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A bacterial infection of the blood

a. Peritonitis
b. Intussuception
c. Septicaemia
d. Encephalitis
e. Anaphylaxis
2. Which of the following is NOT part of the standard septic screen?
a. CRP
b. Chest X ray
c. FBC
d. Blood culture
e. Creatinine
3. There is NO evidence for the usefulness of this in management of septic shock in children
a. steroids
b. assessment of fluid balance
c. Antibiotics
d. transfer to paediatric intensive care
e. circulatory support
4. One should call an anaesthetist or intensivist before administering this for status
a. Phenobarbital
b. Lorazepam
c. Thiopentone
d. Paraldehyde
e. Phenytoin
5. What is the recommended room temperature for a sleeping infant? (in degrees
a. 18-24
b. 15-18
c. 22-28
d. 16-20
e. 20-26
6. The risk of death is __ times greater during infancy than in any other time during
a. 1.5
b. 4
c. 10
d. 3
e. 7
7. What is the normal respiratory rate for older children?
a. 20-25
b. 15-20
c. 40-50
d. 30-40
e. 25-30
8. Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Glasgow Coma Scale?
a. The maximum score for the verbal component is 5
b. Score is out of a total of 15
c. The maximum score for the eyes component is 4
d. The maximum score for the motor component is 6
e. A score of < 9 means the airway will require maintenance by an adjunct or manoeuvre
9. Which score in the AVPU system means a childs airway is at risk and will need to be
maintained by a manoeuvre or adjunct?
a. V
b. U
c. P or U
d. P
e. A
10. SIDS occurs most commonly at _____ of age
a. 8-10 months
b. 1-2 months
c. 4-8 months
d. 2-4 months+
e. 10-12 months
11. If there is no breathing and no pulse, what is the appropriate course of action in a child?
a. 5 initial rescue breaths
b. 2 initial rescue breaths
c. 5 rescue compressions
d. 15 rescue compressions
e. 30 rescue compressions
12. Which the the correct formula for endotracheal tube size?
a. internal diameter (mm) = (age/4) + 4
b. length for nasal tube (cm) = (age/2) + 15
c. length for oral tube (cm) = (age/4) + 12
d. Length for oral tube (cm) = (age x 2) + 6
e. internal diameter (cm) = (age/4) + 4
13. The correct level of shock for ALS in a child is
a. 4 J/kg
b. 3 J/kg
c. 1 J/kg
d. 2 J/kg
e. 5 J/kg
14. Which of the following is a sign of late (decompensated) shock?
a. Tachycardia
b. Hypotension
c. Decreased urinary output
d. Delayed capillary refill
e. Tachypnoea
15. Respiratory support is required if the Glasgow Coma Scale is below
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 5
e. 9
16. The commonest fatty acid oxidation disorder which can rarely result in suddent death in
17. ALS guidelines recommend giving 5mg/kg of amiodarone after the
a. 1st DC shock
b. 4th DC schock
c. 3rd DC shock
d. 5th DC shock
e. 2nd DC shock
18. What is the immediate IV treatment for status epilepticus?
a. Midazolam
b. Paraldehyde
c. Diazepam
d. Lorazepam
e. Phenytoin
19. What is the immediate buccal treatment for status epilepticus?
a. Midazolam
b. Diazepam
c. Paraldehyde
d. Phenytoin
e. Lorazepam
20. A unilateral dilated pupil is UNLIKELY to be caused by
a. Expanding ipsilateral lesion
b. Seizures
c. Tentorial herniation
d. Anticholinergic drugs
e. Third nerve lesion
21. The commonest cause of septacaemia in neonates
a. Campylobacter
b. Staphlococcus
c. Group B streptococcus
d. E-coli
e. Pneumococcus
22. The commonest cause of septic shock in childhood?
a. Meningococcal infection
b. Gastroenteritis
c. Appendicitis
d. Peritonitis
e. Intussusception
23. What is the normal systolic blood pressure for infants?
a. 90-110
b. 80-100
c. 50-80
d. 70-90
e. 100-130
24. ALS guidelines recommend giving 10 ug/kg of adrenaline after the
a. 2nd DC shock
b. 1st DC shock
c. 4th DC schock
d. 2nd and 4th DC shock
e. 3rd DC shock
25. What is the normal systolic blood pressure for older children?
a. 50-80
b. 70-90
c. 80-100
d. 90-110
e. 100-130
26. What is the normal respiratory rate for infants?
a. 15-20
b. 30-40
c. 40-50
d. 25-30
e. 20-25
27. Which of the following is a sign of early (compensated) shock?
a. Kussmaul breathing
b. Sunken eyes and fontanelle
c. Bradycardia
d. Blue peripheries
e. Hypotension
28. What would the fluid requirement /24 h of a 7kg infant be?
a. 300ml
b. 1500ml
c. 1800ml
d. 1100ml
e. 700ml
29. What is the compression rate for both BLS and ALS in a child?
a. 80/min
b. 120/min
c. 100/min
d. 140/min
e. 60/min
30. What is the normal heart rate for infants?
a. 80-120
b. 130-180
c. 60-80
d. 95-140
e. 110-160
31. What is the second line PR treatment for status epilepticus?
a. Diazepam
b. Lorazepam
c. Paraldehyde
d. Midazolam
e. Phenytoin
32. Bilateral pinpoint fixed pupils are most likely to be caused by (out of the options given)
a. Severe hypoxia
b. Anticholinergic drugs
c. Expanding ipsilateral lesion
d. Hypothermia
e. Pontine lesion
33. What is the immediate PR treatment for status epilepticus?
a. Paraldehyde
b. Midazolam
c. Phenytoin
d. Lorazepam
e. Diazepam
34. If using an automated external defibrillator adult shock therapy should be used with a
child aged over
a. 7
b. 8
c. 10
d. 6
e. 5
35. What is the normal heart rate for older children
a. 80-120
b. 95-140
c. 60-80
d. 130-180
e. 110-160
36. Status epilepticus is a seizure lasting ____ or longer or when successive seizures occur so
frequently that the patient does not recover consciousness between them
a. 30
b. 10
c. 15
d. 45
e. 20
37. Which of the following is NOT recommended to help prevent SIDS?
a. avoid high room temperatures
b. Do not smoke near infants
c. avoid heavy wrapping
d. Place infant in feet to foot position
e. put infant to sleep on front
38. For working out fluid requirements, which of the following is TRUE
a. Second 10kg = 20 ml/kg/h
b. First 10kg = 40 ml/kg/h
c. Subsequent kg (after first 20kg) = 20 ml/kg / 24 h
d. Second 10 kg = 500 ml/kg / 24 h
e. First 10 kg = 1000ml/kg / 24h
1. C
2. E
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. E
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. D
19. A
20. D
21. E
22. A
23. D
24. D
25. D
26. B
27. B
28. E
29. C
30. E
31. C
32. E
33. E
34. B
35. A
36. A
37. E
38. C

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