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y dear countrymen,

It is with the heaviest
is Majesty Marcus Greystone decrees…
heart that I must an-
nounce the tragic and most bloody All official state business is to be moved tempo-
murder of my elder brother, Cedric rarily to the old capital city of Marigor in Blaris
of Green, beloved King of Corvel. province. Castle Marigor, already home to King Marcus,
will be the interim seat of power.
Kilmoorian agents have accom-
All nobles of eligible age are to report to their near-
plished what was thought impossible, est provincial representative for military or civil assignment.
by infiltrating that most sacred and All freemen of eligible age are to report to their lo-
previously incorruptible of institu- cal Army garrison or free company recruiter for enlistment
tions, His Majesty’s Royal Guard. into military service. Farming families with less than three
children of eligible age are exempt, as their work is needed
Fortunately, a small compliment of to raise the food our empire depends upon so dearly.
Queen Selynn’s bodyguard was able All provincial mage colleges are to provide a regis-
to smuggle her past the enemy and try of graduating adepts to be reviewed and considerated for
into safety abroad. Although the military or civil service.
head of state has been severed from A season’s amnesty period is granted, from spring
to summer, for any freebooter or pirate captain who will
our noble body of citizens, I, as Re- come forth to enlist his ship in the service of the Crown.
gent of Corvel and Commander of Any privateer serving the King’s Navy will receive eighty
the Royal Army, do take my place shares of seized enemy goods and pay twenty shares to the
upon the throne of our empire and Crown.
will promise to serve my people as I All law-abiding Kilmoorian nationals and diplo-
matic representatives have until St. Barlo’s Day to quit the
always have. sovereign borders of Corvel. After St. Barlo’s Day, a bounty

will be offered by the Crown for the head of any enemy of
s we face the uncertain the state, on the following basis:
future together, let us not 10g for a Kilmoorian soldier
20g for a rebel soldier
succumb to petty disputes
50g for anyone harboring or assisting an enemy of the
and internal conflict. Let state
our provinces unite as brethren 100g for a Kilmoorian officer or agent, dead
against a common foe, and drive the 1,000g for a Kilmoorian officer, alive
infidels back to the sea. 5,000g for an enemy agent, alive
All nonhumans previously kept as slaves in Kil-
moor, Holaf or their allies are hereby made freemen under
Yours in prosperity as in war, Imperial law, and are to be accorded the dignity, respect and
rights of freemen. Freemen detained in forced servitude will
be eligible for reparations.
Treason is punishable by death. Anyone found
guilty of sympathizing with, trafficking with, harboring, pro-
tecting or otherwise giving aid to enemies of the state, shall
Corhar Ri be executed. The only quarter to be given is in the event of
complete surrender, disarmament and submission to the au-

Copyright © 2002 Deep7, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to print and photocopy for noncommercial use.
The Arrowflight RPG & DEEP game system is Copyright © 1997 Deep7, LLC. The world setting of Nia is Copyright © 1980 Todd Downing

t is whispered, from town to glen… Self-appointed commander of
a ramshackle free com-
Someone in Blariston who works in the Royal Stables wit- pany known as
nessed the Queen’s escape from the coup, and swears she “‘Belly’s Boys”, this
looked to be with child. gruff but shrewd
dwarf soldier knows
Sir Peyton Ellery, late of the King’s Bodyguard, was
how to play one’s patri-
said to have been the mole within the organization. His body
otism and loyalty like a
now hangs in an iron cage from the walls of Castle Blaris. fine instrument.
The King’s Bodyguards killed in defense of Cedric Apprenticed to be-
were: Sir Edward Rose, Sir Gareth Tenmoor, and Sir Darin Reis. come an advocate
Kilmoorian raiding parties have been seen up and down in the court sys-
the western coast. tem before the
Several free companies have been formed along the secession of
Holaf/Cirabur border, enlisting hundreds of disgruntled nonhu- Holaf
mans for the continuing fight. province
It’s said that Queen Selynn may have been transported and the
to her homeland of Bachra. Still other reports claim she has fled outbreak of war with Kilmoor.
to Cedric’s foreign holdings in Seris.
Reports have come in from several rural shires that sus- AGL 5 PER 4
pected rebels have been captured and executed by loyalist mobs. Dwarf Ratahar 4 Awareness 5
Soldier 5 Bargain 4
Dance 3 Command 6
Ride 3 Diagnostics 5
Missile Weapon 3 Gambling 4
Siege Weapon 3 Streetwise 3
Sail 2 Wilderness Skills 4
N ormal arrows are treated as piercing (P) weapons, which
means they are given a bonus of +1 success vs. medium
armors. For just a bit more geld, an archer can diversify his
Black Powder 4
Craft (Leatherwork) 3
Repair 4
Cultural Sciences 3
Domestic Arts 3
Education 3
arsenal to include arrows mounted with different points, each STR 5 Language (Ancient) 3
having a different purpose and bonus. Costs listed are for the Climb 4 Law 4
complete, fletched arrow with mounted arrowhead. Variant Endurance 6 Lore 5
arrows/bolts can be used with any longbow, short bow, or Strength Feat 4 Medicine 4
crossbow. Cannot be used with a weapon which fires darts. WIL 4 Military Sciences 4
Intimidation 4 SPIRIT 2
Broadhead arrows have, as their name asserts, broad points Resist 4 MANA 2
meant to cause severe tissue damage and blood loss, much like
a whaler’s harpoon. They are extremely useful for taking
down horses and other large, lightly armored targets. +1 Suc- Brotgar Firebelly (not his actual family name,
cess vs. light armors/no armor. rather a wartime pseudonym) is an accom-
Cost: 1g ea. plished soldier, having served in the local mili-
tia of the Dwarven Quarter of Blariston. His
Bodkin arrows have a slim profile and a dangerous point, favorite weapon, however, is an enormous
meant for penetrating the hard shell of plate mail. Very useful bearded axe which almost (pardon the expres-
for taking down heavily armored targets. +1 success vs. heavy sion) dwarfs him.
Cost: 1g ea. Hvy. Bearded Axe WR4, DB+1
2 Flintlock Pistols WR3
Lg. Dagger WR1, DB+1

Copyright © 2002 Deep7, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to print and photocopy for noncommercial use.
The Arrowflight RPG & DEEP game system is Copyright © 1997 Deep7, LLC. The world setting of Nia is Copyright © 1980 Todd Downing

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