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Material Safety Data Sheet



Aluminum Sulfate

1. Product Identification

Product name : Aluminum Sulfate (solid)

Molecular Weight : 594
Chemical Family : Inorgaic Salt
Synonnyms : Alum, Aluminum Alum
Formula : Al2 (SO4)314.H20
Chemical name : Aluminum Sulpahate
Cas No. : 7784-31-8
10043-01-3 (anhydrous)
Product Use : Water purification, Sewage treatment, Water proofing
agent for Concrete, sizing pper and pH Control, Clarifying Agent for fats &
Oil, Deodorizer and Decolorizer in Petrolium Refinery Processes

2. Composition / Information on Ingredients

Ingredient Cas # Percent Hazardous

Aluminum Sulfate 10043-01-3 98 – 100 Yes

3. Hazards Informaton

Emergency overview
Label hazard warning ! Harmful if swallowed or inhaled. Causes
irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory tract
National Fire protection Association (NFPA) Rating
Hazardous Matrials Identification System (HMIS) Rating

NFPA HMIS 4 = Extreme/ severe

Health 2 2 3 = High/ Serious
Fire 0 0 2 = Moderate
1 = Slight
Reactivity 0 0
0 = Minimum
Contact - 2
Lab protective equipment : GOGGLES, LAB COAT, VENT HOOD,
Storage Color Code : Green ( general storage)
Potential Health Effects : Hydrolyzes in water
The liquid alum is a buffered acidic solution which is responsible for the
irritating effects.
Inhalation : May Irritate nose and throat.
Ingestion : Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal pain
Skin Contact : May irritate skin
Eye Contact : Causes irritation, redness, and pain
Chronic Exposure : Unknown
Aggravation of pre-existing Conditions : Unknown

4. First Aid Messures

Inhaltion : Take care of fresh air, consult a doctor.

Ingestion : Drink a lot of water. Call a physician.
Skin Contact : Flush skin with plenty of water.
Eye Contact : Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical
attention immediately.

5. Fire Fighting Measures

Fire and Explosion Hazards : Not Considered to be afire and an

explosion hazard
Fir Extinguishing Media : Water, chemical foam, or Carbon Dioxide
(CO2), may be used for fire in the area.
Special Information : Firefighter should wear proper protectve
equipment and self- contained breathing apparatus with full facepiace
operated in positive pressure mode.
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards : May release sulphur oxides if
involved in a fire.

6. Accidental Release Mesures

Wear protective equipment to prevent skin and eyes contamination and

inhalation dust. Sweep up but avoid generating dust. Pick up and place in
a suitable container for reclamation or disposal

7. Handling and Storage

Should be stored in a room temperature and should be kept away from
strong oxidizing agents. Aluminum sulphate absorbs moisture and
become a safety hazard when spilled because if absorbs moisture and
become slippery

8. Exposure Control / Personal Protection

Airborne Exposure Limits:

OSHA Permissible Expoure Limit (PEL) 2 mg/m3 (TWA) soluble as Al
ACGIH Threshold Limited Value (TLV) 2 mg/m3 (TWA) soluble as Al
Threshold Limit Values
USA TLV (TWA) ……………… 2 mg(Al)m3 West Germany
USA TLV (STEL)……………….Not available MAK……not available
Long-Term (8 hour TWA value)..2 mg(Al)/m3 VME……2 mg(Al)/m3
Short-term (10 min TWA value).not available VLE…….not available
Long-term limit………………. 2 mg(Al)/m3
Short-term limit……………… not available
Ventilation : Good general ventilation should be provided.
Respiratory Protection : Airsupplied respirator is advised in an over
exposure environment.
Skin Protection : Wear protective clothing, boots, rubber loves, lab coat.
Eye Protection : Chemical splash safety glasses

9. Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance : white to brownish solid Boiling Point : NA

Odor :Nona Melting Point : 770 °C Decomposes
Solubility in water : 87 g/ 100 cc at 27°C Vapor Density ( Air = 1) : NA
Specific Gravity ( H2O = 1 ) : NA Vapor Pressure ( mmHg ) : NA
pH : 3.3 ( 1% solution at 27 °C (80 °F)) Evaporation Rate ( BuAc 1 ):NA
% Volatiles by Volume at 21 °C (70 °F :0 Bulk Density: 920 Kg/M3

10. Stability and Reactivity

Stability : Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage.

Hazardous Decomposition Products : Hydrolyzes to from dilute
sulfuric acid. On heating toxic furnes sulphur oxides.
Hazardous Polymerization : Will not occur.
Incompatibilities : Corrosive to metals in the presence of water.
Conditions to Avoid : incompatibles.

11. Toxicological Information

Anhydrous Material : Oral mouse LD50 : 6207 mg/kg ; irritation eyes
Rabbit : 10 mg/H severe ; investigated as a mutagen and reproductive
effector, 18 – Hydrate : Oral Mouse LD50:> 9 mg/kg; investigated as a

--------------------------\ Cancer List \ -------------------------

---NTP Carcinogen---
Ingredient Known Anticipated IARC
Aluminum Sulfate 10043-01-03 No No No

12. Ecological Information

Enviromental Fate : No Information Found.

Enviromental Toxicity : No Information Found.

13. Disposal Considerations

Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or rcycling should be managed in

an appropriate and approved wast disposal facility. Processing, use or
contamination of this product may change the waste management
options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal
disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in
accordance with federal state and local requirement.

14. Transport Information

Not regulated

15. Regulatory Information

------\Chemical Inventory Status – Part 1 \------------------------------

Ingredient TSCA EC Japan Australia
Aluminum Sulfate (10043-01-03) Yes Yes Yes Yes

-------\Chemical Inventory Status – Part 2 \-----------------------------

- Canada -
Ingredient Korea DSL NDSL Phill
Aluminum Sulfate (10043-01-03) Yes Yes No No

-------\Federal, State and International Regulations – Part 1\----------

SARA 302 -----SARA 313------
Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg
Aluminum Sulfate (10043-01-03) No No No No

-------\Federal, State and International Regulations – Part 2\----------

Ingredient CERCLA 261.33 8 (d )
Aluminum Sulfate (10043-01-03) 5000 No No

Chemical Weapons Convention : No TSCA 12 (b ) : No CDTA : No

SARA 311/312 : Acute : Yes Chronic : No Fire : No Presure : No
Reactivity : No (Mixture / Solid )

Australian Hazchem Code : No information Found

Poison Schedule : No information Found

This MSDS has been preparedaccording to the hazard criteria of the Contolled
Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information
required by the CPR.

16. Other Information

ACGIH = American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist

CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry number
CFR = Code of Federal Regulation
CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation
and Liability Act
EPA = Environmental Protection Agency
LD 50 = Lethal Dose expected to kill 50% of group of tst animals
NIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety and health
OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration
RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
SARA = Superfund Amandments and Reauthorization Act the U.S EPA
TSCA = Toxic Substances Control Act
TWA = Time Weighted Average

The information accumulated here in is belived to be accurate but is not

warranted to be whether originating with the company or not.

Health and Safety Data Sheet shouldbe used only as a guide to the safe
handling of the product, and is not intended as a technical specification.

Revision Information : In the left margin indicates a revision or

addition of information since the previous issue
Prepared by : Quality Assurance division

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