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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division

First Semester 2017-2018

Course Handout (Part-II)
Date: 02/08/2017

In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Time Table), this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course.

Course No. : CHE F314

Course Title :Process Design Principles I
Instructor-in-Charge : SURESH GUPTA
Instructor (Tutorials) : Amit Jain, Arvind Kumar Sharma, Shweta Sharma

Course Description
Process invention using heuristics and analysis (The Design process, Process creation and heuristics for
process synthesis, Role of process simulators like Aspen Plus in process creation), Strategic designs in
process synthesis and analysis, Detailed process synthesis using algorithmic methods with emphasis on
reactor networks, separation trains, batch processes, heat and mass integration, energy integration analysis;
pinch technology.

Scope & Objective

This course introduces the student to the strategy of process engineering and provides an insight into various
aspects of process design. This course mainly deals with the process synthesis part of process design. It
covers in detail the preliminary process synthesis, developing base case design and use of heuristics for
choosing the best from various process alternatives.

Text Books
T1 Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, and Daniel R. Lewin, “Product & Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation”, Wiley-India Edition, India, 2nd Edition (2004).
T2 James M. Douglas, “Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes”, McGraw Hill, New York,
International Edition (1988).

Reference Books:

R1 Richard Turton, Richard C. Bailie, Wallace B. Whiting, Joseph A. Shaeiwitz, and Debangsu
Bhattacharyya, “Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes”, International Edition,
Pearson Education International, New Jersey (2012).
R2 Robin Smith, “Chemical Process Design”, International Editions, McGraw Hill, Singapore (2000).
R3 Dale F. Rudd, and Charles C. Watson, “Strategy of Process Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, New
York (1968).

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Course Plan
Module Lecture session/Tutorial References Learning outcomes
Introduction L1. Introduction to Process Ch. 1 of T1  Apply the creative aspects and generate
to process Design Principles: Process and T2 ideas for producing new materials &
synthesis Synthesis and Analysis. upgrading the existing materials
and analysis L2. Creative aspects, Ch. 3 of T1  Develop hierarchical approach to conceptual
Hierarchical approach to and Ch. 1 of design and demonstrate using a case study
conceptual design, HDA T2  Generate all the five levels of hierarchy of
Process. process flow sheets from the detailed flow
L3. Preliminary Process sheet
Synthesis with examples.
T1. Practice problem on
Hierarchical approach to
conceptual design
Economic L4. Engineering Ch. 2 of T2  Collect the cost information required and to
Decision Economics for Conceptual calculate capital and operating costs using
Making Design, important cost different methods as well as using
terms simplified cost models depending upon the
L5-9. Design of a solvent Ch. 3 of T2 data availability
recovery system, Problem  List and compare the possible alternatives
definition, Design of a gas for a given case study with the help of
absorber, Flow sheet, important aspects associated with the
material and energy economic decision making
balances, and stream costs,  Apply the design aspects associated with
Equipment design various unit operations and to discuss the
considerations, Rules of effect of various design variables on
thumb. equipment design considerations
 Carryout the sensitivity analysis with
respect to design variables & and process
parameters and to cite the limitations of
rules of thumb (heuristics) for various
possible cases
Process L10-11. Concepts of Ch. 4 of T1  Initial concept of process simulator in
Simulation process simulation, Steady and Class obtaining data and carrying out material and
and unsteady state notes energy balance.
simulation. Introduction to  Development of process flow sheet in
Aspen Plus. ASPEN HYSIS software.
Input L12-14. Input information, Ch. 4 of T2  List the required input information for a
Information Level-1 decision (Batch vs. given problem and to demonstrate the
and Batch continuous), Systematic importance of input information at the start
vs. procedure for the design of of conceptual design
Continuous batch processes. Economic  To apply the heuristics and to propose the
Potential (EP-1). guidelines for selection of batch processes
vs. continuous processes

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Input- L15-18. Level-2 Decisions Ch. 5 of T2  Apply the decisions required to be made for
Output (Input-output structure), different aspects at level-2 (Input-Output
Structure of Design variables, structure of the flow sheet) of economic
the Flow Selectivity and reaction decision making
sheet stoichiometry, Overall  Identify the possible design variables and
material balances, Stream to list the information required to develop
costs, Process alternatives, the material balances at level-2 (input-
Economic potential (EP-2). output structure)
 Estimate the economic potential at level-2
(EP2) and to find alternatives at this level
by relaxing some of the assumption made
Recycle L19-23. Level-3 Decisions Ch. 6 of T1  Estimate the number of reactor systems and
Structure of (Recycle structure), and Ch. 6 of the number of recycle streams required for
the Flow Recycle material balances, T2 a given process at level-3 (recycle
sheet Reactor heat effects, structure)
Equilibrium limitations,  Develop the recycle material balances and
Compressor design and to compute the various flows associated
costs, Reactor design, with a recycle structure of process flow
Economic potential (EP-3). sheet
 Estimate the economic potential at level-3
(EP3) and to show the effect of design
variables on EP3
Separation L24-26.General structure, Ch. 7 of T1  Generate the possible alternatives for the
System Vapor recovery system, and Ch. 7 of general structure of flow sheet and to
Liquid separation system, T2 examine the phases of the reactor effluent
Azeotropic systems, stream
Rigorous material  Discuss the decisions associated with vapor
balances, Economic recovery systems and to find the sequence
potential (EP-4). of separation systems
 Develop rigorous material balances (linear
material balancing) and to estimate the
economic potential at level-4 (EP4) for the
general structure of a flow sheet
Energy L27-37. Heat-Exchanger Ch. 10 of T1  Estimate the net heat available in the given
Integration Network Synthesis and Ch. 8 of process plant using I & II law of
Analysis (HENS), First law analysis, T2 thermodynamics
Cascade diagrams,  Identify the appropriate pinch and hot &
Temperature-Enthalpy cold utililty requirements from the cascade
Diagrams, Grand diagram
composite curve, Multiple  Draw the temperature-Enthalpy diagram
utilities, Area estimates, and estimate the total area requirement, a
Design of MER Networks, priori, network proposal
Loops and paths, Final  Generate design alternatives in terms of
design, Stream splitting, feasible matches in the network and
Complete design propose the MER (maximum energy
algorithm, Heat and power recovery or minimum energy requirement)
integration. network

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 Propose the final Heat Exchanger Network

after breaking all the loops and restore
∆Tminas and when there is a violation
Mass L38-40.Introduction, Ch. 11 of T1 Able to compute the minimum usage of external
Integration Minimum mass separation mass-separating agent (MSA)
agent, Mass exchanger Able to design mass exchanger network (MEN)
networks. which meets minimum operating cost target.

Evaluation Scheme
EC Evaluation component Duration Weightage Date and time Nature of
No. (EC) (Minutes) (300) component
1 Mid-Semester Test 90 75 11/10 2:00 - 3:30 Closed Book
2 Tutorials/Surprise Tests# - 60 - Open/Closed
3 Assignment* - 45 To be announced in Open Book
the class in due
course of time
4 Comprehensive 180 120 7/12 FN Closed
Examination Book/Open Book
Total fivetutorial testsand three surprise testswill be conducted. Out of these, the performance in best
fourtutorial tests and best two surprise testswill be considered for final evaluation. During tutorial and
surprise tests, students will be asked to solve problems (numerical/objective/subjective type) and submit the
answer sheet to the instructor.
Conceptual design oriented problems/case studies will be given as Assignment.

Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced in the class.

Make-up policy:Make-up will be granted only for genuine reason(s) (medical ground only) for not
appearing in the regular test. Proper proofs (medical certificate, prescription etc. from Medical Center) must
be submitted along with Make-up application.Prior permission of IC is compulsory.

Notices:All notices concerning this course will be displayed on the Notice Board of Chemical Engineering
Department and will also be available online onNALANDA Portal.

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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division

CHE F314

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