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L ong live His Majesty Marcus Greystone!

As the
first bite of autumn settled in Blaris province,
the former Prince Regent undertook the jour-
ney from his palace at Marigor to the Crowning Glade
in Cathedral Wood.
that mountainous country. King Marcus has formally
recognized her claim as rightful ruler of her nation, but
has been unable to dedicate more than moderate civil-
ian resources such as food, clothing and advisors, due
to the war with Kilmoor. It has been reasoned, how-
As expected, a large and formidable security force ever, that Tolak represents a staunchly Rellianite strate-
was deployed everywhere along the route of His Maj- gic foothold in the northeast, and the king will not be
esty’s caravan. It seemed the entire populations of long in creating a strategy to aid an elf family in return-
neighboring shires had turned out for the event, with ing to the throne of their beloved kingdom.
markets and encampments sprawling outward from
Cathedral Wood for a mile or more.

T he king was coronated in the simple, pious

ceremony decreed by King Thorne Greystone
almost a thousand years ago, the crown of
C onspicuously absent from the festivities were
the new Queen Sarabeth and the Greystone
children, Prince Thorne, Princess Alicia and
Prince David. Queen Sarabeth is the sister of Duke Sir
Philip Wolf Garkan and cousin of Baron Jaxten of
Corvel placed upon his head by Aeledon, the venerable Wolf Gate, Commander of the Northern Army. It was
master of the Caretakers. Perhaps the most astonish- determined by the king’s advisors that having all of the
ing event was the appearance of Lord Grundy of Royal Family present could create an unnecessary dan-
Tetryal, former (and assumed deceased) Mage Counsel ger to the Crown. It is rumored that King Marcus sent
to King Cedric. Though haggard in face and dishev- word to his allies abroad bidding them not to send
eled in clothing, one-eyed and with streaks of gray in their heads of state for much the same reason.
his long hair, Lord Grundy bore himself well, an im-
pressive magical ally in His Majesty’s cabinet.

I n reference to former rulers who were not native

to Corvel, Marcus addressed the assembly of no-
bles and foreign dignitaries who had turned out in
N onetheless, the only suspicious incident to
occur was the spontaneous and explosive de-
struction of a decoy coach painted in the
Royal colors. Two Corvellian turncoats of Holaf origin
were seized nearby and will answer for their crimes.
support of the late King Cedric’s brother. His Majesty was flanked by two of his elite bodyguard,
“My blood is of this land. My heart is of this land. My who followed wherever he went. Lord Grundy was
very soul belongs to Corvel and her people. In these most also never far from his liege’s side. Soldiers in Royal
trying of times, I proudly take upon myself the mantle my Army tabards were scattered throughout every crowd,
brother wore so well. And I do solemnly swear on the spirit of and although the citizens were generally kept at arms-
our forebears to reunite our kingdom, our people, our nation. distance, not one raised a cry against His Majesty or the
security measures taken.

“So let her enemies beware, and her subjects rejoice, for
Corvel has a new strength, a new sword, and a new resolve. hough some intellectuals questioned King Mar-
Once more we will be the pillar of strength in the western cus’ early adoption of the ancient title Corhar
world and a beacon of hope to our eastern allies. Once more Ri, or “High King”, the nay-sayers were out-
there will be no dispute that Corvel is aptly named. For she done by a movement among the attending provincial
is the Kingdom of Light.” representatives to expand King Marcus’ title to that of

A mong the foreign contingent were Prince

Kladis of Bachra, Duke Aaron Freye of Seris
and the deposed Queen Dierdre of Tolak.
The Tolakan monarchy has fallen to Ra’althuuk forces

A lthough Blariston has been declared clear of

Kilmoorian influence, His Majesty has none-
theless retained his current palace at Marigor
from the north, and is seeking military aid from Corvel as the center of kingdom administration.
and her allies to re-establish the former government in

Copyright © 2002 Deep7, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to print and photocopy for noncommercial use.
The Arrowflight RPG & DEEP game system is Copyright © 1997 Deep7, LLC. The world setting of Nia is Copyright © 1980 Todd Downing

Combat Skill: Haushahar 3
Combat Skill: Rogue 3
Combat Skill: Soldier 3
Athletics 4
Dance 4
Animal Husbandry 3
Awareness 7
Command 6
Diagnostics 5
Social 5
S ince the reign
of Stephen II, Lord
Grundy of Tetryal
has been a constant fix-
ture in every monarch’s
Drive 3 Streetwise 4 cabinet. The former stu-
Missile Weapon 5 Wilderness Skills 6 dent of Perin of Dragon
Ride 5 INT 3 Door (Mage Counsel to
Stealth 6 Cultural Sciences 5 the late King Flynn) and
Sail 2 Domestic Arts 4 contemporary of Lady
DEX 3 Education 6 Janna of Penbrook, Lord
Black Powder 4 Language: Ancient 6 Grundy played a key role
Craft: Jewellery 5 Language: Kilmoorian 4 in the Cathedral War of

© 2002 Steve Hartley

Play Instrument: Wind 4 Law 4 880 Post. After centuries
Repair 4 Literary Skills 5 of abuse and neglect, the
Sleight of Hand 7 Lore 7 feral elf nations had all
Thievery 4 Medicine 4 but turned completely
STR 3 Military Sciences 3 away from the affairs of
Climb 4 Natural Sciences 6 “civilized” men, and it
Endurance 5 Theoretical Sciences 5 was Grundy’s diplomatic
Swim 3 SPIRIT 3 efforts with the Caretak-
WIL 4 Devotion 2 ers of central Blaris that
Intimidation 5 MANA 6 brought a return to détente between tribal and urban
Resist 7 Theory: Combat 8 cultures in Corvel.
Theory: Illusory 5 Born in 855 Post to urban elf parents who had
Theory: Healing 5 fled racial purges under Jeffrey the Inquisitor to
settle in Tetryal, Grundy has been an effective advi-
sor and magic instructor since his appointment as
As a 95 year-old elf with decades of study, Grundy has a grimoire full of Mage Counsel along with Lady Janna in 880 Post.
spells for all occasions. Those listed below are but a small selection of his His ears are notched in solidarity with his feral
most commonly cast spells. Note that we have foregone listing the spell brethren, persecuted abroad, hunted for sport and
requirements, focusing on the effects themselves. GMs can assume Lord sold into slavery until the reign of Patrick II.
Grundy has any necessary spell components and foci on his person, and can Grundy’s father, Anders, has retired to a secluded
add any spells they wish to his repertoire (bearing in mind his three Arcane Rellianite monastery after years of public service in
Theories). Tetryal. His mother died of plague in 861 Post.
Grundy was present at the attempted coup in
SPELL NAME TYPE DIFF CAST EFFECTS Blariston last year, and was presumed dead in the
Grundy’s Meteor C 2 1 Act Red-hot flaming stone, 20yds, WR2 attack. His recent resurfacing at King Marcus’
coronation has raised many questions, not the least
Soulhawke C 2 7 Act Shimmering “hawk” seeks target, 50yds, WR4,
no dodge of which seems to be how he survived.
Membrane C 2 1 Act 20x20 membranous barrier, AV4, 1 min. duration
INIT 4 (6) SAVE 4 (6)
Greyd’n’s Wave C 4 1 Act 10x10 shimmering shockwave, 20yds, WR2 Actions 2 WOUNDS 5
Greyd’n’s Armor C 1 1 Act AV5, blue spark when hit, 1 min. duration
Soft Leathers AV2
Still N 2 1 Act Target freezes in place, 3 Action duration
Dranenmun (WA+1/WR2/DB+1/S)
Small Blink N 2 1 Act Teleports 10lbs matter within 10yds, line-of-sight Longsword (WA+1/WR3/DB0/P)
Nimbleness N 2 1 Act Increases target’s AGL by 1, 1 min. duration

Mend Limb C 3 1 Act Reattaches severed limb up to 1 hr after detach-

Grundy sports an eyepatch due to a wound suffered in
ment the Siege of Tetryal in 921 Post. The eye was re-
Demon Scream N 3 2 Act Unearthly roar swoops around target area, WR1
placed with a dwarf-carved gem that acts as a spell
Stun, 1 min. duration focus, as well as containing a rune of Protection
Myself N 1 1 Act Illusory clone, stays at target location, 20yds, 1
(constant +4 AV). GM NOTE: This is NOT common
min. duration knowledge.

Copyright © 2002 Deep7, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to print and photocopy for noncommercial use.
The Arrowflight RPG & DEEP game system is Copyright © 1997 Deep7, LLC. The world setting of Nia is Copyright © 1980 Todd Downing

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