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PLAYING CARD PLAYING CARDw. wns wrnu wat PLAZA DE TOROS MONUMENTAL. See Muxico Crrx (Sports; picture: Colorful Mexico City). PLEA BARGAINING. See Tita PLEBEIANS, pik 1 commoners in the carly Roman Republic, ‘The plebeians ineloded feed slaves, peasant farmer, and dependents of patricant (aristeert) Tis not known how the dilference between plebeiane and patricians fist arose, but it existed by the early 500's Plebeians had to serve in the army, but were denied many rights. Formany years, they could not hold publi office, wote on Inws, or become priests, They sere [0 Didden to marry persons not oftheir class, Judges often tweated the plebeians unfaily Barly in the 400": n.c, the plebeians threatened to refuse to fight unless they were allowed to choose their own tribunes (official). ‘The plebeians were given the right to elect tribunes who could» of judges and lawmaker fans recived the right to marcy patricians, fe 367 n.c. they were allowed to ran for the office of cnsul (cl government official). By 300 n.c. they had been de- flared eligible forthe pricthoeds and other offices. In 207 n.c, the camitia triuta (assembly ofall the people— plebeiane and patrician alike) wa given the power to {make laws that bound everyone ‘Wealthy plebeians then began joining the patricians to form a new upper elas, But teibunes and the coniia remained to protect the poor classes of Rome until che tend of the republi, in 27 n.. Honea Me owe See also Parnicians; Prazron; Tram, PLEBISCITE, PLED ih se, is a vote of the people on any question. But the term has come to mean the vote of intabitants in a teritory to choose the nation that wil rovem them. The plebiscite was Gt osed during the 1790% when the eitiens of Nice and Savoy voted foro against union with France “Modern plebiscite are almost always under inter rational supervision. In 1975, for example, the United Nations (UN) sent obsewves to witness 2 plebiscite jn the Mariana Islands in the Pacifie Ocean, AIL the islands exeept Guam were governed by the United States as part of a UN taust terctory In the plebiscite, the people voted to heeoine a eoinmonweath of the United Stater. Plebisciter el the satu of the Saar in Europe angl British Plbiscites are intended to give teritores freedom of choice, but interested nations sometimes try to influence the vote by military pressure. In any case, plebisctes have marked a long step forward in permitting people of certain teritories some freedom in chooring their {orm of government. amon &. Wo PLECOPTERA is an order of insects that lay their ngs in water. The young live in streams or along the rocky shallows of ponds and lakes, They forma large part of the diet of trout and other fish, ‘The adults have ‘wings but do not fly well and seldom wander far fom thet breeding place. They often ean be seen clinging to rocks atthe water's edge. For this reason, they are commonly called stone flies, Sce also Stow: Fx PLECTRUM. See Tlanjo; ManDoun PLEDGE, Sco Oartt 508 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE is a solemn promise loyalty to the United States, Tt reads T pledge allegiance to the flag ofthe United Stata fof Atporen sn to the Republi for which saad, fate for al Gov ivi, wits Hert ed Dulbliechool children fet recited the pledge ae thy saluted the fla during the National Seheo! Celelation Inek! in 1092, President Benjamin Hareison had cael! for pateotie exereises in schools to mark the 4006) anniversary of the discovery of America. Fasc! Bellamy (1055-1921) of Boston, an associate edit d Tie Towl's Companion, wrote the original pledge. The National Flag Conferences of the American Lagan expanded the original wording in 1023 and 1924. Is 1982, Con ide the pledge part of is code fo be vse of the flag. In 195A, it added the words “unde Goa.” ‘wou a PLEIADE. See Fueneit Lerexarune (The Paid, v Brazav, Joacuns; Rossanb, Piss oe PLEIADES, PLEA yuh dere, or the Skew Soras, fn loose cluster of Sars in the constellation Tsuna. Astronomers estimate that the Pleiades is 490 lhe ‘ava from the earth Six stars ean easly be a without a telescope. About 200 stars in the Peas Thay be sen with a tlecope. Photographs ofthe ce {er have revealed knots of nebulous materia oma rainly of dst that reflect he ight of the star a be Piiades. Many perons mistake the Pleiades fe Little Dipper. Ta Greck myths dhe Pleiades represented the ve daughters of Aa and the nymph Plone, Acearg to one version, Zeus fst teanslormed the str ie doves and thon into stars to enable ther to escape he \tention of Orion, The sisters ae Aleyone, Meng Galaeno, Taygeta, Maia, letra, and Sterope. Acaoeling to one legend only se of the sar can tye een breause Mrope bid helt in shame ‘Soc ao Stas (pitas Osea oS ; ne amo 7 ~ eddy ~ yD Te a =) aon ode of PVPPPPRPPPPMDPAMBAABRAMABH® OHH

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