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Subject: English

Year: 4 Bestari

No. of pupils: __/41

Date : 9/08/2018

Day : Thursday

Time : 7:40 – 8:40am

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 9: Our Solar System

Focused Skill: Reading

Proficiency level: Intermediate

Previous Knowledge: Pupils know the names of the planets in the solar system.

Content standards: 2.2 By the end of 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and non-linear
texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of
strategies to construct meaning.

Learning Standards:
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:
a) linear texts
b) non-linear texts

Behavioural objectives:
1. Pupils able to respond to questions by giving at least 3 answers.
2. Each group is able to read aloud the script with only minor mistakes.
3. Each group is able to answer at least 15/18 questions correctly.

Language Content:

Resources/Teaching aids: Pictures of satellite & asteroid belt, word cards,

reading scripts, worksheets, fact cards

Cross Curriculum Emphases

1. Thinking skills:
2. Multiple Intelligences:
3. Moral Value(s):

Stage/Time Content Teaching-Learning Remarks

“Poisonous Pen” 1. Teacher plays Preparation Phase
Set Instruction: ‘Poisonous Pen’ by (Setting the tone of
Induction passing around a pen. lesson)
- Teacher plays 2. When the music stops,
(5 minutes)
a song and the group with the pen Rationale:
asks pupils to will stand up to answer  To refresh what
pass the pen one question about they have learnt
solar system. in the previous
around, group
by group.  To introduce
- Teacher stops pupils to today’s
the music. lesson.
- The group with
the pen will
stand up to
answer a
question about
the solar
Presentatio Activity: 1. Teacher introduces Imagination Phase
n Learning time! additional objects: (Exploring,
(15 satellites and asteroid generating, probing
belt by showing them and synthesising
- Questions: pictures and matching ideas)
- Have you ever word cards to describe
seen a satellite both the objects. Rationale:
before? 2. Teacher asks a few - To explain
- What is the questions (background satellites and
function of a knowledge) of satellites asteroid belt.
satellite? and asteroid belts. - To test reading
- Do you know 3. Teacher pastes pictures comprehension.
what an of a satellite and asteroid
asteroid belt belt on the whiteboard. Teaching aids:
is? 4. Teacher explains what  Pictures
- What are an are satellite and asteroid  Word cards
asteroid belt belt.
made out of? Assessment for
learning objective 1
Practice Activity: 1. Each group is given a Development Phase
(10 paragraph (each (Guided practice)
minutes) describing different objects
in space). - To provide
2. Each group reads aloud
opportunity for
the paragraph.
3. Teacher goes around pupils to practise
the room to monitor pupils’
more on what
4. Teacher corrects pupils’ they have learnt.
Teaching aids:
- Reading scripts

Assessment for
learning objective 2
Production Activity: 1. Teacher scatter fact Action Phase
(25 cards all around the (Independent practice)
minutes) “Planet Scavenger classroom.
2. Each group is given a
Instruction: worksheet. Teaching aids:
 Teacher scatters 3. They work together to -Mahjong paper
all the fact cards in find the fact card -Mission letters
different spots according to the questions.
around the room. 4. The group will read Assessment for
 Teacher through the fact card and learning objective 3
distributes the answer the questions
worksheets to
each group.
 The group will be
instructed to find
the fact card
according to
 The fastest
group to
complete their
worksheet will
be awarded

Closure Conclusion of lesson 1. Teacher asks pupils Closure phase

(5 minutes) some questions to recap (Summary and
the lesson. reinforcement)

To revise what had been

taught and reinforce
pupils’ learning.

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