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"Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the g

igantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present; the words which express w
hat they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle, and feel not what th
ey inspire; the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowl
edged legislators of the world."
- Percy Bysshe Shelley, A Defense of Poetry
After suffering from years of constant betrayal by those who they elected into t
he US Senate, House of Representatives and as US President, the people of the Un
ited States came to a breaking point, where the mass population of America, toge
ther and yet independently said, "Enough! We declare that the old ways of politi
cs are over, so do things the right way or get out!"
This began in the Summer of 2009. At that point, Lyndon LaRouche identified the
actions of the population against their federal representatives to be what Rosa
Luxemberg called a “Mass Strike”. In that period, American citizens swarmed town hal
l meetings across the nation to deliver a unified message: "We reject Obama's Hi
tler-like health care reform bill, and detest our lying, cowardly federal repres
entatives." They no longer trust their own representatives, and they told them s
o that summer. Their lives and their children's lives are being threatened with
economic hell, an economic hell that their very own elected federal representati
ves had brought upon them by whoreish complicity. To this, Americans said, "No m
This sentiment continued to grow, expressing itself later that year in the Novem
ber gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey. It lashed out again in t
he Massachusetts Senate race for the late Ted Kennedy's seat. It announced its m
ost profound intention through the primary election in the 22nd district of Texa
s, when American citizens there elected LaRouche democrat, Kesha Rogers, who had
campaigned under the banner "Save NASA, Impeach Obama," as their Democratic can
didate for US Congress.
Thus, the mass strike is on, and there is no stopping it. The people have been p
ushed to the limit. Their suffering has far exceeded the level of ameliorative c
omplaint and pleading. Now the vast majority is crying out, and calling for the
higher purpose inherent in their human nature.
Featured Content
Lyndon LaRouche Speaks on "Mass Strike"
Video presentation by Lyndon LaRouche on developments of the beginning of August
The Dynamics of Mass Strike
Video presenting the true nature of the mass strike as seen through the eyes of
poet Percy Bysshe Shelly.
LaRouche Youth Movement Congressional Candidates to "Educate" Mass Strike
By Harley Schlanger. A new era in U.S. politics was initiated on December 3, whe
n Lyndon LaRouche announced, at his webcast, that three members of the LaRouche
Youth Movement (LYM) will run for Congress in Democratic Party primaries (LaRouc
he's speech was published in EIR, December 11, 2009). The three candidates, who
were introduced later in the webcast, will provide a programmatic focal point fo
r the millions of Americans who are angry, and want a real change in the directi
on of the nation, but are unclear as to what to do.
From the Streets of America: The Mass Strike Revolt Is On
By Jeffrey Steinberg. The fact is, that the American people have awakened to rea
lity. And this is one slumbering giant that will have its way—one way or the other
. The United States of America has entered a period of momentous revolt, the lik
es of which has not been seen, since the French Revolution erupted on the street
s of Paris in 1789.
This is the Movement for Patriotism
We are organizing and leading a mass-strike movement which is "feeling its way,
without clear perspective as of now," toward true patriotism for what America ha
s constitutionally represented, against the British Empire.
“'Infrastructure' does not merely signify a supplementing of the development of pr
oduction and communication; it represents the developing foundation on which the
progress of the power of production depends: the development of the powers of p
roduction are dependent upon the advances in technology in infrastructure." --Th
e Folly of Chronic Wars, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
How we conceive of the role of infrastructure in the coming decades will thus pl
ay a determining role as to the successful recovery of society today from the co
llapse currently underway. The lack of proper investment in, not only maintainin
g our existing infrastructure, such as water systems, locks and dams, rail corri
dors, and power systems, but also in promoting the application of higher levels
of technology to new more advanced forms of infrastructure, has created the basi
s for the collapse now being faced. Accordingly, with the establishment of a new
global credit system, a key phase of the LaRouche Plan for economic recovery in
volves massive investment into new modes of infrastructure.
These new modes of infrastructure will usher in a shift in Mankind's relationshi
p to the Biosphere and Lithosphere. With projects such as the North American Wat
er and Power Alliance (NAWAPA), redistributing vast amounts of water across almo
st every North American river basin, Mankind will be transforming not only the l
ocal characteristics of regions, but will be beginning to take into his hands fu
ndamental relationships that the Earth as a whole has to solar and cosmic radiat
ion. Only by such relationships becoming conscious objects of thought (and domai
ns of action) will Mankind prepare for the deeper challenges which must be overc
ome as we expand our places of habitation and exploration out into the Solar Sys
Featured Content
The North American Water and Power Alliance
A Tour of NAWAPA
by The 'Basement' Team - This video tour serves as an initial foray into the sco
pe of the North American Water and Power Alliance. The tour provides an overview
, plus three section studies based on relative functionality of the various part
s of NAWAPA: 1) Collection; 2) Transfer; and 3) Distribution.
NAWAPA from the Standpoint of Biospheric Development (PDF)
by The 'Basement' Team--The North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) pro
gram will be among the first of man’s projects to willfully redirect those larger
processes determining the further evolution of the biosphere, as a whole.
NAWAPA: The Tennessee Valley Authority of the 21st Century
by the Basement Team -The best option for initiating the economic recovery of th
e United States, will be to take the NAWAPA proposal, for which much of the fund
amental design and planning work has already been done, and expand it.
Implementing NAWAPA in the United States can catalyze a planet-wide era of biosp
heric engineering.
The Extended NAWAPA Project: A Eurasian Case-Study
by Meghan Rouillard - This video briefly introduces a keystone water development
project for Central Asia, crucial both to initiating an upshift of development
in this region, as well as reversing the damage done to the Aral Sea and surroun
ding territory by the localized management paradigms that have steered policy ma
king in the recent decades.
Report: In What Sense Do You Mean Immortality?
by Cody Jones, Michelle Lerner, and Sky Shields - At the end of the current cent
ury, as space-faring man breaks through the upper regions of our atmosphere, he
or she will be able to look back on Earth, as a whole, to see the noetic fossils
of the now developing NAWAPA concept, to be reminded of the great paradigm shif
t in man’s identity, which made his voyage possible.
The World Landbridge
1. The Eurasian Landbridge: The Most Important Strategic Question Today
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche. The success of the economic integration of the Eurasian
continent, on a high-level technological basis, will determine the fate of manki
nd. This is not a question far ahead in the distant future; but, considering the
different strategic parameters, the question of whether the US administration s
upports the success of the Land-Bridge, or remains indifferent, passive, or wors
e, will indeed determine whether mankind plunges into an incredible catastrophe—of
which the developments in Africa give us a small foretaste—or whether instead, we
stand on the threshold of the biggest economic miracle in world history.
2. Proceedings from the 2007 Schiller Institute Conference in Kiedrich, Germany
The following items in this link are key presentations from the September 15th-1
7th Schiller Institute Eurasian Landbridge Conference, held in Kiedrich, Germany
. This selection is presented with the intent of establishing a more detailed un
derstanding of the Eurasian-World Landbridge project.
Diplomacy To Avoid a New Sudan War
September 15, 2010 • 9:47AM
Intensive diplomatic moves are underway by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clint
on and collaborator U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan, retired Gen. Scott Gration, to
avoid a new war from breaking out in Sudan between the southern and northern par
ts as the date of the January 9, 2011 referendum in the south on secession appro
aches. Clinton s and Grations s approach differs from that of "ricist" U.S. Amba
ssador to the U.N., Susan Rice, the British, and Obama. Clinton and Gration want
to use economic and agricultural aid to northern Sudan and removing Sudan from
the list of states sponsoring terrorism, in return for making sure that the nort
hern Sudanese both help hold the referendum and accept the result, which Europea
n and American media suggest (or hope) will be "yes for splitting the country."
The Southern Sudanese leaders, who have had autonomous right to run their part o
f the country and leadership, are being lured into seceding by the Obama White H
ouse and Anglo-American groups, with promises of giving them control over the oi
l fields which, to make things worse, are located in the disputed areas between
administrative regions run by the south and the north. The province of Bahr el G
hazal, Equatorial, and Upper Nile are part of Southern Sudan. Abiey, which lies
in the oil-rich disputed area, has a special status according to the CPA. Abiey
will have a separate referendum on keeping its independent administrative status
as neither being part of the north or the south.
President Barack Obama and U.N. Secretary General Ban-Ki-Moon, two British stoog
es, are hosting a Sudan summit in New York on September 24, on the sidelines of
the U.N. General Assembly session, to push the process towards secession of the
south. President of south Sudan s autonomous government (and First Vice-Presiden
t of all Sudan) Salva Kiir is visiting Washington in the coming days. Holding th
e referendum was agreed upon by both south and north Sudanese leaders as part of
the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Nifasha in 2005. The government in Khartou
m is still committed to holding the referendum. But provocations and threats of
secession by factions of the south Sudanese Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement
, can increase tensions before January 2011.
This new potential conflict is a classic case of British manipulation. While the
y set the stage for this prolonged conflict already after the Fashoda incident i
n 1898, as Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized repeatedly, and kept south Sudan poor
and primitive, putting all administrative power in the the north, in Khartoum, n
ow comes a U.S. President and shoulders the British legacy making the United Sta
tes foreign policy, and potentially military intervention, a tool of British geo
This conflict, if allowed to explode, will become a major crisis for the whole c
ontinent of Africa, and will put whatever development visions for East Africa on
hold. Splitting Sudan, along ethnic lines, an old British plan, will be like de
tonating a hand grenade in all Africa, since each African nation is composed for
innumerable ethnic groups.
The bankruptcy reorganization needed for our crumbling economic system today, wh
ich lies at the root of the LaRouche Plan, means removing all support for the Mo
netary system. All illegitimate debt claims on monetary assets of whatever form,
will be canceled. The Glass-Steagall standard must be applied to all banking, a
nd any bank engaged in deposit banking-functions will not be legally allowed to
engage in speculation, and vice versa. No longer should purely fictitious moneta
ry activity be financed; all financial activity must re-establish its functional
relationship with those activities of the physical economy which define real ec
onomic value -- those activities which increase the productive powers of labor o
f our nation s workforce, the potential population density of our nation s terri
tory, and the increase in technology and power available for our nation s manufa
cturers and farmers. This action, of bankruptcy reorganization, will free our na
tional economy from the looming demise of the present system, and towards a more
ideal configuration -- an economic system free from the disease of imperial mon
To that end, we have authored a resolution to be circulated and passed by local
governments, sponsored and endorsed by policy makers and legislators, to identif
y a broadened call among the population and within institutions for a return to
a legitimate economic system, and the intentions of our founding fathers.
Our Glass-Steagall Resolution: (Updated: July 8, 2010)
To Save Our Nation Congress Must Pass Glass-Steagall and Shut Down Derivatives N
WHEREAS, the reimposition of the Constitutional Glass-Steagall principles that s
eparate commercial from speculative banking, and the shutdown of the hundreds of
trillions of dollar derivatives casino--both measures which have been strongly
promoted and supported by leading economist Lyndon LaRouche--are the indispensab
le, and inseparable, first steps for saving the U.S. economy from imminent disin
tegration, and creating the basis for the launching of a real economic recovery
program based on massive infrastructure projects; and
WHEREAS, the leadership of the U.S. Congress, under the direction of President B
arack Obama, has sabotaged the inclusion of the Cantwell-McCain Glass-Steagall a
mendment into the so-called financial reform bill, effectively capitulating to a
British ultimatum, and thus leaving our banking system vulnerable to the ongoin
g relatively immediate threat of a general, and even total blowout of the world
financial system, as such is anticipated by the current freeze-up of bank lendin
g, and the 1000 point "flash" drop in the U.S. stock market; and
WHEREAS, that same Congressional leadership, under pressure from the Obama Admin
istration and Wall St., has similarly removed any effective action in respect to
the trading of derivatives from the so-called reform bill, giving the major Wal
l St. banks expanded authority over the decimated U.S. economy,
THEREFORE, be it resolved that ________________ demands that Congress immediatel
y act to restore FDR s Glass-Steagall legislation, and to adopt measures which w
ill lead to the total shutdown of the cancerous derivatives market, by the immed
iate application of an exact renewal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt s precis
ely stated, and intended Glass-Steagall legislation, without which both the Unit
ed States itself, and the planet in general, could not avoid an already prevalen
t process of a global general collapse of, and among the nations of, all of the
planet s continents.
A print friendly, PDF version is also available.
Featured Content
A. Glass-Steagall
1. A Global Glass Steagall, Now!
By Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. - Today, without a kind of Glass Steagall reform, whic
h would virtually wipe out the monetarist features of both Wall Street s and of
the City of London s systems, the chances for escaping an already oncoming, plan
et-wide, "new dark age," were virtually "zilch"!
3. Why We Must Return to FDR’s Glass Steagall
By John Hoefle - Banks are, or should be, creatures of their local or regional e
conomies, whose job is to assist the development of their service areas. The suc
cess of a bank is the byproduct of the success of the economy.
4. A Glass-Steagall for Europe: Outlaw Currency Speculation
By Helga Zepp-LaRouche - It is unacceptable to have "all-star" managers of the l
argest hedge funds decide, over a private dinner in Manhattan, to speculate on a
collapse of the euro down to a 1:1 parity with the dollar, which would slash, b
y a quarter or a third, the economic wealth of those people who have the misfort
une of living in the Eurozone.
5. On the Subject of Strategic Bankruptcy
By Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. - Bankruptcies, or comparable collapses of the general
class typified by these cases, can not be absorbed safely within the private se
ctor as presently constituted. The Federal government must create the institutio
n, the mechanism of re-regulation, and applicable formulas through which strateg
ic problems of this general magnitude and importance are addressed.
B. The American Precedent
1. Alexander Hamilton’s Reports to Congress
Alexander Hamilton first laid out his broad and ambitious plans for lifting our
fledgling nation out of bankruptcy to congress at the outset of his term as Secr
etary of the Treasury. While many of the mechanisms would function differently t
oday, the core principles of Hamilton’s creation of the American System of Politic
al Economy are the standard for today’s needed reforms, and provide the idealogica
l blue-print for the establishment of a Third National Bank.
2. How Lincoln Took on Wall-Street to Win the Civil War
By Rochelle Ascher - The fundamental turning point in U.S. history concerning re
storation of the American System and defeating the British plan to balkanize and
forever destroy the United States through its support of the Confederacy, cente
red on the issues of how to finance the government, and the civil war that was f
acing Lincoln in December 1861.
3. Harry Hopkins: The American System Versus Feudalism and Fascism
Edited by Anton Chaitkin - “All over the world, men and women who love human freed
om are looking to the United States to find the answer—the proper economic and soc
ial balance that will make democracy safe

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