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Youth Camp Training

Spiritual Warfare

When you think of war, what comes into your minds? Do you believe that we are in the middle of a

According to the Bible, there was a war in heaven. The exact time we do not know. But it was
before the fall of Adam and Eve. Mankind is in the middle of a war between the forces of good and

The origin of evil

Ezekiel 28:11-19

Lucifer, before he was cast from heaven was the high Seraphim. He was the
most powerful creation.
His physical form had been constructed of maluable musical instruments. He
wore a cloak crafted with literally every precious stone and gem. He had six
wings and is still the prince of the power of the air. He used two wings to cover
his eyes from the terrible might of the Creator, two that covered his feet in the
presence of the Creator, and two which he used to keep his feet from the
ground at almost all times.
He is literally the only creation to have ever walked the fiery stones of the
Mount of the Most High, which is where the Throne of God sits.
He was perfect, the most beautiful, powerful and prized creation of God. The
first recorded sin was pride, and was committed by Lucifer while he was looking
at his own reflection, and considering his accomplishments.
He began to believe he had done all of what he had done on his own. And
believed that if given the opportunity he would make better decisions than his
own Creator. With that idea in mind he devised a plan to deceive the other
hosts of heaven into rebellion, in hopes of gaining enough power to defeat The
One Upon The Throne.
He used the fact that He was created before any other host to deceive the
others telling them that he was never created and that he always was, just as
The Creator. Lucifer is The Father of Lies, and through that Lie, he became the
Adversary which is the Translation of the name we all know Lucifer as today,
Satan, who is the prince of darkness, with his great power, deception, and
subtlty beguiled and convinced one third of the hosts of heaven into open
rebellion which led to the First Celestial War.
But Satan was soundly defeated by the Arch of the Arch Angels, Michael. A
battle that is reconciled in the book of Revelation and often misquoted as wjat
will happen in the future.
What was truly surprising about the battle was the fact that angels are a lower
class of the hosts of heaven having dominion over the Watchers only: The
heads of the angels are known as the Arch Angels. And Michael the Head of
those 4 Arch Angels. And yet Michael from his much more humble rank
defeated The Adversary soundly.
It is unclear how Michael and Satan met in battle or what their previous
relationship had been like.
Michael was the underdog by any standard. In fact, there are many other hosts
at that time, considered to be stronger than Michael. And yet, Michael defeated
They fought again over the body of Moses.
The Arch Angel Gabriel also fought Satan. They battle in Persia for 21 days, but
Gabriel could not defeat Satan. So Gabriel calls upon Michael, who saves
Gabriel from what probably would’ve been destruction.

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