Criminal Law

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What is Criminal Law and its characteristics

How are felonies committed? Explain

Distinguish Ex Post Facto Law and Bill of Attainder

When is Motive relevant?

What are the requisites of (a) Self Defense; (b) Defense of Relative; (c) Defense of a Stranger; and (d) State Necessity

Abe, married to Liza, contracted another marriage with Connie in Singapore. Thereafter, Abe and Connie returned to the Philippines
and lived as husband and wife in the hometown of Abe in Calamba, Laguna. Can Abe be prosecuted for bigamy?

During the robbery in a dwelling house, one of the culprits happened to fire his gun upward in the ceiling without meaning to kill
anyone. The owner of the house who was hiding thereat was hit and killed as a result. The defense theorized that the killing was a
mere accident and was not perpetrated in connection with, or for purposes of, the robbery. Rule on the contention of the defense.

When A arrived home, he found B raping his daughter. Upon seeing A, B ran away. A took his gun and shot B, killing him. Charged
with homicide, A claimed he acted in defense of his daughter's honor. Is A correct?

One night, Una, a young married woman, was sound asleep in her bedroom when she felt a man on top of her. Thinking it was her
husband Tito, who came home a day early from his business trip, Una let him have sex with her. After the act, the man said, "I hope
you enjoyed it as much as I did." Not recognizing the voice, it dawned upon Lina that the man was not Tito, her husband. Furious,
Una took out Tito's gun and shot the man. Charged with homicide Una denies liability on the ground of defense of honor. Is her
claim tenable?

A, a public officer, found a bundle of money in his table. Thinking that it is the funds for the allowance of his team, with deceit,
carefully hid the cash and used the same for his personal use. Thereafter, he found out that it was his 13th month pay. Is a liable for
the Impossible Crime of Malversation of Public Funds?

John, an eight-year old boy, is fond of watching the television program "Zeo Rangers." One evening while he was engrossed
watching his favorite television show, Petra, a maid changed the channel to enable her to watch "Home Along the Riles." This
enraged John who got his father's baseball bat, and without warning, hit Petra at the back of her head causing her physical injuries.
(a) Was there a crime committed? (b) What is the criminal liability of John?

A chanced upon three men who were attacking B with fist blows. C, one of the men, was about to stab B with a knife. Not knowing
that B was actually the aggressor because he had earlier challenged the three men to a fight, A shot C as the latter was about to stab
B, causing C serious physical injuries. May A invoke the defense of a stranger as a justifying circumstance in his favor?

A, a Chinese diplomat here in the Philippines, visited Boracay for vacation. During his vacation, he was attracted to a Filipina girl B.
During his stay at Boracay, he invited B for drinks, got her drunk and thereafter, raped her. When prosecuted for the crime of Rape,
he contends that due to the diplomatic relationship of Philippines and China, he cannot be prosecuted for such crime. Rule on his

A, while driving on his way home suddenly stepped on his break to avoid hitting B who suddenly crossed the street. In doing so, A’s
car was able to hit the car of C, which was parked on the side street. A was charged with Reckless Imprudence resulting to damage
to property. A contends that should not be charged because there was no intent to damage the property of C. (a) Is his contention
tenable? (b) If you are the lawyer of A, what defense will you invoke?

Explain how the following affect criminal liability: (a) Mistake of Fact; (b) Abberatio Ictus; (c) Error in Personae; and (d) Praeter
What is Proximate Cause?

(a) What are impossible crimes? (b) Are they punishable by law?

(a) What are the exceptions to the prospective application of Criminal Law? (b) Are there any exceptions to the exceptions?

What is the Doctrine of Pro Reo?

What are the stages of the commission of a felony? Explain.

Judge A, in drafting his decision in the case of People vs. Cabrera, wherein Yana Cabrera was charged for the crime of Theft for
stealing 1 pack of honey cured bacon, found that the penalty of 6 years excessive. Thus, instead of 6 years, Judge A sentenced Yana
to 1 year imprisonment. Judge A contends that it is within Judicial discretion to reduce the penalty. Is Judge A correct?

A punched B in the face, which caused the death of the later. A was charged for the crime of Homicide. He contends that there was
no intent to kill, and thus he should only be charged for Physical Injuries. Rule on his contention.

Oric, a foreign national married Magdee a Filipino citizen; they are both Muslims. Thereafter, Jose married Yana, also a Filipino and a
muslim. Upon learning that Oric was married to Yana, he filed a case for bigamy. Oric contends that since he is a foreign national, he
should not be charged for bigamy. (a) Rule on the contention of Oric; (b) What is the criminal liability of Oric, if any?

A and B, boarded Filipinas, a ship registered in Singapore. While in the middle of the sea, A got irritated with B and killed him. Upon
reaching Philippines, A was arrested and charged for murder. A contends that he should not be charged because the crime was
committed in the high seas, wherein no country has jurisdiction. (a) Rule on his contention (b) If you are the lawyer of A, what
defense will you invoke?

What is the Equipoise Rule?

A intended to kill B by putting arsenic in his cup of coffee. However, B did not die therefrom because he has developed strong
resistance from the substance composing arsenic. Is A liable for an impossible crime?

How are felonies classified according to their penalty? Explain

In the justifying circumstances, which of those enumerated incur civil liability?

(a) What are the effects if not all the requisites for self-defense are present? (b) What requisite of self-defense is indispensable?

When A saw the son of his second cousin being beaten up by B, he interfered to prevent further injury. A case was filed against A for
slight physical injuries. He invokes Defense of a Relative. Is his contention tenable?

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