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Keele University

School of Computing and Mathematics

CSC-10029 Fundamentals of Computing


1. What is the difference between closed source software and open source software? Discuss
briefly the main issues concerning closed source software vs. open source software.

2. Describe the main objective of computer network and data security.

3. List four types of data security threats.

4. Explain briefly how the following aspect of a computer system presents a potential threat to
data security:

(a) Application software

(b) Hardware
(c) End-users
(d) Communication networks
(e) Programmers and operators

5. Explain how each of the following computer-based security enforcements work:

(a) Authentication
(b) Authorization
(c) Auditing
(d) Encryption
(e) Anti-virus software
(f) Firewalls

6. Give an example to illustrate how public key cryptography works.

7. Many security breaches are due to humans. Give four examples where humans could
become a weak link in a computer-based security enforcement.

8. Define steganography.

9. What is the main difference between HTML and XML?

10. Explain the main operational difference between a dot matrix printer and a laser printer.
Each fully how the two types of printer work.

11. Has society become too dependent on computer applications for commerce,
communications, or social interactions? For example, what would be the consequences of
long-term interruption on Internet and/or cellular telephone services (This question is from
Brookshear, 11ed, p31).

TN | CSC-10029 | R3

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