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To: Bill Pearson of the U.S.

Department of Agriculture
From: Jeff Powell of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Subject: Proposal of helping producers with livestock depredation
Dear Bill,

I am working for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and I am responding to the issue reported about
the experience of farmers and producers regarding the loss of produce by vulture. The species
involved in depredation is usually the Black Vulture. Meanwhile, we offer some immediate
guidance below in directing producers to wildlife professionals who can assist in addressing
problems or concerns involving depredating vultures or in obtaining a federal permit to “take”
depredating vultures.

Information for Producers Experiencing Livestock Depredation by Vultures

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is actively cooperating with state and federal wildlife agencies
and livestock producers to identify and implement workable solutions for vulture predation on
newborn and adult livestock.
USDA Wildlife Services is the first point of contact for producers needing assistance in obtaining
a federal depredation permit to “take” vultures. If a depredation permit is recommended, USDA
Wildlife Services will provide the producer with a depredation. The agency requires a complete
Wildlife Damage Report that must be submitted with the depredation application.

A producer or a farmer can call 1-866-234-9124. If a person has experienced depredation

involving vultures or to learn more about non-lethal ways to address depredating vultures. This
toll-free number will direct a person to a local Wildlife Services contact regardless of which
state they call from. A person can also go to Wildlife Services state office online.

Task of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the federal agency responsible for issuing permits that
authorize take of depredating vultures. We are coordinating closely with federal agencies in
expediting permit requests pertaining to vulture depredation on livestock. We usually process
permit applications within 1-2 days of receipt and can email permits to applicants allowing
permitting activities to be conducted immediately.

Because both Black and Turkey vultures are federally protected migratory birds, a federal
authorization (permit) is necessary to legally “take” them. However, a permit is not necessary
to “harass” or otherwise disperse or discourage vultures from using areas where they may be a
potential threat to livestock.

Jeff Powell
Deputy Field Supervisor
Alabama Ecological Services Field Office, Alabama

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