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1)Vendor is not created for Purchasing Organisation XXXX.

2)Though Vendor Master is Flag for Deletion ,Vendor is shows at the time of PO Creation.
3)How to extend the materials for another storage location
4)How to Create the PO for Different Currencies.
5)While Posting The Doc . Error Occure,1) Account Determination for Entry 1000 BSV _ _ not
Posssible.2) Account Determination for Entry 1000 FRL _ _ not Posssible.
6)Not Authorisation for Movt Type ......,Transaction Code......
7) Account Determenation for transaction .... Cost center ...does not maintain.
8)While Creation of GR -Authorisation missing for Company Code 0000 Asset Class XXXX,
9)While Removing The Stock of material by Cancelling the Goods Receipt Doc.Error occur that
Stock Qty difficial by xx No.
10)While GR Cancellation error occure that document does not contain any selected item.
11)While Creating Service Entry Sheet Error occured that Qty entered exceeded by Qty in PO
12)While cancelling the matl.Doc Error occure that matl is deficit of sales ordr stock.
13) Error-Tax code does not Exist while creating Miro
14)TDS Amount is not Captured at Miro entry.
15)While Miro error occure that No suitable item found for Purchase Order.
16)User ID gets Blocked due to wrong Password entered more than 3 times.
18)Error-Gl account does not created for Chart of account XXXX while Miro
19)In Purchase Order Service tax is 12.24 % and at Bill service tax is 10.5 .How to adjust it and
How to cancell Wrong Miro
20)Stock Statement not matched Value still lying into Stock A/c

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