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Monosodium glutamate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Monosodium glutamate (MSG), also

known as sodium glutamate, is the Monosodium glutamate
sodium salt of glutamic acid, one of the
most abundant naturally occurring non-
essential amino acids.[Manuf. 1]

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration

"considers the addition of MSG to foods
to be 'generally recognized as safe'
(GRAS). Although many people identify
themselves as sensitive to MSG, in
studies with such individuals given MSG
or a placebo, scientists have not been
able to consistently trigger
reactions."[Gov. 2] The European Union
classifies it as a food additive that is
only permitted to be used in certain
foods and is subject to specific
quantitative limits. MSG has the HS code
29224220 and the E number IUPAC name

E621. [Gov. 3] Sodium 2-aminopentanedioate

The L-glutamate form of MSG confers Identifiers

the same umami taste of free L-
CAS 142-47-2 
glutamate naturally found in foods. [1] number
Industrial food manufacturers market
PubChem 85314
and use MSG as a flavor enhancer
because it balances, blends and rounds ChemSpider 76943  
the total perception of other tastes.[2][3] UNII C3C196L9FG 
EC-number 205-538-1
Jmol-3D Image 1 (
Contents images model=%5BNa%2B%5D.O%3DC%28%5BO-
1 Names and synonyms
1.1 Name of substance
1.2 Synonyms
1.3 Systematic name
Molecular C 5 H 8 NO 4 Na
1.4 Trade names formula
2 History Molar mass 169.111 g/mol
3 Usage Appearance White crystalline powder
4 Safety Melting 232 °C (450 °F; 505 K)
4.1 Australia and New point[23-08-2014 23:11:18]
Monosodium glutamate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zealand Solubility in 74 g/100 mL

4.2 United States water
5 Production
NFPA 704
6 Chemical properties 0
7 See also 0 0
8 References
8.1 Government LD 50 15800 mg/kg (oral, rat) [Gov. 1]
8.2 Manufacturers and Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard
suppliers state (at 25 °C (77 °F), 100 kPa)
8.3 Other    (verify) (what is:  / ?)
9 External links Infobox references

Names and synonyms

The following are alternative names for MSG.[Gov. 1][Manuf. 2][Manuf. 3]

Name of substance

Monosodium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate [NF]
Sodium 2-aminopentanedioate


Glutamic acid, monosodium salt, monohydrate, L-

Monosodium glutamate monohydrate
Monosodium L-glutamate monohydrate
MSG monohydrate
Sodium glutamate monohydrate

Systematic name

L-Glutamic acid, monosodium salt, monohydrate

Trade names

Accent, produced by B&G Foods Incorporated, Heritage, New Jersey, US [Manuf. 4][Manuf. 5]
Ajinomoto, produced by Ajinomoto, 26 countries, head office Japan [Manuf. 6][Manuf. 7]
Tasting Powder
Vetsin[23-08-2014 23:11:18]
Monosodium glutamate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kikunae Ikeda from the Tokyo Imperial University isolated glutamic acid as a new taste substance in 1908
from the seaweed Laminaria japonica, kombu, by aqueous extraction and crystallization, and named its taste
"umami". [Manuf. 8] He noticed that dashi, the Japanese broth of katsuobushi and kombu, had a peculiar taste
that had not been scientifically described at that time and differed from sweet, salty, sour and bitter. [Manuf. 8]
To verify that ionized glutamate was responsible for the umami taste, Professor Ikeda studied the taste
properties of many glutamate salts such as calcium, potassium, ammonium, and magnesium glutamate. All
salts elicited umami in addition to a certain metallic taste due to the other minerals. Among those salts,
sodium glutamate was the most soluble and palatable, and crystallized easily.

Professor Ikeda named this product monosodium glutamate and submitted a patent to produce MSG.[Gov. 4]
Suzuki brothers started the first commercial production of MSG in 1909 as Aji-no-moto , meaning "essence of
taste" in English.[Manuf. 9][Manuf. 10][4]

Pure MSG is not reported to have a highly pleasant taste until it is combined with a savory odor.[Manuf. 11] The
basic sensory function of MSG is attributed to its ability to enhance the presence of savoury taste-active
compounds when included at the right concentration.[2]

The optimum concentration varies with the type of food; in clear soup, the pleasantness score rapidly falls
with more than 1 g of MSG per 100 ml.[5] There is also an interaction between MSG and salt (sodium
chloride), and other umami substances such as nucleotides.

With these properties, MSG can be used to reduce salt intake (sodium), which predisposes to hypertension,
heart diseases and stroke. [Gov. 5] By adding MSG appropriately, salt can be reduced by 30 to 40 percent
without a perceived reduction in saltiness.[2]

The sodium content (in mass percent) of MSG is roughly a third of the amount (12%) than in sodium chloride
(39%). [Manuf. 12] Other salts of glutamate have been used in low-salt soups, but with a lower palatability than
MSG.[Manuf. 13]

MSG has been used for more than 100 years to season food. During this period, many studies have been
conducted on the safety of MSG. At this point, international and national bodies for the safety of food
additives consider MSG safe for human consumption as a flavor enhancer.[Gov. 6] The "MSG symptom
complex" was originally termed the "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" when Robert Ho Man Kwok anecdotally
reported the symptoms he felt after an American-Chinese meal. Kwok suggested multiple reasons behind the
symptoms, including alcohol from cooking with wine, the sodium content, or the MSG seasoning. But MSG
became the focus and the symptoms have been associated with MSG ever since. The effect of wine or salt
content was not studied. [6] With the years, the list of non-specific symptoms has grown on anecdotal
grounds. In normal conditions, humans have the ability to metabolize glutamate that has a very low acute
toxicity. The oral lethal dose to 50% of subjects (LD50 ) is between 15 to 18 g/kg body weight in rats and[23-08-2014 23:11:18]
Monosodium glutamate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

mice respectively, five times greater than the LD50 of salt (3 g/kg in rats). Therefore, the intake of MSG as a
food additive and the natural level of glutamic acid in foods do not represent a toxicological concern in
humans.[Gov. 6]

A report from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) compiled in 1995 on
behalf of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that MSG is safe when "eaten at
customary levels" and although there seems to be a subgroup of apparently healthy individuals that respond
with the MSG symptom complex when exposed to 3 g of MSG in the absence of food, causality by MSG has
not been established because the list of MSG symptoms was based on testimonial reports.[7]

This report also indicates that there are no data to support the role of glutamate in chronic and debilitating
illnesses. A controlled double-blind multicenter clinical trial failed to demonstrate the relationship between
MSG symptom complex and the consumption of MSG in individuals who believed they reacted adversely
against MSG. No statistical association has been demonstrated, there were few responses and they were
inconsistent. Symptoms were not observed when MSG was given with food. [8][9] [6] [10]

Adequately controlling for experimental bias includes a double-blind placebo-controlled experimental design
(DBPC) and the application in capsules because of the strong and unique after-taste of glutamates.[9] In a
study performed by Tarasoff and Kelly (1993) 71 fasting participants were given 5 g of MSG and then
administered a standard breakfast. There was only one reaction, and it was to the placebo in a self-identified
MSG-sensitive individual. [6] In a different study done by Geha et al. (2000), they tested the reaction of 130
subjects who reported sensitivity to MSG. Multiple DBPC trials were performed and only subjects with at least
two symptoms proceeded. Only two people out of the whole study responded in all four challenges. Because
of this low prevalence, the researchers concluded that the response to MSG was not reproducible. [11]

Additional studies that have looked into whether MSG causes obesity have given mixed results. [12][13] Several
studies have investigated an anecdotal link between MSG and asthma; current evidence does not support any
causal association. [14]

Since glutamates are important neurotransmitters in the human brain, playing a key element in learning and
memory, there is ongoing study by neurologists about possible side-effects of MSG in food but no conclusive
studies drawing any connections. [15]

Australia and New Zealand

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has many documents for MSG.[Gov. 7] The FSANZ MSG
Technical report concludes, "There is no convincing evidence that MSG is a significant factor in causing
systemic reactions resulting in severe illness or mortality. The studies conducted to date on CRS (Chinese
Restaurant Syndrome) have largely failed to demonstrate a causal association with MSG. Symptoms
resembling those of CRS may be provoked in a clinical setting in small numbers of individuals by the
administration of large doses of MSG without food. However, such affects are neither persistent nor serious
and are likely to be attenuated when MSG is consumed with food. In terms of more serious adverse effects
such as the triggering of bronchospasm in asthmatic individuals, the evidence does not indicate that MSG is a
significant trigger factor."[Gov. 8]

However, the FANZ MSG report goes on to say that even though there is no data available on the average
consumption of MSG for Australian or New Zealand consumers, "data from the United Kingdom indicates an
average intake of 590mg/day, with extreme users (97.5th percentile consumers) consuming 2330mg/day
(Rhodes et al 1991). In a highly seasoned restaurant meal, however, intakes as high as 5000mg or more may[23-08-2014 23:11:18]
Monosodium glutamate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

be possible (Yang et al 1997)." "...when very large doses (>5g MSG as a bolus dose) are ingested, that
significant increases will occur in plasma glutamate concentration, however, even then the concentration
typically returns to normal within 2 hours. In general, foods providing metabolisable carbohydrate significantly
attenuate peak plasma glutamate levels at doses up to 150mg/kg body weight." Two earlier studies, the 1987
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and the 1995 Federation of American Societies
for Experimental Biology (FASEB), "concluded there may be a small number of unstable asthmatics who
respond to doses of 1.5 – 2.5g of MSG in the absence of food." "The FASEB evaluation concluded that
sufficient evidence exists to indicate some individuals may experience manifestations of CRS when exposed to
a ≥3g bolus dose of MSG in the absence of food."[Gov. 8]

Standard 1.2.4 of the Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code requires the presence of MSG as a
food additive to be labeled in packaged foods. The label must bear the food additive class name (e.g., flavour
enhancer ), followed by either the name of the food additive, MSG or its International Numbering System (INS)
number, 621 .[Gov. 9]

United States

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is one of several forms of glutamic acid found in foods, in large part because
glutamic acid, being an amino acid, is pervasive in nature. Glutamic acid and its salts can be present in a wide
variety of other additives, including hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed yeast, yeast
extract, soy extracts, and protein isolate, which must be labeled with these specialized names even though
they are unfamiliar to the general public. Since 1998, MSG cannot be included in the term "spices and
flavorings". The food additives disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate, which are ribonucleotides, are
usually used in synergy with monosodium glutamate-containing ingredients. However, the term "natural
flavor" is used by the food industry when using glutamic acid (which is similar to MSG, lacking only the
sodium ion). The FDA does not require disclosure of the specific components and amounts used in "natural
flavor."[Gov. 10]

The FDA considers labels such as "No MSG" or "No Added MSG" to be misleading if the food contains
ingredients that are sources of free glutamate, such as hydrolyzed protein. In 1993, the FDA proposed adding
the phrase "contains glutamate" to the common or usual names of certain protein hydrolysates that contain
substantial amounts of glutamate.

Since MSG was released into the market, it has been produced by three methods: hydrolysis of vegetable
proteins with hydrochloric acid to disrupt peptide bonds (1909–1962), direct chemical synthesis with
acrylonitrile (1962–1973), and bacterial fermentation: the current method.[Manuf. 9]

Initially, wheat gluten was used for hydrolysis because it contains more than 30 g of glutamate and glutamine
in 100 g of protein. But as the production to achieve the ever-increasing demand for MSG augmented, new
production processes were studied: chemical synthesis and fermentation.

The polyacrylic fiber industry began in Japan in the mid-1950s and acrylonitrile was adopted then as starting
material to synthesize MSG.[Manuf. 14]

Currently, most of the world production of MSG is by bacterial fermentation in a process similar to vinegar or
yogurt. Sodium is added later through the steps of neutralization. During fermentation, selected bacteria
(coryneform bacteria) cultured with ammonia and carbohydrates from sugar beets, sugar cane, tapioca or
molasses, excrete amino acids into the culture broth from where L-glutamate is isolated. Kyowa Hakko Kogyo[23-08-2014 23:11:18]
Monosodium glutamate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Co Ltd developed the first industrial fermentation to produce L-glutamate.[Manuf. 15]

The conversion yield and production rate from sugars to glutamate continues to improve in the industrial
production of MSG, keeping up with increasing demand.[Manuf. 9] The final product after filtration,
concentration, acidification and crystallization is pure glutamate, sodium and water. It appears as a white,
odorless crystalline powder that in solution dissociates into glutamate and sodium ions.

Chemical properties
MSG is freely soluble in water but not hygroscopic and practically insoluble in common organic solvents such
as ether.[16]

In general, MSG is stable under the conditions of regular food processing. During cooking, MSG does not
decompose: Like other amino acids, browning or Maillard reactions will occur in the presence of sugars at
very high temperatures. [Manuf. 10]

See also
Acceptable daily intake
Disodium glutamate
Monopotassium glutamate


1. ^ a b "Monosodium glutamate [NF]" ( U.S.

National Library of Medicine, ChemIDplus. Retrieved August 11, 2014.
2. ^ "Questions and Answers on Monosodium glutamate (MSG)"
( U.S. Food and Drug
Administration. November 19, 2012. Retrieved February 4, 2014.
3. ^ "Current EU approved additives and their E Numbers"
( 2010-11-26. Retrieved
4. ^ Ikeda K (1908). "A production method of seasoning mainly consists of salt of L-glutamic acid". Japanese Patent
5. ^ Legetic B, Pan American Health Organization (United Nations), Washington DC, USA; Campbell N, Departments of
Medicine, Community Health Sciences, and Physiology and Pharmacology, Libin Cardiovascular Institute, University of
Calgary, Canada. (August 2012). "Reducing salt intake in the Americas: Pan American Health Organization actions". J
Health Commun 2: 37–48. doi:10.1080/10810730.2011.601227 (
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of the United Nations, Italy. (April 2000). "The safety evaluation of monosodium glutamate". Journal of Nutrition 130
(4S Suppl): 1049S–52S. PMID 10736380 (
7. ^ "Monosodium glutamate search" (
k=Monosodium+glutamate). Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Health Minister Chair, Peter
Dutton MP. Retrieved August 13, 2014.
8. ^ a b Technical Report.doc "MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE, A Safety Assessment, TECHNICAL REPORT SERIES NO. 20"
( Food Standards Australia
New Zealand, Health Minister Chair, Peter Dutton MP. June 2003,. ISBN 0642345201. ISSN 1448-3017
( Retrieved August 13, 2014.
9. ^ "Standard 1.2.4 Labelling of Ingredients"
ndard124labelling4231.cfm). Food Standards Code . Food Standards Australia New Zealand. Archived from the original
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10. ^ "CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Vol 6, Part 501, Subpart B--Specific Animal Food Labeling Requirements"
( U.S. Food and Drug
Administration. Retrieved August 13, 2014.

Manufacturers and suppliers

1. ^ Ninomiya K, Technical Committee , Umami Manufacturers Association of Japan (1998). "Natural occurrence". Food
Reviews International 14 (2 & 3): 177–211. doi:10.1080/87559129809541157
2. ^ Singh, K. K.; Desai, Pinakin, Director. "Glutamate Chemical" ( . Riveni InterChem of Triveni Chemicals, manufacturer & supplier of industrial chemicals, India.
Retrieved August 11, 2014.
3. ^ Desmo Exports Limited, Chemical Manfacturers and Importers of India (2011). "Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)"
( Desmo Exports. Retrieved August 11, 2014.
4. ^ "Accent Flavor Enhancer" ( B&G
Foods, Inc. Retrieved August 11, 2014.
5. ^ "B&G Foods, Incorporated" ( Retrieved August 13,
6. ^ "Monosodium glutamate(MSG)" ( . Ajin-
No-Moto Group Worldwide. Retrieved August 11, 2014.
7. ^ "Ajinomoto, To Greet the Next 100 Years, Corporate Guide"
scid=av_ot_pc_comeheadbp_aboutus_ajinomoto_profile). Retrieved August 13, 2014.
8. ^ a b Lindemann, Bernd, Universität des Saarlandes, Medical Faculty, Physiology, Germany; Ogiwara Yoko, Ajinomoto
Co., Inc., European Head Office, France; Ninomiya, Yuzo, Section Oral Function and Neurobiology, Department of
Regulatory Oral Science, Kyushu University Graduate School, Japan. (November 2002). "The discovery of umami". Chem
Senses 27 (9): 843–4. doi:10.1093/chemse/27.9.843 (
PMID 12438211 (
9. ^ a b c Sano, Chiaki, Technology and Engineering Center, Ajinomoto Co, Japan. (September 2009). "History of
glutamate production". The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90 (3): 728S–732S. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27462F[23-08-2014 23:11:18]
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( PMID 19640955 (

10. ^ a b Yamaguchi, Shizuko, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan; Ninomiya, Kumiko, Technical Committee, Umami
Manufacturers Association of Japan. (1998). "What is umami?". Food Reviews International 14 (2 & 3): 123?138.
doi:10.1080/87559129809541155 (
11. ^ Rolls, Edmund T., Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience, United Kingdom, Supported by the Medical
Research Council and in part by the International Glutamate Technical Committee, a nongovernmental organization
funded by industrial producers and users of glutamate in food. (September 2009). "Functional neuroimaging of umami
taste: what makes umami pleasant?". The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90 (3): 804S–813S.
doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27462R ( PMID 19571217
12. ^ Yamaguchi, Shizuko, Central Research Laboratories, Ajinomoto Co., Japan; Takahashi, Chikahito, Central Research
Laboratories, Ajinomoto Co., Japan. (January 1984). "Interactions of monosodium glutamate and sodium chloride on
saltiness and palatability of a clear soup". Journal of Food Science 49 (1): 82?85. doi:10.1111/j.1365-
2621.1984.tb13675.x (
13. ^ Ball P, Woodward D, Beard T, Shoobridge A, Ferrier M. Sponsorship: We acknowledge the financial support of the
International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC), a nongovernmental organization funded by industrial producers
and users of glutamate in food. (June 2002). "Calcium diglutamate improves taste characteristics of lower-salt soup".
Eur J Clin Nutr 56 (6): 519–23. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601343 (
PMID 12032651 (
14. ^ Yoshida T, Ajinomoto Co., Planning and Development Department, Japan. (1970). "Industrial manufacture of optically
active glutamic acid through total synthesis". Chem Ing Tech 42 (9–10): 641?644. doi:10.1002/cite.330420912
15. ^ Kinoshita Shukuo, Tokyo Research Laboratory, Kyowa Fermentation Industry Company; Udaka, Shigezo; Shimamoto,
Masakazu. (1957). "Studies on amino acid fermentation. Part I. Production of L-glutamic acid by various
microorganisms". J Gen Appl Microbiol 3 (3): 193?205. doi:10.2323/jgam.3.193


1. ^ Ikeda K (November 2002). "New seasonings". Chem Senses 27 (9): 847–849. doi:10.1093/chemse/27.9.847
( PMID 12438213
2. ^ a b c Loliger J (April 2000). "Function and importance of Glutamate for Savory Foods". Journal of Nutrition 130 (4s
Suppl): 915s–920s. PMID 10736352 (
3. ^ Yamaguchi S (May 1991). "Basic properties of umami and effects on humans". Physiology & Behavior 49 (5): 833–
841. doi:10.1016/0031-9384(91)90192-Q (
PMID 1679557 (
4. ^ Kurihara K (September 2009). "Glutamate: from discovery as a food flavor to role as a basic taste (umami)?". The
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90 (3): 719S–722S. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.27462D
( PMID 19640953 (
5. ^ Kawamura Y, Kare MR, ed. (1987). Umami: a basic taste . New York, NY: Marcel Dekker Inc.
6. ^ a b c Freeman, Matthew, CNP, MPH, Clinical Instructor (Adult Nurse Practitioner), Ohio State University. He reviewed
40 years of documents on PubMed, Medline, Lexis-Nexus, and Infotrac, and concluded there is no consistent clinical
data to support the belief that MSG can elicit a headache, and there is no consistent evidence to suggest that individuals[23-08-2014 23:11:18]
Monosodium glutamate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

may be uniquely sensitive to MSG. (2006). "Reconsidering the effects of monosodium glutamate: A literature review".
Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 18 (10): 482–6. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2006.00160.x
( PMID 16999713
7. ^ Raiten DJ, Talbot JM, Fisher KD (1996). "Executive Summary from the Report: Analysis of Adverse Reactions to
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) --no summary available, 8/11/2014.". Journal of Nutrition 126 (6): 2891S–2906S.
PMID 7472671 (
8. ^ Geha RS, Beiser A, Ren C et al. (April 2000). "Review of alleged reaction to monosodium glutamate and outcome of a
multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled study" ( J. Nutr. 130 (4S
Suppl): 1058S–62S. PMID 10736382 (
9. ^ a b Tarasoff L., Kelly M.F. (1993). "Monosodium L-glutamate: a double-blind study and review". Food Chem. Toxicol.
31 (12): 1019–35. doi:10.1016/0278-6915(93)90012-N (
PMID 8282275 (
10. ^ Walker R (October 1999). "The significance of excursions above the ADI. Case study: monosodium glutamate".
Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 30 (2 Pt 2): S119–21. doi:10.1006/rtph.1999.1337
( PMID 10597625 (
11. ^ Willams, A. N., and Woessner, K.M. (2009). "Monosodium glutamate 'allergy': menace or myth?". Clinical &
Experimental Allergy 39 (5): 640?646. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2222.2009.03221.x (
12. ^ Shi, Z; Luscombe-Marsh, ND; Wittert, GA; Yuan, B; Dai, Y; Pan, X; Taylor, AW (2010). "Monosodium glutamate is not
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( PMID 20370941
13. ^ Nicholas bakalar (August 25, 2008). "Nutrition: MSG Use Is Linked to Obesity"
( The New York Times. Retrieved 2010-11-10.
"Consumption of monosodium glutamate, or MSG, the widely used food additive, may increase the likelihood of being
overweight, a new study says."
14. ^ Stevenson, D. D. (2000). "Monosodium glutamate and asthma". J. Nutr. 130 (4S Suppl): 1067S–73S.
PMID 10736384 (
15. ^ Nicholas J. Maragakis, MD; Jeffrey D. Rothstein, MD, PhD (2001;58:365-370.). "Glutamate Transporters in Neurologic
Disease" ( Retrieved 2010-11-10.
16. ^ Win. C., ed. (1995). Principles of Biochemistry . Boston, MA: Brown Pub Co.

External links
Monosodium glutamate: Is it harmful? Wikimedia Commons has
( media related to
Monosodium glutamate.
glutamate/AN01251) (Mayo Clinic)
International Glutamate Information Service ( (IGIS)
The Facts on Monosodium Glutamate (EUFIC) (
glutamate/)[23-08-2014 23:11:18]
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Could MSG make a comeback? (Slate) Look up monosodium

( glutamate symptom
complex , Chinese food
The Observer - If MSG is so bad for you, why doesn't everyone in syndrome , Chinese
Asia have a headache? restaurant syndrome , or
CRS in Wiktionary, the
free dictionary.


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Categories: Flavour enhancers Food additives Glutamates Sodium compounds Umami enhancers

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