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LETOPs stands for Learning

let’s start reading…
THE HIGHLY Enrichment Top Performances. Each NEEDS vs. WANTS
Do you ever feel like you absolutely must
IMMERSIVE student is given a booklet containing have that new toy, book, or game? You have
PROGRAMME short articles on themes of People and lots of them already, so why do you think
you need more? The idea that we need to
Culture, Health and Environment, ke e p g e t t i n g n e w t h i n g s i s c a l l e d
Activity Launching S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y a n d consumerism. Many people think that it is
Consumerism and Financial important to have many, many things, even
May 4, 2018 if they don't use them or need them.
Awareness. Each week, a student will Researchers have found that, in the United
be selected to read an article in the States on average, a 10-year-old owns 238
As-Shafie Hall toys! That's too many to use all at one time,
daily morning assembly whilst the
or even in one week. They also found that
other students need to refer to the even though there are that many toys
LETOPs booklet for listening and available, those 10-year-olds only play with
about 12 of them every day. So ask yourself:
silent reading. The first paragraph of
do you think they really need all those toys?
the selected article will be read on People spend a lot of money on things that
Monday and followed by the they want but don't really need. In 2011, it
was found that every year, Americans spend
remaining paragraphs on Tuesday and
over 1.2 trillion dollars on goods and
Thursday. On Friday, the teacher-on- services they don't absolutely need! Wow!
duty will end the article by reading the Keep in mind that a trillion is a hundred
million - so every year, we spend over a
vocabulary list. Through this reading hundred million dollars on things we don't
activity, the involvement of the teachers really need. That's a lot of stuff!
and students is incorporated. The problem is that many people are
affected by consumerism; they love to keep
getting new things whether they actually
need them or not. Another interesting fact
is that only about 3% of all the children in
the world live in the United States, which is
SMKA Sultan Azlan Shah a small number; however, those children
Highly Immersive Programme own 40% of all the toys sold in the world!
That's consumerism.

Launch Programme

07:30 a.m. The Arrival of School

07:35 a.m. Welcome Remarks

National and State Anthem

Recitation of Dua’

07:45 a.m. Weekly Report THE HIGHLY IMMERSIVE PROGRAMME (HIP) School Head Teachers
is a programme introduced under the MBMMBI policy
07:50 a.m. Opening Remarks that will improve the English proficiency of students
Introduction to HIPS and through increased exposure in schools. It also aims to
LETOPs inculcate positive behaviours towards the learning and
usage of the English Language.
LETOPs Launching
HIP is based on a whole school approach, where it
Students’ Performances involves the principals, all teachers, students and The Anchor The Doer
learning parents and community who would create a rich
Award-Giving Ceremony English usage environment. The approach is to empower
schools, by the schools and for the schools. Each Students Parents &
Launching Remarks
component supports each other to ensure the Community
implementation of English enrichment activities.
Closing Remarks and
Gimmicks Some of the activities planned for our school are
Reading Camp, English Month, Debate and Public
08:30 a.m. Ceremony Ends Speaking Workshops, LETOPs and presentations in the
weekly assembly. The Learner The Supporter

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