King S Dispatch 3

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t has been reported by reliable ear ye, fellow citizens...

agents of the Prince Regent that
the major Kilmoorian threat in I call upon all hearty lads and lasses of con-
Blariston has been neutralized. sent to gather arms and defend your benevo-
lent empire.
Members of the Silver Gauntlet, work-
Corvel is a family of mighty provinces, many
ing with the district magistrates, civil- descended from sovereign kingdoms of days long past.
ian resistance groups and the King’s We sometimes lose focus and allow regional conflicts,
Pistoliers, have driven all armed Kil- trade disputes and clan wars to distract us from the truth.
moorian agents from the city. Sir The truth of which I speak is thus:
Brendan Tetryal, Captain of the Blaris- The Empire of Corvel, Kingdom of Light, is a
ton Pistolier garrison, made the follow- beacon of justice, thought and culture, renowned
ing statement: throughout the world. She has brought together races
and religions from disparate locales and societies and
“Although the greater threat may
made them one people. Since St. Barlo brought all of
still lay dormant on the lips and in the Order under his banner and drove the darkness from this
hearts of traitors who may call them- land, our kin have served a nation whose ideals are free-
selves Corvelian citizens, the danger of dom and strength of character. And now our great realm
armed invasion by enemy forces has is under siege.
been nullified.” In trying times such as these, it is imperative
that we look outward, to fight the true enemy, and not

ccording to Sir Brendan, as look for evil amongst our brothers.
Even now, hundreds of your countrymen gather
many as five-and-twenty along the southern border of my own province. They
enemy spies, and over one hail from throughout the Empire, not just from the
hundred Kilmoorian shock plains and mountains of Cirabur or the crags of Stengal.
troops were arrested, tried and exe- Some are exiles from Holaf, others are former slaves
cuted. At least four-hundred-sixty exacting revenge for the crimes perpetrated against them
Blariston citizens were killed in the vio- by Kilmoorian and Holaf masters. The nature of this
lent coup that murdered King Cedric war is brutal and more personal than many of the past
battles I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. Victory will not
be sweet. But defeat will throw such a blanket of fear
and darkness upon this nation that it must not be consid-
Corvel is currently administered by the ered.
Prince Regent, Cedric’s brother Mar- And so I charge you all—do what you must to
cus Greyhelm, from his chief quarters help those who fight for our freedom. We must win this
in Marigor. Marcus is undertaking the war, or perish.
journey to Blariston this season, to be
coronated in Cathedral Wood on St.
Barlo’s Day.
Marshall, Duke of Cirabur

Copyright © 2002 Deep7, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to print and photocopy for noncommercial use.
The Arrowflight RPG & DEEP game system is Copyright © 1997 Deep7, LLC. The world setting of Nia is Copyright © 1980 Todd Downing

It is often mentioned, though
t is whispered, from town to glen… never to his face, that Orlando
Vyne is an orc with a nose
Lord Grundy, Royal Mage Counsel, was seen re- for mystery. For the past
cently in Greyhelm, which has led to conjecture thirteen years he has
about the real status of King Cedric. Did he and been the Chief In-
spector at the Cen-
Grundy both escape the coup? Grundy was witnessed tral District Station
among the bodies in the King’s warded audience cham- in downtown
ber (within which magic is impossible). Blariston.
Orlando of the Pen, orc magistrate of the Cen- He will most
tral District in Blariston, single handedly bagged three likely be found
of the Kilmoorian spies found in the recent purge. pacing the scene of a
crime, turning his
Some haggard veterans of the border campaign ‘lucky crown’ over in
in the south are returning north with tales of Kilmoorian his left hand and holding
troops astride firedrakes, and great ape-like slave warri- his favorite pipe in his right.
ors. Characters found skulking around, heavily armed and
Kilmoorian raiding parties are becoming more armoured on his watch generally draw his unwanted
brazen along the southern coast and in the island prov-
inces, sinking any ship flying Corvel colors and taking
all prisoners as slaves. AGL 3 PER 5
Athletics 2 Awareness 7
It is now common knowledge that Prince Mar-
(1) Soldier 4 Bargain 4
cus will be coronated in Cathedral Wood, Blariston, on
Missile Weapon 4 Command 4
St. Barlo’s Day. Stealth 4 Diagnostics 6
DEX 4 Gambling (kings) 7
Craft (woodwork) 5 Social 4
Sleight of Hand 4 Streetwise 5
Thievery 2 INT 5

A basic prayer available to any priest or layperson (with

Devotion), the Blessing has a DIFF of 1, and a number of
basic effects. The specific purpose should be declared before
Climb 4
Endurance 7
Education 3
Western Language 3
Language: Handspeak 3
invocation of the Blessing. Effects are: Strength Feat 7 Lore 5
WIL 4 Medicine 4
Heal Stun Interrogation 5 Military Sciences 2
Blessing can heal 1 point of Stun damage per success. The Resist 5 Natural Sciences 5
process requires a short invocation and touch, effects take 1 SPIRIT 3
minute per point of Stun healed. MANA 1
NPC design & illustration by Mike Hill

INIT 4 (6) 1 assumed success

Heal Wound Actions 2
Blessing can heal 1 point of Wound damage per success. The SAVE 5 (6) 1 assumed success
process requires a short invocation and touch, effects take 1 WOUNDS 6
hour per point of Wound healed.
Longsword (WA +1/WR 3/DB +6/P)
Medium Wooden Shield (5 Hits)
Consectration AV 3 (studded Leather)
Blessing can consecrate the bed or comparable immediate Orlando carries a purse of 40g and 1 gold crown, a
space surrounding the blessed. The blessed becomes spiritu- clay pipe and pipe weed, a kings set with ivory
ally invisible to malevolent spirits & undead. Duration lasts 1 pieces, a black leather ‘evidence’ pouch and a mag-
hour per success, requires a short invocation and touch. nifying glass.

Copyright © 2002 Deep7, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to print and photocopy for noncommercial use.
The Arrowflight RPG & DEEP game system is Copyright © 1997 Deep7, LLC. The world setting of Nia is Copyright © 1980 Todd Downing

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