, Dubuis, one of the welcomed back as watchmaker I am proud to have my name school was a pocket watch, the
world’s greatest living watch- emeritus and as mentor to on the top of the building, and, outcome of four years of learn-
makers, was forced out of the the young watchmakers at as an old man, I love being ing. I love this watch for what
company that he founded in the manufacture. by his own surrounded by young people. it represents, and I still have
1995 by a partner, but with account, he is loving every I enjoy going to the manufac- it.” he adds, “Love has been
the company presently in minute. “of course I am hav- ture every week. It is great to the key to my success. When
the hands of the richemont ing fun!” he says with a smile. see that these young teams you put love in your work, only
still need my old tricks!” good can result. When I work
on watches, the moment I put
eXCeL and innoVate my magnifying glasses on,
from Dubuis’ perspective, little I enter a new world of ultra-
has changed. “I still expect our miniature objects. I love being
brand to achieve excellence, in this other world.”
respect the traditions and be
innovative,” he says. Innova-
tion is key for this watchmaker,
and his eponymous brand has
always been keen to surprise First LoVe
the watchmaking commu-
nity. With 100 percent of its A man whose aspirations in
production certified with the horology began with the ringing
Geneva seal, roger Dubuis of a church tower bell in a tiny
is a brand unlike any other. Swiss village, Roger Dubuis
“It’s so important to stay at knows about passion and dedica-
the forefront of innovation, tion in watchmaking. “When I
to always surprise both the was young, I was friends with the
industry and our clients,” local cobbler,” Dubuis recounts.
Dubuis says. “This old man was also in charge
one of the most welcome of ringing the church bells every
surprises of 2013 came when Sunday. So when he asked me if
roger Dubuis, the brand, intro- I wanted to help him, I accepted.
duced the hommage Collec- That Sunday, I went to the
tion, in recognition of the con- church, climbed up the stairs and
tributions of roger Dubuis, the passed by the clock mechanism.
man. “my favorite watch right It was love at first sight. At that
now is the hommage minute exact moment, looking at this
repeater, for sure,” Dubuis is huge clock movement, I promised
quick to say. “It is a real tribute myself to do anything necessary
Roger Dubuis to become a watchmaker.”
Hommage Minute
to fine watchmaking.” Limited
Repeater, $419,000 to just eight examples, the new

10:2013 | W a t C h J o u r n a L . C o m
“It’s so Important
to stay at the
forefront of
InnovatIon, to
always surprIse
both the Industry
and our clIents.”
— roger dubuis

,1 0


du a lc
b ui
s la p et u
m o n eg a s qu e p er

Five Minutes with...
Bruno Belamich | on t he hi gh-flyi ng desi gns of bell & ross
text by: Keith W. StrandBerg

how do watch companies continue to come up he says. “This stimulates me; as

with great new designs year after year? I for one am constantly amazed and baffled with a musician, there is inter-
pretation. I have the notes of our
by the feats achieved by watch designers. So, when I was offered the chance to sit
brand, but every year I have to
down with Bruno Belamich, creative director for independent watch company create a new composition.”
Bell & Ross, I jumped at the chance.
endleSS PoSSiBilitY
“I think the possibilities for re-
driVing Force
inventing watches are infinite,”
Since the brand’s inception,
he adds. “When you look at old
Belamich has been the driving
catalogs, you see so many in-
force behind Bell & Ross’ unique
credible ideas. With all the ma-
and forward-thinking designs,
terial we have, and all the needs
under the direction of brand
of professionals, the potential
president Carlos Rosillo. “I don’t
designs are limitless. It’s not my
create designs alone,” Belamich
philosophy to change the chan-
is quick to point out. “A designer
nel just to change the channel.
can’t work alone. I work with a
A good design is an evident
team. We work from a brief, and
design, and when you find this,
we work to serve the enterprise.
it is a great pleasure.”
A good designer has a vision,
but this vision must be coherent
with company strategy.”
Every new project starts with a
meeting that results in a design Belamich consulting with a watchmaker
brief. The brief is based, in part,
on information about the market.
However, Belamich says, “If you “It’s not my phIlosophy to
only follow the market, you will
do exactly what the other brands change the channel just
do. So, I don’t want to look at to change the channel.”
other brands; if I do, it’s the
beginning of the end. We have company Dassault Aviation, for our position and our job.”
our vision of what our brand is. example, they asked us to do a Unbridled creativity,
Our culture is based on authen- celebration watch for the 50th however, is often tamed by
tic value for the people who use anniversary of the Falcon. We technological constraints.
our watches and for the people thought about what the plane “Sometimes you would
who sell them. I come from a was like, what the watches of like to have some tech-
functionalist background—from the 1960s were like, and then nology you can’t have,”
the German way of utilitarian we designed the limited edition Belamich explains. “For
design. I believe that if we can do watch,” Belamich recounts. He me, that’s a motivator.
a good utilitarian watch, we can has been inspired by the vari- What is important is to be
do a very marketable watch.” ous instruments in airplanes coherent with your position-
from all eras, but his favorite ing and with what you want to
high-FlYing Bell & Ross watch is the iconic say.” For Belamich, the advent
inSPiration BR 01. “In this market, there are of the annual Baselworld trade
This designer’s inspiration of- so many watches, everything show is the moment of truth,
ten emerges from stories—sto- ends up looking the same, but when people view the year’s new
ries of real life, of aviation, the you see the BR 01, and you designs for the first time. “I like
military and more. “When we Vintage WW1
know it is something different. the challenge and the competi- Régulateur,
worked with the French aircraft I know that this watch justifies tion that drives me to improve,” $22,000

10:2013 | W A t C h J o U r n A l . C o m
“A design sAys
mAny things,
And in this
cAtegory of
there is A
lot to sAy.”
— Bruno Belamich
Bell & ross creative director

4 ,6


+ l& rb
ro 2 ca
s s’
av i a 1- 9
tion-inspired Br 0
Five Minutes with...

When cinema legend Charlie Chaplin settled in

Switzerland near the end of his life, the Swiss government presented him with a
Jaeger-LeCoultre Memovox watch engraved with the dedication: “Hommage du
gouvernement vaudois à Charlie Chaplin – 6 octobre 1953” (A tribute from the
government of the Canton of Vaud to Charlie Chaplin – October 6, 1953).

More recently, celebrating the three months old when I first She remembers seeing Charlie’s
memory of the silent film star, spoke with Jaeger-LeCoultre of Jaeger-LeCoultre and thinking
Jaeger-LeCoultre teamed up making a movie,” she remem- how beautiful and elegant it
with the actor’s granddaughter bers. “My mother was visiting was. “I adore antique watches
Carmen Chaplin to produce a me, and I felt for the first time because they are beautiful and
short film called “A Time for what I imagine she felt being there is a certain irony about
Everything,” which features her a mother; I felt the cycle of life them: they are objects that re-
grandfather’s watch and pays and that one day my daughter cord time, and yet they are from
tribute to time and heritage. would become a mother and the past and will be handed
I caught up with the young I would be a grandmother. I down to future generations,”
filmmaker while she was in Swit- wanted to express the feeling of she says with a smile. “I had
zerland recently to talk about life’s never-ending circle.” a chance to visit the Jaeger-
watches, her film, and what LeCoultre Manufacture and the
inspires her. bEAUtY ANd Galerie du Patrimoine where
Jaeger-LeCoultre CEO Jerôme
ELEgANCE you can admire a large selection Lambert with Chaplin at the
SHORt bUt SWEEt Carmen Chaplin has always of antique watches. I would have manufacture
The inspiration for her short been intrigued by watches. Her loved to spend all day there!”
film came from a recent experi- grandfather gave his watch to
ence she had with her family. her father, who gifted it to her COLLAbORAtINg creative people,” she adds.
“My daughter, Uma, was only mother on their wedding day. WItH tIME “The only hard thing about
For Carmen, time is always on working now is that half my
her mind when filming. “One thoughts are always occupied
is very conscious of time when by my daughter when I have to
shooting because of the impor- be away from her. Luckily, she
tance of keeping up with the was a major part of the short
schedule,” she says. “I am con- film, and my boyfriend, who is
stantly making artistic decisions a wonderful father, was taking
based on the time available, but care of her when she wasn’t on
when everything is flowing, time the set.”
does disappear.” As a result of her collabora-
“Paying attention to small tion with Jaeger-LeCoultre,
things is an important part of Carmen Chaplain is now an
my success,” she continues. ambassador for the brand. “I
“All ambitious projects are am wearing a Grande Reverso
simply paying attention to one Lady Ultra Thin in pink gold,”
small thing after another, and she says, showing off her
Photos by Johann Sauty for Jaeger-LeCoultre

I try not to get distracted by watch proudly. “I really enjoy

the end result. Enjoying the it, because it reminds me that
journey, to me, means that you Jaeger-LeCoultre and I have
are always successful.” done fun projects together.”
“I love telling stories and Cutline here
Charlie Chaplin’s Jaeger-LeCoultre Memovox collaborating with other

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
“I felt the cycle of
lIfe and that one
day my daughter
would become a
mother and I would +
be a grandmother. I
wanted to express
the feelIng of
lIfe’s never - endIng
— Carmen Chaplin




co ,
u lt t hi n
re ’
s gr l tr a
and reverso lady u
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10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
As A pArAde of exotic vintAge cArs proceeded out of the Monte-Carlo Concours
d’Elegance and onto the streets of the famed Mediterranean port city to tool along in the warm
sunshine, crowds lined the roads, waving at the people in the cars, thinking they must be important.
Well, in my case, they were wrong. I was participating in the concours as a guest of the primary
sponsor, Swiss watch brand Eberhard & Co., and it was a fantastic experience, but, in my mind, the
amazing automobiles were the stars. I was just happy to be along for the ride.
The Monte-Carlo Concours d’Elegance is an exhibition and a celebration of fine vintage auto-
mobiles, not a rally or a race of any kind. However, the cars—which range from classic turn-of-the-
century machines all the way up to Jaguars, Ferraris and Porsches, and just about everything in
between—do compete for prizes that recognize the cars’ historical importance as well as the most
impressive preservation. Outside of the judging for these prizes, the promenade of vehicles is a
major highlight of the event, and it’s all about the enjoyment of the journey.
ent of
Best of Show and recipi
ize: a
the Eberhard & Co. Pr
1949 Alfa Romeo 6C 25

Lovers of fine automobiles often have a
deep appreciation for fine, mechanical
watches, and the tiny, hand-assembled viding prizes and acting as timekeeper, 1950s and to do something to remember
engines that can keep them running at since 1990 and has been producing Nuvolari. The Gran Premio is now one of
peak performance for many years longer watches in honor of Gran Premio name- the most important events in the world
than even the best automobiles ever built. sake and 20th century Italian racing leg- for vintage cars. We have been a sponsor
The 24/7 operation of a mechanical watch end Tazio Nuvolari since 1992. Eberhard since the very beginning, and this is now
movement is equally impressive as that of & Co. general manager Mario Peserico the 23rd year of the race.”
a Flat Six or a V12, and just as interesting. explains, “Nuvolari is someone that really The relationship with the Grand Premio
It’s no wonder that Eberhard & Co. has an represents the pioneering spirit of racing, de Nuvolari led Eberhard to work with other
interest in putting its name in front of car and he is someone from the past, a mem- car events, like the Monte-Carlo Concours
enthusiasts in Monaco. ory and a myth. We are proud because d’Elegance and others. “We want to build
The brand is no stranger to vintage car we helped the Gran Premio to rebuild a something together. This year, 2013, is the
events. Eberhard & Co. has been partner- race that was held for four years in the
ing with the Gran Premio Nuvolari, pro-
first year we have been involved with the
Concours, and I think the event was really FULL INJECTION CIRCLE
nice,” says Peserico. “The level of the cars
was fantastic, the location in Monaco was In conjunction with its classic car event PRIX CATÉGORIE A - GT CARS 
perfect, and the parade was really enjoyable, sponsorships, Eberhard often designs and Alfa Roméo 6C2500 1949 
with a lot of people turning out to see it.” produces special limited edition watches Corrado Lopresto
During the Concours d’Elegance, related to the events. During this year’s
Eberhard acts as a main sponsor of the Monte-Carlo event, Eberhard presented the
Monte-Carlo event, and Peserico serves on Chrono4 Géant Full Injection. The Chrono4
Jaguar XK 120 1955 
the panel of judges. Winning car owners has long been one of Eberhard’s most iconic
Penny Palmano
receive special Eberhard timepieces. Ac- watches, featuring a unique dial layout with
cording to Peserico, the sponsorship is a four subdials (for chronograph minutes,
big win for his brand. “I think our involve- chronograph hours, 24-hour time display and
Citroën Traction Coupé 1936
ment with classic car events has brought small seconds) arranged horizontally across
Laurence and Thierry Bouchot
us notoriety in this world,” Peserico says. the bottom of the dial.
“When you produce only 16,000 pieces The new variation on this theme fea-
a year, as Eberhard & Co. does, you don’t tures a 46-mm steel case, which undergoes ORIGINALITÉ ET CRÉATIVITÉ
look for worldwide notoriety, you look a special low temperature carbon diffusion Cisitalia 202 1947
to be known within your target, and this treatment that hardens and strengthens Giuliano Bensi
event certainly achieves that for us.” the steel. The watch uses an automatic
Salmson GSC 1926
Eberhard & Co.'s Camille Bourges
Chrono4 Géant PRIX CATÉGORIE F -
Alfa 1750 C 1931
André Binda


Alfa Roméo 6C 2500 1949
Corrado Lopresto

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
Special Edition Traversetolo chronograph movement, based on ETA
Passione Engadina 2894. Water resistant to 200 meters, the
Full Injection comes on a sculpted rubber
strap. Production is limited to 500 exam-
ples, with a retail price of around $12,000.

Following the Monaco Concours The reaction to this model in the Eberhard
d’Elegance, Eberhard & Co. be- booth at the concours was immediate,
came the main sponsor of Passione strong and positive. “The booth location
was perfect; everyone who came to the
Engadina, an international vintage
Concours had to enter through our booth,
car rally exclusively for Italian which meant great exposure,” Peserico
cars made before 1983. The says. “The people who stopped to talk
event took place in St. Moritz about the watches were exactly who
in August and featured routes we thought they would be. They
that take drivers through the were passionate about watches and
they wanted to know about the tech-
Swiss Alps.
nical aspects.”
“We are a niche brand,” he concludes.
“We want to keep this particularity of
being a brand that is not present every-
where, not overexposed. We want to re-
main something that is a choice. We like
to be involved with high-profile events
like this, and we want to be involved with
great collectors and with people who
enjoy nice things, like vintage cars and
fine watches.” And Monaco has it all.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m




Oster Jewelers

Manfredi Jewels

Les Bijoux


Timepiece Collection

Cellini (Madison Av.)

Cellini (Waldorf Astoria H.)




Royal Caribbean
deck goes here
text by tk


Skull nano-CeRaMiC
Low-density TZP ceramic and
MESSAGE ABOUT MORTALITY—OR BOTH? carbon nanotubes bonded to a
black polymer are the high-
tech materials selected for the
hey have embellished pirates’ ships, works of art, lightweight, impact-resistant
poison potions and fashion runways. As fascinating and scratch-resistant case of
as they are macabre, images of the human skull have the limited edition RM 52-01
served as powerful symbols of life and death, irony (30 pieces). Artistically shaped
baseplate and bridges create
and humor. They often carry a message of mortality: a skull and crossbones motif
the message may be a threat of violence or a and support the finely finished,
warning of danger; it may also serve as a reminder that life is short manual-winding tourbillon
and time is precious. So, why shouldn’t they also attend the ticking movement.
of a watch—another powerful indicator of the passage of time? As $595,000, 310.205.5555,
wristwatch decoration, skull motifs become wrist-borne reminders
to make the most of every moment and live life to the fullest— and
that includes indulging in a little wrist candy now and then.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
o s
Challenge Jet liner Skull

A stylized skull motif in bright rhodium and diamonds decorates the dial
of the Cvstos Jet Liner Skull, available in 53.7-mm and 59-mm tonneau-
shaped steel cases. Suspended between front and back sapphire crystals
is the skeletonized CVS350 automatic movement with 25 jewels
and 42-hour power reserve. The pierced hands are chromed and
treated with Super-LumiNova for visibility in the dark.

$32,300, 212.463.7045,

st rom
an i e l

Agonium memento mori

As much a masterpiece of metalwork as it is of tradi-

tional Swiss watchmaking, the hand-finished limited
edition Agonium Memento Mori is offered in silver,
palladium, rose gold or platinum. The sculpted 47-mm
case holds an inner case, which, in turn, holds an ETA
2824 automatic movement. The dial, in bone white or
black, borrows elements from London’s Big Ben and
Bern’s Zytglogge. A skull-embellished buckle secures
the hornback alligator strap.

From CHF 9,999, 41.32.333.1222,

r e le
Pe r

turbine toxic

This special edition of Perrelet’s

Turbine model features a
diamond-set skull motif dial
behind a free-spinning 12-blade
black rotor. Central hands indicate
hours, minutes and seconds. The
watch’s automatic movement is
wound by a second rotor at the
back. The 50-mm stainless steel
case is DLC-treated and fitted
with a black rubber strap.

$8,600, 954.937.9180,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
BR 01 AiRBoRne ii

Paying tribute to the death-defying US Airborne divisions

of World War II, which adopted a skull and crossbones
logo to intimidate the enemy, Bell & Ross fashions a
bezel and four screw heads into a form resembling the
military insignia. Sword-shaped hands add to the effect.
The 46-mm steel case has an aged patina and comes
fitted with a distressed brown leather strap.

$6,100, 888.307.7887,

l er
M ul


This watch presses a skull and crossbones motif into

service in place of the 9 on its audacious dial, marked
with stretched Roman numerals. The large Cintrée
Curvex case—39.6 mm wide and 55.4 mm in length—
holds an automatic-winding FM 0800 movement,
finished with Côtes de Genève engraving, hand bevel-
ing, satin finishing and partial rhodium plating for a
bicolor effect. The PVD-treated white gold case is set
with 299 black diamonds, totaling 4.45 carats.

$45,900, 212.463.8898,

o t
H u bl Skull Bang

Playful rebellion characterizes the all-black Skull Bang watch, a numbered limited edition
of 100 pieces in a 45-mm satin-finished ceramic case. The dial art is a combination of
a galvanic black sunburst background and a black transfer skull motif. Completing the
time display, the black galvanic hands are faceted, diamond-polished and skeletonized.
Beneath the dial, an HUB 1112 automatic movement powers the time and date functions.

$12,000, 800.536.0636,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
Chaos automatiC

teg r appa Designed in collaboration with Sylvester

Mon Stallone, the Montegrappa Chaos Collection

includes this automatic watch with a sculpted
silver case in an elaborate serpent and skull
design. Hand-applied enamel adds a bit of
intense color to the massive case, which mea-
sures 43 mm by 54 mm. An automatic ETA 2824
drives the time and date displays, and the two-
level dial features a guilloché center, applied
Roman numerals and luminous hands.

$6,400, 800.741.0005,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
Central Chronograph

collection: Hydroscaph
created by: Gerald Clerc
case//dlc steel 103 elements/
locking rotating bezel/
water resistant 500 m/
movement//automatic chronograph/
hand-crafted in switzerland/
please call 609-375-2146
or visit
a i
R ome
DIa De LoS MUerToS

In the tradition of the holiday for which

it’s named, Romain Jerome expands
its collection of skull-themed watches
with variations reflecting lighthearted
irony. Five new gem-set models are the
latest offerings. White diamonds, black
sapphires and black spinels combine
and recombine in dial and case embel-
lishments. Each variant has a 46-mm
PVD-coated steel case and uses a
self-winding mechanical movement,
Caliber RJ001-A.

$21,450–$42,950, 813.926.3367,

k e-maRin


Handcarved brass is plated with silver

and then antiqued to create the highly
detailed dial decoration of this one-of-
a-kind piece by Speake-Marin. Black
Super-LumiNova fills the background
of the dial and glows to highlight the
contours of the skulls at night. Inside
the 42-mm Piccadilly-style steel case,
an automatic mechanical Caliber
FW2012 drives the skeletonized hands
of the time display.

CHF 18,000, 41.21.825.5069,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
BALL Watch USA Tel: 727-896-4278
Bovet's Virtuoso Tourbillon
in rose gold, from $270,000

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
Manufacturing meets
finishing meets innovatio�
at th� house of Bove�

by keith w. strandberg

W ith its own manufacture in the swiss Jura,

producing and assembling some of the world’s most
complicated in-house movements and making its own
balance springs—an achievement that only a handful of compa-
nies in the watch industry can claim—Bovet Fleurier is a rare watch
company indeed. Beyond mechanics, Bovet pays acute attention to
the finishing and decoration of individual components. And beyond that,
Bovet carries on the tradition of its founder through continuing innova-
tion within the framework of heritage-honoring designs. According to
owner operator Pascal Raffy, all three of these elements are absolute ne-
cessities if Bovet is going to thrive and fulfill its mission of perpetuating
traditional watchmaking skills.
“My sol� aim has always been t� consolidate our
expertis� and to pass on ou� passion for th�
watchmaking arts t� futur� generations.” —Pascal Raffy

By choice and by design, Bovet is a

fiercely independent and self-reliant
manufacture. Raffy explains, “When I
became sole owner of Bovet in 2001, it
was clear that there was only one rightful
place for such a legend, and that is the
place it has always occupied; it has always
been a house manufacturing exceptional
timepieces embellished by the sophistica-
tion of their decoration. Respect for the
history of the House of Bovet and for the
unrivalled expertise of its craftsmen are
fundamental values that have sustained
the manufacture for many decades—some
of them difficult—and they guarantee that
it will prosper and perpetuate traditional
watchmaking skills. My sole aim has
always been to consolidate our exper-
tise and to pass on our passion for the
watchmaking arts to future generations,
safeguarding and nurturing skills and
traditions that have been threatened by
industrialization and globalization.”

the specialist’s
Some companies in the watch industry
specialize in design. Others become expert
at manufacturing movements. Other com-
panies concentrate on high complications.
Others focus on high-level finishing. Still
others pride themselves on their decora-
tive techniques, including miniature paint-
ing and enameling. Bovet does it all. The
comprehensive approach to watchmaking
is part of its heritage. “Edouard Bovet

Owner Pascal Raffy, fine dial finishing and hairspring work at Bovet's manufacture, Dimier 1738
Bovet's Amadeo Amadeo Skeleton
Tourbillon in rose gold, from $224,300


SIgnalIng the Importance

of the US market, Bovet is
opening its first US boutique this
fall at 50 Central Park South in New
York City. It is the fourth Bovet bou-
tique worldwide, following openings in
Moscow, Baku and Berlin. Taking a
space on the ground floor of the iconic
Ritz-Carlton Hotel, opposite Central
Park, the Bovet 1822 boutique will fea-
ture a brand new collection of time-
pieces, specifically designed for this
shop and unavailable anywhere else.
This limited edition of 50 timepieces
will feature commemorative engraving
celebrating the opening. “I am proud to bring
the House of Bovet 1822 to New York, where
collectors will be able to explore and discover
these exceptional creations. I warmly thank
Bovet’s long-time partners Jeffrey Khalaf
and Michael Rosenberg of the Timepiece
Collection for their invaluable contribu-
tion to this endeavor,” says Bovet’s owner
Pascal Raffy. “The US market occupies a spe-
cial place in our hearts because it is one of our
historical markets and because, every day, we
see a deeper appreciation of our timepieces
among American collectors.”

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
“The most beautiful challeng�
will als� always remain
th� human dimension of
ou� success.” —Pascal Raffy

is recognized for having joined together

chronometric performance and the decora-
tive arts like no one else before him, and this
continues to be proven today by the appeal, Nineteenth-century Mille
for collectors, of Bovet’s 19th century pocket Fleurs pocket watch by Bovet
watches,” explains Raffy. “Bovet has held
a unique place in the world of fine watch-
making since 1822 because we continue to
cultivate the excellence that characterizes the
timepieces we manufacture.”
Raffy is quick to emphasize the virtuos-
ity of Bovet’s artisans, who work in ateliers
spread throughout the watchmaking region.
Precision tourbillon movements are manufac-
tured at Bovet’s wholly-owned Dimier facility
in Tramelan, Switzerland. The assembly and
regulation of new timepieces takes place in a
converted medieval fortification—the Bovet
Castle—in Môtiers, Switzerland. And only
the most accomplished artisans work on
the one-of-a-kind miniature paintings
and the other incredible enamel work,
for which Bovet is so well known.

on display
All that Bovet does is on full display
in the newly introduced Amadeo®
Virtuoso. The Virtuoso is a five-day
tourbillon with jumping hour display,
retrograde minutes and power reserve
indicator. On the reverse side, a sec-
ond dial displays the time in the usual
manner, via hours and minutes hands.
These twin time displays, positioned on
opposite sides of the movement—as well
as opposite ends of a single axis—require
a special technique, known as reverse hand
fitting, and Bovet achieves it with aplomb.
The majority of the 44-mm timepiece
is open, so the wearer can clearly see the
spinning tourbillon and other inner work-
ings of the timepiece, all of which exhibit
an incredibly high level of finishing. “This
beautifully hand-engraved movement is
only fixed to the inner rim of the case by the
stem of the crown and two clamp points at 3

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
the pure essentials of watchmaking,
elevated to the level of art.

GRAND SEIKO. With our unique Spron* 530 alloy for the mainspring, the Grand Seiko Hi-Beat 36000 delivers precision of -3 to +5 seconds a day with
a power reserve of 55 hours. It is a masterpiece of traditional craftsmanship from Grand Seiko, where the pure essentials of watchmaking are elevated to
the level of art.

* Spron is a reg ist ered t rademark of Seiko Inst rument s Inc. 
The Fleurier Quality
Foundation–certified Grand
Complication Rising Star,
a unique piece

and 9, which enhances the impression that Rising Star—manufactured entirely in Bovet’s
this delicate movement is floating above Dimier facility—is a tourbillon with seven-
the tourbillon cage inside the case,” Raffy day power reserve and two independent
details. Another special feature of this time zone displays with day/night indica-
reversible timepiece has to do with tion. Certification by the Fleurier Quality
symmetry. “In order to reflect the Foundation requires that the movement
original design of a 19th centu- be COSC-certified and that the completed
ry pocket watch, the Virtuoso timepiece passes a battery of chronometry
timepiece has a new case, and reliability tests. The timepiece must also
of which both front and be 100 percent Swiss-made and impeccably
back sapphire crystals are finished and decorated.
dome-shaped,” says Raffy. With its mastery of all of these elements,
Additionally, the Virtuoso Bovet is well positioned to survive the
is fitted with the Amadeo® slings and arrows of another 191 years, as
convertible system, allowing a strong, independent house. And as it
the timepiece to be worn does so, it will be because of the talented
on the wrist, displayed as a individuals who dedicate themselves to
table clock or attached to a Bovet’s mission. “Knowing that true luxury
chain as a pocket watch. requires a lot of passion, inspiration, time
and skill, our vision is to be able to make all
achievement of our movements in house, to succeed in
Virtuoso and challenge that beautiful challenge every day, and to
Tourbillon Another reversible convert- create a perfect harmony of understanding
unique piece with ible piece using the Amadeo® between our engineers, our watchmakers
miniature Madonna system is especially noteworthy and our craftsmen,” Raffy says. “The most
and Child painting since it has recently become the beautiful challenge will also always remain
on the reverse side, first Bovet timepiece to be certi- the human dimension of our success.”
price upon request
fied by the Fleurier Quality Founda-
tion. The Bovet Grand Complication

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
I N D U S T R I A L I Z eE D W A T C hH P R O D U C T I O N C O M eE S T O D eE T R O I T , U S A


The Golden AGe of AmericAn industriAl wAtch production stretched
from the lAte 19th century throuGh the eArly 20th century.
Back then, watch production in America was the envy of the world, including the Swiss. By succeeding at industrializing fine watch production, Amer-
ican companies like Hamilton, Waltham, Elgin, E. Howard and others were able to offer quality timepieces to the masses for the first time in history.
Of course, that was a long time ago, and, today, most production for American watch brands has moved to other countries, except for a handful of
small, handmade concerns, including RGM, Devon Works, Towson and Bozeman—that is, until Shinola came on the scene. Introduced to consum-
ers earlier this year, Shinola is a partnership between Bedrock Manufacturing (headed up by Tom Kartsotis of Fossil fame) and Ronda, a well-known
Swiss movement manufacture. The concept is to assemble and case Ronda quartz movements in America, adding as much American industrial
romance and style as possible along the way. Shinola is now up and running with volume production based in, of all places, Detroit, Michigan.

by Keith W. Strandberg
The 47-mm Shinola Runwell, $600
10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
Motors For the Wrist
But why set up shop in Detroit where DecaDes of
economic erosion have notably taken their toll? “‘Built in Detroit’ is on the caseback of each
“Part of picking Detroit was that we were as-
sembling the engine of the watch, and what bet-
of our watches, and I think people will
ter place to do that than in the traditional heart
of the auto industry, where so many engines
make a connection with it.”
have been produced?” says Heath Carr, CEO, —heath carr
Bedrock Manufacturing. “We knew we wanted
to make our products in the USA, and now
we have just over 25 people working in the
Detroit factory and the capacity to assemble
over 500,000 watches a year.”

The Runwell's
numbered caseback

Ronda’s main role in the project is to

help set up the factory in Detroit and
train the employees, as well as to pro-
vide the movement parts. According to
Carr, Ronda ships all the components to
Detroit, where the watches are assembled,
cased and quality controlled. “The Shinola
brand needed to have a differentiator, and having
a movement that was assembled in Switzerland or
Asia wasn’t going to be different enough,” Carr ex-
plains. “‘Built in Detroit’ is on the caseback of each
of our watches, and I think people will make a con-
nection with it.” Shinola products are also marked
with a yellow lightning bolt, the brand’s symbol of
high quality. “Every time we see it, and every time
our partners see it, it’s a reminder to focus on the
quality of the product,” Carr adds.

The 36-mm Gomelsky, $495 The 34-mm Birdy, $475

Photos by tk
Runwell bicycle,

Shinola’s factory is housed in Detroit’s his- Shinola certainly has a real chance to succeed.
torical Argonaut building, originally a Gm For my part, I think a visit to Detroit is in order. I
facility that is now part of the College for Cre- want to witness firsthand the return of American
ative Studies. In a derivative nod to this history, industrial watch manufacturing.
Shinola’s first movement has been named the
Argonite-1069. Workers all come from the local
community, and many of their photos and stories
are highlighted on the company’s website. Home-
town connections like these are touted all across
the brand’s communications.

Watches and More

the first watCH ColleCtion to debut was tHe
limited edition runwell, a vintage-inspired
three-hand timepiece with a small subdial for the
a HouseHold name, sHinola,
running seconds. This watch has already sold out. an a meriCan-made sH oe
The range currently includes second-generation polisH, was so popular
Runwell watches in four sizes. Other collections
Leather iPad envelope, $165 in tHe early 1900s tHat it
include the cushion-shaped Brakeman and the
feminine Gomelsky and Birdy models. Prices for beCame part of tHe ameriC an
Shinola watches range from $500 to $800, and all of lexiC on, witH tHe pHrase
the watches will have quartz movements—at least
to start. Carr isn’t ruling out mechanical watches
“Doesn’t know sh*t
as a future possibility, but he acknowledges the from Shinola” Commonly
leap in difficulty that making mechanical watches employed in desCribing
on an industrial scale in the USA would repre-
stupidity. for a more
sent. meanwhile, in addition to watches, Shinola
is making and marketing bicycles, leather goods Closely watCH-related bit
and journals, using American materials and know- of vernaCular serving a
how. “We want to be in many different categories,”
similar purpose, tHere’s
says Carr. “We decided to tackle the most difficult
ones, watches and bikes, first.” always, “He doesn’t
Keep an eye on Shinola. With great looking know whether to scratch
designs, a sold-out first watch collection and per-
sonalities like Kartsotis and Carr behind the idea,
his watch or wind his ass.”
The 47-mm Runwell, $550

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
Keeping the world on your wrist is
the aim of these clever world time watches

By Meehna goldsMith

hese days, it’s accepted that the
world has 24 standard time zones. But
it wasn’t always this way. Before the rise of
industrialization, a universal time reference
wasn’t that important. Localities determined
time for themselves by observing the sun’s
zenith at noon. However, with the rise of the
American railroads at the end of the 19th century,
coordinating time became crucial. And now that
long-distance travel is commonplace and many busi-
nesses have gone global, the need for tracking world-
wide time is greater than ever. Watchmakers are con-
tinually coming up with creative methods for displaying
world time. And the range of currently available op-
tions illustrates a variety of different strategies for do-
ing this. What’s wonderful about the world time func-
tion is not only its practicality but also its ability to
push watchmakers to ever more clever compositions.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
TimeWalker World-Time

With two specialized dial op-

tions—one depicting the globe
from the North Pole and the
other from the South Pole—and
a corresponding city ring marked
with the names of major cities
in the relevant hemisphere, this
model indicates time around the
globe. Only the 24-hour ring near
the center of the dial rotates—clock-
wise in the Northern Hemisphere watch
and counterclockwise in the Southern
Hemisphere watch. Each watch’s caseback
is marked with the place names for the op-
posite hemisphere.
$5,700 800.995.4810,
Heritage Navigator automatic
160tH aNNiversary

Fixed 12-hour and 24-hour dials form

concentric rings around a crown-
controlled rotating city index in Tissot’s
new Heritage Navigator watches. The
automatic mechanical Caliber 2893-3
is COSC-certified and powers the time
display with precision. The stainless
steel case is 43-mm in diameter, and
the black or silver dial features lumi-
nous hands and luminous dots at the
four cardinal positions.
$1,650, 800.284.7768,

The inTernaTional Time sysTem broughT consisTency To world Time, but keeping track of those dif-
ferent time zones wasn’t easy. in the 1930s, watchmaker Louis cottier patented an ingenious system that shows
aLL the different time zones at a gLance and is stiLL in use today. the LocaL time is read in the usuaL manner on
a diaL with centraL hours and minutes hands, whiLe a ring of cities circLing the periphery of the diaL moves
around a concentric 24-hour scaLe to simuLtaneousLy indicate the hour and whether it’s day or night in those
pLaces. in the years since, numerous makers have successfuLLy empLoyed this strategy in their watches.

Vacheron consTanTin
PatrimoNy traditioNNelle World time

Vacheron Constantin’s global timekeeping strategy makes

allowances for many of the places in the world with time
zones that are offset by fractions of an hour. A total of
37 distinct time zones are recognized on the dial of the
Patrimony Traditionnelle World Time. For simplicity, all the
world time functions of the watch’s patented automatic
Caliber 2460 WT adjust simultaneously via the crown.
The watch has earned Geneva Hallmark certification.
$48,900, 800.284.7768,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
Patek PhiliPPe
World Time ref. 5130

The classic 39.5-mm World Time watch from Patek Philippe, available in white
gold or rose gold, uses self-winding Caliber 240 HU with Gyromax balance
and 48-hour power reserve to drive its world time display. When moving from
time zone to time zone, pressing the pushbutton on the left caseside adjusts
all the relevant indications at once; once the city corresponding to your desti-
nation time zone reaches the top of the dial, setting is complete. The minutes
hand continues to run without interruption during adjustment.
$72,000, 212.218.1240,

Traveller WW.Tc

Simplicity of operation is the goal of the new

Traveller by Girard-Perregaux. A screw-
down, three-position crown adjusts all the time
and date functions: setting the city index, the
date, the hours, the minutes, and the 24-hour
day/night ring. A glance at the dial reveals the
time in 24 time zones, keyed to major cities. A
12-hour chronograph rounds out
the list of useful functions.
$16,000, 877.846.3447,
Travelers are ofTen primarily concerned wiTh The Time in Two zones: home time and
destination time. a watch with two separate subdials, each displaying hours and minutes in one of these
locations, and an adjustable reference city ring takes this into account and simplifies readout.


Four central hands indicate

local hours, minutes and sec-
onds plus the hour in a remote
time zone in Maurice Lacroix’s
new world time watch. Local hours
are quickly adjusted via the pushbut-
ton. A fixed city disc at the perimeter
of the dial is a key to time differences
around the world. The watch is produced
in two versions: one depicting the Western
Hemisphere on its guilloché center and the
other with a map of the Eastern Hemisphere
on a sun-brushed center.
$4,800, 609.750.8800,
RefeRence Time
Sir Sandford fleming, a Scottish-born Canadian
inventor and engineer, is credited as being one of the
most influential advocates of standardizing the world’s
time zones. As part of the 1884 International Meridian
Conference held in Washington, DC, he was instrumen-
tal in helping to establish an international time system.
The conference determined that the prime meridian
for longitude, and therefore timekeeping, would pass
through Great Britain’s Greenwich Observatory. This
observatory was chosen because it was known for high-
quality data and because the British shipping industry,
the largest in the world, used the Greenwich Meridian as
its time reference.

DaTeZoner PiLoT

Marking its 10th anniversary, Vogard presents a special

edition Datezoner Pilot, which combines big date, time
zone and chronograph functions. Both the time zone and
the date are adjusted via the turning bezel, and a patented
mechanism synchronizes these functions so that the date
adjusts automatically when a time zone adjustment cross-
es the dateline. World cities are indicated on the bezel by
their IATA airport codes, with the outer codes adjusted for
daylight saving time. Production is limited to 24 pieces.
$17,500, 203.778.0518,

A. LAnge & Söhne

Lange 1 Time Zone

The best features of dual time and world time watches

come together in the easy-to-use Lange 1 Time Zone,
featuring the new manufacture Caliber L031.1. A main
dial and a subdial display local hours and minutes and
hours and minutes in a remote time zone, respectively.
A pushbutton adjusts the remote hours display and
the city ring at the same time. A special synchronization
mechanism switches the time displayed by the main dial with
the time displayed by the subdial, simplifying timekeeping
both en route and upon arrival at your destination.
$50,100, 800.408.8147,

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . c o m
Longitude equaLs time because for every 15° travelled
eastward, local time moves ahead one hour and, conversely,
for every 15° travelled westward, time rolls back by one hour.
In order to figure out one’s position en route, the difference
between two reference times must be known. Determining
longitude is essential for navigating the seas. But until John
Harrison, a working-class joiner, solved the problem of deter-
mining longitude at sea by constructing a seaworthy clock,
boats could easily stray off course without realizing it. Harrison
stumped all the best minds of the day and was ultimately
awarded a £20,000 prize, the equivalent of millions today.

Jacob & co.

Epic SF24

The heart of this new world time watch from Jacob & Co.
is the Caliber 2220 mechanical movement, which uses
an exclusive SF24 module to clearly display the hour in
any of 24 world cities on demand. The 45-mm case is
crafted of 18-karat 5N red gold. The watch is also offered
in titanium and white gold versions.
$81,000–$103,000, 212.888.2330,

Greubel Forsey

Greubel Forsey’s innovative display of universal

time uses a three-dimensional representation of the
globe, which makes a complete counterclockwise
revolution every 24 hours, replicating the rotation
of the Earth. Real-time positioning of the continents
affords an intuitive view of global time, and a rotat-
ing city disc on the back of the movement indicates
the hour in 24 time zones and accounts for daylight
saving time in zones where it applies. The watch’s
Caliber GF05 features a 24-second inclined
tourbillon and a power reserve indicator.
$595,000, 212.221.8041,

10:2013 | | W
. CO
Tony Kanaan Series No. 1146: 44mm asymmetrical black PVD case with carbon fiber inlay sides, polished ceramic bezel,
black PVD crown and pushers, antireflective sapphire crystal, integrated genuine leather strap with signature buckle, created
in Tony Kanaan’s signature colors, water resistant to 100 meters, and Luminox self-powered illumination. Swiss Made.
Preferred timepiece of Indy 500 Champion Race Driver Tony Kanaan.
Limited Edition of 999 pieces.
DuomèTrE uniquE TrAvEl TimE

Jaeger-LeCoultre’s latest world time innovation allows

the user to adjust the time in the travel time zone to the
nearest minute, making it perfectly accurate in any lo-
cation, regardless of time zone offsets of fractions of
an hour. The watch’s two time displays share a regu-
lating organ but have independent energy sources,
each with a 50-hour power reserve, indicated on the
dial. A world time disc with day/night indication is
positioned at 6. This watch is available only at the
brand’s Place Vendôme boutique in Paris.
€33,100, 800.552.8463,

Eco-DrivE WorlD TimE A-T

The newest light-powered world timer from Citizen uses

atomic-clock synchronization for effortless accuracy
around the globe. A subdial at 6 displays time in any
one of the 26 zones denoted on the watch’s city ring.
Pressing the watch’s two pushbuttons at the same time
switches the time on the main dial with the time on
the subdial. The watch’s long list of additional features
includes perpetual calendar functions, alarm and power
reserve indicator.
$575, 800.321.3173,

LocaL Time
There were more Than 300 local sun-based times prior to 1883, when a system that divided the States into four time zones was adopted.
Photos by tk

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
Advanced winding technology, for your fine watches.


800.800.4436 View the entire Orbita Luxury Collection at

Tudor, The sisTer brand of waTch jug-
gernauT rolex, is a well-known name in
The waTch indusTry. A successful brand in its
own right, Tudor has been thriving in markets like
China but has been absent from the US for the past
17 years, effectively leaving this market to Rolex.
Now all of that is changing.
Tudor has often been overshadowed by the
strength of the bigger and better-known Rolex.
And that’s not too surprising considering
that, in the early years, Tudor used Rolex
movements, Rolex cases and almost-
Rolex designs, fueling a brand
identity crisis. Recently, how-
ever, Tudor has been work-
ing hard to change that
tiating itself from
Rolex with its
own move-

A GreAt

and market-
ing campaign.
And this year,
Tudor is finally re-
turning to the US market.

Tudor was launched in 1946 by
Rolex founder Hans Wilsdorf with
By Keith W. StrandBerg the mission of offering a more affordable
choice. Explaining the strategy, Wilsdorf
wrote: “For some years now, I have been consider-
ing the idea of making a watch that our agents could
sell at a more modest price than our Rolex watches, and
yet one that would attain the standards of dependability
for which Rolex are famous. I decided to form a separate
company, with the object of making and marketing this
new watch. It is called the Tudor Watch Company.”

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
Tudor announced a new sports-world association
when it became the timing partner of Italian
motorcycle maker Ducati.

chronograph fea- 45-minute totalizer. The bidirectional

tures monobloc rotating bezel can be pressed into ser-
case construction vice as a second time zone display. The
with a screw-down steel case has a screw-down crown and
crown and is water- screw-down pushers for water resistance
resistant to 150 me- to 150 meters. The matching steel brace-
ters. Its self-winding let is interchangeable with an included
Tudor Caliber 7753 fabric strap.
features rapid date cor- In addition to these, Tudor offers the
rection and chronograph Grantour Collection, celebrating the
totalizers for minutes and brand’s partnership with the FIA World
hours. A black-on-black ta- Endurance Championship, the Pelagos
chymetric scale marks the dive watch, water resistant to 500 me-
bezel. The watch is created in ters, and, for women, the Clair de Rose
Detail: Tail and
black with luminous red dial ele- and Glamour Collections—all new and brake lights are
ments, echoing the colors of the all Tudor. Welcome back to the USA, strips of LEDs that
iconic Italian brand that it hon- Tudor, where there is always room for follow the line of
ors, and also in black with lumi- great new watches. the underseat
nous bronze hands and markers. panel, keeping the
The Fastrider Black Shield, $4,925 bike's external
As Tudor approaches what looks to be an
The first watch introduced by the new exciting future, the brand knows it doesn’t
brand was the Tudor Oyster, followed make sense to neglect the past or the loyal
by the Tudor Oyster Prince, launched customers who have been buying Tudor +
in 1952. In the 1960s, Tudor focused happily for decades. Enter the Heritage
on stylish watches with sports-oriented Collection, a part of Tudor’s line created
technical qualities, including watches to pay homage to the brand’s long history,
for diving and for motorsports. In its ad- but which reinvents the classic sports-ori-
vertising campaigns, Tudor used real- ented pieces at the same time.
world people—rescue divers, mining Introduced last year, the Heritage
engineers and rally drivers—to tout its Black Bay, a water-worthy timepiece with
watches’ utility and features. burgundy-colored rotating bezel and a
200-meter water-resistance rating, be-
MODERN HISTORY came an instant bestseller for the brand.
Only recently has the brand begun to The newer Tudor Heritage Chrono
step out from under the shadow of Rolex, Blue is a vintage-look chronograph
and, as a result, it has been taking the based on a 1973 model, known to
world by storm, quickly winning fans collectors as the Montecarlo.
around the globe. The brand’s partner- The Chrono Blue updates this
ship with Porsche Motorsport in 2009 beautiful watch without sacri-
helped to put Tudor on the radar in the ficing its vintage appeal.
international watch community. In 2011, At 42 mm, the new watch
Tudor announced a new sports-world as- is 2 mm larger in diameter
sociation when it became the timing part- than the 1973 original and ap-
ner of Italian motorcycle maker Ducati, plies a bit of modern opaline
and the brand continues to mine this gray to the watch’s blue and
partnership with the Fastrider Collection. orange graphic palette. The self-
The Tudor Fastrider Black Shield is winding Tudor Caliber 2892 has
the latest of the Ducati offerings from date function, small seconds and an
Tudor. The 42-mm high-tech ceramic added chronograph mechanism with
Photos by

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
To accompany The
launch of The Tudor
fasTrider Black shield
waTch, Tudor and ducaTi
collaBoraTed To creaTe
a one-of-a-kind diavel
carBon moTorcycle wiTh assembling the Tudor fastrider Black shield
an overall maTTe Black
finish and red high-
lighTing on some of The
Bike’s deTails. BoTh The
fasTrider waTch and The Tudor used real-world people—rescue divers,
diavel Bike are mechani- mining engineers and rally drivers—
cal marvels exuding ex- to tout its watches’ utility and features.
Treme sTrengTh.

forged aluminium
wheels reduce the
bike's dry weight
to 452 lb.

The Diavel pairs a muscular
silhouette with a pure-bred
competition motor.

T O U R B I L L O N R E F . 6 00 2


“It’s absolute genIus work,” says our

guide, Karin Deléchat, as she points out the
exquisite 17th- and 18th-century enamel timepieces
in the historical collection of Geneva’s Patek
Philippe museum. The museum, which opened
in 2001, houses the world’s ultimate watch col-
lection, tracing the evolution of Patek Philippe
as well as watchmaking in general. Since early
timepieces were extremely inaccurate, watches
were often treated as objets d’art, lavishly
embellished with engraving, jeweling, enamel-
ing and other decorative arts to convey the
wealth and status of their owners. As portable
works of art, the enamel pieces vividly depict
religious, romantic and pastoral scenes, as well
as portraits of their well-heeled owners. “We still
have enamel watches, but much of the knowledge
and know-how has been lost, and we do not have
the same materials anymore,” adds Deléchat.

One of a pair of mirror-image Piguet & Meylan

quarter repeating watches, ca. 1820
Above: Piguet & Meylan quarter-repeating watch
in the form of a rose, also ca. 1820
10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
The newly unveiled Patek
Philippe Ref. 6002 Sky
Moon Tourbillon
he following evening at
its boutique on the Rue
du Rhône, Patek Philippe
unveiled its Sky Moon
Tourbillon Ref. 6002, with
an elaborately engraved 18-karat white gold
case and a beautifully executed enamel dial
blending cloisonné and champlevé tech-
niques. The fanciful aesthetic, particularly
the flamboyant case, may shock devotees of
the Geneva brand’s famously sober style.
However, those who have visited the
museum to view the unique pieces
Patek has made for kings, queens,
popes and industrialists over the past
174 years recognize that such elaborate
creations are very much in keeping
with the manufacture’s illustrious
heritage."It's a technical showpiece for
certain," says Larry Pettinelli, presi-
dent of Patek Philippe's US agency,
of the Ref. 6002. "There are very few
artisans who are capable of this type
of work, and we are fortunate to employ
a number of them at Patek."
Since the Stern family acquired Patek
Philippe in 1932, four generations of the
Stern family have dedicated themselves


—Larry Pettinelli

to preserving scores of precious historical

examples of watchmaking’s decorative
handcrafts in its private collection, while
also continually commissioning Switzer-
land’s few remaining masters to continue
producing them. Deléchat explains that the
company still works with about 15 enamel-
ers, including the legendary Suzanne Rohr.
Despite being in her 80s, she continues
to practice the painstaking ancient tech-
nique of miniature enamel painting using
brushes composed of a single hair. “It takes Back and front
views of the
her 400 hours to complete one enamel
18-karat white
work, and she cannot work more than four gold Ref. 6002
hours per day because it is so hard on her
eyes,” says Deléchat.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
Breguet & Fils quarter Stern shared his childhood memories of
repeater cabriolet watch, his grandfather and father introducing
made for the Turkish time-
him to the beautifully decorated time
market, ca. 1810
pieces in their collection. In the 1940s,
Thierry’s grandfather Henri Stern realreal-
ized that watchmaking’s centuries-old
decorative handcrafts were dying out,
spurring him to acquire and build a col col-
lection of treasures to preserve for pos
terity. That collection is now shared with
the public at the Patek Philippe Museum.
Furthermore, he continued to produce such
pieces, a legacy that has been sustained by
his son Philippe and now by Thierry.
“Today, extraordinary enamel dials are
perpetual calendar with ret- once again fashionable,” says Thierry,
rograde date and moon-phase who notes that there was a time when his
displays. The rear dial features father was the only one who continued to
astronomical functions including a commission enamel pieces even when no
Perhaps the oldest of watchmaking’s star map of the northern sky, sidereal one was interested in buying them. “We
decorative métiers d’art, engraving is time indication, and the angular progres- are talking about a very rare field. It is pre-
performed by hand using burins, needles, sion and phases of the moon (unlike the served because some brands, like us, have
chisels and other sharp metal blades to 5002, which indicates moon age). The been working with the artisans for so long.
sculpt and embellish the case with vari- new piece also uses apertures instead of We do that with pleasure, to be frank; we
ous patterns, monograms, coats of arms hands to indicate day of the week, month don’t do that for business. If I could
and even miniature scenes. Only about a and leap year. choose, I would keep [all the
dozen registered engravers continue the “There will be just a few new Sky Moon watches] for
practice in Geneva, which once counted of them,” says Thierry the museum.”
almost 200 engravers on the city rolls. Stern, the brand’s current
Using techniques of relief and line engrav- president. Only three to
ing, artisans decorate the entire surface of five pieces will be offered
the Ref. 6002’s case—including the bezel worldwide. At the Ref. 6002’s
and the lugs—with a flowing, scrolling pat- unveiling—surrounded by Ilbery London watch with
enamel painting of Geneva
tern that is echoed at the center of the dial artisans demonstrating the
and Mont Blanc, ca. 1820
in cloisonné enamel. crafts of enameling, engrav-
Patek Philippe has long employed the ing and gemsetting—
ancient technique of cloisonné enamel-
ing to create its dome clocks, World Time
watches and special commissions. Artists
begin by working with a tiny flattened gold
wire that is finely shaped to outline the
desired motif. Individual cells framed by
the wire are then filled with enamel pow-
All antique watches from the collection of the Patek Philippe Museum

ders that are melted and fused in an oven.

While the dial of the Ref. 6002 is blue, more
extravagant cloisonné dials can include as
many as 30 colors and require up to 15 fir-
ings in an oven heated to 850°C, a process
that can take a week to complete.
While its packaging is strikingly ornate,
the movement of the Ref. 6002 is almost
identical to that of the original Sky Moon
Tourbillon Ref. 5002, which launched
in 2001 and remains the brand’s most
complicated wristwatch ever with 12 com-
plications on two dials. In addition to a
minute repeater with two cathedral gongs
and a tourbillon, the front dial includes a
Ball for BMW GMT, $3.999-$4,399; photo at far right
reveals the watch's micro gas lights illumination
system as it appears in low-light conditions.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
ImagIne one of your bIggest
opportunItIes comIng to you,
vIrtually unnotIced, In the
form of just another junk
emaIl pIled up In your emaIl
spam folder. That’s essentially the
whimsical situation that executives of Ball
Watch Co. found themselves in two years
ago when they received a rather impersonal
email from a third-party lifestyle communi-
cations agency asking if they might have an
interest in designing a watch line for behe-
moth car manufacturer BMW. Sounds not
all that different from the kind of infamous
emails that offer huge cash settlements if
only the addressees would be kind enough to
submit banking information or Social Secu-
rity numbers. Like most people who receive
such potentially malevolent email messages,
Ball chief operating officer Daniel Alioth
could only scratch his head. “To be honest,”
he recounts, “in the beginning, we thought it
was some kind of joke. But when they called
and asked if we could meet in Munich, we
realized this was something really serious.”
If you were unaware that BMW had
stepped into the watch business with a

small but historically significant horology

outfit called Ball, then you aren’t alone.
Even Alioth admits that when he discusses
the Ball for BMW line that debuted in
Beijing last September with international
vendors and watch insiders, many respond
with surprise when learning of the project.
The Ball for BMW series has been pro-
moted principally in Asia thus far, at least
temporarily minimizing the range’s impact
in Western markets.
With BMW automobiles selling strongly
in China, Ball saw a conspicuous opportu-
nity to introduce their product in Beijing,
and Alioth has since attended succeeding
regional launches in Seoul and Hong Kong.
The original Ball for BMW line that de-
buted a year ago featured three models: the
base-level Classic, the GMT (with an ad-
ditional time zone display), and the Power
Reserve (with power reserve indicator).
Since then, these three have been joined
by the limited edition TMT, which features
Ball’s proprietary mechanical thermometer
module, and a 1,000-piece limited edition
Chronograph, unveiled in June is expected
in stores in the US later this year. Rang-
ing in price from $3,699 for the Classic to
around $6,000 for the Chronograph, all of
the pieces are COSC chronometer certified.
With historical roots in the late nine-
teenth-century timing and synchronization
of the American railroads, Ball had never
designed a car-themed watch before, and
Ball for BMW TMT
the brand wisely recognized the need to limited edition,
bring someone on board who had previ- available with
Fahrenheit or Celsius
ously explored the concepts, preferably temperature scale,
someone with a unique and cutting-edge $5,299

perspective. Enter Magali Metrailler, Traveling to Munich to meet extensively side profile, she took the concept a step BMW photos © Copyright BMW AG, Munich (Germany)
herself somewhat of an enigma in the with BMW designers and engineers and further. “I decided to design the watch
watch industry. The beautiful young Swiss burying herself in the company’s DNA case around this detail, and I tried to re-
woman, now all of 36 years old, entered with visits to the BMW Museum (she loves produce this line-effect on the profile of
the horology fray in 2000 when she joined the prewar BMW 328 Mille Miglia cars), the watch, also,” she explains. “I cut the
Jaeger-LeCoultre and was soon a principal Metrailler further familiarized herself with profile of the watch in two, using the same
in the design of some of their Aston Martin– a brand she already knew well. Since her fa- line as the profile of the car, and I worked
themed pieces, specifically the AMVOX ther has driven one BMW or another for the the shoulder of the watch with exactly the
range. Metrailler left that brand in 2010 past 40 years, she basically grew up in the same dynamic as the body of a BMW.” A
to have her first child, and seven months ruggedly sporty performance cars. central feature of the watches’ slimness,
later returned to work as a freelance watch When one of her early Munich visits this profile is stressed in the campaign’s
designer. She was a natural choice for the with a BMW designer impressed upon marketing materials with design sketches
needs of the Ball for BMW project. her the historical longevity of the BMW of the watch’s caseside.
The man charged with bringing Ball for
BMW watches to American buyers is
Jeffrey Hess, president of Ball Watch
USA. So far, Hess is extremely pleased
with the reception the collection has
received. “The Ball for BMW Collec-
tion has really touched a nerve in the
collector community,” he explains.
Hess attributes the strong debut to the
watches’ combination of design and
quality. “Many car/watch partnerships
simply ‘warm over’ a watch from an
existing family and add a logo. With Ball
for BMW, we created an entirely new
collection with new styling that is unique
and unusual. BMW is known for its qual-
ity cars, and I think the Ball for BMW
Collection puts Ball watches in front of a
whole group of buyers who will under-
stand that Ball quality and BMW quality
are indeed the same thing.” Exclusive
in terms of styling and complications,
the watches will also be kept exclusive
in terms of US distribution. Ball for BMW
watches are offered through select Ball
retailers, including Tourneau, Topper
Fine Jewelers, Old Northeast Jewelers
The TMT limited and the Abt Time Boutique.
edition in low light

The iconic BMW badge The all-electric BMW i3

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m
The BMW M6
Gran Coupe

conduct a bit of cross-marketing, with

events that will afford each brand access
to the other’s customer base.
Alioth is quick to extol the seven-year
arrangement with typical publicity watch- Ball for BMW
Power Reserve,
words, saying the two brands, “share the $4,200-$4,599
same values, especially a passion for
engineering of the highest order,
[and] technical and aesthetic excel-
lence.” But he also says that he
is not a diehard automotive
buff by any means (although
he does drive an X5!) and
As with other such automotive/horol- that the commonalities
ogy partnerships, the Ball for BMW range between the two compa-
occasionally evokes cues from the cars, nies revolve primarily
including the style of the numerals, which around their similar
Metrailler based on BMW’s badge lettering, pasts. “The begin-
and the perforated dials seen on many of the ning of BMW was
watches, which resemble a BMW grille. The airplanes and propel-
Ball for BMW pieces also feature Ball’s Am- lers, and then they

BMW photos © Copyright BMW AG, Munich (Germany)

ortiser anti-shock system and the brand’s H3 started creating cars,”
micro gas light technology, which brightly he notes. “It’s a bit the
illuminates the hands and indices in Inka same with Ball watches.
Orange, a classic BMW color. We are closely related to
Although the watches will be sold prin- the railroad [as opposed to
cipally by exclusive jewelers like Harrods cars]. But railroads are the
in London or Tourneau in the United beginning of exploration, the
States, they will also be available at par- beginning of globalization and
ticularly distinguished BMW dealerships, traveling. I think it’s more in that
like the ones local to Beverly Hills and to aspect that we fit together.”
London’s Hyde Park. And Alioth expects
that the two companies will eventually

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
Land on a classy display...
with a view

MotoArt’s hand made shelf is from a
Boeing aircraft with a flawless mirror-
polished finish for displaying your
favorite collectibles. The passenger
windows are internally illuminated,
with standoffs in the color of your
choice. Custom window and shelf
configurations available.
EvEnt rEport | W ho ’s d oing What, Where and W hy i n the W atch i nd ustry

american fashion designer ralph Lauren hosted a private champagne reception in

Photos by Marcin Muchalski

late May to celebrate the us debut of the rL67 safari collection. the unveiling took
place at the flagship store at 888 Madison avenue in new york. setting the safari
mood, Lauren’s own 1950 series 1 Land rover was parked outside the boutique, and
models dressed in safari attire greeted guests. the designer himself presented the
brand’s novelties, including the Safari RL67 Tourbillon and the RL67 Chronometer
watches, respectively the first tourbillon watch and the first cosc-certified watch to
emerge from the house of ralph Lauren. Designer Ralph Lauren’s appearance at the Madison Ave. boutique and
888.475.7674, safari-ready watches in the window

audemars Piguet returned to Broadway this year in the role of green room
title sponsor at the 67th annual tony awards. the swiss watch brand also
teamed up with Broadway cares/equity Fights aids to auction a series of
unique audemars Piguet wall clocks in support of that charity. Audemars
Piguet donated $1,500 to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS for each of the
Tony Awards presenters who signed one of the exclusive clocks and allowed
a photo of the signing to be tweeted. eight additional clocks were decorated
by award nominees and displayed on the red carpet outside new york’s radio
city Music hall. Following the awards, all nine clocks were auctioned through
the charity auction site
“Oceans” at the United Nations, New York 888.214.6858,


Blancpain, maker of the famed Fifty Fathoms line of diving
watches, celebrated World oceans day in June by presenting an
exhibition of underwater photography at the united nations in
new york. The watch brand teamed up with the UN’s Division for
Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea and to
produce “Oceans,” which remained on display through August
16. in addition to the photographs from around the world, two
short videos highlighted Blancpain’s support of major scientific
expeditions to assess the status of the oceans and to study sea life.
this included exclusive footage of the coelacanth, one of the most
important zoological discoveries of the 20th century, and national
geographic’s Pristine seas expeditions.
877.520.1735, Jake Gyllenhall, Matthew Broderick and the Audemars Piguet Royal
Oak Automatic at the Tony Awards
Swiss watch brand IWC Schaffhausen hosted a glamorous event during the Cannes Inter-
national Film Festival in May. The brand welcomed about 200 notable personalities to the
Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc in Cap d’Antibes for its “For the Love of Cinema” dinner. Actors
Naomi Watts, Eric Dane and Christoph Waltz, top model Karolina Kurkova, Formula
One driver Lewis Hamilton and many others joined the celebration. The highlight of the
evening was the presentation of the IWC Filmmaker Award to Hollywood screenwriter
Alan Trustman, best known for “The Thomas Crown Affair,” “Bullitt” and “They Call Me
Mister Tibbs!” In addition to the award, IWC CEO Georges Kern presented Trustman with
a specially engraved IWC Portuguese Chronograph Classic. Kern says, “Alan Trustman
has made his name with intelligent, subtly ironic dialogue and complex scripts, and it’s an
enormous honor for us to present him with the IWC Filmmaker Award.”

IWC’s Georges Kern with Naomi

Watts in Cannes

Macy Gray at the Jazz

Foundation of America’s
concert gala


For a second year, Swiss luxury brand Parmigiani
Fleurier celebrated jazz and blues alongside the
Jazz Foundation of America at the foundation’s
12th annual concert gala. Titled “A Great Night
in Harlem,” the event took place at the land-
mark Apollo Theater and featured live perfor-
mances by Elvis Costello, Macy Gray, Chad
Smith, Paul Shaffer and many more. Music leg-
end Quincy Jones and actors Danny Glover and
Morgan Freeman made special appearances. The
evening paid tribute to the late Claude Nobs,
founder of the Montreux Jazz Festival. As long-
time headline sponsor of the festival, Parmigiani
was honored to celebrate Nobs’ legacy.

Jaquet Droz opened its first
store in mainland China in mid-
June, strengthening its histori-
cal ties with the country. Brand
namesake Pierre Jaquet-Droz was
the first European watchmaker
to enter the Forbidden City. In
the 18th century, hundreds of
watches, snuff boxes and singing
birds by Jaquet-Droz were exported
to China. Now Shanghai has become
home to the modern brand’s sixth Asian
boutique. The official opening was
attended by Jaquet Droz president Marc
Jaquet Droz president Marc A. Hayek
A. Hayek and coincided with the opening
and the Charming Bird watch of an exhibition at the Swatch Art Peace
celebrating the brand’s 275 years.
Hotel, marking the brand’s 275th anniversary.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O M
EvEnt rEport | WHO ’ s d OiNg WHAT, WHe Re ANd WHy i N THe WATCH i Nd UsTRy

Ferragamo Timepieces joined an all-star roster of supporters and
comedians at the 52nd street Project’s Just Kidding gala dinner.
Comedians Lewis Black, Kathleen madigan, Vic Henley, Nancy
giles and John Bowman performed stand-up routines written by
children from New york’s historic Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood.
The annual event aims to raise both money and awareness
for the organization’s ongoing efforts to improve literacy and
develop an appreciation for the arts in the children. Ferragamo
Timepieces president Paul Ziff donated a Ferragamo 1898 watch
to the event’s silent auction. Ziff comments, “if laughter is the
best medicine, then watching these talented youngsters beam
with pride as professional comedians performed the routines
On stage at the Just Kidding gala they had created was a double dose of the very best kind.”

TAg Heuer celebrated its continuing partnership with the Auto- Modern Breguet
mobile Club of monaco and the monaco grand Prix in may at the tourbillons on display

71st running of the glamorous auto race. Among the brand’s special
guests for the racing weekend were brand ambassadors Leonardo
diCaprio and Cameron diaz. The actors joined the party aboard
TAg Heuer’s yacht in Port Hercules on saturday and then rooted
for TAg Heuer’s longtime Formula One partner mcLaren Vodafone
mercedes from pit lane on sunday. Diaz wore the new Monaco
ACM chronograph, while DiCaprio stuck with his favorite
Monaco 24. diaz comments, “i grew up watching the grand Prix
of Long Beach, which was my first glimpse into the excitement of
open wheel racing, so i’m thrilled to be here, at the most prestigious
race on the Formula One circuit as part of the TAg Heuer family.”

tHEn AnD nOW

Breguet celebrated the birth of Abraham-Louis Breguet’s tourbillon
mechanism by welcoming guests to its boutiques in New york, Bal Har-
bour and Las Vegas for a champagne toast and a viewing of tourbillon
timepieces on June 26. The historical watchmaker and brand namesake
patented his revolutionary accuracy-enhancing mechanism on the
same date in 1801, cementing his reputation as one of the most illustri-
ous watchmaker’s of his time. Now, an exhibit of timepieces honoring
Breguet the innovator and inventor is set to tour the Us this fall, stopping
at Breguet boutiques in Beverly Hills (October 3–19), Chicago (October
24–29) and New york (November 7–17). And one of the brand’s newest
TAG Heuer ambassadors
Leonardo DiCaprio and tourbillons, the Ultra-thin Tourbillon 5377, featuring a 3-mm-thin move-
Cameron Diaz in Monaco ment with peripheral rotor, is expected in stores in 2014.

10:2013 | W A T C H J O U R N A L . C O m

An iconic clock resumes
its rightful place.

Antiquorum’s June 22 auction of Important
Modern and Vintage Timepieces in Hong Kong
brought 626 collectible timepieces to market,
attracting a standing-room-only crowd. One of
the highlights of the sale was an Elgin pocket
watch that belonged to the legendary Hollywood
movie star James Dean. The watch, No. 3071580,
made ca. 1889, achieved the price of HK$325,000,
more than eight times its pre-sale estimate and
a world record for an Elgin pocket watch. Dean
purchased the watch in 1951 and considered it
a lucky charm. Within a couple of years, he was
filming his breakout role in “East of Eden,” with
the watch in his jeans pocket. Before the film
wrapped, he had gifted the watch to a Warner
Brothers employee. After his death in 1955 at the
age of 24, Dean was posthumously nominated
for the 1955 Academy Award for Best Actor in a
The Bourget Air and Space Museum at Le Bourget Airport, just north of Paris, has
unveiled a monumental 1937 clock, which is newly restored thanks to the patronage of
Paris-based independent watch brand Bell & Ross. The clock, featuring twelve smaller
clocks, indicating various time zones, as its markers, was damaged during World War
II. It has now been restored to working condition and also to its original location in
the museum’s Eight Columns Room, which is also newly restored. The unveiling was
presided over by Jean-Yves Le Drian, France’s minister of defense, and crowned by a
Patrouille de France fly-over. As a brand inspired by aviation history, Bell & Ross is a
fitting benefactor for this public symbol of French aviation heritage.

In support of Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ocean
Futures Society, dive watch maker Doxa has begun
auctioning limited edition Doxa Sub 1200T
watches worn by Cousteau during his dives.
Bidding for the series of five watches,
which bear the Ocean Futures Society
logo and Jean-Michel Cousteau’s
name, is taking place on eBay through
December. Each watch is made from James Dean photo: Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

a single block of stainless steel and

is water-resistant to 1,200 meters.
Doxa has enjoyed a long relation-
ship with the Cousteau family,
dating back to the 1960s, and has
long supplied them with watches
that are used in carrying out their
mission of oceanic research. Through
this latest project, the brand lends its
support to an organization founded to
raise awareness of critical global environ-
mental issues.
877.255.5017, James Dean and his pocket watch on set

Auction edition Doxa

Sub 1200T
EvEnt rEport | W ho ’s d oing What, Where and W hy i n the W atch i nd ustry


high-wire artist nik Wallenda made history and set
his seventh guinness World record on June 23 by
successfully crossing the grand canyon without
a tether or safety net. The 400-meter walk on a
2-inch steel cable took place high above the
Little Colorado River Gorge of northeastern

Nik Wallenda photo © Tim Boyles Photography

Arizona, and Swiss watch brand JeanRichard
was with Wallenda every step of the way. as a
Jeanrichard ambassador since this april,
Wallenda wears a 44-mm, self-winding
Jeanrichard terrascope wristwatch. Jeanrichard
coo Bruno grande remarks, “We started working
with nik because we admire his personal values and
how he lives his passion and pursues his dreams. he
is an extraordinary man who loves what he does and
inspires not only us but also everyone around him.”
877.846.3447, Nik Wallenda and his JeanRichard Terrascope at the Grand Canyon


highlighting its continued commitment to sports and to charitable causes, swiss
watchmaker girard-Perregaux supported the sixth edition of the steve nash Foundation
showdown, a charity soccer match created by two-time nBa mVP steve nash and played
in manhattan’s sara d. roosevelt Park. The match brings athletes from the worlds of
professional basketball and soccer together on the field for competitive play. And
Girard-Perregaux provided the trophies. the brand presented chrono hawk watches
to the game’s mVP, Joakim noah of the chicago Bulls, and to massimo ambrosini of
ac milan, in recognition of his long and successful career. after the match, nash, fellow
players, friends and fans gathered for showdown after hours, a cocktail party and live
Roundtable experts at the
Aaron Faber Gallery auction benefiting the foundation’s projects in support of children around the world.

new york’s aaron Faber gallery hosted a week of
events focused on the concept of horological grand
complications in early June. a special exhibit of un-
usually complicated watches from Breguet, Blancpain,
Jaeger-Lecoultre, ulysse nardin and Patek Philippe
was on display in the gallery from the 5th through the
12th. Among the rarities from Patek Philippe was
the one-of-a-kind Ref. 959, a $1.5 million clockwatch
with grande and petite sonnerie, minute repeater,
split-seconds chronograph, perpetual calendar, phases
of the moon and 24-hour indication. on June 10, the
gallery presented the connoisseur roundtable, a
discussion of the legacy and allure of highly compli-
cated watches, featuring four watch industry legends:
edward Faber, michael Friedman, osvaldo Patrizzi
and alexis sarkissian. Watches from the exhibition
Steve Nash Foundation
are available through the gallery. Showdown soccer match

10:2013 | W a t c h J o u r n a L . c o m

march 27 –
april 3, 2014
WW1 RÉGULATEUR Pink Gold · Limited Edition to 99 pieces
Bell & Ross Inc. +1.888.307.7887 · · e-Boutique:
Breguet, the innovator.
Classique Hora Mundi - 5717
An invitation to travel across the continents and oceans illustrated on
three versions of the hand-guilloché lacquered dial, the Classique Hora
Mundi is the first mechanical watch with an instant-jump time-zone display.
Thanks to a patented mechanical memory based on two heart-shaped
cams, it instantly indicates the date and the time of day or night in a given
city selected using the dedicated pushpiece. History is still being written...

B E V E R L Y H I L L S 3 10 8 6 0 - 9 9 11 – B A L H A R B O U R 3 0 5 8 6 6 - 10 6 1 – L A S V E G A S 7 0 2 7 3 3 - 74 3 5 – T O L L F R E E 8 7 7 - 4 0 3 - 8 1 6 2 – W W W. B R E G U E T . C O M

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