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Ranks Campaigns / Ads - The Rank Campaigns / Ads feature lets you manually optimize

campaigns / ads by changing the their priorities through "Levels and Weights" . In order to
understand how to changes the level and weights, we need to first understand the following:
• There are 5 Buckets in ZEDO, namely:
o Exclusive Campaigns / Ads.
o Premium Campaigns / Ads.
o Premium House Campaigns / Ads.
o Excess Campaigns / Ads.
o Excess House Campaigns / Ads.
• The 3 major factors, whose combinations determine which bucket the campaign / ad
belongs to are:
o Campaign Type: Normal / Exclusive.
o Inventory Type: Premium / Excess.
o Revenue Type: CPM / CPC / CPA / Barter Ads / House Ads / House Redirects.
o The above combination leads to the following bucket determination at the time
of creating the campaign:
 If the Campaign Type is Exclusive and Inventory Type
is Premium and Revenue Type is either one of type CPM / CPC / CPA /
Barter Ads, then Exclusive Campaigns / Ads.
 If the Campaign Type is Normal and Inventory Type
is Premium and Revenue Type is either one of type CPM / CPC / CPA /
Barter Ads, then Premium Campaigns / Ads.
 If the Campaign Type is Normal and Inventory Type
is Premium and Revenue Type is either one of type House Ads / House
Redirects, then Premium House Campaigns / Ads.
 If the Campaign Type is Normal and Inventory Type is Excess and Revenue
Type is either one of type CPM / CPC / CPA / Barter Ads, then Excess
Campaigns / Ads.
 If the Campaign Type is Excess and Inventory Type
is Premium and Revenue Type is either one of type House Ads / House
Redirects, then Excess House Campaigns / Ads.
o The attached screen shots RankAds.jpg and RankCamp.jpg would prove helpful
in understanding the concept of bucket determination.
• The default values for Level and Weight are determined as follow:
o Level: ZEDO assigns the following Level to the campaigns / ads, when the
campaigns are created:
 If the Revenue Type is CPM, then Default Level = 100.
 If the Revenue Type is CPC, then Default Level = 80.
 If the Revenue Type is CPA, then Default Level = 60.
 If the Revenue Type is Barter Ads, then Default Level = 40.
 If the Revenue Type is House Ads, then Default Level = 20.
 If the Revenue Type is House Redirects, then Default Level = 0.
o Weight: The weight is calculated as: Campaign Rate x 100. If the rate entered is
$20, the weight of 20x100 = 2000 will be applied to the campaign / ads.
o See attached RankCamp.jpg and RankAds.jpg for reference.
o NOTE: If the delivery type is changed from Speedy to Even, the level is
increased by a value of 10.
• Points To Remember:
o You cannot change the priorities of campaigns / ads across buckets. E.g you
cannot move campaign / ad from Exclusive Campaigns / Ads bucket to Premium
Campaigns / Ads bucket and vice versa.
o You can change the level and weight of campaigns / ads under the same bucket
type. See RankCamp.jpg for reference.
o In the Rank Campaigns Screen – Changing the Campaign priority would affect all
the ads under the campaigns.
o In the Ranks Ads Screen, You can change the priorities of ads belonging to
different advertisers / campaigns on the basis of a given channel and dimension
combination. See RanksAds.jpg for reference.
o Under the Ranks Ads screen, you can click on the “+” symbol to filter the data
and see how the ads are ranked.
o The level can changed from 0 – 990, whereas the weight can be changed from
1 -9999.
o Once you make all the necessary changes under Rank Campaigns / Ads screen,
please press the “SUBMIT” button for the changes to take effect.
o AVOID keeping an unlimited ad with no frequency capping and Geo-targeting at
the upper level, to ensure that lower level ads get served.
New Feature in the Rank Ads Screen
You can now Add / Remove Ads from a given channel and dimension combination.
o To Remove the ads for a channel and dimension, just mouse over the ad and you
will see a Recycle Bin symbol. Click on this symbol to remove the ad. See
Remove.jpg for reference.
o To Add a creative to a channel and dimension, click on Add Creative. Choose the
Advertiser, Campaign and the Ad name and press Submit. See Add.jpg for

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