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A Diamond Throne adventure for four 7th-level characters

By Tom Lommel
Requires use of Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed: A Variant Player’s Handbook.
Requires use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Additional Credits
Editing and Production: Sue Weinlein Cook
Creative Direction: Monte Cook
Illustrations: Jennifer Meyer and Ed Bourelle
Original Cartography: Tom Lommel
Interior Page Design: Peter Whitley
Thanks to: Scott Bercaw, Mark Byer, Steve Charbonneau, Brad Fierke, Jon George, Pete Kastner, Robben Leaf,
Mike Marohl, Erik Peterson, Joseph Skupniewitz, Luke Withrow, the staff of NASCRAG, and
everyone who played the original incarnations of this adventure as “Fate of the Iron Witch”
Special thanks to Sue and Monte Cook for this remarkable opportunity,
and to my family for their continuing love and support.

This is a free web enhancement for The Diamond Throne.

For more supplemental material, visit Monte Cook’s Website: <>

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The remainder of these Open Game Content portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “The
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This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
2 The Depths of Hunger

Table of Contents
DM’s Background ................................................3 Chamber One: Whale Lagoon ..........................13
Adventure Synopsis .............................................4 Map: Nautilus Cross-Section............................................13
Getting Started...................................................4 Map: Whale Lagoon ............................................................14
Chamber Two: Squid Hatchery ........................15
Chapter One: THE JOURNEY BEGINS Map: Squid Hatchery ..........................................................15
Sidebar: The Hatching Chamber...........................................5 Current Situation.............................................................16
Encounters While Underway ...........................6 Aftermath ...........................................................................17
Mutiny...................................................................................6 Chamber Three: Chamber of Echoes ..............18
Map: The Briny Jack ..............................................................6 Map: Chamber of Echoes ...................................................18
Electrical Storm.................................................................7 Chamber Four: The Howling of the Dead.....18
Sidebar: Expanding the Action .............................................7 Map: The Howling of the Dead.........................................19
Razor Gull Attack ...............................................................7 Chamber Five: Heart of the Conch ................19
Blinding Sickness Outbreak.............................................8 Map: The Heart of the Conch ..........................................20
Merfolk Gathering ............................................................8 Fulfilling the Oath ..........................................21
Stranded...............................................................................9 Sidebar: The Hungerfire ......................................................21
Breaking the Oath.............................................21
Navigating the Coral .......................................10 Appendix: CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE
Mosaic Garden...................................................10 Further Adventures .........................................22
The Exile .............................................................10 Open Game License............................................23
Map: Nautilus Overview .....................................................11
The Giant Oyster Shell.....................................12

About the Author
First introduced to roleplaying games in 1984, Tom Lommel has been a playtester for Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed, The
Diamond Throne, and other Malhavoc Press products. Tom co-wrote and produced the Alba-Ker dungeon duels featured at
Gen Con for 10 years and is currently a judge for the NASCRAG series of adventures, one of the oldest independent tourna-
ment events at Gen Con. In addition to moderating the message forums at, Tom is a member of the Council
of Magisters and helps oversee <>, the official fan website for Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed. Besides
writing this adventure, he also created its original maps.

About the Illustrators

If you like d20 System products, chances are you’ve run across the creative work of writer, illustrator, and cartographer Ed
Bourelle before. His artwork and maps have appeared in products from Bastion Press, Fantasy Flight Games, Mystic Eye
Games, Sovereign Press, Sword & Sorcery, and more. Learn about him at his website <>.
Jennifer Meyer, sometimes considered a wanderer, currently resides in the mountains of Utah. For Malhavoc Press she
has illustrated Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed, DM’s Screen and Player’s Guide, and The Diamond Throne. You can also see
her work in books from Green Ronin, Sovereign Press, and Goodman Games. Check out her online portfolio at this site:

Malhavoc Press
Malhavoc Press is Monte Cook’s d20 System imprint devoted to the publication of unusual magic, monsters, and evocative
game elements that go beyond traditional fantasy. Malhavoc Press products exhibit the mastery of the d20 System rules that
only one of its original designers can offer.
Look for The Diamond Throne, in stores now. This sourcebook provides prestige classes, magic items, a gazetteer, and crea-
tures for Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed. The variant player’s handbook offers new rules, races, and classes for advanced
Current Malhavoc Press titles are available to purchase in either print or electronic (PDF) format at Monte’s website:
Fate of the Iron Witch
The Depths of Hunger debuted at Gen Con 2003 as “Fate of the Iron Witch” and has been extensively expanded and revised
for use in your own Arcana Unearthed campaign. While the plot shows its game convention roots in its linearity, the encounters
are not necessarily the sort of straightforward dungeon hack so often featured (and enjoyed) at a con. The themes
of ceremony, oath-taking, and moral ambiguity found in Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed make the decision
to draw your sword a complex choice with definite consequences.

his adventure is a web enhancement for The Diamond final end. Instead, she dedicated herself to breaching the veil

T Throne , a setting book for Monte Cook’s Arcana

Unearthed. It not only introduces new monsters and
magic items, but it also shows the Arcana Unearthed rules in
between herself and the spirit plane in an attempt to reunite
with her longtime companion. In this obsessive quest,
Briinkirria eventually began tampering with an ancient item
action, including weaving spell slots and using ceremonies, she had found but never dared use: the Black Conch.
oaths, mind witch powers, and detonations. The Black Conch is a conduit for all the primal, malevo-
DMs simply need a copy of Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed lent urges that sleep in the ocean’s gloomy depths. It has cor-
to run this adventure. The stats outline all major abilities rupted Briinkirria by posing as the trapped spirit of
and relevant rules, although some DMs may wish to refer to Phulsileerius, telling her that somehow the spirit of the nau-
the DMG or MM for clarification on the finer points. The tilus was captured inside the conch, and through the proper
Diamond Throne campaign sourcebook also will be helpful; sacrifices, it could fully rejoin the material world.
most NPCs are equipped with magic items found there, and This has caused a great rift between the sisters.
the locations are set in the lands of the Diamond Throne. Destoari believes the shell should remain at rest on the
Throughout this sourcebook, references to spells, feats, sea bottom, a solemn tribute to their great friend. She has
and other rules are from Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed and worked hard to nurture the coral forest and create the
also to rules from the three Core Rulebooks: the Player’s memorial mosaic that decorates the surface of the shell. She
Handbook, DMG, and MM. sees the influence of the Black Conch as a perversion of
nature and a rebellion against her rightful authority as the
DM’s Background eldest of the covey.
Years ago, deep under the Great Eastern Sea, a covey of sea Briinkirria is deluded but driven. She insisted they make
hags slid silently through the ocean’s depths aboard a colos- every attempt possible to raise Phulsileerius, ignoring the
sal nautilus snail named Phulsileerius. The nautilus served darkness of the foul deeds the Black Conch goaded her to
as both ship and shelter, and together Phulsileerius and the perform. Using a dark ritual the conch taught her, Briinkirria
three sisters wandered the deepest trenches of the ocean, ignited the hungerfire, a magical flame that converts living
seeking the rare treasures lost on the cold dark bottom of flesh into negative energy. Under the conch’s direction,
the sea. Briinkirria soon amassed a small force of zombie sea crea-
Destoari, the oldest hag sister, plotted their course and tures and lifted the empty shell off the sea bottom. The nau-
directed their journeys. The middle sister, Shassalia, devel- tilus began plying the depths, in search of ever more life to
oped the powers of her mind and often would use these abil- fuel the hungerfire animating its undead servitors.
ities to subjugate or exploit those they met under the sea. The middle sister, Shassalia, quickly sided with her
Briinkirria, a greenbond and the youngest of the covey, younger sibling. She is glad to be trawling the depths of the
served as the colossal snail’s keeper. Other than her sisters, ocean again and revels in her newfound role as harvester of
Briinkirria had no closer companion than Phulsileerius. the deep. She always resented Destoari’s authority and,
Eventually the nautilus grew slow and old, and the sisters though she is a bit scared by the dark path Briinkirria has set
retired with Phulsileerius to a warm vent deep off the coast of them upon, she is also intoxicated by their mounting power.
White Shoal Island. When Phulsileerius passed away, Destoari Destoari, unable to bring her sisters to reason, but unwill-
accepted it as inevitable and turned the nautilus shell into a ing to raise her hand against them, has resigned herself to a
memorial, encrusting it with adornments and bits of coral to life of exile inside an old wreck on the shell’s surface. She is
create both a beautiful shrine and a sturdy set of defenses. aware of her sister’s insanity, although she does not realize
Briinkirria was heartbroken, however. Despite her under- the extent to which the Black Conch has perverted
standing of the circle of life, she refused to accept this as the Briinkirria. She cannot bring herself to confront both her
4 The Depths of Hunger

sisters—it is a battle she’d surely lose. She longs to reunite ship from the nautilus shell and get back underway in order
the covey and return Phulsileerius to his rightful rest but, to deliver Lallask before it's too late.
unable to overcome the influence of the Black Conch, she This is essentially a “beat-the-clock” scenario, for the
must be content to quietly watch and wait. party has only a limited time to get Lallask to Shana, or he
will die. Most DMs will find it helpful to make note of the
Adventure Synopsis elapsed time and number of delays as the adventure pro-
The party’s primary goal is to deliver a special chamber con- gresses.
taining the iron witch Lallask to a mojh in the city of Shana
on the Fallanor coast. Lallask is transforming to mojh, and Getting Started
complications have arisen. The party must guard the cham- In the city of Ka-Rone, a mojh alchemist named Zarkiil has
ber during the four-week journey across the sea. During the been helping the iron witch Lallask Turveen undergo the
initial three weeks of the trip, the party might deal with a transformation to mojh. Unfortunately, something’s gone
mutiny, storm, sickness, or other delays. The characters wrong. The final steps in the process involve suspending
might also have the opportunity to participate in a memorial Lallask for a week in a potent alchemical solution inside a
ceremony for the ship’s former captain. coffinlike tank known as a hatching chamber. It’s already
At the end of the third week, the nautilus shell rises up been two weeks, and Zarkiil’s measurements show that the
and strands the ship. In exploring the “island,” the PCs may transformation is not proceeding properly. While Lallask is
encounter Destoari, who asks them to liberate her sisters not dying, he is in extreme distress—trapped in a coma, his
from the Black Conch. She offers the characters much help form neither human nor mojh.
and many rewards, but insists they swear an oath to allow Zarkiil has done all it can. It’s decided to transfer Lallask
no permanent harm to come to her sisters. A giant clamshell to a mojh specialist named Kallithrex in the southern city of
gives entrance to the interior of the nautilus. Shana. Zarkiil has chartered passage aboard the next ship
Inside, the party discovers the zombie sea creatures that leaving for Shana, the Briny Jack, and seeks a small group of
propel the nautilus. The characters are also exposed to the trustworthy guards to escort Lallask’s hatching chamber dur-
effects of the hungerfire smoke, which enables them to fly. As ing the four-week journey. Zarkiil offers to pay 200 gp per
they continue to explore, they encounter Shassalia, who has week—a total of 800 gp—per guard. Half of this amount is
been delayed in attacking the ship by three marine trolls. available up front; Kallithrex will pay the remainder on deliv-
These scrags seek vengeance and may mistake the party for ery of the chamber.
Shassalia’s reinforcements. The characters must pick a side In addition, Zarkiil will allow PCs to purchase items from
as they walk in on the middle of this heated battle. its alchemy shop at a discount of 20 percent. Zarkiil’s busi-
After encountering a trap, the party discovers a mound of ness, The Alchemist’s Retreat, commonly stocks any potion
sentient creatures that burn with the hungerfire and are slow- or oil with a market price of 500 gp or less. More expensive
ly transforming to undeath. The hungerfire smoke gets thick- items are specially brewed and available only at the DM’s
er and the party enters the final chamber, the heart of the discretion.
Black Conch, where they face off with Briinkirria and her Note that, since the ship is departing tonight, there is not
dark companion. a lot of time for negotiations or extended shopping sprees.
Returning to the surface, the party may face some Zarkiil has administered a stabilizing agent to Lallask, but
unpleasant consequences if the characters swore the oath to impresses upon the party that the witch may very well die if
Destoari but reneged on the deal: Destoari is burning their not delivered to Kallithrex as soon as possible. He will sur-
ship down. In any event, they must find a way to free the vive in the tank no longer than five more weeks.
Chapter One
The Journey Begins
The adventure begins as the player characters inspect their ship at the docks in Ka-Rone.

he Briny Jack, a two-masted sailing ship, measures 20 Get Out of the Way: While a PC is on deck enjoying the

T feet wide and 80 feet long. (See the map on page 6.)
It is primarily a cargo ship that specializes in the long
and dangerous journey between Ka-Rone and the Fallanor
sea air, a gruff sibeccai asks him or her to get belowdecks so
the crew can swab the
deck. The Hatching Chamber
Empire. The 20 crewmembers are all sibeccai, as is the cap- Little Annoyances: Some 5 feet wide and 10 feet long, Lallask’s
steel container is fitted with an intricate array of
tain, Sengarr the Ready. This is the first voyage under A rat is set loose in pipes, valves, and copper tubing. It weighs 500
Sengarr’s command. The former captain, a giant named Io- the PCs’ room, the lbs. and has a hardness of 10 and 120 hit points
(break DC 28). A successful Alchemy check (DC
Dorthun, was manning the wheel during a raging storm odor of rotting fish 25) indicates the current status of the cham-
when he was washed overboard and lost at sea. Although occurs randomly in ber’s occupant. Mojh receive a +4 insight bonus
on this check. Opening the chamber before the
Sengarr was Io-Dorthun’s first mate for several years, he is the hall outside, and transformation is complete kills the occupant.
very nervous and uncomfortable with his new position of the porthole in their
authority. Between the shock of losing Io-Dorthun and the cabin has been nailed
doubts raised by Sengarr constantly second-guessing him- shut from the outside.
self, morale aboard ship is rapidly declining.
Typical Sibeccai Crewmembers (20): Male and Female Sibeccai
Sengarr the Ready: Male Sibeccai Expert 4; CR 3; HD 4d6–4 Expert 2; CR 1; HD 2d6+2 (9 hp, dying –1, dead –13); Init +2;
(16 hp, dying –0, dead –9); Init +1; Speed 30 feet; AC 14 Speed 30 feet; AC 15 (+2 Dex, +3 armor), touch 12, flat-
(+1 Dex, +3 armor), touch 11, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +3; footed 13; Base Atk +1; Grapple +4; Atk +6 dagger
Grapple +6; Atk +7 scimitar (1d6+4/19–20×2); Full Atk +7 (1d4+4/19–20×2); Full Atk +6 dagger (1d4+4/19–20×2)
scimitar (1d6+4/19–20×2); SA —; SQ Low-light vision; or +3 heavy crossbow (1d10/19–20×2); SA —; SQ Low-
SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 13, light vision; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 15,
Wis 10, Cha 12 Con 12, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills: Diplomacy +8, Gather Information +10, Intuit Skills: Gather Information +6, Knowledge (sailing and navi-
Direction +7, Knowledge (sailing and navigation) +10, gation) +8, Sneak +9, Spot +5, Swim +8, Use Rope +7
Spot +7, Swim +10, Use Rope +8, Feats: Bonded Item (dagger), Skill Focus (Knowledge [sailing
Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Knowledge and navigation])
[sailing and navigation]), Tattooed Spell (lesser ability boost) Possessions: Masterwork dagger, heavy crossbow, 20 bolts,
Possessions: Scimitar +1, masterwork studded leather jack, oil masterwork studded leather jack, potion of lesser battle heal-
of heightened magic armor ing, oil of magic weapon

The Briny Jack does not normally carry passengers, but If the party inquires (or snoops around in the hold), the
Zarkiil has paid Sengarr handsomely for his services. Sengarr characters find the following items among the ship’s cargo:
has forced a third of the crew to double-bunk and given the • Several crates of silken goods, including many bolts of
extra quarters to the party. The accommodations are spartan, cloth and silk rope
but the party does have its own private room, complete with • Bales of Ao-Manasan cotton
four sets of bunk beds. • Heavy boxes containing an assortment of picks, shovels,
In an effort to impress the party, Sengarr has limited the and other mining tools
crew’s daily ration of wine and forbidden gambling during the • Casks of Mi-Theronian perfumes and soaps
trip. Neither of these orders has been particularly popular. • Carefully packed crystalware and sculpture from Navael
You may wish to highlight this unrest in the following ways: • Crates with sewing needles and spools of colored thread
Confrontation: The party overhears an argument between • Bottles of Sormerean fine wine
Sengarr and a crewmember over the work schedule and • Cases of cheese from Jerad
6 The Depths of Hunger

Encounters While
The following encounters should be used to flesh out the
first three weeks of travel at sea. Pick the ones that best fit
your group’s style. As a general rule, three encounters should
take place during the initial three weeks of the journey.

Mutiny (EL 7)
The dissatisfaction with Sengarr’s orders comes to a boiling
point. Twelve of the crew insist that Sengarr step down as
captain or they’ll scrub the trip and steer the ship to the
nearest port. The leader of the mutiny is Krohl the
Dauntless, a brash character who is very demanding and
quick to insult. He acts hostile toward both Sengarr and the
party (whom he blames for all the extra rules).

Krohl the Dauntless: Male Sibeccai Expert 2; CR 1; HD 2d6+2

(11 hp, dying –1, dead –13); Init +2; Speed 30 feet; AC 15 friendly with a Diplomacy check (DC 15). Success gets the
(+2 Dex, +3 armor), touch 12, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +1; trip back on schedule.
Grapple +4; Atk +6 morningstar (1d8+4); Full Atk +6 If the player characters support Sengarr during the con-
morningstar (1d8+4); SA —; SQ Low-light vision; frontation, they need to change Krohl’s attitude from hostile
SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 11, to indifferent. This is a Diplomacy check (DC 25). The party
Wis 10, Cha 8 can use a variety of tactics to improve the chances:
Skills: Diplomacy +4, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (sailing and
navigation) +8, Spot +5, Swim +8, Use Rope +7 Mod. Action
Feats: Bonded Item (morningstar), Skill Focus (Intimidate) +4 Party offers to give up its quarters.
Possessions: Masterwork morningstar, heavy crossbow, 20 +2 Party offers to share its quarters.
bolts, masterwork studded leather jack, potion of lesser bat- +2 Party agrees that the rules for shipboard conduct
tle healing, oil of magic weapon should be loosened.
+2 Any giant PC in the party speaks on Sengarr’s
Incensed by this insubordination, Sengarr responds by behalf.
threatening the insolent crewmembers with a wide variety of +2 Party invokes the name of Io-Dorthun during its
punishments. Unfortunately, his position is not particularly argument.
strong—only four crewmembers openly support him. The +1 Per 100 gp in extra pay offered by the party.
remaining four are undecided. +1 Per crewmember who becomes indifferent to the
The party has an opportunity to sway the outcome of this party (11 are currently unfriendly; each Diplomacy
dispute. If the PCs do nothing, Krohl’s men subdue Sengarr check [DC 15] turns one indifferent).
and tie him up in the cargo hold. Krohl then has the charac- –1 Per mutinous crewman who becomes hostile to the
ters evicted from their quarters and issues them bedrolls. He party (through failure of a Diplomacy check with a
will be uncooperative with any request the party makes and score of less than 5).
immediately heads the ship for the closest port city. This out- –4 Party does not attempt to sway any of the mutinous
come spells almost certain doom for Lallask. crewmembers supporting Krohl.
If the characters openly support the mutiny, Krohl’s atti-
tude toward them becomes indifferent. He continues the This is intended to be a roleplaying encounter, so feel free
voyage but behaves curtly and grants special requests only to assign other circumstance modifiers as appropriate. If the
grudgingly. He eases the workload on the crew, which adds party successfully reinforces Sengarr’s command, the voyage
two additional days to the journey. If the party takes steps to continues in a timely fashion and morale actually improves
appease him (sharing their quarters, offering additional pay, somewhat. Award the characters full XP as if they had
etc.), the characters may attempt to change his attitude to defeated a CR 7 encounter.
Chapter One: The Journey Begins
If the party supports the mutiny and helps Krohl become lanterns which dot the ship) dance wildly and have a 50 per-
captain, only award them 50 percent of the XP for the cent chance of being extinguished.
encounter. If they took no action, they earn zero XP and will Any character on deck during the storm must make a
have to deal with the impending consequences of a ship with Fortitude save (DC 15). Medium characters find themselves
a hostile captain steering them toward a foreign port. checked by the force of the winds and cannot move forward,
while Small creatures
Electrical Storm (EL 7) are knocked prone. Expanding the Action
A powerful thunderstorm blows up at sea. Although it is natu- Tiny creatures on the If you would like to include more party mem-
ral, it howls with intense winds and dangerous lightning deck are knocked bers in the storm event, PCs can help the sibec-
cai bail. Use the same mechanics for steering
strokes. Any greenbond in the party can use the bond with the prone and rolled the ship (progressive Strength checks every 10
Green ability to sense the approaching storm. A caster level 1d4×10 feet, taking minutes, same DCs) with a corresponding loss
of travel time for failure as the ship takes on
check (DC 25) yields the distance and direction (seven miles 1d4 points of subdual water. You are encouraged to use circumstance
away, coming from the northeast), along with an indication damage per 10 feet. bonuses to reward ingenuity.
of the storm’s severity. The pounding waves and strong winds Tiny flying creatures
have a high likelihood of blowing the Briny Jack off course. are blown back
The storm is bearing down quickly, so the crewmembers 2d6×10 feet and take
scramble to prepare the ship. They need help dropping the 2d6 points of subdual
two main sails and securing the hatches. The party might damage due to batter-
also want to take extra steps to ensure the cargo is not ing and buffeting.
thrown around. Give each character three different
attempts to make a Use Rope check (DC 15) to help accom- Razor Gull Attack (EL 7)
plish these tasks. Characters who make a Knowledge (sail- A cloud of razor gulls attacks the ship. Resembling black
ing and navigation) check (DC 15) gain a +2 insight bonus seagulls with silver patches on their wings and sharp, serrat-
in their efforts. If the party cannot collectively succeed at ed beaks, these carnivorous birds are voraciously hungry due
six of the checks, the ship is not properly prepared when to Briinkirria’s harvesting of fish.
the storm hits.
The storm rages for an hour. Most of the sibeccai go Razor Gull Swarms (5): Diminutive Animal (Swarm); CR 2; HD
belowdecks, grab buckets, and form a bailing crew. Sengarr 3d8 (17, 13, 15, 11, 9 hp, dying 0, dead –11); Init +6; Speed 5
stays at the helm and tries to guide the ship. Every 10 min- feet, fly 40 feet (good); AC 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex), touch 14,
utes during the gale he has to make a Strength check to keep flat-footed 12; Base Atk +2; Grapple —; Atk Swarm (1d6);
the Briny Jack on course. The checks get progressively harder: Full Atk Swarm (1d6); Face/Reach 10 × 10 feet/0 feet;
The initial DC is 15, then 20, and then two DC 25 checks. SA Distraction, wounding; SQ Half damage from slashing
The final two checks for the hour are DC 20 and 15. Grant a and piercing, low-light vision, swarm traits; SV Fort +3,
+4 circumstance bonus to all these checks if the party suc- Ref +7, Will +3; Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 4
cessfully prepared the ship before the storm hit. Up to two Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7
characters can each make a Strength check (DC 10) to aid Feats: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Skill
another (granting a +2 circumstance bonus) if they wish to Application (Spot and Listen)
assist Sengarr. Optionally, if one of the PCs is stronger than
Sengarr, he yields the wheel to that character and attempts Combat
to aid him or her. The ship is blown off course if Sengarr A razor gull swarm seeks to surround and attack any warm-
can’t make three or more checks. It takes a full day of sailing blooded prey it encounters. To attack, a single swarm moves
to get the ship back on course. into opponents’ spaces, which provokes an attack of oppor-
Additionally, during each 10-minute interval, there is a 20 tunity. It can occupy the same space as a creature of any size,
percent chance that someone on the deck of the ship will be since it crawls all over its prey, but remains a creature with a
struck by lightning. Each bolt inflicts 8d6 points of electrici- 10-foot space. Swarms never make attacks of opportunity,
ty damage (Reflex save, DC 14 for half). but they can provoke them.
The storm reduces visibility by three quarters, imposing a Unlike other creatures with a 10-foot space, a swarm is
–8 penalty on Spot, Search, and Listen checks. Ranged shapeable. It can occupy any four contiguous squares, and it
weapon attacks become impossible, and unprotected flames can squeeze through any space large enough to contain one
are automatically extinguished. Protected flames (such as the of its component creatures.
8 The Depths of Hunger

Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that begins its turn ous eight hours resting. Healers can tend up to six patients
with a swarm in its space must succeed on a Fortitude save at a time, but cannot give long-term care to themselves.
(DC 11) or be nauseated for 1 round. The save Difficulty If unattended, characters recover points lost to ability
Class is Constitution based. score damage at a rate of 1 point per day, even while a disease
Wounding (Ex): Any living creature damaged by a razor is in progress. That means a PC might be able to withstand
gull swarm loses 1 point of Constitution damage from blood the disease without accumulating any damage.
loss. A critical hit does not multiply the Constitution dam- Regardless of the results for the party, nine crewmembers
age. Creatures immune to critical hits (such as plants and fall ill. For each day that four or more crewmembers are
constructs) are immune to this Constitution damage. sick, the ship loses a day of travel progress. Party members
can fill in for sick crew and alleviate this penalty. However, a
Vulnerabilities of Swarms character cannot care for sick crewmembers and also assist
Swarms are extremely difficult to fight with physical attacks. in sailing.
However, they have a few special vulnerabilities, as follows:
A lit torch swung as an improvised weapon deals 1d3 Merfolk Gathering (EL 6)
points of fire damage per hit. The ship passes through the home territory of a tribe of mer-
A weapon with an energy or elemental ability deals its full folk. Sengarr is on the lookout for them—over the course of
energy or elemental damage with each hit, even if the many voyages, Io-Dorthun built a strong trading relation-
weapon’s normal damage can’t affect the swarm. ship with the tribe. The merfolk exchange beautifully crafted
A lit lantern can be used as a thrown weapon, dealing 1d4 pieces of jewelry made from shells, pearls, and coral for sur-
points of fire damage to all creatures in squares adjacent to face items such as cheese, cotton, and wine. The trade is
where it breaks. lucrative for both parties, and Io-Dorthun made sure to pass
A Knowledge (nature) check (DC 15) reveals that many through merfolk territory whenever possible.
members of the swarm are emaciated and malnourished. A The merfolk appear beside the ship suddenly, greeting the
Knowledge (dangerous beasts) check (DC 15) reveals that boat by waving their spears and slapping their tails on the
razor gulls normally do not attack sailing vessels and instead surface of the water. There are approximately 30 merfolk in
feed on schools of fish that swim near the surface. the tribe, led by Dorsa, a matronly elder who also serves as
their priestess. Once aboard, she immediately inquires as to
Blinding Sickness Outbreak (EL 5) the whereabouts of her beloved friend, Io-Dorthun.
One of the meals regularly served aboard ship is a runny soup She is deeply saddened to hear of his passing. Dorsa
accompanied by a hard biscuit. Unfortunately, on this day the insists that Sengarr stop the ship so they may prepare a
cook prepared the soup using water tainted with blinding sick- proper memorial ceremony. Unless the party employs some
ness. Note that a greenbond’s ability to identify safe drinking heavy-handed tactics or extremely deft persuasion, Sengarr
water does not apply in this case, because the water was incor- agrees to drop the sails for the day while the merfolk make
porated into the soup. A curious character can make an preparations for the memorial that night.
Alchemy check (DC 20) to identify that the soup is tainted. Most of the day is spent preparing the feast for the cere-
Everyone who consumes the meal must make a Fortitude mony. The party has an opportunity to speak with the mer-
save (DC 16) or contract blinding sickness within 1d3 days. folk and find out about current events at sea. Gather
The damage is 1d4 points of Strength. Each time victims take Information checks reveal the following items:
2 or more points of Strength damage, they must make
another Fortitude save or go blind permanently. Once per Result Information
day afterward, they must make a successful Fortitude saving 10 Whaling has been bad for several months. Whales
throw to avoid repeated damage. Two successful saving are disappearing, but no one can tell why or where
throws in a row indicate that they have fought off the dis- they’re going.
ease and recovered, taking no more damage. 10 The tribe normally would be following the schools
Use of the Heal skill can help a diseased character. Every of fish south this time of year, but the large schools
time a diseased character makes a saving throw against dis- seem to be staying north for some reason.
ease effects, the healer makes a check. The diseased character 15 A pirate ship named the Yellow Dog recently sank.
can use the healer’s result in place of his or her saving throw Its cargo hold was empty and there were no bodies
if the Heal check result is higher. The diseased character on board. The merfolk suspect rival pirates cap-
must be in the healer’s care and must have spent the previ- tured the crew and scuttled the ship.
Chapter One: The Journey Begins
15 A faen airship was spotted in the vicinity just last If they sincerely, actively participate (being careful not to
week, headed east. eat the food, sacrificing an item of personal significance, giv-
20 A rival tribe of scrags, the Shakalzarr, have stopped ing a speech at the ceremony, etc.) award them full XP for a
patrolling their territory. They may have moved to CR 6 encounter. Additionally, Dorsa pulls the characters
other waters. If so, the merfolk can roam the aside and thanks them deeply for their consideration. She
Shakalzarr’s warmer, more bountiful territory. gives each PC a shell necklace worth 100 gp, signifying that
20 Water spirits that normally prowl the deepest each is a friend of the tribe. She also gives each of them a
cracks of the sea have been seen undulating special gift: a pearl of sturdying. This item is identical to a 10-
through shallower waters. Something must have hp sturdying elixir, except that it must be crushed in order to
stirred them from their cold, dark homes. gain the temporary hit points that item grants.
25 Mysterious purplish-blue oil slicks have been spot-
ted at sea, but no investigator has returned to tell Stranded
about them. The waters near these slicks have a This required event takes place at night, toward the end of
tangy, almost sulfuric, taste. the party’s third week at sea. (Thus the characters have
approximately one week left in their journey, unless they’ve
At sunset, the memorial ceremony begins. It consists of been delayed by some of the previous random encounters.)
three parts, each intended to assist Io-Dorthun’s spirit in its Anyone on deck will notice a purplish-blue phosphores-
journey across the Sea of the Dead. The party is invited to cence welling up underneath the ship. Occasionally a large
join in the ritual along with the crew. bubble of luminescent blue vapor belches up out of the
In the first part of the ceremony, a lavish meal is placed ocean and rises into the night air. Characters who make a
before each of the participants. Exotic seafood fills the air Spot check (DC 15) can detect a huge school of dimly-glow-
with a tempting, delicious aroma. A trio of merfolk plays a ing squid spiraling up from the deep. They are spouting a
long song of thanksgiving on seashell lutes. Dorsa thanks peculiarly thick purplish oil instead of their normal ink
the sea goddess for her mercy and bounty—and then cloud. This poisonous oil paralyzes any aquatic creatures
proceeds to cast her full plate overboard, as a sacrifice to feed who touch it. A greenbond character’s bond with the Green
and strengthen Io-Dorthun in the journey before him. The ability reveals that the squid are not natural and that several
rest of the crew and merfolk follow suit. Party members who more large unnatural creatures are rapidly approaching from
sample any of the dishes are not openly reprimanded, but deep below the ship.
draw disapproving looks from those merfolk who notice. The party can try to take evasive action, but the water
In the second segment of the ceremony, gifts are offered around the ship quickly becomes entangled in a morass of
up to Io-Dorthun. Each merfolk presents some personal squid tentacles more than 500 feet in diameter. This is
item, explains its significance and how it will aid the giant’s shortly followed by several geysers of luminescent blue vapor
spirit, and then casts it into the sea. Dorsa removes a much- and a loud thump as the ship is struck by a nautilus shell ris-
prized ring of fire and heat, which she used to defeat a band of ing up underneath it. Anyone standing on the deck must
marine trolls, and tosses it overboard. make a Fortitude save (DC 13) or be knocked prone.
In the final part of the ceremony, the merfolk pour a small The Briny Jack is aground amid a forest of 30-foot-tall
amount of seawater into large wooden bowls containing razor-sharp coral. An “island” some 600 feet in diameter
votive candles, slice open a finger with some jagged coral, rises up out of the sea, stranding the ship. As the squid slide
drip the blood into the water, and set the bowls adrift on the off the side of the ship and flop about the jagged surface
sea. Dorsa explains that these floating lanterns are spirit- below, it’s clear that being stranded is not the party’s only
decoys, meant to confuse the Eaters of the Deep, tricking problem: The coral has punched a hole in the hull 12 feet
them into attacking the flickering bowls while Io-Dorthun’s across, next to the cargo hold.
soul sails safely past.
If the party does not participate at all, the crew is offended
and treats them coolly for the rest of the trip. Should the
characters join in the ceremony, but only half-heartedly,
Dorsa thanks them for participating and wishes them luck in
their journey. Award them 50 percent of the XP for a CR 6
Chapter Two

Scratching the Surface

At first, the characters may believe they are stranded atop some sort of bizarre floating island.

Knowledge (nature) check (DC 20) reveals that the Destoari has placed an invisible touch-triggered rune of

A “island” is, in fact, the shell of the colossal chambered

nautilus snail more than 400 feet across. If they pick
at the shell with an axe or other weapon, it has a hardness of
affliction over the shadowed figure in the last scene. This
rune is invested; anyone touching it takes 2d6+10 points of
water damage (Reflex save, DC 13, for half). A runethane in
8 and 540 hit points. the party can detect the invisible rune with a caster power
check (DC 16). The runethane can then attempt to erase the
Navigating the Coral rune by making another caster power check (DC 15). This is
The coral forest is extremely treacherous. Anyone attempting a CR 3 trap.
to move through the jagged, slimy outcroppings must suc-
ceed at a Balance check (DC 15) or slip, fall prone, and take The Exile (EL 9)
2d4 points of damage from scraping the coral. Even if the If the characters head farther north along the path, they
Balance check succeeds, characters can move at only half reach an old shipwreck.
speed. As shown on the Nautilus Overview map on the next
page, a path winds its way around the surface of the shell. A shipwreck lies on its side in a large clearing. Only
Once the characters reach the path, they can move along the bow section of the ship remains, and giant
unhindered by the coral. clamshells mortared together with mud and seaweed
The sections that follow refer to various locations atop the form a wall that seals off the interior of the ship. A huge
nautilus shell. shell covers what was once the cargo hatch. Judging by
the intricate rune inscribed on its surface, this shell
Mosaic Garden (EL 3) appears to be the door.
In this clearing along the north leg of the path, Destoari
has carefully crafted several mosaics from seashells, coral, The door has a rune of warding on it. Anyone who touches
and bright bits of stone. The mosaics depict five different it must make a Will save (DC 13) or refuse to come within 10
scenes: feet of the door for five days.
• Phulsileerius and the hags defend themselves from an This is the abode of Destoari. Initially she seems extreme-
inshon ambush. ly cautious and surveys the party through various peepholes
• The nautilus encounters a kraken deep in the dark she’s built in the clamshell wall. In fact, the party may not
bowels of the sea. have any idea who they’re dealing with, since Destoari keeps
• The three hags explore the ruins of a strange sunken city moving from peephole to peephole, constantly questioning
as the nautilus hovers in the background. the PCs about their origin and purpose here and refusing to
• A large, intricate portrait depicts the nautilus with the show her face. She’s afraid that Briinkirria has become bold
name “Phulsileerius” spelled out at the bottom. At the enough to send someone to capture her. Her initial attitude
top, the phrase, “Rest well, old friend” is written in toward the characters is unfriendly, but they can change it
Aquan. via a Diplomacy check. Award a +4 circumstance bonus to
• A more recent picture shows the empty nautilus shell. It this check for each of the following behaviors: The PCs speak
appears cracked vertically into three sections. A lone fig- in Aquan, they include compliments about the memorial
ure stands atop one section, next to a shipwreck. mosaic garden, or they assume a nonthreatening stance (no
Another figure stands on the center section, its back overt spellcasting or weapons at the ready).
turned to the viewer. A third figure is silhouetted in the If they can’t change her attitude from unfriendly, she
shadow of the shell. accuses them of being spies or assassins and dismisses them
curtly. If the party only changes her attitude to indifferent
Chapter Two: Scratching the Surface
(scoring DC 15–24 on the
check), she continues her
conversation through the
wall. If they convince her
to take a friendly stance
(DC 25+) she opens the
door and invites them
inside her simple, one-
room home. She pauses to
put a blue silk shroud over
her head to suppress her
horrific appearance while
If the party attacks,
Destoari is fully equipped
to defend herself.

Destoari, Sea Hag

Runethane 5: Medium
Monstrous Humanoid
(Aquatic); CR 9; HD
3d8+6, 5d6+5 (42 hp);
Init +1; Speed 30 feet,
swim 40 feet; AC 20
(+1 Dex, +4 natural, +5
armor), touch 11, flat-
footed 19; Base Atk +5;
Grapple +9; Atk
Quarterstaff +9 melee (1d6+6); Full Atk Quarterstaff +9
melee (1d6+6) or 2 claws +9 melee (1d4+4); SA Horrific Combat
appearance, evil eye; SQ Amphibious, spell resistance 14, Horrific Appearance (Su): The sight of a sea hag proves so
erase rune, sense rune, invested rune; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, revolting that anyone (other than another hag) who sets
Will +8; Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 14 eyes upon one must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or
Skills: Concentration +6, Craft (sculpture) +5, Knowledge instantly become weakened, taking 2d6 points of Strength
(runes) +9, Listen +6, Sneak +4, Spellcraft +6, Spot +6, damage. This damage cannot reduce a victim’s Strength score
Swim +11 below 0, but anyone reduced to Strength 0 is helpless.
Feats: Resistance to Magic, Skill Application (Spot and Creatures that are affected by this power or that successfully
Listen), Sturdy, Tattooed Spell (levitate), Tough Hide save against it cannot be affected again by the same hag’s
Runes: (5 total/2 available): Rune of affliction, rune of armor, horrific appearance for another 24 hours.
rune of conjuring, rune of knowledge, rune of rest Evil Eye (Su): Three times per day, Destoari can cast her
Spells Readied: (4/3/1; DC 11 + spell level): 0—bash, detect dire gaze upon any single creature within 30 feet. The target
magic, read magic, saving grace, seeker; 1st—compelling must succeed at a Will save (DC 13) or be dazed for three
command, mudball, obscuring mist, resistance; 2nd—lesser days, although remove curse can restore sanity sooner. In
sealed door addition, an affected creature must succeed at a Fortitude
Possessions: Headband of intellect +2, runic leather coat +1 save (DC 13) or die from fright. Creatures with immunity to
(10 percent chance of spell failure, inscribed with a rune of fear effects go unaffected by Destoari’s evil eye.
conjuring), wall of ice token, lesser drain away speed Amphibious (Ex): Although sea hags are aquatic, they can
detonation, lesser resilient sphere detonation, oil of greater survive indefinitely on land.
repair Skills: Destoari has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check
to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. She can
12 The Depths of Hunger

always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted • Her offers of material reward and service are immediate
or endangered. She can use the run action while swimming, and tangible. If anyone is in a position to double-cross
provided she swims in a straight line. on the deal, it is the party. She is bargaining in good
Destoari wants to destroy the Black Conch. She can then • If the party cares about the suffering of surface crea-
return Phulsileerius’ shell to its rightful resting place on the tures, they will seek to right this imbalance in the circle
ocean bottom and reunite with her sisters. However, she sees of life and death.
no way to accomplish this without coming into direct conflict • The Black Conch is growing in power. The nautilus is
with her siblings—and ultimately, she cares more for the lives traveling faster, its raids bolder and more frequent. The
of her sisters than she does for the pain some strange surface conch may become unstoppable if its conquests go
creatures might suffer due to the Black Conch. unchecked.
With the arrival of the party, Destoari sees an opportunity
to liberate Briinkirria and Shassalia. She offers the following If the characters agree to her terms, Destoari gives them a
items and services now in return for the party’s assistance: headband with a large emerald set in it. This is the covey’s
• Pearls and jewelry worth 900 gp hag eye, and through it she can monitor the PCs to make sure
• A set of Devanian plate armor they do not kill or maim her siblings. Though she created it
• Applying a rune of armor to two PCs with her sisters, she has kept it in a box for many months,
and they are unlikely to attempt to access the vision it pro-
She is willing to give up all these things, but insists that vides.
the characters agree to one important promise: They will Destoari does not know much about the current state of
allow no permanent harm to come to either of her sisters, no affairs inside the shell. She was exiled about a year ago. She
matter what. She will go so far as to make all party members does know there are five chambers inside, all with breathable
swear an oath to this effect. It’s that important to her. air, but the layout and contents of those five chambers most
Destoari promises the following items after the party suc- certainly have changed. She has spotted zombie whales near-
cessfully delivers her sisters to her: by and therefore does not recommend swimming over the
• A remove malady charm (This would cure anyone blinded side to enter the nautilus. Instead, she points the PCs to the
by sickness during the earlier portion of the voyage.) oyster shell entrance on the far south side of the shell. She’s
• A ring of magical might (2nd-level slot) also a bit surprised that no one has attacked the Briny Jack
• Materials and help repairing the Briny Jack (Between the yet; usually Shassalia would have sent some zombie crabs to
wooden planks of Destoari’s home and her oil of greater storm the boat by now.
repair, this aid would patch the hole in the ship’s hull.)
The Giant Oyster Shell
She describes her sisters and their abilities and also indi- At the far south end of the path across the nautilus shell,
cates that the Black Conch has some sort of energy-draining the party finds the door Destoari described (see previous
power and can create undead. If pressed, Destoari reveals the section). Nearly 20 feet wide, this oyster shell is unusual
truenames of her sisters. However, as a measure of insur- both for its size and the fact that it seems partially embed-
ance, she stipulates that two of the PCs must reveal their ded in the surface of the nautilus shell. If anyone speaks
truenames to her. the name “Phulsileerius” within 50 feet of it, the shell
The party may very well feel hesitant to deal with a sea opens up to reveal a 15-foot-diameter passage sloping
hag, much less help reunite a covey of hags. Destoari uses down into darkness. The entrance closes after being open
the following arguments in her defense: for 10 rounds. The passage continues on a steep downward
• The Black Conch is the real enemy here. Prior to its slant for several hundred feet. As the party approaches the
awakening, the hags were content to roam the depths of end of the passage, another oyster shell opens (of its own
the sea and leave the surface world alone. accord) and gives access to the interior of the nautilus at
• She swears an oath on the memory of Phulsileerius that its lowest level.
neither she nor her sisters will harm them in any way
once the Black Conch has been destroyed.
• She seeks to return the nautilus shell to the bottom of
the sea, as exposing it to the air disrespects the spirit of
her fallen companion.
Chapter Three
What Lies Within
The Black Conch has used a dark ritual to spark the hungerfire. This magical flame consumes the souls of living creatures,
giving life to undead. Working with Briinkirria, the Black Conch has created a number of zombielike minions, which
harvest the creatures of the sea both to fuel themselves and to create more undead.

he interior of the nautilus shell is filled with lumines- cachalot whales are beached along the edge of the lagoon.

T cent blue smoke, a byproduct of the hungerfire. It has

an acrid taste but does not choke or otherwise cause
difficulty in breathing. However, after 10 rounds of inhala-
Their rough skin is covered in oozing sores, their eyes loll
around dully, and jets of glowing blue smoke issue from
their blowholes. Each whale wears a complicated harness
tion, a PC receives the benefit of a flight spell. This effect con- attached by thick chains to massive iron rings set upright
tinues for as long as the character breathes the smoke and in the floor. Several huge mottled hermit crabs use their
for 1d10 rounds thereafter. All the living inhabitants of the giant pinchers to shovel fish into the gaping maws of the
conch benefit from this effect. beached whales. Wisps of blue smoke trail up from tiny
See the cross-section map below for an idea of the vents in the shells on the crabs’ backs. On the far side of
arrangement of the rooms inside. the lagoon, a small platform hangs suspended from the
ceiling by a cargo net.
Chamber One: The other half of the chamber features a raised circular
pool formed of coral and seashell mortar with a large
Whale Lagoon (EL 5) sluiceway in the center. A steady column of water rains
Once through the oyster shell door, the characters behold an down into the pool from a hole high in the ceiling above.
otherworldly sight. (See the map on the next page.)
The zombified whales drag the giant nautilus through
The oyster shell passage opens into a huge chamber, lit depths of the sea. After having steered the shell up to inter-
with a dimly luminescent blue haze. The spiraling curve of cept the ship, they are resting here. The hermit crabs use fresh
the shell forms a large lagoon in one half of the room. Nine fish to stoke the hungerfire burning in the whales’ gullets.

Giant Oyster Shell

Heart of the Conch
The Howling of the Dead

Chamber of Echoes

Squid Hatchery

Whale Lagoon
14 The Depths of Hunger

Occasionally, a hermit crab opens the sluiceway to the pool

and fish spill out onto the floor. Unless provoked, the undead
are oblivious and docile—the perfect servants. This is not
intended as a combat encounter, but stats are provided in
case the characters decide to test their luck.

Zombie Cachalot Whales (9): Gargantuan Undead; CR 8;

HD 12d12 (141 hp) Init +1; Speed Swim 40 feet; AC 14
(–4 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 15; Base
Atk +9; Grapple +34; Atk Bite +18 melee (4d6+13); Full Atk
Bite +18 melee (4d6+13) and tail slap +13 melee (1d8+6);
Face/Reach 20 feet × 40 feet/15 feet; SA —; SQ Blindsight
120 feet, hold breath, low-light vision, darkvision 60 feet;
SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +6; Str 37, Dex 15, Con 24, Int 2,
Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +15, Spot +14, Swim +21
Feats: Improved Natural Attack (bite), Skill Application (Spot
and Listen), Stomp, Sturdy, Tough Hide,
Undead: Immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep,
paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical
hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or
death from massive damage.

Zombie Hermit Crabs (20) Large Undead; CR 4; HD 4d12

(26 hp) Init +0; Speed 20 feet; AC 12 (–1 size, +3 natural), that trapped the Briny Jack. They seem to congregate near the
touch 9, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +3; Grapple +11; Atk Claws column of water pouring down from the ceiling.
+7 melee (1d8+5); Full Atk Claws +7 melee (1d8+5) and The party will be hard pressed to leave this room before
bite +2 melee (1d6+2); Face/Reach 5 feet × 10 feet/5 feet; the effects of the hungerfire smoke take hold. The ceiling here
SA Improved grab; SQ Darkvision 60 feet, undead traits; is 100 feet high, and the curving walls are smooth and
SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3; Str 21, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, slimy—impossible to climb.
Wis 14, Cha 11 Those who investigate the platform suspended over the
Skills: Spot +6 south end of the lagoon see the following:
Feats: —
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a zombie hermit crab The platform above the lagoon is 15 feet square and con-
must hit with its claws attack. If it wins the ensuing grapple sists of several large planks hung from the ceiling by a
check, it establishes a hold and makes a bite attack as a rope cargo net. Inside, several bags and a chest are secured
primary attack (at its full +6 attack bonus). with rope and dangle over the platform. A large clamshell
Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, lined with seaweed serves as a bed.
paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical
hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or This is Shassalia’s lair. The cargo net is actually a huge
death from massive damage. animated object, instructed to attack any nonhag who stays
on the platform for more than 2 rounds. It leads off with its
The chains that harness the whales are massive: Each link grapple attack, attempting to snare and constrict as many
has a hardness 10 and 120 hit points. PCs as possible.
The raised pool is filled with fish of every variety. While
harvesting, the hags attach huge nets to the whales and steer Huge Animated Cargo Net: Huge Construct; CR 5; HD
the nautilus through schools of fish, clearing vast swaths 8d10+40 (84 hp); Init –1; Speed 20 feet; AC 13 (–2 size,
through the ocean. The fish are then stored in this pool to be –1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +6;
used as needed for fuel. Swimming among the fish in the Grapple +19; Atk Slam +9 melee (2d6+7); Full Atk Slam
pool are thousands of small blue squid, similar to the ones +9 melee (2d6+7); Face/Reach 15 feet × 15 feet/10 feet;
Chapter Three: What Lies Within
SA Constrict; SQ Construct traits, darkvision 60 feet, low- Chamber Two:
light vision; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will –3; Str 20, Dex 8,
Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 Squid Hatchery (EL 10)
Skills: — Once through the waterfall, the PCs enter an even stranger
Feats: — chamber. (See map on this page.)
Constrict (Ex): The cargo net deals 2d6+7 points of damage
with a successful grapple check against a creature up to one A huge statue of a lamprey spews a steady stream of
size larger than itself. It can make constriction attacks seawater into this room, flooding it to a depth of 3 feet. A
against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two few gargantuan starfish break the surface of the pool,
sizes smaller than the cargo net and can fit under it. forming small islands. Unnaturally thick orange seaweed
chokes the water, and a multitude of sharks writhes help-
The bags contain various items of clothing. The chest con- lessly in the tangle of weeds. Their eyes bulge with fright
tains a small lantern with flint and steel, several carefully as they shake spasmodically, their toothless mouths agape.
wrapped sticks of incense, various specimens of brain coral, Instead of rows of razor-sharp teeth, tiny blue squid slow-
and a rusty iron box. Inside the box is a stone of obom with 35 ly burrow forth from the sharks’ swollen gums and dart
charges remaining. off into the seaweed fronds.
Stone of Obom: This smooth black stone streaked with Hovering nearby, two heavily armed scrags do battle
reddish veins has the letters “OBOM” etched into its sur- with a sea hag and several giant floating jellyfish. The lash-
face. Whenever anyone within 100 feet of the rock speaks es of the jellyfish’s tentacles leave horrible burns whenever
the command word (“obom”), a 5d6 sorcerous blast of fire they strike the marine trolls, while the hag works her
detonates in a 20-foot radius centered on the stone. (Reflex spellcraft from a safe distance.
save, DC 13) The stone functions a maximum of once per
round. Note that since anyone (not just the wielder) can The hags have double-crossed a tribe of scrags known as
trigger the stone simply by speaking the command word, the Shakalzarr. These sea trolls hunt the oceans with a
some consider this item to be a mixed blessing. school of sharks. A month ago, the hags tricked most of the
Faint evocation; Caster Level 5th; Craft Charged Item, tribe into an ambush. They captured all but a few stout shark
sorcerous blast; Price 12,750 gp; Weight 1 lb. totem warriors. Those survivors swore they would liberate
The waterfall serves as the only exit from this room. Close their people. For the past few weeks the trio has been stalk-
inspection shows that the water is pouring from a hole some ing the nautilus, but the hags travel in such deep water that
20 feet in diameter. A Spot check (DC 15) reveals that some they’ve been unable to strike—that is, until today, when the
blue squid are riding down the column of water into the nautilus surfaced under the Briny Jack.
pool below. The warriors managed to avoid the squid’s paralytic ink
cloud, swam past the zombie whales, and after some quick
scouting located the school of sharks trapped here in the
squid hatchery. While attempting to free their brethren,
they encountered Shassalia, who was on her way to assault
the Briny Jack with a raiding party. Unfortunately for the
trolls, Shassalia was accompanied by several ochre jellyfish,
and the sting of their acid-laden tentacles has been devas-
tating. The jellyfish have already dissolved one of the
As the characters enter, both sets of combatants assume
they are reinforcements brought in to aid the other side. If
the scrags act first, Choriiz readies his javelin of lightning to
interrupt any spellcasting, while Kriga attempts to break free
of the two ochre jellyfish who are grappling him. If Shassalia
acts first, she weaves her remaining 2nd-level spell slots to
cast a heightened blinding light on two of the PCs .
16 The Depths of Hunger

Current Situation Feats: Hands as Weapons, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill
Shassalia floats above the island at the southeast end of the Application (Spot and Listen), Track
room. She has used up her 3rd-level spell slot by casting a Possessions: Ring of sustenance, javelin of lightning, 4 javelins,
heightened ice bolt and spent her daily manifestation of mind leather jack
cloud. Kriga hovers above the northwest island and has Note: Choriiz has had his claws imbued with a +1 enhance-
taken 40 points of subdual damage and 31 points of lethal ment bonus.
damage. Choriiz has taken 9 points of subdual damage and
26 points of lethal damage. Shassalia Sea Hag Mind Witch 7: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
The scrags have split the ochre jellyfish a couple of times. (Aquatic); CR 12; HD 3d8+6, 7d6+7 (51 hp—currently 33,
Unfortunately, the multiple jellyfish simply use aid another dying –1, dead –13); Init +1; Speed fly 30 feet (good), swim
actions to increase their chances of establishing a grapple. 40 feet; AC 20 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +6 armor), touch 11, flat-
Two ochre jellyfish currently grapple Kriga, while two others footed 19; Base Atk +8; Grapple +12; Atk Mind blade +12
hover nearby, trying to make their attempts. The final two melee touch (1d6+7 subdual); Full Atk Mind blade +12/+7
float over the large center island and have just finished dis- melee touch (1d6+7 subdual) or 2 claws +12/+7 melee
solving the body of the third scrag, Glatokk. Choriiz hangs (1d4+4); SA Horrific appearance, evil eye, mindfire, mind
in the air above the northeast island, trying to decide blade, mind cloud; SQ Amphibious, spell resistance 14, The
whether he should charge Shassalia or come to Kriga’s aid. Sight, familiarity with magic; SV Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +14;
Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 14
Kriga, Scrag Shark Totem Warrior 2: Large Giant; CR 7; Skills: Concentration +11, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (magic)
HD 6d8+36, 2d10+12 (86 hp—currently 15, dying –6, +8, Listen +9, Sneak +4, Spellcraft +6, Spot +9, Swim +12
dead –24); Init +2; Speed fly 20 feet (good), 40 feet swim; Feats: Craft Charged Item, Modify Spell, Peaceful Mage, Skill
AC 19 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural, +2 armor), touch 11, Application (Spot and Listen), Sturdy, Tattooed Spell
flat-footed 17 Base Atk +6; Grapple +16; Atk Long spike- (heightened lesser battle healing)
stick +11 melee (2d6+9/×3); Full Atk Long spikestick Spells Readied: (currently 4/4/3/0; DC 14 + spell level): 0—
+11/+5 (2d6+9/×3), or 2 claws +11 melee (1d6+6) and bite contact, detect magic, read magic, seeker, sense thoughts; 1st—
+6 melee (1d6+3); Face/Reach 5 feet × 5 feet/10 feet; charm, compelling command, compelling question, mind stab,
SA Rend 2d6+9; SQ Darkvision 90 feet, low-light vision, resistance; 2nd—blinding light, ice bolt, lesser battle healing,
regeneration 5, scent; SV Fort +14, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 23, protective charm; 3rd—whisper of madness
Dex 15, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6 Possessions: Periapt of wisdom +4, leather coat +2 (10 percent
Skills: Knowledge (sailing and navigation) +2, Listen +5, chance of spell failure), wand of subdual icebolts (27 charges)
Spot +11
Feats: Bloody Strike, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (agile), Iron Combat
Will, Skill Application (Spot and Listen), Track Mind Witch: Mind witches who succumb to mind-affecting
Possessions: Bracers of armor +2, eyes of the eagle, oil of invigor- effects halve the duration of those effects.
ate item, oil of cloak of darkness, potion of protection from ele- Mind Cloud (Sp): Once per day Shassalia summons a
ments (fire), potion of acrobatics swirling cloud of psionic energy that can appear anywhere
within 100 feet of her, with a diameter of 30 feet. All within
Choriiz, Scrag Shark Totem Warrior 2: Large Giant; CR 7; the area must make a Will save (DC 17) or be dazed for
HD 6d8+36, 2d10+12 (81 hp—currently 46, dying –6, 1 round. The cloud lingers for 1 round per witch level.
dead –24); Init +2 Speed fly 20 feet (good), 40 feet swim; Mindfire (Sp): Shassalia launches a blast of pure psionic
AC 19 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural, +2 armor), touch 11, energy from her forehead at a target within 50 feet. The
flat-footed 17; Base Atk +6; Grapple +16; Atk Claws +12 mindfire inflicts 5d6 points of damage, half of which is sub-
melee (1d6+7); Full Atk Claws +12/+7 melee (1d6+7) or 2 dual damage. A Will saving throw (DC 17) negates the dam-
claws +12 melee (1d6+7) and bite +6 melee (1d6+3); age. Shassalia can use mindfire four times per day. Using
Face/Reach 5 feet × 5 feet/10 feet; SA Rend 2d6+10; this psionic, mind-affecting ability is a standard action.
SQ Darkvision 90 feet, low-light vision, regeneration 5, The Sight (Su): Shassalia can see personal auras. She can
scent; SV Fort +14, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 23, Dex 14, Con 23, determine the class and level (if any) of a creature she
Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6 observes for at least one minute. Creatures that are disguised
Skills: Knowledge (sailing and navigation) +2, Listen +6, or attempting to avoid the witch’s Sight can make a Will sav-
Spot +7 ing throw (DC 17) to negate the effect.
Chapter Three: What Lies Within
Familiarity With Magic (Ex): Shassalia gains a +2 com- Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an ochre jellyfish
petence bonus to all saving throws against spells and spell- must hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a
like and supernatural abilities (including magic items). grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
Further, she gains a +2 competence bonus to Armor Class opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold
against spells requiring attack rolls. and can constrict.
Horrific Appearance (Su): The sight of a sea hag is so Split (Ex): Slashing and piercing weapons and electricity
revolting that anyone (other than another hag) who sets attacks deal no damage to an ochre jellyfish. Instead the
eyes upon one must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or creature splits into two identical jellyfish, each with half of
instantly become weakened, taking 2d6 points of Strength the original’s current hit points (round down). A jellyfish
damage. This damage cannot reduce a victim’s Strength score with 10 hit points or less cannot be further split, and it dies
below 0, but anyone reduced to Strength 0 is helpless. if reduced to 0 hit points.
Creatures who are affected by this power or who successfully
save against it cannot be affected again by the same hag’s Aftermath
horrific appearance for another 24 hours. The save Difficulty Since the PCs’ opponents were significantly wounded at the
Class is Charisma based. start of this encounter, award them 50 percent of the normal
Evil Eye (Su): Three times per day, Shassalia can cast XP for each combatant they defeat.
her dire gaze upon any single creature within 30 feet. The If the party defeats Shassalia, Kriga and Choriiz insist on
target must succeed at a Will save (DC 13) or be dazed for taking her life as a measure of justice. This may pose a prob-
three days, although remove curse can restore sanity sooner. lem for the party if they swore the oath with Destoari. Some
In addition, an affected creature must succeed at a convincing arguments may allow the party to spare Shas-
Fortitude save (DC 13) or die from fright. Creatures with salia’s life, but the totem warriors will feel no compulsion to
immunity to fear effects are not affected by the sea hag’s aid the party in any way. Their only concern will be in freeing
evil eye. their shark brethren. On the other hand, if the party allows
Amphibious (Ex): Although sea hags are aquatic, they can Kriga and Choriiz to execute Shassalia, the scrags offer to
survive indefinitely on land. assist in purging the shell of its hateful inhabitants—despite
Skills: Shassalia has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check their current weakened condition or the sharks’ immediate
to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. She can plight.
always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted Used to relying on their fearsome combat abilities, Kriga
or endangered. She can use the run action while swimming, and Choriiz consider each encounter an opportunity for
provided she swims in a straight line. vengeance. They lack the wisdom for a more rational
approach, and this makes them stubborn, impulsive allies.
Ochre Jellyfish (6): Large Ooze; CR 5; HD 6d10+36 (69 hp— If the party captures Shassalia alive, she taunts them
currently 34, 34, 34, 34, 17, 17, dying –6, dead –22); Init –5; haughtily. She claims they are no match for the power of her
Speed fly 10 feet (good); AC 4 (–1 size, –5 Dex), touch 4, sister, and they will not survive the embrace of the conch.
flat-footed 4; Base Atk +4; Grapple +10; Atk Slam +5 melee She lies to them about the remaining chambers and exagger-
(2d4+3 plus 1d4 acid); Full Atk Slam +5 melee (2d4+3 plus ates the powers of her sister and the conch. She uses her
1d4 acid) Face/Reach 10 feet × 10 feet/5 feet; SA Acid, con- mind witch ability to eschew all spell components to attempt
strict, improved grab; SQ Blindsight 60 feet, split, ooze escape or create chaos within the party at key moments. She
traits; SV Fort +8, Ref –3, Will –3; Str 15, Dex 1, Con 22, Int uses The Sight on the party to analyze its strengths and
—, Wis 1, Cha 1 weaknesses and employs her evil eye as a demonstration of
Skills: — her power. She tries to be as uncooperative a hostage as pos-
Feats: — sible, forcing the party to deal with her constantly in an
effort to elicit an opening or critical mistake.
Combat At the south end of the room, the huge lamprey statue
An ochre jellyfish attempts to envelop and squeeze its prey. flooding the chamber with seawater coils down from the
Acid (Ex): An ochre jellyfish secretes a digestive acid that ceiling some 80 feet overhead. Its mouth is 10 feet tall, and
dissolves only flesh. Any melee hit or constrict attack deals a passageway inside spirals up to the chamber above. A
acid damage. decanter of endless water strategically placed inside the
Constrict (Ex): An ochre jellyfish deals automatic slam mouth provides a constant flow of seawater to the squid
and acid damage with a successful grapple check. hatchery.
18 The Depths of Hunger

Chamber Three:
Chamber of Echoes (EL 7)
Through the lamprey exit, the PCs arrive at the south end of
another round chamber. (See map.)

Seashells made of strange amber glass cover the walls

of this room. They seem very carefully placed and repre-
sent shells of every shape and size, from tiny, button-
sized oysters to massive clamshells and conches. A large
iron ring hovers horizontally near the ceiling in the mid-
dle of the room. Long strings of pearls dangle from the
ring, forming a circular curtain that shields the center of
the room from view.

The glass shells and pearls work together as a trap. If any-

one disturbs the pearl curtain, the pearls rattle noisily. The
shells pick up this rattling and echo it and amplify it, slur-
ring the sound and rhythmically repeating it like crashing
waves, until finally the noise morphs into the sound of the
ocean itself.
Everyone who hears this sound must make a Will save
(DC 16) or be affected by an inner world spell, which makes
them believe they are standing on the cold dark bottom of
the deepest cracks of the sea. Weird fish calls ululate around
them, and bizarre phosphorescent creatures swim past. If the party does not destroy the shells, a Search check
Verrik PCs who turn off their hearing go unaffected. (DC 24) of the chamber reveals a small closed oyster shell near
the center of the room. It is unlike all the other shell replicas,
Inner World Trap: CR 7; magic device; touch trigger; automatic which are open. Opening this shell causes the iron ring to
reset; spell effect (inner world, 7th-level magister, Will save lower, dropping the curtain and exposing a passageway in the
DC 16); multiple targets; Search DC 29; Disable Device ceiling 60 feet overhead, which leads up to the next chamber.
DC 29
Chamber Four:
This effect continues for 70 minutes, after which time the
victim rouses from the stupor. A dispel magic spell with a suc- The Howling of the Dead
cessful caster power check (DC 22) ends the effect immedi- Climbing ever upward through the passageway, you arrive at
ately. Normally Shassalia would find anyone caught by this a noisy room. (See map on the next page.)
trap, but since the party has probably already dealt with her,
unlucky victims simply “lose” 70 minutes. As you ascend into this room, you hear a disturbing
Alternately, a single point of damage to any of the glass chorus of sustained wailing and shrieking. Partially
shell replicas sets up a resonating effect that causes all the pinned inside giant clamshells and bound with bright
shells to shatter, spraying everyone in the room with bits of orange kelp, merfolk, scrags and other humanoids howl in
broken glass but instantly ending the inner world effect. This pain. Thick turquoise smoke billows from their empty eye
action permanently disables the inner world trap. sockets, and a thick russet-brown crust covers their skin.
As they struggle weakly, you can see that some of the vic-
Exploding Shell Trap: CR 4; magic device; touch trigger; spell tims’ hands have mutated into large pinchers.
effect (earth burst, 5d6 points of damage, 5th-level magis- The clamshell and kelp bonds form a tall, circular
ter, Reflex save DC 13); multiple targets; Search DC 27; mound of squirming, screaming bodies, and the dense
Disable Device DC 27 blue smoke swirls up toward a large, dark vent 40 feet
above you.
Chapter Three: What Lies Within
In this chamber, the hungerfire burns humanoid souls The vapors in this room are more potent and concentrated
slowly down to the ashes of unlife. The victims here are than the general haze found in the previous chambers below.
transforming into the zombie crab servants the party The brightly glowing smoke provides one-quarter conceal-
encountered in the Whale Lagoon (see page 13). The bright ment and confers a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution
turquoise smoke curls upward to feed the Black Conch with for as long as a PC breathes the chilly, electric fog.
their life essence. It’s very difficult to hear anything in this
room (–12 penalty to Listen checks), and the howling makes Chamber Five: Heart
even simple conversation a trying experience.
If the PCs wish to free the victims, they find the of the Conch (EL 10)
clamshells have a tight grip. They can attempt to break them Passing through the large ceiling vent from the howling
open (hardness 5, 25 hit points) or burst them with a room leads the group up into the heart of the nautilus. (See
Strength check (DC 23). If Kriga and Choriiz are with the map on the next page.)
party, they immediately start trying to free the scrags.
Purging the hungerfire from a victim requires a remove curse The thick turquoise smoke makes it difficult to discern
spell and a successful caster power check (DC 21). Even the features of this chamber. Bright triangular shark teeth
then, it will take some time for the person to fully recover— stud the walls in a complex geometric pattern. A giant
the hungerfire kills its victims by slowly inflicting temporary dried starfish lined with moss and sargasso weeds serves
Constitution damage. The victims will be blind unless they as a nest. It’s surrounded by several thick candles, which
receive a regeneration spell. burn with a sickly yellow light. A thick iron cauldron sits
In addition to the scrags, the captives include some mer- atop a pile of burnt skulls, while nearby a whale’s heart
folk from the sea near the island of Noll, sibeccai pirates hangs from a massive hook.
belonging to a ship called the Yellow Dog, and a mixed party A whisper and hiss draw your attention to a grinning
of humans, verrik, and faen from Ka-Rone who were cap- hag who stoops next to an enormous black conch shell.
tured during a trading voyage. Most of them are too trauma- Shadowy tentacles flit from the mouth of the conch, and
tized to even speak. Note that freeing the victims from their green double-pupilled eyes gaze at you from its depths.
shells ends the screaming, and this sudden quiet may notify The air seems to grow chill as the ebony arms of the conch
Briinkirria and the Black Conch that something unusual is twist toward you.
Briinkirria and the Black Conch don’t wait for an offer of
surrender—they’re confident they’ll hear the intruders beg-
ging for mercy soon enough. Briinkirria throws her sorcerous
blast detonation, and the Black Conch attempts to slam and
grapple the first PC it can.
Blindly obedient and loyal to the conch, Briinkirria offers
herself up to it if the battle goes badly: The Conch wraps her
in all eight of its tentacles and attempts to completely drain
her of energy as a full-round action. If successful, the conch
gains 40 temporary hit points and instantly slays Briinkirria.
Note that the thick hungerfire smoke fills this chamber as
well and provides one-quarter concealment and a +4
enhancement bonus to Constitution. If either of the scrags
accompanies the party, consider including 2 to 4 zombie her-
mit crabs as attendants here. Use the stats found on page 14.

The Black Conch: Large Undead (Aquatic); CR 8; HD 9d12 (68

hp); Init +8; Speed Fly 60 feet (Perfect); AC 17 (+4 Dex,
+4 deflection, –1 size), touch 13, flat-footed 13; Base Atk
+6; Grapple +14*; Atk Arms +9 melee touch (2d6); Full
Atk Arms +9 melee touch (2d6) and bite +4 melee touch
(2d6); Face/Reach 5 feet × 5 feet/10 feet; SA Improved
20 The Depths of Hunger

grab; SQ Ink cloud, jet, low-light vision, darkvision,

undead traits, unnatural aura, sunlight powerlessness;
Saves Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4; Abilities: Str —, Dex 19,
Con —, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +13, Spot +13
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Sense the
Unseen, Sensitive, Skill Application (Spot and Listen)
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Black Conch
must hit an opponent of any size with its arms attack. It
can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple
check, it establishes a hold and automatically deals bite
damage. *The Black Conch has a +4 racial bonus on
grapple checks.
Inky Cloud (Ex): The Black Conch can emit a 10-foot cube of
jet-black cloud once per minute as a free action. The cloud
provides total concealment. All vision within the cloud is
Jet (Ex): The Black Conch can jet backward once per round as
a full-round action, at a speed of 240 feet. It must move in
a straight line but does not provoke attacks of opportunity
while jetting.
Undead: Immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep,
paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical
hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or infuse with life (2d8+4), nature’s gift, trackless step;
death from massive damage. SQ Amphibious, spell resistance 14; SV Fort +7, Ref +6,
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by the Black Conch’s Will +10; Str 19, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
incorporeal touch attack receive a negative level. Removing Skills: Concentration +10, Knowledge (nature) +4, Listen +7,
a negative level requires a Fortitude save (DC 14). Sneak +3, Spot +7, Swim +11
Create Spawn (Su): Anyone slain by the energy drain ability Feats: Corrupt Mage, Sanctum, Skill Application (Spot and
of the Black Conch becomes an incorporeal undead crea- Listen), Sturdy
ture in 24 hours. Spawn remain under the command of the Spells Readied: (4/4/2; DC 13 + spell level [includes sanc-
Black Conch and enslaved until its death. tum bonus]): 0—bash, contact, detect magic, ghost sound,
Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals (and sometimes young chil- read magic, saving grace, seeker, sense thoughts; 1st—animate
dren) can sense the unnatural presence of the Black Conch weapon, mudball, obscuring mist, touch of disruption, veil of
at a distance of 30 feet. They do not willingly come nearer darkness; 2nd— destructive grip, gusting wind, ice bolt, lesser
than that, and they panic if forced to do so; they remain ability boost
panicked as long as they stay within that range. Possessions: +1 damage-absorbing leather coat, ring of protec-
Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex): The Black Conch becomes tion +1, cloak of resistance +1, sorcerous blast detonation,
utterly powerless in natural sunlight and flees from it. If potion of lesser battle healing, potion of darkvision, potion of
caught in sunlight, it cannot attack and can take only see invisibility
a move-equivalent or a standard action but not both.
Briinkirria Sea Hag Greenbond 4: Medium Monstrous Horrific Appearance (Su): The sight of a sea hag is so
Humanoid (Aquatic); CR 8; HD 3d8+9, 4d6+12 (56 hp, revolting that anyone (other than another hag) who sets
dying –1, dead –13); Init +1; Speed fly 30 feet (good), swim eyes upon one must succeed at a Fortitude (DC 13) save or
40 feet; AC 20 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +5 armor, +1 deflec- instantly become weakened, taking 2d6 points of Strength
tion), touch 12, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +5; Grapple +9; damage. This damage cannot reduce a victim’s Strength score
Atk Claw +9 melee (1d4+4); Full Atk 2 claws +9 melee below 0, but anyone reduced to Strength 0 is helpless.
(1d4+4); SA Horrific appearance, evil eye, nature sense, Creatures that are affected by this power or that successfully
Chapter Three: What Lies Within
save against it cannot be affected again by the same hag’s Fulfilling the Oath
horrific appearance for another 24 hours. Assuming the characters took up the oath, Destoari waits for
Evil Eye (Su): Three times per day, Briinkirria can cast her them by the clam shell. If they saved the sisters, she thanks
dire gaze upon any single creature within 30 feet. The target them sincerely and delivers the remaining items (see page 12).
must succeed at a Will save (DC 13) or be dazed for three She apologizes for the havoc created and helps repair the
days, although remove curse can restore sanity sooner. In ship. She then wishes the party farewell, and within an hour,
addition, an affected creature must succeed at a Fortitude the hulk of
save (DC 13) or die from fright. Creatures with immunity to Phulsileerius slips The Hungerfire
fear effects are not affected by Briinkirria’s evil eye. beneath the waves. This malevolent flame slowly burns away the true-
Amphibious (Ex): Although sea hags are aquatic, they If the characters name of a creature, releasing the energy of its
soul into the ether. To ignite the hungerfire, a
can survive indefinitely on land. successfully upheld dark ritual is performed daily on a living, sentient
Nature Sense (Ex): Briinkirria can identify plants and their oaths and will- creature. Each day, the creature must make a
Fortitude save (DC 20) or sustain 1d3 points of
animals (their species and special traits) with perfect accura- ingly helped Destoari, Constitution damage. This damage can only be
cy and determine whether water is safe to drink or danger- award them full XP recovered via magical healing; subsequent saving
throws have no effect. This excruciating process
ous. for a CR 9 encounter. usually requires the victim to be restrained. As the
Infuse With Life (Sp): Briinkirria can call upon the posi- If they bargained victim’s truename fades, its physical body trans-
forms into an undead abomination, until it finally
tive energy of life and bestow that energy upon herself or excessively for com- reaches 0 Constitution and becomes fueled only
another creature. With a touch, she can heal 2d8+4 hit pensation or seemed by the ghastly flames of the hungerfire itself.

points. This ability is usable twice per day. especially reluctant to In this state, a creature needs to ingest further
life to keep the hungerfire burning. Victims
Nature’s Gift (Su): Once per day, Briinkirria can use her swear the oath, award become ravenous carnivores, swallowing
connection with the Green to draw on the power of nature them 75 percent of whole whatever creatures they can in order
to feed the fire which sustains their undeath.
and infuse it within herself. She must be touching some- the XP. In either case, Hungerfire zombies always spout a lumines-
thing solid and natural (the ground, a bit of unworked grant an additional 15 cent blue smoke from their mouths and empty
eyesockets: the life essence of the creatures
stone, a plant, or an animal) to activate this ability. She gains percent XP bonus for burning in their gullets.
a +2 divine bonus. Briinkirria can add this bonus to any d20 each sister who sur-
roll she makes in the following round. She can impart this vived.
gift to an ally she touches during the following round (the
ally must use the bonus in that round). Breaking the Oath
Trackless Step (Ex): Briinkirria leaves no trail in natural If the characters reneged on their oath, they find Krohl and
surroundings and cannot be tracked. some sibeccai crewmembers hiding out among the coral
Skills: As a sea hag, Briinkirria has a +8 racial bonus on when they return to the surface. Destoari has attacked the
any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a ship, killing Sengarr and a dozen crew members before
hazard. She can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, Krohl and the rest could escape. Krohl insists that the party
even if distracted or endangered. She can use the run action help recapture the ship. Overcome with rage, Destoari has
while swimming, provided she swims in a straight line. piled the sails around the masts and set the ship on fire. She
then begins tearing apart the deck. If the party members do
On closer inspection, a small table of candles near the not act immediately, they will not be able to salvage the sails.
hag’s nest turns out to be an articulated long shield +1. A In the event that they defeat Destoari and save the sails,
small, felt-lined box next to the nest contains two vials (oil of they lose three days of travel time due to the loss of the cap-
eldritch armor and oil of invigorate item) and a token of lesser tain and crew. If they can’t save the sails, they lose six days of
creation. travel time, unless they can jury-rig some other solution.
Cauldron of Careful Distillation: When boiled with the Regardless, they will need to find a way to sink the nau-
proper mixture of seawater, weeds, and whale blubber, the tilus shell and repair the ship before they can get underway
cauldron can be used to identify any magical item cooked in again. Punching a hole in the very center of the nautilus
the brew. Every hour the cauldron boils, it produces a cup of shell will release the hungerfire smoke trapped inside. The
broth. When imbibed, each cup of broth yields information shell will sink shortly thereafter. An enterprising party might
as though the user had cast an analyze spell. capture the smoke as it escapes and use it to create a balloon,
Faint divination, Caster Level 1st; Craft Constant Item, or they may simply wish to save it for future study.
analyze; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 70 lbs.

Concluding the Adventure

While a journey to Shana normally takes four weeks, this trip has been anything but normal. If the party members manage to be delayed
by seven days or less, Kallithrex meets them at the pier and pays them the remainder of their contract. With skillful treatment, it saves
Lallask and completes his transformation to mojh. Lallask may seek out the party later to express its gratitude.

f they are delayed more than seven days, Lallask cannot be A local businessman named Dalmat needs a large, heavy

I saved. Severely disappointed to have lost the powerful iron

witch, Kallithrex refuses to pay the party anything. The
group has earned the enmity of both Kallithrex and Zarkiil.
crate delivered to the free city of Suherlen. The crate contains
a glass tank full of inshon eggs, which hatch while underway
and attack the crew. Who in Suherlen would want to study
Meanwhile, the Briny Jack is headed farther south and inshon eggs and why?
west, to the Free Cities of the South. If the characters want to Kallithrex discovers that Lallask was poisoned using some
return to Ka-Rone, they will have to find alternative passage. sort of exotic toxin that exclusively affects mojh. The key
ingredient grows only in the strange prairies near Balatosh.
Further Adventures Kallithrex hires the party to undertake the long journey to
The end of one journey is simply the start of another. Some Thartholan and investigate.
ideas for additional adventuring include the following: In addition, the party has had many opportunities to
Krohl and some of the other crewmembers quit when the assemble new allies and contacts: Destoari, Dorsa and the
ship reaches Shana. Sengarr asks the party to hire on as crew merfolk tribe, Kriga, and Choriiz. Any of these NPCs could
aboard the Briny Jack as it sails on to the free city of Malla- provide a hook for further adventures, above or below
costa to pick up a shipment of magical oils. When they the sea.
arrive, they discover Krohl has somehow gotten there ahead
of the ship and, posing as Sengarr, hijacked the cargo.
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