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Dr. M Ashalatha Dr. B.R Lalitha Dr. Krishna Bhat
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Former Principal and HOD, Professor and HOD, PG Scholar, Dept of Dravyaguna, Govt.
Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka-India
Ardhavabhedaka told in Ayurveda can be co-related with the Migraine headache. According to
WHO, headache disorders are the most common disorders of the nervous system. It has been
estimated that almost half of the adult population have had a headache at least once within a
year. Among them 30% or more is Migraine. Due to its high incidence and severity it needs a
better management. Conventional methods used in migraine are symptomatic and have some
limitations. Ekamoolika prayoga (Single drug therapy) is a simple, economical and effective
method of treatment. Single drug therapy told for Ardhavabhedaka in Ayurveda has many such
drugs like Chakramarda (Cassia tora),Shirisha, (Albezia lebeck), Vacha ( Acorus calamus),
Brahmi (Bacopa moneri), Pippali (Piper longum), Moolaka(Raphanus sativa) etc.These drugs
are administered as Nasya (Nasal route of administration), to provide better absorption and quick
results.The Drugs having Katu – Tikta pradhana Rasa, Laghu – Rooksha – Teekshna guna, and
Kapha- Vatahara or Tridoshahara quality are useful in Ardhavabhedaka.
Keywords: Ardhavabhedaka, Migraine, Ekamoolikaprayoga, Nasya.

Shiras is the uttamanga where Prana along loss due to disability. Headache disorders
with indriyas resides1, so the prime focus is collectively were third highest. Headache
to make it free of ailments. Ardhavabhedaka disorders impose a recognizable burden on
is one among the 11 shirorogas1. Sushruta sufferers including personal suffering,
Acharya mentioned headache which is impaired quality of life and financial cost.
present in the right or left halves of head, Repeated headache attacks and often the
which is splitting, pricking or churning in constant fear of the next one, damage family
nature and appearing in intervals of Seven life, social life and employment. The long-
days, Ten days, Fifteen days, Thirty days or term effort of coping with a chronic
at any interval of time, due to tridosha headache disorder may also predispose the
prakopa is called as Ardhavabhedaka1. individual to other illnesses. For example,
Acharya Charaka and Vagbhata told that anxiety and depression are significantly
pravriddha Ardhavabhedaka will cause more common in people with migraine than
Badhirya or Andhata2 which tells about the in healthy individuals. Headache disorders
severity of the disease. According to WHO are associated with personal and social
study3, migraine on its own was found to be burdens of pain and damaged quality of life
the sixth highest cause worldwide of years due to the symptoms like severe pain,

180 Sep-Oct,2016 Vol I, Issue 4

Krishna Bhat et al; Single Drug Therapy in Ardhavabhedaka with Special Reference to Migraine – A Review

Nausea, Vomiting, photophobia etc. Pain Other than these some Folklore claims like
killers used in Migraine act momentarily Haritamanjari (Acalypha indica) and Morata
without any permanent solution3. Because of (Clematis gouriana) etc. in Nasya form are
the high incidence and severity an effective told for ardhavabhedaka.
medication for Headache is a need of the Method of administration of single herbs:
hour. 1. Moola and phala of Aparajitha is soaked
Ardhavabhedaka has many Ekamoolika in water and triturated and a drop is instilled
prayoga in different Clasical texts. As through nostril. Moola of aparajitha is tied
Ardhavabhedaka is a grevious condition around ears which subsides
which needs better management and Ardhavabhedaka .
Ekamoolaika prayoga is simple and easily 2. Brahmi (Bacopa moneri), Mundi
adoptable by any population irrespective of (Spheranthu sindicus), Shigru (Moringa
economical status of the suffering mankind. olifera), Shirisha, (Albezia lebeck),
So here is an attempt to compile the single Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculata), Vamsha
drug therapies told for Ardhavabhedaka in (Bambusa arundinaceae), Vacha (Acorus
Ayurveda and help the sufferers. calamus), Apamarga (Achyranthus aspera),
Review Shalaparni (Desmodium gengaticum),
Some single drugs used in Ardhavabhedaka Pippali (Piper longum), Moolaka (Raphanus
according to Ayurvedicclasical texts are1,2,5 sativa), Madhuka (Glycerrihiza glabra),
1. Aparajita – (Clitoria ternatia)4 Dronapushpi (Leucas cephalotus) are used
2. Mundi ( Spheranthus indicus ) as Avapeedaka Nasya (Nasal instillation)1,2.
3. Shigru ( Moringa olifera)6 3. Kalka of Chakramarda (Cassia tora) is
4. Jyotishmati – (Celastrus paniculata) used for Lepa (topical application) over
5. Shalaparni (Desmodium gengaticum) head1.
6. Chakramarda (Cassia tora ) 4. Purana ghrita and Navaneeta are used for
7. Shirisha, (Albezia lebeck) both internal administration and Nasya2.
8. Vacha (Acorus calamus) 5. Haritamanjari (Acalypha indica) and
9. Brahmi (Bacopa moneri ) Morata (Clematis gouriana) stem is used
10. Pippali (Piper longum) for Avapeedaka nasya by folklore
11. Moolaka (Rafanus sativa) practitioners.
12. Madhuka (Glycerrihiza glabra)7 Obsrevations:
13. Vamsha (Bambusa arundinaceae ) Ayurveda explaines the drug action through
14. Apamarga (Achyranthus aspera ) Rasapanchaka. Hence knowing it is essential
15. Dronapushpi (Leucas cephalotus) to understand the mode of action of the
16. Purana ghrita drugs in Ardhavabhedaka.
17. Navaneeta

181 Sep-Oct, 2016 Vol I, Issue 4

Krishna Bhat et al; Single Drug Therapy in Ardhavabhedaka with Special Reference to Migraine – A Review


Sl. Drug Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Prabhava Doshaghna
No. ta
1. Vacha (Acorus Katu, Tikta Laghu, Ushna Katu Medhya Kapha-vata
calamus) Teekshna shamaka
2. Pippali (Piper Katu Laghu, Anushna Madhura - Kapha-vata
longum) Teekshna, shamaka
3. Moolaka Katu Laghu Ushna Katu - Tridosha
(Rafanus sativa) Shamaka
4. Madhuka Madhura Guru, Sheeta Madhura - Vata-Pitta
(Glycerrihiza Snigdha shamaka
5. Vamsha Kashaya, Laghu Sheeta Madhura - Vata-Pitta
(Bambusa Madhura Rooksha shamaka
6. Shirisha (Albezia Kashaya, Laghu, Anushna Katu Vishaghna Tridosha
lebeck) tikta, RookshaT Shamaka
madhura eekshna
7. Chakramarda Katu Laghu, Ushna Katu - Kaphavata
(Cassia tora ) Rooksha shamaka
8. Shalaparni Madhura, Guru, Sheeta Madhura - Vata-Pitta
(Desmodium Tikta Snigdha shamaka
9. Shigru (Moringa Katu Laghu, Ushna Katu _ Kapha-vata
olifera) Rooksha, shamaka
10. Jyotishmati Katu,Tikta Teekshna, Ushna Katu - Vata -kapha
(Celastrus Sara, shamaka
paniculata) Snigdha
11. Brahmi (Bacopa Tikta,Kashay Laghu, sheeta Madhura Medhya Tridosha
moneri ) a,Madhura Sara shamaka
12. Dronapushpi Katu, Lavana, Guru, Ushna Madhura - Kapha-vata
(Leuca Madhura Rooksha, Shamaka
scephalotus) Teekshna Pitta sam-
13. Apamarga Tikta, katu Sara, Ushna Katu - Kapha-Vata
(Achyranthus Teekshna shamaka
aspera )
14. Aparajita Tikta shita Sheeta Katu - Tridosha
(Clitoria shamaka

182 Sep-Oct, 2016 Vol I, Issue 4

Krishna Bhat et al; Single Drug Therapy in Ardhavabhedaka with Special Reference to Migraine – A Review

15. Mundi Tikta, katu Laghu, Ushna Katu - Tridosha

(Spheranthu Rooksha shamaka
sindicus )
16. Navaneeta Madhura, Sheeta, sheeta Madhura - Vata –pitta
Kashaya snigdha shamaka
17. PuranaGhrita Katu, Tikta Teekshna Sheeta Madhura - Tridosha
Among these 17 drugs told, 7 drugs have Kapha-Vatahara property, 6 drugs have Tridoshahara
property and 4 drugs have Vata-Pittahara property.
DISCUSSION 7. In modern science the drugs acting on
1. In Ardhavabhedaka samprapti, it is clearly vasoactive neurotransmitters, anti-
told that Vata alone or along with Kapha inflammatory, analgesics are used in
dosha dislodged in shiras cause the disease Migraine treatment. Many of these drugs are
and few authors consider it as Tridoshaja. having anti-inflammatory, analgesic and
Observations on rasapanchaka of these dugs nootropic activity due to the secondary
revealed some similarities in Doshahara metabolites like Alkaloids, Flavonoids,
karma. Most of these Ekamoolikas are either glycosides, Volatile principle etc. This may
vata- kaphahara or tridoshahara. 7 drugs help in curing the pathology of Migraine and
have Kapha -Vata hara quality and 6 have reducing the pain. To establish the mode of
tridoshahara quality. action, individual drugs can be studied for
2. Most of the drugs are administered antimigraine activity.
through nasal route as it is considered as CONCLUSION
best route of administration for Urdwajatru 1. Most of the drugs used here are simple
vikaras. and economical with successful utility. Thus
3. In Ardhavabhedaka most of the drugs are cumbersome use of conventional medicines
administered as Avapeedana Nasya and its undesired effects on the body can be
according to classical texts. Incidentally avoided.
modeof administration of most of these 2. Most of the drugs are administered
single drugs also says the same. through nasal route in order to ensure better
4. Maximum drugs have Katu, Tikta rasas absorption, quick relief and also smaller
which help in pacifying Kapha-Vatadoshas dosage.
involved in Ardhavabhedaka. 3. Most of the drugs are Kapha –Vatahara or
5. Most of the drugs have Laghu, Rooksha, Tridosha hara and help in Ardhavabhedaka,
Teekshna gunas which are useful in Kapha - which happens to be a tridoshaja or Kapha-
Vataja condition. Vataja Disease.
6. Observations regarding Virya and Vipaka REFERENCE
of these drugs revealed equal distibution of 1. Sushruta Samhita with the Nibandha
both types. Which shows Virya and Vipaka Sangraha commentary of Sri Dalhanacharya
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Choukmba Bharathi Academy; 2005. p 824

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Krishna Bhat et al; Single Drug Therapy in Ardhavabhedaka with Special Reference to Migraine – A Review

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