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IT 111 Lecture


Is an electronic programmable device that can
store process data to provide and retrieve a INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT
meaningful information
It is an electronic device, operating under the
control of instructions stored in its own INPUT - The initial data or input data are preparing in
memory, that can accept data, process the data some convenient form for processing.
according to specified rules, produce results,
and store the result. PROCESS -Input design data are changed and usually
combined with other information.
OUTPUT - Are results of the processing steps are
1. E = Electronic collected.
2. P = Programmable
4. P = Process ABACUS
5. R = Retrieve 4th Century BC
A simple counting aid may have been invented
DATA in Babylonia (Iraq)
 It is a collection of unprocess items which can
include text, numbers, images, audio, video. BLAISE PASCAL (1623-1662)
 It is the gold of 21st Century In, 1642, the French mathematician and
philosopher Blaise Pascal invented a calculating
device that would come to be called the The
INFORMATION Adding Machine
 It a processed data Originally called a NUMERICAL WHEEL
 Conveys meaning an it useful to people CALCULATOR or the PASCALINE.


1. S - Speed Born in 1791, and was an mathematician and
2. R - Reliability professor.
3. C - Consistency He was considered to be the FATHER OF
4. S - Storage COMPUTING.
5. C - Communication With CHARLES BABBAGE creation of the
1. V - Violation of Privacy LOGIC UNIT (ALU) a complex digital circuit.
2. P - Public Safety
3. I - Impact of Labor Force DOUGLAS ENGELBERT
4. H - Health Risk An American Engineer and inventor
5. I - Impact of Environment He invented computer MOUSE in 1963, it was
made of WOOD
 It is the manipulation of data into a more useful CATEGORIES OF PROCESSING
 Includes not only numbers/numerical calculations 1. M - MECHANICAL DATA PROCESSING
but also operations such as the classification of data uses a combination of manual procedures
and the transmission of data from one place to and mechanical equipment.
Different types of input, output and storage
development are connected to an
electronic computer are connected to an
electronic computer to process data.
IT 111 Lecture

DATA PROCESSING OPERATIONS to send (transmit) and received data,

instructions to and from one or more
1. R - RECORDING computers.
o refers to the transfer of data onto some
form of document 2. SOFTWARE - also called program is one series
2. V - VERIFYING of related instruction organized a common and
o A careful checking of any errors from now to perform the...
the recorded data. Graphical User Interface (GUI) -
3. D - DUPLICATING interacts with software using text,
o Reproducing of data into many forms or graphics and visual image.
document Icon - A miniature image that
4. C - CLASSIFYING represent a program, an instruction
o This operation separates data into or some other objects.
various categories.
o Arranging the data in specific order
6. C - CALCULATING 1. SYSTEM SOFTWARE - it is any program that
o Arithmetic manipulation of data controls the computer hardware or that
7. S - SUMMARIZING AND REPORTING controls the computer hardware or than can be
o Reducing masses of data to a usable used to maintain the computer in some way so
form that it runs more efficiently.
o Takes two more sets of data, all sets It serves as the interface between the user,
having been sorted by the same key application software and computer hardware.
and puts them together to form a single
9. S - STORING a. OS = Operating System - it tells the
o Placing similar data into files for a computer how to use its own
future references. components.
10. R - RETRIEVING Ex. Windows, Linux, Macintosh, Ubuntu
o Recovering stored data and/or b. NS = Networking System - it allows
information when needed. computer to communicate and share
data across a network unlike controlling
TWO COMPONENTS OF COMPUTER operations and overseeing the network
1. HARDWARE -it is tangible or the physical part of c. U = Utility - a program that makes the
the computer. computer system or perform highly
a. I - Input Device - any hardware compo- specialized functions. Ex. antivirus
nent that allows you to enter
instruction. Eg. Keyboard, mouse, mic 2. APPLICATION SOFTWARE - it tells the computer
camera etc. how to accomplish specific tasks such as word
b. O - Output Device - hardware that processing or drawing.
conveys information to one or more
people. 3. PEOPLEWARE - The one who design, maintain,
Eg. monitor, printer, speaker, projector and uses the computer system. Ex. Computer
c. S - System Unit (includes processor ) - it Programmer, System Analyst
was a case that contains component of
the computer that are used to process THE USERS ROLE
data. 1. S = Setting up the System
d. S- Storage Device - holds data, instruc- 2. I = Installing Software
tions and information of future use. 3. R = Running Programs
e. C - Communication Device - a hardware 4. M = Managing Files
components, that enables a computer 5. M = Maintaining the Systems
IT 111 Lecture

CATEGORIES OF COMPUTERS deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was

1. PERSONAL COMPUTERS - it is a computer that often the cause of malfunctions.
can perform all of its input, processing, output
and storage activities itself. First generation computers relied on machine
a. D - Desktop Computer - designed that language, the lowest-level programming language
the system unit, input output desires an understood by computers, to perform operations, and
any other devices fit entirely on or they could only solve one problem at a time. Input was
under a desk or a table. based on punched cards and paper tape, and output
b. N - Notebook/Laptop - it is a portable was displayed on printouts.
personal computer often designed to fit
on your lap. The UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) and
c. T - Tablet Pc's - Resembling a letter size ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
state. A special type that allows you to computers are examples of first-generation computing
write or draw on screen using a digital devices. The vacuum tube was developed by Lee De
pen. Forest. A vacuum tube is a device generally used to
d. M - Mobile Device - is a handheld tablet amplify a signal by controlling the movement of
of other device that is made for electrons in an evacuated space.
portability, and is therefore both
compact and lightweight. CHARACTERISTICS

 S - Smart Phones 1) First generation computers were based on vacuum

 P - Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) tubes.
 H - Handheld Computer 2) The operating systems of the first generation
 P - Portable Media Player computers were very slow.
 D - Digital Cameras 3) They were very large in size.
 G - Games console 4) Production of the heat was in large amount in first
generation computers.
2. SERVERS - it controls access to the hardware 5) Machine language was used for programming.
and software and resources on a network and 6) First generation computers were unreliable.
provide a centralize storage area programs, 7) They were difficult to program and use.
data and information.
3. MAINFRAMES - the large, expensive powerful What are Vacuum Tubes
computer that can handle hundreds or
thousands of connected user simultaneously. Alternatively referred to as an electron tube or valve.
4. SUPERCOMPUTERS - is the fastest, most The vacuum tube is a glass tube that has its gas
powerful computer and the most expensive. it removed, creating a vacuum. Vacuum tubes contain
is capable of processing more than one electrodes for controlling electron flow and were used
quadrillion instruction in a single second. in early computers as a switch or an amplifier.
5. EMBEDDED COMPUTER - a special purpose
computer that function as a component in a EDSAC - Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
large product . consumer electronic home
automation device, automobiles, process EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic
controllers and robotics, computer devices and Computer
office machines.
Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistors

First Generation (1940-1956) Vacuum Tubes

The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and

magnetic drums for memory, and were often
enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were very
expensive to operate and in addition to using a great

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