Army Leadership and Counseling

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Army Leadership and counseling

What publication superseded FM 6-22 as the Army's keystone manual on

ADRP 6-22 Army leadership supersedes all of FM 6-22 except the section on

Who is an "Army leader"

Anyone in the Army who, "by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility
inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals."

What is "leadership"
The process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation
to accomplish the mission and improve the organization

What does it mean to "influence" people

Getting people - military and civilian, governmental and non-governmental
partners, or even bystanders such as a local populace - to do what is required. It
involves more than simply passing along orders.

Leadership involves a minimum of two components. What are they?

A person or group that leads, and a person or group that follows

What is meant by the term "command?"

The authority that a commander in the armed forces lawfully exercises over
subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment.

The Leadership Requirements Model conveys the expectations that the Army
wants leaders to meet. What are the two requirements of this model?
Leader Attributes- what leaders should BE and KNOW
Leader Competencies- what the Army requires leaders to DO

What are the three different Leader Attributes within the Leadership
Requirements Model?
Character (internal identity) - Army Values; empathy; Warrior Ethos and Service
Ethos; discipline.
Presence )external identity) - military and professional bearing; fitness;
confidence; resilience

Intellect (abilities and knowledge) - mental agility; sound judgment; innovation;

interpersonal tact; expertise.

What are the three different Leader Competencies within the Leadership
Requirements Model?
Lead - leads others; builds trust; extends influence beyond the chain of
command; leads by example; communicates.

Develop - creates a positive environment/fosters esprit de corps; prepares self;

develops others; stewards the profession.

Achieve - gets results.

The Army Values consist of the principles, standards, and qualities considered
essential for successful Army Leaders. What are the seven Army Values and
what acronym can be used to remember them?
Selfless Service
Personal Courage

Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and
your soldiers

fulfill your obligations

treat people as they should be treated

Selfless Service
put the welfare of the Nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own
live up to the Army Values

do what is right, legally, and morally

Personal Courage
face fear, danger, or adversity (physical and moral)

What are the three different Levels of leadership

Direct - face to face or first-line leadership

Organizational - indirect influence through levels of subordinates and staffs

Strategic - shape the military through change over extended time

What are the four SPECIAL CONDITIONS of leadership

Formal - designated by rank or position (command is an example)

informal - take initiative and apply special expertise when appropriate.

Collective - synergistic effects achieved with multiple leaders aligned by purpose

(the collective effect is greater than the sum of the parts)

Situational - actions adjusted to complex and uncertain environments.

What is the "Warrior Ethos?"

It is the following four lines from "The Soldier's Creed:"

I will always place the mission first.

I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.

List nine different methods of influence.

Pressure - applied when leaders use explicit demands to achieve compliance.
This is a good choice when the stakes are high, time is short, and previous
attempts at achieving commitment have not been successful.

Legitimating - occurs when leaders establish their authority as the basis for a
request when it may not be obvious. This method suggest to those being
influenced that there is the potential for official action if the request is not

Exchange - used when leaders make an offer to provide some desired item or
action in trade for compliance with a request. Promise of a four-day pass as
reward for excelling during a maintenance inspection is an example.

Personal appeals - when a leader asks a follower to comply with a request based
on friendship or loyalty. Mutual trust is the key to success.

Collaboration - when a leader cooperates in providing assistance or resources to

carry out a directive or request.

Rational persuasion - requires a leader to provide evidence, logical arguments, or

explanations showing how a request is relevant to the goal.

Apprising - happens when a leader explains whey a request will benefit a

follower. Similar to Exchange but the benefits are out of the control of the leader.

Inspirational appeals - occurs when a leader fires up enthusiasm for a request by

arousing strong emotions to build conviction. Such appeals can inspire followers
to surpass minimal standards and reach elite performance status.

Participation - occurs when a leader asks other to take part in a process to

address a problem or meet an objective. The key here is imparting a feeling of
shared ownership with the problem

What are the two critical steps in the formation stage of any team?
Reception and orientation

What are the three principle ways that leaders have to develop others?
By counseling, coaching and mentoring

What is meant by counseling?

The process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinate's
demonstrated performance and potential.

What are the three types of counseling?

1. Event counseling - covers a specific event or situation
*Instances of superior or substandard performance
*Reception and integration counseling
*Crisis counseling
*Referral counseling
*Promotion counseling
*Separation counseling

2. Performance counseling - Review of a subordinate's duty performance during

a specified period. Performance objectives and clear standards for the next
counseling period should be jointly established. Should focus on subordinate's
strength's, areas to improve, and potential.

3.Professional growth counseling - includes planning for the accomplishment of

individual and professional goals, sometimes referred to as a "pathway to

In order to be effective counselors, Army leaders must demonstrate what five

Respect for subordinates, self-awareness, cultural awareness, empathy, and

What three general counseling skills are used by leaders in almost every
Active listening, responding, and questioning

What are the three approaches to counseling?

Directive - leader does most of the talking and tells the subordinate what to do
and when to do it. Works best to correct simple problems, make on the spot
corrections, and correct aspects of duty performance.

Nondirective - leaders use their experiences, insights, and judgment to assist

subordinates in developing solutions.

Combined - leader uses techniques from both the directive and nondirective
approaches, adjusting them to articulate what is best for the subordinate.

which of the approaches to counseling is the preferred approach for most

counseling sessions
the nondirective approach

name the four steps involved in conducting a counseling session

1. opening the session
2. discussing the issues
3. developing a plan of action
4. recording and closing the session
What Army Regulation deals with Army Training and Leader Development?
AR 350-1

What is toxic leadership

Toxic leadership is a combination of self-centered attitudes, motivations, and
behaviors that have adverse effects on subordinates, the organization, and
mission performance

What do Toxic leaders consistently use dysfunctional behaviors to do?

Deceive, intimidate, coerce, or unfairly punish others to get what they want for

Can a Toxic Leader still achieve results?

Yes, but only Short Term results where followers respond to positional power of
their leader to fulfill requests

Which Leader competency categories does a Toxic Leader ignore when getting
short term results?
Leading and developing soldiers

What will Toxic or Negative Leadership effect in followers?

Undermine the followers' will, initiative, and potential and destroys unit morale

What are two characteristics of a Toxic Leader?

Operates with an inflated sense of self-worth and from acute self-interest

What value must a leader have to take the initiative to make something happen
rather than standing by or withdrawing and hoping events will turn out well?
Personal Courage

What type of leader will learn from each decision and action; with guidance from
superiors, the leader will grow in confidence?
A Self-Aware Leader

What type of leaders have the psychological and physical capacity to bounce
back from life's stressors to thrive in an era of high operational tempo and
persistent conflict?
Resilient and fit leaders

What is "Command"?
The aurhority that a commandwr in the armed forces lawfully exercises over
subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment. Command includes the authority
and responsibility for effectively using available resources and for planning the
employment of organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling military forces
for the accomplishment of assigned missions

What is "Mission Command"?

The exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to
enable disciplined initiative within the commanders intent to empower agile and
adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations

What Army Regulation specifically charges commanders to perform functions

such as establishing a positive climate, caring for the well-being of Soldiers,
properly training their Soldiers and developing subordinates' competence?
AR 600-20

What is AR 600-20?
Army Command Policy

What is Direct Level Leadership?

Ability to apply competencies at a proficient level

What is the Organizational Level Leadership?

Apply competencies to increasingly complex situations

What is the Strategic Level Leadership?

Shape the military through change over extended time

What is Character?
The essence of who a person is, what a person believes, how a person acts

What year was the Army's First Leadership Doctrine Published?

What does a Leader taking care of people involve?
Creating and sustaining a positive climate through open communications, trust,
cohesion, and teamwork

Should every good Army Leader also need to be a good Follower?


What are the things that a good Follower must learn?

Learning loyalty, subordination, respect for superiors, and even when and how to
lodge candid disagreement

How can leaders mitigate resistance when trying to influence others?

By anticipating what others value, their reactions to influence, their shared
understanding of common goals, and their commitment to the general
organization or the purpose of the mission and their trust in the organization and
the leader

How do Army Leaders build trust?

By being honest and dependable

Which Army value must leaders have in order to take the initiative to make
something happen or confront problems of discipline and or disorderly conduct?
Personal courage

What is collective leadership?

Collective leadership refers to the combined effects and interactions when
leaders at different levels synchronize their leadership actions to achieve a
common purpose

Who can demonstrate leadership?

Anyone can demonstrate leadership

What are the three leadership attributes?

Character, presence, and intellect

What are the three leadership competencies?

Leads, develops and achieves
What is empathy?
Empathy is identifying and understanding what others think, feel, and believe

What does character refer to?

The internal identity of the leader

What does presence refer to?

How others see the leadee, the leaderz outward appearance, demeanor, actions
and words

What does intellect refer to?

The abilities and knowledge the leader possesses to think and interact with
others; the mental and social faculties the leader applies in the act of leading

How do leaders build credibility with their soldiers?

By unwaveringly adhering to applicable laws, regulations, and unit standards
build credibility with their subordinates and enhance trust from the American
people they serve

What is building trust?

An important competency to establish conditions of effective influence and for
creating a positive environment

What is actions speak louder than words?

Actions can speak louder than words and excellent leaders use this to serve as a
role model to set the standard

Why must leaders communicate effectively?

Leaders communicate to convey clear understanding of what needs to be done
and why

Are army leaders expected to influence beyond the chain of command?

Yes, involves influencing others when the leader does not have designated
authority or while the leader's authority is not recognized by others, such as with
unified actions partners
How do leaders create a positive environment?
A leader inspires an organizations climate and culture

What is the competency prepares self?

Encourages improvement in leading and other areas of leader responsibility

Why do leaders develop others?

To assume greater responsibility or achieve higher expertise

Why does a Leader Steward the Profession?

To maintain professional standards and effective capabilities for the future

When developing subordinates, what should a leader provide?

Resources the subordinate needs to succeed, makes expectations clear, and
provides positive, meaningful feedback

What does getting results require?

The right level of delegation, empowerment and trust balanced against the

How do leaders develop?

When the individual desires to improve and invests effort, when his or her
superior supports development, and when the organizational climate values

What are examples of Formal Systems that provide feedback for leaders to
Evaluation reports, academic evaluation reports, and 360 assessments

What is the quickest opportunity for leaders to learn and develop?

When there are challenging and interesting opportunities to practice leadership
with meaningful and honest feedback and multiple practice opporrunities

What does leader development involve?

Recruiting, accessing, developing, assigning, promoting, broadening, and
retaining the best leaders, while challenging them over time with greater
responsibility, authority and accountability
Why is military leadership unique?
Because the armed forces grow their own leaders from the lowest to highest

What are the four requirements and expectations of character?

Army values, empathy, warrior ethos, discipline

What are the four requirements and expectations of presence?

Military and professional bearing, fitness, confidence, and resilience

What are the five requirements and expectations of intellect?

Mental agility, sound judgement, innovation, interpersonal tact, expertise

What are the five requirements and expectations of the lead competency?
Leads others; extends influence beyond the chain of command, builds trust,
leads by example, communicates

What are the four requirements and expectations of the develop competency?
Creates a positive environment/fosters espirit de corps; prepares self; develops
others; stewards the profession

What is the one requirement and expectation of the achieve competency?

Get results

How does leadership develop within an individual?

Leadership develops when the individual desires to improve and invests effort,
when his or her superior supports development, and when the organizational
climate values learning

What does the leader development process involve?

Leader development involves the recruiting, accessing, developing, assigning,
promoting, broadening, and retaining the best leaders, while challenging them
over time with greater responsibility, authority and accountability.

How is military leadership unique from civilian or private sector leadership?

Military leadership is unique because the armed forces grow their own leaders
from the lowest to highest levels. It entrusts leaders to develop professionally and
be ready to accept greater responsibility when called upon

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