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ArangoDB Cluster Administration

What you will learn

‣ Anatomy

What is an ArangoDB cluster? How does it work?

‣ Behind the scenes

What are the components? How to bootstrap?

‣ Concepts 

Storage engine, databases, collections, shards, indexes, authentication

‣ Cluster maintenance

Startup, shutdown, maintenance, backup and restore, rolling upgrade

‣ Resilience

Monitoring, failover, emptying a server for maintenance

‣ Troubleshooting

Log files, disaster recovery

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 2

Table of Content
‣ Anatomy (p.6) ‣ Backup and Restore (p.58)
‣ What is an ArangoDB cluster? (p.7) ‣ Upgrade (p.61)
‣ How does it work? (p.12)
‣ Resilience (p.65)
‣ Behind the scenes (p.19)
‣ Monitoring and failover (p.66)
‣ What are the components? (p.21)
‣ Emptying a server for maintenance (p.72)
‣ How to bootstrap? (p.27)

‣ Concepts (p.33) ‣ Troubleshooting (p.73)

‣ Logging (p.74)
‣ Cluster maintenance (p.40)
‣ Disaster recovery (p.75)
‣ Databases (p.41)
‣ Collection (p.47)
‣ Final tasks (p.82)
‣ Indexes (p.49) ‣ Support ArangoDB (p.83)

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 3

Cluster nomenclature
Some nomenclature up front

‣ Shard

A partition of collection data. Every cluster wide collection is sharded with respect to
the collection’s _key per default. Any access to collection discriminated its sharding

‣ Agency

Arangospeak for the central configuration store and supervision process of a cluster.
The agency consists of a typically small number of ArangoDB instances, which
establish consensus by means of the RAFT* consensus protocol. The agency is the
animal brain of the cluster. 

* Proceeding USENIX ATC'14 Proceedings of the 2014 USENIX conference on USENIX, Pages 305-320
Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 4
Cluster nomenclature
‣ Supervision

A service, that resides in the agency, which monitors the cluster's over all health. It
enacts both own jobs and user jobs on configuration changes like hardware
failover and shard movement.

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What is an ArangoDB cluster? How does it work?

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Anatomy - Cluster scheme

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Anatomy - Instances
‣ An Arangodb cluster consists of multiple Arangodb database instances, which
have been specialised to their respective purposes.
‣ Database servers

Home to the databases' collection shards. Here is where the cluster’s data resides. DB servers are
never accessed directly from outside of the cluster. The number of DB server can be adjusted
dynamically and there is no hard limit on their total number during the lifetime of a cluster.
‣ Coordinators

Accessible front-end of a cluster. Home to cluster-wide deployment of Foxx services. The number
of deployed coordinators can be adjusted dynamically and is not limited.
‣ Agents

The agents form the agency (see Nomenclature). Agents are never accessed from outside of the
cluster. Large agencies do not add significantly to the fault-tolerance and resilience aspect. Even in
very large deployments the number of agents should target single digits.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 8

Anatomy - Database servers
‣ Database servers ...
‣ ... are regular ArangoDB instances.
‣ ... have a local database to every cluster-wide database
‣ ... have a local collection for every cluster-wide shard, which has been assigned to them.
‣ ... constantly monitor the agency for changes affecting them identified by their UUID.
‣ ... either as master or follower serve a shard, which is assigned to them.
‣ ... do synchronous replication as master or follower depending on their role for a shard.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 9

Anatomy - Coordinators
‣ Coordinators ...
‣ ... serve the front-end of the cluster towards services / users.
‣ ... bootstrap a cluster.
‣ ... create / remove / alter cluster-wide entities such as databases, collections, indexes etc.
‣ ... analyse incoming requests to break them down to individual requests for db servers.
‣ ... compile / aggregate result sets from db servers to return to clients.
‣ ... serve and replicate cluster-wide Foxx services

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 10

Anatomy - Agents
‣ Agents ...
‣ ... gossip initially to find each other on the network.
‣ ... once complete, enact the RAFT consensus protocol
‣ ... hold the state of the cluster
‣ ... serve internal API to coordinators and DB servers to the state machine
‣ ... supervise cluster nodes other than agents

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 11

Anatomy - Deployment scenarios
‣ Budget configuration (3 servers)

3 DB servers, 3 agents, 1 coordinator. Classical setup with no particular emphasis on data size or performance.

‣ Coordinator emphasis

#coordinators > #db servers, 3 agents. This approach works best in cases where you need more CPU power for Foxx
services. Foxx services run on coordinators. By adding machines that only host coordinators, you allow for greater CPU
usage for these services.

‣ DB server emphasis

#coordinators < #db servers, 3 agents. This approach is useful in cases where you need to increase data capacity more
than you need to improve query performance. It introduces a lesser bottleneck as there are fewer coordinators to
receive client connections.

‣ Application coordinators

#coordinators == #application servers coordinators are on the same machines, which server the application separating
coordinators from the DB servers and agents. Avoid the network hop between the application and the coordinators,
decreasing latency.
Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 12
Anatomy - Bootstrapping an cluster
The goto method of creating an ArangoDB cluster is 

that of the ArangoDB starter.

‣ Initial configuration
‣ Service discovery
‣ Cluster startup
‣ Cluster shutdown
‣ Desaster recovery

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 13

Anatomy - Single machine test environment
Start a local cluster on one machine for testing purposes

hosta > arangodb > db1.log &

hosta > arangodb --starter.join ::1 > db2.log & 

hosta > arangodb --starter.join ::1 > db3.log &

The above will create an arangodb cluster with 3 instances of agent, db server and
coordinator. The 3 coordinators are reachable under 

http://[::]:8529, http://[::]:8534 and http://[::]:8539

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 14

Anatomy - Single machine test environment
All three coordinators would now display the following dashboard

The dashboard shows some rough overview of the current cluster and its operation

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Anatomy - Single machine test environment
Navigating to the Node view, all but the agent nodes are accounted for.

Note that all instances are running on localhost with different ports.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 16

Anatomy - Multi machine setup
3 Linux machines: Start a starter on each one:

ssh c11 "arangodb > db.log &"

 ssh c12 "arangodb --starter.join c11:8528 > db.log &" 

ssh c13 "arangodb --starter.join c11:8528 > db.log &"

The above will create an arangodb cluster with 3 instances of agent, db server and
coordinator distributed every over the machines c11, c12 and c13. The three
coordinators are reachable under 

http://c11:8529, http://c12:8529 and http://c13:8529

Please note the differences to slide #8

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 17

Anatomy - Multi machine setup
Navigating to the Node view, compare the endpoints with slide #11.

The endpoints are no longer on the same machine instead on the same ports

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Behind the scenes

What are the components? How to bootstrap?

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 19

Behind the scenes
‣ Starter process starts an agent on each server
‣ Initially the agents, once started, try to gossip a complete list of peers, 3 here.
‣ Once the list is complete and locally persisted, the agents will start to enact the
RAFT consensus protocol in following order
‣ Leader election.
‣ Assembly of state machine with persisted logs if any.
‣ Establishment of the replication process to followers
‣ Service of the agency's REST handlers (at this point the agency is ready to serve requests)
‣ Start of supervision after --agency.supervision-grace-period monitoring the cluster nodes
‣ The process above is repeated every time a leader loses communication with a
majority of its peers.
Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 20
Behind the scenes - Agency
‣ The agency ...
‣ ... is the animal brain of the cluster
‣ ... will serve as long as a majority of the agent instances can communicate and
consequently is able to uphold the RAFT process.
‣ ... must be up and serving at all times for the coordinators and DB servers to operate.
Every serving unit, that cannot communicate with the agency stops serving until the
communication is reestablished.
‣ ... implements the RAFT consensus protocol to ensure fault-tolerance and resilience
towards network partitions and hardware failures.
‣ ... speaks with one voice, i.e. only the RAFT leader answers to requests. The remaining
agents always redirect to the current leader.
‣ ... is a bottleneck by design as every call is replicated from the leader to followers.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 21

Behind the scenes - Coordinators
‣ Coordinators …
‣ … start up with initialisation of local database files.
‣ … attempt to access the agency in short intervals until the RAFT process is underway.
‣ … to first to access the agency, bootstraps the cluster’s skeleton in the agency.
‣ … waits until synchronous replication of collections is completed.
‣ … start serving the cluster’s frontend

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 22

Behind the scenes - DB Servers
‣ The starter started 3 database servers specifying endpoints to the agents. Each …

‣ … starts up with initialisation of local database files if first start.

‣ … attempts to access the agency in short intervals until the RAFT process is underway.
‣ … bootstraps information to the agency of its readiness.
‣ … starts implementing what is planned for it in the agency.
‣ Database creation/dropping
‣ Shard creation/dropping/updating
‣ Indexes
‣ Synchronous replication as leader or follower
‣ … reports readiness

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 23

Behind the scenes - Agency ( agent#1)
Behind the scenes, the starter (arangodb) created 9 processes (arangod) 3 on each machine one as agent


-c /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/arangod.conf \ /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/data \

--javascript.startup-directory /usr/share/arangodb3/js \ /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/apps \

--log.file /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/arangod.log \

--log.force-direct false \

--foxx.queues false \

--server.statistics false \

--agency.activate true \ tcp://c11:8531 \ 

--agency.size 3 \

--agency.supervision true \

--agency.endpoint tcp:// \

--agency.endpoint tcp://

The key information for agents is bold above. Also note that the parameters --agency.endpoint and are changing for the next two machines on the following slides.
Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 24
Behind the scenes - Agency (agent#2)
Note subtle differences in endpoints on c12


-c /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/arangod.conf \ /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/data \

--javascript.startup-directory /usr/share/arangodb3/js \ /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/apps \

--log.file /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/arangod.log \

--log.force-direct false \

--foxx.queues false \

--server.statistics false \

--agency.activate true \ tcp://c12:8531 \ 

--agency.size 3 \

--agency.supervision true \

--agency.endpoint tcp:// \

--agency.endpoint tcp:// 

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 25

Behind the scenes - Agency (agent#3)
Note subtle differences in endpoints on c13


-c /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/arangod.conf \ /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/data \

--javascript.startup-directory /usr/share/arangodb3/js \ /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/apps \

--log.file /opt/kaveh/db/agent8531/arangod.log \

--log.force-direct false \

--foxx.queues false \

--server.statistics false \

--agency.activate true \ tcp://c11:8531 \ 

--agency.size 3 \

--agency.supervision true \

--agency.endpoint tcp:// \

--agency.endpoint tcp:// 

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 26

Behind the scenes - Agency startup parameters
The key parameters of agents to look for

--agency.activate Mandatory parameter on every agent to activate the according feature.

--agency.size Mandatory initial parameter to define the agencies size. The ip address of this agent on the cluster's network. This parameter must be
specified as often infrastructures come with multiple networks and automated
choices would often be wrong.

--agency.endpoint This parameter can be specified multiple times. It is a means to inform a starting
agent to one or more of its peers. The same peer, a circular pattern or all peers
may be specified at start time. The key here is that all agents are capable to
complete their list of peers through gossiping.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 27

Behind the scenes - Agency before first election
‣ Agency’s configuration
 "term": 0,
"leaderId": "",
"commitIndex": 0,
curl [::]:8531/_api/agency/config "lastAcked": {},
"configuration": {
"pool": {
"AGNT-90479f91-d21f-4c4f-be4d-b3b4ff27be0c": "tcp://localhost:8536",
"AGNT-ad02b53f-5616-4bcd-851f-c803f8a0a82b": "tcp://localhost:8531",
‣ configuration: "AGNT-1864e184-a5c7-424e-8d54-85f5b78010ea": "tcp://localhost:8541"
‣ agency size: The RAFT group’s size
 "active": [
When this many agents have initially found 
each other, the RAFT process will start ],
"id": "AGNT-ad02b53f-5616-4bcd-851f-c803f8a0a82b",
‣ id: This agent’s id "agency size": 3,
"pool size": 3,
‣ endpoint: This agent’s endpoint "endpoint": "tcp://localhost:8531",
"min ping": 1,
‣ pool: List of all agents and their respective "max ping": 5,
"timeoutMult": 1,
endpoints "supervision": true,
"supervision frequency": 1,
‣ term: RAFT election term "compaction step size": 20000,
"compaction keep size": 10000,
"supervision grace period": 10,
‣ leaderId: The leader’s id. 
 "version": 5,
"startup": "origin"
Therefore, the agent at localhost:8536 
has won the election in the above first term. 

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 28
Behind the scenes - Agency after first election
‣ Agency’s configuration
 "term": 1,
"leaderId": "AGNT-90479f91-d21f-4c4f-be4d-b3b4ff27be0c",
"commitIndex": 507,
curl [::]:8531/_api/agency/config "lastAcked": {},
"configuration": {
"pool": {
"AGNT-90479f91-d21f-4c4f-be4d-b3b4ff27be0c": "tcp://localhost:8536",
"AGNT-ad02b53f-5616-4bcd-851f-c803f8a0a82b": "tcp://localhost:8531",
‣ configuration: "AGNT-1864e184-a5c7-424e-8d54-85f5b78010ea": "tcp://localhost:8541"
‣ agency size: The RAFT group’s size
 "active": [
When this many agents have initially found 
each other, the RAFT process will start ],
"id": "AGNT-ad02b53f-5616-4bcd-851f-c803f8a0a82b",
‣ id: This agent’s id "agency size": 3,
"pool size": 3,
‣ endpoint: This agent’s endpoint "endpoint": "tcp://localhost:8531",
"min ping": 1,
‣ pool: List of all agents and their respective "max ping": 5,
"timeoutMult": 1,
endpoints "supervision": true,
"supervision frequency": 1,
‣ term: RAFT election term "compaction step size": 20000,
"compaction keep size": 10000,
"supervision grace period": 10,
‣ leaderId: The leader’s id. 
 "version": 5,
"startup": "origin"
Therefore, the agent at localhost:8536 
has won the election in the above first term. 

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 29
Behind the scenes - Agency’s leader
‣ Agency’s configuration (leader)
 "term": 1,
"leaderId": "AGNT-90479f91-d21f-4c4f-be4d-b3b4ff27be0c",
"commitIndex": 539,
curl [::]:8536/_api/agency/config "lastAcked": {
"AGNT-1864e184-a5c7-424e-8d54-85f5b78010ea": 0.098,
"AGNT-ad02b53f-5616-4bcd-851f-c803f8a0a82b": 0.098,
"AGNT-90479f91-d21f-4c4f-be4d-b3b4ff27be0c": 0
‣ lastAcked: Last acknowledged contact with 
 "configuration": {
"pool": {
the particular agent listed in seconds. Note that 
 "AGNT-ad02b53f-5616-4bcd-851f-c803f8a0a82b": "tcp://localhost:8531",
"AGNT-90479f91-d21f-4c4f-be4d-b3b4ff27be0c": "tcp://localhost:8536",
all agents are listed, including the leader itself 
 "AGNT-1864e184-a5c7-424e-8d54-85f5b78010ea": "tcp://localhost:8541"
with its last acknowledged delay of 0. "active": [
‣ term: 1 indicates that this is a fresh cluster, which "id": "AGNT-90479f91-d21f-4c4f-be4d-b3b4ff27be0c",
"agency size": 3,
has never seen agency leadership changes or "pool size": 3,
"endpoint": "tcp://localhost:8536",
restarts. This value grows over time. A high term "min ping": 1,
"max ping": 5,
indicates that many rounds of elections had to be "timeoutMult": 1,
"supervision": true,
performed in the past. Often an indicator of "supervision frequency": 1,
"compaction step size": 20000,
networking / management p "compaction keep size": 10000,
"supervision grace period": 10,
"version": 5,
"startup": "origin"
Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 30
Behind the scenes - Agency dump
‣ Agency dumps are very helpful in troubleshooting of the cluster

curl [::]:8531/_api/agency/read -Ld '[["/"]]'
‣ The output is long. In large clusters, very long and roughly divided in 4 sections:
‣ arango/Plan: reflects the planned state in which the cluster should be. It lists
databases, collections, db servers and coordinators as configured to operate within the
‣ arango/Current: depicts the actual larger state in which the cluster is. Again, it lists
databases, collections and participating servers. Deviations from the planned state are
either only temporary or mean trouble.
‣ arango/Health: keeps track of the current state of individual nodes.
‣ arango/Target: holds meta information about the cluster and is home to the
supervision's past, current and future jobs.
Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 31
Behind the scenes - Agency
‣ The entire API of the agency is documented here:

‣ A very serious word of warning: It is a matter of triviality to break an ArangoDB

cluster with a single command to the Agency's API as it is trivial to delete the
database directory and cause complete loss of data.
‣ The API is only to be handled with expert knowledge of ArangoDB clusters and
with utmost care.
‣ Needless to mention, nevertheless it shall be done, do not manipulate the agency
without complete backup of your cluster.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 32


Storage engine, databases, collections, shards, indexes, authentication

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Concepts - Storage engine
‣ Each ArangoDB cluster node can be deployed to persist its data using different
storage engines
‣ MMFiles (memory mapped files) are the overall faster mechanism for write and read
access to the data as long as it fits in RAM
‣ RocksDB compromises by keeping only a hot set in memory but in return offers superior
performance when the data exceeds the RAM size
‣ ArangoDB cluster admins are encouraged to chose the latter option, as clustered
instances are subject to random sharding by the supervision making it sometimes
impossible to have control over data distribution over the nodes.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 34

Concepts - Databases
‣ Every database in the cluster is represented by a local database with the same
name on every DB server in the cluster
‣ The databases hold local collections, which correspond to global (cluster-wide)

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 35

Concepts - Collections
‣ Cluster collections comprise of local shards
‣ Data is sharded to the different shards per default by the _key attribute of every
document. With the randomised generation of _key, the data is distributed evenly
over all the shards of a collection. This is not be the ideal distribution pattern for
every business logic.
‣ Large document store for technical documentation of millions of parts of an aircraft
might be sharded more naturally by the model it is used in.
‣ It might however be also sharded by the manufacturer's id
‣ Database admins may shard collections based on any attribute

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 36

Concepts - Shards
‣ Every shard is a local collection to a DB server
‣ Every shard may be replicated over multiple DB servers
‣ The replication has ideally only a minor effect on write latency but no effect on
write throughput.
‣ The replication should have no negative, measurable effect on read performance.
‣ A DB server can only hold a single replica of a shard.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 37

Concepts - Indexes
‣ Indexes on fields of cluster collections correspond to indexes on the same fields
on cluster shards.
‣ Read performance can thus profit scaling with number of shards on different

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 38

Concepts - Authentication
‣ The experience of authenticated access to ArangoDB clusters is transparent to
users. All access to the coordinators behaves the in same way as a single instance
‣ DB servers and agents cannot be accessed by authenticating cluster users. Cluster
nodes communicate in the authenticated cluster via jwt tokens.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 39

Cluster Maintenance

Startup, shutdown, maintenance, backup and restore, rolling upgrade

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Cluster Maintenance - Create Database
‣ Every cluster database is created either through the UI, arangosh or the database
API on any coordinator.
‣ The coordinator commissions the creation of the database in the agency's plan section
‣ All database servers see the changes and handle to create the according local database
‣ After local creation, they report their changes in the current section of the agency
‣ The coordinators wait for completion of all db server tasks in agency's current section
‣ The database becomes available on coordinators and can be used
‣ A cluster database is represented by a local database with the same name on
every db server.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 41

Cluster Maintenance - Create Database
‣ Shell

arangosh> db._createDatabase("test_db")

‣ Rest API

curl <coordinator>/_api/database -d{"name":"test_db"}

Above actions will need a couple of seconds to finish as in the backend multiple db servers are enacting the
creation of system collections and initially setting up their replication.

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Cluster Maintenance - Create Database
‣ UI

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Cluster Maintenance - Drop Database
‣ Every cluster database is dropped either through the UI, the arangosh shell or the
database API on any coordinator. Cannot be undone!
‣ The coordinator commissions the deletion of the database in the agency's plan
‣ All database servers see the changes and handle to drop the according local database
with all its collections
‣ After local drops complete, db servers report in the agency's current section
‣ The coordinators wait for the all db server tasks to complete
‣ Database dropping is finished

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 44

Cluster Maintenance - Drop Database
‣ Shell:

arangosh> db._dropDatabase("test_db")

‣ Rest API:

curl <coordinator>/_api/database/test_db -XDELETE

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 45

Cluster Maintenance - Drop Database
‣ UI

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 46

Cluster Maintenance - Create Collection
‣ Every cluster collection is created either through the UI, arangosh or the
collection API on any coordinator.
‣ The coordinator commissions the creation of a collection in the agency's plan section
‣ All database servers see the changes to the agency and those which are to hold a shard
as leader or follower handle to create the according local collection
‣ After local creation, they report their changes in the current section of the agency
‣ The coordinators wait for the complete db server tasks in current to show the collection
as created
‣ A collection is represented by a number of shards distributed over database
servers as local collections in the according local database.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 47

Cluster Maintenance - Create Collection
‣ Shell

curl <coordinator>/_api/collections \

-d'{"name":"foo", "numberOfShards":3, "replicationFactor":2}'

‣ Rest API

arangosh> db._create("foo", {numberOfShards:3, replationFactor:2})

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 48

Cluster Maintenance - Create Collection
‣ UI

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 49

Cluster Maintenance - Create Collection
‣ curl <coordinator>/_api/collections \

-d'{"name":"foo", "numberOfShards":3, "replicationFactor":2}'

Created the following entry in the agency's plan distributing the 3 double replicated shards over
all database servers:
"5010292": { ...

"shards": { "waitForSync": false,
"s5010294": [ "id": "5010292",
"PRMR-0dc7087e-0c51-45d3-a8ef-f7f8e8f943f1", "isSmart": false,
"PRMR-5924b597-84f9-4a72-9b66-f099b4d17ea6" "name": "foo",
], "indexes": [
"s5010295": [ {
"PRMR-5924b597-84f9-4a72-9b66-f099b4d17ea6", "fields": [
"PRMR-c31fbda6-d941-4a67-9cfd-360f66033944" "_key"
], ],
"s5010293": [ "id": "0",
"PRMR-c31fbda6-d941-4a67-9cfd-360f66033944", "sparse": false,
"PRMR-0dc7087e-0c51-45d3-a8ef-f7f8e8f943f1" "type": "primary",
] "unique": true
}, }
"shardKeys": [ ],
"_key" "doCompact": true,
], "isSystem": false,
"replicationFactor": 2, "isVolatile": false,
"path": "", "journalSize": 33554432,
"statusString": "loaded", "keyOptions": {
"deleted": false, "lastValue": 0,
"indexBuckets": 8, "type": "traditional",
"type": 2, "allowUserKeys": true
"status": 3, },
... "numberOfShards": 3

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 50

Cluster Maintenance - Drop Collection
‣ Every cluster database is dropped either through the UI, the arangosh shell or
the collection API on any coordinator. Cannot be undone!
‣ The coordinator commissions the deletion of the collection in the agency's plan section
‣ All database servers see the changes and handle to drop the according local collections,
representing the global collection's shards with all its indexes.
‣ After local drops complete, the servers report their changes in agency's current section
‣ The coordinators wait for the all db server tasks to complete and report in current to
show that the local collections no longer exist.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 51

Cluster Maintenance - Drop Collection
‣ Shell

curl <coordinator>/_api/collections/foo -XDELETE

‣ Rest API: 

arangosh> db._drop("foo")

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 52

Cluster Maintenance - Drop Collection
‣ UI

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 53

Cluster Maintenance - Index
‣ Every collection index is created either through the UI, arangosh or the collection
API on any coordinator.
‣ The coordinator commissions the creation of an index in the agency's plan section
‣ All database servers see the changes to the agency and those which are to hold a shard
as leader or follower handle to create the according local index on the local collection
‣ After local creation, the master reports the changes in the current section of the agency
‣ The coordinators wait for the complete db server tasks in current to show the collection
as created
‣ A cluster-wide collection index is thus represented by local indexes in contributing
shards everywhere.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 54

Cluster Maintenance - Create Index
‣ Shell

db.test.ensureIndex({type: "hash", fields: ["a"], sparse: true})

‣ Rest API

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 55

Cluster Maintenance - Create Index
‣ UI

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 56

Cluster Maintenance - Drop Index
‣ Every collection index is dropped either through the UI, arangosh or the
collection API on any coordinator.
‣ The changes are made to agent's plan section
‣ The local indexes are removed on the affected shards
‣ The master shards report the changes to the agency
‣ Coordinators show the changes

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 57

Backup & Restore

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 58

‣ arangodump command operates transparently in the same way as with single
server arangodb. The documentation for arangodump is found here:<major-version>/Manual/Administration/Arangodump.html

c11 ~> arangodump --server.database test_db

Please specify a password:
Server version: 3.3.2
Connected to ArangoDB 'tcp://', database: 'test_db', username: 'root'
Writing dump to output directory '/mnt/c11/kaveh/dump'
# Dumping collection 'foo'...
# Dumping shard 's5010765' from DBserver 'PRMR-c31fbda6-d941-4a67-9cfd-360f66033944' ...
# Dumping shard 's5010766' from DBserver 'PRMR-0dc7087e-0c51-45d3-a8ef-f7f8e8f943f1' ...
# Dumping shard 's5010767' from DBserver 'PRMR-5924b597-84f9-4a72-9b66-f099b4d17ea6' ...
Processed 1 collection(s), wrote 28791523 byte(s) into datafiles, sent 6 batch(es)

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 59

‣ arangorestore command operates transparently in the same way as with
single server arangodb. The documentation for arangorestore is found here:<major-version>/Manual/Administration/Arangorestore.html

c11 ~> arangorestore --server.database test_db

Please specify a password:
Server version: 3.3.2
# Connected to ArangoDB 'http+tcp://'
# Re-creating document collection 'foo'...
# Loading data into document collection 'foo'...
# Creating indexes for collection 'foo'...
Processed 1 collection(s), read 28791523 byte(s) from datafiles, sent 4 batch(es)

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 60


Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 61

Rolling upgrade - Starter only
‣ Upgrading ArangoDB clusters can be performed while the cluster is running.
‣ Upgrade binaries on all machines. (f.e. apt update && apt dist-upgrade)
‣ kill -15 *
‣ ... agents one after the other always allowing for the majority to be serving.
‣ ... database servers after the other allowing for full restart in between.
‣ ... coordinators one after the other allowing for full restart in between.

✴ Note that the kill commands orderly shutdown every single process. Subsequently, the starter
process takes immediate action to respawn the process. This is done with the updated arangodb
✴ Note that it is of utmost importance that backups of the data directories is performed ahead of
the upgrade process

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 62

Rolling upgrade - Starter only
‣ Upgrading ArangoDB clusters can be performed while the cluster is running.

‣ On all machines stop agents and make data backups

kill -15 $(ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep agent8531|awk {'print $2'})

rsync -a agent8531/data agent8531/data-$(date -I)

‣ On all machines stop db servers and make data backups

kill -15 $(ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep dbserver8530|awk {'print $2'})

rsync -a dbserver8530/data dbserver8530/data-$(date -I)

‣ On all machines stop coordinators and make data backups

kill -15 $(ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep coordinator8529|awk {'print $2'})

rsync -a coordinator8529/data coordinator8529/data-$(date -I)

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 63

Rolling upgrade - Starter only
‣ The upgrade is reflected consequently in the UI as well as _api/version

Upgrade 3.3.2 to 3.3.3

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 64

Monitoring, failover, emptying a server for maintenance

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 65

Resilience - Supervision
‣ As a actors to operate a centralised job repository with fault-tolerant and resilient
state, the agents perform a crucial role in the maintenance of a cluster. The
‣ ... monitors heartbeats from coordinators and db servers and keeps track of their health
‣ ... takes action, when database servers have gone missing for longer than a grace period
‣ Shard leaders are replaced by an in-sync follower. And a new follower is added, if available.
‣ Shard followers are replaced by any available db server, which does not already replicate this
shard as follower or leader.
‣ Once any of the above has finished, the failed server is removed from the shards server list.
‣ ... handles cleaning out of db servers on user request
‣ ... handles moving of shards per user request

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 66

Resilience - Supervision, moving shards
‣ One might move a shard from any database server to a new database server,
which does not already hold the shard as leader or follower.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 67

Resilience - Node down

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 68

Resilience - Node down

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 69

Resilience - Node down

Note that all shards have been moved 

away from the dead node DBServer0001

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 70

Resilience - Node back up shard rebalancing

The node has been restarted. 

Clicking "Rebalance shards" redistributes the shards

which had been concentrated on the healthy nodes 

more evenly
Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 71
Resilience - Rebalancing shards

An intermediate snapshot shows, how DBServer0001

is again trusted with some responsibility.

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 72

Trouble shooting

Log files, disaster recovery

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 73

Troubleshooting - Log files
‣ Every ArangoDB instance in the cluster comes with a log file
‣ The log files generally try to report errors and warnings, which are helpful in finding the
case of an issue
‣ Oftentimes the problems are caused by less common and less anticipated problems. It is
then very helpful to change the log level of an instance while it is still experiencing the
‣ DB servers & coordinators 

curl <ip:port>/_admin/log/level -sd '{"cluster":"debug","agencycomm":"debug"}'
‣ Agents

curl <ip:port>/_admin/log/level -sd '{"agency":"trace"}'
‣ The log levels are back to normal after restart or by issuing same command with log level

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 74

Disaster recovery - Agents
‣ Full loss of data on a minority of agents (majority must be up and serving)
‣ Acquire agency's configuration from its current leader

curl [agency-leader]/_api/agency/config
‣ Determine, which agent[s] have failed

Search through the configuration document to find lastAcked that is missing out and
the according UUID
‣ Start an agent process in a new data directory by specifying the failed agent's UUID
‣ Keep requiring the leader's configuration until the lackAcked entry of the failed agent
is back to normal

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 75

Disaster recovery - Agents
‣ Leader's configuration shows that
> curl -s [::]:5001/_api/agency/config|jq
"term": 1,
"leaderId": "AGNT-455a054f-8da1-4406-bebd-8a650420a8cb",
operation is normal all "lastAcked" "commitIndex": 1,
"lastAcked": {
"AGNT-455a054f-8da1-4406-bebd-8a650420a8cb": 0,

values are smaller than 
 "AGNT-5a679651-99c4-4b95-9ff2-d0bf0e7a1bd4": 0.002,

"AGNT-c5b82440-d61d-469f-af03-366d87b4fd19": 0.002
"configuration/min ping" "configuration": {
"pool": {
"AGNT-455a054f-8da1-4406-bebd-8a650420a8cb": "tcp://[::1]:5001",
"AGNT-5a679651-99c4-4b95-9ff2-d0bf0e7a1bd4": "tcp://[::1]:5000",
"AGNT-c5b82440-d61d-469f-af03-366d87b4fd19": "tcp://[::1]:5002"
"active": [
"id": "AGNT-455a054f-8da1-4406-bebd-8a650420a8cb",
"agency size": 3,
"pool size": 3,
"endpoint": "tcp://[::1]:5001",
"min ping": 1,
"max ping": 5,
"timeoutMult": 1,
"supervision": true,
"supervision frequency": 2.5,
"compaction step size": 20000,
"compaction keep size": 10000,
"supervision grace period": 10,
"version": 4,
"startup": "origin"

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 76

Disaster recovery - Agents
‣ Kill agency's leader process
> curl -s [::]:5002/_api/agency/config|jq
"term": 2,
"leaderId": "AGNT-c5b82440-d61d-469f-af03-366d87b4fd19",

‣ In the meantime the agent on port 5002 

"commitIndex": 2,
"lastAcked": {
"AGNT-c5b82440-d61d-469f-af03-366d87b4fd19": 0,
"AGNT-5a679651-99c4-4b95-9ff2-d0bf0e7a1bd4": 0.251,
has taken over the leadership in term 2 },
"AGNT-455a054f-8da1-4406-bebd-8a650420a8cb": 11.756

"configuration": {

‣ Purge data directory of the old leader

"pool": {
"AGNT-455a054f-8da1-4406-bebd-8a650420a8cb": "tcp://[::1]:5001",
"AGNT-c5b82440-d61d-469f-af03-366d87b4fd19": "tcp://[::1]:5002",
"AGNT-5a679651-99c4-4b95-9ff2-d0bf0e7a1bd4": "tcp://[::1]:5000"

‣ Find old agent's id by determining the 

"active": [

long dead time in lastAcked

"id": "AGNT-c5b82440-d61d-469f-af03-366d87b4fd19",

‣ Restart a new agent process in a clean 

"agency size": 3,
"pool size": 3,
"endpoint": "tcp://[::1]:5002",
"min ping": 1,
directory specifying the old agent's id 
 "max ping": 5,
"timeoutMult": 2,
"supervision": true,

among the old parameters
 "supervision frequency": 2.5,

"compaction step size": 20000,
"compaction keep size": 10000,
 "supervision grace period": 10,
"version": 5,
AGNT-455a054f-8da1-4406-bebd-8a650420a8cb "startup": "origin"

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 77

Disaster recovery - Agents
‣ Add the recovery id to the agents command line / configuration
build/bin/arangod -c none \
--agency.activate true \
--agency.endpoint tcp://[::1]:5000 \ tcp://[::1]:5001 \
--agency.compaction-step-size 20000 \
--agency.compaction-keep-size 10000 \
--agency.pool-size 3 \
--agency.size 3 \
--agency.supervision true \
--agency.supervision-frequency 2.5 \
--agency.wait-for-sync true \

--agency.disaster-recovery-id AGNT-455a054f-8da1-4406-bebd-8a650420a8cb \ agency/data5001 \ ./js/apps \
--javascript.startup-directory ./js \
--javascript.v8-contexts 1 \
--log.file agency/5001.log \
--log.force-direct false \
--log.level agency=info \
--log.use-microtime false \
--server.authentication false \
--server.endpoint tcp://[::]:5001 \
--server.statistics false

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 78

Disaster recovery - Agents
‣ The log output of the newly started agent in the clean directory:

2018-03-02T09:14:04Z [6073] INFO {agency} Entering gossip phase ...

2018-03-02T09:14:04Z [6073] INFO {agency} Adding AGNT-c5b82440-d61d-469f-af03-366d87b4fd19

(tcp://[::1]:5002) to agent pool
2018-03-02T09:14:04Z [6073] INFO {agency} Adding AGNT-5a679651-99c4-4b95-9ff2-d0bf0e7a1bd4

(tcp://[::1]:5000) to agent pool
2018-03-02T09:14:04Z [6073] INFO {agency} Agent pool completed. Stopping active gossipping. 

Starting RAFT process.
2018-03-02T09:14:04Z [6073] INFO {agency} Activating agent.
2018-03-02T09:14:04Z [6073] INFO {agency} Setting role to follower in term 0
2018-03-02T09:14:05Z [6073] INFO {agency} AGNT-455a054f-8da1-4406-bebd-8a650420a8cb: 

changing term or votedFor, current role: 

Follower term 2 votedFor:
2018-03-02T09:14:05Z [6073] INFO {agency} Set _role to FOLLOWER in term 2
2018-03-02T09:14:05Z [6073] INFO {agency} AGNT-455a054f-8da1-4406-bebd-8a650420a8cb: 

following 'AGNT-c5b82440-d61d-469f-af03-366d87b4fd19' 

in term 2

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 79

Disaster recovery - Coordinators
‣ Coordinators are the least sensitive instances in a cluster
‣ They can be replaced by starting a new coordinator instance to join the cluster
and removing the old one by clicking on the trash can icon in the node overview

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 80

Disaster recovery - DB servers
‣ When a DB server goes missing, the agency's supervision will reorganise
responsibilities for shards.
‣ If enough DB servers are left to satisfy the replication factors of all collections in
the cluster one can remove the DB server from the cluster after the
responsibilities have been taken over by the other DB servers. (Trash can icon)
‣ If not enough servers are left for the replication factors to be met, one needs to
add a new DB server instance to the cluster, before the missing node can be
‣ When a new DB server is added to the cluster and replication factors are currently
not met, shard followerships are automatically assigned to the new DB server

Copyright © ArangoDB GmbH, 2018 81


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