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P 01

I: Good morning sir I am Mary Grace Dagundun, a teacher of Pindasan National

High School. Thank you for allowing me to have you as participant of my study
entitled Through the Lens of Results-based Performance Management System
Teachers Predicaments. The purpose of this study is to better understand the
situation of teachers regarding the RPMS so rest assured sir that the things you’ll
share will given proper confidentiality as stipulated in the informed consent you have
signed. This conversation will be audited for accurate capturing of insights.

: Is it okay sir if this will be audited?

Sir: Yes

I: So just be honest and comfortable because this is your time to express your mind
and let the world know your side.

I: Sir, how many years have you been teaching?

Sir: I’ve been teaching for 5 years

I: 5 years already, okay so in complying RPMS how many years already?

Sir: 4 years

I: so RPMS started in 2014, what were your usual ratings?

Sir: Very satisfactory

I: In complying with the system sir, what are the predicaments or problems you have
encountered? Let’s start with setting the objectives per key result area. We have
Teaching Learning Process, Students Outcomes, Community Involvement and
Professional Growth and Development. So in setting the objectives per KRA,
timeline and performance indicators were observed, in this case sir what were the
predicaments or problems you have encountered.

Sir: Well usually, in setting the objectives, we actually do it individually in our school.
Problems in this field aren’t that visible as long as the Principal and Grade level
heads approves your set timeline and performance indicators, given that such are
realistic and achievable.

I: So in this school sir, these things are set individually?

Sir: Yes it is

I: What’s the logic behind this sir? Was this agreed by the majority?

Sir: Yes, this has been agreed by the school body

I: In other schools sir, or shall we say majority of them set these things uniformly so
how come that in this school it is done differently?

Sir: Individual capability of teachers varies and depending on this factor we decided
to do it individually to avoid pressure. Furthermore, as long as the Principal and
Grade Level Heads approve the objectives an individual may set, there will be no

I: Are there cases sir, where the objectives set by different teachers comes out the
same? How about those who find it hard to make their own, can they copy the
objectives set by their colleagues?

Sir: Usually, that is the case, some because of tiredness resorts to copying and
some can’t just do it.

I: Have you encountered problems while setting your own objectives sir? Do you
think sir such objectives truly hit the standards of what a teacher should really do?
How about those individuals sir who plays safely setting easy-to-achieve standards
to the point that they have been branded outstanding because of such, how do you
address these things sir?

Sir: Arguments usually rises in sighting those performance indicators namely quality,
efficiency and timeliness. Example of this is the number of lesson plans that must be
done or the rate of student project that must be hit and collected.

I: How about those teachers sir who set those cheap performance indicators sir to
make them claim the outstanding evaluation, how do you address that sir?
Sir: The principal won’t approve it because the principal has the final say for

I: So the principal has to do the massive checking for everything?

Sir: No, the principal will delegate the duty to the Grade level heads

I: In setting your own objectives in KRA sir have you encountered problems?
Especially in the community involvement field, what gave you a hard time in that?

Sir: The problem here is, if you’re not an advisor and you set an objective of
attending homeroom meetings and general assembly you’ll really be obligated to
attend because everything you write in the list of objectives will become your
personal duty.

I: How about in personal growth and development? What are the difficulties you’ve
faced here sir?

Sir: Professional growth and development basically states that you must attend
seminars and trainings that will enhance your capability and the disability to attend to
one becomes the problem of this thing.

I: What if the school sends only few selected teachers to a specific seminar sir and
unfortunately you’re not one of them what will you do?

Sir: In this case, it’ll be the teacher’s initiative that will drive him or her to join
seminars he or she needs

I: Have you suffered financial problems in this sir because if you want to attend
seminars not sponsored by the school it will really demand a lot of money.

Sir: Yes I had

I: So, on the other side sir, while complying with the needed things in Teaching
Learning Process, what are the difficulties you’ve encountered?

Sir: Most of the time the problem here is the diminished number of school days spent
to teaching as a result of attending contests and seminars that can’t be done if you
don’t leave the campus. Effects of this is that you can’t up-to-date your lesson plan
and worse is you’ll be late in teaching your lessons.
I: Sir, aside from those struggles concerning lesson plans, do you have other
experienced difficulties as a result of disturbances in the normal school days?

Sir: Suspension of classes because of bad weather and holidays is one

I: You’re not an adviser sir, right?

Sir: No, I’m not

I: In your performance indicator stating maintained classroom atmosphere that is

conducive for learning, do you have problems with this sir?

Sir: Achieving a 100% rate of cleanliness and orderliness is very hard to achieve
because these depends on the student. If they won’t do the jobs assigned to them
then accomplishing this 100% feat will really be impossible.

I: Therefore sir, knowing the fact that you’re not an adviser do you demand cleaning
sir before starting your class?

Sir: Yes sometimes, some adviser aren’t that cleanliness-sensitive to maintain such
things, so before I start my class, 5 minutes of it will be burned into cleaning if the
classroom is not neat enough to accommodate classes.

I: So sir, how do you measure the cleanliness of a certain classroom sir? How do
you monitor it?

Sir: I am following criteria to determine whether a specific class is doing their duty in
maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom.

I: How do you check it sir? It’s your own performance criteria right? Does this mean
you’re checking your own performance criteria?

Sir: I do check the cleanliness on my own but the Grade level head still has to
confirm if the checking I’ve done was right.

I: So such Head sir, occasionally goes to your class?

Sir: If he has the time.

I: Does that cover the overall issues about teacher learning process sir?
Sir: Yes that’s all. Our school only set 3 objectives because it’s the minimum setting
required by DepEd. Above this, teachers are already having hard time accomplishing
their respective paperwork and this will only add to the burden. So our main goal
here is to comply with the requirements needed by DepEd and at the same time not
pressuring our own selves with the heavy load of jobs.

I: How about in complying with Student Outcomes sir, do you have difficulties in it?

Sir: My objective here is to participate in competitions, improve presentation

promotion and student discipline.

I: So this is about coaching things sir right? Have you encountered difficulties in this
field sir, especially nowadays wherein the number of contests are shrinking and
acquiring the title coach can’t always be grasp by you.

Sir: You really need to check memorandum to be updated about information

regarding competitions and if there is, the Principal will ask if there are volunteers to
coach certain students and if there’s none then he will appoint someone to do it. So
in my case I always volunteer especially in competitions about the subject Social

I: Are you winning such contests sir? Winning is a must right? So what are your
problems sir regarding this issue?

Sir: Unfortunately we can’t win any of it. My home is too far from school so I can’t
really deeply engage myself in coaching. Added to this, so about student promotions,
all of my student are promoted for the higher grade it’s just that the teacher still has
to do extra effort to make it happen.

I: So what are your problems regarding this sir?

Sir: The very problem here is those students that are always absent, the kind of
students that only come to school during exams thinking that exams will save their
drowning situation. So, as remedy of this I gave them reading materials and activities
that they will answer during their own free times which will rack up all the needed
points they must collect to proceed to their next year’s class.

I: Are you okay with it sir? Spending your free time doing these activities?
Sir: Yes, not to mention that it is in the DepEd order not to let students fall to failure.
If a certain student fails an exam then I will give remedial class to such student then
give him another chance to take the test. And in terms of those students that are
always absent, teacher visit will be aided to them to make them come to school

I: Do you still have another problems sir in complying with the Student Outcomes?

Sir: In my case, none. All of my students are promoted not just because of my effort
but also because of their own will to proceed to the next grade.

I: What is your other objectives sir?

Sir: The Student Discipline, wherein guaranteeing that fights and other violence will
not rise in the class.

I: So this is about classroom management. How do you maintain such thing sir?

Sir: Serious talks that is my technique. However because of this, the time for class
will now again be depleted.

I: This will really affect your performance sir right, if things like fighting and etc will
reach the guidance office?

Sir: Yes, indeed it will because that would mean that you’re not doing your job well
as a teacher.

I: Are there circumstances like this that once happened in your class?

Sir: So far, there are none however there’s this one time that after I dismiss my class
two of my students ignited a fight.

I: Was that after the bell for dismissal sir?

Sir: One minute after the bell, I’m still in the classroom by that time. So it was really
brought to the higher body of school because the fight became worse.

I: Were you concerned about your RPMS by that time sir?

Sir: Yes, but it is part of being a teacher.

I: How about community involvement sir? Are you able to attend homeroom
meetings sir? What are your difficulties regarding this?

Sir: Yes, but not constantly. I’m not an adviser so opportunities for entering such
homeroom meetings will only be visible if there are teachers who will allow me to
become their substitution.

I: Do you have problems with this sir?

Sir: Attending events crafted by the community becomes an obligation sometimes,

with this; the time you must have spent to your family will be sacrificed. Another thing
is that there’s this one time that I became an MC for the whole day of a specific
event and that was very tiring.

I: What are your predicaments regarding this sir?

Sir: Circumstances that is relevant to this are those for example dancing activities.
Buying costumes and props really are expensive. However, putting this thing on your
objectives would mean recognizing such as your duty so you really must engage
yourself in it especially if it has big amount of weights in your set ratings.

I: That mentioned weight in your KRA sir, do you decide it yourself?

Sir: Yes, we put it individually.

I: Does this mean, that if a certain thing is hard to achieve I can put lesser weight in it

Sir: This is the advantage of setting objectives individually, you can shift weights to
the field you think you have higher MOV.

I: Therefore, we can adjust the weights for our own benefit?

Sir: You can, if it is in the mid-year evaluation however in the final, adjusting such
thing will become impossible.

I: How about Barangay Zumbas sir?

Sir: Yes, it is included as long as you ask for certificates.

I: Let’s go back to the topic of Professional Growth and Development. You’ve
mentioned sir that opportunity here sir is very small because the school can never
choose you all the time to be sent for seminars, how did this gave problems o you

Sir: It is always the case, so to mediate this one you have no other choice but to join
seminars at your own expense.

I: In addition to this burden sir, you’ll have to do extra effort for the students because
of the time you’ve sacrificed while out of school because of those seminars wherein
such time could have been spent for teaching, so teachers really are at loss here.

Sir: Yes, that’s right.

I: How about those things concerning about awards sir?

Sir: Yes that’s one. There are really circumstances wherein you can’t acquire any
award so if you’re placed in that situation the thing you can only do is to do your best
to acquire some in due time.

I: Do you have techniques sir to get awards amidst the very limited given time to

Sir: There are school level awards and as long as you have great contributions to the
campus for a specific school year acquiring such award can be possible.

I: Do you have struggles regarding the compliance of all the requirements set by the
institution? Teachers as they have a very limited amount of time, in your case sir
how do you do things?

Sir: Indeed it is time consuming.

I: Was your methods of delivering instructions affected sir?

Sir: It is affected.

I: How do you create your IM’s sir? What are your techniques to simplify your jobs?

Sir: I’ve been assigned to higher grade level of Social Studies so creating instruction
materials are not really a problem. In terms of delivering instructions the thing I can
advice is that teachers should really employ the might of technology in their
respective jobs to make things easier for them.

I: Did complying with the RPMS sir gave you headache to the point that you’ve been
disappointed to your own self not able to teach your own students the things they
need because of the circumstance where RPMS placed you?

Sir: Yes, human as we are sometimes become weak. We juggle our priorities and
find ourselves in doubtful situations wherein we don’t know what to do already.
However for me, whatever may happen I will never leave my students hanging
without any knowledge injected to them. I’ll really do my best to cater their needs as
their teacher..

I: In your 2 hours vacant time sir, how do you do all those remediation classes and
class activities concerning students that are in the brink of failing?

Sir: Full maximization of time that is, plus Saturday duties and I indeed sometimes
sacrifice my time for my family just to do my teacher duties.

I: How about your predicaments in gathering your MOV’s?

Sir: Problems about gathering such things usually forms in certificates that have no
signature of persons that could have signed it and sometimes worse, the people in
charge of distributing certificates misses to give you. Additional to this is, you also
need to check if the spelling of your name is right.

I: So your main concern here sir is that there are people who can’t deliver you your
own certificate because of some certain reason?

Sir: Yes, that’s one. It is their duty to give the certificates so they must fulfil such.
Another is that, photos with those prominent people in the seminars are also needed
to stand as evidence that you really did participate in such seminar.

I: How do you gather those things sir?

Sir: So, in my case I save it in a folder on my laptop then print it as time demands.
Diligence is really needed to preserve these documents so sometimes it is tiring.
I: Basically sir, time for final compilation falls during summer time, what can you say
about this sir? What are your predicaments regarding this thing?

Sir: I am not an advisor so I’m only obligated in making records and grading sheets
and in terms with complying with RPMS, it is already your personal duty as a teacher
so you need to prioritize it some time. To wrap it up, doing all these things is possible
as long as you divide your time wisely and do your job responsibly.

I: The fact that we still spend so much time in school sir even though its already
summer, what is your say about this?

Sir: You can really question DepEd’s policy regarding that issue however we are still
paid for those duties so I guess it’s partly okay.

I: What’s your opinion about this sir?

Sir: It’s a bit burden but not too much. Sometimes my family will really ask for my
time however it’s a call of duty so I don’t have a choice.

I: How do you counter those predicaments you’ve mentioned sir? That above all
those problems, you still hit your targeted objectives.

Sir: First, you really need to change your attitude in tackling RPMS. It is a duty set by
the institution so you are really obligated to pass its requirements. Second is, you
need to be diligent, in gathering the essential things for everything and preserving
documents you’ll need in the future. Lastly, be resourceful, this is crucial for
everyone because DepEd can never always give the things you need. Investing in
technology is one thing to gain advantage in terms of resourcefulness.

I: More to that sir, how about loadings that are the same last year, how do you
handle it?

Sir: In that situation you should already be an expert and do things automatically.
Then you should also treat RPMS as your personal performance evaluator because
this can help, if you want promotion. Aiming for promotions require your 3 years
evaluation wherein consistency is very much observed. With this, you must really do
your best, get an outstanding evaluation and be competent enough in the field of
I: With those entire predicaments sir, how do you want the system be adjusted, for
the betterment of an individual as a teacher?

Sir: RPMS in its wholeness is good, it really just depends on how the teacher reacts
to it. On the other side I also want to make the setting of performance indicators be
unified just like the other schools. Commonly, arguments rise here because of the
unfairness issue floating in this school’s atmosphere so I think that if we follow the
nationally recognized DepEd order, things like these will be resolved.

I: So about the issue of approval of setting too easy objectives sir wherein the setter
of such and the Grade level head with the principal has somewhat friendly relations

Sir: It’s up to them for they possess the authority in that thing and it’s because of this
that the school really need to adopt the nationally announced standards as the basis
for the indicators that must be followed by the teachers. It is more believable and no
one can deny it for it is a DepEd order. With that, fairness will rise and further
arguments about the same issue will be prevented. In addition to this, it will be better
if allowances will be given to teachers to cover for the expenses, RPMS demands.
The school resources are limited and it can never cater every teacher so we need
support in that thing.

I: Okay sir, thank you for sparing some of your time to have this interview with me, I
will transcribe this and show it to you afterwards so that you can check the accuracy
of the transcribed responses. Sir, it means a lot to me because my study will never
be completed without your participation.

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