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Licensing Design Bill Logan
BareBones™, BareBones Fantasy™ and Keranak Co-Design Larry Moore
Kingdoms™ are copyright 2012, and are trademarks of Editor Stephanie Logan
DwD Studios. These trademarks are used under the Cover Art Joe Calkins*
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Illustrations Jenna Fowler
ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0); Jeremy Mohler**
Some Rights Reserved. To view a copy of this license, Paul Slinger***
visit: Joe Calkins*
* Cerberos Illustration
Or send a letter to: Creative Commons, 444 Castro ** Fantasy Interiors #1 from Empty
Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, CA 94041, USA. For Room Studios Publishing
specific details, appropriate credits, and updates to *** Studio Companion: Mysterious
this license, please see: Places from Alea Publishing Group


About the Author

I’m an electronics and software engineer working for a solar panel manufacturer in Ohio. I am a
proud father of four great children and a husband to a lovely wife, Stephanie. In my spare time I
like to play games… lots and lots of games. You might know me from the StarFrontiersman
webzine or the design of the up-coming FrontierSpace roleplaying game. You might know me
because I built a website for you, or helped you design yours. Odds are, you probably don’t know
me at all. So allow me to introduce myself: I’m Bill Logan, a big dork and proud of it.

About DwD Studios

After several years of digitally re-mastering our favorite science-fiction game and publishing years
of issues of the free online fanzine, the Star Frontiersman, Bill Logan and Larry Moore decided it
was time to put their creative efforts together and make games, lots of games! But not just any
games, we have blended the best of the "old school" games with the best of the "new school"
games to create fresh ideas and unique products. DwD Studios creates engaging high-quality
games for all generations. Whether it’s an adventure module for your favorite role-playing game
or a new game altogether, we hope you come to love the fruits of our labor.

Table of Contents
WELCOME .......................................... 3 PANTHEON ....................................... 23
WHAT THIS PRODUCT IS .......................... 3 BEOTH ............................................... 23
WHAT THIS PRODUCT IS NOT ................... 3 DOMINAR .......................................... 23
WHAT IS TO COME ................................ 3 ELEROTH ............................................ 24
JENEK ................................................ 24
BRIEF HISTORY ................................... 4
MANGRILAR ....................................... 24
THE KINGDOMS .................................. 5 OBEDON ............................................ 25
SERENA.............................................. 25
AARIMIRA CLAVE .................................. 5
TOMAYAH .......................................... 26
BOTH.................................................. 5
YOSHIMIR........................................... 26
DUL’GATH UNDERKINGDOM ................... 6
Karis-mar .................................... 27
DUL’URICH UNDERKINGDOM .................. 6
Ray-lak ........................................ 27
EMONDRAN CLAVE ................................ 7
Urishor ........................................ 28
FAR VANDIMIR ..................................... 7
Zibal ............................................ 28
FENDRAKE ISLAND ............................... 10
GAROT’S ROCK ................................... 11 KERANAK PROVINCE ......................... 29
HIGHLAND VALLEY .............................. 11
BAYTOWN .......................................... 30
ISLE OF NETHERAK ............................... 11
BENTURAN ......................................... 30
JUNGLES OF RAVENREACH..................... 12
DURIN ............................................... 31
KAVEN’S ISLE...................................... 12
FALCONSPORT ..................................... 31
KEEPER’S ISLAND................................. 13
KINGSBRIDGE ...................................... 32
KERANAK ........................................... 13
LIGHTSPIRE ......................................... 33
LARIDIAN WASTES............................... 14
PORT KORBAN..................................... 33
LOR WARREN ..................................... 14
PRITH ................................................ 34
LOST ELVEN CLAVE .............................. 15
QUEEN'S BAY ...................................... 34
MERIDIAN STRAITS .............................. 15
QUINSTOWN....................................... 35
NORTHWATERS................................... 15
RHIM ................................................ 36
NYSLE ............................................... 15
RINSIK ............................................... 37
ROSETHORN MARSH ............................ 38
REINARIS BARONY ............................... 16
SEEKERTON......................................... 39
ROCK POINTE ..................................... 17
TENKAR ............................................. 40
RUE WARREN..................................... 17
THE KRAAG......................................... 40
SEA OF STONES ................................... 18
THORN KEEP ....................................... 41
SEVENSTONE ISLANDS .......................... 18
WAYLORD'S STEAD .............................. 42
SHIELDING WALL ................................ 19
SOUTHWATERS ................................... 19 ADVENTURES .................................... 44
STAVENGAARD PROVINCE ..................... 19
HIGH SEAS AND BLUE HERONS ............... 44
TARKONIAN SEA.................................. 20
THE TOWERS OF QUINSTOWN ................ 45
TIDEWATER BAY ................................. 20
THE REDHAWK PROPHECY ..................... 47
VALE OF LOST SOULS ........................... 21
TERROR BENEATH THE RHIM .................. 49
VALE OF SHADOWS ............................. 21
WESTERN REACHES ............................. 21 APPENDIX ......................................... 51
WYLDE.............................................. 22
INDEX ............................................... 53

Welcome …to the kingdoms!

The Keranak Kingdoms are a collection of many provinces, all

of which were once independently ruled by various types of
leaders. They comprise a land mass which stretches over a
hundred leagues from coast to coast in any direction you
walk. It is a rich land full of mountain peaks, forests, plains, tundra, desert, and hills. It is
temperate and fertile, and populated by many races.
These collections of provinces were once all independent and later bound together into
one grand kingdom and governed as one (though the northern lands were a bit less
civilized than those of the south). This kingdom has fallen in the recent past, and the
scattered provinces are in disarray. Many people call themselves “king” today – and
each has some type of claim to the throne. This is a story whose ending is not yet
written. The pen of destiny awaits the actions of new heroes in order to scribe its
continuing tale of intrigue and adventure.

What this product is

This setting was designed to be very broad brush-stroke. It is a map and a collection of
explanations on a very high level. Reading the descriptions of the people, places,
religions, and customs should invoke your imagination and lead you down a path of great
storytelling for the adventures you’ll create.
This setting is also high-level for another reason: players should be able to read the
information contained in this book (except perhaps the Adventures chapter). The level
of understanding represents the general knowledge one would possess simply by living in
such a world. Players should be permitted to reference this book during game play.

What this product is not

This book will not go into extreme detail on anything. That is a strength, not a weakness.
Nothing can replace the imagination of a human mind, and it would be foolish to try to
spell out every last detail. Who could remember all that? So this book is not an atlas,
nor is it a gazetteer. It is not an encyclopedia, nor is it a personal accounting of a place.
It is a framework for imagination.

What is to come
Future supplements may violate this tenet to some degree. Increased detail may be
given in supplements, distributed on their own or within the pages of a quarterly
publication. There is a lot of detail in the Kingdoms, most of which is yet to be

Brief History
from giants to gods to the time of man…

Long ago, before the gods were banished from the realm but after they exiled the giants
to the islands beyond the Northwaters, they crafted the Ruling Crown: a silver circlet set
with nine stones. This was a gift to the races of the realm who would inherit the lands
they freed from these tyrants. The gods chose the bearer, and he was blessed with
wisdom and justice and was bound to the people through a force of duty. The Ruling
Crown could only be passed from father to son, and so the family to bear the burden and
honor of the crown was chosen carefully.
For generations the kingdom was united under the Keranak family line, keepers of the
Ruling Crown. When King Rahvan Keranak III died without an heir, there was much
conflict in the land. This sparked the time known as the War of Possession, where every
elven clave, halfling warren, dwarven underkingdom, and human barony and duchy
claimed some right to ascension.
It was during the last moments of the Battle at Kingsbridge, when the lords of the realm
stood with weapons drawn in the very throne room of the former Keranak Kingdom that
the knights of the Order of the Rose finally took matters into their own hands. Keeping
the lords at bay with sword and shield, their high general seized the crown and spoke
words of power taught in secrecy to him during his knightly coronation. The crown was
banished from this land, and only the council of the Order of the Rose can call it back
when they deem someone is worthy to bear the crown again.
The realm still knows much conflict. Tension exists between the lords of the realm, yet
their quarrels no longer take place on the battlefield. Each lord fears and respects the
Order of the Rose, thus they rule their province in a manner that doesn’t draw unwanted
attention. The giants beyond the Northwaters
Decahedron Webzine have begun to stir up trouble. Knowing the
gods are not here to protect the realm or its
This setting is designed for the people, and seeing the people divided and
BareBones Fantasy role-playing bickering, the giants plan their return. Already
game by DwD Studios. However, the Highland Valley holds a stronghold to these
the concepts and ideas embrace brutes.
classic elements of much fantasy
literature. You may wish to use The knights of the Order of the Rose have
this setting with other fantasy role- begun to prepare for this threat, and so thieves
playing games. If you like the and highwaymen have begun to take
broad brush-stroke approach given advantage of the knights’ absence. Some of
to this setting, then you’ll enjoy the lords of the realm have begun to quarrel
subscribing to the Decahedron more overtly, and their spies stalk ever more
Webzine (release date to be boldly in the shadows of the great palaces of
announced), which expands on this the lands.
setting in every issue.

The Kingdoms
an overview of the kingdoms in which we live.

Although the king is dead, all of the lands

shown on the map (except the wilds of the Claves, Warrens,
Jungles of Ravenreach) are a part of a single and Underkingdoms
kingdom (often collectively called “the
Claves are the name of elven
kingdoms”). The term “Keranak Kingdoms”
provinces in the kingdoms. Their
refers to all the lands collectively. The
Keranak province (located in the southern government types may vary (most
have hereditary ruling family
land mass) is the capital seat of power for the
monarchs) but they are always
kingdom. The two should not be confused.
similar in form. The elves build
Aarimira Clave their societies into the forests and
their construction is built of nature
High elves of Anon rule here. They built
itself, rather than at the expense of
bridges connecting most of the clave that span
it. You will not find brick or mortar
tens of miles and are supported at intervals by in an elven clave. Describe claves
richwood trees that grow hundreds of feet as amazing places of fantasy
into the air. The Aarimira elf-lord often travels
by pegasus to visit the Emondran Clave across
the Shielding Wall. Warrens are the name of the
The elves here are taller than most, with homes of the halflings in the
broad shoulders. They tend to have light kingdoms. They are villages built
brown to golden hair and light colored eyes. into the hillsides, with pathway
They often tie long hair back on their heads tunnels which interconnect the
(both genders). businesses and homes within the
hills. They are places of great
Individual towns within the clave are ruled by comfort and hospitality where
elder councils (the seven eldest permanent meals are eaten in community
residents in the settlement), and these elders feasts. Describe warrens as homey
select a representative to travel to the capital and welcoming.
city called Anon-Tor, where the Elf Lord (the
ruler of the clan) holds large counsel on the Underkingdoms are where the
first day of autumn. dwarves live. They are vast
mountain cities built into caverns,
Both consisting of both constructed
Both is an enchanted forest, the dwelling of buildings on cobblestone streets
pixies and satyr folk. Travelers are welcome to and tunneled building complexes
rest and recuperate but are warned not to dug into the earth itself. Vast
travel too deep into the forest. It is rumored tunnels connect the cavern cities,
the trees are alive and hold grudges against and connect the provinces which
those who chop down wood for fires. border the underkingdoms.

A group of dissidents of the Reinaris Barony have chosen to flee their indentured lives
and dwell here. Although non-violent, they love their freedom and will fight to defend it.
The Baron’s men won’t go into the forest in fear of the enchanted beings who dwell
there, so these rebels swell in number. When they grow bold enough, they raid wealthy
land owners and take what they need to survive, liberating other indentured servants in
the process.

Dul’Gath Underkingdom
Supplying the surrounding area with copper, tin and other utility metals, Dul-Gath is
famed for its city spires cut from the tallest mountain peaks. Despite the beauty of these
spires, more than nine tenths of their size exists under the mountains, where the
Dul’Gath dwarves dwell and toil for the greater good.

The dwarves of Dul’Gath tend to have reddish beards and green eyes. They dress in
plaids and stripes, and often wear their beards braided. They herd sheep and other
livestock on the mountainside, while they mine their metals deep in the mountain’s

The Dul’Gath ruler has taken up the title of King once more (since the death of the
Keranak line) but claims they’re an independent kingdom rather than claiming some right
to rule all the kingdoms. The current ruler is Underking Boran Broffin IV, whose family
has ruled for over a century.

The metal merchants of Dul’Gath make the kingdom rich through sale of their metals,
while the militant Red Guard keep the mountain safe for both travelers and residents.
Dul’Gath is one of the only places in the kingdom who mint their own coins, but they
make them the same way the coins are minted in Kingsbridge so that merchants can use
the two currencies equally.

Dul’Urich Underkingdom
Under these mountains is a vast dwarven kingdom, a fantastic land of dwarf cities and
settlements interconnected by long tunnel roads. Creatures of shadow dwell beneath the
mountain as well, and the Dul’Urich dwarves keep them from plaguing the lands.

Over the years, the Dul’Urich Underkingdom has become a way to travel from one
province to another, using their underground tunnels. Dwarf cities exist along the way,
carved into the walls of great caverns. Taxing this travel has become a source of income
for the cities of these mountains.

The Dul’Urich dwarves have dark-colored hair and beards kept short, though the current
generation has taken to growing their hair long and tying it back into topknots and
ponytails. They tend to wear neutral colors, grays, browns and greens.

Their military (known as The Watch) also serves as town guard, and patrol the great
tunnel roads to keep them clear of annoying creatures which oft find their way here from
caverns dark and deep.

The ruler of this land is King Dul’Urich (it is tradition to take this as a new name when
crowned as king, though this particular king has cast off the first part of the more
traditional “Underking Dul’Urich”).

Due to the number of travelers using these mountains as passage and safety, the gate
cities are very highly populated and contain representatives from every race.

Emondran Clave
This is the home of a reclusive, secretive society of high elves. Not much is known of this
area, seldom do people return from their forests. Far Vandimir ships often pass the
mighty galleons of the Emondran Clave, but no one knows their destination or purpose.
The High Lord of the Aarimira Clave visits here at times, but keeps the results of his
meetings to himself.

The elves of this land have metallic hair colors (copper, silver, gold) kept long and never
tied back or braided. Some have hair to their waists. They tend to have unusual eye
colors such as amber, pale blue, and emerald. Emondran elves don’t speak much when
such an elf leaves the Clave, but when they do it is often with some level of mysterious

Far Vandimir Land of Mystery

This is an exotic and distant land rich in silks,
furs, and all manner of spices and jewels. Far Vandimir is an exotic locale
Merchants from this area travel the realm by that players should see as distant
both ship and wagon to trade their wares. and mysterious. Use it in your
Slavery is both accepted and common here, stories as an enigmatic place full of
sold alongside cloths and foodstuff. riches and the unknown.

Far Vandimir (as it is called by non-residents; locals just call it Vandimir) is a hagiocracy,
similar to a caliphate, though not quite a theocracy. The government is comprised of an
elected Holiarch, whose role in both local religion and politics is indisputable, and a
counsel of 32 appointed Viziers. Although their obscure religion bears no resemblance to
the pantheon of the rest of the kingdoms, it does not preclude interaction with other
faiths (though some extremist groups believe otherwise) nor does it force religion on the
masses (many are atheists or believers in the faiths of the rest of the kingdoms). It is not
the religious leadership that interfaces with people of the rest of the kingdoms; it is the
vastly wealthy merchant princes – nobles all – who take the riches of Vandimir to all.

When the kingdoms were united under one king, Far Vandimir’s Holiarch bowed his knee
to the political and military power of King Keranak in exchange for a certain level of
economic, religious, and independent freedoms not present in the rest of the kingdoms.
Far Vandimir mints its own currency but accepts gold from anywhere. The coins of Far
Vandimir are larger and of thicker metal, worth five times what a keranak coin is worth.

The people here are dark of skin and hair and they tend to wear loose-fitting robes,
cloaks, wraps and clothes. Both genders adorn themselves with jewelry and darken the
edges of their eyes with inks. It is not uncommon for Vandimirian youths to leave their
lands to travel the rest of the kingdoms, seeking their own fortune and destiny.

Fendrake Island Fendrakean Prophecy
This is the ancestral home to a noble family GAMEMASTER TIPS
line claiming lineage all the way back to the One interesting idea is for players
gods who once walked the realm. It is to play Fendrakes. You can include
natural that Lord Oman Fendrake holds a a prophecy believed by the noble
very strong claim to the throne of all the family:
“When the gods are gone and the
The Fendrake claim to divine bloodline is crown has failed mankind, all will
questionable, but it is impossible to deny look to the sons and daughters of
that there is something special about this Fendrake, but where these
noble family. Each is amazing in some way. godlings go only pain and suffering
Lady Volanari Fendrake is supernaturally follow. When everything else has
strong, while her twin brother Lord Volanus betrayed mankind, it is these
Fendrake is supernaturally fast. The aim of mighty divine-blooded who must
the young Lord Xavius Fendrake is legendary; tread the thrones of Keranak.”
he has never lost a tournament and his
arrows know only a bull’s eye. Despite all of It would be fun coming up with the
these talents, however, their despot lifestyles divine-blood powers and gifts each
and self-important vanities precludes them character possesses!
from consideration for the throne – though
of course they don’t think so.

The people of Fendrake Island are hardworking and live very free lives. The ruling family
doesn’t get involved in day-to-day activities of the working class (too busy with their own
lives) and taxes them fairly (there is more than enough gold in the coffers to manage
defense and debauchery).

Garot’s Rock
The famous pirate, Garot Blackheart, was hung here when caught by agents of King
Kenarak. The island is said to be haunted by the dread pirate and his ghostly crew. This
doesn’t seem to scare away the native islanders here, but it does prevent people from
bringing their civilized ways to these natives. Although the ships of the final battle
against Blackheart can be found at the bottom of the shallow waters here, few dare to
try to loot them due to the spirits of the pirates who seem bound to them and defend
them even in their death.

Highlander Religion
Highland Valley
GAMEMASTER TIPS This is a cold northern region populated by
People of the Highland Valley are nomadic clans who migrate with various
tribal or nomadic. They believe in native animals. This is the location of
different gods or aspects of nature Steepreach Keep (first stronghold of the
(sea, tundra, wind’s howl, etc.). return of the giants to the realm).

They believe each man has an animal The sturdy men and women of the Highland
spirit and once learned they adorn Valley (called Highlanders) have dark hair and
themselves in aspects of that totem, olive complexions, but have a wide array of
believing it gives them spiritual eye color. They are humans, though a bit
power. Whether or not this is true taller than average. They wear furs of the
depends on you. animals they hunt. They believe life is short
and all experiences life offers are good for
the soul.

There is no central government here. No patrols keep the roads safe – there aren’t even
many roads. Scattered tundra is broken up by occasional copse of evergreen and
crabgrass, while hills roll along the horizon. Occasional ruined castles and keeps can be
found here and there, often populated by tribes or humanoid creatures. These are
remnants of a civilization long gone. Some say the Highland people are descendants of a
once proud and able civilization whose time was over long ago.

Isle of Netherak
These mucus-covered island hills are the known breeding grounds of hydras who return
once each summer to mate. Lizardmen dwell here, living off the sea and hunting young
hydra during mating season.

Surrounded by the Tarkonian Sea and consisting mostly of rolling hills and scattered
trees, the isle appears welcoming to unaware passersby who might stop to resupply or
conduct ship repairs. But the lizardmen seem to come out of nowhere and are
numerous. Some ancient texts say Netherak used to be a halfling warren called Nethe,
which sustained some type of collateral damage from whatever destroyed the Lost Elven
Clave to the north. Perhaps the lizardmen use the remnants of these warrens as their

Jungles of
Buried Treasures
It is said that the birth of unicorns sucked While adventuring, players might
all goodness from these lands. Left behind come into possession of maps to lost
is a hot, humid, bothersome place full of treasures. They might find such maps
goblins, insects, huge spiders, and other in dungeons dank and deep, or might
woeful beasts. Ruins full of untold riches scavenge them off a dead explorer
litter the landscape, even within view of who handled a trap poorly and
those who sail past on the Tarkonian Sea. became its next victim.

There have been many successful raids on Placing a buried treasure horde on
ruins in this region. Adventurous souls the shores of the Jungles of
willing to risk their lives in search of fame Ravenreach provides an opportunity
and glory oft come here. Sometimes they for the players to drive their own
return rich, sometimes they return missing adventure, instead of falling into
limbs and forever changed. Sometimes whatever adventure you have
they don’t come back at all. planned.

Natives of these jungles exist, but mostly They might have to deal with
seem cowardly and superstitious. Some Tarkonian Raiders on the way,
travelers here have reported working with natives when they arrive, and let’s
the natives on their expeditions. There not forget the many dangers that
are a few reports of cannibal natives as come with a wild, untamed, fantasy
well – though this claim is not yet jungle: giant spiders, huge flying
substantiated. insects, snakes, lizards, great cats,
and maybe even the undead
protectors of the buried treasure!

Kaven’s Isle
Here are beautiful rock formations and exotic mineral deposits. Ancient unknown ruins
of a race of astronomers famed for far-seeing technological wonders dot the landscape.

This isle was named for its founder, Byrin Kaven. He was an explorer who wrote poems
about the place he visited, many of which became bard songs riddled with hard-to-
believe embellishments about Kaven’s heroism. One such song states that he came upon
one of these far-seeing technological wonders and viewed a battle between Beoth and
Dominar over the soul of one of Beoth’s favorite followers. The song states that when
the gods noticed he was watching, they summoned him to them and agreed to exchange
his soul for the one Beoth wanted saved. The song states that Kaven outwitted the two
gods and ended up returning to the kingdoms in the body of Beoth’s follower, and never
found his own body again.

Keeper’s Island
Here is a large eastern port which supplies the realm with fresh, exotic seafood. The
island is famed for its lighthouses and statuary. The residents of Keeper’s Island are
mostly fishermen and all came here by choice (the island had no native population a few
centuries ago), though the island has become a place where sculptors and masons come
to exchange ideas, techniques, and materials. The lighthouses have become famous,
possessing great columns and ornate
carvings and statues.
Start Here?

This is the land of the ruling family of While all of the provinces of the kingdom
the kingdom. Its capital (Kingsbridge) contain ample concepts for a great
is a marvel of architecture; easily the starting campaign, why not start where
highest populated city in the kingdom. the kingdom fell? The lands of the
Many cities conduct trade and Keranak Province are a testament to its
commerce here. Peace is maintained former glory, and the ruling family still
by the knights of the Order of the tries to cling to what power they
Rose (from their base at Thorn Keep, a possessed. Perhaps the campaign can
few days ride from most cities). center on characters who are relatives of
Despite the ruling family losing its the family line? Or maybe they are
crown, economic decisions and searching for a proper heir, working for
matters of judicial importance are still (or against) the Order of the Rose.
reviewed by Lady Maran Keranak
If you want to start your campaign in the
(whose title of Queen was lost with
Keranak Province (or move it here once
the death of her husband). Some
it’s begun) see page 29.
people blame the Lady Keranak for

the end of the family’s rule; after all she bore no children for her king… and who would
blame a king from a divinely-chosen bloodline of impotence? Despite these accusations,
she soldiers on and tries to serve the memory of her late husband proudly.

Laridian Wastes Armor in the

This is a vast, harsh desert where harpies Laridian Wastes
and hellhounds roam unchecked. A few GAMEMASTER TIPS
scattered oases rich in water and gold can The published adventure module,
be found. This region is famed for Laridian Soul’s Reach, is set along the western
steel, whose construction is held secret by edge of the Laridian Wasts, and
the ironforgers of these lands. characters can find themselves lost
there if not careful. Within that
The Laridian natives are very desert-wise, adventure, rules are provided for
knowing how to draw water from this people foolish enough to travel
place. They travel at night and rest in around the desert wastes in full
shade during the day. They wear loose- armor.
fitting clothes of very light-weight cloth,
though they carry blankets for the night Since this is a book of concepts and
because the temperature drops information, no game mechanics are
considerably in absence of the sun. appropriate here, but suffice it to say
Despite the lack of centralized that any character who wishes to
government, the people who choose to travel in armor must do so at his own
live in this harsh place do so in a fairly peril. Exhaustion awaits such a
civilized manner. Although the wilds foolish man, unless twice the amount
between the villages, towns, and cities are of water is consumed to stave off the
dangerous indeed, the settlements fatigue that awaits.
themselves are fairly safe and well-
protected. And don’t forget that horses are not
designed for such travel; camels are
It should be noted that humans are the the mount of choice. Let players
dominant population, but most races learn these things the hard way.
maintain some presence here.

Lor Warren
This is an eastern halfling island paradise. Despite its northern location, hot springs keep
it temperate and inviting to outsiders. This place is known for Lorwine (a pleasant
popular beverage) which can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic depending on how it is made.

The halflings who dwell here do not allow their villages to grow any larger than 200
people. This has been a tradition among their kind for hundreds of years. Therefore
there is no large city but instead a collection of many villages, each like a single
community family. The halflings here name themselves according to their village (for
instance, Renwin Rookshire is from Rookshire). They have nicknames for members of
each village (for instance, someone from Rookshire is called a “rook”). Each village
maintains various relationships with others, and this creates a complex social situation at

Lost Elven Clave
This was once a sprawling clave of elves whose arrogance mocked the gods. A great
curse was beset upon this place, scattering them into shattered fragments of their once-
proud culture. Wild dark elves roam here now, staking claim over spiraling city ruins.

The ruins in this forest are unusual as far as elven nations go. Rather than building their
structures of the natural forest itself, these buildings were built up from what seems like
stone. The stone has no connective mortar or signs of tooling, and may possibly have
been built using transformative magic.

Although all the upper levels of the ruins have been pilfered through, there exists a
multitude of underground levels which climb ever deeper into the sea. These lower ruins
may contain secrets explaining why the elves were punished, scattered, and cursed.

Meridian Straits The Wreck of the

This stretch of sea is riddled with reefs, but Demure Damsel
well-known and shared routes exist to GAMEMASTER TIPS
allow merchants to sail from Far Vandimir Over a hundred years ago, a huge six-
and raiders to sail north to the Western mast sailing vessel set sail from the
Reaches. Sunken ships may hold wealth or docks of one of the cities of Far
secrets of times long ago. Vandimir on a course for the Plains of
the Griffon Lords. This was to be the
Connecting the Plains of the Griffon Lords largest merchant ship ever built.
to the maddened sorcerer kings of the During its maiden voyage it
Western Reaches to the merchant fleets of disappeared somewhere in the
Far Vandimir, these waters are often full of Miridian Straits, taking its crew and
ships. The traffic stays on the eastern over 5,000 Vandimir-minted gold
portion of the straits, however, because coins with it. This mystery has never
sailors do not wish to be too close to the been solved nor has the treasure
Lost Elven Clave when the sun goes down. been recovered.

The cold waters that divide the realm from the giants exiled to the north. Sea serpents
can sometimes be seen skimming the surface, threatening the ships of those who have
tried to sale northward.

This is an inactive volcano surrounded by magnetic stones. It is rumored to be riddled
with caves and crevasses reaching well beneath sea level. Two hundred settlers came
here in the distant past and tried to colonize. They found the soil inhospitable and the
large insects carried disease. The colony spent a single year here and the population
halved. Finally, they decided to leave and found that something had taken a bite out of
their ship. They eventually flagged down a fishing ship heading back to Keeper’s Island
and were rescued, though the two hundred settlers had been reduced to a mere fifty

Plains of the What are
Griffon Lords?
This is the homeland of a proud race Are the Griffon Lords humans? Are
claiming dominion over the air. Their they elves? Are they something
province is far removed from the rest of the unique? Do they worship griffons, do
lands, and it is difficult to understand their they ride them, or is the ruling family
culture. They trade with other lands by sea, simply named “Griffon?”
and their cities rise so high into the sky that
they cannot be fully seen from the ground This section of the map is wild, far
(there are heavy winter mists ever-present removed from the more civilized
this far north). south. It has an ever-present chill
and mists high above mask visibility
This land is plagued by bugbears and orcs from eyes on the ground. The plains
who have carved out a loosely organized are very close to the Highland Valley,
existence in regions far away from the cities where strange natives with strange
of the Griffon Lords. These orc and bugbear religions live, but otherwise it has no
holdings do not trade with others, not even real neighbors. It is a mystery
with one another. designed for a creative gamemaster
to play with, mold, and use.
Reinaris Barony
This is a fairly typical medieval barony ruled by the Reinar family. Only nobles are
permitted to own land here, and commoners are often found indentured to land owners
(as servants, not slaves). The people of this land tend to be fair of hair and complexion.
They tend to be a bit on the thin side (unless wealthy) and work hard for what they have.

Baron Reinaris is a distant relative to the dead King Keranak, and many encourage him to
stake a claim for the throne. He says he is not interested, that the mantle of baron is
heavy enough, but it appears he maneuvers for the throne behind-the-scenes. Although
this is fairly common knowledge, he will not openly state these intentions.

The Templars of the Church of the One are found here, whose efforts to seek out evil
often border on oppression. They have recently begun declaring indentured servitude as
“evil” and are pushing to get the policy changed and people paid for their work. This has

caused a large number of people to Church of the One
become bold, and they band together in GAMEMASTER TIPS
the Both forest and raid wealthy land There are many religions in the
owners for supplies. Despite the fact that kingdoms. There is the pantheon of
most nobles treat their indentures quite gods depicted starting on page 23.
well, this issue over human liberty has There are the strange spirit animal
become hot lately and soon the Baron will faiths of the Highlanders. There is
have to respond. The rest of the kingdoms even the strange and mysterious
wait to see how he’ll rule, including the religion of Far Vandimir. There is also
Church of the One. the Church of the One, a faith that
believes in… what?
Rock Pointe
The Church of the One can be as big
This is the known location of Stornhall, a
or small as you wish. Use it as a
monastery of mysterious earth mages.
monotheistic religion, or maybe one
The island itself rises up over twenty feet which preaches secular goodness and
from sea level in a straight cliff wall. The honorable purity. Make it a villainous
monastery sits high atop a great hill in the inquisition, or a benign benefactor of
center of the plateau atop these cliffs. aid, healing, and missions. It is meant
Reaching the monastery is a challenge as a tool for you to mold in the
which includes anchoring far offshore, stories you’ll tell in this setting.
boating to the cliff, and climbing. If a
visitor falls, the sharp rocks at the bottom
will be clean of his remains in a few minutes, since the waters beat the rocks hard and
spray water higher than a man’s height. Due to these natural defenses, Rock Pointe (and
Stornhall, its only occupied settlement) needs no defensive force.

But who would attack such a place anyway? The earth mages of Stornhall are powerful,
and they work their magics to do amazing things with the earth itself. It is said that a
Stornhall Earth Mage can level a city, can open a rift beneath the mightiest fortress, or
can raise a castle of pure worked stone where none stood only moments before. Of
course, this may also be rumors.

Rue Warren
This is a vast network of halfling warrens stretching for miles. Some of the larger warrens
are interconnected by tunnels filled with ever-glow moss and eatable chocrooms.

The halflings of Rue Warren are traditional: plump-bellied, happy, and content with
comforts of family and home. They tend not to adventure (though a few exceptions have
existed over the years). They are clan-based, with family clans sometimes taking up an
entire village or town, though typically a few clans are present in any given locale.

Rue Warren is also a place of many small lakes wherein the ever-glow moss is harvested
and later transported to their tunnels (moss farming is a respectable profession).
Standing at night on the shore of a lake set alight with this glowing moss is a comfort
anyone would enjoy, and many come here to shake off the stressors of their homelands
and relax.

Sea of Stones
This is a calm and fairly shallow sea, said to be made from the teardrop of Eleroth just
before he was banished from the realm. It is a very busy area, full of ships ferrying goods
and people all around the inner coasts. The Sea of Stones holds no tradewinds, being
surrounded on all sides by land mass and therefore travel is easy and transport times are

Before his death, King Keranak spearheaded a campaign to wipe the Sea of Stones of all
pirate content. He was successful in his efforts, but several of the ship’s captains to
which he offered letters of marque to fight these pirates without legal concerns have
taken to piracy themselves now that the king is dead. Although unorganized, these
pirates do pose an occasional threat to merchants who travel too close to the
Sevenstone Islands and specifically Port Blackheart.

Sevenstone Islands
Each of these islands is ruled by its own lord, with several villages and towns on its
coasts. The easternmost of these is Eyslantha, an island with a single free city (Port
Blackheart) ruled by cutthroats and ruffians.

The islands are close enough that great stone bridges are built to connect them. They
arch high enough that small boats can travel beneath them. The waters which run
between the Sevenstone Islands is so calm that people traverse them with small row
boats. Other than Eyslantha, the islands are populated by farmers and craftsmen of all
types. Most of the islands are covered with plains and light woods.

Shielding Wall Shielding Dwarves
This is a high mountain range which
separates the lower, more settled lands There are many reasons a dwarf of
from the northern, less settled ones. Scouts the Shielding Wall might leave the
who learn of passes through this place mountain kingdom and adventure.
(there are a few) can earn a hefty coin Characters wanting to play a very
selling that knowledge to merchants from strong, very solemn character can
Far Vandimir or Keranak. consider playing such a dwarf. They
tend to have no sense of humor and
The dwarves of the Shielding Wall take their feel protective over whoever they are
lives very seriously. There are creatures with at all times, though like a stern
beneath the peaks which are better left father who warns his children too
unseen by most, who would live in terror if many times they can sometimes be a
they knew these creatures existed. The little dour.
Shielding Dwarves remove their hair (both
upon their heads and their beards as well) and are a dark stony color. Their muscular
bodies are accustomed to hard work, as they train steadily to continue their defense of
the rest of the kingdoms.

The Shielding Dwarves won’t allow foreigners to use their tunnels for passage unless the
need is dire. Too many innocent people in the mountain is very luring to the creatures
which dwell beneath.

This is a large divide between the kingdoms and the south lands ruled by unmentionable
beasts of renown. Great sea storms occasionally hit the southern and eastern shores of
the land, swept in by the tides. Rough seas prevent casual sailing too far to the south or

The return of Stavengaard

King Stavengaard
The current status of the province is This province is not ruled by a single man
one whose benevolence borders on but by a council comprised of a
apology. The sins of the past are representative from each of the free
nearly forgiven, and few (if any) cities. More like a collection of many
blame the current generation for the minor city states, the Stavengaard
empire-building tyranny of the last. Province nonetheless maintains a sizable
But what if the long-dead King protective army. There is less of a divide
Stavengaard had an heir, secluded in between the wealthy and the poor, and
secrecy, who plotted for the return of most citizens enjoy a comfort unknown in
the glory of his land? Such a story other lands.
could lead to a setting beset by war,
intrigue, and danger. Without the Long ago, Stavengaard was a kingdom
Ruling Crown to unite the kingdoms, ruled by a monarch whose desire for
it might be the player characters who power was the cause of an epic war that
rise to make a difference. raged across the land. When the gods

chose the Keranak family to rule, the first king used the influence of the Ruling Crown to
unite the armies against Stavengaard and put an end to his tyranny. Since then, the
collection of free cities has risen in the place of the once mighty kingdom.

Stavengaard has taken on the responsibility of patrolling the entrance to the Sea of
Stones. Nobody has asked them to do this, and they do not charge for the service.
Recently, the Council of Free Cities of Stavengaard has issued a decree that unless other
provinces and kingdoms start patrolling the inner Sea of Stones for pirates, they will
rescind their protection of that sea’s entrance.

Tarkonian Sea
These waters are very clear and smooth, holding few dangers to travelers other than
Tarkonian Raiders, an enigmatic tribe of humans who live at sea and are rarely seen.

Legends speak of a city in the sea, constructed of old ships lashed and bolted together.
The city is called Tarkonia and is the reason for the name of the sea. As captains retire,
some buy a small ship and set sail for this distant place in hopes that it is not a myth and
that they can spend their last days among others like them, to share tales of the sea.

Tidewater Bay
This is a large delta where several rivers deposit rich soil. The soil is gathered and shipped
by land and sea across the realm. Lor Warren halflings covet the soil to grow wheat for
their infamous Lorwine.

The region directly to the east of the Dul’Gath Underkingdom is known as TenRivers. It is
a collection of towns residing on a series of deltas created by a network of no less than
ten rivers which drain moisture from the mountains and dump it all into the Tidewater

Bay. The townsfolk here enjoy a free lifestyle (similar to the freedom enjoyed by the city
states of the Stavengaard Province) with no ruler higher than a mayor to lord over them.
Although these towns rose during the rule of the Keranak Kingdom, their growth was not
impeded by the king in any way. Some declared he was showing favoritism to this place,
but for reasons he never revealed.

Vale of Lost Souls

The gods carved a section of the mountains away with a fiery rock hurled from the
heavens, leaving behind a bowl-shaped region with high cliffs on all sides. Dominar
himself set this land aside to be the earthly prison for the souls of the wicked and
condemned. They roam this deep canyon as ghosts held prisoner by a legion of pegasus

Stories have been told of heroes in times of great need travelling to the vale and kneeling
in faith. Tormented by the madness of the condemned souls, the hero waits. If the
madness claims him, he wanders into the vale’s heart and is lost forever. If he is strong,
his courage is rewarded by a pegasus who offers him a service lasting no more than
seven years before the beast must return to its eternal vigilance. Unfortunately, this
practice is dangerous since most heroes sent a many of these powerful souls here in the
first place.

Vale of Shadows Valelings

Light seldom touches this ominous valley. It is
said to be home to reclusive, powerful beings The Vale of Shadow may once
whose magic fouls the landscape. The have been a halfling warren.
evergreen trees hold no needles; the grass Many hills can be found within
does not grow despite the eternal overcast these dark lands filled with old
skies and wet soil. The only thing which rotting furniture and remnants of
grows here is fungus and mold, clinging to comfort. Some say that the
nearly everything. Some claim a dragon shadow stalkers who dwell here
driven to madness at the loss of its mate were once the halflings from these
dwells here, sleeping in the vale, and his old hillside homes. Some ancient
anger and rage seeps from his dreams, texts give evidence to this theory
corrupting the land. Others claim it is a place by referring to shadow stalkers as
where shadow stalkers dwell, deep in the “Valelings.”
center of an obsidian tower, bound by
Legends state that the obsidian
wizards of long ago. Still others simply say
tower in which the shadow
this is the place where nightmares originate
stalkers dwell is a prison which
and that coming here is inviting darkness into
keeps the bodies of these halflings
your soul.
alive – if tortured and twisted –
and their sorrowful spirits give life
Western Reaches to the shadow stalkers.
Sorcerer kings of long ago damaged these
lands in their attempts to unlock the powerful If this is true then who would build
magic of creation itself. Today it is a place such a thing? What is it for? Why
where time and distance stretch and warp. is nobody doing anything about it?
Several magical creatures are attracted to this
place. The sorcerer kings today still rule over their cities, maddened by the damage they
wrought on the land and its people. They still try to maintain their cities and trade with
others (especially Far Vandimir, who seems to have little trouble dealing with insane

This northern evergreen forest is too untamed for even the elven lords to claim. It is
rumored to be infested with foul creatures in service to a dragon. There are some
natives here of elven descent who live like northern tribesmen, living off the land and
defending their winterfrost evergreen ancestral homes.

There is also rumored to live here a proud race of intelligent bears called the Quathi.
Strong of body and spirit, Quathi shamans can be sought for knowledge if someone is
brave enough to try to survive the voyage to get there. The Quathi speak an old form of
bugbear, though their leaders and shamans seem to be able to speak telepathically in a
manner which doesn’t require a specific language.

banished but not powerless!

The gods of the Keranak Kingdom once walked among men, but were banished long ago
by the dragon high lords. They are still honored throughout the lands. There are
prayers, hymnals, shrines, churches, and monasteries located all throughout the
kingdoms. Despite being banished, the gods still can reach the lands of man with their
divine powers, and may even answer the prayers of the faithful.

Beoth is the god of the hunt, shadows, and finding
one’s way. He is often called Pathmaster,
Shadowgiver, and Duskwalker. His symbol is the
silhouette of a stag, branded into hard wood,
typically worn as a pendant around the neck.

Beoth was said to have been created of the stuff of

shadow and darkness, but he is not an evil deity. He
is sought for signs and portents when someone has
lost their way, or is seeking a path to a specific goal
that seems unattainable. He is said to be adorned in
the blackest leathers ripped from the hide of a
dragon high lord, and holds dominion over a domain
of eternal cycles of dusk and dawn.

Dominar is the keeper of the dead, hunter of lost souls.
He is often called Avenger, Keeper, or The Dead Lord. He
created pegasi to keep watch over the condemned souls
of the wicked who dwell in the Vale of Lost Souls and is
considered the patron deity of that species. His symbol is
a white skull. It can be found enameled, embroidered,
painted, or as a pendant by all manner of followers.

Dominar is depicted as a tall being with four arms, able to

pull back and fire two great redwood longbows to fire
arrows of instant death at mortals whose time has come.
He has been known to cut a deal now and then, to fire his
twin bows of slaying and miss, only to vow to return
another day to finish the task.

Eleroth is the god of the sea, wrath, and of secrets dark
and deep. He is often called King of the Deep, Lord of
the Sea, and The Tempest. Eleroth’s symbol is a silver
wave on a polished stone, often worn on bracers or
vestments (seldom on necklaces).

Eleroth’s mysteries are as many as the sea’s itself, and it

is said he sits on a throne of shale and reefs and wears a
cowl of brine and froth from his home plane, where
mermaids sing him praises and water elementals know
great lordly power. His divine assistance is sought by
sailors and fishermen, as well as anyone seeking answers
to hidden secrets or retribution from past slights.

Jenek is the goddess of the moon and silver. She is one
of the two patron deities of halflings. She is often called
Lady Luna, Dreamwalker, and Nightbringer. Her symbol
is a silver crescent moon on a bracelet or armband.

Jenek is an unusual deity; she is often depicted as a small

floating light, lacking physical form. Other times she is
depicted as a Halfling woman with silver eyes and hair
whose lower body disappears into the night. On her
home plane she dwells in a physical female Halfling form
in a hall of silver, seated on a throne of moonstone and
attended by small floating balls of light. She is sought by
those who seek solace in the night’s embrace, those who
seek night’s merriment, and those who suffer from

Mangrilar is the goddess of war, justice, and peace. She
is often called the Blind Justicar, the Queen of Blades,
and Peacebringer. Her holy symbol is a golden sword
facing upward with a blue cloth tied to its pommel, often
painted on a shield or embroidered on a tabard or cloak.

Mangrilar wears a folded blue cloth over her eyes,

though she is not blind. She is being fair, because if she
were to remove the cloth she would have an unfair
advantage over any of her foes. Her worshippers are
warriors and peacekeepers alike, and there is seldom a
court which does not pay her homage in symbolism or

Obedon is the god of the sun and light, one of the two
patrons of halflings. He is sometimes called
Lightbringer, Starlord, or in some ancient texts,
Solaron. His holy symbol is a solar eclipse enameled on
steel, usually on disks held on a thong of leather.

Obedon created the sun and set it aloft in the heavens.

He claims to be the father of Zibal, but Yoshimir denies
this openly. He commands a host of divinely powered
phoenix angels who carry out his messages and earthly
tasks. He is depicted as a fiery-winged, thin, wiry
halfing with oversized hands and a long head. He takes
special care of Zibal when he can. Obedon is sought
whenever a believer needs light, warmth, and the
safety and security of shining the holy light of truth
into the shadows of lies and betrayal.

Serena is the goddess of magic. She rebelled from the
gods and gave the gift of divine power to mortals, who
now may wield it in the form of spellcasting. She was
punished for this by being cast down to the form of a
mortal. Fortunately for her, the gods were banished
while she was bound in mortal form and so she was

Though she walks the world, she does so mysteriously

and seldom interacts with mortals. When she is seen,
she appears as a human woman of mature age wearing
red cloaks and robes, her raven-colored hair given a
single gray streak. She is seldom prayed to, but when
she does hear prayers they are typically requests for
luck, and great fortune. Serena is the patron goddess
of humans, who hid her during the time of the dragon
high lords.

What Can the Gods Do (and not do) ?

Why are they banished, and who are these dragon high lords? What is the
specific nature of their exile, what can they do, and what can they not do?

The only thing regarding these deities which is “canon” is that the high lords
banished the gods who once walked among the races of the kingdoms. Since this
banishment, their influence over the world is limited but not gone. The answers
to the rest of these questions are the GM’s story to tell.

Tomayah is the storm goddess, the bringer of change.
She is simultaneously seen as a being of chaos and
order, and is the caretaker of their delicate balance.
Her symbol is a lightning bolt made of silver, typically
carried like a short cudgel.

It is said that Tomayah rides the worst storms,

spreading chaos and destruction randomly. She is
depicted as a teenaged child with prehensile white
hair and alabaster skin. People seek her aid when
they wish a bit of change in their lives or when they
seek the spark of creativity.

Yoshimir is the goddess of nature, the elemental
mother, life giver, and is the patron deity of the
elves. She is often called Mother Earth, and
seldom anything else. She wears the simple dress
of a servant that tapers down to join with the
earth… her feet cannot be seen. Where she
treads, flowers bloom.

It is said Yoshimir is the most beautiful being to

behold, more beautiful than all gods. She is
normally kind and gentle, and those who worship
her see her as a caring mother rather than the
ancient, vengeful god she is capable of being.
Yoshimir’s symbol is an olive branch, complete
with leaves and bloom, wrapped around a staff or
woven into the hem of a skirt or tunic. She is
often sought when giving birth, reaping a harvest,
trying to conceive, or just needing the gentle
comfort of a loving mother.

Yoshimir is not just these things; she is also a powerful commander of nature and the
elements. Her home plane is an unending, living castle filled with servants and
attendants made of each of the four elements, all under her control. Even the endless
gardens are hers to command, and grow in accordance with her moods. If one of her
followers is harmed, many fear the matron’s wrath.

Yoshimar has four children (Karis-mar, Ray-lak, Zibal, and Urishor), all lesser gods of great
power. The fathers of these gods is a mystery to all but Yoshimir, and has caused some
intrigue among the gods.

Karis-mar is the lady of elemental earth and of
strength. She is Yoshimir’s daughter and is the
patron deity of the dwarves. She is often called
Stonewalker, Lady of the Rock, and Strengthgiver.
Her symbol is an image of a pick-axe and a shovel
crossed, over a gray field (usually adorning armor
or a metal or stone head band).

Karis-mar is said to still be able to reach the world

of man (and dwarf), despite the banishment all
gods share. Perhaps it is because of her unity with
the mountains of the kingdoms, or her closeness
with the faith of her followers. Whatever the
reason, it is said she walks among the stones of the
underkingdoms of dwarves and directly participates
in their day-to-day affairs.

Karis-mar’s home plane is an endless mountain underkingdom, and the souls of faithful
dwarves help shape her paradise, as friends rather than servants, and revel in merriment
during the week-long evenings between work.

Ray-lak is the lady of elemental air and wisdom.
She is daughter of Yoshimir and is the patron deity
of the griffon lords. She is often called The
Griffon, Lady of the Winds, and The Whisperer.
Her symbol is the same as the banner symbol of
the griffon lords: a great black griffon on a field of
white, trimmed in red (often worn as an
embroidered symbol on vestments). She holds
dominion of all creatures that fly, and some say
even the very air we breathe. Her home plane has
no earth upon which to land, and all who dwell
there can fly blissfully on the winds and thermals
of eternity, where she rides on a sedan chair
carried by a host of twenty one pegasi, her
feathered hair flowing down around her as her
only attire.

Urishor is the lord of elemental water and of the
spirit. He is the son of Yoshimir and is the Herald of
Mirth. Although it is rumored he is the offspring of
Eleroth, neither deity will confirm this. Urishor’s
symbol is a series of white ripples on a field of blue,
which resembles a blue-and-white target pattern,
painted on a soulstone (silver coated onyx). He is
seen as a jovial deity who brings good tidings and
merriment. Urishor holds dominion over a plane of
pure spiritual energy, where beings lack physicality
and mingle among the ether. Urishor, when
depicted, is seen as a translucent being with a smile
and an intense look in his silvery eyes.

Zibal is the lord of elemental fire and unabashed
rage. He is son of Yoshimir. He is often called
Keeper of the Secret Fire, Vengeance, and
Morninglord. As punishment for his unchecked fury,
Yoshimir bound him to haul the sun by his great
chariot across the heavens, a task to which he is
bound even today. Zibal has no home plane of his
own, but his chariot is able to enter all planes of all
gods, and for this he has been sought by heroes of
old to help reach the lands of the other ancient
deities. Zibal’s holy symbol is a chariot in a ball of
red fire, typically crafted of copper and steel and
worn proudly on the chest of a worshipper. Zibal is
sought when vengeance is planned or daylight is

Gods, Lesser Gods, and Demigods

All but Yoshimir’s children are gods with immense power. They hold council and keep
one another’s powers in check through pacts, alliances, and trickery. Their exile speaks
to the unspeakable power of the dragon high lords. The children of Yoshimir are
known as lesser gods, whose abilities and powers have a more finite and limited reach.
Their power is kept in check by the other gods who hold regency over them and
responsibility for them. There also exists a host of demigods. These are heroes and
villains whose legends have elevated them beyond the role of mere mortals. Demigods
are too numerous and chaotic and the dragon high lords found it difficult to keep their
power in check. When the gods were banished, the demigods were lured by godsong
onto great ships and sailed east, never to return. But what are the dragon high lords,
and what gave them the power to banish gods? Are they greater gods? Creatures? Or
just would-be usurpers of authority who found a way to exploit some secret weakness?

Keranak Province
chosen by the gods to rule mankind, betrayed by barren womb

Although most of this book paints a setting with very general information, the Keranak
province is presented in this chapter in more detail. This should allow GMs the luxury
being able to get started right away in an area that has already been given at least a
small amount of additional detail. This also serves to show the scope and scale of the
game world… a lot of adventure could take place without ever leaving the borders of this

This is a large, walled town located along Queen’s Bay. It has very fertile lands and the
farmyards extend for miles in all directions. Much of the food for Kingsbridge comes
from this place, ferried across Queen’s Bay in long, shallow boats. It is run by Lord
Regent Wilhelm Meadows, who once was seneschal of Kingsbridge. He is well-loved and
manages things nicely.

Baytown has a university that teaches scholarly studies as well as some magic. It is
expensive to attend, and is normally populated by the various offspring of nobility
throughout the kingdoms. They bring the politics of their fathers with them, and
Baytown University is a difficult place to avoid conflict. The library at the university is
quite well stocked, and is often sought for research by scholars and wizards all over the

Those familiar with Baytown will talk about the beautiful view of Kingsbridge over the
Queen’s Bay. They will talk fondly of gralikbread, a tasty local dish. They will beam with
pride over the well-kept and very clean cobblestone streets. Baytown is a good place to

Benturan is a port town. It is not as wealthy as Port Korban or Falconsport, nor is it as
well defended. Because of this, it has become the gathering place of people of lower
repute seeking a place to sign on to a captain’s ship who values skill and loyalty over

Benturan is situated between the edge of the Shielding Wall mountains and the coast of
the Sea of Stones. There is a south road which leads to Quinstown and an east road
which leads to Port Korban. Highwaymen have been plaguing travelers along the south
road lately, hiding in the Thadenwode forest located near Quinstown. These
highwaymen have grown bolder recently, and soon something must be done.

The architecture is simple here, mostly adobe in design, though some wooden buildings
exist. There was once a shipping company who built sea vessels located here but it has
moved to Port Korban, leaving behind a shipyard filled with remnants of their craft.
Some ship captains in need of impromptu repairs come to Benturan and forage for
needed parts.

Benturan’s population is mostly human, but many exiled Shielding Dwarves have made
the town their home. Although fights do break out a bit more often than in other lands,
most people are respectful here and don’t judge people by their outward appearances.

Durin is a small town of just over one thousand people. It has a single inn (called
Whistler’s Inn) where many people stay when traveling from Kingsbridge to Baytown.
The town is known for the horses of the plains which surround it.

Within Durin is also a place of guilds that helps acquire materials, propagate training, and
protect the interests of its members (even if that means a heavy hand at times). There is
a blacksmith’s guild, a cobbler’s guild, and a carpenter’s guild. These guilds have
representation in most other towns and cities in one form or another, but are
headquartered here.

The bridge which spans the upper Queen’s Bay River can be found on the south side of
Durin. The local government (a council of business owners and guild leaders) collects a
simple tax of 1 gold per axel for any wagon or cart which passes.

Falconsport is a port city along the coast of the Sea of Stones. It boasts a population of
more than thirteen thousand smiths, clergy, craftsmen, merchants, laborers and sailors.
It has a town guard that has over one hundred and fifty men, all clad in sturdy chainmail
and carrying polearms and cudgels. There is peace and safety here, and everyone knows
it. Much of the reason is the Lady Mayor, Karstin Mason.

Once an adventurer who is said to have slain a giant when sent to the Highland Valley on
a quest for her king, the Lady Mayor, Karstin Mason, is a mighty woman. Stern and
serious, her charge is to keep the people safe and prosperous and by the gods that’s
exactly what she does. She personally trains with the guard and the Northern Keranak
Army (five hundred men, housed in the barracks of Hawthorne Keep). She is married to
Vender Mason, a skilled stoneworker who personally designed the bridge at Durin when
everyone said no bridge could span the upper Queen’s Bay river. They are a family of
impressive background who some say would make good rulers for the kingdom if their
lineage allowed for it.

Falconsport is known for a huge statue of a falcon which lords over the port like a great
predator, warning incoming vessels of the strict law in the city. The statue was not made
by anyone still living, and has been there for several hundred years. Many believe it was
magically created by an exile of the monastery at Rock Pointe, an artist who used his
enigmatic earth magic in a form of expression.

Kingsbridge Bastards in Kingsbridge

This is the beautiful Kingsbridge, once called GAMEMASTER TIPS
the city of splendor. It is a place of mighty The dead King Keranak was seeking
castle walls and towers, all topped with red another alternative in his late years.
roofs and banners. It is a sprawling city Despite his wife being unable to bear
covering more land than one would believe children, it is now known publicly that
possible. It has been the capital of an the king was seeking heralds who
empire (that is after all what it was; an would state publicly that noble blood
empire. The use of the term “king” and can be traced through illegitimate
“kingdom” was due to the small ego of the lines. Several well-educated heralds
first King Keranak) for hundreds of years, have claimed to have been sought by
and it would continue to be today if not for King Keranak and asked this question.
the untimely death of a king without an Some say he was simply asking the
heir. question, but others believe an
illegitimate child was already born and
Lady Keranak still governs day to day affairs he was trying to tie him to the throne.
of Kingsbridge (though she relies heavily on Of course, no herald would make that
her council, who see most visitors in her incorrect claim, but the question
stead), and still acts as overall governor of remains… is there an illegitimate son of
kingdom affairs (such as coin production, the Keranak bloodline walking the
military, etc.) There are some who believe realm? Could he be in the Keranak
the Lady Keranak was the person who province? In Kingsbridge? Would this
should have received the Ruling Crown, but weak claim to the throne unbalance
there are more who say the current plight the land even further?
of the land is due to her and the betrayal of
her barren womb.

The city is clearly divided into several districts whose official names are too boring and
they instead are known by the colors of the rooftops of the buildings contained in each.
There is the Red District where all the nobles and wealthy live. There is the Blue District
where the universities, clergy, and libraries are. There is the Grey District where the
Midkingdom Keranak Army maintains a legion of one thousand men, and the three
hundred town guardsmen train. There is the Brown District where tradesmen and
craftsmen build things for the city and its kingdom. And then there is the Gold District –
not named for its rooftop color but for the money that changes hands in this largest
merchant district in the entire kingdom.

With ten inns and over thirty taverns, there is seldom an overflow where a visitor cannot
find a place to sleep, eat, or drink. But at the beginning of each season is held a grand
tournament where nobles come from all over the kingdom to compete in various events
for which titles, land, gold, and knighthoods are given as prizes. During these times the
inns overflow and common citizens take in travelers and charge a fair coin.

Kingsbridge is said to have the most powerful and influential assassin’s guild in the
kingdoms. Whether or not this is true is difficult to prove, since most people don’t know
how to contact such a guild. Those who seek such a nefarious trade might wish to look
to the Slaughtered Lamb, a tavern in the Brown District.

Kingsbridge also has a magic shop where simple potions of healing and cleansing can be
found. Its proprietor (a hunched-backed old woman named Pril) can also answer some
obscure questions for a price. The shop is found in the Gold District, standing alone and
hidden by a copse of trees from the main street.

This is only a small village, but it is mentioned on the map because of Lightspire Castle, a
strong fortress located on a cliff along the coast near where the Queen’s Bay river dumps
into the Sea of Stones. The largest tower is a lighthouse, beckoning visitors in the night.

The Lightspire family is part of an old bloodline whose ancestor fought alongside the first
King Keranak before he was awarded the Ruling Crown. The Lightspire family has been
friends to the Keranak family since those ancient times.

Although just a small village, Lightspire is well known for Rivold’s Armory, an armor smith
whose skill is unsurpassed. Lightspire armor is among the greatest in the land,
specializing in chainmail and platemail. The technique used by Rivold and his apprentices
produces armor whose weight is half that of more commonly found versions of the same
armors. Lightspire shields are similarly lighter. Of course, he charges twice what a
normal suit of armor would cost. Nobles from all over the province (and perhaps the
kingdom) see it as a status symbol to wear such armor to the quarterly games at
Maulstone and Chordus

This is a large port town (nearly a city) with Constable Chordus and Elder
nearly five thousand residents (not Maulstone (from Rinsik) are distant
counting those who live in the surrounding cousins. They communicate regularly
countryside tending the farms). This place by messenger, and are said to meet
is the home to the Redwillow Trading once per year in a sort of exiled
Company, whose ships fill the well- family reunion in Baytown, where
defendable harbor. they renew their convictions and
share political knowledge. Despite
With fifteen inns and many rentable the distance which separates Rinsik
warehouse buildings, many people travel and Port Korban, the two are bound
through Port Korban. This migrant together by these two Shielding
population tends to unnerve Constable Dwarves in ways they never were
Chordus (a Shielding Dwarf who was exiled before these dwarves came along.
for leaving his post to help a traveler in But some conspiracy theorists claim
need), who always acts as if the people of the arrival of the cousins is no
the town are his family to protect. accident, and it represents a secret,
coordinated effort to influence the
Port Korban is managed by Mayor Ugeen human-populated lands by the
Millwright, an academic who used to teach Shielding Dwarves.

economics at the university at Baytown. He is a clever man who keeps the town running
despite financial adversity. He is also a somewhat accomplished illusionist, though this
doesn’t help him do his job.

The town is very wealthy, which of course breeds thieves. The Shadow’s Deep is a guild
that is found in Port Korban. Thieves who pay the membership dues are permitted to
steal in the town, but must turn over ten percent of their take to the guild. Also, the
guild offers liquidation options for thieves who steal items and need gold instead, though
no thief gets what an item is truly worth. The guild has factions in other towns and cities
in the Keranak Province as well, which allows safe houses for members who need it (or
trouble for those who have crossed the guild).

Prith The Ballad of Prith

Prith is a small town with a population of GAMEMASTER TIPS
over sixteen hundred. It is a fairly wealthy The gathering of musicians in Prith
community, with very old buildings often has been going on for many decades.
crafted of brick and stone. It has a mayor In the town’s center is a large obelisk
and elder council, elected biannually. crafted of marble. Bards from all
over the land come here and add a
Prith has a high halfling population due to its stanza to a growing ballad, telling the
proximity to the border to Rue Warren, as tale of the heroes and villains of the
well as a fair dwarf population from kingdoms through rhyme and
Dul’Gath Underkingdom. Other than this alliteration. It is the wish of any
the town is populated by humans. The would-be adventurer to have his
locals are very welcoming of outsiders, love name carved on the Ballad of Prith,
to hear tales of adventure and travel, and for all future generations to see.
love to drink and party into the late hours.
There are musicians and bards here who Spellcasters will notice that the
come to hear tales of daring deeds to write obelisk radiates magic. The nature of
prose, poetry, and song. the magic is strange, not created by
man. Somehow, it is believed, those
Prith buildings are mostly wooden, and built whose deeds are recorded on the
upon stilts because the river overflows often Ballad of Prith are somehow
enough to damage houses. The roads are inexorably bound to their legend in
cobblestoned and bordered by wooden ways that defy spellcasting principles.
rafters painted white. The rooftops are It is theorized this is the first step to
often made of thin metal. Only a handful of ascension, to immortality, and
homes are made of brick or stone, and most perhaps divinity.
of them are owned by elders or the mayor.

Queen's Bay
Water exits the mountains of the Shielding Wall in a wide, rushing river known as the
Upper Queen’s Bay River. It enters a large valley and forms a good-sized lake known as
Queen’s Bay Lake. The waters exit northward and form the Lower Queen’s Bay River
before emptying into the Sea of Stones near Lightspire. There are numerous small
villages (not shown on the map) and small castles along the Queen’s Bay.

Quinstown is perhaps the oldest city in the province. The land in which it is situated is in
a valley with warm springs below, which often creates a ground-level rolling fog in the
mornings. The valley is small, and the hills which surround it have iron in them, making it
difficult to clear them away and impossible to build on them (the miners of the town
won’t permit it). Therefore, the city of Quinstown grew upward rather than outward,
and its buildings rise high from the morning fog into the sky.

Quinstown, due to its age, has a guild for nearly everything. Workers who lay bricks,
workers who smith tools, workers who shepherd cattle, workers who labor at the mines,
etc. all have some sort of organization protecting their employee and employer interests.
Unfortunately, like many organizations this old, corruption fills the ranks of the
leadership of these guilds, and they often compete with one another (sometimes
violently) for financial, political, and other types of power.

The Willow’s Thick is a large wooded region to the west and north of Quinstown. It is a
thick wood and full of wild game. The forest grows quick here, and woodsmen seem to
have made no dent in the size of the forest over the many years Quinstown has existed.

Recently, in absence of the Order of the Rose patrolling the roads, a band of highwaymen
have laired up in these woods and are giving merchants and other wealthy travelers a
difficult time. This has caused the merchant houses of the kingdoms to slow their
visitation frequency, to queue up a larger convoy of merchant wagons, and make
protecting them more economical. This is hurting the economy of Quinstown, and soon
something will have to be done about it.

Rhim (colloquially referred to as the Rhim) is a crossroads city. It exists along the lower
Queen’s Bay River at a huge and ancient white stone bridge known as Rhim’s Crossing.
Nearly everyone travelling to Lightspire, Falconsport, Port Korban, Thorn Keep,
Kingsbridge, or Baytown passes through the Rhim. With a population of more than
twenty thousand, the Rhim has become home to many of those travelers.

The city is built in a series of ring roads in

A Diabolical Secret concentric spacing, each with larger
Beneath the Rhim? perimeter than the last. Each road is named
after one of the deities of the pantheon (thus
There are rumors, despite efforts
there are thirteen roads in all). They
taken to honor the pantheon and
culminate in a fifteen foot curtain wall
provide stability to the people,
protecting the interior of the circular city.
that the city was not built as a
Spaced along the wall are twelve towers, each
twenty feet in height adorned with blue
People point to runes which can capping. In the center of the city is a huge
be found in the walls, and the lead tower climbing nearly sixty feet into the sky.
lining of the great dial tower as As the sun passes through the sky, the
signs that something sinister is shadow falls onto the walls of the city in a
afoot. Some people point at the type of sun dial clock, with each tower
three advisors to the mayor and designating an hour of the day. To allow this
wonder why they are necessary? great marvel of the modern world to function
Certainly other towns manage well properly, no other building in the city may be
enough without having mysterious higher than twenty feet (a city law). The Rhim
wizards whispering in the ear of is a city designed by scholars to be a giant
the leader. clock devoted to the gods.

Whether or not there exists a dark Governed by a strong warrior/mayor and

secret below or within the city is counseled by a trio of scholarly mages, the
up to you – the GM. But until you Rhim runs fairly smoothly. One might say like
reveal your plans, keep the players clockwork. It is patrolled by a town guard that
guessing; the rumors should exist! numbers several hundred strong, and
defended by a small army of over eight
hundred able and well-trained men. Crime in
the Rhim, is not without consequences.

The Rhim is also known to have the most advanced sewer system in the known
kingdoms. The architects that have done such an impressive job on the rest of the city
also took the under-city into account. Rain, waste, and other waters are efficiently taken
by simple gravity feed through a complex sewer network. It then passes downward
through a series of gravel layers to where it dumps out of a cliff below into the Queen’s
Bay, clean and pure from the natural filtration of the earth. Maintaining the sewer is a
big job, though, and there are many workers devoted to this task, a well-paying job paid
by the taxes of the city.

Conflicts in Rinsik Rinsik
GAMEMASTER TIPS The town of Rinsik is small, barely three
Elder Maulstone has come into thousand residents. It is a mining town, with
possession of a text in the library of permission from the Shielding Dwarves to
the town which gives historical hints mine in a section of their mountains. Iron
at an event to come. He suspects an and other metals are pulled from the
ancient evil will rear its head once mountain and ferried along the Queen’s Bay
again. Something is buried deep in River to points east, where the iron is turned
the mountain, and the world is not into tools and weapons for the land.
ready for it. He has his patrols on
high alert, but he knows there aren’t Rinsik has a large population of the hairless
enough scouts or guards in Rinsik to dwarves of the Shielding Wall. Several
handle things if he’s right. hundred of these sturdy folk live here, and
one is the town leader, Elder Maulstone.
As if this wasn’t enough to worry The town is built around the concept of a
about, there exists a settlement of mining company, with profits going to
halflings attracted to the rich soil of helping protect, feed, and care for its
this place who have formed a pure residents. Rinsik is normally a simple place.
halfling village known as Heartheath.
There exists conflict between these The beauty of Rinsik cannot be ignored. Four
hardy halflings and the town of Risnik. beautiful waterfalls cascade down the
It is difficult to say how the feud mountain, fresh waters from the peaks of
began, but many point to teenaged the Shielding Wall become filtered by their
dwarves stealing crops from the paths through its crevasses and falls. The
halfling lands and others claim it all town’s countryside is blessed with rich moist
started with halflings caught sneaking soil, though rainfalls and winterfalls are light
around in Maulstone manor. due to the direction of the trade winds and
the shelter provided by proximity to the
Whatever the reason, there exists great peaks.
mistrust between the townsfolk and
the small warren. Maulstone wants Several stone manors can be found littering
to extend his patrols to the halfling the coastline of the upper Queen’s Bay River
valley, but Mayor Buckley Heartheath (wealthy men and women late in their years
wants his people left alone and has retiring and raising children). Although
begun building a 6’ timber wall Rinsik has no mandate to protect or patrol
around his lands. Maulstone worries, these places, Elder Maulstone is a protective
because he knows this wall will not fatherly sort who extends his patrols to these
stop the evil to come. people’s homes and requests only a small tax
for such protection.

The Mystery of the Four Waterfalls

The four waterfalls which feed this town with its water and majesty are unnaturally
placed and have always radiated magic, as long as any spellcaster has lived. No
writing in any history books explains a time before these falls existed, but surely they
are magical in nature. Some theorize this is a wellspring where water elementals can
be made. Others believe four great elementals toil endlessly here, bound by magic.
The truth of it is up to the GM to decide.
Rosethorn Marsh Adventuring in the
In the southern half of the Keranak Rosethorn Marsh
Province, the land dips down into a valley. GAMEMASTER TIPS
Moisture collects here, draining from the While it sounds like a great place to
nearby woods of the Aarimira Clave and the have adventurers explore, try to work
mountains of the Dul’Gath Underkingdom. such activity into the overall story and
The moisture forms a thick swamp, a marsh balance of the region. Certainly if the
filled with foul-smelling murky waters with Srashak tribes learn that the people of
molds coating its surface. Keranak have returned to their lands
in violation of the Kraag Peace Accord
A singular foul place within the proud (as it has come to be known) there
Keranak Province, this marsh is a place can be consequences.
where a tribe of lizardmen dwell, known as
the Srashak. Though the Srashaki do not Or perhaps that’s intentional. Maybe
organize or form a single government, the there is a force intelligent and strong
lizardmen are plentiful. enough to unite the Sreshak tribes
under one banner again, like they
The armies of the Keranak province used to were united when they sacked the
send regular raiding parties into the Kraag? This force might orchestrate
marshes to impose their authority and the hiring of adventurers to perform
disband any potential gathering of these some task in the marshes in order to
people. In response, the lizardmen would force the breaking of the Accord and
meet in secrecy and form their ranks around give them the excuse they need to
their mutual hatred for what they perceived bring the tribes together. But for
as the “Keranak Raiders.” what cause?
Eventually the armies of the province built a Or maybe the lizardmen have tired of
military installation within the marsh, to coexistence and yearn for a greater
serve as a base of operations from which to freedom than “permission to exist”
organize the de-militarization of the Srashak which is basically what the Accord
tribe. Years later the Srashak employed permits. Who has the right to say
powerful shamans of their tribes to bring who may exist? This alone could be
about the destruction of the fort (known as the basis for an ongoing series of
the Kragg, see below). This went on for adventures.
many decades until just over twenty years
ago when a peace accord was reached. Today, the Srashaki are permitted to do what
they wish within the borders of their swamps, and travelers from Keranak Province are
not welcome.

In the absence of the patrols of the Order of the Rose (as they re-focus their attentions
northward), the lizardmen of the Rosethorn Marsh have begun to push the limits of their
borders. A recent village has been mysteriously sacked by an unknown army, leaving no
survivors or clue as to who committed the atrocity. The village was located fairly close to
these murky lands, and many point to the Srashak, who vehemently deny the
implications while they threaten those who insist on their guilt. This region is bound to
destabilize soon if things do not change.

Seekerton Children of Seekerton
Seekerton is distant and isolated, and the GAMEMASTER TIPS
people here like it that way. It is not an Why do the clerics of Yoshimir seek
easy life, existing on the frontier as they out children to bring back to their
are. The people must be strong to endure orphanage? Surely it could be from
the winters, and smart to manage the the goodness of their hearts, or
provisioning of the people through perhaps because their deity is known
variable weather patterns. Despite the as the Earth Mother, and is mother
misery of the weather, Seekerton is a four lesser deities. But could there be
place sought by pilgrims of several deities a different reason? This is for you to
because of its place in their religious texts. decide, as GM, but here are some
ideas to get your creativity going:
Seekerton is an overcast place. Trade
winds bring moisture across the plains of The seekers are searching for a
the Keranak province and dump it on the specific child, the daughter or son
rooftops of this town. Merchants come born of prophesy, destined to restore
here, but not as often as they do the banished gods to their place in
elsewhere due to the remoteness of the the heavens and allow them once
town. In fact, the Seekertons trade more more to walk among men.
with the dwarves of Dul’Gath
The seekers are fulfilling a specific
Underkingdom than they do with the
mandate given to them by Yoshimir
people of Keranak.
herself long ago when the gods were
Seekerton is a town built on three staged present in the mortal world. So
levels of a stepped plateau. Upper stricken with grief over the sorrowful
Seekerton holds the Temple of Jenek, existence of orphaned children that
where the pious pray to the Dreamwalker she bade her faithful perform this
by the light of the silver moon. It also task.
holds the Abbey, a training place for those
Perhaps the children are all distant
wishing to forget the past and rebuild
bloodlines of those with whom
themselves as new people of virtue.
Yoshimir mated when she walked the
Middle Seekerton holds the Temple of kingdoms? The seekers may wish to
Obedon, where the faithful pray to the ensure such valued children are raised
Lightbringer. It is said that one of to embrace their latent divinity and
Obedon’s phoenix angels were once use it properly.
sighted here, and a statue to the event
Or perhaps the unique nature of the
stands in the center of this place. Middle
three tiers of Seekerton plays a role?
Seekerton is also the only part of the town
Maybe the seekers search for children
which is walled, because it is most
who have not been “touched” by the
accessible to the outside world. It also
world, that are one with nature or
holds a market area, though its
have the capacity to become so…
cobblestones seldom see activity.
perhaps Seekerton is a training
Lower Seekerton holds the Temple of ground for a future army who possess
Yoshimir, where clerics of the Earth the powers to channel and control the
Mother pay her homage, along with lesser elements, the light and the dark.
worship of her four children. Lower

Seekerton is also home to an orphanage that cares for youths who have nobody left to
care for them. Travelers from Seekerton, in the name of Yoshimir, wander out into the
rest of the kingdoms in search of children to bring back here. Some conspiracy theorists
claim they are looking for a specific child…

This is a border town, known for its vineyards and brewing skill of its residents, and
subsequently its wine and ale. Since most of its industry is built around this concept,
there is also a very active night life where residents and visitors alike spend their coin on
fine drink and fun times - most of which they regret the next morning.

The town is named after Reik Tenkar, a dwarf who was once from the Dul’Gath
Underkingdom but was forcibly removed for liberal advances on the daughter of the
Underking himself despite being warned, fined, and later jailed for it. Reik was a good
dwarf (known for his good-natured grumpiness and sense of humor) with a passion for
brewing and he often let his drink get the better of him. When his final drunken advance
was finally accepted by the princess, the Underking himself walked in on the
embarrassing scene and Reik Tenkar was exiled.

Not to be let down, he traveled northward until he found a small village that excelled in
growing grapes and hops and taught them to brew their drink themselves rather than sell
their goods to merchants who made more profit than they paid. The village grew and
prospered until it became a respectable-sized town.

Much to the shock of the Dul’Gath Underkingdom, the princess fled her life of luxury and
traveled alone to this village once knowledge of its ale reached the mountains. She met
up with Reik and wed him. The legends state that when the Underguard sent a thousand
footmen to kill Reik and take back the princess, they stopped at a tavern outside the city
and drank the fine ale and had too good a time and decided to settle in the growing town
instead, swelling its size dramatically. Eventually the Underking left things alone.

Although the town never had Reik Tenkar as a mayor, a statue in his honor sits in front of
a pub located just outside the town limits called Tenkar’s Tavern, where good times
await travelers with coin to spend. An oft-repeated statement by travelers in the Keranak
province is "what happens in Tenkar's Tavern stays in Tenkar.”

The Kraag
The Kraag was a military installation, a large round tower with a small supporting keep.
It was once home to a contingent of soldiers working for the Keranak Kingdom, with
leaders from the Order of the Rose. The fortress was placed here in the past in order to
keep the lizardmen of the Rosethorn Marsh from rising up and attacking the rest of the
kingdom. These lizardmen (a tribe called the Srashak) fought back and breached the
walls of the Kraag and killed or routed the soldiers. After this, instead of surging an
attack using their great numbers, the Srashaki leaders sued for peace and an accord was

The Kraag is a broken place, standing in the middle of the swamps, and it is unknown if it
is being used by the Srashak or if it is abandoned. There is a standing plea by the families
of the soldiers who died defending the Kraag to lead an expedition into the Rosethorn
Marshes to retrieve the bodies of these brave soldiers, to bring them back to civilized
lands for proper burial. So far Lady Keranak has avoided answering the plea.

Thorn Keep
Thorn Keep is more than just a keep. It is a sprawling warlord’s dream, a powerful castle
fortress high on a rolling hill overlooking plains in all directions. There are farmlands
surrounding the castle, but other than these farmers every living being who walks the
halls of Thorn Keep is a warrior, tried and true.

Thorn Keep is the headquarters for the Order of the Rose, an ancient knighthood that
traces its origins back to the days that the gods walked the kingdoms and there was not
yet a Ruling Crown or a lone king upon whose head it would rest. The knights of this
honorable order are many, and their leadership is formed of the greatest minds battle
has ever forged.

Despite all this military organization, Thorn Keep also has a Steward who serves the role
many other towns might call a mayor. Stewart Paivan Potter is a decent but shrewd man
who manages the stores and coffers of the keep and its surrounding countryside. He
does not command the armies, but if he requests something from the High Generals, he
usually gets what he needs.

The Order of the Rose (which, incidentally, refers to a compass rose, not the flower of
the same name) is not only made up of warriors. The leaders are privy to supernatural
abilities granted to them by secret training. Until the High Generals seized the crown and

escorted it away to some other place their
powers were believed to be purely martial in Thorn Keep having
nature. Now the world knows differently, and problems with Recruits?
people wonder and fear what the High
The Order of the Rose doesn’t recruit
Generals are actually capable of doing.
knights in a normal fashion. Nobody
The dungeons of Thorn Keep are said to be so really understands their methods;
large and deep that even if you escape your they come to you and offer you a
bonds you will never see the light of day. For commission in their ranks. Most
this reason there is a law in Thorn Keep: believe the gods are behind it, and
escape and the gods have granted you your they may be right. But the Order’s
freedom. ranks are dwindling as they deal with
the problem of the giants’ return to
Only one man was said to have escaped: a the north, and new recruits are being
halfling from Rue Warren named Shirestock brought to Thorn Keep at a very slow
Goodfellow who bragged that he could escape rate. This doesn’t bode well for the
any dungeon and lived up to his boast when Order and its future.
he was caught pilfering from the High
Generals. He has said publicly that he will sell So as a solution, Steward Potter has
the secret of his escape for one million gold. taken it upon himself to send
So far nobody has paid up. messengers to other provinces,
seeking new recruits. The High
Generals oppose this, but do not stop
Waylord's Stead it because they know they need
Eryn Waylord was a lesser noble who took up hands to wield swords. This seemed
sword and shield and adventured, rather than to be going well until recently, when
deal with the politics of the land. She wasn’t Steward Potter recalled his recruiters
on good terms with her family, especially her after awakening and finding burning
father, because of this and other choices in text in the dry grass of the courtyard
her life. She became a very accomplished which faces his chamber window:
adventurer, saving and rescuing everywhere “The gods do not permit the unpure
she went. When she heard that her father, to bear our mark. Continue at your
Baron Turil Waylord, was ill and likely own peril.”
wouldn’t last the week, she gave up her
adventuring career and headed home. If you want to make your players new
recruits for the Order, send them on
She arrived just in time to speak to her father missions to oversee trade disputes,
one last time, where he spoke to her in catch known criminals, and generally
private. Nobody but Eryn knows what terrible police the lands. Have them fear and
secret she learned, but when she left his respect their authority figures. They
chambers she ordered every historian in the will be expected to wear the garb of a
city be rounded up and questioned, some knight of the Order (lower-rank
never were heard from again. She then members wear brigandine and a long
emptied the coffers of the city to pay for the blue tabard), and wield a knight’s
construction of a twenty foot wall, which still sword. Their life won’t be as free as a
surrounds the city to this day. She gave normal adventurer’s, their conduct is
control of her family’s land to the Keranak heavily scrutinized!
family and declared her city neutral: a
settlement named Waylord’s Stead located

far from the other settlements of the
Waylords vs. Fendrakes
province. Whatever secret Eryn Waylord
Two family bloodlines are hinted at in was given, she still holds it to this day.
this book as having perhaps some
Merchants visit Waylord’s Stead but are
type of divine bloodlines: the
only permitted to enter a specific section
Fendrakes of Fendrake Island, and the
of the city, walled off from the rest, where
Waylords of Keranak Province. This
an open market exists. They occasionally
concept could be molded by creative
tell tales of spotting Eryn Waylord, still as
GMs wishing to make the player
young and healthy as legends say, despite
characters larger-than-life.
those legends being over two hundred
If the players were to play Fendrakes years old. Some say the Waylord family
or Waylords, they might be immortal simply has some elven blood in their
(or at least have a long lifespan). lineage, others claim it has to do with
They might possess great gifts such as some level of divine influence. Still others
super strength or speed. They could say they are vampires, though this last one
become the movers and shakers of is not very likely since merchants have
the kingdoms and the collateral seen her in daylight. Whatever the reason,
damage from their conflicts might the tales from the merchants indicate
reshape the map. some type of long lifespan for the human
Waylord family line; they may even be
While this might sound like a super- immortal.
hero situation, consider the legends
of other larger-than-life heroes and The farmlands beyond the walls of
“demigods” which litter our culture, Waylord’s Stead are not extremely fertile,
especially greek mythology but also but they do well enough due to some
others: Hercules, Perseus, Fionn mac innovative irrigation and small streams
Cumhaill, Afek, Aoifa, and others. trickling down the nearby peaks of the
They normally possessed some great Shielding Wall. The proximity to the
trait (even if it was just an inhuman Aarimira Clave allows some of that elven
will and stubbornness) that set them kingdom’s enchantment to spill over into
apart from mortals. the soil here, and somehow these
farmlands produce much food.
If such a campaign is sought, you may
wish to read the description of the Perhaps the most famous thing of all from
Ballad of Prith, where an obelisk is this city is the existence of a tall and
somehow tied to the divine path. In mighty breed of horses. They are also
the kingdoms, immortality is gained raised here, easily bred to be warhorses,
by the faith of followers. Even if a and some of the most highly regarded
character is not worshipped, when animal trainers call these surrounding
people look up to the character (or lands their homes, making a good coin off
fear them) or when people tell tales their trade. Waylord Horses are known to
of the legends of the character, then be the best on the battlefield, never
they become imbued with a type of spooked by fire or loud noises, and are
divine power that grows as their even known to defend a fallen rider once
legend grows. Fame and infamy are that rider has formed a strong enough
the paths to divinity in the kingdoms! bond with it.

beginning or continuing your saga in the Keranak Province

High Seas and Blue Herons

Fishermen and naval officers have claimed for the past two years that they have had
sightings of an unusual vessel off the north coast near Port Korban. It surfaces
occasionally and disappears beneath the waves before anyone can interact with it. Of
course, sailors are a superstitious lot and few believed those tales. Nobody cared when a
few fishing vessels vanished and witnesses claimed it was because of this mysterious
ship, but now the merchant vessel, Silversash, has disappeared, along with a crew of fifty
and cargo worth a king's ransom. Now people are paying attention.

The players are hired by an agent of the Blue Heron merchant house to investigate the
disappearance and reclaim the missing ship. Blue Heron is a well-known and respected
company who distribute the crafts of most of the Keranak Province to other points in the
kingdoms. Their symbol is a blue disk with a white heron.
The player characters are offered 100gp up front to equip for their mission, and are told
they may receive a 5% finder’s fee if they reclaim the ship and its cargo. They expect the
cargo to be worth 20,000gp, meaning the players can expect a pretty big payday when
they return (1,000gp to divide among them). Also, each rescued crewman is worth a
50gp bounty - if they still live.

The adventurers can question sailors in port cities like Port Korban or even the more
nefarious Benturan. There they will likely find Black Leg Pete, who was rejected from
signing on as a ship hand before the Silversash set sail (his gout is extreme and is why he
was rejected). Fully aware of the route the captain plotted, he’ll offer to take the
characters along that route in exchange for a full share of the payment they expect for
returning the loot. Let the players deal with this.
The adventure then takes the characters to an area of sea containing much debris from a
battle at sea. Evidence of burn marks can be seen on many of the wooden planks that
are assuredly from the Silversash’s deck. Although no attack comes, the players
eventually explore and come across an old pirate's cave beneath the Shielding Wall, west
of Benturan.
Here they will uncover a new breed of pirate, Xenderfast, is skilled in spellcasting and
swordplay alike! He has been capturing ships and collecting sailors to fill his pirate ranks.

Over time he has charmed many of them and rules the rest out of either fear or respect
(whichever wins them over). He is dangerous and murderous.
The heroes must infiltrate the caves, defeat the pirates, rescue the sailors, fight past
charmed lizardman guards, confront the mad pirate wizard and sail away in the damaged
but still seaworthy Silversash. If the players manage to pull off a quick and stealthy
rescue or take out opposition with ease (players tend to surprise you now and then),
consider having Xenderfast chase after them with his submersible frigate and have a fun
sea battle against him. If the players rescued all his captive (some charmed) crew, then
he might summon a crew of his own to last the battle.

Xenderfast sounds like a good villain to make recurring in future stories. If you allow him
to escape in some way, allow him to rank up like the player’s characters, and throw him
in a future adventure, then the players will enjoy the consistency to your game world.
Additionally, who doesn’t love pirates?
Try to make the Silversash barely limp into Port Korban. Have it fall apart when the
anchor is dropped. Have people standing around seeing their husbands and fathers
escorted off the docks and returned to them. Have the agent of the Blue Heron
merchant house come with welcome arms and smiles, then have him offer payment
publicly; this is a moment for his merchant house to gain fame and fortune. Of course,
some players might want folks to know who really saved their husbands and fathers, a
great role-playing opportunity that might end up making deep partnership or deep
enmity with the Blue Heron merchant house!

The Towers of Quinstown

The city of Quinstown is old, and there is a strong distinction between the “have” and the
“have not”. Since the city grows vertically, it is often a matter of wealth to be higher up.
When crime affects the lives of those on street-level, little is done. Oh sure, the town

guard respond and ask questions, but they are often easily distracted away from working
on a street-level investigation in comparison to those higher profile efforts aimed at the
upper class. Fair or not, that’s how things work in Quinstown.
When crime affects those in the towers of the city, that's a different story. A jewel has
been stolen from the locked box of Lord Jarid Stone (the head of the stoneworker's
guild). The ruby necklace was a gift to his wife, and was a status symbol of his guild's
success as well as his love for his wife. There is a very formal and very high profile party
planned at Lord Stone’s residence where all visitors expect the necklace to make its
debut on the neck of the Lady Stone. Great embarrassment is going to happen if the
necklace is not returned.

The characters are hired by Lord Stone in secret. This is not atypical; the shadows host
many mission beginnings within Quinstown. They are offered 100gp apiece to try, twice
that again if their efforts result in the return of the necklace. They are not, under any
circumstance, to disrupt the party or call attention to any problems. They are to keep
everything in the shadows. Fortunately for the characters, the towers in this city cast
long shadows.

Nobody knows of the necklace's disappearance except the characters and Lord Stone –
not even his wife. The players’ characters have been requested to attend a grand party
where the necklace was supposed to make its appearance. Lord Stone suspects one of
the attendees of stealing it (personally or through an arrangement with others). But did
they? Maybe it was stolen by a rival guild (perhaps the carpenter's guild or another) in
an attempt to embarrass the guildmaster?
While attending, players should stumble upon the Lord Stone with another woman (his
mistress) arguing over the fact that she shouldn’t be here. She seems upset and storms
off. Maybe the necklace was stolen by her because she believes the necklace should
have been a gift to her? Or maybe a thiefly-skilled character notices and recognizes a
fellow burglar standing as a trophy girlfriend adorning the arm of an unmarried
attendee? Was the necklace stolen by this woman? If so why is she here? Perhaps she
was hired by the wife to get evidence of her husband’s mistress?
And to make matters worse, clandestine attempts to end the characters’ lives occur, by
shadow-stalking rogues with amazing skill. The players must deal with these obstacles
while preventing a scene which would cause shame or complexities to their employer.
The players should learn of no less than three leads, and then excuse themselves from
the party room while they investigate the leads. They are against the clock, because if
they don't get the necklace back in time for the guildmaster's wife's dramatic
appearance, they won't get paid!
Whoever is behind the theft, it should be a powerful and influential person or
organization within the city of Quinstown. A thieves’ guild known as the Shades has
been contracted by this powerful person/group and this is where the players must focus
the recovery efforts. Players will have to cross paths with the Shades and somehow get
out of it both alive and with the necklace, then return it in time.

This is a great opportunity for high
adventure. Have a fight which spans
several buildings, daring leaps and
balancing acts way up high in the tower
tops. Have chases which lead the
player’s characters to street level, dealing
with fog and carts and wagons and
horses and beggars and worse. Have the
players face many foes of lesser skill in
epic battles with little impact on the
overall story.

Assuming the players are successful in returning the necklace, have them return just in
the nick of time. Just as the worried wife is about to make her bare-necked entrance into
the party, have the players rush in and help her with the necklace. She smiles and walks
out full of dignity and beaming with pride.
They should have made an enemy in Quinstown. The Shades are indeed dangerous and
powerful, and will consider the player’s characters responsible for their failure and will
place a goldpiece value on it (basically, what it cost them to fail in their contract). The
characters will likely make friends of the some gentry in Quinstown, however, and this
may prove helplful in the end.

The Redhawk Prophecy

With some planning, this adventure could help make you look like you’re very prepared
for game play… in control of the unfolding story in your world. Start giving hints to this
adventure in previous sessions: scouts from Rinsik are seen in all towns as the players
adventure, searching for something called a redhawk staff. The scouts explain what it
looks like (a nine-foot oak staff topped with a golden hawk with red ruby eyes) but not
why they seek it. The scouts seem sincere – not giving away anything. They aren’t
violent or anything, just looking for information. If pressed, they simply say they seek it
for their mayor, the Lord Maulstone of Rinsik. This will all of course be useless red
herrings in these prior sessions but will set you up for this adventure.

In this adventure, players are thrust into a storyline rather than having someone give
them a mission exposition. When the characters arrive in a town (whatever town, for
whatever reason) and retire to an inn room for the night, they awaken to events which
set them onto the adventure story.

The characters are awakened to someone fleeing through their window. A fun rooftop
chase ensues, leaping and swinging and running along complicated rooftops. They
should fail to catch or identify the rogue. If it seems they will catch him/her, cause
events which occur to prevent it, even if you have to throw something big in their path.

For instance, have the rogue slip between the bars of a large fence. As the players
pursue, they find themselves in the middle of a bear’s den in a circus or zoo… and it’s
hungry! As they deal with the bear(s), the rogue slips away.
When the characters look through their belongings to see what the rogue was up to,
nothing is missing but in the corner they find a nine-foot staff topped with an ornate
hawk with red-ruby eyes... the redhawk staff!
Scouts searching for the staff should spot it or maybe the players go to them? However
it occurs, the scouts will be very happy that their seemingly fruitless search has ended
and escort the characters to Rinsik to meet with Elder Maulstone.
The dwarf mayor of Rinsik will explain that he has old texts which show that the redhawk
staff is instrumental in the release of an ancient evil. To stave off the prophesied return
of this unnamed ancient evil, he wanted the staff in his possession to protect it and
prevent the prophecy. He is fair, and offers the characters 500gp for the staff. If
pressed, he’ll double that. Regardless, he’ll also permit a night of luxury in Maulstone
During the night Maulstone is carried off by a giant red hawk that ripped him violently
from his bed through a large window and carried him off. The players could decide to
skip town now, though if they do they may end up with the blame for Maulstone’s
Otherwise, the characters must track Maulstone and the giant red hawk. This won’t
prove easy; at first they can watch its flight and head in that direction, but eventually
they’ll have to ask farmers and witnesses which direction it passed. Eventually they can
follow it to a mountain cave lined with lead-laced stones.
They will face many recently-awakened gargoyles and also orcs who had laired up in the
cave while it had been dormant for years (the orcs are currently cowering from the
suddenly active gargoyles and might not attack characters).
When they finally arrive where Maulstone is, his hair has gone stark white with fear and
he babbles of an awful evil thing. The redhawk staff is ensconced within an altar, the
stars aligning perfectly to shine through the red rubies to fall upon a rune in the wall… a
rune which is now cracked open.
The characters will see a blur of motion and feel sick in their stomachs. The ancient evil
has left the mountain and is free. Maulstone has been fed on, and was influenced to
place the staff properly. Maulstone is a broken dwarf and won't live through the night,
destroyed by his own fear and lost life essence.
Ironic... the very prophecy of the evil that he feared awakened was finally fulfilled by the
actions he took to try to stop it.

There are many unanswered questions: who planted the staff on the players? Was it an
agent of this ancient evil? The red hawk who took Maulstone.... was he an agent of the
evil as well? A manifestation of it? Does it command other giant hawks? Who created
the staff and who trapped the ancient evil with it? Why couldn't the person who planted
the staff deliver it to this mountain themselves? Was there some significance to making
the players do it? These questions should be answered by you. A great evil has been

unleashed upon the land. You don’t have to focus every adventure on it. Maybe you
don’t even mention it for another session or two. This can be an overall theme
permeating all of your stories, finally leading to some great confrontation with the evil
and re-trapping it before it can do something truly horrible.

Terror Beneath the Rhim

The Rhim is an amazing city, very large and architecturally appealing. The natural order
of the city planning is matched only by the serene order of the people. As they say in the
kingdoms: in the Rhim, things run like clockwork, a reference to the giant sun dial the city
is designed to be. So when something goes wrong, it sticks out like a sore thumb and
must be dealt with quickly.

Advisor Elhana Starseer is one of three powerful spellcasters who have the ear of the
city's mayor. She has noticed a problem that needs addressed, and contacts the
characters for assistance (she says she used powerful divinatory magic to choose them).
The characters are informed that all the pet dogs and cats have left the city, and that the
sewers beneath the city moan with an unearthly sound. She says she used to be able to
send her senses beneath the city to scry on it, but since these occurrences began her
magic cannot penetrate the surface. She fears something evil below, and wants the
characters to deal with it for a solid and respectable payment.

When the characters reach an entrance to the sewers, they immediately feel despair and
hate emanating from its depths. As they explore it, they find the zombie bodies of the
dogs and cats everywhere, lurking in hiding, hungry for flesh. The sewers are unsafe...
something too large for its size appears to have passed through, breaking off ladders and
smashing support beams and columns just by its sheer size.
Homeless men and women who cast off their civil shackles and decided to live their
miserable lives in the sewers can also be found here, their tortured minds turned to
vengeful rage and their bodies transformed into undead ghosts.
When the characters reach the main maintenance chamber of the sewer systems there is
a huge, bloated squid-like creature there, its life essence (and its evil) growing with each
living being it abominates and turns into a zombie.
The characters will likely attack it and as they do they will find its evil necrotic power
affecting them. Each turn those in melee must roll to resist being turned into a zombie
and being controlled by the evil creature! Those attacking from a range have a bonus to
their resistance. The creature's tentacles lash out as well, one per player, and make
attacks against them.

Let the damage accumulate on the
creature, and pretend to keep track of
it; the evil creature is just a plot
device, and no specific creature stats
need be defined for it at this time.
After half of the characters are
unconscious or zombies, the creature
freaks out with the next damage it
receives and flees, smashing anything
in its path as it pulls itself at an
alarming rate through the sewer
tunnels. It evades pursuit and gets
away, and all its necrotic effects fade
and return the dogs and cats to their
normal selves, along with any zombie
characters. Whatever the creature
was, the players didn't fully defeat it.
The evil is still grows, but it's no longer
growing in the Rhim.
But the story doesn’t stop there. Advisor Starseer sees that this is a more powerful evil
than he expected. He helps see to the character’s healing and uses the gore on the
weapons of the characters to build a magic item – a single arrow designed to slay the
creature in one hit. He tasks the characters with hunting the beast before its darkness
grows, urging them to keep their quest quiet lest they cause panic in his ordered city.
The characters can hunt the beast easily enough. Although fast, it leaves a large trail. It
passed through a village and destroyed it. Only the children and local village priest still
live, holed up in the church hiding from the beast. They say their parents were taken in
the tentacles of the creature and hauled off as food. The characters are fed and
encouraged to hurry.
When the characters catch up with the creature, it is in a river basin devouring bodies it
brought along with it, leaving zombies which protect its perimeter. The night is dark and
foggy, and rain and hail slams into the ground. The characters must fight through the
zombies without destroying them if they hope to save them from the creature.
Eventually, when close enough, they can fire the arrow at the beast; they get one shot
and one shot only! If they hit, they will slay the beast.

When slain, the beast screams and lashes out and finally dies, disintegrating into a liquid
pool of oil-ooze. All those made into zombies are freed. Those zombie parents not
destroyed by player characters can be returned to the village, and the characters can
then return to the Rhim and inform Starseer who will pay them handsomely.
If you’re feeling particularly mean, consider this… Advisor Starseer accidentally created
this evil creature. She hired the characters to help clean up her mistake. She plots to
overthrow the leadership of the Rhim because she wishes to use the architecture to
create a vast spell to free the Dominar from his exile and transform the Rhim into a true
necropolis, feeding the exiled god with innocent souls. How’s that for a twist?

There is a lot of information in this small book.
Organization was chosen as alphabetic rather The Griffon Lords
than geographic or racial-centric, and so GAMEMASTER TIPS
depending on what you are looking for or how Don’t forget the Griffon Lords,
you are using this book it might be difficult to find in their mysterious land to the
all that you’re looking for in one place. For that north. Little is described in this
reason there is the index starting on page 53 and text because it is for you, the
the following at-a-glance race breakdown. GM, to use in the tales you tell.

The elves of the Keranak Kingdoms are thin and graceful with elegantly pointed ears,
almond-shaped eyes with a vague upward tilt, and long dexterous fingers. Yoshimir is the
patron deity of these proud people.
Aarimiran High Elves – These elves are tall and broad-shouldered, have light brown to
golden hair (usually tied back), and light colored eyes. They call themselves the Anon. See
page 5.
Emondran High Elves – These elves have metallic-colored hair kept long and wild (never tied
nor braided) with unusual eye colors such as amber, pale blue, and emerald. They call
themselves the Emon. See page 7.
Dark Elves – Mysterious survivors of the destroyed Lost Elven Clave. Dark skin and white
hair, usually tied back. Disturbing red-brown eyes. They no longer have a home, and are only
seen wandering. They call themselves the Lost. See page 15.

Dwarves are stout folk with a preference for the mountains, both above and below the
surface. They are among the hardest workers of the kingdoms, with the patience and skill to
build amazing stone structures. Karis-mar is the patron deity of dwarves.
Dul’Gath Dwarves – Long, reddish, braided beards and green eyes. Known to dress in plaids
and stripes (sometimes at the same time). They call themselves the Gathi. See page 6.
Dul’Urich Dwarves – Dark hair and beards kept short (though youth often have topknots),
brown to black eyes. Often wear neutral colors of grays, browns, and greens. They call
themselves the Urichi. See page 6.
Shielding Dwarves – Stout, hairless, with stone cold blue eyes. Their skin is a stony dark
color. Serious and stoic, they call themselves Shieldfellows. See page 19.

Smaller even than the dwarves of the kingdoms are the halflings. Their appearances vary
slightly from culture to culture, but they all look like wizened young humans in one way or
another. They are often underestimated, have large hearts and quick fingers. Jenek and
Obedon are the patron deities of halflings.
Nethe Halflings – The Isle of Netherak once had a large Halfling warren overrun by lizardmen
long ago. Those who survived did so aboard boats, fleeing as refugees to other lands. They
are darker of skin, hair, and eyes than the others of their kind, and are rarely seen anymore.
They call themselves Nethelings. See page 11.
Lor Halflings – These halflings live atop the hills, not within them. They live in very small
hamlets, each prideful over its own flavor of Lorwine. They have wavy dark hair, thin bodies,
and long hairy feet. They call themselves Lorlings. See page 14.
Rue Halflings – These halflings dwell in vast under-hill warrens miles long. They have short
curly hair, plump bellies, and large hands and feet. They tend not to adventure much, but
sometimes tire of harvesting ever-glow moss and get involved in things. They call
themselves Ruelings. See page 17.
Vale Halflings – The Vale of Shadow has many native shadow stalkers which were likely once
halflings of a long lost warren. Although this race is long lost, some ancient texts refer to the
shadow stalkers of this dark land Valelings. See page 21.

The humans of the land are many and vary in appearance greatly. They are the most
prevalent of the settled races of the kingdoms. They were chosen by the gods to wear the
Ruling Crown. This fact took some getting used to by the leaders of the other races. Serena
is the patron deity of humans, though she tends to leave them alone most of the time.
Human appearance and beliefs vary so dramatically they’re difficult to list here, but some
generalities can be made:
Northland Humans – The humans who dwell in the frosty north in the Highland Valley and
neighboring provinces have a similar look and culture. They have dark hair, olive
complexions, and heavy-lidded, narrow, dark eyes. They believe in pantheons different from
the rest of the kingdoms, and speak tradespeak with a strong accent. A hardy lot, they
survive harsh winters through harsher toil and have chapped skin and calloused hands to
prove it.
Midland Humans – The humans of the middle kingdoms of the Western Reaches, Laridian
Wastes, the islanders of the Sea of Stones, and all surrounding provinces have a similar look
and culture. Their skin is often tanned and their hair one of many brown shades (often
shoulder-length). Their eyes are typically brown or green but exceptions exist.
Southland Humans – The humans of the southern part of the main land mass all have a
similar look and culture. These lands include the Reinaris Barony, Stavengaard Province,
Keranak Province, and surrounding lands. They are pale of skin, light of hair and eyes (with
red hair not uncommon). They are artistic and creative, which is demonstrated by their
architecture, fashion, and cunning on a battlefield. They are commonly farmers and hard
workers, though their nobility tends to be a bit too civil (pampered) for such hard work.

AARIMIRA CLAVE ................... 2, 5, 7, 38, 43, 51
DARK ELVES .......................................... 15, 51
AARIMIRA ELF-LORD .......................................5
DISEASE ..................................................... 15
AARIMIRAN ELVES .................................... 5, 51
DOMINAR ............................. 2, 12, 21, 23, 50
ADVENTURER .................................. 31, 42, 44
DRAGON ................................... 21, 22, 23, 25
ADVISOR ELHANA STARSEER............................49
DRAGON HIGH LORDS ............................. 23, 25
ANON.................................................... 5, 51
DREAMWALKER ..................................... 24, 39
ANON-TOR ...................................................5
DUL’GATH UNDERKINGDOM .. 2, 6, 20, 34, 39, 40
ASSASSIN’S GUILD ........................................33
DUL’URICH DWARVES ............................... 6, 51
AVENGER ...................................................23
DUL’URICH UNDERKINGDOM ........................ 2, 6
B DUL'GATH DWARVES ................................ 6, 51
DUNGEON .................................................. 42
BARDS ................................................. 12, 34 DURIN ................................................... 2, 31
BARON REINARIS ..........................................16 DUSKWALKER.............................................. 23
BARON TURIL WAYLORD ................................42 DWARVES ...................... 6, 19, 27, 34, 37, 39,
BAYTOWN ............................. 2, 30, 31, 34, 36 40, 48, 51
BENTURAN ................................. 2, 30, 31, 44
BEOTH ............................................. 2, 12, 23 E
BLACK LEG PETE ...........................................44
EARTH MAGES ....................................... 17, 32
BLACKHEART ...............................................11
ELDER MAULSTONE .......................... 37, 47, 48
BLACKSMITH’S GUILD ....................................31
ELEROTH ..................................... 2, 18, 24, 28
BLIND JUSTICAR ...........................................24
ELVEN LORDS .............................................. 22
BLUE HERON MERCHANT HOUSE ................ 44, 45
ELVES ..................................... 5, 7, 15, 26, 51
BOTH .................................................... 5, 17
EMONDRAN CLAVE ............................ 2, 5, 7, 51
BRIDGE ................................................ 31, 36
EMONDRAN ELVES ................................... 7, 51
BUGBEARS ............................................ 16, 22
ERYN WAYLORD ..................................... 42, 43
BYRIN KAVEN ..............................................12
EVER-GLOW MOSS ....................................... 17
C EXPLORER .................................................. 12
EYSLANTHA ................................................ 18
CANNIBAL ..................................................12 F
CARPENTER’S GUILD ............................... 31, 46
FALCONSPORT........................ 2, 30, 31, 32, 36
CASTLE .................................... 17, 26, 32, 41
FAR VANDIMIR ......................... 2, 7, 15, 19, 22
CHOCROOMS ..............................................17
FARMERS ....................................... 18, 41, 48
CHURCH OF THE ONE .............................. 16, 17
FENDRAKE .............................................. 2, 10
CITY OF SPLENDOR........................................32
FENDRAKE ISLAND .................................... 2, 10
CITY STATES .......................................... 19, 21
FISHERMEN .......................................... 13, 24
CLERGY ................................................ 31, 32
FORTRESS ................................. 17, 33, 40, 41
COBBLER’S GUILD .........................................31
FURS ..................................................... 7, 11
COINS............................... 6, 7, 19, 32, 40, 43
CONSTABLE CHORDUS ...................................33 G
COUNCIL OF FREE CITIES ................................20
CRAFTSMEN .................................... 18, 31, 32 GALLEONS .................................................... 7
CURSE .......................................................15 GARGOYLES ................................................ 48
CUTTHROATS ..............................................18 GAROT BLACKHEART ..................................... 11
GAROT’S ROCK ........................................ 2, 11

GHOSTS.......................................... 11, 21, 49 KERANAK PROVINCE ................2, 13, 19, 29, 34,
GIANT ...................................... 31, 36, 48, 49 38, 44, 52
GIANTS ............................................ 4, 11, 15 KERANAK, RAHVAN III ..................................... 4
GOBLINS .................................................... 12 KING DUL’URICH ........................................... 7
GODS....................... 4, 10, 12, 15, 19, 21, 23, KING KERANAK.................. 7, 11, 16, 18, 32, 33
25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 36, 41, 42 KING OF THE DEEP ....................................... 24
GRALIKBREAD ............................................. 30 KINGSBRIDGE ......... 2, 6, 13, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36
GRIFFON LORDS ............................... 16, 27, 51 KNIGHTS .......................................... 4, 13, 41
GUILD ................................ 31, 33, 34, 35, 46
LABORERS.................................................. 31
HAGIOCRACY ................................................ 7 LADY LUNA ................................................ 24
HALFLINGS ........... 4, 11, 14, 17, 25, 34, 42, 52 LADY MARAN KERANAK ...................... 13, 32, 41
HARPIES .................................................... 14 LADY MAYOR KARSTIN MASON ....................... 31
HAWTHORNE KEEP ....................................... 31 LADY OF THE WINDS..................................... 27
HELLHOUNDS.............................................. 14 LADY VOLANARI FENDRAKE ............................ 10
HERALD OF MIRTH ....................................... 28 LARIDIAN STEEL........................................... 14
HIGH ELVES ......................................... 5, 7, 51 LARIDIAN WASTES .............................. 2, 14, 52
HIGH GENERALS ................................. 4, 41, 42 LETTER OF MARQUE ..................................... 18
HIGH SEAS AND BLUE HERONS .................... 2, 44 LIBRARIES .................................................. 32
HIGHLAND VALLEY .................... 2, 4, 11, 31, 52 LIGHTBRINGER ....................................... 25, 39
HIGHLANDERS ............................................. 11 LIGHTHOUSES ........................................ 13, 33
HIGHWAYMEN ................................... 4, 31, 35 LIGHTSPIRE ................................. 2, 33, 34, 36
HISTORY ...................................................... 4 LIGHTSPIRE ARMOR...................................... 33
HOLIARCH .................................................... 7 LIGHTSPIRE CASTLE ...................................... 33
HORSES .......................................... 31, 43, 47 LIZARDMEN............................... 11, 38, 40, 45
HUGE SPIDERS ............................................ 12 LOR HALFLINGS ...................................... 14, 52
HUMANS .................... 3, 4, 11, 14, 17, 20, 25, LOR WARREN .............................. 2, 14, 20, 52
31, 34, 43, 52 LORD JARID STONE....................................... 46
HUNTER ......................................... 11, 23, 50 LORD OF THE SEA ........................................ 24
HYDRAS ..................................................... 11 LORD OMAN FENDRAKE ................................ 10
LORD REGENT WILHELM MEADOWS ................. 30
I LORD VOLANUS FENDRAKE ............................ 10
ILLUSIONIST................................................ 34 LORD XAVIUS FENDRAKE ............................... 10
INNS ........................................ 31, 32, 33, 47 LORWINE........................................ 14, 20, 52
IRONFORGERS............................................. 14 LOST ELVEN CLAVE .............................. 2, 11, 15
ISLE OF NETHERAK ................................... 2, 11
J MAGIC SHOP .............................................. 33
JENEK ........................................ 2, 24, 39, 52 MANGRILAR ............................................ 2, 24
JEWELRY ...................................................... 7 MARKET ............................................... 39, 43
JUNGLES OF RAVENREACH ...................... 2, 5, 12 MASONS ................................................... 13
MAYOR UGEEN MILLWRIGHT .......................... 33
K MERCHANT PRINCES ...................................... 7
MERCHANTS .... 6, 7, 15, 18, 19, 31, 32, 35, 39,
KARIS-MAR ................................. 2, 26, 27, 51
40, 43, 44, 45
KAVEN’S ISLE .......................................... 2, 12
MERIDIAN STRAITS.................................... 2, 15
KEEPER....................................... 2, 13, 15, 23
MERMAIDS ................................................ 24
KEEPER OF THE SECRET FIRE ........................... 28
MIDKINGDOM KERANAK ARMY ....................... 32
KEEPER’S ISLAND ................................ 2, 13, 15
MINERAL ................................................... 12

MINERS ................................................. 6, 35 REDWILLOW TRADING COMPANY..................... 33
MONASTERY ................................... 17, 23, 32 REDWOOD LONGBOWS ................................. 23
MORNINGLORD ...........................................28 REINARIS BARONY ........................... 2, 6, 16, 52
MOTHER EARTH ...........................................26 RENWIN ROOKSHIRE ..................................... 14
MUSICIANS .................................................34 RHIM ......................................... 2, 36, 49, 50
RHIM’S CROSSING ........................................ 36
N RICHWOOD TREES .......................................... 5
NETHE WARREN ..................................... 11, 52 RINSIK ........................................ 2, 37, 47, 48
NETHERAK ............................................ 11, 52 RIVOLD’S ARMORY ....................................... 33
NIGHTBRINGER ............................................24 ROCK POINTE .................................... 2, 17, 32
NOMAD .....................................................11 ROGUE ................................................ 47, 48
NORTHERN KERANAK ARMY ............................31 ROOKSHIRE ................................................ 14
NORTHWATERS.................................... 2, 4, 15 ROSETHORN MARSH ...................... 2, 38, 40, 41
NYSLE .................................................... 2, 15 RUE HALFLINGS ..................................... 17, 52
RUE WARREN ......................... 2, 17, 34, 42, 52
O RUFFIANS ................................................... 18
RUINS ........................................... 11, 12, 15
OBEDON .................................... 2, 25, 39, 52
RULING CROWN................ 4, 20, 32, 33, 41, 52
ORCS ................................................... 16, 48
ORDER OF THE ROSE .......... 4, 13, 35, 38, 40, 41 S
P SAILORS .............................. 15, 24, 31, 44, 45
SATYR ......................................................... 5
PANTHEON ................................... 2, 7, 23, 36
SCHOLARS ............................................ 30, 36
PATHMASTER ..............................................23
SCOUTS ......................................... 19, 47, 48
PEACEBRINGER ............................................24
SCULPTORS................................................. 13
PEGASUS .................................... 5, 21, 23, 27
SEA OF STONES............2, 18, 20, 31, 33, 34, 52
PHOENIX ANGELS ................................... 25, 39
SEA SERPENTS ............................................. 15
PIRATES .............................. 11, 18, 20, 44, 45
SERENA ........................................... 2, 25, 52
PIXIES ..........................................................5
SERVANTS, INDENTURED ........................... 6, 16
PLAINS OF THE GRIFFON LORDS ............. 2, 15, 16
SEVENSTONE ISLANDS ............................... 2, 18
PORT...................... 13, 18, 30, 31, 32, 33, 44
SEWERS ......................................... 36, 49, 50
PORT BLACKHEART .......................................18
SHADES ............................................... 46, 47
PORT KORBAN ....... 2, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 44, 45
SHADOW’S DEEP.......................................... 34
POTIONS ....................................................33
SHADOWGIVER............................................ 23
PRIL ..........................................................33
SHAMANS ............................................ 22, 38
PRITH .................................................... 2, 34
SHIELDING DWARVES ............. 19, 31, 33, 37, 51
PROPHECY ..................................................48
SHIELDING WALL ...................... 2, 5, 19, 31, 34,
Q 37, 43, 44
SHIP ........................................................... 7
QUATHI .....................................................22 SHIRESTOCK GOODFELLOW ............................ 42
QUEEN OF BLADES ........................................24 SHRINES .................................................... 23
QUEEN’S BAY ............. 2, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37 SILKS ........................................................... 7
QUINSTOWN .................... 2, 31, 35, 45, 46, 47 SILVERSASH .......................................... 44, 45
SLAUGHTERED LAMB .................................... 33
SLAVERY ...................................................... 7
RAIDERS .....................................................15 SMITHS ..................................................... 31
RAY-LAK........................................... 2, 26, 27 SOLARON ................................................... 25
REBELS ........................................................6 SORCERER KINGS ............................. 15, 21, 22
RED GUARD ..................................................6 SOULSTONE ................................................ 28
REDHAWK PROPHECY ................................ 2, 47 SOUTHWATERS........................................ 2, 19

SPICES......................................................... 7 V
STARLORD.................................................. 25
STATUES ................................... 13, 32, 39, 40 VALE OF LOST SOULS ........................... 2, 21, 23
STAVENGAARD PROVINCE ............... 2, 19, 21, 52 VALE OF SHADOWS ............................. 2, 21, 52
STEEPREACH KEEP ........................................ 11 VAMPIRES ................................................. 43
STEWART PAIVAN POTTER.............................. 41 VENDER MASON.......................................... 31
STORNHALL ................................................ 17 VENGEANCE ............................................... 28
VIZIERS ....................................................... 7
T VOLCANO .................................................. 15

TARKONIA .................................................. 20 W
TARKONIAN RAIDERS .................................... 20
TARKONIAN SEA ........................... 2, 11, 12, 20 WAR ............................................... 4, 19, 24
TAVERNS ........................................ 32, 33, 40 WAR OF POSSESSION ...................................... 4
TEMPEST ................................................... 24 WARRIORS ............................................ 24, 41
TEMPLARS ................................................. 16 WATCH, THE ................................................ 6
TENRIVERS ................................................. 20 WATER ELEMENTALS .................................... 24
TERROR BENEATH THE RHIM........................... 49 WATERFALLS .............................................. 37
THADENWODE ............................................ 31 WAYLORD HORSES ....................................... 43
THE DEAD LORD .......................................... 23 WAYLORD'S STEAD ............................. 2, 42, 43
THE GRIFFON .............................................. 27 WESTERN REACHES ....................... 2, 15, 21, 52
THE WHISPERER .......................................... 27 WHISTLER’S INN .......................................... 31
THIEVES............................................ 4, 34, 46 WILLOW’S THICK ......................................... 35
THORN KEEP .......................... 2, 13, 36, 41, 42 WIZARDS .................................. 21, 22, 30, 45
THRONE ................................. 3, 4, 10, 16, 24 WOODSMEN .............................................. 35
TIDEWATER BAY ................................. 2, 20, 21 WYLDE ................................................... 2, 22
TOMAYAH .............................................. 2, 26
TOURNAMENT ...................................... 10, 32
TOWERS OF QUINSTOWN .............................. 45 XENDERFAST ......................................... 44, 45
TOWN GUARD.............................. 6, 31, 36, 46
TRADESMEN ............................................... 32
TRADEWINDS........................................ 18, 37 YOSHIMIR ............ 2, 25, 26, 27, 28, 39, 40, 51

UNDERKING BORAN BROFFIN IV ........................ 6 ZIBAL ......................................... 2, 25, 26, 28
UNICORNS ................................................. 12 ZOMBIE................................................ 49, 50
UNIVERSITY ..................................... 30, 32, 34
URISHOR .......................................... 2, 26, 28


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