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Engineering Group

Specification Number

Pipeline Construction
Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
Engihedng Grwp
015-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 2 of 28


1.0 SCOPE ............................................. 3

2.0 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.0 SERVICE CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.0 TECHNICALREQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5.0 RIGHT-OF-WAY (ROW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
MATERIALS ......................................... 8
8.0 DITCHING INCLUDING ROCK EXCAVATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
9.0 CROSSINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
10.0 FIELDBENDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
11.0 LINING-UP AND WELDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
13.0 LOWERING-IN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5
14.0 TIE-INS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 6
15.0 FITTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
16.0 WASHOUTS AND DRAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
17.0 PADDING AND BACKFILLING OF THE TRENCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
19.0 IMPRESSED CURRENT GROUNDBEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
20.0 FINAL CLEAN-UP OF THE CONSTRUCTION ROW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
21.0 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS AND PIPE BOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
2 1 .1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0
21.2 As-Built Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
21.3 Pipe Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
21.4 Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
APPENDIX 1: PIPELINE DATA SHEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4
Specification Number Rev Date Sheet

@ KoC E n g M n g Grwp
SpecJfication 015-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 3 of 28


1.I This document covers the minimum requirements the Contractor shall
consider in supply of materials and the construction of the pipelines and
ancillary facilities for installation at the Facility in Kuwait.

1.2 The construction of the pipelines shall fully comply with all relevant
contractual requirements specified in the Scope of Work and the
Technical Specification of the Contract.


2.1 The construction of pipelines and ancillary shall conform, except where
specified otherwise, with the current issue and amendments of the
following prevailing on the effective date of the Contract:

IInternational Standards
2. I.

ASME Section IX Qualification Standard for Welding and

Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers
and Welding and Brazing Operators

ASME Section Vlll Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

ASME 81.20.1 Pipe Threads

ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

ASME B16.9 Factory-made Wrought Steel

Buttwelding Fittings

Buttwelding Ends

Gas Transmission and Distribution

Piping Systems

Liquid Petroleum Piping Systems

Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel


ASME B46.1 Surface Texture

API 5L Specification for Line Pipe

API 6A Specification for Valves and Wellhead

API 6D Specification for Pipeline Valves (Gate,
Plug, Ball and Check Valves)

API 6FA Fire Testing of Valves

API 5 9 4 Wafer Type Check Valves

API 598 Valve Inspection and Testing

API 600 Steel Gate Valves-Flanged and Butt

Welding Ends

API 602 Compact Steel Gate Valves

API 609 Lug-and Wafer-type Butterfly Valves

API RP 1110 Pressure Testing of Liquid Petroleum


API RP 1102 Pipeline Road Crossing

API RP 1 1 0 4 Welding of Pipelines and Related


ASTM Specifications for Ferrous Piping Materials

MSS-SP-25 Standard Marking System for Valves,

Fittings, Flanges and Unions

MSS-SP-44 Steel Pipeline Flanges

MSS-SP-75 High Test Fittings

NACE MR0175 Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistant-

Metallic Materials f o r Oilfield

NACE RP01-77-83 Mitigation of Alternating Current and

Lighting Effects on Metallic Structures
and Corrosion Control Systems
2.1.2 British Standards

BS 5146 Specification for Inspection and Test of

Steel Valves for the Petroleum, Petro-
Chemical and Allied lndustries

BS 5351 Steel Ball Valves for the Petroleum,

Petro-Chemical and Allied lndustries
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01 5-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 6 of 28

2.5 Where conflicts exist between this specification and other Drawings,
standards, codes or specifications, the most stringent shall be applied.


3.1 The construction of the pipelines and ancillary shall be suitable for
continuous operations at the desert location under high ambient
temperatures and humidity. The atmosphere at the Facility is generally
dusty and corrosive and may contain traces of hydrogen sulphide.

3.2 The installed pipelines shall in all respects be suitable for continuous
operation in service conditions stated in the Engineering Group
Specification entitled "Basic Design Criteria" (Number 015-AH-1001).


The Contractor shall establish a chainage marking survey for the Crude
Oil Transit System, low-pressure (LP) gas lines, high-pressure (HP) gas
lines and Fuel Gas System.

The survey control shall be staked at a maximum of 50-m intervals on

the tangents and 10-m intervals on curves. The numbering system shall
be continuous. Staking shall be on the ditch centre line with reference
stakes established for each centre line stake, but offset by 20 m from
the ditch centre line.

The survey shall locate all buried services, which shall then be shown on
the alignment sheets. This survey shall also establish the depth of the


5.1 The Contractor shall not start any construction work on the ROW until
control staking has been approved by the Company.

5.2 The Contractor shall clear and level the construction ROW to the degree
required to support all work scope activities.


6.1 The Contractor shall perform such grading of the ROW as is required to
properly perform the pipeline construction, and to provide access to the
pipeline during the construction period.

6.2 The Contractor shall grade the ROW to eliminate sharp high points,
minimise bending and maximise laying within the limits permissible for
elastic bending. In rocky sections, the Contractor shall excavate rock
or other material that cannot be graded with normal grading equipment
in order to build an adequate working space along the pipeline route
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01 5-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 7 of 28

except in those locations where easements for ROW or permits restrict

the same to a lesser width or the particular circumstances at specific
locations necessitate a lesser width. When such lesser widths of ROW
are necessary, such lesser widths shall be controlling and binding on

The ROW width shall be limited to 20 m. Where the construction ROW

passes over, through or along roads, the Contractor shall grade only the
width of the ROW necessary for digging the pipeline trench and
constructing the pipeline. In areas which require a greater width for
construction activities, prior approval of the Company shall be obtained.

The Contractor shall perform all necessary grading at road crossings and
at any other location required to permit the passage of construction

The Contractor shall take every precaution in providing temporary

fencing, supports, and other protective devices as necessary to avoid
damaging existing pipelines, electrical lines and cables, fences, roads,
drainage, irrigation systems and any other existing above- or
belowground structures, or property, adjacent to or crossing the pipeline
being constructed.

The Contractor shall perform any clearing necessary to accommodate

the installation of the pipeline and related facilities. Above the ground
pipelines crossing, the ROW shall be lowered to a procedure submitted
by the Contractor and approved by the Company.

Great care shall be taken of any cultivated ground. For these areas the
topsoil shall be carefully removed and protected against erosion and
contamination by blown sand and kept for reinstatement by the
Contractor after the pipeline is constructed.

Any archaeological monuments and remains uncovered during trenching

and ROW clearance shall be brought to the attention of the Company
immediately on discovery.

The Contractor shall stop operations in the area of an archaeological find

until the significance and extent of the find is determined and the
Company gives approval to resume with the work and any special
actions to be taken.

During any work on pipelines influenced by high-voltage lines, specific

safety measures shall be taken for the protection of personnel. These
protective measures shall be detailed in the Contractor's Pipeline Safety
Manual. This shall include protection to cranes, sidebooms and all other
construction equipment.
6.1 1 The Contractor shall comply with Company hot working, permit and
safety systems.

6.12 When any existing line is located and/or when the berm is removed from
any existing line, the Contractor shall clearly indicate its buried route by
pegs and warning signs.

6.13 The Contractor shall protect the existing line from vehicle wheel loads
by suitable barriers or the placement of protective slabs. Berms of
existing lines so removed shall be replaced or left at the discretion of the


The Contractor shall unload, stockpile, load, haul and string all materials
and shall make all the necessary arrangements and agreements.

The Contractor shall be responsible to maintain pipe in good condition.

All end caps removed for inspection shall be replaced.

The method of stacking pipes, bare and coated, shall be subject to

review by the Company. It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure
that no distortion of pipe shape or any other damage to pipe or coating
occurs during storage and pipelay operations.

The Contractor shall be responsible for providing suitable trucks and

equipment in sufficient quantity to transport materials to construction
sites in accordance with agreed-to schedules.

The Contractor shall set up adequate methods of inventory and material

transfer so as to provide accurate accountability of all material at all
times during the Contract.

The Contractor shall use a Pipe Traceability System that shall enable
control and tracing of all pipe from source through to its as-built

The Contractor shall handle pipe with equipment of a suitable capacity

using approved slings, spreader bars, and protected hooks. The slings,
spreader bars and hooks shall be made available to the Company for
inspection and approval before loading or unloading is commenced.
Pipes shall not be rolled onto or from conveyances, nor handled in any
manner which distorts the round form of the ends, or scratches, gouges
or dents the pipe. Pipes shall not be dragged along the ground.

Any damage to the bare pipe or coating resulting from hauling,

stockpiling, subsequent handling or any other cause shall be repaired or
the pipe and coating replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor's
expense. The Company shall be notified prior to any repairs taking

Pipes strung on the construction ROW shall be protected by setting the

pipe in a manner that shall cause no damage to the pipe coating.

Pipe stringing in rock ditch areas shall not be permitted until ditching is
complete. Pipe ends may be placed on wooden skids to prevent ground
contact during stringing.

Pipe shall be strung in such a manner as to result in the least amount of

interference to the normal use of the land crossed, and gaps shall be left
at approximately 500-m intervals or at existing tracks to permit the use
of the land and the passage of equipment, or other normal traffic across
the construction ROW.

Materials shall be stored, as required, hauled to the work Site and

assembled on the Site in such a manner as to prevent damage, theft, or
other loss. Materials shall be covered whenever possible, materials shall
not be stored near sites of operations such as blast cleaning or painting,
and all materials shall be stored in locations separated from surplus and
scrap materials.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for providing and paying for all
storage areas, except as may be made available by the Company.

The Contractor shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of

any necessary temporary roads for the construction of the pipeline.

The Contractor shall be responsible for any repairs to and reinstatement

of existing roads or any property damaged by the hauling and stringing


8.1 The Contractor shall stake the centre line of the pipeline and flag the
limits of the working area of the ROW in accordance with Construction
Drawings approved by the Company. The Contractor shall dig the
pipeline trench on the staked centre line of the pipeline.

8.2 The Contractor shall employ equipment and methods to keep the ditch
to the line established regardless of the type of soil and rock
encountered and regardless of the depth of excavation necessary.

8.3 The Contractor shall furnish all equipment, materials and supplies
necessary for the completion and maintenance of the ditch, including
shoring, sheet piling, dewatering and any other incidentals for the
completion of the work.
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The Contractor shall, wherever practicable, maintain depth of cover and

stability by minimising bending and by operating the trenching machine
at various depths andlor grading the ROW.

The Contractor shall carefully preserve any stakes andlor benchmarks

set by the Company. The Contractor shall be liable for any extra
expense due to its failure to maintain such stakeslbenchmarks.

The Contractor shall dig the pipeline trenches in accordance with the
approved Construction Drawings.

The use of explosives is not permitted in the trenching operations.

The minimum width of the trench as measured at the horizontal centre

line of the pipe when in place in the trench shall be 0.4 m greater than
the outside diameter of the pipe. Where two pipes are in a single
trench, the spacing and clearances shall be as shown on the approved
Construction Drawings.

The minimum depth of cover shall be as shown on the approved

Construction Drawings. Where not shown, the minimum depth of cover
shall be 1.0 m.

Minimum depth of cover shall be measured from the top of the pipe to
the level of the graded surface of the soil.

In any locations where, in the opinion of the Company, the use of

ditching equipment may result in damage to existing pipelines, property,
or facilities crossed by the ROW, the Company may require the ditch to
be excavated by hand.

The Contractor shall use detectors or other devices to locate foreign

installations that may be crossed or encroached upon.

The Contractor shall do such hand work in the trench as is necessary to

free the bottom of the trench of loose rock and hard lumps and to trim
other foreign matter from the bottom and sides of the trench.

The Contractor shall excavate as necessary for the installation of valves,

foundations, supports, anchors and other equipment shown on the
Project Drawings.

If jack hammers andlor rock breakers are required to be used within 2

m of any buried pipelines and between any pipelines running in the same
easement, all-around pipe protection shall be provided by the Contractor
before commencing.
8.16 Existing pipelines shall be excavated using hand tools and be adequately
supported. Mechanical equipment shall not be operated within 5 m of
the existing pipelines.

8.1 7 Precautions shall be taken at these exposed pipelberm areas to ensure

that no erosion of the soft sandfill takes place during trenching

8.18 Prior to exposure of any existing pipelines, the Contractor shall erect a
suitable, substantial barrier to prevent any damage to those pipelines,
particularly where removal of the berm for trenching operations opens
up a gap which could be used by vehicles as an unauthorised crossing.

8.19 Trenches shall be approximately 4.5 m from the agreed-to edge of the


Where the pipeline crosses roads, other pipelines, sewers, water lines,
cables, conduits or other underground structures of any kind, the
Contractor shall dig and grade the trench to a depth and in the manner
specified on the Project Drawings.

The Contractor shall install combined cathodic protection test

stationslline markers at road crossings and crossings of existing
pipelines. The markers shall be in accordance with Project Drawings.

The Contractor shall provide adequate supports for all existing services
during the construction operations including concrete slabslbeams as
required by the Company.

Although Project Drawings may indicate certain existing aboveground

and underground utilities such as water lines, telephone lines and other
pipelines, such location and crossing information is only provided as
guide to the Contractor. The Company does not warrant or guarantee
the accuracy or completeness of the said information, and the
identification of all existing services is the responsibility of the
Contractor. The Contractor shall perform a survey of the route prior to
ditching to find all buried and aboveground services. All these services
shall be shown on the alignment sheets. The survey shall also establish
the depth of the service.

In locations where the trench is cut across roads, paths, wadis,

walkways, and other access routes, the Contractor shall provide
temporary bridges of adequate strength and proper construction. The
Contractor shall submit its proposals for temporary bridges to the
Company for review prior to construction.
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The Contractor shall construct bypass roads as required by the Company

and in accordance with any statutory requirements in order to allow the
passage of normal traffic with a minimum of inconvenience and

Whenever it is permissible to open cut a paved road crossing, the

Contractor shall remove and replace the paving in accordance with the
restrictions and requirements of the Company.

The Contractor shall submit a method statement of its proposals to

effect paved road crossings with a view to complete the trenching,
laying and backfilling of such crossings and to remove the temporary
bridging or bypass before the end of the regular workday.

Proper warning signs and barricades shall be placed and maintained

while paved road crossings are open. If such crossings are open at
night, the Contractor shall provide and use electrically operated warning
lights or lanterns in accordance with the requirements of the responsible
authorities, and, if necessary, provide watchmen.

The Contractor shall place danger signs visible during dry light and red
lanterns of flame visible during night 100 m from excavated road
crossing in both direction of traffic. Danger signs are to be in English
and Arabic and must be recognisable at 50 m.

Breaks in the berm for a vehicle crossing at every kilometre post shall be
constructed as a track crossing. This provision does not apply to
pipelines in existing corridors where no corresponding crossing is
provided over the existing pipelines. In existing corridors, the Company
shall instruct the Contractor as to the correct location for such

The sections of pipeline route crossing overhead power line way leaves
shall be buried without bunds and constructed as a track crossing.

The Contractor shall provide trench crossings at other locations as

necessary to permit operators and/or other contractors to perform their
work with a minimum of inconvenience and interruption. .


10.1 The Contractor shall make all necessary pipe bends reqjuired in the
. . .

construction of the pipeline. The Contractor shall provide for change in

vertical and horizontal alignment by making cold field bend, except
where otherwise stated in the specifications or Project Drawings or as
authorised by the Company.
Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
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01 5-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 1 3 0 f 28

The Contractor shall furnish competent engineers and assistants

necessary for determining location and size of all bends. Such bends
shall be reviewed by the Company.

The Contractor shall bend the pipe t o conform to the grade and
horizontal alignment of the trench. Field bends shall be required at all
points where the change in grade or horizontal alignment is such that
the pipe will not conform to such changes by elastic bending.

The Contractor shall develop a procedure for field bending for Company

In no case shall the radius of a field bend be less than 40 times the
outside diameter (OD) of the pipe being bent.

Bending machines shall be of a type approved by the Company and shall

be suitable for bending coated pipe without damage to the coating.

The Contractor shall employ and use an experienced Bending Engineer,

who shall be furnished with such equipment and assistance as is
required to ensure that all field bends are made in such a manner that
the pipe fits the trench with uniform bearing, maintains the required
depth of cover indicated on Construction Drawings and, when in place
in the trench, is neither in tension nor compression.

All bends shall be of a uniform radius and the curvature shall be

distributed over as great a length of pipe as is reasonably possible.

The configuration of field bends shall be in accordance with the


10.9.1 Bending shall not be made within 2 m of the end of a joint of

pipe or girth weld.

10.9.2 For bending the longitudinal weld of the pipe shall be on the
neutral axis of the pipe. Bending of spirally welded pipe shall
not be made.

10.9.3 No bend shall be acceptable if the difference between the

largest diameter of the pipe and the smallest diameter, at any
point in the bend, is more than 2.5% of the inside diameter

10.9.4 Before any bend is incorporated in the pipeline, it shall be

tested for ovality with a gauging plate of diameter not less
than 95% of the pipeline ID.

10.10 Damage to coating due to bending shall be made good at the

Contractor's expense.
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m n

10.1 1 No mitre bends shall be permitted for installation of the pipelines.

10.12 The Contractor shall cut out and remove any bends which do not meet
the specification and replace them at its own cost.

10.13 Pipeline induction bends shall be as per the Engineering Group

Specification entitled "Induction Bends" (Number 01 5-IH-1001).


The Contractor shall align and weld together the joints of pipe into a
continuous pipeline, and all welds in the pipeline made by the Contractor
shall be of strength equal to that of the pipe and of the quality set forth
in this specification. Permitted weld hardness and other parameters
shall be in accordance with the applicable weld qualification procedure.
All welding procedures shall conform to the Engineering Group
Specification entitled "Field Welding" (Number 01 5-IH-1008) and API
1 104 (latest edition).

Coated pipe shall be suitably supported on padded supports giving a

ground clearance not less than 0.3 m.

Each pipe joint shall be thoroughly swabbed to remove all dirt and
foreign matter from the inside of the pipe before the joints are lined up
and welded. The swabbing operation shall not be carried out on more
than six pipe joints ahead of the stringer bead welders.

Where the pipeline is welded in long sections for crossings or other

obstructions, the ends of the long sections shall be capped in a manner
approved by the Company until the long sections are tied-in. During the
laying operations, close attention shall be given to open ends to ensure
an open, clean line free of any obstructions. All precautions shall be
taken to prevent water from entering the pipeline.

The open end of the line shall be securely closed at the end of each
day's work to prevent entrance of small animals or the introduction of
foreign matter of any nature and shall not be reopened until work is
resumed. The Contractor shall remove all obstructions in the line after
the completion thereof.

Tack welding of end caps to the line pipe is not permitted.

The Contractor shall use approved line-up clamps and shall ensure during
the line-up operation that longitudinal or spiral welds are offset at 90°
or 10 in., whichever is larger. Internal line-up clamps shall be used for
16-in. and larger size pipes.
11.8 All welding procedures, welder and NDT personnel shall be qualified as
specified in the Engineering Group Specification entitled "Field Welding"
(Number 01 5-IH-1008).

11.9 Pipelines constructed within the area of high-voltage lines may be

electrically influenced by these high-voltage lines. The induced voltage
caused by the influence may at times be high enough as to pose a
danger to personnel working on the pipeline. The Contractor shall
specify detail safety aspects of this construction in the Contractor's
Safety Manual.


12.1 The pipeline shall be protected by an external coating of glass fibre,

reinforced coal tar enamel or polyken system as detailed in the
Engineering Group Specification entitled "External Coating of Line Pipe
Using Coal Tar Enamel" (Number 01 5-IH-1010).

12.2 The Contractor shall furnish all materials, equipment, labour and
supervision and shall be responsible for cleaning, priming and coating the
line pipe, field joints, valves, fittings, connections and appurtenances,
together with recleaning, repriming and recoating to meet the

12.3 The coating of pipeline field joints, tie-ins and fittings shall be made in
accordance with the Engineering Group Specification entitled "Pipeline
Field Joint Coating" (Number 01 5-IH-1012).

12.4 Repairs to coatings shall be made in accordance with the Engineering

Group Specification entitled "External Coating of Line Pipe with Coal Tar
Enamel" (Number 01 5-IH-l Ol O), and to procedures submitted by the
Contractor and approved by the Company for the coating materials to
be used.

12.5 The Contractor shall make a detailed inspection of the coating for
holidays and imperfections, with a holiday detector, immediately
preceding the lowering in of the pipe. The Contractor shall furnish high
voltage electric holiday detectors set to the Approved Manufacturer's

12.6 All holidays and damaged places in the coating shall be repaired by the
Contractor until the detector is passed over the entire joint without
disclosing any holiday or imperfections in the coating.

12.7 The coating condition shall be inspected by the Company prior to


12.8 Coated pipe shall be handled at all times with equipment designed to
prevent damage to the coating.
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The Contractor shall provide sufficient sidebooms, cradles, slings and

equipment to adequately support the pipe during lowering in. All
equipment must be tested and certified by an Approved Authority prior
to any work.

The Contractor shall lower in the pipe into the trench after the coating
and wrapping of field joints.

Pipe shall not be lowered into the trench until the bottom of the trench
has been cleared of all debris and the bedding has been graded so that
the pipe has a uniform bearing. The Contractor shall request and receive
approval from the Company prior to lowering in any pipe.

The Contractor shall be required to provide padded slings for handling

coated pipe. The use of belting reinforced with wire cable is not
permitted. Any method of lowering-in that prevents damage to the
coating shall be acceptable; however, the use of pneumatic-tyred cradles
is preferred. A holiday detection survey shall be run continuously behind
the cradle, and any repairs necessary shall be made prior to bedding the

The handling of the pipe shall be done in such a manner that the pipe in
its final position in the trench shall be free from abraded spots or

Where water is present, no lowering-in shall be permitted until the ditch

has been dewatered to the extent and for the time necessary to make
visual inspection by the Company of the bedding material on which the
pipe is to be laid. Following such inspection, the presence of water shall
be permitted provided that it is not so high as to cause cave-in of the
walls of the trench or floating of the pipeline before padding and
backfilling, when weighting of the pipe is not provided.

When lowered in, the pipeline shall have a clearance of 0.1 5 m on either
side of the trench wall.

When lowering in parallel pipelines in the same trench, the minimum

distances between the pipelines indicated in the approved Drawings shall
be maintained and shall be minimum 0.5 m.

The lowering operation shall be carried out by the Contractor when pipe
temperatures are within the limits and in accordance with the lowering-
in temperatures.

13.10 The Contractor shall at all the times make good and repair or replace
all effects as directed by the Company.
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01 5-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 1 7 0 f 28

13.11 All equipment used for lifting and handling the pipelines and
components shall be tested, inspected and certified by an Approved
Authority. The test certificates showing safe working loads, safety
systems, etc. shall be submitted to the Company for approval.

14.1 The Contractor shall do all work necessary to tie-in separate welded
sections of the pipeline into a continuous system.

14.2 All bevelling, aligning and welding shall be done in accordance with the
Engineering Group Specifica,tion entitled "Pipeline Field Welding Non-
Sour Service" (Number 01 5-IH-1008).

14.3 Welding after the pipe has been lowered into the ditch (bell-hole
welding) shall be done only where sufficient clearance has been provided
to enable the welder to exercise normal welding skill and ability and to
ensure against trench collapse.

14.4 The protective coating of tie-in welds shall be done in accordance with
the Engineering Group Specification entitled "Pipeline Field Joint
Coating" (Number 015-IH-1012).

14.5 All pipe 2 m or more in length cut off at tie-in points shall not be allowed
to accumulate but shall be moved ahead daily as the Work progresses
and welded into the line as directed by the Company.

14.6 The Contractor shall observe the maximum and minimum tie-in
temperature to be used based on the prevailing temperature conditions
and the calculations developed during detail design.

14.7 The Contractor shall perform tie-ins as soon as practicable after lower-in
of the strings. Extended periods between lower-in and tie-in shall only
be allowed when specified tie-in temperatures cannot be reached.

14.8 The maximum length of exposed unsupported pipeline must not exceed
7 m. When it exceeds five 5 m, a central substantial wooden support
shall be installed with a minimum 10-mm-thick rubber "shoe" or
equivalent contacting the pipe.

15.1 Pipeline fittings shall include but not be limited to insulating joints,
temporary scraper traps, valves and fittings and branch connections,
cathodic protection test stations, anchor flanges, line markers and
miscellaneous supports and concrete foundations for the above and for
the specified related facilities as needed.
I Specification Number I Rev I Date 1 Sheet

15.2 The Contractor shall install all such fittings as specified herein and as
shown on the approved construction Drawings. Welding shall be in
accordance with the Engineering Group Specification entitled "Field
Welding Non-Sour Service" (Number 01 5-IH- 1008).

15.3 All scale, dirt and debris shall be removed from the inside of the piping
fittings before installation.


Wherever the possibility exists of soil erosion due to surface water runoff as
in wadis, underground water or wind, the Contractor shall provide protection
for the pipeline and install drainage, barrier wind breaks or other installations,
as required.


The Contractor shall pad and backfill the trench after the pipe is in place
as set forth in the approved construction Drawings.

Padding material shall be finely graded material with a maximum particle

size of 3 mm. Padding material may be graded desert fill, graded
excavated material or dune sand but shall be free of organic material.

When the depth of the trench is 1.5 m or more, proper shoring

arrangements shall be implemented. Shoring shall be monitored on a
daily basis.

The Contractor shall avoid passing by or crossing of heavy machinery

across the trench. Shoring shall be carried out by competent workmen.
Excavated trench shall not be left open for a long time to avoid any
inward cavement at the toe of the trench.

The Contractor shall grade the trench bedding material to give the
maximum amount of support to the pipeline when it is lowered into
place. The material shall be compacted to the degree specified by the
approved detail design calculations.

The Contractor shall place padding material in such a manner as to

cause no damage to the pipe coating and compact it to the degree
specified in the approved detail design calculations.

The depth of padding shall be such as to give the pipe in place the
specified clearance from the hard material.

The Contractor shall not commence the padding operation until the
Company has inspected and approved the lowered-in pipe. If any
backfilling is done without Company approval, the Company shall have
the right to require removal of the backfill for examination, and the cost
Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
01 5-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 19 of 28
m n

of such uncovering shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor

shall survey and record as-built measurements, including location and
record pipe joint numbers and welds before padding material is placed.

17.9 The padding material to shade the pipe shall be applied immediately after
the trench is approved for backfilling.

17.10 All lowered-in pipe shall be shaded with padding material at the end of
each working day or otherwise restrained by spot backfilling.

17.1 1 After the padding operation is complete and compaction requirements

achieved, the Contractor shall commence the backfill and berm
installation as specified on the approved construction Drawings.

17.1 2 Backfill material, as specified on the approved construction Drawings,

shall be piled over ditch to at least 1 m high above original ground and
covered with the Company-approved material as soon as possible for

17.13 Berm material shall be selected from desert fill or excavated material
in rock areas. Berm material shall be free from organic material and
course graded. Fines shall be placed at the bottom of the berm with
greater particle sizes on the top. The berm angle shall be less than the
normal angle or repose of the berm material. Crude oil for berm
stabilisation will be made available to the Contractor by the Company.


Shall be executed by others.


Shall be executed by others.


20.1 After approval of berm placement above the backfilled trenches in

accordance with construction Drawings, the Contractor shall restore the
construction ROW to its original contour and condition, or as otherwise
agreed upon, with the approval of the Company

20.2 All surplus and defective materials supplied by the Contractor for the
construction of the pipelines and all trash, refuse and unusable spoil
materials shall be collected and disposed of by the Contractor to the
satisfaction of the Company.

20.3 The construction ROW shall be graded smooth, and surface soil shall be
carefully replaced in a manner acceptable to the Company.

-N43-0160 -
d-r flu.a r
I Specification Number 1 Rev 1 Date 1 Sheet

The Contractor shall reinstate all fencing, temporarily removed or

relocated by the Contractor during pipeline construction. All fences cut
or damaged shall be repaired by installing new sections of fencing equal
to or better than the sections cut or damaged. Temporary gates shall
be removed and replaced by new fence sections as agreed upon with
the Company.

The Contractor shall supply all the gravel or gatch required to cover
areas as shown on approved Drawings. The Contractor shall dress-up
areas disturbed during construction and shall rework surfaced areas as
required for acceptable finish condition.

The Contractor shall reinstate all land drains disturbed by construction

operations to the satisfaction of the Company.

The final ROW shall be graded smooth enough to provide for access to
light four-wheel-driven units.


21.1 General

21.1.1 The Contractor shall prepare as-built Drawings of all Company-

issued Project Drawings and of all the Contractor's
construction Drawings including vendor Drawings, such as but
not limited to:

For pipeline section:

a. Piping and instrument diagrams.

b. Pipeline alignment sheets.

c. Route maps.

d. Profile maps.

e. Detail Drawings (road crossings, pipe crossings, etc).

f. General-arrangement Drawings of installation.

g. Isometric Drawings of special installations.

h. Pig launcher and receiver scraper areas arrangement

Drawings and isometrics.

i. Cathodic protection.

21 .I
.2 The Contractor shall prepare a Pipe and Weld Book.
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E n g J d n g Grwp
015-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 21 of 28

21.1.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Company for approval a

procedure for all documentation gathering and compilation.

21.2 As-Built Drawinas

The Contractor shall prepare a complete set of as-built

Drawings. From the start of construction, the Contractor shall
process daily any changes into two sets of Drawings. Deleted
parts shall be indicated in red, new parts in blue, remarks in
green and unchanged parts in yellow. Said Drawings shall be
kept onsite and be available to the Company at all times. The
Contractor shall prepare as-built Drawings based on these data
and as laid down hereafter. On completion of the work, the
Contractor shall provide the Company with all as-built
The required measurements for as-built Drawings shall be
executed by the Contractor's experienced and qualified

21.2.3 The surveyors shall daily collect and compile all measurements
required such as but not limited to:

a. Horizontal location of the pipeline with regard to deviations

and permanent grid pillars.

b. Vertical levels with regard to mean sea level of pipeline and


c. Location and type of bends, fittings, grades, points of

intersections, tangent points, overbend, underbends,
transition pieces.

d. Changes of wall thickness size, grade and materials.

e. Location and details of valves, insulating flanges, fencing,

power lines, buildings within 30 m from pipelines, etc.

f. Location and details of buried services.

g. Location and details of crossings, existing pipelines and


h. Location and details of road and track crossings.

i. Location and type of coating, field joint material and

location of changes.

j. Location and type of weighting and anchoring.

k. Location and type of markers, warning signs, pig signals.

1. Location of further appurtenances, i.e., cathodic protection

connections, instruments.

m. Location of ROW.

n. Type of soil.

0. Sand padding.

P. Type of road pavement.

q. Details of bank protection.

r. Location of radiographical inspections welds.

S. The Contractor shall locate the existing installations of

whatsoever nature at its own expenses.

21.3 P i ~ eBook

21.3.1 The Pipe and Welding Book shall contain, but not be limited to:

a. Data relevant to the project and section thereof.

b. Material certificates for each batch of pipe.

c. Sequential number for each weld and pipe joint.

d. Length brought forward (for pipes and other material).

e. Length to bring forward (for pipes and other materials).

f. Alignment sheet number.

g. Diameter of pipeline.

h. Length of each pipe.

i. Length of pipe per page.

j. Wall thickness.

k. Location of wall thickness changes.

I. Pipe letter and number.

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
Eng/Wng G w
01 5-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 23 of 28

m. Location and angle of field bends, factory bends and in-line


n. Cut and renumbered pipe ends.

o. Coating.

p. Date of stringing.
q. Date of welding.

r. Direction of working.

s. Welder number.

t. Type of welding, electrode, diameter.

u. Weld treatment.

v. Equipment used for radiography.

w. Limits of valve stations, road, and pipeline crossings,

buried services crossings.

x. Test pressure, date and test (hydrostatic).

21.3.2 In order t o achieve this, the Contractor shall identify all pipe
elements. The Contractor shall track and document all pipes
2 m and greater in length and all condemned pipe for material

21.4 Identification

The Contractor shall provide all pipes, bends, valves and

fittings greater than 2 in. with serial numbers as soon as
possible and measure their length and state it on the pipes,
valves and fittings. Pipes t o be bent shall be measured prior t o
bending. ldentification (i.e., letter, number and length) shall be

All serial numbers shall be recorded in a list, which shall also

state relevant pipe numbers.

Besides recording the stamped-in pipe numbers, length of pipe

and painted-on serial numbers, the stamped-in numbers of T-
pieces, bends, valves and other fittings and the batch numbers
of bends, T-pieces, valves and other fittings and the make of
valves, shall also be recorded on said list.
Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
E n g t d n g Grwp
SpeMkWon 01 5-IH-1001 I 9-7-94 24 of 28

Before a pipe length, pipe end, etc. is cut, the painted serial
number and stamped-in pipe number shall be transferred by the
Contractor in the presence of the Company to either side of
the joint which is to be made by cutting, and the changes shall
be recorded in the above mentioned list stating the new length.

The result shall be such that all pipe pups of diameter greater
than 2 in. bear clear marks painted on.

The Contractor shall explicitly instruct its staff that pipe which
cannot be identified must be removed and condemned.
Specification Number Rev Date Sheet

01 5-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 25 of 28
m n

APPENDIX 1: Pipeline Data Sheet

Pipeline Length (Approx.) For Information Only

Sheet 1 of 4
Length KM
Crude Oil Transmission Line Network One No. 20" spur line from GC-5 4.5
to manifold Burgan-1 (GI
One No. 12" spur line from new 3.5
GC-12 t o manifold Burgan-1 (GI
One 20" tie-in from GC-14 t o 1.5
existing line
Low Pressure Gas Transmission Network One No. 18" gas line GC-5 t o 5.0
manifold "S7"
One No. 18" gas line from 2.3
manifold "S7" t o manifold "S6"
One 20" tie-in from GC-12 t o 0.25
existing line
One 20" tie-in from GC-5 t o 2.5
existing 20" gas line
One 20" tie-in from GC-14 t o 2.5
existing line
High Pressure Gas Transmission Network One 12" tie-in from GC-5 t o 2.0
existing line
One 12" tie-in from GC-12 t o 0.25
existing line
One 12" tie-in from GC-14 t o 0.10
existing line
Fuel Gas System One 4" tie-in from GC-5 t o 2.0
existing line
One 4" tie-in from GC-12 t o 0.25
existing line
One 4" tie-in from GC-14 t o 1.5
existing line
Brackish Water GC's t o RinaIMain 0.3
Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
E n g i M n g Gnwp
01 5-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 26 of 28


Sheet 2 of 4
Category Requirement
Material API 5L Grade B
Nominal diameter 1 20" NPS. 18" NPS. 12" NPS and 4" NPS
-- --

Wall thickness For all pipe size 9.5 mm

Corrosion Coating Polyolefin
Operating and Design Pressure MAOP Design Pressure
20" NPS Spur Line 400 psi 500 psi
12" NPS Spur Line 400 psi 500 psi
20" NPS Crude Oil Tie-in 400 psi 500 psi
18" NPS Low Pressure Gas Line 60 psi 75 psi
20" NPS Low Pressure Gas Tie-ins 60 psi 75 psi
12" NPS High Pressure Tie-ins 300 psi 350 psi
4" NPS Fuel Gas Tie-ins 460 psi 500 psi
Flange Rating
Crude Lines ASME Class 300 - --

Fuel Gas ASME Class 300

HP Gas Lines ASME Class 300
LP Gas Lines ASME Class 150
Hydrotest Pressure ASME B.31.8 125% of MAOP or 90%
Minimum Cover 1.0 m (top of pipe)
Minimum Bending Radius Induction Bend 5D
Field Bend - Minimum Radius 40D
Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
E ~ ~ Gnwp
n g
~~n 01 5-IH-1001 1 9-7-94 27 of 28

GC-29 and 30

Sheet 3 of 4
NetworklSystem Length
Crude Oil Transmission Line Network One 12" crude oil line from GC-30 to
One 10" crude oil line from GC-29 to
One 16" from manifold to existing
Condensate Transmission Network One 6" condensate line GC-30 to
One 4" condensate line from GC-29
to manifold
One 6" condensate line from
manifold to existing line
High Pressure Gas Transmission One 10" from GC-30 to manifold
One 8" from GC-299 to manifold
One 10" from manifold to existing
Fuel Gas System One 6" from existing line to manifold
One 6" from manifold to GC-30
One 6" from manifold to GC-29

Sheet 4 of 4
Category Requirement
Material API 5L Grade B
Nominal Diameter 16" NPS, 10" NPS, 8" NPS (spiral pipe)
6" NPS and 4" NPS (seamless)
Wall Thickness For all pipe size 9.5 mm
Corrosion Coating 1
Operating and Design Pressure MAOP
I Design Pressure
lo", 12" 16" NPS Crude Oil Lines 450 psi 1 500 psi
8", 10" HP Gas 930 psi 9 5 0 psi
6", 4" Condensate 1230 psi 75 psi
6" NPS Fuel Gas psi I 400 psi
Flange Rating
Crude Lines ASME Class 300
Fuel Gas ASME Class 300
HP Gas Lines ASME Class 400
Condensate ASME Class 600
Hydrotest Pressure ASME B.31.8 125% of MAOP or 90%
Minimum Cover 1.0 m (top of pipe)
Minimum Bending Radius Induction Bend 5D

Field Bend - Minimum Radius 1 400

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