Religion in Pakistan

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Religion in Pakistan

The state religion in Pakistan is Islam, which is practiced by 96% of the population.
Freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Pakistan constitution. The Pakistani
constitution established a fundamental right in which all Pakistani citizens irrespective of
Religions have equal rights.[2][3][4][5][6] The remaining four practice Hinduism,
Christianity, Sikhism and other religions.[6][7]

Muslims are divided into the following sects: the majority of them practice Sunni
Islam,[8] while 5–20% are Shias.[8][9][10][11] Nearly all Pakistani Sunni Muslims belong
to the Hanafi Fiqh Islamic law school.[6] The majority of Pakistani Shia Muslims belong
to the Ithnā‘Ashariyyah Islamic law school, with significant minority groups who
practice Ismailism, which is composed of Nizari (Aga Khanis), Mustaali, Dawoodi
Bohra, Sulaymani, and others. Religion in Pakistan[1]

Islam (state religion)

Contents Hinduism (1.85%)

Constitutional provisions Christianity (1.59%)

Demographics of religion in Pakistan Ahmadi (0.22%)
Islam Others (0.07%)
See also The Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, Pakistan, was built during
References the Mughal Empire.

Constitutional provisions
The constitution of Pakistan establishes Islam as the state religion,[12] and provides all its citizens the right to profess, practice and
propagate their religion subject to law, public order, and morality.[13] The Constitution also states that all laws are to conform with
the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Quran and Sunnah.[14] The constitution limits the political rights of Pakistan's non-
Muslims, and only Muslims are allowed to become the President[15] or the Prime Minister.[16] Moreover, only Muslims are allowed
to serve as judges in the Federal Shariat Court, which has the power to strike down any law deemed un-Islamic, though its judgments
can be overruled by theSupreme Court of Pakistan.[17]
Demographics of religion in Pakistan
Based on information collected from the Library of Congress, Pew Research Center, CIA World Factbook, Oxford University,
University of Pennsylvania, U.S. State Department and others, the following is a list of estimations about the percentage of people
professing different faiths in the country. These estimations vary considerably from source to source, depending on methods of
research and databases that were used.

Islam (97.0%)

Sunni: 95%[8][9][18][19][20]
Shia: 5-20%[8][9][10][11]

Other religions

Hindus: 2.12%[21] (4,451,000)

Christians: 1.59%[21] (3,339,000)
Bahá'ís: 40,000 to 79,000[22]
Sikhs: 30,000[20]
Zoroastrian/Parsis: 1,600[23] to 20,000
Kalash: 3,000
Buddhists: 1,500[24]
Ahmadi: 0.22-2.2%[25]

As of 2012, around 5,900,000 Pakistanis of non-Muslim faiths were holding the Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC cards)
from National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA), which can only be obtained by citizens over 18 years of age. It is
estimated that some 96% adult Pakistanis currently hold CNIC cards, and therefore the total adult population of non-Muslim religions
seems to be over 3 million. Of the minority CNIC holders, 1,414,527 were Hindus (769,647 males and 644,880 females), 1,270,051
were Christians (731,713 males and 538,338 females), 125,681 were Ahmadi Muslims (63,479 males and 62,202 females), 33,734
were Bahais, 6,146 were Sikhs, 4,020 were Parsis, 1,492 were Buddhist and 66,898 were others (such as Kalasha Animists).[24]
NADRA has made it near impossible to declare and change the religion to anything from Islam therefore the statistics must be looked
at with a pinch of salt.[26]

Islam is the state religion of Pakistan, and about 95-98% of Pakistanis are
Muslim.[27] Pakistan has the second largest number of Muslims in the world after
Indonesia.[28] The majority are Sunni (estimated at 75-95%),[8][9] with an estimated
5-20% Shia.[8][9][10][29][30] A PEW survey in 2012 found that 6% of Pakistani
Muslims were Shia.[31] There are a number of Islamic law schools called Madhab
(schools of jurisprudence), which are called fiqh or 'Maktab-e-Fikr' in Urdu. Nearly
all Pakistani Sunni Muslims belong to the Hanafi Islamic school of thought, while a
small number belong to the Hanbali school. The majority of Pakistani Shia Muslims
belong to the Twelver (Ithna Asharia) branch, with significant minority who adhere The Faisal Mosque in Islamabad,
which is the largest mosque of
to Ismailism branch that is composed of Nizari (Aga Khanis), Mustaali, Dawoodi
Pakistan and is also one of the
Bohra, Sulaymani, and others.[32] Sufis and above mentioned Sunni and Shia sects
largest in the world, was built by King
are considered to be Muslims according to the Constitution of Pakistan. Shias allege Faisal of Saudi Arabia.
discrimination by the Pakistani government since 1948, claiming that Sunnis are
given preference in business, official positions and administration of justice.[33]

Islam to some extent syncretized with pre-Islamic influences, resulting in a religion with some traditions distinct from those of the
Arab world. Two Sufis whose shrines receive much national attention are Ali Hajweri in Lahore (ca. 11th century) and Shahbaz
Qalander in Sehwan, Sindh (ca. 12th century). Sufism, a mystical Islamic tradition, has a long history and a large popular following
in Pakistan. Popular Sufi culture is centered on Thursday night gatherings at shrines and annual festivals which feature Sufi music
and dance. Contemporary Islamic fundamentalists criticize its popular character, which in their view, does not accurately reflect the
teachings and practice of the Prophet and his companions. There have been terrorist attacks directed at Sufi shrines and festivals, 5 in
2010 that killed 64 people.[34][35]

Hinduism is the second largest religion in Pakistan after Islam, according to the 1998 Census.[36]
As of 2010, Pakistan had the fifth largest Hindu population in the world and PEW predicts that by
2050 Pakistan will have the fourth largest Hindu population in the world.[37] In the 1998 Census
the Hindu (jati) population was found to be 2,111,271 while the Hindu (scheduled castes)
numbered an additional 332,343. Data on religion from the 2017 Census has not been released
(2018). Hindus are found in all provinces of Pakistan but are mostly concentrated in Sindh.
According to the last census held in 1998, 93% of Hindus live in Sindh, 5% in Punjab and nearly Shri Swaminarayan
2% in Balochistan.[21] They speak a variety of languages such as Sindhi, Seraiki, Aer, Dhatki, Mandir, Karachi
Gera, Goaria, Gurgula, Jandavra, Kabutra, Koli, Loarki, Marwari, Sansi, Vaghri[38] and

The Rig Veda, the oldest Hindu text, was believed to have been composed in the Punjab province of modern-day Pakistan on the
banks of the Indus River around 1500 BCE[40] and spread from there across South and South East Asia slowly developing and
evolving into the various forms of the faith we see today

Christians (Urdu: ) make up 1.6% of Pakistan's population, about 2.8 million people out of
the total population.[4] The majority of the Pakistani Christian communities is constituted by
converts from Punjab region, from the British colonial era. The community is geographically
spread throughout the Punjab province, whilst its presence in the rest of the provinces is mostly
confined to the urban centers. There is a Roman Catholic community in Karachi which was
established by Goan and Tamil migrants when Karachi's infrastructure was being developed by
the British during colonial administration betweenWorld War I and World War II. Saint Patrick's Cathedral,
A few Protestant groups conduct missions in Pakistan. TheDay by Day Christian Ministriesbased
in the Philippines operates a school in Karachi.

According to the last Census in Pakistan, Ahmadi made up 0.22% of the population; however, the Ahmadiyya community boycotted
the census. Independent groups generally estimate the population to be somewhere between two and five million Ahmadis. In media
reports, four million is the most commonly cited figure.

In 1974, the government of Pakistan amended the Constitution of Pakistan to define a Muslim according to Qu'ran 33:40,[41] as a
person who believes in finality of Prophet Muhammad. Ahmadis believe in Muhammad as the best and the last law bearing prophet
and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the Messiah of Muslims. Consequently, Ahmadis were declared non-Muslims by a parliamentary

The Bahá'í Faith in Pakistan begins previous to its independence when it was still under British colonial rule. The roots of the religion
in the region go back to the first days of the Bábí religion in 1844,[42] with Shaykh Sa'id Hindi who was from Multan.[43] During
Bahá'u'lláh's lifetime, as founder of the religion, he encouraged some of his followers to move to the area that is current-day

The Bahá'ís in Pakistan have the right to hold public meetings, establish academic centers, teach their faith, and elect their
administrative councils.[45] However, the government prohibits Bahá'ís, as well as every other citizen, from travelling to Israel for
Bahá'í pilgrimage.[46] Recent estimates say that there are over 79,000[22] though Bahá'ís claimed less than half that number

In the 15th century the reformist Sikh movement originated in Pakistan's Punjab region where
Sikhism's founder as well as most of the faiths disciples originated from. There are a number of
Sikhs living throughout Pakistan today; estimates vary, but the number is thought to be on the
order of 20,000. In recent years, their numbers have increased with many Sikhs migrating from
neighboring Afghanistan who have joined their co-religionists in Pakistan.[20] The shrine of Guru Nankana Sahib
Nanak Dev is located in Nankana Sahib near the city of Lahore where many Sikhs from all over Gurdwara in Punjab,
the world make pilgrimage to this and other shrines. Pakistan

There are at least 4,000 Pakistani citizen practicing the Zoroastrian religion.[24] With the flight of
Zoroastrians from Greater Iran into the Subcontinent, the Parsi communities were established.
More recently, from the 15th century onwards, Zorastrians came to settle the coast of Sindh and
have established thriving communities and commercial enterprises. These newer migrants were to
be called Parsi. At the time of independence of Pakistan in 1947, Karachi and Lahore were home
Bai Virbaiji Soparivala
to a thriving Parsi business community. Karachi had the most prominent population of Parsis in
Parsi School, Karachi
Pakistan. After independence, many migrated abroad but a number remained. Parsis have entered
Pakistani public life as social workers, business folk, journalists and diplomats. The most
prominent Parsis of Pakistan today include Ardeshir Cowasjee, Byram Dinshawji Avari, Jamsheed Marker, as well as Minocher
Bhandara. The founding father of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, married Ratti Bai who belonged to a Parsi family before her
conversion to Islam.[48]

This is pagan religion of the Kalash people living in a remote part of Chitral. Adherents of the Kalash
religion number around 3,000 and inhabit three remote valleys in Chitral; Bumboret, Rumbur and Birir.
Their religion is unique but shares some common ground with Greek, Macedonian Pagan, Vedic and Pre-
Zoroastrian religions.

Guardians of a Jainism existed in Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan and Khyber
Kalasha village Pakhtunkhwa, before the partition in 1947, and even for several years
in the valley of after the partition. There is no evidence of any Jains living in Pakistan
Mumuret today, although it is claimed that a few still live in Sindh and Punjab
provinces. They are number of disused Jain Temples found in different
parts of Pakistan. Gulu Lalvani, a famous Jain, was originally from Jain Temple of Bhodesar
Pakistan but he, like other Jains, emigrated from Pakistan. Baba Dharam Das Tomb is also found
in Pakistan. The Jain temple atGori in Tharparkar was a major Jain pilgrimage center. The Jain Mandir Chowk at Lahore was the site
of a Digambar Jain Temple. The memorial of Jain seerVijayanandsuri at Gujranwala is now a police station.

Buddhism has an ancient history in Pakistan; currently there is a small community of at least 1500 Pakistani Buddhist in the
country.[49] The country is dotted with numerous ancient and disused Buddhist stupas along the entire breath of the Indus River that
courses through the heart of the country. Many Buddhist empires and city states existed, notably in Gandhara but also elsewhere in
Taxila, Punjab and Sindh.[50]

Various estimates suggest that there were about 1,500 Jews living in Pakistan at the time of its independence on 14 August 1947, with
the majority living in Karachi and a few living in Peshawar. However, almost all emigrated to Israel after 1948. There are a few
disused synagogues in both cities; while one Karachi synagogue was torn down for the construction of a shopping mall. The one in
Peshawar still exists, although the building is not being used for any religious purpose. There is a small Jewish community of
Pakistani origin settled inRamla, Israel.

One Pakistani, Faisal Khalid (AKA Fishel Benkhald) of Karachi claims to be Pakistan's only Jew. But his claim were later found to
be false and fabricated.[51][52] He falsely claimed that his mother is Jewish (making him Jewish by Jewish custom) but, because his
[53][54] His stories were later found to be fabricated.
father is a Muslim, Pakistani authorities refuse to recognize him as Jewish. [55]

There are people who do not profess any faith (such as atheists and agnostics) in Pakistan, but their numbers are not known.[56] They
are particularly in the affluent areas of the larger cities. Some were born in secular families while others in religious ones. According
to the 1998 census, people who did not state their religion accounted for 0.5% of the population, but social pressure against claiming
no religion was strong.[20] A 2012 study by Gallup Pakistan found that people not adhering to any religion account for 1% of the

In September 2010 a Facebook group surfaced for Atheist & Agnostic Alliance Pakistan.[58][59] On August 2011, they launched their
website which received more than 17,000 hits in just 48 hours after its launch from 95 countries.[56] The
AAAP wants a non-theist box to be added on the passport and to be easier for Pakistanis to change their religion legally if they

See also
Blasphemy law in Pakistan
Demographics of Pakistan
Minorities in Pakistan
Freedom of religion in Pakistan

N.pdf) (PDF). Pakistan Burau of Statistics, Government of Pakistan
: 1.
2. 2014 World Population Data (
3. Information on other countries:
4. "Country Profile: Pakistan"( Library of Congress Country
Studies on Pakistan. Library of Congress. February 2005. Retrieved 2010-09-01. "Religion: The overwhelming
majority of the population (97 percent) is Muslim, of whom approximately 95 percent are Sunni and 5 percent Shia. "
5. "Population: 174,578,558 (July 2010 est.)"(
ml?countryName=Pakistan&countryCode=pk&regionCode=sas&#pk) . Central Intelligence Agency. The World
Factbook on Pakistan. Retrieved 2010-08-28.
6. "Pakistan, Islam in" ( Oxford Centre for
Islamic Studies. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2010-08-29. "Approximately 97 percent of Pakistanis are
Muslims. The majority are Sunnis following the Hanafi school of Islamic law . Between 10–15 percent are Shiis,
mostly Twelvers."
7. "Religions: Muslim 97% (Sunni 75%, Shia 20%), other"(
elds/2122.html?countryName=Pakistan&countryCode=pk&regionCode=sas&#pk) . Pakistan (includes Christian and
Hindu) 4%. The World Factbook. CIA. 2010. Retrieved 2010-08-28.
8. "Country Profile: Pakistan"( Library of Congress Country
Studies on Pakistan. Library of Congress. February 2005. Retrieved 2010-09-01. "Religion: The overwhelming
majority of the population (97 percent) is Muslim, of whom approximately 95 percent are Sunni and 5 percent Shia. "
9. "Religions: Muslim 97% (Sunni 77%, Shia 20%), other"(
elds/2122.html?countryName=Pakistan&countryCode=pk&regionCode=sas&#pk) . Pakistan (includes Christian and
Hindu) 5%. The World Factbook. CIA. 2010. Retrieved 2010-08-28.
10. "The World's Muslims: Unity and Diversity"(
sity-executive-summary/). Pew Research Center. 9 August 2012. Retrieved 26 December 2016. "On the other hand,
in Pakistan, where 6% of the survey respondents identify as Shia, Sunni attitudes are more mixed: 50% say Shias
are Muslims, while 41% say they are not."
11. "Field Listing : Religions"(
Pakistan&countryCode=pk&regionCode=sas&#pk) . The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 2010.
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12. "The Constitution of Pakistan, Part I: Introductory"( Retrieved 2013-06-19.
13. "The Constitution of Pakistan, Part II: Chapter 1: Fundamental Rights"(
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14. Iqbal, Khurshid (2009).The Right to Development in International Law: The Case of Pakistan( A189&dq=1973+constitution+pakistan+islam&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEw
jJ96aS3-_QAhXJi5QKHS2bCfgQ6AEIQT AH#v=onepage&q=1973%20constitution%20pakistan%20islam&f=false) .
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15. "The Constitution of Pakistan, Part III: Chapter 1: The President"(
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16. The Constitution of Pakistan, Notes for Part III, Chapter 3(
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20. "Pakistan - International Religious Freedom Report 2008"(
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22. "Most Baha'i Nations (2005)"( QuickLists > Compare Nations
> Religions >. The Association of Religion Data Archives. 2005
. Retrieved 2009-07-04.
23. "Being Cyrus in Karachi"(
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24. Ghauri, Irfan (2012-09-02)."Over 35,000 Buddhists, Baha'is call Pakistan home"(
9/over-35000-buddhists-bahais-call-pakistan-home/). Express Tribune. Retrieved 2018-03-20.
25. The 1998 Pakistani census states that there are 291,000 (0.22%) Ahmadis in Pakistan. However , the Ahmadiyya
Muslim community has boycotted the census since 1974 which renders of ficial Pakistani figures to be inaccurate.
Independent groups have estimated the Pakistani Ahmadiyya population to be somewhere between 2 million and 5
million Ahmadis. However, the 4 million figure is the most quoted figure and is approximately 2.2% of the country .
over 2 million: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (2008-12-04)."Pakistan: The situation of Ahmadis,
including legal status and political, education and employment rights; societal attitudes toward Ahmadis (2006 -
Nov. 2008)" ( Retrieved 2018-03-20.
3 million: International Federation for Human Rights:International Fact-Finding Mission. Freedoms of
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3–4 million: Commission on International Religious Freedom:Annual Report of the United States Commission on
International Religious Freedom.2005, S. 130
4.910.000: James Minahan: Encyclopedia of the stateless nations. Ethnic and national groups around the world.
Greenwood Press . Westport 2002, page 52
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n/texis/vtx/rwmain?page=country&category=&publisher=IRBC&type=QUER YRESPONSE&coi=PAK&rid=&docid
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26. "Losing your religion?: 'NADRA should not be deciding people's faith
' " (
. The Express Tribune. 2012-04-12. Retrieved 2018-03-20.
27. "Pakistan, Islam in" ( Oxford Centre for
Islamic Studies. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2018-03-20. "Approximately 97 percent of Pakistanis are
Muslim. The majority are Sunnis following the Hanafi school of Islamic law . Between 10–15 percent are Shiis, mostly
28. Singh, Dr. Y P (2016). Islam in India and Pakistan – A Religious History(
muslim%20population%20in%20the%20world&f=false) . Vij Books India Pvt Ltd. ISBN 9789385505638. "Pakistan
has the second largest Muslim population in the world after Indonesia. "
29. "Country Profile: Pakistan"( Library of Congress. 2005.
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30. "Field Listing : Religions"(
Pakistan&countryCode=pk&regionCode=sas&#pk) . The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. 2010.
Retrieved 2018-03-20.
31. "The World's Muslims: Unity and Diversity"(
sity-executive-summary/). Pew Research Center. 2012-08-09. Retrieved 2018-03-20. "On the other hand, in
Pakistan, where 6% of the survey respondents identify as Shia, Sunni attitudes are more mixed: 50% say Shias are
Muslims, while 41% say they are not."
32. "Heart of darkness: Shia resistance and revival in Pakistan"(
s-shia-resistance-and-revival-in-pakistan). Herald. 2015-10-29. Retrieved 2018-03-20.
33. Jones, Brian H. (2010).Around Rakaposhi (
=gilgit+shias+1988+killing&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjgzNmygZzRAhWKkpQKHeKqCgYQ6AEIR TAI#v=onepage
&q=gilgit%20shias%201988%20killing&f=false) . Brian H Jones. ISBN 9780980810721. "Many Shias in the region
feel that they have been discriminated against since 1948. They claim that the Pakistani government continually
gives preferences to Sunnis in business, in of
ficial positions, and in the administration of justice...The situation
deteriorated sharply during the 1980s under the presidency of the tyrannical Zia-ul Haq when there were many
attacks on the Shia population."
34. Produced by Charlotte Buchen."Sufism Under Attack in Pakistan"(
asia/1248069532117/sufism-under-attack-in-pakistan.html)(video). The New York Times. Retrieved May 21, 2012.
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Hindus, said Gul Hasan Kalmati, a researcher who authored “Karachi, Sindh Jee Marvi”, a book discussing the city
and its indigenous communities. Although there are no of ficial statistics available, community leaders claim that there
are three million Gujarati-speakers in Karachi – roughly around 15 percent of the city’ s entire population."
40. "Rigveda | Hindu literature"( Encyclopedia Britannica.
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Retrieved from "


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