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Description | Recommended courses

The goal of environmental engineering is to ensure that societal development and the use of water, land and air
resources are sustainable. This goal is achieved by managing these resources so that environmental pollution and
degradation is minimized.

Environmental engineers study water, soil and air pollution problems, and develop technical solutions needed to
solve, attenuate or control these problems in a manner that is compatible with legislative, economic, social and
political concerns. Civil engineers are particularly involved in such activities as water supply and sewerage,
management of surface water and groundwater quality, remediation of contaminated sites and solid waste

The activities of such engineers include, but are not limited to, the planning, design, construction and operation of
water and wastewater treatment facilities in municipalities and industries, modelling and analysis of surface water
and groundwater quality, design of soil and remediation systems, planning for the disposal and reuse of
wastewaters and sludges, and the collection, transport, processing, recovery and disposal of solid wastes
according to accepted engineering practices.

Environmental engineers are called upon to play an important role in environmental protection, because
engineering solutions are required to meet the environmental standards set by legislation.

Consulting firms, municipalities, government agencies, industries and non-governmental organizations and
specialized contractors are potential employers for civil engineers with a specialization in environmental

In order to achieve a specialization in Environmental Engineering at the undergraduate level, the following courses

Strongly recommended:
CIVE 421 Municipal Systems ( 3 Credits

CIVE 428 Water Resrces & Hydraulic Eng. ( 3 Credits

CIVE 430 Water Treatment&Pollut Control ( 3 Credits

CIVE 451 Geoenvironmental Engineering ( 3 Credits

CIVE 521 Nanomat & the Aquatic Environ ( 3 Credits

CIVE 550 Water Resources Management ( 3 Credits

CIVE 555 Environmental Data Analysis ( 3 Credits

CIVE 557 Microbio for Environmental Eng ( 3 Credits

CIVE 572 Computational Hydraulics ( 3 Credits

CIVE 574 Fluid Mech of Water Pollution ( 3 Credits

CIVE 577 River Engineering ( 3 Credits

Students may also choose to specialize in the area of Environmental Engineering by completing a Minor in
Environmental Engineering, (
/bachelor-engineering-beng-minor-environmental-engineeri) which is offered through the Faculty of Engineering.
Alternatively, students have the opportunity to gain exposure to non-engineering aspects of environment studies by
completing a Minor through the McGill School of Environment. (

A Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering (

/graduate/programs/master-engineering-meng-civil-engineering-non-thesis-%E2%80%94-envir) is also available in
the Faculty of Engineering of McGill University. Graduate studies are strongly encouraged in environmental
engineering since a graduate degree is often a preferred qualification for the potential employers that were
mentioned above.


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