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\, . Michael B. Rich Assistant Director, Sales Promotion Bantam Books, Inc. 25 West 45th Street New York 36, N. ¥. Dear Mr. Rich: ‘Thank you very much for your letter of February 17. In answer to your query, | am pleased to say that you may quote the Governor's brief letter of January 28 to Mr. Dystal if you quote it in its entirety. We are pleased that CBS Playhouse 90 is going ahead with its plans to present a dramatization of "Alas, Babylon," but I cannot tell you at this time what comments or actions, if any, to expect from Governor Hoegh in connection with it. I will be glad to keep you informed. I thank you for your offer to be of assistance and ahall keep it in mind. Sincerely yours, se Kenneth T. Downs K. T. Downs/cc ext196 2/18/60 Central Files - 2. Director (1D3) Mr. Downs (118) Mr. Wagner (113) ‘NATIONAL, nS rower Weer FES —ypyMATION & PUBS. f——" & EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF CIVIL AND DEFENSE MOBILIZATION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. emer or rue Dinecrom (JAN 28 1960 Mr. Oscar Dystel President Bantam Books, Iné. 25 West 45th Street New York 36, N. Y. Dear Mr. Dystel: 1am pleased to learn "Alas, Babylon" is being published in a paperback edition. This novel by Pat Frank effectively illustrates: the vital need for proper civil defense preparations. It compels the reader to realize that nuclear war is a possibility. I would be delighted if every adult American could read "Alas, Babylon, ‘ and then, even more importantly, take those actions which would minimize the effects of an attack. They are 1. To learn warning,signals and what they mean — "To learn your community plan for emergency action. . 3. To provide protection from radioactive fallout with a family fallout shelter equipped with a two-week e supply of food and water, first aid kit and a battery radio. 4, To learn first aid and home emergency preparedness. 5. To learn the use of CONELRAD -- 640 or 1240 for official directions. Leo A. Hoegh ww ee BANTAM BOOKS, INC. ¥ 25 WEST 45 STREET - NEW YORK 36, N.Y. February 17, 1960 Mr, Kenneth Downes Director of Public Relations Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr, Downes: On January 28th, 1960, we received a letter in reply from Governor Hoegh to Mr, Dystal, A copy of that letter is attached, I should like very much to have your permission to quote from the letter -- in particular those parts favorable to ALAS, BABYLON, What action, if any, do you contemplate as a result of the CBS Playhouse 90 presentation on April 3rd of their dramatization of ALAS, BABYLON? Will there be any comments by Governor Hoegh appended to the CBS production? Finally, if we can be of service to you in any manner, though parti~ cularly as regards the Playhouse 90 production, please do not hesitate to call on us, My apologies for this intrusion upon your personal schedule, and my sincere thanks for your invaluable aid and cooperation, Sincerely, Juke &. beck, Michael B, Rich Assistant Director, Sales Promotion MBR:m Ene,

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