Software Requirements Specification (Business) : Udm Event Planner

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Software Requirements Specification (Business) for

“UDM Event Planner” Page 1

Software Requirements


Version 1.0

Prepared by
Virtudes, Christian Joseph D.
Vergara, Prince Charles B.
Pilac, Vince Matthew T.

Ganceña, Michelle D.

De Asis, Mark Leo G.

Alcober, Phoelene N.

Manalo, Elaine R.

August 11, 2018
Software Requirements Specification (Business) for
“UDM Event Planner” Page 2

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................3

1.1 Purpose of the requirements documents............................................................................3

1.2 Scope .................................................................................................................................3

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations .......................................................................4

1.4 References .........................................................................................................................4

1.5 Overview of the Remainder of the document ...................................................................4

2. General Description .................................................................................................................5

2.1 Product Perspective ...............................................................................................................5

2.2 Product Functions ..................................................................................................................5

2.3 User Characteristics ...............................................................................................................6

2.4 General Constraints ...............................................................................................................7

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies ............................................................................................7

3. Specific Requirements .............................................................................................................8

3.1 Functional Requirements .......................................................................................................8

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements ..............................................................................................9

4. Appendices ................................................................................................................................10

5. Document Control ....................................................................................................................10

5.1. Document Approvers .........................................................................................................12

5.2. Document Reviewers .........................................................................................................12

5.3. Revision History .................................................................................................................12

Software Requirements Specification (Business) for
“UDM Event Planner” Page 3

1. Introduction
This section of the document provides a description of all the overview details included in

this Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document along with the list of terms and

abbreviations and its definitions.

1.1 Purpose of the requirements documents

The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed description of the requirements for

the “UDM Event Planner” website. This document presents the purpose and complete

declaration of the website’s development. Furthermore, it will explain the constraints,

interface and functionality of the applications to be managed by the admin user. This

document is intended to be presented to the customer for validation and will serve as a

basis for the first version of the website by the development team.

1.2 Scope
The UDM Event Planner is a web-based application which aids the school organizations

and administration in managing the process of handling an event. It also helps student by

providing an easy access in joining events that are occurring within the school premises.

In addition, the website is also accessible by guest or individuals outside the university.

School Organizations can post events with its details and requirements in the website which

will be arranged according to its category. This information will be the basis for users of

the website in searching events that they are interested or related to. The system covers

the approval and reservation for the accommodation of the proceedings, registration of

participants, and online registration fee transaction.

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“UDM Event Planner” Page 4

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Table 1 – Definitions
Terms Definitions

User This includes the participants and individuals interacting with

the web-based application, UDM Event Planner. It also
involves organization heads who posts and create events on the
Admin/Administrator Admin handles the approval of pending events, manages the
system, and acquires all the access in controlling the website.
DB Database. This will obtain all the student’s information that
will be needed in the event. Other proceeding’s data may also
be included.
DESC Description

RAT Rational

1.4 References
[1] IEEE Software Engineering Standards Committee, “IEEE Std 830-1998, IEEE
Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications”, October 20, 1998.

1.5 Overview of the Remainder of the document

This document contains three chapters and appendixes. Appendixes contain the

complete results of the requirement prioritization and a release plan based on them.

Chapter 1 provides overview information regarding system’s functionality.

Chapter 2 covers the detailed term of requirements specification. Different user level is

identified to distinguish the user’s limit of interaction with the system. This chapter also

will also mention the assumptions and dependencies of the product.

Chapter 3 deals with the functional and non-functional functions of the system.
Software Requirements Specification (Business) for
“UDM Event Planner” Page 5

2. General Description
This section will provide the general description of the entire system. The functionality of

the product in its context will be explained and level of user that will interact with the

system will also be discussed to identify the limitation of each user’s access to the

application. Constraints and assumptions for the system will also be presented.

2.1 Product Perspective

This system will be a replacement for manual event management within Universidad de

Manila. This website will help eliminate paper works and will be a more efficient way of

keeping incoming proceedings record to avoid double reservation, conflict regarding time

and venue of events and will help cover even the registration through the online

registration and fee transaction.

2.2 Product Functions

With the use of the UDM Event Planner website, users will be able to reserve search and

apply for events that will be held inside the school. The UDM event planner will serve as

the University’s event manager.

As per the search feature, result will be based on what category the input belongs. There

are two ways the user can look for an event, either search per category or per title.

In creating event, the request for proceedings is constraint to organization heads only. The

admin will be the one to approve the pending event applications, only approved request

will be posted to the website.

Registration and online payment of participants will also be covered by the website.
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“UDM Event Planner” Page 6

2.3 User Characteristics

There are two types of users that can interact within the system, the admins and users. The

process of approval needs to undergo different admin stages before being published to the


2.3.1 Users Students
Student users are those who are enrolled in Universidad de Manila and a registered member

of the website. These types of users can only register/log in, search, and join events. Guests
Guest users have the same level of access with the student users, but other events may not

be open and visible since some proceedings are restricted for UDM students only. Faculties
Faculties have the access level with the student users, but this type of user is excluded in

the online payment for registration. Organization Heads

Organization Head has the same access with the other users but only org heads can request

for an approval of event.

2.3.2 Admins Dean
The first level of admin. Org head’s request will go directly to the Dean’s approval list. (Office of the Students Affairs)
The second level of admin. Requests approved by the Dean proceeds to the OSA. VPAA (Vice President Academic Affairs)
Upon the approval of the VPAA Admin, events may now be posted on the website.
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2.4 General Constraints

The following will be the general constraints of the system:
 The venue for the events will be limited to the school premises only.

 Refunds will not be allowed once the user already registered and paid through the

online fee transaction.

 Cancellation and rescheduling of events will not be covered by the system. Instead,

the said issue will be assessed personally by the organizer directly to the admin.

 Not all events will be available for every type of user.

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

One assumption about the system is it will be used as a web-based application that can

perform various actions in organizing or joining on an event, example for the organizer of

the event, after creating there will be a notification that will state the transaction was

pending for approval that will notify again. As for the user that interacts with the web-

based application can seek out various events, and can also join in the specific event that

the user chose.

Software Requirements Specification (Business) for
“UDM Event Planner” Page 8

3. Specific Requirements
This section will provide the functional and non-functional requirements of the system.

3.1 Functional Requirements

This part will provide all the requirements that the significant functions of the software
3.2.1 User Class 1 – The Users Functional Requirement 1.1


TITLE: User Registration and login

DESC: The user must access the website first, after the user accessed the website the user

could view the events but cannot join an event in order to join an event the user must

register first, the user can register in two ways if the user is a part of the University the user

must provide id number, if not then user must provide some information in order to be

registered after registering the user must confirm an email confirmation sent via email by

the system. After registering the user may now login using the account that has been made,

the user may now see and join the events that are posted.

RAT: In order for the user to access the privileges of the website. Functional Requirement 1.2


TITLE: Joining/Selecting an event.

DESC: Assuming the user is already a registered user, the user must select an event that

the user would want to join then click the “Join Event” button. Now the events that the user

can join, depends on the user’s position (student, org head, faculty, guest, etc.).

RAT: For the users join an event.

Software Requirements Specification (Business) for
“UDM Event Planner” Page 9 Functional Requirement 1.3

TITLE: Forgot Password
DESC: The user can resend link mail id to reset password. B
RAT: For the user to change the password if the user forgets it. Functional Requirement 1.4


TITLE: Approval for event posting

DESC: In order to post an event, the user must be an organization head, if so then the

user must go to user/org. head’s profile then click the “Request an Event” button, the

user/org. head must provide the details of the event, then clicking the “Submit Request”

button. The request will undergo different admin (Dean, OSA, VPAA) stages to be

approved and posted on the website.

RAT: For the user to post event on the website.

3.2.2 User Class 2 – The Admins Functional Requirement 1.5


TITLE: Approving Event Request

DESC: The event requested must be approved by admins according to the admin stages

(Dean → OSA→ VPAA).

RAT: For the user to post event on the website.

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

3.2.1 Performance Requirements
The system need to be reliable. If unable to process the request, then appropriate

error message. Web pages are loaded within few seconds.

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“UDM Event Planner” Page 10

3.2.2 Safety Requirements

The details need to be maintained properly. Users must be authenticated. The

database must be kept backed up.

3.2.3 Security Requirements

After entering the password and user ID, the user may finally access his profile.

The details of user must be safe and secure.

4. Appendices

Figure 4.1.1 (Register Guest Form Figure 4.1.2 (Register University Form)

Figure 4.2 (Login Form) Figure 4.3 (Home Page)

Software Requirements Specification (Business) for
“UDM Event Planner” Page 11

Figure 4.4 (Profile) Figure 4.5 (Join Event)

Figure 4.6 (Create Event: Select Place) Figure 4.6.1 (Create Event: Select Date)

Figure 4.6.2 (Create Event: Request Event Form)

Software Requirements Specification (Business) for
“UDM Event Planner” Page 12

5. Document Control
This part of will show the changes history, reviewers and approvers of the document.

5.1. Document Approvers

Name Title Approval Date

Prof. Francis Atienza

5.2. Document Reviewers

Name Title Date Sent

Prof. Francis Atienza

5.3. Revision History

Name Date Reason for Changes Version

Prof. Francis Atienza

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