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T he town of Trailhaven in the Wild-

wood district of southern Blaris

seeks able-bodied men and women

of fortune to help protect overland supply
caravans from brigands. Pay is negotiable t is decreed that no child of Light shall shrink
and depends upon experience. Inquire at from his duty to smite those who dwell in
the office of the magistrate, Trailhaven, Darkness, for the penalty that evildoers must
Wildwood, Blaris. suffer is death.

S everal renowned windlord breeders It shall be the charge of every maid and man among
have reported the theft of hatchlings us to vanquish the enemy that sneaks in the night,
by persons unknown. The practice to cause panic and mayhem. So it is too the birth-
seems to be confined to Blaris’ interior, right of the righteous to live in peace and harmony,
and has escalated over the past year. Mem- and to pursue virtue in all its forms. And should
bers of the Silver Gauntlet and King’s Pis- death befall one who fights for all that is Right, and
toliers have been dispatched to several key Just and Holy in the eyes of Rellian and Creator,
communities in central Blaris to investi- then shall such a one be blessed, and taken to the

place of honor in the City of Truth.
he sprite community near the vil-
lage of Shadow Glen in the Mage- All praise be to Rellian, and to the All Creator.
wood district of Blaris has been
found decimated. No bodies were recov-
ered, and the entire holt reduced to cin-
ders. King’s Pistoliers suspect firedrakes,
and urge caution when traveling in the
vicinity. A bounty has been offered by
neighboring communities totaling more
than 1000g for the apprehension of the
culprits, dead or alive.

H is Grace, Duke Sir Phillip Wolf

Garkan, has decreed a festival of
Imperial solidarity, to be held in
Wolf Gate during the fourth week of sum-
mer. It is hoped that participants in the
H ighest shares for
the most experi-
ence. If you seek a life
St. Barlo’s Fest games will try their skill of adventure, hard
once again, and His Grace has issued an work and good pay,
open invitation to musicians and enter- seek out the free com-
tainers from throughout the land. Duke pany with the longest
Phillip hopes to raise 10,000 crowns for continuous service in
the Royal Treasury and a unit of soldiers Cirabur.
to aid on the southern front. Archers, Apply Finbury Cross.
musketeers, scouts, mages, chaplains, all
are welcome.

Copyright © 2002 Deep7, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to print and photocopy for noncommercial use.
The Arrowflight RPG & DEEP game system is Copyright © 1997 Deep7, LLC. The world setting of Nia is Copyright © 1980 Todd Downing

The younger brother of late King Cedric of Green,

Prince Marcus has chosen the name of his
mother’s clan, the line of Saint Thorne Witch-
killer. Primarily a military man, Thorne was
schooled in Green and trained at the Academ-
Militaria in Blariston. Just 43 years old, Marcus
has already proven himself a formidable warrior
and leader of men, and possesses a toughness and
charisma that his people desperately need during
these troubled times.
Marcus is happiest on the battlefield, where
he strikes fear into the enemy with an enchanted
sword and a calm resolve...

Combat Skill: Soldier 5 Awareness 4
Combat Skill: Dwarf Command 5
Ratahar 4 Social 4
Combat Skill: Cavalier 5 Wilderness Skills 2
Art by JD Green

Dance 3 INT 4
Missile Weapon 4 Cultural Sciences 4
Athletics 3 Education 4
Ride 4 Language: Ancient 2
Stealth 3 Law 3
DEX 4 Literary Skills 3
Black Powder 3 Lore 2
STR 4 Military Sciences 4
Climb 2 Natural Sciences 2
Endurance 3 Theoretical Sciences 1
Swim 1 SPIRIT 2
WIL 4 Devotion 3
Intimidation 3 MANA 2
Resist 4
AV 8 Splint Mail (Rune of Protection +2 AV)
AV 9 Plate Mail (Upper Arms, Upper/Lower Head, INIT 5 (5) SAVE 4 (4)
Lower Legs, Rune of Strength +1 STR Bonus, Actions 2 WOUNDS 5
Rune of Protection +2 AV)
Medium metal shield (9 hits)
Dranenmun (WA+1/WR2/DB+1/S)
Dwarf-Forged Firecrystal Bastard Sword “Raidran” If Marcus had any aspirations to the throne, he
(WA+1 / WR3 or 4 / DB+2 / S or C) Has the never spoke of them, and in fact took on his brother’s
power to absorb corporeal energy from the Web of mantle under frustrated protest.
Life, neutralizing corporeal spells cast at him with Now that he is Regent (and soon to be coro-
a successful parry. nated), Marcus has come to terms with his lot. His
friends have said he is to be “King despite himself”,
When Marcus is not in the company of his wife, Rachel for though he has accepted the fact that his homeland
of Cirabur, and their four children, he is surrounded requires ultimate service from him, he would much
by a retinue of bodyguards, advisors and squires. He rather be in the thick of the fight, astride a sturdy
has the loyalty of the eastern provinces and is quickly mount or tangling one-on-one with an enemy general.
gaining popularity in the rest of the empire. His public It is for this reason that he tends to live vicariously
face is strong and majestic, but in private he is fond of through those he sends on dangerous missions and
Greyhelm wine and bawdy humor. adventures..

Copyright © 2002 Deep7, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to print and photocopy for noncommercial use.
The Arrowflight RPG & DEEP game system is Copyright © 1997 Deep7, LLC. The world setting of Nia is Copyright © 1980 Todd Downing

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