Kurdish English Dictionary TaufiqWahby CJEdmonds PDF

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K arzan 20 16

F(Jr1!lcrly ;\iiuistrr I} Fdurali<m


C. }. EDl\tlONDS
Frmnerly Adz·ism· to
The .'lfini.;try of ]utl'rio.-

Oxford University Press, Ely House, London W. I

© Oxford University Press I966



THE Kurdish of this Dictionary is the standard language of belles-lettres.
journalism, official and private correspondence, and formal speech as it has
developed, on the basis of the Southern-Kirmanji dialect of Sulaimani in Iraq,
since 1918, when Kurdish was established as the official language of the ad-
ministration and of primary education in the liwa of that name and in parts of
the liwas of Arbil and Kirkuk; it is moreover the language which has been
adopted in Persia for Kurdish broadcasts and government-sponsored publi-
cations. A number of useful words current in Arbil and Kirkuk but not yet
widely used in Sulaimani have been included, but dialectical variants of the
same word have generally been ignored. Borrowings from dialects further
afield have been indicated as follows: (N) Northern Kirmanji, (M) Mukri,
(SN) Sanandaji (Ardalani), (G) Gorani including Bajalani and Hawrami. On
the other hand, since our hope is that this work will contribute in some
measure to the standardization of the literary language, we have felt obliged
to exclude certain eccentricities which, though now frequently encountered
in some sections of the Kurdish press, are repugnant to the genius of Kurdish
and would better be forgotten.
As regards other loan words we have in general included, and marked (A),
such Arabic words, whether in their original form or recognizable as such
although recast in a Kurdish mould, as are felt to be completely naturalized,
are in common use among all classes, or seem to meet a real need; it follows
that not all Arabic words which the student will encounter in the course of his
reading will be found in the dictionary. The case of Persian is rather different,
since many words may reasonably be considered to belong equally to both
languages; only recent and clearly distinguishable borrowings have been
marked (P). Obvious loans from Turkish (T) and European languages (E)
have also been indicated. Cross references are given to the Kurdish word or
words which could be substituted for the foreign word in most contexts.
We have to thank Dr. C. T. Wahby for the English translations of many
medical and anatomical terms. The names of plants and birds have presented
a special difficulty, and the definitive fixation of this part of the vocabulary
awaits the emergence of a new generation of trained Kurdish botanists and
ornithologists; for a number of our identifications of plants we are indebted
to Mr. Evan Guest of Kew. Where it has not been possible to give even a pro-
visional translation of names current in Southern Kurdistan we have not
hesitated, in these as in other specialized fields, to give a general indication
such as 'name of a small bird', 'name of an aromatic herb', or 'name of a
parlour game', as likely to help to make sense of passages the meaning of which
might otherwise remain obscure; many of such botanical names we owe to
Sheikh Muhammad-i Khal, who was good enough to send us copies of the
first two parts of his Ferheng y Xal published at Sulaimani while this work
was in course of preparation.


At the present time in Iraq Kurdish writers generally use a modified Arabic
alphabet based on a system devised by \Vahby, accepted by the Ministry of
Education for instruction in elementary schools, and published by him in his
Kurdish Grammar, Qawii'id al-lughati 'l-kurdiya; parts I and II, Beirut,
i956 (an adaptation for Arab students of his earlier pioneering work, Destt1r
y Ziman y Kurd£, Baghdad, 1929-30). The Roman spelling here used is a
close transliteration of this modified Arabic as set out on pp. ix and x. Since
this is meant to be a practical alphabet for eventual everyday use we have
thought it essential to avoid invented letters altogether, to reduce the number
of diacritical marks as far as reasonably possible, and to choose for those that
are indispensable symbols which seem to us pleasant to the eye and easy to
'"rite; for these reasons we have preferred the familiar digraphs ch, gh, and sh
to possible alternatives such as f, g, and ~· A specimen text will be found in
Appendix VI.

I. General
The arrangement of the articles has presented several perplexing problems.
After much tr·iai and error we have worked out the sc~r,:o.e which we feel is
open to the fewest objections. The general order is, of course, alphabetical
but, subject to the derogations mentioned below, compound and derived
words have been placed under the heading of the main word as far as possible.
The swung dash ,......, represents the main word or the part of it to the left of
the oblique line. Homonyms are distinguished by small Arabic numerals. In
a very few cases, e.g. the preposition BE, distinct uses of the same word have
b~en given in separate articles so numbered. In Kurdish the stressjs normally
on the last syllable; exceptions are indicated thus:(:.),(.:.), etc. The gram-
matical terminology is the traditional terminology of English. The parts of
speech are indicated by the appropriate abbreviation placed immediately
after the word. A certain amount of grammatical explanation will be found
in the body of the dictionary, e.g. in the articles dealing with the prepositions
LE, PE, and TE af\d v.rith the pronominal affixes, and also in Appendixes IV
and V.

2. Nouns aJJd adjectives

These are arranged .as follews: (a} the main word and its meanings, followed
by idiomatic usages not filling u:l'l-cler {b); {b) idiomatic usages d the main
·word in conjunction with particular verbs, simple and compoond, arranged
in the alphabetical order of the simple verbs; (c) derived and compound words
of which the main '\\·ord (or the part of it to the left of the oblique line) is the
first element. Compound nouns and adjectives formed by the addition to the
main word of the past participle or the present stem of a verb are given in
brackets, generally introduced by the word hence, under (b) and. not under (c).
Where necessary idiomatic usages of the derived and compound words are
given in brackets after each. In cases where the article would be inordinately
long part (c), or both parts(b) and (c), are printed as separate articles. Nouns
and adjectives are freely used as adverbs; those most comm<mly so used are
indicated adv.

3· Prepositions
The use of the prepositions and of iZAFE (Y 2), which in many of its uses is
for all practical purposes equivalent to the preposition 'of', is highly idiomatic.
The proper preposition for usc in conjunction with. a particular verb is indi-
cated after the translation of the verb.

4· Verbs
(i) Verbs are quoted in the infinitive, followed by the present stem in
brackets, and independently of the related nouns and adjectives, the only
exception being adjectives formed by the addition of -i to tke infiRitive to
give the meaning '-fit for', 'worthy of'.
(ii) The abbreviations v.i. (intransitive) and v.t. (transitive) indicate the
conjugation of the Kurdish verb and not necessarily the meaniug; unless
otherwise indicated/however, it may be assumed that the Kurdish and the
English do correspond in this respect.
(iii) A causative can be formed by tke addition of the in'finitive endiDg
•ANl/IN (p1'es. stem. -EN) to the pcesen.t stem of many i:fttra:l'l.sitive verbs. These
are not necessarily shown unless they are in particularly commoo. use or ;have
a special meaning. Verbs describing sounds are often ca.Ysative m form At:!.d
are therefore conjugated as transitives.
(iv) The passive is normally formed by the addition of the infinitive ending
-RAN (pres. stem, -R:E) to the present stem of a transitive or causative ver-b, and
is not generally shown. Irregularly formed passives are given both under i:he
active verb and independently in the appropriate alphabetical position.
(v) The enclitic adverb -EWE may be added to many verbs, in all parts of the
conjugation, to give the meanings 'back', 'again'. These are not necessarily
shown, but if -EWE otherwise alters the meaning such a verb is shown after
the causative.
(vi) Compound verbs formed with the short adverbs (preverbs) DA, HEL,
!!A, B_O, :md WER, or with ~.EK, LEK, TEK ai"e shown under th~ wrm.ls. Certain
verbs are commonly sooted 'hy Krv~ grrttmmnia:ns in the infini1ivt with
tl:ae pr~tions (in their ~~ fo:rnw) with which they .are 'Ctm$tructed;
these are given under the articles LE, PE, PEJ?A (PIYA), :pf:'WE, T~3 'fEl;YA (nYA),
and TE'WE. Cross references to these adverbs and prepositions are given at
the end of the article on the simple verb.
(vii) The past participles of most intransitive and passive verbs may be used
as adjectives; only those are so shown, under the verb, the use of which as
adjectives is particularly common. Adjectives formed of a participle com-
pounded \vith a noun or adjective, if given, appear after the appropriate entry
under the noun or adjective (see under section 2 above).
(viii) The following abbreviations are used for the commoner simple verbs:
(XISTINEWE); negatives NEB. (NEBUN), NEBW. (NEBUNEWE), etc.
(ix) An asterisk against the English translation indicates that the subject
of the English verb is not the same as the subject of the Kurdish verb. This
occurs most "frequently when it is convenient to translate a Kurdish intran-
sitive by an English transitive or vice versa, when the verb BUN is used in
conjunction with a pronominal affix to give the meaning 'have', or when in
the Kurdish the name of a part of the body (e.g. heart, eye) is doing duty for
the person.


Our thanks are due to the British .{\.cademy for the generous grant of £750
towards the cost of publication, to the Delegates and staff of the Clarendon
Press for their encouragement and advice, and to Miss F. L. Bartrum and
Mrs. Hardeman of Hastings for the speed and accuracy of the typing of
unfamiliar material. This being, as far as we know, the first dictionary of
modern Southern Kirmanji, and indeed the first Kurdish dictionary of any
kind since the Dictionnaire Kurde-fran;ais by A. Jaba and F. Justi of 1879, to
be published in a Western European language, we trust that we may count
on the indulgence of readers for inevitable errors of omission and commission.

Roman Arabic Approximate p,-onunciation
A Always long as in Eng. 'father'.
B y As in Eng.
c Eng. j, Turkish c.
CH (. As in Eng. 'church', Turkish~·
D,J;> ~. _; As in Eng., but see note I.

E 0 Short a as in Eng. 'bat'.

:E cS The open sound as in Fr. e.
F ~ As in Eng.
G .5 As in Eng.
t. As in Arabic; bet\Yeen g and uvular ?".

H,I.I .lb,c. As in Eng., but see note 2•

none A neutral vowel, see note 3·
i cS Long i, Eng. ee; see note 4·
J J·' French j, Turkish j.
K c.!) As in Eng.
L J' As in Eng.
!.. J Velar l.
i As in Eng.
N iJ As in Eng., see note 5·

Always long, as in Italian.
Always long, as German o, French eu.
p ~ ., As in Eng.
Q J Gutteral k.
R J As in Eng.
B Jv Rolled r.
s 1.)"' Always sibilant, as in Eng. 'safe'.
SH U'"''· As in Eng., Turkish ~·
T, T .:..,6 As in Eng., but see note 6.
u .J As u in Eng. 'but'; see note 7·
u .J.J Long u, as French ou .
p j As French u.
v w As in Eng.
w .J As in Eng.

c. As ch in Scottish 'loch'
cS As in Eng.

Roman Arabic Approximate pronunciation
z J As in Eng.
t •eyn; a choking sound, sec note 9·
none hem~e, a soft breathing or hiatus, see note 10.

1. In the provinces of Sulaimani, Kirkuk, 6. The sound represented by T corresponds
and Ardalan and southwards the D of many to T as J;l to D; it occurs in the 2 pers. sing.
words is softened to the point of being ahnost pronominal affix -rr, and in a very few other
inaudible; this softened D is written J;l; it is· words.
not however treated as a separate letter of the 7· Unstressed u followed, with intervening
alphabet. euphonic w, by another vowel is pronounced
2. The consonant G 1:J pronounced with a very short and is often scarcely audible.
strong expulsion of air from the chest, is 8. The vowel u followed, with intervening
softer in Kurdish than in Arabic, alike in euphonic w, by another vowel is generally
Arabic loan words and the few Kurdish pronounced short and may then be written u,
words where it occurs. The modern ten- e.g. KEWTU (past participle), KEWTUM 'I have
dency is to substitute #:. (H) for (: For this fallen', but l{EWT0WE or KEWTUWE 'he has
reason the two have not been treated as dis- 9· The 'eyn of the modified Arabic script,
tinct letters of the alphabet, but where C. transliterated ', is not treated as a separate
is still likely to be met in writing this is letter for the purposes of alphabetical ar-
indicated by the dot. rangement.
3· The neutral vowel, which has no symbol 10. Initial hemze and hemze between two
in the modified Arabic script, generally ap- vowels are not transliterated; juxtaposed
proximates to a very short i and is so repre- vowels are pronounced separately (e.g. BEEN-
sented in the Roman. In speech it may change J;iA;\f, BEiMAN, and BEABRU are words of three
position or be dropped entirely in accordance syllables). The position of medial hemze
with changes in the stress. The combination between a consonat'l.t and a vowel and of
IY not followed by a vowel (e.g. as in BI-Y- final hemze (both very rare) is indicated by
KUJE 'kill him') is pronounced as i. apostrophe; elsewhere apostrophe indicates
4· The vowel i followed, with intervening the elision of a vowel.
euphonic Y, by another ·vowel is generally I 1. In the Roman script the enclitic copula
pronounced short and may then be written I, and the pronominal affixes are linked by a
e.g. PERf (fairy), EM PERiYE or EM PERIYE (this hyphen to the preceding word.
fairy). The combination fy not followed by 12. In some cases the original Arabic
a vowel is pronounced as i. forms of borrowed words have been given
5· In Sulaimani, Kirkuk, Ardalan, and after the indication (A); these are trans-
southwards the nasal combination NG is literated in accordance with standard prac-
pronounced as in Eng. 'ring' but farther tice for Arabic.
north as in Eng. 'finger'; it is frequently
interchangeable with NJ;l.

(A) Arabic lit. literal fly
a., adj. adjective loc. locative
act. active (M) Mukri
adv. adverb 1nasc. masculine, male
aff. affix med. medical
approx. approximately milit. military
att. attire mod. modern
n. BUN (N) Northern Kirmanji
bot. botanical N. NAN
BW. BUNEWE 11. noun
caus. causative neg. negative
cf. compare NW. NANEWE
comb. combination opp. opposite, opposed
comp. compound (P) Persian
conj. conjunction p. page
constr. construction part. participle
contempt. contemptuous pass. passive
J;l.,D. l)AN, DAN perf. perfect
dem. demonstrative perh. perhaps
d.o. direct object pers. person
:QW., DW. :QANEWE, DANEWE pl. plural
(E) European plup. pluperfect
e.g. for example pop. popular
Eng. English poss. possessive
esp. especially postp. postposition
etc. etcetera prec. preceding (word)
excl. exclamation pref. prefixfed
expr. express/ing, -ion prep. preposition
facet. facetious pres. present
fern. female, feminine prob. probably
fig. figma tive fly pron. pronoun
foll. ·rB1Iowing punct. punctuation
fort. fortification q.v. which see
G. GIRTIN ref. reference
(G) Gorani refl. reflexive
gen. generally relat. relative
gram. grammar sg. something
GW. GIRTINE'WE sing. singular
i. intransitive (SN) Sanandaji
imperat. imperative subj. subjunctive·
imperf. imperfect suf. suffix
impers. impersonal (T) Turkish
incl. including t. transitive
in d. indicative topog. topograph/y, -ical
in f. infinitive tr., trans. transitive
int. interjection verb
intr. intransitive "·veg. vegetable
irreg. irregular voc. vocative
joe. jocular w. with
The doubling of the abbreviation if a single letter, or of the final
letter, denotes the plural.
The initial letter of the first translation of the head word is freely
used to denote that word, in the same part of speech, where there is
no danger of misunderstanding.
a 1 affirmative particle yes (oft. as answer to •.. -A, upon); "' TE BER B., •catch f., •be-
hail); ~?, really?, is that so? come excited; ,..., BER BW., break out (con-
a 2 im. used in conj. w. imperat. mood pray, d~. flagration); "' TE CHflN, ,..., CHUN E GIYAN,
Cf. DA 1 • *become excited; "' J?., fire (gun etc.; d.o.;
-a 3 enclitic postp. see -J?A 2 • pass. "' J?IRAN); ~ TE BER J?., grieve, set f.
-a 4 inflexion of 3 pers. sing. pres. i11d. and subj. to; "' BER J?W., start conflagration, commit
of a small class of vv. having irregularly arson; "' G., catch f., become excited; BE.
formed pres. stem BIRDIN, J?AN, GEYiN ~A G., warm in front of the f.; ,..., DA (HEL)
SHITIN, XISTIN, XUWARDIN. Also -AT, -ATIN. •catch f., *flare up *become excited ("'
-a5 (N) pl. ending. KEWTIN E GIYAN see ,..., CHUN E GIYAN);
a 6 (N)fem.form of iZAFE, q.v. ,..., KE\VTINEWE, break out (conflagration);
'a' int. cry used for driving lambs and kids. ,..., KIP K., damp down f.; ,..., XOSH K., poke,
ab (P) n; lustre; ~AN, n. October-November, draw up, f.; ~ KW., light f., flare up in
see Appendix I; ~-U-TAB, n. brilliance. anger; ,..., GESH KW., draw up freshly lit f.
Ab 11. August, see Appendix I. (hence -GESHKERE, n. small metal container
'aba n. see 'EBA. w. chain for swinging ember into glow esp.
aba! a. gen. ~B., revert (Y, to). for hookah); ~ KUJANEWE, go out, be ex-
abine n. part of fire-box of hookah inserted tinguished (f.; "' KUJANJ?INEWE, put out f.);
into water-bowl. - PE'V.'E N., set .f. to, fire at, cauterize;
1< abru 11. honour, reputation; ~ BIRDIN, dis- "' NW., commit arson, create disturbance,
. honour, slander, humiliate (v; ~ BIRAN, (hence -Nb.'EWE n. f.-raiser, agitator).
pass. *be dishonoured, hen.ce ~BIRAW a. dis- agir in comb.; -BARAN n. bombardment,
honoured etc.); ~ cHfJN *be dishonoured hail of bullets, catastrophe, (-BARAN K.,
(hence ~cHu a. dishonoured etc.); ~J?AR a. bombard etc., d.o.); -BAZi, n. f.-works;
honourable, respected. -BIB n. gen. -BIB K., stifle, prevent from
aburi n. economy; ZANIST Y ~, economics; spreading, (trouble etc.; d.o.); -DAN n.
~ K., economize. f.-place, grate, November-December see
abxane n. latrine, lavatory. Appendix I; -E1 n. syphilis; -E2 n. name of
'aciz (A) a. vexed, annoyed; ~i n. umbrage, a boisterous game in which players charge
displeasure. See ZIWiR. each other hopping on one leg; -EWAN n.
acur n. burnt brick. servant of f.-temple; -EXOSHE n. bonfire;
adab (A) n. customs, rules of behaviour. -GA n. f.-temple; -iN a. fiery, volcanic;
A4ar n. March (month), see Appendix I. -KEJ?E n. f.-temple; -ocHKE, n. dim. of-;
a9em n. human being; ~r a. and n. human, -PARE a. astute, quick-witted, lit. piece of
human being; ~izA, -iZAJ;J, ~zA, ~zAJ?, n. f.; -PERIST a. and n. f.-worshipper;
human being. -PIJEN a. and 11. volcanic, volcano; --u-nu
adey int. now then, go on, etc. n. hearth as symbol of family ( --u-nfi
aferi9e (P) a. created; ~ K., create. BIRAN, •die out, •die without issue); -xANE,
aferin n. praise; as int. well done!; "' K., n. bath furnace, heat-tube of samovar.
praise. agha n~ agha (title), master, tribal chief;
afret n. woman. -JIN, n. wife of a.; -YANE a. and adv. a.-
aftawe n. see MESiNE. like; -YETi n. behaviour, rights, perquisites,
aga n. information; ~ L~ B.,* know about; of a.; -vi n. status of a.
"' J?., inform (P~; hence -J?ER n. informer, aghel n. stable for sheep and goats.
informant); -J?AR a. informed, aware, alert, agher n. cairn.
watchful, careful, (xuwA -J?AR-TAN B~, may aghze (T) n. stiff tip of cigarette-paper. See
God watch over you; -J?AR K., inform; ZIMANE.
-J?AR KW., rouse, wake, warn); -J?ARi 11. ah n. sigh, groan; as int. alas!; - HEJ.. KEsH&"l,
watchfulness. sigh, groan;"' TIYA NEMAN, •die; --U-NALE
agir n. fire; - y BIN KA, mischief-maker, n. groaning; ~-U-NUZELE n. sighing and
hidden hand; - Y QURET, natural f., super- sobbing ( --U-NtlZELE Y MIN BI-Y-GI~, may
man; "' L~ BARIN, oft. in excl. --YAN LQ he suffer for the wrong he has done me);
BA~, may f. descend upon them, blast --u-WAH n. lamentation.
them!; "' BAR:\NQIN, fire heavily (BESER aha int. look!, lo !.
864SlS B
ahen~ n. harmony, melody, concert; ,.., B., *be trustworthy; ~ XUWASTIN, seek
GERAN (also G., K.), hold concert. asylum (hence -xuwAzf, n. act of seeking
aheste adv. slowly, softly. asylum); -ET, -ETi n. safe-keeping (BE
aja! n. flocks and herds. -ET, on deposit, on loan; BE ~ET J?., en-
ajawe n. disturbance; - GfmAN, - NW., trust, lend; BE ~ET WER G., receive on trust,
create, organize, d. borrow; -ETi-TAN LE FERZ BE, you must
ajinin v.t. prick, pick (teeth). keep faith w. me in this matter, I rely upon
ajine n. hammer for chipping stone. you; ~ET y XuwA nr, God keep you safe);
ajo n. gen. - J;>. put out to graze at night. ~LERZANE 11. name of a song gen. sung as
ajutin (aju) v.t. drive, school (horse), accompaniment to dance. Also EMAN.
plough, attack (ESER). amanc n. target, aim, purpose, object
aka-m n. end. (gram.); Y J:!ASTEWXO, direct object, ,...., Y
•at (A) a. pretty, admirable. 1\'EfiASTEWXO, indirect object.
alet (A) n. instrument, tool. amasan (amase) v.i. see AWSAN.
alik n. fodder. amawze n. fine plaster as used for top coat-
CALUSAL a. quiet, calm, (person). ing.
alu<Je (P) a. accustomed to, involved w., (Y). ambaz a. gen. ~ D., embrace (v).
aF a. red, scarlet; DAN - nw., *have teeth amejen 71. thing added for blending, alloy;
set on edge by sg. sour; --u-nor., a. nearly ~ K. blend (tr.), alloy. ·
but not quite ripe (grapes); ~-u-WALA a. amete a. mixed. Also AwETE.
variegated. amin (A) int. amen, so be it.
a! 2 n. name of female demon believed to kill amojj~a n. school; -GARn. adviser; ,....,GARi,
mother in child-birth by stealing her liver, n. advice ( -GARi K., advise, d.o.).
mod. puerperal septicaemia ( ~ BIRD-YEWE, amojjin n. paternal uncle's wife, aunt; ,....,zA,
*she was seriously ill in child-birth). p.u.'s child, first cousin; -zAZA, first
a! 3 n. gen. ~ Y BUXARA, species of plum. cousin once removed.
a!a. n. standard, peri. amraz see HAWBAZ under HAW.
a!Jan (a!e) v.i. be twisted, be involved, amser see HAWSER under HAW.
(hence ~Aw a. entangled, complicated, con- amsho (P AMAD U SHUD) n. gen. -B. LEGEL,
taminated); ~ANJ;>IN (-EN), caus. twist, *frequent; ,...., K., frequent (d.o.). Also
wind, etc. See TE, TEK. HAMSHO.
a!duz (T) n. gilding; ~ K., gild; ~KARi n. Amun n. name of river in Central Asia (only
gilding. used in phrase DE AW Y ~ BICHE, perdition
a!echok n. tent of felt. take him).
a!et 1 n. black pepper; ~EKEWiLE n. name of -an1 suf. forming nn. de~oting place, time, or
wild herb w. pungent flavour. a particular activity, e.g. Cil'LEKAN, KEPRAN,
a!et2 n. panel (esp. in decorative window or SEMENiPEZAN.
ceiling); ~KARi n. such decorative work. -an 2 suf. formirzg pl. of nn.
a!if (A) n. fodder grass. an 3 i:onj. see YA2 •
a!oskan (a!oske) 'v.i. become entangled, an4 n. grace; ,....,-u-iN n. airs and graces,
change colour. coquetry.
a!osh n. itch. •an5 (A) n. moment.
a!oz a. unnatural, unpredictable, tempera- -ane suf. forming nn., adjj., and advv. w.
mental, squally. senses appertaining to, -like, -ly, e.g.
a}ozan (a!oze), a!ozkan (a!ozke) see CEJNANE, MERDANE, AZAYAJ'\'E.
ALOSKAN. anishk n. elbow; -E, n. L-shaped appliance,
a!tftn (T) n. gold. bracket.
a!uba!il n. small plum, cherry-plum. ap, apo n. paternal uncle. Also HAPO.
a!-u-gor n. exchange. aqar n. direction, approaches, place, pre-
a!U. 1 n. gland, tonsil; AWSAN Y ~, tonsilitis; sence; LE ,...., Y, in the face of, etc.
~ KEWTIN, *have stiffness in neck below •aqi! (A) a. wise, sensible. See JiR.
point of jaw ( ~ HEL nw., seek to cure such •ar (A) n. shame; ,...., :N., reform, mend one's
stiffness by pressing up palate w. thumb; ways; ~ PE N., caus. reform, teach a lesson.
~ GW., seek to cure such stiffness by gentle -ara (F) in comb. adorning, gracing.
rubbing). aram n. quiet, tranquillity; ~ B. •be tran-
-a!U. 2 suf. affected by, e.g. XEWA!:iJ. quil; ,...., G., keep quiet, rest, come to rest,
amaQe a. ready; ~ K., prepare. (hence -NEGIR a. restless); ~ d BIBiN, - LE
aman 1 n. household utensils. HEL G., destroy peace of mind of, worry;
aman 2 (A) n. safety, refuge asylum, assur- ,....,GA n. resting-place (,....,GA y DUWAYi, last
ance, trustworthiness; as int. help!, mercy!' resting-place, the graYe).
araw n. soap-suds, soapy water. ~A, rise, go up, in space; ~En. canopy, roof
arayisht n. adornment, decoration; ~ 1;>, ( ~E Y DEM, roof of mouth); -i a. heavenly.
~ K., adorn, deck; xo ~ 1;>, dress, attire aso n. sky-line, horizon; ~GE n. summit line
onself, put on best clothes. of mountain range; ~Yi a. horizontal.
arc (N) n. bamboo. ast n. direction, place, presence; LE ~ Y, in
ard n. flour; ~AWEJ 11. f. spilt from mill, the direction, in the presence, in the face,
nonsense; ~Awl, a. covered with f.; (Y, of).
~EBARE, n. miller's fee in kind; ,.;.,EBEJ a. •asta (A) n. staff, walking-stick.
fine, powdery; ~ELlJI<E n. pO\vdery snow; astane (P) n. threshold.
~EMISHAR n. sawdust; ~EWA n. a kind of astern n. trifle, gen. BE ~, just a little, a
blanc-mange; ~-u-BON n. name of a sweet trifle.
dish. astin (P) n. cuff(of sleeve).
•Areb (A) n. Arab. asiide (P) a. quiet; ~YI n. quiet, tranquillity.
areq1 (A) n. spirituous liquor; ~G., ~ DER asyaw n. water-mill.
HENAN, distil; ~xoR n. one who drinks alco- ash 1 n. mill; ~ y AW, water-m.; ~ Y BA,
holic beverages, drinker. windmill; ~ Y QAWE, coffee-m.; ~ NW.,
areq 2 (A) n. sweat;·~ DER J;>., exude moisture, build, instal, m.; ~ANE, n. tithe levied on
sweat (esp. abnormally); ~ K., sweat (for a miller's takings (see AGHAYETi); ~BETAL, int.
particular reason, e.g. fever, shame, fear, lit. mill vacant, used by miller as cry to
etc.) ~ KW., perspire, sweat; ~ BISHTIN, invite custom ( ~BETAL K., retire from active
sweat profusely ( ~ Y BESH U SHIN BISHTIN, work); ~BIGIR n. raid on m. ; ~EBETENURE
toil and moil, sweat blood); ~cHIN n. skull- n. name of boisterous children's game played
cap; ~GiR n. saddle-cloth. by two teams; ~ETENURE n. vertical chimney
arezii n. desire, wish; ~ B., *desire; ~ K., of masonry for watershoot of m.; ~EWAN n.
desire; ~MENJ;> a. desirous. miller; ~GEB n. measure of flowing water
are affimzative particle yes; as int. exp. sur- sufficient to drive normal village m.;
prise, incredulity, etc., also ~sHELLA, not ~wESTA n. skilled m.-mechanic.
really!. ash 2 n. cooked food; ~PEZ n. cook; ~PEZ­
•arfat (A) n. gen. BOJ Y ~, properly eve of XANE n. kitchen.
festival of QURBAN, q.v., but also eve of ashkira a. clear, evident; LEK ~B., be dis-
festival of Ramadan. tinguishable from each other., get mutual
ari (N) n. help, aid; ~KAR n. helper; ~KARl relations clear; ~ K., make clear, divulge.
n. help. Cj. YARYE. ashna a. acquainted; ~ G., ~ PEYA K., get to
arne a. effeminate. know people, make friends; ~-W-BOSHNA
arjing n. a species of cherry-tree. n. friends and acquaintances; ~YETi, ~Yi n.
armanc n. see AMANC. acquaintance.
arii 11. cucumber. ashqe-w-mashqe (A, 'ASHIQ WA MA'-
araste (P) a. gen. ~ K., direct (eyes, atten- SH'OQ) n. lovers, inseparable friends.
tion, etc.), point (weapon), (Y, BO, to, asht a. reconciled; ~ BW., be reconciled,
towards). resume friendship after estrangement ; ~
asa n. cu~J9m, manner, wav; as suf.forming KW., reconcile, make peace between; ~i n.
adjj. and advv. -like, just like, (KURD~, in reconciliation, peace ; ~ixuwAz a. peace-
the Kurdish way); ~Yi. n. same as ~ loving.
(To ~Yi, in your way, typical of. you; ashumash n. gen. ~ K. (children's expr.),
L' ~Yi KW., mimic); ~Yi 2 a. traditional, declare friendship broken (w. little fingers
customary, ordinary, norn1al, positive of right hands Iinke~ as token, the token
(gram.). of subsequent reconciliation being the
•asa (A) see 'ASTA. linking of forefingers).
asan a. easy; ~i 11. ease. ashub (P) n. disturbance. See PISHEWi.
asayisht n. peace; ~PERWER, ~xuwAz a. -at see -A 4•
peaceful, p.-loving. atac a. needy.
asbazi n. name of a gambling card game. atesh n. fire; ~EK n. syphilis; -fl a. fiery;
asin n. iron; ~ y SARD KUTAN, labour in ~I 2 n. African marigold; ~PERIST. n. f.-
vain, beat the air, waste time ; ~cAw n. worshipper; ~xANE see AGIRXANE. Cj.
vessels, plates, etc., of metal; ~GER n. black- AGIR.
smith; ~iN a. iron; ~niFEN a. magnetic. -atin see A 4 •
asiw n. calamity. aw 1 in comb. see HAW; ~DAMAN a. full length
ask n. gazelle; ~ot- n. dim. a girl's name. (robe, portrait, etc.).
asman n. sky, heaven; ~ u RESMAN, inco- -aw- 1 prep. to, used for BE only in expr. such
herent, incongruous, irrelevant; CHUN BE as DESAWDES, DURAWDUR.
aw .n. water, stream, juice, sap, freshness; -BISHEN K., sprinkle; -sHAn n. waterfall;
- Y BEMERGI, w. of life; ~ Y CHAW, tears ~-U-GIJ.. n. the human body; --U-GOSHT n.
(but - Y CHAW DA HATIN, *go blind); - Y a kind of stew; --U-HEWA n. climate; ~UNa
DEM, spittle; - Y JIN, W. of life; - Y 11. dew; -XANE n. latrine; -XOR n. and a .
. KEsHRAW, distilled w.; ~ Y MIRWARI, glau- w.-drinker (PIYALE Y -xon, tumbler).
coma; - Y BJ!SH gen. -Y BESH DA HATIN, go awa 1 a. and adv. see WA 1 •
blind; - y SIPi, glaucoma; J:IEWT ~,seven awa 2 a. gen. - B., set (heavenly body), dis-
ritual ablutions, esp. in phrase BE J:IEWT - appear, die.
PAK NABETEWE, he is beyond redemption. awa 3 a. inhabited, populated, flourishing,
aw idiomatic usages zo. -z;v.; D. BE ~, get wet, (place); oft. as suf. in formation of place-
be soaked to the skin; ~ LE BER CHUN, to names, -ham, -thorpe; - KW., found village
break (water in childbirth); ~ I;J. irrigate, in, settle in, develop; -Yi n. village. Cf.
water (animals), temper (steel); LE - I;J., AWEI;JAN.
ford stream; - DA J;l., leak, exude moisture, awan see HAWAN.
be porous; - DER I;J., suppurate, pour out, awante n. gen. - K., cadge; -cHin. cadger.
empty out, w.; - G., extract juice, form aware a. vagabond, homeless, unemployed.
pus, soften and ripen (fruit); ~ HEL a., awasin (awas) v.t. see HEL AWASIN.
draw off w. (e.g. from canal); ~ DA HATIN, awat n. longing, yearning; BE - XUWASTIN,
see - Y CHAW, ~ Y BESH, above; - Y PE DA long for; -EXEWAZ a. longing (Y, for); -in. ~
HATIN, *be tired of standing up; .... HATIN- heart's desire.
EWE, *ejaculate semen; - HENANEWE, caus. awaz n. voice (loud), song (human, birds,
of prec.; - J:IEL HENCAN, draw up w. (e.g. etc.); -E n. reputation, fame, rumour, talk.
from well); - KEsHAN, carry w. (as occupa- -awe see AWA 3 •
tion or task but see - Y KEsHRAW above); aweqan a. inhabited, flourishing, roomy;
~ K., water (intr.), suppurate; - TE ZAN, - KW., found village at, develop (land), etc.;
*water, *become moistened, damp, sappy, ·-i n. town, village, prosperity. Cf. AWA3 •
etc., (- EZET E DEM-IT, your mouth will aweha see WA 1 •
water). aweju n., a., and adv. reversed, back to front;
aw in comb.; -·BARE n. dam for diverting w.; BE ~,in reverse; - K., reverse etc.
-BAZ n. swimmer; ~BAZI n. swimming; awe! n. comrade, companion, afterbirth;
~BENI;l n. dropsy; -BERn. w.-carrier; -BIB -AN, comrades; -ANE n. present given by
a. gen. -BIB B., die of overdrinking cold w. owner to shepherd bringing first lamb of
(sheep); -I;JAR a. well watered, fresh, season; -CHEK n. c. in arms; ~Fi'IL n.
brilliant, succulent, watered (steel); -I;JER, adverb; ~t n. comradeship; ~KIRAS n.
-DER n. labourer responsible for irrigating trousers (fern. att~)-; -NAW n. adjective;
cultivation; -DIE n. w.-course excavated ~zAWA n. wife's sister's husband. Also
by heavy rain; -DIBKE n. w.-cutting, canal, HAWAL, HEWAL.
excavated channel; -mz n. gen. ~mz K., awene n. looking-glass; ~BEN.J? a. decorated
suppurate; ~EBARE, see ~BARE; ~ECHOB w. mirrors (room). -
a. dry by evaporation, draining; -EKi, a. awete see AM:~TE.
watery, intruder (stray animal which joins aweze n. hanging lamp, chandelier.
another flock), promiscuous; ~ELCHINE n. awha see wA 1•
blotting-paper; -ENIYA a. irrigated arable -awi suf. forming adj. w. senses full of,
land; -EBEJ 11. w.-shed; -EBEs a. fine covered w., affected by, having character of,
(woven fabric); ~EBO n. gutter, direction of e.g. ARDAWf, XOLAWi.
drainage, drainage-l;asin; -EBUNKERE n. aw!fawi a. pock-marked; -E n. smallpox;
w.-spider; ~EEt)T a. gen. -EBih K., pluck -E DER I;J., come out in smallpox spots i
(fowl; hmce -EEfJTNEKIRAW a. unplucked); ~E KUTAN, carry out vaccination (hence
-ESU a. worn smooth by action of w., -EKUT n. vaccinator, but -EKUT K., vacci-
untanned (leather); ~ESHIKENE n. small nate, d.o.); ~EI;JAR a. suffering from small-
dam in irrigation runnel; -EXORE n. gullet, pox.
natural water-trough in hollow tree; -EZE aw!eme (SN) n. foetus, embryo.
n. permanently damp place; -GIRDAN n. awmil see HAWMIL under HAW.
large ladle; -icE n. island; -:KEsH n. and a. awqeq see AMBAZ.
w.-carrier, thirst provoking; ~MALIK n. awrishim n. silk.
uprooted trees and other debris carried awsfan (awse) v.i. swell; hence -Aw a.
down by flood; -PALEW n. filter; -PEE n. swollen.
narrow trough at base of mill chute direct- awse see DERAWSE under DER 3•
ing water on to paddles; -PIJEN n. sprinkler, awur n. backward, sideways, glance; ~ I;JW.,
watering-can, squirt; -RING, n. cyst; glance thus; - LE I;JW., be kind to, care for.
awus a. pregnant, sappy. expressed is introduced by a second AVA
awzen~i a. stirrup (gen. having a rectangular (AYAKU) or by YA 2 (VAKU, YAN, etc.) q.v.
base w. sharp corners used as spurs); ~ Ayar n. May, see Appendix I. Also EYAR.
PIVA HENAN, ~ TE TEQA.c''J;liN, put spurs to; ayeku see AYA above.
~KuT, ~TEQEN, adv. at full gallop. -ayeti suf.forming abstract nn., e.g. KEMAYETi,
awzun~e, awzune n. buckle. XIZMA\'"ETi.
ax 1 (N) n. earth, mould. ayin<Je (P) n. and a. future.
ax 2 a. sigh; as int. alas!; - HEJ.. KESHAN, sigh; -ayi suf.forming nn.from adjj., e.g. BESHAVf,
--U-DAX, --U-WAX, n. lamentation ( --u- KEMAYi, TARIKAVi.
DAXAN-IM, WOe is me!). ayin n. ceremony, rite, doctrine; ~1 a. cere-
axaftin (ax~v) (N) v.i. talk, converse, chat, monial, ritual, doctrinal.
say. ayn-u-oyin n. prevarication, equivocation.
axawtin (ax~w) v.t. school, train, (horse). ay-yey~yey int. expr. surprise. .
axchi buxchi n. name of game resembling aza 1 a. brave, active, efficient, quick, helpful,
'ride a cock horse' of small children. magnanimous, good (child ; ~ BE WE ... , be
axer conj. but still, and so, then. a good boy and . • • ), chaste (woman);
ax~z n. gen. - K., get up and go elsewhere, ~YANE, adv. bravely, etc.; ~vi n. bravery
move away, (gen. of crowd, flock, etc.). etc.; -vi K., be generous, be magnanimous;
axinin (axin) v.t. insert, plug, imprison, -vi LE DES HATIN, *'be efficient, *'be com-
(E, into). See HEI.-, TE. petent, •be good worker, *be magnanimous.
axir (A), n., a., and adv. end, final, finally; aza 2 a. see AZAJ;l.
-EMIN, a. very last; -1 a., n., and adv. aza<J (also ~E) a. free; ~ K., free, liberate;
final, outcome, finally; - i w oxni, in the GERDIN - K., see GERDIN j -f n. freedom.
end, eventually; -sHEB a. reprobate; -XER Also AZA2 •
a. meritorious (person); -ZEMAN n. the aza!e (SN) n. fuel of mixed dung of oxen
latter days, end of the ·world. and sheep.
axo see DAXO. azar n. pain, suffering ; ~ J;l., hurt, inflict
axoran-u-bixoran a. rioting, disturbance. suffering on, (d.o. or v).
axun n. Shi'a cleric. •azeb (A) n. lusty bachelor; -En. pimple (of
axur n. stable, manger. adolescent). See HERZEKAR.
axuwa see DAXO. Azer (P) n. November-December, s~;,
ay int. expr. pain ow; -AY n. kind of elegy Appendix I.
frequently sung on the open road and aziz (A) a. dear, beloved.
lamenting injustice to.Kurdistan. azmayisht n. examination.
aya (also AYAKU) interrog. word and conj. az- u- beze n. sin.
either, whether, ••. or; an alternative if azuxe n. victuals, provisions.

b pres. stem of BUN. ~I;>ARf n. rheumatism, gout; -GEJE n. whirl-
b' 1 see BE3• wind, cyclone; ~GIRD n. cyclone (meteoro-
b' 2 see BI. logy); ~GUNE n. orchitis; ~HENdR n. first
ba1 affirmative particle used as correction in non-maturing crop of figs; -KtsH n. air-
answer to neg. question, Yes. shaft, chimney, dry cupping; ~PEB a. gen.
ba 2 particle used with subjunctive w. meaning -PEB B., catch a chill after sweating; ~PERf
let j "" BIBOYN, let us go. Also BAM. ~- chill; -PECH n. locality of frequent whirl-
ba 3 n. wind; HETA ~ L'EM KUNE'WE B'E, as winds, snow-drift, colic pains, gripes;
long as this situation persists; BE ~ CHUN, -PUSHKE n. dust and dirt; ~BESH, see
be wasted; BE ~ J;J., winnow, blow away E£SHEBAj ~!!ESHE n. plague; ~-W-BARAN n.
(XEM BE - 1)., drive away sorrow), waste; squall (KIRD-Y BE ~-w-BARAN, a squall got
~ TE J;l, *'be painful (esp. rheumatic pains); up; ESP Y --W-BARAN, winged horse of
~ G., be exposed to draught (hence ~GIR, fable); ~-w-BIJE n. flatulence; ~WESHEN n.
~GIRTu, a draughty); - K., be flatulent; fan (~WESHEN K., fan); -xon n. gap;
BE ~ K., winnow; ~ DER K., break w; ~YEWAN n. sail; -vi a. proud, conceited
- HEL K., start to blow, rise, (wind). (LE xo -vi B., be conceited); -YILKE n.
ba 8 in comb.: ~BIRDU a. w.-blown, skinny; thistle-down.
-QAR a. causing flatulence, rheumatism; ba' n. rolling, winding, movement ; ~ J;>.

roll, wind (clock), wag (tail), shake (head), bahu n. upper arm, beam of balance, flange,
turn (screw), change (direction, occupation; skirting-board.
E, ESER, to, towards) ; (hence ~J;>IRAW, a. baje!e n. name of a skin-disease of children.
wound, twisted, etc.); xo ~ J}., swagger; baj~r n. town, market-town; -f, a. and n.
~ l}VI'., resume, restart, relapse, change townsman, bourgeois. Cf. SHARBAJEJ!.
direction, turn back (E, ESER, towards); ~ bak n. fear, care; ~ NEDlJN, *not to care.
XUWARDIN, be rolled, be wound, etc.). bakur1 n. north; -i a. northern.
ba5 n. price; ~-Y CHEN]}, how much is that, bakur 2 n. name of a predatory bird.
what is the price of it! Also BEHA. balan<Jin (bal~n) v.t. bleat.
ba6 n. short for BAD, BAW, father; ~PiR n. balani n. small species of mule.
grandfather; ~PiRAN, grandparents, an- bale, balebal, n. bleat, bleating.
cestors; ~PiREGEWRE n. great-grandfather. balif n. arm:-rest, cushion.
ba7 (P) prep. only in comb.: ~WEcu conj. balore n. kind of recitative gen. intoned by
although; ~XEBER a. aware, informed, (cf. young girls for small present of money. Cf.
ba' n. bleat, baa; ~E, ~EnA' n. bleat, bleat- baluke n. wart.
ing; ~EBA' K., bleat. bap n. whale.
ba'an<Jin (ba'~n) v.t. bleat. ba}2 n. arm, wing; ...., DESTIN, pm10n (Y;
bab 1 (A) n. gate, door, chapter. hence ~BEST K., w. same meaning); CHUN
bab 2 n. father; ~AN, see BAWAN; ~E 1 , voc. of EJER ~, support (Y); DA Y ~ y xo J}., go for
~; ~E , a title, also first element of personal a constitutional walk; J}. LE SHEQE y ~,take
(names, e.g. BABE 'ELf, BABE RESuL; ~E'EMRE wing, fly away; ...., G. same as prec., also fig.
n. sprightly old man; ~EGEWRE n. grand- hurry, make haste; ...., SHIKAN, *have wing
father; ~EXuLt n. name of a child's game; broken, *fail miserably (hence -SHIKAW a.
~ iLE 11. dim. of ~, darling father; ~o see ~E 1 • unsuccessful, frustrated); -l}AR a. and 11.
See also DAW. winged, bird; -EFIBE a. newly fledged;
baba n. Qalandari dervish, title in esoteric -EFIJ!E, -EFIBKE n. flapping of wings;
fraternity; sometimes interpolated w. accent -EKIBE n. wooden rake j ~ESHOB:@: n. pip,
on first syllable in sentence w. meaning indeed, disease of poultry; -ETEP:@: n. fluttering;
it must be granted, etc., e.g. BE xuwA, BABA, -EXENCERE n. name of a bird; ~INJ}E n.
KABRA XIZMET-Y KIRD, indeed, it must be bird; -iNn. pillow, cushion; -iNE n. cir-
granted, the fellow did noble work. cular appliance, pierced cushion for cham-
habet n. subject, matter, sort, kind, cate- ber-pot, ring worn on head for carrying
gory. loads, life-buoy.
babibabi n. name of an indoor game. bala a. and n. high; height,. stature; ..... Y
babo!e n. roll, rolled parcel, rolled sandwich; CHAW, upon the eyes (expr. of obedience,
...., K., roll. welcome, etc.); BE ~ .BIBIN, give a present
babune a. camomile. in return for services (Y); ...., G., grow taller;
bac t1. tax, toll; ...., G., ~ SENJ}IN, collect BE ...., G., measure cloth on intending wearer,
t. hence ~GIR n. t. collector); ~GE n. toll- make clothes serve, (Y, on, for); ...., K., grow
post. taller; -AWENE see -'wtNEj -BERZ a. tall;
bace n. funnel, chimney. -BERZE n. middle finger; -BISTE a. and n.
baci n. big sister, also used as title; ~LE n. very short, dwarf ( -BISTE Y CHILGEZBlSHE,
endearing dim. of-. long-bearded dwarf); -DES a. superior,
bache a. pied, piebald. senior; ....,FIB a. h.-flying, self-important;
baQ see DUBAJ} under ou'. ....,KURT a. short of stature j ....,NfSH n. senior
ba<Jam n. see BAJ}EM. person present; -POSH n. overcoat; ....,'WENE
badawa adv. in vain. n. full-length looking-glass; --W-PESTI n.
ba<Je n. wine; -FIROSH n. w.-merchant; heaven and earth; -XANE n. upper story.
-NOSH a. gen. ~NOSH B., drink a toast (BE ba!baz n. soldier.
TENDIRUSTI Y ••• -EWE ~NOSH EBIM, I drink ba!eban1 n. sa'ker falcon.
to the health of ... ). ba!eban 2 n. kettle-drum (cavalry), large
ba<Jem n. almond; -ETALE n. bitter a.; -i, horse, hulking person---·--
a. a.-shaped (esp. of eyes). Also BAJ}AM. ba}exane see BAI.AXANE.
ba<Jru (SN) n. cockscomb (bot.). bale (: .) int. expr. disbelief, sarcasm, etc. 0
bafre n. white gum-arabic. yes!
baft (P) n. woven fabric, style of weaving; ba!illh (A) a. pubescent, mature.
-En. braid. ba!ishme n. piece of timber inserted in wall
ballirden see BANGIRDEN. above door or window to take the weight.
ballhe 11. celluloid. ba!on (E) n. balloon.
ba!yoz (E) n. ambassador; -XANE n. em- bar' in comb.: -ANE n. octroi or other fee
bassy, a.'s residence. levied by the I.; -ASH n. 1. of grain for
bam see BA 2 • milling or of milled flour; -BENJ;>i n. loading
bame n. kidney vetch, okra, lady's finger. up; -BER a. and n. carrier, porter, (WULAX
ban n. top side, roof-top, surface, plateau, Y -BER, packhorse); -J;>AR a. pregnant
also used as prep. mtd as second element of (human); -EDAR1 n. 1. of wood; -EKi a. gen.
comp. prepp. on, on top of; -tK-E w niJ WULAX Y -EKI, beast of burden, pack-
HEWA, lit. it is a case of one roof and two horse; -GE n. I. of personal belongings
climates, there is one law for the rich and ( -GtlCHi n. person in charge of such I.);
one for the poor, there is no equality of -GiR 11. horse; -NAME n. invoice, bill of ·
treatment, etc. ; ,..., YEK, on top of each lading; -suK a. not burdened w. responsi-
other; ,..., G~N, ,..., KUTAN, roll flat mud bility; --U-BARXANE n. caravan gen. of
roof after rain to prevent leaking; -BARGE belongings of single merchant or traveller,
n. woman who rides in bridal procession baggage-train (milit.); --U-BINE 11. goods
on mule loaded w. bride's possessions; and chattels; -XANE, see --U-BARXANE
-E n. subdivision of sown field; -EGA n. above.
surface, private parts; -EMEB n. midspring -bar 5 suf. forming adjj. w. sense full of e.g.
season; -EVI'BAN K., jump from roof to roof; XEFETBAR.
-GIRDtN (also BAGIRDtN) n. roof-roller; Baram n. Bahram, Mars (planet).
-GUSH n. person employed to roll roof after baran n. rain, also fig. in many combb.;
rain; -IK n. top, summit; -iJE n. pent- BARIN, ,.., DA J;>., rain; KIRD-Y BE (E) ,...,, it
house; -sER n. coin sewn on middle of began to rain; LE-Y KIRDiN E """• we were
skull-cap on which kerchief may be looped caught in the r.; ;..., XOSH-Y KIRDEWE, it
(see DESMAI,). stopped raining; -Aw n. r.-pool; -BIBAN,
ban~ n. call, invitation, declaration, (esp. c. n. May-June, see Appendix I; -En. name
to five ritual prayers; see MELABANGAN, NOJ); of a song; -i n. r.-coat.
,..., J;>., call to prayer (hence -J?ER n. muezzin); barbft n. subscription, contribution.
,..., Y sHtxbi J;>. BO, declare a pupil entitled bare1 n. part, portion, benefit; -BERn. par-
to assume style of sheikh; ,..., BA HtsHTIN, pro- ticipant, -shareholder; -cHE n. benefit,
claim, declare; ,..., K., call out, also summon, interest, income; -EJ?AR2, -EMENJ;> a. for-
invite, (d.o.); --u-SELA Y Mu~MMEJ;>, the tunate, blessed. Cj. BEHRE.
teaching of Muhammad, the Islamic religion. bare 2 n. subject, matter, only in phrase LE ,..,
banii n. lady, queen (cards); -sHAn. queen Y .•• -EWE, concerning, w. regard to.
(in own right); -xuwA n. goddess. bare~a n. headquarters, court, abode of
bapiri n. a species of sdur pomegranate. God.
baqan9in (baqen) v.t. bleat. barimte n. mortgage, deposit, article in
baqe 1 bleat; -BAQ n. continuous bleating. pawn, hostage.
baqe 2 bunch, bundle; -GUL n. nosegay. barist a. elevated, raised up; -AYi n. rising
baqil, baq!ekim, baq!im adv. as it seems ground, heaped earth, height, size, bulk,
to me, apparently. cubical contents.
bar1 n. fruit. Cf. BER 3• -barik a. thin, narrow; -ANn. fine thread
bar 2 n. time, occasion; -EHA adv. often; (-AN EISTIN, spin fine thread, spin out
-~ (.'.) adv. also -~ HicH NEB~, at least. time, be excessively meticulous, be tedious);
bar8 n. situation, condition, ability; LE -~KA -E n. embroidered ribbon; -EB~ n. path;
KE, in case, in the eventuality that; LE -A B., -~U-BINfs a. emaciated. Cf. DERDEBARiKE.
be within the capacity (Y, of), *'be able; LE barfin (bar) v.i. rain, fall (snow etc.), rain
,.., KEWTIN, deteriorate, be incapacitated, down (fig.); L~ -iN, *be caught in rain;
(hence LEBARKEWTU a. incapacitated etc.). -ANJ;>IN ( -tN), caus. See DA.
bar 4 n. load, child in womb; ,..., BESTIN, barii a. rampart, battlement.
pack 1.; ,.., BIRDIN, transport, carry, 1.; MINAL bariit n. gunpowder.
LE ,..., CHUN, *'abort, *'have miscarriage; bar a. immature; -EKEW n. squeaker hill-
HATIN EBER -, be tamed, be broken in partridge; -oKE n. chick.
(horse); HENAN EBER -, tame, break in, baran9in (baren) v.t. bleat, shout.
reduce to obedience; · ,..., KEWTIN, *suffer bare, barebar n. bleat, bleating, shout,
misfortune, *'be incapable of further work shouting.
(hence -KEWTU a. unlucky, broken-down); bareze n. name of a plant.
,..., mHAN, accept responsibility for, under- bas n. mention, story; ,..., K., mention (LE, v);
take, (Y; hence also -KtsHi K.,);,..., K., load --u-xuwAS n. news.
up caravan, strike camp, migrate; ,.., LEN., bask n. arm, wing, side, low ridge, mountain
load upon; ,.., x., unload. spur;,.., y HAWAR, alarm signal (arm or stick
waved over head); ~EMELE n. swimming bayex 11. credit, appreciation, value, prestige;
overarm. ~J;>AR a. valued, valuable.
bask~sh see MIJAN. bayincan n. egg-plant, aubergine; ~ y BESH,
basqenqe n. pipe stem, walking-stick, of same as prec.; ~ Y SUR, ..... Y SHAM, tomato
cherry wood; ~siM n. pipe-stem borer. (also TEMATE); ~I, n. and a. aubergine-colour.
bastan n. ancient time, tradition; ~i a. baz 1 n. goshawk; -EWAN n. falconer.
ancient, traditional; ~NAS n. archaeologist; baz 2 n. jump; - J;>., jump; ~BAZEN n. com-
~NASI n. archaeology. petitive jumping, gen. long j. ( ~BAZEN y
basiiq n. grape-juice jelly. DIJlliJ); -BAZEN Y BERZ, high j.; ~EBERAN
basiir n. haemorrhoids, piles; n. last weeks of the winter CHILE q.v.; -GE
bash a. good. n. jumping-off place; ~REQE n. gen. -REQE
bash~! n. shawl used by women for carry- BESTIN, start, gush, spurt out (e.g. blood);
ing loads, skirt looped behind for this -REQE K., ricochet.
purpose. baz 3 (P) adv. again; ~nt n. review, revision
bashoke n. kind of hawk. ( ~ni K., revise).
bashqa! see CHAWBASHQAJ... baz4 (P)suf. meaning skilled performer, addict,
bashqepan n. name of a species of snake. etc., e.g. KOTIRBAZ, TENAFBAZ, QUMARBAZ.
bati see LEBATi under LE 2 • bazar n. bazaar, market; - y GERM, active
batii n. testicle. market; ~ GERM B., *do good business;
baw 1 n. fashion, vogue; ~ SEN!;> IN, become ~1 a. of the bazaar, loafer, valueless.
fashionable; ~J;>AR a. fashionable. baze 1 n. thick cotton fabric.
baw 2 n. father; ~AN n. parents; ~ANi n. bazfe 2 a. piebald; -EI.E a. striped (esp. of
trousseau brought by bride from parents' young wild pig), 'getting quite big' (child
home; ~E\ voc. of ~; ~E 2 n. a title, also not yet adolescent), pushing, officious; ~IG
first element of personal names, e.g. BAWE same as -E.
YADGAR; ~EJIN n. step-mother; ~ELE n. bazin n. bangle worn. on wrist.
voc. darling f. j ~EPIYARE n. step-f.; ~EXULE bazir~an n. draper, n{)W gen. merchant;. -i
see BABEXULE; ~EXUN a. relating to custom- n. trade, trading.
ary visit of bride to parents seven days after bazir n. name of a small bird;
marriage (~ExUN BW., pay such visit; bazi n. play, game; - ..... BERISH Y MAl\IE ~,
~EXuN KW., take bride for such visit); ~x teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
(also ~ux) n. father; ~KEI, voc. of prec.; bazfole n. armlet; ~u n. arm; ~uBEN:I;> n.
-KE 2 n. cock-sparrow; -KEKEM. int. my armlet.
dear fellow; -KEL:il;, see -ELE; ~KEBO int. be 1 pres. stem of BIRDIN.
alas for father; -KIM, see -KEKEM; --u- be 2 2 pers. sing. imperat. of BUN.
BAPiR(AN) n. ancestors. Cf. BAB. be3 (B' before dem. pronn. and adjj.), prep. to,
baw 8 see BENJ;J-U-BAW. for, by (agent and oaths), with, by means of;
-bawi suf. added to names of colours to form in conj. w. postp. -J?A (-A), across, through,
adjj. w. sense somewhat, -ish, e.g. BESHBAW, up on, over; in conj. w. postp. -EWE, with,
SURBAW. on to, according to, through. Examples:
bawe! n. afflicted with -1, a disease of - MIN CHi, what does it matter to me?;
lambs and kids. PARE BI:I;>E ~ GEJ;JAKE, give money to the
bawer n. belief; ~ x. believe; P.E x., trust. beggar; ~ MIN NAKIRE, it cannot be done by
Cf. BIBWA. me, I cannot do it; .:-xuwA, by God; ~
bawesh n. embrace, armful; ~t BIBEDAR, an KESHTf ECHfN, We shall go by ship; CHA\V ~
armful of kindling; LE- G., G. E ~,take KIL ERil:JiN, we darken our eyes w. kohl;
into one's·arms; ..... PIYA K., embrace. ~ BARAN, when it is raining; ~ SHEW, by
bawi'!shk 1t. yawn; ~:I;>., ..... J?W., yawn. night; - HAWIN, in summer; ~ BAZAEA
bawul n. suit-case, trunk. CHUYN, we went through (by way of) the
bax n. orchard; ~ BIBi'N, prune; ~cHE n. bazaar; TIFENGEKE HE!. WASE ~ DIWAREKE!)A,
flower garden; -EWAN n. gardener; ~r.E n. hang the rifle up on the wall; ~ NAWEKANA
seed-bed. DIYAR-E, it is clear from the names; -
baxeber (P) a. informed, aware. XENCEREWE HATIN ESER-MAN, they attacked
baxel n. ·bosom, breast-pocket; CHUN E US W. daggers; BERD.ftK-Y ~ DESEWE BU, he
-EWE, NUSTIN LE -A, sleep in the arms had :a stone in his hand; KAGHEZEKE
(Y, of); K. E --, x. E -, tuck into breast- BINUSENE - DIWAREKE'WE, stick the paper
pocket, belt, etc. on the wall; BEN - KUN Y DERZIYEWE NACHt,
bayber~ n. substance, main point, heart of string will not go through the eye of a
a matter. needle .. See PE, PEJ;>A (PIYA), PE'WE for the
b~yef n. bitter-almond tree. Cj. CHEQALE. circumst-ances in which BE, BE ( -J;>A, -A) and
BE (-EWE) respectively take tlJeseforms, and perfect condition; ~DES, practical, efficient,
PEK = BE YEK. For comp. prep. see BE 5• For energetic and successful, having authority;
adJi. formed by BE w. noun see BE 6 • ~nES-U-BIRD, quick worker; -DIL, enthu-
be 4 is also used to introduce nn. and adjj. used siastic; ~DiN, good, virtuous; ~EDA, grace-
predicatively: EBE BE PIYAW, he will become ful, elegant; ~EJ;JEB, polite; -ENI;JAM, of
a man; xo-Y EKA ~ NUSTU, he pretends to be fine physique; ~ 'EQL, prudent, sensible;
asleep. -FAL, on heat (fern. animal); ~FENG-U-FEL,
be 5 is regulady pref. to the prep. BE and to knave, rogue; ~Fiz, proud, conceited;
certain mz., esp. nn. of place, to form camp. ~GECHEL, quarrelsome; ~G!R, steady, im-
p1·epp.; then. governed by a comp. prep. is not perturbable; -GUJM, violent; -GUN, virile,
linked to it by fzafe (Y 2); such comp. prepp. robust; ~GUB, energetic; -GHIRET, zealous;
are however sometimes 1·esolved into prep. ~HUNER, skilled, artistic; ~!MAN, religious,
phmses zv. 'izafe, and, conversely, 'izafe is pious; -'iNWAN, proud, conceited, dignified
sometimes omitted from a more usual phrase (woman only); ~KAR, practical, active;
to form a camp. prep. not included in the list ~KEL, on heat (fern. bovine); r~KELK,
below; camp. prepp. formed w. BE are gen. useful; ~KEMAL, accomplished, cultivated;
used w. postpp. -J;JA (-A) indicating movement, ~KEREM, of use; ~KEYF, delighted; -KIB,
and -EWE indicating rest: ~BAN (-I;JA, -EWE), broody; ~LEZ (N), speedy, pressed;
over, above; ~BER, ~BERDEM ( -I;JA, -EWE), ~MARIFET, urbane, polished, refined; ~
in front of; ~BE, without; ~BIN ( -J;JA, -EWE), MERD, married (woman); ~NAN, hospitable,
below; ~DEM 1 (-EWE), according to the bountiful; ~NAW (incorrect for BEI;JNAW),
statement of, on the authority of, (but ~DEM ill-famed; ~NAWBANG, ~NAW(-U-) AWAZE,
••• -EWE J;l., let out, e.g. string of kite, give famous; ~NAW(-u-)NATORE, notorious;
rein to); ~DEM 2 (-EWE), simultaneously, ~NAZ, ~NAZ-U-NUZ, coquettish; ~PENJ;l,
together, w.; ~DES (-EWE), in hand, under admonished, sobered, reformed; ~PEROSH,
the control of; ~DIYAR (-EWE), in the itching, craving, (Bo, for); ~PE, good
presence of, beside, ( ~DIYAR MINAI,..EWE DA walker; ~PECH, winding, tortuous; ~PEcH­
, NISHTIN, sit watching a child, baby-sit); u-PENA, evasive, tortuous (character); ~PE:z,
~nO (-J;JA), after, in search of; ~nu (-EWE), glutinous, firm and elastic (dough); ~PiT,
after, following; -EMBER, ~EMDIW, ~EMPEB fertile, productive; ~QEJ;JR, worthy, re-
(zoritten and pronounced B'EMBER, etc., -J;JA, spected, ·influential, ~QELAFET, strapping,
-EWE) on this side of; -EWBER, -Ewniw, of imposing appearance; ~QiN, vindictive;
~EWPEB (written and pronounced B'EWBER, ~BEI;IM, merciful; ~BENG-U-BO, fresh and
etc., -J;JA, -EWE) on that side of; -GIJ (-J;JA), blooming (esp. girl); ~BE, ~nt-w-cE:, ap-
out against, up against; '"'"'JER (-J;JA, -EWE) propriate; ~nt-w-SHON, of established posi-
under, below ( '"'-"JER ••• -EWE B., be over- tion; ~nrQ, vindictive, angry; ~ntz,
whelmed by; ~ jER ••• -EWE K., hide sg. under respected, honourable; ~noJfJ, fasting;
sg.); ~JUR (-J;JA, -EWE), over, above; -KIN ~sAM, imposing, impressive, majestic,
(-J;JA), beside, close to; -NAW (-J;JA), inside, awful; ~SEBR, patient; ~SELTENET, grand,
through the middle of; -NiziK (-DA), near; stylish; ~srFET, loyal, grateful; ~sHAN-u­
-PiR, see Pl'R; -QEI;l, commensurately w., BAHU, strapping, sturdy; ~SHERM, modest,
as compared w.; ~sER (-J;JA, -EWE), over, on shy; ~SHEWKET, dignified; ~SHEWQ\
(MIN HkH-IM BESER EWE'WE NiYE, I have no bright; ~sHEWQ 2 , enthusiastic; ~sHfJ,
claim upon you); ~sHON (-J;JA, -EWE), after, married (woman); ~TAW, enthusiastic,
in search of, on the tracks of; -TENG (-EWE), energetic; ~TELEB, on heat (mare); ~TIRS,
out of concern for; ~TENISHT (-J;JA, -EWE), alarming, dangerous; ~TiN, fervid, ardent;
alongside of, near by. ~wEFA, loyal, grateful; ~XEBER, awake
be 6 is pref. to many nn. to form adjj., of which ( -XEBER BW., wake; -XEBER KW., rouse from
only a selection can be given here, w. meaning sleep); ~xE:w gen. ~xtw K., nurture;
possessed of, -ful, etc.: ~AGA, informed, -xiZMET, helpful, obliging, hospitable; -xo,
aware; ~BA, windy, passionat~, on heat strapping, sturdy; ~ XULQ, good-tempert~d,
(fern. animal); ~BENJ;l-U-BAW, mischievous urbane; ~ZAT, brave, courageous; ~l!)El!llt-u­
gossip; ~BIREW, productive, profitable, ZENG, strict, stern.
in demand, having prestige; ~BIBISHT, be other combb.; ~BE:'wEBER n. and a.
fruitful; -CERG, brave; -ct, -CE-W-BE, manager, administrator, managing; ~sERHAT
appropriate; ~CHING, industrious, inde- n. event, experience; -xERHATIN n. gen.
fatigable, pushing; ~DEBDEBE, flamboyant, -XERHATIN LE K., welcome, greet; ~xojtw
spectacular; -DEM, conversationalist; a. self-supporting .
. ~DEMAGH, cheerful, jolly; -DEM-U-PIL, bebe, bebeke, bebele, bebele, beboke n.
ready witted, conversationalist; ~DEQ, in baby; BEBELE Y CHAW, see BIBILE.
bebii see KUNJ;>EBEBU. bel}.r (A) 11. sea.
becge see BEcGE. behre 11. part, portion, benefit, blessing;
bech n. young, child, chick; ~ Y BAWK Y -J;>AR, ~MENJ;>, ~wEn a. fortunate, blessed.
XO-Y-ETY, he is a chip of the old block; ~E Cf. BARE1 •
n. child (male), boy, beardless youth; behreme n. drill (tool).
~EBAZ n. sodomite; ~EJ;>AN n. womb; bej n. dry land.
-EXORE a. insatiable, voracious; ~KE n. bejn n. gen. ~-U-BALA n. stature, waist.
young (animal), brat; -OJ..E n. small child. bekre1 n. reel (for winding), wooden part of
be<.! a. bad; pref. to many nn. to form adjj. zv. fire-box of hookah.
meaning ill-, evil-, etc.; abstract nn. are bekre 2 n. clay.
readily formed from all such adjj. by the bel a. erect; ~B., stand up; ~AN a. upstand-
addition of termination ~i; -AYiN, infidel; ing; -EBARiKE a. and n. lanky; -EBEL n.
-BAR, unfortunate, in trouble; -BEXT, wobble (-EBEL K., wobble, sway); -oKE n.
unlucky (cf. ntBEXT); ~ntJ, evil-tongued; clitoris.
-BiN, pessimist; -noN, stinking;· -CINS, belebaqe n. a disease of goats; as int. exp.
base-born; -cHARE, ugly; -DII,, ill-natured; annoyance at continuous bleating Bah to
-oiMEN, ugly; -ou, foul-spoken, vitupera- you!
tive; -FESAL, ugly; -GEWHER, of bad char- belefire n. diarrhoea (animals).
acter; -Go, evil-tongued; -GUMAN, prone belek n. liquorice.
to feel suspicion, suspicious; -GUNYE, belem n. boat.
askew, not at right-angles; -HAL, in a bad belesan 11. balsam tree.
way; "'"'KAR, -KIRDAR, ~KIRDEWE, evil- belese a. gen. - n., run away, bolt, (esp.
doer; -LIG:E-IAW, obstinate, stubborn; animals).
-MEST, fighting-drunk, drunk and dis- beleshuwane n. name of a plant.
orderly; ~NAW, disreputable; -NEJAD, belezuwane n. buckle.
base-born; ~NIMEK, ungrateful; -NIYAR, bela (A) n. misfortune, calamity.
ill-natured; ~PESENJ;>, having perverted be!a!iik n. morello, small bitter cherry.
tastes; ~BENG, badly. coloured; -BESEN, be!am, be!an conj. but, moreover. Cf. WE 3 •
base-born; -BEWT, ill-behaved, having bad be!ec.I a. well-informed, conversant.
paces (horse); -BEWTAR, ill-behaved; be!ek a. piebald; -i, n. discoloration of skin.
~BEWUSHT, of bad character; -sEKUT, be!e( •.') affirmative particle Yes; - ( . .'),
ugly; ~smrsHT, ill-natured; ~sHIKL, ill- certainly, I fully agree.
formed; -TUXM, ill-bred; -xuwAZ, ill--· belen n. promise, undertaking; ~ J;>., pro-
wisher, malevolent; -xu, cross-grained, m1se.
ill-humoured; -ZIMAN, evil-tongued. - be!ge n. sign, indication, evidence.
bec.Ireme n. a species of wild bee. Cf. be!gh n. sediment, fur (in kettle, on tongue,
SHEMETit.tNKE. etc.); "'"'G., become coated with fur, etc.
bec.Ireqe n. guide, escort. be!ghem n. phlegm.
bec.Ii'im a. ill-omened, unlucky. Also BEYUM. be!ke, be!kim, be}ki, be!ku adv. perhaps,
be•e(! .) n. bleating, baa-lamb (nursery word). but rather (cf. Vl'll 3 ).
befr n. snow; ~ BARiN, snow; -Awn. iced be!m n. rice-straw; -EBiSH a. having long
water; -EJILKE, ~ELUKE n. s. falling in small bristling beard.
flakes; -ESER n. hard lying s.; -MAL n. be!me (.'.) int. exp. incredulity Liar!
s.-shovel; -xoRKE 11. low cloud that accom- bern n. bass string of musical instrument,
panies thaw. drone, buzzing or booming sound, bass.
Beg n. Beg, Bey (title); -zA, -ZAJ;>E n. word ben1 n. string, shoe-lace; "'"'0KE n. ribbon;
used to denote members of certain aristo- -sAMOTE n. thong for strapping pack
cratic families; DAN Y -ZAJ;>E, bicuspid behind saddle. Cf. BENJ;>.
tooth. ben 2 n. terebinth.
beh beh int. expr. admiration splendid! bena 1 n. name of a plant; -SHUWANE n.
beha n. price. See BA 5 • name of a fragrant herb used for flavouring
behar n. spring(season); CHUNE "'"'EWE, leave MAST, q.v.
village for s. camp; "'"'BENJ;> n. s. camping bena 2 (A) n. mason, bricklayer.
ground; -E, s.-sown wheat; -i a. spring bencn.anaesthetic; -PtJ;>.,administera.to.
(esp. of clothing). benq n. string, tie, delay, detention, dam,
beharat 11. spices. ridge (topog.), joint (animal body), articula-
behesht n.-Paradise; -i a. deceased, late. tion, bundle, ream, chapter, clause, record;
behe n. quince. Also BEY. - Y DIL, cardia; - B., be detained, be
Behmen tz. January-February, see Appen- delayed; - K., tie, delay, bind (book), place
dix I. on record; -AN, as second element of comp.
7111. see SEHOLBENJ;>AN, XENilBilNl)AN; ~E n. (LE, from), set, launch, put to cover (male
slave, servant; ~EGERi, ~EGi, n. slavery, on female), (TE, LE, at, against), make target
servitude; ~ELLBENJ;l n. range, chain (moun- of (e.g. ..., CINE\\' J;l., revile; -DAR I;>, beat w.
tains); -EN n-: rough track; ~EYI see BEN- stick; ..., GULE l)., shoot at); - xo J;>., drive
DEGi; -EXON n. cord of pyjamas, drawers, sg. fonvard; xo ..., J;l., let oneself go, spend
or trousers; -in. prisoner; ~iKEsHI n. ex- lavishly; J;l. E -, adopt as object (EEGA l). E
perience of imprisonment; -iWAN n. jailer, BER, take to the road, set out on journey);
warder; -iWAR a. attached, connected; ..., J;>W., let loose again (etc. see ..., J?.), let
-iXANE n. prison; -oKE n. ribbon, name fall, drop; ..., G., oppose (Y); G. E -,adopt
of a grass eaten in salads; ""-U-BEST n. disci- (course of action), follow (road), etc.; ..., pf:
pline. Cf. BEN. G., cut off advance of, block the way against;
benc;Jer n. harbour, port. LE ..., DA KENJ;>IN, doff, take off, (clothes);
benc;J-u-baw 11. misrepresentation, false pro- ..., KEWTIN, adYance, *obtain, *happen to,
paganda; ..., X. ESHON, ..., SHON X. (Y), calum- *be entitled to, *become the target of (e.g.
niate. GULE ..., KEWTIX, but also ..., GULE KEWTIN,
beng 1 n. = BENJ;l in sense delay. be hit by bullet, cf. - GULE J;l. above;
beng 2 n. hemp prepared for smoking, -KE\VTU n. victim, medical patient); ...,
hashish; ..., !&SHAN, smoke h., hence -KESH K., face (..., KE B'E:>I LA'WE, face this way) ;
n. h.-addict. BE -A K., thrust into waistband (e.g. dagger);
benge!ejile n. name of a plant. LE ..., K., don, put on (clothes); ..., TASHIN,
beq (G) n. cock-partridge. remove body hair.
beqa! (A) n. greengrocer. ber 5 in comb.: -A:\1BER a. and adz•. opposite,
beqbequ n. coo, cooing. Also WEQWEQU. parallel w., equal to, in relation to, (Y, BE);
beqem n. dye liable to fade. -AMBERilN n. contest between two players,
beqye n. quilting. singles; -AMBERi n. opposition; -AMBERKE
ber 1 alternative form of pres. stem of BIRDIN n. contest, competition; -ANPilCH n. work-·
(BE); sometimes used in pres. subj. but uithout ing overall (fern. att.) -Aw a. and n.
moodparticle BI; always as agent zv. meaning irrigable (land); -AWURD n. gen. -AWURD K.
bearer, e.g. BARBER, EENCBER. compare (LEGEI,., with); -BANG n. sunset
ber 2 n. side (one of two sides, position remote breakfast in Ramadan (-BANG K. or KW.,
from. central line, etc.). See EMBER, EWBER. break fast at sunset); -BAR a. trained to
ber 3 n. fruit, offspring, child in womb, 'carry load (pony, mule); -BEJN n. pendant
excrescence; ..., FIEE :Q., abort, have mis- (jewellery); -BENJ), see -BEST; -BEREKANi
carriage, (animal) ..., G., bear f.; ..., HAWISH- n. opposition; -BEREKil n. competition;
TIN, see ..., FIBE J;l.; ..., LE XUWARDIN, profit -BEEOCHKE n. sunny corner; -BEST n.
from, exploit; ""AWi'TE a. having had mis- obstacle, dam (-BEST K., dam, stem);
carriage, (animal); -J;>AR a. fruitful; -E1 n. -BESTi n. defence; -BUK n. matron who
progeny, family, dynasty, party (cf. accompanies bride to bridegroom's house
DUBEREKi); --U-BUM n. product, gain, on wedding day; -cHAW n. view, prospect,
bounty, prosperity; -xURDAR a. happy, sight, eyesight, facial expression ·(-cHAW
prosperous. TARIK B., *not see clearly; LE -CHAW
ber' n. memory; LE ..., B., *know by heart; KEWTIN, fall. from favour; LE -CHAW X.,
LE ..., K., memorize, learn by heart; LE ..., dismiss from favour); -cHAWEn. eye-shade;
WUTIN, recite from m. -CHAWGE n. chain gen. of gold or silver
ber5 n., adv., and prep. front, beginning, worn around forehead and hair (fern.
release, lining, width (as opp. to length of jewellery), eyeshade for horse; -CHAWTENG
fabrics, planks, etc.), forward, before, in a. miserly; -cHAWTER a. generous; -cHAYi
front of; ..., Y BEYAN, dawn; ..., Y DES, palm n. morning breakfast; -cHEP a. and n.
of hand; ..., Y PE, sole of foot; MU Y .... , hair opponent, rival; -CHIGH n. prop for CHIGH,
of privy parts; ..., BE, towards; ..., LE, before q.v.; -DEM n. presence (person), front;
(-EWE); LE ..., Y, from the beginning of, for -DERGA, -DERK n. space in front of,
the sake of. approach to, gate; -DES n. attendant, set
ber5 idiomatic usages w. verbs: ..., B., be re- of tools, outfit, lining of cuff; -DEsi n.
leased, emerge from eclipse (sun, moon), go personal service; -DEWK (N) n. boon com-
free (Lf:, from); TE (LE) ..., B., be let loose panion, favourite (e.g. of prince); -DIEKANE
against, attack, assault; LEK ..., B., TEK ..., B., n. party given on occasion of wearing new
fight each other, grapple; LE -A B., *be suit of clothes for first time; -DUG n. fine
wearing; ~ BW., drop, fall,'(Lil, from; BALE skin of fat tail of sheep; -nux n. whorl of
..., BW., *break wind), break out (fire, see spindle; -E 2 n. breast-band (harness); -E 3
AGIR); ..., l)., let loose, release, withdraw 11. (only in KOSHK-U-BERE, XANU-W-BERE,
q.v.); ~E4 ~E, adv. step by step, gradually; ber 6 int. see BEHE.
~E 5 see ~mv below; -EBEYAN n. dawn, beraet (A) 11. acquittal; - K., acquit,
early morning; ~EcEJNAN 11. the two or pronounce not guilty. Cf. BEHi.
three days before the Muslim festivals of beran n. ram (over 4 years), Aries; - Y
Qurban and Ramadan; -EcilT n. area QEYRE, r. of 5 years or more; -BERDAN (N)
ploughed by one pair of oxen in one season; n. season for mating sheep, early November;
~EDUWA a. and adv. turned about, back- ~POZ a. r.-faced.
- wards, from behind; ( -EDUWA N., pursue); berat 1 (A) n. voucher, cheque, permit, com-
~EJAN n. first pangs of child-birth; -ELLA mission, exequatur, pellet of clay from
a. free, at liberty, (-ELLA K., release); shrine of Sheikh 'Adi carried by Yazidis.
-ENGIL n. arm-pit; -EBET 11. pitfall, trap; berat2 n. gen. SHEW y - . eve of I sth Sha'ban
-ETESHi n. wooden counter-weight of hand- (when children go carol singing).
spindle; -EW = - BE, towards, see separate berayi n. conviction, agreeing; - J;>., agree,
entry below; -EWAJ a. and adv. back to intimate agreement, (DIL-IM - NAJ;>A, I
front; -EWE n. position in front; -GAYi n. cannot conscientiously agree); CHAW~ NEI;>,
labourer who leads untrained plough-ox; - NE HATI~, *hate to see, *be unable to bear.
GAYiLKE n. name of a small bird; -GJSHT a. Cf. BIBWAYi.
pre-eminent; -HEJ;..ST n. obstacle, obstruc- beraz n. pig; ~E n. canine tooth; -xoR a.
tion, resistance; -i a. and n. previous, pre- and n. p-eater. Also WERAZ.
liminary, preliminary stage; -iN a. ancient, berba9 a. ruined, spoilt, useless.
former, previous; -iNAN n. the ancients, berber n. barber.
men of old; -KAR n. material prepared in berbese! n. dish of fried meat w. curds.
advance for work; -KEL a. and n. full-grown berbure n. only in phrase LE - , extempore.
heifer; -KEWT n. incident, case (med.); berchine n. pannier.
-KO n. pommel of saddle; -KOSH n. towel ·- berd n. stone, rock; LE - J;>., waste, fritter
spread to protect lap; -KUL n. mouthful away; SER J;>. LE -,do the wrong thing, do
taken from dish before serving; -KUT n. sg. which one will regret; HEZAR - BEPISHT
and a. grain pilfered from threshing floor ••. -A J;>., put to shame); - TASHIN, dress s.
or removed for immediate needs, ( -KUT K., (hence -TASH n. s.-mason).
so to remove grain); -MAL1 11. prayer-rug, berd in camp.: -ANI a. stony; ~ASH 11.
prayer sheet gen. of wool; -MAL2 n. lengths mill-s.; -AwEJ n. stone's throw; -E'AZEBE
of tent-cloth used to reinforce sides of tent; n. s. used for weight-lifting; -EBAI,KE n.
~MAWE n. remnants, food left over; tall upright s., stele; -EBARAN n. lapida-
-MEMKANE n. sucking child; -MUSULLAN tion, stoning; -EBAZ n. stepping-s.; -EBIRO
n. groin (human body); -MUR n. pendant n. granite, sg. very hard; ~EFIBKE n. s.-
(jewellery); -NAMCHE n. programme (e.g. throwing; -EKANI n. sling; ~EI,AN n. stony
of concert); -NAME n. programme, plan of ground; ~ELANi a. and n. stony, stony
action; -oK n. front part, breastplate, collar ground; ~EM ORE n. clay tablet from Kar-
w. tie and shirt-front; -oK BER J;>., leave bala on which forehead is placed in course
alone (Y); -oK G., accost, button-hole, (Y); of ritual prayer; -ENOJ n. s. slab reserved
-PECH, -PERCH n. holding nut, clench, as place for ritual prayer; -ENDS n. rock
refutation, contradiction, ( ~PECH J;>., -PECH inscription; -EPE n. pummice-s.; -EBEJ n.
nw., clench, deflect, refute, etc.); -PE n. metalling of roads ( -EBEJ K., metal, maca-
space in front of person ( -PE Y xo-T BIBINE, damize); -ESTE n. flint; -ESHOR1 n. flats.
look where you are going) ; -QEN!;>E, -QILYAN in stream or pool used as place for washing
n. morning breakfast; ~BOJ n. sunny side clothes; -ESHOR2, 11 gen. -ESHOR K., rinse;
of hill, adretto; ~sEL n. kind of bread -iN a. made of s.
baked on grid ale; ~siMEL n. fringe of berdar (P) a. bearer, consenting, approv-
moustache ( -siMEL K., trim moustache); ing.
-siLE n. unripe grapes; -SHEW, see -BANG; berdil n. sheep three years old.
-TESHi n. whorl of spindle; ~TIR a. and adv. bere bere (: . : . ) int. word of command to
earlier; --U-DUWA a. one after another; oxen to turn at end of furrow.
--u-PISHT a. and n. reversed, back and bereket (A) n. blessing, abundance, pros-
front, both sides, ( ~-U-PISHT-Y NiYE, his perity; - DA, by God's grace, fortunately;
attitude is uncertain, he has no principles); ~ TE KEWTIN, *prosper, etc.
-u, see -t; -WANKE n. apron; ~wAR, berengar n. gen. - B., encounter.
WAREn. country house, mansion; -WESTA berew ·(also BERE) = BER BE, freely used to
n. apprentice; -YAN n. front, direction form camp. advv., prepp., adjj., and nn. w.
of advance; ~ziN a. broken in, trained, meaning towards, -wards; -BIBI 11. intercep-
(horse). tion ( -mBi J;>W., -mui K., cut off advance);
-nuwA, backwards, afterwards, from be- beseziman a. feeble, poor, unhappy, (lit.
hind (-DUWA N., pursue); -nu, same as tongue-tied).
prec.; -JER, downward, to under ( -JER BW., besirfperar n. and adz•. three years ago;
go down, -JER KW., send down); -JERE, -PEl& n. and adv. three days ago.
-JERKE n. downw;;rd slope; -JUR, upward besmele n. gen. '""' WUTIN, pronounce the
(-rfJR BW., go up, -JUR KW., send up); formula 'in the name of God the merciful
-JURE, -JURKE n. upward slope, rising the compassionate'. Cf. Bis:--1iL.
ground; -Ko, whither?; -PASH, backwards; best n. obligation, dam, broad shingly tor-
-PAYIZ n. August-September, see Appen- rent-bed, (LE - B., be under obligation, be
dix I; -PESH, fon,·ards; -PiRi n. meeting, constrained); -E1 n. song, ballad; -E2 a.
encounter, see PIR1 ; -EiJ, face to face ( -EU involved (HlcH-Y TIYA -E NIYE, it doesn't
BW., come face to face; -EU Kw., confront, matter); -EK n. pile, parcel; BESTE!.,EK,
refer someone to someone else; Y, with, to); BESTE!.-OK n. ice-field; -INI, -uLE n. ice-
-XUE, a. and adv. upstream; -xuwAR, cream.
a. and adv. downward, downwards; bestfin (best) v.t. bind, tie (PE'WE, to), close
-XUWARE, -XUWARKE see "'fllRE. (e.g. road), hold (meeting), turn solid
her~ n. leaf, clothing, cover, binding (book), (liquids), coagulate, set (intr., e.g. jelly);
volume; - PIYA G., cover, e.g. with cloth; -RAN ( -RE), pass. be bound, etc., also fail to
- TE G., enwrap, wrap, bind (book); -nmu consummate marriage (BESTRAWE, or in
n. tailor; -EDOSHEK 11. mattress cover; impers. act. construction -u-YAN-E, *he
-ELEFE n. quilt cover; -ESERiN n. pillow- failed etc.); -INEWE, tie up (animal, person),
case. overcome intellectually, defeat in argument.
berge n. resistance, ability to bear; ,..., G. See DA, HEJ:...
resist, put up \Y., endure patiently, (Y; bestil, bestilke n. glazed earthenware pot.
hence -GIR n. and a. defender, resistant; besh n. share, part; XUWAYE SIPAS-IM BE
-omi n. defence, resistance). --IT, 0 God, I thank thee for what thou
bergel see BERXEL. hast granted me; ,..., Y xo BIRD IN, receive
bergin n. very fine lamb's wool. one's s.; - BIEAN, *be deprived of one's s.
berhem n. achievement, accomplishment, (hence -BIEAW a. deprived); - K., divide
product, result; HATIN E -,be achieved, be (LE, BESER ... -!;>A, among), suffice (Y, for);
brought about; HENAN E -,achieve, accom- ,..., ,..., K., divide up; ,..., XURAN, -XURAW, see
plish, etc. ,..., BIEAN; -BER n. inheritor; '"-'!;>AR a. and n.
beri (A) a. innocent, not concerned w., quit participant, shareholder, (EGER --E '"-'I;>AR-
of, deprived of, having no part in, (Y). Cf. iN, we want ours.); -J?AREKi n. commercial
BERAET. company.
berjenek n. a part of a loom. besher (A) n. human being.
berjewen<.I a. capable, efficient. beshinewe (besh) v.t. divide, distribute,
bermagh (T) n. cigarette paper. (BESER ... -l;>A, among). Cf. DA BESHIN.
berpa (P) gen. ,..., n., arise; - K., raise. beshke C.), beshkeku C.), beshkim ( ~ .),
bertil (A) n. bribe. beshku (:.) adv. and conJ. perhaps, but
berx n. lamb before first shearing; -EL n. rather, in the hope that.
flock of lambs; -ELEWAN n. shepherd of beta! (A) a. empty, unemployed.
such flock; -oLE n. I. under 3 months. bete n. light cloak.
berz a. high, lofty; - B., be high; - BW., bewbew n. name of a small bird.
rise; - FrBIN, fly high, boast, '""' KW., raise bewr n. tiger, leopard; ,..., Y BEYAN, ravening
(SER - KW., rebel, LE against); -AYI n. h. beast.
place, emin~nce; -EBILEs n. voluble talker; bew-eshinke n. malignant ulcer of the skin.
-ECIEE, -ECHIEE n. ~icada; -EDEMAGH a. bewsh n. reed for beating up weft (loom).
h.-spirited, in h. spirits; -EK n. highest bewz n. name of a forest tree.
point (WEKU -EK Y BANAN BO-Y DER CHUN, bexew see under be 6 •
get clean away); -ELING n. name of a fra- bexil (A), a. and n. miser, miserly. See EIJD.
grant herb, perh. lavender; -EPE, adv. gen. bexsh n. donation, largesse; ;...,AYISHT n. for-
'"-'EPE HE!., SAN, stand up; -EWULAX 11. giveness, mercy; ~AYISHTGER, merciful
horse, mule; -i n. height. (God); -GER, munificent (esp. of God);
~n.rug. -INJ;>E a. generous, forgiving, merciful;
bo::reza n. name of a herb. -isH n. present (gen. to inferior), tip.
beru n. acorn; -LE n. wooden pin passed~, bexshin (bexsh) v.t; present, grant, forgive.
through hole in peg to keep it in place; bext n. luck, fortune; - K., fade (inlr.),
-LETIRozln. small kind of cucumber. spend; xo - K., sacrifice oneself; -BERZ a
bes n., a., and ad1.-'. enough. lucky; -BESH a. unfortunate; -YAR a. lucky.

bexte n. male lamb over 2 years; -BERAN n. behaviour, discourtesy, (esp. -QEYi NEB:fl:,
ram kept for stud. saving your presence, with great respect,
bey n; quince; -DANE n. q.-seed (oft. used etc.); -WEXT n. inauspicious time, esp, after
for infusion believed beneficial for cough). sunset when goblins are believed to be abroad.
Also BEHE. b~ 3 is pref. to many nn. to form adjj. w. mean-
beyabest n. compact. ing devoid of, in-, un-, -less, etc.; abstract
beyan1 (A) n. explanation, exposition; ...., K., nn. ?nay beformedfrom most of these adjj. by
explain etc. · adding -i: -AnRO, shameless, dishonoured,
beyan2 n. morning; -md a. and adv. early humiliated; ....,AGA, ignorant, uninformed;
riser, early in the m.; -i n. and adv. morn- -AHENG, discordant; -AMAN, pitiless;
ing, tomorrow; ....,f zO, early in them., early ....,'AR, persistently shameless; -ARAM, rest-
tomorrow m.; ....,iYAN, n. and adv. m.-time, less; -Aw, \Vaterless, arid; -AWEL, matc~­
in the m.; ..... f zu L''Ew SERE'WE, very early less, unrivalled, unique; -AYiN, infidel;
tomorrow m. ....,AZAR, painless; -BAK, fearless; -BARE,
beyar a. and n. fallow. see -BEHRE; -BAWEB, sceptical; ....,BAWK,
beyate n. dripping. fatherless; ....,BEHRE, unfortunate, untalented,
beyax n. flag; ...., HEL I;>., hoist f.; ...., DA G., futile; -BER, fruitless, barren; ....,BESH,
lower, strike, f.; ...., HEL K., hoist f. ; ...., DA dispossessed, deprived; -BEXT, treacherous
KUTAN, plant f., e.g. on captured position; (cf. BEJ;>BEXT); ....,BEZEYI, pitiless; -BINI,
....,:pAR n. flag-bearer, aggressive (esp. bottomless; ....,BIN 2, no longer virgin (....,BIN
woman). K., deflower); -BINC, rootless, baseless;
beyaz n. manuscript gen. in form of small -BINYAJ;>, ....,BINYAT, baseless; ....,BIREW,
notebook. barren, discredited, without prestige, fruit-
beybun n. camomile. Also BilBUN. less, unprofitable; -BiM, fearless, without
beychel a. barren. danger, safe; -cERG, coward; -ct, in-
bey•et (A) n. oath of allegiance. appropriate; ....,CHARE, helpless, beyond
beydes see BfiDES. remedy; -cHIRKE,· noiseless; -cHON,
beyewe n. snow-drift. unique (God); -DAJ;>\ measureless, in-
beyn (A) n. middle; ...., -, from time to time; numerable, excessive, glut on the market;
.....t, -tK, a period oftime (....,EK-E, it is some -DAJ;> 2, unjust; -DEM, see -DEM-U-DAN;
time ago). -DEMAGH, dispirited; -DEM-U·DAN, ....,DEM-
beyt (A) n. couplet, narrative poem; ...., y U-DU, -DEM-U-PIL dull, tongue-tied, in-
BILE, ..... -tJ-BALORE n. unconvincing yarn, articulate; -DENG, silent; -DER, , having
prevarication; --u-BALORE BO K., spin such no way out, having no source of help;
. a yam. to. ....,DERETAN, see -DER·;"....,DERMAN, incurable;
beytar n. veterinary surgeon. -DES, feeble, powerless, uninfluential,
beyftm a. inauspicious, unlucky. Also (-DES K., disarm, reduce to impotence);
BEI;>UM. -DIL, disinclined, unenthusiastic, ( -m~oJ y
bez n. fat; ...., Y CHAW, stye; ....,ETAW n. gen. xo-M NAKEM, I shall do whatever I
-ETAW K., apply f. as unguent, rub with f.; like); -DIRO, sincere; ....,DiN, atheist!
-i a. made of f. gen. SABUN Y -i, low-grade -DUWAYi, endless, infinite; ....,'EBA, stupid,
soap; ""-u-BrNftsHT n. a healing ointment, feckless; -EJ;>EB, ill~mannered; -ENCAM,
beze n. sin; ....,KAR a. sinful, sinner. without result; -ENJ;>AZE, immeasurable,
bezewi, bezeyi n. compassion, pity; -PIYA measureless; -ENJ;>ESHE, carefree; ...., 'EQL,
HATIN, *feel pity. unwise, stupid; -'EYE, fla\vless; ....,FAYYE,
bez~n n. name of a children's out-door game. useless; -FEB, graceless, worthless; -FEL
bezfin (bez) v.i. be vanquished, halt to see -J:IiLE; ~GERD, clean; -GIRE, smooth,
camp; -ANI;> IN (-EN), caus. vanquish, over- free from impediment; -GrRE-U-QORT, same
come. See DA, HEL. as prec. also frank; -Go, disobedient;
bezm n. merry- .aking, party; ...., Y SHEW, -GUNAH, innocent; -GHEREZ, fair, un-
dinner party; ...., G., have a party; ...., PE G., biased; -GHESH, unadulterated; ....,GHIRET,
make a scene against; -GA n. assembly hall; apathetic exp. in matters of honour, con-
--u-BEZM n. jollification. niving cuckold; ~J:IAL, on point of death, in
bezok a. defeatist. extremis ; -HAWTA, unn" ailed, matchless;
bezrewunc n. name of a fragrant herb. -)\*:D, unlimited; -J:IEREKET, motionless;
b~ 1 see BET. ~J:IEYA, shameless; -HEZ; weak; -J:IiLE,
b~ 2 prep. without; ...., EWE KE followed by subj. guileless; -J:IILM, excitable, impatient;
without (doing sg.);for adjj.formea by pre- ~HIWA, hopeless, desperate; ~HOSH, un-
fixing nt to 1111. see separate article immediately conscious, in a faint, ( -HOSH KEWTIN,
following; -GA see -WEXT; -·QEYi n. casual faint; -HOSHDABU 11. opiate, anaesthetic);
-J;IURMET, despised; -iDARE, incompetent, -WUCHAN, uninterrupted; ~WULET, ill-
in financial difficulties; -iMAN, irreligious; starred, unfortunate, (person); -wuRE,
-iNSAF, inequitable; -JIMAR, -JIMARE, demoralized, cowardly; -wuzE, feeble;
countless; ~JIN-U-1\IAJ:.,, having no family ~XAL, unspotted; -XAN-U-MAN, homeless;
ties, unencumbered; ~ru, giving little milk ~XAWENI}, friendless, without support;
(animal or human female); -ru\R, unem- ~XEBER, uninfonned, ignorant; ~XEM, care-
ployed (-KARl n. unemployment); -KARE, free; -xERci, impecunious; -xEw, sleep-
incompetent, incapable; -KELK, useless; less ( -XEWI KEsHAN, suffer from insomnia);
-KEMAL, uncultured, Philistine, boor; -XEw-u-xoRAK, unable to sleep or eat, sad;
-KES, friendless; ~KEYF, unwell, joyless, -xE:R, useless (pers. or thing); -xo, un-
glum; ~KiNE, kindly, accommodating; conscious, in a coma; -xo, insipid; -zANIST,
-·LAYEN, impartial, neutral; -LEKE, spot- uninstructed, ignorant; -ZAT, timid;
less; -l'viANA, meaningless, stupid; -MARI- -ZIMAN, speechless, tongue-tied.
FET, uncultured, boorish; ~MAYE, unprin- b'e 1 2 pers. sing. imperat. of HATIN. Cf.
cipled, unstable; ~MERG, immortal ( -MERGi WERE.
n. immortality); ~MEYL, disinclined, re- b'e 2 see B'E:T.
served (of girl towards advances of admirer); bebun n. camomile. Also BEYm1N.
-MEZE, tasteless, dull; ~MEJG, ~MEsHK, becge a. separate, different; - LE, besides,
brainless; ~MINET, disinterested, expecting in addition to. Gf. CIGE.
no recompense;· -MIZ, free, gratis, without bechu 1 n. name of an old silver coin.
charge; ~Mu, hairless, beardless; ~NAMUS, bechu 2 n. young of animals; freely pref. to
without honour, unchaste; ~NAW, ~NAW­ names of animals to form compp., e.g.
U-NISHAN, nameless, unknown; ~NEWA, -WEPISHILE, kitten; -LE, dim. of-.
destitute, poor; -NIYAZ, wanting nothing, be dar (P) a. aware, alert; ...., BW. wake; - KW.
contented; -NoJ, menstruating ( ~NOJI, wake (tr.); ~1 n. being awake, alertness.
menses) ; -PAYAN, bottomless, endless; begane a. and n. strange, foreign, stranger,
~PELE, spotless; -PERDE, frank, open; foreigner; -BE DER, strangers please with-
-PERWA, fearless, resolute; ~PEB-U-BAL, draw, I spy strangers; -PERIST a. traitor.
weakling, powerless; -PEY, bottomless; begar n. forced labour, corvee; -i a. gen.
-PEwANE, immeasurable; -Po(G), imper- BE -i, under compulsion, as part of cor-
manent, transient; ~QEBAJ;IET, faultless, vee.
blameless; -QEI}R, unrespected, insignifi- begen see BOGEN under Bo 3•
cant; -QEWET, weak, exhausted; -QEWL, bej used only as second element of comp. nn.
untrustworthy, perfidious; ~QiMET, sayer, singer, e.g. GORANIBEJ.
worthless; ~QusOR, blameless; -BEZA, bejan 1 n. name of a fodder grass.
ugly, unpleasant; -BE, -BE:-w-cE:, inappro- bejan• (beje) also -EWE v.t. sift; XAK BE
priate; ~~-W-SHON, of no importance TUREKE -EWE, devastate (Y).
(person), upstart; ~BIYA; frank, outspoken; bejar n. only ~ -, full of holes, badly tom.
~BiSH, beardless; ~BiZ, insignificant, un- bejing n. sieve (LE -ING J?., sift).
worthy of esteem; -Bii, shameless; -sAMAN, be! n. spade; -cHE n. small s.; -EHEB n.
poor, impecunious; -sEBAT, fickle; -SEBR, name of a fodder grass ; -EKAN n. trowel;
impatient; -sENG-U-BENG, dull, uninterest- -KARin. s. work; -ocHRE, -oKE, shovel;
ing; -sERETA, without notice, unexpected; -TEP n. gen. -TEP K. dig round base of
-sER-U-BIN, ~sER-U-PE, futile, senseless, fruit-tree.
irregular, ne'er-do-well; ~SER-U-SAMAN, in- be!ii n. non-permanent spring.
significant (person); -SER-U-SHON, vaga- ben n. smell; -J?AR a. scented, fragrant. See
bond, unknown; -siFET, ungrateful, dis- B0 3, BON.
loyal; ~sui}, useless; ~sHEREF, dishonour- b'en 2 and 3 pers. pl. pres. subj. of HATIN.
able; -sHERM, shameless, undignified; bere, bere n. fold where sheep gather for
,.;.,SHEWQ\ dim, dull; ~sHEWQ 2 , unenthu- milking during day.·
siastic, unenterprising; -sHI'uR, unfeeling, berik n. large shovel.
callous; -SHUMAR (P) see -JIMAR; -TA, berm n. tarn.
matchless, unrivall-ed; ~TAM, insipid; bestan a. melon patch, cucumber patch;
-TAQET, -TAW,. ~::eble; ~TAWAN, guiltless, -EWAN n. cultivator of such patch.
innocent; .~TEBYAT, dull, boorish; -TEL, beshe n. thicket; -LAN n. jungle, bush;
wireless; ~TEREF see - LAYEN; -TIRS, un- -LANi a. bush-covered, overgrown.
afraid, safe; -TUK, hairless; ~wAR, poor, beshik, beshke n. cradle.
miserable; ~WECH, inappropriate; -wEFA, bet 3 pers. sing. pres. subj. of BUN.
ungrateful, disloyal; ~wEQRE, restless; b'et, b'etin 3 pers. si11g. pres. suhj. of HATIN.
-WEY, harmless; ~wENE, incomparable; bewefjin n. widow; -JINKOSHi n. widow-
16 BIN
hood w. small children to bring up; ~PIYAW biloq 11. blister; ~ K., blister (intr.), come up
n. widower. in a b.
bew!e n. bear cub, young pig. biliir n. crystal; ~ Y LAMPA, lamp-chimney.
bex1 n. name of a wild flower. biliiri 11. calico.
bex 2 n. foundation, root, origin; ~ y DAN, bilwer n. flute, pipe, urine tube fitted to
root of tooth. cradle; LE ~ I;>., play f.; ~BEZEN a. irre-
bez n. strong feelings (of aversion or liking pressably loquacious; ~JEN n. flautist.
according to the v. with which it is used, bi! a. soggy, sloppy, mumbling (speech).
e.g.: YARE L'EM CHESHTE ~-Y Y'ETEWE or bi!a(= BIHELE)usedw.subjunctiveu:.mean-
YARE ,_. EKATEWE L'EM CHEsHTE, Y. detests ing let; ~ DIBOYN let us go.
this dish; but YARE ~-Y NAYE LE CHAYXANE bi!amik n. small stick used as muzzle to
DA Ni'SHE, Y. disdains to sit in a public tea- prevent lamb 01· kid from sucking dam.
shop); ~E\VAN a. craving; ~EVI'llR a. bilaw a. extended, scattered; ~ BW., be
detestable; -JG, ~u 11. desire, craving (esp. scattered, be published;~ K., separate, pull
of pregnant woman; -u K. crave, hence apart; ..... KW., scatter, publish; ~E n. dis-
-uKER a. craving; PE, for). persal; ~E K., ~E LE K., disperse, come away
beza n. name of a fragrant herb. from a gathering; ~E PE K., dismiss, demo-
bezar a. bored, annoyed, upset, sickened, bilize.
(L:I~, by); -in. annoyance, vexation. bilese n. blaze (fire).
bezerii n. a kind of water-cress. bilfire n. name of a small bird.
bezewal only in phrase of obscure origin bilinQ a. high; ~AYi n. height (mcasure-
AGA-M LE MEl;iMUJ;l Y ~ NEBU, I knew ment); ~i 11. height, loftiness; ~ BW., rise,
nothing at all about it. be promoted; ~ Kw., raise, promote.
bezran (bezre) v.i. be boring, be weari- bilmebilm n. mumble, mumbling.
some, be repellent (LE, to); EM CHEsHTE-M bilq n. bubble; ~ I;>, ~ HEX.. J;l., bubble;
LE EBEZRE, I am getting tired of this dish. ~EBILQ n. bubbling.
bi- (pronounced and sometimes written PI- bi!qe4ere n. yeilow house-lizard.
before en, F, H, l;i, K, Q, s, SH, T, and x): I. bi!te n. plop (sound of object dropping into
particle pref. to imperat. mood and to p1·es. water); ~BILT n. plopping, gurgling,
and imperf. tenses of subj.; 2. pref. to pres. popping, spluttering.
stem of vv. to form adjj. and nn. denoting biliiche n. quarter of a maund, see MEN.
agent, activity, e.g.: -CENG a. pugnacious; bilusk n. shaft rotating upper mill-stone.
-J;IER n. giver; -nu a. conversationalist; bin 11. base, bottom, root, under side, end,
,_.GEB n. manager, director; -GIR n. gen. quick (finger-nail),r ,hymen, and as prep.
,_.GIR ,_.GIR, general confiscations, whole- under, below; ~ PijANI;>IN, deflower (Y).
sale arrests; -KIB 11. customer; -KUJ a. bin in comb.: -AGO n. side of neck below
homicidal; -KUJ-U--BIB a. bloodthirsty level of ear (DES-Y LE ~AGO-YA-YETY, he is
marauder; -BAN n. driver; ~BIFEN n. gen. on the point of doing sg.); -AGHE n. base;
-BIFEN -BIFEN, looting and plundering; -ARn.footofhill; -Awn.ash-tree; ~AWAN
-xoR a. gormandizer; -zAN a. knowledge- n. lake formed by dam, reservoir; ~BAl.,,
able. -BAXEI, n. arm-pit; ~BERDEQE, ~BERDUG
bibray adv. gen . .......... w. neg. never, never. n. names of herbs; -BEJING n. siftings;
bichiik a. small, little. Also PICHUK. -BIB a. treacherous; -c n. root, base,
bij see PIJ. . ( ~c BESTIN, -c DA KUTAN, take root, strike,-
bijarn.gen. ~K.,pickout,weed,clean(rice); hence ~cBEST a. rooted, established); ~d
-En. gen. -E K., thin out (seedlings), com- a. basic; -cu a. of Jewish extraction;
menton, review (book). -cHIK n. base, root; ,.;,CHiNEn. foundation;
bijardln1 (bijer) v.t. see HEL BIJARDIN. ~cniNEYI a. fundamental; ~DES n. ribs,
bijardin 2 (bijer) v.t. pay (debt, compensa- side below arm-pit, (CHUN E ~DES y ... -EWE,
tion, ransom, etc.). egg on); ""DESi a. and adv. secret, secretly,
bije see DA-W-BIJE under BAJ. sub rosa; -DOK see DOWUK under DO; ~E 1 n.
bilbil n. bulbul, nightingale, child's small foundation, necessaries, underside, pivot
clay flute; -En. tap (water); -in. imperial /Jwhich line (esp. team of plough-oxen)
beard. ' w eels, rule, regulation; ~EBENDKE n.
bilchefsure n. hawthorn (red-fruit); -ZERDE ba rage, canal-regulator; -EBIB a. gen.
n. hawthorn (yellow-fruit). ,_. ·IliB K., eradicate; ~ECUT n. farm;
Bile n. short for Ibrahim. See BEYT y BILE. ·CHE n. root, racial origin; -ECHEQ 11.
bilerbezen a. see BILWERBEZEN. · foundation; -EDIZ n. receiver of stolen
bilet (E) n. ticket. goods, fence; -EMAL, ~EMALE n. aristo-
bilimet a. and n. very able, genius. cratic stock, house, family, dynasty;
-EMESINE n. base of ewer; -ENGIL n. arm- birfdin (be, ber) 3 pers. sing. pres. EBA, BIBA;
pit; ~EBET n. foundation; ~ETOW n. part of agent BER); v.t. bear, carry, mention (name),
grain harvest reserved for seed, origin of and other meanings varying w. the n. with
family; ~EWAN n. foundation, mistress of which it is used; -AN (-:E) pass.; -DINEWE,
house; ~E-W-BARXANE n. baggage train; carry back, carry again, win (competition,
-EWE n. position below; ~cE n. base; -COL prize, etc.). SeeDER, LE, PEJ?A, also BER 1•
n. name of a herb; -coziRWAN n. bugloss; birew n. productivity, being in demand,
~K 11. root, base, plinth, counterfoil; prestige; LE -A B., enjoy prestige; - SENJ?IN,
-KENI;> a. hollowed out below; -KESHI n. grow, increase (trade, business).
gen. -KESHi K., point (brickwork); ~KEWSH bir~shke n. roasted grain or seeds (esp.
n. arm-pit; -KIRAS n. slip (fem. att.); -KIB melon-seed), popcorn.
n. scrapings, gen. flap of bread laid in birinc 1 n. rice (husked); - Y HAd LEQLEQ,
cooking-pot below rice and browned and hedge parsley; -CAB n. paddy-field; -oK1
eaten w. the rice, rice so browned into hard n. whitlow-grass; --u-MASH a. salt and
flake; -MicH n. ceiling; -oK n. name of a pepper (colour).
herb; -OLE n. small sack; -Pt n. sole of birinc 2 n. brass.
foot; -PISHK n. girl betrothed in childhood birincok 2 n. gauze.
in exchange of women, see JIN BE JIN; biring1 n. shears.
-TIYAN n. scorched sediment left in cook- biring 2 a. dry, gen. in comb. WUSHK-U-BIRING.
ing-pot after sweet-making; -TIK n. hem; biri see BIRiTi.
-YAI;> -YAT n. building ( -YAI;> K., -YAI;> N., birin n. wound, ulcer; -J?AR a. wounded;
establish, set up, found). -PECH n. dresser (med.).
binare n. gen. - c., *cry and refuse to be biriqanewe (biriqe) v.i. glitter, shine.
comforted (child). biriqe see BIRISKE.
binargayi n. a kind of KULtRE, q.v. biriskfanewe (birisk~) v.i. glitter, shine;
bine 2 n. gen. - K., pick, select, fix upon. -ANJ?INEWE (-EN), caus. polish.
· binewsh n. violet; -En. violet, v.-coloured biriskfe, also -EBIRISK n. glitter; -E HATIN,
shirting esp. in fern. att.; -EYi n. and a. *glitter; -EJ?AR, -ERa. glittering; --U-HUB
v.-colour; -iLE n. rocket (bot.). n. glitter.
bin~s a. lean, emaciated; -i n. consump- biriti n. gen. LE - Y, instead of. Also BIRi.
tion, tuberculosis. birjfan (birje) v.i. be broiled, be roasted,
binesk n. what remains of tablet of soap be grilled; -ANI;> IN (-:EN), caus. broil etc.;
when nearly used up. -ANEWE, heal (intr. of wound); -ANl;)INEWE,
binesht n. gum; -EXOSHE n. fragrant g. (K. caus. cauterize.
BE -EXOSHE Y BIN DAN, keep repeating the birjang n. eye-lash, fringe.
same thing). · birjo! n. eye-lash, fringe, awn. Also PIRJOL.
bira n. brother; - Y BAWKi, - Y DAYKi, birk n. lumbago; - K., have attack of 1.
half-b. (by father or mother as case may be); biro n. brow; ~ GIRJ K., frown; ~ HEL
- Y TUTE n. fourth finger; -GEWRE n. elder TEKAJ\'DIN, signal by movement of brows.
b.; -JIN n. sister-in-law; -LE dim. gen. used birsfan n. only in phrase LE ~ANA, from
as int. (: .. ), my dear b.!; -MAK n. half-b. hunger, of hunger; --ETin. hunger;~i a. and
by mother; -PALE n. ordinary member n. hungry, hunger ( -i-M or -i-M-E, I am
of gang of labourers (cf. SERPALE, QIBE2 ); hungry); -iYETi, see -:ETi.
~PICHUK n. younger b.; -BO int. but gen. birt-u-bo! n. grumbling, murmuring.
-BO _K., mourn a b.; -YANE a. and adv. biruskangin (birusken) v.t. lighten (intr.),
brotherly, in a brotherly way; -YETi, -Yi flash, have shooting pains, have spasms.
n. brotherhood, brotherliness, (-YETi c. biruske n. lightning;- r;>., see BIRUSKAI\'I;>IN.
LEGEL, make firm friends w.); ~zA n. b.'s biriik n. manifestation.
child, nephew, niece; ~ZAWA n. best man birukanewe (biruke) ·v.i. be manifested
at wedding; -zAZA, great-nephew, great- (God).
ntece. biryan a. roasted; -f n. sheep roasted whole
birager (P) n. comrade, friend. on spit.
biran (bire) pass. of BIRDIN. bir n. piece, section; ~t, ~:EK, a little; - .t;>.,
birc n. tower, sign of zodiac; - Y PrREJIN, be passable, be fordable; - K., be able to
seven days of renewed cold weather expected cover a distance, be convincing (statement
from about 25 February. etc.); -A.t;>E n. metal filings; -E 1 n. tush
birfde see KIRDE; -DEMENi n. movable pro- (boar); -E2 in comb. w. nn. piece of, e.g.
perty, chattels; -EW n. productivity, profit, ~EDAR n. fuel-log; ~EK n. section, squadron,
demand, vendibility, prestige (LE ~EWA B., company (milit.); -cE a. toothed, cogged;
be in demand, enjoy prestige, etc.). ~INl;)E a. sharp, cutting, (CHEK Y -IN.t;>E,
864313 c
white arms); -lSHT 1 n. cutting, fragment, biz n. goat; ~IN n. nanny-g. over 2 years

bits and pieces; -K n. cutting, shoot, (of old; -INANE 11. g.-tax; ~xNEBEL n. species
tree etc.); -KE n. a fodder grass; --u- of g. with erect ears; ~lNEDOXE n. g. in
BIYANU n. quibbling, excuses; -YAR n. milk w. kid (gen. as perquisite of Agha);
decision ( -YAR !)., take decision). -Il\"'EKEWI n. ibex j ~EKUBANE n. g. sent to
birfan (bire) v.i. be separated from, fall Agha as present on birth to him of a son;
short of, (L:E); ~ANEWE, come to an end, ~INEMEREZ n. Angora g.; ~INEBISHE 11.
cease (LE, from); ~AN!)INEWE (~:EN), caus. goat's beard (bot.); -INLER n. a species of
bring to an end, finish, (hence -ENEREWE a. wild fowl; -INMIJ, ~INMISHK n. monitor
decisive). See DA, LE, PE. lizard; -INTIBEN n. name of a wild flower.
birbcnQ n. file, rasp. bizawtin (bizew) v.t. cause to move. Cf.
birbirfagc n. spine, backbone; -En. same BIZUTIN.
as prec., also ancestry. bize!e a. adolescent.
bire 2 n. man of strong character. bizebize n. name of a plant.
birisht2 n. fertility, productivity; -J;>AR a. bizen n. name of an outdoor game.
fertile. bizir a. absent, missing, lost; - B., disap-
bir/in (bir) v.t. cut, sever, interrupt (pas- pear; LE -B., *lose; - K., lose, get rid of.
sage), assuage (fever), break into (premises), bizir a. gen. - - n. see BIZIBKAN.
burgle; xo -iN, cut oneself deliberately (e.g. bizirkJan (bizirke) v.i. coagulate, curdle,
as sign of grief); ~iNEWE, saw, shear go sour, change (colour from some emotion),
(sheep), complete, finish, take decision, fix become disordered; -ANI) IN (-:EN), caus.
(e.g. salary), (QISE BIBINEWE, either bring spoil, also be delirious, rave.
discussion to successful conclusion, or bizfew a. restless, fidgety; -:Ewi n. fidget-
refuse to speak further (LEGE[.. with)). See ing, fidgets; -oK a. see -:Ew; -wEN a. gen.
DA, DER, HE[.., LE, Til. TIP Y -w:EN, vowel.
birnuti ( T) n. snuff. bizmar n. nail, stud; -E n. corn, callosity;
birwa n. belief; - K., believe; - Pil K. trust. -i a. cuneiform; -KUT, -BEJ, studded.
Cf. BAWEB. bizmate n. scar.
birwayi see BERAYt bizmik see Bll,AMIK.
birwesh 11. fragments of grain left after bizut see SEREBIZUT.
crushing for SAWER, q.v. bizutin (bizu) v.i. move, budge, begin;
biske n. gen. - Y SIMilt. HATIN, *smile w. -EWE, move again.
gratification, triumphantly. bizwanQin (bizwen) caus. of BIZUTIN.
bist n. span, maximum distance between bi also -Kot, n. willow; -MISHK n. a variety
tips of thumb and little finger; -E1 n. gen. ofw.
-E LE !)., snap forefinger of one hand on biber n. pepper; - Y suR, chillies.
fingers of the other (cf. CHEQENE), also axle bibilje n. pupil of eye, eyeball, small child;
fixed to and revolving w. upper mill- -KE n. name of a small bird.
stone. bic see BIJU.
biste 2 n. pistachio. bicaQe n. semi-precious stone used for
bistil. n. mound, hillock. making beads.
bit n. idol j -PERIST n. idolater j -XANE n. bicbicexanim n. puppet.
heathen temple. bijok a. who conceives immediately after
biv also -E (: .) int., gen. addressed to child marriage.
don't; -E (. :) a. dangerous. biju a. and n. bastard, smart, unscrupulously
bixoran see AXORfu.'l. clever. Also Bic.
bixur (A) n. incense; -J;>AN n. censer. bilan see ILAN.
biyaban (P) n. wilderness; DIL ~ B., *feel bilatcshpi (A, BIL.A TASHBII;I; ~ ••• ) int.
faint, *faint. no offence meant, no comparison implied.
biyanu 11. excuse, plea, pretext; ~ BIBiN, bim 11. fear, danger; -En. insurance.
refute, rebut pretext of, (Y); ~ G., make bimar a. sick; -ISTAN n. hospital.
excuses, advance pretext, etc.; - PEG., seek bin1 pres. stem ofBiNiN, DIN, DITIN.
cause of quarrel w.; ~ H:ENANEWE, make bin 2 n. steady movement; -yAW, rippling
invalid excuses. of water (WEKU - Y AW LERZIN, shiver);
biye pres. stem of BISTIN. - G., continue moving steadily, get up
biz 1 a. wide open (eyes); CHAW ~ KW., open speed. Cf. YEKBiNE.
eyes wide; stare (Lil, at); -BIZOKE a. wide bin3 n. breath, wind-pipe, larynx, gullet,
open and observant; -En. gen. -E Y CHAW throat; LE - GIRAN, go down the wrong
HATIN, *be seen to have eyes open; -EBIZ n. way (food); N. BE ~E\VE, quaff; DES N. E ~,
gm. ~mnz K., peer. take by the throat (Y), -AQAQA n. larynx.
bina1 (A) n. building, syntax. 2
bo w. verbs: -B., be possible for, •be able;
bina 2 a. and n. perceptive, seer; -vi, sight, ~ HATIN, *be successful in sg. (oft. in neg.
vision; -Yi Y CHAWAN, God. fail), - B:EK KEWTIN, see - LUWAN; ~ LA
binin (bin) v.t. see; -EwE, see again, find. KEWTIN, go to one side for (esp. go out from
See BA, TE. ranks for single combat against); - lURAN,
bir 1 n. well; - LE Q., sink, dig, w. be possible for, •succeed in ( --Y NEKIRA,
bir 2 n. mind, memory; (LE) ~B., *remember; he did not succeed in doing it); - LUWAN,
(LE) ~ CHON, be forgotten, *forget (to do come out right for, *be lucky (EM PIYAWE
sg.); (LE) ~ cHf-NEWE, forget (information); HEMU KAREK-Y ~ ELUwE, this man is lucky
BE ~A HATIN, occur to, pass through, the in everything he does); ~ QIBANI)IN, make
mind;,(LE) ~ HATIN", HATIN E ~, HATINEW' inauspicious remark for.
E ~, KEWTINEW' E ~, *remember, •recall; bo 2 in comp. prepp. (the n. or phrase governed
...;, K., remember w. affection, w. longing; is not linked to the comp. p1·ep. by fzafe):
LE ~ K., forget; ~ h.\V., ponder, try to -BAN, up on to; ~BER, to the front of;
remember, be pensive, worry, (LE, over, -BIN, under; ~JER, under; -rOn, on to, up
about); ~ X\V., xw. E ~, remind (hence on to; ~KIN, to the side of; -NAW 1 , into;
~EWEXER, ~xEREWE n. reminder, memoran- -NIZIK, to the vicinity of; -PASH, to the
dum). Al.so vin, win. rear of; ~PEsH, to the front of; -PISHT, to
bir 2 in comb.: -EWERI n. memory, recollec- the rear of; ~sEn, to the top of; -TENISHT,
tion, (BE -EWERi Y MIN, as I remember it; to the side of.
LE -EWERi Y MIXA NIYE, I have no recollec- bo 2 in comb.: -xAw 2 11. pronoun; ->"E conj.
tion of it); -NAMCHE 71. notebook; ~NAME therefore; ~YE KE (followed by subj.), in
n. memoir, personal record of events. order that; -YEK, ->"EKAN, -YEKAKE,
biraz1 n. stone lining of grave, of under- -YEKE, same as -YE.
ground water channel, etc. bo 3 n. smell; -CHAL n. stuffy s. of grain stored
biraz 2 n. gen. - K., roughen by chipping in pit; -cHIEUK n. s. of cooking meat esp.
(esp. mill-stone), fig. scold, censure. frying; ~DIBIN n. foetid s. of animals, body
biro n. eczema. odour; -DUKEL n. smoky s.; ~GEN n. and a.
bismil (A) gen. - K., rinse (lit. exclaim stink, stinking, ( -GEN B., ~GEN K., stink);
'BisMiLLA, in the name of God', at each dip -GENKE n. name of a flower, perh. stinkwort;
in clean water). Cf. BESMELE. -GENTIK n. unpleasant s.; ~JANE n. name
bist n. and a. twenty; -EM, -EMiNa. twen- of herb dried and used for keeping moths
tieth. from clothes; -JO a. damaged (fodder),
bistin (biye) v.t. hear; BISTRAN (BISTRE), promiscuous (woman); -KII-EsHE 11. see
pass. be heard; -EWE hear (gossip about ~DIBIN; ~KIBUZ n. s. of singeing; -KIZ n.
oneself). smoky taste, smell of burnt food, milk;
biwur n. axe. ~MICH, see -GENTII{; -PIBUZ, see ~KI:f!UZ;
biza n. name of an aromatic herb used to -QIJE n. thrush (disease); ~sARa. smelly;
flavour cheese. -so n. s. of burning, singeing (AGIR-Y
bo 1 , boch, bochi C.; also BO CHi), interrog. PE'WE NEY -so-Y L:E HEL NASE, he is so poor
adv. why? he has no clothes even to singe). See also
bo 2 prep. for, to, (w. postp. -E\VE) towards; BEN, BON.
it is used both as an ordinary simple p1·ep. and boge n. grandee, swell.
also, without change of form, in the same way bol1 a. ripe (grapes, dates), overripe; -t
as LE and PE, q.v.: ECHIM ~ HEWLER, I shall TinE, ~ETIRE n. single r. grape; ~ENIME n.
go to Arbil; ~ BAXEKE'WE EBOYI, he was mildew; -MAZU n. name of a species of
walking towards the orchard; DIYARIYEK grape.
EHENIM - BAWK-IM, I shall bring a present bol 2 n. large mule-bell.
for my father; BANG-Y EKEM --TAN, I shall bo!an<Jin (bo!en) v.t. mummr, grumble.
call him for you; DIYARIYEK-IT Bo EHENIM, bole, bo!ebo! n. murmuring, grumbling.
I shall bring a present for you; DIYARIYEK-y bo!ijn n. roar.
BO HENAWIM, he has brought a present for bomarane n. name of a plant.
me (seltAppendix V). Many vv. are quoted bomba (E) n. bomb; -BARAN n. bombard-
in th£\ infinitive w.. DO just as they m·e w. LE ment (~BARAN K., bombard); -HAWEJ a.
and PE; like the simple prepp. BE and LE the and n. bomber (aircraft); ~RAN, see -BARAN.
prep. BO also is pref. to certain nn. of place to bon n. smell; ~ PE Q., brown (food) by bak-
form comp. prepp. (which are gen. used in conj. ing; ~ QW., smell of (Y), be rumoured;
w. the postp. -EWE); such vv. and comp. - Lt HATIN, *smell (intr.); ~ K., smell, sniff,
prepp. are shown in the two follozdng articles; go smelly; BE - )(EWTIN, fall ill (infant) as
other combb. of BO are given in a tlzird article. result of inhaling scent of lavender and

certain other shrubs (old-wives' supersti- burfdin (bur) v.i. overpass, go beyond, be
tion); BE - MIL SHIKAN, *same as prec.; overripe (esp. melon, cucumber, etc., hence
-BIBE n. antidote for such illness; -I;>AR a. -ou a. overripe); LE xo -DIN, sacrifice
scented, fragrant; -so, see Boso under Bo 3 ; oneself; -DINEWE, faint. See LE, BA.
-xosH a. fragrant; -xosHKERE n. name buwar n. ford; - :Q., be fordable; -E J;>.,
of fragrant shrub used to perfume linen etc. give opportunity, allow, (e.g. to speak; PE,
See BtN, B0 3• to).
bondize n. powder-flask. buwardin (buwer) v.t. cause to pass, omit,
bone n. pretext, reason, excuse; BE - Y, overlook, be indelible, be stained. See fiA.
because of, on the pretext of. buxche n. parcel; - Y !;fEMAM, bundle of
bong (N) a. conceited. clean clothes taken esp. by women to public
boq n. frog; -EMELE n. breast stroke (swim- bath; -BEGERDANE n. name of parlour game
ming). resembling 'hunt the slipper'.
boqelemu11 n. turkey (fowl). buxchi see AXCHI.
boqete n. gen. - Y MIL, nape of neck. buxtan (A) n. accusation, charge; - PE K.,
bor1 n. comma, Arabic vowel point ljamma accuse; -KER 11 •. accuser, calumniator.
(short u). budir n. hole, hollow (esp. den of ·wild
bor2 a. brown, fallow, undistinguished; -Aw animal).
n. soup made VI'. BIBWfulH, q.v.; -ECIBE, -EK, bujfanewe (buje) v.i. revive; -ANJ;>INEWE
n. names of birds; -ELUK a. brownish; (-:EN) ·v.t. caus. revive.
-EPIYAW n. ordinary man; -ESUWAR n. bilk n. bride, daughter-in-law, doll; BIRDIN
poor horseman; -EXIZM n. distant relation; BE-, *get married (girl; gen. in impers. con-
-EZELAM n. undistinguished person. struction BIRD-YAN BE -, *she is now mar-
boran n. tempest, storm. ried); - BIRDIN, - GOZANEWE, - SUWAR K.,
borarti n. name of a dish made of eggs. escort b. to bridegroom's house; -BUREN
bore n. wild boar. n. child's game of marrying dolls;
borek1 n. pasty. -EBEBARANE n. draped wooden figure
borek2 n. plaster (walls). carried in procession in rain-making cere-
bor~ (also bori, borye) n. pipe, trumpet; mony; -ESEMAKERE n. puppet; -ESHUSHE
BORi Y LAMPA, lamp chimney; -JEN n. n. doll; -:ENi n. and a. bridal; -LE, -oKE
trumpeter. n. doll.
borine a. used only as second element of comp. bum n. land, territory; -ELERZE n. earth-
nn. meaning usual, familiar, the same old, quake; -i a. native.
the inevitable, etc., e.g. KI!,AWEBORiNE, the bun 1 (B) v.i. be, become, ripen (fruit); also
same old hat he always wears. used as auxiliary in the formation of perf. and
bor1 n. clamp, pile of straw, etc., under pluperf. tenses, ind. and subj., of all vv.; for -
which fruit is stored. meaning to exist and- v.t. *to have see HE- 2 ;
bor 2 n. discomfiture, defeat (not in battle); used impersonally the pres. ind. EBB followed by
as int. give in!, I give in, etc.; - r;>., over- a pres. subj. and the imperf. ind. EBU, EBU,
come, worst, (in argument, competition, followed by an imperf. subj. mean may, must,
etc.); - XUWARDIN, be worsted. ought (EBE BICHE, he may go or he must go;
boranc;Jin (boren) v.t. low, bellow, roar. EBU BICHUWAYE, he might have gone or he
bore, borebor n.lowing, bellow, bellowing, ought to have gone); the anomalous form
etc. EBUWAYE followed by an imperf. subj. means
bos see DES-U-BOS. ought (EBUWAYE BICHUWAYE, he ought to
bosh a. empty; -AYi n. e. place, vacancy. have gone);·-EWE, be again, become again,
Boshnagh n. lit. Bosnian, swaggerer, swash- be renewed, be resurrected, recover, also
buckler. used idiomatically w. certain nn. and adjj.
bote n. melting-pot. without obvious sense of repetition. See DA,
box n. steam. DER, LE, LEK, PE, PE'WE.
boxoyi n. trachoma. bun 2 n. presence, being present; -P a.
boyax (T) n. shoe polish; - K., polish. possible; -i 2 n. possibility; ~i 3 n. posses-
boyel (T) n. gen. - K., polish (wood etc.). sion, wealth; oft. in neg. in all three senses
boye 2 , boyek, boyeke conj. see under B0 2 in NEBUNi, impossible, impossibility, indi-
comb. gence.
boz a. grey. bur see BOR2 •
boze n. kind of beer made from maize, buranewe (bure) v.i. faint.
millet, or other grain, and drunk freshly busc n. ambush; xo LE ~ J;>., lie in a.
fermented. . ·.,: buzu n. home-spun cloth, suiting.
buc;Jele a. silly, foolisb.

ca 1 n. and adv. time then, and so. Cj. sA 3 • caris a. annoyed, exasperated.
ca 2 (P) n. position, place, gen. CHI - Y EWE carU: n. waterproof plaster made of burnt
KE, not to mention, let alone, still less, lime w. ash and dung; -BEN!;> a. lined w. -;
(NECHUM E KERKUK CHI ,._, Y EWE KE BICHIM -KARi n. such plaster-work.
E BEGHJ;>A, I have not been as far as Kirkuk, casus (A) n. spy, foresight of fire-arm (see
let alone Baghdad). MEGESE); -in. espionage; -i K., spy.
Cacik n. gum; -ETAI.E n. bitter g.; -EXOSHE cash1 (A) also -EKER, -K, -MAKER (jem.)
n. fragrant g.' -OLE, -ULKE n. donkey foal.
cacirn n. woollen blanket of bright colours; cash 2 (A) n. gen. BE ,._, K., give thrice-divorced
,._, Y SURME, such blanket w. overall lozenge woman in marriage to another man so as to
pattern in gold or silver thread. allow the original husband to remarry her
cade n. wide street. lawfully after the second husband has in
cadu n. and a. sorcerer, wizard, witch, talis- turn divorced her. Cj. TELAQ.
man, sorcery, bewitched; -BAZi 11. witch- catre n. thyme; -KEWILE 11. wild t., mar-
craft; -BEN!;> a. bewitched; -·GERi n. sor- joram.
cery; -NEJAD a. demon-born. caw 11. home-spun cotton textile.
cah (P) n. dignity. cawid a. eternal.
cahe! (A) a. and n. young, youthful, youth. cawin (caw) also -EWE v.t. see c-ON.
Also CEHEI,. cax n. oil-cloth bag for packing tobacco;
cahil (A) a. ignorant. -oLKE n. dim.
ca!ca!oke n. spider. cebari n. gum tragacanth .
. earn n. glass, goblet, tumbler; -EKAN n. cebe n. exemption, pardon; ,.., K., excuse.
show-case, shop window; -oLKE n. small Cebrayil n. Gabriel.
g., wine-g.; -BEJ a. decorated w. mirror- ceca! (A, DAJJAL) n. antichrist.
mosaic; -XANE n. room so decorated. cedwel (A) n. list, inventory.
carnane n. cotton turban · cloth, material cefen n. story, fable.
used for women's shirts. cehan n. world; -GEBAW a. widely travelled.
carnbaz n. acrobat, tight-rope walker, cir- cehenern (A) n. hell, bath-furnace; --Y U
cus-rider, horse-coper, swindler; -En. gen. PIB excl. to hell w. him! ; -DASHi ( T) n.
-E K., prance, rear.; ,_.,.,.,..xANE n. circus, nitrate of silver.
carne n. garment, gen. in comb. e.g. DEWCAME, cebel (A) see CAHEI,.
XEWCAME. cejn n. festival (see NOBOJ, F,EMEZAN, QURBAN);
can n. soul, life; -AN, excl. beloved, dear CHUN E -EWE, ,._, G., keep, observe, f.; K.
hear.t; -BAZ, see CAMBAZj -EWER n. noxious BE ""• decide to observe f.; -ANn. f.-season;
animal or insect, Cj. GIYAN. -ANE n. f. present; -E n. non-Muslim f.
canfas (E) n. canvas. (cHilN E -E'WE, -E G., celebrate such f.;
canta n. bag, brief-case. -EFITiRE n. Passover, Easter; see also
car n. time, occasion; "" Y BERI, previous KEPRESHiNE); -EPiROZE n. f. greetings. Also
occasion; - y CAHAN, former times, the cEJN.
good old days, long ago; ,.., Y DUWAYi, last cela4 (A) n. executioner.
time; ,._, Y PESHO, previous occasion; ""AN, cele n. flock, herd.
former times, formerly; ,.., -, ,.., -E, inter- celeb n. bargain, shoddy, cheap line of
mittent, occasional, from t. to t.; -oi, last merchandise in bulk, of cattle, etc. ;
time (WEKU -ni, as before); -EHA Y -, fre- -cHi, -J;>AR, n. dealer in such lines; -i n.
quently; -E NA -, "'E NA -t, alternate, shoddy.
alternately; -t, -tK, once, for the time be- ce!~he n. half-lap joint (carpentry).
ing, until now, not yet; -t LE CAHAN, once cernali n. double-slope roof.
upon a time; -EKAN, still, for the time being; cernarn n. spasmodic contraction, cramp.
-EK-YAN, once upon a time; --u- BAR. a. cernat (A) n. group, community, congrega-
and adv. occasional, at times, now and then. tion.
carye (A) n. maid-servant, concubine. Cernazi n. gen. -YELEWEL, -YELAXER (A,
car1 . n. call, announcement, advertisement; JUMADA "L-OLA, JUMADA "L-AKHIRA),
,.., J;>., proclaim (hence -J?ER n. propagandist, fifth and sixth months of Islamic lunar
advocate); ,.., LE J;>., denounce; BA year.
HEsHTIN, proclaim; -cHi n. crier. cernser a. and n. conne~led by the ends, line
-car 2 see ·ZAR1 , e.g GIYACAE. of contact. -
cenab n. form of respectful address e.g.: ~ y ~ PISHAN !)., show to a place (Y); - G., take
I;IAKIM, his honour the Governor; ~-IT, up position, replace, take the place of, (Y;
~-TA::-<, you, Sir. ~ Y XO~Y NAGIIUl, he is all agog; -GIR n.
cenca! n. crowd, throng. occupant, successor, but note -GiR a.
cencer n. threshing sledge, pulley, water- settled, established); ~HE!, G., roll up and
·wheel. remove bedding; - GW., fill the place of,
cen"ere n. press, instrument or machine for prove an efficient substitute for, (Y); -
pressing. GOBiN, change one's place; BE - HATIN, be
ceng n. war, battle; ~ Y TAK BE TAK, ~ Y performed, accomplished; BE ~ HENAN,
TAKEZELAM, ~ Y TEN BE TEN, single combat; perform, accomplish; (BE) ~ HESHTIN,
~AWER a. warlike; ~NAME 11. epic of war. leave behind; - I<., make impression; ~ y
cenge!, cenge!istan 11. forest. xo GERM K., establish oneself firmly; ~ y xo
cengin ( ceng) v.i. fight (LEGE!,, with, XOSH K., overcome difficulties and settle
against). comfortably; ~ KW., make room (LE, for);
cerbeze 11. and a. rogue, adventurer, bluffer, (BE) -MAN, be left behind; N. E ~, substi-
rash. tute (Y, for); NW. E - , put back in place;
cerde n. highwayman, pirate; ~Yin. high- - DA x.,- EA x., spread, make, bed; x. E -,
way robbery, piracy. XW. E ~, seeN. E - , N\V. E ~.
cerg n. liver; ~ AWSAN, *be bored, *be fed ce in comb.: -BEcE a. arranged, solved (diffi-
up;- BIBIN, ~ CHUZAN:QINEWE, distress, (Y; culty) (-BECE K., arrange etc.) as adv. imme-
hence ~BIE, ~cm}zf:N, heart-rending); - diately; ~mRiN n. scar; ~:QAR a. eminent;
SUTAN, *be distressed by a death (hence -FIEIN n. air-field; -FIEOKE n. hangar;
-SUTAW, distressed, esp. of bereaved -GA, -GE n. place, bed, (used for CE in many
mother); ~Awus a. bored, fed up. Cf. of phrases given in prec. article); ~GiR a.
CIGER. settled, established; -GOEKE n. exchange
cerge n. assembly, club, institute. Also of places; ~NIZIRGE n. sanctuary; -NISHiN
CHERGE. n. substitute, successor; -NOJ n. place of
cerime (A) n. fine (penalty); ~ K., fine. prayer; -PEn. foot-mark; -BAw n. hunting-
cerye n. small press made of wood. ground; --W-NON n. bedding; ~-W-EE,
cer n. screw; ~BAI;lER n. s.-driver; ~-u­ --W-SHON n. whereabouts, abode.
MENGENE n. press. cejn see CEJN.
cerfan (cere) V.i. be taut, be tight; -AN:QIN cez n. grain after winnowing.
(~EN) caus. draw (bow), tighten (belt etc.), cibe (A) n. govv'Il.
wring (washing etc.). cibexane n. ammunition; a.-train.
ceste n. kind, sort; ~ ~,various, variously; cidew n. and a. gall, galled.
DIJMIN BE --Y BE, may the enemy be in his cr etni n. name of a breed of horses.
plight (as expr. of sympathy in misfortune). cifte n. tweezers.
cewaher n. jewel; ~BEN:Q a. bejewelled. cig n. concave side of knucklebone; --u-
cetreqe n. kind of KULERE, q.v. PISHT n. knucklebones (game).
cewa! n. sack, gunny-bag. cige a. and adv. separate, separately; ~ LE,
cewenQe n. canvas water-bottle. besides, apart from, except; - K., except.
cewher n. substance, essence, principle, Cf. BECGE, BECGE.
watering (steel), chemical dye: CHUWAR ~, ciger n. liver; - SUTAN see under CERG;
the four elements; ~:QAR a. watered (steel). -GOSHE n. off-spring; -oTi (T) n. rock
cewi n. resin, gum arabic. lichen; ~soz a. devoted, loyal. Cf. CERG.
cewr n. force, compulsion, oppression. cigere n. cigarette; - KEsHAN, smoke c.
cewt n. acorn cup. (hence -KEsH n. smoker); -KEsHE n. gen.
cexar n. sorrow. EWEN:QE Y -KEsHE, as long as it would take
cext n. second sneeze (believed to counteract to smoke a c., in no time.
unfavourable omen of single sneeze); BE - cighiz n. circle marking base in ball-game
Y, in confirmation of; ~ HENAN, sneeze a -EN.
second time; ~ K., confirm, emphasize. cil n. clothes; - BIBiN, cut out c., be mea-
ceza (A) n. punishment. sured for suit or dress, celebrate occasion of
cezrebe n. blow, buffet, bang; - PE :Q., ~ PE visit to bride's house by tailor to measure
GEYANJ?IN, administer b. to. materials provided by bridegroom's family
cezwe (.A) n. coffee-pot. for trousseau (hence ~BIRiN as n. such cele-
d! n. place, bed; LE-Y, instead of; LE -J?A bration, attended by women only); -
IJ., he in bed; - BW., *have room; CHUN E DIHtJN, make c. (hence -DIRU n. tailor); ~
(or ENAW) -'wE, go to bed, get into bed; LE IJER K., put on c., dress; - DA KENDIN,
LE - CHUN, be dislocated; - NISHAN :Q., take ofT c., undress; -BENI) 11. suit-case;
~DAN fl. see CHAROKE 1, ~K tl. clothes; cir-u-canewer 11. noxious animals or insects.
~sHOR n. washerman, washerwoman; cir-u-ciyaz n. belongings; ~ Y NAWMAL,
~sHORK n. place for washing c.; ~-u-BERG household chattels.
n. clothes; ~xuwAR a. ill-dressed. cisn, cisnat 11. family origins, ancestry.
cile n. turtle. ciya a. separate, different; LEK ~ nw., be
cHeshire n. a kind of water-weed. distinguishable from each other; LEK ~ KW.
ci!ew n. rein; ~ G., prevent (Y); ~ SHIL K. separate, distinguish; ~wAz a. different;
BO, give r. to; ~ BA KESHAN, pull up, -wAzi n. difference; ~Yi n. separation,
control, (Y); ~ HEI, TEKANJ?IN, warn (Y); difference.
~I;>AR n. caravan leader; ~aini n. preven- ciyati n. gen. LE -, instead of (Y).
tion; ~KEsH n. holder of leading-rein. ciyazi (A) n. bride's trousseau.
ci!fir a. stupid. ciz<,lan n. wallet, booklet, identity-card, etc.
ci!q n. small copper coin; ~~ NAU:ENE, it is cize, cizeciz 11. frizzling sound.
notworth a farthing. cizm n. part of a book (esp. one of the 30
cim n. movement; ~ J?., make am.; ~msH equal parts into which the Koran is divided
n. m., merry-making; -E n, crowd (JtJREKE without regard to the chapters).
-E-Y EHAT, the room was crowded); -ISH, cizme n. top-boot.
see ~BISH; ~KUT, n. and a. throng, thronged; cizubend n. bookbinding; -KEn 11. book-
--u-cu~:. n. bustle, unrest, wriggling, shim- binder.
mering. ciciruk n. name of a fodder grass.
cimfan ( cime) v.i. move, pulsate, assemble; cikan<,lin (ciken) v.t. squeak, twitter..
~ANI;> IN (~EN), caus. wave, mobilize. cike, cikecik 11. squeaking, twittering.
cimfge n. large joint (body); ~IJGE n. small ciq 11. squeal, squawk; ~ DER HENAN, cause
joint (body); -IK 11. twin; ~KAN, ~KAl\'E n. to squeal etc. (Y); ~E, -EdQ n. squealing
t\vins, Gemini. etc.; ~IN a. feeble, weakling; ~oLE n. lap-
cimhuriyet (A) n. republic. wing.
· cin n. genie, jinni; ~oKE n. goblin. ciqan<,lin (ciqen) v.t. squeal, squawk.
cinew n. abuse, reviling; ~ J?. (E, PE), BER ~ cirdo a. producing little milk (fern. animal).
J?., abuse, revile; ~ XUWARDIN, be abused cir a. tough, obstinate, stringy (meat); DAt--.
etc.; ~FIROSH a. abusive. Also CON. L~ - KW., bare the fangs, snarl, at.
cingane n. gipsy. ciran<,lin (ciren) v.t. squeak (door, shoe,
cingiz a. overbearing (a regular Jenghiz). etc.).
cinin (cin) v.t. slice, chop, snip. eire, cirecir n. squeak, squeaking.
cins (A) see CISN. --"-·" ciwe n. mercury, quicksilver.
ciqe n. plume of head-dress esp. as worn by co 1 tz. barley; ~DAN 11. black mark on horse's
Shah of Persia, name of a small bird. tooth; ~DAS n. name of a grass; ~DIREW n.
eire n. rat. season of b. harvest; ~sHiRE n. grains of b.
ciringan<,lin (ciringen) v.t. tinkle, jingle. while still plump and soft; -xoRE n. name
ciringe, ciringeciring n. tinkling, of a small bird.
jingling. co 2 n. canal; ~BAR n. canal side; ~GE, ~GELE
cirit n. javelin; ~BAZi, ~EN n. j.-exercises. n. canal, runnel; -MAJ.. 11. silt-clearing;
ciriwam.Jin (ciriwen) v.t. twinkle, twitter, -:wWAW n. runnel.
warble. colane n. swinging cradle.
ciriwe, ciriweciriw n. twinkling, twittering, co!a n. weaver; ~Yi, 11. weaving.
warbling. com n. rift, fissure.
cirk n. ointment. coq n. yoke.
cirm-u-cul n. see CIM-u-cuL. cor n. kind, sort, manner; ~EHA, all kinds.
cirp n. movement; ~IN a. and n. fidgety, cosh n. boil, boiling, boiling-point, welding,
adventurer, rogue; ~-u-coP,seeCIRT-U-FIRT. over-burnt brick; ~ J?., warm up, make
cirt n. restless movement, quick step; lively; HATIN E ~, boil, come to boiling-
~EMIZE a. urinating frequently ~-U-FIRT, point (also fig.); HENAN E -, caus. of prec.;
~-U-PIRT n. fidgets, incoherent conversa- ..., K., boil, weld; - SENJ?IN, come to the b.,
tion. become excited, be worked up; ~ XUWAR-
cirftkan<,lin (ciruken) v.t. twitter. DIN, boil (intr.); ~-u-XIROSH n. excitement.
ciruke, cirftkeciruk n. twittering. coshin (cosh) v. i. boil.
cir int. exp. contempt bah; ~ DOZE, int. expr. cozbuwa, cozbuya n. nutmeg.
contempt gen. directed at wild pig. co a. different, separate; ~ ~, various,
cirt n. rude noise made with mouth,; ~ LE J;>., separately; ~ nw., be separated; ~ KW.,
""'BA HESHTIN, - KEsHAN, make such noises separate; ~cHESIIIN a. \'arious.
(no, at). con see CINEW.
cum•e (A) n. Friday. See HEYNi. ciikfe also -ECUK n. chirping, twittering;
cung n. thrust w. finger; - PE'WE K., insert -IN a. chirping, twittering.
finger. ciiki n. sorcerer.
curbiir n. pheasant. cii!fan (cii!e) v.i. move; -ANJ!IN (-EN),
cur1 (A) n. gen. - K., extract, obtain by caus.; -ANEWE, move up, increase (e.g.
cunning, (LE, from). · price); -ANJ!INEWE, caus. of prec.
cur 2 a. male, gen. in comb. esp. w. names of cii!e n. movement; -cut, n. continuous m.
birds: -EBAZ, m. hawk; -EKEW, cock par- ciin (eft) v.t. chew; -EWE, chew(QISE -EWE,
tridge; -EPIYAW, man's man. prevaricate).
cure n. name of a small bird; -BEG~E n. cftng n. buttercup.
name of a bird w. bright plwnage. ciiqin a. feeble, weakling; -E n. name of a
curne n. tap, water-cock. small bird. Cf. ciQIN.
custe n. narrow line of embroidery on KEWA. cut n. pair (esp. p. of plough oxen);--. in
cuwab (A) n. answer; - Q., refuse; - J!W., pairs; - AJUTIN, plough; - B., couple
answer; HATIN E -, join in discussion; LE (animals); - G., pair off (:mimals); - K.,
HATIN E -,join issue with. plough, shut (double doors); -ANE n. tax
cuwamer n. an'a a. gallant, chivalrous, levied on each pair of plough oxen; -BAQi
brave, gentleman; -ANE adv. chivalrously. n. seam reinforced w. patch (cobbling);
etc. -BENJ!AN n. rutting - season; -J!AR n.
cuwan a. beautiful, young; -EGA n. bull- farmer; -E1 n. and a. pair, twin, two-qiran
calf; -EMERG a. having died young; -in. Persian coin, (BE -E, both together, in pairs;
youth, beauty; -KELANE, -KELE, -KiLANE, -E Y SERAN, cannon in game of marbles,
-KiLE a. pretty little; -0 1z. colt ( -u G., -u innuendo, see MiT); -E 2 , kick w. both hind
PISHT SHIKANJ!IN, break in colt); -ULKE, legs ( -E LE Q., -E HAWiSHTIN, -E WESHAN-
dim. of prec.; -UMAYiN n. filly. J!IN, kick, lash out, w. both hoofs); -EGEJ a.
cuwanaw n. cold sweat; - EISHTIN, sweat having two curls on forehead (horse, re-
thus. garded as unfavourable mark); -EKEWANE
Cii also -LEKE n. Jew; -LEKAN n.J.'squarter, n. brackets (for enclosing words); -E-W-
ghetto. LEQE n. kicking and plunging; -EXAlt n.
ciifce n. chicken, dwarf; -CELE n. chick; colon (punct.); -KAR n. ploughman; -YAR
-cEQORE n. dish of c. cooked w. unripe n. ploughman, agricultural labourer; -YARE
grapes; -cHIK n .. chick. n. name of a flower.
ciikanc;tin (ciiken) v.t. chirp, twitter. ciiz see CVNG.

ch pres. stem of CHUN. chaker n. servant.
cha1 (also -Yi) n. tea; -PAl,Ew n. t.-straine~;; chaket (E) n. jacket.
-PEZ n. t.-pot; -XANE, -YXANE n. t.- chakil n. forked stick to which ends of rope
shop. are tied in loading pack-animal.
cha 2 see CHAK 2 • chalak a. active, energetic, mettled, mettle-
chabuk (P) a. active, quick, nimble; -suwAR, some (horse). -
n. and a. skilled horseman. cha! a. and n. deep depression, hollow, hole,
chac;lir 11. tent; - HEL Q., pitch t.; - TEK Q., pit, ditch; - Y COLA, weaver's pit; - Y
strike t.; - DA KUTAN, pitch t.; -GA n. CHENAGE, chin dimple;- Y ZORXANE, wrest-
camp; -NISI-liNn. t.-dweller. ling pit; ziNDE BE - K., bury alive as
chagh (N) n. banister, balustrade. punishment; -ANE n. fee taken by Agha
chak 1 n. skirt of garment; - BE LAJ!A K., on each grain-pit, see AGHAYETi; -AW n.
tuck up skirt; -EL a. and n. slit up the sides pool; -AYi n. low ground, depression;
(garment). -EnEFR n. pit for storing snow; -ECHEQiLE
chak 2 (frequently pronounced and written CHA) n. tulip; -EaEi-uM n. pit for storing wheat;
a. good; - B., be well; - BW., get better, be -EXELUZ n. charcoal pit; -EN n. name of
cured; - K., put right; LE- K., put (male) game in which player throws handful of
to cover female; - KW., mend; -ANE n. walnuts at hole, winning if number falling
kindness; -BiN a. optimist; -E n. kind in hole is even and losing if it is odd;
action; -ftTi n. goodness; -i n. merit, good- --u-cHOL a. pitted, pot-holed.
ness (nE -1, peacefully, by agreement). cham n. pine, deal.
chanqin (ch~n) v.t. sow. See T~. GIRSAN, *have shooting pains in eye; AW Y ....,
chap n. impression, print, printing; LE ...., Q., DA HATIN, *go blind; "" DER HATIN, •have
print, publish; -x.u."E a. printing press. the eyes put out (--TAN DER :E, damn your
chaplus a. flatterer; ....,f n. flattery. eyes!); ...., HEL HATIN (HELATIN), *wake up
char 1 (P, CHAH.4R) a. and n. four; - CH~WE (oft. neg. *pretend not to see); HrnAN EP~H
n. frame, framework; -EK n. quarter, one (EBER) -,visualize, imagine, explain (Y, to);
fourth; -EKESE'AT n. quarter of an hour; ""DER HENAN, gouge out eyes; ""HEL HENAN,
-PAYE 11. bedstead. Cj. CHUWAR. open eyes, wake (intr.); - PE HEL HENAN,
char 2 n. remedy, cure; --IM NACHAR-E, I cast evil eye upon; - PE KEWTIN, *see,
am obliged, I have no alternative; - B., *be *visit; BER...., KEWTIN, *happen to see; LE....,
remediable; - K., remedy; -E 1 n. remedy, KEWTIN, only in phrase LE ...., Y MIN-IT
cure, (CHI -E, excl. it can't be helped; -E NEKEWE, anomalous construction, I rely on
BININ, seek r.; "" DITINEWE, "" DOZi:NEWE, you to do as I wish; - K., only ...., KE, look!;
find r., Y for; -E K., remedy); -ESAZ a. - LE K., imitate (hence -LEKER n. imitator;
mender, restorer, redresser (gen. as attri- -LEKERi n. imitation); BE- K., see, notice;
bute of God); -ESER n. means of escape BE -EWE K., cast e;-il eye upon, envy; ...., AW
( -ESER Y XO K., fend for oneself); -NACHAR K., water (eye); - GIL K., smart (eyes);
adv. of necessity, inescapably. - I;IiZ K., cast down eyes (in shame
charchek a. armed. etc); "" SHOB K., be abashed; LEJER -E\VE
chare 2 n. face; -:Nus n. fate, destiny. TEMASHA K., look surreptitiously (Y, at);
charoke 1 n. shawl (worn over shoulders by - KW., be alert (neg. be inexperienced); -
women and used as receptacle). BIZ KW., glare (L£:, at); "" GERM KW., be
charoke 2 n. name of a herb. drowsy, drop off to sleep, have a nap; - LE
charshew n. sheet, bed-sheet, overall veil SUR KW., glare at; - ZEQ KW., stare (d:, at);
(fern. att.);- y KEMERJ?AR, such veil w. belt - (HEL) KOLiN, gouge out eyes; BE -J;>A
at waist; --U-PECHE n. veiling of women, KUTANEV>'E, not allow to forget, rub in (esp.
purdah. memory of favours conferred); - LEK N.,
chash a. gen. - B., be puzzled. close eyes (in sleep, in death); - NUQAN:QIN;
chashni n. taste. shut the eyes tight; - NUSAN, *be blind w.
chasht n. midday meal. eyes closed; - PISHKilTIN, *open eyes (of
chaw n. eye, pigeon-hole, drawer (furniture), animals born w. eyes shut); - DER POQiN,
asint.look!;...., YKEL-ESHER, cock's eye(bot.); *have protruding eyes; - LE POSHiN,
BE CHUWAR - , vigilantly; BESER - ; BESER ignore, pretend not to see, pardon; -
-AN, as you command (formula expr. obe- QUCHANJ?IN, close eyes; ...., BISHTIN, darken,
dience or welcome); LE-Y. for the sake of, make up, eyelids; ...., HEL TEKANQIN, signal
here's to (formula for battle-cry, toast, etc.); w. eyes (LE, to); ...., TIRSAN, *fear in the light
LEBER - , visible, in the public eye, pro- of experience (L:E); - TIRUKANJ?IN, blink;
minent, well remembered. - HEL TOQiN, *have protruding eye, wall-
chaw, idiomatic usages with vv., see Introduc- eye (hence -HELTOQiw a. wall-eyed); """'DA
tion p. viii, § C 4 (ix); - BIBiN, operate on x., lower eyes in shame, in negation, etc.;
eye;...., HEL BIBiN, look up; ...., T~ BIBIN, gaze ""PIYA XISHANJ;>IN, glance at.
at, covet; - L~ B., •see, •observe; -LE'WE chaw in comb.: -BASHQAL, -BAZ1 a. glad-
B., ...., TE'WE B., •watch; BE "-'EWE B., be eyed, flirtatious; -BAZ 2 a. hawk-eyed;
affected by evil eye, have bad luck, decline ; -BAZE n. slender thistle; -BAZi n. rolling of
...., GERM B., *be drowsy; "" l;IAFIZ B., *be eyes, ogling; -BELEK a. dark-eyed;- BEN!;>, n .
blind; ...., BOSHIN BW., *be delighted, bandage over the eyes, sleight of hand;
*have hopes fulfilled; - BUN BW., as prec., -BENJ?I n. sleight of hand; "-'BEREWJER a.
also *be enlightened, *see the light, (--TAN discredited; -BEST, -BESTI, see -BENJ?,
BUN, congratulations!); - SIPi B., *die -BENJ;>i; "-'BEXUMAR a. languishing, looking
(--TAN SIPi BE, may you perish!); - CHUN sentimental; -BIBKE n. catching the eye,
E XEW, XEW CHUN E ""• *go to sleep, *fall .staring match; -BIRSi a. covetous; -BIZ a.
asleep; - DER CHUN, •be presumptuous; having pierci~g eyes; -BORE n. a species of
- LE Q., cast evil eye upon; - BERAYf J?., thistle; -cHEPEL a. having the evil eye;
- BIBWAYi J;>., (gen. neg. NEJ;l., *hate to see, -CHIL~, -cHINOK a. covetous, insatiable;
*be unable to bear); BE -J;>A J;>W., see BE -J;>A -DAQILISHAW a. having mongolian-type
KUTANEWE below; "" FIE.IN, twitch (eye); eyes (esp. as characteristic of genie, see CIN);
- GEBAN, look round (no, for); - HEL -DEn n. observer, supervisor; ~DERI n.
GEBANEWE, turn up upper eye-lid; "" GILOF- supervision, attention (LEGEL -DERi Y ••• -J;>A,
TIN, rub the eyes; HATIN EP~H ""• seem, with due regard to, subject to); -E see
*imagine; - DA G., wink (L:E, at); - DA SERCI-IAWE; ~EBLEQ a. gaping, expression-
Jess, vacant; -ECHAW n. gen. -ECHAW B., under xo'; -BEQ a . . having tradition of
*'be waiting expectantly; -ECHAW K., same military service.
as prec., (Y, for); "'EDUWA a. expectant; chekush n. hammer; -KARin. h.-work.
-ENUWAB a. waiting, expectant -EQULE n. chel also '"""E n. turn, occasion; -AN, for-
cholera; -EBt, -EBUWAN a. waiting, expec- merly; -:E, once.
tant; -EZAR, -fNI n. stroke of evil eye, cheleng1 a. beautiful, good.
curse, (BE -tNi BE, may he prosper), charm cheleng 2 (T) n. wreath.
against evil eye; -EsHE n. eye-ache (GUL y chelepayi n. name of a dance.
-E.sHE, camomile); -GE n. kindling, small chelipa n. cross.
fire-wood; -GESH a. frank, friendly-look- che!ak n. pole for shaking down fruit, esp.
ing; .....,~fz a. shame-faced; -iLE, -iLKE, walnuts, from tree.
spectacles; ...... KAL a. hazel-eyed; -KE n. che!eme n. wishing-bone, merrythought,
infinitive mood; -KEYi a. infinitive; dilemma, pillory; -SHIKENE n. breaking of
-KIRAWE a. experienced, vigilant; -KUNE- wishing-bone by two persons as game in
SUJIN a. beady-eyed; .....;KUTKE n. name of a which each player seeks to hand an object
plant; .....,KUT-U-KOR a. bleary-eyed; -MAR to the other, sooner or later, without being
a. clever, smart; -MEST a. with bewitching reminded that it is part of the game. Cf.
eyes; -NETIRS a. fearless; -PAN a. frank- TENG-U-CHELEME.
looking; -PEB-U-PUSHAWi a. bleary-eyed; che!te n. mischievous gossip.
-PISHiLE n. daisy; -Pis a. having evil eye; che!tiik n. rice (unhusked).
-POSH a. forgiving ( -POSHi LE K., forgive); chem1 n. eye.
-QAYIM a. bold, courageous; -BESH a. chem2 n. river, stream; -iLE n. and a. pro-
dark-eyed; ...... BIPOQAWi a. mattery-eyed; duce irrigated from stream, esp. -iLETIROZi
-BOSHIN a. happy; -ROSHINI LE K., con- n. a species of cucumber, see also under TinE;
gratulate (w. formula --TAN BOSHIN); --U-CHlTXUB n. watery thicket.
-BUN, -nONi LE K., see -BOSHIN; -sEwz chem 3 n. curve, bend; -AWE n. and a. curve,
a. green-eyed; -sun a. brave ( -silni n. curved; --u-XEM n. twist, curls.
courage); -sHARKE n. kind of blind man's chemfan (chem~) also -ANEWE •v.i. bend,
buff; -sHASH a. squint-eyed; -sHiN a. curve; -ANJ;>IN (""EN) also '"""ANJ;>INEWE,
blue-eyed; ......SHOB a. humiliated; -TEn a. caus. bend.
generous; -TIRSEN a. gen. -TIRSEN K., chemche n. ladle.
frighten off (from doing sg.); -TiJ a. chemer also -En. circle, hoop, ring; -i a.
sharp-eyed, acute; -TUN:r;> a. fearless, reso- circular.
lute; -uc see -cE; --U-BAW n. rumour, chemin (chem), also "{EWE v.i. see CHEI\1AN.
propaganda, ballon d'essai; -rlL a. chemo!e n. gen . ....., u' N'AN, push open palm
squint-eyed; -ZEQ a. with staring eyes; of hand forward towards a person as exp. of
-zERD a. yellow-eyed, unhealthy looking. contempt, of gloating over misfortune, etc.
chawroke n. borage. chemiish n. vicious horse.
chax a. gen . ...... K., perform, arrange. chen1 see CHENJ;>.
chaxme n. eyelet-ring. chen 2 also -AGE, -En. chin; -AGE KUTAN,
chayi see CHA1• be garrulous; -E I;>., talk nonsense; -E BE
-che suf. forming dim. nn. and adJJ. e.g. -E WESTAN, face up to each other; '"""AGEKUTE
BAXCHE, NIMCHE. n. death rattle, death agony; -EBAZ a. gar-
checb n. little hand, (affectionate term). rulous; ......EHERASH n. and a. calumniator,
chefte n. silk square for turban (gen. of malicious gossiper; -EWER a. garrulous,
bright colours with gold thread and fringed). gossiper.
chej pres. stem of CHESHTIN. chen4 adv., pron., and a. how, some, how
chek1 (E) n. cheque. many, how much, etc.; - xosn-E, how
chek2 11. arms, weapons, arm (branch of pleasant it is; ~WE ....., ENUN, how much do
fighting services); woman's outfit of you sleep?; EWE ....., E:t-~-DN BINUN, sleep as
jewellery; - Y KELASH, heel-piece of much a.s you (want to) sleep; ....., L'Ew
· KELASH, q.v.; -BEJ a. armed, equipped w. XANUWA('l"E BOSH BIN BI-YAN-GIRIN, take as
arms. many of'-those houses as may be vacant;
cheke 11. carder's mallet; --W-KEWAN, .....,E L'EW XANltwANE BOSH BUN, some of those
carder's outfit of mallet and bow. houses were empty; oil -AN, twice as
chekechek n, clash, clatter, (esp. of steel). much, twice as many; EME - EHfrNE, EME
chekere 11. shoot (of germinating seed), BE ~ EFIROSHIN, how much is the price of
excrescence, puckered surface ; ...... DER this?; - MINAI,E L'EWE BUN, some children
nf,NAN, shoot, form excrescence, etc. were -there; ....., MIWAN Y'EN, how many
cheJcme ( T) n. boot; -Bon n. see XONEXOR guests are coming?; ....., MiWAN n'.EN BESER
CHAW, however many guests come they will get stuck in the mud; -ANJ;liN (-:EN) caus.
be welcome; ~EM, ~El\IiN a. where m See DA, T:E.
numerical order? cheqo n. knife; -GER 11. cutler.
chen9in (chen) 'D.t. see CHANJ!IN. cherchi n. pedlar, commercial traveller.
cheng 1 n. harp; ~i n. harpist, dancing-girl. chere n. snack.
cheng 2 see CHEKJ!. cherexore n. small wooden pipe in water-
chengsuteke n. kind of stew or thick soup mill leading from DOI,YANE to KEWCHIKE
made w. TIRXENE, see TEBESAZ. q.v.
chenin {chen) v.i. see BA CHENiN. cherge see CERGE.
chcp 1 n. palm of hand; ~IK n. bunch (sg. cherin (cher) (N) v.i. graze.
gathered); -LE n. clapping; ~LE L:E (const) cherm 11. leather; -ECHEQALTE n. perito-
J);, clap, applaud (BO); ~I.E KUTAN, clap neum; ~EsER:E n. worry ( -ESERE J;l., cause
(Lfr, to indicate disapproval of); -LEB:EZAN worry).
n. loud applause; ~r.icHEPAN n. nursery chermig a. white.
form of -I.E; ~oK n. slap from above ( -oK-Y chers n. hemp dried for smoking, hashish.
LE EJNO co NAB:ETEWE, he never ceases slap- cherx1 n. eyas of saker falcon. See BALEBAN 1•
ping his knees in self-reproach; -OK J;l. cherx 2 n. circle, wheel; ~ Y FELEK, firma-
BESER •.• -J;lA, slap); ~oKAN n. pawing the ment; - LE J;l., whirl (dervishes);
ground; ~OI.,E, see CHEl\lOI,E; -OLESH:ERE n. XUWARDIN, revolve; ~-Y LE CHEMER
name of a plant. EK:ESHIM, I'll take it out of him (threat); -E
chep 2 a. and n. left, sinister, bad; -EK a. n. perambulation, patrolling, ( -E K., go
crooked, round about (way); -GER a. cruel round, patrol); -ECHi n. patrol; ~1 a. and n.
(CHER..-.. y ~GER, the cruel firmament); ~P n. round, an old silver coin; ~-u-FELEK n.
a kind of dance; ~i 2 a. I.-wing (politics); double swing, boat-s·wing, (side-show at
~LER a. left-handed; ~-U-BAST n. gen. fair).
~-U-BAST K., pull I. hand and right foot cherxfan (cherxe) also -ANEWE v.i.
together as remedy-for pains in back of revolve; -ANJ;liN (~:EN), also -ANJ;llh'EWE
children (EAST-U-CHEP the reverse process caus. set revolving, turn. See WER.
w. right hand and I. foot). chesp n. sticking paste; - K., be firmly
chepaw n. raid, foray. fixed.
chepecax n. chopper (gen. for meat). chespfan (chespe) v.i. stick, adhere, in-
chepe! a. filthy. cline, agree, become involved, (rt, to, in);
cheper tz. wattle fence, palisade. ~ANJ;liN (-:EN) caus. stick (tr.), fix, persuade,
cheq1 n. gristle, cartilage; -AWESU a. brazen, win over (gen. for sg. discreditable).
hardened adventurer, obstinately diso- chespin (chesp) v.i. see CHESPAN.
bedient (child). chesh, cheshe, cheshke n. and a. taste
cheq 2 n. clang, clatter, impact (game of (gen. pleasant), bait, trained to like, accus-
marbles); E'WENJ;lE-M PE WUT HETA QiR tomed; ~ B., acquire taste for, be trained
WUT-Y 'cHEQ', I talked to him till I was for, become accustomed to, (BE); - K. train,
blue in the face without avail; ~ K., hit and accustom, etc. Also cH:EsH, CH:EsHE,
knock out opponent's marble; -E, ~ECHEK CH:EsHKE.
n. chatter, clacking, continuous clatter; cheshn n. kind, sort;~~. of various kinds;
-ECHEQ K., clatter, chatter, etc. EM CHESHNE NANE, this kind of bread.
cheq 3 n. hub, centre, middle;~ Y B:E, crown cheshtin (chej) see CHESHTIN.
of road; - y DERGA, middle of doorway. chetawesu see CHEQAWESU.
cheqale n. bitter almond; - Y SOR, salted chete ( T) n. band of robbers; -wu~:, n. tall
almond as appetizer; - XOSH K., prepare strange figure.
b. a. thus. cheto!, cheto!e n. light summer tent.
cheqa!te see CHERMECHEQAJ..TE. chetr n. umbrella, sunshade, parachute; - Y
cheqan (cheqe) see DA CHEQAN. TAWUS, peacock's tail (expanded); - HEL J;l,
cheqcheqok n. name of a plant. put up u. ety., -BAZ n. parachutist.
cheqe! n. jackal. chetiln a. h~rsh, difficult.
cheqene n. click, castanet, governor devised chetyane n~-curved sword (of inferior
to joggle dripfeed (KEWCHIKE) of mill; - LE quality).
J;l., rattle castanets, snap fingers (on same chew n. gravel, shingle; -B:EJ n. gen. -B:EJ
hand, cf. BISTE). K., make up road w. gravel.
cheqij (SN) n. stage, halting-place, day's chewashe a. overturned, contrary.
journey. chewen9er n. beet.
cheqfin ( cheq) v.i. sink, become embedded. chewr a. fat, rich (food); - K., anoint;
get stuck, stick up, (PIYA, in); -iN E QUE, -ESAN ( = -EHESAN), lubricating oil for
honing; -i n. fat, oil, lubricant; -iJ;>AN n. ploughed about end of February; -EM,
pot for lubricant. -EMiN a. fortieth; -EXANE n. cell for reli-
chewroke1 n. kerchief. gious retreat; -MilRDE 11. lever.
chewroke 2 n. name of a herb. chilon see CHON.
chewsfanewe (chewse) v.i. toil; -ANJ;>IN- chilure n. icicle.
EWE (-EN) caus. oppress, exploit. chil n. branch (tree) ; - AK 11. long crook used
chewt a. and n. crooked, wrong, error, mis- for knocking down oak-galls; -E n. stick
print; -AWE a. bent. used to prop up side flap of tent; -EPOPE n.
chevvtfanewe (chewte) v.i. be bent. topmost branch of tree; -u-cntw n. lop-
chexmax (T) n. matchlock; -sAz 11. gun- pings, small timber. Cf. CHILKE.
smith. chi!aw n. boiled rice.
chej pres. stem of cntsHTIN. chi!ekin (chilek) see DA, BA, CHIJ..EKIN.
chejin (chej) v.i. see cHfuiHTIN. chiles a. gluttonous, glutton.
che! 11. cow. chi!k n. dirt, filth; - y GO, ear-wax; - Y
chen pres. stem of CHANJ;>IN: HEWR, wisp of cloud; -AW n. stagnant
cher a. dominant, domineering, valiant. water; -AWXOR a. gutter-snipe (term of
cherg n. greater bustard. abuse); -IN a. dirty.
chesh, cheshe, cheshke see CHESH. chi!m n. snot; -IN a. snotty.
chesht n. cooked food, meal; - Y NhVEBO, chi!paw n. puddle.
midday meal; -ANE n. gratuity, tip, (to buy chi!pe, chi!pechi!p n. sound of splashing,
food); -ENGAW n. mid-morning; -EXORE a. splash.
experienced; -KER n. cook; -XANE n. chima, chiman adv. as if, as it were.
kitchen. chimchime n. kind of shoe made of raw hide.
cheshtin (chej) v.i. taste, experience. chimk 11. corner (of handkerchief, of piece
chetir a. better; L'EME -, euphemism for of cloth, etc.), sleeve.
genie. See CIN. chinar n. plane tree.
chew n. wood, stick; -cELE n. cleat; -ESAN chinareki!e n. name of a herb used as anti-
n. wooden container for honing lubricant; dote for boils etc.
-iN a. madeofw.; -iNEn. wooden utensils; chinchik n. pip, seed of fruit, small piece;
-KUT a. crowded, thronged; -MAL n. gen. -t, a little of. Also cniNCHIK.
-MAL K., sally forth w. sticks and staves -chine, act. of gathering (only as second ele.-
(hue and cry); -EZIME n. icicle. ment of comp. nn. e.g. CHiLKECHINE).
chi pron., a., adv., and conj. what, which, ching n. grip; - y MIRYEM, sowbread,
whichever, how, either . . . or; - BILEM cyclamen; - LE J;>., take hold of; - LEG.,
KELK-Y NABE, whatever I may say it will be take handful of, seize; ...., KEWTIN, •get,
useless; - BIJ..EM, what shall I say?; - •acquire; - TE GIR K., grip; -EGIBE n.
PIYAWEK-YAN HATIBE, whichever one of frantic efforts; -EBINE n. clambering;
them may have come; - PIYAm ETUWANE -LECHIZE n. scraping together, contriving
EWE BIKA, what man can do that?; - xosH-E, to obtain w. difficulty.
how pleasant it is; ...., MIN ...., EW HfcH KAM- chingap n. hook, fork, talon.
MAN L'EWE :NEBUYN, neither I nor he, neither chinga)2 n. kind of sweet made of KULERE
of us, was there. q.v., w. butter and sugar.
chighe, chighechigh int. shoo (sound used chingne 1 n. tick, crab-louse.
to drive away dog); - LE K., drive away chingne1 n. name of a water:weed.
thus. chinin1 (chin) v.t. weave; -EWE, darn.
chik a. small; -t, -ilK, a little; -ELE, -ELE, chinin2 (chin) also -EWE v.i. gather, glean.
-oLE, -OLE a. small, tiny. Cf. PICH. See HE{...
chikanewe (chike) v.i. drip, boil away. chinok a. cadger.
cbike, chikechik n. ticking sound. chinftr n. name of a herb.
chil a. and 11. forty; -BERDE n. task of carry- chipe see CHIRPE.
ing 40 stones one by one a certain distance chiqil n. thorn, splinter.
as physical exercise; -cHIRA n. lamp w. chira n. lamp; -XAN n. illuminations.
multiple reflector; -E n. period of forty chiragh n. disciple; - B., graduate, com-
days ( -E Y HAWIN, hottest part of summer plete studies.
gen. reckoned from 15 July to 24 August; chirch a. wrinkled, wizened, puckered; .....
-E y ZISTAN, coldest part of winter gen. HEL HATIN, become wrinkled etc.; --U-LOCH
reckoned from 14 January to 23 February); 9· wrinkled and sagging(e.g. of double chin).
-E CHilN, expire, pass, (of forty days after chirchan (chirch~) v.i. become wrinkled,
a hirth or death); -E KEsHAN, go into forty- ~izened, puckered.
day retreat (mystics); -EBIB a. and n. (field) chirche n. name ofa variety of grape.
chirikan4in (chiriken) v.t. utter shrill chigh n. gen. ~ K., graze, touch lightly in

cry, sing in loud voice (esp. of traveller on passing.

open road), shriek. See T~. chikene n. cotton gin; ~ K., gin.
chirike n. shrill cry (esp. of hawk), shriek, chikil!ane n. crop (bird).
song on open road (J?A.." E ~,strike up such chilek (T) n. strawberry.
song); ~ECHIRIK n. continuous shrieking etc. chilke n. twig, kindling; ~CHINEn. gather-
chirke 11. tick (sound), click; ~CHIRK 11. ing fire-wood. Cf. CHIJ...
ticking, clicking, crackle. chim 11. grass, sod; -EN 11. meadow.
chiro n. bud. chimento (E) n. cement.
chirpan4in (chirpen) v.t. whisper. chin 11. stratum, layer, fold, class; -,
chirpe, chirpechirp n. whispering, sound stratified, in layers; -E 11. pile, heap.
of furtive footsteps. chinchik see CHINCHIK.
chirsin (chirs) v.i. be dazzled, see stars chine 11. gen. - K., peck grain (fowl).
(from blow). chini 11. china-ware.
chiriik a. parsimonious, stingy, unsound. chinko (E) n. zinc, galvanized iron.
chiriisan4inewe ( chiriisen) v.t. persecute. chirok 11. story; ~ Y HELBEST, fiction; - y
chir 1 n. /and a. thicket, dense; ~ISTAN n. XEI.,K, folk-tale; -BEJ 11. story-teller.
extensive thickets; ~-u-CHUXURD n. dense chit a. cotton cloth.
thicket. choghe 11. baize, serge, jacket of home-spun
chir 2 see CHIB-U-CHAW belozv. cloth.
chiran (chire) v.i. see T~ cHIBAN. chok n. knee; - DA :Q., kneel; - HEL I;>.,
chire n. buzz of conversation, dense crowd. squat w. one knee dravm up; HATIN ESER - ,
chirin (chir) v.t. sing, call. See TE. BE -A HATIN (af.so KEWTIN), kneel.
chirniik n. claws; ~ L~ :Q., scratch. choleke n. sparrow; -PASARi n. house-
chir-u-chaw n. face (facet.), mug. sparrow.
chiriik n. scorching of food. cho}l a. and n. unoccupied, deserted, open
chish int. let it happen; who cares?; ~ LE K., country, desert; - K., vacate, evacuate,
let things take their course. abandon (place); ~-u-HOI.- a. quite deser-
chisht n. thing. ted.
chishtir n. young she-goat that has been cho!2 see CHAL-U-CHOL.
covered. cho!echira n. torch.
chitir n. see CHISHTIR. chom 11. river, stream; ~EI,.ANI n. region of
chiya n. mountain; -NISHiN n. highlander. many streams.
chizan (chize) v.i. be scorched, be burnt by chon adv. and a. how, as, what kind; WE -
contact, (PIYA, by, with), feel stinging sen- BII,EN MIN WEHA EKEM, l shall act as you
sation. direct; ~ BA-Y KIRD, how did he escape?;
chizfe n. burning pain ( ~E-Y LE DES-IM HEl, BAWK-TAN ~-E, how is your father?;
SAN:Q, it stung my hand); ~ECHIZ n. frizzling PIYAVI-"tK Y CHON, what kind of a man?;
sound; ~u n. sting (organ of insect). PIYAWEKE CHON BU, what was the man like?;
chizlik n. dish made of fat tail of sheep after ~~Ti, ~i, ~iYETi n. condition, quality,
most of fat has been melted down. manner; ~HA adv. rarely; MEGER ~HA, only
chizme ( T) n. boot. very rarely. Also CHILON.
chil pron. and a. what, whatever; ~-Y BESER, chopchini n. china-root (drug).
~-YEWE-YE, what has this to do w. that, chopi n. figure-dancing; K., dance;
what is the connexion?; ~ Bil,EY BESU:Q-E, ~CHEMER n. get!. ~CHEMER BESTIN (also :Q.,
whatever you say is useless; TO ~ ELEY, G~ gather round (LE sun Y) corpse for
what do you say?; NAW-IT ~-YE, v;hat is mourning dance.
your name?; KITEB y ~,what book (are you chopin (chop) v.i. dance.
talking about)? ~YETI n. nature, identity, choqe, choqecboq n. chattering of teeth.
(of things). chorek n. kind of cake.
-chP suf.forming nn. denoting agent, occupa- chor1 n. pheasant.
tion, trade, etc., e.g. CHAYCHi, SAXTECHi. chor 2 n. small quantity of liquid; ~fl, a little,
chichi int. (nursery word) sit down!, also a drop; ~AWGE n. water issuing from gutter-
~KE. spout ( -AWGE HEL SA, water has begun to
chlchkan squatting posture; BE ~EWE DA
11. flow from the gutter-spout); -ECHOB n.
NISHTIN, squat; HATIN ESER ~, NISHTIN continuous dripping.
ESER ~, get up from sitting on ground to choran (chore) v.i. drip, leak. See DA.
squatting posture. chuk!e n. small stroke in Arabic writing,
chigh 1 n. screen of reeds (esp. for side-walls circumflex accent.
or partition of tent). chunke, chunku conj. because, since.
churtim n. stumbling-block, trip-wire, stockings, of horse); ~PE a. and n. quad-
difficulties. ruped; ~BEYAN n. cross-roads; ~sucH a.
chur n. only ~ Y SHIR, whiteness of milk. and n. quadrangular, quadrangle; -SHANE
chust a. only in ~-u-cHALAl{ a. energetic, a. broad-shouldered, sturdy; ~sHEME,
lively. ~sHEMU n. Wednesday; ~TAQ n. small
chush int. wo! whoa! (to stop donkey); domed room or building; ~xiSHTEK n. set
rubbish! of two pairs of gussets let into armpits of
chuwale n. wild almond; ~DAJ?EM n. unripe garment; ~xiSHTEKi n. and a. quatrain ;
almond. ~YEK n. and a. quarter, one-fourth. Cf.
chuwalft n. badger. CHAR.
chuwanc;Jin (chuwen) v.t. caus. of CHUN, chuwer a. having crooked legs.
propagate, put in circulation, pass (false chuxti a. hardened, brazen, shameless.
coin); -~EWE, cause to go back, cause to chuxur, chuxurd n. dense thicket.
fade. chftkele a. little, small. Cf. PICHKOL.
chuwar a. and n. four; ~ ~, by fours; chftn1 a. and n. like, resembling, equal,
~AWENE n. cuirass; ~nAx n. formal garden, counterpart; ~ YEK, alike; ~-Y NiYE, there
_park within town limits; ~CHAW a. having is nobody like him.
white spots over eyes (dog), having two chftn 2 (cH; imperat. BICHO, BICHIN) v.i. go,
wives, (but BE ~ CHAW, vigilantly); ~CHEWE pass current, be numbed; NACHE BICHE, all
n. frame, framework; ~DANG 11. crushed is not lost; ~ BESER ••• -I)A, come suddenly
rice; ~DARE n. bier; ~DE a. and n. fourteen upon, take by surprise; - BESHON ••• -J?A,
(~DEY MANG, full moon); ~DEM, ~DEMIN go to fetch; ~ E LA, visit (Y); ~ ESER, go to
a. fourteenth; ~DERi n. room w~ four French see (on business); LE xo ~, LESER xo ~,
windmvs; ~EM, ~EMiN a. fourth; ~E:N faint; ~EWE, go back, fade (colour); ~EWE
n. and a. square; ~GOSHEn. and a. quad- BESER ••• -J?A, revise; ~Ew' E YEK, shrink,
rangle, quadrangular; ~GURCHIK a. very contract;for caus. see CHUWANJ?IN, CHUWAN-
strong, brawny; ~LA n. surroundings; J?INEWE. See DA, HE!.,., LE, PE, PEJ?A (PIYA),
~MESHQi, ~~RDEKi a. and adv. cross- P:E'wE, T:E, TEJ?A (TIYA), T:E'wE, TEK.
legged; ~MExE n. four pegs arranged for chftz n. shoot, scion, (bot.);~ K., graft; -E1 ,
spread-eagle punishment, (LE ~MExE ~ELE, n. sprig; ~ESHUWANE n. name of a
KEsHAN, punish thus); ~NAJ.,E n. gallop (BE herb.
~NAJ.,E, at the gallop); ~PARE n. small chuzfanewe (ch~~) v;i. smart, itch, burn,
finger-cymbals; ~PEL n. lit. arms and legs, be hurt (feelings); -ANJ?INEWE ( ~tN) caus.
stature, build, ( ~PELESTUR a. thick-set, sting, hurt.
strapping; ~PELSIPi a. having four white chftze2 n. smart, stinging sensation.

d', 4' see DE2 • wishes at birth of child may his parents live
da 1 int. used to attract attention, introduce to see him grow up).
request, invitation, etc.: ~ DENG, hark! da 4 adv. down, used to form a large class of
listen!;~ DEY, off!;~ WERE, come. Also A2 • comp. vv. expr. clearly or obscurely this idea;
-4a2 enclitic postp. used in conj. w. prepp. to nn, and adjj. det·ived directly from these comp.
give g1·eater precision, see BE, LE, LE, PE, Tfl. vv0 and not. shown w. thetn are given in. a
Also -Aa. separate artzcle after the vv.: ~ BARIN, ram
da 3 n. mother; ~K, ~LK, mother; ~PiR 11. down (lit. and jig., BESER ••• -J?A, E, ESER,
old woman, crone; ~PiROCHKE 11. spider; upon); ~ BESTIN, tie on (load), keep, own
~vE 1 r:oc. of ~; ~YE 2 n. transplanted and manage (domestic animals), fatten for
seedling; ~·YEGEWRE 11. grandmother; slaughter; - BESHIN, share out, distribute,
~YELE,. dim. n. darling mother; ~YEN n. (BESER ••• -J?A, among); ~ BEZIN, dismount,
wet-nurse; ~YK 11. mother ( ~YKEKE-M, alight, camp, (BuK ~ BEZANJ?IN, arrive w.
~YK-JM, polite or ironical form of address my the bride and alight at bridegroom's house);
dear lady; LE ~YK B., be born; ~YK-I"f ~ BJBAN, be separated, be dismissed, (LE,
MIHE, formula gen. used by m. to comfort dis- from); - DIBiN, cut down, cut off, deduct,
tressed child my poor darling;) ~KEn. hen (LE, from), press, insist, impute, (BESER •••
:parrow; ~YK-U-BAWK n. parents (BE -I)A, upon, to); ~B., bend over, bow, ·sub-
~YK-U-ll:\\\"K GEWRE BE, formula of good mit; ~ CHEQAN, hang open, gape, be open
DA 31 DAY;>
(eyes in death);~ CHEQANQINl, caus. ofprec. prec.); - NIYA.."<, see ~ N. j ~ NJSHTJN, sit
open wide (esp. mouth); ~ CHEQANJ:>IN 2 , down, settle down (hence ~Nisn;rfr a. and 11.
fix upright, imbed, plant, erect (see resident, inhabitant; ~ NISHANI.JIN, caus.
CHEQiN)j ~ CHILEKIN, start (sudden move- seat, show to a seat, settle); ~ NUSHTAN, be
ment), shy; ~ CHOBAN, leak; - CH1JN, sag, bent, be folded (hence -NUSHTAW a. folded);
sink, lose prestige, be decadent; ~ Q., advo- - PACHIN, hack down; ~ PEBIN,jump down;
cate, give (admonition, advice), sharpen - PICHIBAN, gape, be open wide (mouth,
(pencil), fall (rain), leak;- QW., close down oyster, etc.); ~ PICHIBiN, open wide, pull
(e.g. shutters); ~ DERAN, slip down, slide; apart; -PICHIBKAN, be cut apart; ~PILOSIN,
~ DIRUN, sew on (PIYA), shoot dead (BE thrash;- PILOXAN, be scalded; ~ PIBUSKAN,
GULE), stab to death (BE XE::-;"CER)j ~ DIBAN, come apart, be cut apart; ~ POSHiN, cover,
pass. of foil.; ~ DIBIN, tear off, strip off; ~ cover up; - QILiSHAN, split (intr.; hence
DOSHfN, milk, milk dry(gen.fig.) j ~ ENCININ, ~QILISHAW a. split, cracked j ~ QILISH.'I.NQIN,
slice, chop up; - FETA."', see ~ BIZANj - caus. of prec. split, crack); ~ QINAN, decline,
GEJ!AN, descend, climb down, change (colour droop, sink, weaken; - BIJAN, spill (intr.);
see HEL GEJ!AN); - GEE.~'<, caus. of prec.; ~ BIJANQIN, cattS. of prec.; ~ BI:YIAN, col-
- G., take down, overcome, berate, thrash lapse; - BININ, scratch off, plane, strip
(BE, with), load (fire-arm), (xo LE ~ G., lie off, mow (grass); - BISHTIN, pour down,
in wait for, eavesdrop upon); ~ GW., beat pour (concrete), cast, found (metal); ~
(roof after rain, see GELAKUTIK), refill (car- BIZAN, decompose, fall to pieces; ~ u;uTAN,
tridge); ~ GiRAN, pass. of prec.; ~ GiRANQIN, become bare, shed leaves, lose hair, moult;
see ~ GiRSANQIN; - GiRSAN, be set alight, - I!'UXAN, collapse; ~ SEKNAN, settle down
be lit, turn red, flush(w. fever, shame, etc.); quietly; ~ SHEKAN, sway, bow, (e.g. tree in
- GiRSANQIN, CazlS. of prec. j - HANIN see ~ wind); - SHEKANQIN, caus. of prec.; .:..,
HENAN; - HATIN, come down, be inflamed SHELAN, crush; - SHIKAN, be broken down,
(eyes), come on (e.g. warmth after cold), be be reduced, be deducted;~ SHIKANI)IN, caus.
invented, be new, be noYel, become fashion- of prec. deduct (LE, from); - TASHiN, shave
able, be borrowed, be derived, (LE, from; downwards; ~ TEKAN, fall (fruit from tree),
-HATU a. next, future, novel, see also under be ruined (financially); - TEKANQIN, caus. of
AW3 ); - HEI,AN, see - HEsHTINj -HENAN, prec. j ~ TEPiN, fall in, collapse j - TILISHAN
bring down, pull down (blind), invent, pro- (also -TII,lSHAW, - TILlSHANQIN) see -
pound (puzzle), comb (hair), saw in length QII,ISHAN etc. j - \VESHAN, hang down, be in
(timber);- HEsHTIN, let down; - KENQIN, shreds, decline, become poor, be ashamed,
strip off, doff; - KEWTIN, fall down, break (hence -WESHAW a. unfortunate);
out (epidemic), be enfeebled (by illness, old WESHANQIN, caus. of prec. shake down,
age, etc.; hence -KEWTV a. feeble); - brandish (a weapon; BO, at), deliver (blow);
KEsHAN, pull down, strike sg. upon sg. - xrLisKAN, slip down; - x., spread, shut
(LESER), extract (e.g. statement; LE, LESER, (door), start up (furnace); - XIZAN, glide
from); ~ K., put down, pour out (solids e.g. down; - XURAN, be eroded; - XURPAN,
grain), pour (impers. DA-Y KIRD E BARAN, it throb, thump, (heart).
began to pour w. rain); - KIRMANQIN, da'. in comb.: -BESTE a. fattened for
crunch; ~ KIROSHTIN, nibble; ~ KISHAN, slaughter; -BESH n. gen. -BESH K., distri-
glide down, be reduced; ~ KUTAN, hammer bute (BESER --QA, to, among); -BEZ, see
in, start to do sg. suddenly, (xo - KUTAN, HELBEZ-U-DABEZj -BIB n. gen. -BIB -BIB
instal oneself and refuse to go away); ~ K., slash downwards; -DIBgen. -DIE -DIE,
MALAN (also ~ MALRAN) pass. of foll.; - torn to shreds; ~GiR n. gen. -GiR K., seize,
MALIN, let down (e.g. blind), take do\.vn, occupy militarily (hmce -GiRKER a. and n.
strip off downwards (e.g. trousers);~ MAN, occupying, occupying force); xo -GiR K.,
be in need (hence ~MAw a. needy), lack control oneself; -KISHAwi n. the Arabic
(LESER), be put to shame (LEBU •.• -QA, in the vowel. point kasra mdmdildaj
presence of); ~ MEZRAN, be established; - Iong t j -KUTERE, see'XODAKUTERE j -NER n.
MEZRANQIN, caus. of prec., establish, found; founder, establisher, etc., see DA NAN
- MIRDINEWE, die down, subside; above; -NIYAR n. subject, theme; -BEJGE
MIRKAN, be quiet, be calm; - MIRKANEWE, n. mould.
calm down, subside; - N., put down, lay daba (A) n. animal, clever and resourceful
do·wn, establish, appoint, lose (property, person. Also DE'BA.
money), give up (habit); xo - N., reserve daQ n. and int. justice, equity, law;- LEDES
oneself, husband one's strength (Bo, for), YARE, preserve me from YARE; XuwA -, excl.
sacrifice oneself (LE uf: Y, for); - NEWIN, of despair, misery me!, alas poor me!; ~x.,
hend, bow (intr.; ·- ::-;"EWANJ;>IN, caus. of appeal for j.; - PIRSIN, inquire into such
appeal; ,..., SENI)IN,obtain one's rights; or less sudden action (e.g. ,..., E KEW, take to
XUWASTIN, claim one's rights, go to court, the hills; ,..., E PIBME Y GIRYAN, burst into
(hence -xuwAZ n. complainant, petitioner, a flood of tears; but ,..., E 1'EMEL,.l, incline to
-xuwAZi' n. petition); -BEXSH a. and n. dis- be lazy); pass. I) IRAN (J?IRE); ,..,EWE, give
penser of j.; -GA n. law-court; -GER n. back, strike again, and idiomatically in much
judge, magistrate; -GERi n. administration the same way as,...,, See DA, DER, HEL, LE, PE,
of j.; ,..,PERWER (P)a. just (gen. of judge); PEJ?A (PIYA), PE'WE, BA, TEK.
,..,-U-BEDAI;>, --U-FERYAI) n. outcry against dan~ 1 n. and a. degree, balanced, of equal
injustice, loud appeals for justice. weight (LEGEL YEK).
daQ-u-siteQ (P) n. trading, commerce. dan~ 2 n. a sixth part of landed property.
da~h a. hot, boiling; ,..., K., heat, boil. Cf. danisqe a. rare.
DAX. -Qar 1 , -dar suf. forming adjj. w. meaning
daho! n. scarecrow. possessor of, e.g. DERDEJ?AR, I;IUKMJ?AR.
daP n. eagle; ,..., Y KERXOR, a large species of dar 2 n. tree, wood, pole, staff, stick, gallows;
e.; -ASH, lammergeier. ,..., BIBIN, cut firewood, ,..., TE BIBIN, prod w.
da! 2 see DIBK-U-DAI,. a stick; ,..., BIBINEWE, cut down t., saw wood ;
da!an n. corridor, porch, gate-house. ,..., CHEQANJ;>IN, plant t., erect pole by fixing
da!andurep n. lanky woman. in ground; ,..., LE J;l., plant t.; ,..., K., cut fire-
da!de n. refuge, asylum. wood, hew timber, (hence ,..,KER n. wood-
da!it n. climbing vine. man, lumberjack); K. BE ,..,-A, execute by
da}ye n. seedling (esp. of food-vegetables). hanging; ,..., NASHTIN, plant t.; ,..., TIYA
dame (E) n. draughts (game). SHIKANJ;>IN, bastinado severely.
dam~he ( T) n. brand, seal. dar2 in comb.; pref. to names of many fruits to
damusk n. horsehair, also hair from tail of denote tree(e.g.: -BEBU, oak; ,..,GOZ, walnut-
mule, donkey. tree; ,..,Tu, mulberry-tree); ,..,AWUS a. gen.
-Qanl, -dan suf. forming mz. w. meaning con- BAY -A\\'US, warm wind of spring; -BENI;>
tainer, receptacle, e.g. MINALJ?AN, SHEKIRDAN. n. framework; ,..,BENJ?EXON n. wooden
dan 2 n. grain; ,..,DOK, ,..,DUX n. see DOYNE bodkin for drawing cord into hem of
under DO; -E n. single grain, single article, pyjamas etc.; ,..,CIGERE n. cigarette-holder;
piece, ( -E -E, singly, one by one); -ECHOL- ,..,CH~Nl n. cinnamon; ,..,DEST n. walking-
EKE, -EQETE n. names of plants; -EWELE tz. stick; ,..,EBEN n. terebinth; ,..,EGEL n.
grain, cereals; -EXORE a. domesticated large tree w. forked branches suitable for
(bird); ,..,iJ n. grain, cereal, ( -u KULAN stacking winter fodder; -EMEYT n. bier;
LEGEL, agree w., see eye to eye w.); -il'LE tz. ,..,EPicHfu~ n. lanky man; ,..,EBA n. cross-
boiled wheat, porridge of boiled wheat and beam ( -EBA K.,. place cross-beam in posi-
cl~ick-peas. Cf. DENIK. tion as stage in building house); ,..,ETERM n.
dan 3 n. tooth; ,..., Y FIL, ivory; ,..., y MAR, bier; ,..,EWAN n. expert tree-climber;
smart and clever person; ,..., AJININ, pick ,..,!STAN n. forest; -iN a. wooden; "'K 11.
teeth (hence -AJIN n. t.-pick); ,..., BE XOJ;>A stem (esp. of tobacco leaf); -KARl gen.
G., bear up under adversity, control oneself; -KARl K., thrash; -KUNKERE 11. wood-
,..., KEWTIN, •Jose t.; ,..., KEsHAN, extract t.; pecker; ,..,SHEQ n. crutches; -sHEQEN 11.
,..., HEL KilsHAN, pull out teeth as punishment hockey stick; -TASH n. ·carpenter; -TASHi
or torture; ,..., PIYA N., admit, confess ; ,..,EBO, n. carpentry; ,..,TEL n. telegraph-pole;
-EBOKE n. present of porridge (as a pun, ,..,TEPAN n. warp-beam of loom; ,..,-u-
cf. DAN 2) distributed to friends and neigh- DEWEN n. trees and bushes; ,..,-U-HELUK n.
bours by parent of child to celebrate cutting tipcat (game); ,..,-U-PERDU n. roofing
of first milk-t.; -ESHE n. toothache; -GIB a. materials ; ,..,yzERD 11. turmeric.
having protruding front teeth; ,..,KEL a. dara (P) a. rich, wealthy; ,..,y1 11. wealth.
having gaps in row of teeth; ,..,SAZ n. dentist; daranewe (dar~) v.i. faint.
-sHASH a. having teeth set wide apart. Cf. dar-u-dese n. attendants, servants, staff.
DIDAN. dare 1 int. gen_.Y"' ,..., ,..., as excl. to encourage child
Qa~, dan 4 (Qe; 3 pers. sitzg. pres. temes EJ;JA, to try to stand (hence ,..,DAR K., stand and
DIJ?A; agent -J?ER, DER) V.t. give (BE, E, to), totter);
strike (LE, on) drive (- EPilsH xo, drive sg. dare2 n. bid (cards).
forward), place (on, BESER ••• -A), and other dare 8 see QERE.
senses varying w. the associated n., adv., or daru n. gen. - Y GERMAW, depilatory gen.
prep.; used freely w. nn. to form camp. vv. used at public bath; ,..., G., use d.; -XANE
many of which take a d.o. (e.g. TOP AGIR - , n. room in bath reserved for this. But cf.
fire guns); also used without d.o. and in conj. DEHOSHDABU under nt3, SHADABU.
with prep. E gen. expressing movement or more darucan n. hull of rice.
das n. sickle; ~ y MANG, crescent; ~uLKE n. tenses ind. of vv., in usage of Sulaimani
small s. ; ~xALE n. bagging hook for normally only (w. theE elided) for vv. having
gr::ss. pres. stem beginning VJ. :E or HE (the n also
dask n. awn, beard of wheat or barley; B. being omitted), e.g. :Q'EM, I shall come,
DE - u DERZI, become as thin as a rake. r;>'ENIM, I shall bring. Cf. E6 , Y 3 •
dastan n. epic poem, ode, lay. de 3 n. and a. ten; --,by tens; - DUWANZE,
dash (J) n. gen. ~ Y DAME, draughtsman ~ PANZE, - PANZE BIST, RES, between ten
(piece in game); ~ Y SHETRINC, chessman. and twelve, ten and fifteen, ten and twenty
dasht1 n. first sale ofthe day after opening of people; -YEK n. tithe; -YEM, -YEMIN a.
shop; ~ B., *make such sale; - K., make tenth.
such sale. Qe, de 4 pres. stem of :QAN, DA.t>;.
dasht 2 n. cow, ewe, she-geat, kept for breed- de•ba see DABA.
ing. debagh (A) n. tanning; -cHi n., tanner;
dashtin (der) v.t. irrigate, water. ~ K., tan; -XANE n. tannery. See PEsTE.
daw 1 n. trap; ~ y CALCALOKE, spider's web; deban a. damascened (steel).
- NW., - HEL X., set t.; XO X. E -EWE, be debashir n. chalk.
caught in t., ask for trouble; -BAZ n. ani debaxane see DEBAGHXANE.
a. trickster. debdebe n. pomp.
daw 2 n. stake (wager), final bid (cards);- DA debe 1 a. blistered (plaster, paint, etc.).
K., - DA N., 1nake a stake. debe 2 n. small pot.
daw 3 see TAW 1. debeng a. stupid, tipsy.
dawa (A) n. demand, dispute, legal proceed- debfistan n. school; -iR n. clerk; -iRISTAN
ings, fighting; - K., demand, ask for, n. office for clerical work.
(hence -KERn. claimant); -KAR n. plaintiff. deca see DE1.
dawekoste n. name of a bird. Decal n. Antichrist.
dawer n. judge. de•ecani a. name of a fabulous animal,
dawet (A) n. invitati,m; - K., invite. cunning and resourceful.
dawen n. skirt, hem, edge, foot (of hill); def n. tambourine; - LE :Q., perform on t.
DES-IM BE --IT, I wish I were like you, how defe (A) n. sley-reed of loom; - Y SHAN,
lucky yeu are; - DA :QW., let down s. (after shoulder-blade.
having been tucked up); - G., supplicate defr n. receptacle.
(Y); -MACH K., supplicate (Y); - K. J3E LA:QA, defter n. note-book.
HEL K., tuck up s.; - HEL MALiN, lift s.; degmen n. gen. BE-, rarely.
-PAK a. chaste; --P-is- a. unchaste, liber- deghe! a. knavish; -i n. knavery.
tine, ( -Pisi n. debauchery). deghezar a. peevish, morose, soured, lin-
da-w-derman n. drugs, medicines, herbs healthy-looking. ·
of all kinds used in ceokery. deghil(A) n. and a. suppliam; Qsint. mercy!;
eawftdi n. chrysanthemum. -B., implore (Y; --IT BIM, I implore you).
dax n. brand, cauterization, burning pain; deghile (A) n. cash-box.
- Y DERUN,- Y DIL, sorrow; BE -EWE, w. degh! n. wheat, barley, (standing); --U-DAN
regret; LE -ANA, out of, by reason of, sor- n. cereals.
row; - Y -AN-IM, - Y GIRAN-IM, -EKE-M, deho! n. drum; - LE :Q., beat d.; -JEN, ~KuT
to my great regret, unfortunately, sad to say; n. drummer; --u-ZUENA n. d. and fife band
--Y BE CERG-IM, alas!; --IM NACHE, I am (r;>. LE TEQE Y --U-ZUBNA, strike up the
verysorry; -K., brand; -N.BECERGEWE(BE music). Also DEWO!,.
DILEWE), harrow, wound feelings of, (Y); - Y dej a. saved, put aside, in reserve.
DIL PE EISHTIN, give vent to one's distress; - dek int. used to introduce wish either good or
XUWARDIN, be very sorry, be distressed; bad, e.g.: - PE NEGEY, may you never grow
-:QAR a. sorrowful; --u-zuXAw n. bitter to maturity; ~DE XER n'E:N, welcome indeed.
distress. Cf. DAGH. Also EK 2 • ,, __ ../

daxo, daxuwa, particle used to introduce del a. brave.

direct or indirect question whether. Also delak (A) n. barber; -xANE n. b.'s shop.
AXU, AXUWA. delandin (delen) v.i. leak, seep.
daxuwaz (also DA:QXUWAZ) n. seeker. delaqe n. breach, gap; - TE KEWTIN, *be
dayere (A) n. circle, office, department. breached; - TE x., breach.
dayk see DA 3 • dc]ese n. trick, deception.
daym-u-derem (AP) adv. always. delil (A) n. guide.
de 1 int: introducing order or exhertation, now, delubiber ( T) 11. long pepper.
now then. A/so DECA, DESA. delya n. sea; -CHE 11. lake; -DIL a. mag-
de2 , 4e, particle pref. to pres. and imperf. nanimous .. Cf. ZERYA, ZIRE 2 •
864313 D
DE!1 34 DE MAX
de! a. female; ~E pref. to uames of certain eery, etc.; ~BEST r.;:., silence); ~BENE 11. cord
animals to denote thefem. esj>. BEHAZ, CHEQEL, for tying mouth of sack, muzzle for thresh-
GURG, MEYMUN, SEG, SHfiR, WESIIEK, WURCHj ing ox; ~BIL a. mumbler; ~BIB· 11. lot
~EBEBA, any fern. animal on heat esp. bitch; (articles sold together); -cHEWT a. idle
~EDEW, female demon. Also DEL. chatterer; -DIBAW a:'indiscreet babbler;
de!a! (A) n. broker. ~DIREJ a. abusive; ~E 11. gen. -E Y KIJ..AW,
de!an<;lin (de!en) v.t. see DELE K. decorative hem of ;kap; -ECU n. slogan;
dele also ~DEL n. quaking, quivering, wobble; -EDACHEQE 11. gen. -EDACHEQE PE KEWTIN,
~ K., ~DEL K., quahe, quiver, wobble, also *drop the jaw in death; ~EKUTE see
drip (udder); ~ME n. jelly, cream-cheese, -EDACHEQE j ·-ELASKE 11. mimicking speech
soft-boiled egg. (-ELASKE K., mimic; Y); -Et,BEST n. gen.
de!ek n. stone-marten. -EJ..BEST K., muffle own face; -ELBEN 11.
de!p, de!p-u-do!, de!p-u-dop a. roomy, part of shrou'd covering mouth and nose
loose, (esp. clothing). ( -EI,n:b: K., shroud thus) j -EQAL, -EQIBE
dem 1 n. time, tense; ~E., ~ilK, a long time n. heated argument; -ESHER n. snapdragon,
(~EK-E KE, it is a long time since ... ); ~BE antirrhinum; ~ETEQE n. chat (talk); ~Ew =
~, ~ADEM, adv. from time to time; ~DEMi - BE, towards (e.g. ~EwEWARE, towards
a. inconsistent, fickle, occasional; ~E NA evening; -EWJI>R, -EWXUWAR, down,
DEME adv. every other time, alternately; downwards; -EWJUR, upwards; etc. etc.);
~EDEM Y adv. just at the beginning of, just -EWANE 11. plug, stopper; ~EWER a. argu-
about the time of; ~i a. temporary. mentative; -EZERD n. hard edge of steel
dem 2 n. breath; ~B., ~ J?., draw (intr., tea); (-EZERD K., put on such edge); -GERM
~ KEsHAN, draw (intr., tea), be cooked to a a. contentious, quarrelsome; ~HERASH a.
turn (boiled rice); ~ K., brew (tea); ~En. abusive; -KUL a. having bud-like mouth;
bellows, powdery snow driven by wind; ~KuT a. gen. -KuT K., silence (by threat,
~PUXT n. dish of steamed rice; ~sAz a. and persuasion, bribery, etc.); -NIXUN a. up-
n. harmonious, close friend, chum. side-down (receptacle); -PUCH, -PUCHEL
dem3 n. mouth, blade, sharp edge; ~ XOSH, a. toothless; ~BAST 11. spokesman; ~BESH a.
.·:excl. of applause bravo J, hear! hear!; ~ HEI, prone to make ill-omened remarks; -SARD
BESTIN, muffle one's face; ~ BIRDIN, begin a. despondent; ~suR a. brave; -sHIB a.
to eat, eat some of (no); ~ BIRDIN E BEST, abusive; ~-U-CHAW 11. face (~-U-CHAW HEI,
keep m. shut, refuse to utter a word; - B. G., pull out superfluous hairs from face;
BE TEL,E Y TEQIW, *be left gaping; ~ DA --U-CHAW HEl,. GUSHIN, pinch face as
CHEQAN, *gape (hence ~DACHEQAW a. gap- punishment); --u:-DAN n. mouth; ~-u-DES
ing) j ~ DA CHEQANJ?IN, drop the jaw, gape j adv. immediately; ~-u-Du n. manner,
- CHt)N E KELiLE, *be unable to speak j LE ~ bearing; --U-FILCH, --U-FII,Q, ~-U-KAwEJ,
DER CHUN, slip from the lips, *say un- --U-LEWS n. nonsense ( --U-LEWS-Y XUWAT-
guardedly; BE ~A 1;)., strike in the face, throw EWE, may his words choke him); --u-
in the face of, silence, (Y); BE ~EWE Q., LIMOZ n. muzzle, nose and mouth of animal;
allow, give rein to; Q. E ~, add so as to --u-LUT n. face; --U-PIL n. conversation,
lengthen (Y); ~ TE.'WE Q., interfere in, poke conversational gifts; --u-QEPOZ, see --u-
nose into; - QW., come open, come out LIMOZj ~\\'EB a. blatherer; ~XAw a. weakly
(flower), burst (boil); ~ DIRUN, ~ G., acquiescent, yes-man.
silence (Y; ~ Y xo G., keep silence); BE demagh n. high spirits; LE- Q., ~ SHIKAN-
-EWE G., repeat frequently, talk constantly QIN, break the spirit (Y, of). Cf. DEMAX.
about; - TE JE!-.'QIN, see ~TE N.j BE ~A K., demanche 11. pistol, revolver; ~ AGIR DAN,
put into the mouth; - KW., open mouth, fire p.; - TE G., fire p. at; ,..., TEQANDIN,
pour out torrent of words ( ~ LE KW., abuse fir-e)P· .
roundly); BE -A MAt,iN, slap in the face, de!Jl.an<;lin(demen) v.t. fan(fire), brew(tea).
prevent from talking, (Y); - L:E:K N., cease demar (T) n. vein, nerve, stem; - Y AW,
from talking, die; ~TEN., persist in doing water table; - Y KURDAYETi, Kurdish
(gen. sg. undesirable); LE - DER PEBIN, national sentiment; - Y PIYAWETi, manly
*blurt out; - QUCHANJ;)IN, refuse to speak; feelings; - BIZUTIN, *begin to be moved (by
- suTAN, *be unable to control one's words; some particular feeling); - DER HENAN,
~ TEQANJ)IN, chat. treat severely, beat the life out of, (Y); ~G.,
dem 3 in comb.: -AWDEM, adv. gen. -AWDEM *'have an attack of lumbago; ~ETUTIN n.
rmWTIN (or BOYiN), be repeated, pass by part of stem of tobacco leaf used for tanning.
word of mouth; ~BEPEKENIN, a. and adv. demax n. nose; ,..., HEl,. BESTIN, - HEL Q.,
laughing, laughingly; ~BEHAWAR a. alarm- muffie one's face; LE - Q., snub, spoil the
ist; ~BEST a. silenced (by argument, sor- satisfaction of, (Y). Cf. DEM.-\GH.
demerqachan n. kind of cracker (fire- as ad;;. to form camp. vv. w. gen 1 meaning
'''ork). out: ~ BIRDIN, endure, bear, stand; ~
demerqopan n. peg-top trousers of thick BIBIN, express, divulge; ~B., burst (boil);
material worn under KEWA for warmth or for ~ CHUN, escape, be saved, go off(fire-arm),
riding. pass (examination), graduate (LE, from), be
demjin1 (dem) v.i. blow; ~ANJ?IN, (~:EN), mentioned (LEDEl\I, by); ~ J?., empty out
caus., blow up w. bellows. (liquid), flush out (e.g. tank); ~ FIRTANJ?IN,
demjin 2 (dem) v.i. draw (tea); ~ANJ?iN throw out, blurt out, snap (say irritably),
(~EN), caus. brew (tea). divulge;. ~ HATIN, come out, emerge, turn
demftkane n. mistletoe. out to be, issue (LEDEM, from the lips of);
dena conj. if not, otherwise. ~ HAWISHTIN, throw out, delete; ~HENAN,
den"ftk n. bill, beak. Also DENUK. bring out, produce, extract, (LE, from); ~
deng n. sound, voice; song, news, rumour, KEWTIN, go out, be, become, visible (hence
vote; ~ HEYE, ~ BI!,Aw-E, it is being said; ~KE\VTU a. visible, distinguished);
~ GERM-E, it is persistently reported; ~-Y KEsHAN draw out; ~ K., expel, issue, spell
DII.ER-E, he is full of confidence; DEMEK-E out, produce, make (reputation), come out
~-Y NIYE (DER NECHUWE), there has been (in spots); ~ PEBIN, jump out, escape, (~
no news of him for a long time; ~ HEL PEBANDIN, caus., drive out); ~ POQJN, pro-
BIBIN, raise the voice (esp. to interrupt con- trude; ~ x., show, demonstrate, divulge,
versation); ~ BI!,AW BW., be rumoured, be discover.
reported;~ J?., vote;~ J?W., echo;~ DIRUN, der 2 in comb.: ~AWURD n. product, produce;
silence (Y); ~ DIBAN, *shout oneself hoarse; ~BAZ a. gen. ~BAZ B., escape; ~BAZ K.,

~ GIRAN, *lose one's voice (hence ~GiRAW enable to escape; ~EKI a. and n. outsider,
a. too hoarse to speak);~ HATIN, *be heard; stranger; ~ETAN, way of escape, way out;
-· LE'WE HATIN, *make a sound; ~ DER ~EWE, ~t n. outside, position outside;
HENAN, say sg., goad into speech (Y); ~ K., ~FET n. opening, scope, possibility; ~KEWT
· utter a sound; ~ LE K., shout to; ~ LE NEK., n. outward appearance; ~KIRD n. product,
avoid mentioning; ~ BILAW KW., spread export; --U-BER n. region, locality; ~-u­
rumour; ~ NUSAN, *be slightly hoarse. DESHT n. open country ( ~-U-DESHT K., go on
deng in comb.: ~BEJ n. singer; ~OILER a. full one's travels); ~-u-JUR K., be always going
of confidence; ~EDENG n. noise; ~EWERE in and out; ~u n. way out (~u LEG., shut
n. person charged w. repeating in loud in; ~u LE KW., provide a way out of a diffi-
voice words of speaker (e.g. of preacher in culty for).
mosque); ~GIB a. husky, hoarse; ~l' a. gen. der 3 n. door, gate, (commonly DERGA, see
TIP Y ~1, consonant; ~-U-BAS n. news; separate entry); ~AWSE n. neighbour (also
~-U-SENG n. sound (BE ~-U-SENG, in com- writtenDIRAWSE); ~BEDERa. vagrant; ~BENJ?
plete silence); ~xosH a. and n. having a n. defile, gap in mountain chain; ~BEST a.
good voice, singer; ~zrL a. loud-voiced. bound, constrained; -ELING n. trouser-leg;
denjik n. single grain; ~KE ~KE, grain by ~K n. door; ~KUT n. d.-knocker; ~P:E n.
grain; ~KE in comb. single; e.g. ~KENOK n. drawers, underpants; ~TENG n. defile, gorge;
single chick-pea. Cj. DAN 2 • ~-U-DIRAWSE n. close neighbours; ~wAZE
denftk see DENJ?UK; ~KEWCHKE n. name of a n. large gate, town gate; ~XONE n. lid of
species of duck. earthenware vessel.
deq n. fold, pleat, perfect condition; ~ derameq (P, also written DERAMET) n. income,
BESTIN, set, take definite shape; ~ PE J?., profit.
shape; ~ J?W., bow, bend forward (intr.); derbar (P) n. royal court, palace.
~ G. see ~ BESTIN; ~ PE G., see PE J?.; ~ derd n. pain,-illness, disease; ~ Y BEDERMAN,
SHIKAN, *be spoilt, *lose condition; ~J?AR incurable di~ease; ~ Y DEREWE, external
a. unspoilt, in perfect condition; ~-u-DEQ, malady; ~ DERtJN, internal malady, dis-
a. and adv. exactlv alike. tress; ~ Y DII,, sorrow, grievance, ~ Y DURI,
deqanewe (deqe) v.i. bow, bend forward. p. of separation, homesickness; ~ Y KARl',
deqendftqen a. changeable, fickle. fatal illness;- Y NAWEWE, internal malady;
deqiqe (A) 11. minute; ~JIMER n. m.-hand. ~ Y PEPEB, contagious disease; ~ Y SERI,
deqne n. charity in kind (gen. given from worry, anxiety; ~-E KE, it is a pity that; BE
winter stores to theological students); ~ K., ~ BIRDIN, be detrimental to, injure; BE ~
go round asking for such charity. CHUN, be injured, suffer detriment; ~ G.,
-qer 1 , -der (see J?AN 4 ) suf. denoting agent, *fall iii; ~ KESHAN, suffer p., be distressed,
giver, etc. e.g. AGAJ?ER, FEHMANJ?ER. (Y, about; hence ~KfcSH a. suffering, dis-
der 2 n. outside; BE ~, outside, beyond, be- tressed); ~ Y XO ( ~ Y DIL) BISHTIN", un-
sides (L'EWE BE ~,in addition to that); used burden oneself; ~ XUWARDIN, suffer p. etc.;
~EBARiKE n. consumption, tuberculosis; ~-U-PE\\"EN (properly ~-U-PEYWEI"J!), do-
~EJ;>AR a. ailing; ~EKOPAN n. tetanus; mestic staff. See DEST1•
~EKURTAN n. tetanus; ~F..SERE n. trouble, des• (also frequently written DEST, DEZ; the
anxiety. spellings given under each of these alternatives
derdest (P) a. in hand, under arrest. are to be preferred) 11. hand, skill, influence,
derdi (~ .) adv. just as; ~ KAK-IM EJ.,E, as my also used in many idiomatic phrases to denote
big brother says. the person; ~DE c:E, immediately; ~ xosH,
dere n. valley; ~BEG n. v.-lord, tribal chief; bravo!; -E LE !'ASH U ~E: LE PESH, crest-
~BEGi n. lordship, feudalism. fallen; ~ BALA Y --E, there is no liberty of
derebo!e n. name of a variety of grape. action; nf; ~ SAD1JN LE !)., give two applica-
derece (A) n. degree. See PILE. tions of soap. See DEST 2, DEZ.
derem see DAYM-U-DEREM. des 2 idiomatic usages with vv., see Introduc-
dereqet (= DER J:IEQ) gen. ~ HATIN, be a tion p. viii § C 4 (ix): ~ BO BIRD IN, set
match for, be able to cope w., (v); ~yEW about doing; - BIEIN, cause loss to, get
NAY'EM, I am no match for him. someone into trouble intentionally, swindle,
derga, derge n. door, gate, (see DERJ above); (hence -BIB 11. swindler etc.); ~ HEL BIBIN,
~ Y DEREWE, ~ Y l;IEWSHE, outer gate giving raise the h.; BE -EWE B., be in h., be
access to property; LE ~ !)., knock on d.; ~ receiving attention; - BO CHUK, *be able
PE'WE J;>., close d.; ~ cfn K., put d. to; ~ to do; LE ~ CHUN, be lost; LE ~ DER CHUN,
XIB K., shut d. firmly; ~ KW., open d. (Lt, escape, *lose, *do involuntarily; ~ I;J., be
to);~ KUTAN, bang on d.;~ X. ESER PISHT, suitable, give opportunity, (Bo, for); ~ BE
open d. wide; ~ DA x., shut d. (LESER, LE, -A J;>., >ning one's hands in distress; BE
against); ~NE n. door (the hinged barrier, ~EWE I;J., deliver, hand over, surrender, (Y,
never fig.), house-tax; ~wAN n. d.-keeper. to: xo BE ~EWE I;J., surrender); ~ BE ~ I;>.,
derk (A) n. gen. ~ PE K., perceive. hand over personally; - Q. E, start to do;
derkenar (P) a. and n. absent (xo ~ K., ~ LE J;>., feel, touch; ~ LE I;J. E, pick up, take
absent oneself), marginal note. up; ~ LE BER I;J., abandon; - TE'WE I;J.,
derman n. drug, medicine, gunpowder; ~ meddle w., interfere in·, begin to do (sg. tiD-
K., treat medically; ~ xuwARDIN, take medi- desirable); ~ GEYISHTJN, ,.,:, GEYIN, *have
cine (but ~xuwARD K., poison, administer time, *have opportunity, for, ( ~ BE AW
poison to); ~sAz n. dispenser; ~XANE n. GEYAKI;JI::-;", go to the lavatory); ~ G.; join
pharmacy, chemist's shop. hands, dance, help (esp. w. loan); BE -G.,
derozan n. gleaning. hold, take as mistress; - BESER ••• -A G., lay
ders (A) see DERZ. h. upon, confiscate, undertake responsibility
derun (P) ,n. interior, inward parts, con- for, take benevolent interest in; ~ LE HEL G.,
science; .(,i a. inner, pertammg to con- abstain from, renounce; - PIYA G., hold
science; ~PAK a. conscientious, scrupulous; fast, hold down, be economical w.; -
~BESH a. wicked. pf.'wE G., keep, guard; ~BAG., stretch out
derwesh n; dervish. the h. to, hope for favours to come from,
derxuward n. gen. ~ I;>., give to eat, feed, (BO); - GUSH!'N, shake hands (Y, with); LE
(GOSHT ~ y' NEXOSHEKE MEI;>EN, do not give - HATIN, be practicable for, *be willing to
the patient meat to eat). do, *succeed in doing; ~ TE HAWiSHTIN,
derxuwast (P) n. request, desire, wish. become involved in;~ BO HENAN, try to do;
derya (P) n. sea. ~ PIYA HENAN, stroke, caress, take bene-
derz (A) n. lesson, lessons; ~ Q., give l.; volent interest in; ~ KE\VTIN, *acquire,
DA J;>., give instructions (Y, to); ~ WER G., *obtain (hence ~IrnWT n. takings, profit);~
receive l., instructions; ~ PE WUTIN, give I. LE KEWTIN, *touch, *feel; - LE KEsHANEWE,
to (particular pupils; Y, in subject of); ~ desist, retire, dismiss, suspend, from; ~ PE
WUTINEWE, teach as a profession, be a K., begin~ - PIYA K., thrust h. into; - TEKEL
teacher (Y, of); ~ XONDIN, study (LELA Y, K., commjt adultery, fornicate, (LEGEL, with);
under). ~ PE Ky./., resume, start again; ~ KUTAN,
derzil tz. tailor. grope (no, for); ~ PE'WE N., push, get rid of
derzi 2 11. needle; ~ LE Q., give injection to; (unwarited person); -BE BUWEWEN., refuse
~AJIN n. gen. ~AJIN K., prick with n.; request; rebuff; -...., NYA N. press upot'l'; ~
~QAN 11. n.-case; ~J?ANE, ~LOKE n. stork's'~ Tii N., take part, inttrvene, interfere, in;
bill, crane's-bill (bot.). - PARASTIN, c6ntrol oneself, be cautious,
derabe 11. up-and-over shutter. (esp. neg. be heedless, be reckless); ~
des 1 (also written DEST) n. kind, sort, category, PEHJAN, *have time, *have leisure, (no, for),
group; EM 1\UTALE LE ~ Y EWITIR NIYE, this - !JOYJSHTIN, ~ EOYiN, *have authority,
cloth does not match the other; ~-U-PEI, *have capacity, to do sg.; ~ snnu:--;, *be
misled, *be got into trouble, (- SHJKANQIN, and n. marked, nominated, artistic work,
mislead intentionally, get into trouble, leave. artistic creation, protege; -NOJ n. minor
in the lurch, hence -sHIKEN n. one who does ritual ablution ( -NoJ HEL G., keep oneself
this; - y SHIKAW-IM, unfortunately, I am ceremonially pure between prayers; -NOJ
sorry to say); - SHITIN, wash h.; - LE VIlER G., perform ablution; -NOJ SHIKAN,
SHITIN, wash one's hands of, give up hope *fail to keep oneself ceremonially pure;
for; - HE!. TEKANQIN, signal w. the h. (no, -NOJ LE NESHIKAN, *be related to some-
LE, to), beckon, wave away; - PEsH x., one ·within the prohibited degrees of
anticipate, act first; - Lf:; x., touch; -TEx., marriage (so that a touch does not involve
take part, interfere, intervene, in. ceremonial pollution); -NOJ SHITIN, per-
des 2 in comb.: -AJU (SN) a. tame, not shy; form ablution); -NOs a. and 11. manu-
-AWDES adv. from h. to h. ( -AWDES script; -PAK a. honest; -PEB n. masturba-
KEWTIN or BOYISHTIN, pass from h. to h.); tion; -PEsHKERi n. anticipation, act of
-AWEJ a. and n. aggressor; -nAzi n. mani- forestalling; -Pis a. dishonest; -QERZ n.
pulation, tampering, fingering, horse-play; small informal loan; -QURS a. hea·vy-
-BEQILP a. spendthrift; -BERDAR (P) a. gen. handed, slow, plodding; -QtCHAW a. close-
-BERDAR B., relinquish; -BESER a. under fisted; -RAZE n. coloured cord tied over
supervision, interned; -BESTE see -XEBO; cradle to prevent child from falling out;
-BETAL a. unemployed, idle; -BILAW a. -ROKE n. kerchief; -BAST a. accurate in
improvident; -Brz:Ew a. restless; -ntRi a. aim; -BEC'·WIN a. artistic (person); -BflJ n.
unceremonious; · ·-CHABUK a. dextrous; volley (musketry); -SIPI a. penniless;
-QAR a. influential; -DIREJ a. dishonest, -srsT a. clumsy, slow; -stK a. skilful,
corrupt; -DIREJi n. dishonesty etc., also quick; -TENG a. indigent, poor; --U-BIRD
aggression; -EBERE n. two-man hod, n. haste, hurry; --u-aos n. mutual kissing
stretcher; -ECILEW n. halter; -ECHIRA n. of hands; --U-CILEW n. horsemanship;
small oil-lamp; -EDU n. plough handle; --U-MOCH n. see --U-BOS; --U-PENCE n.
-EGIRE n. small vice (tool); -ELAT n. the hands ( --t.'-PENCEYEK Y CUWAN-Y HEYE,
authority, power; -EMO a. tamed; -EPACHE she has beautiful hands); --u-pf.ll n. h. and
a. confused, agitated, flustered; -EBE n. foot (but see also under DES 1 ); --U-PIL n.
hand-saw; -EBESHME see I!ESHME; -ESIB n. hand, skill w. the hands; --U-QELEM n.
handkerchief; -ESHmEN n. gen. -ESHIKEN calligraphy; -WAM n. small loan; -XAW a.
K., cause another to default by promising clumsy, slow; -XEBO a. gen. -XEBO K.,
and then failing to do sg. ; -ESHIKEl'<., n. delay by false assurances; -XET n. hand-
trial of strength in ~vhich contestants grip wntmg; -xuR:ENE - n. stinging nettle;
hands with elbows ~;;.·table each trying to -YARI n. help.
press down arm of the other; -Ew = -BE des a adv. then, in that case; -DEY, now then!
( -EWBEROK B., grapple with, Y; -EWDA\vEN dest 1 n. kind, sort, category, set, suit
B., supplicate, Y; -EWEJNO, dejected; (clothes); -fl CIL, a suit of clothes; -E n.
-EWKEMER ( -EWNEZER) WESTAN, stand W. set, group, team, company (milit.), depart-
hands folded as sign of respect, sta:1d ment, pack (cards), fixed quantity, package
respectfully, -EWYEXE see -EWBEROK); of standard size, ( -E -E, in groups; -E K.,
-EWANE n. gauntlet; -EWARE n. quantity arrange in sets); -EBENDi n. making of
that can be carried by hand; -EWSAN d. at alliances, clubbing together; -EBIRA n.
a standstill; -EWSAR n. halter; -INQE n. group of chums (boys); -ESTERE n. con-
grant, donation; -P a. pertaining to the h.; stellation; -E-W-DAYERE n. staff, body of
-1 2 n. loan; -K n. handle, haft, pestle; subordinates; -EXUSHK n. group of chums
( -KEGUL n. bunch of flowers; -KELUCE 11. (girls). See DES 1 •
handle; -KEWAN n. pestle and mortar; dest2 see DES 2 above; LESER -AN, in travail, in
KMAHi a. ivory-handled; -KSHAX a. horn- labour; -AB n. hand-mill, quem; -EK n.
handled; -K-U-DOL n. pestle and mortar); prop, support.
-KARl n. gen. -KARl K; (d.o.), -KARi TIYA destftr n. rule, law, as int. w. permission; -
·K., tamper w.; -KELA n. master walnut K., give enema to;- XUWASTIN> ask permis-
in game of WAGHEN, right-hand man, prin- sion, take leave.
cipal character, hero of story; -KENE a. gen. desht n. plain; -ANi, -Avi n. open plain;
-KENE K., pull up, pullout, by h.; -KF.SH n. -EKi a. rural; -i n. name of a song;
glove; -KIRAWE a. open-handed, generous; --u-DER, open country, outdoors.
-KIRD a. h.-made, artificial; -KURT a. dew n. running, run; - K., run.
impecunious; -MAL, kerchief; -NERM dewam (A) n. continuation, term; WEXT y
lenient; -NEJ a. planted by one's own h., -, office hours, lesson time, etc.; - K., last,
one's own creation, protege; -NiSHAN a. continue, attend (school, course, etc.).
dewar n. black tent as used by Kurdish der (A) 11. monastery.
nomads. der 2 pres. stem of DASIITIN.
dewen, dewen9 n. shrub, bush, scrub. deran (dere) v.i. see nA, HEL, DERAN.
dewen9beash n. prolonged futile discus- deraw n. small irrigation runnel.
siOn. derfik n. history; ~iN a. ancient, traditional;
dewin (dew) v.i. run. ~iNE a. and n. ancient, ancient times, anti-
dewit (A) n. pimp. quity; ~sAL a. ancient.
dewke n. species of blight. der n. line.
dewlemen9 a. rich. dew n. demon; ~ANE a. mad; ~BENJ? n.
dewlet (A) n. state, government, riches; charm, amulet; ~cAME n. stalking-screen;
~GEBi n. statecraft. ~ELUKE n. small female d.; ~EZIME n.
dewo! see DEHOt,. nightmare; ....,-U-DIRINC n. demons and
dewr (A) n. surroundings, age, period; LE ~ goblins, supernatural beings.
GEBAN, be sacrificed (v, for; esp. LE ~-IT dewerjen see nomNc.
GEREM as expr. of devotio11, may I be your dez a. ash-coloured, dark grey (esp. of hair,
sacrifice); ~ G., surround (v); ~ KW., human and animal).
repeat, recapitulate, revise (e.g. lesson); di9an n. tooth; ....,E n. cog. See DAN 3 •
~ANDE\VR n. and adv. all around; ~En. gen. digan see DIJ?AN.
~E J;>., surround (Y), ~i n. plate, dish; digdige n. defective top, see MIZRAHEN.
~-U-PISHT n. surroundings; ~-U-PISHT G., dij a. bad, evil; ....,MIN n. enemy; ,:,MINA1'<'1l
surround (Y). a. and adv. hostile, in a hostile manner;
dexme n. Zoroastrian tower of silence. ~MINAYETI n. enmity; ~WAR a. difficult;
Dey 1 (P) n. December-January, see Appen- ~WAHl n. difficulty; ~WARPESE:!>.'J;> a. hard
di.-.: I. ' to please; ~wtN a. dirty, unwashed;
dey 2 int. now then. ~w£Ni n. dirtiness, filth; ~xu a. cantan-
de'ye (A) n. conceit, pretentiousness; ~ LE kerous.
J?., lay claim to, pretend to have, (Y); oft neg.: dilfaram a. soothing, restful; ~A\VER a.
~ NEB!HDIN, *disdain; ...., NEHATIN, *dis- brave; ~BER a. charming; ~ER a. brave,
dain; ~ NEHENAN, see ~ NEBiiWIN ( ~-Y spirited; ~ERANE adv. bravely etc.; ~LAR
NA-Y-BA, ~-Y NA-Y-HENE, he disdains to). see DILJ?AR.
deyils n. pimp. dilq n. name of a thorny herb.
dez n. hand, oft. so pronounced and written, di! n. heart (also used for the whole person in
rather than DES 2 q.v., in compp. the second phrases describing an emotion, see Introduc-
element of which begins w. G. or M.; ~GA n. tion p. viii § C 4-. (i:l.')); LEBER ~AN, liked
anvil, workshop, place of business; ~GAJ;>AR by people generally; popular; ,...., BIRDIN 1 ,
n. barman in liquor shop; ~GA-W-BERE n. nauseate; ~ BIRDIN 2 , *like to do, *have
establishment, large estate; ....:.GEE a. and n. appetite for, (oft. neg. ~-IM NA-Y-BA, I do
worked by h., pedlar's wares, pedlar; ~GIR not fancy that); ~ BURDIJ'<'EWE, *faint; BE~
11. helper; ~GIRAN a. clumsy, slow worker; B., be pleasing to (Y), *approve of; ~ PE'WE
~GiR 1 n. pair of small pads connected by B., *like; ,...., XOSH B., *be pleased, *be happy
tape used as oven-cloth; ~GiR2 a. caught, (PE, with, about); ~ CHUN, *be distressed,
obtained, available; ~GIRAN a. and n. be- *feel faint, *faint; BE ~A CHUN, ~ PIYA
trothed, engaged, engaged couple (cf. CHUN, *approve of; ,..., BO CHUN, *feel
MAREBIE); ~MAYE n. capital (wealth); attracted to, *prefer; ~ DER CHUN, *feel
....,MA"YEI)AR n. capitalist; ~NOJ, see DESNOJ, very distressed; LE ~ DER CHUN, *forget;
~BilJ, see DESEEJ. ~ cHON ESER, ~ TE CHUN, see ~ BO cHON;
dczu 11. thread. ,...., TEK CHUN, *be nauseated, *feel sick;~
de 1 n. village; ~HAT n .. country-side, rural CHUZANEWE, *be distressed; ,...., LE J?., throb
area; ....,HATI, ~KANI a. and n. rustic, w. excitement(heart); ~ PE J?., be in love w.,
peasant, countryman; ~NISHIN n. villager. love; ~ LE ~ J?., hesitate; ~ J?W., console,
de~ n. oak leaves stacked in tree for winter comfort; ,...., EsHAN, *be angry (LE, with); ~
fodder. ESHANJ?IN, annoy, hurt feelings of; ~ G.,
deba 11. brocade; ~CHEn. preface to book. attract, please, (hence ,....,GIR a. attractive);
de! see DEL. LE ~ G., G. E ~, nurse a grievance about;
dem a. and n. also ~EKAR, ~ERoK n. unirri- ~ HEL G., *agree to sg. (oft. neg. feel unable
gatcd (land); ....,fl a. grown on such land; to agree);~ EA G., seek to please, conciliate;
~iLEa. watered by rain (gen. of cucumber). ~GOBiN, change one's mind; ~ GOEINEWE,
dcn1i 2 a. domesticated. exchange declarations of love; ~ HATIN,
d'en1-u-naye n. name of a children's out- gen. neg. *be unable to bear ( ~-rM NAY':E see
door game. ,...., liEN AN below); ,...., DER HATIN, *feel dis-

tressed; ...., ttK (or TftKEL.) HATJN, •feel sick, happy ( -xosHi n. gen. -xosat J?W ., console,
(nausea); ...., HtN'AN gen. neg. •be unable to express sympathy to); -xosHKERE n. de-
bear (--IM NA-Y-Hbm, I cannot bring light, thing that causes pleasure; ...... XON a.
myself to do, to agree, to sg.); ...., BE eft sad, grieved; -Xt:'WAZ n. desire; ...:,ziNQU a.
HftNAN, ...., ~AN (or HENANEW') E ct, recon- alert.
cile, placate; ...., KEwTIN, •take a liking, •fall dilop 11. drop (liquid); ...,En. gen. -E K., drip,
in love, (E, to, with); ...., DA KEWTiN, •be leak, (esp. rain through roof).
shocked, •be horrified; ...., KW., gen. pass . dimbi!idimbaw (SN) n. banging of drums,
...., KIRANEWE, •be delighted; N. EDER ....., rataplan.
have as a snack; BE -EWE NUSAN; •be fond ding n. tub (esp. t. used for husking rice); AW
of;...., IJENCAN, •be annoyed (hence -BENCAW LE ......A KUTAN, waste time, act futilely, beat
a, annoyed; LE, with);...., BENCANQIN, annoy the air; -cHin. rice husker.
(hence """BENctN a. annoying); ...., BIFANQIN, dinya n. world (oft. this world below as opp.
attract, excite admiration of (hence -BIFftN to the next world); BIN Y ""• the ends of the
a. attractive, winning, charming); ...., LE earth, distant lands;·""" GEBAN, travel cxten-.
SENQIN, capture the h. of, win the love of, sively (hence -GEBAW a. widely travelled);
(hence .....sf.N a. winning); ...., SUTAN, """· """I?ARi n. accumulation <if worldly wealth,
SUTANEWE, •feel sorry, •grieve, (PE, about, prudent management, economizing; ~DIJ?E
for); ...., SUTANQIN, caus. of prec. (hence a. experienced,
-silTtN a. distressing, annoying); ...., SHIKAN, · 4iran (4ire) pass. of QAN 4•
•be vexed, •be annoyed (hence -sHIKAw a. diraw 1 n. monev.
vexed); ...., SHIKANQIN, caus. ·of prec. annoy; diraw 2 n. co~versation, company; --Y
...... DA XURPAN, •be shocked, •be terrified; xosH-E, he is good company.
"' AW XUWARDINEWE; •obtain satisfaction, dirawse n. see DERA.WSE under DER3 •
*'be mollified. direm n. dirham (coin).
. di! in comb, -ARA a. pleasing; -AWEQAN, direng adv. late; ~ PE CHON, *be late for,
-BEDAR a. vigilant; ....,CHESP a. attractive; *miss (--IM PE CHU, I was late for it); ~
-cauztN a. h.-rending, tragic; -J?AR n. KEWTIN, be late; ...... KtsHAN, overrun time;
lover; -J?ARt n. love; -EKEt,ESHER n. name ...., MAN, """ MA~"EWE, be late for sg.; -
of a variety of grape; -EKizft n. mental de- XAYANQIN, be behind time, be in arrears,
pression; -EKUtt, -ELERZE, -ETEPft n. pal- drag on; ...., x., delay; --u-zu (also --u-
pitation, rapid throbbing, of h.; -EXtJRPft, zuvi) adv. sooner or later ( --u-z() KEWTIN,
thumping of h.; -tsHE n. vexation, anger; be inevitable, be bound to happen some
-FEREI;f a. happy; ' relieved from anxiety time).
(-FEREHt n. relief; -FEREHf PIYA HATIN, direw n. reaping; """K., reap.
*'feel relieved); -FIRAWAN a. magnanimous; direwsh1 n. awl.
-GERM a. energetic, brave; ...... GIRAN a. de- direwsh 2 n. flag.
pressed, down-hearted; -ctR e. annoyed direwshan1 (direwshe) v.i. glitter; -EWE,
(LE, with, by); -KtsH a. attractive;· sparkle, twinkle.
-KIRAWE a. happy and contented; -KIRMft, direwshan2 (P) a. glittering, brilliant.
"""KIRMIN, ;...KIRMOI,. a. suspicious; -MENJ? direwshfe also -EDIREWSH n. glitter; -ERa.
a. thoughtful, pensive; -MIRDU a. dull, brilliant; -INa. bright.
listless; -NERM a. pleasant (person); dirext n. tree.
-NEWA a. attentive, gracious; """1\"EWAYt a. diregh n. grudging, refusal to act, as int.
kind attentions; -NEXUWAZ adv. uninten- alas!; -1 n. gen. -i u K., abstain from
tionally; -NIYA a. confident, reassured; doing.
-PAK a. innocent (as child), sincere; direj a. long, very tall (person); - B., be
-PESENQ a. likeable, approved; -Pis a. - stretched out, lie down; ..... BW., be pro-
SUSplClOUS, ill-disposed; -PIB a. sad, longed; ...., KftsHAN, last a long time; ....., K.,
grieved; -QAYIM a. imperturbable; -BEQ lengthen, stretch out (DES - K. BO, apply for
a. hard-hearted; -BESH a. suspicious, ill- · help to); pft LE- K., lie down and relax; .....
disposed; -BftsH a~ aggrieved; """BIN a. KW., prolong; -AYi n. lengthiness (BE
h.-rending; -sAQE a. simple, guileless, -AYI Y BOJ, all day long); .....,DAHOL 1r. lean
open-hearted; ....,SAF a. innocent (as child), and lanky person ; -E n. prolongation,
sincere; """SARD a. unenthusiastic, indolent; delay, (-E PE Q., prolong); -t n. length;
-SAZ a. agreeable, engaging; -SEXT a. hard- -KOLE 11. oblong.
hearted; ......soz a. zealous, faithful; ....,SHAJ? dirinc n. demon, goblin.
a. delighted ; -TENG a. sad, vexed ; """TEB a. diringan4in (dirin~en) v.i. twang(stringed
lively (esp. of old people); """-U-DER'ON, con- instrument).
science; ...... WURYA a. vigilant; -xosH a.' diringe, dirin~ediring n. twang, twanging.
dirisht a. coarse, rough, big (used to describe (to avoid payment of tax); ~1 n. theft (BE
children of Io-15 years). Cf. WURD. -iYEWE, furtively; ~i K., thieve, steal);
dirkanc}in (dirken) v.t. divulge. ~-u-DIROZIN, a. and n. rogue, bad char-
dirke n. gen. ~ K., utter a sound (oft. neg. acter.
~-Y NEKIRD, he said nothing). dizin (diz) v.t. steal; xo ~EwE, abscond,
dirm n. contagious disease (gen. term). play truant, (LE, from); xo LE -EWE, watch
diro n. lie, falsehood; ~- Y BE BAI, EFI!3E, he furtively,
is a shameless liar; BE~ DER CHUN, turn out dP a. other. Also DIKE.
to be false; ~ DER HENAN, prove sg, wrong; di2 n. gen. in phrases: HATIN E -,come true,
~ K., lie, tell lies; ~ DERX., BE~ XISTINEWE, be realized; HENAN E -, bring about,
contradict, deny, issue dementi; ~-vv·­ achieve; BE- 1.-., perceive, espy: -MANE n.
DELESE n. lies and prevarication; ~-w­ presence (-MANE-TAN BE rlR, welcome);
FiSHAL n. boastful lies; ~ZIN a. and n. liar; -MEn. face; -MEN n. view, sight, appear-
~ziNE a. false, untrue. ance; -MESHOHE n. cosmetic stick for mak-
dirushm n. mark, _outward sign, coat of ing up face; -TE (! .) int. as you may have
arms; ~ Y BAZIRGANi, trade mark. noticed, as you may remember; -YAR a. and
dirust a. right, true, correct, straight, lawful, n. apparent, manifest, obvious, prominent
sound; ~ B., be made, be formed, be built; (person), visible, vision, ( -YAR B., be seen,
~ B. LEGE!,, Iie, copulate, w.; ~ K., make, be visible; DE -YAREWE B., be on the watch;
form, build; ~DEJ a. truthful, expressing -YAR J!., appear, make an appearan;::e; -YAR
sound opinions; ~1 n. correctness, sound-- K., show; BE -YAHEWE DA NISHTIN, sit and
ness; ~KAR, ~KIRDAR a. straight-forward, watch e.g. invalid or sleeping child, Y, or
righteous; ~PEYMAN a. faithful to promise. more oft. as comp. prep. BEDIYAR .•. -EWE);
dinid n. blessing, salutation, greeting; BE~, -YARGA 11. observation post, belvedere,
good-bye. gazebo; -YARP n. appearance ( -YARi J!.,
dirU:man n. sewing, needlework; ~KAR 11. appear); -YARJ2 n. present, gift. Cf. DIJ!.
sewer, sempstress. dibeg see DING.
diriin (dirii) v.t. sew; ~EwEl, sew again. dic}(P) n. only in comb.: -AR n. sight, look;
See DA; HEL.. -ARBiNI 11, visit, call, (CHUN BO -ARBINI Y
diriinewe 2 (dirU:) v.t. reap. . .. , call on); ~E n. eye; -ENi n. visit;
dirwene n. reaping, harvesting; ~ K., -EWAN n. watchman. Cf. oi 2 •
reap, harvest. dike see ofl.
dirz n. crack; ~ BIRDIN, ~ Q., be cracked; dil n. prisoner; BE ~ G., take p.; -i 71 • .cap-
~ TE KEWTIN, *be cracked; ~ PEYA K., be tivity.
cracked; ~ TEx., crack (tr.), dilane 71. swing, swinging seat; - K., play
dir n. and a. rent, tear, laceration, pugna- on s.
cious; ~ Q., force a way through; ~GE n. din 1 n. religion; ,...., DOBANJ!IN, be unfaithful
cutting, canal; ~INI)E a. and n. fierce, raven- to one's r.; -:PAR a. pious, religious, (per-
ing, wild beast; ~i n. pugnacity; ~K n. son).
thorn, fish-bone; ~KAwi a. thorny, barbed; din 2 (bin) v.t. see, experience, attend to;
~KEzi n. Christ's thorn; ~K-U-DAL 11. ~EWE, see again, find. Also DiTIN.
thicket; ~NAL n. trench cut by running dinar (E) n. dinar (coin), in Iraq equivalent
water, strait connecting two seas; DIJ!OK a. to one pound sterling.
which tears, spiky, sharp. diq n. pulmonary consumption; - K., be
dir/an (dire) v.i. be tom, tear; ~ANQIN consumptive, be exasperated. Cf. siL.
(~fiN) callS. tear. diqet (A) n. care, attention. See SERINe
direle n. name of a herb. under SER in comb.
dirin see nODI BIN under B0 3 • disa, disan, disaneke, disanewe adv.
dirin (dir) v.t. tear. See DA, HEI,. again.
dirke n. chicken-pox. dish 71. odds and ends.
dirnc n. gen. ~ LE G., be obstinate about. ditin (bin) also -EWE v.t., see DiN 2 ; ~i a.
dish 1 1z. sister-in-law (husband's sister). worth seeing.
dish 2 11. gim. ~ K., pass, forgo one's turn, diw 11. side, face, surface; - y Ewniw, the
throw in one's hand (cards); ~ KEM, I pass. far side.
diyar (A) n. country, region. diwan 1 n. collected poetical works.
diz 1 11. fort, castle, stronghold; ~QAR n. diwan 2 n. office, council; -DIE a. loud-
castle-lord. mouthed, bounder, blusterer; -i a. official,
diz 2 11. thief; ~AWDIZ KEWTIN, meet unex- esp. XE'r Y -i, style of writing used for
pectedly while engaged on similar nefarious engrossing documents.
activities; ~EQES.'I.Ili n. illicit slaughtering diwar 11. wall; ,...., HEl: CHINil':, build W.; BE
-A HEL GEBAN, climb w. j -BIB 11. burglar's s. of manna; - Y SIPi, s. of white grapes;
pick. -i n. a variety of grape;. -MIJE n. first
diwexan n. guest-room, guest-wing of finger.
house. doshek n. mattress; -ELE n. small m.
dizfe n. casserole; -E BE DERXONE K., keep doshfeni a. milch; -EME n. m. ewe.
mum, let sleeping dogs lie; -E-W-GOZE (Y doshin (dosh) v.t. milk; NER-E m-Y-DOSHE-
NAWMAL) n. kitchen crockery; -oLE, YE, it is demanding the impossible. See DA.
-oLKE n. small c. dot n. daughter. Also DOT1 •
don. buttermilk; BE -YSH E-Y-JENE, he will dox, doxin 11. degree, level.
put up W. anything; KES BE-Y XO-Y NALE doxaw n. liquid plaster.
TIRSH-E, a bird does not foul its own nest; dozex n. hell; -En. bath-furnace.
-JEN n. stick used to keep churning sack dozin (doz) v.t. search (esp. for fleas, lice,
(MESHKE) distended lengthwise; -KESHK n. etc.); -EWE, find.
kind of thick soup made of KESHK and dofke gen. -x£ n. yesterday; -Nil EWARE, y.
SAWER, q.v.; -KuLiw n. dish of curds evening; -SHEW n. the night before last.
w. rice or SAWER fhtvoured w. mint; -wuK dorde, dordik, see DUKERDE under DU 4 •
n. sediment of melted butter; -wusHKE n. dot 1 see DOT.
kind of soft cheese made of scum creamed dot 2 n. ink-pot.
off boiled -; -xE n. system whereby shep- du'a (A) n. prayer, invocation; BE -,good-
herd enjoys milk products and owner bye j EGER BE - EBU PISHQIL BE XURMA EBU,
retains natural increase of flocks; -XEWA, action is needed not talk; - GIRA B., be ful-
see -KULIW; -YNE n. balls of DOWlJSHKE filled, be answered, (prayer); - BO K., pray
mixed w. SAWER and dried. for, call down blessings upon; - LE K.,
doch n. name of a plant. curse, call down curses upon; - XUWASTIN,
doghreme n. a dish of curds and sliced ask leave to go; -xtiWAZi n. taking leave.
cucumber. dugme n. button; --W-DOl:,AB 11. bodice
doj adv. gen. - DA MAN, be at a loss, be per- fastening, (oft. of gold; fern. att.); __ ,.,._
plexed. Also nosH. QEYTAN n. toggle (gen. fern. att.).
doje n. hell. duk see under HER 2 •
doP n. valley. dukan n. shop; - Y BEKIR DU QALIB SABUN,
do}2 n. bowl, gen. mortar; -CHE n. bucket notwithstanding appearances he is not well
( -CHE Y HEWIR, baker's kneading trough); off; -DAN., opens. (in morning or for first
-KE n. bucket, Aquarius; -YAN see NE1 ; time); - DA x., shuts. (at closing time or
-YANE n. gen. -YANE Y ASH, wooden pipe permanently); -QAR 11. shopkeeper.
feeding grain to mill. dulge n. centipede.
dolab n. cupboard. dumarekol n. scorpion.
dom n. villager of Shar y Hewraman (gen. dun<Je n. end of steering haft thrust into
skilled in crafts associated w. gipsies but plough-share.
esp. the making of KELASH, q.v.); -BE w dung see DUG.
KEI,ASH BO XO-Y. BIKA, he will certainly do durd n. dregs, sediment.
(make) it very well. Cj. HEcici, QEREC, durzile n. dead-nettle.
XEBAT. dur n. pearl.
domile see under TIRE. duwa 11., a. and adv. back, time after, behind,
domine (E) n. dominoes (game); PUL y - , previous, future, subsequent, afterwards,
domino. etc.; - BE -, in succession to, in the steps
donim n. don urn (measure of land, 2,500 sq. of, (Y); L'EME BE-, from now on, in future;
metres). L'EWE BE -, subsequently, thereafter; -
doq n. a kind of cloth. BIBANEWE, *cease to exist, *vanish; -
dorinc, dorjing n. soot. BIBiNEWE, bring to an end, cause to dis-
dorfan (dore) v.i. be lost, be impaired, be appear; - BiNiN, look forward, consider
neglected; -ANI) IN (-EN) caus. lose (thing, the probable results (hence -BiN a. cautious;
contest, game, fight), be unfaithful to (reli- -BiNi, caution); BE -QA CHUN, go to fetch
gion). (Y) j 1). E. -'WE, retire j BE -!)A HATIN, come
dost n. friend; BE - G., take as mistress, be- to fetch (Y);- KEWTIN, be behind, be after;
come mistress of; -ANE a. and adv. friendly, - x., postpone, delay, put behind, (QISE ~
in a friendly way; -AYETI, n. friendship x., make allegations against, Y). Cj. DU 3 •
(-AYETi G. LEGE!,, make friends w.); -i n. duwa in comb. -cAR, last (most recent) time,
friendship. next time, last (final) time; -MiN a. last,
dosh see DOJ. most recent; -PAHEZ 11. rearguard; -BOJ a.
doshaw n. syrup (esp. of grapes); - Y GEZO, the future; -TIH a. hinder, later; -'wEn.
DUWA!- nnx
position behind (J?. E -'\VE, go backwards, -QEJ? a. folded double; -BEG a. cross-bred,
deteriorate, decline); -YEKpron. the.Iast one mulatto; -BENG a. two-coloured, double-
(-YEK -YA.."" HAT, they all came); -Yin., a., faced, insincere; "-'BEWILE n. name of a
and adv. end, completion, last, afterwards, herb; -BEYAN n. road fork; -BU a. double-
(-Yi PE J?., bring to an end; -Yi HATIN, faced, insincere; -SIBEY n. and adv. day
*come to an end; -Yi PE HENAN, bring to after tomorrow; -SIM a. with cloven hoof;
an end); -YiN a. last, final. -siME n. animal w. cloven hoof; -sHAXE n.
duwa! n. thong; -PE a. gen. DEW Y -PE, and a. two-pronged instrument, forked;
goblin w. long, pliant legs used to stifle -sHEME, -SHEMiJ n. Monday; -TA a.
victim. doubled, folded, bent; -wAN n. and a. two
duwfan (dii) v.i. talk (LE, about, against); (-wAN -WAN, two by two); -WANEn.twins;
-ANJ?IN, caus. engage someone in conversa- -WANZE, twelve; -WANZEGIRE n. intestine;
tion; YEK -M><'l/IN, have a conversation. -WANZEM, -WANZEMIN a. twelfth;
du 1 pres. stem of DUWAN. -WAWAN n. watersmeet, river immediately
du 2 n. conversation, gen. DEM-U-DU q.v. below confluence of two branches;
du 3 n. behind; BE -WEWE B., follow esp. to -WAWEKi a. gen. -WAWEKl B., -WAWEKl
watch (Y); CHON BE -J?A go to fetch (Y); KEWTIN, fall ill from change of climate;
-BE - CHUN, follow (Y); - KEWTIN, follow, -wEM, -WEMiN a. second; -\VERDE, see
pursue, (Y). Cj. DUWA. -KERDE; -XALE n. colon (punct.); -ZELE n.
dii4 n. and a. two; (for DU in comb. immediately double pipe (music); -ZIMAN ·a. double-
followed by a vowel see -wAN and following tongued, deceitful.
zoords below);- BE-, two by two; -BAJ? a. du 5 also -I? n. smoke; -J?MAN, hearth,
double, twofold, tightly woven (cloth); family; -J?MANKOR a. extinct (family);
-BARE n., a., and adv. repetition, intrigue, -J?MANZA a. of noble birth; -KEL n. smoke
double-distilled, again, (-BARE I..E K., in- ( -KEb K., smoke, emit excessive s.);
trigue against; -BARE KW., repeat); -BERE -KEL,AWi a. smoky; -KELKEsH n. chimney.
11. bee-hive; -BEREKi, 11. and adv. schism diichar a. and n. gen. "" B., - K., meet, en-
( -BEREKI NW., SOW dissension; -BEREKi counter, fall victim to, (Y).
WESTAN, ta~e opposing sides); -BEBO n. diiQ see DU 5 •
tertian malaria; -BEXTi a. of uncertain dug n. tail of fat-tailed sheep of Asia; BON
result, a gamble; -BIRA n. name of a bird of Y -,dripping from such t. Also DUNG.
prey; -BIRALE n. double fruit ( esp. oak- dulbenQ see TUL.
. gall worn as charm); -cHERXE n. bicycle; dulge n. eulogy of dead person.
-DANG a. of two sizes or colours (cereals); diune! n. boil (tumtmr); - DER B., burst
-DARE n. bier; -DEM a. double edged; (b.); - DER J?., come out in boils; - GEYiN,
-DERi n. room w. two french windows; come to a head (b.); - LE HATIN, *get a b.
-DIL a. in two minds, hesitant, uncertain; diune!an n. truffle.
-FAQ a. forked; -FILicHQANE, a. forked; diime!ek n. small kind of drum.
-GASINE n. land after second ploughing; dura. far, distant; -BE-, from a distance;
-GIRD n. kind of cotton coverlet; -GiTE a. - B., be far away, be unlikely; - BE LE
divided into three aisles by two rows of BU-TAN, -BE (- BA) LE BU Y GOJ?ERAN, may
pillars; -GOCHKE a. and n. having two ear- you (those present) be preserved from it,
flaps, kind of deerstalker cap; -GUMAN, see God forbid; ....., BW., move away; - KEW-
-DIL; -HEWA a. subject to extremes of TINEWE, move away; - KEsHAN, take a long
temperature (esp. between day and night); time, be in the distant future; - xw., post-
-KESE adv. with only two persons present; pone, banish.
-KERDE n. scissors; -LA a. twofold; -LAYi durin comb. -AwDiJR, adv. from afar, from. a
11. hinge, participle (gram.); -LIKE, -LIPE distance; -BiN n. and a. telescope, far-
a. and· n. forked, forked branch of tree; sighted; -BiNi n. foresight, care for the
-LisPE a. plaited in two pigtails (hair); future; -ENJ?EsH a. prudent, provident;
-Lo a. and n. folded double, the two (play- -EPEREZ a. gen. ·-EPEREZ WESTAN, be out of
ing-cards); -LULE a. double-barrelled; range, be beyond reach of danger, hold
-MIB.EKi adv. w. both hands ( -MIBEKi LE back, flinch; -EWE n. distant place, dis-
NiSHTIN, tackle sg. energetically); -NIH OM a. tance, (LE -EWE, from afar; -EWE B., see
two-storied; -NiME a. in two pieces ( -NIME - Bw.); -in. distance, absence, separation;
K., cut in two); -PAT a. repeated (-PAT -KUJ a. deceptively good-looking from a
KW., repeat); -PAYLE (SN) n. kangaroo; distance (person); --U-DIREJ a. and adv.
-PEL a. forked; -PEBE n. name of a herb; prolonged, detailed, in detail.
-PEa. hipe_dj-PISHK n. scorpion, Scorpio; dux ?i. spindle of spinning-wheel; BAST
-QAT a. of double thickness, two-storied; WEIW -, straight as a die.

-e1 voc. ending; RUBE, boy! euphonic wand y are inserted as for -E 2• See
-e 2 defining suf. also used: (I) in conj. w. dem. E5 and TE for the circumstances in which they
ad.Jj. EM, EW, e.g. EM KL'BE, this boy, EW replace E.
KICHE, that girl, EW SL\YAR.:\NE, those horse- e 8 prep. is pt·ef. to certain tzn., gen. nn.ofplace, to
men, (for exceptions see Df, Ew); (z) w. dim. form comp. prepp.; the n. governed is not
or affectionate connotation, esp. in the linked to the comp. prep. by izafe (Y 2); some
shortened forms of personal names and nick- of these are used in conj. w. postp. -EWE as
names, e.g. BILE for IBRAHiM. lf the n. indicated after each. below: -BAL, upon (J?.
defined ends in u euphonic w, and if in any ~BAL, attribute to); -BAN, upon; -BER, to
other vowel euphonic Y is inserted before -E; the front of, towards, (1;>. -BER, attack w.,
this -E attracts the stress. Cf. ~EKE 1 and 2 e.g. MIN-YAN :J?A YEBER CINEW, they reviled
· -e3 used (I) to replace izafe (Y 2) when the me; PIYA'\\'EKE EJ?AT EBER XENCER, he attacks
phrase is qualified by a defining suf. or dem. the man w. a dagger); -BIN (-EWE), to be-
adj., the phrase being then treated as a comp. low; ~GIYAN, gen. KEWTIN -GIYAN, attack;
n. e.g. MINAI, Y ZIREK, clever child-MINAJ:..E -J:ER (-Ev<.'E), to below, to under; -JUR
ZIREKEKE, the. clever child-EM MINAI.:E (-EWE), on to, over (x. -JUR ... -EWE, give
ziREKE, this clever child; (2) to replace izafe precedence over); -KIN (-EWE), to the side
to link a permanent epithet to the n. it quali- of -NAW (-EWE), into; -PAL (w. or v:ithout
fies, e.g. IffiL Y SHIN, blue upright stone, -Ev<.'E), to the side of; -PASH (-EWE}, to the
makes KELESHiN, name of a stele w. cunei- rear of, until after; -PEsH (w. or without
form inscription. on the Iraqi-Persian -EWE), to the front of (J?. -PESH xo, drive
botindary; (3) in general as a link in the for- sg. forward); -PISHT (w. or ·without -EwE),
mation of many comp. nn. e.g.: DESKEGUL, to behind; -sER, upon, on to; -sHoN, after,
bunch of flowers, posy; BESHEBA, black in search of; -TEK, to the side of (w. or
wind, gale; PiREM~RD, old man. If the first without -EWE); ~xuwAR (-EWE), to beneath,
element of a comp. so formed ends in eu- u under.
phonic w, and if in i euphonic Y, is inserted •e int. shepherd's cry 1:1rging flocks forw;trd.
before the linking E; if it ends in A, E, t, o, oro, ea int. what? what did you say?
the linking E is absorbed so as to leave the •e•a n. (nursery word) evacuation of bewels;
second element in direct juxtaposition w. the used as int. to encourage motion.
first, e.g. GA Y BOR makes GABOREKE, the "eba (A) n. cloak.
bro'Wfi ox. · ebe9i (A) a. eternal, infinite.
-e 4 suf. used in thef{)rmation: of nn.from nn., "ebenus (E) n. ebony.
e.g. ANiSHK, elbow-ANiSHKE, bracket; nn. ebe 3 pers. sing. pr:es. ind. of BUN1 •
from adjj. e.g. CHAR, good-cHAKE, kind act; eb!eq a. staring vacantly.
nn. from nn. qualified by a numeral adj. e.g. ebresh tl. having no milk after giving
CHILBOJE, period of forty days; and nn. from birth.
verbal root1; e.g. ~HAN,· draw-~HE, toil. ebu, ebu, ebuwaye, see BUN1•
-e 5 3 pers. sing. pres. ind. of the copula is; "ecayeb (A) a. strange; also as int. how
euphonic wand Y are inserted as for -E 2• strange!, really!
e- 6 particle pref. to pres. and imperf. ind. tenses ecel (A) n. fate, destiny; - HATIN, *die.
ofmost vv. Cf. DE 2 , v- 3 • Also ENCEL.
e 7 emphasizing particle placed before pronn. "ecem (A) a. Persian; -i a. inexperienced.
and demonstrative adjj. and attracting the ecin9e see CIN.
stress, e.g.; EMIN, I; E TO, you; E EWE,just ecr (A) n. divine recompense for merit.
that; E ~RE, just here; E EM BAXE, this very eda n. grace, elegance.
orchard. edat (A) n. particle (gram.), inflexion.
e 8 prep. to; gen. enclitic immediately foZZ.owing edeb1 (A) n. culture, polite scholarship;
a v. ; also used te intr-oduce nn. used predica- -IYAT n. belles-Iettres. Cf. EJ?EB.
tively; in conj. w. postp. -EWE, mto. e9eb 2 n. politeness. Cf. EDEB.
Examples: EWAN GEYISHTIN E KOSHKEKE, they edib (A) n. anti a. scholar, versed in the
reached the mansion; MINALEKE Bil'-I~RIN E humanities.
DEBISTAN, send the child to school; Eflh E efen9i (T) n. Effendi, in Ottoman times title
PIYAW, he will become a man; ECHET E placed after the personal name as Mister.
ESHKEWTEKE'vm, he goes into the cave; efsane n. fable, myth.
efser (E) n. officer. Ella (A) Allah, God.
efsun n. incantation, sorcery; ~BAZ, ~GER, el!aweysi n. name of a traditional melody.
~KAR n. sorcerer. -e!an, -e!ani see -LAN, -LAN!.
e~ena adv. and conj. otherwise, if not. e!bete (A) adv. certainly, no doubt. Also
e~er conj. and adv. if, when; ~cHi conj. HELBETE.
although; ~EKU conj. if; ~NA conj. and -e!e fem. -EJ..E suf. forming dim. nn. and adjj.
adv. if not, otherwise. e.g. GIRDELE, KICHELfr, NERMELE, SEWZE!,E.
e~in, e~ina see EGENA. e!ey 2 pers. sing. pres. ind. of WUTIN, lit. you
e~rice n. side-tress, kiss-curl. will say, i.e. you would think it was, it might
e~hz (A, AKHDH) n. gen. BE ~ BIRDIN, ·well be, etc.
take without consent, w. reluctant consent, e!mas (A) n. diamond; ~KuT, ~BEJ a.
of owner. studded w. diamonds; ~TERASH a. cut with
e~hze ( T) see ZIMANE. Also AGHZE. d. (PIYA!,E Y ~TERASH, tumbler of cut glass).
eh int. expr. interest, agreement, etc. look, yes; e!qe (A) n. ring, circle; ~DESTIN, ~ J?., ~G.,
~A, ~AHARA, int. look!, see!, there it goes!, form circle; ~LEGO n. slave, obedient
etc. servant; ~MCHI 11. r. having disk of same
ehali (A) n. people, non-officials, civilians. metal or a coin in place of a stone; ~BEZ n.
ehew int. indicating dissent or incredulity, door chain ( ~BEZ K., chain).
don't expect me to accept (to believe) that. em 1 pron. this person; ~AN these persons;
ehha int. exp1-. contempt. ~E this person, this thing; ~ANE these
eho see EHEW. persons, these things; ~ETA, ~TANE, ~ETE,
Ehrimen n. Ahriman, principle of evil in here it is; ~E, this place, here (L' ~E, at this
Zoroastrian religion, the Devil. place, here); ~EYANE, this vicinity (L'EME-
el).wa! (A) n. state, condition; ~PIRSI, in- YA]';"E, hereabouts); ~iKE, ~hm, this one;
quiries after health. ~YANE, this one (of several).
ejdeha, ejdiha n. dragon. Also HEJDEHA, em. 2 dem. adj. this, normally used in conj. Zt'.
HEJDIHA. defining suf. -E 2, zvhich is however dispensed
ejmar see JIMAR. with in the combb. given below and, on the
ejmardin (ejmer) v.t. see JIMARDIN. analogy of EMDlW EWDIW K., in phrases such
ejno n. knee; ~ DA J;>., kneel; HEZ Y ~ SHIKAN, as EM DE W EW DE K., EM DOL U EW DO!, K.,
*be overcome, *lose strength. wander from village to village, wander from
-ek1 suf. forming nn. oft. w. dim. connotation valley to valley: ~BER n. this side ( ~BER u
e.g. Pi1Lm<. EWBER K., go to and fro); ~cA adv. then, in
ek 2 int. see DEK. this case; ~cAR n. andadv. this time; ~Diw
ekaki (G) n. acacia. n. this side, the near side, (~Diw EWDIW K.,
-ekan pl. of -EKE 1 and 2 • ~D!w u EWDIW K., go from side to side, toss
-eke1 defining suj. equivalent to definite article about restlessly in bed); ~ENJ?E n. this much;
the; the final E of the suf. attracts the stress; ~EsTAn. and adv. this very moment; ~LA n.
-EKE becomes -KE if the word defined (a) ends this side (~LA w EWLA K., go to and fro);
in -E, or (b) ends in A, E, oro and is of two or ~LATIR a. nearer this way; ~LA'WE n.
more syllables; euphonic Y is inserted before nearer side; ~PEE n. this end, this side,
~EKE if the word defined ends in i or o or, (~PEB U EWPEE K., cross to and fro); ~BO,
ending in A, :E, or o, is of one syllable only; ~BOKE, n. and adv. today ( ~BO W SIBEY PE
euphonic w is inserted after u. Examples: K., put off w. excuses); ~SAL n. and adv.
KUB-EKE, MAYIN-EKE; COGE-KE, BIRA-KE, this year; ~SER, this end (~SER U EWSER K.,
HERME-KE, ASO-KE; KESHTI-Y-EKE, ESKO-Y- go to and fro from end to end); ~sHEW, n.
EKE; GA-Y-EKE (but MANGA-KE), DE-Y-EKE, and adv. last night or tonight (according to
co-Y-EKE; XANU-W-EKE; the pl. is -EKAN, context, see iMSHEW).
-KAN. · ema (A) conj. as for, as regards.
-eke 2 dim. suf., also used (esp. in vocative) w. eman (A) also ~ET, ~ETi, see AMAN.
affectionate connotation; the phonetic rules emar, 'emar n. warehouse, store, barn;
given for the defining suffix -EKE1 apply K., store, put in store; ~Aw n. reservoir;
Examples: PULEKE, MARFEKE (Ma'ruf, old ~EPO n. shop-soiled cloth, remnants.
chap!). •emarte a. having no basement below (of
elewcelew n. mob, rabble. ground floor).
elf n. first letter of Arabic alphabet, a; embaz see AMBAZ.
~-u-nn n. alphabet. emek n. hard work, task; ~ J?., work hard;
ell).eQ (A) n. gen. BERD Y ~, fiat stones laid as ~I;>AR a. and n. servant with long record of
roof or lining of grav(. Cf. GOBicHE. faithfti1 service.
elishish, •elishish n.~rkey (bird). -emeni suj.forming nn.from past stems of tJV.
w. sense material for, e.g. SUTEMENI, don't you sit down?); - K., say yes, agree;
XUWARDEMENi. --W-NERE adv. willy-nilly.
emin see E7 • erjeng a. horrible, frightful.
emin (A) a. faithful, reliable; -i n. fidelity. erjing n. Judas-tree.
emn (A) n. also ~IYET, --U-ASAYISHT, erk n. task, duty; -I.?AR a. on duty.
--U-EMAN n. security, public safety. erxewan n. Judas-tree; -i a. purple; -sun
emr (A) n. order; - Y XuwA BE cE HENAN, n. flood season.
- Y XuwA K., die;~ K., - PE K., order. erz n. ground, floor; BE -A CHON, sink into
'emroke n. name of a plant. the g.; BE -A J;>., BE -A RUTAN, knock down,
emust 11. finger; - Y PE, toe; - Y PICHUK, strike down. Also ERD.
little f.; -ECHAW a. pitch dark; -EGEWRE, ere n. saw (tool).
thumb, big toe; -EWILE, -iLE n. f. ring; esbab (A) n. reasons, equipment, tools,
-iLE Y DIRUMA!•..;, thimble. Cf. BALABERZE, property, effects.
TUTE. esJ;tabe (A) n. companions of the Prophet
encam n. end, conclusion; - PE I,?., bring to Muhammad.
an end; - HATIN, *come to an end; -1 a. eskCiniP n. chair, stool.
concluding, final. eskemiP n. name of a card game.
encame n. hinge. eskene n. chisel.
encel see ECEL. 'esker n. soldier.
encin a. gen. - - K., slice, cut in pieces. 'eskeri n. name of a species of grape.
encinin (encin) v.t. slice, cut in pieces. Cf. eski! n. hot cinder.
CINiN, see DA. esko n. wooden ladle.
encumen n. council, assembly; - G., hold a eslub (A) n. style, manner, arrangement.
meeting. es! (A) n. origin, foundation, beginning;
engam n. limb, member (lit. and fig.). -zA a. well-born; --U-FES!: n. origins, an-
·enqaze n. measure, measurement, scale, en- cestors.
gineering; LE - BE DER, immoderate, im- esmer (A) a. swarthy.
moderately; -G., measure (Y); - K. LEGE!, esnaf (A) n. body of artisans and trades-
... -A, compare W. (- K. LEGEL YEKA, com- men.
pare two or more things with each other); esp n. horse (the appropriate adjf. of colour
LE -I.?A NEMAN, exaggerate, be immoderate; are: BOR, brown; BOZ, grey; KOT, bay;
-KAR n. engineer. BESH, black; BESHBOR, dark brown; BESHKOT,
ender (P) prep. insidet,within, used only in a dark bay; :{!ESH-U-SIPI, piebald; SURBOR,
few stock phrases e.g. SAF - SAF, YEK - DIJ. sorrel; SHE, chestnut); -EDARiNE n. go-cart;
engeshe n. consideration. -ESHINE n. bee-eater (bird).
engaw see HENGAw 2 • esparde a. see srPARDE.
engawte n. casualty, case (med.), patient. espardin (esper) v.t. see srPARDIN.
engawtin (engew) v.t. hit (a mark). espayi n. gen. BE -, unhurriedly, quietly,
engutk n. lump, clod. stealthily, on tiptoe, in a whisper.
engutin (engu) v.i. see HEL ENGihiN. espek n. mental weakness after typhus; ~ J;>.
entike, 'entike (E) a. and n. antique, antique E SER, *suffer from such weakness.
object, curiosity; -XANE n. museum. espenax 11. spinach.
enze! see EZEL. espenq 1 n. rue (bot.). Also ESFENJ;>, SIPENJ;>.
enzerut, 'enzerut n. balsam. Espeng 2 (P) n. February-March, see Appen-
'eqJ (A) n. sagacity, good sense, CHUN E dix I.
-EWE, make an impression on the mind, esper see SIPER.
*think probable, *believe; - G., begin to esperde a. see SIPARDE.
show intelligence (child); HATIN E -EWE, espere 1 n. cross-piece on shaft of spade to
see CHUN E ~EWE. take pressure of foot.
erbab (A) a. easy-going, affable, competent espere 2 n. turmeri<:.
(MIN - y EM iSHE NIM, this work is not espe n. louse (mature), weevil;"' 'fE.J;>., *.be-
within my compefence). come lousy; ;..,WIN (l. !@a;;y, :weeviled. , Cj.
erd,. 'erd n • .see £RZ; MflULKE, BJ$»Q1•. .. . . ~.' ..· . .

Erdibehisht (P) n. Aprii-May, ~.. A.itkn- espon n. seap~h'l~t.,

dix I. •esr (A) n. micl-afternOOII.
ere bane, erebe n. carriage, wheeled vehicle. esrin n. tear (of eye).
erec (SN) n. forearm, measure of Z7 inches. estan9in (esten) v.t. see SANJ?IN 2 •
ere affirmative particle yes; as int. come tell estar n. lining.
me (- BOCH DA NANISHIN, come now why este 11. steel (for use w. flint to produce fire);
EST£,!.. EY
~ LE BAXEL, name of a guessing game; side(CHUN E ~niw, go into the next room);
~-W-BERD, flint and s. ~EDINYA 11. the next world; ~ENr;mpron., a.
est~! see ESTERK. and adv. so much, so many ( ~ENI;>E-Y NEMA
est~re n. star; ~ Y GEBOK, planet;~ y KILKDAR, BU KE • • • , nearly); ~LA n. the far side;
comet; ~JIMER n. astrologer, name of a semi- ~LATIR a. and adv. farther; ~LA'V.'E n. the
precious stone; ~NAS n. astronomer. far side (L'EWE n'EWLA'WE, in addition to
est~rk n. reservoir. Also ESTEl,. that, moreover; x. E "'LA'WE, set aside);
est~wu!, est~wu!k n. slice (kitchen imple- ~PEB n. the far end, maximum; ~sA, ~sAYE
ment). adv. then; ~sER, the far end, the ultimate
estiri n. name applied to varieties of thistle consequences, future developments (sr-
and thorny shrubs. Cf. HESTIRi. BEYNE zu L'EWSEREWE, before dawn); ~To
esto n. nape, back of neck; LE ~I;>A B., be the a. such, of such a kind. Cf. EM 2•
responsibility (Y, of); LE ~ I;>., behead (Y); -ew- 3 p1·ep. used_ for BE, WE, w. meaning
G. E.~, LE ~G., undertake; x. E ~,impose towards in formation of comp. adjj., nn. and
responsibility, entrust task, (Y, on, to). advv. such as: BEREWJER, downwards;
estuwane n. cylinder. BEREWJERE, downward slope j DESEWXENCER,
estun see srruN. w. hand on dagger; L'EMEWPASH, after this,
estilr a. thick, stout, swollen, in spate from now on; L'EWEWPEsH, before then.
(river); ~ANn. gen. ~AN BISTIN, spin stout •e\v see •E.
thread, make extravagant claims; ~AYi n. ewa adv. by this (that) way; also used to indi-
thick place, swelling; ~KE n. thick variety of cate the continuous present or to distinguish
KULERE, q.v. the present from the future meaning of the
··eshamatn. mob. pres. tense. Cf. WA 2 •
esh~ 3 pers. sing. pres. ind. of SHIYAN. -ewan see -WAN.
•eshiret (A) n. tribe. -ewar see -WAR.
eshk n. forearm. -eware suf.forming mz. denoting quantity, e.g.
eshkence n. press, instrument of torture, DESEWARE, PISHTEWARE.
torture, pain, suffering; ~ I;>., cause pain -ewari see -WARi.
(PE, Y, to); ~,,_KESHAN, be tortured, suffer; ewqa!, •ewqa! 1 (A) n. name of a group of
~ K., torture·(w. instrument). spiritual beings believed to be charged with
eshkewt n. cave. the preservation of the cosmic order, a kind
eshk~! n. diameter, diagonal; ~ K., tie the of dervish; gen. as adj. ~ B., be ardently
feet together and throw (animal). interested (Y, BESHON ••• -A, in).
eshkinc n. hollow of groin. •ewQaXZ n. cock-partridge.
eshiya 3 pers. sing. imperf. ind. of SHIYAN. -ewe 1 enclitic postp . .Jsedin conj. w. prepp. BE,
•eshq (A) n. love. BO, E, LE, and their compp., also zo. PE, LE,
eshrefi n. cultivated rose. TE, q.v.
•etar n. keeper of general store. -ewe 2 adv. suf. added to many vv. in all parts
-eti suf. forming abstract nn. e.g. MEYETI, of the conjugation; in some cases it is constant
PIYAWETI. (e.g. SHARDINEWE), in others it alters the
etk (A, HATK) n. defamation; ~ PE :r;>., ~ K. meaning of the simple verb (e.g. xuwARDINEWE),
(Y), ~ PE K·, defame. in others it is added to indicate repetition or
etles (A) n. satin. return (e.g. HATINEWE).
Et!esi a. Atlantic (ocean). -ewe 3 suf. forming nn. of place e.g.: MAI,EWE,
eto see E 7 • JEREWE, SEREWE,
ew 1 pron. that person, he, she; ~AN, those -ewer see WER1 •
persons, they; ~E, that person, that thing, ew~ 1 see under EW 1 •
he, she, it; ~ANE, those persons, those ew~ 2 pres. stem of wiSTIN.
things, they; ~ETA, ~ETANE, ~ETE, there ewha a. and adv. such, thus, so, by this (that)
it is; ~ETI (also L'EWETi), conj. since (time); way. Cf. WA1 •
~E:, ~f:NDERE, that place (L'EwE, L'EWEN- ewliya (A) n. sing. and pl. saint, saints.
DERE, there); ~EYANE, that vicinity (L'EWE- ewren~ n. majesty, glory.
YANE, thereabouts); ~iKE, ~iTIR, that one; ewzar n. tool (gen. term).
~vANE, that one of them. exlamur n. lime-tree, linden.
ew 2 dem. adj. that, normally used in conj. ~o. exlaq (A) n. personal character.
defining suf. -E 2 q.v., which, however, is dis- exte see YEXTE.
pensed with in the compp. given below and in ey1 int., also used to introduce reproachful
phrases Sltch as EM DE w EW DE K., wander question, 0, oh!; ~ HAWAR, help!; ~MIN,
from village to village: ~BER n. the far side; and what about me then?; ~EWE EI,EN cui,
~·cA adv. then, in that case; ~niw n.the far in that case what do you say?; ~ NA, do you
really mean 'no'?; ~EBO, int. what a pity!, ez (N) pron. I (only in nominative, but not
what a shame!; ~Ho, ~Ho ~Ho, ~Hu, ~Hu used Zt1• past tenses of trans. vv.).
~Ht\ int. expr. disgust, impatience, etc., ezbole 11. spices. Also HEZBELE.
phew; ~Bo, see ~EBO· eze! (A) 11. eternity without beginning. Also
ey 2 int. yes, certainly; ~i int. expr. incredulity, ENZEL.
do you expect me to believe that, 0 really? ezet, ezyet (A) n. pain, suffering, trouble;
Eyar see AYAR. ~ KESHA"', .. suffer, have trouble.
'eyar (A) a. impostor, crafty (esp. of 'ezret (A, HASRA) n. longing, strong emo-
women). tion (pain, fear, anger); LE ~ANA BENG-Y
'eyb (A) n. shame, defeat. PEBi, he turned pale w. emotion; as second
Eyluln. September. element of comp. prep. (see BE 5 ) BE 'EZRET
eynernel, 'eynernel n. rosy pastor starling. SILEM..I\.......,iYEWE-M, I am homesick for
eyni see HEYNi. Sulaimani.

-e1 also -EK suf. gen. equivalent to indef. article elchi ( T) n. ambassador.
in English, a, an, also one; it does not attract emepron. we; ~MANAN, we for our part, we
the stress; if it is followed immediately by a ourselves.
pron. aft. the encHtic pres. of the v. 'to be', -eni suf. forming abstract nn. e.g. KICHENI,
i:tafe or the conj. u only the form -EK is used. KUBENi.
See -Y 1 • eq n. see YEQ.
-e 2 fem. suf. used: (I) as voc. case-ending; erfe n. and adv. here; ~ANE, ~EKANE,
(2) w. dim. or affectionate connotation esp. in ~EKANE, here, hereabouts, this vicinity.
shortened or pet names; (3) to link the two ereqe see HEWCAR.
elements of a comp. n. (rare). Examples; ereqan n. jaundice.
XUSH~ WERE, sister come!; FATt, Fatima; esk 11. bone, skeleton, form, ( ~-Y XUWATEViE
pfmt HAT, Auntie has come; ~PiREJIN, old excl. of abuse blast him!); ~AN n. bone;
woman (cf. E3 ). ~arRAN, ~QURS, a. ugly, crabbed; ......SfiK, a.
-e3 suf. forming nn. and advv. denoting place good-looking, affable, urbane; ~-U-PIRUSK
e.g. ])ERE, JtJI&, SEiffi, furnKANE. n. remains, skeleton, of one long dead.
-e 4 suf. forming advv. denoting time e.g. esqan see EsKAN.
HAWINt, SHEwt. estJa also ~E, ~t n. and adv. now, the
e5 postp. corresponding to prep. E8, to; it is present, at present; DEM Y ~A, present
normally used only when it governs a pron. in tense; ~AKANE adv. about now, nowadays;
the affix form (but may sometimes be used ~AKE adv. now; ~AKUNE adv. set: ~AKANE.
absolutely w. meaning thither); since, like E, estir n. mule; ~EBALANI, ~EGAYILKE n.
it is an enclitic and must follozo a verb imme- small species of m.; ~suwAR n. infantry
diately and thus come at the end of a sentence mounted on mules. Also HEsTIR.
it cannot be used in conj. w. tlze postp. -EWE esh n. pain, ache.
and is otherwise restricted. Examples; eshfan (eshe) V.i. ache, hurt; ~AN:QIN
DERMAN-VAN E:QEYN t, we shall give medi- ( ~tN) caus. hurt.
cine to them; E-T-GEM t, I shall catch up w. eshk n. watch, sentry-go; ~ G., keep w.;
you; GEYISTIN t, we arrived there. ~cHi, ~aiR n. watchman, sentry. Also
e 6 int. yes, I am listening, yes, go on, etc. KEsHK.
Also EY1 • eshta see HEsHTA.
e 7 pres. stem of HATIN. -Hi (contraction of -fYETi, see -ETi) suf.
ecgar, ecgareki, ecgari, see YEKCAR, forming abstract nn. e.g. KEMETi, KICHETi.
YEKCAREKi, YEKCARi. ewarJan adv. in the evening; ~E, ~t n. and
ej pres. stem of defective v. to say; pres. ind. adv. evening, in the evening; ~EBAZAB,
v'EJIM etc., pres. sub., B'EJIM etc., imperat. remnant sale.
B'EJE. Cf. Lt. ewe pron. you; ~MANAN, you and your party.
el, 'el n. tribe; ~cABin. levy in mass. - ey1 int. yes I am listening, pray continue,
elax (T) n. summer camping-grounds; ~AN go on. Also t 6 •
pl. of ~, season for migration to the hills. ey2 int. beware.
See HAWiNEHAWAR. £ze9 n. God.

fafon n. aluminium. DIL- ,..., B *be happy, *have no anxieties;
fak-u-fik n. grumbling. DI!, ,..., B\V., *be happy again; TEN ,..., BW.,
faP (A) n. fortune-telling; ,..., GW., read *recover from fever; -r n. joy, abundance,
omens, tell fortune (hence -em n. fortune- recovery, etc.; SAL Y -1, year of abundance;
teller); -cHi n. fortune teller. -i PIYA HATINEWE, *recover, *be relieved,
faF (A) n. see BEFAL under BE 6 • (from ailment, sorrow, anxiety, etc.).
fam (A) n. understanding, com.prehension; ferenci n. felt overcoat.
- K., understand (used gen. of children). fereza (A) conj. supposing.
famin (fam) v.t. understand. ferheng n. education, dictionary; -oK n.
fanos, fanoz n. hurricane-lamp. small dictionary.
fani (A) n. transitory; DINYA Y -,this transi- ferik (A) a. and n. unripe; gen. pref. to names
tory world; PfR Y - , very old man. of certain fruits, esp. nuts, which may be so
fanile (E) n. woollen fabric, knit-wear, eaten, e.g.: -EBAJ!EM, u. almonds; -ENOK,
blanket, under-vest, sweater. chick-peas sold on stalk; also -EDEW n. un-
faq 1 n. branch (tree). gainly person.
faq 2 n. gen. - J;>., degenerate, decline. fermfan n. order, command; -ANBER n.
faqe n. trap. subordinate, civil servant; -ANJ;>ER n.
Fars n. province of Fars; -l' a. and n. of superior, commander; -ANi a. imperative
Fars, Persian language. (gram.); ;...,AYISHT, -Ul!E n. lit. order (only
farzik a. greedy. used politely of statement or request made
fason n. kind of cloth. by another person) Cf. FIRMAN.
fasulye n. French bean, runner bean; - y fermun (fermu) v.t. order; FERMU (!.),
WUSHK, haricot bean. FERM-GN (!.) 2 pers. sing. and pl. imperat.
fatebor, fate bore n. a species of melon. used as formula of politeness, pray, pray
fatil}.a (A) n. the first chapter of the Koran, be seated, please come this way, here it
lit. the opener. is, etc.
fayye (A) n. use, utility, benefit, interest ferq (A) n. difference; - B., *be different;
(money). See su. ,..., K., be different (LEGEL, from), differen-
fazi! (A) a. learned, cultured, excellent. tiate (- NAKEM, I don't care); - P~ K.,
fe(ia (A) n. sacrifice; BE ,..., B., be sacrificed perceive;
(Y, for); ,..., K., sacrifice; -KAR a. devoted; fersh (A) n. carpet;-- DA (or EA) x., spread,
-vi n. volunteer for dangerous task. lay, c.
felaket n. calamity. ferrut a. and n. senile, decrepit, aged person.
felaqe n. bastinado-pole; ,..., K., p~ x. E -'WE, Ferwerdin (P) n. March-April, see Appen-
bastinado. dix I.
fe!e n. Christian villager; -EESHKE n. Assyr- ferxi n. name of a kind of currant.
ian Christian villager. ferya<}. see FIRYAl/.
fe!ek (A) n. sky, heaven; ,..., DAJ;>, excl. alas!, ferz (A) n. obligation; - B., be obligatory
how hard is my fate! (LESER, upon); ,..., K., suppose, presume
felsefe (E) n. philosophy, principles, basic (cf. FEREZA above), impose as duty (LESER,
idea. upon).
fen (A) n. art, skill. See HUNER. fer n. worth, splendour; --u-PiT n. pros-
fen<}. see FENG. perity .
fener 11. lantern. . ferash (A) n. carpet-spreader, office door-
feng n. trick; -BAZ n. trickster; --u-FEL n. keeper.
trickery. ferec see FEL-U-FEBEC.
ieqe (A) n. theological student. Fereng (E) n. and a. Europe, European;
feqir (A) a. poor, humble, gentle; --u- -ISTAN n. Europe.
FUQERA n. the poer. ferux (P) a. hzppy, fortunate.
~qyane a. long pointed shirt-sleeve of fesa<}. (A) n. cGrruption, mischief.
Kurdish natfon.al {:OStume. fesa! (A) n. form, shape, figure, appearance.
feramosht n. gen. - K., forget. fes! (A) n. section, tum (performance),
ferdesh n. gen. ~ K., divide winnowed .grain season (see KESHE), scene, settlement 0£
into heaps of eqlia:l size for measuring. feud; ,..., K., settle (feud); - PE K., make a
fereci see FERENc\'. scene against.
ferel}. (A) a. joyful, wide, roomy, abundant; fetan (fete)'\J.i. only DA FETAN, see DA BIZAN.
fetar a. gen. FETAR FETAR, ragged. firche n. brush.
fetaret n. calamity, catastrophe; SER BE -J?., firchil a. parboiled (grains).
bring c. upon (Y). fire a. and adv. plentiful, very;freely used to
fewc (A) see TABUR. form comp. adjj. e.g. -'XOR, gluttonous.
fewtfan (fewte) v.i. perish; -ANJ;>IN (-ilN) firincemishk (SN) n. sweet basil.
caus. destroy, fritter away (money, fortune). firista4e (P) n. messenger.
feylesilf (E) n. philosopher. firishk n. beestings; ...., G., start flow of
fexfuri n. china-ware. mother's milk.
fe n. epileptic fit; ...., G., have such f. ; ...., Lil firish te n. angel; ...., Y HEI,KEWT, angel be-
HATIN, *have such f.; -J;>AR a. and n. Iieved to intervene to give victory in battle.
epileptic. firiw n. fraud; '- XUWARDIN, be defrauded,
fe! n. trick; -Awi, -BAZ a. and n. trickster; be deceived.
-BAZI, --U-FENG, - -U-FEREC, --U-TEI.,EKE, firiwan4in (firiwen) gen. HEL FIRIWANDIN,
n. trickery. q.v.
fenik a. cool; DIL (or TEN) - BW., •be re- firiz n. Bermuda grass.
freshed;...., K.,- KW., turn c.; -AYi n. cool, firman n. task; -J;>AR n. employed person.
cool place; ·-in. cool, coolness( -iDAHATIN, Cf. FERMAN.
turn c.). firmesk n. tear (of eyes).
fer a. cognizant, having knowledge, accus- tiro n. dish of warmed beestings.
tomed; - B., learn (KURD! ...., B., or - y firomaye (P) a. '\Vorthless, base, caddish.
Kunoi B., learn Kurdish); Pil -B., become firosh pres. stem of FIROSHTIN; used to form
accustomed to; ...., K. teach (Y, the thing numerous compp. meaning seller of, (e.g.
taught). WURDEFIROSH, pedlar); -ER, -YAR 11.
fesan (fese) v.i. be in soak, become sodden. seller, vendor.
fest n. fez (headgear). firoshtin (firosh) v.t. sell, (hence -t a. for
ficiiq n. gen. - K. get ready to fly (hill-par- sale, worth selling); -EWE, re-sell.
tridge). firot n. selling.
fichik n. clack, rattle, of hand-loom at work; firotin (firosh), firotini see FIROSHTIN.
cot,AKE ...., ...., KAR-Y EKIRD, the weaver was firsen~, firseq, firsex n. parasang, league.
working busily at his loom. ..· firset (A) n. opportunity; ...., Lil BiNiN, make
fikr (A) n. thought. See BiR, viR. o. to do sg.; BE - BiNiN (ZANiN), seize o.
fikrin (fikr) v.t. think. See Til. firtan4in (firten) v.t. see DER FIRTANJ;>IN.
filichkane see DUFILICHKANE under ou 4 • firte n. sudden movement, start; ...., K., start
filiqfanewe (filiqe) v.i. be crushed, be up, leap up, fly out; -FIRT n. fidgeting,
squashed; ""ANJ?INEWE (-ilN) caus. crush, fidgets.
squash. Also HEt,. firtene n. storm.
fils n. mil, thousandth of a dinar (Iraq coin- firya n. coming to help, arriving to join; BE
age). - Y KARWANEKEJ;>A GEYISHTIM, I came to the
fi!an (A) pron. and a. so and so, such and assistance of the caravan; BE...., Y KARWANE-
such (knovv~ but not specified); -ECAR adv. KEJ)A NEKEWTIM, I was too late to join the
once, on a certain occasion; -EKES n. so and caravan; BE ...., Y NEXOSHEKEQA NEGEYISHTIM,
so; -ESHIT, such and such a thing; -i, I arrived too late to help the patient before
-KES int. hi! you!; --U-FISAR n. all kinds he died; HENJ)fl PARE-M ...., Y YARE XIST, l
of people, Tom, Dick, and Harry. sent some money urgently to Yare.
fi!ch~fi!ch n. nonsensicru talk, drivel. firya4 n. call for help; - K., call for help.
fi!q a. slovenly (dress, behaviour, etc.); -t firzen4 n. child, offspring.
fern. voc. slut!; -osHa. slovenly (man). fir 1 n. guile, worldly wisdom; --Y BE
fi!qe n. bubbling, popping (sound); -Fit,Q DINYA'WE NiYE, he is quite guileless;
n. continuous bubbling etc., blather. --u-FEt, n. trickery, intrigues.
fi!tefi!t n. shrill chattering. fir 2 n. sip; -il QAWE, as. of coffee; ...., Lil I).,
fim n. gen . ...., K., blow nose; ...., KE, blow! (to sip; -EFIB1 n. noise of sipping.
child). Cj. XIM. firJe n. flying, flapping, flutter, flight (arrow);
fincan n. cup; -BIB n. small c.-shaped cake -E K., fly, flash past; -EFIB 2 , flapping;
made w. almonds; -EN n. name of parlour -FIRE n. whirring; -INJ)E n. bird; -FIB-
guessing game. OKE n. child's wind-spinner; -iFIBI n. name
fin4iq n. hazel-nut. of a parlour game w. forfeits; -iWE n.
firaji a. gen . ...., B., sprout, grow tall, (plants, name of a boisterous outdoor game; -KA n.
humans). gen. -KA -KA, panic; -KAN, -KE, -KEFIBK,
firawan a. wide, extensive, abundant. --u-HUB n. flutter, flurry, hurry ( -KE K.,
firawin (N) n. midday meal. be flushed, fly away, esp. game-bird); -oKE
864318 E
FIB/it so FO
n. aircraft; -OKEHELGIR 11. aircraft-carrier; a. and n. giant; ~EWAN n. mahout; ~i a.
-OKEWAN n. aviator; -OKEXANE n. hangar. pale grey; ~PAYE 11. prop, shoring.
fir/~ n. gen. - J;>., throw (Tfl, into), throw fine see LiNc-u-FiNc.
away, abandon, take (step, pace); -Kfl finkefink n. sobbing, snivelling.
second element in camp. 1111. meaning throw- fiq 1 see BIQ-U-FiQ.
ing, e.g. BERDEFIBKfl n. stone-throwing. fiq 2 n. gen. ~E, ~EFiQ n. whistling (w. instru-
fir/in (fir) v.i. fly, twitch (eye); -ANJ?IN ment); ~ENE n. mouth-piece; ~FiQE n.
(-EN) caus. only HEL ~ANJ:>IN q.v. whistle (instrument). Cf. FIK.
firni n. blancmange. fiqanc;Jin (fiqen) v.t. whistle (on instrument).
firuc (A) n. chicken; -Aw 11. c.-broth. Cf. FIKANJ;>IN.
firun n. oven. firist n. index, table of contents, list, cata-
fis n. hissing noise; - BW., be deflated, fail; logue.
- J;>W., fail to complete, abandon in firanqin (firen) v.t. have diarrhoea.
failure; -EFIS n. hissing, whispering, fir/en. diarrhoea; ~E K., have d.; ~EFiR n.
( -EFIS Lfl K., shoo away); ~FISPALEWAN n. severe d.; ~IN a. suffering from d.; ~KE
vain braggart; -KEFISK n. whispering. see ~E.
fish a. spreading, relaxed, deflated; ~ BW., firne~ule n. wren, dapper little person.
be deflated; xo ~ K., fan out the tail (pea- firo n. waste; BE- CHUN, be: wasted; BE- 1;>,
cock, turkey), expand the chest, draw one- waste.
self up (w. pride, indignation, etc.), swagger, fisan (fise) v.i. see rlsAN.
boast; - KW., deflate; -E 11. hissing, whiz, fisar, fisarekes, fisareshit; see FILAN.
whistling, (noise); -EFISH 11. continuous fise! a. gen. ~ n., go away and be a good
hissing etc. ( -EFISH K., tell lies); ~EGALTE riddance, make oneself scarce, clear out.
n. mockery, ·teasing; ~EL, -OL a. soft (esp. fisqe', fisqepiyaz n. onion seedling.
of ground loosened by frost and after rain); fisqe 2 (SN) n. wagtail.
--U-FOL a. loose, ample, flowing (robe). fisha! n. vain boasting.
fit 1 n. gen. - K., blow away, expel by blow- fishe, fishefish n. sizzle.
ing, put out, disqualify; -EFIT n. shrill fishek n. cartridge; ~ Y BASTEQINE, live c.;
puffing noise; -EFIT K., puff (gen. of small ~ DA GW., refill used c.-case; ~BEl'-.'J?,
engine). Cf. FITEFiT. ~J;>AN n. bandolier, c.-belt; ~EDIROZI:t."l> n.
fit 2 only --u-FIRAWAN, a. ample, abundant, blank c.; ~EHEWAYi, n. rocket, ~ESHETE n.
spacious. hopping cracker, furiously indignant per-
fitir (A) n. unleavened bread, Passover. son; ~FIBEDER n. ejector; ~i a. excitable.
fitrak (G) n. lasso, thong, game-carrier. fishkanqin (fishken) v.t. hiss (esp. snake),
fitre (A) 1l. see SERFITRE. howl (dervishes).
fitwa (A) n, pronouncement on point of reli- fishke, fishkefishk, fishk-u-hur n. his-
gious jurisprudence. Cf. MIFTi. sing, howling of dervishes; - K:., hiss,
fize n. utterance; - K., utter a word, make howl.
a sound, react in some way, (oft. in neg. e.g. fit 1 n. instigation; ~ J;>~, instigate.
--Y NEIURD, he remained unmoved); fit 2 a. gen. - B., be quits (LEGEI,, with); BE
LE'WE HATIN, *same as~ K. DiNAREK --E, he is glad to settle for one
fich n. see KELEFICH under KEL 2• dinar.
fichqe n. syringe, squirt; ~ BESTIN, squirt, fite, fitefit n. puffing noise (steam-engine
gush, continuously; ~ Lfl J;>., give injection etc.). Cf. FIT.
to; ~ K., squirt (intr.), gush. fitne (A) n. mischief, mischievous person;
fi'il (A) n. verb. ~ GEBAN, stir up m. (hence ~ails m.-maker);
fik 11. whistling (w. lips); ~flK-IM BE HEZAR - HEL GIRSANI}IN, stir up rioting.
~-Y, expr. of contempt a fig for him!; ~E\ fiz n. pride, boasting, swaggering.
whistle (instrument), but seeF'i'Q 2 ; ~E2 , gen. fizya (E) n. physics. ·
~E K., whistle; ~E LE KEsHAN (also LE K.); fo! see FISH-U-FOL.
jeer at; ~EFIK n. continuous w.; ~FiRE, see fu~han n. lamentation.
FIQFIQE; ~-u-HUB n. howling of dervishes. fuware (A) n. fountain. See KULKULE.
fikanqin (fiken) v.t. whistle (w. lips). Cf. fil n. breath; DU SEBR u FUYEK, a modicum of
FIQANJ;>IN. patience; ~ I}., blow up, inflate; flatter;
fil n. elephant; ~EGEJE n. roe-deer; ~ETEN K., blow; ,...., Lfl K., inflate.

-ga 1 suf. forming nn. denoting place, e.g. gaz 2 n. back, blunt edge of blade, long narrow
PENAGA, BEGA. Also -GE. side of brick; BESER ~ Y PISHTA KEWT, he
ga2 n. and adv. time; - ... ~ ... ,at one t. fell flat on his back .
. . . at another t.; - -, - -Yil, from t. to t.; gaz3 n. cry, call; ~ K., cry out, summon;
~GAYi a. occasional, but s:E BE ~Yf, all three -INJ.:>E n. complaint, grievance.
at once. gaz 4 n. bite, pincers, tongs; - d: G., bite;
ga3 n. ox; LE GOY ~:QA NUSTIN, day dream, -OLK n. kind of biting beetle.
know nothing of what is going on; -BOB n. gazir n. bleaching process (gen. by beating
lowing of oxen; ~ci:T n. plough-ox; w. bat). ·
~J.:>ANE (SN) n. vetch; -GEL n. herd of oxen -ge 1 suf. forming nn. denoting place, e.g.
( ~GELi B'ESHQ y 'ELi, excl. to bring luck when HAWARGE, BEGE.
tossing knuckle bones, dice, etc., here's ge 2 pres. stem of GEYISI;JTIN, GEYiN.
hoping!); ~GEREn. ox used for threshing; gebirge n. big drum, kind of dumb-bell
-Gor.,.K£ n. crawling on all fours; ~K:Ewi n. exercise.
kind of large stag; ~l,.OK n. ox-goad; -MARO gebr see GEWR.
n. ox w. blaze on forehead; ~MEsH n. gech n. gypsum; ~AW n. g. white-wash;
buffalo; ~NISHAN n. name of a popular kind -KARl n. plaster-work; -KARi K., plaster.
of cotton textile having ox as trade mark; gecJ_a n. beggar.
~BA.."< n. herd of oxen; -sER n. bull-headed gecJ_e n. stomach.
club; ~siN n. plough-share; -WAN n. ox- gef/e n. barking; --u-GUB n. threats.
herd; --w-GOTAI, n. flocks and herds; gefin (gef) v.i. bark.
-wus n. calf hide used as receptacle for -gell suf. used to form pl. of nn. in some
liquid; -YlLKE, see EsTIREGAYILKE. southern dialects.
galegurt (N) n. gossip, idle talk. gel2 assemblage, cro'id; - ~, by groups;
galiske (E) n. carriage. -:E, a lot, very; - BESTIN, assemble, form
galosh (E) n. galoshes. crowd; - KW., put in plural form (gram.);
gap n. millet; -EBENG n. name of herb w. -E 12. flock; ~EKOMEK£ n. gen. -EKOMEKE
soporific qualities. Lil K., raise hue and cry against; ~EXAN n.
ga! 2 n. sound, nois(!; - J.:l., shout; - LE J.:l., see pen, enclosure for flocks ; oft. used as second
~E LE K.; -E n. gen. -E LE K., LE K. E -E, element of camp. nn. of assembly, e.g.
raise hue and cry against; -EGAI, n. chatter, KESHTiGEL, MEGEL.
conversation. gelaln. shingly stream-bed.
ga!gali n. kind of cake. Gelawej n. Syrius, July-August, see Appen-
ga!te n. joke, jesting; - K., joke; ~ PE K., dix I.
make fun of; -BEJ n. jester; -cHin. prac- ge~o a. stupid, silly.
tical joker;· -Gil K., harm under appearance geli n. gully, gorge. Also GEl.,.U.
of joking (d.o.). gelor see GELI;JO.
gan n. copulation; - :Q., be promiscuous gelft n. a species of millet-grass.
(woman), submit to sodomy (man), (hence ge! n. crutch, fork of human body; -AWGEI,
-:QER a. and n. one who behaves thus); - K., BOYISHTIN, waddle w. feet apart; ~-U-KING
copulate together; ~GANOK£ n. mutual n. private parts.
sodomy. ge!a 1 n. leaf, foliage; ~ K., burst into 1.;
-gar suf. forming nn. tv. sense doer, maker, ~KUTIK n. wooden laundering bat, bat
e.g. PAREZGAR, PERWERDIGAR. used for beating edges of mud roof; -M:Ew
garan4in (garen) v.t. cluck, cackle. n. vine-leaf; ~n:EzAN n. autumn, fall,
gare, garegar n. clucking, cackling. October-November, see Appendix I; --w-
garis n. millet. ZEL n. roofing materials between beams and
gasin (= GAASIN) see under GA3 • top surface of earth; -XAN n. gathering of
gashe n. pebble, small stone. leaves.
gav (N) n. time, occasion. ge!a2 see GERD-U-GEI.,A.
gaw n. gen. ..... K., rivet (to mend broken ge!a!e n. rough draft, trial specimen.
china). ge!ft see GELi.
gawuk n. bed-bug. gema! n. dog-mastiff.
gawur n. pagan, mod. Christian. Cf. GEWR. gemaro 11. encirclement, siege, blockade;
gayin (ge) v.t. copulate with (of man). - J?., surround, besiege, mob.
gaz 1 (E) 11. gas. geme 11. game, joke; - 1{., play, joke.
gen a. fetid, stinking, loathsome; ~Aw n. tain; -KECH a. submissive; -xtsH a. ob-
evil-smelling pool (oft. sulphureous); stinate, rebellious.
~EGERCHEK n. caper-spurge; --u-Gu n. gerek a. necessary; - n 1., be necessary; -
filth. Also GENii. n. 2 , •need; -r n. necessity.
genc1 a. young. germ a. warm, hot, ...... B., become w., warm
genc 2 n. treasure; -iNE n. closet, store-room, up (fig.); "' nw., become w. again; ...... DA
treasury; -iNEWAN n. treasurer. HATIN, become (tum) warm; ..., K., warm,
gen~Jl see GEN; -EL a. rotten (esp. wood); heat (lit. and fig.); - KW., warm again (esp.
~EXOR a. garbage-eater. food), renew (activity).
gemJ 2 a. incomplete, mediocre, sham; germ in comb.: -A n. hot weather (-A
-EDIZ n. pilferer; -EMU 11. down on lip of BIZUTIN, ""'ADA HATIN, come on, of summer
youth; -EPEZiSHK n. quack; -EPIYAW n. weather; -ACIMAN n. June-July, see Appen-
insignificant person. dix I); -Aw, -AWAN n. hot bath; -AWGERM
gene n. tick (parasite). adv. at once, while the opportunity is good;
genegene (E) n. quinine. -AYi n. warmth, heat; -En. heat, intense
genim n. wheat; - Y QENJ;>EHARi, superior stage (e.g. battle, sleep, etc.); -EGILE n.
quality ofw.;- GIRD u co BILAW, lit. wheat name of ball game requiring great agility
collected barley scattered (formula used in (see GIL 2 K.), and as adv. vigorously, without
group game to separate two teams); a pause, ( -EGILt DA G., abuse roundly, blow
-EKUTAW n. a dish of crushed w.; -ESHAMi up); -EJENE n. heat-rash, prickly heat;
n. maize; -GENIM n. name of parlour game; -EStR n. w. region, the plains, winter camp-
-i, -RENG a. pale (complexion), light- ing-grounds; -ESUT n. kind of light silk
skinned. fabric; -II{ n. early variety of rice; -rYAN,
genfin (gen) v.i. rot, putrefy, (hence -iw, see -ESER; -r n. heat, temperature;
rotten). -iJIMER n. thermometer; --U-GUB a. nice
gep1 a. bulky. and w., cosy.
gep 2 n. gossip, chit-chat. gerwanke n. packet.
gerl conj. see EGER. gerii n. throat, gorge, defile, pass; ...... CHUZAN-
-ger 2 suf. forming nn. w. sense maker, worker EWE, •have sore t.
in, e.g. ASINGER, MISGER. ger1 a. mangy; -Awn. sulphur spring; -r n.
gera n. spawn, roe, eggs of insect, etc.; ...... DA scabies, mange; -oL a. contemptible.
N., spawn, lay eggs;- K., form eggs etc. in ger2 n. tum, bend, false claim, gulf (portion
body. of sea), circle, circular motion, functioning;
gerchek n. castor oil. LE -A B., be working, be functioning;
gerchi see EGERCHi. HATIN E -, begin to revolve or function;
gerd 1 n. dust, blemish; -f, a little; -E1 n. HtNAN E -, caus. of prec.; KEWTIN E ......, see
powder. HATIN E -; LE ..., KEWTIN, cease to revolve
gerd 2 1z. tum, turning round; -AN a. a1Ul n. etc.; ...., PE K., plague, molest, (...., y BARETII!t
turning, conjugation (-AN K., conjugate); pf K., use trifling pretext to pick quarrel w.);
-ANi a. and n. sacrificial, sacrifice; -AWn. x. E -, set revolving etc.; LE ...., x., bring to
whirlpool; -EK n. curtain screening bridal a stop; -EK n. circle, quarter of town; -iJ;>E
chamber; -ESH n. revolution (political etc.); a. widely travelled; -oK a. wanderer;
-ISH n. tour, ramble, walk; --U-GELA n. --u-GfCHEL n. molestation, bullying.
dawn; ...,-U-LUL n. dust-devil, sand-spout; gerfan (ger~) v.i. wander, circulate, perma-
-uN n. celestial sphere, sky; -uNE n. bulate (ESHKEWTEKE -AYN, we searched the
water-wheel, carriage; --U-XUL n. rota- cave), follow to watch (BESER . . . -EWE),
tion. cadge for hospitality from (BESER ... -EWE),
gerde2 n. raw silk. look for (LESHON," BO), desist from or pardon
gerdemil n. neck (as joint of meat). (Lt); -ANJ;>IN (-tN), caus., see also GtBAN;
gerdJn n. neck; ...... AZA K., forgive short- -ANEWE, return, change, change mind,
comings of, give permission to go in repent, {Lfl, from, of), reform, relapse (ESER,
peace; -AZAYi n. gen. -AZAYi LtK K., give into); -ANJ;>INEWE, caus. of prec. give back,
mutual assurance that neither party harbours return. See DA, HEL, Lt, WER.
a grievance against the other esp. on occa- gerelawje n. disharmony.
sion of public festival; -AZAYi XUWASTIN, gergere n. pulley.
ask for such assurances (the formulas used gesik n. broom; ...., LE J;>, sweep (hence -LtJ;>ER,
are as follows: A. --IM AZA KE, B. --IT XOSH sweeper); -E n. name of a coarse grass.
u AZA nfl; or for mutual assurances A. --IM gestin (gez) v.t. bite.
AZA KE, B. TO'SH ...... Y MIN AZA KE, A. --IT gesh a. Fresh, blooming, flourishing, beam-
xosH u AZA DE); -E n. col, pass over moun- ing; ...... nw., be delighted; AGIR- KW., draw
up, stoke, fire; -AYISHT tz. development; gelaxe n. Star of Bethlehem (bot.).
-En. increase ( -E K., increase intr.). gelgele n. tassel of semi-precious stones and
geshanewe (gesM) v.i. be delighted. gold worn on side of head (fern. att.), name
geshke n. gen. - G., be overcome, faint, of a traditional song.
become hysterical (w. joy, of laughter). gelik n. small wild hyacinth.
gesht n. travel, tour; ~ K., travel, tour; gendel n. vetch.
-NAME n. record of travel. geno n. name of a plant from which yellow
gewaq (A) n. pimp. dye is made.
gewah n. witness; -i 11. evidence, testimony. gepe;re n. gen. - Y MIL, part of neck just
gewa!e see I;IEWALE 2 • behind jaw.
gewar a. good, acceptable, wholesome, gere n. threshing w. oxen; - K~, thresh thus,
healthy, palatable. take trouble; ...., pjl K., cause trouble to;
gewc a. stupid, silly. -sHEWEN n. ox that disrupts team, trouble
gewher n. essence, gem; - Y SHEWCHIRA, maker; -sHtwtNi n. disruption; --w-
carbuncle (jewel); -BENJ;) a. bejewelled; Jd:sHE n. troubles, insecurity, harassment.
-DAR a. of high quality; ~i a. essential. geruqe n. captive; -vi n. captivity. Also
gewlaz a. much married. GIROJ;JE.
gewr n. Zoroastrian. Cf. GAWUR. ge;rl a. curved, crooked, leaning, lame.
gewre a. big, grown up, senior; - Y MAL, ge;r 2 pres. stem of GEEAN freely used to form
headofhouseorfamily;- B., grow up;- K., nn. u'. meaning .agent, organizer, adminis-
bring up (child), do honour to; -KENISHK, trator, etc., e.g. PILANGilE, SHORISHTGEE; see
-KICH, eldest daughter, grown-up girl; also BIGEB under BI-.
-MAL n. aristocratic family; -vi n. size. geran (ger) v.t. turn, set in motion, ad-
gewun n. tragacanth shrub. minister, organize, hold (function etc.), roll
gewurk, gewur n. sheep-pen, winter stable, (w. roller, see BAN); -EWE, tum back, give
shallow cave used as shelter. Also KEWURK. back, return, narrate. See DA, HEL, Lil; cf.
· gewz n. rolling motion. GEBAN.
gewzfan (gewze), gewzin (gewz) v.i. roll gerferewe n. narrator; -RAWE n. folk-tale.
about (animals on back, with pain, etc.), gesu n. locks; -BIEAW a. outcast (woman);
wallow (TIYA, in); -ANQIN ( -ilN) caus.; XO -GULINK n. line of tassels, fringe.
-ANJ;>IN, r. on back (animals). geti n. world.
geyishtin (ge) v.i. see GEYIN. gewe n. kind of shoe w. woven uppers.
gefyin (ge; 3 pers. sing. pres. EGA, BIGA) v.i. gezer n. carrot.
arrive (E, at), reach,~meet (BE), (hence -viw gichke a. little; -LE a. tiny.
a. ripe); -YANJ;JIN(~YilN) caus.; XO -YA."<- gidigidi int. used when calling pet kid or
J;liN, betake oneself. See Pil, PilK, BA, Til. tickling child.
gez1 n. tamarisk; -MAZU n. t.-gall. gift (P) n. promise; - J;J., promise; --u-Go
gez 2 n. ell; - y SHAYi, long ell of 72 centi- n. conversation; --U-GO-MAN NiYE LEGEI.
metres; -GEZAN n. heavy snowfall. YARE, I don't know Yare to speak to, I am
gez3 pres. stem of GESTIN and GEZiN. not on speaking terms w. Yare.
gezaf n. boasting, giving exaggerated pro- gij n. stature. Cf. BEGIJ under BE5 •
mises. gijnije n. coriander.
gezin (gez) v.t. bite. gij-u-giya n. vegetation.
gezize n. bluebell. gill n. smarting (eyes); ...., K., smart.
gezne n. nettle. Also GIYAGEZNE. gil 2 n. circular motion, roll; - BW., be rolled,
gezo n. manna; HELWA Y -,manna-nougat; roll; - J;JW., detain, persuade to stay, keep
--W-BON, name of a sweet dish. back, accept (present), save (money); LE ....,
ge pres. stem of GAYiN. KEWTIN, cease to function, drop out; - K.,
geche! see GEB 2 • play game of bouncing ball, making a com-
gehan n. world. plete turn between the bounces (cf. GERM-
gej a. and n. giddy, silly, turning movement; EGILil); ...., KW., cause to roll, roll; -
...., B., be giddy, be worried; - J;l., tum or XUWARDINEWE, be delayed. Cf. TIL, XIL •
swing round; KEWTIN E -EWE, get into diffi- gil2 in comb.: ~ARAw n. habitual spasmodic·
culties; - XUWARDIN, be turned round, movements, St. Vitus's dance; -ENE n. eye-
=:-£,c"'"" wander; -AWn. whirlpool; -En. crown of ball; -ilR a. gen. -tR BW., roll, come to-
head; -ELUKE n. whirlwind, cyclone; gether, collect; -ilR KW., roll, collect;
--U-wilJ a. dull-witted. -tRE n. round shot, hail; -oR BW., roll;
gel a. simple-minded; xo - K., pretend not -oR KW., cause to roll, roll; --U-TIL n.
to understand; -oKE a. dim. rather stupid. rolling; --u-xuL n. prowling around.
gelas n. cherry. gilfan (gil~) v.i. roll over, fall from horse;
TE'WE ~AN, get involved; ~ANJ;>IN (~EN) intricate k.; ~QULFE n. loose k.; ~-W-QORT
caus. roll into a ball; ~ANEWE, roll over and n. difficulties, obstacles.
over; ~Al''IJ;>INEWE caus. of prec. roll into a girift (P) a. complicated; ~t n. complication.
ball. girinc n. small pit, pitting; ~ ~, pitted,
gileyi n. complaint, grievance; ~ BE c:E pock-marked, roughened (stone).
BIHELE, I do apologize, I hope I have not girincan (girince) v.i. become fixed stick
been a nuisance; ~ K., complain (LE, (TE, in). ' '
against). giring a. important. Cf. GIRAN.
gilexe n. bulb w. mauve flower producing giriman conj. supposing that.
size used to give sheen to textiles. girin1 (giri) v.i. weep. Also GIRYAN 1 .
gi! n. clay, earth; ~Aw a. defiled, cere- girin2 n. weeping; ~oK a. tearful, cry-baby;
monially impure, ( ~Aw B., be defiled; ~Aw ~-u-zAR n. w. and wailing .. Cf. GIRYAN 2 •
K. cleanse w. clay and water); ~EBAN n. top girishme n. flirtatious glance or gesture ;
layer of earth of roof ( ~EBAN K., add such --w-NAZ n. coquetry.
layer); ~ENUS n. inscribed tablet of c.; girj a. wrinkled, shrivelled, puckered, sullen;
-ERMENI, gum-ammoniac; ~ESER n. fine c. BIRO (NAWCHEWAN, BU) ~ K., frown (d:, at).
used as hair shampoo; ~ESIPI n. chalk; Also KIRJ.
~ESUR n. kind of red c. used esp. by Shafi'i girman9in (girmen) v.t. rumble, boom.
sectaries for ablutions; ~ENE n. c. cup; See TE.
~IN CANE n. c. pit, chalk pit; -IN a. earthen- girmfe 11. rumble, boom; ~E Y HEWR,
ware; ~iNE n. earthenware pots and pans; thunder; ~EGIRM n. continuous rumbling;
-KARI n. c. plastering; -Ko n. grave- ~HA int. bang! (SERBANEKE ~HA TEPf, the
mound; ~MITK n. clod; ~xoRKE n. mud- roof fell in 'lv. a bang); ~-U-HUB n. see
V>'orm. ~EGIRM.

gi!oftin (gi!of) v.t. massage, knead, rub girmo!e n. ball (of string, wool, etc.); ~ K.,
(eyes). Also HEI,.. screw up into b.
gi!o!e n. ball (string, thread, wool, etc.); ~ giro also -H n. group; .:..,Hi a. collective
KEWTIN E GEJI, *have things go wrong; ~ K., (gram.).
wind into b.; ~BEN n. b. of string. girok (SN) n. kind of wild silk.
gi!pe n. blaze, flare;~ G.,~ SENI)IN, flare up. girpe see GILPE.
Also GIRPE. girtin (gir) v.t. take, seize, arrest, capture,
gindore n. melon. extract (e.g. juice), hold, keep, engage,
gir pres. stem of GIRTIN. adhere, show (respect), close, break in
giran a. heavy, weighty, difficult, dear (horse), cut (hair), blossom, fruit, and many
(price), PE ~ HATIN, *be displeased about; other meanings varying w. the associated n.,
~ KEWTIN, be expensive, be burdensome pron., adj. or prep.; when used w. a n. denot-·
(ESER, for); ~ K., raise price of; ~BAa. ex- ing a pain, malady, or the like this may gen.
pensive, valuable; ~cAN a. charging high be the subject of the v. and the per9fm affected
prices; ~ETE n. typhoid fever; -in. weight, the object, or vice versa; BIGIRE (2 pers. sing.
expensiveness, famine; ~PAYE a. important imperat.) as adv. indeed, nay more; BIGIRE
(person), of high degree. LE, starting from; but BIGIRBIGIR, BIGIRE-W-
gird a. and n. round, mound, assembled, BERDE n. scuffle; xo ~,be successful, make
collection, environs; ~ BW., assemble; ~ one's pile, control oneself, brace oneself
KW., collect, bring together; ~E n. clause (BERAMBER BE, to resist), eavesdrop, lie in
· (gram.); ~ELE dim. a. and n. tubby (person); wait (LE, for); '""' E xo, undertake; GIRAN,
~fl n. rotundity; ~i 2 a. total; ~KE, ~oKE, pass. see separate entry; ~EWE, take back,
~oLKE, see ~ELE; ~-u-Ko n. collection; catch (ball in air), hold open (hands, re-
~-u-xuL n. rotation, gyration. ceptacle), mix, compound (medicines), set
giregire n. gen. in pl. GIREGIREKAN, nobles. (bone), cast (horoscope), reach, include,
Cj. GIRAN. comprise, cover, engulf, etc., etc. See DA,
girew n. stake, bet, betting; "" BIRDINEWE, HEL,LE,PE,BA,TE,WER,YEK.
win bet; ~ DOBANJ;>IN, lose bet; ~ K., bet, girtik n. shred of meat adhering to bone.
wager. girfm (giru) also ~EWE v.t. flay.
gire n. knot, phrase; ~ ~,knotted, compli- giryfan 1 (girye) v.i. weep; ~ANJ;>IN (~:EN),
cated; BEN ~ J;>., knot string (esp. of string caus. reduce to tears. Also GIRiN 1 •
tied by Sheikh on wrist of sufferer as cure giryan 2 n. weeping; BE ~EwE, tearfully. Cf.
for malaria); ~!)IRAN, or w. impers. construc'- GIRIN 2 •
tion, fail to consummate marriage ( ~-YAN gir1 a. stiff, hoarse (voice), prominent (front
J;JAWE, he failed etc.); ~cHIN a. em- teeth; DAN ~ KW., show front teeth while
broidered; ~JENE n. door socket; ~KOREn. talking).
gir 2 n. circular motion; - XUWARDIN, re- ~-U-DAR (P) n. dominion j ~-U-GIRIFT (P),
volve, wander; ~-u-FIB n. bragging, bluff. difficulties, obstacles.
gir3 n. flame; - y DIJ;.., distress; ~ G., flare girfan (gir~) pass. of GIRTIN, be taken, be
up; ~HA~J 11. f.-thrower; ~-U-PIF n. flash caught, be eclipsed (sun, moon; oft. as n.
in the pan. -AN y MANG, eclipse of the moon. etc.);
gira!k n. wormwood. -Aw a. detained, under arrest.
giran (gir~) v.i. see HEJ;.. GIBAN. giranqin (gir~n) v.t. used only w. DA and
gir-u-ga! n. prattle. HEJ;.., see DA GIRSANI)IN, HEL GIRSANI)IN.
girw~ a. mangy, attacked by dry rot, honey- girfan n. pocket; -BIB 11. pickpocket.
combed. girsfan (girs~) v.i. and ~ANJ?IN ( -ilN) caus.
gisht a. and pron. every, all, everything; ~i used only w. DA and HEX.. q.v.; -ANEV\'E1 , see
a. and n. general, common (noun), gener- HEL GiRSANEWE.
ality (BE -r, in general). girsfanewe 2 (girs~) v.i. be stopped in fall,
giv a. thick, dense. be caught up on sg. (PE'WE), come down to
givfe n. rustle; ~EGIV n. continuous rustling; earth, die down (e.g. fighting); ~ANJ?INEWE
~GIVE n. humming toy swung on end of ( ~~N) caus. bring to a stop, hold up.
string. giregir n. gen. - K., find fault (BESER ••• -A,
giya n. grass, herbage; ~cAB n. hay field with).
before mowing; -GE[..E 11. name of a weed; gisk n. kid of 3 to 6 months.
-GENIM n. wild oats; -GEZNE n. nettle; gishe 11. haycock, stook.
~HERZIN n. slender foxtail. gite n. line of pillars (in building). See
giyan n.life, soul, being;~ Y ~AN, God; in .DUGITE.
voc. expr. affection ~E, ~EKE, ~~(fem.), dear, giv n. gen. xo ~ J?., xo ~ K., puff oneself up.
dear heart; - I)., die; HEMU ~-IM ELERtt, give, givegiv see GIVE.
I am shivering all over; ~QAR n. living gizanqin (giz~n) v.t. make whistling sound.
creature; -EGIYAN n. expr. of affection gize, gizegiz n. whistling (bullet), singing
· dearest heart; ~EJ;..AN n. moment of death; (kettle), etc.
-iGIYANi a. dearly beloved, intimate; go1 11. ability to function normally; LE ~
-KEsH n. angel of death, Izra'il; ~KEsHAN KEWTIN, cease to function, be unable to
n. death pangs; ~LEBER n. living creature, work; ~ K., function norn1ally, move, work,
animal. Cf. CAN. oft. in neg. be impaired (e.g. in speech, use
giz a. unfair; ~in. unfairness, cheating; ~r of limb, etc.); LE ~ x., prevent from, render
K., cheat. incapable of, working.
gize (! .) oft. ~ -.i~t. expr. contemptuous go 2 n. ball, sphere; - Y ERZ, terrestrial globe;
disbelief what nonsense!, go and tell that to """' Y HUNER, prize for skill; ~ Y MEMIK,
the horse-marines. nipple; ~BENQ 11. assembly, tumult, com-
gizgil n. large kind of polished oak-apple; motion j -MEI,rlZAN n. tumult j ~PITE,
~ BO K. BE GOZEBANE, think someone not ~PKE n. button, bud ( -PKE K., begin to
worth troubling about. sprout). Cf. Ko 2 •
gizing n. first rays of rising sun, name of a goc a. maimed in the hand.
wild flower. gochan n. staff, crook, polo-stick, hockey-
gizir a. dried; ~En. hay (mown and dried); stick.
~E K., make hay. gogirt n. sulphur.
gizir 11. headman, person in authority. gol n. pond; - -,spotted; -Awn. pool.
gingle n. coil; ~ XUWARDIN, coil self up (e.g. go! see GURC-U-GOL.
snake). go}e n. bar of door or of window.
gipe n. kind of haggis. go!mez see GOBENQ.
gir a. and n. ca1.1ght, grip, difficulty, obstacle, gom n. lake; SER K. BE ~A, ruin (Y); ~Awn.
stubbornness, power of resistance, self- pool.
control; ~B., be fixed, be stuck (T~, in), be gone 11. cheek.
established (LE, in); BE ~ (BER ~) HATIN gone! n. season, time.
(KEWTIN), be caught, be obtained; BE ~ gopa! see GOCHAN.
(BER ~) H~NAN, catch, obtain; ~ K., grasp, gopite, gopke see under co 2 •
grip, adhere to (L~, rl); ~ MAN, be held Goran n. name of a tribe in Persian Kurdis-
back, be at a loss; BE ~ WESTAN, be painful tan, non-tribal peasant in Sulaimani district;
(part of body); BE - (BER - ) x., catch, ~fin. name of a dialect spoken in parts of
obtain; ~ XUWARDIN, be held back; ~A a. Kurdistan; ~i 2 , song (~f CHIBIN, sing;
gen. -A B., be fulfilled (prayer); -Aw~ n. ~f PIYA HEL I)., sing praises of; ~f WUTIN,
shadda (sign of doubled letter in Arabic sing); ~iBEJ 11. singer.
script); ~E 11. vice (tool); ~01;m, see GERVDE; gorewi n. sock; - Y EJNO - Y LASKDIREJ n.

stocking; xo I}. E ~, tuck lower part of -l}ER n. listener; DDR LE -l}ERAN, absit
trousers into stockings; ~cHIN n. name of omen); BE -J;>A HEL l}., hint to, give .to
a small bird. understand (Y); J?. EPISHT ~, neglect,
gorin a. well-known. ignore; "'G. (also-LEG., - Lfr BAG.) heed,
gor1 n. depression, open space, arena, wild obey, (hence -em a. attentive, obedient);
ass(= KER Y ~). "' BA HfrsHTIN, heed (Bo); BER "' KEWTIN,
gor2 n. grave; EWE ~-Y nfr, he deserves what *hear; BER BAY - KEWTIN, *hear rumours
he has got; ~ HEL AXINiN, abuse dead per- of; - EA KfrsHAN, warn, give wigging to, (Y);
son (Y); ~BEGOB a. unlamented ( ~nEGOB B., BE"' K., ~ Lfr K., obey, follow advice of; -
die unlamented); -EWAN n. guardian of SHIL K., listen intently (BO, to); ~ LEQANJ;>IN,
tomb; -EWSHAR n •. pressure of earth on twitch ears, follow slavishly (no; oft. neg.,
fresh g. ( -EWSHAR K., apply severe pressure ignore completely); x. EPISHT - , see J}.
to, torture); -HELKEN n. g.-digger; ~HEL­ EPISHT - ; "' HE!, X., prick up the ears,
KENE, ~HELTEiffiNE n. badger; ~ISTAN, listen intently.
graveyard, cemetery; -icHE 11. stone lining go in comb.: -AGIRDAN n. fireside; -BERXE,
of g., stone-lined runnel, covered drain; sheep's sorrel (bot.); ~CHENE n. disk at end
-XANE n. see ~ISTAN. of spindle; -cHKE 11. dim. of -; ~t;>AR a.
gor 3 see AL-U-GOJ!. obedient; -DIREJ 11. donkey; -DIBAW a. lit.
goran (gore) v.i. change; ~EWE, be ex- having lacerated ears, gen. SEG y -DIBAW,
changed. quarrelsome person; -GIRAN a. hard of
gorin (gor) v.t. change; xo - , c. clothes, hearing; -KIP a. deafened; -KUN a. well
disguise oneself, c. one's attitude (Lfr, informed; -LAK 11. side of head; -LEMIST
towards); -EWE, exchange, barter; GENIM a. gullible; -LEQ a. in adversity; -MAsi n.
U GOZ SER BE SER -EWE, barter wheat for scallop-shell; ~QULAX a. alert; -QURS a. see
walnuts load for load. See Lfr. ~GIRAN; -QUT, -BEP a. having erect pointed
-gorke 11. exchange, only as second element of ears; ~suwANE 11. eaves; -s(}K a. acute of
comp. nn. e.g. cfrGOBidL hearing.
gosale n. yearling calf. goflik also ~REKE n. sucking calf.
gosh n. gen. ~ K., resuscitate (only of new- gonil n. sack, large bag.
born child). goni 2 n. tragacanth thorn.
goshawgosh adv. from ear to ear (e.g. cut goz n. walnut; ~EKORE n. bad w.; -tN a.
throat). game played w. walnuts.
go she n. corner, angle; - Y CIGER, offspring; gozan n. razor.
"'Y CHAW, C. of the eyes; -GIR, ~NISHiN gozanewe (goz) v.t. transport, transfer, also
a. and n. recluse. w. intr. meaning move, change position. Cf.
gosht n. meat;~ G., put on weight; -Awn. GUWASTINE\VE.
gravy (CHOLEKE XO-T CHi-YT U -AW-IT gozebane n. sweets distributed to guests at
cHi-YE, who do you think you are?); celebration of birth of child.
~EWZUN DER HfrNAN, heal (wound); ~FIROSH guja!k n. colocynth.
n. butcher (dealer in m.); -IN a. corpulent; gujm n. violence, energy; BE ~, energetic-
~NEXOR a. and n. vegetarian; ~xoR, a. and ally, hard, violently; ~E n. charge, attack;
n. carnivorous, carnivore. -E Y BARAN, rain-storm; ~E J;>., work up
got a. crippled w. lumbago. (children's swing).
gota! n. flocks. guP a. short (stature).
goteke n. name of an outdoor game resem- gu!2 a. and n. leprous, leper; -i 11. leprosy.
bling leap-frog. gulac n. kind of sweet made of thin layers
gotre n. bulk (commercial), gen. BE ~, in b. of pastry and walnuts.
gowar 11. see KOWAR under Ko 2 • gule n. bullet; J;> •. EBER ~, BER ~ J;>., shoot
goxi! n. reaper (of rice). someone or at someone; ~ XUWARDIN, be
goyij n. hawthorn. wounded; -BARAN n. heavy rifle fire;
goze n. porous clay pot; -GER n. potter; -PIJEN n. machine-gun; ~xoR n. calibre.
-LE n. dim.; ~suRKEREWE n. kiln fireman. gulink n. vagina.
gozirwan n. bugloss, borage, alkanet. Also gu! n. flower, ear of corn; ~ CHINiNEWE,
BINGOZIRWAN. pick flowers, glean; N G., bud, put forth
go n. ear, edge; ~ Y SHEYTAN KEB nfr, may buds; - K., .flower, blossom; "' KW., pick
the devil not hear (formula coupled w. good flowers.
news or praise); "' BIBiN, lit. cut the ears, gu! in comb. (except names of flowers): -AN n.
outwit (Y); - Lfr B., *hear; ~ TE'WE n., April-May, see Appendix I; -AWn. rose-
*listen furtively, *overhear; "' J}., listen to, water ( ~AW KfrsHAN, make rose-water);
take notice of, be interested in (E; hence -AWJ.>AN n. rose-water bottle; ~Awi n.
GUL 57
species of pear; ~AWPIJb< n. scent-spray; gurbe n. tom-cat.
~BAJ;lEMr n. and a. textile having 'almond' gurbiz a. strong, vigorous, brave.
pattern; ~BANG 11. sound of a good voice, gurc a. quick, alert, ready for action; xo .....,
welcome announcement, invocation; K., get ready to do sg.; ~-u-GOL a. lively,
~BEDEM a. fresh (cucumber); ~J?AN n. active.
f.-vase; ~Eco n. ear of barley; ~EGENIM n. gurchik, gurchile n. kidney; AW y - ,
ear of wheat; ~ENI;>AM a. of elegant figure, nephritis.
shapely (woman); ~EP~GHEMERE n. maize; gurchu n. crop (bird).
~EB~ZAN n. gen. ~EB~ZAN K., scatter flowers gurez n. avoidance.
over; ~ESTERE n. fire-fly, glow-worm; gurg n. wolf, clever person; ~ANESHEW~ n.
~EWECHIN n. gleaner; ~EWECHIN~ n. glean- nursery rhyme; ~ANGAZ a. in league w.
ing; ~GUJ..i a. flowered, decorated w. floral enemy, traitor; ~ANXUWARDU n. guts, en-
design; ~ISTAN n. rose-garden; ~SHEN n. trails; -ELOQE n. lope; ~EQAL n. growling
f.-garden; ~UNKE n. tassel; ~zAR n. f.- ofw.; ~EXEW n. doze w. one eye open;
garden. ~Ez~ n. weather of alternate sunshine and
gu! in comb., names of flowers (only those are showers; --U-MEB n. false dawn.
givm here which are not readily identifiable gurge n. wall-coping of twigs.
from the second element of the combb. entered guris n. cord, thong, (of goat-hair); -K~SH­
elsewhere): ~AtE, tulip; ~ALESURKE, red EK~ n. tug-of-war.
tulip; ~EBAX, species of red rose from gurz n. club w. pliant handle; -E 11. bundle;
which attar and rose-water are made; -EHON n. thick rope; ~EMAR n. a species of
~EBEHARE, buttercup; ~EBEBOJE, sunflower; snake; ~GURZ~N n. game played w. clubs.
~ECHAwfu>HE, camomile; ~EFEQ~, camo- gur1 n. energy, impetus; - BESTINEWE,
mile; ~EM~H n. mil foil, yarrow; ~ENAR limber up.
( = ~EHENAR), -..vild pomegranate blossom; gur2 also ~E, ~EGUB n. murmur of crowd;
~ENISAN, anemone, red ranunculus; -ESHE 11. menace ( ~ESHE Y HEWR, mutter-
~EPAYIZE, zinnia; ~EQEYIFE see SEWJ}; ings of distant thunder); -E-W-BIBE n. fuss,
~ESHESTPER, French marigold; ~EXENE see pother.
XENE2 ; ~EZERD, yellow rose; ~rK, any wild gur3 see GERM-U-GUfi.
meadow-f.; ~XENI;>ERAN, name of a twining gustax a. bold.
plant. gush n. jute, hemp, flax, hempen rope.
gulb~ne n. flue. gushin1 (gush) v.t. see T~ GUSHiN.
gu!ejene n. kind of large spinqle for winding gushin 2 (gush) v.t. press, squeeze, shake
thread. (hands); xo ~ BO, hurry towards. See HEL.
gu!m@x n. large iron peg. gutin (!~) v.t. see WUTIN.
gum a. lost, not visible; ~ K., lose, lose sight guwan1 (guw@) v.i. bruise (become dis-
of; ~NAW a. insignificant (person), extinct; coloured).
~~ a. unprincipled. guwan2 n. udder.
guman n. doubt, thought;~ BIRDIN, doubt; guware n. ear-ring.
~ K., doubt, think; ~t a. doubtful. guwastinewe (goz) v.t. transport, trans-
gumete n. bound, leap; ....., 1;>., bound. fer; also w. intrans. meaning, move, change
gumrik n. customs; ~ K., clear through c.; position. Cf. GOZANEWE.
~cHr n. c.-official; ~xANE n. c.-house. guwaya adv. apparently, it seems, as it were.
gun n. testicle; ~E~LE n. spermatic cord; guzer (P) n. passage, passing, part of covered
~BESH n. bete noire, pet aversion. bazaar reserved for a particular trade or
gunah n. sin; ~ K., commit s.; ~BAR a. craft;~ K., do without, dispense with, (Lt);
guilty; -J?AR a. sinner; -KAR n. criminal. -ANn. livelihood (~AN K., support oneself,
gunc n. earthenware drain-pipe. make both ends meet); -GA, n. passage,
guncan (gunc@) v.i. be containable, fit, (E, way through.
T~, in, into), harmonize, get on well, (LEGEf.., gil 11. excrement, dross; ~wASIN, n. dross of
with; P~KEWE, together), be possible in the iron; ~wAwi a. filthy.
circumstances. Also XUNCAN. giimez n. doine, domed building.
guncayisht n. fitting in, capacity, space, giinye n. right angle, set-square.
good relations. giip n. inside of cheek, cheek when inflated;
gun4 n. village. -IN a. chubby.
gun4ik, gunk n. lump, clod. giiri (N) n. sacrifice.
gunye n. sack.

gha!ib (A) a. victorious; ~i, ~hi 11. victory. gherib (A) a. and 11. strange, stranger. See
ghar (A) n. gallop; ~ J{., gallop; ~GHAREN n. .ghesh (A) n. adulteration.
horse-racing. See TAW'. gheshim (A) see XESHiM.
ghara see XARA3 • gheybet (A) n. slander behind one's back,
ghayen (A, KHA'IN) a. perfidious; ~hi n. secret vilification. See PASHMILE, XUSP.
perfidiousness; -t n. perfidy. gheza (A) n. war in the name of religion.
ghayeti (A) adv. with the sole object of. ghezel1 (A) n. ode.
ghaz (E) n. gas ; ~ Y XINKENER, poison gas. ghezel2 n. kind of silk fabric; - y HE'WTB£NG,
ghazi (A) n. conqueror. s. f. striped in many colours; - y NARINcl;
gheflir (A) a. merciful, forgiving. ·See s. f. in orange and white stripes.
BEXSHAYISHTGER. ghiret (A) n. zeal.
ghe!beghe!b n. murmur, noise, of crowd. ghurbet (A) n. absence in foreign land.
ghe!ebe (A) n. victory; ~ K., conquer, de- ghus! (A) n. gen. - K., perform the major
feat, (BESER ••• ·A). ritual ablution; -XANE n. ablution tank in
ghe!et (A) tz. error. See HELE1• mosque. See TE KEWTIN.
gb,erez (A) n. object, grudge; ~ B. LEGEL, ghul (A) n. gett. - y BIYABAN n. demon
*have grudge against. believed to infest desert places. Also I;IOL3 •
gherghere n. gargling.

ha1 (w. the verbal inflexions, -M, ~vT, , hache n. howl, laugh of hyena.
-YN, -N, ~N) V.i. be, be present; JINEK HA J.taftz (A) n. and a. one who knows the Koran
LEGEi,.-Y, there is a woman w. him; MINALE- by heart, blind; - B., be blind. See MELA-
KAN -N LE DEBISTAN, the children are now KORE.
at school. Cf. HE 2 • hajan4in (haj~n) v.t. murmur (stream).
ha2 int. z. (prolonged call in answer to distant haje, hajehaj n. muririur of stream.
hail) yes! 2. (at end of sentence to reinforce haj-u-hu 11. howling; esp. h. of dervishes.
warning, prohibition, command, etc., or in haka (! .) adv. nearly, shortly; -HAT, he will
resuming statement of collocutor) you under- be here in a minute. Also HARKA.
stand, and so, e.g.: SER-IM ~ MESHEWENIN J.takim (A) n. governor, judge; -ANE a. and
-, please understand that you are not to adv, governmental, with authority; -ihf n.
worry me; KABIRA MIRDUWE ~,and so the governorship (office, period of holding
fellow is dead, is he? 3· (also -Nii), look, office); -r n. act of ruling.
see, here is, e.g.: -(or ~NE) EM EMUSTiLEYE l}.al (A) n. condition, ecstasy; - NEB., *be
BO TO, here is this ring for you. unwell, *be in difficult circumstances; LE -
has .•. ha conj. either ... or; -ESP - EsTIR Y XOJ?A B., be at death's door;- G., become
HERKAMEK-YAN DES KEV\'t BASH-E, either ecstatic; - LE HATIN, *become ecstatic;
horses or mules whichever of them is ob- -r a. gen. -t B., understand (Lf~); -r K.,
tainable will do. explain to, enlighten; ~-U-EI;IWAL n. gen.
ha 4 int. (at end of sentence to reinforce request) --u-EI;IWAI. PIRSiN, ask after the welfare
I implore you. (v, of).
l}.acet (A) 11. necessaries, outfit, equipment, ha!aw n. steam, hot air, warmth.
tools; - Y DARTASHi, carpenter's tools; - y ha!e n. glanders w. nasal ulcers (horse).
NAWMAL, household utensils. hamar see HAMWAR.
J.taci (A) n. pilgrim, one who has performed hamsho see AMSHO.
the pilgrimage to Mecca. hamwar a. flat, straightforward, simple.
hacibadcm n. macaroon. han n. encouragement~ incitement;- Q., en-
~acibcyan 11. name of the seed of a common courage; -EHANE n. persistent incitement.
weed. hana n. appeal for help; as int. help!; -
hacile1 11. name of a wild flower. BIHDIN EBER, - HENAN EBER, appeal for help
~acile 2 11. name of the seed of a wild herb. to; - K., shout for help ..
hanin (han) v.t. see HENAN. ness; -coR a. of the same kind; -cuT a.
hapo see APO. alike, equal; -CHAw n. rival ( -CHAwf n.
J.tapul n. handicap (allowance m game of emulation, competition); ~cHEK a. and n.
marbles). comrade in arms; ~cHEQ a. concentric;
J.taqu n. only in KOTIR Y ~,pouter pigeon. -cHESHN a. similar; -nEM a. and n. close
har a. rabid, mad; ~-u-HAC a. ruffian, rough, friend, intimate; -DENG n. ready helper;
tough. -nERD a. companion in misfortune, sym-
harka ( .) see HAKA. pathetic; -DES a. of same kind; -KAR n.
hare1 n. name of InJurious insect that confederate, colleague, co-operator (-KARl
attacks (TE J;>.) vegetables. n. co-operation); -MAL n. one who shares
hare 2 11. clank, loud clinking, roar (of flood house w. another, fellow lodger; -MIL n.
water); · ~ K., make such noises, crash yoke-fellow, consort; -NAW a. and n. name-
noisily. sake, synonym; -NEBERD n. antagonist;
harije n. moan, groan; ~ K., moan, groan. -NISHIN a. and n. fellow resident; -NiSHT-
harijin (harij) v.i. moan, groan. MAN 11. compatriot; -NORE n. one who takes
harin (har), harinewe v.t. grind. turns w. another; -PAn. accomplice, person
has 11. wild hyacinth. of same type; -PAYE a. of equal status;
J.tasha (A) n. denial, avoidance; as int. God -PEYMAN a. ally, confederate; -PIRSEKE,
forbid!; ~ l;IUZUR, ~ i.E BU Y l;IAZIHi, saving PIRSi 11. conversation; -PISHT, n. brother by
your presence; ~ K., deny; ~ LE K., (of a same father; -PiSHE n. professional col-
wife) leave husband, renouncing deferred league; -QEI;> a., gen. -QEI;> B., embrace (Y);
portion of bridal gift and other rights and -BAZ n. sharer of secret, intimate; -BEn.
so oblige hiri1 to divorce her (no, and leave companion, colleague ( -BEYf n. companion-
her free to marry another); -l;IAZIRI (n.) K., ship, co-operation); -sAL a. of same age;
make excuses preparatory to slandering SAZ a. consonant, compatible; -SEJ;>E a. be-
absent person. longing to the same century; -sENG a. of
hat1 n. luck (NEHAT n. misfortune); - B., equal weight or importance; -sER n. con-
*be lucky; ~-u-NEHAT, n. sg. of uncertain sort; -sERDEM a. contemporary; -st n.
outcome (BEY ~-u-NEHAT, course of action neighbour; -siNUR a. limitrophe; · -soND
of uncertain outcome, gamble). n. ally, conspirator; -sHAN a. equal in rank;
hat2 3 pers. sing. preterite ind. he came; as n.: -sHAR n. fellow citizen; -sHfRE n. foster-
BU BE ~ ~ Y RoM, it was always just going brother, foster-sister; -TAn. the equal, the
to happen but never did; ~-u-cHo n. com- like(HERGIZ -TA-YNEBUWE, there has never
ing and going, social intercourse. been his like); -TEK n. companion; -TEMEN
hatin (:E; pres. ind. D'EM, J?'EM, Y'EM, etc., a. of same age; ~TERAZU a. equal in weight,
pres. sub. B'EM, etc.) v.i. come (hence H.uu a match (LEGEL, to, for); -WULAT n. com-
also DAHATU a. coming, future), be audible, patriot; -XEF n. sharer of same bedroom or
be heard (used w. most words denoting a dormitory; -xuWAN n. one who eats at same
sound), be visible in the distance, be per- table; -z:Er;> a. and n. fellow-countryman;
ceptible (by senses); HETA y':E, HETA HAT, more ~ziG a. and n. twin, twin brother, twin
and more; BESER ..• -A ~,descend upon, sister; ~zrMAN a. speaking the same lan-
happen to, come suddenly upon, surprise in guage.
the act, counsel, comfort, console, humour; hawal see AWEI,.
BO ~,come out right for, *be successful in; hawan n. mortar (for use w. pestle); TOP
~ E, ~ESER, come to, begin (....., E GEB, begin y -, mortar (ordnance), also AWAN.
to revolve; - E QISE, begin to speak; ....., ESER hawar 1 n. shout, esp. call for help; HEY ~,
EWE KE ••• , come to the point of doing sg.; help! j BE -EWE HATIN, come to help (Y, of) j
cj. corresponding caus. constructions w. ~ K., shout, call for help; -t n. reserves
HENAN); ~EWE, come back, come again, (milit.).
*feel an emotion, e.g. BEZ -EWE, *be dis- hawar 2 n. camp, stage on march; -GE n.
gusted; -Ew' ESER xo, come round from camping ground. Also HEWAR.
faint, recover consciousness; ~EwE YEK, haw~r n. gen. ~ K., return flocks to their
come together, meet (two ends of sg.). See several owners in evening (shepherd).
DA, DER, HEL, LE, PtJ;>A (PIYA), PE'WE, PEK, BA. hawhaw n. commotion.
haw pref. meaning together, equal, co-, con-, hawin n. summer; ~ANn. and adv. s. time,
etc.: -BENJ;> a. connected; ~BESH a. and n. in s.; ,...EHAWAR n. s. camp, s. resort;
partner, participator; -BESHAYETI n. social- -EPICHKOLE n. spell of fine warm weather
ism; -BESHETf, -BESHIYETI n. partnership, at season other than s.
participation; ....;BESHi n. sharing, associa- hawishtin (haw~j) v.t. throw. SeeDER.
tion, sympathy; --CILEW a. in double bar- ha'\vitin (haw) v.t. throw.
hawurdin (used in past tenses only) v.t. see aim at last target; - K., make the p.,
HENAN. hit last target (marbles); -Ac n. pilgrims
hay1 int. expr. disbelief, surprise, or affirmation (gen. in conducted party).
according to the context, surely not!, really?, l].ecamet (A) n. cupping between the
but - -, yes of course!; - co, I spy! (in shoulders, - K., cup thus. .
hide-and-seek); --U-HUY 11. shouted argu- Hecici n. villager of Hajij in Hawraman gen.
ment, angry scene. skilled in crafts associated w. gipsies. Cf.
hay2 int. used in crying wares e.g. - HELirn, DOM, QEREC, XEEAT.
eggs for sale!. hecu (A, ! .) n. lampoon, satire.
.l:].azir (A) a. ready, present; -i a. and n. hech 1 n. cup used in game of HECHAN, cup
available, present company (DUR LE EU Y and ball.
-i, may the like not happen to anyone here hech 2 a. always in conj. w. indef. suf. -~. -~K:
present). - cF:rt, whatever place; - coR:fr, whatever
hazime (A) n. quality as aid to digestion. kind of; - KAMll, whichever one; - KESE,
he' int. no. - PIYAW~, whoever; - SHIT~, whatever;
he' int. I. in answer to address yes; z. pro- ~ WEXTE, whenever; -i, see HERCHt
longed, exp. surp1'ise or incredulity really! Cf. heche1 int. gee-up! (gen. to urge on donkey)
HA 2 • . also -HAl; ~ LE K., urge on with cries of-;
he- 2 particle w. meaning existent. I. HE- pref. -HECH n. continuous cries of-.
to the enclitic verb 'to be' (HEM,· HEY(T), hechfe2 also -EHECH n. laugh of hyena,
HEYE, HE'YN, HEN, HEN), and to the preterite yapping; ~-U-LUR n. howling.
ind. and the pres. and imperf. subj. of BUN hechin (hech) v.i. laugh (hyena).
(HEBUM etc., HEBIM etc., HEBUMAYE etc.) l].ed (A) n. limit, authority, right; LE - BE
gives the meaning exist, be present; the other DER, excessively; EW - -Y CHi-YE NAW Y MIN
tenses are expressed by simple BUN without HE-; BEnE, what right has he to mention my name.
XUWA HEYE, God exists; EGER LE SHAREKEJ?A J;tedis (A) n. traditional record of sayings of
PEZiSHK HEBUWAYE, if there had been any Prophet Muhammad.
doctors (present) in the town. 2. inconj. w. I].efta n. and a. seventy; ~M, ~MiN a. seven-
the pron. aff. and followed by the 3 pers. sing. tieth .
of enclitic 'to be', HE-M-E (-M HEYE), HE-T-E .l:].efte n. week.
(-T HEYE), HE\'"ET-Y (-Y HE\'"E), HE-MAN-E he~be n. large saddle-bag.
E ( ..YAN HEYE), or of the preterite and perf. ind. hejar a. poor, miserable; -i n. poverty.
or of the pres. and imperf. subj. ofBiiN, HE-M- hejde n. and a. eighteeQ; .~ .· ~ QISE EKA, he is
BU (-M HEBU) etc., HE-M-BUwE (-M HEBUWE) very loquacious; -M, -MiN a. eighteenth.
etc., HE-M-BET (-M HEBET), HE-M-BUWAYE hejdeha, hejdiha see EJDEHA.
( -M HEBUWAYE), etc., it gives the meaning have, hej~ n. burr (clinging -pod), unwelcome
possess, get (tr.), and the verb is then con- hanger-on.
jugated and constructed like a past tense of a tr. J;tekim (A) n. doctor, physician. See PEZiSHK.
verb; if the 'direct object' is not mentioned the hell n. opportunity; FIRiSHTE Y ~, guardian
3 pers. sing. oj the pres. tense is HEYET-Y; all angel; -noz a. opportunist.
tenses of BUN uithout HE- may also denote hel2 n. stroke in game of tip-cat, see HELilK.
possession in the same way: BU-TAN, you had; l].el8 n. time, moment; EW ~E, that time; EW
BI-MAN-BE; if we have; BUBET-YAN, if they ~ANE, those days.
have had; BU-TAN-BUWAYE, if you had had; helac (A) n. cotton-carder; -i K., card. See
PARE-'f HEYE? BEI,E HE-M-E, have you any SHf.
money? yes, I have; Ni-M-E BEI,AM BU-M, I helahela a. in shreds; - K., tear to shreds.
haven't any but I had some; PARE-Y HEYE? helat n. empty boast; - L:il: J?., boast, make
BELE, HEYET-Y, has he any money? yes, he extravagant claims.
has; EGER PARE' SH-IM BET, even if I have helayil n. name of plant believed to grow in
some money; EGER B-IM BE, if I have any; China; JAR Y - , ZEHR Y - , deadly poison.
EGER NE'SH-IM Bf."T, even if I haven't any. heleke n. dance; -sEMA, dance, name of
3· HE- replaces the subj. pref. BI- where this species of falcon; KEWTIN E -SEMA, become
occurs; it .is not retained w. the negative excited, jump up and down w. excitement.
(NE- 3 ). l].eleleley see KISSEY.
he 2 in comg.: -BUN n. existence; -YETi n. helelok n. a species of prunus.
fact of existing; -Yi n. existence. J;teleq meleq, meaningless words at beginning
l].eb (A) n. pill. of jingle 'J;!ELEQ MELEQ, DENK Y LEQLEQ, KiSE
l].ec (A) n. pilgrimage to Mecca, last target in W KEMER, YA P~GHEMER,' recited by player
game of marbles; CHUN BO - , go on p., before making guess in game such as KALE-
MISTft, or used to select one of group of players up, be omitted, be abolished, be abducted
in maimer of English children's rhyme be- (hence -GiRAW a. abducted), and other pass.
ginning 'Ena, mena, mina, mo'; as adj., non- senses of""" G.; ....., GiRANDIN, see """ GIRSANJ;>IN;
sensical. ....., GIRSAN, flare up (....., GiRSANJ;>IN, caus. of
l].ellela int. how very strange (ironical). prec. set alight); ....., GiRSANEWE, flare up
hel!a n. angry shouting, riotous behaviour, again; """ cusHN, ctush; ....., HATIN, come
riot. up, swell up, ferment, rise (sun, moon, star),
helorfke (SN) n. oscillation; -IK n. swinging escape, change colour (HESH - HATIN, turn
cradle. black), see also LE....., HATIN; """HftNAN, bring
heliik n. bail used in game of -tN tipcat. See up, bring to light, solve (puzzle), open (eyes
HEL1 • after sleep or illness), hatch (bring forth
heliirbiliir n. name of round game; ....., K., from egg); ...., HL'>:CAN, draw (water from
play this game. well etc.); ....., JDiARDIN, reckon, calculate
l].elwela see l].allela. (figures); - KALA~, - KALiN, scold, shout
he!adv.up, used toformalargeclass of comp. vv. angrily at, (PIYA); ....., KENJ;>IN, dig up,
expr. cl~arly or obscurely this idea (nn. derived uproot, engrave; ....., KEWTIN, be different
directly from such vv. but not shown w. them from others, be distinguished (hence
are given in the next article): ....., ATIN, see ·"" -KEWTU a. uncommon, exceptional), hap-
HATIN; "" AWASIN, hang up; ....., AXININ, pen by chance; - KEsHAN, draw up, extract,
block up (hole, passage); ""BESTIN, tie up, belaud beyond deserts (xo "" KfisHAN,
muffie (face), put in sling (arm), put up, boast), weigh (BE ZEB ....., KftsHAN, reward
erect (bridge), establish, arrange, compose w. weight in gold, reward generously), see
(poetry, fiction), concoct, forge; """ BEZIN, also Tft - KftsHA.'<; ....., K., find (way), wind
jump up; - BEZiNEWE, ,bounce along, (wire, thread, etc.), light (lamp), tuck up
ricochet; - BIJARDIN, select, elect (hence (sleeve, skirts, etc., also xo - K.), w. no
-BIJftRRAw a. and n. elected, member of d.o. pass one's time, adapt oneself, live
elected body); - BIBiN, lift up, raise, turn (CHAK....., K., live happily, prosper; LEGEL EM
up (lamp), repulse and pursue (enemy), blow PIYAWE """ NAKEM, I cannot get on w. this
away (cloud); - cHINiN, pile up, mop up; man), see also TE ·....., K.; - KIEANJ;>IN, gnaw,
-cHON, boil over(lit. andfig.),jump(long); divine, understand sg. mysterious, (Lft-Y -
....., J?., throw up, mention, camp, blossom, NAKIBftNrM, I can't make head or tail of
muffie (face), interrupt ( --Y J?A rl, he inter- it); ....., KISHAN, creep up (PIYA); "" KIZAN,
rupted), sing praises of (PIYA, BESER ••• -A}, be scorched;""" KIZANJ;>IN, scorch;- KOLiN,
see also Tft -J?., and TEK- J?.; xo """J?., puff dig out, gouge out, search out, investigate;
oneself up, thrust oneself forward; """ J?W., ....., KUI,AN, """IWLIN, boil up;"" KUTAN, rush
heap up, dig out, uncover, remove (lid}, (E, Tfi, at), attack (ESER); - LUSHiN, swallow,
recur, •have relapse (Lft); ....., ntRAN, tumble gulp down; ....., MALiN, sweep away, lift up
down; ""DIRUN, sew together; - DIBiN, rip (e.g. loose clothes); ....., MASAN, swell up;
open; ....., ENGUTIN, stumble; ....., FILIQAN- """MIJiN, suck up; ....., MiZAN, urinate stand-
J?INEWE, crush, squash; "" FIRIWANJ?IN, ing, pumpship; ....., N., arrange, set (trap);
deceive, lead astray; ....., FIBiN, fly up, be ....., NiSHTIN, perch, see also TE """ NiSHTIN;
flushed (- FIBANJ?IN, flush, put up); ....., ....., NUWABiN, see under PfiJ;>A; """ PACHiN,
GEBAN, change (ZERD "" GEBA, he turned chip, clip, trim; ....., PENMAN, swell up; """
pale), climb up (PIYA); ....., GEBANJ;>IN, caus. PERDAWTIN, clip, prune; ....., PEBiN, jump
of prec.; - GEBA:l\'EWE, turn over, turn away, upwards, dance, jig, (....., PE!!ANJ;>IN, caus. of
change sides, change attitude towards (Lft), prec. jog up and down); "" PESARDIN, see
- GfiBAN, cause to change, turn over (esp; PESARDIN; ....., PECHAN, wind up, bandage,
earth w. plough); - GfiBANEWE, caus. smses press, insist, make difficulties, (Lft, upon,
of- GEBANEWE, also explain away;- GILOF- for);""" PICHIBAN, be torn open;""' PICHIBiN,
TIN, see GILOFTIN; """ G., lift up, pick up, tear open, prise open; ....., PIRWANJ;>IN,
carry, support, put up w., acquiesce in, crumble, pick to pieces (e.g. flower); ""'
deserve, be worthy of, choose, take away, PIEUKAN, see PIBUKAN; ....., PIBUZAN, see
put aside, withdraw (hand), abduct, store, PIBUZAN; · ....., PISARDIN, see PESARDIN; """
keep, reserve, shut up (shop), and other POQiN, protrude; ""' QIRCHfu"'1, shrivel, be-
idiomatic meanings varying w. the· nn. w. come wrinkled (hence ""QIRCHAW a.
which it is used; xo - G., look forward (BO, wrinkled, wizened); "" QIRCHANJ;>IN, caus.
to); - GW., lift up again, etc.; - GW. BO of prec.; - QOZiN, ·turn somersaults in the
xo, withdraw (e.g. article from auction); air, tumble; - QULAN, - QULfN, bubble up,
- GIBAN, swell up, rise (flood), be puffed well up; - QULTAN, protrude; - QULTAN-
up, have swelled head; """ a iRAN, be lifted J;>IN, CallS, nf p1·ec. esp. XO "" QUJ..TANJ;>IN,

interfere TE, LE, in); - QUNAN, ,..., QUNiN, -xoR a. who eats lawful food, incorruptible;
hop along; ,..., QURTAN see ,..., QUl,TAN; ,..., -zA, ,..., ZAJ;>E a. and n. legitimate (child),
QUBANJ;>IN, quaff; ,..., QUTAN, ,..., QUTANJ;>IN born in wedlock.
see,..., QULTAN,,..., QULTANJ;>IN;,..., BIJAN, pour he!a!e 1 tl. noise (esp. rattle of machine-gun).
out (intr.); ,..., BISHTIN, pour out (tl".); ,..., SAN, he!a!e 2 a. tulip; -sfiRKE n. red t.
rise, stand up, get up from bed, get up he!amet 11. common cold; - G., catch a
(quarry), disperse (meeting), set out on cold.
journey (esp. caravan), rebel; ,..., SANJ;>IN, he!at2 n. unpleasant body-odour, smell of
caus. of prec. (,..., SENRAN, pass.); - SANEWE, sweat.
rise again etc., revive; ,..., SENGANI;>IN, weigh; he!bete see ELBETE.
,..., Sll,EMiNEWE, shy, rear (horse); ,..., SITAN he!e 1 n. error; LE,..., B., *make mistake about,
see ,..., SAN; ,..., SUN, rub; smear, (xo TE ,..., SUN *lose (way); BE ,..., CHC"N, be in e., make
rub oneself up against); ,..., StJEAN, revolve, mistake; ,..., K., make mistake (BE ,..., K., take
function; ,..., SUBANJ;>IN, caus. of prec. ad- wrong road, lose way); - PE K., mislead.
minister, conduct (business); ,..., SHAXAN, he!e 2 o11ly in comb.; -DAWA:::-.1, adv. gen.
,..., SHAXiN, scold, shout angrily at,. (PIYA); -DAWAN B.". K., run fast, sprint; -HEJ.. n.
,..., SHIRINGANI;>IN see SHIRINGANJ;>IN; shouting in anger; loud complaints; -PAS
SHULANJ;>IN, have diarrhoea; ,..., TEKAN, be a. which barks furiously at strangers, savage
shaken up; ,..., TEKANI;>IN, caus. of prec. (dog); -SHE a. busybody; -SHEYi n. meddle-
shake, shake out, pulverize (action of frost some activity; -WEB a. rude in speech,
on soil);,..., TIRUSHKAN, squat;,..., TIBIN, gen. offensive.
imperat. ,..., TIBE, get out!, clear off!; ,..., he!ekok n. name of a plant w. edible root.
TiZANI;>IN, dart away, bolt (horse); ,..., TOQiN, he!et a. and n. intractable, hard, rough
project, protrude, stand out, swell, (hence going, rough terrain.
-ToQiW a. and n. in relief, relief); ,..., he!is n. hay.
TUBANI;>IN, bolt, run away, have diarrhoea; he!iz n. see MESHKE.
,..., TUTAN, squat; ,..., wA.siN, hang up, sus- helm n. vapour.
pend, (PIYA, on); - WERIN, fall apart, fall he!mat n. marble (toy); -EN n. marbles
out, (petals, hair, teeth, etc.); - \VESHAN, (game).
,..., WESHANEWE, break apart, disintegrate, he}meqo n. name of game played w. gravel
be dissolved, become invalid, come un- or small pebbles.
ravelled; ,..., WESHANI;>IN, ,..., WESHANJ;>INEWE, helmet (A, IJAMLA) n. attack; ,..., BIRDIN
caus. of prec. break up, disrupt, undo, (BO, ESER), ,..., J;>. attack (E); -EKASE n.
unpick (e.g. knitting); ,..., WUTIN, belaud pouncing upon food, undue haste.
(PIYA); ,..., XELETAN, be deceived (PE, by); he!o n. eagle.
,..., XELETANJ;>IN, caus. of prec. deceive; ,..., he!pehe!p n. ·panting.
XILiSKAN, glide, slide, slip; ,..., XIRAN, pass. of J).elqe see ELQE.
,..., x.; ,..., x., erect, hang up, hang out (e.g. he!uje n. plum; -QAJ;>IRi n. greengage;
washing), exhibit (XUWA --TAN XA BO-M, -BESHE n. damson; -siQETOREYi n. a
may God expose you to my vengeance, I species of p.
shall get even w. you yet); - XONl;>IN, hold J).e!wa (A) n. sweetmeat (gen. made w. clari-
forth in praise or disparagement (PIYA, fied butter and flour); ,..., Y GEZO, manna
about). cake; -cHin. confectioner; -Yi a. honey-
he! in comb.: -AT1 n. see BOJEJ..AT; -BEST n. coloured. ·
arrangement, verse, work. of fiction; ,..,BEZ hem 1 conj. gen. ,..., ..• ,..., •.. , both ... and ... ;
n. jumping up ( -BEZ -BEZ, -BEZ-U-DABEZ -DiSAN, -DiSANEWE, -iSAN, -iSANEWE adv.
n. jumping up and down); -BIJAR n. selec- yet again.
tion, election; -BIJARDE a. selected, elected; J).em 2 n. and int. (nursery word) -, --Y KE,
-DERKE n. precipice; -GEB-U-WERGEB n. eat it!
turning sg. over and over; -JIMAR n. statis- hemal (A) n. porter (load), beam (see
tics; -KEWT n. chance happening (BE KARiTE).
-KEWT, by chance); -KUT 11. menacing J).emam (A) n. bath, b.-room, b.-house;
demeanour ( -KUT -KUT, menacingly); ~ K., take a b.; -cHin. owner, manager, of
-PEEKE 11. dancing; -PEB-U-DAPEB n. jump- public b.-house; ~oKE n. mud-pie (chil-
ing up and down; -PikH n. hem; -QUN n. dren's play).
hopping ( -QUN -QUN BOYISHTIN, hop beman (P) a. that same.
along); -sAN-U-DANiSHTIN n. behaviour in hemane 11. bleached skin bag (gen. used for
society, manners; -TEK 11. gen. -TEK -TEK grains).
BOYISIITIN walk W. a limp, stagger. J).emaye! n. baldric; ,..., K., hang sg. from
l}ela! (A) a. and n. lawful, wedded wife; shoulder to opposite hip.
hemedeshin 11. apricot from graft on plum- l].eq (A) 11. truth, right, reality, God; QISEKE
tree. Y EWAN ,..., BU, what they said was true,
bemishe a. and adv. always; ~DEBAR n. correct; ,..., Y SIRISHTI Y iNSAN, the natural
calendula, ox-eye daisy, corn marigold; ~Yi right of man; XuwA ~-E, God is the Truth;
a. eternal, permanent. BE ~ Y XuwA, by God! ~BE ~, call it quits
hemu a. and pron. all: ~ DAREKAN, all the (popular formula for mutual renunciation
trees; ~-YAN,allofthem; ~n~. ~DAREK, of claims); ,..., KW., take vengeance (LE, on);
every tree; ~ DAREKE, the whole of the tree; ,..., SENI;>INEWE, take vengeance, obtain satis-
-vi a. universal. faction; -ANi a. truthful, righteous, honest;
henar n. pomegranate; ,..., Y MExOSH, p. with -BILE a. truthful, fair; -E, name of eccen-
flavour between ~ Y sHiRiN, sweet p. and tric mystical sect; -EPEI.E n. time when
~ Y TIRSH, acid p. first appreciable rain of autumn (PEI.E) is
henardin (used in past tenses only) v.t. see expected. Cj. comp. prep. LEI}EQ.
NARDIN. l].eql].eqkere n. small species of owl.
henase n. breath; ,..., BIBIN LE xo, hold one's her 1 adv. just, exactly, only, continuously,
b.; ~ Q., exhale, breathe; ,..., WER G., inhale, nevertheless: ,..., DONE, only yesterday;
breathe in; ~ HEL KESHAN, sigh; ""'BIBKE n. ...., ESTA, at this very moment; ...., KE, as soon
panting ( -BIBKE PE KEWTIN, *begin to pant); as, "' wA, -wEHA, exactly thus; ~ WEK,
~sARD a. unfortunate, wretched; -suwAR ~ WEKU, just like, just as if; "' BIBi, long
a. asthmatic. may you endure; ...., BIJi, long may you (may
henaw n. inside of body; ~i a. internal. he) live; ,..., 1\-IEWE EXOM, I eat fruit only;
hencir n. fig. MIN MEWE ...., EXOM, I eat fruit continuously
hen<J pron. some; BE ,..., c., attach some im- or nevertheless I eat fruit.
portance to; nu -E, twice as much; -:E, her 2 a. each, every, any: ,..., DIK, "'DUK; "'
~:EK, a little of, some; -:E CAR, sometimes; TIK, both; ,..., SEK, all three, ,..., CHUWAR, all
as adv. (also -E), so much. four; etc. : gen. in conj. w. indej. suj. -E, -ftK,
hen<Jeba (P) n. endive. ...., MINAl,E NAMEYEK-Y BE DESEWE BU, every
l].enderho n. seesaw (balanced board). child was holding a book; ,..., MINAI.E TEMEL
hen<;tese (A) n. mensuration, engineering. BE, any child who is lazy; sometimes in conj.
See ENDAZE. 20. def. suf. -E, e.g. ,..., BOJE, every day; "'
I;Ienefi (A) a. and n. Hanafite; room in public EQLE LE KAREK, all knowledge is recorded
bath reserved for adherents of this rite. experience.
l].enek n. jest; ,..., K., jest (PE, at expense of). her in comb.: 1. -cH, see -cHi as adj. below.
heneza n. stepson, hy_!lband 's son by another 2. -CHENQ, also -CHENJ?E, "'CHENDE,
wife. - -CHENDEK adv., pron., a., and (gen. followed
heng n. bee. by BEL,AM or DISANEWE) conj. however much,
hengame n. tumult, commotion. however many, however often, although:
hengaw1 n. step, pace, stride;,..., HAWISHTIN, -CHENQ ECHIM E MAL-Y CHAW-IM PE-Y
,..., HEI. HENAN, take as. NAKEWE, however often I go to his house I
hengaw 2 n. time, season. Also ENGAW. do not see him; L'EM GENIME -CHENQ EBEY
hengi! n. hip; -ESHELE n. hopping on one BIBE, take as much of this wheat as you like;
foot. -CHEN!} GO RANI EZANI BI-Y-I.E, sing as many
hengwan n. asafoetida. songs as you know; -CHENQE HEMU BOJE
hengwin n. honey. ECHIM E LA-Y BEL,AM LE-Y TER NABIM,
henisk n. sob, panting; ,..., HEL J?., sob; although I go to him every day I do not feel
-EBIBK~ n. panting; -EHENISK, sustained that I see enough of him. 3. -cHi pron. and
sobbing, panting. a. (as pron. also -cHiYE, as adj. always in
l].enketele a. see PiREJIN under PiR2 • conj. w; indej. suj. -E, -EK) whoever, what-
henft, henuke adv. now. ever, any: -cHi Y'ET E ERE BE xER BE, who-
henun (henu) v.t. rub w. embrocation. ever comes here is welcome; -cHi TO EI.EY
hepe 1 n. peg. · MINISH HER EWE El,EM, whatever you say I
l].epe2 n. yapping; as int. nonsense!; "'J.iEP n. for my part will say the same; -cHi MINALE,
continuous y. any child; -CHI WEKU, -CHivE WEKU
l].epesan (hepes~) v.i. be bewildered. ( -CHIYEKU), as regards; -CHI-W-PERCHI a.
l].epin (hep) v.i. yap. ordinary, worthless. 4· -CHON adv. and o.
hepo! a. simpleton; ~MilsHXOR a. gaping (as adv. also -cHONE, -cHONE, as _:rl
idiot. always in conj. w. indef. suj. -E, -EK), how
heprilnbeheprftn a. dashed to pieces. ever, howsoever, whatever kind of: -cHoNi
l].eps (A) n. prison, imprisonment; K., BIZGAR BUBE, however he may have escaped;
imprison; -XANE n. prison. -cHo:-< XANUWE BE, whatever kind of house
it may be; XANUwEKE -cHON~ B~, whatever babbler; .....KAR n. lusty youth; -KARi n.
the house may be like. 's. -KAM ••• -~. a. youth, age of indiscretion.
whichever; -KAMil pron. whichever one; herzin n. giant millet.
,.;.,KESE pron. whoever; -Kort pron. whatever her (N) n. mud; -w (SN) n. mud.
place, wherever; -BOJ~ adv. every day, any hera adv. only - K., run away, desert. Cf.
day; -sHITil p1·on. whatever. BA4 K. under BA4 •
hera n. din, brawl, riot; - -,hubbub, con- herekan-u-merekan n. name of outdoor
fused din; - K., create disturbance; game.
K. BE -, start disturbance, create scandal hereme a. and n. mixed, mix-up.
(Lt, to detriment of); ~ NW., organize dis- hereshe 11. menace; - LE K., threaten;
turbance; -l.E n. see HEl,AI,Ej --W-HURYA, --W-GUBESHE n. bullying threats.
--w-ZENA n. widespread disorders. heret n. ~eason; ...., Y GERMA, hot s.; - Y
J.teram(A) a. forbidden, unlawful;...., XUWAR- HERZEKARi, youth.
DIN, be dishonest (whence -xoR a. dis- herin (N) v.i. go; in south used only in phrase
honest); -zA, -ZAI;>E a. and n. bastard, base- YA HEBE YA WERE, go or come, rain or shine,
born. for good or for ill.
herame n. thingumajig, what-d'you-call-it. hes see HEST.
heras n. harassment, vexation; - pJl (or Lil) hesan n. whetstone.
HEL G., harass, vex; -AN a. harassed, dis- l}.esanewe (l].ese) v.i. rest.
turbed (WEEIN Y SEG XEW-Y Lil -AN KIRDIM, l].esar (A) n. surrounding wall, enclosure.
the barking of dogs disturbed my sleep); l].esjawe a. rested; -Awi n. rest, calm.
-ANi n. state of harassment. J.tesed (A) 11. envy.
herash 1 a. growing up, nearly ripe. J.tesenat (A) n. charity, good works.
herash2 only in comb. perh. for HEI.ESHE e.g. J.tes-J:tes n. bazaar watchman.
DEMHERASH. l}.esir (A) n. mat.
herde, herdebanan n. rough broken best n. feeling, sense; - PE K., perceive.
ground. Also HES.
herdecaran n. and adv. former times; WEKU hestan v.i. used in imperat. (HESTE) and past
...., , as in the days of old. tenses only, see HEL SITAN•
here adv, most; used w. positive adj. to form hestiri see ESTIRi; -cHEKUSH n. species of
superlative- BERZ, highest; -Yi a. superla- thistle w. large blue head.
tive (gram.). J.tesftd (A) a. envious; -t n. envy.
l}.ereket (A) n. movement; -I;>., impart m. hesftn see SITUN.
(PE:, E, to); ...., K., move (intr.); - PE K., hesh a. and n. dark blue, indigo; --IT BE
move (tr.). SER, lit. may you be bereaved, you ought to
l,terem (A) n. wife, women's quarters in be ashamed of yourself. Also HEJ.
house, harem; ..... -u-DiWEXAN n. house con- heshar n. concealment, hiding place,
taining private apartments and public robbers' den; ...., I;>., hide; xo ...., r;>., hide
guest-rooms. (intr.).
heres n. avalanche, landslide; ...., BER BW., hesheri a. lustful, randy.
start to move (of a.); BEJER -EWE B., be J:teshr (A) n. resurrection; BOJ Y ~, r.-day;
overwhelmed by a. ..... K., make strenuous efforts, perform
herewez n. communal labour (voluntary or prodigies; ...... PE K., abuse roundly.
forced), co-operation, corvee. hesht a. and n. eight; -A a. and n. eighty;
herem n. district, region. -AM, -AMIN a. eightieth; -EM, -EMIN,
herfi n. lamb fit for slaughter. eighth.
her~iz adv. never; -AWHERGiz, never (em- heta (also -Ku) prep., conj. and adv. until, as
phatic). far as, in order that, even; ...., DUWAYi (HTD),
herishte n. small dumpling; -BETIRSH n. etcetera (etc.); ...... P.ETArt, for ever; ,.., SER,
name of a savoury dish. to the end, and so on, permanently; -Ku
herle n. beetle. BOJAWA, until evening; ,.., MINiSH, even I;
herme n. pear; - PIYA I;>., kick in the rump; HATIM ,.., CHAW-1M BE BAWK-IM BIKEWE, I
-GULAWi, -LASURE, names of varieties of came to see my father; CHAWENUWAR BUM
p.; -PISHKUWAN a. season when p.-trees ...., BAWK-IM GEYISHT, I waited until my
are in blossom, early spring. father arrived; ...., TIYA-YA BU, to the best of
herza!e n. low platform, stand (for bed, his ability.
articles of furniture, etc.). hetarek meaningless word used in jingling
herzan a. cheap; ...., WESTAN, be cheap rhyme of welcome to returning pilgrims: ....,
(LESER, for); -i n. cheapness, abundance. u METAREK l;IAci l;IEC-JT MUBAREK, may your
herze 11. nonsense; -BILE, -CHENE a. and n. pilgrimage be blessed.
hetaw 11. sunshine. hewen n. leaven.
heter a. insistent; ~ n., insist (LESEH, on); hewhew n. hubbub, confused din.
~i n. insistence. hewir n. dough; - HEl,. HATIN, rise (of d.);
hetite n. draw-plate for wire-drawing. - SHilLAN, knead d.; -TIRSH n. yeast,
l].etiw n. orphan; -BAZ n. sodomite; leaven.
~-METIW n. urchins, brats. l].ewlane n. name of a song.
hetote n. charm hung on neck of child as l].ewl (A) n. effort; - J?., strive; --U-TEQELA
protection against decline (BE BON KEWTIN, n. strenuous efforts.
see BON). hewr 1 tz. sponge.
hetre a. scattered. hewr 2 n. cloud; - Y TUNG, nimbus c.;
l].ev<;Ie a. and n. seventeen; ~M, ~MiN a. GIRME Y -,rumble of thunder; -ETIRlSHKE
seventeenth. n. thunderbolt.
hew1 int. exp. shocked surprise or indignation hewraz n. acclivity, steep upward slope.
Oh! hewreban n. covered doonvay at top of stair
hew 2 ( = E\\·) pron. he; EWE HEW-E, this is giving access to roof.
he. hewri n. thin silk scarf (fern. att.).
bew 3 adv. together; ~ x., put together. hewris n. juniper.
hew 4 n. gen. ~ IC, swell up. hewsar n. halter.
bew 5 see H0 2 • l].ewse!e (A) n. patience.
l].ew6 = l].e\'\.'1:; ~ EOJ, seven days; ~Tin n. hewshar n. only in SEG Y ~, a breed of large
seven-chambered revolver. powerful dogs found in Pizhdar.
hewa1 n. piece, length; ~YE DEZU, a piece of l].ewshfe, also -il n. courtyard; -AN n.
thread. Also HEWDA. season for sleeping out in c. Cf. HEYWANAN,
hewa 2 n. air, weather, climate, tune; -J?AR JURAN.
a. airy; ~Yi a. aerial, pertaining to the air l].ewt a. and n seven; ~ BIRA, constellation
(CHEK Y ·-Yi, Air Force). of Great Bear; -En. period of s. days, esp.
l].ewa3 n. sky, space; CHUN BE ~I! A, rise into period during which newly Wed bride, or
the sky; ~ J?., throw, propel, upwards; mother who has just given birth, customarily
~wi 1 a. gazing upwards; -wi 2 , -wiLKE 1 a. remains at home ( -E CHUN, expire, of such
appertaining to space, propelled upwards; period); -EM, -EMINa. seventh; -EWANE
-wiLKE 2 n. rocket. n. see - BIRA.
hewaP see AWE{... l].ewz n. tank, cistern.
hewa! 2 (A) n. condition, events, news; l].ey1 int. expr. surprise.
-PIRSi 11. inquiry. after health, kind in- hey2 int. hi! (prolonged call, also ...., "', hi! hi!);
quiries. - HAWAR, help!;...., DAJ?...., BilnAI;>, (I appeal
l].ewa!e 1 (A) 11. position overlooking or com- for) justice!: also, shorter, expr. sorrow,
manding lower ground, command for pur- indignation, impatience, surprise, admiration,
poses of irrigation (BESER ... -I!A, over). according to context, e.g.- ..... , what a pity!;
l].ewa!e2 (A) n. consignment, draft (money); -HAWAR -,how exasperating!; -Hfi -Hu,
- K., transmit, throw, (Y, to, at): -BEGEWALE enough of that! ; ,..., EO, alas! woe is me I (esp.
n. excuse, evasion. for bereavement or serious calamity); ,...,
bewane n. opponent. NEBil, - NEBU, surely not, I trust not; ,..., -
l].ewfanewe (l].ewe) v.i. lodge in comfort, LE SIMilL-Y, what wonderful mustachios
prosper after adversity; "-'ANI;>INEWE (-EN), he has!
caus. lodge, give asylum to, help to prosper. l].eya(A) 11. modesty, sensitiveness, decorum,
hewante 11. gen. BE ~,in vain, uselessly, for sense of shame; -B., *'be decorous; - K;,
nothing; BE - JIYAN, scrounge a living; be decorous; -I)AR a. decorous, modest.
-cHin. cadger. See SHERM.
hewar see HAWAR 2 • heyase n. decorative belt w. large bossed
hewari n. large tent, marquee. buckle worn by children.
hewcar n. vertical steering haft of plough. l].eyf, l].eyfe (A) n. and int. regrettable event
l].ewcosh n. cast-iron water-jug. or circumstance, alas!.
hew<;la see HEWA 1 • Heyni n. Friday.
hewece (A, 'IlJTIYAJ) n. need, necessity; l].eyran (A) a. astonished; as n. name of a
~ B'EWE NAKA KE ... , there is no need to •... tune.
hewe! (A) a. and n. first, beginning; -EMiN l].eyret (A) n. and int. astonishment, how
a. first. strange!.
hewes n. desire, liking; - LESER B., *'have l].eysh n. life, manner of existence; -ilK Y
taste for, *'be amateur of; -KAR 11. amateur. BASH BA EBuwERE, he leads a pleasant I.
hewe n. co-wife in polygamous society. heytar n. membrum virile.
8643is F
l}.eyte n. name of a mobile force of gendar~ connotation of 'bringing', e.g. HENA-M BU-M
merie in Ottoman times. KIRD E PASHA W WUT-IM, thereupon J turned
heyt-u-hut n. bragging, braggadocio. to the king and said; ~EWE, bring back,
heywan 1 n. veranda; ~AN n. season for bring to an end (WUTAHEKE-Y B'EM WUSHANE
sleeping on v., spring. Cf. HEWSHAN, HE!'\'AYE\VE; he concluded the speech w.
}URAN. these words); ~Ew' ESER xo, bring round
l}.eywan 2 (A) n. animal; ~AT n. animal world. from a faint (cf. HATINEW' ESER xo, come
l}.eyzeran (A) n. cane. round, recover consciousness); ~EWE YEK,
l}.ez n. wish, liking, love, desire; ~ LESER B., bring (two ends) together, join. See DA,
*choose, prefer; ~ LE K., like, fall in love w., DER, HEL, PEDA (PIYA), PEK, BA, TE.
desire. hencan (bene) v.t. see HEL HENCAN.
hezar a. and n. thousand; ~AN, thousands; henq, henqe see HENI), EWENI)E unde1· Ew 2 •
~ BE ~, in thousands, innumerable, lofty; herish (7') n. attack, offensive, raid; ~ BIR-
~ CAR (excl.), a thousand times yes; YEK DIN, ~ HENAN, attack (ESER).
BE~, one worth a thousand; LE ~ YEK, one hero n. hollyhock.
thousandth; ~En. millenium; ~EM, ~EMiN bestir n. see :Esnn.
a. thousandth; ~LOXANE n. second stomach hesh n. see GAS IN under GA 3 •
of ruminant; ~P:E, millipede, centipede; heshta (! .) adv. still, yet.
~PISHE n. fitted tea-pannier. heshtin (he!: p1·es. ind. EHELIM, Y'ELIM,
hezbele n. spices. Also EZBOLE. NAHEI.,IM, NAY'ELIM, etc.) v.t. leave, allow;
J.Ieziran n. June. NAHEI.,E BIBOM, he will not let me go; BE ct
hezm (A) n. digestion; ~ B., be digested; ~, leave behind (cf. corresponding intr. con-
~ K., digest. struction w. MAN, e.g. BE c:E MAN, be. left
l}.ezret (A) n. presence, title of respect. behind); .....,EWE, leave behind. See DA,
hecgar see YEKCAR. BA.
heja (N) a. valuable, worthy. heshu n. banging cluster, bunch, ear of com,
bel n. cardamom. Virgo. ......, CHINiNEWE, pick (grapes, dates),
helane n. nest (in tree, eaves, etc.). Cf. glean;.~ K., glean (hence ......,KERn. gleaner).
KULANE. hewash a. and adv. slow, slowly; ~in. slow-
h~Him n. glue. ness.
heliz n. name of a giant perennial herb, hewer n. brother-in-law(husband's brother);
prangos. ......,JIN n. sister-in-law (wife of ......, ) ; ....... zA n.
helke n. egg; ~ Y BIRJAW, e. in shell baked husband's nephew.
in embers; ~ Y DEI,EME, soft-boiled e.; ~ Y hez n. strength; ......, Y EJNO SHIKAN, *be tired
GUN, testicle; ~ Y KULAW, hard-boiled e.; out; - PE SHII(AN, *b'e ·strong enough for,
- Y Nll\fEU, fried e.; LE ~ CHUNEWE, stop oft. neg. e.g. EM isHE ~-IM PE-Y NASHIKE, I
laying, give up work (for reasons of age, cannot carry out this task.
health, etc.); ~ K, lay eggs; ~PIS K., spoil hezim n. fire-wood.
clutch (of hen); ~sHEYTANOKE n. snail; l}.il (A) a. fair, just, agreed, acceptable (bid,
......,SHIKENE 11. name of boys' game object of offer); ......, K., deserve, accept (bid etc.);
which is to break opponent's egg with e. ~:Ew a. accepted, agreed.
held by player; ~-W-BON n. omelette, l}.iseb (A) n. account; ~ B., be acceptable;
fried-e.; ~Yi a. oval. ~ K., calculate.
heP n. line, furrow (plough); ~ Y ASIN, rail- Hiske n. form of name Husain; TIFENG y ....... ,
way. imitation Martini rifle made in Sulaimani
he! 2 pres. stem of HESHTIN. by gunsmith so named and formerly
he!an (he!) v.t. see HEsHTIN. widely distributed in Iraq.
he!ek ( 7') n. fine sieve; LE ~ 1)., sift. See hi pron. that of, belonging to; ~ MIN, mine;
WAI,ABf:J. ~ TO, thine; ......, TIR, another, others.
he!epepe 11. kind of cake baked on griddle. hich I. adv. not at all, never; EW ......, NEHAT,
he!inc n. retch; ~ 1)., retch. he did not come at all, he never came.
hemin a. quiet, pacific, docile, tame. 2. indef. pron. nothing; ~-IM NEDIWE, I have
henan (hen) v.t. bring, be worth (in terms seen nothing; ......, NEBE, at least; ~-Y TIYA
of money); used w. prep. E to give caus. BESTE NiYE, it doesn't matter; --MAN LE ~
meaning ( ~ E GEB, set in motion, set revolv- (let us call it quits) mutual cancellation of
ing; - E QISE, induce to speak; ~ E PE debts etc. 3· a. worthless (PIYAWEK Y ~, a
KENfN, cause to laugh; ~ ESER EWE KE •.. , worthless man; QISE y - , nonsense).
induce to do sg.; cf. corresponding intr. con- 4· indef. a., in conj. w. indef. suf. -:E, -tK, no,
stmctio11S 20. HATIN); oft. used in preterite not a; - MINALE L'mv:E NEBu, there was not
tense to give liveliness to narrative w. no a child present. S· in comb; -KES pron.
nobody; ~-u-PtJcH a. nonsensical, worth- ho;r n. pair of large saddle-bags.
less. hor int. expr. triumph my game!, admit you
l}.ikmet (A) n. wisdom, reasoning. are beaten!, etc.
hilak (A) a. tired out, exhausted, dying. hor~ n. and int. boo, sound expr. disapproval;
l)ilan9in (l}.iH~n) v.t. neigh. ~ Lft I<EsHAN, boo, hoot.
l)ile (A) n. trick; ~BAZ a. and n. trickster. hosh1 int. whoa, wo! (gen. to donkey).
See FftL. hosh 2 n. feeling, sense, sentiment, conscious-
l}.ilel}.il n. neighing. ness; awareness; ~ Lft BIBAN, *lose con-
hilkehilk n. giggling. sciousness; ~ J?., pay attention (Pft, E, to);
hilm (A) n. gentleness, good-temper, for- ~ HATINEWE BE BERA, *recover conscious-
bearance. ness; ~EBININ n. sense of sight; ~EBiSTIN n.
himet (A) n. zeal; ~ K., show z., be zealous. sense of hearing; -EBONi n. sense of smell;
hin 1 n. test; - K., test. ~ECHESHTIN n. sense of taste; -YAR a. con-
hin 2 pron. thingumajig, what's-his-name, scious, alert; -YAR BW., wake up, become
what-d'you-call-it; ~ Y :\liN, mine, cf. Hi. aware; ~YAR KW., make aware.
hince (A) n. spelling. how int. (prolonged) hi! (call to distant per-
hishk see WUSHK. son), yes! (answer to such call); - (short),
hiwa n. hope; - BIBA.c", *lose h. (hence you understand (reinforcing threat or pro-
-BIBAW a. despondent, desperate); - B., hibition).
*hope;- K., hope;- PUCH KW., disappoint htd. short for HETA DUWAYi, etcetera (etc.).
(Y); - BEWIJ\;""EWE, *lose h.; - BEWANJ?IN- l}.ucet (A) n. voucher, deed, validating docu-
EWE, caus. of prec. shatter h. (Y, of). ment, strength (only in phrase BE ~, vigor-
l}.iz (A) n. catamite, coward; CHAW- K., cast ously).
down the eves in shame; - Y -ANGAW n. l}.ucre (A) n. room, class-room in elementary
catamite's c~tamite; -A:t-.""E a. and adv. like a Koran-school; ~ Y FEQE, students' dor-
catamite, like a coward; ~EBIXOYi n. sub- mitory in mosque precincts; ~ Y XAN,
mission to tyranny for personal gain, colla- room, shop, in caravansarai.
boration w. enemy; -ftTi, ~1 n. sodomy. hucftm (A) n. attack. See PELAMAR.
hize n. black skin used as receptacle for BON l}.uje n. soap-root (plant).
q.v., syrup, etc. Cf. HEMANE, KUNJ?E, l}.ukrn (A) n. order, authority; ~J?AR n.
MESHKE, MESHKAI,E. governor, ruler. See FERMAN.
ho 1 int. see HOW1 • l}.ukftmet (A) n. government.
ho 2 n. time; -J?W., repeat, turn plough at end l}.ul n. gen. ~ J?., swallow, make away w., act
of furrow, be re,vardi.ng, be profitable, give w. impunity.
a return, (MIRISHK BE XftW K. HO EJ?ATEWE, l}.ules~ n. quarrel; HATINEW' ESER ~, rake
keeping poultry is profitable; GENIMEKE-MAN up old q.
EMSAL BiST --Y DAYEWE, this year our wheat hu!hu!i a. fickle.
has given a twenty~fold return); - KW., hu!o! n. hollow.
same as - J?W but not used as in second hum a n. phoenix; ~vON a. blessed, royal.
example to indicate specific retum. hum~4 n. hope; ~wAR a. hopeful. Also UMftJ?.
ho3 n. cause, means, reason, pretext; BE~ Y, huner n. skill, art; ~ECUWANEKAN, the fine
because of, by means of, on behalf of; HicH arts; -I a. technical; ~MENJ? a. skilful.
~vftK-IM NiYE, I have no ulterior motive. J:.tuqebaz n. trickster.
hobe n. group of tents (nomads). l}.urmet (A) n. respect; ~ G., show respect
hogir a. accustomed, used, familiar, fond, (Y, to).
(Y, to, of, with). Hurmiz n. Jupiter (planet).
holln. sheep-fold. hurujm n. attack; ~ BIRDIN, ~ H~NA.."l,
l}.ol 2 a. giddy, feather-brained. attack (ESER).
l}.o}3 n. gen. ,..., Y BIYABAN see GHUL. hurya see under HERA.
hole see GftRE. hur n., only as second element of comp. nn.
ho! see CHOL-U-HOI,. denoting sounds, e.g. GIRM-U-HUB, SHILP-U-
hon1 a. calm; ~ Bw., calm down, recover HUB, TIRIQ-U-HUB, ZIRM-U-HUB. Also WUB.
from emotion. hurew n. herd of wild pig, sounder.
hon 2 n. kind of plaiting; - ~,thick and fast l}.ushtir n. camel; ~ Y DUKOPARE, two-
(e.g. falling tears). humped c., Bactrian c.; ~ANEQULQULE n.
honin (hon) also ~EwE v.t. plait, string name of a children's game; ~EWAN n.
(beads). cameleer; -GERU n . . siphon; -MEL n.
l}.oqe n. oke (weight). ostrich; -xoR n. carob. Also WUSHTIR.
hore n. kind of song; - K., sing such s. l}.uzftr (A) n. presence; HASHA ~, saving
l}.ori(A) n. houri, maiden of Paradise. your prese!1ce.
68 -IN
hu n. profit; only £n phrase LE MllYtK HlJ- huha n. and int. expr. mockery; ~ LE KEsHAN,
1:'tK EKATEV.'E, he is an opportunist. Cf. mock, tease, tOiment.
H0 2 • hut1 see HEYT-U-HiJT.
huchik (N) n. cuff (of sleeve). J;lut 2 (A) n. whale.

-ik see-K. inca, incaku, incakune adv. then, in that
-im1 see -M 1• case. Also iNCA.
-im 2 see -M 2 • -in<;le suf. forming nn. w. sense maker, doer,
im 3 affirmative particle yes. e.g. DIBINI;>E, SAZINI)E.
imca adv. see -INCA. Also iMCA. -ist suf.fonning nn.from v. stems, e.g. ZANIST.
-in1 see-N. -istan see -STAN.
-in2 suf. forming adjj. from nn., e.g. MINGIN, -ish, -isht suf.forming nn.from v. stems, e.g.

P pron. see Hi. ike see iTIR.
-i 2 (thus after consonant, -Y after vowel) in- ikram (A) n. honouring, generosity; ~ K.,
flexion of z pers. sing. of pres. tenses of all vv. be generous (Y, to).
and of past tenses of intr. and pass. vv.;for use ilan (! .), ilan-u-bilan (t ••• •) adv. defi-
of euphonic T after -i see T 1 • nitely, in spite of all objections.
-i 3 suf. appendedfreely: to adjj. to form abstmct -ile suf. fonning dim. nn. and adjj., e.g.
nn., e.g. DlJRi, BASTi; to nn. to form adjj. w. CHAWILE, EMUSTILE,. NERMILE, XINdLE.
sense pertaining to, having qualities of, e.g. ·net (A) n. cause, reason, disease; ~ PE
KERKUKi, SHARISTANI; and to infiniti•ves to GEYISHTIN, *catch infectious disease; ~ c.,
fonn adjj. w. sense suitable for, fit for, e.g. catch infectious disease; ~ PE HEL PEBIN,
DITINI, FIROSHTINi. *catch contagious disease; ~J;>AR a. suffering
•ibare (A) n. phrase, phraseology. from a disease.
lblis (A) n. the devil. -ilke suf. fomling dim. nn. e.g. CHAWILKE,
icare (A) n. lease for profit or exploitation; NAMILKE.
BE ~ r;>., let for exploitation, fann out; imam (A) n. religious leader, leader in con-
BE ~ G., ~ K., take on lease for exploitation. gregational prayer, title of eminent reli-
icaze (A) n. diploma (gen. in theology); ~ Y gious teacher, one of the Twelve Imams.
MAR c., d. of proficiency in catching iman (A) n. faith; ~I)AR a. religious.
snakes. imca see INCA.
idare (A) n. administration, house-keeping; imcar adv. this time.
~ IC LEGEL, manage to get on w., humour. imkan (A) n. possibility, ability to do.
idi see iTm. imro (! .) n. and ad~·. today.
idi'a (A) n. claim; ~ K., make c., claim. imsal (! .) n. and adv. this year.
ifaqe (A) n. convalescence; ~ HATIN, f.'get imshew (! .) n. and adv. last night (when
over crisis of illness, *be convalescent. spoken in morning), tonight (when spoken
ifiic (A) 11. palsy. in afternoon).
•ifrit (A) n. demon. imtihan (A) n. and a. examination; ~B., be
ifta<.Je (P) a. senile. examined; ~ r;>., be examined, take examina-
iftira (A) 11. calumny; ~ PE K., calumniate. tion; ~ K., examine.
i~tiyac (A) n. and a. need, needy; ~B., be imza (A) n. signature; ~ K., sign.
in need; ~ B., *have need (PE, of); ~i n. -in1 suf. forming adjj. 20. sense having quali-
poverty. ties of, made of, treated w., etc. e.g. JERIN,
ilitiram (A) n. respect. QiRiN, ZEBIN.
-in 2 (thus after consonants, -YN after vowels) -ish 2 (thus after consonant, -'su or -YSH after
inflexion of I pers. pl. of pres. tenses of all vv. vmuel) enclitic adv. and conj. also, too, even,
and of past tenses of intr. and pass. vv.; also and; when attached to an. it follows the indef.
I pers. pl. of enclitic pres. tense of v. 'to be' suf. -EK, the defining suff. -E, -EKE, the pl.
we are. ending -AN, and an adj. or n. linked to it by
•inad (A) n. contumacy; - K., be contuma- tzafe Y, but precedes apron. ajJ.; when quali-
cious; -KAR a. contumacious. fying the predicate it is inserted as early as
inca see INCA. possible in the sentence, and may be attached
incane 11. flower-pot. to an., adj., adv., a prep. in the absolute form,
incll (E) n. gospel. a neg., tense or mood pref. (NA-, NE-, ME-, E-,
-ine1 suf. forming nn. denoting things having BI-), or, in the absence of these, to the v. in
quality denoted by adjj. ending in -iN (see front of the inflexion. Examples: BIRA Y
-iN 1 above), e.g. CHEWINE, QIRINE. JII'<"EKE'SH HATIBU, the. woman's brother also
-ine 2 voc. pl. ending; BANUYINE CUWAMERII'<"E, had come; KICHEZA'SH·Y HATIBU, his
ladies and gentlemen. daughter's child also had come; AZAYSH
insaf (A) n. equity, justice; ...., K., be just, do NiN, they are not even brave; JINEKANISH-
justice. MAN NEDiBu, we had not even seen the
insan (A) n. human being, person. women; Lil'sH-IT DAM,you even struck me;
intela (A) n. over-eating, gluttony. NA'SH-YAN BiNIM, nor can I even see them;
inwan (A) n. pride, dignity. FERM'()Bu'SH-TAN KE EME B'ilYN, you had
iqlim (E) n. clime, region. also ordered that we should come; JINEKAN
iqna• (A) n. gen. - K., persuade, convince. GEBA'SHINEWE, the women even came back.
isan see fNSA..'<. ishella (A) int. please God.
Islam (A) n. Islam. ishtiha (A) n. appetite; - B., *long; - K.,
ispat (A) n. proof; -B., be proved; - K., long (Y, for).
prove (LESER, against). ita•et (A) n. obedience; - K., obey (Y).
ispenax (E) n. spinach. itir adv. and cotzj. then, in future, any more.
istge n. stopping-place, station (railway, itibar (A) 11. reputation, credit.
broadcasting, etc.). itiham (A) n. accusation.
istida (A) n. petition; - K., beg, petition, iw int. hurrah.
(LE). ixtiyar (A) a. old (person).
istiqale (A) n. resignation (office etc.); - K., izafe (A) n. name of a particle (part of
resign (LE, from). speech), see y 2 • -E3 •
istikan (E) n. tea glass. izn (A) n. permission, leave, furlough; - Q.,
ish1 n. work; -BEI>ES n. employed person; give p.; - XUWASTIN, ask p., take leave.
-GUZAR a. efficient. •tzrayil n. name of angel of death.

jaj n. name of a herb used to flavour cheese, -MASf n. fish-p.; · -QENQE n. nicotine
cheese so flavoured. deposit in pipe.
jakfan (jake) v.i. be creased, be crumpled, jawejaw n. tedious repetitious talk.
(hence -Aw a. creased etc.); -ANQIN jehr see JAR.
( -E:N) caus. crease, crumple. jek n. first milk after birth of child, beestings;
jale n. oleander. EM AWE El,ilY JEI<-E, this water is unpleasantly
jan n. pain; - G., *'labour (JINEKE - GIRTU- lukewarm.
Y-E, the pains of labour have come upon the jem n. meal, repast; -BURDE a. ravenous
woman); - K., be painful, hurt; - PIYA after period of abstinence.
HATIN, become painful, begin to hurt; jenpres. stem of]ENQIN, JENiN oft suf. to name
-ESER n. headache; -ESIK n. belly-ache. of musical instrument w. meaning player, e.g.
jar n. poison; - y HELAYIL, deadly p.; - Y KEMANCHEJEN.
MAR, snake venom (oft. used as excl. of dis- jenqin (jen) v.t. rock, chum, play musical
gust); -Aw n.liquid p.; -Awt a. poisonous; instrument. See BA, Til.
jeng n. rust (metal, also bot. pest); ~ LE Q., in polygamous society; ~ Y NAWUNci,
*become rusty;~ G.,- BEL HENAN, become second wife (of three); - Y PICHUK, junior
rusty, be infected with r.; -AR, see -QAR; ,,-ife; -AN, women, womankind;- HENAN,
-Awl a. rusty, rust-coloured; -QARa. rusty, ~ MAREK., marry, get married, (of man);
infected with r. ,._,BE~ K., exchange women in marriage as
Jengar n. Sinjar; HENein Y -, best quality between tvm families; ~ XUWASTIN, ask for
figs. w. in marriage; -ANE a. womanly, pertain-
jengesure n. wasp, hornet; Also ZENGESURE. ing to women; "'ANi a. effeminate; ~BIRA n.
jenin (jen) v.t. see JEr-.J:?IN. wife's brother, brother-in-law; -DOST a.
jeqnebut, jeqnemf.tt n. balanites, a tree licentious (of men); ~ESHA n. queen con-
bearing poisonous fruit; DINYA-Y LE KIRDIM sort; ~tTf n. womanliness, femininity;
BE~, he made my· life a misery; as excl. ~, ~-u-MAL, n. wife and family; ~-u-M:ERD n.
or shortened to JEQNE, also ~ XOY, esp. of married couple ~-u-MERDf n. matrimony;
impatience w. person complaining of food, go ~xusHK n. wife's sister, sister-in-law.
and eat poison then. jiyan1 n. life; ~i n. vital.
jel!a only LE ~ = LE JERQA, suddenly, 'from jiyfan2 (jiye, ji) v.i; live; HER BIJ!', long live!;
nowhere' (of sudden appearance). BE xo ~AN, support oneself, be of inde-
jen. stripe, line, cord, string(ofbow, musical pendent means (hence BExo]iw a. self-sup-
instrument, pyjamas, etc.), belt connecting porting); -ANI;> IN {~EN) caus. bring to life;
wheels. ~ANEWE, revive; -ANQINE\VE caus. of prec.
jerl n. Arabic vowel-point lwsra. revive. Also JIN.
jer 2 n. under-side, bottom; also as prep. and ji n. life; ~-TAN DIREJ BE, long may you live;
adv. under, below, down (cf. comp. prepp. -wAR (SN), station in I.
BEJER, BOJER, LEJER); - KEWTIN, be worsted, jikele see JIRKELE.
fail, (hence -KEWTU a. worsted, loser); LE jilemo n. glowing ash.
-EWE BUWANiN, look furtively; ~ x., worst, jin (ji) v.i. see JIYAN.
subdue, disqualify. jir a. intelligent, clever, competent, sensible;
jer2 in comb.: -BERAN (SN) n. threshold; wise; ~ BW., be comforted, stop crying
~CHENE n. chin-strap; -DERGA n. threshold; (child); ~ KW., comfort (e.g. distressed
~DES a. and n. subject, inferior, subordinate; child); -&"i!E adv. wisely, sensibly; ~i n.
-EWE n. position below; -EWJilR, ~Ew­ intelligence, cleverness; -KELE, ~KELOK a.
ZEBER a. and adv. overturned, upside down; sensible, wise.
-EXER n. floor-covering; ~iN a. lower, jishik n. hedgehog.
lowest; ~KIRAS 71. slip (fern. att.); ~MAt-En. jor see JilR1 •
person lodged free in basement in return for juwan n. tryst,· appointment, rendezvous;
light duties esp. rolling roof after rain, cf. CHUN E -E, keep t.; ~ PE Q., arrange to meet
BAN GEBAN; -PEn. footstool; -PIYAL,E n. someone (Bo, at).
saucer; -sER 71. pillow; ~u a. lower; ~XA."ii juji {N) see JISHIK.
n. basement, ground-floor; ~zEMiN n. jur1 n .. top; ~ KEWTIN, go up; ,:., x., raise up;
cellar; ~zERYA a. and n. submarine; ~ziN ~sER a. and n. overhead, canopy; ~o a.
n. saddle-cloth. .upper (esp. in village names, opp. to
jimar n. counting, calculation, ~E n. num- XUWARiJ, lower).
ber; ~E Y BINci, cardinal number; ~E Y jur2 n. room; -ANn. end of warm weather,
PAREYi, fraction; ~E Y BIZi, ordinal number. season of resuming life indoors; ~EWE, ~t
Cf. HELJIMAR, SERJIMAR. n. and adv. in the room, inside, within; LE
jimardin (jimer) v.t. count. See HEL. -EWE, inside.
jin n. woman, wife; ,._, Y GEWRE, senior wife jushik see JiSHIK.

-k (thus after t>orvel, -IK gen. after consonant), danger, nigger in woodpile; AW BEJER -QA
dim. suf. fanning nn. frequently without BIRDIN, work secretly; ~BE BA Q, winnow;
evident dim. cotmotation, e.g. DESK, CHEPIK, ~ Y KON BE BA Q., act in old-fashioned
BANIK. manner, rake up old scores; -QAN, see
kal n. straw, chaff; AGIR Y BIN -, hidden -YEN; ~GIL, n. mud plaster made with
chopped s.;~KilsHAN, ~ Y ~KilsHAN n. long, pine (Bo, for), go off feed (horse);
Milky Way; ~Ko n. s. stack; ~~JAN, see ~BAN a. successful in life; ~BANi n. suc-
~KtsHAN; ~vtN n. s. store. cess.
ka 2 n. big brother (more commonly KAK 2, kam2 pron. and a. whichever, which?; ~-YAN
q.v.); ~BRA n. person, fellow (known but HAT, whichever of them came, which of them
not named). came?; ~ PIYAW HAT, whichever man came,
kaban n. head wife in polygamous establish- which man came?; ~E pron. whichever one,
ment, housewife. Also KEYBANU. which one?.
kabe (A, KA'BA) n. name of a cube-like kami! (A) a. perfect, accomplished, adult.
building in the great mosque at Mecca; kan n. mine, quarry ~Awn. mineral water;
B'EME ~ KECH NABE, it is not SO important as ~GA, ~GE n. mine ( ~GA Y DIL, bottom of
all that. the heart); ~1 1, ~i-W-AW, ~iYAW n. spring
kac n. pine-tree. Also KAJ. ( ~i y JINAN, spring surrounded by wall and
kafir (A) n. unbeliever, non-Muslim. reserved for women); ~iBERDiNE n. spring
kafur (A) n. camphor. issuing from rock or lined w. stone; ~iYE­
kaghez n. paper, letter, playing-card; ~ Y DIROZil'<"E n. spring liable to go dry in
AWEI,CHINE, blotting-p.; ~ Y BUN, tracing- summer.
p.; ~ Y SIMARTE, sandpaper, emery-p. Also kaneje n. cornflower.
QAQEZ. kani2 (!.) adv. where is?
kahu n. lettuce; SELK v ~,heart of 1. Kanun n. gen.:~ y YEKEM, December;~ y
kajl see KAC. DUWEM, January.
kaj 2 n. slough of snake. kapo! n. skull. · Cf. QEPOL.
kajaw see under TIRE. -kar1 suf. forming nn. w. sense doer, e.g.
kakl (A) n. cake. GUNAHKAR, XIZME'fKAR.
kak2 n. big brother, title now commonly -kar2 suf. forming adjj. from names of colours
used for Mister; ~E1 vpc.; ~E 2 , title of w. sense somewhat, -ish, e.g. BESHKAR,
respect; ~EYI n. and a. name of a mystical SEWZKAR, SIPIKAR.
Islamic sect also known in Persia as kar3 see KES-U-KAR.
Ahl-i J:Iaqq or 'Ali IHi.hi, adherent of this kar' n. kid (under 3 months); ~AsK n. young
sect; ~1LE1 n. endearing form of~. gazelle; ~EMU n. fine mohair; ~JOLE n.
kaki! (also ~Eaoz) n. walnut kernel; ~EHEWR new-born k., Capticornus.
n. small cloud. kar 5 n. work, use, effect; ~ ow., react; BE
kakibekaki a. austere (desert), howling ~ HATIN, be useful; HATIN E ~, begin to
(wilderness). work; BE ~ HQNAN, use; HENAN E ~, set
kakile 2 n. base of lower jaw; DAN v ~, molar working; LE ,..., KEWTIN, stop working, be
tooth. unable to work; ~ K., work, labour; ,..., LE K.,
kako! n. hair brushed up in curl behind, work at, work on, affect; ,..., TE K., have
tuft. effect on, influence; ~ TIYA K., see ~ LE
kalan n. scabbard, sheath (dagger); ~E n. K.; ,..., LE ,..., TIRAZAN, be beyond remedy
gen. ~E Y CHAW, eye-socket. Also KELAN. (situation); x. E ~put tow.; LE ~ x., prevent
kalyar n. kind of large cucumber. from working, dismiss, lay off, scrap.
kaF a. pale, faded, light-brown (eyes), kar 5 in comb.: ~ASHNA a. practised, capable,
unripe, unburnt (brick); ~ BW., fade; ~t efficient, expert; ~BEDES .n. official, civil
n. girl of fair complexion; ~-u-KIRCH a. servant; ~BIJER n. charge d'affaires;
quite unripe, sour, acid, slovenly. ~EKERn. maidservant; ~GA, ~GEn. work-
ka! 2 n. agriculture, gen. KISHT-U-KAJ.,. shop, factory; ~GECHi n. felt-maker; ~GER
kala n. cloth, piece-goods. n. and a. worker, factor, effective; ~aiR a.
ka!an (kale) v.i. see HE!, KALAN. made of durable materials, solid, strong;
kale n. shoe of soft leather laced over instep; ~t a. effective, efficacious (DERD Y ~t, fatal
HEWT ~ Y ASININ DIBiN, lit. wear out seven malady); ~1 2 second element of comp. nn. w.
pairs of iron-soled shoes, refuse to abandon sense work in, e.g. CHEKUSHKARf, GECHKARI;
quest, persist; ~-w-PtTAW n. shoes w. laces ~NAME n. record of events; ~sAz a. and n.
carried up over ankles. contriver (esp. of God who disposes), in-
ka!ek n. melon. dustrialist; ~sAzi n. industry, manufacture;
ka!emiste n. name of a parlour game in ~-U-BAR n. affairs; ~XANE n. factory; ~ZAN
which one player guesses in which hand the a. expert; ~zANi n. expert knowledge, ex-
other holds a small object. perience; ~zAR n. battlefield, battle.
ka!in (kal) v.i. see HEL KALiN. kardu n. dock (bot.).
ka!it see KOI,iT. kareba n. amber, magnetism, electricity.
kam 1 n. liking, desire, wish, object; ~ K., Cf. SHEWE, ZERDUYi. .
karesat n. calamity; - BESER ••• •A HATIN, L'EWil TENYA PIYAWEK-IM Df KE ZOR PERil-
•suffer c. SHAN BU, I saw only one man there who was
kar~z n. subterranean canal; - Lt (const.) very distressed; EW PIYAWE KE L'EWE DA
J?., ..... KENJ?IN, dig such canal (hence -KEN NiSHTUW-E, that man who is sitting there;
n. expert inthis work). EW PIYAW'E KE WA E-Y-BiNf, that man whom
kar~ n. mushroom. Cf. QARCHIK. you now see; EW PIYAWE KE BIRAKE-Y
karl 3 n. black arum lily, cuckoo-pint. L'ERE BU, that man whose brother was here;
karite n. large beam, roof-tree. EW PIYAWANE KE LEGEl,-YANA DA NfSHTIBUM,
karjole see KAR 4• those men with whom I had sat down;
karte n. aftermath, second crop. GEYISTiN E dYilK KE HicH KESE B'EwilDA RA
karwan n. caravan; -t n. and a. member of :II.'EBURDIBU, we reached a place ~he;e
c.; ,._.KER a. gen. ESTilRE Y -KER, planet; nobody had passed through. Cf. y2.
-KUJ n; morning star; -sERA n. caravan- kebab n. savoury mince wrapped around
serai. and roasted on skewer; -cHi n. seller of
karftsh''n. a species of Bermuda grass. prec.; -XA:t>.'E n. roast-meat shop. Cf.
kas a. giddy, stunned, dumbfounded. QUJBASHi.
kase n. bowl; - YCEJN, ceremonial meal of kebabe (A) n. cubeb.
Pll,AW (q.v.) eaten at two principal Muslim kebar (N) n. morning twilight.
festivals (..... Y CEJN K., celebrate festival kebat n. kind of large, rough lemon.
thus); - Y EJNO, knee-cap; ..... Y SER, cra- kech a. crooked, bent, awry.
nium; -ARD n. direct hit (originally of top keche! a. bald; -E n. newly hatched chick.
spun and thrown to come down on target); kef n. foam, froth, lather; ..... y ZERYA, meer-
-ds a. and n. poor, miserable, toady; schaum; ..... CHANDIN, foam at the mouth;
-l\1AST n. wooden bowl for curds, bowlful ..... K., foam, lather, (DIL ..... K., *'feel over-
of curds. come).
kasib (A) n. tradesman; -i 11. trading.· kefalet (A) n. ·guarantee, security; ..... K.,
kasni n. endive. guarantee, give security for; ~NAME n. docu-
kastl n. diminution. Cf. KEM-U-KASTi. ment of g.
kashane n. mansion. kefaret (A) n. penance, atonement; --TAN
kashi n. glazed pottery, tile, bowl. Bt, may your troubles be over (e.g. greeting
kashka, kashki int. exp. desire would that; to person recently recovered from illness);
..... BIHATAYE, would that he had come. - K., do p .
kashme n. asafoetida. kefe! (A) see SlMT.
katl n. early sowing of grain. kefil (A) n. guarantor.
katz n. time, moment; HicH -ilK, on no kej 1 n. name of a shrub (perh. tamarix manni-
occasion; -E NA KATil, every now and then, fera), kind of wild silk.
alternately. Cf. SAT. . kej 2 n. hill, crag; --U-KEW n. mountainous
katib (A) n. clerk. country.
kaw~j n. rumination; ..... K., chew the cud. kejawe n. double litter loaded astride mule
kawli n. gipsy. or camel.
kawul a. ruined, devastated. kejok 11. sciatica.
kawur n. lamb of 3 to 6 months. kejft n. woven girth. Cf. TENGE.
kaxli n. fenugreek. kell n. top, peak; -E n. skull, head ( ~E Lt !}.,
kaye n. game, arena; CHUN (HATIN) E -'WE, bang head against wall, esp. of dervishes);
appear on the scene, join in doing sg.; --M -EBERAN n. battering-ram; -EGURBE a.
KUTA YE PlSHT Y MIL·JT.fonnulafor claiming big-headed;· -EPACHE n. dish of brains and
a right on ground of being first to claim trotters; -EBEQ a. obstinate; -ESHEKIR n.
bags II. sugar cone; -ESHEQ a. erratic, unbalanced
kayi see NAZIKENAN. (person).
-ke1 defining suf. see -EKE1 • kel2 a. and n. chipped, split, gapped, waning
-ke• suf. forming nn. from nn. and adjj., e.g. (moon), chip, piece, gap, cleft, chink;
LUTKE, QiTKE. DAN-Y --E, he has gaps in his row of teeth;
ke3 pres. stem of KIRDIN. ..... K., breach, chip; -AWE n. shell (ruined
ke' a. other; PIYAWilK Y rrn, another man. building); -EBER n. gap; -EFicH a. having
ke 5 conj. when, since, because, if, in order that, gaps in row of teeth; -ELA a. mutilated;
lest (w. neg.); ....cHi conj. whereas, but yet. -fN n. deft (esp. in rock); --u-KOM a. full
ke 6 relat. pron. who, whom, which, that; of gaps and bulging, ruinous, misplaced and
e:tcept when the relat. pron. is the subject of irregular; --U-PEL n. bits and pieces, effects,
the relat. clause a pron. or pron. affix is ttsed movable property; --u-PEL y NAWMAl,.,
in the relat. cla!lse in addition toKE. Examples: chattels.
keP a. bald. ke!eme 11. two-piece collar by which yoke is
kela n. walnut shot in game of WAGHEN, q.v. secured to neck of plough-ox; DIBK y - ,
kelak n. carcass, corpse. · camel-thorn.
kelane 11. pasty made w. sliced spring onions. ke}epur a. and n. free of cost, cheap, bar-
kelare n. brimmed hat. gain.
keleb~jin~ n. Catherine-wheel, rotating ke!k1 n. use;- G., be useful (Y, for); - WER
firework. G., profit, take advantage, (LE, from, of);
kelegi n. reception room w. sash-windows. BE - HATIN, be useful; BE - HENAN, use,
keleke n. flank, side above hips; ~ Y utilize; LE - KEWTIN, cease to be useful;
SH!KAW-IM BAWKE BO, alas and alack! LE - x., render useless, scrap.
(excl. of distress at death of patron, pro- ke!k2 n. flat roof.
tector, etc.). ke!ke!e (A) n. anxiety, notion, idea; - Y JIN
kelepche n. handcuffs. HENAN, thinking about getting married.
kelerm n. cabbage. kem pron., a., and adv. little, few; - PIYAW,
kelesime n. name of a worm-pest said to PIYAW Y KEM, few people; -E NAN, a little
attack esp. chick-peas. bread; - -, gradually; - -E, little by
kelle see KELE under KEL 1 • little; - u ZOR, more or less; -B., be insuffi-
kelmiz (N) a. bed-wetter. cient; - BW., decrease, diminish; BE -G.,
kelu n. sign of the zodiac. underestimate; -HENAN, fetch a low price,
kel a. and n. male, strong, powerful, high, be insufficient, fall short; - K., be insuffi-
buck, ram (esp. mouffion, ibex), bull; ~ J?., cient; - KW., reduce, diminish (tr. and intr.),
put (cow) to bull (MANGAKE-YAN ~ I;>A, the become less; - MAN, stay a short time,
cow was put to the bull); ~ G., be on heat nearly be, nearly do (- MABU KE LE SERBAN-
(fern. animal). EKE BIKEWIM E XUWAREWE, J nearly fell off
ke! in comb.: ~AN a. chief; ~ANDOSHKAN n. the roof); BE - ZANi:N, despise, look down
top of shoulders; -ANTER n. headman; upon.
-BEZE n. breaker (wave); -EBAB n. cock kem in comb.: -AYETf n. minority (numbers);
(domestic fowl); -EGAn. bull over 2 years -AYi, smallness, insufficiency (quantity);
old, Taurus; -EGET a. fairly tall (person); -DERAMET a. unprofitable; -DES a. needy,
-EHERZ n. mating season of ibex and indigent; -Du a. of few words, taciturn,
mouffion; -EJIN n. masculine-spirited, reserved; -EKE, -EKEK, a little; -hi n.
masterful, woman; -EKhvi n. ram mouffion, condition of being few or small in quantity;
buck ibex; -EKUK, see -EBABj -EMBAZ n. -l;iAL, see -DESj -HELTOQiW a. in bas-
high jump; -E~RD n. man of strong char- relief; -in. fewness, lack, (BE LAY -iYEWE,
acter; -EMUST n. thumb; -EMUST Y PE, big at least; SERLE -r J?., diminish); -NAW a.
toe; -EPIYAW, see -EMERDj -ESUWAR 11. little-known; -BENG a. pale; -BU a. shy,
hard rider; -ESHAX n. hom (wind-instru- retiring; -SAL a. young; -TERXEM a. un-
ment, receptacle esp. cupping-glass; -ESHAX interested, indifferent; -TERXEMi n. in-
LE G., bleed); -ESHER, see -EBAB; -POST difference; --u-KASTi n. shortage; --u-
n. skin of mouffion or ibex worn over KUBi n. shortcomings; -xoR a. abstemious,
shoulders by dervishes. small eater.
kelafe n. skein. kema n. name of a species of fodder-clover.
ke!am (A) n. scriptures of the KAKEYi sect, kema! (A) n. worth, excellence.
see under KAK2 • keman n. name of a musical instrument w.
ke!anter see under KEL. metal strings; -cHE n. fiddle; -CHEJEN n.
kelash n. rag sole, gen. shoe w. such sole fiddler; -JEN n. keman-player.
and woven upper. kemen4 n. lasso; - HAWiSHTIN, throw 1.;
kelat n. eminence, high place in hill country, -K~H n. one who receives mystical call,
hill fort. Also QELAT. mystic.
ke!be n. fang, canine tooth. Cj. QELBE. kemer 1 n. arch.
-kele suf. forming dim. adjj., e.g. SIPiKELE, kemer2 n. belt; - Y WEJEYi-M BESTUW-E, I
SURKELE. am determined to act w. sincerity; ~BENJ;>
ke!e~et see undet· KEL. n. belt w. pouches for money or other
kelek 1 n. pile, stack, dry stone wall, raft; articles; -BEST n. retainer, servant of person
SUWAR Y- Y PEBO B., live in a world of fan- of rank; -cHiN 11. kind of pleated frock-
tasy, act foolishly; -En. gen. -E K., heap coat or jacket; -DAR a. and n. belted,
up, pile; -EBERD n. cairn; -ETIBE n. action member of a corps d'elite in the Bahan
doomed to failure, house of cards. army; -En. belt (fern. att.).
ke!ek 2 n. trick; - LE K., play trick upon, kem~ln. sheep's wool matted w. dung.
deceive; -BAZ n. rogue. kemo!e n. wooden butt, cask.
kemtiyar n. hyena. HATIN, be useful, gen. in neg. be quite use-
kenache1 n. call of partridge. less; LE- KEWTIN, cease to be useful;~ KE,
kenfache 2 n. dim. of -i n. girl, daughter; please, pray, kindly (do sg.); BE - NEMAN,
-iLi~ n. dim. of prec. now used as title Miss; be no longer useful.
-isHK, see -i; -izEK n. maid-companion, kerentene (E) n. quarantine.
formerly superior slave-girl. kerese, kereste n. material, equipment;
kenar n. edge; -En. gen. -E Y ASMAN, hori- - Y XAW, raw m.
zon; -EYi a. horizontal. kerewuz n. celery, maidenhair fern.
ken<;l n. ditch, ravine; -AL n. water-course; kerges n. vulture.
-EK n. trench, cutting; -ELAN n. rift, kerke n. peninsula.
chasm; -EsiME n. bee-eater; --u-KOSP n. kerke<;len n. unicorn.
ups and downs, difficulties. kerpese (SN) n. chameleon.
ken<;lin (ken) v.t. dig. See DA, HEJ... kersek n. clod.
ken<;lu n. bin (of earthenware, gen. filled from kertn. part, bit;- K., divide; -E, n. syllable;
top w. opening at bottom). -E in comb. fragment of (e.g. -EDEW n. a
kene n. delving, research; - TIYA K., study bit of a devil; -EKISHWER n. sub-continent);
intensively; ~KAR n. research worker. Also --u-PERT a. smashed to bits, in fragments.
KINE; cf. KE~J?IN. ker 1 a. icy, very cold.
keneft a. under duress, forced by circum- ker~ a. deaf; --U-LA!. a. d. and dumb. Cf.
stances. KIP.
kenere n. name of a fragrant wild herb perh. kerena n. trumpet.
melilot. keret n. time, occasion; si -, thirty times.
kenge, kengi adv. when? kerewale n. quail.
kenisht, kenishte n. synagogue. keru n. mould, mildew; - HEL HENAN, go
keni, kenile, see under KENACHE. mouldy.
kenin (ken) v.i. see PE KENiN. kes n. and pron. person, anybody; -t, some-
kenishk, kenizek, see under KENACHE. body; -hi n. personality; -i a. personal
kepche n. ladle. (gram.); -NEJ?AR a. impersonal (gram.);
kepek n. bran, scurf. -NEDiW a. unprecedented; -NEZAN a.
kepfke n. peak; ~u n. nose, snout. unknown; --U-KAR n. family, relations,
kepole n. measure used by miller to deduct household.
fee in kind, see MIZE. kesas a. wretched, depressed; "-in. poverty.
kepo! see KAPOL. kesire (A) a. numbed w. cold.
kepr n. bower, hut made of leafy branches; kesk a. green.
-AN n. season for moving out of village to kestaw n. extract of unripe grapes or other
such huts, spring; ~ESHINE n. Feast of fruit used in cooking as acid flavouring.
Tabernacles. kestek n. clod.
keproke n. gen. ~ BESTIN, curdle. kesh 1 n. climate; ~E n. season, time, occa-
kepu see under KEPKE. sion.
-ker1 also ~EWE (see KIRDIN, KIRDINE\VE) kesh2 see KESH-U-FISH.
suf. denoting agent, maker, doer, etc. e.g. keshf-u-keramet (A) n. esoteric knowledge
MENCEL,SIPIKEREWE. keshine n. trout.
ker 2 n. ass, donkey; - Y DESHTi, ~ Y GOB, keshish n. monk.
wild a.; xo ~ K., make an ass of oneself; keshk 1 n. knuckle; ~ LE J?., strike with k.;
~ANE a. asinine; -BAZAB n. gathering of -EJNO n. knee-cap.
fools; ~nAH n. donkey-man; -DIB n. species keshk 2 n. dried curds.
of millet; -EDEZ n. lit. grey-brown a., keshkek n. dish of wheat boiled w. meat.
obstinate person; ~EKi a. pertaining to a. keshke!an, keshkeshan see KAKEsHAN
(BAR y ~md, donkey-load); -hi n. asininity, under KA1 •
stupidity; ~I<OL (SN) n. foal of a.; -sEG n. keshkol n. beggar's bowl, small silver
stupid cad; ~TESHi n. thistle; --U-BAR n. replica of b. b. worn on necklace, miscel-
small donkey caravan; --u-xoi,EMESH n. lit. lany; -i a. oval, having b.b. design (woven
asses and ashes, incompatibles, irrelevancy; fabric).
-wtsHK n. hare; -wtsHKE n. shimmering, keshti n. ship, boat;- YBAYEWAN, sailing-s.;
(e.g. of crops, long grass, in wind; -WESHKE - Y BAZIRGANi, merchant-s., merchantman;
K., shimmer); ~WESHKEXEW n. doze, nap. ~ y CENGi, warship; -GEL n. fleet;
keramet (A) n. miraculous gifts and powers. -SHIK!\.W a. shipwrecked; -YEWAN n.
kere n. butter (gen. made from MAST q.v.). sailor, seaman.
kerem (A) n. bounty, generosity; BE - kesh-u-fish n. swagger.
keshye n. yellow-embroidered turban-cloth (fire, pestilence); the v. XISTIN oft. serves as
worn round fez by merchant classes. caus. of KEWTIN. See DA, DER, HEI,, LE, LEK,
ketan n. flax, linen; TOW Y ~,linseed. PE, BA, TE.
kete a. broad-shouldered, heavily built. kewurk see GEWURK.
ketire n. gum tragacanth. key adv. and pron. when?; HER -t whenever.
ketm (A) n. concealment, secrecy; ~ K., keybanu see KABAN. ·
hide. keyf (A) n. condition (health), pleasure; - y
ketn n. mischief, harm; ~ Pt Q., harm; ~ XO-TAN-E, do as you please; - NEB., *be
GEBAN, make m.; ~ Pt K., harm. unwell; - K., be delighted, make merry;
ketO. n. heavy piece of timber used for ex- -XOSH a. delighted.
cavating water channel. keyl a. senseless, bewitched, drunk.
kew1 pres. stem of KEWTIN. keylan a. pretty.
kew 2 a. blue. keyn-u-beyn n. social relations, goings-on.
kew3 n. riddle, sieve; LE ~ J;>., riddle, sift. Keywan n. Saturn.
kew 4 n. hill-partridge; -BEDAR n. method of kezi n. locks (hair).
decoying cock h.-p. with others in cage, ke intenog. and indef. pmn. who, whoever;
season when this is practised; -DERi n. YETi n. identity, individuality.
hill-cock, snow-partridge; -MAR n. species kech n. flea; - KEWTIN E KEWL, *become im-
of snake w. brightly coloured skin. patient, *itch to get busy.
kewa n. gown reaching below knee (male kell 11. upright stone, tombstone, stele,
att.), wadded and quilted coat (fern. att.). monolith.
kewant (G) n. hero. kel2 11. hut of boughs.
kewan 2 n. bow (archer's), carder's b., Sagit- kelan see KALAN.
tarius; ~E n. arc, segment of circle, bracket kelun n. lock (fastening).
for enclosing words, kind of snow-shoe. ke!an (ke!) v.t. plough.
kewchik n. spoon; -E n. drip-feed (joggled ke!~e n. arable land, ploughed field.
by CHEQENE q.v.) from which grain drops kern n. mucus, pus, matter; - Y Go, ear wax.
into central hole of upper stone of water- ker n. penis; -xoR n. whore.
mill. kerat n. name of a shrub on which wild silk-
kew4en n. clumsy block-head. worms feed, perh. anagyris foetida.
kewer n. leek. kerd n. knife. Also wtnn.
kewere a. exhausted, sickened. kesh1 (P) n. religious cult.
kew~ir n. flat pierced slice (implement). kesh2 pres. stem KESHAN, freely used as
kewi a. tamed (animals and birds); ~ K., second element of compp. w. meanings shown
tame. under KEsHAN.
kewij see KEWCHIKE. kesh3 n. attraction (- K., attract, import;.
kew! n. hide, skin, sheepskin coat, fur-lined xo - K., drag oneself along), turban; -En.
coat; - K., flay, worry; -i a. gen. xEW Y -t, carrying, lifting (harvest etc.), weight,
kind of goblin believed to haunt domestic measurement, toil, difficulty, line, dash
hearth. (pen-stroke), nzadda (Arabic script); -EKE
kewshl n. arm-pit. n. tugging (see under GURis); -E-W-BERE n.
kewsh2 n. leather heel-less shoe w. toe rising toiling and moiling; -K1 n. sledge; -MAN
to point and gen. high flap behind; -DIRU n. extension, lengthening; -MEKEsH n.
n. shoemaker; -EK n. name of game com- struggle; -RAW a. well-adjusted, balanced.
bining elements of hop-skip-and-jump w. keshan (kesh) v.t. pull, drag, attract, ex-
leap-frog; -EKON n. call of rag-and-bone tract (tooth), distil, smoke (tobacco etc.),
merchant, 'any old shoes!'; -KEN n. door- draw (picture), carry, suffer, weigh, apply
mat where shoes are removed. sg. to sg., oft neg. refuse to tolerate; -EWE,
kewt n. maple, small-leaved m. draw back (tr.), put male to cover female
kewtin (kew) v.i. fall, lie, be situated, go, (Lt); xo -EWE, stretch oneself, withdraw
rise (esp. xon, GELAWEJ), and many other (intr. Lt, from). See DA, DER, HEL, PtQA
meanings varying w. the associated n., adj., (PIYA), BA, Tt.
adv., or prep.: LE MIN-IT NEKE'Wt, do not keshk2 see tsHK.
fail me, I rely on you ; - E, start upon, set kew n. mountain; - Y AGIRPIJEN, volcano;
about doing sg., (- E xo, get busy, make Q. E -,take to the hills; -fa. wild (esp. of
special effort; ~ E Bt, set out, depart; - E animals); -iLE a. wild (flowers, fruit, etc.).
YEK, set upon each other, attack each other) kibrit (A) n. sulphur match. Also KIFRiT.
- E • • • -EWE, fall into, be situated at; kich n. girl, daughter; - Y BESHU, married
- ENAW XO, see - E YEK; - ETEK, be attached daughter;~ Y QEYRE, see QEYREKICH;- HEL
to, go along w. ; -EWE, fall again, break out G., abduct g.; -ANi a. pertaining to g.,
girlish; ~EPERI n. g.-fairy; ~EzA n. grand- ki!ese n. church.
child, daughter's child; ~llNi n. girlhood, ki!eshe n. arm-pit; only used in phrase
virginity; ~:ET!, ~i n. girlhood (time, SHEYTAN CHUWET E --YEWE, the devil
quality); ~KE, ~ol,E n. little g. entered into him, he is doing sg. wrong.
kifn (A) n. shroud; ~ u DIFN K., bury; ~DIE ki!ete n. kind of knitted Balaclava cap w.
a. who defies death, having a charmed life, pompon introduced by Saiyid Taha of
irrepressible. Shamdinan as Kurdish national head-dress.
kifr 1 n. tamarisk (perh. tamarix pentandra). ki!fe n. green flame.
kifr 2(A) n. blasphemy; ~BAZ blasphemer. kilo n. lump, clod; ~ Y SIMT, fleshy part of
kifrit see KIBRIT. buttocks; -SHEKIR n. 1. of sugar.
kift 1 n. wash, thin coating of liquid. ki!ol a. wretched, unfortunate; -1 n. misfor-
kift2 a. worn out (person), weak and ill. tune, unhappiness.
kifte n. rissole (gen. of meat and rice); ki!om n. mortise for bolt, internal notch of
~sHORBE n. stuffed r. served w. gravy and lock. See under KILfL.
gen. flavoured w. ginger; ~xoR n. lit. ki!once n. waistcoat w. sleeves; ~ y NAWJ?AR,
r.-eater, affectionately bantering appellation paddedw.
for small boy. ki!osh n. growing barley nearly ripe.
kiln. kohl; ~cHEWK n. k.-pencil; ~J;>AN n. ki!ot n. hip (bone).
k.-pot; ~TlJR n. k.-bag. kin n. nearness, proximity; gen. used as prep.
kilenchke n. base of spine, coccyx. w. meaning at, by, near, or as second element
kilil n. key; ~ J;>., lock; ~E 1 n. gen. DAN ~E of comp. prepp., e.g. BEKIN, BOKIN, EKIN,
B., '~have lock-jaw; ~-U-KILOM n. properly LEKIN.
wooden lock of bar and mortice, gen. ~-u­ kinanewe (kine) v.i. fail to take root, fail to
Kll,OM K., lock up securely; ~-U-QIFL n. grow.
lock and padlock. kinc;Iir 1 see KINGIR1 •
kilile 2 n. snow-drift; ~ K., form s.-d. kinc;lir 2 see KINGIR2 •
kilim n. pileless carpet. kine see KENE.
kilk n. finger, pen, handle, haft, tail; ~ BA J;>., kiner n. melilot.
wag tail; ~ PE'wE K., incite; ~EBEL n. kin~ n. arse, rump, buttocks; ~ J;>W., sit
spade-handle; ~EKINGE n. incitement; down; BE ~A KEWTIN, be obstinate; ~ HEL
~ELEQE 11. toadying; ~EMISHKE n. rat-tail TEKANJ;>IN, waddle; BE ~A X., delay (tr.);
file; ~EQINGE, see ~EKINGE; ~GIR a. w. tail ~J;>ER n. catamite; ~ECINOKE n. in phrase
carried high (horse); ~HE[,SENGENE n. water BEQEJ;> -ECINOKEYEK-E, there is not room to
wagtail; '""EWANE n. thimble. swing a cat; ~ESHEB n. Parthian tactics,
kiloc (A) n. manner; BE HicH ~EK, in no fighting withdrawal, skirmish; ~EWTILtHt
wise. a. bending over in kneeling position, pros-
kilori n. crore. Also KIROR. trated; ~EXILISKE n. sliding down slope on
kilor2 a. hollow (esp. tooth), unsound, buttocks; ~EXISHKE n. self-propulsion along
softened (of the consonants written J;> and r). ground on buttocks. Also QING.
kilt (N) n. wild hemp. kin~irl n. sewing thread.
kiluk n. blossom. kin~ir2 n. gw1delia; - U MAST BE WEXT Y
ki! n. firing, baking (pottery); ~ I{., fire; xo-y, there is a time and place for everything;
~ NW., stack for f. -DIBK n. dried g.
ki!afe n. reel (thread etc.); ESPEKE KILK-Y kiniwa! n. name of a plant resembling garlic.
KIRDUWE DE ....... , the horse is arching its tail. kip a. deafened (of ear), silent, quiet; Go -
ki!aw 11. head-dress; ~ Y BE!!'U n. acorn-cup; B., *be deafened; - K., deafen, damp down
~ y DUG0CHKE, kind of cap W. two flaps (fire). Cf. KEB.
(also ~ Y SilGOCHKE, - Y CHUWARG0CHKE, kir n. gen. ~ K., water woven fabric by
cap w. three or four flaps); ~ DIEAW B., moistening and pressing.
""always tell the unvarnished truth (hence kiran (kire) pass. of KIRDrN; ~EWE pass. of
~DIEAW a. frank); DES BE- YXOJ;>A G., look IORDINEWE.
after one's own interests, be cautious; kiras n. shirt; - Y PIYAZ, skin, layer, of
~EJNO n. knee-cap; ~.EN n. name of game onion; ~ Y PULEK, smock w. gilt stripes
played w. cap and counters; ~KUEE, ~NE (fern. att.); ~zmt n. coat of mail.
n. lark; ~Q:\Z1 11. intestinal appendix; ~QIJ kirawe a. open.
n. wig; ~QOCHKE see under QOCH 2; -EOJNE kirch a. tough; ~-U-KAL a. unripe.
n. smoke-hole in roof; -ZEB n. embroidered kird n. see --u-KOSH below; ~AR n. action,
cap hung w. gold coins; -zm:E n. helmet deed; ~E n. work, performance, ( -E Y
and coat of mail, armour; -ziw n. em- MIN-E W BIRDE Y EW-E, J do the work and he
broidered cap hung w. silver coins. reaps the benefit); ~EGAR n. the Creator;
-EWE n. action, deed, behaviour; KIRD-U- kirtanc;lin (kirten) v. clip, trim, gnaw. Also
KOSH n. steady effort. QIRTA.."''J?IN 1•
kirdin (ke; 3 pers. sing. pres. EKA, BIKA; kirtekirt see QIRTEQIRT.
aient KER) v.t. do, make, have (children), kirten n. chip, apostrophe (sign of omitted
Jay (eggs), trim (moustache, finger nails), letter).
and many other semes varying w. the asso- kir a. motionless, silent; - KEWTIN, sit
ciated 11., adj., adv. or prep.: BE MIK EKEY, down quietly, become broody, sit on eggs;
if you take my advice, in your place I -XEw 11. deep sleep. Cf. MIRISHKEBEKIE.
should ... ; - BE, appoint as, change into, kiranc;lin (kiren) also -EwE v.t. gnaw,
disguise as (xo - BE, pretend to be); with- erode. See HE!:,.
out d.o. go abruptly, begin, (KIRD-Y BE kire n. grinding, crunching; - K., grind
JUREKEJ?A, he strode into the room; JI:"EKAN (corn; BE PENCA FILS - EKA, he will do any-
KIRD-YAN BE QIJEQi'J, the women began thing for money); -EKIB n. continuous
screaming): impers. KIRD-Y DE BAR.r,.N, it sound of grinding etc.
began to rain: w. nn. and adjj. to form comp. kirene 11. hard ground unfit for tillage.
vv. e.g. BANG-Y KIRD, he called out, he kiresh n. scalp disease; SER-Y --Y HEL
shouted, but BIRAKE-M-Y BANG KIRD, he in- !;>AWE, he has developed such disease.
vited my brother; BAYEKE DEWAREKE-Y kirewe n. blizzard.
SHill KIRD, the wind tore the tent: pass. kirin (kir) v.t. buy.
KIRAN (KI~): -EWE (agent KEREWE), do kirkirage 11. cartilage.
again, repeat, open, and many other senses kirfizanewe (kirfize) v.i. whine, whimper,
vm·ying w. the associated n., adj., adv., or lament.
pt·ep. and oft. zvithout obvious connotation of kiruze, kirfizekiruz n. whining, whimper-
repetition or retunz, e.g. pick (flowers, fruit), ing.
, light (fire), card (wool, cotton), render kirwe a. cankered (fruit-tree).
(colour), or without do .. come out (flowers); kiryar n . .purchaser, customer.
KIRANEWE, pass. of prec.; -i a. practicable, kis n. and int. shepherd's cry; - K., utter
worth doing. See DA, DER, HEI.,, LE, PE, Pfu;>A such cry.
(PIYA), PE'WE, BA; BO, TE. kispe n. flaming, burning, sizzling; - Y DIL,
kire (A) n. hire, lease, rent; BE - J?., let, shock.
give on h., etc.; BE - G., hire, take on lease; kissey, also kissey-heleleley i11t. at him!
-GIRTE a. hired. seek him! (cry used to set dog on intruder
kirekar n. workman, labourer; -in. occu- etc.).
pation of labourer. kish n. and int. check (chess); - K., check;
kireshe n. light cotton print. --U-MAT a. silent, subdued.
kirj see GIRJ. kishe, also -KISH n. and int. shoo! (cry used
kirk n. plain (topog.). to frighten fowls, birds);- LE K., -KISH LE
ldrke see NIQE. K., shoo away.
kirm n. worm;- TE I;>., *become worm-eaten; kishan (kishe) v.i. glide, creep (reptile),
-Awi a. worm-eaten; -EK n. chinstrap for shoot (star); - E DUWA'WE, -EWE, draw
head-dress (fern. att.); -ESURE n. small back, retire, retreat; -Ew' E YEK, relax (e.g.
water-worm; -t a. rotten, nymphomaniac, elastic). Dee DA, HEI,, BA.
suspicious (DII. LE -t B., *become suspi- kishmish n. sultana raisin.
cious of); -IJIN, a. worm-eaten; IN, -ox, a. kisht n. agriculture; -KAR 11. farmer;
rotten (fruit) worm-eaten, nymphomaniac; ~-U-KAL 11. farming.
-xuwARDu a. worm-eaten. kishtek n. twine (esp. for threading beads),
Kirmanc n. non-tribal Kurdish-speaking draw-string, dash (horizontal stroke in
peasant; -i n. Kurdish language (main writing).
dialect). kite C.) int. bless you! (addressed to child w.
kirman<;lin (kirmen) v.t. make munching, hiccups).
crunching, noise. See DA. kiteb (A) n. book. See NAME.
kirme, kirmekirm n. munching, crunch- kitik n. cat.
ing (sound). kitli (E) n. kettle.
kiroche n. wind bag of bellows. kix, kixe int. (nursery expr.) dirty!, don't
kiroj pres. stem of KIROSHTIN. touch!.
kirok n. kernel, marrow, essence. kiz a. low, dim, despondent, weak (eyes);
kiror see KILOR. ~ B., - BW., be low, be despondent, die
kirosk n. wild pear, boor. down; ~ K., ~ KW., lower (light etc.), make
kiroshtin, kirotin (kiroj) v.t. nibble, Also despondent; ~ELE a. miserable; -1, des-
DA. pondency etc.; ~OLE a. see -ELE.
kizjanewe (kize) v.i. smart, itch, tickle, kokin (kok) v.i. cough. Also KOXiN.
bum; ~ANI;>INEWE (~tN), caus. Cj. HEL kolare n. kite (bird and toy).
KIZAN. kolik n. target, objective.
kize 1 n. itch, smart, tickle; ~ y BA (also kolikedar n. log.
~nA n.), gentle breeze; ~ Y CERG, heart- ko! 1 a. dull, incompetent, misshapen, de-
ache; ,.., Y SAZ, soft music. formed (esp. w. maimed hand), irregular;
kize2 n. freshly cut hay before lifting. ,..,E n. fatherless child whose mother has
kizenke (SN) n. kind of cake. remarried, autumn-sown wheat and barley;
kizin n. millet. ,..,E Y SING, pit in chest; ,..,EMISTE n. fist;
kizir a. damp. ,..,(], ~u\VENAN n. lump of bread burnt in
kif n. bag, case. oven but eatable.
kij n. girl; ,..,EI.il, ~oLEn. little g. ko! 2 n. back of neck, shoulders, a man's
kila a. and n. leaning, out of line, side; ,.., I;>., load; ,..,:fl a load, a lot; LE ,.., BW., fall from
put aside;~ KEWTIN, go aside, be put aside; the shoulders (load; LE ,..,-IM BIBEREWE,
~ x. see,.., I;>; ,..,yj n. side (BE ,..,yf Y CHAW, leave me alone); ,.., I;>., give in, submit,
out of the corner of the eyes). (hence ,..,NEI;>ER, invincible); ,.., p:fl I;>., de-
kilofgram (E) n. kilogram; ,..,METRE n. kilo- feat, reduce to submission; LE ,.., GEJ!A-.."1,
metre. cease to interfere with (Y); G. E ,..,, LE ,.., G.,
kimya n. chemistry; ,..,GER n. chemist. tie over the shoulder; K. E ,.., , hoist on to,
kis n. s;velling, water-blister, bag; LE throw over, the shoulders; LE ,.., KW.,
CHUN, be lost, be wasted; ,.., K., swell, form relieve someone of a burden (v); LE ,.., y xo
blister; ,..,E n. bag; ( ~E Y J;IEMAM n. washing- KW., shake off, get rid of; ,..,G:flB n. Jewish
glove; ,..,E Lil I;>., scrub w. such glove; pedlar of cotton piece-goods; ,..,K:flsH tz.
,..,EK:IlsH n. bath-attendant, shampooer); ,..,E porter, pedlar; ,..,WANKE n. silk shawl tied
y PARE, purse (unit of money); ,..,E-W-KEMER over shoulders (fern. att.).
n. belt and powder-pouch. ko!an n. street, lane.
kise! n. small water tortoise; ~E n. name of ko!eke n. pillar, column, nasal septum; ,.., I;>.,
pest that attacks wheat. stiffen oneself, resist.
kishwer n. clime, continent. ko!ewuj n. poker, wooden pusher for moving
kite!e see KITLi. loaves in oven.
Kol n. Pleiades. ko!inc n. stiff neck; "" K., have s.n.
ko 2 n. pile, collection, addition, quarter of ko!fin (ko!) v.t. dig out; ~RAN ( ,..,R:fl) pass.
town; n. BE ~ Y ZUXAI., be deeply distressed; (hence ,..,RAW n. carving, rock inscription);
....., nw., come together, assemble; ,.., KW., ,..,fNEWE, dig up. See HE!,, Lil •
collect, amass, assemble; xo ,.., KW., pre- ko!it n. hut, shelter, hide. Also KALiT.
pare oneself, get ready; ,..,BENI;> n. meeting ko}yar n. carving, rock inscription.
( ,..,BENI;> G., hold a meeting) j ,..,GA, ,..,GE 11. kom1 n. anus.
meeting-place, institute; ~MAR, '""'MEL, kom2 n. brine spring.
,..,PARE, see separate articles below; ,..,WAR, kom3 a. hunch-backed; ,.., nw., become bent
periodical magazine. Cj. G02 • (gen. w. age); ,..,AWE a. stooping, bowed.
ko 3 see KUL-U-KO, TEP-U-KO. komanewe (kome) v.i. become bent (gen.
kocfe!e also ~iLE n. small wooden cup; w. age).
,..,EL,E Y SER, crani4{fi. komfar n. section of tribe; '""'EL n. group,
koch 11. migration; ,.., K., move camp, mi- crowd, society, ( ,..,EL- BESTIN, hold meeting
grate; ,.., y DUWAYi K., die; ,..,EK1 n. itinerant or congress; ,..,El, B., come together, collect;
acrobat; ~·ER n. and a. nomad, nomadic; ,..,EL K., accumulate); ,..,ELAYETi n. com-
'""'-U-BAR n. nomadic tribe on the move. munity, society; ,..,ELi a. social. Cj. K0 2 •
kochek 2 n. member of a class of-volunteers komek n. help; ,.., K., help (Y).
for the religious life in the Yazidi hierar- kon1 n. tent.
chv. kon 2 a. old; "<E n. old clothes, jumble, and as
kode 11. animal-tax. first element of many combb. w. meaning old,
koderi u. chamois-leather. former, ex-: ~EBAW a. old-fashioned;
kok1 a. in agreement, in accord (LEGE!,, ,..,EFIROSH n. dealer in second-hand wares;
with);,.., B., agree;,.., BW., make up quarrel; ,..,EKARBEDES n. former civil servant j ,..,EKING
,.., K., bring into accord, harmonize; ,.., KW., n. ischiorectal fossa; ,..,EPERIST, n. and a.
make peace between; ,..,:flTi, ~i n. concord. conservative; ,..,ESAL a. aged.
kok 2 11. tack (needlework); ~ Lil J;>., tack. kongire (E) n. congress. See KO:I1EL.
koke 11. cough; ,..,KOK n. continuous cough- kopan n. pack-saddle; ,..,DIRU n. p.-s. maker.
ing; -BESIIE 11. whooping-c. Also KOXE. kopare n. camel's hump.
kokenar 11. poppy-head. kordere see KORDERE.
korpe, korpele n. new-born animal, infant- - KW., obliterate; -AYi n. blindness, dislike
child, baby. (BE -AYIY,BE ~AYi YCHAWY, YARE, in spite
kor n. gathering (for a definite purpose); ~ y of Yare); -AYI bA HATIN, ~AYI BE CHAWA
GORANI, festival of song; LE ~ Y SHEBJ)A, in HATIN, *be disgusted; ~DERE n. dry water-
the thick of the battle; ~-E L'EW GEBEKE, course; ~EKANi n. dry spring, spring that
there is something happening (crowds are dries up in summer; ~EMAR n. slow-worm;
gathering) in that quarter of the town; "-'EBt 11. blind alley, road leading nowhere.
CHUN E ~EWE, join in the proceedings; ~G., koreweri n. drudgery.
hold a meeting. kora int. what, already! how (did you manage
kos n. big drum. to do it) so quickly?
kose n. shark. kostan n. highlands.
kosp n. and a. obstacle, snag, beset w. ob- kot 1 a. familiar, well-worn, poor; BE viR y ~
stacles, snaggy; ~ BIB IN, overcome o. ; Y xo-M, in my poor opinion.
~AYI 11. uneven terrain, broken ground; k()t2 a. bay (horse).
~E n. same as ~. koxa n. headman of village or of tribal sec-
kost 11. support, patron, bread-winner; ~ tion.
KEWTIN, *lose 1neans of s. kucilk 11. name of a herb w. milky sap.
koste a. and n. hairless (person), shrewd, kuch 1 int. cry to call dog, gen. ~ ~ ~.
cunning; ~m':TKE n. grotesque carnival kuch 2 , kuchik n. stone, pebble.
figure; ~-W-EISHPAN a. inconsistent m kuchke n. blunt point, excrescence,
action. chevron.
kostek n. small chain, guard-chain. kuchftle n. drugged bait for birds.
kosh n. lap (of person). kuj pres. stem of KUSHTIN.
koshan (koshe) v.i. see KOSHIN. kujjanewe (kuje) v.i. die down, be extin-
koshe, koshish, koshisht n. effort, striving. guished, go out; -ANQINEWE (~EN) caus.
koshin (kosh) v.i. strive, gen. Tt KOSHiN. extinguish, obliterate.
koshk 11. mansion; ~-U-BERE n. house and kul a. blunt.
· grounds, ·homestead; ~-u-SERA n. large m. kulane n. nest (on the ground). Cf. HELANE.
kota a. ended; ~B., come to an end;~ K., kulfanewe (kule) v.i. smart, be painful;
bring to an end; ~vil n. end, ending; -ANQINEWE ( ~tN) caus. irritate, revive
~vi PE !)., see ~ K.; ~vi HATIN, *come to an sorrowful memories.
end; ~vt Pt HtNAN, see~ K. kulanke n. embrasure, light (opening).
kotayi 2 n. gen. ~ K., not do one's best. kule 1 11. mosquito-net.
kotfe n. tree-stump, stocks; ~E Y KEWSH- kule 2 n. locust, grass-hopper; ;....zERDE n. ~
DIRU, stump used -as cobbler's work-table; yellow I.
~E w ZINciR K:, chain up (prisoner); ~ELE, kulemer~i n. drudgery, miserable existence.
dim. oft. capital of pillar, bird w. clipped kuleche n. kind of cake.
wings; ~ELEDAR n. lump of wood; ~ELEXE­ kulere n. bread baked in thick slabs; ~ y
LUZ n. brand, charred stick; ~ERE, same as NAWESHidNE, ~BEEON, -CHEWRE n. such
KOTELE; ~IK, ~!KEDAR, see ~ELEDAR; bread made with additional quantity of
~ERE and in comb. see ~ELE. clarified butter.
kote! n. gen. ESP y ~ horse led in front of kulin~ n. niche in wall used as shelf.
bier with dead man's clothes etc. arranged kulor see KILORl, KILOR 2 •
on wooden frame;~ KO n. cortege so headed. kulu n. ball (e.g. of woo( cotton), flake(snow).
kotir n. pigeon; ~ y I;JAQU, pouter p.; ,..., y. ku!1 a. short, docked (tail); ~ K., shorten,
NAMEBER, carrier p.; ~ Y PEELEPt, feather- dock; ~ KW., abbreviate; ~EBAJ.. n. felt
legged p.; ~ Y TEQLEBAZ, tumbler p.; ~BAZ coat w. short protruding false sleeves;
n. p.-fancier; ~EBARIKE n. dove; -EKtwiLE -EBINE a. s. of stature, mischief-maker;
n. wild p. ~ECHUWARSHEMU, last Wednesday of month
kox also ~TE, see QOX. of SEFER believed to be unlucky day;
koxe see KOKE. ~EGOCHAN n. light walking-stick w. crook
koxin (kox) v.i. see KOKIN. handle; ~EKEWA n. s. gown; ~EMAR n. name
koyle n. devoted slave. of a poisonous species of snake; ~EWEYBAB,
koz n. sheep pen (in open air). n. and a. viper, mischief-maker.
kozere n. chaff, separated grain husks. kul 2 n. boil, boiling; ~ Y DERUN, deep emo-
ko Zoe. pron. where; LE ~,where?; LE -'WE, tion;~ y GIRYAN, floods of tears;-!)., boil
whence?; LE HkH -YtK, nowhere. (intr.) ,..., Pt J;>., boil (tr.); HATIN E ~, come
kondere see Ko. to the b.; HENAN E -, bring to the b.;
kor a. blind, extinct (family), dry (spring); KEWTIN E ~, begin to boil; ~ K., have a
,..., B., become blind; ,..., BW., become extinct; washing day, see ~EriESAR below; ~ XUWAR-
DIN, simmer; -EHESAR n. bathing and wash- kurtan n. pack-saddle; -omu n. p.-s. maker.
ing enclosure for women; -KULE n. foun- kur n. boy, son; ""'ANGIRTU n. part of waist
tain; -oK a. good for boiling (cookery); above tpe hips (woman); "-'ANi a. tom-boy;
--U-KO n. gen. --U-KO DA MIRDIN (also DA ,.....EKUBE n. youths, youth, (""'EKUBE Y SHAR,
MIRKAN), *come off the b., *die down (blaze, the lads of the town); ""'EZA n. son's child,
emotion, etc.). grandchild; ""'EZAza. n. great-grandchild;
ku!fan (ku!~) v.i. boil (hence -Aw a. boiled); -~i n. boyhood, boyishness, irresponsible
-ANQIN (-:EN) caus. boil. See HEI,.. behaviour.
ku!enani n. sorcerer (esp. one claiming to kuri see KEl\1-U•KUBf.
cure impotence). kurkuje n. name of a variety of date, Zahidi
ku!in (ku!) see KULAN. date.
ku!kl n. and a. soft kinds of wool and hair, kurkure n. kite (bird).
fleecy, flossy, foaming. Also KURK. kurnush (T) n. reverence, obeisance, bow;
ku!k2 n. gen. BE -EWE B., be the responsi- - KEsHAN, - K., bow.
bility (Y, of); BE -EWE Ko, make responsible kuru C.) int. gen. - -,cry to call horse.
for, impose sg. on (Y). kuskesh n. see KUZKESH.
ku!ks n. boil, sore. kusf.lr (A) n. fraction; PENC LiRE w -, five
kulm n. cheek-bone. pounds odd. Cj. QUSUR.
ku!o see KII.,O. kushin«;;e (P) a. lethal.
ku!ol see KILOL. kusht n. killing, slaughter; BE - CHUN, be
ku!om see KILOM. killed; BE - J)., have killed, cause death of;
kun n. hole; - -, full of holes, pierced; - B., xo BE - :J?., lay down one's life; -AR n.
be pierced; - K., pierce, deflower (virgin); slaughter; -AR LE K., make great slaughter
- TE (LE) K., make h. in; -AWDER a. pierced of.
through(-AWDER K., pierce through); -E, kushte n. fine gypsum; -KARi n. plaster
first element .of many comp .. nn . .(-EBACE n. work with f.g.
air-shaft, chimney; -EDERZi, eye of needle; kushtin (kuj) v.t. kill, beat severely; xo -,
-EDIRO, fountain of lies; -EDiWAR n. shal- commit suicide, work oneself to death; pass.
lowh. in wall; -EGO, ear-hole; -ELUT, nos- KUJRAN (KUJRE).
tril; -EMISHK, mouse-h.; etc.); -KERE n. kut1 int. gen. - - -, cry to call dog.
drill (tool); --U-KELEN, --U-QUJBIN n. nook kut 2 n. piece, fragment, fascicule (of book);
and cranny, hole and corner. -t LE SHEW, a watch of the night; - - K.,
kunc n. and a. comer, hole, holed, speckled; cut to pieces; -AL n. piece-goods; --u-MUT
- -,pitted, pock-marked, speckled; -KUN- a. cut to pieces.
CEN n. parlour game resembling puss-in-the- kut3 n. stroke, thrust; - PE'WE :J?., deliver
comer. blow at; - WESHANJ)IN, lash out; -EK n.
kunci n. sesame. club w. long handle, thick stick, blow,
kuncre n; .name of a species of myrtle. beating ( -EK XUWARDIN, receive a beating);
kunde n. water-skin. --U-PIB a, and adv. sudden, suddenly, im-
kundebebf.l n. owl. mediate, immediately.
kungire n. battlement. kutan (kute) v.t. beat, pound, crush, thresh,
Kurd n. and a. Kurd, Kurdish; -AYETi n. thrust, inoculate; xo - BO, make strenuous
Kurdish patriotic movement (-AYETi K., be efforts to obtain; BE ERZA strike
an active Kurdish nationalist); -ENAMUSi down, dash to the ground; -EWE, beat
n. gen. K. E -ENAMUsi, fulfil patriotic obliga- again etc.; BE CHAWA -EWE, remind some-
tion to help other K. in need ; -EwARI n. one of favours done to him in past. See DA,
the Kurdish world, sg. typically Kurdish; HEL, TE.
-ISTAN 11. land of the Kurds; -i a. and kutkute n. toy made of streamers attached
n. Kurdish, the Kurdish language. to stone or other weight.
kurek (SN) n. centre. kut-u-kor a. bleary-eyed.
kurk see KULK 1 • kutupxane see NAMEXANE.
kurkanqin (kurk~n) v.t. grumble, snort. kuwa also -Nt interrog. adv. where?, where
kurke, kurkekurk n. grumbling, snorting. is?.
kursi (A) n. chair, throne. kuwan n. gen. ~ Y XURMA, Baghdad boil,
kurt a. short; - HENAN, be insufficient, fall Aleppo button.
s.; - :Kw., shorten, abbreviate; -EBALA a. kuwan~, kuwanf.l n. fire~place.
S. of stature; -EBINE, see KULEBINE under kuwar see KEN:J?iL
KUL1 ; -EK n. s. kind of jacket (oft. padded); kuwar~ n. mushroom.
-f n. shortness, brevity, (-iYEKE-Y, in s, kuz 11. vulva; ~EKEMTIYAR n. love phiitre;
the gist of the matter). -KESH 11. flatterer, fawner, toady. Also QUZ.
kft interrog. adv. how?. kiir n. angora kid.
kftche n. street, lane; ~-w-BAZAB n. outside kftre 1 n. bee-hive.
in the streets. kftre 2 n. fire-place, grate, furnace, kiln ;
kftjeke n. bead, esp. ~ Y SHiN, blue b. worn ~oEME n. large bellows.
to keep off evil eye. kftrebesk n. cheetah.
kftkft n. cuckoo. kftr1 a. distorted, crooked, hunched.
kftleke n. pumpkin, vegetable marrow. kftr2 n. and a. downward slope, sloping;
kftni n. catamite. BW., fall or roll down such s.
kiipe n. jar of porous clay; - Y SHiN, non- kiiz n. section, slice; - ~, sliced, fluted
porous glazed j.; -LE n. dim. porous water- (pillar); ~ K., cut in slices.
pot. kftze!e n. watercress.

1' see LE. ~LOCH n. shallow handful; -LuT a. dis-
Ia 11. side, direction, part, half; as prep. = LE gusted; ~MIL n. part of neck just· below
- Y, 'at the s, of, in the opinion of, at the ear; ~PAt. n. flank; ~PEBE n. page (one side
house of, with; as adv. aside; CHUWAR of sheet); ~PE a. gen. BE Y -P:E, very steep
-KAN, the four cardinal points; ~ BE ~, path, goat-track; -PECH a. worn at a rakish
zigzag; BE ~ Y KEMIYEWE, at least; LE angle, tilted (turban); -PILAR n. hint,
LA'WE, aside, on one side, indirectly; ~-M innuendo, implied criticism, (HAwiSHTIN,
(- Y MIN) WA-YE KE ... , J am of opinion throw out; TE G., level at); ~PILARSENG n.
that .... uninvited guest; -PuwAZ n. small wedge,
la idiomatic usages w. verbs: ~ BIRDIN, re- uninvited guest, interloper; -QEJ;> n. side,
move, dismiss;- CHUN, go away, disappear, flank; -R, see separate entry below; -Bt n.
be removed; - 1;>. (without d.o.), go aside, side-road; -sENG a. ill-balanced; -sERE n.
make detour, jink, change the subject, (Lt, tassel gen. of gold and semi-precious stones
from, so as to avoid); - J;>. (with d.o.), put, worn at s. of head (fern. att.); -suRE n.
push, on ones., draw open (curtain); xo - species of apple red on one s.; -SHEB a.
J;>., avoid (Lt); - J?W. (without d.o.), tum peaceable, pacific; -sHEWILKE, s. of face by
(intr.; BO, E, ESER, towards); G. E - Y XO, lower jaw; ~sHiPAN n. door-post; -TERiK
keep, preserve; CHUWAR ~G., surround (v); a. diffident, retiring; ~TEBiZE n. buttock;
BE -J;>A HATIN, fall unconscious, die; - -TIRAZGE, n. jink, leap to one side; -TIRfSKE
KEWTIN, go aside, come forward from ranks a. and adv. flinching, cowering, ( -TIRisrm
for single combat (Bo, against); ~ K., go wide WESTAN, edge away); ~wANE1 n. s.-piece,
of target, miss; - KW., tum round (intr.), s.-wall of grave, drain, conduit, etc.; ~-w­
look round, help (Lt); - BE - BOYISHTIN, DiWEXAN n. part of house open to guests,
walk w. rolling gait; - x., x. E -'wE, put guest-rooms; -YEN, see separate entry
aside. below.
lain comb.: -BARn. half load (mule etc.); -BAZ Laclac n. name of legendary patron of
n. gen. -BAZ J;>.,jump aside; ~cANG n. temple gambling.
(side of head); ~crt.EW a. unco-operative; laciwerd n. lapis lazuli; ~i a. bright blue.
~CHENE n. lower part of cheek, side of jaw; laf n. boast; - Lt J;>., boast; ~-u-GEZAF n.
~cHiROK n. anecdote; ~DAYtN n. part- boasting.
time wet-nurse; -o:E 11. country as opp. to lafaw n. flood, spate.
town; ~otvi a. and n. rustic, villager; ta•iye a. artificial, false, (hair, teeth, limb,
~aiRE n. brooch fixed at side to keep turban etc.).
in place (fern. att.); ~rlt. n. plot separated laji~ a. unintelligent, stupid.
by ov.ner from larger field and let for cul- lak n. carcass.
tivation; ~KtsH 1 n.long narrow carpet gen. lal (A) n. and a. ruby, crimson.
spread one on each side of broader middle lale1 a. tulip, candlestick w. internal spring
carpet of matching set of three (see MEYAN- and glass globe, chandelier, kind of instru-
FERSH); ~KtsH2 a. occasional smoker {as rnent of torture; -'EBAS n. four o'clock
opp. to habitual smoker); ~KOLAN, back- plant, marvel of Peru (bot.); -zAR n.
street, s.-street; -LIGHAWE n. s. of mouth; t.-bed.
864313 G
lale see LALi.
Iawje n. name of a kind of song.
lalengi n. tangerine orange, kind of sweet- lawlaw n. convolvulus; -EKE BEGIJ
meat. DIWAREKEJ?A CHUWE, the c. has climbed up
lali, lalo n. maternal uncle. the wall.
la! a. dumb; -EPETE a. stammerer. lawiik n. name of a kind of song.
la!anewe (la!e) v.i. implore (L~). layen n. side; - BER J?., withdraw support
la!e, la!ela! n. supplication. (Y, from); - G., support, take sides w. (v;
lam n. the Arabic letter lam; ~ y QELEW, the hence -erR n. supporter, partisan). Cf. LA,
Kurdish velar L written L. and LELAYEN under LE 2 •
lamelfela (A) n. the Ar;bic comp. letter laylaye n. lullaby.
lam-' alif. lazim (A) a. necessary.
lampa (E) n; lamp. -le1 suf.forming dim. of nn. and adjj. ending in
lan also ~En. nest, lair; ~EwAZ n. emigrant, vowel, e.g. BIRALE, XANULE, SIPILE.
immigrant; -IK, -KE n, cradle. Cf. le 2 (L' before any pron. beginning w. E or fl, and
HELANE, KUL&'IE. before the dem. adjj.), at (place), at (indicat-
Janet (A) n. curse; - LE SHEYTAN, curses on ing the object of a gesture), and other senses
Satan! (as excl. expr. determination to varying w. the context; in conj. w. postp. -J?A
resist temptation); - K., curse (Lil). (-A), in; in conj. w. postp. -EWE, from, at
lapchin n. boot. (relative position). Examples: - HEWLER-E,
laq n.leg. he is at Arbil; BOJBASH - DOSTEKAN-Y EKA,
laqe (A) n. connexion, relevance; - l'."'EB, he wishes his friends 'good day'; - ASHE-
*have no c. (BESER .•. -EWE, with) j - K., KEJ?A KES NfYE, there is nobody in the mill;
interfere (Y, with). -MAL Y DIRAWSE'WE EHATIM, I was coming
lar a. leaning, oblique, bent; - BW., lean, from the neighbour's house; L'EWLA Y
be bent, die; - KW., cause to lean, bend, fell, SHAREWE, on the other side of the tovm;
kill; -E1 n. oblique line; -E2 also -ELAR, L'EMEWBER (L'EME WEBER), before this, until
-EWLAR, adv. gen. -E ( -ELAR, -EWL'I.R) now j L'EMEWDUWA, L'EMEWLA (L'EME WE
BOYISHTIN, walk w. rolling gait, swagger DUWA, L'EME WE LA), from now on. See LE
along; -E-W-LENCE, elegant swaying gait for the circumstances in which LE takes this
(esp. of young women); --U-BAR n. good form, also LEK ( = LE YEK), and TEJ?A (TIYA).
figure; --u-PA!, a. and adv. recumbent, le2 is regularly pref. to the prep. BO and to many
lying down, (--U-PAI,. KEWTIN, fall down, words, mostly nn. of place, to form comp.
lie down); --u-xilcH a. crooked, twisted. prepp.; then. or phrase governed is not linked
Cf. LA. to the comp. prep. by izafe (Y 2); such comp.
las n. gen. - J?., persuade. prepp. are however sometimes resolved into
lasar a. heedless, casual, slack. prep. phrases w. izafe, and conversely izafe is
lasayi = L'ASAYi, gen. - KW., mimic, imi- sometimes omitted from a more usual phrase
tate, hence -KER n. mimic. to form a comp. prep. not included in the fol-
lask n. stem, stalk, stick (rhubarb), boot-tag; lowing list; the comp. prepp. may be used in
-DIREJ a. see GOREWf. conj. w. the appropriate postp.: -BABET,
-laske see DEMELASKE under DEM3 • concerning; -BAN, upon; -BATi, instead of;
lastik (E) n. rubber, elastic. ...... BER, on, in front of, because of, ( ......BER
lashe n . .corpse, carcass; -xoR a. carrion- CHIRAKE, by lamp light; .....,BER XOREKE, in
eating. the sun); -BERAMBER, opposite to (-J?A);
lashik n. dust and dirt carried by wind. ......BERCHAW, in front of(-J?A); ~BERDEM, in
lat also --u-LUT a. poverty-stricken. the presence of (-J?A); -BERDES, ready to
Iatirqewche, latirqewchepech a. and n. the hand of (-J?A); ...... BIN, below (-J?A);
inverted, stupid nonsense. -Bmf, -BmiTt, consisting of; ...... CIYATf,
layv n. youth, young person; -ANE2 , a. and instead of; -CHAW, compared w. (-J?A);
adv. youthful, in the manner of the young; ...... CHING, at or from the hands of; -DEM,
-cHAK n. young gentleman; -cHAKf n. from the mouth of, on the authority of,
youthful energy, chivalry; -mi n. youth (-EWE); -DES\ at the hands of; -DES 2 , in
(age); -flTi n. youthfulness, fact of being the power of (-J?A); -GEL see separate
young. article below; -co, on the edge of; -I;IEQ,
lawanQin (lawen) also -EWE v.t. (with d.o.) concerning (-J?A); -JtR, under (-J?A, -EWE);
comfort, (without d.o.) lament. ~JllR, above (-J?A, -EWE); ~KIN 1 , by, with,
lawante (E) n. lavender-water (imported according to, (-KIN xo-Y, in his own
from Europe). opinion); -KIN 2, beside {-EWE); -LAYEN,
lawaz a. weak; -i n. anaemia. Cf. LEB. by, by the agency of, (-EWE); -MEB, apper-
lawe, lawelawe n. blandishments. taining especially to; -NAW 1, inside {-J?A);
-NAW 2, out from (-EWE); -NIZIK, near lele1 n. tutor, male servant in charge of chil-
(-!;>A, -EWE); -PAL, beside (-EWE); -PASH, dren.
after, behind, (--J;>A, -EWE); -PEsH, before lele 2 n. notch; - K., notch, make n. in.
(time or place; -!;>A, -EWE); -PISHT, behind lence n. gen. - K., BE - BOYISHTIN, see
(-EWE); -QiN, -BIQ, out of spite against, at; LENciN; --u-LAR n. swaying gait.
-Bu, facing, in the face of, (-l;>A); -sER, lencin (lenc) v.i. sway, walk w. a roll.
upon, incumbent upon, because of, ( -sER leng a; lame, out of balance, scanning badly.
KW., stand by, come to the support of); lenger1 n. anchor; -FinE J?., - HAWISHTIN,
-SERU, above (-EWE); -TAW, under pres- cast a.; ..... GA n. anchorage.
sure of (-TAW QUME CIGERE WEXT-E SHET lenger2 n. equilibrium, balance; -G., be in
DIM, I am nearly mad for one puff at a balance, hover; -in. condition of e., metre
cigarette); -TEK, together w. (-J?A); -TEN- (verse), large round wooden tray.
ISHT, beside (-EWE); -XUWAR, below (-!;>A, leng~ze see LEZME.
-EWE). lengin (leng) v.i. limp.
le 2 in other combb.: -BAR a. convenient, un- lep n. palm of hand; BE -A KEWTIN, fall for-
objectionable, agreed, (but gen. neg. NALEBAR, ward;- RUTAN, grope; -EKUTE n. groping;
inconvenient, objectionable); -PASHBECE- -EWBU adv. gen. -EWBU KEWTIN, fall flat on
MAW n. estate of deceased person; -xuwA- the face.
TIRS a. God-fearing; -SERXO a. calm, self- lepe n. pap, mash, pulp, poultice.
possessed. leq a. loose, slack; - K., loosen, make inse-
lebe n. fat. cure (PE, for); -ELEQ n. wobble ( -ELEQ K.,
leblebi 11. parched peas. wobble); --U-LOQ a. very loose.
lebz (A, LAFZ) n. word, pronunciatiOn; leqan (leqe) v.i. see LEQIN.
Y SHIRIN, bl~ndishments, endearments; leqe n. kick w. sole of foot, stamp; - LE 1;>.,
LE - GEBAN, *have speech together ( --IM kick thus, also fig. deal a blow to (e.g. hopes);
LE --Y NEGEBAWE, I have never spoken to - WESHANJ;>IN, kick out, lash out w. hind
him; hm - Y MIN LE - Y TO NAGEBE, I shall legs (mule); -KUT n. stamping; -sHEL n.
never speak to you again). treading, crushing w. feet. Cj. SHEQ 2 •
lebzine 1 n. sweet almond paste, marzipan. leqeb (A) n. title, surname, nickname.
lebzine 2 n. rhomb, lozenge, diamonds leqfin (leq) v.i. wobble, be loose (e.g. tooth),
(cards); -Yi a. rhomboid. twitch, be shaky; -ANI;> IN (-EN), caus.
lecher a. miserly. loosen, toss (head), twitch (ear).
lechik n. kerchief; - K., tie k. to cover head. leqleq also I!Aci LEQLEQ n. stork.
lege! prep., gen. in conj. zv. postp. -J;>A, with, leranewe (lere) v.i. shake, tremble, quake,
together With; - EME'SHI;>A (EWE'SHJ?A), oscillate.
nevertheless; - EME'SHJ;>A KE, although; lerfe, also -ELER n. quake, quiver, osCilla-
- B., *have in mind (- EWE-M-E, it is you tion; -E K., -ELER K., quake etc.; -OK a.
I am addressing, it is you to ·whom I am quaking, oscillating, etc.
referring); - K., deal with, treat, (XIRAP-Y lerinewe (ler) v.i. see LERANEWE.
-A KIRDIM, he treated me very badly); as lerz n. ague, tremble, shiver; - BIBIN,
conj. as soon as; -HAT, as soon as he came. assuage ague; - G., have an attack of ague
legen n. basin, wash-hand-basin. Cj. ( --IM GIRTUw-E or - GIRTUM-Y, I have had
MESINE. an attack of ague); - LE HATIN, *have an
leghem (A) n. mine, tunnel; - LE J?., sap, attack of ague; -ANE n. twitch, spasm,
dig tunnel. tassel, name of a kind of song sung as
lel;tim (A) n. soldering; - K., solder. accompaniment to dancing; -E n. tremble,
lejei!a adv. ( = LE JER-J;>A) suddenly from shiver, wobble; -oK a. permanently
below, from nowhere (of unexpected arrival, trembling; --U-TA n. malaria.
appearance, etc.). lerzan (lerze), lerzin (lerz) v.i. tremble,
Lek1 n. Lak; -1 n. Laki dialect spoken in shiver, palpitate (heart).
south of Kurdistan. Ier a. thin, lean; --U-LAWAZ a. skinny, thin
lek2 n. lakh, a hundred thousand. as a rake, feeble.
lekan (N) n. kind of snow-shoe w. fur upper. lesh n. body;- Y NAWENJ?, trunk;- Y SERU,
leke n. spot, blemish; - y CHAW, corneal head and shoulders; - Y XUWARU, lower
opacity; -G., be stained; -J;>AR a. spotted, limbs; - TEK CHUN, *feel ill; -Pis a. cere-
stained, disgraced; -J;>AR K., stain etc., monially impure (person); -SAGH a. healthy,
blacken the reputation of. in good health; -sAGHi n. health; -suK a.
lei int. bo!; KES NAWERE BILE 'LEL', nobody active; --U-LAR n. good figure.
dares to say a word. leshkir n. army; - K., mobilize tribal force
le'l see LAL. (LE, against); -GA n. military camp; -GEBT
n. strategy. ~NISHiN n. military centre, hardy); ~ B., be deprived of, be born;
garrison town; ~ BW., be separated from, be derived from,
let n. piece, fragment; ~~,in pieces;~ K., result from, desist from, finish doing; ~
break in pieces; ~KE n. dried half pear; CHUN, leak (water, grain from sack, etc.),
~KENOl( n. split pea; ~-U-PET a. in frag- resemble; ~'wE CHUN, be dirtied, be
ments. spattered,· be stained; ,..., TEK CHUN, get out
lewan n. coarse kind of reed, bamboo. of hand, "-'lose control over, *be at a loss
lewashel n. bread in long flaps .baked in about; ~ J?., strike and many other senses
oven. varying u·. the associated n. (in the following
lewashe 2 n. twitch (for holding horse by lip); LE may be either constructed as a prep. or
~ :K., hold horse thus. remain constant, hit, knock, ford, play a
lewche a. garrulous. musical instrument whether percussion or
lewer n. grazing, g.-ground; ~ K., graze. string or wind, e.g. LE DEHOl, J?. or DEHOL ~
lewerfan (lewere), lewerin (lewer) v.i. J?., beat drums; in the following it is always
graze, sponge on (BESER ... -EWE); ~ANJ?IN constant, strike coin, plant tree, sink well,
( ~tN) caus. put to g. excavate underground water-channel, make
lews n. pendulous lower lip. Cf. DEM-u- boast, utter shout, appropriate to one's own
LEWS. use, misappropriate; hence ~QER n. of agent
lexsh{an (lexshe) v.i. slide, slip, graze (Lt); w. most of these meanings; ,...,_y J?EREWE, as
~ANJ?IN (~EN) caus.; XO ~ANI)IN, gall one- excl. shake hands on it!); d:'wE J?., pro-
self (Lt, on, against). nounce in liaison w., dirty, bespatter, stain ;
lez (N) n. speed; BE~, speedily;~ K., make ,..., DU\VA......,, discuss, criticize; ,..., GEEAN,
haste. desist from, look for; ,._, GEBANEWE, round
lezet (A) n. pleasure, taste. upon, retort .to; ,..., HEI, GEBANEWE, turn or
lezin (lez) (N) v.i. hurry, hasten. rise against, denounce (e.g. treaty); ,..., Vv'ER
-le1 suf. forming dim. fem. nn. e.g. DAYELE, GEBANE\\'E, see ~ GEBANEWE; ,..., GEBANEWE,
KENILE. remind; ,..., G., blame; ,._, HEI, G., take from,
le 2 prep. this is the absolute form ofLE q.v., and put up w., bear, approve, (XuwA Lt-Y HEI.-
is used except v:hen the prep. governs a n. or NAGIRE, this cannot be acceptable to God, it
a separable pron.; apron. in the affix form is very wicked of hinl to do this), clip (coin);
governed by Li~ is not necessarily placed xo ,..., G., eavesdrop on, spy on; ,._, WER G.,
immediately after it but may be attached to a receive, borrow, quote, (from); ,._, GOBAN,
word earlier in the sentence; LEis used in conj. *be mistaken, *be misled about (SHEW-IM
w. the postp. -E\VE (the first E being elided if L:E GOBA, I thought mistakenly that it was
it follows d~ immediately to make LE'WE), but morning; KABRAKE-M LE· GOBA, I did not
the prep. TE corresponds to LE in some of its recognize the fellow; xo,..., GOBAN, be puffed
uses esp. those requiring the postp. ~QA, see up w. pride, have a swollen head); ,._, GOBiN,
TEQA. Examples: SEGEKE LE-MAN NEWEBI, mislead, change one's attitude towards; ,._,
the dog did not bark at us; BOJBASH-YAN LE HATIN, suit, happen to, come upon, *have
EKA, he wishes them good day; ESPEKE-T L:E an attack of(e.g. fever); -'WE HATIN, come
ESENIMEWE, I shall recover the horse from from, •be liable for; ,..., HEX.. HATIN, mount
you; ESPEKE-Y LE SENJ?IM, he took the horse (male on female); ,..., KEWTIN, touch (DES-IM
from me. !1.fany vv. are quoted in the inf. w. LE DiWAREKE KEWT, my hand touched the
the absolute fonn of the prep. w. which they wall), *be hit (GULEKE-M ,._, KEWT, I was
are used to give a particular meaning; in some wounded (fire-arms), "-'lose (EMUSTILEKE-M
cases Lfi remains constant, modifying the ,._, KEWT, I lost the ring), w. pron. aft. ,...,_y
meaning of the simple v. but not being con- KEWTIN, lie down, stretch oneself out; ~
structed as a prep. in the sentence; other vv. (canst.) KEWTIN, decline, sink morally,
m·e similarly quoted w. LEK, a contraction of (hence ,...,KEWTU a. broken-down, in adver-
the prep. w. the pron. YEK; lists of vv. so sity); ~ KEWTINEWE, be descended from;
quoted are given in the two following articles. ,._, KEsHANEWE, put (male domestic animal)
Cf. PE, TE. to cover female; ,._, K., do sg. with (cHi-YAN
le 2 w. verbs: ~ BEZRAN, *be bored w., see Lil: EKEY, what will you do w. them?), de-
BEZRAN; ,..., BIRDIN, take from, insert (sg. prive of, separate from (XuwA LE MIN-TAN
long) into; ~ DIRDINEWE, win (e.g. bet) NEKA, lit. may God never separate you from
from; ~ BIEAN, be short, be lacking; ,._, me, I am eternally grateful to you), load
BIBIN, cut off; ,..., DA BIEIN, cut off, deduct upon, do to, make to appear as (BE, E; xo ,...,
from; ,._, HEL BIBIN, raise (arm, weapon) K. BE; represent oneself to be), without d.o.
against, threaten w.; ,._, BURDIN, pardon, resemble; - DER K., make out of, conclude
dispense w., let go, (hence ,._,BURDU a. fool- the meaning of sg. to be; ,..., KW., separate,
cut off, tear down (from), open (e.g. door) l~k see after LE w. verbs, above.
to; ~ rmdNEWE, go deeply into, investigate; 1~! a. murky, turbid, hazy, filmy, clouded;
~ N., load upon, give (name) to; ~ (const.) ~AW n. puddle; ~AYi 11. film (e.g. over
N., cook (CHESHT ~ N., cook food); ~ NW. eyes); ~AYI-M DA y'fl BO .•. , -AYl Y CHAW-
see under SER; ~ NISHTIN, take seat in 1M DA y'f; BO ..• , I am very sorry for (per-
(vehicle), get down to (work, meal); ~ son).
NUSIN, write on, report against; ~ HEJ.. l~r (M) n. forest; -EWAR n. inhabited wood-
P:ikHAN, molest; ~ PIRSI!'.'"EV.'E, take interest land.
in, hold responsible (hence ~PIRSRAW a. l~sin (l~s) also "'EWE v.t. lick.
responsible); ~(prep; or const.) QEWMAN, l~shaw n. torrent, flood.
get into trouble (hence ~QEWMAW a. in lew n. lips, upper lip; - Y xo GEZiN, bite
adversity); ~ BOYIN, leak; ~ SANQIN, one's 1., regret sg. said; BEJER -EWE K.,
~ SENQIN, acquire, take from, (by purchase, keep silence about;- LEKN.,- QUCHANQIN,
by force, etc.); ~ DA SHIKANQIN, deduct remain silent; -AR n. edge, brink; -AWLEW
from; ~ TOJINEWE, investigate; ~ WESTAN, a. and adv. full to the brim. Cf. LICH.
~ SA WESTAN, wait for, give respite to, Iexin a. turbid, muddy. Also LIXIN.
( ~-M BA WESTE, as threat just you wait, I Iezmfaw n. torrent, flood; -E 11. gen. -E y
shall get even w. you yet); ~ WESHANEWE, BARAN, heavy shower.
be expected of, be within the competence of, liba4 (A) n. felt, f. rug.
(hence ~WESHAW a. appropriate); ~ XEFE- libaqe n. quilted overcoat.
TAN, be anxious about, care about; ~ x., lich n. lower lip; - DA HESHTIN, ~ SHOE K.,
cause to touch, put down on, dismiss from; ~ HEL QULTANQIN, pout (LE, at); -E a.
~ XISHAN, graze, touch lightly in passing; having protruding lip (oft. as second element
~ XUBiN, drive forward, urge on (animal) of nickname, e.g. BARAMELICHE, Bahram
w. cries; ~ ZANIN, know something about, thick-lip); ~ESTUR a. thick-lipped (e.g.
have some knowledge of, be an amateur of negro); ~-u-LEW n. the lips (~-u-LE:w K.,
(hence ~ZAN n. amateur). cut off the lips, esp. in folk-tales as evidence
H~k adv. ( = LE YEK), at or from each other, of having killed demon). Cf. LEW.
mutually; ~ BIEAN, lose contact, drift apart; lifke n. loofah, end of turban-cloth hanging
~BURDIN, be reconciled; ~B., cease to be at side of head.
friends; ~ BW., be separated, break apart, li~haw n. bit (horse); - K., bridle.
(of things previously connected); - CHUN, lik n. branch (gen. fig. e.g. of society), loose
look alike; ~ HEJ;.. CHUN, attack each other; end of turban, pointed end of sleeve (see
~ Q., without d.o. come to blows, with d.o. FEQYANE), corner of handkerchief (- y
join together (hence ~DIRAW a. compound); DESESIBEKE-Y GIRE QA, he tied a knot in his
~ nw., examine carefully, analyse, (esp. handkerchief). Cf. LIQ•.
neg. fail to notice or realize); - DUWAN, likfan (like) v.i. adhere, stick (PE'WE, to);
speak ill of each other; - GEEAN, stop ~ANQIN ( ~E:N) caus. stick. See PEK.
fighting, break off battle; ~ BEL GEj3ANEWE, lim n. sand; ~ANi a. and n. sandy, sandy
quarrel; - G., blame, be critical of, each place, sandy beach.
other; - KEWTIN, establish contact with limoz n. snout, muzzle, human face (joe.).
each other; ~ K., without d.o. look alike, lin~ n.leg; -E:, one of a pair, a single one of
with d.o. separate; - KW., separate (con- sg.; ~ Q., run, gallop, as comp. v. put to
testants); ~ KISHANEWE, draw apart (intr.); gallop (ESP - r;>.); oft. in comb. one of a pair
~ N., close (eyes, mouth); ~ NiSHTIN, set (e.g. -EBERDASH n. millstone; ~EDESTAR n.
upon each other; ~ NUSIN, attack each quem-stone; -EKEWSH n. odd shoe;
other in writing; - HEL PECHAN, molest ~EKOTIR n. lone pigeon); ~EFIRTE, spas-
each other, make mutual accusations, make modic kicking of dying animal (MIRDIN
unacceptable demands on each other; ~ PIR- MIRDIN-E ~EFIRTE CHi-YE, why struggle
SINEWE, keep in friendly touch; ~BEL SAN, against the inevitable?); ~EWQUCH adv.
rise to oppose each other; - x., put to head over heels.
together, bring together; ~ XISHAN, graze lip n. branch.
each other; ~ XUWARDIN, gen. neg. ~ liq a. bough, branch (also fig.); ~-U-POP n.
NEXUWARDIN, cancel mutual gambling foliage; --u-POP K., poll (tree). Cf. LIK.
winnings, claims, etc. lirf n. gulp; ~ 1)., gulp.
l~fe n. quilt; ~mau n. q.-maker. lirfe, lirfelirf n. rustle (esp. wind), flutter-
l~j a. sloping downwards; cE PE ~ K., make ing (flag in breeze).
thepositioninsecurefor, undermine the posi- lirxe, lirxelirx n. snorting, grunting.
tion of; ~Awn. rapid stream, rapids; ~AYi listin (l~s) also -EWE v.t. see LEsiN.
n. slope, sloping place; ~E, downward slope. liyan n. snow-shoe.
lijne n. wood-pile, committee-; ~DAR n. Lur n. and a. Lur, Lurish; -ISTAN n. Loris-
wood-pile. tan, land of the Lurs.
lik n. spittle; ~IN a. slobbering, slimy. luwfan (luwe) v.i. suit, go well, be com-
limen. gen. ~ ~ K., cut in pieces. patible, be fair, be appropriate, (LEGEL,
limo (A) n. lemon; ~ Y BESHA, small species with; BO, for); -ANJ;>IN (-tN) caus. recon-
of lime; ~ Y SHIRIN, sweet lime; ~ Y TIRSH, cile (LEGEI,., with).
lemon; ~vi a. pale yellow. lu n. swollen gland, tumour; ~ LE PEYA B.,
limonfate (E) n. lemonade; ~i a. touchy. ~LEDER CHUN, ~ LE HATIN, *have swollen
line a. sticky; ~-u-FINc a. all sticky. gland etc.; ~ DER HENAN, have swollen
lip 1 n. piece, length, (of string, thread, etc.). gland etc.
lip2 n. gen. ~ LE J;>., take a handful (of food). lubiya n. reddish kind of bean.
lipawlip see LEWAWLEW. luc;Ie n. stack (straw, hay).
liqe n. floss (formerly used in inkpots). lui a. rolled, frizzly (hair); ~ J;>., wind, spin,
lir n. rash, spots; ~ DER J;>., ~ K., come out in curl, (tr.); ~ K., roll up (e.g. carpet); -
a r. XUWARDI:\", be wound, spin, become curled;
Iis1 n. roosting place of wild birds. -E n. roll, scroll, pipe, barrel (fire-arm),
lis 2 n. staff, truncheon; ~ Y Ki:"mi HAWiSHTIN, weaver's shuttle; ~ETIFENG n. shot-gun,
talk ignorantly and wildly; ~ DA KUTAN, rifle barrel; ~ETOP n. gun barrel; ~E-w­
outstay one's welcome. ZINciR 11. amulet pendant; -ENE n. small
lisa n. gen. : ~ Y CA!.-CA!,OKE, spider silk; ~ y earthenware water-pot w. spout; -IK n.
XANU, thread of soot hanging from rafter. pipe (musical).
Jisp n. strand of plait. lulaq n. shin.
liste (E) n. list. luranc;Iin (luren) v.t. howl (wolf, gale, etc.).
litaw, lite n. soft wet mud, marsh, bog. lure, also -u)n n. howling.
liwa (A) n. province (in Iraq), headquarters lurelep n. handle-bar, wooden h.-b. in-
of such p. Cf. QEZA, NAJ;IIYE. serted between forelegs and hind legs at
lixin see LExiN. each end of skin sack used for churning.
lo 1 n. name of a fodder grass. Ius a. smooth, hairless.; - K., smooth; -KE,
lo 2 n. fold, ply; w. prej. numerical adj. to a. and n. beardless youth; --u-POs a. newly
describe playing cards, e.g. CHUWARLO Y shaven (xo ~-u-PUS K., have a shave and
LEBZINE, four of diamonds. brush up).
loch n. inside of fold, crease; ~ TE KEWTIN, lushin (lush) v.t. see HEL LUSHfN.
*become creased, *be wrinkled. lushkanc;Iin (lushken) v.t. whinny.
lo~han see SHAYI-W-LOGHAN. lushke, lushkelushk 11· whinny, whinny-
lojloj adv. gen. ~ BOYISHTIN, saunter, slouch ing.
along. lut1 a. bare, gen. LAT-U-LlJT q.v. Cj. BUT.
lok n. seal; ~ K., seal. lut2 n. nose, andfig. self-importance; ~ BO
loke n. cotton; ~ KW., card c. BIRDIN, sniff at; ~ BERZ B., *be conceited
lole, loleke n. little darling (term of endear- (PIYAW LE --Y BIKEvvET E XUWAREWE MIL-Y
ment for child, nursery forms of BOLE, ESHIKE, lit. if one were to fall off his n. one
BOLEKE). would break one's neck, he is extremely
lome (A) n. blame. conceited); - PAK KW., blow one's n.; -
Ion~ n. Join-cloth, toga-like garment. SIBIN, wipe one's n.; ~ SHIKANJ;>IN, humili-
loq1 n. step, pace; ~ HAWISHTIN, take as.; ate, (hence ~sHIKAW a. humiliated, taken
~E, n. trot ( ;.._,E K., trot); ~LoQi, adv. gen. down a peg); - XURAN, lit. *have an itching
~LOQf BOYISHTIN, stride along, walk n., *itch, *long restlessly (BO, for).
crossing the feet in front as children's game. lut 2 in comb. ,._:,BERZ a. conceited; -DIREJ a.
Cj. GURGELOQE. having long pointed n.; ~E a. big-nosed
loq2 see LEQ-U-LOQ, TAQ-U-LOQ. (oft. as second element of nickname e.g.
lor (SN) n. condition, situation. BAHAMELtTE, Bahram big-nose); ~EWANE
loren. kind of song; ~ K., sing thus. n. n.-stud (fern. jewellery); -FISH a. having
lorik n. mixed whey and milk. distended nostrils; -KE n. mountain peak;
loti n. gipsy musician or dancer, fop. ~PAN a. having broad flat n.; -QU!,.INGE a.
lox n. membrane. having beaked n.; --U-BIZUT adv. quickly,
lozender a. and n. stalwart, imposing figure. smartly; ~-u-co n. gen. --u-co K., cut off
lOch n. cupped hand, handful. n. and ears as evidence of victory; ~xuwAR
luqme n. stirrup-leather. a. having crooked n.; -ziL a. big nosed.

-!an (thus after vowel, -ELAN after consonant) -!e suf.forming dim. nn. e.g. CUCELE, KOCE!.E.
suf.forming nn., also -LANi, -EJ.,ANi suf.form- Cf. -ELE.
ing nn. and adJj., both dese1·iptive of nature of !~pres. stem of defective v. to say, see WUTIN;
ground or locality, e.g. BERDEI,AN, B~HELAN, TA BILEY, lit. as far as you may say, ex-
BERDEI,ANI, TENGEI,ANi. tremely, very; TO BILEY EMBO BIB ARE, do you
think it will rain today?

-m1 (thus after vowel, -IM after consonant) mahi n. ivory.
inflexion of I pers. sing. in pres. tenses of all mahizerd n. bare mountain peak.
vv. and past tenses of int1·. and pass. vv.; mak n. mother, origin; - Y AWL..E, axillary
also I pers. sing. pres. tense of enclitic v. 'to lymphadenitis in smallpox; -Aw n. mam
be', I am. irrigation channel, thick soup stock.
-m 2 (thus after vowel, -IM afte~· consonant) makine (E) n. machine, engine.
pron. aft. I pers. sing. I, me, my; most com- malew~nche 11. a species of bindweed.
monly used: (I) v.:lzen the pron. is the d.o. of malinus (E) n. red in..lr.
a tr. v. in the p1·es. tense; (z) in the genitive malos n. sow.
relation and so as poss. adj.; (J) w. the prepp. malum (A) n. rabbi.
BO, Lf:, PE, TE, LEGEL and postp. E; ( 4) to express maP n. house, home; LE -,at home; - BIBIN,
the agent in sentences having a tr. v. in a past burgle; B. BE - \ develop into a family;
tmse, see Appendix V. For examples of the -AWA a. gen. as formula of parting good
uses of the pron. aft. see -T 2• wishes or of gratitude may you prosper, fare-
ma1 n. oft. ~ y ZERD, rugged mountain, gaunt· well (-AWAYi LE K., bid farewell to); --
crag. BENI;> n. halting place, stage on migration
ma 2 a. gen. as pref. female, she-; -cHE a. or caravan route, domicile; -EWE n. home,
dim. (~TIREMACHE ·n. she-mule); ~KER, wife, (LE -EWE, at home); -EWMAL n. gen.
-CHEKER n. she-ass; ~KEW ~CHEKEW n. -EWMAL K., go from h. to h., pay round of
hen-partridge; -MIR n. domestic hen; visits; -i a. domesticated, tame; ~MALEN
~YiN n. mare; -YiNCHEQEL n. merry-go- n. child's game of 'visiting'; ~o, see -AWA
round. above, also cry of shepherd inviting owners
rna• n. baa, bleat. to take over their sheep on his return to the
macumi n. kind of sweetmeat. village in the evening; --U-MINAL, wife
mach n. kiss;~ K., kiss; DES-K., kiss_hand and family.
of, humiliate oneself before, implore, (Y); ma! 2 (A) n. property, wealth; B. BE - 2, be-
EMLA w EWLA ~ K., kiss on both cheeks; come the property (Y, of); K. BE ~, K. E~,
~MACHEN, ~-U-MUCH n. mutual kissing. appropriate; ~AT n. flocks; ~J;>AR a.
Mac;i n. Mede; -in. Median. wealthy; -I;>ARi n. economics ( -I;>ARI K.,
mac;lfe1 n. basic principle, basis, material, economize); -IYAT n. state revenue.
matter, subject-matter, clause, article (in ma! 3 n. rubbing; ~E, ~INC n. trowel; (~INC
document); -i a. material. Also MATE. K. apply plaster to, plaster); ~rsHT n. rub-
mac;fe 2 n. kick; ~ PIYA J;>., kick. bing; ~u n. harrow.
mac;fe 3 ' n. baker's cushion, large padded ma!an (mal~) v.i. see DA MALAN.
'glove' used for putting bread into oven malin (rna!) v.t. sweep; -EWE s. clean, s.
(TENUR). away. See DA, HEI,., PEI;>A (PIYA), BA.
mac;ier n. mother; -zA a. acquired from m. mani n. paternal uncle, also a title of respect;
or from birth; ZIMAN Y ~zA m.-tongue, -BIRAYMI n. name of a species of grape;
native tongue. ~E n. uncle (as title used w. proper name,
maf n. human right. e.g. ~E EFRASIYAW, Uncle Afrasiyab);
mafete n. kind of worm said to be fatal to ~EXEME 11. friend in need; ~NAWENGf n.
sheep if eaten. mediator; ~osTA n. teacher, schoolmaster.
mafur n. carpet, mama (G) n. grandmother.
maman n. midwife; -i 11. midwifery. See smoker; -PECH n. flexible tube of hookah;
PASHMAM!I.N, PESHMAMAN. -PECHi a. spiral; ~-U-MERU n. reptiles and
mamil (A) n. regular client (e.g. of a shop), insects, creeping things.
hanger-on, bore. Cf. MEMIL. mare n. marriage; ,...., BIEiN, conclude m.
mami!epeshimani n. earnest-money. contract (hence -BIB, fiancee after conclu-
mamiz n. gazelle. sion of contract, cf. DEZGIRAN); - K., marry,
mamiran n. name of a flower, pet·h. a species take as wife; LE ,...., K., give in m. to; LEK ,....,
of gentian. K., arrange m. between a couple; -Yi n.
mamlequche n. pointed hood. bride-price, bridal gift from bridegroom to
mamze (A, MAHJtiuz) n. spur. bride.
-man1 pron. aff. I pers. pl. we, us, our; for mareke n. light saddle for newly broken colt.
manner of use see -M 2, -T2 • marifet (A) n. urbanity, polish, refmement.
-man2, suf. forming nn. denoting: (I) an maristan see BIMARISTAN.
activity, e.g. DIRlJMAN; (2) a seat or cent1·e, maro (SN) n. blaze on horse's face.
e.g. NfSHTMAN. Mart (E) n. March (month).
man 3 (men) v.i. stay, remain, be still alive, maris a. and n. atheist.
stop, be lefi:, be, (sER-IM SUR MA, I was masan (mase) v.i. swell. See HEL.
astonished; EWENJ;>E NEMABU SHET BIBE, he masi n. fish, Pisces; ,...., G., fish (hence -GIR n.
nearly went mad), stand firm (LESER, upon, fisherman); ~GIRE n. kingfisher; -YEPANKE
about); HER MAMA KE ... , had you no alter- n. turbot; -YEXATUNE n. trout. For MASULKE
native but to ... ?; ~EwE, stay behind, be see separate entry.
left behind. For corresponding tr. v. cf. maske (E) n. mask (likeness of face).
HESHTIN; see DA, BA· mast n. curds, yoghurt; ,...., y TOR.o\X, c.
man4 n. standing firm, obstinacy, strike drained to consistency of soft cheese; ~Aw
(refusal to work); ~ G., stand firm (LESER, n. c. and water; -Aw K. BO, flatter, in-
about), strike, (hence ~om n. striker). gratiate oneself with.
mana (A) n. meaning; ~-Y CHi? of course; masulke n. muscle.
-J;>AR a. significant; ~Yi a. abstract, moral masu!e 1!. whistle, bobbin.
(opp. to material). mash n. Indian pulse, green gram; ~ESIPi
man 4ft a. tired, weary; ~ NEBIN, be not n. black-eye beans; ~tNE, n. pea soup;
weary (formula of greeting to traveller met --U-BIRINC a. greying (esp. of beard),
on road, to new arrival, etc. hence ~NEBUNi pepper-and-salt (colour).
LE K., greet thus; CHUN Bo ~NEBUNi LE K., mashe n. touchhole of matchlock, mod.
pay visit to new arrival); ~YETi n. fatigue; ejector.
~Yi n. fatigue, taking trouble, hard work. mashel!a (A) see NAMEXUWA.
manen9 (P) a. like. See wENE. mashe! n. fish-trap.
mang n. moon, month,~ Y CHUWARDE, full mashe!an n. only B.'l. Y ~, balmy breeze,
m.; ~ Y NO, ~ Y YEKSHEWE, new m.; EM zephyr.
JINE ~ Y xo-Y-ETY, this woman is eight mashere n. only BAY ~,erysipelas.
months gone w. child. Verbs commonly mashinewe (mash) v.t. eat up, consume
used w. ~ are the following: AWA B., set; completely.
BERELLA B., emerge from eclipse; KEL1 B., mashqe (A) n. beloved. See ASHQE-W-
wane; NO BW., be new; PENA G., become MASHKE.
invisible; GIRAN, be eclipsed (oft. as n. mat a. silent, pensive, worried; xo ,...., J;>.,
~GiRAN, eclipse); HEL HATIN, HELATIN, rise. hide (£ntr.), lie in wait (LE, for); xo ,...., K.,
~in comb.: ~ANE a. and n. monthly, salary; keep silence, lie still, crouch, cower;
~ESHEW 11. moonlight; ~i adv. monthly, ,...., i n. silence, dejection ( -i DA-Y GIRTIM,
per month. I relapsed into silence, I felt very worried).
manga 11. cow; ~ DOSHiN U QEZWAN mate1 see MAJ;>E1 •
KIROSHTIN, try to do two things at once; mate 2 a. unripe (fruit).
~BEKEL 11. c. on heat. Cf. MA2• · matemin a. down-hearted, dejected; ~i n.
maqul (A) a. sensible. See PIYAWMAQUL. dejection, depression; -i DA-Y GIRT, dejec-
mar 1 see TAR-U-MAR. tion overcame him.
mar2 n. snake; ~ Y ZENGUL.l;>AR, rattle-s.; matik (SN) n. mascara.
~ANGAZ a. s.-bitten; -om a. and n. s.- matlli (E) n. Martini rifle.
catchcr; ~aisK n. adder; ~MAROKE n. twist maw n. remainder; ~E n. distance, range,
of bread, written symbol of infinity; ~MASi interval, opportunity, scope.
11. eel; ~MELKE n. small common house- maxolan n. melancholy.
lizard; ~MIJ a. and n. person- who sucks maye n. origin, principle, substance, matter,
poison from s.-bite, confirmed hookah- cause, essence, leaven, capital; ~FESAJ;> n.
root cause of mischief; ....,PUT a. insolvent, mela n. mulla, Koran-reader, cleric in charge
beggared; ....,WER a. substantial. Cf. of mosque or elementary mosque-school;
DEZMAYE, SERMAYE. -BANGAN n. time of call to first prayer of
mayesiri n. piles, haemorrhoids. day, early morning; -BEZEN a. irrepressibly
Mayis (E) n. May (month). argumentative; -JI:-:: m.'s wife; -KORE n.
mayin see under MA2 • blind Koran-reciter; -TEQTEQENE n. name
n1.ayinche see MASULKE. of a game resembling 'hunt-the-slipper';
mazin a. large, big. Also MEZIN. -xoR a. cheap (esp. of seasonal produce as
mazu n. oak-gall. prices fall), within reach of a slender
mazulikesh n. servant who remained faith- purse.
ful to exiled prince in Bahan times. melayket (A) n. angel. See FIRISHTE.
me-, neg. pref. of imperat. mood do not. mele (A) n. bathing, swin1Ining; ...., K., bathe,
me'amele (A) n. transaction, bargaining; swim, perform major ritual ablution (see TE
- K., deal, bargain, haggle, (Y, over; LEGEL, KEWTIN); ...., ZANIN, be able to swim; -WAN
with). n. swimmer.
mebaga (P, : .. ), lest, let it not be that. See melotke n. swaddling bands of infant.
NEK under l'.'E2 • me!aq n. grapes kept for winter consump-
mebest n. intention, object. tion.
mecazi (A) a. metaphorical. me! as a. crouching; xo ...., J!., crouch, hide,
meclis (A) n. meeting, assembly; -G., hold lurk, lie in wait (LE, for).
m.; -ARA a. good company. me}ashu n. palate; - HEL :pw., press up p.
mecusi 11. Magian. with thumb as old wives' cure for tonsilli-
n1.ecrisok n. meadowsweet. tis.
mechek 11. wrist. me!ben<f see MA!,BENJ! under MAL1 •
· mefreq n. bronze. me!hem n. ointment, salve.
meger (: .) adv. and conj. but, unless, except, me!me! n. light kind of linen.
perhaps; - XuwA BIZANE, only God knows; me!o n. sheaf, shock, stook.
- BARAN BIBARE, unless it rains; ...., FII..AN mem (also MEMIK which is gen. used rather
!'<EBE, except for so-and-so; -EWE DES-TAN than MEM in all the entries of this article) n.
NEKIRDUwE BE KAR, do you mean to say that pap, breast; LE - BIEANEWE, be weaned;
you have not started work?; ...., WEH.'I,, then in LE ...., BIBINEWE, wean j ...., J;l., feed from
that case (formula of acceptance after pre- breast (PE); ...., K., begin to develop (girl);
vious refusal). ...., MIJIN, suck at breast; -BENJ;> n. bust-
meges n. fly. bodice; -E n. baby's bottle; -FINCAN a.
megese n. foresight of fire-arm. having small firm breasts; -OLE n. dummy
megiran see BEZU. teat; -QUT a. having firm pointed breasts.
megiz n. appetite, desire. men1 n. maund, a variable measure of
meghaze (E) n. shop, store. weight; ...., Y TEWREZ, maund of 6! lb.
meghlub (A) a. defeated; ....,E n. also CENG avoirdupois.
Y -E, hand-to-hand fighting. men 2 n. only used in phrase HEMU KESE ~ y
me:J;lek (A) n. also BERD Y -, touchstone, MAL Y xo-Y-ETY, every person is master of
criterion. his own house.
me:J;leleq n. cart-wheel, lateral somersault; mence! n. cooking-pot of metal, cauldron;
- LE J!., turn c.-w. ...., SIPi KW., tin, plate w. tin, (hence -siPi-
me:J;lkem (A : .) a. firm; - K., fix, fasten, KEREWE a. tin-smith); ~oKE n. dim. small
(see TUNJ;l K.). c.-p.
me:J;lkeme (A) n. law-court. mencenik n. large catapult.
me:J;lsher (A) n. place of assembly; EOJ Y ....,, -meng 1 also -MENG, suf. forming adjj. w.
resurrection day (Bu BE EOJ Y ....,, a huge meaning possessed of, e.g. AREZUMENJ!,
crowd assembled). DEWLEMENJ;>.
mek see SHIT-U-MEK. menq 2 also MENG a. still and deep, also fig.
mekat n. sheep tax. grave, serious; -Awn. pool.
mekere n. reel, spool, bobbin, pulley. mengebur a. mean, miserly.
meko 1 n. den, secret base; xo LE ...., J;>., retire mengil n. white cotton fabric.
to such base. -men~ 1 see -MENJ;>1 •
meko 2 see MEKOK. men~ 2 see MENJ;> 2 •
mekok (A) 11. weaver's shuttle. mengene n. press, vice.
mekr (A) n. trickery, plotting; ...., Y JINAN, mengu!e n. tassel. Cf. ZENGU!.,E-W-MEN-
feminine wiles;...., K., plot; -BAZn. trickster. GULE.
mel n. bird. mepirse (! ..) 2 pers. si11g. neg. imperat. oj
PIRSIN, used as int. to emphasize statement of mesel (A) n. something proverbial; BE - ,
sg. unusual, believe it or not. -A, for instance.
meqam (A) n. place, rank (see J>AYE), tune mes~ a. baker's pusher.
(see TERANE), unpleasant scene, molestation mesine n. water-pot of metal w. spout; --w-
(cf. GEB 2 Pll K.). LEGEN n. w.-p. and basin (esp. as used fer
meqash n. tongs. washing hands before and after meals).
meqe!i n. brazier. mes!el]et (A) n. advisability, advisable
meqest (A) n. scissors (see DUKERDE under course of action, advantage, reconciliation;
nfl4); -E a. figure of eight (riding school). - WA-YE KE ••• , it is advisable that ... ; - K.,
meqsecJ (A) n. object, intention. SeeXUWAST. reach a compromise.
mera~han n. scythe. mest1 a. drunk, intoxicated, in rut.
meraq n. anxiety, curiosity, great interest; mest2 11. leather over-stocking, kind of moc-
-B., *be interested (Y, LEGEL, in); - K., be casin.
anxious (Bo, about, for); ~BEXSH a. interest- mesteki n. resin, mastic.
mg. meshak n. cudgel.
meram (A) n. object, intention, desire. See meshkja!e n. small skin bag used esp. to
XUWAST. pack figs, tobacco, etc.; -E n. large skin
merayi (A) n. flattery; ~ K., flatter (v). sack for liquids; ~E JENI;>IN, rock such sack
mere 11. mortgage, condition, bet; BE ~ Y on frame to churn butter; -EDIBE n. a
EWE KE .•• , on condition that ... ; ~ K., bet species of locust; -EJENE n. children's game
(LESER, on, about); -fa. conditional(gram.). of forfeits in which player is held by arms
mercan n. coral. and legs and swung to and fro; -EJENE pfl
merd a. manly, brave; -ANE a. and adv. K., swing someone thus.
manly, bravely; ~AYETI, -i n. manliness, meshq n. practice, exercise, training, drill;
bravery; -uM n. people, human beings. - BiNiN, be under training (hence -BIN n.
mere n. misfortune, trouble, harm; BE trainee); - K., practise; - pfl K., train, drill
BIRD IN, get someone into trouble; BE (t1·.); -GA n. drill-hall, parade ground.
cHfJN, come, be exposed, to harm. meta! (N) n. shield, parapet of trench (milit. ).
merekeb (A) n. ink. See SIPER.
merexes (A) a. allowed to go, to do sg., to metare (A) n. water-bottle.
practise an activity, etc.; - B., have per- metarek see HETAREK.
mission to go, be deputed; - K., give leave metarez n. trench (milit.).
to go, dismiss (inferior, from presence), n'lete! n. riddle, puzzle; - DA HENAN, pro-
depute; -i n.leave; - i XUWASTIN, ask leave pound r.; - HEL HllNAN, solve r.
to go. met]] (A) n. praise; - ·K., praise (v). See
merez 11. mohair. SITAYISHT.
mereze (A) 11. paddy field. metirsi n. fear, danger, scarecrow, railing,
mer~ n. death; - Y KUT-U-PIB, sudden d.; banister, playpen, trigger guard.
-EMASI 11. fish-poison; -EMISHK, -EMUSH, metkeb (A) n. drill (tool); --u-KEWAN n. d.
rat-poison, arsenic. rotated by a kind of bow, bit and brace. See
merl]eba (A) int. and n. welcome!; - SER BEHREME, SIMEK.
CHAWAN; you are very welcome; - Lll NEK., mewc n. kind of cotton blanket.
take no notice of, cut; - LE YEK NEK., not to mewcJa n. blade.
be on speaking terms. mewlucJ (A) n. gen. - Y PilGHEMER, birth of
merhem see MELHEM. the Prophet Muhammad, also as excl. for
n'lerkane n. jar, vat. the Prophet's sake!; - K., - XONI;>IN, hold
merzl 11. boundary; --U-BUM n. country, meeting w. readings to celebrate this event.
land. mexhiq, mexluqat (A) n. people, human
merz 2 11. gen. - Lil K., score double points beings, mankind. Cf. MIROW.
for easy win, sweep the board. mexrut (A) a. conical. See QUCH.
merze 11. marjoram; ~KEWILE, -NGOSH n. mey n. wine; - cw., make w.; -xANE,
wildm. w.-shop, tavern.
mer n. ewe, sheep; - Y TOYANE, sheep sent meyan 11. middle; -DUWAW n. region be-
by bridegroom on wedding day to bride's tween two rivers, Mesopotamia; -E, thing
house ·where it is decorated w. ribbons, silk in middle ( -E B. LEGEL, *have good per-
scarves, etc.; -EKilwi, -ESURE n. mouffion. sonal relations w.); -EBOYi n. moderation;
1nermer 11. also BERD Y - , marble. -EYi a. moderate, average; -FERSH 11.
1nernemuke \A, MAN RABBUKA) n. the middle of set of three matching carpets.
angels Munkar and Nakir believed toques- Also MIYAN.
tion the dead regarding their faith. meycJan 11. open space, arena; - B., *have
opening or opportunity; CHUN E -, go meshk 11.brain.
forth, (e.g. to battle), take a hand; - Q., mesh!ezer~o (SN) n. ivy.
give opening etc. (PJ):, Y, to; BO, for); HATIN metulke, metule n. immature louse. Cf.
E -, come forth (e.g. to battle), come on to ESPE, BISHQ1 •
the scene, get busy; HENAN E -, bring for- mew1 n. beeswax, -iNE n. waterproof coat.
ward, create; ....,QARI n. combat (gen. single). mew 2 11. vine.
Also MEYYAN. mewe 11. fruit.
meyin (meye) v.i. set, congeal. mewerd n. sown field ploughed after first
meyl (A) n. inclination; - B., *be inclined; autumn rain.
· - K., be inclined; -J?AR a. inclined, dis- mewuj n. raisins; -EBESHKE n. black r.;
posed, (Y, to); -J?ARI n. disposition, wish. -ESURKE, brown r.; -EXOI.,AWI n. (also- Y
meymun n. monkey; -EWAN n. m.~keeper. XOLAW) r. dried after being dipped in water
meynet (A, MI!fNA) n. suffering, toil. mixed w. ash believed to keep off flies and
meyter n. groom. wasps.
meyyan see MEYQAN. mex n. nail, peg; - DA KUTAN, hammer inn.;
mezat(A) n. auction; - K., sell by a. (hence -mi: n. clove, carnation, pink; -EKBENQ n.
-KER n. auctioneer); x. E -EWE, put up for clove-locket (fern. jewellery); -SINDAN n.
a.; -XANE n. a.-rooms. anvil; ·-ZINciR n. large iron n.
mezbete (A) n. memorial, round robin; - K., mexosh a. bitter-sweet.
- KW., draw up m. (BO, for; LE, against). mez 11. table.
meze n. taste, relish, snacks, appetizer. mezer (A) n. turban.
mezeb (A) n. code of Muslim law, rite, micewur n. employee, steward, esp. servant
Muslim sect. of mosque or of other religious establish-
mezenge (A) n. gen. BE -, about, approxim- ment. e:;.:\0
S... t,j
ately. micro (A, MAJRO.ij) a. maimed, mutilated;
mezin see MAZIN. -vi n. mutilation.
mezrfan (mezre) -ANQIN (-:EN), see DA mich (SN) n. tick (parasite).
MEZRAN. mi(lbeq (A, MA'[BAKH) n. kitchen. See
me a. female; -BAZ a. womanizer; -cHKEa. CHEsHTXA..""'E.
dim. (QISE Y -cHKE, soft words, flattery); mift a. gratis, without price; -xoR a. and n.
-GEL n. flock of ewes; -YETi n. femininity; sponger, hanger-on.
-YiNE a. and n. female, females. mifti (A) n. mufti, Muslim canon lawyer.
mej n. past time; LE -, LE -EWE, for (since) Cf. FITWA.
a long time; LE ~A, a long time ago; -u mihenek (A) n. name of a breed of horses.
n. the past, former times. mij n. mist.
meje!ak n. brain (substance). mijan n. front half of articulated plough-
mejurd n. name of a species of vetch, beam to which yoke is attached.
mekut n. mallet. Cf. SERMEKUTE under SER. mijdfane n. reward for bringing good news;
mekute n. chicken-pox. -E n. good news ( -E Q., give good news,
melak n. ladle. give reward to bringer of good news). Cf.
memi! n. and a. hobgoblin believed to MIZGENf.
molest travellers, annoying person, bore. mijin (mij) v.t. suck, absorb. See HEL.
Cf. MAMIL,. mijmijok n. bugloss.
men pres. stem of MAN. mill see SHIL-U-MIL.
merd n. husband; BE - Q., give in marriage; mil2 n. neck; - Q., give in, submit, (oft. neg.
- K., take a h., marry; -QAR a. married - NEQ., hold out, continue resistance); - Q.
(woman), matron. E, take to doing, work hard at; LE - Q.,
merdeki see CHUWARMERDEKf. behead, execute; - BA Q., subjugate; -G.,
merdezime n. hobgoblin, incubus, night- compel; - Y BEGA G., set out, start out, de-
mare; - SUWAR B., *have a nightmare. part; DES LE -(or -AN) K., put arms round
mer~ n. meadow; -rzAR -uzAR n. m., park. n. (Y, of);- N.,set out (BO, for); - SHIKAN,
meru n. insect; -LE n. ant; -LE K., tingle, *break one's n./*fall ill, *die (gen. of super-
s1mmer. stition that small child inhaling lavender-
mesh n. fly; -EKERANE, -ESEGANE n. horse- water will die), *slink away, ( --Y BISHIKE,
fly, any kind of biting f.; -HENGWiN a. he can go to hdl for all I care; --IT
honey-bee; --U-MEGES n. winged insects; BISHIKENE, be gone·!, get out:); - SHIKA..~:
-uLE n. mosquito. QIN, caus. of prec. bring calamity upon,
meshesi n. lesser bustard. humiliate. ·
meshin n. dressed sheepskin, roughly tanned mi12in comb.: -BENQ n. scarf; -En. passover
leather as used e.g. for blacksmith's apron. col (topog.); -EWAN n. collar, neck-band
(armour); ~EXIBE n. tonsillitis; ~HUB a. mirawke n. spurge.
obstinate; ~PECH n. scarf; -wANKE n. miraxani see MIRAJ?XANi.
necklace (fern. jewellery). miraz see MIRAJ?.
miluche ·a. gen. ~ B., be physically worn mirdfar n. carrion; -AR BW., die of misad-
out, be exhausted. venture(hence -AREWEllU a. deceased, dead);
milwen (E) n. million. -ARSENG n. peroxide of lead; -ARXOR a.
milch n. munching sound; ~EMILCH n. sus- c.-eater; ~EGOSH n. sweet marjoram.
tained sound of munching, nonsense; mirfdin (mir) v.i. die (hence -DIN! a. likely
~EMILCH K., make such sound, talk non- to d., not ·worth keeping alive); -m) a.
sense. dead ( -DUMIRAWE, -DUNEMIRAWE 11. oft.
mi!ema n. breath, draught of air; ~ BIBAN, as excl. of admiration, the damned fellow;
*cease to breathe, •:!<breathe one's last. ~ou-r MIRE, -ou-r NEMIR:E:, be damned to
milk (A) n. property. you); -ANI,HN. (-:EN) caus. See DA.
mi!-u-mush n. gen. ~ K., hunt for food (of mireba (A) n. preserve of fruit, jam.
men and animals), cadge for hospitality. mirishk n. fowl (domestic); - y KrR-
Also MIE-U-MUSH. MASHANi, large species of f.; - y BEBi,
mi!ozim n. hobgoblin. intruder (lit. of fowl and fig.); - Y SHAMi,
mi!te n. slimy coating, dirty greasy layer. black species of f.; -EBEKIB n. broody hen;
minpron. I, me; -f n. egoism; ~-u-ToYi n. -EKU!,E n. short-tailed species of f.;
gen. in neg. expr., e.g. EMANE LENAW-YANA -EKUNCE, speckled f. ; -EBESHE 11. coot;
--u-ToYi NIYE, they are on terms of the GEYISHTIN E -EBESHE, complete the first
most intimate friendship, they are as one. elementary stage of Koran reading, i.e. the
mina! n. and a. child, childish, young; ~B., FATII;iA and the last five short chapters in the
~·have a c.; - BE BEREWE B., *have a baby at reverse order ending w. chapter ex, •vhen
the breast; -ANE, a. and adv. childish, the mulla (see MELA) expected a fee.
childishly; -I;>AN n. womb; -EWURTKE n. mirk n. elbow.
small children (aged about 10 and under), mirkan (mirke) also -EWE v.i. see DA
tots; -i n. childhood, childishness ( -i K., MIRKAN.
behave childishly); -LEBER a. having small mirok a. mortal.
child to look after, nursing (mother). miror n. darnel or similar weed.
minare (A) n. minaret. mirow (N) 11. man, mankind; -i n. gene-
minasib (A) a. suitable, middling, appre- rosity, munificence; -JIMERi n. census.
ciable (amount, number). mirqan<jin (mirqen) v.t. see MIQANJ?IN.
mince!e n. freckle. mirqe, mirqemirq, see MIQE.
minceminc n. gen. - K., whine, demur mirwa (SN) n. omen.
plaintively. mirwari n. pearl.
mine 11. gen. - K., look for, investigate, (Y). mirwet (A) n. generosity.
minet (A) n. obligation; - HEL G., feel under mirx n. only - LE XOSH K., covet and feel
an o. (Y, to); -BAR, -J?AR a. grateful. confident of obtaining.
mingfeming 7l. gen. BE -EMING QISE K., talk mirxe 1 n. glanders.
through the nose, drawl; -INn. nasal, who mirxe 2 , mirxemirx n. purring.
talks through the nose. mirxesh adv. gen. - - BIRDIN, hale, drag
minox a. humbug, ne'er-do-well. along by force.
miqan<jin (miqen) v.t. grunt, snuffie. Also mir1 see MIRX.
miqaw 11. glanders. SEMIBEKi.
miqe, miqemiq 11. grunting, snuffling. mirangin (miren) v.t. growl.
miqeba (A) 11. cardboard. mir/e1 also -EMIB n. growling; -MIYAW n.
miqnatis (E) 11. magnetism; -fa. magnetic. miaowing.
miqomiqo 11. sensation, stirring of emotions; mire 2 n. insect said to attack bees.
--YAN-E, there is a buzz of excitement mir-u-mush see MIL-D-MUSH.
among them; KEWTIN E -, start talking mis 11. copper; -GER (also MIZGER), c.-smith.
excitedly (of group). misk n. musk; ~fa. and n. fragrant, lemon.
mirln. fowl; -AWl n. duck; -EBAXI, -ELARE misken n. serf, non-tribal villager. Cj.
n. woodcock; -lsHK, see separate entry below. KIRMANC.
mir 2 pres. stem of MIRDIN. misqa! (A) n. pennyweight.
mira<;~ (A) 11. desire, wish, object; BE - misqa}i n. calico, now gen. called BILURI.
GEYISHTIN, obtain one's wish. Also MIRAZ. mist n. cupped hand, contents of c.h.;
miraqxani 11. kind of straight-cut jacket KEWTIN, *'obtain; -EKOI,E n. clenched fist.
reaching nearly to knees. Also MIRAXANt Cf. MISHT.
mishe a. plentiful, common property, mirnk n. aunt; -E1 voc.; -E 2 ,
as title followed
offered free of charge, permissible. by name, e.g. -E PfROZ, Aunt Piroz.
mishe 2 n. murrain, sound of breathing mina1 n. verbena, stock (bot.).
through nose, sound of eating ( --Y v'h', mina 2 n. sky, glass, enamel, face of watch or
you can hear him guzzling, he is busy lining clock; - Y DAN, enamel of teeth; -KAR n.
his pockets); ~MISH n. continuous sound of enamel worker; -KARi n. enamel work.
breathing etc., ~MISH K., sniff around. minqer n. small rough rug.
mishext (N) n. exile, fugitive. miqat (A) n. gen. - K., adjust, put right,
mishk n. mouse; ~ y XURMA, squirrel; (watch, clock, only).
-EKORE 11. mole; -GIRE n. kite (bird). mir1 n. sun; -AN1 n. September-October see
mishki n. silk square woven in Persia and Appendix I; -ECAN, -EGAN n. autumn
used for turban or as shawl. festival beginning on 3 October.
rnisht n. fist; - DA G., take a handful; ~E1 mir 2 n. love, affection; -EWAN a. kind;
12. shoe-maker's iron mallet; ~E 2 n. punch, -EWANi n. kindness; --U-WEFA n. dutiful
blow, (hence -EJEN n. boxer); ~o n. hilt; affection, devotion.
--U-MAL n. rubbing, massage, polishing; mir 3 n. chief, prince; -AN 2 n. a title of
--U-MIB n . .argun1ent, passionate discus- nobility; -ANi 11. kind of dance; -ASH n.
sion. Cj. MIST. master miller; -Aw n. superintendent of
mishtax n. area cleared for drying raisins; irrigation; -AXUR n. head groom; -i a.
- NW., prepare such area; -AN n. season and n. state property, state revenue; -SH!KAR
for drying raisins. n. chiefhuntsman(csp. falconer); --U-GIZIR
mishur n. gen. - XUWARDIN, feel anxiety n. name of a parlour game; -zA n. prince;
(Y, about, for). -ZAYi n. kind of fine woollen stocking (gen.
mitil n. sheet, bed-sheet, dust-sheet. white w. pattern in black).
mitmane (A, 'I'[MI'NAN) n. confidence, rnirat (A) n. inheritance, estate; BE --IT
reliance;~ PE B., 41 have c. in; - PE ~ .• rely KEWE, may you not live to enjoy it; - BER
on. KEWTIN, *receive share of inheritance; -GIR
mit-u-muru n. beads. n. inheritor, heir; -i a. inherited; -xoR n.
miturbe see MUTIRBE. owner of inherited wealth.
mitU see HOGIR. mit n. jack, target in game of MlTEN, gen.
miyan see MEYAN. played W. marbles; SER U MIT, cannon on to
miyaw~nqin (miyawen) v.t. mew, miaow. jack off marble previously bowled by
miyawmiyaw n. mewing, miaowing. opponent, fig. indirect animadversion,
miz 11. fee; -E n. f. in kind; -E Y ASH, innuendo, (cf. CUTE Y SERAN, cannon off one
miller's f. in kind; -E LEG., deduct such f.; previously bowled marble on to another,
-uR 12. employee, workman, mercenary; also fig. innuendo); - DA K., bowl, put
-uRi n. wage. down, the jack. Cj. MUSH1 •
mizemiz n. gen. - K., murmur, grumble. mitke see QiTKE.
mizger see MISGER. miwan n. guest; -J?AR n. host; -J?ARi n.
mizgewt n. mosque. hospitality; -i n. party, reception, (CHUN
mizgeni n. good news, largesse for bringer BE -i BO MAL Y BARAM, go to call on Bahram j
of g. n. -NEWAZ, -PERWER a. hospitable; -XANE n.
mizr a. tart, sub-acid; -oKE n. kind of stew g.-house.
flavoured w. sumac. rniz n. urine; - GiRAN, *suffer from anuria;
mizral:}. (A) n. top (toy); - DA KUTAN, spin -ECHURKE n. involuntary urination e.g.
t. (cj. BiN 2 G.); -EN n. t.-spinning contest. from fear ( -ECHURKE Pll GEYISHTIN, be on
mizur see under MIZ. the point of wetting oneself); -IL!,.AN n.
mich1 n. ceiling. Also BINMICH. urinary bladder; -IN a. suffering from mic-
mich 2 n. knuckle-bone; - G., pester (LESER); turation.
-:EN n. game of knuckle-bones. mizac (A) n. temperament.
mihrab (A) n. prayer-niche in mosque. mizan gen. rnizin (rniz) v.i. urinate. See
mikrob (E) n. microbe, germ. HEI,..
mill (E) n. mile. moch see DES-U-MOCH.
mil 2 n. bodkin, hand of watch or clock, modine, rnoqne n. mouthpiece of pipe,
collyrium-pencil, line, stripe, gudgeon-pin, cigarette-holder.
pivot, axle, dumb-bell, obelisk, stele; - -, rnoleke n. bewilderment.
striped, in stripes; - Y CEBAI;Ii, surgeon's mol a. piled, heaped; PAREYEK Y ~, piles of
probe; - HENAN BE CHAWJ?A, put out eyes money; ~ B., bunch together (intr. e.g.
w. red-hot needle; -BAZi n. dumb-bell sheep); ~En. gen. ~E K. see -B.; -GE 11.
exercises. sheep-pen.
MO_!,EQ 94 NA-
mo}eq a. staring, expressionless, blank, muxabin a. regrettable; --E, it is a pity.
(eyes). muxtar (A) n. headman of town quarter.
mo!et (A) n. respite; ~ J;>., grant r. (P~, to). Cf. KOXA.
mom n. wax, candle; -J;>AN n. candlestick; muxur (SN) n. bird-lime.
-IN a. running at the nose; -KER candle muzur~ n. bank (of river).
maker; -NAYin.ozokerite; -YAn.mummy. mu1 n. hair; - Y BER, h. of private parts; -
mona. glum. BE MEYAN-YANJ;>A NACHE, they are as thick
mor 1 a. mauve, violet (colour). as thieves; ~ Lf~ HATIN, *show first signs of
mor 2 n. seal; ~ HEL KENJ?IN, engrave s. beard; - K., show first signs of beard;- K.
(hence -HE!,KEN n. s.-engraver); - K., seal; BO, be keen and ready for; - BISTIN, spin
-E n. die (gaming); -EBA n. stone believed goat's h. (hence -Bfu> n. girl so occupied);
to be antidote for snake-bite. See BERD- -cHAX (SN) n. wig; -Kfu>H n. tweezers;
EMORE. ~TAW, -TAWCHi n. maker of string, sacking,
morane1 n. clothes-moth. Also MORYANE. etc. of goat's·h.; -WAWI a. hairy; -WEBEzE
morane 2 n. corrosion (metal). n. scald-head, scalp disease; -YiN a. hairy;
mord n. myrtle; -ANE 11. m.-grove. -zERD a. fair-haired.
moryane see MORA!'iE. mu2 n. whitlow; ZIMAN-IM MU-Y LE HAT, EW
mora. frowning; L~- BW., TE -·Bw., BIBWA-Y PE NEKIRDIM, in spite of everything
TEMASHA K., frown at. I could say he refused to believe me.
moteke n. nightmare;~ SUWAR B., *haven. much see MACH-U-MUCH.
mox n. marrow (of bone). muche 1 n. wage; -xoR n. w.-earner.
moz1 n. horse-fly. muche 2 n. pastern.
moz 2 n. canna (bot.), banana. muchirk n. spasm, shudder, shivering
moz 3 n. sulks; - G., *be sulky. before attack of fever; - PIYA HATIN, *have
moziqe (E) n. music, band;.- LE J;>., play m. s., shiver.
mubarek (A) a. blessed. milferk (A) n. holy relic.
mudet (A) n. time, period. mur1 also ~cHE n. ant.
mu~ n. Magian priest; -BEl;> n. M. high- mur 2 also -EDAR n. stump of tree; log;
priest. -ESENG n. boss of water-mill rotor.
mu~heyri (A) n. fire-place. See K0RE 2• mur3 n. pise, rammed clay or earth as build-
mul:_lalceme (A) n. trial, legal proceedings; ing material.
- K., try. mur4 only ~ Y MUI;IEMMEJ? Y SHERiF (MOR
muhenqis (A) n. engineer. prob. = NUR, light, i.e. virtue), excl. help!.
MuJ:.terem (A) n. Muharram, first month of mure~e n. oft. - Y PISHT, back-bone, spinal
Islamic lunar year. column.
muqurbaz a. rogue. murfi n. bead; -LE n. wood-louse; -WEK-
Murdaq (P) n. July-August, see Appendix I. ERANE n. string of glass beads and cowries
Musu}man (A) n. Muslim. customarily tied on to donkey; -wESHiNE,
mushar (A) n. saw (tool). See EBE. blue beads in form of bangle or necklace, or
mushema (A) n. waterproof coat. See sewn on clothes, to ward off evil eye.
MEWINE. mush 1 n. jack, target in game of marbles
mushext (N) a. ruined, spoilt. called MUSHEN. Cf. MiT.
mut see KUT-U-MUT under KUT2 ; --U-MUR\J mush 2 also -E, see MIL-U-MUSH; -EK n.
n. spangles, beads. uninvited guest.
muta!a (A) n. gm. - K., read, study, revise mushedeme n. bellows (small).
(lesson). mutapchi see MUTAWCHI under MU1 •
mutirbe n. gen. - K., graft. Also MITURBE. mute n. crested wren.
mutirfe n. beautiful girl, belle.

-n (-IN after consonant), inflexion of 2 and na1 neg. pref. replacing pres. ind. tense particle
3 pers. pl. in pres. tenses of all vv., and past E-6 ; NABOM, I shall not go.
tenses of intr. and pass. vv.; also 2 and 3 pers. na- 2 neg. pref. forming adjj. w. meaning un-,
pl. of pres. tense of enclitic v. 'to be', you are, in-: -BALIGH, immature (youth); -BAW,
they are. unfashionable; -BECE, inappropriate;
~BEDIL, unwelcome, distasteful, (BE -nak suf. forming adjj. w. sense possessed of,
~BEDILf, unwillingly, without enthusiasm); e.g. XEMNAK.
~BEKAR, useless (person); ~niNA, blind; na! n. horseshoe; LE -isH EJ?A w LE nrz-
~nih, completely destroyed, bankrupt; MARISH, he hits out right and left without
~cHAR, obliged, having no alternative, regard to persons, he tries to please both
(~CHARi, need, indigence); ~cHfZE, insig- sides; - K., shoe (horse), get the better of;
nificant; ~DIRUST, unsound, unacceptable, -BENJ?, farrier, shoe-smith; -CHE n. hob-
wrong; -DIYAR, not to be seen, invisible; nail.
-FAM, innocent (child, cf. NEFAM); -GA, na!an<;tin (na!~n) v.t. groan, complain.
sudden, also as adv. suddenly; -GEWAR, na!e, na!ena! n. groan, groaning.
unacceptable, unwholesome, unhealthy, un- na!in (na!) v.i. moan, whin1per.
palatable, indigestible; -HEMWAR, uneven, nam1 conj. or; - EWE - :ElliE, either you or
rough; -I;IEQ, unjust, not entitled; ~J;iEZ, we.
unfriendly; -HUMEJ?, hopeless ( -HUMEJ?i nam2 (P) n. name; -J?AR a. famous; -EXUWA
n. despair); -KAM, disappointed, unsuccess- int. used like Arabic MA SH.A'LLAH w.
ful (-KAMi n. failure); -KAW, sudden (LE expr. of admiration etc., be it said in God's
-KAW, LE -KAWA, suddenly, unexpectedly); name, God preserve him, etc.
-KEs, base-born ( -KESBECHE n. term of namfe n. letter, book; -E NUSIN, write I.;
abuse son of a bastard); -KOK, on bad -E NUSINEWE, write book; -EBER see under
terms ( -KoKi n. strained relations); -LEBAR, KOTIR; -EXAl'<"E n. library, book-shop;
inconvenient; -MAQUL only -MAQur,i n. -iLKE n. pamphlet, article, treatise.
reprehensible conduct or speech; -MERD, namus (A) n. honour, good name; -
unmanly, unconscientious, ungenerous, BIRDIN, - SHIKANJ?IN, destroy good name
despicable, ( ~MERD-TAN NEKEN, ME-Y-KEN (v, of).
E -MERDi, don't fail me, I rely on you; nan1 n. bread, food, meal; - Y ilwARE
KIRD-YAN E -MERDi, they behaved shame- ( = SHEW), supper; ,..,. Y FETIR, unleavened
fully); -MIRA!?, disappointed, frustrated; b.; ,..,. Y HEWRAMi, b. flattened w. fingers
-PAK, insincere, unfriendly; ~PAYEJ?AR, (not rolling-pin) and baked on griddle; - Y
unstable; -PESENJ?, unacceptable, regret- NIWEBO, midday dinner; ,..,. Y NORDl\ flaps
table; '"""PIYAW, mean ( -PIYAwi n. mean- of b. folded for journey; ,..,. Y SAd, b. baked
ness); -PUXTE, incomplete, defective; in thin flaps on griddle; - Y TENUR, - YTiRi,
-QOLA, uncomfortable, ugly, rough, incon- b. in thin flaps baked in oven; - Y V!USHKI,
venient; -BAST, crooked, dishonest; plain b., dry b.; ,..,. Y XEPLE, b. baked in
-BEI;iET, restless, uncomfortable, ill, round loaf. Cf. KULERE, LEWASHE\ MAR-
(-BEI;iET K., disturb); -BESEN, base-born; MAROKE, NASIKENAN, NAWSAci, SEMUN.
-BEWA, improper, unworthy, unacceptable; nan1 idiomatic usages w. verbs: ~ BIRJANJ?IN,
-BEZA, dissatisfied; -BtK, irregular, dis- bake b.; ,..,. I}., keep open house (esp. for
ordered, unfriendly, ( -BEKi, disorder, dis- poor), be hospitable; - PE'WE 1}., push b.
agreement); ~sAGH, ill ( -sAGHi n. illness); into oven (hence -PE'WEJ?ER, head bakeress
-SAZ, discordant, inappropriate, unhealthy who gen. makes the dough and later herself
(climate), unpleasant, (cf. NESAZ); -SAZGAR, puts it into oven); - KEWTIN E BONEWE,
insalubrious, unwholesome; -sEZA, un- •attain prosperity or success, ""'strike oil';
deserved, inappropriate; -SIPAS, ungrate- - K., make b., prepare meal (esp. for party
ful ( -siPASi NEBE, do not think me ungrate- of guests); ~ KW., roll dough (hence -KER
ful); -SHAREZA see NESHAREZA; -SHIRIN, n. maid who rolls dough after it has been
unpleasant, ugly; -TEBA, discordant made by head bakeress); ~ DA N., set out
( -TEBAYl n. disunity, disagreement); a meal; - XUWARDIN, have meal, strike ball
-TEWAW, incomplete, defective, wrong; at rounders, (hence -XOR n. mouth to feed,
-WECAX, ignoble, base-born; -wEXT, un- ration strength, striker at rounders).
timely; -xosH, unpleasant, regrettable, nan1 in comb. -BIJ?ER, ~I;>AR a. one who keeps
( -xosHi n. unpleasantness, difficulties, open house, hospitable, generous; ~EBEQ
enmity; cf. NEXOSH); -xosHNUJ?, displeased; n. stale b.; ~ESHUWANE n. bulbous poa
-YEKSAN, unequal, not matching. (bot.); ~EWA n. baker(- BO -EWA GOSHT
nafek n. gusset at fork of trousers; ,..,. BIBiN, DO QESAB, a cobbler should stick to his last);
put to shame, to loss, (Y). ~EWAXANE n. bakery; -EZIGf n. gen. BE
Nah~, Nahiye 1 n. Venus (planet), a girl's -EZIGi KAR K., work for one's keep only;
name. ~GEN n. deep basket used as b.-bin; ~KOR
nahiye 2 (A) n. administrative rural district a. ungrateful; --U-CHA n. breakfast;
in Iraq (subdivision of QEZA), headquarters --U-I;iELWA n. sg. easily done, 'money for
of such district, province(fzg.). jam'; --u-KEBAB n. dish commonly served
in eating-shops made of b., roast mince, ~ DER K.); ~LESER 11. nominee; ~NISHAN
onion, tomatoes, and sumac; ~-u-KERE n. ( --U-NISHAN) n. address; ~-U-NATORE n.
b. and butter; ~-U-MAST n. b. and curds; notoriety (--U-NATORE d! N., defame, give
~-U-NIMEK n. gen. ~-U-NIMEK K., eat salt a bad n. to).
with, be guest of, be under obligation to, naw 2 n. inside, interior; -BE~, at intervals,
(Y); ~-U-PENIR, b. and cheese; ~-U-PIYAZ from time to time; LE - BIRDIN, destroy
n. b. and onions as typical poor man's meal. utterly, annihilate; BE ~A CHilN, age; LE ~
nan2 (NE, agent NEN; 2 pers. sing. imperat. CHUN, cease to exist, be lost; HATIN E -,
BINE tahes euphonic N to make BINEN before come forward, come up, be mentioned;
-EWE and before prep. E and its compp.) v.i. HENAN E -,bring forward, bring up, men-
put, and other meanings varying w. context; tion; -AN n. inside, interior, district,
NIRAN (NIRE), pass.; ~EwE, organize, found, region, (NAW-Y LE ~ANA-YE, he is being
contrive (e.g. plot), set (trap), create (dis- much talked about).
turbance), provoke (fighting), and other naw 2 in comb. -AXIN a. stuffed, filled,
meanings varying zv. context. See DA, HEI,, padded; ~BIJI n. mediation; ~BIJI'KER n.
LE, PEJ?A (PIYA), PE'WE, PEK, EA, TE. mediator; ~cERG n. very middle, heart and
nardin (ner) v.t. send (BESHON ... -A, ESH6N, soul (e.g. of an activity); ~d, inside of bed;
after, to fetch). ~cEJNA.'I n.lunar month Zilqe'de see Appen-
narete n. shout, war-cry; ~ LE (canst.) J?., dix I; ~cHE n. centre, region, ( ~cHEYI a.
utter s. etc. central, regional); ~cHEQ n. middle, centre;
natewen n. beech tree. ~CHEWAN n. forehead ( ~CHEWANGIRJ a.
narinc n. bitter orange; -1 a. a.-coloured; frowning, sullen; ~CHEWANMARO a. having
~oK n. grenade, bomb. blaze on forehead; ~CHEWANQOQIZ a. hav-
nas n. acquaintance; ~ I<. (N), know (a ing prominent forehead); ~J?AR a. see
person); ~YAR, ~YAW 11. acquaintance -AXIN; -DEM n. inside of mouth, entrance,
(person). e.g. to gorge or tunnel, (1;1. BE ~DEMA, punch
nasik see NAZIK. in the face, put to silence); ~DES n. palm of
nasfin (nas) v.t. know (by sight, by reputa- hand; -Dil.- n. bottom of the heart, con-
tion, etc.; oft. neg. ignore, refuse to recog- science; ~ENJ? n. middle (LE ~ENJ?EKAN Y
nize status of); xo -iN, begin to feel in- SIYASIJ;IA, in political circles); ~ENJ?i, -ENGI,
stincts of puberty; ~RAN ( -nE:), pass. hence -ENi n. means, mediation, intermediary,
-RAW a. well known, famous; ~iNEWE, (BE -ENJ;II Y, by means of; ~ENDi Y GOZAN-
recognize. EWE, means of transport; MAM ~ENGI,
nasur n. fistula. mediator); -EROK n. contents; ~EBAST n.
nashi (A) a. unskilled, novice, tyro; xo- K., middle, interior; ~ESHIKENE, see under
feign ignorance or innocence; ~YETI n. lack KULERE; -EWE n. interior; ~FERSH n. floor;
of skill, ignorance, (BE ~YETI, uninten- ~GEL n. crutch, fork, (human body); ~JUR
tionally). n. interior of room; -Ko n. floor; ~LEP n.
nashta a. not having eaten, fasting (not as palm of hand; -LING, see ~GEL; -MAL n.
duty); -vi 11. condition of not having eaten; interior of house, household, (~MAL GESIK
BE -vi, LESER ~Yi, on an empty stomach; J?., sweep out the house; KEL-U-PEL Y ~MAL,
~Yi SHIKANI)IN, break one's fast, have break- furniture and fittings); ~PENCE n. web
fast. Cf. BOJU. between fingers or toes; ~PENCHIK n.
nashtin (nej) v.t. bury, plant. diaphragm; ~QEJ? n. waist; ~BAN, see ~GEL;
natir (A) n. bath attendant. ~sAd n. fried bread distributed to poor on
natore n. notoriety. ceremonial occasions, (esp. on odd days of
naw1 n. name, noun; --Y BE KOLEKE y ASHA Ramadan from 21st to end of month); ~srK
CHE, the less said about him the better; see ~ziG; ~sHAN n. upper part of back
- Y GEWHE W DEY WERAN, nothing ·remains between shoulders; ~sHAR n. interior of
but the n., he is not so important as one town; -TELANE (SN) n. trousseau; ~uK n.
might think; - BIRDIN, mention (Y; hence seed, pip, stone, (fruit), navel ( -uK BIBIN,
~BIRAW a. aforenamed); ~ KOR BW., *die cut umbilical cord; ~uK GIRE 1;1., tie umbili-
out (family); ~ HATIN, *be mentioned cal cord; ~uK GW., treat ruptured nav.el;
(hence -HATil a. aforenamed), *be remem- -uK KEWTIN, *rupture one's navel); -uNci
bered; - BflNAN, mention (Y); - DER K., a. middle of three; ~wu;J;..AT a. inland; ~xo
make a n., become famous; ~ N., name, a. internal, domestic; -ziG n. and a. in-
give n. to; - d: N., give a bad n. to; ~ ternal organs, internal, abdominal, in-
ZIEAN, *lose reputation (hence ~zig..;.w a. testinal; -ZISTAN n. January-February, see
disreputable); ~AWAZE( ~-U-AWAZE), -BANG Appendix I.
n. fame, reputation, (-BANG DER K., see nawaze a. rare, wonderful.
nawe n. boat, ship. bed-time; -PAK a. unclean; -nil ( = -ERE),
nax n. depths; BE ~ Y ERZA CHUN E XUWAR- no; -sAz a. incompatible, difficult to get on
EWE, sink into the ground. W. (cf. NASAZ); -SAZI 1!. incompatibility;
naxun n. finger-nail, toe-nail; ~EK n. small -SHAREZA (also NASHAREZA) a. inexpert,
quantity, trifle, (BE ~EK BIRDIN, ~EK d~ stranger; -sHIYAW a. undesirable, unsuit-
J?., whittle away. able; -TIL (SN) a. opposed, antagonistic;
nay see NEY. -wuTRAW a. unsaid, never yet said; -xosH
nayab a. rare, precious. a. ill (cf. NAXOSH); -xoSHEWAN n. sick-nurse;
naz n. coyness, coquetry, mincing airs, -XOSHI n. illness; -XOSHXANE n. hospital;
whims; ~ K., be coy; ~ pf:;'wE K., take pride -XONDEWAR a. illiterate, uneducated;
in; ~ SHIKAN, *lose doting parents; ~DAR -XUWAZ a. disinclined ( -XUWAZI n. disin-
a. delicate, amiable, charming, sweet, clination); ~xuWAZELA adv. especially
beloved; ~DARI n. amiability etc., spoiling ( -xuwAZELA MIN, I more than anybody
by parents; ~ENIN a. graceful; ~-U-NIYAZ else); ~YAR a. and n. unfriendly, hostile,
n. coaxing; ~-u-Nuz n. airs and graces enemy; ~YETI n. non-existence; ~vi n.
( ~-u-NCZ K., put on airs and graces). Cf. and a. negation, negatiYe (gram.); ~ZAN a.
NAZIK. ignorant; ~ZANDu a. unready, tactless, in
naze n. hard skin by finger-nail. speech; ~zoK a. barren (woman).
nazik (oft. NASIK) a. tender, gentle, delicate; nebat n. brown crystal sugar.
~ENAN n. kind of fried roll of puff pastry; neberd n. battle, combat, contest.
~ERME n. round species of late pear; ~OLE nebz (A) n. pulse (in wrist);·~ G., feel p.
a. dim. of ~; ~-u-NAZDAR a. coquettish. nefel n. clover.
Cf. NAZ. nefeqe (A) n. fixed allowance, alimony; ~
nazin (naz) v.i. be proud, take pride, put BIBl'NEWE, fix such allowance.
trust, (PE, PE\vE, of, in). nefes (A) n. breath; ~E: CIGERE, a puff at a
naznaw n. title, surname. cigarette. See QUM.
naznaz n. stock (bot.). nefir n. horn, trumpet.
ne 1 neg. zvord, also NExER C.) no. Cf. XEYR. nefrin n. abhorrence, disgust
ne 2 neg. conj. gen. ~ ... ~,neither ... nor; negbet a. unlucky, bringing bad luck, hap-
~K, ~KU, ~V.'A, -WEK, ~V.'EKU, not that, less, wretched.
but not, lest, let it not be that; ~K ... BELKU, negris a. base, of bad character.
not so much ... but rather; ~K HER ( -K neheng n. crocodile.
TENYA) ... -isH, not only ... but also. nel).s (A) a. perverse, wayward.
ne- 3 neg. pief. used w. infinitives and all tenses nek, neku see NE 2 •
of vv. except pres. ind. (see NA), 2 pers. sing. nekute int. a plague upon you.
and pl. imperat. (see ME), and pres. tense of v. nemam n. sapling.
'to be' (see Ni), replacing BI- of subj. wherever ne•na (A) n. mint (herb). See PUNGE.
it occurs, but not E- of imperf. ind. which it neng n. shame, sg. shameful.
precedes, not. nenfe also ~K n. grandmother; -KEQUTEI.,E
ne- 4 n-eg. pref. used to form nn., adjj., and adv., n. crone.
un-, in-, non-, etc.: ~BEZ a. indomitable, N eqshbenc.I a. lit. painter, title of the founder
invincible; -BIN a. unseeing; ~BiNi n. of the Naqshbandi order of dervishes; YA
blindness (fig.); ~BiNRAW a. unprece- SHAY "'!,formula of invocation help!; -i a.
dented; -BISTRAW a. unheard of, unpre- and n. adherent of this order.
cedented; -Bu a. non-existent (LE HkH Y neqize (A) n. goad, plough-staff for scraping
NEBU HAT BEGIJ-IMA, he attacked me with- mud off ploughshare or other tool; - TE'WE
out any reason); -BuN n. non-existence; JENJ?IN, goad, prod, and fig.
-BUNi n. poverty; -ni-w-BIDi a. upstart, nerd n. die (gaming); -:f!:N n. gambling w.
adventurer, ( -niw-u-Bmi KUBEK-Y Di, he dice, also name of a game resembling back-
put on airs); -ni-w-NENASiw a. perfect gammon.
stranger (as adv. without any introduction); nerde n. railing (fence), balustrade.
-FAM a. unintelligent (cf. NAFAM); -GER- nerdeban n. ladder.
DANI a. infinite (gram.); ~GEYIW a. imma- nere see under NE4 •
ture, unripe; ~GiRAW a. unbroken (horse); nerit n. custom, practice, order, organiza-
-HAT n. misfortune, misadventure; HATi tion.
a. unfortunate; -KIRDINi a. impracticable, nerm a. soft; ~ -, very soft, softly,
undesirable (action); -MAN n. extinction, smoothly, gently; "'B., be persuaded, come
coming to an end; -MIR a. immortal; round to agree; - K., persuade to agree;
-NASRAW a. unknown; -NASYAW, a. and n. -ANi n. s. ground, easy going (riding);
stranger; -NUSTU a. still up and about after -AYi n. s. place; ~En. s. part of sg. ( ~E Y
864313 H
GO, lobe of ear; -E Y BAN, s. part of thigh; nezerfiyat (A) n. theories, ideas, opinions;
-E y GOSHT, boned piece of meat); -EBIB ~i a. theoretical.
a. flatterer; -EGA n. land ploughed and left n~ 1 n. wooden aqueduct, open watershoot
fallow; -EGHAR n. canter; -EKOKE n. s. (of mill).
cough (as of consumptive); -ELIQE n. wad ne 2 pres. stem of NAN.
of silk floss formerly used in ink-pot; -ELE nechir n. quarry; ~EWAN n. hunter.
a. rather s. ; -EBEWT n. walk (horse); -EZiN nej pres. stem of NASHTIN.
n. coarse woollen saddle-cloth; ~1 n. soft- ne!e, ne!ene! see NERG.
ness; -iLE, ~OLE, see ~EJ:..E; ~-U-NIYAN, -nen see NA.."< 2•
~-u-NOL a. nice and s.; ~-u-SHIL a. s. and ner1 pres. stem of NARDIN.
flabby. ner 2 a. male, robust, masterful, swift
ner a. male; ~EDEW n. m. demon; ~ESHER, (stream), masculine (gram.); ~BAZ a. sodo-
m. lion. Cf. NER. mite; -E, is pref. to most names of animals to
neran4in (ner~n) v.t. shout, roar, bawl, distinguish the male, e.g. ~EwURCH, he-bear;
(BESER ~-A, at). ~EJIN, ~EPIYAW, n. masterful woman;
nere, nerener n. shout, roar, bawl, bawl- ~EKER, jackass, energetic person; -EKUBKE
ing. n. tomboy; ~EMUK n. hermaphrodite; ~in.
nesrin n. wild rose. he-goat, billy-goat (KESHE y ~i, early Sep-
nesteq a. frank, candid. tember); ~Il\'E a. and n. m., masculine
nesbmile a. pretty, sweet, adorable. ( ~iNE Y A w, main current of stream, thal-
neshter n. surgeons' knife, lancet. weg); ~K n. pistil; ~KE n. head of boil,
netewfayeti n. nationalism; ~E n. lineage, pimple; ~KEPIYAZ n. onion-stalk.
stock, descendants, people, nation; ~EPERIST nerg n. blaze ; ~ENERG n. blaze, rising flames;
a. and n. nationalist j ~EYERGIRTUWEKAN n. ~ENERG B., *flare up; ~ENERG SUTAN, blaze
United Nations; ~EYI a. national, nationa- merrily.
list. nergele n. oriental tobacco-pipe w. smoke
net! (SN) a. dissentient, dissenter. passed through water, narghile, hookah;
netreboq a. and n. huge, giant. ~ TEz K., prepare such pipe for smoking.
newa1 n. wealth, opulence. nergis n. narcissus, daffodil; ~ECAB n.
newa 2 n. tune, melody, song. n.-field.
newa3 conj. see NE2 • nereng n. magic, charm, conjuring, decep-
newazisht n. kindness, blandishment. tion, subtle scheme; ~sAz n. magician,
newe n. grandchild, descendant. conjurer, schemer.
newe4 a. and n. ninety; ~EM, ~EMiNa. nine- new1 see NAW1 •
tieth. new 2 see NAW2 •
newek, neweku see NE2 • neze n. lance, spear.
newerd see NEBERD. niffts (A) n. souls, population.
newi a. and 11. low, depressed, dip in moun- nige n. whim, hankering, (esp. of child);
tain range, col. - LE G., hanker after.
new/in· (new) v.i. bend; ~ANJ;>IN (~:EN), nigin n. ring w. seal or stone inset.
caus. bend; ~iNEWE, bend (temporarily), nihen n. secret, sg. unknown; ~BIB a. per-
bow. See DA. fidious, disloyal; ~GIR a. treacherous ; ~t
newroz (P) see NOBOJ. n. and a. secret, secrecy (BE ~t, secretly;
news (A) n. greed; ~IN a. greedy. CHI BE w LE TO -i BE, there is nothing
newt n. mineral oil; ~i a. dark green. hidden from you).
nex~r see under NE1 • niho adv. now.
nexsh (A) 11. pattern; ~ K., draw (art); ....:.E nihom n. storey.
n. map, plan; ~iN a. pretty, coloured; nikenik n. whimper, whimpering. Cf.
~-u-NiGAR 11. painting (art); illustrations, NIQENIQ, NIXENIX.
decorativeness. nim n. damp, dampness; ~ B., *be damp;
nexshan4in (nexshen) v.t. decorate, orna- ~ G., become damp; ~ K., damp (intr.),
ment. mizzle, drizzle slightly; ~Awi, ~QAR a.
next n. small quantity; ~E ~E, little by little; damp.
~:E:, ~:E:K, a little. nimayisht a. demonstration.
nextine (A) n. cash. nime4 n. felt.
ney n. reed, cane, pipe (musical), flute; ~ nimek n. salt; ~ G., *'suffer for one's in-
}El\'l;JIN, play flute (hence ~JEN n. flautist); gratitude (- Y MIN BI-T-GIRE, may you
~cHE n. thin r., r.-pen; ~sHEKIR n. sugar- suffer the penalty of your ingratitude to me;
cane; ~zAR n. cane-brake. Also NAY. ~GIRTU a. overtaken by the penalty of
neynok n. looking-glass, mirror. ingratitude); ~aiR a. remorseful for one's
own ingratitude; ~iN a. savoury, tasteful, SAL, about four years; B'EM -ANE, soon,
beautiful ; ~KoR a. ungrateful; ~NAS a. shortly; L'EM -ANEJ;>A, recently, ncar by);
grateful. Cf. NAN-U-NIIVIEK under NAN 1 • ~in. nearness, proximity.
nimre (E) n. number, size, quality, strength, nizm a. low; ...... BW., descend;""' KW., lower;
grading. ~AYf n. depression, I. ground.
nimu9 n. appearance, aspect, importance; nizul (A) n. sudden illness, stroke, shock.
~AR a. of imposing appearance. ni- neg. pref. used only w. pres. tense of v. 'to
nimune n. sample, example, model. be': NIM, NIYT (NiT), NIYE, NIYN (NiN), NIN,
niqam see MEQAM. NIN.
niqan9in (niqen) v.t. gasp, groan (e.g. niga n. look; ...... K., look; -J;>AR a. and n.
under heavy load). attentive, observer, protector; -WAN n. pro-
niqe n. utterance; ...... LE DER cHfJN, *utter a tector.
sound; ""' K., utter a sound; ~NIQ n. gasping, nigar n. picture; ""' G., take photograph
groaning. Cf. NIKENIK, NIXENIX. (hence -GIR n. photographer); ...... KEsHAN,
niqem n. precious stone set in ring. draw p. (hence -KEsH n. artist); ...... DIRUST
niran (nire) pass. of NA...,. 2 • K., paint p.; -GER n. artist; ~xANE n. p.-
nirkan9in (nirken) v.t. moan, groan, (gen. gallery.
w. pain, fever, etc.). nijad n. race, stock.
nirke, nirkenirk n. moan, groan, moaning, nil n. indigo plant, indigo; -·i a. blue.
groaning. nilufer n. water-lily.
nirx n. price, rate, value; ~ Y BAZAE, market nimfche a. incomplete, partial, half-baked;
rate; ~ BIEIN (Y), ~ DAN. (BO, LESER), fix ~cHEMELA n. half-educated person, super-
p. of. ficial scholar; ~cHEPIYAW n. a poor sort of
nisar, nise n. shady side of mountain, ubac. a man; -cHETA n. slight attack of fever;
niske, niskenisk 11. sob, sobbing. -DASHT a. second-hand; -E n. half;
nisrim see NISAR. ~EXISHT n. half a brick; -EU a. fried (egg
nishew n. downward slope, declivity. only); -TEN n. short jacket. Cf. NIW.
nishisti n. failure;~ HENAN, fail, be plucked ninok n. finger-nail, toe-nail; BIN y ......,
in examination. quick; ...... K., cut the nails.
nishlmen n. dwelling-place, meeting-place. nire n. small irrigation channel.
-nishin only in comb. forming nn. meaning nirge n. roof-tree, main beam of roof.
sitter, seat, e.g.: CENISHIN, XUWACANISHIN. niru 11. strength, force (body of troops).
niwan4in _(niwen) v.t. show, display, Nisan n. April.
evince, represent; xo ~, show one self, be- nisk n. lentil; ~ENE n. I.-soup.
come prominent, attract attention. See PE. nish pres. stem of NISHTIN.
niwener see NONER. nishan n. sign, target, medal worn as
nixun a. and adv. upside-down; ~ KW., ·honour; ...... B'Ew ......, counter-sign (gen. in
tum u.-d., upset. Also DEMNIXVN. form of mention of incident known only to
niyan1 (no pres. tense) see NAN 2 • sender and recipient of message); ~ J;>.,
niyan 2 see NERM-U-NIYAN. show, teach, instruct, (PE; as threat PE-T ......
niyar n. matter, theme, subject, nature, con- EI;>EM, I'll teach you a lesson); xo ...... 1;>.,
stitution. attain prominence, distinguish oneself; ......
niyaz n. intention, desire, wish, request, G., aim (d~, at); ...... WER G., receive medal or
need, votive offering; ~ B., *intend; - G., decoration of honour; ""' K., give piece of
wish, make a wish; ~ K., intend; ~KAR, jewellery to intended bride as sign of en-
~MEN!;> a. desirous, petitioner. gagement, be engaged to; N. BE ...... y
niyet (A) n. intention. See XUWAST. TIFENGEWE, execute by shooting; ...... NW., set
nizar see NISAR. up target; ...... SHIKANJ;>IN, hit target; -cHi,
nizgere n. hiccups; ~ G., hiccup (for con- marksman; -E a. sign, mark, evidence
struction see note under GIRTIN); ~ K.,hiccup. ( ~E Y PIYAWETf, evidences of manhood,
nizir (: ., A, NADHR) n. vow; ~ K., Yow; -E K., mark with as.); -GA, -GEn. back-
~GEn. sanctuary. sight of fire-arm. See NAWNISHAN under
nizik a.near(BE, to);~ B., be near, be on the NAW 1 •
point of(followed by subj.); ~ BW., approach, nishaste n. starch.
be near, (LEK ~ BW., be near each other, be nishtfece n. resident, inhabitant; ...... INJ: n.
good friends, hold similar opinions); ""' place to sit down; -MAN, native land, coun-
KEWTIN, approach (Y); ~ KEWTINEWE, come try; -MANPERIST a. and n. patriotic, patriot;
nearer; ...... h.'W., bring nearer; ...... x., put n.; -MANPERISTI 11. patriotism.
~ xw., put nearer; ~En. proximity, neigh- nishtin (nish) v.i. sit, sink in level, drop,
bourhood, (BE ""'E, nearly; ~E Y CHUWAR sag, cave in, settle (liquid, dust); ...... E YEK,
--------- ----------------------------------------


~ ESER YEK, be superimposed one on no a. new; MANGY NO, n. moon; SERLE - ,
another; ~ EMIL YEK, attack each other; afresh, once again; - nw., be renewed, be
~EWE, fall, subside, abate, (flood, anger, n. (moon); - KW., renew; -MANG n. n.
tumult, battle, etc.), perch, alight, land, moon, crescent; -EOJ n. spring equinox,
(birds, aircraft). See DA, HEL, Li~, BO, Tt. Iranian n. year (CEJN Y -BOJ, n.-year fes-
niw a. half; ~AWNIW a. and adtJ. h.-full, tival, MANG Y ~BOJ, March-April, see
h. and h.; ~En. the half; ~ECHI[.. a. and adv. Appendix I; -SAL n. n. year; -zA a. n.-
incomplete, incompletely ( ~ECHIJ.. TE-y born. Cf. N02 •
GEYANI;JIM, he only half explained the matter noj n. ritual prayer, the five compulsory
to me); '""'EKAR n. agricultural labourer who prayers being those of: BEYANi (cf. MELA-
receives share of crop as wage; ~EKARi n. BANGAN), morning; NIWEf!O, midday; PASH-
system of paying ·wage in kind; ~EKUL a. NIWEBO, 'ESR (A), afternoon; EWARE,
underdone (boiled foods); -EBO n. noon, SHt"WAN, evening; XEWTINA..'I, ISHA (A),
south; ~ESHEW n. midnight; ~ESHEWi n. night; - Y CEJN, r.p. prescribed for the two
song of midnight (oft. resembling alba or principal Islamic festivals; - y TERM, r.p.
dawn-song of lover deploring interruption said over the dead; - DA DESTIN, begin
by cock-crow). Cj. NIM. prayers; - PE'WE NEB., ""be menstruating
niwenimek see NONIMEK. (and so debarred from r.p.); - CHUN, *miss
niwishk (N) n. butter, essence, substance, praying at appointed time; LE - CHUN, be
gist. ceremonially contaminated (clothes, not the
nixenix n. panting, gasping; ~ n., ""pant; person, cf. LESHPiS); LE - CHUNEWE, give
~ K., pant; BE ~ isH K., work unwillingly. up saying one's prayers; - BE QEZA GEBAN-
Cf. NIKENIK, NIQENIQ. EWE, say missed r.p. after the r.p. prescribed
no 1 a. and n. nine; ~RiZKEN n. elaborate form for another time; - K., say r.p.; -EBARANE
of game of noughts and crosses, cj. SERIZKEN; n. prayer for rain. See BENOJI, DESNOJ.
~YEM, ~YEMIN a. ninth. nol n. lever; - K., lever up, and jig. stir up,
no 2 a. new; -BENI;J n. ox newly trained to incite, (Lt, against).
yoke; ~BERE n. first-born (human and non n. bedding.
animal), first-fruits (~BEREK., eat first-fruits noner n. representative. Also NIWENER.
of season; YA SHAY ~BERAN, lit. 0 King of nongin n. yearling heifer.
the first fruits, scilicet may we live to see nonimek 11. dough poultice.
this time next year); ~nux n. newly wed nu pres. stem of NUSTIN.
bride; ~KEN!? a. recently dug (gen. of under- nughro a. gen. - n., sink into the ground, be
g~ound water channel, see KARtz); -MA n. overwhelmed.
filly; ~MAL n. new resident, recent arrival; nuqlane n. remark (gen. ill-omened unless
~MUSULMAN n. convert to Islam. Cf. NO. otherwise qualified); - Y CHAK, auspicious
nok1 n. chick pea; ~Awn. pease soup. r.;- Y XIRAP, ill-omened r.;- L:E (const.)
-nok 2 suf. forming adjj. from v. stems, e.g. Q., say sg. ill-omened (no, for).
GIRINOK, TIRSNOK. nuqu! n. sweets, sugar-candy, etc.; -J?AN
noker n. servant (gen. s. of government); n. recess (gen. set in series high up in wall
~in. service; - i (Y J;IUKUMET) K., be in the of room).
service of government. nuqurch n. pinch; -LEG., pinch.
no} see NERM-U-NOI,. nuqum a. submerged; ,.., n., sink (intr.);
nordu, nordi'iwenan n. flaps of bread K., sink (tr.); xo - K., dive.
folded for journey. nustfin (nu) v.i. go to sleep (hence -u a.
nore n. turn; BE ~, in t.; - BIBiN, go out of asleep; PARE Y -u, money in reserve, sav-
t., jump the queue, (Lt, to the prejudice of; ings; -(jy!' 11. condition of being asleep);
~BIB n. one who goes out of t.; -BIBI K. NUWANJ?IN (NU~N), caus. put to sleep.
see ~ BIB iN); ~ G., keep watch (hence ~am nusxe (A) 11. copy (document, book, etc.).
n. sentry); - K., be erratic. nushtfan (nushte) also -ANEWE v.i. bend;
norin (nor) v.i. see NUWABiN. -ANI;JIN (-EN) also -ANI;JINEWE caus. bend,
nosh n. drinking; ~, - Y GIYAN, excl. as fold. See DA.
toast good health!; ~ K., drink (polite); nushtfawe a. bent, undulating; XET y - ,
~DARU n. elixir of life, wine. wavy line; -En. amulet, written charm, ( -E
noshin (nosh) v.t. drink. HEl,.G., carry, wear, such charm; -E K., write
noshatlr n. sal-ammoniac. such charm, LE, against; cf. QEBZENUSHTE).
note(SN)n.store, reserve; ~K., save, put by. nut-u-no(! .. ) a. brand new.
noti n. pilot. nuwanqin (nuwen) caus•.of NUSTIN.
nozde a. and n. nineteen; -M, -MiN a. nuwarin (nuwar) v.i. lo~ (TE, at; BESER,
nineteenth. out over), have eyes open. Also NOJ!IN.
nuwel (E) 11. winch. nuke nukenuk n. whine, whining.

nuwener a. sleep-inducing, soporific. nuqan<;lin (nuqen) v.t. close (only of eyes).

nuxshe n. first fruits, beginnings, prelimin- nuran4in (nuren) v.t. grizzle, whimper.
aries; LE - y KARl,>A, at the outset; - Bf:: LE nure, nurenur n. grizzling, whining.
f::wE, formula of reply to congratulations may nusfan (nuse) v.i. adhere, be stuck, be
you be equally fortunate; -cAR n. the first juxtaposed, (Pfl'wE, to; hence PE'V\.llNL'sAw,
time; -DIREW n. first crop. a. and n. adhering, (adherent); DENG -AN,
nuxte (A) n. dot. See XAI,. *be hoarse; -ANJ,>IN (-f::N) caus. attach.
nuzUle see NUZELE. nusfer 11. writer; -YAR n. writing, thing
nil also -KE1 adv. now. Also HENU, HENUKE. written.
nftch n. bow, obeisance; - J?., trip and fall; nusin (nus) v.t. write; -EWE, copy (LEBER,
BE -A HATIN, bow. LESER, from).
nuchanewe (nuchen) v.i. bow. nutek a. dark, gen. TARIK-U-NUTEK.
nuk n. tip, point; - Y EIM, spear-head; LE nut-u-no a. quite new.
-EWE Gf::EANEWE, tell the story from the nuzangin (nftzen) v.t. whine, whimper,
beginning; -J,>AR a. pointed; -ESHEQ n. sob.
kick w. point of foot; -TiJ a. sharp and nuze, nftze)e, nuzenuz n. whining, whim-
pointed. pering, sobbing. Also NUZULE.
nuke 1 see NV.

o int. expr. disapproval fie!, shame!. -ole suf. forming dim. adjj. and nn., e.g.
of int. expr. pain. disgust, etc. ow!, oh !, fie!. -o!ke suf. forming dim. nn., e.g. TEPOLKE.
o~hir n. fortunate going (polite term for omet (A) n. gen. - Y PEGHEMER, followers of
movements of another person); - Bf::, the Prophet, the Muslims.
where are you going?, whither away?; omi (A) a. not descended from the Prophet
-TAN xf::R Bf::, may your goings be blessed Muhammed, commoner as opp. to SEYII,> q.v.
(formula of reply to prec. question); - K., oqre (A, WAQRA) n. gen. - G., sit, stand
depart. still, patiently.
ol}.e C.) int. for dri·ving cattle ho!. oqyanus (E) 11. ocean; - Y ETJ..ESi, Atlantic
-Ok1 suf. forming adjj. from v. stems, e.g. 0.; - Y GEWRE, Pacific 0.; - Y BiNI,>I,
-ok2 suf. forming nn. and adjj. oft. dim. e.g. Arctic 0.; - Y SEHOLBENI.J Y NlWEBOYi,
-oke suf.forming nn. oft. dim. e.g. I;IEMAMOKE, ox, oxey, oxeysh int. expr. joy hurrah!.
-ol, -ole suj. forming dim. nn. and adjj., e.g. oy int. expr. distress ow!, o dear!; - BE
MECOL (personal name), BERXOLE, DiZOLE, XuwA, formula of contradiction, e.g. - BE
PICHKOL, PICHKOLE. XuwA SA MIN ... ,now I on the contrary .••
-olke suf. forming dim. tm., e.g. DIZOLKE, oye n. embroidery;·- CHININ, embroider.

pa1 a. foot; -BEN!,> a. restricted in movement; anklet (gen. w. small bells); --w-Puz n. leg
-CHE n. trotter; -cHiNE n. ladder, foot- below knee; -xuwA n. harvest threshed
holes, steps cut in wall, in cliff, etc. ; -GE but not yet winnowed; -YAN 11. bottom, end
(SN) n. threshold; -KOTRE n. name of a (GEYISHTIN E -YAN, come to an end); -YE
herb; -MAt, a. trodden under foot; -MAt,E n. base, support, standing, step, rank, degree,
n. wattle-harrow; -MURE see PbfURE under ( -YE -YE, by degrees, step by step), degree
Pf::1 ; -PECANE n. child's buttoned shoe; (gram.); -YEBERZ, -YEBILIND a. of high
-QILANCHI{E n. purslane; -WANE n. child's rank; -YEJ,>AR a. of high rank, enduring;
~>'EPEST a. of low rank; ~YTEXT n. capital -PANOKEn. sapphism; ~TAW a. fiat-topped;
city; ~YZEN a. tripping over one's own feet. ~-u-PO!! a. nice and broad.
See also PE1 • pandan (E) n. fountain-pen.
pa 2 used for PAK directly before vv. BIJN and paniberz n. kind of slipper w. built-in sup-
KIRDIN only. port to raise heel (fem. att.).
pach n. mattock, pick-axe; -EKOLE 11. hoe; pantoP (E) n. European-style trousers.
~ULKE n. dim. of~. pantoP (E) n. pendulum.
pachin (pach) see DA, HEL, PACIIl'N. panze a. and n. fifteen; ~M, ~MiN a. fif-
padasht n. reward; ,..., I)W., reward. teenth.
pa<j.sha n. king; -YIn. royalty, reign. panzehr n. antidote, esp. a blue stone be-
pajne n. heel; -KEsH n. shoe-horn. lieved to be antidotal.
pak a., n., and adv. clean, pure, chaste, papor (E) n. steam-ship.
innocent, all without exception, completely; paqlawe n. kind of sweet puff-pastry.
-MANLE ~,weare quits;~ BW., become c., paqle n. broad bean.
be acquitted, die (contempt.); ~ DER CHUN, par1 n. also SAL Y PAR, last year; -Erm C .. ),
be acquitted; ~ DER HENAN, acquit; ~ K., last year; -EN n. yearling bull-calf; ~i'NE
peel; ~ u Pis NEK., not to distinguish good a. last year's.
from evil; ~ KW., clean, cleanse; ~ANE n. par 2 n. piece, part, chapter; -cHEn. piece,
acquittal ( ~ANE Y xo K., clear oneself of fragment, ( ~CHE ~CHE K., smash, cut to
accusation); ~AYI n. c. place; ~DAWEN a. pieces), p.-goods ( -CHEFIROSH n. draper),
chaste; -IJ 1 a. c., pure, honest; -i' n. clean- section; ~cHEKAN Y WUTAR, parts of speech
ness, cleanliness; -·SIRISHT a. honest; (gram.); ~E\ piece (~E ~E, in pieces);~E 2
~-U-XAWEN a. quite c. n. money, see separate entry below; ~EYI see
paket (E) n. envelope, packet. under JIMAR; -u n. morsel ( ~u G., take
pakij2 11. privately owned grazing, grazing morsel in fingers; ~ GILANI)IN, make ball
preserve. of rice w. fingers; ~urtK x. EBER DIL,
pal!em n. train (of dress). ~UYEK N. EBER DIL, have a snack).
pa! n. side; ~ Y SHA.'I:, hill-side; BE ~EWE, parastin (parez) v.t. protect, save; xo -,
leaning, lying down (esp. of invalids); be cautious, avoid (LE).
~ PE'WE I)., lean against; ~ nw., rest, l'e- paraw a. irrigable, fresh.
tire; ~ d: (const.) I)W., lean back, relax; ~ pare 2 n. name of a small copper coin, money;
KEWTIN, lie down; ~ PE'WE N., push, dis- - Y WURDE, small change; - K., avail, be of
miss; ~ x., lay (sg.) down on its side; use; -l)AR a. rich; -MOL a. rich but par-
-ANCHE 11. sacropinalis muscle; -EPESTO n. simonious; ~PERIST a. money-grubber;
pressure, crush, (of crowd); ~EWANE 1 n. -Pis a. miserly. Cj. PAR 2•
buttress; -PISHT n. cushion; ~u n. breech- parenke n. shallow trench round tent.
ing, strap passing round hindquarters of parez1 n. and a. dieting; -B., *be dieting;
pack-animal. - B., ~ G., diet, be dieting; ~ K., avoid,
pa!an n. pack-saddle; ~1 n. pack-animal old abstain from, (d~); - SHIKANI)IN, cease to
enough to carry load. diet; ~GAR a. abstemious, dieting; -GARI
pa!awte a. filtered, refined. n. dieting.
pa!awtin (pa!ew) v.t. filter, refine. parez 2 pres. stem of PARASTIN.
palax n. buffalo calf. parezga, parezge n. hiding place, cover.
pa!e (N) n. labourer. pargin n. drain cut around tent.
pa!ewan a. and n. strong, s. man, champion. pars n. begging for alms; - K., beg; -EK
pa!ewane 2 n. a species of oak-gall. a. and n. beggar.
pa!ew pres. stem of PALAWTIN. pars eng n. counterweight, makeweight; -
pa!ewke n. filter, strainer, colander. I)W., add c.; - Gw., weigh receptacle before
pa!me n. name of a herb. weighing commodity, add makeweight.
pa!taw, pa!to (E) n. overcoat. parshew n. last meal before dawn in Rama-
pa!tek n. name of a disease of cattle. Also dan; ~ K., have such meal.
PEI,.TEK. paranewe (pare) v.i. beg, implore, (L:E).
pa!wane n. name of a bird. paro n. wooden shovel.
pan a. broad, wide;- BE~, frankly;- BW., pasl (E) n. bus, omnibus.
sit down (on ground, on floor); - KW., open pas• n. guard, watch (part of night); SEG y ~,
wide, flatten, (DEM - KW., gape; DES - KW., watch-dog; - K.,' guard (Y), keep watch;
beg; SER ~ KW., crush, kill); -AYI n. super- -EWAN n. watchman; ~EwANi n. watch,
ficial measurement, area; -EHON a. plaited keeping watch.
into thick rope or pigtail; -in. width; -KE1 pasar n. eaves; ~1 a. gen. CHOLEKE Y -1,
n. kind of oak-gall; ~KE 2 , -KEI.E a. podgy; house sparrow.
pasux n. answer; ~ J?., refuse (request); pejare n. sorrow, worry; ~BAR a. sorrowful,
~ J?W., answer. worried.
pash n., adv., and prep. behind, after; LE ~A, pejmirde a. withered.
afterwards; ~ KEWTIN, fall behind, be in pek1 n. strength, ability; ~ KEWTIN, *break
arrear, (hence ~KEWTU a. backward, in down, *be disabled, *be in nee~, *be short,
arrear); ~ x., postpone, delay. (LESER, of; hence ~KEWTU a. broken down,
pash in comb.: ~;,.xug n.leavings in manger; in need, etc.); ~ x., caus. of prec. disable etc.
~BARE n. plough handle; ~BEN!;> n. hobble pek 2 also ~0, int. see PEI;I.
on hind legs, suffix (gram.); ~BiN a. pekan see TEK-U-PEKAN.
cautious; ~J?AR n. rear-guard; ~mz n. peP a. gen. ~ K., cut short, amputate.
thief's accomplice posted to give warning pel2 n. arm, limb. wing, branch, spur of
of danger, boy posted to 'keep cave'; mountain; DES-Y BIGAT E ~EKE Y HEWR LE
~EBERE n. youngest child of family; ~ECAR DES-IM DER NACHE, he will never escape me;
a. and adv. eventual, eventually; ~EKEWT, ~ G., take by the a., take hold of, help; BER
a. and n. savings, put by; ~ELEQE n. kick w. ~ KEWTIN, *track down, *catch; ~ KUTAN,
hind legs, after effects, unofficial day's holi- grope; -E n. effort, urgency, hurry, ( ~E J?.,
day taken after festival; ~EL n. train of robe; make efforts; ~E K., hurry); ~EFIRTE,
~ELPIS a. unchaste, libertine; ~EROK n. ~EFIRTKE n. gesticulations; ~EKUTE n.
leavings, remains, ( ~EROK K., glean); groping; ~EPEL, ~EPICHIRKE, ~EPIBUZE,
~EBOJ n. future; ~EwANE n. valve, stop- ~EPIBUZKE n. hurry, bustle; ~EPITKE n.
cock; ~EWE n. hind position; ~EWPASH adv. flick, flip, trigger (EMUST N. BE ~EPITKEQA,
gm. ~EWPASH GEBANEWE, walk backwards, press trigger, fire; EMUST X. ESER ~EPITKE,
return unsuccessful; ~iN a; subsequent, put finger on trigger); ~EQAJE n. striking
future, (BOJ Y ~iN, the last day, resurrection out w. hands and feet; ~EsisE n. a disease
day; ~l'NE n. sequel, fate in store; ~iNAN, of vines; ~EWER n. bird; ~K n. twig; ~KE
subsequent events); ~Ko n. cantle; ~MAMAN n. twig, tress (~KEY AYSHE w FATl\-!E, rain-
n. assistant midwife; ~MASHE n. ejector of bow); ~KEBENGiNE n. rainbow; ~-U-POn.
Martini rifle; ~MAWE n. remains, leavings; foliage (LE ~-u-Po KEWTIN, .be incapaci-
~MERGE a. posthumous; ~MILE, n. gen. LE tated; ~-u-Po K., poll (tree), make frantic
~MILE QISE K., talk about someone behind efforts); ~-u-POP n. foliage.
his back; ~MiR n. courtier, noble; ~NiWEBO peP a. wide-mouthed (receptacle).
n. afternoon; ~QUL n. gen. ~QUL G., trip up, pelamar n. attack; ~ J;>., attack (ESER).
throw in wrestling, (L~); ~T~LANE n. feast pelepife n. toast (bread).
given by bridegroom or his family three days pelez~ n. small iris.
after wedding; ,._;~U-P~H a. and adv. con- pel n. stone (as missile).
fused, in disorder; -0 n. hind leg; ~xuwAN pe!as n. thin rug; ~ Y DEM, fur, furry coating
n. remains of meal. formed on tongue; DEM B. BE ~, *have furry
pasha n. pasha (title); ~GERDAN~ n. con- tongue; ~MASi n. turtle.
stant changes of authority or regime, pe!ash n. hay. See PUSH-U-PELASH.
anarchy; ~PASH~NE n. name of a spring pe}e1 n. first appreciable rain of autumn
carnival, name of a children's game w. sides sufficient for ploughing to begin; ~ ]/.,
representing authority and brigands; ~Yi rain (of ~).
see under TI~. pe!e 2 n. spot, stain, blemish; ~ ~, spotted,
pat n. time, occasion, (only in comb., e.g. scattered; ~ Y HEWR, small cloud; ~ ~ y
DUPAT). HEWR, scattered clouds; ~ Y ZEvVi, plot of
pata! a. useless, weakling. ploughed land; ~PE!,AWi a. stained w. spots.
pate ( T, E) n. drawn game. pe!k1 n. eyelid.
pawan, pawe n. grazing (reserved or let on pe!k2 n. Euphrates poplar.
hire). pe!oshe n. kind of thistle.
pawmftri n. name of a melody. pe!p n. pretext; ~G., find p. (PE, LE, against);
paxesft n. matron sent on behalf of bride- ~ BIBIN, deprive of p. (Y).

groom to escort bride to his house. pe!pine n. purslane.

paye see under PA. pe!tek see PALTEK.
pe!ft!e n. kind of blancmange.
payiz n. autumn.
pe!x n. calf, young of pig; ~EGAME~H,
pech see PERCH. buffalo calf, lazy young lout. Also PERX.
peche n. veil (fern. att.), sheep-pen. pelxurd a. crushed (cereals).
pe~r (SN) n. dregs, dross. pemeyi a. pink, rosy, (colour).
pel}., pel}.a int. expr. surp1·ise, how strange!, pemft n. cotton on the plant (opp; to LOKE);
really!. Also PEI;J, PIYAI;J. ~JIANE, ~WANE 11. c.-seed; ~ZAR n. C.-field.
pena n. refuge, asylum, cover, shelter, hid- and thirst, of flocks); -LEPAYiZE, thistle-
ing-place; ~ Y BEDENG, name of a guessing down, dandelion-clock; -SILEMANKE 11.
parlour game; ~BE XuwA, God help us!; hoopoe.
LE ~ Y XuwAJ;>A BIN, may God protect you; peq see SHEQ-U-PEQ.
BE ~ , stealthily; ~ BIRDIN, flee to take per n. a species of black-faced sheep.
refuge (EBER, with; -BERn. refugee); ~I;>., perasu n. flank, side; EsQAN Y ~,rib; -wE
give asylum (xo ~ I;>., hide, take cover); ~ n. cross-beams of ZINC. •
GIRTIN, be on the wane (moon), set (heliacal perawez n. hem; - Y ASMAN, horizon.
setting of star); ~ HENAN, come to take perch n. clench (nail, rivet), ~ J?W., clench;
refuge (EBER, with), hence ~HEN n. refugee ~ Y QISE J?W., argue against, refute.
(in country of speaker); -GA, --W-PES~v perchem n. forelock, fringe (hair).
n. hiding-place; used freely in comb. w. sense perchi see HERCHI-W-PERCHi under HER in
lee, position behind, etc. e.g., ~BERD, comb.
-DERGA, ~DIWAR. perdawtin (perdew) v.t. see HEL PERDAW-
penabat n. name of old small silver Persian TIN.
com. perdax a. smooth, polished, planed.
penca n. and a. fifty; -M, ~MiN a. fiftieth; perde1 n. tone, key (music).
-vi n. fifty-cent piece. perde2 n. curtain, screen, scene (theatre);
pence n. finger, hand, paw, morsel (bread); ~ Y CHAW, eyelid (but CHAW ~ PIYA HATIN,
~ Y MrRYEM, sow-bread, cyclamen, (bot.); *'go blind); - Y LUT, septum between nos-
~ Y PE, toe; ~ TE GiR K., get a grip on; trils; ~ Y MINAJ.., placenta; - Y SHERJ\1,
-GEWRE n. thumb; -Killm n. kind of sense of shame, modesty (- y SHERM
KULERE (q.v.) showing impYint of fingers; ?-."'EMAN, *'throw modesty aside); ~ y ZIG,
-TUTE n. little f. lining of stomach; CHUN E -'WE, consum-
pencere n. window, opening. mate marriage; ~LA r;>., draw open curtain;
pencher (E) n. puncture, mechanical break- - DA J?W., close shutters; - DIBIN, expose
down. secret, be shameless;- GEBAN, draw (close)
penchik n. morsel, fragment. curtain, curtain off; -r;>AR n. door-keeper;
penc;ll n. advice, admonition; - y BERiNAN, ~K n. enigma; -PILAW n. mould of savoury
- y PESHiNAN, proverb; B. BE ~, serve as rice; ~-w-KULE n. marriage-bed.
a warning; - DA I;>., admonish; K. BE -, perdu n. roofing materials (twigs, reeds,
make an example of. leaves, etc.). See DAR-U-PERDU.
penQ 2 n. trick; - PE r;>., play a dirty trick pere n. increase; ~ PE J?., increase (tr.);
upon. G., - SEKJ?IN, increase (intr.).
peng• see PENG 3 • perese n. degree; - SENJ?IN, increase.
pEmQemus a. fast asleep (contempt.). per~shan a. scattered, distracted, anxious,
pene!pen see BENI;>-U-BAW. worried; -i n. anxiety.
peng1 see PENr;>1 • per~z 1 n. shelter, trench.
peng 2 see PENr;> 2 • per~z 2 n. place for collecting harvest before
peng3 n. banking up, piling up, (water and removal to threshing-floor.
fig.); ·~ XUWARDINEWE, v.i. .bank up, be perg n. cotton thread used for uppers of
pent up; -AWn. banked up water. KE!,ASH q.V.; ~EMA 11. welt of KEl,.ASH.
pengemus see PENJ!EMUS. peristin (perist) v.t. worship.
pengir 11. ember. peristfer n. worshipper; -ISHT n. worship;
penhan (P) a. hidden, unseen, secret; xo - ~ISHTGA n. place of worship.
J;>., hide (intr.); ~ K., hide (tr.) -in. secret, peri n. fairy; -BIB a. born without foreskin;
secrecy; BE -i, secretly. -DOT, -zA, -ZAJ? n. daughter of f.
penir n. cheese; -E n. grain· of cereal still perjan (perj~) v.i. have leisure, have time,
unripe and soft; -oKE n. name of an edible (no, for); DES ~, *'have leisure (no, for).
herb. perjin n. hedge, fence; - GEBAN LE SUB Y,
penman (penm~) •v.i. swell. See HEI,. - K., fence in.
pepe n. bread (nursery word). perk a. barren (tree).
pepfke 11. disk, anything disk-shaped; ~KE perku!ol n. species of sheep w. black face
BESTIN (I;J., XUWARDIN), coil (intr.); ~KEBE­ and white nose.
KUNd n. kind of cake flavoured w. sesame; permun (permu) v.Z. see BA PERMUN.
,..;oRE, ~oLE, small round KULOO q.v. perosh n. enthusiasm.
pepu n. owl, cuckoo (of clock); ~-Y Li~ (or persiw (N) n. common cold.
LESER) EX ONE, the place is deserted; -QIJE persh see PIRSH.
n. name of a small bird ; -LE n. butterfly pert a. scattered.
-LE BElt HENAN, sicken from effects of heat pertew n. ray.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----


pertewaze see PEBEWAZE. peshew see PIB-U-PESHEW under PIB 3 •
perwa n. care, fear. peshiman a. contrite, repentant, regretful;
perwane n. moth, revolving fan, propeller. - BW., regret; - KW., cause to regret.
perwaz (P) n. flight, flying; - K., fly. peshm n. wool, nonsense; -iN a. woollen.
perwerdfe (P) a. nurtured; ~E K., nurture; peshmek n. kind of flossy sweet.
-IGAR n. Providence, God. peshokfan (peshoke) v.i. be perturbed, be
Perwin n. Pleiades. agitated, be flustered, (hence ~Aw a. agitated,
perx see PE!,X. flustered); - ANJ?IN ( ~tN) caus. perturb,
per1 n. side, end, coast, shore. Cj. EMPEB, agitate, fluster.
EWPEB, under EM 2 , EW2 • peshtema! n. towel.
per 2 n. feather; -BAZi n. flapping of wings; pet1 n. cord; - K., leash; ~ PISANI;>IN, break
-INI;>E n. bird; -LEPE see KOTIR; n. wings; c., and fig. break loose, escape, etc.; -IK 11.
--U-PUSH n. bits and pieces. piece of c.; -PETAN (also ~PETEN) PE K.,
peragen<.Ie (P) a. dispersed, scattered. drag at end of rope, harry.
peran<.Iin (peren) v.t. see PEBiN. pet2 see LET-U-PET, SHEL-U-PET.
pere n. leaf, petal, sheet, page, side, paddle peta n. influenza.
(water-wheel), rotor; - Y co, the mastoid petate (E) n. potato.
region; ~ Y L(JT, side of nostril; - ~ K., peteri a. unbalanced, mad-cap; SHf::T Y ~,
turn the leaves of, peruse rapidly (book), demoniac.
card (wool etc; hence ~KER n. carder); peti a. pure, simple, unmixed; PE Y ~,bare
~GELA 1!. leaf (of plant). foot.
pereselke n. swallow (bird), house-martin. peto see PI SHU.
perewaze a. fledged;- B., be fledged;~ K., petu n. light quilt.
teach to fly. petyare a. see PETEBl.
pergar n. pair of compasses. pexsh a. and n. scattered, prose; ~ K.,
perisht n. oats. :;~.:atter; -AN a. scattered; ~AN K., scatter
per/in (per) v.i. jump, come off, be broken (esp. largess), distribute widely.
off, be cut off, turn pale (colour), be numbed, pey1 n. nerve.
be frost-bitten, cover (male on female, E); pey2 n. gen. - K., cut off.
~ANJ;>IN (~EN) cartS. cut off, break off, leave pey3 n. deposit, earnest-money; - J?., pay d.
out, skip (in reading), put male to female pey4 n. and prep. trace, track, way, direction,
(E). See DA, DER, HEL, PEI;>A (PIYA), BA, TE. place, with the objective of, for; ~ PE
perfinewe (per) cross (e.g. stream; LE); BIRDIN, get to know, understand, realize;
~ANJ;>INEWE caus. put across, convey (idea), ~ J?., be fordable; ~ HEL G., follow track,
interpret. -- follow in tracks; - KAR Y xo KEWTIN, go
pero 11. rag, cloth; - Y BENOJi, sanitarytowel; about one's own business; -BEW n. follower,
K. BE ~ Y BENOJi, humiliate; ~KON n. disciple, ( ~BEWi n. act of following; BE
old r. ~aEwi Y, following, in accordance with);
perok a. infectious, contagious. peya a. visible; ~B., appear; LE ~B., appear
perput, perrut a. worn, shabby. suddenly to, happen to, ""encounter; ~ K.,
pesaport (E) n. passport. find, obtain.
pesardin (peser) v.t. prop, lean sg., (PIYA, peyam n. message; -BER n. messenger;
against). Also HE!,. ~Nf::R n. news-writer, newspaper corre-
pesen<.I n. and a. approbation, presentable, spondent. Cj. PEGHEMER.
respected, distinguished; - K., approve, peyin n. manure, dung of horse; -KE n. flour
admire; PIYAWEK y - , a respected, a dis- sprinkled (dredged) over dough; -Ktsu n.
tinguished, man. Also PESINJ;>. public-bath furnace stoker.
pesew n. hiding-place. peyje n. ladder.
pesin<.I see PESENJ;>. peyk n. courier, messenger, satellite.
pespeseko!e n. a species of spider. peykan n. arrow-head, spear-head.
pest a. low, base; ~ B., be humiliated, be peykar n. battle.
silenced, ~ K., humiliate, silence; ~PAYE peyker n. statue; -TASH n. sculptor.
a. low-class. peyku! n. shepherd's purse (bot.).
pestan (pest) also ~EWE v.t. crush. peyman n. promise, agreement, treaty;
pestawtin (pestew) v.t. see PESTAN. - BESTIN, make agreement, etc.; - SHIKAN-
pestek n. thick felt sleeveless waistcoat worn J?IN, break p. etc.
over jacket. peytapeyta a. and adv. continuous, con-
pestin (pest) also -EWE v.t. see PESTAN. tinuously.
pesto n. pressure; Y xoN, blood- peyruke n. and a. name of a small bird,
pressure. nimble.
peywend, peywest a. connected, related; n. f.-path; ~siTIRK 11. ladder; ~suK a. tire-
~ K., join, graft; ~i 11. connexion, relation- less (physical energy); -SHEL n. well-
ship. trodden track; -sHON n. f.-print; -sHORn.
pez n. sheep and goats; ~EKflwi n. mouffion shallow step down on inner edge of ablu-
and ibex. tion tank \'l"here feet are washed; -TAW n.
pezan n. cookery, cooking, (esp. ceremonial, long shoe-lace secured round ankles;
cf. SEMENIPEZAN). -TETE n. f.-stool; ~wENQ n. fetter, shackle;
pezishk n. physician, doctor; ~il n. medi- ~-w-PILn. foot, lit. foot and toes; -wURCHE
cine (science); ~i 2 a. medical. n. name of a fodder plant ; ~XAwus a. bare-
pe1 n. foot, footing, degree, note (music); BE foot; -xosT n. track formed by frequent
~ Y, in view of, according to, (BE~ Y xo-Y, passage of pedestrians or animals; -xo see
as required, as appropriate, normally); PAXUWA; ~xuLE a. toddler; ~xuwAS see
B'EM ~YE, accordingly; L'EM ~YE, on this ~XAWUS.

footing, in this way; LESER ~, standing, pe 2 prep. this is the absolute form of BE, q.v.,
cocked (fire-arm); ~ Y ASH, lever for lifting and is used except when the prep. governs a n.
lower millstone. or separable pron.; apron. in the affix form
piP idiomatic usages w. vv.: .~ LE BIBIN, decide governed by PE· is not necessarily placed imme-
not to go, cease to frequent; ~ d~ HEL diately after it but may be attached to a word
BIBIN, shake off, get rid of, get free of; ~G., earlier in the sentence; PE is used in conj. w.
Jearn to walk; ~ L:E: DA G., insist upon, be the postpp. -J?A (-A) and -EWEj if the postp.
obstinate, persist; - LE HEL G., hasten one's follows PE immediately PEQA gen. takes the
steps; HENAN ESER ~,cock (fire-arm); LE ~ form PIYA and the first E of -EWE is elided to
KEWTIN, be unable to walk, be tired out, make PE'WE. Examples: PE-M BILE, tell me
fall out (march; hence LEPEKEWTU n. (but BE BA\'VK-I'f BILE, tell your father);
straggler); - NEKEWTIN ESER ERZ, *be trans- CHAWEK-Y PIYA EXSHENE, he glances at it
ported w. delight; ~ LE (canst.) BA KEsHAN, (but CHA\lv'EK BE NAMEKEQA EXSHENE, he
relax, rest after effort, take things calmly; glances at the letter); HicH NEXSHEK-Y
LE ~ K., put on (footwear); ~ LE HEL K., take PE'WE NiYE, there is no pattern on it (but
oneself off, decamp;·~ LE KIRANEWE, *fre- HfcH NEXSHEK BE DIWAREKE'WE NIYE, there
quent; ~ N. EBER ~, set out on f., march is no picture on the wall). Used w. a t1·. v.
steadily forward; ~LEN., confess; ~ PE'WE PE (BE) oft. gives a caus. meaning to the v.:
N., decamp j BE ~'WE WESTAN, stand up j - KAGHEZEK-IM BE YARE NUSi BO BARAM, I
UEL XILISKAN, *trip (intr.), *stumble, *get made Yare write a letter to Bahram; BAWK-
prec. trip (tr.) etc.; ~ x., fall out, straggle, XONDIM, my father sent me to school at
(march); LE ~ x. caus. of LE ~ KEWTIN. Kirkuk for two years. Many vv. are quoted
pe1 in comb.: ~BAZ n. stepping-stone; -BAZE in the inf. w. the absolute form of the prep. w.
n. name of a plant; ~BEcE a. firm, fixed; which they are used to give a particular mean-
-BEKINGE n. kind of wild fowl j -BETAI,. a. ing; in some cases PE remains constant, modi-
broad (shoe); ~cHAI, n. weaver's, black- fying the meaning of the simple v. but not
smith's, pit; ~cHIK, ~cHKE 11. trotter, leg being constructed as a prep. in the sentence;
below knee (animal), leg of piece of furni- other vv. are similarly quoted w. PEQA (PIYA),
ture; ~cHOLEKE n. name of a plant; ~QAR PE'WE, and PEK (a contraction of the prep. w.
a. having feet; ~DESHT n. foot of hill, edge the pron. YEK); lists of vv. so quoted are given
of plain; -mzKE n. gen. ~mzrl K., watch for in the four following articles; lists of comp. nn.
opportunity to escape; ~KUBE n. gregarious in the four follou-ing articles; lists of comp.
youth of neighbourhood, gang of teen-agers, nn., adjj., and advv. having Pt or PEK
swarm (bees, locusts); ~LECE a. well-esta- as the first element already given w. the ·vv.
blished; ~LEQE n. stamping ( ~LEQE LE Q., follow in a fifth and a sixth article. Cf. LE,
stamp); ~LAW n. footgear; ~MAL 11. gen. Til.
-MAL K., trample under foot; -MELE n. p~ 2 w. verbs: ~ BIBAN, *obtain as a result of
treading water; ~MEBE n. pointed spade; (CHI-TAN Pt EBI:gt, what good will it do
-MIRISHJm n. a species of grass; ~MIZ n. you?); ~ (canst.) B.l, be fasting; - B. 2,
fee for professional attendance; -MURE n. •have in one's possession, *be wearing;
anklet of small beads j ~NGAW = -HENGAW ~ CHUN, elapse, •spend (time on); ~ Q.,
. n. step, pace; ~PAN a. flat-footed; ~PETi a. give to, pay for; ~ GEYISHTIN, - GEYiNl,
bare-foot j -PilCH 'fl· puttee; -PILfKANE, meet, encounter; ~ (const.) GEYISHTIN, ~
-PILKANE, -PILKE n. stairs j -QELE n. (canst.) GEYIN 2 , grow to maturity, ripen,
buck's horn plantain; ~QOTKE 11. name of (hence ~GEYISHTU, ~GEYiw a. mature, ripe;
quick-step dance; -BE'WKE a. toddler; -:gil -GEYISHTUYi n. maturity; ~GEYANQIN
PEl;> A 107 PECH
caus. of prec. nurture, grow, e.g. crops); XISHANJ?IN, cause to. glide over (CHAW ,..,
EA GEYANI;>IN, dispatch to, communicate XISHANJ?IN, glance at).
to; ~ (const.) KENIN, laugh (PE, at, e.g. pe'we prep. ( = BE ... -EWE), with, into, on to,
~-YAN ~ EKENE, he laughs at them); ~ according to; ,.., B., be stuck together, be
KEWTIN, suit; CHAW ~ KEWTIN, *see, caught, be trapped, be involved in, be on
*visit; ~ (const.) KEsHAN, have repercus- the point of (doing sg., followed by subj.);
sions, have (unpleasant) consequences; ~ - CHUN, fit into, be of a size to go into, par-
K., cause to do, employ to do, treat (gen. ticipate in; - J;>., attack, bite (snake), bake
badly if not otherwise qualified), adapt sg. (bread) in oven; - (const.) J;>., shut (door);
to sg., (- KIRAN, pass. of prec.; XIRAP-IM - - HATIN, rally to, be lucky for, bring luck
KIRA, I was vilely treated; --M NAKIRE, I to;- EA HATIN, come to be dependent upon,
cannot do it); ~ MAN, *have left, *retain; be unable to do without; - K., insert into,
"' NASANJ?IN, introduce to (socially); - catch, trap, involve in trouble; ,.., N., put
NAZIN, rely upon for support; - NIWANJ?IN, upon, attach to, discharge (fire-arm) at,
show to, punish for injury or, in case of deliver blow at, set (dog) at, (DES - N., get
God or saint, for broken oath (PE-Y ENl- rid of e.g. unwelcome guest; PAL - N.,
WENIM, I'll show him, I'll teach him a push); - NAZIN, take pride in; - NISHTIN,
lesson); - SELMANJ?IN, force to admit, con- join in, participate; ,.., EOYIN, ,.., EOYISHTIN,
vince; - SHIKAN, be adequate for (HEZ-IM continue, carry on w.
B'EM KARE NASHIKE, I am not strong enough pek adv. ( = BE YEK), together, well arranged;
to do this work); ~ wERAN, dare to oppose, -EWE adv. together; --MANEWE, lit. for
stand up to; - WISTIN, need;- WUTIN, say both of us, i.e. the same to you (formula of
to, call by a name (EM DEWENE PE-Y EI,EN reply to greeting CEJN-TAN PIROZ Bt, happy
JALE, this shrub is called oleander); - XENIN festival!); -A CHUN, become interlocked,
see - KENIN; - XUEIN, rely on; - ZANiN, get quarrel; -A J?., bang together, (without d.o.)
to know, perceive, knowordeducefrom, be attack each other; ,.., GEYISHTIN, -GEYiN,
grateful to (- NEZANIN, be ungrateful; meet, coincide, be in conjunction (heavenly
hence -NEZAN a. ungrateful). bodies); ,.., HATIN, come together, agree,
p~qa, piya prep. ( = BE • • • -J;>A) across, tum out well, be formed, be completed, be
through, upon, up over, down into, etc.; - accomplished (hence -HATU a. perfect;
BIRDIN, take through, introduce into; - -NEHATU, imperfect, tenses); ~ HtNAN,
CHUN, go through, penetrate into; ,.., HEL bring together, form, complete, etc.; ,..,
CHUN, climb up perpendicularly (e.g. wall); KEWTIN, come together, meet; -EWE K.,
- CHUNEWE, go- through again, revise, bring together; -A LIKAN, stick together,
review; - J;>., strike sg. on sg., spread (e.g. be welded; -A LIKANJ?IN, caus. of prec.
cloth) over; - (const.) J;>., filch, embezzle; stick together, weld; -EWE N., collect,
- HEL J;>., belaud, sing praises of; - HEL amass,, organize, fabricate, concoct;
GEEAN, climb slope (e.g. mountain); - NASANJ?IN, introduce to each other; -EWE
GEYISHTIN, - GEYIN, arrive in time for NUSAN, become stuck together.
(- GEYANJ?IN, caus. of prec., send, bring, in pe 2 in comb.: -JiW n. means of subsistence;
time, e.g. help); - GEJ!AN, spread, cast, -KENINAWf a. laughable; -MALE n. harrow
over (CHAW - GEBAN, review); - G., draw for covering seed w. earth; -NAW n. sacri-
curtain in front of, veil; ,.., HANiN, see ,.., fice, scapegoat, behalf, (LE -NAW Y, LE
HtNANj ,.., HATIN, come through, traverse, -NAW Y --J?A, on behalf of, for the sake of);
review, recount in detail; ,.., HATINEWE, -Nus n. pen, writing materials; -TEK n.
come through again, review; ,.., HtNAN, personal treasures of bride other than
apply sg. to, rub sg. on sg., (DES ,.., Hil:NAN, trousseau; -wisT a. necessary; -wisTt n.
stroke); ,.., HEJ;.. KALAN, ,.., HEL KALIN, scold; necessity; -XEF n. bedclothes, bedding;
,.., BA KEWTIN, arrive in time for;- KEsHAN, -XOR n. sg. eaten w. bread e.g. cheese,
strike sg. on sg., hit w.; ,.., (const.) KtsHAN, onions, curds.
purloin, embezzle; ,.., K., thrust into, hitch pek in comb.: -EL see under TtK in comb.;
on to, pour over; - K., see ,.., KEsHAN; - -in. good order; -BA adv. all together.
MALIN, strike, deal a blow to; ,.., N., place p~ch n. twist, coil, roll, screw, gimlet; - -,
upon (DAN - N., _confess, admit); - HEL twisted, in rolls, etc.; ,.., Y MtZER, time taken
NUWARIN, look someone up and down; ,.., to tie turban, a few moments, trifling delay;
NUSAN, bite (MINALEKE BE DES-IMA NUSA, - J;>., roll, fold; ,.., Lt J;>., deceive, trick; ,..,
the child bit my hand); ,.., HEL PEBIN, jump PIYA J;>., turn, go aside-; - J?W., tum back
on to, spread to, *contract (contagious (intr.); ,.., PIYA HATIN, *have colic pains,
disease); ,.., HEL EUWANfN, see ,.., HEL *'have gripes; - PIYA HtNAN, change, alter,
NUWARiN; ~ HEL WUTIN, see ,.., HEL 1;>.; ,.., (e.g. policy); ,.., KW., tum, change direction,
PftCH 108 PIF
(intr.) j - XUWARDIN, - XUWARDINEWE, spin, pesh in comb.: -ANi n. front (milit.); -Aw
roll, tum round, tum back, (intr.). a. latrine; -BAR n. camp equipment sent
pech in comb.: -AWP:fkH a. complicated, in advance to site; -BENI;> n. hobble on fore-
involved; -EK n. bandage; -EKULU n. legs, prefix(gram.); -BEST, seeBERBESTunder
skein, snow falling in large flakes; -ELPikH BER5 ; -BiN a. foreseeing, cautious; -BiNi
a. winding; -EN 11. gen. -EN K., roll up n. foresight, precautions; -cHAW n. view;
black tent for loading on pack-animal; -I;>AR n. advance-guard; -DESTi n. initia-
-EWA?I."E n. inverse, contrary (BE -EWANE tive ( -DESTi K., take the initiative); -E n.
v, contrary to); -PECHOKE a. and n. spiral; nozzle of bellows; -Eid n., a., and adv. pre-
-BEZ);..E, white bryony (bot.); --U-MORE n. liminary, in advance; -EM a. important;
screw and nut; --U-PENA n. tortuousness, -ENG n. leading animal of ~aravan, leader;
evasion; ~-u-PII,UCH a. very twisted, com- -EWA n. leader; -EWAYi n. leadership;
plicated, zig-zag. -EWE n. front, position in front, previous
pechan (pech) v.t. wind, wrap (TE'WE, in); time, as milit. order forward!; -GA n.
-ANEWE, fold up, wind up (e.g. business). presence(as expr. of respect e.g. EMDIYARiYE
pe~hemer n. prophet. Cj. PEYAM. sent this trifling present in the hope that
pe9a seep. 107. you will deign to accept it); -GIRi n. pre-
peJ.l see PEI;I. vention; -iN a. and adv. past, beforehand;
pek, pekewe seep. 107. -iNAN n. the ancients, forbears, (PENI;> Y
pekan (pek), pekan9in (peken) v.t. hit -iNAN, proverbs); -iNE n. preface, pre-
(mark). lude, advance payment; -KESH n. present,
pel n. time, interval. gift, offering; -Ko n. pommel of saddle;
pel n. small hump on shoulder of bovines. -MAMAN n. midwife in charge of case;
pe!ewar n. fuel log. -MERGEn. cormnando; -NIYAR n. proposal,
pe!u n. eyelid. suggestion; -NOJ n. leader in congregational
penc a. and n. five; DINYA - U DU BOJEK-E, prayer (cf. iMAM); -BEW n. vanguard, pre-
.life is fleeting; -DERi n. room having f. lude; -Tin a. and adv. previous, farther
french windows; -E n. gen. -E v TAR, f. forward, sooner, beforehand; -u a. pre-
intercalary days of old Iranian year; -EM, vious, former; -wAZ, -wAzi n. going out to
-EMiN a. fifth; -GA n. name of a melody; meet, welcome, (BE -WAZEWE CHUN, -wAzi
-GosHE n. f.-angled figure; -GoSHEYi a. K., go out to meet; v); -xiZMET n. head
quinquangular; -HOSHE n. the f. senses; servant, personal attendant.
-sucH a. and -sucHE, n. see -GOSHE, peshke see BESHKE-W-PEsHKE.
-GOSHEYi; -sHEME, -SHEMU n. Thursday; peshUle n. gnat.
-TiR n. magazine rifle taking f. cartridges; pewan (pew) v.t. measure.
-WEXTE adv. five times a day (gen. of pewane a. measure.
ritual prayers); -xiSHTEKi n. and a. penta- pewaz n. onion, bulb. Cj. PIYAZ.
gon, pentagonal. pe'we seep. 107.
pensed a. and n. five hundred. pez n. gluten (flour); -J?AR a. glutinous
perfar n. also SAL Y -AR, year before last; -t (flour, dough) j -E n. essence, substance.
n. the day before yesterday; -EsHEW, two pi- see BI-.
nights ago (two nights before EMSHEW, q.v.). pich n. small quantity; -t, a little; -KE,
Peru n. Pleiades. -KELE, -KEI,.E a. little j -KE, a little j -KOK,
perew see PEYBEW under PEv'. -KOL, -KOLANE, -KOLE, -KO}.., -KOJ:..E, -UK
pest n. skin; PIB BE - v xo-v zta EKA, he is a. little; -uKKIRAW a. diminutive (gram.).
worth his weight (lit. bulk) in gold; -En. pichir a. gen. DAN v - , incisor tooth;--,
hide ( -E XOSH K., tan j hence -EXOSHKER n. broken up, interrupted, incoherent.
tanner); -EPENiR n. cheese put to mellow in pichirfan (pichire) also -ANEWE v.i. break,
s. (gen. buried by nomads in snow to await snap, be severed, (string etc.); -ANI;>IN
autumn migration to plains). (-EN) caus. break, sever. See DA, HEL.
pesh n., a., adv., and prep. front, in front, . pichirin (pichir) v.t. break, snap, sever,
before, forward; LE -A, LE -ANA, before- (string etc.), cut off, pick (flowers). See DA,
hand; - EME I{E, "' EWE KE, before (conj.); HEL.
XO BIRDIN E -EWE, be forthcoming; I;>. E "'• pichirkan (pichirke) v.i. be cut in pieces.
drive forward, proceed vigorously w.; -G., See DA.
prevent (PE); "' KEWTIN, go forward, make pi9er 11. father.
progress (hence -KEWTtJ a. and n. advanced, pif n. puff; - J?., blow; - HEL J?., egg on,
antecedent); - x., put forward, put in front, urge; - LE K., blow out, extinguish; -EL
give priority to, prefer. a. flabby, loose.
pife n. food (nursery word). pirjo! see BIRJOL.
pij n. fringe, awn, beard (cereals). Cj. PIRJ, pirkam n. hysteria.
PII~H. Also BIJ. pirs n. question; - K., ask (LE); - PE K.,
pijfan (pije), pijin (pij) v.i. gush out, bleed consult; -ANE n. present (gen. of food) to
(nose), splash (L~); ~AN!;> IN ( ~~N) caus. bereaved family; -En. condolences (cHfJN
squirt, spray. BE -E'WE, pay visit of condolence); -EGUR-
pijmfe n. sneeze; --u-HtB n. continuous GANE n. insincere consultation or request for
sneezing. advice; -i a. interrogative; -YAR n. ques-
pijmin (pijm) v.i. sneeze. tion (-YAR K., ask; LE).
pil1 n. piece; ~~ GOSHT, a piece of meat; pirsin (pirs) v.i. ask (d:); ~EWE see LE
K., divide up, fragment. -EWE.
piP n. finger; ~ TEQANJ;>IN ( SN), see BISTE L~ pirsh a. scattered; -ING n. spark, ray; - u
J;>.; ~E 1z. rung, degree, stage; -EKAN n. BILAW KW., scatter. Cj. PIJ, PIRJ.
stairs; ~EMETE (SN) n. bit and brace; pirt n. piece; -AL (N) n. p.-goods. Cj.
~iKANE n. stairs; ~iKE n. step, stair. XIRT-U-PIRT, also PERT.
piP n. gen. ~ J;>., throb painfully. pirtepirt see PITEPIT.
pilar 11. wooden missile, hint, -AR HAWISH- pirteqa! n. orange.
TIN, throw such missile, BO, at; -ART~ G., pirusk n. spine, backbone. Cj. ESK-u-
hint unpleasant things about, taunt. PIRUSK.
pilender 11. bully, extortioner. pirwanc;lin (pirwen) v.t. flick off, shave off,
pilishfanewe (pili she) v.i. be crushed; rub off, crumble between fingers. See HE!,.
~ANJ;>Ir-"EWE ( ~tN) caus. crush (gen. by pirxanqin (pirxen) v.t. snore.
accident). pirxfe n. snore; LE ~E Y XEWA B., be sleeping
pilusk n. gutter, gargoyle, spout, tap. soundly; -EPIRX n. steady snoring; -IN a.
pilure n. beehive. apt to snore; --u-WUB n. loud snoring.
pi! n. freckle, spot on face. piryaske 11. small bundle (gen. in knotted
pi!aw 11. dish of boiled rice w. melted handkerchief).
butter; ~PAI,;:Ew n. colander, flat tray of pirze n. sigh.
basket-work; -PILAW n. name of a parlour pirzo!n. small piece, fragment.
game; --u-GoSHT n. dish of boiled rice w. pirzu n. strength, power of resistance.
meat. pir1 n. sudden, suddenness, sudden move-
pi!in~ n. leopard; ~iNE n. I.-skin. ment; LE -,LE-A, LE -:EKA, suddenly, all
pi!ite n. wick. of as.; - PIYA J;>., attack suddenly; - PIYA
pi!osin (pi!os) v~t. see DA PIJ..OSIN. K., pounce upon, dive into; -KilsH a. im-
pi!oxan (pi!OXe) V.i. DA PI!,.OXAN. pulsive; -KESHi n. impulsiveness ( -K:Esni
pilpi!e n. string of coins (fern. att.), line of K., act impulsively).
tassels. pir 2 a. full (LE, of), abundant; - -, -BE-,
pilftch a. curved, awry, perverse. f. to the brim, quite f.; "' CEWAI,E GOZ, "' Y
pin n. spot; ~K, ~oK n. dot ( -K -K, spotted); CEWAI.,E GOZ, CEWAI,EK Y - LE GOZ, a sack f.
-TIK n. small quantity. (sackful) of walnuts; - BE DEM, at the top
pirlc n. cement for mending crockery and of the voice; - BE DES, by the handful; - BE
earthenware; - K., mend (crockery etc.). Dil,., heartily; - BE PEsT Y XO-Y ZEB EKA, see
pinchik see BINCHIK. PEsT; CEHENEM-Y LE PIB, blast him!; "'B.,
pinqir a. see PINIR. be f. (DIL - B., *be vexed ; (DIL) LE - B., be
pine n. low table used for bread-making. exasperated w., be fed up w.; "' BW.,
pinir a. chapped. become f. again; - K., fill, stuff; LE - K.,
pirch n. tresses; - Y AYSHE-w-FATME, see incite against; "' KW., refill, fill gradually.
PELKE; -IN a. having fine head of hair. pir 2 in comb.: -AWPIB, -BEPIB a. and adv.
pird n. bridge; "' HE!,. BESTIN, build b.; LE "' filling up, fitting tightly into; -CHEK a.
PERiNEWE, cross b.; -ELE n. dim. of-, part armed ( -CHEK K., arm); -CHENE a. chin-
of mechanism of water-mill. wagger, talkative; -CHING n. handful;
pir~ 1 n. worm larva. -GOSHT a. fleshy, fat; -Htz a. strong, mus-
pir~ 2 n. crust formed on surface of liquid; cular; -HUNER a. artistic; -MESHK a.
"'HEL HENAN, form such c. brainy, clever; -su, -suJ;> a. useful, ser-
Pir~ 3 see SiWEYL. viceable; -TAW n. gallop (-TAW I;>. ESER,
pirj a. and n. scattered, shoot, sucke.r. Cj. charge); --U-PUCH a. nonsensical.
PIJ, PIRSH. pir3 only in comb.; --U-PATAL a. valueless;
pirjfan (pirje) v.i. gush out, splash out; LE --U-PESHtw n. cast-off rubbish; --u-PiT
-AN, splash(tr.); -ANJ;>IN( -EN)caus. squirt, n. bits and pieces, odds and ends. Cj.
sprinkle. SHIB-U-PIB.
piran9in (piren) v.t. see PIBMANI}IN. pishkiltin (pishku) v.i. blossom.
pirishk n. spark, spray. pishpishoke n. name of a plant.
pirman9in (pirmen) v.t. snort, puff. pishqil n. dung of sheep, goats, gazelle, etc.
pirme n. snorting, puffing; ~ y GIRYAN, pisht1 int. used to drive away cat, shoo. Cf.
convulsive sobbing. PIS 2 •
pirno!, pirpo! n. and a. rags, ragged. pisht2 n. back, hindside, waist, convex side
pirpo!e n. dumpling. of knucklebone, support, generation; ""' y
pir-u-pirejin (pir perh. = pir) n. old CHAW, eyelid; ""' Y TIGH, blunt edge of knife;
woman; CHIR6K Y - , old wives' tale; BESTIN E - , tie round the waist; - PE
DERMAN Y -,old wives' rcmedv. BESTIN, rely on; ""'PE ESTUR B., *rely on; -
piruskfan (piruske) v.i. come. apart, drop SARD BW., *lose interest in sg.; ""' !}., tum
off, break off, snap (string), curdle (milk); tail, flee, be covered (of fern. animal); - 1}.
~ANI}IN (~:EN), caus. pull apart, etc. BE ZEWIYA, throw at wrestling (Y); ""' LE J;>.,
pirukfan (piruke) v.i. be exhausted, be play game in which boys roll over each
worn out physically, be overcome; -ANI}IN other in succession, rollick; - ow., lean
(-:EN) caus. wear out etc. Also HEL. back, recline; - G., support (- y YEK G.,
pirushe n. gen. ~ K., begin to snow. support each other); ~ HEL K., go away in
piruzfan (piruze) v.i. be scorched, be dudgeon, desert, abandon (LE); - T:E K.,
singed; ~ANI;> IN (~:EN) caus. scorch, singe. turn the b. on, ignore; ~ s(JR KW., massage
Also HEL. the b. with oil in front of fire; ~ L:E KW.,
piruze 11. scorching, burning; also a woman's see - LE J;>W.; ""' SHIKAN, *lose one's pro-
name. tector, *be left in a weak position; ""'
pis 1 a. lisping; ~EPIS n. lisping; -EPIS K., SHIKANJ;>IN caus.· of prec. also break in (colt;
BE ~EPIS WUTIN, lisp. Y); x. ESER ""'• throw open, open wide,
pis 2 int. gen. ""' ""'• call-name for cat puss, (door).
puss; also used in harsh tone to drive away pisht 2 in comb.: ~AWPISHT adv. from genera-
cat shoo! Cf. PISH, PISHT1 • tion to generation; -BEN, see -:EN; -E n.
pisfan (pise) also ~ANEWE v.i. burst ridge (topog.); -EMELE n. swimming on b.;
asunder, break (rope), suffer severe or fatal -EMILE, -EMILE n. compulsion; -ESER n.
strain; -AN!;> IN (-:EN) caus. burst, break, camail of basinet, ornament worn at back
etc. of head (fern. att.); -ESTUR a. confident,
pisardin (piser) v.t. see PESARDIN. relying confidently on (BE); -EsuR:E n. name
pisik n. cat. Cf. PIS 2, PISH. of a lullaby; -EWARE n. man's load; -EWE
piskan9in (pisken) v.t. see BA PISKANJ;>IN. n. position behind, rear; -EYWAN n.
pispor n. and a. expert. room behind veranda (see HEYWAN); -:EN n.
pish n. cat, gen. as call-name ~ ""'• puss, waistband (-EN BESTIN, tie waistband; ""'
puss!; -E voc. as endearment or call-name; KW., undo waistband); -ENE n. strap, cord
-1 ·n. cat (also used like -E); BE -i -1, by of parcel, cordon, boundary, precincts;
cajolery; ""'lLE n. cat (the form most com- -GERM a. energetic, confident, optimistic;
monly used); -!LESURE n. name of a child's -GERMI n. energy, confidence, etc.; -i n.
game; -fLESH OR n. summary wash, cushion; -1WAN n. supporter, reserve
c.'s-lid{; -fPISHi n. name of a parlour (milit.); -KOL n. bar of gate or door; -KOM
game; -PISHOKE c.'s-tail (bot.). Cf. PIS 2, a. hunched; -MALE n. personal retainer of
PISIK. tribal chief; -MER n. supports, reserves
.r:·· pishew a. disorderly; -1 n. disorders, dis- (milit.); -MIL n. nape of neck; --u-PENA
turbances ( - f GEBAN, HEL GIRSANI}IN, NW., n. shelter.
create, organize, disturbances). pishtir. n. basement used as stabling. in
pishk1 11. lot, lottery; - HAWISHTIN, cast winter.
lots; ~ BA KEsHAN, draw lots; - x., cast pisbu n. breath, pause for rest, breather;
lots (ESER, for). - BIBAN, *be out of b.; - !}., breathe;
pishk 2 11. stopper, plug. - J}W., pause to rest, pause for a breather.
pishkegor n. exchange of women, see JIN pit1 n. small quantity, gen. -:E, -:EK, a little.
BE JIN K. Cf. piT2.
pishkil see PJSHQIL. pit2 n. flicker, splutter, throb; ""' J}., flicker,
pishkinin (pishkin) v.t. search, investigate, splutter, throb, pulsate, open and shut
inspect, peer into, feel about for. rhythmically; ,.,:,EPIT n. flickering, throb-
pishkilan n. parlour guessing game (general bing, etc.
term). pitew a. hard, crisp, firm, solid.
pishko 11. ember. pitir a. and adv. more; -1 a. gen. PAYE y -7,
pisbko! 11. bar (door-fastening). comparative degree (gram.).
pix1 int. used to startle bo, boh; - LE K., say to seed, chapped (skin); -EMERD n. old
'bo' to. man; -EPJNTIK, see -EBAB ; -EZA a. and n.
pix 2 , pixe n. gen. - K., chop off the head child of father's old age; ( -E is also fre-
(nursery word). quently pref. to many words to indicate
piya prep. = PfuJA, q.v. after PE2 on p. 107. familiarity, affection, etc. much as 'old' is
piya<;te a. on foot; SIPAYI Y -,infantryman, used in English,. e.g. HAT E JURE -EQEMCHI
infantry; -BE n. footpath unfit for wheels or BE DESE'W'E, he came into the room carrying
riding and pack animals. that old whip of his as usual); -EJIN n. old
piyal}. see PEl;f. woman ( -EJIN Y l;IENKETELE, "'EJIN Y
piya}e n. goblet, glass, tumbler, tea-glass SERASINiN, wily old woman oft. employed
(cf. isTIKAN). as go-between); -EJINE SERASINiN n. name
piyan n. = PEYAN, feet; BE -EwE, while of a grub, perh. leather-jacket (crane-fly);
standing, on foot. -r n. old age; -iYETi, status of sheikh as
piyase ( T) n. coming and going; - K., pro- spiritual guide; -XENiLE n. thick kind of
menade, walk up and down. soup containing SAWER (q.v.) and pieces of
piyaw n. man, as pron. one; as int. (also - fried meat.
To'sH), of course, don't worry; - LESER G., piran (= BiRAN, viRAN, thoughts) n. worry;
take (woman) in adultery; - KUSHTIN, ,...., BIRDINEWE, •be overcome by anxiety;
commit murder (hence -KUJ a. and n. homi- ,...., K., worry.
cidal, murderer); -ANE a. manly; -CHAK piroz a. blessed, fortunate, victorious; -BAYI
n. holy m.; -ETI n. manliness, manhood; n. congratulation (-BAYI LE K., congratu-
-FIROSH a. and n. adventuress; -MAQUL n. late); -E 71. turquoise; -i n. happiness,
headman, elder; -xiRAP n. scoundrel, bad success, victory.
character. piran<;tin (piren) v.t. snort, puff.
piyaz n. onion, bulb; -AW n. o.-soup; pire, pirepir n. snorting, puffing.
-EXUGANE, -oK n. wild o. Cf. PEWAZ. pis a. dirty, mean; ,...., K., allow to go bad (hen
piz<;tan n. womb (animals). w. eggs); I.E ,...., K. (without d.o.), take a
pizink n. twitch used to prevent lamb from serious turn, go septic, become chronic
sucking dam. (malady); DII. - K., become suspicious (LE,
pizisk, pizishk n. spark. of); -AYi, -in. meanness, avarice; -KE a.
pizu 1 71. hem w. ends left open (so as to take mean, avaricious; -KEJ..E a. petty and con-
draw-string, pyjama-cord, etc.). temptible.
pizu 2 n. pneumonia. pish n. ill will; - XUWARDINEWE, suppress
pichik n. name of. a herb. one's bitter feelings temporarily.
pik n. sledge-hammer. pishan ( = PE NiSHAN) gen. ,...., I;>., show,
pike n. stalk of cereal, reed (plant and r. of express.
musical instrument); -BIBE n. name of pest pishfan (pis he) v.i. be roasted in hot ash
said to attack cereals. without receptacle; -ANI;> IN (-EN) caus.
pil n. elephant. roast thus.
pilan (E) n. plan, plot, sharp practice; pishe n. habit, occupation, vocation,' trade;
GEBAN, hatch a plot, plot, (hence -GEE, -GA n. factory, workshop; -GER n. crafts-
plotter, conspirator). man; -sAz n. industrialist; -sAzi n. in-
pilk n. finger; -En. flick. dustry; -sHAGIRD n. apprentice.
pine n. patch; "' K., patch, mend; - KW., pishok n. name of a small edible bulb.
explain away; -cHin. cobbler; --W-PEBO, pit1 n. abundance, bounty, blessing.
n. gen. --W-PEBO K., patch all over. pit2 a. and n. small, small quantity ( -E, -EK,
pip (E) 71. barrel. a little), particle, inflexion (gram.); -EDER-
pir1 n. gen. BE -EWE CHUN (o1· HATIN), go, XER n. defining suffix; -EDERNEXER n. the
come out, to meet (Y; oft. as complimellt or indefinite suffix -E, -EK; -EGEL n. plural
ceremonially but also sometimes w. meaning ending; -EPICHU"KKERE n. suffix forming
oppose); -r n. used w. same meanings diminutive; -EQAI,IB 11. modal prefix; -AK
and construction as -, but oft. in comp. n. also -AK Y NAWMAI,, chattels; -AK K.,
BEREWPIRI CHUN (or HATIN or K.; Y). -AK KO KW., collect (articles or money oft.
pir 2 a. and n. old, old man, elder, sheikh, as subscription; BO, for); -KE see PELEPiTKE
spiritual guide of dervish order, shrine of under PEL1 • Cf. PIT1 •
such person; - y FERTUT, very old person; pite n. name of a thick vegetable soup.
LE ,...., K., become chronic (malady; EM piw n. fat, tallow, wax; --U-QISLJ.. n. cement
NEXOSHIYE LE-Y ,...., KIRDIM, this malady of for mending crockery.
mine has become chronic); -EBAB n. solemn piwaz sse PIYAZ.
child, 'little old gentleman'; -EJ..OK a. run pizi! n. name of a plant.
pizoke n. pimple. pozisht n. apology; ~ K., apologize.
po 1 n. woof, weft; ~PESHMIN n. kind of light punge n. wild mint.
blanket. pus!e (E) n. compass.
po 2 see PEL-U-PO. pusule (E) n. voucher, ticket, receipt.
pogre (E) see SIPIYAW. pusht 11. sodomite.
poghe n. bull calf. puwan (puwe) v.i. rot (hence PUWAW a.
poke, pokepok n. whimpering, grizzling. rotten).
Also PUKE. puwar a. quite rotten.
poP n. flock, flight, group, class (school), puwaz n. wedge, filling (tooth).
team. puxt, puxte a. mature, ready for use.
pol2 also ~v n. ember; ~AN n. February- puch a. empty, silly; ~ BW., be disappointed
March, see Appendix I. (hopes); ~ KW., make nonsense of, disap-
polis (E) n. police. point (hopes); ~EK, -EL a. empty, hollow,
po!a n. steel; ~NIYA a. edged w. steel; (e.g. of bad walnut).
~xoR (SN) a. brave. puk 1 n. oft. ~ Y DAN n. gums.
po!ke n. green-pea, vetch, wild pea. puk 2 see PVCH.
pop n. top, peak, crest, comb (cock); ~En. pukanewe (puke) v.i. rot.
same as prec.; ~EBESHE n. infection attacking puke see POKE.
cockscomb; ~rN a. crested; ~KE, ~NE n. pull n. postage or revenue stamp.
crest, comb. pul2 11. coin, money, gaming or other counter
poqin (poq) v.i. protrude. Also DER, HE!,. (~ y DOMINE, domino); ~EK, ~EKE 11.
porg n. calyx, new skin formed over wound. sequin (ornament), scale (fish), triangull)r
porxiz n. undisciplined young rogue. patch on side of KE\VSH; ~EKEBEZ a. se-
por1 n. francolin, black-partridge. quined; ~EKia.money-grubbing; ~EZERDKE
p0[ 2 only in PAN-U-POE q.v. n. a brass coin.
-posan (pose) v.i. rot, decompose, go bad. pur 11. aunt (paternal and maternal); ~t,
post n. skin; ~EKi n. s. used as floor-rug; aunt (as title); ~zA n. cousin (a.'s child);
~NISHIN n. superior of dervish convent. ~zAZA n. cousin once removed.
poste (E) n. post, postal service; ~cHi n. pure 11. s-warm (bees), community, party,
postman; ~xANE n. post office. pus see u1s-u-P0s.
posh n. black goat w. white ears. push n. withered grass, hay; ~ y xuRMA,
poshjak n. clothing, garment; -TE a. well date-palm- leaflets used for basketry; ~ J;>.
dressed (xo ~TE K., put on one's best EDES, swindle (e.g. partner in business);
clothes for an occasion; ~TE KW., reclothe-; ~ANE n. grazing fee; ~-BE-KINGE n. dragon-
xo -TE KW., lay in stock of new clothes); fly; ~ELA."' n. hay-field'; "'iNE 11. v.·oven
~TE-W-PERDAX a. dapper. basket of hay or palm leaflets; ~KE n. bit of
poshin (posh) v.t. cover, wear, don. See straw ( ~KEYE NAKA, it is quite worthless);
DA. ~PEE n. early summer; ~-U-PE!,ASH n.
potelak n. head-dress. litter, sweepings; ~u n. tinder.
potin (E) n. boot. pushi n. veil (fern. att.). ·
poylane n. gift sent to woman on occasion pushin n. band tied to keep kerchief (DESMAL)
of marriage or birth of child. in position (fem. att.); -PEcH 11. brooch for
poyle n. kind of ornament worn on head holding such band in position.
_ (fern. att.). put1 see PVCH.
poz n. muzzle (nose and mouth); ~EWANE put 2 n. hay stacked for winter fodder.
n. muzzle (contrivance strapped over nose puz 11. calf (leg); ~EWANE n. gaiter.
and mouth); ~EXUGE n. a variety of acorn.

qabil (A) a. possible. qaf2 11. name of letter of Arabic alphabet
qac 11. pine-tree. Also QAJ. transliterated Q; ~B., be conscripted;~ K.,
qach 11. foot; ~-U-QUL n. lit. foot and ankle, enrol recruit selected by lot (QUR'E) for
foot. military service (hence -KIRAW n. raw con-
qachagh, qachax (T) n. contraband; ~cHi script recruit).
n. smuggler. qaj 1 n. rook or other bird of crow tribe; ~u
Qafl n. fabulousc hain of mountains supposed n.chough.
to surround the earth, Caucasus. qaj 2 see QAC.
qaje, qajeqaj n. caw, cawing, honk, honk- snuffle (goat); -QAB 11. continuous cawing
ing, whistle of arrows. Cj. QABE. etc.; -QAB K., see QABANDIN. Cf. QAJE.
qalonche n. blackbeetle, cockroach. qaspan9in (qaspen) v.t. call (mountain
qap a. pure, refined, trained; - K., refine, partridge)~
train. qaspe, qaspeqasp n. call of mountain par-
qa! 2 a. distraught, confused, distracted; SER tridge.
- B., *'be d.; SER - K., distract, confuse. qash n. section (e.g. of citrus fruits), slice;
qa!ib (A) n. mould (vessel used to give shape - K., divide, slice.
to sg.), sg. moulded (- Y SABUN, tablet of qasho 11. curved stick used in game of
soap), mood (gram.: - Y AGAI;>ERi, indica- SHEQEN.
tive; - Y CHA\VKEYI, infinitive j - Y FER- qat1 (A) a. scarce; -in. famine, see GIRANt
MANi, imperative; - Y MERci, conditional; qat2 n. layer, fold, storey; -E: BERG, a suit of
- Y PEYBEWI, subjunctive); -ESABUN 11. clothes; - -,layered, many fold(- - LE
tablet of soap. TO ziREKTIR-E, he is many times as clever
qa!i n. carpet; -CHEn. rug; -cHE Y SILE- as you).
MAN, magic c. qat-u-qeyma~h n. thick syrup of clarified
qamish n. ·reed, cane; - Y QELEM, kind of r. butter w. sugar and flour (gen. prescribed
used for making pens ; - Y SHEKIR, sugar- for mother immediately after delivery of
cane; -ELAN n. r.-brake. child).
qamk n. thumb;- y PE, big toe. qaw also -EQAW n. shouting; --u-QiJ n.
qamiis (A) n. dictionary. See FERHENG. screaming.
qan~l n. fumigation; - J!. 1 , fumigate (esp. qawe n. coffee; -cHi n. c.-maker, c.-shop
puff tobacco smoke into ears as old wives' keeper; -XANE n. c.-shop; -Yi a. c.-
cure for ear-ache). coloured, brown.
qan~2 n. gen. - I;>z, give gambler who has qawurme (T) n. pickled meat prepared in
lost everything one last chance without autumn for winter store.
·stake to recoup enough to continue. qawut n. crumbled dry bread as provision
qan~!e n. coil. Cj. GiNGL,E. for journey.
qaniin1 (E) n. law. qayi! (A) a. gen. - B.; be convinced, agree,
qanun 2 (E) n. dulcimer. (PE, of, to).
qap 1 n. vessel, dish, plate, bottle. qayim (A) a. strong, severe; firm, secure;
qap 2 n. ankle-bone; - G., bite, attack (Y; BAy - , high wind; LE I;>AN Y - , sound
esp. of dog); -EN n. game of knuckle-bones. thrashing; - K., fasten, secure, put in safe
qapqap (A) n. wooden clog. place, hide.
qapftt1 (E) n. long felt overcoat. qayish (T) n. strap, thong.
qapiit2 (E) n. gen. - LE K., defeat easily qaz n. goose; --U-QUJ:..ING n. skein in flight,
(game), win love game against. flock of wild geese w. or without cranes).
qaqa n. boisterous laughter, guffaw; - Y qaziyaxe n. name of a fodder plant.
PE KENIN, same as prec.; - PE KENiN, laugh qazi (A) n. judge.
boisterously; I}. E - Y PE KENIN, DES K. BE qebal}.et (A) n. fault, guilt.
- Y PE KENiN, burst into guffaw. qebare n. size, volume, cubical contents.
qaqez n. see KAGHEZ. Also QEWARE.
qar (A) n. and a. anger, angry; - B., be qeblan9in (qeblen) v.t. only in phrase SER
angry; -G., take offence; - Xti'WARDIN, be -,distribute SERFJTRE q.v., sell(facet.); SER
vexed. Y ESPEKE-M QEBLANI;>, l sold the horse.
qarchik n. mushroom; -EMARANE n. toad- qebr (A) see GOB2 •
stool. Cj. KARG. qebz (A) n. grasping, written acknowledge-
qareman n. and a. hero, champion, gallant; ment, constriction, constipation; - B., be
-in. heroism, gallantry. ,constricted, be constipated; DIJ:.. ,... B., *'be
qarnan a. miserly. depressed, *'be sorrowful.
qars' n. gen. - y QIYAMET, the resurrec- qebze n. moss, film, crust of slime on stag-
tion. nant water, etc.
qars 2 n. gen.,... K., cut off(esp. in tailoring), qebzenushte n. written charm folded in
abbreviate; LE - K., shorten, cut away so series of triangles, enclosed first in water~
as to make closer fit. proof and then cloth envelope, and worn
qars 3 a. displeased; ,... B. BE, consider objec- sewn on sleeve or back of jacket, see NUSHTE.
tionable. qe91 (A, QADR) n. measure, amount.
qaran9in (qar~n) v.t. twang (intr.), caw, qe9z n. stature, waist; BE -A K., thrust into
honk, snuffle (goat). waist-band; .-PAL n. side, flank (esp. of
qare n. twang (e.g. bow-string), caw, honk, mountain); --U-DALA n. stature, figure.
864313 I
qeQ 3 n. fold; ,..., K., fold. cutting (from tree); ,..., DA Q., cut pen,
qeQ' n. irrigation canal. sharpen pencil; - Lil: r;>., plant cutting; ,..., K.,
qeqeghe n. prohibition; ,..., K., prohibit. trim (tree); -BIB n. pen-knife; -cHi tl.
qeqer (A) n. fate, destiny. wholesale tobacco-merchant; -J;>AN n. pen-
qeqr (A) n. worth; - G., show respect (Y, case, pencil-box.
to); ~ ZANiN, appreciate worth (Y, of). qe!embaz n. jump (high); ,..., B., jump (Y,
qef n. circwnference, thickness of cylindrical on to); - r;>., jump.
object; ,..., Y SIMil:L, size of moustache. qelew a. fat, heavily built, (person); LAM
qefez n. cage; -En. also -E y SING, chest, y -,the Kurdish velar L written I.,.
ribs. qe!ghan ( T) n. shield. See SIPER.
qeftan (T) n. shirt worn below coat of mail, qe!maseng n. sling (for missiles).
mod. robe of honour. qelpoz (y zin) n. pommel of saddle.
qel}.be (A) n. harlot; -BAB n. whore-son qe!tax ( T) n. saddle-tree, harlot.
(term of abuse). qe!ye n. potash, alkali.
qell n. crow; -EBACHKE n, magpie; -EBEI,EK qemchi (T) n. whip.
n. black and white c. ; -EBESHKE n. rook; qeme n. long dagger, dirk.
-ESABUNi 11. variety of -EBELEK. qenare (A) n. pole w. hooks for hanging
qeP n. middle base in game of QELEMIRDAilli, carcasses in butcher's shop; LE ,..., Q, hang
q.v. meat so, hang (excute).
qelacho n. massacre; - K., - Til: x., mas- qenc (N) a. beautiful.
sacre. qenq n. loaf sugar; -AGH (= -DAGH), hot
qelan a. only - K., lift one end of object, water and sugar as drink.
bend over (raise buttocks) in leap-frog. qenqe n. long-stemmed tobacco pipe; -QAR
qelemirdare n. game resembling rounders n. pipe-filler (servant of grandee).
or baseball. qenqil n. small oil-lamp.
qelen (N) n. present of money sent by pro- qenqile n. boiled peas.
spective bridegroom to bride for purchase qenepe (E) n. sofa.
of trousseau. qep 1 n. sharp bite, snap; ,..., Q., ,..., o., bite
qelenqer n. itinerant dervish. (Lfl:); -Alt n. bite.
qel-u-berd n. last chance (orig. last throw qep 2 see QIB-U-QEP.
in game played w. walnuts, when all but one qepan n. steel-yard; LE ,..., Q., weigh.
have been forfeited and stone is used to qepaqli (T) n. early type of breech-loading
make up pair). rifle.
qe!a n. fort, castle, rook (chess); -BENT;> a. qepol n. skull; -E a. having a large head.
interned; -QELA n. name of outdoor game Cj. KAPOl,.
gen. ,played in moonlight, hide-and-seek. qepoz n. muzzle, snout.
qe!afet n. strapping figure, imposing stature. qeqnes n. name of a fabulous bird; B. BE "'•
qe!andoshkan n. top of shoulders; CHUN be consumed by fire.
E - , HATIN E ...... , sit on s.; K. E -,X. ESER ...... , qera! (E) n. king; -iCHE n. queen. See
hoist on to s. (children, not load). SHA.
qe!as n. awn. qerax n. edge, brink.
qe!ashkeri a. suitable for carpentry (tim- qere n. vicinity, contact; xo LE ,..., y KESE Q.,
ber). have dealings with someone; ,..., KEWTIN,
qe!ashtin (qe!ash) v.t. split (tr.). approach, have contact w., (Y).
qe!at1 n. see KELAT. qerebina (E) tl. carbine.
qe!at2 n. name of a weed. qerec n. gipsy.
qe!ayi n. white metal used for lining cooking qereqac n. sesbania.
utensils etc. qerexerman n. wheat reaped and scorched
qe!b (A) a. false, faked, counterfeit; PARE y shortly before harvest-time and stored for'
...... , f. coin; PIYAW Y QEI.B, unreliable man; winter use like rice .
-EZEN n. coiner. qerqawul n. pheasant.
qe!be n. protruding branch, spike, hook; qerqeshe n. commotion. Also XERXESHE.
LE - CHUN, catch one's clothes on hook, on qersequl n. dung, droppings of, donkey. Cj.
nail, etc.; xo LE - Q., get into trouble. Cj. TERSEQUL.
KELBE. qersil n. green barley.
qe!bez n. jump, bounce; BE""- BOYISHTIN, qerz (A) n. debt, loafl; BE,..., Q, lend; - K.,
go jumping (bouncing) aloog; -En. rapids borrow; xo m:]tR -EWE K., get into debt;
in river. . BE ,..., SEN1;>lN, bottow; ...;AR, a. in liebt;
qe!eba!igh n. crowd, throng. . ~KoR ~· slow to pay d.; --tJ-QQI.E n. bor.-
qelem (A) n. reed, pen, pencil, fine chisel, rowing here and there (BE --u-QOl,E BE
BE'WE CHUN, keep oneself going by borrow- five-year-old ram; -JIN n. middle-aged
ing). woman; -KICH n. unmarried woman aged
qeraze n. halter chain. about twenty-five years or more.
qesab (A) n. butcher; -XANE n .. slaughter- qeyseri n. covered bazaar constructed of
house, b.'s shop. Cj. GOSHTFIROSH. brick or stone.
qesni n. name of shrub w. glutinous berries. qeyserqu n. and int. lamentation, alas and
qesp n. see KUBKUJE. alack; DES K. BE - , fall to moaning and
qest (A) n. purpose, intention; -1 a. inten- lamenting.
tional; BE -1, LE -i, on purpose. qeysi (T) n. apricot. See ZERDALU.
qestor (E) n. thick woollen cloth used to qeytan n. cotton or silk cord, braid, shoe-
make overcoats. lace.
qeshan n. and a. blaze (white mark on horse's qeza1 (A) n. administrative district in Iraq
face) considered a defect, having such mark. (subdivision of liwa), headquarters of such
qeshe n. Christian priest. district.
qeshen~ a. beautiful, pretty•. qeza2 (A) n. accident; NOJ BE - GEBANEWE,
qeshmer n. clown, laughing-stock; -i n. say ritual prayer after correct time; --w-
gen. -i PE K., make fun of. QEJ?ER n. fate, act of God.
qeshqe see QESHAN. qezben n. dagger-blade of Qazvin (inferior)
qetar n. name of a traditional tune. steel.
qete (A) n. sand-grouse. qezwan n. terebinth.
qetis a. pent up, confined, constricted; qez 11. dislike; - LE HATINEWE, *dislike; -
MAN, be pent up etc. KW., dislike.
qetl (A) n. murder, homicide; - K., commit qichanqin (qichen) v.t. manage, wangle,
m. put through by dubious means.
qetmaxe see QIRTMAXE. qif! (A) n. padlock; - J?., padlock.
qetran n. tar. qij n. hair (human); - BININ, tear the h. in
qewa! (A) n. reciter, member of a class in vexation; -IN a. hairy; -QIJAWi, -QIJOKE
the Yazidi hierarchy charged w. reciting at a. covered w. bristles.
religious festivals and going on circuit to qil n. fragment, piece; -E SHEKIR, a piece of
collect dues and offerings from the faithful. sugar.
qewa!e (A) n. deed, document. qilenche n. coccyx.
qewam (A) n. gen. HATIN E - , be done to a qilibili 11. twittering, excited chatter (facet.)
turn, be cooked perfectly. qilyan n. tobacco-pipe w. smoke passed
qewan (T) n. cylinder; - Y FiSHEK DA GW., through water and having rigid stem.
reload cartridge-case. qilye (A) n. ash of soap-root, alkali. Cj.
qeware see ~EBARE. ESPON.
qewche n. repeated opening and shutting of qijezen~i n. name of a savoury dish served
mouth. on formal occasions.
qewet (A) n. strength; - BE, God grant you qi!ish n. crack; - BIRDIN, crack (intr.), be
strength. See HEZ. · cracked; - TE KEWTIN, *crack (intr.), "'be
qewl (A) n. promise; - J?., promise; --u- cracked.
BIB n. compact, agreement; --U-QERAR n. qijishfan ( qi!ishe) v.i. crack; -ANJ?IN (-EN)
undertaking. See BELEN. caus.; -ANEWE, split from top to bottom;
qewm (A) n. people, .nation; --u-QiLE n. -ANJ?INEWE caus. of prec. See DA.
relations. qi!p n. upset, overturning; - Bw., be upset;
qewman (qewme) v.i. happen. See LE. - KW., upset.
qewmaw n. event, incident. qi!peqi!p n. gurgle; - BIJAN, be poured out
qey (A, QAID) n. gen. --Y NiYE, - NAKA, with a g.
it doesn't matter, never mind. Cj. BEQEYi qinan (qine) v.i. see DA QINAN; -EWE, retro-
under BE2• gress, deteriorate.
qeyase n. woven saddle-girth. Cf. TENGE. qinc a. erect, perpendicular; - DA NISHTIN,
qeychi n.scissors. sit up straight; - BA WESTAN, stand erect;
qeyd (A) n. register, record; - K., record, -E n. perpendicular line; --u,QiT a. stiffly
enter in r. erect.
qeyife (A) n. velvet. qinchik n. small stub or stalk; -E, a little,
qeyim (A) a. ancient; -1 a. primitive (man). a bit; - Y s!R-Y SELK Y PIYAZ-Y, who do
qeynax n. set of finger-stalls reinforced w. you think you are?, you are of no impor-
iron worn by reapers (gen. on left hand as tance; -ECIGERE n. cigarette end; -ESILAWE
protection from sickle). n. stye.
qeyre a. middle-aged, experienced; -BERAN, qing see KING.
qinyat (A, QANA'A) n. asceticism, ,..., K., social relations, (LEGEL, w.); ,..., DIRtJE Pt J,>.,
be satisfied w. little, have no ambition. talk at wearisome length; ,..., LE DIZiN, induce
qirchfan (qirche) v.i. become crinkled, be to blab; HATIN E "", begin to speak; HENAN
dried up; -ANQIN ( ,..,tN) caus. See HEX,. E ""• induce to speak; ,..., LE DER HtNAN,
qirchfe n. crackle (esp. of fire); -E y GERMA, induce to blab; "" HtNANEWE, bring speech
season of great heat; -E Y HAWiN, hottest to end; "" LESER DA KEsHAN, extract state-
part of summer; -E Y NIWEl]O, noon-day ment from; ,..., K., speak, converse, (hence
heat; -EQIRCH n. sustained crackling; -KERn. speaker, spokesman; ,..., LE K., talk
-ESHIKEN n. gen. ""ESHIKEN K., break (tr.) about, disparage; ,..., Lfl NEK., avoid mention-
w. a snap; ""-U-HUB, --U-WUB n. loud ing; "" NEK. LEGEJ.., refuse to have social
crackle, creaking. intercourse w.);,..., DIREJ KW., talk at weari-
qirchok, qircho! a. crinkled, wrinkled, some length; ,..., PE WUTIN, abuse, speak ill
·frayed. of; ,..., XUWARDIN, be abused, be blamed; ,...,
qiriwamFn (qiriwen) v.t. croak, caw, l'<"EXUWARDINEWE, refuse to put up w. rude-
scream. Cf. QIBANQIN, QIBANQIN. ness (Lfl, from); ""LEEU a. frank, outspoken;
qiriwe also -QIRiw n. croaking, cawing, ,..,XOSH a. amusing talker.
screaming; --YAN TE KEWT, they began qisi! n. lime; --U-GECH n. mortar.
screaming w. excitement. qisin n. dry-stone wall (oft. surrounding
qirja!, qirjang n. crab, cancer (malady), tomb), precincts, shrine, tomb.
Cancer (sign of zodiac). qishqere n. magpie.
qirmiz n. and a. cochineal, scarlet. qit a. unobtainable.
qirosh n. piastre. qiyamet (A) n. resurrection.
qirpo! a. dried up (fruit). qizilqurt ( T) n. lit. red worm, only as excl.
qirqene n. belch, eructation; ,..., QW., belch. a plague on you.
qirshe n. barley in ear but still green. qible (A) n. direction of Mecca, south;
qirtan9in1 (qirten) v.t. see KIRTANQIN. -NIWEN n. compass.
qirtan9in2 (qirten) v.t. cluck, make grating, qich a. having screwed up eyes, screwed up
scratching, noise. (eyes); CHAW,..., K., screw up the eyes; CHAW
qirtfe also -EQIRT n. clucking, grating, LE ,..., K., blink at.
scratching (noise); -ENKE n. press-stud. qijan<Jin (qijen) v.t. scream.
qirtmaxe n. scab, scum, slime, floating qijfe n. scream; -EQIJ, --u-WUB n. scream-
film, encrustation; ,..., BESTIN, form scab etc. ing.
Also QETMAXE. qile see under QEWM.
qirx a. and n. having lost porosity (pottery), qime n. mince;,..., K., mince; -KflsH n.large
pot no longer porous; ,..., B., ,..., G., lose mincing knife, chopper.
porosity; -rN, -ox, a. no longer porous. qimet (A) n. price; -DAR a. valuable. See
qirxe, qirxeqirx n. stertorous breathing, BEHA.
snoring. qin n. spite, rancour; LE -ANA(: .. ), out of
qir n. total destruction, annihilation; BE ,..., ·spite; "" LE B., *'feel vindictive against,
cHDN, be destroyed; BE ,..., Q., destroy; ,..., TE *'detest; "" G., be obstinate, ~ L~ HEL G.,
KEWTIN, *be devastated, *be destroyed; feel spiteful against;~ Lfl HEL SAN, *'become
,..., TE XISTIN, devastate, destroy; -AN 1, -AN exasperated w.; -EBERi n. spitefulness,
-AN n. state of total devastation. rancour; -LEBER, -LESIK a. spiteful, vin-
qiran~ n. name of a silver coin. dictive.
qirangin (qiren) v.t. caw, croak, prognos- qir n. pitch, tar; ~iN a. tarred, tarry; -iNE
ticate misfortune, make inauspicious re- n. pitched water-pot; ~srcHME a. unaccom-
mark (no, to detriment of). Cf. QIRiWANQIN, modating, difficult, (person); -TAW n. and
QIBANJ?IN. a. gen. -TAW K., tar surface (e.g. of road);
qirfe1 also -EQIE n. cawing, croaking; -E --U-SIYA, ~-Y-SIYA int. lit. pitch {and)
K., caw etc.; -QIEE1 n. name of bird of crow black, I couldn't care less.
family. qir adv. gen. ,..., G., catch (bird) alive and
qire 2 n. person at end of row, child at bottom squawking; -E, -EQIR n. croaking, cawing,
of class, last child of family, labourer's mate. squawking, screaming.
qirqire 2 n. pulley. qiranqin (qiren) v.t. croak, caw, squawk,
qir-u-qep a. silent. scream. Cf. Qi'RIWANQIN, QIBANQIN.
qise n. talk, conversation, speech; BE ""• it qismet (A) n. fate, what is ordained.
is said; BE -BA, for instance; ,..., HEL BESTIN, qit a. erect; xo ,..., K., brace oneself; ~ KW.,
make up false story; "" HEL BESTIN BEDE!II erect, set up on end; ~KE 11. clitoris.
•.. -EWE, impute statement falsely to; ,..., qoch 1 n. ram's horn; - LflJ?., ~ HAWISHTIN,
BIBINEWE, refuse to talk, refuse to continue butt.
qoch n. peak (topog.); -KE 11. high conical qujbashi ( T) n. small pieces of meat roasted
head-dress (fern. att.; cf. QUCH). on skewer. Cf. KEBAB.
qochax a. clever, quick, smart. qujbin n. comer (internal), nook.
qocheqani n. sling (for missile). quP n. slave; -EBESH n. negro s.
qo! n. arm, sleeve, direction, column of qul2 n. ankle; - HEL K., - HEL MALiN, tum
troops. up, tuck up, one's trousers; -EPE n. ankle;
qo!e see under QERZ. -EPISKE (SN) 11. loitering.
qo!t n. gen. - J?., stumble. quP 11. gen. -E CIGERE, bundle of cigarettes.
qomiser (E) n. police inspector. qulanc n. span between tips of thumb and
qomite (E) n. secret revolutionary society; forefinger.
-cHin. member of such society. qulap (A) n. hook, grapnel; - Y MASiGIR,
qon<Jere1 (T) n. shoe of European style w. fish-hook.
raised heel. qule (A) 11. peak; - Y QAF, topmost peak of
qonc.Jere 2 n. small bubble, spot; AWEKE - Caucasus as remotest and most inaccessible
ERA, spots of rain can be seen on the water. place imaginable; ~POPE n. topmost point,
qopche n. button; - KW., - TIRAZANJ?IN, summit.
undo b., unbutton (Y); - DA x., do up b. quieten (A) 11. volume of water sufficient to
qopye n. marshy depression. be accounted ceremonially pure for purpose
qoqiz a. prominent,.protruding. of ritual ablutions.
qorix a. reserved (originally of public bath qu11 (M) see KUL 1 •
closed and reserved for important person); qu! 2 (M) see KUJ/.
- K., reserve (place). qu}an (qu!e) v.i. see HEI. QULAN.
qori n. teapot. qu!ax ( T) a. only in GOQULAX.
qort n. and a. ruck, excrescence, snag, qulf 11. handle (of pot, cup, etc.), hook.
obstacle, difficulty, rucked, snaggy, beset qu!ing 11. crane (bird), pick-axe.
. w. obstacles; - ri!: KEWTIN, *get into diffi- qulin (qu!) see HEL QULiN.
culties, *encounter obstacles; - TEx., put qu!p 1 a. see QULF.
obstacles in way of, impede; -AYi n. diffi- qu)p 2 11. bubble; - J?., bubble (boiling
cult going. liquid); -EQULP Y CHEsHT, bubbling sounds
qo;r 1 a. ruptured (med.); -i n. rupture, of cookery.
hemia. qu!tfan (qu!te) v.i. -ANJ?IN (-EN) caus. see
qo;r2 a. stupid, nonsensical. HElt QUI.,TAN.
qo;r 3 n. great bell, bourdon; -E n. boom, qum n. sip, draught, puff (cigarette); - J?.,
roar (bull), rumble· (intestinal); -EQOB n. take a sip, etc. (LE, of).
sustained booming etc.; -QOBE n. humming- qumar (A) n. gambling; - K., gamble;
top; -QOBE Y DUDESTEKi n. large hununing- -BAZ n. gambler, rogue; -XANE n. g.-den.
top requiring two people to set it spinning. qumash n. cloth.
Cj. ZENG1• qumat (A) 11. swaddling bands (child). See
qo;ran<Jin ( qoren) v.t. boom, roar, rumble. MELOTKE.
qo;ri n. chameleon supposed to mock devout qumri n. dove.
Muslims; -TAN n. c., lout. qunan (qune) v.i. see HEI. QUNAN.
qo;rican n. galingale. qune also ~QUN n. hopping on both feet
qostinewe (qoz) v.t. grab at, catch in air. (birds); - K., hop along thus.
Also QOZiNEWE. qunet n. pride, conceit.
qoshme n. jester. quner n. boil (suppurating tumour).
qotin a. bare, uncovered, (of head only). qunin (qun) v.i. see HEI. QUNiN.
qox1 n. peach. qupfan (qupe) v.i. be dented, be crushed,
qox 2, qoxte n. hut, hovel. Also KOX, KOXTE. be stove in, (hence QUPAW, a. dented);
qoz1 n. trump (cards). -Al'.'J?IN (-EN) caus. dent, crush .
qoz2 a. very good, excellent. Qur'an (A) n. Koran.
qozaxe n. pod, bole (cotton), cocoon. qurban (A) n. sacrifice; cEJN Y , major
qoze n. loud cough. Muslim festival celebrated on 10th day of
qozin (qoz) v.i. see HEL, QOZiN. ZiL~EcE, see Appendix I; -, as term of
qozinewe v.t. see QOSTINEWE. respect sci!. (BE) --IT BIM, may I be your s.;
qube (A) n. dome, vault, boss (esp. on -t n. sacrificial animal; .-i K., sacrifice
belt). animal.
qubft! (A) n. reception, acceptance; B., qur'e (A) n. lots - KEsHAN, draw lots (esp.
*accept; - K., accept. for conscription). Cf. QAF2 •
qubu!i n. a variety of PILAW, q.v. qurs 1 a. solid, heavy, unwholesome (water),
qucul n. archaic headman of town quarter. arduous, violent, rude (language); ziw Y - ,
solid silver; ~AYI n. :weight, solidity, qurqushim (T) n. lead.
~EHELANE n. bird that does not leave nest; qusiir (A) n. short-coming, failure to act,
~i n. weight etc. change (money returned; cf. KUSUR).
qurs 2 n. lozenge, tablet; ~ y NE'NA, pepper- qushqi a. irritated, angry.
mint!. qushqun tz. crupper.
qurtan (qurte) V.i., QURTANI)IN (QURTEN) qut a. erect, pointing, projecting; ....., BW.,
caus. see HEX.. QULTAN. loom up suddenly; ~KE, n. peak.
qurtim, n. throat, front of neck; ~G., take qutabfi (A) n. student, child at school;
by the t., bring force to bear on, (Y). -XANE n. school.
qur n. mud; ~ BESER-Y, ~ BESER BAWK-Y, qutan (qute) v.i. see HEL QULTAN.
excl. of disapproval wishing or foretelling qutii n. small box; -LE n. small tin lamp.
eventual misfOJ·tune may it not profit him, quwet (A) see QEWET.
he will pay for it; ~ J;>. BE DEMA, reduce to quz see KUZ.
silence (Y; ~-IM DA BE DEM-ITA, shut up!); qii n. swan; TUK Y QU, swan's down.
BE~ G., block up w. mud, abandon (house; qiich a. pointed, conical; ~KE n. cone.
hence BEQUBGIRAW a. abandoned, derelict); quchfan (quche) v.i. be clenched, be closed;
~ GW., mix m.-plaster (for brick-making, more commonly caus. -ANI;> IN (-:EN), clench
surfacing roof, etc.); ~ K. BE SERA, pour (fist), close (eyes, mouth).
earth on own head as gesture of sorrow, do qillanQin (qulen) v.t. wail, howl.
serious harm to another (Y; ~-IM KIRD BE qille, qillequl n. wailing, howling.
SER-ITA, as formula of insult or reprimand, qil! a. deep; ~AYi n. deep place, depths; -i
damnation take you); ~ PEWAN, pour earth n. depth; ~fNE n. deep kind of basket; -h:E
on own head in sorrow; ~Aw n. muddy n. pit.
puddle; ~Awi a. muddy, splashed w. mud; qun n. see KING.
~AWILE, ~AWILKE n. snipe (bird); ~BESER quqan4in (qiiqen) v.t. crow.
a. and n. unfortunate, mourner; ~EKARi n. quqe, quqequq n. crowing.
m.-mixing, m.-plastering; ~-u-CHII,PAW qiiret (A, QUDRA) n. power (esp. of God),
n. wet mud. Providence; BE ~ Y XuwA, by the grace of
qurabi (A) n. cake made w. almond paste. God; AGIR Y ~, naturai'fire, superman.
quran4in (quren) v.t. see HEJ.. QUBANI;>IN. quranQin (quren) v.t. see QULANI;>IN.
qun~ n. throat, gullet. qure, qurequr see QuLE.
qurnawilke n. newt. qfttl (A) n. food.
qurne n. tap. qut2 n. gen . ....., 1;>., swallow.
qurqura~e n. wind-pipe. qut3 a. bare; -EJ:..E a. shabby, threadbare.

ra1 (A) n. opinion; ~ LE B., *agree to, *sup- -BURDU Y PEKNEHATU, imperfect; -BURDU
port; ~LESER B., ""hold o., decide. Y PEsHKEWTU, perfect); ~ BUWARDIN, pass
ra 2 n. road ; ....., ....., , in lines, striped; ~BER n. the time (XOSH ....., BUWARDIN, live happily;
guide; ~BERI n. guidance; ~BEW n. passage, NAXOSH ....., BUWARDIN, have an unpleasant
corridor; ~yJ: a. gen. -Yi B., set out on time; NEXOSHi ~ BUWARDIN, have an illness;
journey, be arranged, be solved, be trained; PE ....., BUWARDIN, live on, manage with); ~
~Yi K., see off on journey, put through CHENiN, ~cHII.,EKiN, be startled, start, shy;
(business), solve (difficulty), train. ~ CHILEKANI;>IN, caus. of prec.; ~ CHUN see
-ra 3 (M) enclitic postp. (rare) BE QISEBA, for BO cHuN; ~I;>., drive away, pour(T:E, into);
instance. ~ DASHTIN ;e~ ....., HELAN; ....., GEYISHTIN,
ra' adv. along, used to form a large class of ....., GEYIN, arrive in time (PIYA, for; ....., GEYAN-
comp. vv. expr. clearly or obscurely this idea I;>IN, caus. of prec., communicate to, inform;
(tm. derived directly from such vv. but not PE); ....., G., hold back, delay, observe (rule),
shown vv. them are given in the next article): harbour, engage or employ (servant), keep
~ ni:NiN, expect of, trust to do, (PIYA); ~ (animal), keep (PAK ....., G., keep clean), main-
BURDIN, pass (PIYA, through; BESER ... -I;>A, tain (xo ....., G., control oneself, be patient),
over; BEJJi:R ... -I;>A, under; etc.), elapse take up a position (xo ....., G. LEBER .•• -I;>A,
(BESER ... -I;>A, since), hence -BURDU a. past stand out against, resist); ~ GiRAN, pass. of
(DEM Y ~BURDU, past tense; ~BURDU Y DUR, ....., G. (xo-YAN PE ....., NAGIRE, they cannot
pluperfect; -BURDU Y PEKHATU, preterite; control themselves, they cannot abstain
from doing sg.; XuwA -GiRAW-TAN KA, ranin (ran) v.t. drive.
God maintain you, i.e. in your prosperity); rast a., n., and adt'. right (opp. to left),
- HATIN, become accustomed, become direction, straight, level, correct, true,
familiar, (Pt, to, with), come to depend honest, faithful; BE ...... , - BE -, in fact,
upon {PE'WE), come to run smoothly, indeed; BE ..... -11\I-E, I assure you it is so;
(hence -HATU a. accustomed, familiar); - BE ...... , BE ..... -TAN-E, am I really to believe
HELAN, extend, hold out (child for natural you?; LE ..... E.WE, on, from, the right (Y, of);
functions), make(sounds, noises), give(ear); LE -J;JA, facing (Y; LE ...... Y EWEJ;>A NATUWANIM
- HENAN, train, tame, (xo pt'wE - HENAN, BIWESTIM, I cannot stand up to you); XuwA
accustom oneself to); - HESHTIN, see - w EASTAN, suddenly by the grace of God,
HELAN; - JENQIN, - JENIN, rock (cradle); providentially; - BW., become straight,
- KEWTIN, arrive in time (PIYA, for); - DU rise, stand up, sit up, get up, (from sleep,
KEWTIN, follow, elope;- KEsHAN, pull along, from sick bed, etc.; BOJ Y ...... BW., resurrec-
drag, attract, stretch, lay out; ,._, K. 1 , run, tion day), rebel, prepare to fight, (LE,
run away, desert; - K. 2 , push (Lt, TE, into); against) ; - (or BE ...... ) DER CHlJN, prove to be
~ KISHAN, lie down (hence ~KISHA W a., true, come true; BE ...... DER HENAN, prove the
recumbent);~ MALIN, sweep away;- MAN, truth of; ...... K., tell the truth; ...... KW., set up
pause .for thought, ponder, meditate, (Lt on end, stir up to rebel, correct, adjust;
TE, about, upon); ~ nu N., drive back; - 'BOYIN, go straight, tell the truth.
~ PERMUN, trust, rely on, (PIYA); - PEEIN, rast in comb. : - AL a. truthful; ...... Ayf n. flat,
jump up (- PEBANJ;JIN, caus. of prec. rouse, level place; ..... BEJ a. truthful; ..... E1 n. straight
startle, perform, bring to completion); - line, ruler; ..... E2 n. name of a dance;
PECHAN, hale off, take into custody; - .....EBAZAB n. main street through bazaar;
PISKANJ;JIN, snatch away; - EIFANJ;JIN, drive .....EQINE a. true, genuine; .....EBB n. straight
away, carry off as loot; ~SIPARDIN, advise, road; -EWE gen. -EWE B., ..... EWE K., see-
recommend; - SHEKANI;JIN see - \VESHAN- BW., - KW.; -EWEAST adv. in very truth,
~IN; ~ TEKANJ;JIN, tug at, give a shaking to directly; -Ewxo, a. and adv. direct, directly;
(esp. a person); ~ WESTAN, stand still, halt, -ao a. truthful; -i n. straightness, truth,
(- WE = - WESTE, stop, halt!; BO-M - straightforwardness, loyalty, really? (BE
WESTE, just wait and see what I shall do to -i, really, in truth; -iYEKE-Y, the truth of
you; -WESTAW a. enduring; XuwA the matter, in truth; MESTi w ..... f, in vino
-WESTAW-TAN KA, God maintain you in veritas); --U-CHEP see CHEP-U-BAST; --u-
your prosperity}, wait, be patient (Lt, for, BEWAN a. and adv. true beyond question,
with); ~ WESTANJ;JIN, caus. of prec. stop, in very truth.
put a stop to; ~ WESHAN, vibrate, wave; ratU n. allowance of bread collected daily for
- VllESHANJ;liN, caus. of prec. shake, wave, theological students, for mosque servants,
brandish; - x., spread. etc.; - Y FEQE BEI;!MET-TAN LE BE, cry of
ra' in comb.; .....GIRTE n. employee; -aiR a. person collecting such allowance, pray bring
delayed, held up, stabilized, (DIL ..... GIR K., the FEQE's allowance and may God have
conciliate; xo -GiR K., control oneself); mercy on you.
~HtL, see -rtL; -JE n. beam; -MAL n. gen. raw n. hunting, shooting; - K., hunt, shoot,
-MAL J;l., sweep away; -PECH n. gen. (Y; hence -KERn. hunter, sportsman); - N.,
-PtCH K., put to flight; -SIPARDE, -SIPffi- chase, hunt, (Y); -EKANI n. shooting birds
RAW n. recommendation, bearer of recom- (gen. hill-partridge) when watering at
mendation; .....SIPERt n. recommendation; spring; -EMASI n. fishing; -GE n. h.-
-WEJ see separate entry; -YEL, -YEL ground, s.-ground, shoot; -KE n. imitation
(= -HEL) n. cross-beam, warp (weaving), nest-egg; --U-BUT n. foray, raid, ( --U-Bih
line, dash, ( ~YtL Y TELGHIRAF, telegraph K., go raiding); --u-SHIK.'I.R n. hunting and
line; -YEL K., tie horizontally, lay out in shooting.
length); -YEX n. floor covering, carpets, rawechke see BAWEJKE.
furniture in· general. rawej n. conjecture; BE -, at a guess; -KE
rade n. degree, stage; LE - Y SE'AT SHESHA, n. wavering, irresolution.
at about six o'clock. raweshk see BAWEJKE.
ram a. tame, domesticated, accustomed, sub- raye n. scope, powers, authority; compe-
missive; - B., be tamed, submit; ...... K., tence, entree; - KEWTIN, *be in a position
tame, induce to submit. (to do sg.), *have the entree.
ramftQe a. gen . ...... K., win the confidence of. rayic (A) a. current, in general circula-
ran1 n. flock. tion.
ran 2 n. thigh; -IK n. trousers; -IK Y raz1 n. secret, mystery; ...... Y DERUN, secrets
DERELINGBILAW, wide-legged trousers. of the heart; -POSH a. keeper of secrets
(esp. God); ~-u-GILEY1 n. friendly re- trouble; ~EBO a. unfortunate, who has
proaches; ~-U-NIYAZ n. begging for toiled in vain; ,_.,()R a. suffering.
favours, cajolery. rencan (renee) v.i. be angry, be offended,
raz 2 K. see BAST K. (L:ft, with, at); ~ANQIN (~tN) caus. offend.
razfan(raze)a/so ~ANEWEV.i. bcdecorated; ren<.I 1 a. shrewd, gay.
~ANJ?IN ( ~tN) caus. decorate,. equip, en- renq 2 n. land in river bed exposed after
dow; ~ANJ?INEWE caus. deck (bride). subsidence of flood.
razi (A) a. satisfied, content. ren<.Ie n. plane (tool), grater.
razqi n. name of a species of grape. ren~ n. colour, paint, form; ~-E, rt 1s pro-
razyane n. fennel, anise, aniseed. bable that, probably; B'EM ~E, at this rate,
reben a. celibate, pauper. in this manner; ~ BESTIN, turn out well, be
rebeq a. complete, perfect, whole. successful, (action); ~ (HEL-) BIZIBKAN,
rebet n. hide, screened stand, (shooting). •tum pale; ~ TEK CHUN, *tum pale; ~
rebi a. see under MIRISHK. CHL!'<~WE, *fade; ~ QW., run, spread from
Bebi'ulewe!, Bebi'ulaxer (A, RABI' coloured to uncoloured parts, (EM CHfTE
AL-AWWAL, RABI' ATJI-THANI n. third ~ EJ?ATEWE, the colours of this cloth are not
and fourth months of Islamic lunar year. fast); ~ HEL GEBAN, *change colour, *tum
reea! a. bare, poor. pale; ~ WER G., assume an aspect, take a
Beeeb (A, RAJAB) n. seventh month of good or a bad turn (Y) j ~ HENAN U BIRDIN,
Islamic lunar year. keep changing colour; ~ K., colour, paint;
reeen see BECAL. ~ PEBiN, *turn pale; ~ BISHTIN, colour; ~
reeheln. jam, conserve of fruit. DA BISHTIN, mark out foundations for
reehe!ak n. root, stock. building.
re<.Ie n. common fund subscribed to by ren~ in comb.: ~ALE n. name of a small bird;
theological students. ~.AR see ~J?ARj ~Awn. watery and slightly
redu only ~ KEWTIN see BA DU KEWTIN under fermented conserve of black grapes ( ~Aw
BA 4 • GW., make such conserve); ~AWBENG a.
ref1 (A, RAFP) 11. gen. ~ K., be a Rafidite, multicoloured; ~J?AR a. colourful; ~iN a.
abuse the first three Caliphs. colourful, pretty, beautiful; ~-u-Bo, n.
ref2, refe n. shelf. bloom, freshness (esp. of girl).
refisk n. hock (joint). reni n. avalanche.
reftar (P) n. behaviour. See BEWTAR.· rep a. stiff and straight, erect; ~ K., stiffen,
reg n. vein, root, emotions; ~ Y DIL-, heart- stretch out; ~-U-BAST a. and adv. quite
strings; ~ Y KuRDAYETi, Kurdish patriotic straight, directly.
feelings; ~ DA KUTAN, take root; ~Ez n. repe, reperep n. tapping, clicking, clatter
root, ancestry, race; ~-U-RISHE n. roots. (e.g. of horse's hoofs).
rel,te (A) n. Turkish delight. req a. hard, stiff, dry; ~ B., stiffen, be ob-
reJ.tet (A) a. tranquil; ~i n. tranquility, stinate; ~ BW., be frozen to death; ~ HEL
funnel for pouring liquid. HATIN, become brittle, be stale (bread);
rehe!e n. shower. "'AN a. hard, stony; ~ANi, ~AYi, ~E1 n. hard
reh:rp (A) n. mercy, kindness; ~ B., •be place, stony ground, uncultivable area;
kind, •feel affection, (LEGEL, to, for, esp. ~El,E 1 n. any prominent bone (~ELE Y P:ft,
relations); ~ P:ft K., show m. to, be kind to; ankle-bone); ~El,E2 a. thin, skinny, skin-
~AN a. compassionate (God); ~ET n. God's and-bone; -EMAR n. a species of poisonous
m.; ~ET LE A WXOR, cry of water-server in snake; ~EN see ~AN; ~ENi see ~ANi; ~tNE
public place God's m. on him who drinks see -EL-E; --U-TEQ a. dry, stale (bread).
water; ~ET-Y L:ft BE, God rest his soul; BE reqe 2 n. tortoise.
~ET Y XuwA CH(JN, die; ~ETi a. deceased, reqe 3 see TEQE-W-BEQE.
the late. reqite n. lumbago.
rehwan a. ambling. reqs (A) n. dance; ~ K., dance. See SEMA.
reju 1!. charcoal. reseq (A) only -XANE n. observatory.
reme<Jane n. a species of millet. resen (A) n. and a. rope, pedigree, thorough-
&emezan (A, RAMA:QAN) n. Ramadan, bred.
ninth month of Arabic calendar, month of resm 1 (A) n. picture; ~ KEsHAN, draw p.; ~
fasting; CEJN Y ~, festival to celebrate end DIRUST K., paint p. See NfGAR.
of the fast. resm 2 (A) n. formality, ceremony, fee, duty
rene n. toil, labour; BE~ Y SHAN U BE AREQ (payment); ~t a. official (see niwANi); BE
YNAWCIIEWAN, with t. and sweat;~ BIRDIN, -r, officially.
labour (hence ~BER, labourer, gen. agricul- resh a. black, and fig. violent, disastrous, etc.;
tural); "' J?., strive; ~ KEsHAN, toil, suffer as n. anus; ~ BW., go out, be extinguished.
BESH 121

(fire in grate); ~ CHUJ\TEWE, look blackish rewfin (rew) v.i. run away; ~ANQIN (-:EN)
(oft. said of distant indistinct object); ~ KW., caus. drive away; -iNEWE v.i. be untied, be
cross out (writing), fill up (manuscript loosened, be unravelled, be separated, be
book), see also ~ CHUNE,VE. dispersed, (XEW -iNEWE, *be unable to
resh in comb.; ~Aw n. charcoal-ink, see also sleep); -ANJ?INEWE v.t. caus. of prec. untie
AW y ~; ~AYi n. black or dark-coloured etc., separate (L:E, from), raise or relieve
place, indistinct distant object; ~BAW a. (siege).
blackish; ~BAZ a. piebald; ~BELEK n. mixed rewneq n. splendour, elegance; ~I;>AR a.
dancing of men and women ( ~BELEK K., splendid.
~BELEK HEL PERIN, dance thus); ~BIGIR n. rewq n. link of chain, hoop (barrel), metal
mobilization, levee en masse; ~BiN a. pessi- collar (on prisoner).
mist;. ~BoR a. dark brown (horse); ~EBA n. rexne n. breach, harsh criticism, fault-find-
violent wind, gale; ~EDAt, a species of eagle; ing; ~LEG., criticize harshly; ""TE XISTIN,
~EDAR n. elm; ~EGIRANETE n. typhus j breach; ~J;>AR a. breached.
~EME n. caterwauling, mating of cats, rexsan4in (rexsen) v.t. grant, vouchsafe.
season about February; ~EwuLAx n. cattle; rext n. equipment, apparatus; ~ y BuK,
~ENE n. iris of eye; ~KAR a. blackish; ~KE 1 trousseau; ~ Y ESP, saddlery and harness;
n. net of goat-hair cord used as sack for ~ Y XEW, bed and bedding; ~-U-SHEQEBEND
chaff; ~KE2 a. blackish, darkish; often used n. caparison.
in comb. in name of tribe separated from main rez n. vineyard; ~ BIBiN, prune vines; -Al'<"E
body, e.g. CAFEBESHKE, MAMISHEBESHKEj n. annual tax on v.; ~EWAN n. vine-dresser;
~KE 3 n. cummin seed ; ~KE!,E a. darkish in ~LE n. nightshade; ~t,EPECH n. a species of
colour; ~KE-W-PtsHKE gen. CHAW ~KE-W­ ivy.
PEsHKE K., *see blurred images, *see stars, reza1 (A) n. and a. consent, consenting;
*be dazzled; ~KE-W-SHIMt,i n. cummin and ~ B., consent, agree; ~ B., *consent, agree;
fenugreek sprinkled on bread to give special ~MEN!;> a. pleased, satisfied; ~MENQi n.
flavour; ~KoYi n. a species of grape; ~KUJ approval.
a. harsh, ruthless; ~MAL n. black goat-hair reza 2 n. facial expression; ~GIRAN, -QURS a.
tent; ~MiRi see under TIRE; ~oK ~md a. ungracious, unamiable; ~suK a. amiable.
low-grade, as n. inferior goat's hair as opp. rezaqi n. a species of grape.
to MEREZ, q.v.; ~TALE a. dark (complexion); rezll (A) a. mean, stingy.
~-u-Bih a. poor, down-at-heel; ~-u-siPi rezm n. battle; ~GA n. battle-field. See
a .. piebald; ~-u-saiN, purple w. rage. BEZM-U-BEZM.
reshk n. envy; ~ PE BIRDIN, be envious of; re 1 only: ~ KEWTIN for BEK KEWTIN; - x.
~IN a. envious. for BEK x. (hence ~XER n. organizer etc.).
reshme, reshwe n. chain or ornamented re 2 n. the letter R; ~ y TiJ' the Kurdish rolled R
part of head-stall. written B·
ret1 n. gen. ~B., pass (PIYA, LE'WE, by); BER re8 n. road, way; ...... ~.in lines, striped; ~ y
~ KEWTIN, *encounter; ~ K., exceed, go DES, opportunity; "" PE BIRDIN, fathom
beyond bounds of, (LE); ~-U-BOYIN n. gait. mystery, understand; BE -'WE BIRDIN,
ret2 n. gen. ~ BIRDIN, ;.._, 1;)., stagger, totter. manage; .~ BIBiN, complete journey (Y, to);
ret8 (A) n. gen. ~ KW., give back. - LE BIBiN, intercept, cut off; BE -'WE B.,
retan4in (reten) v.t. frighten away. be en route; BE -'wE CHuN, go along, live,
rew n. march, going; ~AN 1 a. moving, flow- get along, (LEGEL, with; PEKEWE, together);
ing, current, loose (bowels), fluent, easy LE ~ DER CHUN, go astray, be derailed; ~ L:E
(DERZ ~AN B., *know lesson well; DERZ ""AN TEK CHUN, *lose one's way;- TE CHUN, *be
K., learn lesson well); ~ANE gen. ~ANE K., possible, *be practicable, *make sense; ......
dispatch, accompany (parting guest); -ANi PE J;>., permit, allow; ~ LE TEK :t;>., mislead,
n. fluency (BE ~ANI, fluently; DERMAN Y confuse; LE - LA J;>. (with d.o.) push aside,
~ANi, laxative); ~E n. flock, troop, (without d.o.) go aside; ~ 1;). E BER, set out
sounder (pig) (~EWAN n. drover); ~ENQ a. on a journey; - LE G., - PE G., intercep~
and n. nomad, nomadic; · ~BEWE n. wheel; (hence ~GIR n. highwayman); HATIN E....,,
~uK n. traveller; ~usHT n. behaviour; ~T be persuaded, come round to agree, meet
n. gait, paces; ~TAR n. behaviour. (Y)j HATINEW' E ~, return to the right r.,
rewa a. permissible; ~ Y I;iEQ NiYE, it is *receive reward or punishment for some
morally wrong; ~ BiNiN, approve. specific action in due course, *get one's
rewac (A) n. currency; ~ B., *have cur- deserts; HATINEW' ESER ~, return to the
rency, *be current. right way; HENAN E ~,persuade; LE ""DER
rewa! (N) n. lad. HENAN, lead astray; KEWTIN E ...... , set out on
rewan 2 see BOI;i Y BEWAN. journey; ~ BER KEWTIN, •become possible
122 !!IQ
for, *find a way to do; BE ~ K., dispatch, rimfan (rime) V.i. collapse; -ANI;JIN
send off; BE ~'WE I!OYISHTIN, walk, go (BIMEN), caus. knock down, overthrow.
along; BE ....., x., x. E - , dispatch, put in Also DA ElMAN.
motion, see off on journey. rimozin n. name of a malevolent demon;
. f~ 3 in comb.: -BAZ 11. way through, passage, LE-M BOTE .....,, he has become a continuous
procedure, way of life; -BER n. guide, in- source of worry to me.
structor; -BUWAR n. traveller; -J;>AR n. rind (N) a. beautiful.
r.-guard; -GA, -GE, freely used as alterna- rinfek n. file, rasp, curry-comb; -EK K.,
tive to ....., in most of usages zc. ·vv. shown in file, etc. j ~E see CHINGEEINE.
prec. article; -GA-W-BAN n. the open r.; ringanqinewe (ringen) v.t. complain per-
-NiwEN 1z. guide ( -NIW~f K., act as guide) ; sistently.
--W-BAN n. the open road·; ~-W-SHON 11. ringering n. grumbling.
whereabouts, abode. rinin (rin) v.t. scratch (e.g. cat), plane, strip
r~chke n. column of march, train, line of (e.g. leaves from branch), gather (flowers);
ants; ~ BESTIN, establish such line, crawl MU .....,, pull out (own) hair in anger. See DA.
backwards and forwards between two rink n. edible stalk of gundelia.
points (ants). rinii see BENi.
r~l]ane n. sweet basil; ~KEWiLE, wild basil; rlq n. spite, rancour, indignation, obstinacy;
-BESHE n. species of basil with large dark LE ....., Y, out of spite against; ....., LE B., *dislike
leaves. (permanently); ....., LE BW., *'object to; ....., G.,
rej pres. stem of BISHTIN. be obstinate (LE, about); ~ NiSHTINEWE,
rejfaw n. waterfall j -GE n. mouth of river. *calm down; ~ HEL SAN, *be indignant (LE,
rek a. and adv. arranged, regular, in good about); ....., XUWARDINEWE, stifle one's ran-
order, on friendly terms (LEGEL, with); ....., cour etc.; -ANi, -Awi a. vindictive, ob-
KEWTIN, come to agreement (oft. -a;ritten BE stinate; -EBERl n. unfriendly rivalry ( -EBERf
KEWTIN); ~ x. (oft. EE x. ), organize, arrange, K. LEGEL, contend thus with) j -ESTUR. a.
reconcile; -f n. regularity, good order; obstinate; -IN, see -ANI; ~LESIK a. har-
~KEWT (EEKEWT) n. chance happening (BE bouring angry thoughts.
~KEWT, by chance); --U-PEK a. well risk a. gen . ....., K. spoil,
arranged, in good order. rist n. string (e.g. of beads), leash; ....., Y SAL,
ren see RIDEN. age, length of life;....., K., leash; -En. string,
r~s 1 n. -thickness of thread, of yarn, etc.; sentence (gram.).
~MAN n. lit. cord, only in phrase ASMAN u ristin (res) v.t. spin.
~MAN incoherent, irrelevant, irrelevancy. rishanewe1 (rish~) v.i. shed petals (esp.
f~S 2 p,-es. stem of I!ISTIN. vine flower), vomit.
r~sin (r~s) see EISTIN. rishanewe 2 n. cholera.
resh a. sore. rishen n. drizzle.
r~was n. rhubarb. rishk1 n. nits j ....., J;>. E (LE) SER, *'have n. in
r~wi n. fox. hair; -IN a. lousy. Cf. ESPfi, METULKE.
rez see !liZ. rishk2 see BESHK.
-rezan see CHEPLEBEZAN, GELAEEZAN, rishtin (rej) v.t. pour, apply(colour), adorn,
GULEBflZAN. make up (face), darken w. kohl (eyes). See
rezaJ also ~En. fragment j ~ ~,in fragments, DA, HEj...
in shreds; ....., K., break in pieces, tear to riya (A) n. hypocrisy.
shreds; -ELOK a. fragile, flimsy. riyal 11. name of a Persian and Yamani coin.
ribe (A) 11. weight of about 25 kilograms. rizan (rize) see DA BIZAN.
ribcnar 11. pomegranate juice. rizgar a. free, liberated; -i n. freedom,
riqen n. beard; -siPi n. grey-beard, elder. liberation.
Cf. Bisn. rizin (riz) v.i. become ragged, rot, decay, be
rifanqin (rifen) v.t. grab, snatch, seize, overripe.
loot. See EA. rizq 1 n. rat.
rijfan (rije) v.i. be poured, spill (intr.), fall rizq 2 (A) n. daily bread as given by God,
· (leaves); -AN E YEK, intermingle; -ANJ;>IN wealth (esp. stores of wheat, of rice, etc.).
( ~tN), caus. pour. See DA, HEL, TE. rich a. set wide apart (teeth).
rijd a. parsimonious, miserly; ~1 n. par- rijdirej, rijgaw see BiSHDIREJ, BfSHGAW.
simony. rik 11. sand; ....., Y BEWAN, quicksand; ~'ELAN,
rikat (A)·''· inclination of body in prayer. -I STAN, -ZAR n. sandy place, sandy waste.
rikeshe 7/. ribwort plantain. rin (ri) ~l.i. see BiYAN.
rim (A) 11. spear, lance; -BAZf n. jousting. ripoq 11. 'matter from eyes.
See NflZE. riq o11ly --u-FiQ a. very soft, fluffy.
riqne n. guano. break (d.), get light; ~ AWA D., set (sun);
ris n. thread, string. ~ BEREL!.,A B., emerge from eclipse (sun);
riswa a. ignomm10us; -Yin. ignominy. ~ nw., dawn; - LE B\V., *'see the d. break
rish n. beard; EM ISHE-~1 BE ~EWE BUwE, (LE SER y SHAX y GOYJE --MAN LE BUWEWE,
I have become involved in this matter; we reached the top of the Goyzha ridge as
~-IM LE ASHA SIPI NEKIRDUwE, lit. l have day was breaking; XuwA BIKA ~-MAN Lt
not whitened my beard in a mill, I was not BETEWE, God grant that our night may be
born yesterday; ~ HATI~, *'begin to show turned into d.); - GEBA~"llWE, be getting
hair on face; ~ TASHi!', shave. Cf. EIDEN. longer or shorter (d. after equinox; as n.
rish in comb.: ~AI, 11. fibre; ~BABA n. a species -GEBANEWE, equinox); - GiRAN, be eclipsed
of grape; ~BILBILi, ~BIZI!' a. having sparse (sun; as n. -GIRAN, eclipse); ~ HEL HATIN,
b.; ~I;>AR a. bearded; ~-DEZE-W-BOZE a. rise (sun); ~ Lt HE!. H:ATIN, *'see the sun rise
having b. flecked w. grey; ~DIREJ a. long- (cf. ~ Lt BW. above); ~· KW., stay up all
bearded ; -DUFLiCHQA!'E a. having forked night. Cf. XOR.
b.; -E .n. fibres of root, plumage, nerve, roj in comb.: -AN n. former times (LE -AN
racial origin, ( -E DER HATIN, be harassed; ZUTIR, earlier than usual; -ANE a. and n.
-E DER HENAN, harass; -E DA KUTAN, take daily, daily wage; ~AWA n. sunset, west;
root); ~GAW a. and n. fantastic (person), ~BASHi n. gen. -BASHI LE K., wish someone
buffoon (xo ~GAW K., make oneself ridi- good morning; -BUWER n. gen. -BUWER
culous); -mv a. having thick b.; --MASH- K., take a day off (from work etc.); ~ELAT
U-BIRINC a. having pepper-and-salt b.; (-HELHAT) n. sunrise, east (~EJ..AT y DUR,
~PAN a. heavily bearded; -srPi n. elder, Far East; -ELATYNAWEBAST, Middle East);
headman; -TOP a. haYing trimmed b.; -GAR n. day-time, age, era; ~i a. and adv.
--u-srMEI, n. hair of face; -u n. fringe. appertaining ·to day, daily; ~NAMCHE n.
risho!e n. starling. diary; -NAME n. daily newspaper; -NAME-
rita! n. soft dung, cow pat. CHETi, see -NAMECHIYETi; -NAMECHi,
riwe!e a. very thin, skinny. journalist; -NAMECHIYETi, journalism; ~NE
riwen n. purgative root-stock of rhubarb. see KILAWBOJNE; -PERIST n. chameleon;
riweriw n. grumbling. -BESH a. unforttmate; ~-U-MANG n. date;
rix n. dung. ~on. fast of Ramadan (BE ~u B., be fasting;
rixo!e n. also -CHEWRE, intestines, bowels; ~u GEBAN, go for stroll to while away last
-KoRE n. appendix; -KORE B., *'have minutes of fast; -u G., fast; -0 SHIKAN,
appendicitis. •forfeit merit of fast; ~u SHIKANI;>IN, break
riyan (ri, riye) v.i. evacuate bowels. fast; ~UwAN a. fasting).
riz n. line, series, rank; - BESTIN,- a., form role, roleke n. (as int. ! .) darling child.
I.; BE ,.., G., treat w. respect; ,.., K., arrange Bomi a. Ottoman.
in I.; ,.., L~ N., treat w. respect; -tN, -K~N ron n. oil (commonly clarified butter); ~ y
n. game of noughts and crosses. GUt,, attar of roses; ""' Y KERE, clarified
ro 1 pres. stem of BOYISHTIN, BOYIN. butter; ~ y MASi, cod-liver o.; DES LE -A
ro2 int. expr. grief alas!, also EYE -, HEY ,..., ; B., *'be· prospering; ~ G., extract o.;
oft. w. noun denoting relation e.g.: BAWKE-BO, -zEYTUN n. olive-oiL
alas my father!; BIRA-BO, alas my brother!; rondik (N) n. tear (from eyes).
- ,.., K., lament. · ronyas n. madder.
ro 3 n. river; gen. used in comb. as part of name roshin a. lit up, clear, bright; CHAW-MAN
of river when B sometimes becomes R, e.g. ~, we are delighted to see you (esp. after
CUWANBO, but TANCERO. long absence); CHAW-TAN ~, congratula-
ro' n. day; only in comb, EMBO (! .), NiWEBO. tions on the happy event; DINYA - BW.,
ro 6 adv. down; used only to form camp. vv.: •get light (atmosphere); ,.., K., light (lamp),
,.., CHUN, go down; sink down; - KEWTIN, enlighten, clarify, explain; ~ KW. impers.
lie down; ~ K., pour (solids e.g. grain); get light ( ~-Y KIRDIBUWEWE, it was now
N., put down; - NISHTIN, sit down; - daylight); -AYi n.light, clearness. Cf. RUN.
TEFTAN, settle down quietly. roshna see ASHNA-W-BOSHNA.
rol). (A) n. spirit;- Y BEWAN, soul;,.., CHUN, rox n. bank (river), shore.
•be frightened; -I;>AR a. animate; -zrL a. royne n. kind of slow figure-dance.
proud. royishtin, royin (EO, 3 pers. sing. pres.
roj n. day, sun; -BASH, greeting good morn- EBWA, BIBWA) V.i. walk, go; LESER KARtK ~,
ing, good d.; -E NA ~t, every other d., on go oil with an activity; LESER xo -,proceed
alternate days; ~t LE -AN, one fine d., steadily, go at steady walk; -EWE, go back.
once upon a time; EMBO --J\<!:AN-E, this is roz n. gen. ~ K., sew together, make up (gar-
the day we have been waiting for; B. BE~, ment).
ruwa!et see RUWAl,ET under ni\ plastering, ( -KESHI K., apply coating to);
ruwfau (ruwe) v.i. grow, sprout, (plants -MET n. cheek; -NUS n. copy (-NUS K.,
etc.); -ANJ?IN ( -tN) caus. grow, cultivate. copy); -POSH n. veil (over f.); -QURS a. un-
ruwani a. vegetable (as opp. to animal and forthcoming, unfriendly in manner; -BESH
mineral). a. disgraced; -SARD a. glum; -sEXT a.
ruwanin (ruwan), v.i. see NUWABiN. severe in manner; -SIP! a. justified by re-
ruwel a. wild (animals and plants). sults, honourable ( -SIPhi n. honour, high
ruzqe n. name of a herb. reputation); -sun a. ( -silni n.), same as
ru n. face, front, aspect, surface, cover, top, prec.; -sniRiN a. pleasant, cheerful; -TIRSH
side, fori:n; ...., BE ""• f. to f. (...,BE ..., WESTAN, a. crabbed, churlish; -wAI.,ET 11. hypocrisy,
be opposed to each other); LE - v ... -EWE, by fawning, servility, flattery; -WE n. copy,
reason of, because of; L'EM -WE'WE, for this shape, aspect (L'EM -WEYEJ?A, in this case);
reason; ..., BiNiN, receive encouragement; ...., -WEW = -BE, see BEREW; -xosH a. humor-
B., *have the f. to, •venture to, oft. neg. *be ous; -zERD a. of yellow complexion, un-
ashamed to, *hesitate to; ..., J?. 1 , happen; ..., healthy looking.
1;>.2, encourage, be unduly lenient w., spoil, rUin. name of a plant.
(E, Pil); BE -J?A J?., J?. E -,face, tax someone run a. bright, clear, transparent, plain, en-
w. sg. (v); ..., HEI., GEBAN, *turn pale; LE -J?A lightened; CHAW-TAN -, congratulations!;
WER GEBA-"''EWE, turn angrily upon, contra- ,... KW., illuminate (hence '""KEREWE a. and n.
dict, refuse obedience to, (v); ..., Lt WER. illuminating, one who enlightens); -AKa.
GEBAN, turn away from, cease to favour; ..., light, bright, (-AK KW., illuminate) ; -AKAvi
G., presume to, make so bold as to;- HEI., n. bright place; -AKin. light; -in. clarity.
G., remove superfluous hairs from face (fern. Cf. BOSHIN.
make-up); ..., HATIN, LE..., HATIN, *have the rftshjan (rushe) v.i. be abraded, be scraped;
f. to, •venture to; ..., KIRANEWE, *overcome -ANJ?IX (-:EN) caus. abrade, scrape, skim
shyness, be familiar; - TE K., turn towards, past.
look at, look favourably upon, be kind to; rftt a. naked, bare, plain, unadorned, abso-
- MAN, •continue to venture to, oft. neg. no lute; - BW., undress, strip, (intr.); ..., KW.,
longer have the f. to; - LEN., look to, apply strip (tr.), loot; XO..., KW., see...., BW.; -AWE
for help to; DES BE -wEWE N., refuse re- a. bald, bare; -Avi n. bare place, bare
quest (v, of); - SHIKAN, *be humiliated; ..., patch; -E, -EL, -ELE a. ragged, thread-
SHIKANJ?IN, humiliate (v; hence -SHIKEN a. bare; --u-QuT a. stripped and bare;
rude); LE -wA WESTAN, stand up to, oppose, --U-BECAL a. miserably poor.
(v); x. E ......, show, display, disclose. rutjauewe (rilte) v.i. moult, shed (hair,
rft in comb.: -BAZABi a. pretty, attractive, in leaves, etc.), go bald (head), be eroded;
demand; -BEPOONiN a. gay,jolly;-DAMAL- -ANJ?INEWE (-EN) caus. strip gradually,
RAW a. shameless; -J?AW n. event, incident; strip progressively, erode. Also DA.
-GESH a. jovial; -GIRJ a. sullen; -KAR n. rilxfau (rilxe) v.i. fall into ruin; -ANJ?IN
fa~ade; -KESH a. sham; -KESHI n. coating, (-EN) caus. ruin, destroy. See DA.

s pres. stem of SAN. sabren n. male goat (over 2 years), billy-
sa1 a. clear, pellucid, as n. only ..., v GERDIN goat.
pellucidity of (girl's) neck; -KAR a. plain, sabun (E) 11. soap; - v BEzi, low-grade s.
unadorned, beardless; -Ko (SN) n. bare made of animal fat; ..., v BEQi, high-grades.
mountain; -Lis n. bare pole; -Lus a. made of oil (gen. olive oil); - LE BIN v PE J?.,
smooth; -MAL, -VEQE, n. also oft. -YEQE entrap.
V -MAL, cloudless sky (-MAL-V KIRD, sac1 n. teak.
the sky cleared); -vi n. clearness, pellu- sac2 n. griddle; KEWTIN ESER - v 'ELi, fall
cidity. into poverty; NAN v -i, bread baked on g.
sa* n. shade, shadow; -BAT n. arbour, hut of sachax (T) n. fringe. See nisHu.
boughs; -GAT, -YE n. patronage, favour sachlex (T) n. ornament attached to end of
(LE -vE v EWE'WE, by your favour); hair-plait (fern. att.).
-YEWAN, see SEYWAN. Cf. st8 • sachme ( T) n. small shot.
sa1 n. and adv. time, than, in that case; sa4ani see under TIRE.
DEY, now then, sharp's the word!. sa4e a. plain, simple, artless.
saf (A) a. clear, clean, smooth; as n. flat stone saqe see SEI)EQE.
used for game of ~sAFEN, see below; -ENDER sard a. cold; ~B., be C., -B. LEGEL YEKA,
~ K., make a clean sweep of; -SAFEN n. cease to be friends (two persons); ~ BW.,
name of game played w. flat stones points turn c., die (gen. of wounds or after long
being scored as in bowls. illness), lose interest, cease to be friendly
sagh a. healthy, sound, accurate, correct, (L:E, with); DES (DIL) ~ BW., *relax, •slacken
straightforward, honest; PIYAWEK Y -, an effort; - K. gen. impers. --Y KIRD, it (the
honest man; ~ u SELiM, safe and sound;~ weather) turned c.; ~ KW., cool; -Awn.
BW., be concluded (bargain); BO ~ BW., be sunken summer-house provided w. glass
proved to, *be convinced, •be satisfied as roof and tank fed w. running water; -AYf n.
to the accuracy of; BESER ..• -l;>A ~ BW., •be cold, low temperature; -En. rice irrigated
believed to-be responsible for or guilty of, in autumn; -EMENi n. c. viands; ·~ESER n.
*be charged w.; LESER ~ BW., *receive pre- summer quarters; -ESINGAN n. colic; -in.
ference, *be preferred, •receive contested cold, coolness, strained relations; -KE a.
award, contract, etc.; ~ KW., prove (Bo, to); cool; --u-GERM a. lukewarm; --u-SIB a.
BESER ..• -J;>A ~ KW., charge w., impute to; very c.
LESER ~ KW., decide in favour of, give pre- sarme n. name of a plant.
ference to. Also SAX. sar~j a. healed (wound); - B., heal.
salar n. commander. sat n. hour, time; -i adv. hourly, per h. Cf.
salme n. name of a plant, perh. early purple KAT, SE'AT.
orchis. satan n. drawers, underpants.
Sa! n. year; ~BE ~, y. by y.; ~ Y AYINJ;>E, satme n. slip, stumble; - Y ZIMAN, s. of the
next y.; - Y EMSAJ;.., this y.; - Y PAR, - Y tongue; - K., slip, trip, stumble.
EABURDU, last y.; - Y XOSHi, y. of mild win- saw n. sharpness, edge; LE - CHUN, be
ter; -ENA -t, everyotheryear;BE -ACHUN, blunted; - J;>., sharpen, strop.
age, become old,(whenceBESAJ;..ACHU a. aged). sawa n. very young animal, baby, small fresh
sa! in comb.: -ANn. andadv. former times, for- shoot (plant).
merly; -ANE a. and adv. one y. old, annual, sawe 1z. flock of lambs.
annually; -BER a. bearing fruit every other sawer n. wheat-meal prepared for use as
y.; -E, comb. w. numeral to denote age e.g. kind of porridge.
sfu>ALE a. three y. old; -EHA, -EHA Y ~, for sawilke a. simple, gullible.
years and years, y. after y.; -EWEXTE a. ris- sawin (saw) see suN.
ing one y. old; -:-EWSAJ;.. adv. from y. toy.; sax see SAGH.
-GEBANEWE n. anniversary; -i a. and adv. saxtfe a. fabricated, false, spurious; -EcHi,
annual, annually; -NAME n. calendar, al- -EKAR n. forger, rogue; -MAN n. building,
manac. establishment.
sa!~an (A) see under SIBA. -saz1 suf. forming nn. w. sense maker, e.g.
sam n. awe, dread, majesty; ~B., *be impos- CHEXMAXSAZ.
ing; ~ K., be frightened; - G., - !A saz2 n. music, musical instrument; -BEN!)
NiSHTIN, *be overcome by awe; -:QAR a. n. orchestra, band ; -rNI)E1 n. musician;
imposing, majestic, impressive. -IN:QE2 , -INGE a. talkative, garrulous;
saman n. property, equipment, wealth; --U-SEMTUR n. orchestra.
Y CENGf, warlike stores; ~ Y NAWMAI,, saz3 n. and a. adjustment, adaptation,
household furniture and utensils; -J;>AR a. arrangement, agreeing, concordant; - J;>.,
wealthy. contrive, organize, harmonize; - K., per-
samote see BENSAMOTE. suade, bring over (to agree), prepare for use
san1 n. fashion, habit, kind; BE -, in the (e.g. water-pipe, tea); -GAR a. who disposes
manner (Y, of). (esp. God), salutary, salubrious, wholesome.
san2 n. march past, parade; - :Q., review, sazJan (saz~) v.i. conform to, agree w.,
inspect, (troops). suit, be compatible w. (LEGEL); -ANI)IN
San 3 n. short for SuLTAN, Sultan, title given (-:EN) caus. harmonize.
to certain tribal chiefs originally as feuda- se•at (A) n. hour, time, watch, clock; -
tories of Shah of Persia. CHEN!), at what time?; - CHENI)-E, what
san4 (s and s~) v.i., SANI)IN1 (sEN), caus., see time is it?; - YEK u NfW-E, it is half past
san~in'2 (dB} v:t: t~ke, obtaip, buy; -EWE, BURI.>UWE LE DU, it is five minMtes past two;
recover; Bt) -~wE, smg 'rest)oosiv.e.iy:, jcirdn .,..... SE CHARE~ KEM-E, - CHAREKEK._Y EwE BO
clrorus. Aht> &l;:mmt : · . st, it is, a quarter te .three; - DE iA. BPRDI:st '>,

· saqn. $hOt ~sed~:~;~ye"~ LE SHESH, at ten past six (futttre); ..,., BfST
ef bird. DEQf~E-Y BIMENt BO HESHT, at twe-nty t!il
eight {future); "-'EK Y CHAK, a full h., quite seknan (sekne) v.i. see DA SEKNAN.
an h.; ,...., Y DES, wrist watch; ,..., Y PEPU, seko n. bench, platform, of beaten earth or
cuckoo clock; ""Y SERMEZ, table clock; ""y masonry.
ZENGf, striking clock; "" DA 1)., wind watch, sekte (A) n. blow, shock.
clock; ,..., KOK K., adjust, put right, regulate, sekut see SER-U-SEKUT.
watch, clock); -cHi 11. watchmaker; selam (A) 11. peace (gen. as formula of
-JIMER n. h.-hand. greeting); WE's ""(A), and there's an end of
sebaret be prep. owing to, for the sake of. it; "" WER G., salute ceremonially; ,...., K.,
sebat (A) n. constancy. salute, greet, (LE); ,...., NEK., be hardly on
sebeb (A) n. cause. speaking terms (LE, with); ,...., SENl;>INEWE,
sebel n. ectropion, eversion of eyelid. take, return, ceremonial salute; -ET a. safe
sebetfe n. basket; -oLKE n. small b. (XuwA -ET-TAN KA, God keep you safe);
sebil n. pipe (tobacco). -ETi n. safety. Cf. SlLAw.
sebr (A) n. patience; ""K., be patient; ,...., LE selem (A) n. purchase of agricultural pro-
G., be patient with, wait for. duce (esp. standing crops) in advance of
sebun n. simoom, hot suffocating wind. delivery. See SEWZXIB.
seburi (A) n. patience under misfortune; selim (A) a. safe, gen. SAGH u -, safe and
XuwA --TAN DII)A, God grant you p. (esp. sound.
as formula of condolence). seliqe (A) n. good taste, elegant manners,
secde (A) n. prostration w. forehead on skill; -J;>AR a. tasteful, elegant, skilful.
ground; ,...., BIRD IN EBER, prostrate oneself selk n. head, lump, bulb, edible root, heart
before (lit. and fig.); SER CHUN E -'wE, *say (lettuce); -EBIZilT n. see SEREBIZUT; -ECHE-
ritual prayer; "" K., prostrate oneself. Also WENJ;>ER n. beetroot; -EPENiR n. cheese
SUCDE. made up in a ball; -EPIYAZ n. onion;
se9 n. and a. hundred; ,...., YEK, one hun- -ESHELIM n. turnip; -ETUR n. radish.
dredth; LE "" YEK, one out of a h.; -t YEK, selman9in (selmen) v.t. admit, accept as
one to each h., one per cent.; -E n. cen- true. See PE.
tury; -EM, -EMIN, hundredth; BE -HA, in seJa (A) see BANG-U-SELA.
hundreds. se!ewat (A) n. blessings, called down upon
se9ef (A) n. shell, mother of pearl. P1·ophet Muhammad w. invocations such as:
se9eqe (A) n. alms, charity, sacrifice; BU BE HEZAR ,...., LE DIYAR (presence) Y PEGHEMER;
,...., Y TO, he is dead; BE --T BIM, may l be NUR y PAK MEJ;IEMMED -; SEYIJ;> y 'ALEM
your sacrifice (formula of devotion). J;IEBIB ESSEl,EWAT; or Arabic formula SELLEL-
se9ri (P) n. rice of best quality. l,AHU 'ELEYHI WE SELLEM, used after mention
Sefer1 (A, ~AFAR) n. second month of of Muhammad.
Islamic lunar year. se!imke n. name of a herb.
sefer 2 (A) n. journey; ,...., SELAMET, welcome!; se!t a. solitary; -ESUWAR a. and n. riding
CHUN BO ""• ,...., K., go on a j., travel. alone, lone horseman; -EZELAM a. and n.
seg 11. dog; "" Y PEsUTAW, vagrant; "" BE alone, lone figure (man); --U-QUT a. bare.
J;IESAR PE K., make to run the gauntlet; -Awi se!te n. zouave jacket; ,...., y SURME, embroid-
n. otter; -nAB term of abuse son of a d. (,...., Y ered z.j.
-BAD, d. son of a d.); -EMERGi n. a dog's se!tenet (A) n. style, grand manner; BE ,...., BA
life, life of misery; -ENAZ n. distemper; BUWARDIN, live (do things) in style; ,...., Li~
-:ETi n. obnoxious behaviour; -LUR n. J;>., live, behave, ostentatiously.
howling; -I..AW, n. otter; -PISENKE 11. sema n. dance, dancing; ,...., K., dance;
young strong hare; -sAR, n. a fabulous dog- -KERE n. name of small bird. Cf. BUKESE-
like monster; -WEB n. bark, barking. MAKERE.
seghi (A) a. generous, open-handed. Also semawer (E) n. samovar.
SEX f. semen n. clover.
segh!et (A) a. worried, distressed; "" B., be semen<:Jfekiroj n. togue; -oK n. log to
w ., etc.; "" K., worry, disturb; -i n. worry, which dog 01· other animal is tied to restrict
distress. movement; -oK K., attach animal thus,
sehcn4 1 a. obstinate, pig-headed. hedge about w. restrictions. .
sebenQ 2 11. shade, shady place. semeni n. name of dish of pounded roots of
scho! n, ice; ""DESTIN, freeze (intr.); -BENI), freshly sprouting wheat and flour made at
n. aud a. freeze, very cold, freezing (CHEMERE NOEOJ, q.v.; -PEZAN n. ceremonial prepara-
y -·nENI), arctic, antarctic, circle); -nENI)AN tion of such dish.
11. December-January, see Appendix I. semere a. strange, unusual.
sehu (A, !.)11. and a. mistake, mistaken; -B., semtur n. dulcimer. Cf. SAZ-u-SEMTUR.
BE"" CHUN, be mistaken; ""K., do sg. by m. semun n. bread baked in loaf.
semure n. sable (animal). HEL J;>., appear, break out (epidemic); - LE
sen<;Je!i n. stool, chair. (const.) J;>., strike the h. against walls in
sen<}in (sen) v.t. see SANJ;>IN 2• ecstasy (dervishes); ~ LE TEK Q., disconcert;
senec:J (A) n. voucher, document. ,.., EsHAN, *have headache; ,.., EsHANJ?IN
seng n. stone, weight, dignity; -ERn. para- caus. of prec. trouble; - G., be successful,
pet of trench (CHUN E -EREWE, -ERG., en- cork (bottle, v), build roof over (v); ,.., y xo
trench intr.); -iN a. heavy; --U-BERD K. HEL G., ·leave home for unknown destina-
(or N.), cover w. stones or other weight, tion, abscond, run away; BE - GW., begin
press upon; --U-EENG n. interesting quality. again (work, talk), find lost animal; BE -A
senganc:Jin (sengen) v.t. see HEL SENGANJ;>IN. HATIN, ·enter unexpectedly, happen to (Y),
sepan n. casual reaper; -i 11. reaping for fall perpendicularly, crash (aircraft); -
hire, gen. paid in kind. HENAN (gen. in phrases -tK HENAN u -tK
sepanc:Jin (sepen) v.t. impose, foist, (BESER BIRDIN, rack one's brains, wonder what
.. ·.-A, upon). to do next; -EK-E w HENAW-M-E, I have
sepik, seple 11. kind of dog biscuit made of made up my mind and shall not change it);
bran. - DA HENAN, comb hair; - DER HENAN, raise
seqaw n. glanders. the h., attract attention (person), show above
seqet (A) a. broken down, dangerous (action, ground (e.g. seedlings); - JIMARDIN, count
character, talk). heads, hold census; "" KEWTIN, go up, suc-
ser n. head, top, summit, hill, chief, begin- ceed (hence -KEWTU a. successful); - K.,
ning, extremity, end, tip (fingers, toes), the pass over target (shooting), not be in
Arabic vowelfat~a; as adv. upwards; -AN, balance; - DER K., show the h., appear
chiefs, the important people; BE - Y, by above ground (e.g. seedlings), escape, un-
the head of (oath); BESER - , on my head derstand (LE); - K. ESER, bring pressure to
be it, I shall do as you direct, you are wel- bear upon, harass; - PIYA K., enter (- K.
come; ~ u ... , per head, apiece, (- u DE BE MAL y DIJMINA, be forced to pocket one's
. DINAR-.MAN DES KEWT, we received ten pride; - K. BE PETEWE, put one's h. in a
dinars each); - Y SAL, New Year; -CHAW, noose); - TE K., be constantly occupied w.,
- CHAWAN, upon my eyes be it, see BESER- frequent, become involved in, make habit
above; ,.., BE, appertaining to (see also SEREW of, develop bad habit; K. BE -A, quaff,
under SER in comb. below); - BE -, weight drink up; BE - K., supervise; BE - KW.,
for weight, load for load, etc. (barter); - scrutinize, inspect; - LEQANJ?IN, shake the
BERE, ,.., BEREW, towards (used /ike BEREW h., signal w. the h. (Bo, to); - N., depart;
q.v. on p. 12 to form comp. advv., adJJ., and - N. BE KUNEKEWE, expose oneself to diffi-
nn. w. meaning -w.ards, -ward, the associated culty, to danger; N. BE -EWE, quaff, drain
vv .. being gen. intr. BW. and tr. KW. e.g.: - (cup); - N. ESER, insist upon; - DA N.,
BEREJER, ,.., BEREWJER, downward, -BEREW- sacrifice oneself; - NW., - LE (canst.) NW.,
JERE, -BEREWJERKE n. downward slope; and die; ,.., DA NEWANJ?IN, bow the h., defer to,
similarly ,.., BEREJUR, - BEREWJUR, upward obey, (BO); ,.., PE DA NEWANJ?IN, reduce to
and -BEREWJURE, -BEREWJURKE n. upward obedience, subdue; - LE SENJ?IN, distract,
slope; etc. etc.); - LE, at the beginning of, disturb; - SIPARDIN, submit oneself (PE
about, (e.g. - LE BEYANi, early in the morn- to); - LE SHEWAN, <~~<be distraught; ,.., LE
ing; - LE EWARE, in the early evening; - LE SHEWANJ?IN caus. of prec. throw into con-
NIWEBO, about noon; - LE NO, afresh) LE fusion; - SHITIN, go to Turkish bath (women
-EK Y TIREWE, on the other hand; - TA PA, only); ,.., TASHIN, shave the h., have the hair
""TAPA XUWAR, from top to bottom; - TA cut, (hence -TASH n. barber); ,.., TE WESTAN,
-, from end to end. *need, *lack; - x., raise, lift up; x. EJER - ,
ser idiomatic usages w. vv.: ,.., BIRD IN see ,.., take note of, bear in mind; - x. ESER, thrust
HENAN below; BE - BIRDIN, spend (time); oneself upon; - DA x., hang the h.; -
BIRDIN E ""• spend (time), achieve, accom- XUWARDIN, bring calamity, prove the un-
plish, complete; ,.., BIBIN, slaughter; - HEL doing (v, upon, of).
BI:gi'N, raise the h., look up; - PE'WE B., *be- ser in comb.: -AB n. mirage; -AK n. chief,
come involved in; LE ,.., B., be incumbent leader, president; -ANEn. poll-tax; "-'ANSER1
upon, *be liable for,· *owe; cHON BE -A, n. top layer; -ANSER2 adv. from end toend;
fall h. first; BE - CHUN, expire (period), be -APA adv. from head to heel; ;..,ASA a.
over; CHUN E - , turn out well (BO, for); ~ extraordinary; -ASAYANE adv. extraordin-
LEDER cHON, *understand; ,.., LE TEK CHUN, arily; -ASAYI n. sg. extraordinary; ~ASE n.
be disconcerted; - TIYA CHUN, *lose one's headache; -ASININ a. see PIREJIN under PIR2 ;
life for the sake of; ~D., strike the h. (Lf:, -ASIME a. bewildered; -Awn. pond formed
against), visit (LE, v; -DER 11. visitor); by spring, latrine (CHUN E -Aw, -AW
K., go to the lavatory); ~AWSER, see ~ANSER; column; .....ETATI<fl n. peeping (-ETATl<:R rt
~AZAa. free; ~BALn.primaryfeather; ~BAN K., peep at); ....,ETESHi n. end of hand-
n. roof, roof-top, see BAN; ~BAQi n. balance, spindle; ....,ETiR n. arrow-head; .....EW = ....,
surplus; ~BAR n. additional load (~BARE Y, BE, see ....,BEREW above ( ~EWJUR adv. up-
in addition to); ~BAZ n. soldier; ~BAZXANE wards; ....,EWNIXUN a. and adv. upside-
n. barracks; ~BEDEREWE a. restless, always down etc.); """'EWE n. upper position, top;
on the move(opp. of stay-at-home); ~BEDO -EWNIGUM, """'EWNIGUN, a. vanished, dis-
n. name of a plant believed to be antidote appeared; ~EXORE a. inauspicious, fraught
for venom of snake or scorpion; ~BEG:RCHEL w. woe; ....,EXuLfl n. dizziness; ....,fl n. see
a. quarrelsome; ~BEGOBENJ.l a. seditious; ...,EWE above; """'EsHE n. headache; -FIRAZ
-BEKILAWE n. snow falling in large flakes; a. exalted ( """'FIRAZ Y HER Dl) DINYA BIN, may
--BERAN (SN) n. lintel; ~BERZ a. eminent, you be exalted in this world and the next);
excellent, proud (in good sense); ~BERZi n. ....,FITRE n. provisions or money distributed
honour, high reputation; ~BEST a. free; to poor for festival of Ramadan; """'GIDmAN
~BESTi n. freedom; ~BETAL a. uncovered a. confused, confounP,ed; ~GERM a. keen,
(receptacle); ~BEXO a. independent; ~BE­ intent; ~GEE n. vulture; ....,GEJ a. giddy;
xoYi n. independence (~BEXOYi Y NAWEWE, ....,GIRAN a. drunk; ~GURUSHTE n. event, ex-
internal self-gove¥lment); ~BESHKE n. hood perience, adventure story; """'HAT n. event;
of cradle; ~BILINJ;>, see SERBERZ; ~BURD n. ~I;IEJ? n. frontier, boundary; -HEJ..QE n.
event, occurrence, experience; ~BURDNAME leader of group (esp. of dancing dervishes);
n. biography; ~cHAWE n. spring, source; ~INC n. attention ("""'iNC J?., pay attention, E,
""'CHEWT a. dishonest, untrustworthy; LE, to; """'INC BAKESHAN, attract attention, be
~cHIL a. opinionated; ~CHIYA n. highland, noteworthy); """'lLE n. name of a small bird;
heights; ~CHOK a. kneeling; ....,CHOPi, ..... fN, ....,fNGEn.pillow; """'JIMARn.census; ....,K,
~cHOPiK:RsH n. dance leader at end of line see SELK; ....,KANi n. spring (water); """'KAR n.
of dancers, see CHOP I; ~DEFTER n. top of superintendent; """'KECH a. meek; -KEF n.
list; ~DEM n. moment, epoch, (~DEM:R, on froth, foam; """'KEL n. crest of mountain;
one occasion, once upon a time; ~DEMi a. ~KELE n. bridle; ..... K:Rga a. obstinate, head-
temporary, ephemeral); ~DEQ n. mint con- strong; ~Kflsai n. obstinacy, rebellion; """'KI-
dition (~DEQ SHIKAN, *'suffer first damage, LAw n. crown of hat or cap ; """'KIRDE n.leader;
oll'be soiled, '*'be shop-soiled; """'DEQ SHIKAN- ~KIZ a. humble, unassuming, ( ..:..,KIZ Y
J;>IN caus. of prec~ also seize the initiative); DILWURYA, deep, shrewder than appear-
~DERGA n. wooden beam in wall above ances· suggest); ~I<Izt n. humility; """'KO see
door; ~DES n. cuff; -DESTAN a. in labour ~xoNE; ~KOMAR n. sectional headman in
(woman); ~DESTE n. leader of group; ....,DIL, tribe; ~xoNE n. reproach by implication;
cardia; ""'DOLKE n. recitation by professional ~xozER n. separated grain husks, chaff;
mourner ( -DOLKEBEJ); ~DOLYANE n. room ~KoR a. confused, bewildered; ~KULM n.
in mill for grain ready for milling; -DOSHEK cheek-bone; ~LERZOK a. suffering from
n. loose mattress-cover; ....,E a. advanced, twitching of h.; ..... LESHKIR n. army-com-
aged; ~EBIZUT n. charred stick, brand, mander; ~MAYE n. capital (money);
meteor, Leonid; """'EDUG, see ....,ETESHi; ~MAYEJ?AR n. capitalist; ....,MEST a. drunk,
~EGURIS n. rope-end; ~EJIMAR, see """'JlMAR tipsy; ....,MESHQ n. model, pattern, ( ....,MESHQ
below; ....,EK, see .....AK above; .....EMEQEST n. DA J;>., teach by example); ..... MESHQANE n.
remnant (cloth); .....EMERG n. death-pangs; present given by bridegroom to bride on
-EMIR n. tough fowl; .....ENAZ n. narrow car- wedding night; """'MEWQULAT n. gen • ....,MEW-
pet at head of room; ~ENCAM n. end, con- QULAT J?., turn h. over heels; -M:RKUTE n.
clusion; .....EN:RRGELE n. fire-bowl of hookah; tadpole; -MEWJE n. a species of snake;
"""'ENGinE adv. upside-down; .....ENOLIK n. -MEz n. table-cloth; """'MOR a. having seal
midden, dung-hill; -EPET n. rope-end, intact; ~NAME n. heading; -NAW 11. title,
clue; ~EFIRD n. bridge-head; ..... EQENJ;>E n. surname; -NAWKANE n. present given to
see -ENilRGELE above; ~EBA adv. in addition midwife on seventh day after delivery of
(Y, to); .....EB:R n. surface of road, highway, child; -NERM a. quiet (esp. horse); -NIXUN
(LE """'EEEJ;>A, on the road, while walking a. upside-down; -oK n. chieftain, headman;
along the road; ~EI!E PE G., intercept, hold -PAK n. and adv. the whole lot, bag and
up); -EEflJ see SABEJ; ""'EBISTE n. starting baggage, (-PAK Y EME, every man jack of
point, clue; ~ESITUN n. capital, head of us; -PAK DER KIRAN, they were all expelled
pillar; -ESUWANE n. eaves; ....,ESUnE n. dizzi- without exception); -PALE n. foreman of
ness; -EsHflRE n. coping of wall (gen. made gang of labourers; -PELO n. gen. -PELO K.,
w. protruding twigs); .....ETA n. first begin- roll down (tr.) from a height; -PENCE n.
ning, principle, preface, head of marching tips of fingers OT toes (BE -PENCE BOYiN,
walk on tiptoe); -PENCERE n. wooden beam appearance; --U-SHON n. whereabouts;
in wall above window; -PERISHT n. mana- --u-ZIYAI;> n. supplement, excess, more than
ger, supervisor; -PEB n. extremity; -PEBE1 enough, and more; -u a. upper (esp. in
11. heading; -PEBE 2 n. cross-piece of spade; village names) ; -WER n. lord, master;
-PETi a. bare-headed; -PE, -PEYi a. -wESYET n. executor; -XAN n. upper storey;
pedestrian (going, performed, on foot); -XET n. heading in copy-book; -XEW n.
....;pitCH a. disobedient, refractory; -PEcHi n. gen. -XEW K., -XEW SHIKANI;>IN, have forty
indiscipline, refractoriness; -PISHK n. um- winks; -xosHi n. condolence (cHON BE
pire, referee; -POSH n. cover, lid, table- -xosHiYEWE, pay visit of condolence, Y, to;
cloth, (-POSH Y KETAN, white scarf worn -xosHi Li! K., condole with, see xosH);
over head by women; -POSH Y PULEK, such -ZARi n. gen. BE -zARI, to all outward ap-
scarf decorated w. sequins); -POT n. top pearance; -zEMiN n. territory, region;
layer, a small piece off the top ( -POTE just -ZENISHT n. reproof; -ziN n. cloth disposed
a little; -POTEK LE XEW SHIKANJ?lN, have over saddle.
forty winks); -QAL a. distraught, confused; sera n. mansion, palace, government
-QAP n. lid ( -QAP NW., put on, cover w., offices.
lid); -QEBRAN n. cemetery (CHUN E - serapite n. ceiling.
QEBRAN, visit cemetery, go to the funeral, serdar n. leader, general officer.
LEGE!.,., of); -QEl.,EMANE n. fee for written serdulkane n. lamentation; -BEJ n. profes-
charm paid to Mulla, premium additional sional female reciter employed at mourning
to rent on hired premises; -QOTIN a. bare- ceremony.
headed; -QULE see under TIRE; -BAST a. seren, serenQ n. riddle, coarse sieve.
honest, trustworthy; -BAST! n. honesty; serine see under SER in comb.
-BEQ a. obstinate; -BESH n. ·maidservant; serma n. cold; - BIRD IN, *be numbed, "'-be
-SAL n. New Year; -SAM a. astonished, frost-bitten, *be frozen, (hence -BIRDU a.
bewildered, flustered; -SAMI n. astonish- frost-bitten); - XUWARDIN, be chilled;
ment; -sEREKi a. and adv. casual, super- -BIRDE a. clear and frosty (weather);
ficial, casually; -SERi n. and a. vagabond, -BIRDELE a. chilly, sensitive to C.; LE -NA,
irresponsible; -SEWZ n. mallard; -sEXT see of cold, from the effects of c. (cHON LE
-BEQ above; "-'SIM n. stumble, trip, (-SIM -NA, be numbed); -WEZ n. early autumn;
I;>., stumble); -SIPi, a. and n. grey-headed, --W-SOLE n. bitter c.
\Vise old lady, lady-companion; -SIRISHT serac (A) n. saddler; -XANE n. saddler's,
a. supernatural; -SITERE n. foresight (fire- leather worker's, shop.
arm); -siTuN· n. capital, head of pillar; setarxani n. name of style of jacket.
-suK a. untroubled, having no cares; -SUB setl (A) n. bucket. .
a. astonished, bewildered; -suTAw a. setrinc n. chess. Also SHETRINC.
unlucky, dogged by misfortune; -SHAR1 a. sew see SEWI;>A1 •
brimful; -sHAR2 n. home, base (in games); sew4 short for SEWI;>Al, only in phrase CHI
-SHET a. impetuous; -sHiR n. cream; I;IALEK CHI -EK, what is all this fuss about?
-SHOE a. humiliated ( -SHOB K., put to sew4a1 (A) n. melancholy, preoccupation,
shame); -TENUR n. bakery, bake-house; obsession, longing; - KEWTIN E SER, *begin
-TEZEN a. very cold (drink, eatables); -TiP to long (Y, for).
n. group leader; -TOJ, -TOX see TOJ, TOX, sew4a2 , n. bargaining;- K., bargain, haggle.
under TO; -TUND a. hot-tempered; --U-BIN sewQa 3 n. pellagra.
n. top and bottom; --u-BOR n. vowel points sewi n. pannier.
(Arabic script); --u-cHAW n. face; --u- sewp n. cockscomb (bot.); - Y XERAMAN,
GOLAK n. head and face, whole head (LE graceful and elegant young woman.
--U-GOLAK J?., hit over the head, beat up); sew}2 n. oar; - LE (co11st.) I;>., row.
--U-KAR n. gen. Cl-llJN E --U-KAR go to see sewz a. green, fresh; - B., - BW., sprout,
about (Y); --U-MAL n. all one's worldly begin to grow, (veg.); DES- B., *win eternal
goods; --u-MIB a. and adv. persistent, per- salvation as reward for killing backslider
sistently, continuously, (TA Y --U-MIB, per- from Islam; ~AYI n. greenery; -E1 a. and n.
sistent fever; --u-MIB LE-Y KEWT, he col- fair, fair person (complexion, oft. as fem. n.
lapsed); --u-PE n. dish of sheep's head and -E, the girl w. the fair complexion); E2 n.
trotters; --u-PECH n. turbaned head; --u- greens; -EFIROSH n. greengrocer; -EGIYA
POTE!,AK n. head w. aoomments (women); n. grass; ~ELAN n. grass~land; -ELANr, a.
--U-SAMAN n. wealth and importance; --u- grassy; -ELE a. greenish, brunette (com-
SEKUT n. face, physiognomy, ( --U-SEKUT-Y plexion); -i n. greens, vegetables; -KAR,
XUWATEWE, damn his eyes!); --U-SEXT n. -KELE a. greenish; -XIB n. purchase of
friendship, intimacy; --u-sb1A n. personal farm produce (esp. standing crops) by
864313 K
payment in advance (,..,XIE K., buy produce --sHEME, -SHEMU n. Tuesday; "'SHESH n.
thus). gen. -SHESH Y BEHAR, period of eighteen
sexi see SEGHi. days immediately following vernal equinox
sext1 a. hard, violent, severe, exasperated; when weather was believed to follow regular
,.., B., get angry; ,.., K., anger. cycle of six days each of wind, rain, and sun-
sext2 see SER-U-SEXT. shine; -WEXTJ>adv. three times a day (gen.
sextiyan n. soft leather. of meals); -TAR n. three-stringed musical
sexur n. faeces before discharge; -DAN n. instrument; -TAYi a .. andn. triple, trident;
excrementary ·cavity. -YEM, -·YEMIN a. third. -,
Seyi4 n. Saiyid, descendant of Prophet s.e 3 gen • ....:;BER n. shade, shadow; -BER K.,
Muhammad. cast shade (Bo, over), annoy; prejudice (L:E).
seyr1 a. strange, remarkable, interesting, Cf. SA2 •
wonderful, amusing. sefelolce n. name of a herb, perh. sage.
seyr 2 n. look; ~ K., look at. sele n. flat stone used as-griddle.
seyran (A) n. outing, picnic; ~ K., go for an sen1 pres. stem of SANJ;>IN1 •
outing; ~GA n. beauty spot; -KERn. tripper, sen2 pres. stem of SANJ;>IN 2 •
picnicker. sere n. age, time of life.
seywan n. large tent, marquee. seWn. apple; - Y BINERZ n. Jerusalem arti-
seza n. recompense, reward, punishment; choke; -:ELASURE n. species of a. flushed
,.., Q., punish (,..., DIRAN, pass. of prec. be red; -HERME n. a species of pear.
punished); - QW., reward (XuwA --TAN siba (A) n. early morning; ,..., y SAI.,I;IAN, lit.
BIJ;>ATEWE, may God reward you); -WARa. early morning of the virtuous, e.g. B'EM ,.., .Y
deserving, worthy of, (Y). · SAI.,I;fANE BO KO ECHIN, where are you going
se1 pres. stem of SAN 4 • so early in the morning?
se 2 n. and a. three; - BE ~ TEJ:..AQ ~;>., divorce sibey n. and adv. morning, morrow; ,...,
definitively by. pronouncing formula of BEYANi, tomorrow morning; DU -,the day
divorce three times; DU w - LE NEK., not to after tomorrow; s:E -, in three days time;
hesitate, make up one's mind at once; -EDDY, -EDOY:E adv. in a day oF· two's
-BARE a. triple, done thrice; -BAZ n. name time, soon; -NANn. and adv. morning, in
of game, a kind of hop skip and jump com- the morning, every morning; -N:E adv.
bined w. leap-frog; -BENJ;>E · n. lumbar in the morning, tomorrow; -N:E BEYANi,
region; ~BENDi a. and n. bully, ruffian; tomorrow morning; -N:E zu (L'EWSEREWE),
~BEEO n. quartan malaria; ~crRTEKi, (very) early tomorrow morning.
-ciRTi n. three-step dance; -cHUWAR n. sic n, tick, insect parasite; -EMAR n. a species
the twelve d:iys following -sHESH q.v. of snake.
below; -DAREn. gallows (LE -DARE J;>., BE sicuq n: candy of grape-juice w. nuts
-DAREJ;>A K., hang, execute); -DERin: room crystallized on string.
w. three french windows; -DIEKE n. a sifet n. good faith, loyalty, fidelity.
species of thorn; -GA n. name of a tune; sifre n. cloth, mat, spread on ground for
-GASINE n. land ploughed after sowing, cf. meal; -BIEE n. a species of beetle; -MAR n.
MEWERD, WUSHKEWERD; -GOSHEn. triangle; species of snake believed to open its body
-cocHKE n. cap w. three flaps formerly to catch its food. Cf. XUWAN.
worn in Hawraman district; -KUCHKE n. sift a. dense, compact, closely woven;
three stones arranged to balance cooking- --u-SOL a. very dense. ·.
pot, tripod, triumvirate; -KUZE n. name of siftal;l (Af.n. initial operation, (e.g. first sale
a herb; -LIK n. hay-fork; -LIMI n. a kind of day in shop); --IM NEKIRDUWE, I have
of sweetmeat; -LULE n. amulet composed of sold nothing yet today.
three cylinders; -MANGEn. quarter of year, sil;lr (A) n. sorcery; - K., oewitch (L:E);
season; -MIEEKi adv. heartily, with a will -BAZ n. sorcerer.
( -MIEEKI LE NiSHTIN, sit down to· eat sik n. belly, \VOmb; BE -:E B., be born to-
heartily); -MiNE Y I;IEDIS, the inevitable gether, be twins, be triplets, etc.; '""-Y
third time (superstitious belief that things CHUWAR MANG-E, she is four months gone
· happen in threes); -PA n. tripop; -PALE n. w. child; ~PIE B., *be pregnant; ~ CHUN,
prism; -PEEE n. trefoil, clover; dubs (cards); *have diarrhoea; ,.., LE BAR CHUN, *have
-Pi! n. tripod; -PEYI n. three-step dance; miscarriage; ,.., J;>., bulge; ,.., BER J;>., gor-
-EflYANE n. point of divergence of three mandize; - EsHAN, *have b.-ache; - HATIN,
roads; -EizKtN .n. game of 'noughts and *be replete; - K., bear child (s:E --Y
crosses'; -EOJE n. period. of three days; KIRDUWE, she has had three children); ,..,
-EOJGANE, ceremonial observance of second PIE K., put in the family way; - LEWEEAN-
day after a death; -sucH n. triangle; QIN, cadge meals; ,.., SuTAN, *lose child
(mother; hence ~stiTAW a. bereaved); game in which player seeks to throw pointed
~cHON, ~EsHORE n. diarrhoea; -fumE n. stake so that it sticks in ground while
b.-ache; -MAK a. congenital (NiSHANE y knocking down those of opponents.
-MAK, birth-mark}; -PIB a. pregnant. sinl;l1 see SING1 •
Also ZIG. · sinl;l 2 n. peg, short stake; - DA KUTAN,
sika!a, sikale n. complaint, grievance; ,..., hammer in p.; -E, -EGIL n. clod.
(also - Y DIJ.., - Y xo) K., bemoan one's sinf;lan1 n. swelling, excrescence, bubo; as
misfortunes, pour out grievances. excl. a plague upon you!; - LE BINAGO-Y
sika!in (sika!) v.i. complain, lament. DA, a plague upon him!; -Awi a. nodula-
sike (A) n. coin; - L~ (const.) J;>., strike c. ted.
sikencebin n. oxymel, syrup of vinegar and sinl;lan 2 (A) n. anvil.
honey or sugar. sinf;luq n. box; -cHE n. small b.
siki! n. ember. sinewber n. pine-tree.
sil n. turd. sineyi n. name of a species of grape.
silewece n. a disease of sheep and goats. siner n. dung.
silemani n. onyx. sing1 n. breast; - KUTAN, beat b. as sign of
si! n. startled movement; ,..., K., shy, take grief, call dO\vn curse (L~ upon); -ECHELEME
fright, flinch, avoid (L:E), be shy. n. sternum; -EWBAZ n. vault, vaulting;
si}aw ( = SELAM, q.v.) n. peace, greeting; - -EZERDE n. name of a bird, perh. yellow-
MAJ..E (corruption of A. SALAMUN 'ALAIK), hammer.
peace be upon you (form of greeting used sing2 see SINJ;> 2 •
by person entering house or room); - J;>W., singan see SINJ;>AN 1 •
bring ritual prayer to end w. the prescribed singuq, sinuq see SINJ;rOQ.
salutation, add small quantity to tip scales; sinur n. boundary, frontier.
HATINEw' E -,be reconciled after not being sipa n. army; -BANi n. strategy; -SALAR
on speaking terms. n. commander-in-chief; -XANE n. barracks;
si!eminewe (si!em) v.i. see SII. K., also HE{... -Yt a. and n. military, soldier.
si!q n. spinach-beet; -Aw n. stew of meat siparfde a. entrusted (-DE Y XuwA BIN,
and s.-b. may God protect you, good-bye); -ISHT n.
sim1 pres. stem of SIMiN. recommendation, message, errand. Also
sim2 n. hoof; -J;>AR a. and n. hoofed (animal); ESPARDE.
-KOJ.. n. gen. -KOL K., paw the ground; sipardin (siper) v.t. entrust; BE XAK -,
-TASH n. farrier's knife. consign to the earth, bury; BE XuwA -,e.
simaq n. sumac. to God's keeping, say good-bye to, (w.
simarte n. emery; KAGHEZ Y -, e.-paper, formula BE XUWA-TAN ESIPERIM Or ESPERDE
sandpaper. Y XuwA BIN). See BA.
simfe n. ramrod, cleaning rod for fire-arm, sipas n. thanks; - BIJARDIN, render thanks
(gen. ZIME); -EK, drill (tool); -o n. cold (hence -BIJER a. grateful); - K., thank;
chisel. -KAR a. grateful.
sime! n. moustache; - KIRTANJ;>IN, trim m.; sipfe n. dog; -l,OT (SN) a. ceremonially
-BABIB n. having bristling m. ; -E n. a unclean as result of touching dog, cf. GII,AW.
species of fish; -FISH a. having sparse, un- sipenf;l n. rue (bot.). Also ESFENJ;>, ESPENJ;>.
tidy, m.; -QiT a. having m. with ends turned siper n. shield, parapet of trench (milit.).
up. Also ESPER.
simi! n. small blue wild hyacinth. sipene, sipeti see srPivENE, SIPiYETi.
simir see HERA. siper pres. stem of SIPARDIN.
simin (sim) v.t. bore, pierce. sipil n. spleen.
simore n. squirrel. sipi a. white; - B., become white, be
simraw see TEKSIMBAW. whitened, (cHAW - B.,. die; BU - B., be
simt n. buttocks; -ECOLE n. sacro-iliac joint, proved innocent, be justified); - BW., be
region. . whitened, fade; - HEL- GERAN, turn pale;
simum (A) n. gen. BA v -, parching wind. - K., whiten, whitewash, justify (gen. BU
sin n. a species of aphis. - K.; v); - KW., whiten, whitewash, reline
sine n. cymbal. w. white metal (cooking pot); -BAW a.
sincaq (T) n. pin, standard, flag; - DA whitish; -DAR, -NDAR n. white poplar;
CHEQANJ;>IN, plant standard; - DA G., lower -J;>E n. first glow of dawn; -KAR a. whitish;
flag; - HEI. K., hoist flag. -KARi n. plaster work; -KE, see under TIRE;
sincaw n. grey squirrel. ~I<ELE, ~LE, -WASH a. see -KAR; -LKE n.

sincu n. oleaster, eleagnus, zizyphus. a species of oak-gall; -YAWn. powder (fern.

sincuq n. peg, short stake; -:EN n. name of make-up; -YAW K., powder face); -YAYi
n. whiteness, white mark; -YETi, gen. sikard n. chopper, cleaver.
SIPETI, whiteness; -YENE, gen. SIPENE n. sikcne n. mechanical contrivance, machine;
white (of egg, of eyes), glow (of dawn). gen. neg. or sm·castic (also --w-SERKAN) e.g.
sip!e a. ungrateful. - NiYE, I am not a machine, there is not an
sip!ot a. see SIPE. inexhaustible supply, etc.
sirb n. lead (metal). sil n. and a. consurnption, tuberculosis of
sirewanf,Iin (sirewen) ·v.t. see TE SIREWAN- lung, consumptive; -J?AR a. consumptive;
J?IN. --L'-DIQ n. consumption.
sirewt n. calm, rest, repose; sile n. line, row, direction.
sirewtin (sirewt) v.i. be calm, sit still. sim n. imitation gold or silver thread; -GIL
siresh n. glue; ~ Gw., make g. n. yellow clay.
sirisht n. nature; CHUWAR ~, the four sima See SER-U-SIMA.
natures (GERMI, heat; SARDI, cold; VV1.:SHKI, simur~h n. name of a fabulous bird.
dryness; TEEI, moisture). sinchke see s'icHKI!.
sirk a. ticklish, coy, meticulous. sine (P) n. breast; -BEND n. breast-band
sirke1 n. vinegar. (harness); ~KEMAN n. violin. See SING1•
sirke 2 , sirkesirk n. whispering. sinemeki n. senna.
sirkeyi n. silk scarf(part offem. head-dress). sini n. tray; --W-MOM n. tray of candles
sirpangin (sirpen) v.t. whisper (BEGO carried ceremoniously before bride to public
••• -J?!l., to, in ear of). bath where candles arc lit; --w-XUWAN
sirpe, sirpcsirp n. whispering. n. meal as served.
Sirush n. Angel Gabriel. sipa! a. ragged.
sirwe n. rustle, gentle whisper, (esp. of sipe n. hide, screened stand, (shooting).
breeze). siqetore 11. gizzard.
sir a. numb, torpid, hibernating (snake). Cj. sir. n. garlic; -MOKE 11. wild g.; --U-MAST
SARD-U-SIB. n. name of a dish.
sirin (sir) v.t. wipe; ~EWE wipe out, erase. sire word used in nonsense rhyme apostro-
sist a. loose, slack, slow, negligent. phizing persistent ·wasp: - ~ GOSHT-IM
sitan (sW~) v.i. see HEI, SAN. PIR-E, get away my flesh is old!; -MOZE 11.
sitar n. retirement, refuge, retreat; ~ K., wasp (a/so SUREMOZE).
retire, withdraw, take shelter, (TIYA, into, sirme n. raw hide in strips.
in) .. siren. whir (wings), singing (kettle), squeak-
sitayisht n. praise; - K., praise. ing (new boots), and similar sounds.
site1n n. cruelty; -KAR a. cruel. sis a. withered, faded, skinny; ~ BW.,
sitik n. name of a herb. wither, fade; -ELE a. weak, skin and bone,
sitran n. lay, ballad, song. ailing; -EMAR n. a species of snake; ~kELE,
sitfi.n n. pillar, column. Also ESTUN, HESUN. ~OLE see -ELE.

siya 11. black; -zAX n. name of a plant. Cj. sisar~, sisargekeche!e n. vulture.
RESH. sisirk 11. cricket (insect).
siyan ( = SEYAN) n. a:1d a. three; - -,three sitaw (N) 11. ray.
by three, in threes; -En. trinity; -ZE thir- siwa 11. ability, familiarity, literacy; ~ BW.,
teen; -ZEM, ~zEMiN a. thirteenth. ~ KIRANEWE, *become familiar w., *have no
siyasjet (A) n. politics; -ET PE K., punish further difficulty w., *become fluent in, (Y).
publicly, make example of, torture; -i a, siwak (A) n. toothpick.
political. Siweyl n. Canopus.
siyawpuze n. name of a plant. six also -En. skewer, spit; KEBAB Y -E, see
Siyawush n. name of son of Kai Ka'us of KEBAB.
the legendary Kayani dyriasty of Persia, put sixin a. puny.
to death by his father-in-law Afrasiyab, see sixurme n. prod, blow w. knuckles; ~ d:
under xoN. J?., punch w. knuckles; ,...., TE WEJANJ?IN,
siza see SEZA. prod, nudge.
sil (111) n. wild goose. sixur 11. porcupine.
si 2 n. lung; -YE\VUSHKE 11. sore throat. - so 1 n. burning, only used as second element in
siS 11. and a. thirty; -PARE n. thirty equal comb. e.g. BOSO n. smell of scorching.
parts into which Koran is divided without so 2 see so.
regan\ to chapters; --w-DfJ DANE, complete so 3 n. name of a fragrant herb.
set of teeth; -YEM, -YEMIN a. thirtieth. sofi 11. mystic, dervish; -LKE a. quietist.
sichkc 11. pointed kind of oak-gall; -SILAWE soln. slipper; -omu 11. s.-maker.
11. stye. solfanewe (sole) v.i. smart; -ANJ?INEWE
sigh 11. skewer. See six. (soi,EN) caus. sting.
133 SLrR
sole n. gen. SERMA-W-SOI,E, bitter cold. suwax see SUWAGH.
somayi n. brightness. light; ~ Y CHAW, suxme n. bodice, wai3tcoat, short jacket
light of the eyes. worn below CHOGHE, q.v.
sone n. duck. su 11. profit, benefit, interest; -NEB., *'be of
sopa n. stove. no avail: BE - J;>., lend on interest; -
Sorani a. and n. pertaining to Soran district XUWARDIN, ~;:actice usury (hence -xoR,
(Arbil liwa), long pointed shirt-sleeve (see usurer); -MENI;> a. profitable.
FEQYANE). such1 n. external angle, corner.
sorincan n. name of a plant, perh. hermo- such 2 n. fault, transgression.
dactyl. suQ. see su.
soryas n. name of a plant. sujin 11. bodkin, packing-needle.
sosen n. autumn crocus. suk1 n. thrusting movement (e.g. of piston)',
soxte n. theological student (more advanced - LE J;>., - PE'WE J;>., - WESHANJ;>IN, make
than FEQE, q.v.). such movement.
soz n. burning(fig.); - Y DIL zeal. suk2 a. light (weight), wholesome (water),
sozani n. gipsy dancing-girl. nimble, unimportant, undignified; QISE Y - ,
soze n. song, air, tune, gentle breeze. abusive language, rudeness; SER - B., *be
sozi adv. tomorrow. free, *be relieved, of anxiety; SER - K.,
so n. grief, mourning, affliction,· unsatisfied relieve anxiety (Y, of); BE CHAW Y -
longing; - BW ., *fall ill, *die, (of some emo- TEMASHA K., look down upon, show con-
tion); ~J;>AR a. sorrowful, heart-stricken; tempt for; - BW., - KW., abate (BARANEKE
-I;>ARI n. mourning (CHUN E ·-DARIYEWE, - BU\'IEWE or --Y KIRDEWE, the rain abated);
go into mourning). -i 11. lightness, wholesomeness, etc.; --u-
sonQ. n. oath; - J;>., administer o.; - KEWTI:-;r, TIBO a. discredited, despicable.
*fail to honour o.; - XUWARDIN, swear (BE, sillav (N) 11. waterfall.
by); -EGURGANE 11. kind of mock trial by sun (su) v.t. rub (T:E, LE, on, against); -EWE,
ordeal; -aiR a. punished for breaking o. rub continuously, sharpen {e.g. sword).
sone n. large earthenware basin. See HEL, cf. SUWAN.
sor a. salt, brackish; -EKE, n. salted dish of sur1 n. feast, celebration; -ANE 11. fee taken
curds ·and herbs; -ELUK a. very brackish. by tribal chief or village headman on occa-
sosk n. small rock-partridge, see-see. sion of marriage or other celebration.
-stan (-ISTAN after consonant) suf. forming sur2 a. brave, now only in comb. e.g. CHAWSUR,
nn. of place, e.g. KURDISTAN, KOSTAN. DEMSUR.
sucade (A) n. rug. sur3 a. red, burnt (brick); BU SUR B., *be
suede (A) see SECDE. justified by results, *be cleared of accusa-
suQ.ab n. rue (bot.). tion; - BW. be done (frying), be angry (Lft,
sun• n. age (length of life). with); - HEL GEBAN, blush; - DA GIRSAN,
sunfet (A) n. Islamic traditional law; -i a. flush; - K., winnow; - KW., bake (pottery,
Sunni, orthodox Muslim. bricks), fry (PISHT - KW., massage back w.
surahi n. decanter. warm oil in front of fire); xo LE - KW., be
surme 11. thread composed of silk and gold angry with.
or silver; - Y WUSHK, heavy braiding or sur3 in comb.: -Awn. rouge(-AW K., rouge;
embroidery. See also under WUSHK. -AW-U-SIPIYAW K., make up face), see also
suwa~h11. plaster;- J;>., plaster. Also suwAX. under TIRE; -BAW a. reddish; -BOR a.
suwal (A) n. begging; - K., beg; hence sorrel (horse); -EBALZEB n. name of a
-KER n. beggar. small bird; -EBINE n. name of a herb; -EBi
suwa!et 11. potsherd. n. species of willow; -ECHINAR n. giant
suwa!ik 11. dug-out drinking trough. plane-tree; -EDAL n. species of eagle;
suwfan (suwe) also -ANEWE v.i. be rubbed -EHERALE n. name of a flower; -EMAsi n.
smooth; -ANI;>IN (-EN) caus., rub smooth, a species of fish; -EMOZE n. wasp; -EQANG
run in (engine). Cf. SUN. n. Brahmini duck; -EBEWI n. red fox;
suwane 11. see aosuwANE. -ESHAMi n. a species of grape; -ETA n.
suwar 11. and a. horseman, cavalry-man, sand-fly fever; -EWALE n. species of kite
mounted, astride (Y, of), born feet first; - (bird); -EXERMAN n. pile of grain after
B., mount, get astride of, take one's place winnowing; -tJE n. measles ( -ftJE DER Q.,
in a conveyance (carriage; car, ship, etc.); -ftJE DER HftNAN, come out in measles-
· - Y MIL B., be an incubus on, insist upon spots); ~FIL a. flaming red, red headed;
(Y); - K., place upon (Y); -CHAK 11. accom- ~KAR a. reddish; -KE n. a kind of raisin, a
plished horseman; -E n. cavalry; -i n. kind of rice; -KELE a. reddish j -KEWE a.
riding. roan; ~KOT a. chestnut (horse); --U-SIPi a.
fair-skinned, having good complexion; suse n. spying, reconnaissance.
~ilNE n. name of a plant. susele n. black goat w. brown face.
surenchik, surene n. oesophagus, gullet. susmar n. a species of lizard.
sur n. revolution, rotation, spinning, enclo- sutfan (sute) v.i. burn (hence ~AW a. burnt,
sure, era; ~D., set rotating, spin; ~ HEI., J;>., and fig. burning, keenly 'interested, BO, Y,
set rotating perpendicularly; ~ G., sur- for, in), be eliminated (e.g. in parlour game);
round (Y); SER ~ MAN, *be astonished; ~ANI;> IN (~EN) caus. burn, eliminate.
XUWARDIN, revolve, rotate; ~-U-PISHT n. sutfemeni n. fuel; ~EMERO n. brand,
surroundings, environs. charred stick; -ENi a. inflammable; ~u n.
surfan (sure) also ~ANEWE V.i. revolve, ash ( ~u Y CIGERE, cigarette-ash).
spin, wander; ~ANI)IN ( ~~N), also ~ANJ;>IN­ suzenek n. gonorrhoea.
EWE caus. set revolving, set working. See suzeni n. small mat taken by women to
HEJ:... changing-room of public bath.
sus n. weevil. siicger ( = si-W-CIGER) n. lights, offal.

'sh see -isH. for largess; ~FlEE I;>., ~ HAWiSHTIN, scatter
sha n. king, also used as title of certain largess in response to such call.
eminent mystics; ~ Y MARAN, k. of the shaQ a. glad, happy, cheerful; PE ....., B.,
snakes (folk-lore); ~ Y MERDAN, title of obtain heart's desire; PEK ~ BW., ~ BW.
Imam 'Ali (and in certain mystical sects his BE YEK, be happily reunited; -AN a. cheer-
subsequent reincarnations). ful, happy, (esp. as name); -BASH see
sha in comb.: ~BAJ:.. n. longest feather of SHABASHj ~EMERG B., die of joy; ~i n.
wing; ~HAND n. queen consort; ~BAZ n. pleasure, see also SHAYi> -KAMa. contented,
royal falCon; ~BENI)ER n. consul; ~BE!l"U n. having obtained heart's desire; ~MAN a.
chestnut; ~BEYT n. key line of poem; ~DANE glad, happy.
n. hemp, hemp seed; ~DAEU n. wine; shaf n. alum; ....., PE HEL G., insert alum in
~DEMAR n. artery; ~DoT n. princess (k.'s child's rectum as old wives' device for
daughter); ~GuNc n. pipe for watershoot of inducing motion.
mill; ~HENG n. queen bee; ~JIN n. queen shagird n. pupil, student, apprentice, mate;
consort, dignified lady; ~KAR n. chef -ANE n. tip, gratuity; -E n. weaver's
d'ceuvre; ~KILAW n. royal head-dress; hooked stick.
~KUB n. prince (k. 's son); ~MAR n. shahJane a. kingly; -ANSHAH n. King of
dragon; ~MELHEM n. name of wild flower Kings (title of Shah of Persia); -i a. royal.
used as balm for wounds, boils, etc.; . shaheQ (A) n. witness;....., BUWARDIN,....., EAST
~MELSHA, ~MELSHA Y PERIYAN, k. of the KW., bring as witness (LESER, against). See
fairies; ~MERE n. name of flower used to GEWAH.
soothe mumps; -M~RULE n. queen ant; shaho n. heron.
-NAME n. Iranian national Epic of Kings; sha'ir (A) n. poet. Cf. SHAYER.
-NAZi n. proper pride (~NAzi PE'WE K., take shalyar see SHARYAR.
pride in); ~NISHiN n. capital city, veranda sha}l n. home-spun suiting of good quality,
on each side of steps leading up to house name of certain kinds of flowered woollen
entrance; -NSHA, see SHAHANSHA; ~PEE n. fabrics; - Y TURME, cashmere shawl.
longest feather; -PESENI;> n. verbena; sha! 2 (N) n. trousers; --U-SHEPIK n. trousers
~PILiTE n. torch; ~BEG n. artery; -BE n. and jacket, suit.
highway; ~suwAR n. accomplished horse- sha!aw n. attack (esp. by wolf, dog, etc.);
man; ~TEBE n. fumitory; ~Tu n. large - HENAN, attack (BO, ESER).
black mulberry; ->"ETil n. monarchy; Sham n. Damascus, Syria; -i a. of Damas-
-YEN 1 n. royal falcon, beam of balance; cus, Syrian.
,..,zA, ,..,zAI)E n. prince (k.'s son); ,..,zERDE- shan n. shoulder, also s. of mountain; ....., BE
WALE n. queen wasp. -, s. to s.; LESER- B., *have responsibility
shabane n. dog-violet. for; - Dli.J?., lean on elbow; - L'l!. -1;>., be
shabash (P), int. oft. as appeal for largess, on equality (Y, with); EAST U CHEP K. E - ,
lit. may you flourish; ~ Y BARAM, long hang' from right shoulder to left hip
li,;e Bahram; as n. ~ K., acclaim w. calls (baldric); - XURAN, *be restless for action;
~DACHEQAW a. slovenly (in upper part shayetman n. Islamic profession of faith;
of dress);~EWSHAN n. and adv. s. to s. ~tK Y BEI;iEQ HENAN, fervently pronounce
( ~EWSHAN K., stand side by side in dance; such profession (esp. after preservation
~EWSHAN BOYIN, roll along, of gait). from danger).
Shane n. comb; ~ K., BE "" K., SER BE ~ DA shayi n. merrymaking, festivity, (esp,
Hi5NAN, comb hair; ~GER n. c.-maker; wedding); ~ K., make merry, celebrate
~HENGWiN n. honeycomb; ~Yi a. decorated wedding (hence -KER n. merry-maker);
w. c.-pattern (woven fabric). ~-W-LOGHAN n. dancing to music and song.
shano ( T) n. stage, platform. Cj. SHAJ?.
shanze n. and a. sixteen; ~M, ~MiN a. six- she see SHE2.
teenth. She•ban (A, SHA'BAN) n. eighth month of
shar n, land, town, home (in outdoor games); Islamic lunar year. .
~ Y XAMOSHAN, cemetery; ~ Y ZiNJ;>0WAN, shebek1 n. thick rolling-pin.
1. of the living; ~AN GEJ!.I\N, travel, go Shebek2 n. name of· a Kurdish esoteric
travelling, (hence ~ANGEB n. traveller, tour- dervish order.
ist); ~ BE DER K., expel from town w. shebengeberoj n. sunflower.
ignominy, exile. . . shebeq1 n. daybreak, dawn; ~ J?., dawn,
shar in comb.: ~ARAYISHT n. decoration, break (day); ~i a. of dawn.
beflagging, of town; ~BAJEB n. provincial shebeq 2 n. breach, gap; ~ ~ full of
capital; ~EDE n. large village; ~EMERULEn. gaps.
ants'-nest, ant-hill; ~EWAN n. mayor; shebeyxiin (P) n. surprise night-attack.
~EWANi n. municipality; ~EZERDEWAL,E n. she4e (A) n. turban (fern. att.).
wasps' -nest; ~GIB a. gen. as int. having sheftiil a. crooked.
reached 'home' in game; ~rsTAN n. town, shel?,el see SHEKGEL.
urban area; ~ISTANETi, see ISTANIYETi shehadetname see SHATNAME.
belozv; ~rsTANi a. and n. civilized, citizen; shehi4 (A) n. and a. martyr, killed in action.
~ISTA.t"liYETi n. civilization; ~i a. and n. Shehriwer (P) n. August-September, see
urban, townsman; ~oKE n. small to·wn, Appendix I. . .
township; ~sHEwEN n. agitator; ~YAR n. shek1 n. yearling lamb; ~ENER n. male y. 1.;
monarch. -GEL n. flock of lambs; ~MEB n. ewe that
shardinewe (shar) v.t. hide, bury; xo ~, has lambed once.
hide (intr.). shek2 n. gen. HATIN ESER ~, stand on end
share n. pile of corn-sheaves. (throw in game of knucklebones).
shareza a. well-informed, proficient, ex- shekfan (sheke), also -ANEWE v.i. sway,
pert; ~Yin. proficiency, expert knowledge. shake, wave, flutter, oscillate; ~ANI) IN
sharo n. gleanings. ( -tN), also -ANJ?INEWE, caus. shake, wave,
shash a. sparse. etc.; xo -ANJ?IN, swagger.
shatname n. diploma, certificate. sheke1 n. swaying, waving, flutter, oscilla-
shawet (A) n. semen; ~PERIST a. slave to tion.
lust. See TOM. sheke2 n. hat, esp. the hard felt h. formerly
shawu! n. plumb, p.-line; ~ Y TEZBEf:i see worn in Persia.
TEZBEI;i. shekeroke n. dancing-boy, dancing-girl.
shax1 n. mountain;. ~EWAN n. mountaineer; sheket (A) a. tired out, exhausted.
~EWANi n. mountaineering; -rsTAN n. high- shekir n. sugar; - Y NEBAT, crystallized
lands; --u-DAX n. and a. mountainous cane-s.; ~ Y QAMiSH, cane-s.; - Y QENJ?,
(country). loaf-s.; ~-IT LE DEMA-YE, what you say is
shax2 n. horn; - LE BUWAN, •be cuckolded, very nice but . . . ; - SHIKANJ?IN, break
""have in house female relations living s.-cone in pieces, be plausible, ( -SHIKEN n.
immoral lives; ~J;>AR a. horned, as n. a hammer for breaking s.-cone); ~ XUWAR-
species of oak-gall; ~NEFiR, n. h. (wind DIN, be plausible; ~Awn. sweetened water,
instrument) used by dervishes; ~SIPi n. sherbet, ( -Aw XUWARDINEWE, celebrate
a species of grape. betrothal); -cHi n. confectioner; -DAN n.
shaxan (shaxe)., shaxin (shax) v.i. see s.-bowl; ~E n. a variety of tragacanth
HEL SHAXAN. thorn; -EJIN n. decorative and lively
shayan (P) a. worthy, deserving. woman; -ESEW n. sweet variety of apple;
shayer (A) n. person who intones verses as ,...,i a. pale grey, pale brown; -LEW a.
accompaniment to dance, as panegyric of sweet-lipped; ,...,PENiR n. kind of sweet
patron etc. Cf SHA'in. biscuit.
shayeti2 (A) n. testimony, giving evidence; shel a. lame; -ESHEL adv. gen. ~ESHEL
- 1)., testify, give evidence. BOYiN, limp; -KE n. an affection of the hoof
(sheep and goats); --U-GEB, --u-KoR a. sheqazile see SHEPAZILE.
broken down in health, crippled, demora- sheqfe1 n. clack, clap, clacking, ( -E Y BAL,
lized; --U-PET a. muddled, incoherent. flapping of wings; J}. E -E y BA}.., take wing,
shelaq n. whip. fly away); -ESHEQ 11. clacking, rattle (noise);
shelaqe n. a species of kite (bird). -SHEQE 11. child's rattle (toy); --U-SHOQ,
shele n. north pointer (a) of Ursa Major (the --u-WUB n, clatter, creaking.
Plough). sheqe2 (SN) 11. weaver's comb.
shelin (shel) v.i. limp. sheqeben4 n. caparison.
she!te n. a kind of saddle-bag. sheqile n. apron worn by women when using
she!war n. trousers; -BEKOL n. name of hand-spindle.
flower used as purgative. Cf. SHA1,2 • sheq! 11. stamp for making distinctive mark
shemale n. divination from words spoken on goods; ~ Y XERJVIAN, such stamp inl-
by chance passer-by; - GW., seek omen pressed on piles of grain to prevent theft
thus. before removal from threshing-floor; ...., K.,
shemal n. gen. BA Y - , cool northerly wind. mark thus.
shemame (A) n. musk melon. sheqsheqe n. a species of grape.
sheme see SHEMU. sher• (A) n. canon law of Islam; - K., give
shemetill!nke n. wild honey of best quality. legal ruling, adjudicate between; -i a. law-
Cf. BEJ;>REME. ful.
shemshemekore n. bat (nocturnal quad- sherab (A) n. wine; -i a. claret-coloured.
ruped). See MEY.
shemu n. Saturday; CHUN E -WEWE, keep sherbe (A) n. porous earthenware pot made
the Sabbath (Jews); w. pref. YEK, DU, st, in Baghdad. Cf. GOZE.
CHUWAR, PENC, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, sherbet (A) 11. sweet drink of diluted fruit-
Wednesday, Thursday. juice.
shen1 n. winnowing-fork; - K., winnow; sheref (A) n. honour.
--u-KEW n. critique; --U-KEW K. review. sherif (A) n. honourable.
shen2 , shen~ a. gay; SHENG-U-SHOX a. sherik (A) n. part11er. See HAWBESH.
sprightly. sherm n. shame, shyness, modesty;·- K., be
shengeberekete n. double walnut or other diffident (LE, about, in the presence of);
nut worn as charm, wheatsheaf hung up in - SHIKAN, • overcome shyness, •be familiar
house to bring good fortune. (hence -sHIKAW a. nolonger shy; LE, of);
shep1 n. palm of hand; -AZILE, -ELAX n. -J;>AR a. diffident, s<;rupulous; -ESAR,
slap ( -AZILE, -ELAX, LE J}., slap). -EZAR a. ashamed (,;_;EsARI, -EZARI n.
shep 2 only in --u-snon a. loose-fitting, shame, humiliation from consciousness of
hanging.lopsely, slovenly, slouching. guilt); -IN a. shy, modest; -Il'<J;>Ea. shame-
shepik (N) n. jacket. Cf. SHAL2 • faced.
sheple n. paralysis. shert (A) n. condition, stipulation, bet,
shepol n. wave (water, air, .ether), wave- assurance; - BE DES LE CIGERE KEsHAN HEL
length; - J}., be choppy (water). GIRIM, I undertake to give up. smoking; ~
shepope 11. sley-reed of loom. K., give assurance, give undertaking. See
shepor n. beating oneself in token of mourn- GIREW, MERC.
ing. shern. fight, quarrel, battle, war; -YNAWXO,
shepqe (E) n. European hat. civil war; BE - D., stir up quarrel between;
sheq1 (A) n. cleft, cleavage, fissure; - BIRDIN, - FIROSHTIN, be quarrelsome; - HE}.. GIR-
be split in two (DIL -BIRDIN, •be very dis- SANJ}IN n. stir up fighting, quarrel; - K.,
tressed, ""be broken-hearted); - PE BIRDIN, fight, quarrel, (LEGE}.., with); - NW., plan,
be overcome by impatience at, dislike in- provoke, f.; -ANi a. pugnacious; -E is pref.
tensely; - K., cut, split, open; -AR a. to nn. to describe many kinds offight or con-
fissured (-AR - AR, fissured in many places) ; test(e.g. -EBERD, stone-throwing; -ECINEW,
-EMUSHAR n. two-handed saw; --U-PEQ, slanging match; -EDENUK, bickering;
--U-SHIB a. torn to shreds. -EGEBEK, gang fighting; ~EMUSHI'IRAN,
sheq8 n. kick w. toe or instep; J}. EBER -,give verse-capping contest; -EQOCH, ootting
a kicking to; - TE HEL J}., kick; - WESHAN- match; -EQOCHEQANi n. battle of slinger$;
J;>IN, kick (as in struggle); - XUWARDIN, be -ESHEQ, brawl; -ETOP it. pelting-match w.
kicked, be punished, suffer; -Aw n. step, hard leather balls; -ETOPEL n. snow-balling;
pace; -tN n. name of a game resembling -EXENCER, fight W. daggers etc.); --U~SHOR
hockey. Cf. LEQE. 11. fighting and scrapping, brawling.
sheqam, sheqamere n. broad street, boule- shest1 11. and a. sixty; -EM, -EMIN a. six-
vard, parade. tieth.
shest2 n. archer's thumb-stall; EMUST Y -, dark n.; -:E (.!) adv. tonight (but!. one n.);
thumb. -GA 11. fold, enclosure for cattle; -GAR n.
shest3 n. violent downpour, hail of missiles; n.-time; -GERD 11. a small species of lizard;
-EBARAN, -EBEHEJ..E 11. rain-storm; -TIR 11. -GEB n. n.-patrol, nocturnal prowler; -i a.
machine-gun. nocturnal (Aw Y -i, water cooled during n.
sheste 11. gen. - K., harrow to level furrows. in porous pot); -KAR n. n.-work; -KII.AW
shestper 11. marigold. n. skull-cap; -KOR a. n.-blind; -LEBAN see
shesh n. and a. six; -AGIR see -TiR; -E see BANGIRDEN; -NIM 11. dew; -NIXlTNI n. in-
-EMUST; -EJ..AN 11. the first six days of somnia ( -NIXUNi KEsHA:;o.;, suffer from in-
Muslim month of SHEWAL including festival somnia); -NOJ n. supererogatory prayer
to celebrate end of Ramadan fast (MANG Y before MELABANG.'L'1; -BIFENi 11. nocturnal
-ELAN, month-of SHEWAL); -EM, -EMiNa. raiding, pilfering; --EO 11. nocturnal
sixth; -EMUST a. s.-fingered; -GOSHE 11. traveller; -su n. first glimmer of dawn;
sexangle, hexagon; -PAJ..E n. hexahedron; -TA n. nocturnal feYer.
-PEB n. mace w. s.-sided head used as staff Shewal (A, SHAWWAL) n. tenth month of
of office; -sucH see -GoSHE; -TiR n. re- Islamic lunar year.
volver, s.-shooter; -xANE n. early type of shewa!esure n. see SHELWARBEKOL.
rifle, carbine; -XISHTEK n. hexagon. shewilage, shewilke 11. jaw; - y SERU,
sheshpilk a. and 11. skilful marbles-player. upper j.; - Y XUWARt\ lower j.
shetaw n. gen. - K., splash water over, wash shewket (A) n. dignity, stateliness.
(animals). shewq1 n. light, flame, brightness; J;>W.,
shetek 11. gen. - J;>., tie up (parcel etc.), rope. shine; -AwEJ n. searchlight.
shetl (A) 11. transplantation; - K., transplant; shewq 2 (A) n. longing, enthusiasm.
- LE J;>., carry out t. shexs (A) n. tomb of holy man, shrine.
shetrinc n. chess. Also SETRINC. shexte 11. sheet of ice.
shew n. night (gen. considered as first half shey<Ja a. frantic, distraught, love-lorn.
of twenty-four hour day, cf. iMSHEw); Also SHEYYA.
BESIRPERE -, fournights ago; PERE -,three sheypur 11. bugle; -JEN n. bugler.
nights ago; DO -, DONE - n. before last; Sheytan 11. and a. Satan, crafty, cunning;
- Y BABURDU, last n.; - Y DAHATU, tonight; LE CHUN E KEL Y -, refuse request of, refuse
SIBEY -, tomorrow n.; DUSIBEY -, the n. to gratify; - PE PE KENiN, *reach age of
of the day after tomorrow, etc.); -E NA -:E, puberty (boy; -BE KUBEKE PE KENIWE, the
every other n.; -:E LE -AN, one n.; - BASH, boy has reached the age of puberty); -ANE
good n. (heru:e NBASHi LE K., wish good-n.); a. and adv. crafty, craftily; -i a. gen. -i B.,
- YBERAT, n. preceding 15th day ofSHE'BAN; have wet dream.
- Y EMSHEW, this very n.; - Y QEI;>R, Night sheyya see SHEYJ;>A.
of Power, n. preceding 27th day of Rama- she1 a. chestnut (horse).
dan; - Y XEJ\'EBEJ\'I;>AN, evening party before she2 n. damp; -J;>AR a. damp. Also SHE.
wedding when female relations and friends she 3 pres. stem of SHIYAN.
of bridal pair assemble to paint hands and shef see SHOW.
feet w. henna; - DA HATIN, get dark at n.- shefelete n. caper (bot.).
fall; - G. BE KOLEWE, set out on journey shel n. the quantity(dough, pise, etc.) mixed
before daylight; - LE GOBAN, *mistake n. for for use at one time.
day, *get up too early by mistake; B. BE -, shelan (she!) v.t. squeeze, knead, massage,
get dark at n.-fall; K. BE -, separate for n., tread. See DA.
go to bed. shele 11. shirting.
shew in comb.: -AJU n. leaving of flocks out shelig n. fusillade; 1). EBER - Y TIFENG, fire
at n. to graze; -ANn. and adv. n.-time, at n.; heavily on.
""'ARE 11. vigil, wake, late n. party, fowling shelim n. turnip; -BETIRSH n. pickled
before dawn, (-ARE G., -ARE K., observe turnips.
vigil, stay up at n., etc.); -BE!;>AR a. up all sheneyi n. calmness, coolness of mind; BE -,
n., on n.-duty; -Bo 11. wallflower; -BuwER, calmly.
n. gen. -BUwER K., take an evening off from sher n.lion, Leo; -BE GO G., beard the.!. in
usual routine; -cuM'ANE n. food distributed his den; DESK. BE DEM Y -A, put one's head
to poor on Thursday evenings as act of in I.'s mouth; - u XET K., toss coin (heads
piety; -CHERE n. late evening snack (gen. or tails); -EBEFRINE n. snow-man; -EKULE
fruit or sweet cake); -cHIRA n. see GEWHER; n. large species of locust; -EWAN n. I.-
-E1 n. jet (lignite); -E 2 n. female demon tamer; -ciR, a. swollen-headed, inordin-
believed to strangle children at birth; -EKi ately ambitious; -PENCE n. carbuncle, an-
a. and adtJ. nocturnal, at n.; -EZENG n. pitch thrax.
shet a. mad; ~B., go m.; ~D. DO, long madly shiku n. majesty; -QAR a. majestic.
for; ~ K., drive m.; xo LE ~ K., round on shil a. loose, slack, flabby, sloppy; -B., be
and abuse; ~i n. madness, lunacy; ~oKE a. loose etc., be persuaded to agree; - K.,
eccentric, daft; ~-u-SHEYYA a. distraught, relax, loosen, persuade to agree; - K. BO,
love-lorn; --U-wET see ~OKE. allow, give freedom to do sg.; GO - K.,
shewn. supper; - K.., ~ xuwARDIN, have s., listen intently; -E. n. muslin, (also CHEsHT
sup; ~AN 1 n. gen. NOJ Y ~AN, evening y -E, soft food, slops); -EK a. soft; -EPETE
prayer (BANG Y ~AN, call to evening prayer). a. languid, slack; -EQAWURME n. stew of
shewfan2 (shewe) v.i. be confused, be dis- pickled meat w. fruit and vegetables; -KE
organized, (hence ~Aw a. confused, untidy, 11. soft part; -KENE n. kind of griddle-cake;
etc.); MAL-IT NESHEWE,/ormlJ.la ofpatronizing --U-MIL a. nice and soft; --U-SHEWAW,
reproach whatever made you do such a silly unkempt, untidy, dishevelled; --u-SHOB a.
thing?; ~ANQIN (-EN) caus. confuse, dis- flabby, floppy.
organize. shileten a. lukewarm, tepid.
shewaz n. method, manner. shiler n. crown-imperial lily.
shewe n. method, manner, air, appearance, shilkut n. gen. - K., thrash, pound; - y
dialect; - K., guess, believe, to be. MERG K., thrash mercilessly.
shex n. sheikh, title of spiritual guide in shiluq a. disturbed, confused, defective; -i
mystical dervish order; - Y DERMAL, s. who n. disturbance, confusion.
is not also a SEYIQ, q.v.; - Y TEKYE a. shi! a. freckled; ~EMAR n. spotted species of
superior of dervish convent; -ANln. kind snake.
of quick-step dance; -ETi, status of s. shi!a!e n. tacking (needlework); - K.,
(BANG Y -ETi, issue of patent of authority tack.
to practise as s.). shi!ane (SN) n. apricot.
shibhfan (shibhe) v.i. resemble (PE); shi!ejan (shi!eje) v.i. be disconcerted, lose
-ANQIN (-EN), caus. liken (PE, to). one's head, have stage-fright.
shifre1 n. tusk, tush. shi!eqfan (shi!eqe), shi!eqfin (shi!eq) v.i.
shifre 2 n. a kind of gum. splash; -ANI;) IN (-EN) caus. churn up
shifte n. mutton rissole. (water). .
shiftece a. who bears a child while still shi!ewan (shi!ewe) v.i. be stirred up, re-
suckling the last. volt.
shik (A) n. doubt; - BIRDIN, believe oneself shilewe n. storm, tempest.
to possess, possess, have, (- NABEM, no, shi!p n. sound of splashing; -E n. same as
I haven't got it);- B., *doubt;- K., doubt. prec., also rush to get rich quickly, wave of
shikfan (shike) v.i. break, be broken, be corruption; -ESHILP, --U-HUB n. sound of
defeated, be humiliated (LENAW XELKA, in splashing, lapping, slapping, etc.; --u-KUT
the public eye), be rendered null and void, n. sound of beating.
fail (ISHEKE LE DES-MANA SHIKA, *We failed shi!qfe also -ESHIL,Q, --U-HUB n. sound of
in the task), be assuaged (thirst); -ANQIN churning.
(-EN) caus. break, defeat, assuage, etc.; shim!i n. fenugreek.
-ANEWE, break apart; -ANQINEWE caus. of shimqar n. species of falcon.
prec. break apart, harvest (tobacco); -Awi shimshaP n. box (shrub).
n. broken condition. See DA, TE, TEQA(TIYA), shims haP n. pipe (musical) blown from end.
TEK. shimshe n. builder's rule.
shikar n. hunting, shooting (game); - K., shimsher n. sword; -nAzi n. s.-play; -E 11.
hunt, shoot; -cHi n. hunter, sportsman; pole, bar (door), upright pole of plough;
-GA n. hunting ground, cover; -i a. hunt- -KIROJ a. valiant, fearless.
ing (MEL Y -i, bird of prey). Cf. BAW. shine n. slight movement of air, breath; - Y
shikarte n. piece of land given free of rent, BA, gentle breeze, zephyr - y BA EHAT, a
share in enterprise granted free of cost; gentle breeze was blowing; -SHIN n. gen.
- K., cultivat~l land so held. -sHIN K., blow gently (breeze).
shikat (A) n. complaint; - K., complain (LA shin~ n. salsify, purple goat's-beard.
Y, to; Ll~, against); - PIRSiN, investigate c. shino n. gen. - K., press up and down on
(Y, of). arms from horizontal position (physical
shikist (P) n. fracture, defeat; - PE Q., exercise).
defeat; - XUWARDIN, be defeated; -En. a shipirze a. demoralized, baffied.
style of handwriting; -i n. fractured condi- shiqaqi n. crack of pastern or splint-bone
tion, defeat. (horse).
shik! (A) n. form; -Nus n. copy; -Nus K., shi•r (A) n. poetry, verse.
copy, plagiarize. shirb n. larch.
shires 11. gum; - GW., mix g. with water for ship n. thong, strand of plait.
use as adhesive. shipJan n. framework of door, of window;
shiringan9in (shiringen) v.t. only xo -En. flat of sword, side of squared bar.
HEL -,brag. shir1 n. sword; - LE J;>., strike with s. (hence
shirinqe (E) n. syringe; - d: Q., give injec- -LEDER n. swordsman, dervish who strikes
tion. himself with s.); - KEsHAN, draws.; - LE
shirit n. thin cord. SUNEWE, threaten, prepare to attack; -
shirixan9in (shirixen) v.t. make crackling WESHANJ;>IN, brandish s. (hmce -WESHEN
or whistling noise, bawl. n. swordsman); - DA WESHANQIN, aim blow
shirixe, shirixeshirix n. clap (thunder), with s.; -BAZi n. s.-play; -GER n. s.-maker;
whistle (shells), crackle, bawling, etc. -MASI 11. s.-fish.
shirshiroke n. name of a herb. shir2 n. milk; - Y KICHAN, m. drawn from
shir a. torn; - K., tear, defeat, abuse mother suckling daughter and used as old-
roundly; -El, -E-W-PIBE n. rags; -Ol,.E a. wives' remedy externally for sore eyes and
and n. tatterdemalion; --U-PIE, --U-WUE internally for typhoid; LE - BIBANEWE, be
a. torn to shreds. weaned; LE - BIBINEWE, wean; - BIZUTIN,
shire 2 , shireshir n. murmur (esp. of run- *begin to have m. (mother); - Q., produce,
ning water). give, m.; - PE J;>., suckle; - MIJiN, -
shishtin (sho) ~·.t. see SHITIN. XUWARDIN, be at breast (hence -MIJ n. suck-
shit n. thing; --U-MEK n. articles, effects. ling); -BAYI n. bride-price; -BIRA n. foster-
shitin (sho; 3 pers. sing. pres. ESHWA, brother; -Bmr:-;c n. rice pudding; -DAR a.
BISHWA; agent SHOR) v.t. wash; pass. giving m.; -E n. juice, syrup, (esp. slightly
SHORAN (SHORE); -EWE, wash cereals and fermented grape-juice); -EXOREn. suckling;
other eatables before cooking, abuse roundly. -fN a. sweet, see separate entry below;
shi'ur (A) n. sentiment, feelings. -PAK a. straightforward, genuine, (charac-
shiwit n. dill. ter); -PARZUNK n. gauze m.-strainer; -xu-
shixarte n. sulphur-match. JILK n. name of a plant w. bitter milky
shiyake n. cow-dung. juice used as purgative; -XUSHK n. foster-
shiyfan (she, shiye, shi) v.i. be suitable, sister.
be appropriate, be permissible, (hence -Aw shiraze n. binding (book), button-holing,
a. suitable, worthy; -Awi n. suitability, blanket-stitch, good order, orderliness,
worthiness); NASHt BIBWA, it is not appro- regularity; - K., bind (book); - PARASTIN,
priate for him to go. ensure regularity, etc.; -BEN!;> n. book-
shiye, shil pres: stem of SHIYAN. binder.
shi 2 n. carding;- Kw., card, scatter(enemy); shirazi n. a species of grape.
- - KW., pull apart; -KENE n. c.-instru- shirdax n. kind of silk fabric used esp. for
ment (also CHiKENE). making KEWA, q. V.
Shi'e (A) n. and a. Shia, Shiite. shirej n. a dish prepared from DO.
shike n. yearling pig. shirin a. sweet, amiable; xo - K. LE LA Y
shilan1 n. zizyphus. (LE BERCHAW Y) make oneself agreeable to;
shllan2 n. coral, wild rose, briar. DEM - K., bribe (Y); -CHIK a. slightly S.;
shilawuk n. sweetbread, pancreas. -t n. sweetness, amiability, sweets ( -t
shile1 n. syrup, creamy substance; GENIMEKE XUWARDIN, celebrate formal betrothal, cf.
--Y KIRDUwE, the wheat grains are in the SHEKIRAW XUWARDih"EWE); -WUTAR a. good
milky, creamy, stage. conversationalist.
shile 2 n. yellow marking at side of beak of shir n. gen. - DA DIBIN, tear in two; -E,
certain young birds, black spot on table of -ESHIB n. nagging; -NALE n. shrew, scold.
horse's tooth; - PEBIN, *lose such markings. shiran9in (shiren) v.t. nag, scold, (BESER
shin a. and n. blue, green (of nature), • .. -A).
mourning, lamentation; - BW., tum blue, shiret (A) a. evil, quarrelsome.
bruise, begin to sprout; SER - K., put on shish n. metal bar, skewer, knitting-needle;
mourning (SER-IT - KEY, may misfortune NE - NE KEBAB, neither one thing nor the
befall you); -AYI n. patch of green, kitchen- other, neutral, moderate.
garden; -BAW a. bluish; -ESHAHO n. heron; shiw n. deep water-course.
-ESHATEBE n. speedwell; -EWAR n. mourn- shiwen n. wailing, lamentation; - K.,
ing, lamentation; -EWERD n. green field; lament; --U-ZAR n. sustained lamentations.
-KAR a. bluish; --U-SHEPOB 11. loud lamen- sho pres. stem of SHITIN and SHISHTJN.
tation. shofar n. mischievous, seditious, person.
Shinki n. name of a tribe, gen. TIFENG Y - , shok n. kind of manna deposited on oak
long muzzle-loader gun. leaves; -E n. a kind of blight. Cf. GEZO.
sholeke n. pair of large saddle-bags. See d-w-suoN, and comp. prepp. BESHON,
shorn see SHOW. ESHON.
shor1 a. brackish; -A\'I'K n. b.-water; -En. Shubat n. February.
nitre; -EKAT, -EZAR n. salty ground, salt- shukr (A) n. thanks; ....., K., thank (....., y
11larsh. XuwA K., thank God); -ANE, thanksgiving
shor 2 n. agitation, disturbance; -ISHT n. ( -ANE BIJARDIN, give t.). See SIPAS,
tumult, revolution; -rSHTGtB 11. agitator, shuwan n. shepherd; -A~E n. wage of s.;
revolutionary. ~En. name of herb used to flavour cheese;
shor 3 n. name of a tune. -KARE n. group of shepherds, member of
shoran (shore) pass. of SHinN. such group; -XELETENE n. name of small
shorin (shor) v.t. see SHJTIN. bird.
shor a. hanging down, drooping; ...... BW., shuwashinik 11. name of a shrub.
droop; ....., KW., cause to droop; SER ....., K., shu n. husband; BE ....., J;>., give in marriage
hang the head ; -EBI n. weeping willow; (PE, to); ....., K., marry (of woman), take as h.
-EJIN, woman dressed in flowing robes; (Pt); -BIRA n. brother-in-law, h.'s brother.
-ESUWAR n. brave figure of horseman in shul1 n. roe-deer.
flowing robes w. hangings on saddlery. shul2 n. withy; · -m n. switch; ....., K., go
shoreshor n. sound of pouring water. w.-cutting.
shown. land after first ploughing; ....., BIBIN, shfilam:Jin (shulen) v.t. have diarrhoea.
plough (first ploughing of season). Also Also HEI.,.
SHtF, SHOM. shu! n. gen . ....., LE(const.) BEL KESHAN, bluster.
shox a. vivacious, sprightly; -i 11. vivacity; shum (A) n. and a. mi3fortune; BEXT Y -,
--U-SHENG a. merry and bright, jolly. bad luck.
sllon n. track, trace, direction, place, abode, shur n. sword.
(also as prep. after, in search of); ....., noziN- shure n. surrounding wall, rampart; - BE
EWE, pick up tracks (hence -noz n. tracker, GIRDA KEsHAN, build wall around (Y).
scout); ....., HE!, G., follow tracks; - KEWTJN, shureyi n. disgrace, shame, sense of shame.
follow; ....., K., make a mark; - HEI., K., see shush a. thin, lissom, svelte; -ESEHOL n.
- HEL G.; ....., GUM K., lose trace; ....., BE ....., icicle.
BOYJSHTIN, follow in the footsteps (Y, of); shushe n. glass, bottle; ....., y NERGELE, water
- x., set to follow (Y; QJSE....., x., speak ill of, container of water-pipe; -BENI;l n. fixed
make aspersions against) ; used freely as first fan-light.
element of comp. nn. of place, e.g. -ESHEB, shut see SHAT-U-SHUT.
old battlefield; -EWUNI n. gen. -EWUNi K., shfiti n. water-melon; -YEKOLE n. misshapen
cover up one's tracks, confuse the issue. w.-m.

-tl may always be added to -Y of the 2 pers. PE-T ELEM, I say to you, DIYARiYEK-I'f no
sing. of the enclitic v. 'to be' ( -YT), and the v. EHtNIM, I shall bring a present for you;
inflexions -1, -Y of the 2 pers. sing. and -t, -A E-'f-GEM t, I shall catch up w. you; (4) as the
of the 3 pers. sing. q.v.; it is always added agent in sentences having a tr. v. in a past
zvhm these, and also the -E of the 3 pers. sing. tense, see Appendix V. The pron. aff. is
of the enclitic v. 'to be', are immediately fol- attached to an appropriate word as far for-
lowed by a vowel in closeliaison, e.g. the prep. wm·d as possible in the senterzce, not necessarily
E and its compp., the pestp. ~.and the enclitic to the word zv. which it is logically connected.
adv. -EWE. t' pres. ind. tense particle used enly w. verb
-t2 , -t (thus after vowel, -IT, -IT after con- HATIN (fl): T'EM, T'EY, T'E, T'EYN, T'EN, T'EN.
sonant) pron. aff. 2 pers. sing. thou, thee, thy, ta1 (also TAKU, TAWEKU), prep. till, until, as
yoli, your; most Cflmmtmly used: (z) when the far as; ~twill, W'ltii evel'!.ing; ...., HEWLER,
pron. is the d.o. of a tr. v. in the jfres. tense, as far as Arbil, - SED., to the end, for ever,
e.g. E-T-BiNIM, I see you, EGER BI-'t-IWJIM, and so Ol'l; ....... EWENJ.Ml KE, to the extent that;
if I kill you; (2) in the genitive relfltion (and ....., KEY, till when?.
so as pess. adj.) e.g. KUBEKE-'f, your son, EM ta2 c01zj. as lQtlg as, until, in order that; .....,
PAREYE-'f CHON CHING KEWTUw-E, how did zuw-E, while there is yet time; ....., EWE L'EM
you get this money?, see also HE- 2 ; (3) w. the EEYE'\\iE BIBON, as long as you follow this
prepp. no,. LE, PE, TE, and the postp. :E, e.g. course; ....., EWA~-MAN Lt DA HAT, until
evening overtook us; MIN BENC EKEsHIM TA 4
ta! (A) n. spleen.
EWE XOSH BA BIBU\\'ERIN, I toil in order that ta!an n. looting, loot, booty; DE - BIRDIN,
you may live in comfort; -Ku, -wEKU, in carry off as loot; - K., loot, pillage; -i a.
order that. looted, product of pillage.
ta3 (also -~w-TE) 11. fever; '"'"'BIBiN, assuage ta!ilke n. and a. urgency, urgent; BE ..... ,
f.; "'-'M GIRT, ...., GIRTIM-Y, --M LE HAT, I hurriedly.
had an attack of f.; -YEKE BER-Y DABUM, tam (A) n. taste, flavour; - J?., have taste
the f. had left me; -YEKE-M SUK-Y KIRD, of, remind of, (Y); ...., K., taste; ...., TE K., add
my f. abated; -MiSK n. pustule on lips butter to dish (cookery); -EZRO a. longing,·
caused by f. (,..,;!\fiSK DER HENAN, develop hankering, (Y, for); -i -i excl. gen. as taunt
such pustule); -PEJ:..E 11. typhus. isn't it lovely and wouldn't you like some?
ta 4 n. one of a pair; -"'I:'E SHEKIR, a bag (half (-i, -i J?., taunt w. having sg. inferior,
mule-load) of sugar; - Y BAR, half-load; - y attract w. offer of sg. good).
DERGANE, leaf of double door; ...., Y KEWSH, -tan1 pron. aff. 2 pers. pl. you, your; fm·
one of a pair of shoes; -- Y SHI'R, half-verse, manner of use see -T 2•
hemistich; ...., Y TER<\ZI'), pan of pair of scales; tan2 n. warp; BE -A CHIJN (or HATIN), go
jl-eel:y in comb., e.g.: ....,BAR n. half-load; into detail; ...., DER KEWTIN, *become
-DERGANE, see ...., Y DERGANE; -SEWI 11. one threadbare, *lose nap; --u-Po, warp and
of a pair of panniers; -TUTIN n. bale (half- woof, ancestry, (BE ""'-u~POJ?A CHUN, see BE
load) of tobacco; --w-ro a. adjusted to ....,A CHUN).
balance. Cj. TAK, TEK1 • tanc n. crown, tuft, comb (cock), capital
ta5 n. fold; nu - B., be bent double, be (pillar); ...., Y BEKTASHi, ...., Y DERWESHi, cap
folded; nu - K., bend, fold. worn by Bektashi and other dervishes.· Also
ta6 n. thread, piece (of sg. thin); ...., - Y ZII.-F, TAC.
hairs of the head. Cj. TAJ;..2 , TAR2 , TAW 1 • tanci n. gazelle-hound; ....,PEGHEMERANE n. a
tabur 11. battalion, brigade of artillery. species of grasshopper; ""'YEWAN n. kennel-
tabut (A) n. bier. See DARETERM. man.
tac see TANC; -xuRts n. a species of grape. tane n. corneal opacity; CHAW-Y --Y LESER-E,
taf n. radiance, warmth, strength, power; LE he has c.o.
- Y GENciYA, in the bloom of youth; -Aw tanut n. taunt; - LE J?., taunt.
n. torrent; -ETAF n. (sound of) rushing tapol n. form, shape, outline.
water. Cj. TAW 2• tapo 2 ( T) n. tapu, form of tenure of real
tafge see TAVGE. property; ...., K., register real property at
ta~~e (P) n. taffeta,· gauze. Tapu office.
tam n. gen. HELWA Y -, sweet made of taq1 n. arch, niche in wall used as shelf;
sesame flour and sugar. ...., y PiRozi, triumphal a.; -cHE n. dim.
tak n., a., and pron. one of a pair, single thing, taq2 n. odd number; ...., Y TENYA, BE ...., y
odd number; -E KEWSH, one of a pair of TENYA, solitary, all alone; -ANE a. sole,
shoes; ...., -, ...., -E, singly; SHEB Y...., BE ....., only; -'MANLECUT see TAKMANLECUT; ""'-U-
single combat; ...., u cfu, odd and even; LOQ see TAK-U-LOK.
-ANE a. sole, only; -E n. one-qiran coin taq3 n. one twenty-fourth part of water
(Persia); -EWTAK a. and adv. mixed up, supply for irrigation.
separated from pair, ( ....,EWTAK KEWTIN, be- taqe n. kind of stout fabric of silk and silver
come mixed up, e.g. shoes removed and left thread used esp. for KEWA q.v.
outside carpeted room); -EZELAM a. single taqetl (A) n. ability to bear, endurance,
(combat); -MANLECUT n. odd or even (gues- patience; ...., CHUN, *lose patience; ...., G., be
sing game); --U-LOK a. and adv. scattered, patient.
sporadic, sporadically; --U-TENYA a. and taqet2 n. gen. ~ K., wrap up, make into
adv. solitary, all alone; ""'-U-TERA, --u-TUK package, stow.
see --U-LOK. Cj. TA4, TAQ2, TEK1 • taqim (T) 11. set, outfit, group, team,
taku see under TA1 ••d 2. platoon.
tap a. dark (cloud, night, etc.). Also TAR 1 • taqi n. test, examination; ...., KW., test, exa-
ta!2 n. thread, piece (of sg. thin); ...., Y Mtr, nlme.
single hair; -EBEN, n. piece of string. Cj. Taqyanus n. gen. SAL Y -, lit. the year of
TA6 , TAR2, TAW\ TEL. the Emperor Decius (who walled up the
ta! 3 a. and n. bitter, acid, tannin; ...., y SHARf, Seven Sleepers of Ephesus), a remote date,
aloe; ...., J?., tan; -Aw n. poison; -GEn. years and years ago.
colocynth; -in. bitterness, acidity; -isHK taqtaqkere n. owl.
n. name of a plant, perh. dandelion; -u n. tarl a. dark (cloud, night, etc.). Also TAt,.
name of a plant, perh. centaurea. tar2 n. thread, wire, string, name of musical
instrument; -JEN, n. player of-. Cf. TA 6, -~U-TOF, n. storm; --U-TUWAN n. power.
TAL2, TAW1 • Cf. TAF.
tara n. red bridal veil. taw3 n. onset, gallop; - J;J., attack (ESER), put
tarac n. plunder; - K., plunder. to gallop.
tarek (A, TADARUK) n. arrangements, pre- taw4 n. twist, twisting, (esp. thread, rope,
parations; - K., make arrangements. etc.); l\rC - J;l., twist hair (gen. goat's) into
taret (A) n. minor ritual ablution; - G., per- string.
form such ablution. taw5 n. moment; -F:, a moment;--,- -E,
tarim n. heap of harvested corn before occasional, from time to time, intermittently.
winnowing. tawan 11. guilt; -BAR a. guilty.
tarif (A) gen. - K., describe favourably, tawan<;tin (tawen) v.t. twist.
praise. taweku prep. _and conj. see TAl and 2.
tarik a. dark; - D., - DA HATIN, - K., be- tawer n. boulder; -GIL KW., roll down b.
come d., get d.; -AYi n. darkness, d. place; taw!e n. backgammon.
-ESHEW n. d. (moonless) night; -in. dark- tawiis n. peacock.
ness, the dark; --U-LEL a. twilight ( --u- taxe n. bunch, bundie.
LELi n, twilight); --U-NUTEK, a. pitch d.; taxurk (N) n. sledge.
--U-RUN a. see --U-LEL. taybeti n. and a. special; BE -, especially;
tarix (A) n. date, history, chronogram. 'S.AW Y -,proper noun.
tarmayi n. indistinct shape, shadowy figure. taye1 n. stack, stook.
tar-u-mar a. scattered, destroyed. taye 2 (E) n. tyre.
tas 1 n. metal bowl; -KEBAB! n. kind of stew, tayefe (A) n. family, clan.
hot-pot; -KILAW n. helmet; -ULKE n. cup. tayefi see under TIRE.
tas 2 a. smooth; gen. --u-Lus a. neat and tayen a. innocent, unfortunate, poor.
shaven, spick and span; xo --u-LUS K. tayle n. name of a tree.
(also J;J.); dress w. care, spruce oneself taze a. and adv. recent, new, fresh, recently;
up. as excl. only now!, stale news!, etc.; -BE -,
tas 3 n. dizziness, giddiness; - BIRDINEWE, quite new, quite recently; - BW., be re-
- BESER .•. ~A HATIN, see TASAN. newed, be revived; - DA HATIN, be newly
tasfan. (tase), also -ANEV\'E v.i. become invented (hence -DAHATU a. newly in-
dizzy, feel faint, be disconcerted; -ANJ;JIN vented); - PIYA KEWTIN, gen. -PIYAKEWTU
(-EN), caus. knock silly, etc. a. parvenu; - Kw., renew; -BAW a. new-
tasfe n. longing (Y, for); -E K., long; -E fashioned, modern; -DEWLEMENJ;l a. nou-
XUWARDIN, long ardently (hence -EXOR a. veau riche; -QELLA n. novice, freshman,
longing); -EMEND a. longing; -E-W-AREZU beginner; --W-NUT-U-No a. quite fresh,
n. ardent I.; -uQ, -ux a. longed for, sought the very latest; -ZAWA n. newly-wed man.
after, in demand, scarce (food). taziyane n. whip.
tasme n. strap, dog-collar. teba a. agreeing; - B. LEGEJ.., agree with;
tasheberd n. stone slab. -Yin. agreement, unity.
tashin (tash) v.t. cut, shave, work (wood, tebeq1 n. an affection of the -hoof (cattle).
stone, etc;). See DA. tebeq 2 (A) n. platter, sheet (paper etc.); -E
tat1 a. flat, suffering from vaginismus; -E, n. layer, class, caste, (I;IEWT - Y ASMAN, the
freel'Y in comb. to describe f. objects, e.g.: seven heavens); -ETIBANE, punishment im-
-EBERD n. stone slab, flag-stone; -ESHORn. posed for breaking wind in public.
board for washing corpses. Cf. TEXT. tebete n. hook used for weaving uppers of
tat2 (N) n. non-tribal villager. KELASH.
tati n. felt-rug. tebyat (A) n. appetite; --IM NA-Y-BA, I have
tatke see SERETAT:I<t. no a. for it.
ta•un (A) n. plague; SUWAR Y PASH -,a sorry tefre n. deception; - J;J., mislead, make
horseman. excuses; - XUWARDIN, be deceived.
tavge n. waterfall. Also TAFGE. tefr-u-tiina a. dispersed, put to flight.
tawl n. piece (of sg. thin); -F: BEN, a piece tefsir (A) n. commentary.
of string; -F: DEzu, a piece of thread. Cf. teftan (tefte) V.i. EO TEFTA!'<.
TA6, TAJ}, TAR2• teftik n. mohair.
taw2 n. heat, radiation, effect, pressure, LE tegbir (A, TADBIR) n. scheme, device;
-ANA, under pressure, in consequence; - K., plan, arrange, plot, (LE, against).
- n., *'have effect on, *'influence (LESER); te~e n. stud billy-goat.
- K., stir up, persuade, seduce (woman); tegere n. ruck, obstacle, obstruction, diffi-
-En. frying-pan, flat stone used as griddle; culty;··- LE 1)., obstruct; - TE KEWTIN, *'be
-rum 11. dim. of prec.; -ISTAN n. summer; obstructed; - TE x., obstruct.
te~har n. tughar, weight of two tons, points snap, (trap); -KE n. swindle; -KEBAZ n.
required to win game (- K., win such swindler; -MISHK n. mouse-t.; --W-BEWi
points, go out). n. name of a parlour game.
tegharaw n. cobbler's basin for dipping te!eb (A) n. demand; -KAR a. desirous.
leather. te!ezrn. n. chip, splinter.
tel]., tel].a int. expr. dismayed surprise 0 !, 0 te!qin (A) n. instructions addressed to dead·
dear!. regarding answers to be given to questions
tehr see TERH. of recording angels.
tekl n. one ·of pair, single thing; - u -; te!ilk n. a species of Zizyphus.
singly (- u - KEWTIN, be separated from te!xe also -Yi n. gen. - K., BE -Yi DA N.,
pair); --u-Lo, a. maladjusted, untidy, (esp. arrange in orderly fashion, stow.
clothing); --u-TENYA a. quite alone. Cf. tern. n. also --u-MIJ n. mist, fog; - Y CHAW,
TA4 , TAK1 • glaucoma.
tek2 n. side. Cf. comp. prepp. ETEK, LETEK. tern.a (A) n. intention; -B., *intend; BE -
tek 3 n. push; - J?. E DUWA'WE, lean back; - B., expect (Y); - LE K., - TE K., covet; -KAR
J?. E LA'WE, lean to oneside; - PE'wE !;.)., a. covetous.
push; -AN\ see separate entry following. tern.ako n. tobacco.
tekan1 n. thrust,. kick; - !;.)., thrust (FIBOKE tern.asha (A) n. look, also as int. look!; - K.,
Y -l;.)ER, jet aircraft); -J?. E xo, brace oneself look and perceive, look after (Y).
for effort; - PIYA !;.)., - TE HEL J?., kick;!;.). tern.ate (E) n• tomato.
EBER -, give a severe kicking to; - DA tern.e! a. lazy; -i n. laziness; -XANE n.
HENANEWE, - WESHANI;.)IN, lash out w. feet; workhouse, public institution for the recep-
- XUWARDIN, be kicked, receive a kicking. tion of vagabonds.
Cf. TEK 3 • tern.e!it n. light load of personal luggage
tekan2 (teke) v.i. see DA, HEI.., TEKAN. carried in saddle-bags under rider (lighter
tekan9in (teken) v.t. shake, swing, (DIREXT than BARGE, q.v.).
-, shake down fruit from tree; TOZ -, tern.en n. age (length of life).
shake out dust). See DA, HEL, BA· tern.ena1 (A) n. request.
tekapo n. gen. - K., implore. temena2 (A) n. salute; - KESHAN, - K.,
teke also -TEK n. vibration, oscillation, salute (Bo, LE).
wobble; -B., - HATIN, *vibrate, *oscillate, teme (A) n. admonition; -B., learn lesson,
*wobble. learn wisdom; - K., admonish, give orders
teke!tU n. saddle-cloth of felt. to; - XUWARDIN, learn lesson from punish-
tekin (tek) v.i. see TEKAN2• ment.
tekinewe v.i. avoid (L:E). tern.iz 1z. clean; - BA G., keep c.
tekme n. short quilted overcoat. tern.ox n. fissile rock, shale.
tekye 1 (A) n. dervish convent. temr (A) n. only - Y HINDi, tamarind.
tekye 2 n. bench-table. temteme n. sharp point of top (toy).
tell n. wire (metal); - Y DIBKIN, barbed wire; temu see TOP Y ASH.
-BEN!;.) n. wire entanglement (milit.). tern.ure1 n. kind of guitar; - LE J?., - JE!:\'J?IN,
tel2 (short for TELGHIRAF) n. telegram; - LE play such guitar.
J?., send t.; -CHIn. telegraphist; -XAl'<"E n. temure2 n. gen. BE -JENAN BOYJSHTIN, circle
telegraph office. in the air and fly away (oft. of demon in
telan n. terrace; - -, terraced; -TEBE n. folk-tales).
name of a plant. Tern.uz n. July.
telar n. balcony. ten n. body; - BE -, man to man, in single
telash n. flurry, frantic efforts; - K., worry, combat; -ANi a. corporal, corporeal, lay (as
fuss. opp. to clerical); -DIRUST n. healthy, well,
teleberd n. long stone slab. (hence -DIRUSTI n. health; -NADIRUST a.
telefon (E) n. telephone; - K., telephone. unhealthy; -NADIRUSTI n. ill health); -E n.
telghiraf (E) n. telegraph, telegram; -XANE trunk, stem (tree); -oMENJ? a. corpulent,
n. t.-office. heavily built; -PERWER a. sybarite, self-
telism n. talisman. indulgent.
tel see TAI.,2. tenaf n. rope; - Y SHEYTAN, gossamer; -BAZ
telaq (A) n. divorce; - J?., pronounce re- n. tightrope-'walker.
vocable d. against; s:E BE s:E - !;.)., pronounce tenane, tenanet adv. oft. TA -,even.
triple d. against, divorce irrevocably. Cf. tendur see TENUR.
CASH2 • teneke n. tin, four-gallon can; -cHi, tin-
te!ash n. shavings. smith, tinker.
tele n. trap; - NW., set t.; - TEQiN, go off, tene only BE -, alone. Cf. TENYA.
ten~ a. and n. tight, narrow, defile, gorge; BE LE Q., beat k.-d., drum; -JEN n. drum-
-EWE, anxious, Worried, (BE -EWE MEBE, mer.
never mind; cf. comp. prep. BETENG ... -EWE); tep!ek (E) 11. small tray, crown (hat), disk of
- p~ REI. CHINiN, · bring pressure upon, tent-pole; ,...., Y CIGERE, ash tray.
pursue vigorously; -ANE n. difficulties, tep!eqfi n. name of a tree.
difficult times esp. financial, (KEWTIN E tep!itopen n. game of bouncing ball.
-M'>E'WE, get into difficulties); -Aw 1 n. tepo n. a species of mosquito.
banked up water, pool in stream; -Aw 2 a. teq n. burst, explosion, blow; ,...., K.t, crack,
worried; -AYI n. limited space, narrow explode, be exasperated (also DIL - K.);
place; -·E n. strait, leather girth (saddlery; - K.2, hit (nursery word); -E n. sharp
-E J;>., -E mHAN, put on, tighten, girth; sound, report (rifle), knock (e.g. on door),
-E SHIL K, loosen girth; cj. QEYASE) -EBER click (e.g. pebbles, heels on hard surface);
a. narrow; -EHE.t'IASE n. asthma ; -ELANi n. Q. LE -E Y AWZENGI, put to gallop; Q. LE -E
limited space; -ENEFES see -EHENASEj Y DEHOL u ZURNA, strike up the music (drum
-ETAW a. hemmed in; -ETILKE a. irritable, and pipe); BE -·E KEWTIN, be ashamed; -E
nervy; -1 n. tightness, difficulty; --u- TE KEWTIN, *be frightened away, *be dis-
CHE!,EME 1t. serious difficulty, crisis. persed; -E K., shoot at, defame, (L:E:);
tengiz n. kind of thorn. -EMENi n. explosives; -ETEQ n. crackle of
tenik a. thin, shallow; -Aw n. shallow rifle-fire, sound of knocking, etc.; -E-W-
stream; -E n. thinning, thin place, ( -E K., BEQE n. fuss, pother; --u-WUB n. clatter.
thin out seed-bed; XISTIN E -E Y GlRFAN, teqa adv. supposing that; - WA BU, if that
put safely away in pocket); -EBUWAR n. were in fact so. Also TEQU.
shallow ford; --U-TIWAl;: a. very t. teqawit (A, TAQ.4'UD) a. and n. pensioned,
tenisht n. side; - YEK, s. by s. retirement on pension.
tenin (ten) v.t. weave. teqela (A) n. effort; ,...., Q., strive. See
teninewe (ten) v.i. spread. KOSHISHT.
tentene (A) n. pomp. teqel n. stitch, hyphen; TE HEL J;>.,
tenur n. oven; - DA x., fire o., calumniate stitch.
(Bo); -En. skirt. teqile n. linen skull-cap; ,...., LESER -, name
tenya a. and adv. lone, alone; BE -, alone; of a parlour game.
-BAI, working alone and unaided; -Yi n. teqfin (teq) v.i. make sharp noise, burst, be
solitude. Cf. TEN~. fired (rifle), explode; -ANQIN (-EN) caus.
tep 1 n. heap, pile, mound; -E1 n. mound; pull (the fingers) to crack the joints, fire
-KE n. hillock; -LE n. low hard brimless (rifle), massage (back); -iNEWE, burst
felt hat; -I} n. top; -LESER n. summit; again, begin to flow again (dry spring);
-oKE, -OLE, -OLKE n. hillock; --U-DO!, n. -ANQINEWE, caus. of prec. work hard (tr.),
undulating ground. · extract toil from, exploit. See Til.
tep 2 n. slap, downward blow w. foot;,...., PIYA teq!e n. somersault; - LE J;>., turn s.; -BAZ
J;>., slap, stamp on; - PIYA NEQ., have no a. and 11. tumbler (KOTIR Y -BAZ, tumbler
experience of, have no contact with; --u- pigeon); -DEW n. frolic.
GIL n. top-spinning, vicissitudes ( --u-GIL teqteq n. rock stair, snags (in river).
K. LEGEL, have trial of strength with); tequ see TEQA.
--U-KO n. stumbling (BE --U-KO BOYISHTIN, tera see TAK-u-TERA.
stumble along); --U-TIL n. vicissitudes. terant;lin (teren) v.t. drive away.
tep 3 n. thud, dull sound; -ETEP, -TEPAN n. terane n. melody; -sAZ n. composer.
sound of stamping, padding, patter (feet); terash (P) n. shave (beard only); ,...., B., be
--U-WUB 11. banging. shaved, shave oneself; - K., shave. Cj.
tep 4 only in comb.: --U-DUKEL n. billowing TASHIN.
smoke; --U-MIJ, 11. mist, fog; --U-NIM 1t. teraten n. gen. ,...., K., run backwards and for-
drizzle, Scotch mist; --U-TOZ, cloud of wards.
dust, flying dust. terawel;t (A) n. additional ritual prayer said
tepa!e n. cow-dung (gen. made into cakes in Ramadan after the prayer of XEWTINAN
and dried for fuel). (see NOJ).
tepe 2 n. warp-beam of loom. teraxome (E) 11. trachoma.
tepedfir n. stopper, cork (bottle). terazu 11. scales, balance, Libra, pop. Orion;
tep fin (tep) v. i. collapse; -ANJ,HN ( -tN) caus. - Y BENA, spirit-level.
see TE -ANQIN. See DA. terbiye (A) n. upbringing; ,...., K., bring up.
tepl n. finger-print. See under XEw.
tep! n. kettle-drum; y BAZ, mounted tercuman n. interpreter.
huntsman's k.-d.; ,...., Y GO, ear-drum; - terfe a. stray; -E B., stray, play truant; -E
K., drivc.away; -b;: a. retiring, diffident, --u-wusHKi K., toss coin for heads or tails;
(LE ~iK B., avoid). -ZIMAN a. lively conversationalist.
terckin v.i. whelp, produce pups, be born teraf 11. diaphragm.
(pups); ~EWE, split, crack. terize n. buttock.
tcreqe n. percussion-cap, cap for toy pistol. tcrlan n. male falcon.
teres n. pimp; also term of gen. abuse. tern n. loss; BE - BIRDIN, obtain with-
ter.J.t (A) n. kirid, sort. See CHESHN. out trouble; BE - CHUN, be a dead loss;
terib 11. line of stitching (oft. ornamental, DE - J?., waste; - PE K., cause Joss or
e.g. in quilting). damage to.
teriq a. humiliated, ashamed; - nw., be h.; terne-ebabile (A) n. house-martin, swift.
- Kw., humiliate; -r n. humiliation, shame; tes int. cry used to drive foru·ard sheep, goats,
LE -IYANA of shame. etc. ho!
teriqet (A) n. path, system of mystical doc- tesdiq (A) n. gen. - K., certify, confirm,
trine:. ratify.
terk (A) 11. gen. - J?., - K., leave, aban- tesel see TER-U-TESEL.
don. tesk a. narro>v, tight; --U-TIRUSK a. very
terki ( T) n. anything strapped to cantle of tight.
saddle. teskini (A) n. calming, solace; - PIYA
tern1 n. human corpse. HATIN, *be comforted, *be solaced. See
ters n. dung of horse, mule; -equl n. d. ARAI\I.
of donkey. Also QERSEQL'L. teslim (A) n. surrender; - B., surrender,
terxan a. gen. - K., reserve, grant, allot, give in, die; - K., hand over.
(no, for, to). teshene n. gen. - K., spread (intr.; infection,
tcrxun n. tarragon. trouble, etc.).
terye n. brigand. tesher n. innuendo; - TE K., defame thus.
terz1 n. tendril. teshi n. hand-spindle, distaff; - BISTIN, spin
terz 2 (A) n. kind, sort. See CHESHN. thus (hence -BEs n. woman who spins);
terze 11. haiJ; - DARIN, hail; - KUTAN, -LEn. reel.
damage (of h.); -KUT a. damaged by h., teshpi n. wooden dish; -LOKEn. small w.d.;
devastated, devastating (GULEBARAN y -KUT, -TIBANE (SN) see TEBEQETIBANE.
heavy rifle-fire; -KUT DA G., subject to such teshq n. chill ; - Y SERMA SHIRA, the coldest
fire, thrash); -ELUKE n. sleet. part of the winter is over; -YAW SHIKAN-
ter a. wet, moist, damp, fresh; - BW., marry J?IN, take the c. off the water.
young wife (widower); - K., wet (BE CINEW teshqe!e n. false claim; - PE K., make false
- K., cover w. abuse); - KW., put out claim against, molest.
(horse) to graze in spring (xo - KW., see - tesht n. shallow copper basin; -oLKE n. dim.
nw.); -Awn. plaster( -AWJ?., plaster); -AYi shallow copper bowl.
11. damp place; -DES a. dexterous, skilful, teshw~ n. adze.
quick, ( -nESf n. dexterity, etc.); -En. fresh tete1 n. board; -LE1 n. child's letter-bricks;
fruit and vegetables; -EFIROSH n. green- -J;..E2 n. gen. -LE K., toss grain on platter to
grocer: -EJIN n. fresh young woman, beauty; separate impurities, tremble, ripple. Cj.
-EKAL n. vegetable patch; -EMAR n. name of TEXT.
a climbing plant; -EMASH n, soft gram, use- tete 2 int. child's language, gen. - -, pretty,
less thing, as int. nonsense; -EPIYAZ n. spring pretty!.
onion; -ESAL n. rainy year; -ESAZ n. pre- teter n. Tatar, Tartar, postal messenger in
paration of wheat and turnips left in pot to Ottoman times, kind of firework.
ferment and later made into balls and dried tet!emiran n. caterpillar.
to be used in winter, see TIRXENE; -ETlZE tew n. brown sheep.
n. cress; -ETU n. fresh mulberry; -EV\'EN tewaf (A) n. circumambulation; - K., cir·
n. name of a shrub, probably tamarix pen- cumambulate.
tandra; -EZEN 11. a highland grass valued as tewar n. and a. origin, of noble origin.
fodder; -i n. dampness, humidity, mois- tewaw (A) a. complete, finished, correct;
ture; -K n. young branch, sucker; -LE 11. -in. gen. BE -i, completely; -KERn. also
name of a herb; -Pin n. sprightly veteran; -KER y SERBEXO, complement, direct
-POSH a. dandy, elegantly dressed; -SILE- object (gram.); -KER Y BEYARYE, indirect
MANE n. name of a herb; --U-BJB, moist, object.
fresh; --U-TAZE a. juicy, blooming; tewere n. clamp (gen. for fixing rotating
--U-TIFAQ n. supplies ( --U-TIFAQ Y NAW- shaft to upper millstone).
MAL, household stores); --u-TusHi 11. te"vezel a. lazy, unemployable, good-for-
stormy weather; --u-wUSHKI n. gen. nothing.
864313 L
TEW:ft~ TE
tewe! n. forehead. gen. to Ti\vE; many vv. having their
tewile n. stable. meanings modified by the prep. zv. which they
tewn n. loom; ~ CHIN iN: ~ K., weave; are used are co1muou/y quoted in the infinitive
~EPIRK (N) n. spider. w. TE, TEJ?A (TIYA) or TE'WE, or w. TEK (a
tewq 1 (A) n. metal collar. contraction of TE w. the pron. YEK) and are
tewq2 n. top; ~ Y SER, crown of head; '-ESER given in the four following articles; in some
n. topmost point. cases indicated '(const.)' T:E gen. remains
tewr n. axe; -As, -DAS, curved chopper; constant modifying the meaning of the simple
-ziN n. battle-a., dervish's a. v. but not being C011Structed as a prep. in a
tewrezi n. a species of grape. sentence; cases in n·hich LE is gen., or may be,
tews n. disparagement; BE -EWE QISE K., the corresppnding simple prep. m·e indicated
disparage (Y). '(LE)' or (also LE); comp. nn., adjj., and advv.
tewujm n. violence, virulence, rush; BE ~, formed w. TE and TEK not already given w.
violently, w. a rush; ...... HENAN, rush, surge, the related v. follow in a fifth and a sixth
crash. article.
tewuk n. celtis toumefortii. te 2 w. verbs: ...... (const. or LE) AJININ, prod;
tewx n. underground stable for flocks. ...... (LE) ALAN, become entangled in; ...... (also
tewze n. mockery; ...... PE K., mock. LE) AXININ, insert into, plug; ....., (LE) BIRDIN,
tewzim a. obligatory. insert into;....., (also LE) BIBiN, prod w., insert
texr see TERK. into, direct (gaze) at; ...... (const.) BiNiN,
text n. and a. bench, seat, throne, bed, slab, ponder; ....., (canst.) CHANJ?IN, disparage (no;
flat, level; ....., Y NAWCHEWAN, forehead; ...... y hence -cHEN a. denigrator); ...... (also LE)
PISHT, flat of the back, shoulder-blades; CHEQIN, get Stuck in(- CHEQANJ?IN, caus. of
...... Y EUMET, flat of cheek; ~ K., level, prec. stick firmly in); ....., (also LE) CHESPIN,
flatten, crush (rebellion), conquer; -AYi n. fit tightly into (....., CHESPANJ?IN caus. of prec.
level ground, plain; -E n. board, length of insert so as to fit tightly into); ...... (const.)
woven material; -EBENJ;> n. wooden bench, CHIRIKANJ?IN, shriek continuously, sing
bedstead; -EBERD see TATEBERD; -EDAR n. away in loud voice (esp. travelier on open
board ; ~EKINJ;>IR, -EKINGIR n. cotton-reel; road); ....., CHIEAN, flock into(- CHIBANJ?IN
~EBESH n. black-board; -EBEWAN n. palan- caus. of prec. herd into); ....., (const.) CHIRiN,
quin; -ESEHOJ.. n. slab of ice; -ESIE n. sing away; ...... CHON, enter, pierce, soak, be
black-board duster. Cj. TAT, TETE1• expended on; ....., (LE) HEJ.. CHUN, enter upon,
teyar (SN) a. ready. make a start w.; - (LE) :Q., attach to, join
teyare (A) n. aeroplane. See FIEOKE. on to, attack (e.g. of woodworm); ...... (LE)
teyman n. wattle fence. HEL I;>., thrash, kick out (expel), ignore,
tezbel;t (A) n. rosary, gen. of 99 round beads abandon; ....., (LE) EA J;>., put through, pour
(DENIK), two flattened beads (iMAME) divid- through; - (const. or LE AW) WER J;>., rinse;
ing them into 3 parts of 33 (but sometimes ...... J?W., resume bad habit; - (LE) FIKRiN,
of 33 beads only), and larger elongated ponder; ....., (LE or const.) GEYISHTIN, also -
bead (SHAWUL) where the two ends are GEYiN, understand (LE QISE Y EM PIYAWE
brought together. NAGEM or QISE Y EM PIYAWE ....., NAGEI\i,
tezfin (tez) v.i. freeze, be numbed, tingle w. I do not understand what this man is saying;
pins and needles; -ANJ;>IN (-EN) caus. -GEYISHTU a. intelligent; ....., GEYANJ?IN
numb. caus. explain to; XO-M-Y ....., NAGEYENIM,
tezru 11. pheasant. I don't care a fig about him); - (const.)
tezu n. shiver, shudder; ...... PE GEYANJ;>IN, GIRMANJ?IN, reverberate (sound), grumble;
give the shivers to; ....., PIYA HATIN, shiver, ...... (also LE) G., throw at, shoot at, discharge
shudder. (fire-arm) at, attach to, apply to, cover,
te 1 n. fcyer. See TA 3 • smear, (- GIRAN pass. of prec. be stuck in,
te2 prep. at, on, to, in, into. In the manner of be held up by, be involved in, be bogged
its use TE resembles LE and PE, q.v.; it may be down in, e.g. BERDtK-Y ...... GIRAW-E, a stone
used in conj. w. the postpp. -J;>A (-A) and has got stuck in it); xo - (LE) G.; get in-
-EWE; if the postp. follows TE immediately volved in, indulge excessively in, become
TEJ;>A gen. takes the form TIYA (the A may be covered w.; ....., GUNCAN, see GUNCAN; -
1·epeated w. the pron. aff. e.g. TIYA-MA, TIYA- (also LE) GUSHiN, break fragments of bread
YA), and the first E of -EWE is elided to make into soup or stew; ...... (const.) HANiN, ......
TE'wE; the corresponding simple prepp. used (const.) HENAN, bring to successful conclu-
tv. a norm or separable pron. are gen. E or E sion; ....., JANJ?IN, ....., JENJ;>IN, ....., JENIN, thrust
... -EWE, and more rarel:r LE, but LE •.. -J;>A at, prod; ...... (const.) KEWTIN, supervene, fail,
always corresponds to TEI}A and LE .•. -EWE be worsted, plunge into water, perform
major ritual ablution; - KESHAN, go away, HEL J;>., stir; - PEEIN, be interlaced (-
withdraw (intr.); - (LE) HEL KEsHAN, insert, PEEANQIN caus. of prec. join together, inter-
thread, into; - K., pour out (into); - HEL lace, dovetail); - PILISHANEWE, crowd
K., intervene in; - (LE) EA R., see - EA Q.; together;- SIMBfu."i gen. past part. -SIMBAW,
- (const.) ROSIL-\.,."<, - (const.) ROSH!:-;, strive, burly, robust; - HE!, SHELAN, knead to-
work hard; - (const.) RUTAN, disparage gether; - SHIKAK break (- SHJKANJ:>IN caus.
(Bo); XO- HE!, RUTAN, interfere in; - (LE) of prec. break up); - TIRINCAN contract
BA MAN, ponder over; - N., insert (into); (intr., as n. -TIRINCAN, contraction); - x.,
- NEWIN, bend over; - (LE, but see also LE put together; - XIZfu."<, nestle together. For
NISHTIN) NiSHTIN, settle at, become esta- TER in comb. see next article but one.
blished at; - HEL NiSHTIN, act vigorously, te 2 in comb.: -BiN a. careful, cautious; -BiNi
set about, get down to; - NUWARiN, gaze at; n. careful consideration, deliberation, cau-
- (const.) PEBiN, traverse, pass, elapse, (LE, tion; ~-aiR a. stuck, involved; -HELKESH a.
by, since; - PE!!Al'<'J;Ill' caus. of prec. accom- interpolated, incidental (BE -HEJ..Rf:sr-il
plish, live through, experience); - PESTAW- El,EM, I obsen·e incidentally); -KE-W-LEKE
TIN, press into; - HE!,. QU,!..TAN (also HE!, n. free-for-all, disorderly proceedings;
QURTAN, HE!, QUTAN, and caus. XO - HE!, -RosHi n. striving, hard work; -PEE a. gen.
QU!,TANQIN, etc.) intrude; - (const.) QUPAN, -PEB B., pass, elapse, (LE, by, since); -PEB
shrivel (e.g. from age; hence -QUPAW a. K., conduct past or through, spend (time).
shrivelled, v1·izened); - l3JJAN, flow into; tek in comb.: -EL a. mixed, intimate ( -El, Q.,
- (LE) SIREWANQIN, direct (blow, abuse, mix, cf. - HEL Q); -EL R., mix; DES -EL
etc.) at, use (weapon) to hit; - (const.) R., have sexual intercourse, (LEGE!,, with);
SHIKAN, fail, be thwarted, suffer damage; - -ELAW a. mixed, complex; -ELAWI, -ELI
TEPANJ;>IN, cram into, stuff into, gorge one- n. intermixture, complexity, intimacy, close
self; - (const.) TEQANQIN, gallop off, dash friendship; -EL-U-PEKEL a. mixed up,
away; - TIKAN drip into; - (also LE) thoroughly confused; -BA a. and adv. all
- TIRINCAN, be firmly fixed in, squeeze into, together, altogether, (BE -BAYI, unani-
( - TIRINCANQIN caus. of prec. fix into, mously); --u-PEKAN gen. --U-PEKAN Q. (or
squeeze into); - (const.) TIJ!ANJ;>IN, eat R.), destroy utterly; --U-PEKsee --U-PERAN.
voraciously, gormandize;- (const.) WESHAN- tej see TIJ.
QIN, shake out (garment) to get rid of lice; tela n. pole, staff; -TIBEN n. gen. -TIBEN R.,
- (LE) WURUJAN, come buzzing round (- thrash.
WURUJANQIN, caus. of prec., incite against); ter a. and adv. sated, replete, dark (colour,
- WURUKA..,.., see-....., WURUJAN;- vvusHiN, see e.g. SEWZ Y - , dark green); - XUWARDIN,
- GUSHiN; - x., insert, interpolate, imbue eat one's fill; -Aw a. well-irrigated;
w.; - (const.) x., overcome, conquer; - -EXORE n. sufficiency (food); --U-PIB,
(also LE) XIZAN, nestle into, slip into; - --U-TESEL a. replete, gorged.
XUNCAN, see - GUNCAN; - (const.) xuB'iN, teril1 n. vitex agnus castus, chaste tree.
scold; - ZAN, seep into. teril2 n. wild beast.
te<;Ia, tiyaprep. (= LE ••• -J;>A) on, upon, in; ter n; pair of large saddle-bags of sacking.
HETA TIYA-MA BU, to the best of my ability; tertere (SN) n. chameleon.
- CHEQIN, be stuck in, be embedded in; - teske n. fuse (for muzzle-loader). Also
cHON, be thwarted, fail, be ruined; -MAN, ThKE.
be stuck, be at a loss; - EA MAN, ponder tesu n. blue thistle.
over, meditate on; - SHIRAN, be thwarted, tetilesk n. name of a herb.
suffer damage, go bankrupt. tez n. gen. - R., prime (muzzle-loader), pre-
te 'we prep. ( = LE ••• -EWE) at, in; - Al,OZAN, pare for use (e.g. water-pipe); ~RE n. see
become entangled in; - CHUN, be soiled, be TESKE.
stained, (e.g. by mud, ink, etc.); - J;>., add tezab n. aquafortis, nitric acid; ZEB Y ~,
to (as n. name of a game played w. walnuts), bright gold.
soil, stain; - GILAN, get into trouble (hence tif n. clot of spittle, gob, also as excl. of con-
-GILAW a. in trouble; - GILANJ;>IN, caus. tempt (LE, for, upon); ~ R., spit; ~ KW.,
get someone into trouble); - JENQIN, - spit out; -u int. shame! (LE, upon).
JENIN, nudge, prod; - PECHAN, wind tifaq n. supplies, necessities, outfit; - x.,
round, wrap, bandage. lay in provisions.
tek adv. (= E YER) together; - ALAN, be- tifeng n. gun (small arm), rifle, sporting gun;
come tangled; - cHfJN, go wrong, be spoilt, - DA G., load g.;- TE G., fire at;~ HAWISH-
( - CHUN LEGEL YER, fall out, quarrel); - TIN, ~ TEQANJ?IN, fire g.; ~AwE] n. range;
HEL CHUN, become entwined, come tq blows, -cHf n. rifleman; ~sAz n. gunsmith.
twine around; - 1)., spoil, destroy, foil; - tift a. tart, acid-tasting, unripe.
tik1 HER2•
see under -DOJ\IILE, -SUHAW; lVhite, -BOLMAZl.\
tik2 n. drop, small quantity; -E AW-Il\1 -CHEMILE, -GUNf)Im, -MAMBIRAYMI,
BII;>ER ~. give me a drop of water; - ~ ~PASHAYi, -PAYIZE, -SAI)ANI, ~SIPIKE,
TIKAN, ~ - EIJAN, drip; ~En. gen. -E K., -TAYEFi, -ZILKE.
drip. tirhew int. nonsense!
tika n. request; - K., request; -KAR 11. sup- tirinc n. large coarse species of citrus fruit,
pliant. citron; -OK, a kind of grass.
tikfan (tike) v.i. drip; -ANI) IN (-.EN) caus. tirincan (tirince) v.i. see TE TIRINCAN.
pour out in drops; -ANEWE, d. continuously; tirife1 n. sheen.
-ANJ)IKE\VE caus. of prec. drain off. tirife 2 n. name of a disease of animals
til n. roll, rolling; - llW., roll (intr.); - PE believed to be due to insufficient water.
I;>., set rolling; - KW., roll (tr.); - XUWAR- -tirin suf. forming superlative degree (gram.).
DI:"', roll over and over; -AWTIL adv. tiriqanewe (tiriqE!n) v.i. chuckle, gurgle.
rolling over and over; -ER, -on a. rolling tiriqje also -ETIRIQ n. chuckling, gurgle;
down ( ~ ER BW., -oR BW., roll down; - ER --u-HUB (also --U-WGtl) Y PE KENiN, ripple
KW., -oR KW. caus. of p1·ec.). Cf. GIL, XIL. of laughter.
tilanewe (tile) v.i. roll down, roll over; tiriske see LATIRJSKE.
-ANI;>INEWE (-.EN) caus. roll down, set tirishqe n. stroke of lightning.
rolling. tirit (A) n. pieces of bread broken into soup
tililili n. shrill and sustained cries of joy or stew.
(women); ~ K., cry out thus. tirkani n. name of a dance.
til-u-xo a. very salt, over-salted. tirkize n. danger.
tilyak n. opium; -1 n. o.-addict (but ~i y tirozi n. long species of cucumber.
CIGERE, ~i Y CHA, cigarette-addict, tea- tirpe n. slight noise, noise of sg. falling;
addict, etc.); -I~ESH n. o.-smoker. - Y PE, sound of footsteps; -TIRP n. patter.
. ti!isfanewe (ti!ise) v.i. cave in, deliquesce, tirqe n. species of plum.
subside, flop, collapse, (hence ~Aw a. col- tirs n. and a. fear, danger, dangerous; - N.
lapsed, deliquescent, e.g. mud wall after EBER, frighten; ~ LE SHIKAN, *be relieved of
heavy rain); -ANI;>INEWE (-.EN) v.t. caus. fear, *be out of danger (LE, of, about);
cause to subside, etc. -ETIRS n. gen. BE -ETIRS, with extreme
ti!ish n. see QILISH. caution; -NOK a. timid, coward; --u-LERZ
ti!ishfan (ti!ishe) v.i. -ANI;>IN (-.EN) caus. n. fear and trembling.
see QILlSHAN. tirsfan (tirse) v.i. fear; -sANJ?IN (-EN),
ti!p also -E n. dregs, grounds; ~ Y TEB-Y caus. frighten.
TIYA NIYE, there is no trace of it there. tirsh a. sour, acid, as 11. sumac; -Aw1 n. sul-
timen n. ten thousand, tuman (Persian coin), phuric acid; -Aw 2 past part. of TIRSHAN;
division (troops). ~EI,.OK a. sour, curdled, spoilt, (food);
tin (SN) n. arse, buttocks. -IYAT n. pickles; -i n. sourness, pickle
tinge!e a. full to bursting, gorged. (cHEsHT Y -i, dish of meat and rice w.
tinok n. drop (liquid); B. BE -E: AW, be bitter flavouring added); -oK a. slightly
covered w. shame. bitter; -oKE n. dock, sorrel; --u-sHiRiN a.
tirl a. other. sub-acid, bitter-sweet; --U-TE!,ASH n. dish
-tir 2 suf. forming compamtive degree (gram.). of beetroot w. acid flavouring.
tirampe (E) n. gen. - K., exchange (LEGEL, tirshan (tirshe) v.i; go off (deteriorate, of
for). food), feel acid (stomach).
tirazfan (tirazil) v.i. come apart, come un- tirumpa (E) 11. pump.
done, come unhooked, come unbuttoned, tirumte 11. sparrow-hawk.
become loose, (LE ZIMAN ~, slip from the tirusk see TESK-U-TIRUSK.
tongue); -ANI;> IN (-:EN) caus. undo, unhook, tiruskan (tiruske) also -EWE ·v.i. glimmer,
unbutton, loosen. glitter, glow, lighten.
tirekfan (tireke), tirekfin (tirek) ·v.i. tiruske, tirusketirusk n. glow, glimmer,
crack, split, whelp (bitch), farrow (sow); glitter.
-ANI) IN (-EN) caus. crack, split; -ANEWE, tirushkan (tirushke) v.i. see HEL TIRVSH-
-·INEWE, come apart, cease to deal with or KAN.
frequent (LE), make off, fly away, disappear tirukamFn (tiritken) v.t. work rapidly up
into hem (pyjama-cord). and down, blink (eyes).
tire 11. grape. The following are well-known tiruke n. blink, wink.
~·m·ieties: Blach, -CHEMILE YEESH, -KAJAW, tirxene n. dried balls (SELK) of TEEESAZ, q.v.;
- zf•{!ES (early); Pm·ple, -SERQf;I,..E; Red, tir 11. fart (loud); - DIEAN, *lose status, *be
brought low; - BIB IN, bring low (Y); - Lf: tinii a. and n. thirsty, thirst; - n., be thirsty
D., boast, brag; - KENJ?IN, break wind or *be thirsty ( --l\1 or --M-E, I am thirsty);
(hence -KEN a. flatulent, insignificant, -YETI, -YI 11. thirst (-YETI SHIKANJ?IN,
coward); -EKEI,E!ill7z. futile activity; -ETIB assuage thirst).
n. gen. -ETIB K., find fault with (BESER tip 1 n. group, team, regiment; -EN n. posse,
• • . -A, about); -IN a. flatulent, insignifi- body (e.g. of horsemen) .
cant; --u-Fiz n. conceit; -ziL a. haughty, tip 2 n. letter of alphabet; -EJHZWEN n.
boastful. Cj. TIS. vowel; -EDENGi n. consonant.
tirfin (tir) v.i. break wind, be brought low, Tir1 (P) June-July, see Appendix I.
cease to count, disappear; -ANJ?IN (-EN) tir 2 11. arrow; - Y PERDE, supporting stake
caus. bring low, etc. See HEL, TE (caus. only). for screen, see CHI Gil; BE -E DU NISHAN
tirnusqaw n. film of fat formed when meat SHIKANJ?IN, kill two birds w. one stone;
is boiled. - HAWISHTIN, shoot arrow (hence -HAVvil:J
tiro a. discredited; ~ K., discredit; -vi n. n. archer, bowshot); -AWEJ, see ~HAWEJ
discredit, loss of dignity. above; -BARAN n. hail of arrows (-BARAN
tis n. silent fart; - D\V., change tune, change K., execute by shooting); -J;>AN n. quiver;
from insolent to respectful tone; - KENJ?IN, -E 11. gen. -E YAW, rill; ~EGHE 11. spine
break wind silently (hence -KEN a. flatulent, (also -EGHE Y PISHT); -EMAR n. viper;
insignificant, coward); -IN a. see -KEN. ~ESHAN n. spur (topog.); -! a. see NAN y
Cf. TIB. -i; -KESH n. quiver; -oK n. thin kind
tisin (tis) v.i. break wind silently. of rolling-pin; --u-KEWAN n. bow and
tisqi!egurgane n. name of a fungus. arrow.
Tishrin 11. gen. - y YEKEM, October; - y tirawe n. gangrene.
DUWEM, November. tire n. clan.
tisht n. thing. tirojii n. oblong gusset.
tishtir n. yearling she-kid. tisk n. hair; -IN a. hairy.
tixuh n. boundary, frontier. tishk n. ray.
tiya = TEl/A or TE-YJ?A, see TE2 • tit n. youngster; -iLE n. dim.; -iLE w
tiyan n. large cooking-pot (gen. used for BiBiLE, the babes, the small children, the
making sweets); -cHEn. small c.-p. tiny tots.
ti int. repeated as goatherd's cry. tite n. jewellery (fern. att.).
ti~h n. blade, razor, side-anns.; -E n. narrow titik n. side-tress, kiss-curl.
wall, knife-edge (topog.); -EDIWAR n. par- tiwa! see TENIK-U-TIWAI,.
tition; ~ESHAN n. crest line of mountain tiz n. mockery; ~ PE K., mock; -ECAR n.
range. comedian; -EZAROK n. clown.
tij a. sharp, hot (peppery), quick; - K., tizan4in (tizen) v.t. see HEL TIZANJ!IN.
sharpen, stimulate, intensify, (DAN 3 LE ~ to pron. thou, thee.
K., covet); - KW., resharpen etc.; -Aw n. tobe (A) n. repentance; XuwA TOBE, see under
water mixed w. ash, solution of potash used XuwA; as int. o1· ~ BE, I promise never to do
in making soap; -En. saw-edge, serration; it again; - DA J?., instruct penitent (of
-EEWT a. fast-walking. Also TEJ. Sheikh); ~ K., make profession of repen-
tik n. seam (needlework). tance (LESER DES Y, under guidance of); ~
tike n. section, piece, morsel; - G., roll SHIKANJ?IN, relapse into sin; ~KAR a. and n.
morsel in the fingers; - - K., cut in pieces. penitent.
til n. shooting marbles; ~ Y BERAMBEREN, tof n. storm.
game of marbles with two players sitting tojinewe (toj) v.i. see Li~ TOJlNEWE.
opposite each other; - K., roll, shoot, toki! see TOKIL.
marble; -EN n. game of marbles. to! see TUNJ?-U-TOL.
tilak a. bald irt front of scalp, having reced- to!a n. paste made of manna (GEzo) and
ing hair. cheese.
tilayi n. gen. BE - Y CHAW, out of the corner tole n. vengeance; - KW., ~ SENJ!INEWE,
of the eye. take vengeance (LE, on), avenge (Y).
tilmask n. piece, section. to!eke n. marsh-mallow, any \vorthless
tim (N) n. side; -G., take sides (Y, with). weed; EMBOLE BAZAE SHtJTI --YE, today in
timanc1 n. name of a kind of soft leather. the shops water-melons are dirt-cheap.
timanc 2 n. small piece of cloth used for torn also -AWn. semen.
lengthening garment, as gusset, etc. tornar n. scroll, register; - K., LE - K.,
timar n. gen. - K., dress (wound); -XANE n. register, record.
hospital. top 1 n. ball, roll, bale, total, gun (see separate
tin n. effect, heat. entry below); - Y ASH, paddle-wheel of
mill;·~ Y GUNC, pull-through for cleaning totke 11. gen. KING - G., ~ XUWARDIN, *sit
drain-pipe (hence ~Idlsni K., clean drain down quietly, •stop still (KING-Y ~ NAXUWA,
thus); ~-YAN HATIN, the whole lot of them he can't sit still for a moment).
came; ~EI. n. made-up b. ( ~ELEBEFR, snow- tox see under To.
ball, -EQUB, b. of mud); ~EWANEn. stopper, tucar (A) n. merchant. See BAZIRGAN.
plug, bung, cork; ~EN n. game of b.; ~xz n. tumez adv. but as it turned out, but contrary
club; ~ToPru- n. see ~EN. to expectation, etc.
top 2 n. gun; ~ Y BERBANG, sunset g. in tunc n. bronze.
Ramadan; ~ Y CEJN, g. announcing end of tun<J a. and adv. tight, firm, strong, violent,
Ramadan;~ Y CHESHTENGAW Y CEJN, salute harsh, peppery, severe, angry, swift; - B.,
fired in forenoon on first day of festival; bet., firm, etc., become angry; ~G., hold,
- y PARSHEW, warning gun for last meal grasp, firmly; ~ K., fasten, tie (I.E, on),
before dawn in Ramadan; ~ AGIR x;>., fire become overcast (sky); ~ KW., tie again,
g.; ~ DA G., load g.; ~ TE G., aim g. at; ~ tighten, stren{,>then, reinforce; ~i n. tight-
HAWISHTIN, ~ TEQANI;>IN, fire g.; ~cHi n. ness, severity, etc.; ~-U-TIJ n. hot, peppery;
artilleryman; -TEREQE n. small percussion ~-U-TOL a. meticulously tidy, orderly (per-
firework; -XANE n. artillery barracks. son); -xu a. irascible. Also TUNG.
topfin (top) v.i. die (animal), hence -iw a. tung see TUNJ;l.
dead. tunge 1 n. canvas receptacle for water.
toqin 1 (toq) v.i. see HEL TOQIN. tunge 2 n. skein prepared for warp (weaving).
toqfin 2 (toq) v.i. be terrified (hence -iw a. turme n. gen. SHAL Y -·, cashmere shawl.
terrified); ~ANI;> IN (~EN) caus. terrify turt a. hard, finn, tough, dry, brittle, un-
(hence -ENER a. terrifying, terrific). ripe.
tor n. gen. - K., run away from family or turehat n. nonsense.
husband, break away from tribe; ~iNOK a. tushma!n. superintendent, headman of clan.
touchy. tuwan n. ability, capacity to do sg.; ~A a.
torjan (tore) v.i. be offended (LE, with; able, in a position to do sg.; ~AYi n. ability,
LEBER, LESER, about), sulk, refuse food, etc.
(hence ~Aw a. offended, annoyed); ~ANI;> IN tuwanc n. insinuation; ~ TE G., ...., BO
( ~tN) caus. offend. HAWISHTIN, make i. against; BE ~EWE
torax 11. gen. MASTY~, curds after whey has WUTIN, hint.
been drained off. tuwfanewe (tuwe) v.i. dissolve, melt, thaw;
torin (tor) v.i. see TORAN. ~ANJ;liNEWE caus. dissolve, melt, thaw,
tor 1 a. unbroken (horse), untrained, un- smelt.
disciplined. tuwanfin (tuwan) v.t. be able to do, be in a
tor 2 11. net; ~EwAN n. fisherman. position to; EM XIZ!VIETE ETUWANIM or
tOW 11. seed; ~ CHANJ;)IN, SOW S.j ~ TIKAN, perform this service; -RAN (~R.E) pass.,
•become sterile (gen. in formula ~-Y ETIKfl:, used w. pass. v. in subordinate clause, e.g.
used to persuade parent to give in to child NATUWANRE BIKIRE, it cannot be done.
clamouring, e.g. for food); ~ WESHANI;>IN, tuxm n. seed, descendants. Cj. TOW.
broadcast s. tuxn a. gen. - B., ...., KEWTIN, approach (Y).
toy 11. festivity (esp. wedding); ~ANE a. see tuxuwa int. I conjure you by God, for God's
I\IER Y TOYANE. sake, I beg you; -KEY, int. expr. sorrow,
toz ~-dust; ~t, a little;~ K., raise d.;~ LE sympathy, etc., e.g. -KEY BARAM ZOR
HEL NESAN, •be quite unprofitable j ~ TEKAN- NEXOSH-E, I am sorry to say Bahram is very
I;>IN, shake out d. (Y, from); -AL n. see -KAL ill. Also TUxUWA.
below; ~AWi a. dusty; -ILQANE, ~KAL, tfl1 71. mulberry; -WEBESHE, -WESIPI,
-KELANE, gen. ~ILQANEYE etc., small quan- -WESURE n. varieties (black, white, red) of
tity, a trifle. m.; -TIBK n. blackberry. See SHATU.
to n. slice, layer; ~ ~, layered, stratified, tfl2 see TA-W-TU under TA4 •
folded; ~ ~ K., slice without severing slices tflbixuwa see TUXUWA.
completely; ~J n. thin layer, film, skin on tiik1 see TAK-U-TUK.
liquid; ~JAL n. cream; ~K see ~x below; tiik 2 (T) n. hair, fur, down; - Y IlffiB, wool;
-KILn. skin, peel, shell; ~KILEDAR 11. bark; ...., L1~ DER HATIN, *begin to grow h. on face;
-x, 11. flake, shaving, scab. ~ K., grow down (young bird); -E n.
tojanewe (toje) v.i. investigate (Lt). bristling, only in phrase -E Y SIMEL HATIN,
tOsfl 11. a species of thistle. •be delighted; -IN a. hairy.
toshfl11. food for the road, picnic; ~BERE n. till u. gauze.
picnic-basket. tflle 11. puppy; -BERAZ 11. piglet; -MAR 11.
young snake; -BEn. narrow footpath; -sEG danger, fronting, in trouble; ct Y -, dan-
11. puppy; -CHEQEI. n. jackal cub. gerous, wild, place; BOJ Y -, day of rough
till n. shoot, thin branch; -EZEBE 11. night- weather (cf. TEB-U-TUSHi); ;..- B., become
shade; -iNE n. osier basket; -·KtsH n. gen. involved in trouble, meet (Y); - HATIN,
-KESH K., layer, propagate by layering. meet (Y); - K., .get someone into trouble;
tUn n. underground chamber; - Y l:IEMAM, -i a. accidental, chance.
stoke-hole of bath. tiltan (tftte) v.i. see HEI. T"UTAN.
tUna see TEFR-U-TL'NA. tiltfe 11. something small, little finger (BIRA
tunawtun a. wandering, scattered; - K., y -E, fourth, ring, finger); -·ELE, -IK 11.
wander from place to place; - K., send puppy, cub, etc.; -IKESEG 11. puppy.
packing. tiltin n. tobacco; - Y NERGELE, water-pipe
tilr n. radish. t.; ,..., mHAN, smoke t.; ,..., SHIKANJ;>INEWE,
turekfane n. fee in kind paid to agent of harvest t.; -ANE 11. fee in kind levied by
Agha (cj. AGHAYETi); -E n. bag, satchel, Agha on t.-crop (cf. AGHAYETi); -cHi n.
haversack, knapsack, ( -E Y ALiK, nosebag; tobacconist; -EWAN 11. t.-cultivator.
-E y · 'ETAR, pedlar's pack, · medley, tiltirwask 11. wagtail (bird).
miscellany; -E Y MAST, bag for draining tilti n. parrot.
curds, cf. TORAX); -EBEJ n. artificial mound. tiltya (A) n. tutty; K. BE , reduce to
tur n. gen.- J?., throw; - HEI. I;l., toss, lob. powder.
turan«;)in (turen) v.t. see HEI. TUBANJ;>IN. tuw see TIFV under TIF.
ture a. choleric, hot-tempered; - B., get tilxuwa see TUXUWA.
angry; - K., anger; -vi n. anger, exaspera- tiiwe int. word constantly repeated to calm
tion. or encourage cow while being milked, to
tush n. and a. encounter, meeting, accident, call fowls, etc.

u conj. (thus after consonant) and. See w2 , •uzr (A) 11. excuse, permission, menstrua-
WE. tion; LE -A B., be menstruating; LE ,...,
ufe n. disease of horses, glanders. CHUNEWE, have change of life; ,..., SHITIN,
ume9 see HUI'vrfu;l. reach age of puberty (girl; KICHEKE TEMEN-Y
urfe n. kind of Kurdish song. CHENJ;>-E? ,..., ESHWA, how old is the girl?
urilsi n. sash-window. she has reached the age of puberty); -
•ushaqi 11. name of a species of grape. XU\\7ASTIN, apologize.

u "'

-iile, -ulke suf. forming dim. 1111., e.g. CASHULE, CASHULKE; MEsHULE.

iif i11t. exp. pleasure, admiration, etc. wonderful! delightful!.

vincir vincir a. torn to shreds. - ,..., K., tear vire, virevir 11. whir, sough, howling (wind).
to shreds. vir 11. mind, memory. See DIR.
vinge, vingeving n. buzzing (bee, wasp, vize, vizeviz 11. buzzing (deeper than VINGE,
top). Cf. vizE. e.g. of bluebottle).
w 1 inserted for euphony in ce1·tain cases between times - MAN), *be astonished; -WUB a.
u and a following vowel, but not before tor t, astonished; ~wuBi n. astonishment.
see Y 1• waqan9in (waq~n) v.t. wail, croak, bark
w 2 (thus after vowel) conj. and~ See u, WE. (fox).
wa1 (also AWA, EWHA, WEHA) a. and adv. such, waqe, waqewaq, waq-u-wiq n. wailing
thus, so; PIYAWEK Y -, such a man; (child), croaking (frog), barking ( (fox).
PIYAWEK Y ~ BEJ?XU, so cross-grained a man; waqwaq n. name of a species of wild fowl.
MIN ...., ENUSIIVI, I write thus; LA-M --YE, war1 n. station, halting place; -GEn. same as
it is my opinion; -'WE WERIN, come this prec. but esp. highland camp-site.
way; -'WE BIEON, go that way; --Y BO -war 2 (also -EWAR) suf. forming adjj. w. sense
CHUN, form an opinion, think; - ZANIN, characterized by, e.g., HUMEQWAR XONDE-
hold opinion, think, believe, (...., BIZANIM, I WAR.
incline to think); w. WA1 the pres. tense of warish 11. surrounding wall, enclosure.
the v. 'to be' is conjugated as follows: --M or -wari (also -EWARI) suf. meaning in the
--:VIE, --Y or ~-YT or --YTE, --YE, --YN manner of, e.g.: XOMWARi, in my way;
or ~-YNE, --NOr --NE, --Nor --NE, e.g.: KuRDWARi, in the Kurdish manner (but
1\UN NUSEREK Y ~-M (or --ME), I am that KuRDEWARI, the Kurdish world).
kind of writer; CAHEJ:.. --N (or--NE), young waril (E) n. large barrel, vat.
people are like that. wasin (was) v.t. see HEL WASIN.
wa 2 (also EWA) adv. here, now, (oft. used to washe n. sparrow-hawk.
indicate continuous p1·es. o1· to distinguish pres. wata adv. to wit, that is to say.
from future meaning of pres. tense); ...., KAK-IM wate n. saying, story; B. BE ...., Y BOJGAR, be-
HATEWE, my elder brother has just come come proverbial; ~-w-wiRE n. irresolution.
back; ...., KAGHEZEKE ENUSIM, I am writing waweyle (A) int. alas! woe! (used esp. by
the letter. With WA2 the pres. tense of the v. women at mourning ceremony), also HE ~.
'to be' is conjugated as w. WA1 except that the wax int. alas!
3 pers. sing. remains simply WA; followed by way int. expr. son·ow, reg1·et, disapproval, etc.
LE it means 'be (present) at', e.g. EWAN --N alas!, shame! ; ...., LE MIN, alas poor me; ...., LE
(or --NE) LE KERKUK, they are at Kirkuk; DIZEKE, may the thief rue the day; ~ L'EM
BAWK-IM ~ LE HEI.,EBCE, my father is at tsHE, what a dreadful thing to have done! ;
Halabja. ...., NEBE, God forbid.
wa9 (A) n. promise. See BELEN. waz n. only - HENAN, desist (LE, from).
wa9e (A) n. appointed time; ...., r;>., make an wazi see BAZi.
appointment with. we1 prep. see BE3 •
wafur n. opium pipe. we 2 (also w, u) conj. and; ....,yA conj. or.
wagh~n n. name of an indoor game played we 3 short for WA1 in a few idioms: ~ NEBE,
w. a number of walnuts, points being scored. ...., NiYE, it is not that; ~ NEBU, it was not
for each cannon. that (often followed by BELAM or BELKU, but
wajaw n. distributing irrigation channel. rather); ....,_M ZANi, --M EZANi, I thought,
wa!a a. and n. small, small piece of cloth, I believed.
rag; ...., LE G., find fault w., criticize (hence weba (A) n. plague.
....,GIR n. fault-finder, critic); ....,BEJ n. fine weba! (A) n. sin; --Y BE ESTO-M, I accept
sieve. Cf. AJ.,-1..'-WAI.,A, WURDEWALA. full responsibility. Also OBAJ.,.
wa!arin n. giant plane tree. wecax (T) n. hearth, family. See DUJ):IIAN
wam n. debt. under DU 5 •
-wan (also -EWAN) suf. forming nn. w. sense wech n. twig, shoot; ....,E n. child, household
keeper of, concerned w., e.g. BAXEWAN, servants.
GAWAN, KESHTIYEWAN, SHAXEWAN. wefa (A) n. good faith, loyalty, fidelity,
-wane (also -E\VANE), -WANKE suf. fo1·ming gratitude; -QAR a. faithful, loyal, grateful.
nn. from nn. e.g. PUZEWANE, BERWANKE, wefr n. a kind of gum.
MlLWANKE. weha see WA1 •
wanek 11. thingumajig, what's-his-name. wel}e C.) int. go on! (cry used to urge on,
wapor (E) see PAPO!J. drive away, oxen), nonsense!, bosh!.
waq n. mind, senses (properly used only in wek a., adv., prep., and conj. like, as, when;
conj. w. adj. WUB); ...., WUB MAN (but some- I'IYAW Y ...., E\V, men like him; CANEWF.REKE
- SHtR WA BU, the animal was just like a werin (wer) v.i. bark, talk annoyingly.
lion; - SHfrr QISE EKA, he talks like a mad- wesf (A) n. description; - K., describe.
man; HER - PE-TAN WUTIM, just as you told westa n. and a. master craftsman, expert;
me; - HATIM, when I came; -i {:.), -u (~.) LESER --i"'E, it is being repaired, he is under
adv., prep., and conj. may gen. be used like - doctor's orders (facet.).
( -i EW, in his ·way; -u SHITE, as if); -YEK westan (west) v.i. stand; GIRAN (HERZAN)
a. and ad1J. alike; -YEKi n. similarity. -, come dear (cheap), LESER, for; LE BUJ;>A
wekil (A) n. agent; -XERC n. steward, major- -, oppose. See BA.
domo. wesyet (A) n. will, last w. and testament;
wele (A) conj. but. See BELAM. - K., bequeath; -NAME n. wl"itten will.
wel!a (A) int. by God; - w BILLA, I swear weshfan (weshe) v.i. blow (wind), wave,
by God. shake; -AN:r;>I:-; (-:EN), caus. wave, shake,
we!am n. answer. Also WERAM. broadcast (seed); DES -ANJ;>IN, hit out,
wen n. tcrebinth. strike (w. hand m· implement), blast esp. of
wenaq n. diphtheria. punishment inflicted on (L:E) blasphemer or
wenQ.1 a. brave, bold; -A."<E adv. bravely. perjurer by outraged saint; -ANEWE, see
-wenQ- 2 suj. used to form clan mimes, e.g. LE -A:t-."'E\'iE. See DA, HE;!.., BA, TE.
HEMEWENJ;>. weshek n. lynx.
wenews see WENE\VZ. wesht only BAY -·,south-east breeze bring-
wenewshe n. violet. ing soft, warm rain.
wenewz n. yawn, nod; - J;>., yawn, nod weten (A) see ::\'ISHTMAN.
drowsily. Also WENEWS. wext (A) n. time; LE - Y XO-YJ;>A, at one
weqe n. oke (measure of weight). time, formerly; - u NA\VEXT, at any old
weqre (A) see OQRE. time, whether convenient or not; - B.
weqwaq n. name of a fabulous tree. followed by subjunct£ve, nearly ( --E SHET
weqwequ n. coo, cooing. Also BEQBEQU. BIM, I am being driven nearly mad).
-wer1 (also -EWER) suf. meaning possessor of, wewi n. bride, daughter-in-law; -LEn. doll.
characterized by, e.g. CANEWER, SERWER. wey n. and int. harm, misfortune, horrible!,
wer2 adv. around, used to form comp. vv. disgusting!; --Y BO KES NIYE, he is harm-
expr. clearly m· obscurely this idea: - CHERXAN, _less; - LE MIN, woe is me!; - BO, alas!;
turn round, turn back; - CHERXANEWE, -SHUME n. very severe winter weather,
turn round in a complete circle; - J;>., stir; calamity, objectionable person.
TE - J;>., rinse; - GEBAN, turn round, turn weywe see WEwi.
oYer, turn away; - GEBA:t-."'EWE LE BUJ;>A, wezen n. hurt, damage; --YNIYE, it is harm-
round angrily 1.ipon; - GEEAN, turn, trans- less.
late (E, ESER, into; hence -GER, translator); wezife (A) n. duty, official appointment;
- G., receive (LE, from); - cw., get back, -:r;>AR n. official.
recover. wezir (A) n. minister, queen (chess).
weram n. answer. Also WEI,AM. w~1 n. gen. - K., investigate.
weraz see BERAZ. we 2 pres. stem of wiSTIN. Also EWE.
werd n. land after second ploughing; - J;>W., wej see GEJ-U-WEJ.
plough land a second time. Cf. DUGASINE. wejan (weje) also -E\VE v.t. sift. Also
werd~ne 1 (SN) n. axis, axle, roller. BEJAN, BEJANEWE.
werdene2 n. soreness of the eyes, trachoma. weje 1 a. pure, unmixed, sincere; BE -,
werdiyan (E) n. jailer. especially; - K., purify.
were (sing.), werin (pl.) impemt. of HATIN, weje 2 71. wooden peg or bolt.
come. we! a. and n. stray, homeless, vagabond;
werin (wer) v.i. drop. See HEL,. GULE y -,stray bullet; - B., go round
werwer (E) n. revolver. looking everywhere (Y, BESHON, for).
werz n. agricultural year, agriculture; -·ER, wence ( T) n. lucerne.
agricultural labourer; -ISHT 11. exercise, w~ne 11. example, sample, likeness, reflec-
training, ( -ISHT Y TENi, physical training). tion; - like (prep.).
Cf. XIRT. weran1 a. ruined, desolate; - K., ruin
werzeba n. north-east wind. (hence -KER n. destroyer, saboteur); -E n.
werzin (werz) v.i. work on the land, take ruins; -KARin. sabotage.
exercise. weran 2 (wer) v.t. dare; NE-M WERA EME
weraq a. spacious. BIKEM, I did not d. to do this. See Pf:.
were n. bark, barking. werd see KERD.
weris, WCfiZ a. bored, Yexed; - K., bore, Westan (w~st) see WESTAN.
\'eX. wet see SHET-u-wtT.
weze n. only in phrases; CJ-HJN (KEWTIN) E wind); -EBABET 11. bits and pieces, odds
~ y • • ., deal with, cope with; LE WEZE and ends; -EBERD n. pebbles, gravel;
HATIN, be able to cope (Y, with). -EBIN n. microscope; -ECULE n. twitch-
wicdan (A) n. conscience. ing; -EFIROSH n. pedlar; ";"EGIR a. meti-
wir see BIR. culous, over-critical; -EJIN n. woman
wiste n. question, point at issue, proposi- having a small and trim figure; -EKAR
tion. n. and a. precise worker; -EKARi n., well-
wistemeni n. requirement. finished, elegantly executed, work; -ELE
wist/in (we, ewe) v.t. wish, want. The past a. small and dainty; -ESHEI! n. skirmish;
tenses are constructed like those of an ordinary -EWALA n. tailor's remnants, oddments;
trans. v. but the pres. tenses also are similarly -EXANI!\1 n. small and dainty lady; -i n.
constructed, see Appendix V: ind. E-M-EwE, exactitude, meticulousness; -iLE a. dear
E-T-E\vE, E-Y-E\VE, E-MAN-EWE, E-TAN-EwE, little; -KE gtm. MINA!,.EWURTKE, the little
E-YAN-EWE, I wish, you wish, etc.; subj. ones, the younger children; --U-XASH a.
m-:v!-EWE etc.; neg. ind. NA-M-EWE etc.; neg. smashed to pieces, pulverized.
subj. NE-M-EwE etc.; if the thing wanted is wure n. morale; - BER J?., be demoralized.
expressed, ESPEK-IM E\vE, ESPEK-IM NAWE, wurewur n. gen. - K., run deciding heat,
EGER ESPEK-IM BIWE, I want a horse, I do play deciding game.
not want a horse, if I want a horse, etc.; wurg n. belly; - J;>., bulge; ~ HATIN, *feel
XOSH ~IN, like, be fond of, (BARAM"IM replete, *become corpulent, *be pot-bellied;
xosH EWE, I like Bahram; XOSH-TAN EWEYN, - x. ESER, eat one's fill of; -IN a. corpulent.
you like us); ~RAN (-HE:), i1·reg. formed wurshanewe (wurshe) v.i. shimmer (esp.
pass.; ~INEWE, want back (ESPEKE-M LE EWE fabrics).
EWETEWE, I claim the horse back from you). wurshe, wurshewursh n. shimmer.
wizfe also -EWIZ n. buzz, buzzing, hum; wurte, wurtewurt n. murmuring, grum-
-wizE n. name of buzzing insect, name of bling.
toy producing buzzing sound when swung, wurtke see WURDKE.
buzzer. wuriljfan (wuruje) v.i. swarm, come
wosh int. whoa, wo! (gen. for donkey). buzzing; -ANJ;>IN (-EN) caus. stir up, m-
wuchan n. interval, break, pause; BE , cite. See TE.
ceaselessly; ~ J;>., - G., pause, have a break. wurilkan (wuruke) see WURUJAN.
wudim 11. diploma, permit, licence. wurya a. attentive, alert; - B., be alert, be
wuje, wujewuj n. howl, whistle (e.g. wind). attentive; - BW., be alerted, wake; - KW.,
Cf. WUSHE1 • alert, put on the alert, wake.
wu!at (A) n. country, native land; BE -ANJ;>A wur1 a. dizzy, astonished, stupefied. See
Bil,AW EKIRETEWE, it is bruited abroad. See WAQ.
NISUTMAN. wur 2 n. only as second element of comp. 1m.
wu!ax n. horse, mule, donkey; - Y BERZE, denoting sounds, see HUB.
horse, mule; ~J;>AR n. stable-keeper. wuraq a. extensive, roomy.
Cf. I!ESHEWULAX. wure1 n. gnat.
wu!ge n. province, region. wure2 , wurewur n. murmur of crowd.
wu!il!ehelke n. egg before shell is formed. wurene n. talking in sleep; - K., talk m
wun a. mislaid, lost, absent; ~ B., be lost, sleep, be delirious, talk wildly.
disappear; LE ~ B., *mislay, *lose; ~ K., wurig, wurik n. gen. -LEG., be obstinate
lose. about, insist upon, covet.
wurch n. bear (animal). wus a. and int. silent, hush!
wurd a. small (esp. of children under IO years wuskut (A) a. silent; - K., silence.
old), precise, attentive; ~ B., be broken in wus! (A, GHUSL) n. gen. - K., perform the
pieces;~ BW., be precise, pay careful atten- major ritual· ablution. See TE KEWTIN.
tion (Lil, to); ~ - DUWAN, speak slowly and wusme n. black vegetable dye used like
deliberately; ~ K., break in pieces; - KW., henna.
change money (larger into smaller denomina- wushe1 , wushewush n. rustle, rustling
tions); - - I!OYIN BE I!E'WE, walk very (e.g. wind). Cf. WUJE.
slowly. wushe 2 n. word; -BANGi n. interjection
wurd in comb.: ~BIN a. precise, meticulous; (gram.); -LEKJ;>ER, conjunction (gram.);
-·BiNi n. careful examination; -E a. and n. -PEYWENDf n. preposition; -WAN n. ety-
small, small change (money), minute (time), mologist; -wANi n. etymology.
(-E -E, little by little; -E LEG., criticizein wushin (wush) v.t. only TE wusHiN, see TE
detail, hence -EGIR a. critical, hypercriti- GUSHiN. ·
c.tl); -EBA 11. fart ( -EBA LEBER BW., *break wushk a. dry, unsociable (person), pure
(gold); ~ B., dry up, go dry (spring), die wushtir see HL'SHTIR.
(tree), be petrified e.g. with horror, (DES wutjar n. statement, speech, article; -AR J?.,
~ n., *suddenly stop doing sg.); ~ BW., dry make a speech; --E 11. talk, statement, pro-
(intr., e.g. wet cloth);- HEI,. HATIN (HEJ.,ATIN), mise; ~ENi adv. according to (the state-
dry up and be spoilt, wither (flowers); ~ K., ment of), e.g. KAK-IM -ENi, according to
go dry (spring); ~ KW., dry (tr.) sg. wet. my brother; ~E-\V-BIBE 11. compact, agree-
Also HISHK. ment; ~E-W-WIRE n. cerebration (gen. as
wushk in comb. : -ANi n. drought; -Ayf n. cause of insomnia).
d. land, d. place; -EBERD n. d.-walling; wutjin (It!) v.t. say, talk; -RAN (-HE), irreg.
-EMIJ a. and n. unpaid servant; -EBIN n. formed pass. be said; -INEWE, gen. DERZ
sheep-shearing; -ESAJ., 11. year of drought; -INEWE, give a lesson. See HE!,.
-ESi n. metalling (road); -ESoFf n. hermit; wuze 11. power, ability, capacity; LE -J?A
-ESURME, see SURME Y WUSHK; -EWERD n. B., be within the capacity (Y, of); - PE
field ploughed for third time immediately SHIKAN, *be able to do ( ~-M B'EM KARE
after sowing and before first autumn rains; NASHIKE, I cannot cope w. this task).
~i n. dryness; -sURl\m (! ..) a. heavily wuzm 11. elm.
braided or embroidered; ~-U-BIRING a. wilru n. flat iron; LE - J?., ~ Lf: J?., iron.
quite d.

xach n. cross; -wARi adv. criss-cross. xam2 a. raw, unripe, inexperienced, un-
xak n. country, land, earth; ~ Y KURDISTAN, trained, out of training. Cf. XAW.
the land of Kurdistan; ~ Y BERPE, humble xame n. reed pen, pen.
and devoted servant;'·.;..,-IM BE SER, alas and xamek n. mauve silk fabric; -i a. mauve.
alack; - BE SER B., *be distressed, *suffer xamosh a. silent, extinguished; SHAR y -AN,
damage; CHUN EJER ~(or -EWE), die; -E1 grave-yard.
n. siftings, finer particles separated from Xan1 n. Khan: (a) title applied to ladies of
coarser by sieve; ~E2 n. midge; ~ELEWE 11. upper and middle classes and used only w.
early .spring; ~ENAZ n. shovel; -EROK n. personalnamewhichitfollows, e.g. GutcHiN
gleanings from threshing floor; -i a. XAN; (b) in Persia title applied to men of
humble, dust-coloured, khaki; -BIN (SN) established position in tribe or civil popula-
n. rake; --U-XOL n. earth, soil. tion and used w. or without the personal
xakshir n. name of a herb. name, e.g. GmwCm XAN; XAN HAT; -IM n.
xa!1 Ti~ mole, spot, dot, full stop (punctua- lady (not used w. personal names); -IMBE
tion); ~ -, spotted; - KUTAN, tattoo; 11. tassel, name of a melody.
~BENDi n. punctuation; -J?AR a. having xan2 11. khan, caravanserai, building con-
moles, spotted; -EPIRSi n. note of interro- taining number of shops or offices, house;
gation; --ESERSAMi n. note of exclamation; ~cHi 11. k.-keeper; ~E n. house, premises,
--U-BOR n. semicolon; --u-MiL n. patches seat of saddle, square (chess-board), com-
and lines ( --u-MiL BISHTIN, make up, apply partment, section of printed form, back
cosmetics, begin to show characteristic sight (fire-arm); ~E ~E, divided into com-
markings, of cock hill-partridge); -XAJ.,OKE partments or sections; ~EBEKOL a. vaga-
n. lady-bird. bond; -EBEZAR a. gadabout; ,.;.,EJ?AN n. and
xa!" n. maternal uncle; -E, -o, voc., also as a. aristocratic family, dynasty, of· noble
title w. personal name e.g. XALO WESMAN, birth; ~EJ?ARi n. house-keeping; -EKi a.
Uncle Osman; -OJIN n. aunt, m. u.'s wife; domestic; ~EKULANE int. word of command
-ozA n. cousin, child of m. u.; -OZAZA n. to fowls to go to roost; -ENISHiN a. retired,
child of prec.; ~i ~i first words in rhyme in stay-at-home; -EQA n. dervish hostel;
game in which grown-up person rocks child -EWAJ?E 11. family; -EWXAN, gen. ~EWXAN
hoisted on to his shoulders 'ride a-cock K., jump from roof to roof; -EXo n. land-
horse' ( -i -i K., play such game); -WAN n. lord, houseowner; -:--EZA a. well-born; -IK
relations of m. u., in-laws. 11. house; --U-MAN n. house and home,
xa!il (A) a. empty; ~ KW., empty, vacate. family seat; -u n. house; -UCHKE, -fiLE
xa!i2 see QALf. 1z. cottage, hut; -u-W-BERE n. house and
xam1 n. cotton cloth, calico. grounds, homestead.
xapiir a. ra\·aged, devastated; - J{., ravage, wake, rouse; -I.>AH a. informed, alert, as
devastate. int. look out! have a care! Cf. AGA.
xara1 n. stud farm. xeca!et (A) n. shame; - Kfu>HAN, be ashamed
xara2 tl. name of a hard rock. (hence -KEsH a. ashamed).
xara3 n. watered milk. xefe a. stifled; DIL - B., *be annoyed; - K.,
xaraw a. experienced, worldly-wise. stifle, extinguish by cutting off air.
xarisht n. itching. xefet 11. sorrow, grief; - XUWARDIN, grieve,
xas (A) a. special (Y, to), particular, good; feel grief, be solicitous, (Y, for, about);
-EKi n. favourite wife of person of high -BAR a. sorrowful.
degree; -iYET n. special quality; -BENG n. xefetan (xefete) v.i. see LE XEFETAN.
name of a herb. xefjin (xef), xefjtin (xef), v.i. sleep; -ANI) IN
xash a., gen. -AK 11 •• bits and pieces, rub- (-:EN) caus. send to sleep; SER -ANJ!IN, bow,
bish. See WURD-U-XASH. hang, the head.
xashxash see XESHXASH. xeftan n. period during which grain sown
xatir (A) n. mind, heart; BO - Y, for the in autumn lies dormant.
sake of (BO - Y XuwA, for God's sake); - xelas (A) a. finished, freed; ~B., be finished,
GIRTIN, be considerate (Y, towards); -ANE be done with (Lf:); ~ K., finish, save from
n. something added as a favour; ~NAS a. (LE).
considerate; --u-xoTIR n. considerateness, xele (A) n. corn, wheat and barley; ~-\V­
liberality. XER~.1AX n. harvest; ~FIROSH n. c.-chanc:Jer,
Xatft n. lady (short for XATVN, only used as c. and flour merchant.
title w. and before name, e.g. XATu ZiN, Lady xelfe (A) n. foreman, pupil-teacher (secular).
Zin). xelife (A) 11. caliph, pupil-teacher licensed
xatiin ( T) n. lady. by dervish sheikh to teach elements of
xaw 1 only XAW-U-XEZAN n. family, relations. TERIQET, q.v.
xaw2 11. nap (cloth), downy surface, bloom xelile (A) n. toothpick, name of a spiky
(fruit). plant.
xaw 3 n. drum-skin. xelftl n. knuckle (cattle).
xaw4 a. raw, crude, slovenly, slack, languid, xe!at (A) n. gift, re>vard, (to inferior); ~ K.,
drawling (speech); - BW., ca.ae unravelled, reward w. gift.
be pacified; DIL - BW., feel 1'aint; - KW., xe!efjan (xe!efe) v.i. be deceived; -A:!\ii)IN
unravel, pacify; -ANE n. wei~ thread (car- ( ~tN) caus. deceive, dupe.
pets); -EXAW n. gen. -EXA\v K., dawdle; xe!etjan (xelete) v.i. be deceived; ~A<'\!) IN
-KER n. name of traditional song;· --u- (-:EN) caus. deceive, dupe. Also HEI,.
xrdCHK a. infirm, doddering, inert. Cf. xe!f n. shoot, young branch.
XAM. xe!k (A) n. people; ....., Y KERKUK-IM, I am
xaw5 n. name of a herb. a man of Kirkuk; -i 11. people, other
xawan (xawe) see XII.AFAN. people; --U-XUWA, all kinds of p., all and
xawen, xaweng n. master, owner, gen. as sundry. Cf. XEI,Q.
first element of comp. nn. e.g.: -PiSHE n. xe!q (A) n. creation; ,._, K., create; -1, see
skilled craftsman; -nisH n. man w. a XEI,Ki.
bea;:d; -SHIKU n. His Majesty. xe!tan a. only ,._, Y XON, covered in blood,
xawer 11. sun, east; -zEMiN n. the Far East. bloody.
xawen a. good, clean. See PAK-U-XAwEN. xe!iiz n. charcoal; ,._, Y BERD, coal; -AN,
xawus only in comb., see PEXAWUS under pfl1• -!)AN n. brazier; -E n. name of a blight
xawli ( T) n. towel. affecting vegetables.
xayan~lin (xayen) v.t. last, take time; nO xetwct (A) n. privacy; CHUN E -EWE, retire
sE'AT EXAYENE, it lasts (takes) two hours. into p.; - !&sHAN, be in retreat for devo-
xayen see GHAYEN. tions or meditation; -NISHiN a. in retreat;
xaye-w-maye n. all one's worldly goods. -xANE n. cell for private meditation.
xe pres. stem of XISTIN. xem 1 (A) n. grief, sorrow, anxiety; LE -
xebat (N) n. effort; - K., strive (hence -KER, DER CHUN, reach age of discretion, grow up;
worker). BE ....., K. see BE XEW K. j - XUWARDIN, grieve,
xeber (A) n. information, news, message; be solicitous, (Y, about; hence -xoR a. soli-
- BllmiN, take verbal message; - B., citous, devoted; -xoRi n. solicitude, devo-
*know about (v); (BE) ,._, BW., wake up; tion); -BAR, -GiN, -iN, ~NAK a. grieved;
- J.)., inform; - GEBANEWE, relate news, -BEWEN a. consoling, comforting.
--IM Li~ BIGEBINE\\'E, if you are going to xcmba 11. swelling (in animal body).
Arbil tomorrow let me know);: BE) - KW., xemexore n. heron.
xem! (A) n. estimation; - K., estimate. xerpisht n. buttress.
xem!Jan (xem!e), xem!Jin (xem!) v.i. xerpung, xerpunge n. name of a herb.
be decorated; -A.N~IN(-EN), caus. decor- xerqe (A) n. cloak worn by dervigh sheikh.
ate; xo -ANI;> IN, put o finery (esp. women). xers n. estimate; - K., estimate.
xemshesere n. gen. B 1 -, in a slapdash xert only in XERT-U-PERT, see XIRT-U-PIRT.
manner, carelessly, supe tficially. xerta 11. large kind of saddle-bag.
xemxemoke n. grape-hyacinth. xertele 11. mustard, charlock.
xencer n. dagger; - r.E I;J., stab; - LilSANEWE, xerwar n. kharwar (measure of weight,
lick blood from d. (of murderer, in belief 654 lb. avoirdupois).
that this will calm his nerves and so protect xerxeshe see QERQESHE.
him from betraying himself); - LE SUNEWE, xerat (A) 11. itinerant turner. Cj. DOl\!,
prepare to attack, menace ; - xuwARDIN, be HEcici, QEREC.
stabbed; -BAZi n. juggling, mock battle, xerek n. spinning-wheel; - EISTIN, spin
w. daggers; -DEME n. a species of ortho- (hence -BES n. spinner; -s:E:s! n. spinning).
pterous insect. xero a. conceited.
xen9ek, xenqeq n. trench; - LE J)., dig t. xesfanqin (xesen) v.t. castrate, top, nip out
between two points (esp. milit.); - HEL tops to check gro\\·th (tobacco, tomato, etc.).
KENJ;>IN, dig t. xesar (A) n. loss, damage; ~B., be wasted;
xene1 11. laughter. - K., lose, waste.
xene2 n. gen. GULEXENE, bastard saffron. xesaw a. castrated, gelding.
xene3 11. henna; - TE G., LE - G., dye with xest a. thick (liquid), turgid, coagulated,
h.; - GW., prepare h. paste; --BENJ;>AN 11. strong (tea).
see under SHEW. xeste (P) a. ill, sick; ~xANE n. hospital.
xeni a. merry. xesft n. mother-in-law (both sides).
xenim (A) a. opponent, a match (Y, for). xeshim (A) a. inexpert, awkward. Also
xenin (xen) v.i. laugh (PE, at); -EWE burst GHESHIM.
· out laughing. xeshxash n. poppy.
xepere, xepeto!e(fem. XEPETOLE) a. chubby. xet (A) n. line, handwriting; - ~·, lined, in
xeple n. bread (of cereal other than wheat) lines; - Y xosH, good handwriting; ~ J;>.,
baked in lump, small loaf. begin to show moustache and beard; -
-xer suf. denoting agent, see XISTIN. KEsHAN, draw I. ; -AT n. cosmetic pencil ;
xerafat (A) n. myth, fable. See EFSANE. ,...,-U-XA!, n. gen. "'-U-XAL BISHTIN, make up
xeraman a. and adv. graceful in movement, (w. cosmetics).
sprightly, also a girl's name; - BOYISH- xeta (A) n. fault.
TIN, walk gracefully. xetene (A) n. circumcision; ~ K., circum-
xerar n. loosely woven goat-hair sack. cise; -sflRAN n. celebrations on occasion
xerbenq, xerbeng n. hellebore. of c.
xerc (A) n. expenditure, secondary raw xeter (A) n. danger.
material (as opp. to basic) used in manu- xetere n. anxiety; DIL - K., *be anxious.
facture ; EM :£<4_RE - Y MIN NiYE, this work is xew n. sleep; ~ Y GIRAN, - Y QURS, deep s.;
not in my line; - K., spend; -i n. cash - Y SUK n. light s.; - Y XOSH, sound, re-
allowance, pocket-money. freshing, s. (LE - Y XOSHA, fast asleep); ~ y
xerefJan (xerefe) v.i. reach one's dotage, XOSHBININ, s. with pleasant dreams; ~
talk incoherently, ramble; -Aw n. dotard. XOSH, sleep well; - BIRDINE'\VE, *go to s.;
xerik a. busy, occupied, (Y, with), about to - d; BIZIEKAN, * be unable to sleep; ~
be or to do (foll. by subj.); - MAN, be at a BiNiN, dream; BE ~ BiNiN, LE -A BiNiN,
loss, not know what to do next, (hence - PE'WE BININ, dream about; CHAW CHUN
-MAW a. at a loss); --U-XERKAW a. at a E ~, *go to S.; - NECHUN E CHAW, - BESER
loss, baffled. CHUN, *be unable to sleep; -G., *fall asleep
xerite1 (A) n. map. (- GIRTIM-Y, l fell asleep); ~ HATIN, *feel
xerite2 11. powder-flask. sleepy; - LE KEWTIN, *go to s.; LE - UA
xerkane n. furunclosis. PERIN, wake w. a start; ~ BEWINEWE,
xerkaw see XERiK-U-XERKAW. ZIBAN, *be unable to sleep. .
xerman n. harvest; - Y suR, heap of win- xew in comb.: -ALU a. sleepy; -CAME n.
nowed grain; - BEREKET, may your h. be night-dress, night-shirt, pyjamas, etc.; ~GA
blessed (greeting to harvesters, eliciting n. bedroom; ~GIRAN a. heavy sleeper;
reply XER U BEREKET); -ANn. h.-time; -En. -NAME n. book of dream-interpretation;
halo round moon (MANG -E-Y DAWE, the -BEWEN a. s.-dispelling; ~suK a. light
moon has a halo); -LOGHE, -LOXE n. sleeper; ~TINAN 11. bedtime (NOJ Y -TINAN,
gleanings from threshing-floor. fifth ritual prayer of day).
xewn n. sleep. -ER BW., roll, come together, collect;
xewtin (xew) v.i. sleep. ~ERE n. round bullet; ~oR BW., roll over
xeya! (A) n . .Imagination, idea; ~ y MESTi, and over. Cf. GIL, TIL.
tipsy talk; ~ Y XAW, vain imagining; ~B., xilichk see XAW-U-XJLicHK.
*intend; ~ G., *be tipsy; ~ K., imagine; xilisk a. slippery.
BE - QISE K., talk drunkenly; ~EPI!,AW n. xillskan (xiliske) v.i. glide, slip, slide.
castles in the air; -PERIST a. unrealistic, Also HEI..
over-optimistic. xi!afJan (xi!afe) v.i. be delayed, be dis-
xeyar n. cucumber; -cHEMEH n. cassia tracted, be kept busy, spend time, (PE'W£,
fistula, senna; -En. bubo. by, on); -AN:!;> IN ( -f:N) caus. keep busy,
xeyat(A)~. tailor (see BERGDIRI), DERZI); -E occupy, divert attention of; xo ~ANJ;>IN,
n. silk thre'ad; -EKEsH n. fine needle. keep oneself occupied (Pf:'wE, with).
xeyr (A) adv. no (but NEXER). xi!ope a. petite, small and graceful.
xezayi (M) n. rosy pastor (starling). xi!te n. sediment, dregs.
xeze! n. goat w. yellowish forelegs. xi!xa! see XIRXAL.
xezem (A) n. nose-ring, nose-stud; -oK n. xim n. gen. - K., blow nose. Cf. FIM.
daisy, dandelion, cat's-ear, or other com- xinc n. airs and graces; -iLANE, -i'LE,
positae. ~-u-XOI. a. mignon, sweet little.
xezene (A) n. warm-water tank in public xinexin 11. gen. ~ K., dawdle, go slow.
bath. xinkfan (xinke) v.i. be suffocated, be
xezne (A) n. treasure. Cf. GENe. strangled, be drowned; -AN:!;> IN (-EN),
xezftr n. father-in-law (both sides); -ANn. caus. esp. execute by hanging; xo -ANJ;>IN,
relations of f., -in-laws. hang oneself.
xecha. slanting, inclined. SeeXUWAR-U-XEcH. xip a. silent; GO - K., cut off the ears.
xel a. squinting, squint-eyed. xiran (xire) pass. of XISTIN.
xe! (A) n. clan, family, group of tents; -AT xirap (A) a. and adv. bad, spoilt, badly, ex-
pl. the tribes; -EWJlJR CHUN, migrate to cessively; KAGHEZEK Y --IM KIRD E SER-Y,
hills; -EWXUWAR B., migrate to plains. I wrote him a very stiff letter; - K., do ill,
xer(A) a., adv., andn. good, well, goodness; spoil; - WUTIN, def!lme, slander, (LE BARE
BE - Y XO-TAN, if you please, please; - u Y) j -E n. evil ( -E K.,"misbehave, esp. com-
BEREKET see under XERMANj BE- B'ilN, BE- mit highway robbery, hence -EKER 11.
Y'EN, welcome! (BE- HATIN Lil K., welcome, criminal, esp. highwayman); -I n. badness,
greet on arrival; -ANDAR BIN, formula of reprehensible behaviour.
thanks in reply to such g1·eeting); BE - CHIN, xirche, xirchexirch n. creak, creaking,
good-bye; -AT n. alms, charity; - K., soughing, crunching noise.
-AT, K., give generously to charity; K. BE xire also -NE n. gen. DAN y -,wisdom tooth,
-AT, give sg. to charity; -ANJ;>AR a. for- molar tooth. ·
tunate, prosperous, ( -ANJ;>AR BIN, may good xiring also -EXIRING, --U-HUB n. clink,
fortune attend you); -EWMENJ;>, -oMENJ;> clinking, clank, clanking.
a. and n. beneficent, benefactor; ~xuwAz, Xiristiyan (E) n. and a. Christian.
well-wisher; ~xuwAzf n. good wishes. xiriq n. buying (wholesale, stock for trade).
xera a. and adv. quick, quickly; - ~, very xirme, xirmexirm, xirm-u-hur n. sound
quickly, continuously (- ~ CIGERE KESHAN, of crunching or munching, clatter of hooves.
chain smoke) ; -Yi n. speed. xirosh n. excitement, excited shouting.
xese n. furtive glance; - K., glance furtively. xiroshfan (xiroshe) v.i. become excited;
xew n. owner, master, resident ghost, tute- ~ANJ;>IN ( -ilN), caus. excite, stir up.
lage; - TIYA B., *be haunted; LE - DER xirp 1 also -il (fem.), -IN, -OLE, -OLE a.
CHUN, reach age of discretion, grow up; chubby, plump.
BE - I<., nurture, bring up, raise, (animals, xirp 2 adv. only - XEW LE KEWTIN, *fall fast
plants, etc.). asleep; -E n. soft sound; ~E Y XEW, sound
xewet (A) n. tent. See CHAQIR. of regular breathing in sleep (LE ~E y XEWA,
xezan n. family (wife and children), wife; sound asleep); -E Y PE, footfall.
-J;>AR, a. and n. f.-man w. many dependants. xirs a. slow, clumsy, ponderous.
xezer n. twigs; esp. t. of roof-construction xirsek a. thick (in depth).
immediately below top-dressing of earth. xirt1 a. and n. round, yearly cycle, year in
xichxichen n. game of tipcat. life of sheep, goats, and domestic fowls,
xil 11. roll, rolling, rotation; - BW., be yearling; ~Et,E, -IK, -iLANE, ~OLE a.
rolled, roll, revolve; ~ KW., roll (tr.); small and round, podgy, plump.
-JlXII. adv. rolling (gait; -EXIL. BOYIN, xirt2 only in XIRT-U-PIRT n. bits and pieces.
waddle along); -Jbam 11. dung-beetle; Also XERT-U-PERT.
xirte, xirtexirt n. sound of scratching. (-EN), caus.; XO -ANQIN E jlJHEWE, slip
xirtke 11. ankle-joint, pastern-joint. Cf. quietly into the room. See Tf:.
XI!3KE under XI!33 • xizm (A) n. relative; -AYETi n. degree of
xirxa! n. anklet; -E Y LANIK, ring attached relationship; -oosT, loyal to one's kinsfolk.
to cot as toy. xizmet (A) n. service; LE -A n., be under
xir1 n. pebbly watercourse. orders, be in company(polite; Y, of, with);
xir2 adv. gen. - K., - DA x., lock securely. CH(JN E - Y, pay call on; - K., sen·e;
xir3 a. and n. round; - BW., gather, come -GUZAR a. zealous in s., public-spirited;
together; - J?., rotate the belly in dancing; -KAR n. servant.
- HEL J?., dance w. rotating movements of xige n. skin bottle for liquids.
belly and hips; xo - HEL J?., prepare one- xipshemile a. high-handed, overbearing.
------ self, get ready; "'"' KW., gather, bring to- xire<;J n. widsom, intellect; -MENJ? a. intelli-
gether; -!LANE a. plump, tubby; -iLE gent, wise.
a. and n. roundish, corpuscle; -KE n. xize, xizexiz n. wheezing.
ankle-joint (PE LE -KE CHUN, *sprain one's xo1 pres. stem of XUWARDIN.
ankle); -KELE, -KEI.,E, ""'OLE a. tubby; xo2 n. relations, friends; - B., n. BE -·, be,
--U-MIB, "'"'-U-PIB, "'"'-U-XEPAN, --U-XOL become, as one of the family, feel quite at
a. rotund, stout. home, be a member of a group (EWANE --N
xiran<;Iin (xiren) v.t. rattle, make rattling, DIJMIN NIN, those are our O\Yn people not
scraping, noise. the enemy).
xirfe, also -EXIB n. rattling, scraping, noise; xo 3 int. well, of course, (at beginning of
-XIBE 11. pulley. sentence, esp. exp1·. qualified 1·ecognitivn of
xirnuk n. carob, locust-bean. point).
xiste n. sediment of butter-milk left after xo 4 reflexive and emphasizing p1·on. self; gen.
straining. pref. to pron. ajj. --M, --T, --Y, --MAN,
xistin (XE; 3 pers. sing. pres. EXA, BIXA; --TAN, --YAN, (I or me) myself, (you)
agent XER) v.t. put, drop, halt and unload yourself, etc.; LE --MEWE, on my own
(of caravan), defeat, and oft. as caus. of initiative; EME "'"'BE"'"' Y --MAN E-Y-KE1'N,
KEWTIN q.v.; for examples of use zc. prep. E we shall do it all by ourselves without out-
see tmder c:E, GEB, KAR, BE; - EJER, p. under; side help. Other idiomatic uses of xo will be
- EPAL, p. beside, juxtapose to; - EBU, found under various vv. and nn.
exhibit to; "'"'ESER, superimpose upon, add xo4 in comb. -BIN a. egotistic; -BINi n.
to; XIRAN (XIRE), irreg. formed pass.; egotism; -DAKUTERE n. intruder; -:t;>AR a.
XISTINEWE, p. back, p. again, beget. See s.-controlled; -:t;>ARi n. s.-control (-J?ARi
DA, DER, HEL, BA, TE. K., refrain; LE, from); -HEI.,BEST a. s.-con-.
xishfan (xishe) v.i. rub up against (LE:), trived, made up, false, fake; -HEL-
drag oneself along, creep; -ANJ?IN (-EN), KEsH a. braggart; -HEI.,KEsHI n. boasting,
caus. cast (eye), drag, (L:E, over, across). bragging; -KIRD a. made by oneself,
xishe, xishexish n. rustle, rustling, brought upon oneself; -MAJ., I a. home-made,
(noise). home-grown; -MANE, -MANI a. typical
xishJik, also -KE n. reptile; -KEYI adv. of ourselves, to be expected of us; -NEXOR
parallel w. ground, horizontally; -KEYi a. hoarder (esp. in saying MAL Y -NEXOR BO
HAWISHTIN, throw w. low trajectory. KABRA Y CHEKMEBOR, it is a case of hoarding
xish! (A) n. jewellery (fern. att.). wealth for a spendthrift heir); -PERIST a.
xishm n. anger. selfish; ~PERISTI n. selfishness; -PESENJ?
xishpe n. furtive footfall. a. conceited; -PESENQi n. conceit; -sER a.
xisht1 a. regular, orderly; - K., arrange; s.-willed, independent; -SERA::-<E a. and
-En. regularity (LE-E BIRDIN, lead astray); adv. s-willed, independently, in one's own
.....t n. regularity, good order. way; -SERI n. obstinacy; -TANE -TANIa•
xisht2 n. brick; - Y KAL, unburnt b.; - y typical of you, to be expected of you; -xon
suR, burnt b.; "'"' BIB iN, make bricks. a. disunited, rent by internal dissensions.
xishtek n. gusset. xolase (A) n. summary.
xit, xite, int. used to dri·l!e away cat, shoo! X0}1 see XINC-U-XOL.
xitUke n. tickle, tickling; - J?., tickle (tr.); xo!2 n. earth, mould; -Awn. water mixed
- HATIN, tickle (intr.). w. ashes; -Awl: a. dusty; -EMESH n. ashes;
xiyanet (A) n. perfidy, treachery; - K., ~EMEsHI a. ashen, ash-coloured; -EPETANi,
behave perfidiously. ~EPETE n. playing w. earth, making mud
xiz a. slippery; -GE 11. slippery place; -INJ?E, pies.
-NE n. reptile. xonQin (xon) v.t. see XONQIN.
xizJan (xize) ~.i. slip, slide, glide; -ANJ?IN xor1 11. sun; "'"'!lEI,. HATIN, ~· KE\VTIN, nse
(s.); -ANGAZ a. prostrated by sunstroke; -xu a. good-natured; -YAN, -YANi n.
-AWA tz. sunset, west; -ELAT n. sunrise, fine weather.
east ( -·EJ:..ATNAS n. orientalist); -ETAW n. xoshnaw 11. a species of grape.
sunshine; -NEWEZAN n. place always in xoshnu<J a. pleased, happy.
shade; -PERIST n. s.-worshipper, chame- xoya (N) a. clear, obvious.
leon; -WEZA."'n. sunny place. Cf. BOJ. xozgayi n. see under XOZGE.
-xor2 , suj. denoting agent see XUWARDIN, xozge n. desire, longing; ..... y DIJ;.., heart's
XUWARDINEVv"E. d.; --M BE GuRCN, how I envy G., I wish
xorJak n. food, dose; -AKECHA n. measure I were in G.'s place; --M B'Ew !lOJE,;what
of tea sufficient for pot of standard size; a happy day that was; - BIMIRDIMJ).YE w
-En. corroding ulcer; -ISH'!' n. food. TO-M WA NEDIYAYE, would I had didd and
xort a. young, youthful. not seen you in this state; ..... BE xozGAYi y
xorayi n. gen. BE ..... , vainly, gratuitously, XuwA, would. God, I would to God.:
gratis, free of charge. xozi see XOZGE.
xosh a. and adv. good, pleasant, amusing xo 1 n. salt; - CHESHTIN, taste dish while
(talk), well, glad, safe, fine, sweet, tasty; cooking; -J;>Al'\1 11. s.-cel!ar; -YAWUK, s.
""' ..... , continuously, merrily, briskly; as int. solution, brine; -YELAN n. s.-rnine,
good!, excellent!, (also --E); SER ""'• SER- -xo 2 only as second element of comp. nn. zv.
) TAN ..... , SER Y XO-TAN ""' (formula of con-
dolence), may you be preserved.
meaning master, e.g. XANEXO, XONEXO.
XOll n. blood; ""' Y CIGER, ""' Y DIL, tribula-
XOSh, idiomatic usages w. vv.: ..... DARIN, rain tion; ..... Y SIYAWUSH, permanent grievance;
bounteously; ""'!lA DUWARDIN, live happily, ""' BIJARDIN, pay b.-money; ""' BER B.,
prosper; ""'B., be good, be pleasant, be well, *bleed profusely; ""' GUM B., *remain un-
etc. (-DIN, thank you; EVv'E ....., EWE ..... BIN, avenged (murder); ..... BER :~;>., bleed by
fonnula used by speaker relating bereavement opening vein (Y); ..... G., cup, take b. sample;
or other serious misfortune, all being well ""' G., *be haunted by b.-guilt ( -KER BO
with you); LE ""' B., pardon, make up EWE Y ""' NE-Y-GIRE XENCERE -AWIYEKE-Y
quarrel w., cancel claims against; PE ..... B., ELEsETE\v"E, a murderer in order to avoid
be pleasing to, *be pleased about (oft w. being haunted by b. guilt licks his dagger
reference to misfortunes of others); ""' while it is still bloody); ""' GW., staunch
GEREK B., *like, *be fond of, *love (--1M bleeding; ""'LE HATIN, *bleed; ""'HL'\!ANEWE,
GEREK-YT, I am fond of you); ..... BW., clear vomit b.; ""' K., commit murder (hence
up (weather); ""' HATIN, gen. in formula ..... -KER n. murderer); ""' PIJAN, *bleed (from
HATi, ..... HATIN, welcome!; ""' K., till nose, artery); ""' BISHTIN, shed b. (hence
(ground), tan (hide), poke or draw up (fire), -BEJ n. shedder of b.); ..... SENJ;>IN, avenge
addscent(togum); -Kw.,clearup(weather; (Y); ..... XUWARDINEWE, be bitter enemy
BARANEKE --Y KIHDEWE, it stopped raining); (Y, of).
""' WISTIN see WISTIN. xon in comb.: -AWn. also -AW Y CIGER, toil,
xosh in comb.: -Awn. sweet syrup; -AWAZ affliction; -Awi a. bloody; -BAYi n. b.-
a, having a good voice; .-BAWEE a. credu- money; -ciMAN n. springtime; -EXo n.
lous; -DEXTa.fortunate(-BEXTANEadv.for- avenger of b.; -GERM a. hot-blooded; -iN
tunatcly); -E a. mature, ready for use, a. bloody, b.-coloured; -MIJ a. b.-sucker;
experienced; -ETALU n. wild lettuce; -SARD a. cold-blooded, cool; -sHIRIN a.
-mvisT a. beloved; -EWISTi n. love; attractive, pleasant; -TAL a. cantankerous,
-I:IAL a. pleased, happy, (PE -I:IAL B., cross-grained; -xoR a. b.-thirsty; -xuwAz
be pleased about, with); -HATI, n. gen. a. and n. aggrieved party in b.-feud, avenger
-HATi LE K., welcome; -in. pleasantness, of b.
happiness, delight,(-tLEXO-M, lmrrah!, I xon«Jin (xon) v.t. sing (of humans and'
am delighted; ·-t LE XO-:T. well d~ !, con- certain birds), recite (K.oran), study; -EWE,
. ' gratulations-!~ -4-Y- Jtt w n~i-Y Bi, for ·read (boak,.G-OC\Mllent,., et~;), be considerat~
·~:·· ~
7 . h¥: good 61' 114 WbetheiJwd~s it. 'or ll9t; .. t~.;takf ~pev:~ notiee ef. See DEL. ··
. .· ~.
Jill . -i, wi~;. v.jt~ eom~qa; ,L1!'' X~~aT 4 •.fik.xate; ;;.,i n ..litency, ..·,.,
: ~. ~f:YA,.:~· ,_.:ty~~~--~~~" ~-~ftiS·?~iYA, ,·-.:-~ft·.·Q~.-:~tt~t- ~~- v&gabond; ai.v~~!,:·.:_.: :_·
Jh, prO&per; -1 ~f ~;, ;.,.1. -...J.·~.J<EWU!-J, xesh llf<,~tive;'.-":".1\N, tf'l~.;. ;..;Aflrri;l§: .·.
•be delighted); .;.;;,r~w~titoNt u K;; erect ·.. rcltttionsbip, · telati(mly behavimir; -r ·..,;~.
w. kind inquiries; -Nus, a. and n. calli- relationship.
graphist; -BEWT a. having good paces xuje n. name of a shrub yielding gum.
(horse); -BEWTAR a. well-behaved; -wuTAR xujilk n. name of various plants chiefly
a. eloquent; -XUWAN (P) a. and n. having compositae having bitter milky juice.
o melodious voice, professional reciter; xuln. spin, rotate; ..... J;>., spin (tr.) - XUWAR-
DIN, spin (intr.); ~EXUL 11. spinning; ~oR xushk n. sister; -BE - K., exchange sisters,
see XILOH; ~XULE, ~XULOKE 1!. top. C.'j. XIL. marry brother-in-law's sister; -AYETi 11.
xul/anewe (xuU~) v.i. spin, wander; sisterhood, sisterliness ( ~AYATI G. LEGEL,
~ANQINEWE ( ~.b;) caus. spin. make firm friends w. another woman);
xulya (A) n. obsession, idea of doing sg. (Y). ~EZA n. sister's child; ~-u-BmAYi n.
xu!am n. slave, servant, knave (cards); BE platonic love.
~-TAN BIM, expr. of respect I am yours to xut n. gen. LE --U-XOBAYI, for nothing,
command. without provocation.
xu!k 1 n. gen. ~ K., invite. xute also -xuT n. gen. - K., -xuT K., nag,
xu!k 2 see XULQ· pester, (LESER); --W-BOL,E, n. grumbling.
xu!q (A) n. character; ~ NEB., *be indis- Xuwa n. God; freely used in exclamations,
posed, *be unwell. prayers, imprecations, etc.: ~, ~·r-E, 0 God;
xum n. vat, esp. dyer's vat; ~ Y NIL, ~ Y YA -, ~ TO BIKEY, G. grant; BE ~, BE ZAT
SHIN, indigo; LE ~ Q., LE ~ HEL KEsHAN, y - , by G.; PISHT BE -, BE PISHTIWANI
dye; ~ SHEWAN, gen. ~ SHEWAWE, /it. the y - , by G.'s help; ~ TOBE, formula of
dye has been spoilt (as expr. of disbelief in threat I'll show you; BO XATIR Y ~,for G.'s
news or rumour); ~EBEJE n. magpie; ~xANE sake; LESER ~, G.'s will be done; ~-TAN
n. dye-house; ~xANECHI n. dyer. LEGE!,, ~ l;!AFIZ, -l;fAFIZ-TAN BE, - AGAI;)AR-
xumar (A) n. hang-over, unpleasant after- TAN BE, good-bye; ~ BO XO-Y AGAI;)AR-E,
effects of alcoholic excess, languishing ~ n'Ew SERE'WE AGA-Y LE-YE, G. is \vitness,
look; -i a. suffering from h.-o.; ~SHIKEN G. knows; CHI - BERDAR-E, how can G.
11. antidote for h.-o. permit that ... ?; ~ GEWRE-YE, G. is great;
xunaw, xunawke n. de\v. ~ I;IEQ-E, G. is the truth (i.e. I swear that
xuncan (xund\) v.i. see GUNCAN. I am telling the truth); - ~-M BU KE, I was
xunche n. bud. praying fervently that ... ; ~ BI-Y-BATEWE
xuran1 (xure), xuranewe pass. of xuwAR- BO xo-Y, may G. take him to himself, may
DIN, XUWARDINEWE. he die; - BI-Y-GIRE, may G. take him (as
xurjan2 (xure) v.i. itch; -ANI;> IN ( ~E:N) excl. of reprobation or unwilling admiration);
caus. scratch to relieve itch. CHI ~ HEL EGIHE, ~ HE!, NAGIRE, G. will
xure n. small saddle-bag. never permit; ~ BIKA, ~YA TO BIKEY,
Xurda<;l (P) n. May-June, see Appendix I. G. grant; - NEKA, G. forbid that . . . ; -
xuren a. hungry; -i n. condition of not NEXUWASTE, which G. forbid; ~ EZAN~,
having eaten; LE ~I' CIGERE NAKEsHIM, I do ~ E-Y-ZANE, G. knows; MEGER~ HER XO-Y
not smoke on an empty stomach. BIZANE, G. only knows. See TUXUWA.
xuri n. wool. Xuwa in comb.: -DAW a. G.-given, natural;
xurjike also -iLKE n. smallpox; ~u n. ~GIRTU a. and n., ~GIRTUWE n. dead, the
itching, tingling; ~uKE, -uLKE see ~iKE. damned (or blessed) fellow (as excl. of repre-
xurma n. dates (fruit); ~-W-BON, dish of hension or unwilling admiration); ~lJAFIZi
fried d. and eggs; -YiLE n. name of a n. gen. -l;!AFIZI LE K., bid farewell to;
herb. ~KIRD a. natural; -LExOSHBU a. defunct
xurpan (xurpe) v.i. throb, thump, (heart). (person), the late; -NASa. G.-fearing, con-
See DA. scientious; -NTE'ALA n. the Most High;
xurpe n. gen. ~ Y DIL, thumping of the heart. -PEJ;)A w a. fortunate, talented; -WEN!;) n.
xurshidi n. name of a tune. God; --W-J:!ASTAN adv. providentially;
xurt (N) a. capable, powerful, vigorous, ~xuwAST a. and n. decreed by, decree of,
dominating, fertile (soil); -i n. ability, G.; -YETI, n. godhead, divine nature; -Yi
power, vigour, fertility. a. natural.
xur n. and a. flow, current, flowing; AW y - , xuwaca, xuwace 11. master, oft. title of
running water; BE -, in torrents; ~Awn. respect for Christians and Jews; ~NISHIN
torrent; -GE n. small waterfall eroding bed 11. low platform outside gate-house serving
of irrigation channel. as bench.
xuran (xure) ·v.i. flow (river, stream); xuwan n. table (esp. t., tray or mat spread
-EWE, trickle. for meal); -KE1 n. lid of earthenware
xure, xurexur n. murmur of flowing water. vessel; ~KE2 n. part of substructure of
xurin (xur) v.t. see LE XUEIN, PE XUBiN, TE water-mill supporting MURESENG; ~XANE
XUBIN. n. dining-room; - Y ziN, saddle-tree; ~cHE
xus a. and int. silent, silence, hush. 11. small t.
xusp n. slander behind one's back, secret xuwar a. inclined downwards, crooked, ill-
vilification. fitting (clothes); ~ BW., be bent; ~ KW.,
xushe n. splashing, gurgling, sound ofliquid. bend; PE ~ DA N., make false step, put a
864313 M
foot wrong, get into trouble; -·EWE 11. posi- xuwaz p1·es. stem of XUWASTIN; ~RAN
tion below (KEWTIN E -EWE, fall down); ( -Rfl), pass. of XUWASTIN.
--u-XECH a. twisted; -0 a. lower ( esp. in xuwazjbeni 11. gen. -uf,Ni K., send inter-
village names as opp. to juni'r, SERU, upper). mediary to parents of girl to ask for her in
xuwardemeni n. victuals. marriage (hence -HflNiKER 11. such messen-
xuwardin (xo; 3 pers. sing. pres. EXWA, ger); ~GAR n. petition.
BIXWA; agent XOR) v.t. eat, suffer, and other xu1 (N) n. sweat.
idiomatic meanings varying rc. the n. toith xu2 n. disposition, nature, temper, habit;
which it is constructed; EME NAXUWA, this -J?. E, get into the habit of; ~ G., fonn a
will not do; XUHAN (xunt), pass.; -EWE, habit (PE'WE, of; hence -om, accustomed,
. drink; xo -EWE, suppress one's feelings; Y, to; cf. HOGm); K. BE-, make a habit of;
XURANEWE pass. be decayed (teeth). -NERM a. easy-going, good-tempered;
XUWaS 1 see BAS-U-XUWAS. --W-BEWISHT n. character; -xosH a. good-
xuwas 2 only in comb., see PEXUWAS under pfl1 • tempered, pleasant.
xuwast 11. will, intention, wish, object; - Y xu9 also-En. helmet; -EZIRE n. h. of metal
XuvvA, will of God; - K., intend; -AR n. or mail (annour).
demand; -EMENi n. article on loan. XUg 11. pig; -EMILE 1!. tug-of-war.
xuwastin (xuwaz) v.t. wish, desire, ask xun only in BAWEXUN, see under BAW 2 •
for, borrow; XUWASTRAN (XUWASTRE), and xusan (xuse) v.i. be in soak, become
XUWAZRAN (XUWAZRE), pass. sodden.
xuwayisht n. wish, desire; ~i a. voluntary, xuz n. strength; - TE GEBANEWE, *recover
Yolunteer; -KAH, -ME"<!_) a. desirous. one's s.

- yl inserted in certain cases for euphony between being omitted), e.g.: v':EM, I come (HATIN,
a final vowel and another vowel folloz!Jing in pres. stem. E); v'ENIM or EHENIM, I bring
close liaison (but after 0 only before E and i), (HENAN, pres. stem HEN). Cf. DEz, E6 •
e.g.: GA, GAYEKE, ox, the ox; PEBO, PEBOYEK, .y4 (pronounced as pure short i.after consonant
rag, a rag; GERU, GERUYEK, throat, a throat; but coalesces wth a prec. vowel) pron. aff.
MANDU, MANDUYi, tired, fatigue; GEBA, he, she, him, her, his, het, it, its, most
GEBAYEWE, he wandered, he returned. commonly used: I. ·when the pron. is the d.o.
y2 particle known as izAFE principally used: of a trans. v. in the pres. tense. 2. In the
1. As a defining relat. pron., who, whom, genitive relation and so as possessive adj.; it
which, e.g.: PIYAWEKE (or EW PlYAWE) Y is suf., with intervening euphonic T, to the
HAT, the (that) man who came; EW PIYAWE 3 pers. sing. pres. ind. of the enclitic v. 'to be'
y oinu-TAN, the man whom you had seen; in cases where there would otherv.ise be am-
for the construction of relat. clauses see KE6 • biguity, e.g.: HEYE (whereY is euphonic) there
2. To linh epithet adjj. and nn. to then. which is, but HEYET-Y, he has; ElVIA GA-YE (Y again
they qualify, e.g.: PIYAW-EK Y AZA, a brave euphonic), this is an ox, but ElVIE GA-YET-Y,
man; TIHE Y BESH Y SHiRiN, sweet black this is his ox; TY is however sometimes added
grapes; DESHT y BiTw:EN, the Bitv.·en plain; when there is no danger of confusion, e.g.
Gt'Ht)N Y DIHA-l\1 (but apposition BIRA-M llARAM BAWK-Y-E or BARAM BAWK-Y-ETY,
GfmuN), my brother Gurun. 3· To link an. Bahram is his father. 3· With the prepp.
in the genitive relation to the n. it qualifies, no, LE, PE, TE, LEGE!,., and the postp. E. 4· To
e.g.: ll!HA Y GtJHUN, Gurun's brother; denote the agent in sentences having a trans. v.
TISHK Y BOJ, the sun's rays; DEHGA Y in a past tense, see Appendix V; for further
KOSIIKEKE, the palace gate; BABEKR Y SELfM, explanation of the manner of use of the pron;
Dabakr (son). of Salim. 4· To link a n. o1· ajf., w. examples, see under -T2.
adj., esp. one forming part of a comp. v., to -y 5 (thus afte1· vowel, -1 after consonant),
its complement, e.g.: BANG Y KE EKEY (also inflexion of 2 pers. sing. of p1·es. tenses of all
KE HANG EKEY), whom are you calling?; FER vv. and past tenses of intr. vv.; for use of
y KtJHDI-TAN KIRDIM, you taught me euphonic T after -Y see T 1•
Kurdish. -yG 2 pers. sing. of enclitic v. 'to be', art, are;
y-3f>article pref. to pres. ind. tense of certainvv. for use of euphonic -T afte1• -Y see T 1•
lun.·ing pres. stem beginning v:. E: or HE (the H ya 1 (A) int. 0! (gen. used mtlzer than EY when
addressed to God, the prophets, or persons of yawer n. assistant, aide-de-camp.
religious standing); - XuwA, 0 God!; - yaxfi n. and a. rebel, outlaw, defiant; -in.,
SHE:x, 0 Sheikh! rebel etc.; -hi, -iYETi n. rebellion,
ya2, yaku, yan, yaneku, yaweku, yaxu outlawry.
conj. or; YA •.. YA, YAN ... YAN, either ..• yaxu see YA2 •
or. yaye n. great lady, dame. See YA 3 •
Ya3 11. short for YAYE and used as title preceding yec~ar see YEKCAR.
name Lady; - SHANAZ, Lady Shanaz. yegh4an n. mule-trunk, cupboard.
yabu n. pack-pony. yeghma n. plunder, pillage.
Yacuc (A) n. Gog; - u MAcuc, Gog and yeghni n. kind of stew of meat w. onions;
Magog. -KilsH n. bowl (gen. of copper for serving
ya4 n. memory, remembrance; --Y BE xER stew).
B'E, formula used u•. mention of long- yek n., pron., a., ai1d adv. one, single, each
absent li·ving friend; LE - (LE -A) B., *re- other, together, -fold; - -, - BE -, one
member; HATINEW'E -,*remember; HENA- by one (SHEB Y - BE -, single combat);
NEW' E -,recall; - K., BE - K., call to mind, -ENDER ou, in double quick time, at once;
mention; LE - K., forget; -AWERi n. re- - LESER -, all together; BE YEK (w. vv.) see
membrance; -GAR n. memorial, keepsake; PEK; - u ou LE :KEK., not to hesitate about;
-NAME n. memorandum ( -NAMCHE, dim. -E: BU -E: NEBU, traditional opening for folk-
of prec. engagement book). tale once upon a time; - B., be united; BE
yadest int. cry uttered by person winning -A CHUN, become interlocked, join battle;
game of CHEI.,EMESHIKENE, q.v. CHUNEWE -, shrink, contract; BE -A J?.,
yafte n. placard, label. fix together (without d.o. attack each other);
yaku see YA2 • Q. E -,bring together, come together; BE-
yal!a (A) int. 0 God! (oft. used by person GEYISHTIN, meet; - G., - KEWTIN, unite
making effort or urging another to effort, e.g. (hence -GIRTU, -KEWTU a. united); - X.,
'heave!'). bring together.
ya}l n. mane. yek in comb.: -AHENG a. monotonous; -AI.E
ya!2 n. hill-side, mountain slope. a. united, unified, unanimous; -ANE n.
yan1 see YA2. hoar; -AWYEK a. most efficacious, exactly
-yan2 pron. aft. 3 pers. pl. they, them, their; suitable, just the thing; -BAQ a. loosely
for manner of use see -T2• woven and thin (cloth); -BARE a. single,
yane (G) n. house, esp. club-house. done once; -niNE a. and adv. continuous,
yaneku see YA2. continuously; -CAR adv. once for all, quite,
yani (A) that is to say, namely. completely; -cAREKi, -cARi a. and adv.
yanze n. and a. eleven; -M, -MiN a. permanent, permanently; -con a. of one
eleventh. kind; -cHAW a. one-eyed; -cHESHN a. of
yaprax (T, leaf) n. dish of savoury rice one kind, similar; -oES1 a. one-handed;
wrapped in vine-leaves, tomato stuffed w. -oES2 a. matching; -DIGIR a. in contact,
savoury rice, or similar dish. joined, ( -QIGIR B., meet); -Dll, a. single-
yaqut n. ruby. hearted, unanimous; -oi pron. each other;
yarn. friend, lover, helper; XuwA -BE, may -En. unit ( -E -E, one by one; -E -E-YAN
God be our helper, please God; - G., make BE KEJ:..K v'E:, only one or two of them ate of
friends with; -i n. game ( -i K., play); use; -E NA -E:, every other, alternately;
-METi see -YE; -o n. fellow, so and so, pref. to many nn. w. meaning unique, incom-
(person known but not named); -YE n. help parable, etc. (e.g. -EYEKEKAN, the most dis-
( -YE Q., help; hence -YEQER n. assistant, tinguished men; -EZANA Y ZIMAN Y Kunoi,
helper). the leading authority on the Kurdish lan-
yara n. power, strength, ability. guage); -EM, -EMINa. first; -E-W-GOTEKE,
yas n. rock. -E-W-I;IEYZERAN, -E-W-KII,AWE n. names
yasa n. tradition, custom; -GH a. prohibited, of variations of game of leap-frog; -E:Ti n.
forbidden; -vi a. traditional, orthodox. singleness, union; -FIKR a. agreed, of one
yasawul ( T) n. marshal. mind; -GASINE n. land ploughed once; -i1
yasemin n. jasmine. n. singleness; -i 2 adv. each ( -i SE SEw,
yasin (A) n. a chapter of the Koran ap- three apples each); -iYETi, see -hi; -LA
pointed to be read at bedside of the dying a. faithful, constant, ( -LAYi n. fidelity,
or over graves;- XONJ?IN, read this chapter constancy); -MAL a. very friendly, inti-
(LESER, at bedside of, over grave of). mate; -MANGE a. one month old; -PARCHE,
yawe n. nonsense; -BEJ n. blatherer. -PARE a. made of a single piece or block;
yaweku see YA2• -PERIST a. monotheist ( -PERISTi n. mono-
864313 M2
theism); -PE a. one-legged; -llENG a. of yeq 11. gen . . . . , I)., - K., feel sick, feel nausea;
the same colour, consistent, constant, ......, J;>W., ......, KW., vomit, exude, discharge.
( -BENGI, n. consistency, constancy); -llU yereqe see EREQE.
a. sincere, constant; -SAJ..E a. one year old; yeshm 11. name of a soft easily \vorked stone.
-sAN a. level, uniform,. equal, alike, (-SAN yexe (T) 11. collar; - Y xo DA DilliN, tear
K., level, etc.; -SANI n. equality, unifor- one's shirt, become verv excited· ......, a.,
mity); -SER, -SERE adv. directly, without accost, button-hole, (v). • '
warning; -SIM a. having uncloven hoof; yexte a. gelded (animal only); ESP y - ,
-SHEME, -SHEMU n. Sunday; -SHEQ, see gelding; ......, K., geld. Also EXTE.
-sER; -SHEWE a. new (moon), upstart, Yezdanu. God.
nouveau riche; -TA a. unique; -TENE a. yix n. cry used to drive sheep or couch
gen. SHEll Y -TENE, single combat; -TIR, camel; ......, 1)., couch (camel); - K., kneel
-TIRI pron. each other; -WUSHE, -ZIMAN (camel).
a. unanimous. -yn see -b; 2 •
yelda (A) n. gen. SHEW Y -, longest night of -ysh see -isH 2 •
the year. yogh n. yoke.
yelek n. waistcoat. yogh4an see '\'"EGIJVAN.
yemeni see KEWSH.

za a. and n. used: (1) as suf. (also -I;>, -J;>E) face; HER E\VENJ;>E-MAN ZANI CERDEKAN PEYA
meaning child of, e.g. BIRAZA, PERIZAJ;>, BUN, quite unexpectedly (all of a sudden)
BEGZAI;>E (-ZAZA, grandchild of); (2) as n. the brigands appeared; BE xo ...... , perceive,
(also -!;>) meaning birth (e.g.: -BEN!;> n. apprehend, realize, (KATE BE XO-MAN ZANI
birth register; -!;>BUM (SN) n. native land; KE CERDEKAN lliJABUN E KARWANEKE'WE,
--w-z:E n. breeding; --w-zF. K., increase by when we realized that the bandits had
breeding, multiply); in comb.: --W-MA n. attacked the caravan). See LE, PE.
mixed flock of ewes and lambs, goats and zaq-u-ziq see ziQ.
kids; -YE1 n. offspring (used only in phrase -zar1 suf. meaning field, place abounding in,
-YEYEK-IM LE SIKA-YE lit. I have a child in e.g. GUI,ZAR, KARZAR.
my belly, meaning I will represent two, e.g. zar2 n. mouth; - xosH, well said!, hear!
when number of players in game is one hear!, bravo!; -BENE n. muzzle for thresh-
short); -YISHT n. birth, Cj. ZAYIN. ing ox.
zac (A) n. vitriol, shoemaker's black. zar3 also -i n. lamentation.
za41 (A) n. food. See XORAK. zare n. gall-bladder; -TIREK a. terrified.
za4 2 , za4e, see under ZA. zaro, zarok, zarole n. child.
zaf n. gen . . . . , K., feel faint. zat1 (A) n. personage; BE......, vXuwA, by God.
zaferan n. saffron. zat2 n. courage; ......, K., dare; ......, N., encourage,
zak-u-zik, zak-u-ziik see ziQ. egg on, (EBER).
za! a. dominant, dominating; ......, B., dominate zawa n. bridegroom, son-in-law, brother-
(BESER ... -A); -t n. domination. in-law, and in general denotes th~ relation-
za!im (A) a. oppressive, cruel. ship of a woman's husband to her close
zam n. wound, ulcer; -AR, -J;>AR a. blood-relations; -llEWi n. son-in-law lodg-
wounded. ing in his wife's parents' house.
zan1 (z~) v.i. see TE ZAN. Zawe n. Mercury (planet).
zan 2 n. gen . ......, K., hold an opmwn, think; zax n. alum, vitriol; DES BE -A CHVN, *be
-A a. and n. learned, scholar; -AYi n. deceived; DES BE -A. K, deceive (v); -AW.
·learning, scholarship; -IST n. learning, n. gen. -Aw J;>., tan, burnish. · ....
knowledge; -ISTGA n. university; -ISTi a. zaxe n. cave, esp. c. used as shelter for flocks.
pertaining to learning, scientific; -YAR n. zax~r n. water-course in hilly country.
information. · zaxo n. overcoat of angora.
zanin (zan) v.t. know, think, believe; WA zaye1 n. see under ZA.
BJZANIM, I incline to think; BE llU-TA ZANIM, zaye2 (A) n. gen . ......, B., perish, die; ......, K.,
I concluded from the expression on your spQil: give away.
zayelen. wail, wailing, plaintivcnotes(music). zeng2 a dark; -i 11. negro.
zayin (ze) v.i. be born, also give birth, calve, zengen n. a kind of mattock.
farrow, pup, \vhelp. zengeqi!ishe n. chopped firewood.
zeben 11. grassy plain. zengesftre n. hornet, wasp. Also JENGESURE.
zeben4e a. plentiful. zengyane n. small bead.
zeberdest (P) a. overbearing, tyrannical; zeq a. wide open, staring, (eyes); - -DIYAR-
-f 11. superiority of force. E, it is clearly Yisible; ............ TEMASHA K.,
zeberlah a. burly, strapping. stare at; CHAW Li: - KW., look menacingly
zebr (A) 11. force; -BEDES a. harsh, severe; at; -En.gen. -EYCHAWHATIN, *belooking
--u-ZENG n. strictness, sternness. open-eyed.
zebun a. weak, helpless; -KUJ a. bully. zeqnebut, zeqnemut see JEQNEBUT.
zede4ar a. damaged. zequm (A) n. name of a tree in hell; BE
zefte (A, J?AB~iYA) n. gendarme in Otto- -~ Y BE, may he be poisoned by ...
man times. zera'et (A) n. cultivation; - K., cultivate.
zehf see ZAF. See KA!., KISHT, WERZ.
ze~met (A) n. and a. trouble, difficult; - PE zerd1 n. steep rugged cliffs, gaunt mountain.
J?., give t. to, trouble. zerd 2 n. brass.
zehr n. poison; -Aw n. poisoned drink; zerd 3 a. yellow, pale; - B., - HEL GEEAN,
-Awi a. poisoned, poisonous; -EMAR n. turn pale; - K., boil lightly, scald, blanch
snake p. (oft. in imprecations, e.g. BE -EMAR- (vegetables); -AJ..C n. apricot; -Awn. bile;
YAN BE). Cj. JAR. -BAW a. n. yellowish; -E1 twilight; -E2 n.
zekat (A) n. alms-tax prescribed by Islamic sweet boiled rice w. saffron; -E3 n. name
law; - Q., pay a.-t. of a fish; -E 4 n. a species of grape; -ECHEWE
zel n. reed; -EWURDE n. sedge; -KA w n. n. turmeric; -ELE a. yellowish; -ELIKAW
reedy marsh. n. marsh; -ELPEB n. last moments of
zelam1 a. huge. evening twilight; -EMAR n. a species of
zelam 2 n. man; -EBE n. foot-path unfit for snake; -EPEB see -EI.PEB; -ESIRi n. name
laden animals or wheels. of a plant; -EWALE n. wasp; -EZIRE n. a
zele (A) n. unintentional error, slip; - Y small species of wasp; -ENE n. yolk (egg);
ZIMAN, slip of the tongue; - K., commit -i n. yellowness; -iNE n. gold ornaments
such error. (fern. jewellery); -KAR a. yellowish; -KEn.
zem n. slander behind one's back, secret name of a variety of wheat unsuitable for
vilification. · milling(gen. used for SAWER, q.v.); --u-sfJR
zeman (A) n. time;--, from time to time; as n. children, youngsters; --u-zoi, a.
-En. period oft., the times; -i a. temporal. blanched (vegetables); -uvi n. amber,
See DEM. 1 jaundice, yellow markings on beak of young
zemawend n. merry-making, party; - K., birds.
have a party. Zerdesht n. Zoroaster; -i a. and n. Zoroas-
zembelek n. spring (elastic metal contri- trian.
vance). zerdexene n. smile; - G., smile.
zembeq 11. lily, iris. zereket n. name of a herb.
zemil (A) n. basket. zerf (A) n. container, dish, tray, bag, en-
zemin n. earth, ground, territory, floor, velope.
base; GOY -, terrestrial sphere. Cj. ZEWi. zerg (A) n. skewer having round head w.
zemftrek n. nozzle, spout. small chains attached and thrust through
zemzeme n. chanting, sing-song. the cheeks by dervishes as religious exer-
zena see HERA-W-ZENA. cise.
zencefil n. ginger. zergete n. small species of wasp.
zen4eq n. courage; - CHUN, *be terrified; zerif (A) a. good. See BASH, CHAK.
-J;>AR a. brave, courageous. zerk n. outer husk of walnut (used as lip-
zendiq 11. atheist, misbeliever. stick).
zene n. name of the sign called sukiin in the zerqi a. bright, gay, colourful.
Arabic script. zertik n. safflower.
zeng1 n. bell; - LE Q., ring b.; - ZIBAN see zertke see ZERDKE.
NAW ZIEAN; -U!.E 11. tinkle-b., rattle (MAR zeru n. leech; - LE (or TE) G., apply I. to.
Y -ULEJ;>AR, rattle-snake); -ULE-W-MEN- zeruri (A) n. lavatory, latrine.
GUI,E n. clinking jewellery; -ULE-W- zerya 11. sea; -BAR n. sea-shore; -CHE n.
PINCHIK n. name of a plant; -u~:,i a. tinkling, lake; -PEB n. seaside, coast; -WAN n.
shrill, high-pitched, falsetto; "'-U-QOB n. sailor; -WANi n. navigation; -Yi a. mari-
caravan bells. time, naval. Cj. zmf:2 •
zer1 n. gold; ~ENGER n. goldsmith; ~i a. B., *talk at length without effect, *urge
golden; ~KESH a. gilt; ~KIFT a. g.-plated; uselessly; - Y xo GESTIN, bite one's lip (w.
~NiGAR ~NiSHAN a. inlaid w. gold. Cf. ZEB. vexation); - G., begin, learn, to talk (child);
zer 2 (also ZEBB) int. rubbish!, fiddlesticks!. ~ GIRAN, *become t.-tied; HATIN E -,begin
Cf. ZEEIN. to speak (esp. of animal or inanimate object
zerat see ZUBAT. in fable); - DER Hi':NAN, - DER KEsHAN,
zere1 (A) n. atom; ~BiN n. microscope. stick out the t. (LE, at); ~ KIRANEWE, *begin
zere 2 , zerezer n. bray, braying. to speak, *abuse (L:E); - PARASTIN, control
zerin (zer) v.i. bray. one's t.; ~ SHIKAN, be unable to talk (esp. on
zerneqftte n. unfledged nestling. death-bed); ~ SUTAN, *fail to control one's
zernix n. arsenic. words; LE ~ TIRAZAN, slip from the tongue.
zewi n. ground, field; BE ~YA 1)., strike ziman in comb.: ~BAZ a. argumentative
down, fell; ~ XOSH K., till, hoe; -EIN n. ( -BAZi n. altercation); -DIIffiJ a. abusive;
harrow; ~-w-ZAR n. farm-lands. ,...;E n. tenon (wood joint), tongue of flame,
zewt (A) 11. gen. ~ K., seize. fulcrum of balance, stiff tip of cigarette-
zexm n. wound. See ZAM. paper; -EPICHKOLE n. uvula; -i a. oral;
zeyn (A, DHIIIN) n. intelligence; ~ Q., -LUS a. fair-spoken, flatterer, plausible;
attend carefully (E, to); ~Kcm a. stupid, -PARAW, -BAN a. eloquent (-BANi n. elo-
dull-witted; ~EUN a. intelligent. quence); -sHiRiN a. pleasantly spoken;
zeystan a. recently delivered of child. -TEB a. eloquent; -TiJ a. pungent in
zeytftn (A) n. olive; -i a. o.-green. speech, sarcastic; ~xosH a. witty; ~zAN a.
zel, also -WAR 11. stripe, piping. and n. linguist.
ze2 11. genital orifice of fern. animal. zime see SIME.
ze3 pres. stem of ZAN1 • zimherir (A) n. intense cold of the 40 days
ze4 pres. stem of ZAYIN. following the winter solstice.
zeQ n. abode; ~EWAN 11. guardian of shrine; zimrut (A) n. emerald.
--u-BUM n. country, region. zinc n. hut of boughs, arbour.
zerab n. drain, sewer. zincir n. chain; ~ K., chain; -E n. chain (in
zer n. gold; LE-G., overlay w. gold; -BAFT fig. senses e.g. -E Y QISE, c. of argument),
a. embroidered w. gold; -iN a. golden. Cf. milling (coin); -E BESTIN, form a line;
ZEE1 • -ESHAX n. mountain range.
zewan see ZEQEWAN. zindi (N) n. insect.
zewer n. ornament. zir n. heart, hearts (cards).
zibare (N) 11. forced labour, corvee. ziraw n. gall, courage; - BIRDIN, terrify (Y);
zibil (A) n. rubbish, refuse, litter. - CHUN, - TEQiN, *be terrified.
zibr a. rough (opp. of smooth), coarse, zirek a. wall-eyed.
harsh; ~E 11. husk. zire1 n. arn1our, mail; -QAR, -POSH a. clad
zich n. tick (insect parasite). in mail, armoured, iron-clad; -siM a.
zift n. pitch, bitumen. armour-piercing.
zig see SIK; LE -, included; --u-zA n. in- zire2 n. sea; -BAR n. sea-side, coast. Cf.
crease by breeding; ZOR --U-ZA EKEN, they ZERYA.
are very prolific. ziring a. clever, smart, bright, clear; AW
zigar n. voluntary communal labour. y - , clear water left at top of receptacle
ziln. huge, bulky, burly; -B., grow; -Hiz, after suspended matter has settled; --u-ziT
~1;10 n. and a. lout, loutish, clumsy; -KE, a. very clever, very bright.
see under TIRE. ziringan (ziringe) v.i. tinkle, jingle; -Ev.rE1 ,
zilan 11. violent wind, gale. tinkle continuously, buzz (ears).
zile n. slap, box on the ears. ziringanewe2 (ziringe) v.i. become clari-
zi!f n. tress, side-lock; - Y LUL, ringlet. fied, become limpid (liquids), begin to get
zi!finc n. name of a bitter herb, used as excl. light (night); SHEW ZIRINGABUWEWE KE
or in phrases ~ XOY, BE --IT BE, may it MIWANEKAN BOYISHTIN, it was beginning
turn bitter in your mouth. to get .light (it was very late at night) \vhen
ziman 11. tongue, language; - Y CHOLEKE, the guests departed.
seed of ash-tree believed to have medicinal ziringe, ziringeziring n. tinkle, tinkling,
properties; ~ Y GA, borage; - TEK ALAN, buzzing (ears).
•talk incoherently, *falte~; BESTIN, zirikancJin (ziriken) v.t. shriek.
silence, bribe, (Y; hence -BESTRAW a. zirikje, also -EZIRIK n. shriek, shrieking;
silenced, bribed); - BIBiN, cut out t. of, -E Li': HEL SAN, begin to shriek; ~ E Lt HEL
silence, bribe, (Y); ~FER B., learn language; SANQIN, caus. of prec. torture; --U-HUB n.
LESEH - B., be on the tip ofthe t. j - WUSHK loud shrieking.
zirishk see zi. zilke n. a species of grape.
ziriwe n. twittering, warbling, twinkling. Zilqe•de (A, DHi 'L-QA 'DA) n. eleventh month
zirize n. small chain (e.g. watch-c.). of Islamic lunar year.
zirk a. rough, hard, (from being unripe, e.g. zin n. saddle; XA.."-L Y -, seat of s.; - K.,
melon). saddle; -DIRU n. saddler; -PosH n. cloth
zirmfe n. boom, thud; -Ezi!.t n. rough-and- thrown overs.; -u n. col, pass, (topog.).
tumble, boisterous game; -EZIRM n. boom- zina~ (A. ZIN.4') 11. fornication; - K., forni-
ing, thudding, sound of stamping; --U-KUT cate.
11. brawl ( --W-KUT DA G., pommel, thrash, zinQan n. prison; LE - GIR (or TUNQ) K.,
d.o.); --u-HUB n. see -EZIRM. imprison; x. E -EWE, cast into p.; -EWAN
zirte also -ZIRT n. gleam of eyes; - HATIN, n. jailer; -i n. prisoner.
•be seen to have eyes open. zinQe (P) a. lively, energetic; XIQIR v -,the
zirteboz a. and n. loutish, lout. prophet Khidr (believed to be in1mortal and
zirukanQin (zirftken) v.t. chirp. to appear to help deserving persons in dis-
ziruke, zirilkezirftk n. chirp, chirping. tress); -BE CHAL, -BE GOB, K., bury alive
ziryan n. gen. BA y - , winter gale. as punishment.
zir1 a. barren (tree); oft pref. to name of tree, zin<Ju a. alive, lively; - BW., come back to
e.g. -coz, b. walnut-tree. life; - KW., bring back to life; -YETI 11.
zir- 2 a. used as pref. w. meaning false, pseudo-, vitality; -Yi n. being alive, life.
step-: -BIRA, -DAK, -DAYK, -KUB, -MAM, zinhar int. be"vare!; - SED -, beware, a
-XESi}, -XEZUn, -XUSHK; -EBILBIL, -EKEW hundred times beware!; - EME NEKEY, be
(see SOSK). careful not to do this, beware of doing
ziran1 (zire) v.i. be interrupted, be broken, this.
(sleep). zipke n. small boil, pimple.
ziran2 (zire) v.i. tinkle, gen. in e:~.pl·. NAW -, ziq n. squeaking, twittering, chatter of chil-
*get a bad reputation. dren; -AWE1 n. sable marten; -AwE2 ,
zirfe, also -EZIB n. clink, clinking; --u- -AWLE n. lapwing, peewit; -E, -EziQ n.
ZENGYANE 11. spangles, beads; -ZIEE 11. continuous twittering etc.; -IN a. twitterer.
child's rattle. ziqan<;lin (ziqen) ·c.t. squeak.
zirt see CIBT. zire n. cummin-seed.
zistan n. winter; -EWAR n. w. resort; -i a. zirek a. clever, smart, ingenious.
pertaining to w. ziranQin (ziren) v.t. shriek.
ziwir a. offended, vexed, upset. Also ZOR. zire also -zin n. shriek, shrieking; - K.,
ziya<;l a. and n. more, excessive, superfluous, shriek (esp. w. pain, vexation, etc.); ZERDE-
excess, sg. to spare;- B., increase, be exces- WALEKE --Y LE DES-IM HEI.- SAND, the wasp
sive; - K., increase (intr.), wax (moon); stung me in the hand.
- XUWARDIN, over-eat; -E n. addition zit a. erect; -KE1 n. pimple, boil.
(thing added), thirteen (in counting, e.g. zitke2 n. minnow.
YANZE, DUwk"ZE, -E, CHUWARDE); -f see ziw n. silver; -iN a. made of s.
ZIYAYf; -TIR see ZIYATIR. zix n. gravel; -ELAN n. tract of g.
ziyan n.loss, harm;- PfLQ.,- pf GEYAN:QIN, ziz a. annoyed, offended.
do harm to; - K., suffer 1., be harmed; zizan n. darnel.
-KAR a. harmful. zo n. name of a herb.
ziyaret (A) 11. visit, pilgrimage; - K., visit, zol1 see ZERD-U-ZOL.
make pilgrimage to (d.o.; - Y DES K., kiss zo}2 n. gen. -E: CHERM, thong.
hand); -GA n. place of pilgrimage. zol3 a. and n. bastard; -EK, same as prec. but
ziyatir a. more (LE, than); - G., give pre- esp. as term of abuse, also freak, defective
ference to (LE, over). Cf. ZIYAQ. specimen, e.g. -EK Y BEBU, misshapen hard
ziyayi n. excess. Cf. ZIYAQ. acorn.
zi 11. Christ's thorn. Also DIBKEzi. zome n. group of tents.
zib (P) n. beauty, ornament; -A a. beautiful, zong also -Aw n. stagnant water, marsh;
adorned. -EL n. soft ground.
zik see ztQ. zop a. big.
zikr (A) n. remembrance, esp. rhythmic zor1 a. and adv. much, many; - PIYAW,
repetition of religious forn1ula as act of PIYAW Y -,many men; -PARE, PARE Y-
remembrance of God. much money; -BILt a. talkative, garrulous,
zikzak (E) n. zig-zag. ( -BILEYi n. talkativeness); -E:Ti n. majority;
zil n. shrill note, treble. -in. numerousness; -u-ZEBENQE a. abun-
Zil~ece (A, Dlli 'L-~IlJJA) 11. twelfth month dant; -xoR a. gluttonous; -ZAN a. cunning,
of Islamic lunar year. crafty.
zor n. power, strength, compulsion, oppres- zurna n. pipe (musical instrument); ~JEN n.
sion; ~ BO HENAN, attack;~ LE R., compel, piper.
force, (hence ~LEKIRAW a. compelled); zuxa!n. charcoal.
~ PE SHIRAN, *be strong enough to do sg. zu a., n., adv., and int. quick, soon, early
( ~-IM B'EM IaRE NASH IKE, I am not strong times, quickly; ~ nE ~, very quickly, as
enough to do this); ~AN, ~ANBAZI 11. soon as possible; B'EM ~wANE, soon,
wrestling (~AN G., wrestle); ~DAR a. op- shortly; LE ~YEKEWE, since long, from a
pressive, tyrannous; ~DAREKi n. compul- long time ago; "l'A ~w-E, while it is yet early,
= sion (BE~ Y ~DAREKi, under strong compul- while there is yet time; ~ BE, b.e quick;
sion); ~EMILE n. compulsion; ~MENJ;> a. ~ K., make haste (- KE, make haste! hurry
powerful, strong; ~xANE n. gymnasium. up!); -BES, -BEZ see under TIRE; -·TIR, a.
zorinewe (zor) v.t. comfort (e.g. distressed and adv. sooner, earlier, ( ~TIR CHATIR, the
child). sooner the better).
zozan n. summer quarters, hill-station. zukanQin (zuken) v.t. whimper.
zu!al a. limpid (water, voice). zuke, zukezuk 11. whimper, whimpering.
zuqm n. frost; ~ LE J;>., nip, injure, (plants, zurik n. wild parsley.
of f.). zuranQin (zuren) v.t. grizzle, cry fretfully
zurbe a. strong, powerful ; LESKIRER Y ~, a zure, zurezur 11. grizzling; ZVBEZUB GIRYAN,
powerful army; as n. ;...., SENJ;>IN, become grizzle. ·
stronger. zftxaw 11. pus, discharge, exudation; -
zurg n. foot-hills; --t:-HEJ:..ET, rough broken XUWARDIN, suffer seVerely (LEDES, at the
hill-country. hands of).
zurat n. maize, Indian com; ~EKEWILE · n. zuz n. name of a plant.
wild m. ziir see zrwiR.



(a) THE LUNAR ISLA:\IIC YEAH divided into 12 months, each of 31 or 30 days
I. MUI;IEBEM 7· BECEB except the last which has 28, or in leap years
2. SEFER 8. SHE'BAN 29. Several Kurdish publicists have en~
3--BEBi'ULEWEL 9· B.£MEZAN deavoured to introduce Kurdish names for
the months; but there has been no unifor-
mity and about 40 different names have been
6. CEMAZIYELAXER I 2. ZiLI;IECE used, applied sometimes to the months of
the Iranian calendar, sometimes, less appro-
priately, to the months of the Gregorian
(b) THE CIVIL YEAR IN IRAQ calendar, and in some cases to different .
January K.>.:";f-X y DUWE;\1 months of the same calendar. The following
February SHUBAT table shows in column 2 the names which
March MART, Al;>AR are recommended, and in column 3 the cor-
April KisAx responding names used on the Persian side
May l\1AYIS, AyAR, EYAH of the boundary.
July TE::-.tCz Apr.-May GuJ.,AN ERDIBEHISHT
September £yu}L June-July GERMACIMAN TiR
December KAKl:::-< Y YEKEM Sept.-Oct. MiRAN - MiR
Nov.-Dec. AGIRJ;>AN AzER
The Iranian solar year begins on the day Jan.-Feb. NAWZISTAN BEHMEN.
the sun enters Aries (about 21 March) and is Feb.-Mar. PoLAN EsPENJ;>



AGHIRi, Ararat SABILAx, Siiujboliigh, Mahii.bad

AKiill, 'Aqra SILtMANi, Sulaimiini, Sulaimiiniya
AMfu>i, 'Amiidiya SINE, Senna, Sanandaj
13EGHA, BEGHJ;>A, Baghdad SiRWAN, Diya!a (R)
DmoK, Dohuk SHINO, Ushnu, Oshnuya
EsTEMt)l,, Istanbul TARAN, Tehran
HEWLER, Arbil TEWREZ, Tabriz
HEWRAMA-"1, Avromiin, Hawriimiin \VuRMi, Urmia, Rezii'iya
KERKUK, Kirkuk XA:r-.'EQi, Khiinaqin
KIRMASHAN, Kermiinshiih ZAXo, Ziikho
KoYE, Koy Sanjiiq · ZE Y BADiNAN, Great Ziib (R)
PIRDE, Altun Koprii Zt Y Ko>""E, Little Ziib (R)

APE, 'Arif NECM, Najm-ad-Din

AJ..i, 'Arif NE'E, Ra'na
AME, AM~, A.mina PERE, PERizA, Parizad
•AsE, '..3..sima PETE, Fattal), Fatl)alliih
Ast, Asyli PEzE, PizA, Pozt, Piroz
ATt, ATuL, Fatima QALE, QALUL, Qadir
AvsH~, 'A'isha QASUL, Qasim
BABEKR, Abu Bakr QEYTE, QEYTUL, Qaitaran
BILE, BmAviM, Ibrahim QucuL, Khwaja
CANE, Janan QUTE, Qutb-ad-Din
CEME, J amila J3.EpE, Rafiq
CuwAMER, CuKIL, Javanmard BEI;IE\ Rabma
'EBE, 'Abdallah BEI;IE 2, 'Abd-ar-Ral)miin
'EnusH, 'Abdallah BEME, Ramagiin
Ect, Khadija BEsHE, B-£saoL, Rashid
EFRASIYAW, Mrasiyab SALE, $alii)
El;IE, El;IOL, Al)mad SE'E, SE'OL, Sa'id
ELE, ELi, 'ELi, 'Ali SELE, Salma
'EL.AW, see HEt.AW SII,.E, Sulaiman
EMNE, see AME SIME, SIMKO, Isma'il
EsTE, EsTERE, Sitare, Akhtar SHAKE, Shakir
'ETAW, 'ETE, 'Atiya SHANE, Shahniiz
EWI.A, 'Abdallah SHAZE, Sha~1Zaniin
EWBEl;JMAN, 'Abd-ar-Ral)man SHEFE, Sharif
'EwuL1 , 'Abd-al-Qadir SHEKIR, Shakir
'EwuL1; 'Abd-al-Karim SHEME, Shamsa
ExoL, Mal)miid ToFA, Taufiq
'EzE 'Aziz WnsMAN, WET!.IAN, •uthman, 'Osman.
FATi, FATiLE, Fatima XA.Tt, Khatiin
FEHE, Fahima }(£cAw, }(net, Khadija
FETE, Fattab }(ncfCXAN, Khadija Khiin
FEYME see FEHE }(npE, Ghafiir
FEVZE, Faigallah }(nviCXAN,. Khadija Khan
Gui,.E, GUI,.E1, Gulchin }(nzt, · Khiinzad
Gui,.E2 , Gulandam XILE\ Khalil
~EBAW, ~EBE, ~abiba XILE 2 , Khigr
~ELAW, ~ELE, ~alawa XIRME, Khariiman
~EME,Mubammad XuRSHE, Khurshid (fem.)
~EYBEXAN, ~abiba Khan XURSHi, Khurshid (masc. andfem.)
MALE, MARIF, Ma'riif YARE, Yar Abmad
MEwE, Mauliid ZEJ..XE, Zulaikha
MEXfiL, Mal)miid ZIBE, Zubaida
MicHE, Mu~tafa ZiNE, ZiNo, Zainab
Mil;IE, Muhi-ad-Din ZoRt, Zahra
MiNE, Amin

Verbs fall into four groups distinguished by (a) The I of the inflexions -IM, -IN, and the
the ending of the infinitive: (I) -DIN, -J?IN, or I benveen the past stem and the auxiliary in
-TIN; (2) -iN; (3) -AN; (4) -fJN. The principal the compound tenses, disappear, e.g. E-KEW-
parts are present stem, past stem, and past IM but E~BO-M, KEWT-IM but PEBI-M, GIRT-I-
participle .. The present stem of all verbs is BU-M but KEsHA-BU-M.
given in the Dictionary. The past stem is (b) The i of the inflexions -r(T) and -iN be-
found by cutting off the -IN or -N of the in- comes Y, e.g. KEWT-l(T) but GORA-Y(T),
finitive. The only two intransitive verbs of E-KEW-IN but E-DUWE-YN, KEWT-fN but
group (4), BUN and CHUN, have a second, BEZI-YN (or BEZI-N).
shortened, past stem-nu, CHU; the shortened
BU only is used for the au..xiliary in the forma- (c) When the inflexion -:E(T) would follow
tion of compound tenses.· The past participle a present stem ending in E: the :E is pronounced
is formed by adding u to the past stem if it and written only once, e.g. E-GERE(T) not
ends in a consonant, and w if it ends in i or A; E-GERE-E(T).
in verbs of the fourth group the past stem and (d) Where the ending -AYE occurs w is
the past participle are identical in form. inserted after u and f:r, y is inserted after i,
Specimen paradigms of an intransitive and and the A is elided after A, e.g. BI-BUW-A1"E,
a transitive verb, each with the present and BI-MAN-DIBUW-AYE, Bl-PERIY-AYE, BI-GEBA-
past stems ending in a consonant, are given 'YE.
below. If either stem ends in a vowel con- (e) The 2nd pers. sing. imperative has no
siderations of euphony impose the following inflexion, e.g. Bl-GIR-E but BI-BO.
minor changes :

Intransitive Transitive Intransitive Transitive
Infinitive KEW-TIN GIR-TIN Past stem KEWT GIRT
Pres. stem KEW GIR Past participle KEWT-U GIRT-U


2. E-KEW-l(T) Bl-KEW-f(T) E-GIR-f(T) BI-GIR-i(T)

3· KllWT none GIRT-Y none





1. The past tenses of all transitive verbs are played with (us) by you-you played a
passive in meaning. trick on us.
z. In a sentence the agent is expressed by a this calamity brought upon (him) by
pronoun in the affix form: -IM, -IT, -Y, us-we brought this calamity upon him.
-MAN, -TAN, -YAN. If there is also a noun
or an independent pronoun denoting the 5. If the sentence contains no noun or inde-
agent, this is placed separately at the be- pendent pronoun denoting the person or
ginning of the sentence but is not con- thing directly affected, the pronoun
structed as an integral part of it. denoting the agent may be affixed to:
(a) the complement of the predicate;
3. If the subject is expressed by a noun or
(b) an adverb. or adverbial phrase;
independent pronoun this is placed as far
(c) any of the short adverbs used in the
forward as possible and the pronoun
formation of compound verbs, viz.
denoting the agent is affixed to it:
DA; HEL, BA, BO, WER, or a preposition
in the absolute form (Lt, PE, Til, and
handkerchief was untied by him,
Bakhtyar-Bakhtyar untied the hand-
(d) the negative prefix NE- or the tense
and mood particles E- and BI-.
BEXTYAR, KE EME-Y BIST-when this was
heard by him, Bakhtyar-when Bakht-
FtR Y KURDi-YAN KIRDIM-1 was taught
yar heard this.
Kurdish by them-they taught me
4· The noun or independent pronoun denot- Kurdish.
ing the person or thing indirectly affected BE CINOKE-MAN ZANi-he was taken for
by the action may be constructed as the a jinni by us-we took him for a
subject; in this case the pronoun denoting jinni.
the agent is affixed to the word denoting LESER ERZEKE-Y BA XIST-it was spread
the person or thing directly affected: out on the floor by him-he spread
BARAM, BANG-Y KIRDIN-we were invited it out on the floor.
by him, Bahram-Bahram invited us. CHEN!) CAR-1M WUTUWE-how often has
KAGHEZEKE-TAN DIBIWIM-I have had it been said by me-how often have
(my) letter torn up by you-you have I said?
torn up my letter. WA-M ZANIBU KE • .-it had been
Hl'cH DENG-U-BAStK-I'f BO NEG~RAWIMET­ thought thus by me that ...- I had
EWE-1 have had no piece of news thought that. . . .
related to (me) by you-you have not DERGAWAN, Pt-Y WUTIM-l had said to
related any piece of news to me. (me) by him, the doorkeeper-the
SERBURDEKE-M BO GtBAYEWE-he had the doorkeeper said to me.
occurrence related to (him) by me-l BA-YAN KEsHA YE DERE\VE-he was
related the occurrence to him. dragged out by them-they dragged
PAREfllK Y ZOR-Y Lt WER GIRTIN-we had him out.
a large sum of money taken from (us) NE-MAN-DIBiBU-it had not been torn
by him-he received a large sum of by us-we had not torn it.
money from us. BI-TAN-GIRTINAYE-if they had been
KAREKERtK Y ZOR-IM tt XIST-it had put taken by you-if you had taken them.
into (it) a large number of maidservants
by me-l put a large number of maid- 6. If there is in the sentence no word or
servants there. phrase of the kinds set out above to which
HicH-YAN NEI)AM ~I had nothing given the pronoun denoting the agent can be
to (me) by them-they gave me nothing. affixed it is inserted into the body of the
FilL-IT LEGELA KIRDIN-we had a trick verb immediately before the inflexion

(except that of the 3rd person singular, XuwA DA-Y-M :E:-1 had it given to (me)
which follows the inflexion): by Him, God-God gave it to me.
RENClli'-'DU-TAN-iN-We have been 7· Passives having the infinitive ending in
- offended by you-you have offended -RAN (-R:E:) and conjugated in all tenses
us. like ordinary intransitive verbs are gener-
KUSHT-YAN-he was killed by them- ally used when no agent is mentioned;
they killed him. the agent may however be mentioned with
CERDEKAN, GIRTIBU-YAN-IM-J had been the compound preposition LELAYEN 'by'.
captured by them, the brigands-the On the other hand a transitive verb with
brigands had captured me. the pronominal affix of the 3rd person
CERDEKE, GIRTIBUM-Y-1 had been cap- plural is often used in a quite general
tured by him, the brigand-the sense so that KUJRA and KUSHT-YAN would
brigand had captured me. give much the same meaning, 'he was
but with the postposition :E:: killed by a person or persons unknown'.



1. Bextyar u Bec).bext du bira bun le deyeka. 1. Bakhtyar and Badbakht were two brothers
Boje le rojan biryar-yan <.ia ke biron bo in one (living in the same) village. One day
sharan, pare peya biken; we her bo sibeyne-y they decided to go to town to make money;
ser y xo-yan he! girt u pckewe kewtin e re. and the _y~e~t monnng they left home and
Her yeke toshu y rojck y xo-y xistibuw enaw ~ together. Each had put his parcel of
desesirek y surewe w le pisht-y bestibu .. food for one day into a red handkerchief and
had tied it round his waist.
2. Bo n!wero geyishtin eser kani-w-awek. z. By midday they reached a spring. They
\Vut-yan; 'Ba l'ere wuchanek-y bo bic).eyn said, 'Let us have a halt here from our march
u nan y niwero-y lc bixoyn'; we da nishtin and eat our midday meal by it'; and they sat
]ego kan!yeke. down beside the spring.
3· Inca Bec).bext ru-y kird e Bextyar: 'Bext- 3· Then Badbakht turned to Bakhtyar:
yar, ba bo niwero toshuweke y to bixoyn, 'Bakhtyar, let' us eat your food parcel for
toshuweke y minish bo eware-man'. Bextyar midday, and (keep) my parcel for our evening
wut-y, 'Bash-e'. meal.' Bakhtyar said, 'All right'.
4· Bakhtyar undid the handkerchief (tied to)
4· Bextyar desesireke y pisht y xo-y kirdewe, his waist and spread it on the ground. Then
we Ieser erzeke-y ra xist. Sa herchiyek-y they ate all of what was in it and rested for
tiya bu xuward-yan, we hencJe bo-y .Q.esanewe a time and (then) resumed their journey.
w kewtinew' e re.
5· Evening overtook them. The (nearest)
village was still a long way off (when) they
5· Ewarc-yan besera hat. Heshta away! dur
reached a fork in the road where there was
bu, geyishtin e dureyaneyek, kani-w-awek-y
a spring. This time Bakhtyar turned to
le bu. Em care Bextyar ru-y kird e Bec).bext Badbakht and said, 'Badbakht, I am very
u wut-y: 'Bec;Ibext, min zor-im birsi-ye; wa
hungry and the village, it is clear, is a long
divar-e awayi'sh zor dur-e; ba l' ere da nishin,
way off too; let us sit down here, have supper,
shew bikeyn, inca ekewinew' e re. and then resume the journey.'
6. BecJbext wut-y: 'Hew, be Xuwa, min Ie 6. Badbakht said, '0 dear no; by God, I shall
toshuweke-m besh y to nacJem, her besh y not give you a share from my food parcel; it
xo-m eka'. will just be enough for myself.'
7· Bakhtyar, when he saw this caddish beha-
7· Bextyar, ke em napiyawiye-y di, kas bu, viour, was dumbfounded and only just man-
we her ewenc;Ie-y pe kira, bile: 'Ke wa bu, aged to say, 'In that case, Badbakht, I shall
BecJbext, itir min hawreyi y bec;lsirishtek y not go along any more with an ill-natured
weku to nakem; l'em du reye yekek-yan bo person like you ; of these two roads choose
xo-t he! bijere; to ew reye bigire, minish one for yourself; you take that road and I will
ewitir-yan egirim'. BecJbext regeyek-yan-y take the other one.' Badbakht .chose one of
bo xo-y hcl bijard, Bextyarish mil y regeke the roads for himself, Bakhtyar followed the
y tir-y girt u lek co bunewe. other· road, and they separated from each
8. Bextyar ke tariki-y besera da hat tush y
ashekonck bu; bo ewe y ew shcwe-y tiya hel 8. 'When darkness overtook him Bakhtyar
ka chuw e naw-yewe w lepisht dolyaneke- came across a deserted mill. He went inside
yewe le-y kewt. it to spend the night there and lay down to
rest behind the wooden water-drop.
9· Ewenc).e-y pe nechu sherek hat e jurewe, 9· Not much time had elapsed when a lion
]e nawen<;l y ashekec;la le-y da nisht. Lepash came in and took his seat in the middle of the
ew Gurg kird-y be jura; nexer Piling der mill. After him \Volf strode in, and then in
kewt, Kemtyar peya bu, Cheqel hat, we quick succession Leopard appeared, Hyena
Bewi geyisht. turned up, Jackal came, and Fox arrived.
10. When these had all collected and gone
I o. Ke emane hemu ko bun ewe w encumen- into committee Lion turned to Fox: 'Fox,
yan girt, Sher ru-y kird e Bewi: 'Bewi y son of a dog, where are you (have you been)?
segbab, ewe le ko-y? Diyar nit; demek-e Nothing is seen of you; it is a long time that
hich dcng-u-basek-it bo negerawimetcwe'. you have not related any piece of gossip to
1 r. Bewi wut-y: 'Qurban, shit y weha giring I I. Fox said, 'Sir, nothing has happened so

ru-y ne~awe ke bi-y geyenim epesh agha y important that I should report it to my lord;
xo-m; be!am du aga y taze-m des kewtuwe, but I have obtained two fresh pieces of
ewa e-yan-gerimewe bo-tan. Mishkek heye information which I will now relate to you.
l'em ashekone<;la, duwanze dinar y zer-Y In this deserted mill there is a mouse who
heye; hemu sibeyneye, ke xor ekewet enaw has twelve pieces of gold; every morning
asheke'we, em mishke em zerane d'enet e when the sun shines into the mill this
derewe, Ieber xoreke ra-yan exa w yari-yan mouse brings out these pieces of gold,
pe eka; we ke xoreke la chu he!-yan egire w spreads them out in the sunlight, and
e-yan-batew' e kuneke-y; ew girde pichuke'sh plays with them; when the sun has gone
ke lepisht ashekewe-ye l)e,vt kupe!e y pir le off he picks them up and carries them back
zer-Y te<;la sharrawetewe'. to his hole; moreover, that little mound that
is behind the mill-seven small water-pots
full of gold are hidden in it.
I2. Sha y caneweran, ke eme-y bist, sipas y
Mam Rewi-y kird; we lepash nexte hawpir- I z. The king of the beasts, when he heard

seke y tir encumen bi!awe-yan le kird. this, thanked Uncle Fox; and after some
further discussion they dispersed.
IJ. \Vhen Bakhtyar had heard this conver-
IJ. Bextyar, ke go-y l'em qisane bubu, itir
sation he could not sleep any more; he was
xew nechuw e chaw-y; chaweruwan y
waiting for sunrise. The first glow appeared,
xorelat bu. Sipi<;le diyari-y c,ia, shebeq
day dawned, the sun raised its head out above
kirayewe, roj ser-y le aso'we hena ye derewe
the horizon and climbed slowly upwards,
w aheste aheste bi!ind buwewe, we gizing y
and the first rays of sunshine took possession
xor asheke-y dagir kird. Bextyar, ke xo-y le
of the mill. Bakhtyar, who had crouched
penayeka melas c,iabu, henase-y le xo-y
down in a hiding-place; was holding his
biribu, we xera xera chaw-y exishan<;l be
breath, and was casting his eyes rapidly over
kune diwarekana; dudil bu aya Mam Bewi
the holes in the wall; he was uncertain
rast-y kirdibe.
whether Uncle Fox had told the truth.
14. Suddenly from a hole something glit-
I4. Le pir le kunekewe shitek biriskayewe. tered. A mouse's head, with something
Ser y mishkek, shitek y biriskec,iar be demewe, glittering in its mouth, came out from the
le kuneke'we hat e dere. Mishke, pash hole. The mouse after looking carefully
pishkininek y nawjureke be chaw, we dilniya round the inside of the room and satisfying
bun-y l'ewe ke begane-y tiya niye, le kun himself that no stranger was there, came out
der chu, we shite biriske<;lareke-y Ieber from the hole and set the glittering object
xoreke da na. Erne zerek bu. Mishke down in the sunshine. This was a piece of
gerayew' e kuneke.,yewe w zerek y tir-y hena gold. The mouse went back into his hole
ye derewe. B'em cheshne duwanze zer-y and brought out another piece of gold. In
Ieber kuneke ra xist. Inca des-y kird be yari this way he spread out twelve pieces of gold
kirdin pe-yan. in front of the hole. Then he began to play
with them.
15. Bextyar, ke beta ew deme xo-y girtibu, 15. Bakhtyar, who had restrained himself
chinge xol-Y he! girt u fire-y <;Ia yeser until that moment, picked up a handful of ,
zerekan. Mishkeke tirsa w ra-y kirdew' e earth and threw it on to the pieces of gold.
kuneke-yewe. Bextyar chu, zerekan-y ko The mouse took fright and ran back into his···
kirdewe w xistin-y e girfan-yewe, we le hole. Bakhtyar went, collected the pieces of
asheke hat e derewe. Bextyar emca chuw e gold, put them into his pocket, and came out
ser-u-kar y kupe!e zerekan, ewane'sh-y from the mill. Then Bakhtyar went to deal
doziyewe. with the pots of gold and found them also.
16. Itir zor dewlemenc;l bubu. Hena-y, 16. And so he had become very rich. He
zewiyek y gewre-y kiri, koshk-u-sera w proceeded to buy a large plot of land and to
baxek y shayane-y Ie dirust kird u be rayex build and lay out there a majestic mansion
u tifaqek y giranba razanc;I-yewe, we piyaw and orchard; he equipped it with valuable
u karekerek y zor-y te xist. Belam chuwar furniture and stores, and put numerous men-
derwaze-y bo kirdibu, we letenisht her servants and maidservants in it. Moreover
derwazeyek jfrrek-y dirust kirdibu, kupe w he had made for it four gates, and beside
goze y aw y sard u text u sen<Jeli-y tiya da each gate he had built a room, and had placed
nabu; we be dergawanekanish-y wutibu ke in them porous jars and pots of cold water
kam rebuwar lepash aw xuwardinewe and benches and chairs. He had also told the
henaseyek-y he! kesha, bi-y henin e la-y. gate-keepers to bring to him any traveller
Nawbang y em jurane y aw xuwardin zu who heaved a sigh after drinking water. The
bilaw buwewe. Hemu roje gele rebuwar fame of these rooms for drinking water soon
la-yan ec;la w aw y sard-yan Ie exuwardewe, spread abroad. Every day many travellers
we le-y el).esanewe. used to turn aside and drink cold water and
rest there.
I7. Roje le rojan rebuware hat e jurewe w 17. One day a traveller came into the room
piya}eye aw-y kird be sera, we ke le buwewe and quaffed a cup of water and, when he had
henaseyek-y hel kesha. Dergawan desbece finished, heaved a sigh. The door-keeper
chu be la-yewe w pe-y wut ke xawenma! tika immediately went up to him and told him
eka ke bichCt e la-y. Rebuwar-yan bird e Ia that the owner requested that he would go to
y Bextyar. Ke chaw-yan be yek kewt desbece him. The traveller was taken to Bakhtyar.
yektir-yan nasiyewe. Erne Bec;Ibext bu. When they saw each other they immediately
Bextyar le ce y xo-y ra peri w des-y kird e recognized each other. This was Badbakht.
mil-y, cmla w ewla-y mach kird, we letenisht Bakhtyar jumped up from his place, put his
xo-yewe da-y na. arms round his neck, kissed him on this side
and on that side, and set him down by his
18. Lepash nexte xoshi-w-choni Bextyar
wut-y: 'Bira giyan, weku ebini, em koshk-u- 18. Mter a few inquiries Bakhtyar said, 'Dear
seraye hi min-e. Min Xuwa da-y-m e, be brother, as you see this mansion is mine;
amanc y xo-m geyishtim. Esta zor dewle- God gave it to me and I have achieved my
menc;I-im. Diyar-e ke to hich-i! des nekew- object. Now I am very rich. It is clear that
tuwe. Ewa, sipas bo Xuwa, min he-m-e. you have obtained nothing. You see that,
tme bira-yn. Ewe y min he-m-e lege} toc;la thank God, I have (plenty). We are brothers.
besh-y ekem, niwe-y bo to, niwe-y bo min. I will divide what I possess with you, the half
Min zor-im heye; besh y her duk-man eka of it for you, the half of it for me. I have
w le'sh-man emenetewe. much; it will be enough for both of us, and
to spare.
1 9· Bec;lbext, be ewe ke xoshnudiye biniwene 19. Badbakht, without manifesting any grati-
w sipasek y em bira cuwamere-y bika, wut-y: fication or thanking this magnanimous
'Ebe pe-m biley, Bextyar, to em dewlete-t brother of his, said, 'You must tell me,
, le ko we chon ching kewtfiwe; minish echim, Bakhtyar, where and how you obtained this
weku to peya-y ekem. wealth. I also will go and find it like you.'
20. However much Bakhtyar sought to dis-
zo. Herchen<;le Bextyar beser-ya hat u pe-y suade him and told him that he had obtained
wut ke em dewlete-y be helke'l-''1:ek y zor this wealth by a most unusual and extra-
semere w le asa be der des kewtfiwe ke carek ordinary chance that would not occur (be
ytir nabinretcwe, we ew dewlete ke heyet-y seen) again, and that that wealth which he
bes-e bo her duk-yan, sfi<;lek-y nebu; Bec;Ibext had. would be enough for both of them, it
pe-y lc da girt, be zor serburdeke-y pe was of no avail. Badbakht persisted and
gerayewe. Bextyar, ke le qisekan-y buwewe, forced him to relate what had happened.
itir Be<;lbext aram-y negirt, der peri ye When Bakhtyar had finished speaking
derewe berew ash. Badbakht could rest no longer and dashed
out in the direction of the mill.
21.Be<;lbext ke geyisht e ashekoneke, zerde 21. When Badbakht arrived at the deserted
y ewarc nemabu. Chuw e jurewe, we weku mill the evening twilight was already over.
Bextyar kirdibu-y lepisht do!yaneke'we xo-y He went inside and, just as Bakhtyar had
mat da. done, he hid behind the water-drop.
22. Shew tewaw tarik bubu ke shcrck le 22. The night had become quite dark when
pireka kird-y be jura w le nawenQ. y ashckc<,la a lion suddenly strode in and squatted in the
he! tuta. Lcpash ew endamekan, kc wcku middle of the mill. After him the members
Pi]ing u Gurg u Kemtyar u Cheqc! u Bcwi such as Leopard, 'Yolf, Hyena, Jackal, and
bin, gisht ko bunewe w encumen gira. Fox all collected and committee was formed.
23. Then Lion turned to Uncle Fox: 'Fox,
23. Inca Shcr ru-y kird e l\lam Bcwi: 'Rewi son of a dog, why is it so long that you have
y scgbab, ewe bo demek-e deng-u-basfk-it not related any gossip to me.'
bo min ne gerawetewe ?'
24. Fox said, 'Sir, ·what shall I report to my
24. Bewi v.-ut-y: 'Qurban, chi bigeyenim lord? Last time when I was relating those
epesh agha y xo-m? Car y pcshu kate ke pieces of information to you here, a human
l'erc<,ia ew agayane-m bo egeranewe, agem- had hidden himself on the other side of the
zaye l'ewdiw do!yaneke'we xo-y mat dabu, water-drop and had heard everything. When
go-y le hemu bubu. Ke roj ebetewe zerckan daylight returns he seizes the mouse's pieces
y mishkeke erifene w eche kupele zerekanish of gold and goes and brings out the pots of
der ehene. Esta eweta b'ew parane koshk-u- gold also. .And now, as you may see, he has
serayek-y bo xo-y dirust kirduwe w tiya-ya built himself a mansion with that money and
da nishtuwe. Ca leber e\ve, lepesh eweda ke is living in it. So for that reason, before I
shitek-tan bo bigerimewe, ebe temashavek relate anything to you, we ought to have a
Y naw-asheke bikeyn, neweku emcar~'sh look round the inside of the mill lest this
a<,lemzayek y zo! xo-y tiya shardibetewe. time too a bastard human may have hidden
himself in it.
25. Sher, ke eme-y bist, wut-y: 'Adey, 25. "When Lion heard this he said, 'Now then,
namerd-tan neken, asheke bigeren; erne get on with it, search the mill; God willing
Xuwa-ye, shew y em ewareye-man bo der this evening's supper may come out of it
che'. for us.'
26. Canewerekan be care le ce y xo-yan ra 26. The beasts with one accord jumped up
perffi. Her ke chun e ewdiw do!yaneke'we, from their places. As soon as they went to
BeQ.bext-yan doziyewe, pelamar-yan da ye w the far side of the water-drop they found
ra-yan kesha ye derewe, we le berdem y Badbakht, rushed upon him, dragged him
Shera parche parche-yan kird u hemu pekewe out, tore him in pieces in front of Lion and
xuward-yan. all together ate him up.
27. I too have come back and they gave me
27. Minish hatimewe w hi'ch-yan ne<,iam e.1 nothing.
1 From Qawii'id al-lughati '1-kurdiya by Taufiq Wahby, Beirut, 1956, pp. 45-50.

.. ~--------------------------~----~- ·~


' J

p. vii, § 4 (vi) l.r : for BEL read HEL
p. r, col. I : for abru read abru
p. 2, col. I: for CALUSAL read calusal
p. 27, col. I, art. cheq 2 1. 5: for ,..._.ECHEK read ,._,ECHEQ
p. 37, col. I, art. des 2 in comb. 1. 39: for KMAHf read ....... KMAHi
p. 45, col. 2, art. espe I. 3: for l3ISHQ read J3ISHK
p. 63, col. I: for hepo! read J:lepol
p. 88, col. 2, art. m.ashqe I. 2: for MASHKE read MASHQE
p. 91, col. 2, art. metulke I. 2: for !3ISHQ read BISHK
p. 105, col. r, art. per 1.2: before 'n. wings' insert ',._,·U-BAL'
p. 1o6, col. 2, art. p~!: delete 1. 32; I. 35 before already insert and nut
p. rIo, col. 2, art. pisht 1. 1 I : before •,._, G.' insert ',._, LE J?W ., give up, retrain
from, (activity);'
pp. I 19-124: for initial R read Bin all cases
p. I s6, col. I, art. xara 3 : for 'milk' read 'silk'
p. 172, col. 2, 11. Ir and r2: for -GEHE- read ·GEJ3E-

Wahby (llld Edmonds: A Kurdish-English Dictionary

K arzan 20 16

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