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Training effectiveness
measurement & employee
retention analysis



The report is submitted for the purpose of

partial fulfillment of the MBA course [09-11].

Submitted By: Submitted

To & Guided By:
List of Contents

1. Executive Summary

About company

2 Company profile

3 Amtek group profile

4 Amtek awards & recognitions

Literature Review

5 Human resource management

6. HRD at Amtek

7 Recruitment & Selection at AIL

8. Training and Development at AIL

9. Kirkpatrick Model of Training Evaluation

10 Employee Retention


11. Objective Of The Project


12. Reaction, Learning, Behavior, ROI Analysis

13. Retention Analysis

14. Limitations of the Project

15. Suggestions and Recommendations

17 Conclusion



The research project entitled ‘Review on training effectiveness measurement’ adopted by HR

Department to improve the effectiveness of training and development’ is an attempt to understand
the opinion and attitudes of the various categories of employees of the AIL towards the
maintenance of effectiveness of training services provided by the company.
It also aims to know and study obstacles in the proper utilization and increase the
effectiveness of training programs and try to suggest remedial measures wherever Possible.
The Second Project was on “Retention Analysis” of Employees at AIL. I have taken a sample size
of 785 employees. I have done a survey through a close ended questionnaire finding out the
Retention rate of employees in AIL
AIL it seemed to me has understood the importance of developing a robust culture of Training
and Development. On an average every month there are about 25 odd training programmes
conducted at AIL covering a host of technical and behavioral aspects. In addition to the programs
conducted at AIL conducts quite a few out location programs. I had the opportunity to try and
analyze the effectiveness of training programs. For this purpose I selected two programs. One
was a Behavioral Training program on “Communication, leadership & team Building”. The other
program was a Technical training program for duration of 2 days titled “Trouble shooting of
mechanical equipments”.

The data was collected through well structured questionnaires. The analysis is done in 4 phases
according to Kirkpatrick model of training evaluation. For first phase that is Reaction analysis I
have taken 15 odd training programs, with sample size of 210 employees. For rest of three phases
namely Learning, Behavior and ROI about 30 employees were considered as a sample size
This survey was carried out in various departments of the company .In the course of study, it was
found that the training programmes analyzed were provided to all the employees of AIL and was
not specific to a particular category of employees. The in depth study of the welfare measures
adopted by the company revealed that majority of employees were fairly satisfied with the training
and development programs.

The senior management at Amtek has a long and distinguished experience in handling large-scale

automotive manufacturing operations. It has been successful in meeting the ever-increasing

demands of the global automotive giants in terms of product quality, development, delivery

and cost control while improving the company's profitability and ensuring a consistent growth for

the last nearly two decades. The senior management at Amtek is as follows:
Arvind Dham Chairman
Santosh Singhi Finance Director
John Flintham CEO, Overseas Operations
D.S. Malik Managing Director
V.K.Pabby Managing Director
Gautam Malhotra Joint Managing Director
Aditya Malhotra Director
R L Sehgal Director
Sanjiv Bhasin Director
Avijit Banerjee Director

AIL Mission
Punctuated with laurels & awards, our commitment towards quality and best customer
service always got due global recognitions; ever inspiring us to effect solutions that

are far closer to top-most standards!

Literature Review

 “Human Resource Management is that field of management which has to do with

planning, organizing, directing, and controlling various operative functions of procuring,
developing, maintaining and utilizing a labour force such that
a) Objectives, for which the company is established are attained economically and
b) Objectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest possible degree;
c) Objectives of community are duly considered and served.”
-Prof. Jucius
According to this definition, Human Resource Management is concerned with managerial
function (planning, organizing, directing, and controlling) and operative (procurement,
development, maintenance, and utilization) functions, with a view to attaining the organizational
goals economically and effectively and meeting the individual and social goals.
Human Resource has at least two meanings depending on context. The original usage derives
from political economy and economics, where it was originally called labour, one of the fit’s
factors of production. The more common usage within corporations and businesses refers to the
individuals within the firm, and to the portion of the firm’s organization that deals in hiring,
firing, training, and other personnel issues. This article addresses both definitions.
Human resource management serves these key functions;
1. Hiring (recruitment)
2. Compensation
3. Evaluation & Management of performance
4. Promotions
5. Managing Relations
It is the responsibility of human resource managers to conduct these activities in an effective,
legal, fair, and consistent manner. The objective of Human Resource is to maximize the return
on investment from the organization’s human capital.
“Human Resource Management aims to improve the productive contribution of individuals while
simultaneously attempting to attain other societal and individual employee objectives”
Schwind, Das & Wagar (2005)
HRD AT Amtek India ltd, Bhiwadi

Amtek India ltd, Bhiwadi as part of the Amtek group plays an important role in the overall
industrial landscape of not just the state of Rajasthan but the country as well. It’s one of the
largest plants producing cast iron automobile castings. In order to attain the goals of AIL over
2000 people, a number that has been steadily growing over the last few years.
AIL has been one of the fastest growing organizations in the country. However its not just the
production or profitability that has propelled it to an enviable position, a committed and talented
workforce is one of the main reasons behind it. It is a fact that has been recognized even by the
top level management of this organization. The details given in the following pages are an
attempt to try and identify some of the tasks, challenges, their corresponding responses and
initiatives that is behind this success.
HR covers a variety of processes and procedures that begins even before an individual is hired till
the time the individual is there in the company. There are in fact two departments that deal with
the people’s affair of the company. Apart from the HR department it’s the Personnel &
Administration department.
The following are the important functions of Personnel and Administration department are as
• Wage and Salary management

• Travel and Leave management

• Time Maintenance

• Contract labour management

• Provident Fund Management

• Compensation and benefit

• Colony and Estate management

In order to perform the above mentioned functions there are a number of sections like payroll,
travel and leave management, contract labour section etc.
Another very important function of the personnel and administration department is to ensure
compliance with regards to various labour laws that are applicable to the various departments of
the organization.


The People and organization development department or more commonly known as the Human
Resource department’s function can be briefly summed up as follows:
Identification of manpower requirement in collaboration with the respective department
Acquition of requisite talent
Development and skill enhancement of the acquired talent
Retention of talent.

In order to perform the above mentioned activities the HR department at AIL is sub-divided into
four sections:

Each of these sections is headed by a section head. All the sections have to work in tandem with
each other for the attainment of organizational goal. Every organization association or even a
department is guided by a vision, which in turn acts as a guide for attainment of the mission

It is a process of inviting the people for job in a particular company by different means saying
that there is a vacancy for a particular job .
Whereas “selection” is a process of appointing the person for a particular task from among the


Identification of vacancy:-primarily the vacancy is identified on the following basis:
• New expansion/

• Technological changes

• Additional workload

• Retirement/superannuation
• Turnover and natural separation trend.

• Any other business consideration

Resource requisition form

The respective HOD /functional heads fill up a resource requisition form clearly
indicating the comprehensive job description, job specification, reporting structure time frame
for filling up vacancy to understand overall needs and requirement and send it to the
recruitment section to be approved by the authorities. After approval it is communicated to
the department head and then department head send it to the recruitment section to fill the
position within the given time.


(1) Internal Sources

Other sources
o Internal data
o Local Employment Exchange.
Advertisement through Newspaper.
Placement Agencies.
Internet/ e-Recruitment Portals( CV data base access and regular job postings)
Employee Referral.
Personal Network and Head hunting.
(3) Employment of Ex-Employee
(4) Employee near relation
(5) Employee Referral
(6) Employees from other Amtek group companies.

Pre Interview Process

Response handling
Screening/Short listing of applications
Organizing call letter
Organizing interviews
Post Interview Process
Processing Joining Formalities
• Joining Report
• Proof of Age
• Educational Qualification
• Proof of Past Employment
• Medical Fitness
• Photograph
• Bank account opening
• Notice Period Reimbursement:
• Joining Document
• Joining Expenses Reimbursement
• Probation/Confirmation:

Recruitment Process: Stage 1: Determine Recruiting Need

Potential Vacancy


ReportingOfficer /
Department Headtofill in
resource requisitionform Yes


1.35 1.40
No Needto review No Request
& adjust Terminated



Step 2:

Recruitment Process: Stage 2: Targeted Recruiting Need

F rom Step 1:
D e ter m ine the
recruiting need

Add position to the
w ebsite career
sectio n

R eview Sourcing

2.30 2.4 0 2.50 2.60 2.70

Placem e nt Or N e w spaper And/or Job A nd/Or Em ployee And/or Internal
C onsultan ts Ad Portals R efer rals C a ndidate

2.31 2.4 1 2.51 2.61 2.71

In-depth briefin g of C ollect C V
in C ollect C V r ecd
. In C o llect C V r ecd
. Is position
placem ent re sp onse of re sp onse of job F rom all interna l o pen for
con su lta nt
/ agency ne w spaper ad po rtal ad re fer rals in ternal
candid ate
R e gular review of
pr ogre ss
. Agency 2.72
doe s shortlisting H as candida te
and pre-scr een ing go t approval of
repo rting
officer and
H oD

2.33 2.74
Go to Step 3:
D irectly to S tep
4, D irectly to Step
A pplication& Pre-
Stage4.1 0 Sta ge4.40
Selectio n

Recruitment Process: Stage 3: Selection Process

Suitable candidate pre -
selected in step 3.6 and

Candidate send call letter
for selection process at
the unit . Biodata form
send along with call letter

Above SM Position at or Below SM
above SM

Fresh Engineer
4.30 Technical round
HR Round
Technical Written conducted by
Conducted by
Test Reporting officer /HoD
Recruitment Head
+ HR manager

4.43 4.63
4.42 4.34 4.62
Candidate No No Candidate
Passed Passed Passed
Rejected Rejected

Yes No Yes

Technical round 4.38
HR Round
conducted by Candidature
Conducted by
Reporting officer /HoD Rejected
Recruitment Head
+ HR manager

4.46 4.67
Interview round with No Candidate
Plant Head Rejected

4.48 Position
Candidate No
Passed Executive &

Yes Yes

4.50 4.70
Position DGM Final round with
& above Plant Head


4.52 4.73
Final interview No Candidate
with EVC & MD Rejected


Candidate No


Proceed to Step 5; Yes
Offer Process

It is a process of comparing actual job performance against:-

• Performance standards
• Rating each critical element and

• Assigning a summary rating

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS:- It includes objective measures of performance such as
quality ,cost efficiency ,timeliness etc.

CRITICAL ELEMENT:- A component of a position consisting of one or more duties and

responsibilities that contributes towards accomplishing organisational goals and objectives which
is of such importance that unacceptable performance on the element would result in unacceptable
performance in the position.

Performance Appraisal Followed At AIL:

AIL follow 180 degree type of appraisal to measure the performance of the employee. It means
that they send an appraisal form to the HOD of various department. The appraisal system is done
on annual basis. However there is a mid-year review which is conducted around the month of
November to assess the progress of various employees with respect to their KRA’s. It is worth
noting that the entire workforce at AIL is divided into two categories.
This whole process of KRA setting and evaluation against it is done for staff category employees
and not for the workers

The appraisal form is send to the HOD of various department and they fill the form and send to
the PMS & OD Department.
The concerned employee is to fill up his/her Key Result Areas (KRA’s) in consultation with the
HOD. At the same time the HOD defines certain Key Performance Indicators(KPI’s) against
which the employee is to be assessed.
Another important part of the whole process is training need identification. As a part of the
format the HOD is also expected to specify the training requirement for the employees working
under him.

Organizational development is the one of important part of HRD, which is being practiced at
AIL. It covers vast area of development for AIL employees. Various services are provided by
OD, These are as follows:-



GEM OF AIL The word G.E.M means “gone the extra mile”
The motivational concept “GEM of AIL” was launched to identify & motivate employees
performing extraordinarily which in turn triggers other employees to perform better. With this in
view, every department has to identify & nominate one / two” GEM OF AIL” per month &
The term smile suggests “self motivated individuals for learning & empowerment”.
SMILE is for solving problems and making decisions in a better way. By skillfully over coming
problems & making productive decisions, it will turn our team into a community of success.
Scope of SMILE:
1. Innovativeness in the project.
2. Degree of creativity.
3. Cost reduction/ cost control/ cost saving.
4. Optimization of safety, health & environment.
5. Standards/ norms
6. Mandays/ time saving
7. Optimization of existing resources
8. No extra capital expenditures.


AIL Follows ADDIE process for training need analysis:-

1. ANALYSIS – An analysis of training need is an essential requirement to the design of

effective training. The purpose of training need analysis is to determine whether there is a gap
between what is required for effective performance and present level of performance. Training
need analysis is conducted to determine whether resources required are available or not. It helps
to plan the budget of the company, areas where training is required, and also highlights the
occasions where training might not be appropriate but requires alternate action. Corporate need
and training need are interdependent because the organization performance ultimately depends on
the performance of its individual employee and its sub group
This phase consist of training need assessment, job analysis, and target audience analysis.
the analysis is done through performance management system, competency mapping
,questionnaire, individual ,organizational based ,mandatory HOD’S.

2.DESIGNING – This phase consist of setting goal of the learning outcome, instructional
objectives that measures behavior of a participant after the training, types of training material,
media selection, methods of evaluating the trainee, trainer and the training program, strategies to
impart knowledge i.e. selection of content, sequencing of content, etc

3. DEVELOPMENT – This phase translates design decisions into training material. It consists
of developing course material for the trainer including handouts, workbooks, visual aids,
demonstration props, etc, course material for the trainee including handouts of summary.

4. IMPLEMENTION – This phase focuses on logistical arrangements, such as arranging

speakers, equipments, benches, podium, food facilities, cooling, lighting, parking, and other
training accessories.

5. EVALUATION – The purpose of this phase is to make sure that the training program has
achieved its aim in terms of subsequent work performance. This phase consists of identifying
strengths and weaknesses and making necessary amendments to any of the previous stage in
order to remedy or improve failure practices.
The ISD model is a continuous process that lasts throughout the training program. It also
highlights that feedback is an important phase throughout the entire training program. In this
model, the output of one phase is an input to the next phase.


Lack of skill
or Other Causes


Designing of Training and Development Programme

What methods
Who are the Who are the
trainees? trainers?

What should be
What principles of Where to conduct
the level of
learning? the programme?

Who are the Trainees?

Trainees should be selected on the basis of self nomination, recommendations of supervisors or
by the HR department itself. Whatever is the basis, it is advisable to have two or more target
audiences. For example, rank-and-file employees and their supervisors may effectively learn
together about a new work process and their respective roles. Bringing several target audience
together can also facilitate group processes such as problem solving and decision making,
elements useful in quality circle projects.

Who are the Trainers?

Training and development programmes may be conducted by several people, including the
1. Immediate supervisors,
2. Co-workers, as in buddy systems,
3. Members of the personnel staff,
4. Specialists in other parts of the company,
5. Outside consultants,
6. Industry associations, and
7. Faculty members at universities.
Who among these are selected to teach, often, depends on where the programme is held and the
skill that is being taught. For example, programmes teaching basic skills are usually done by the
members of the HR department or specialists in other departments of the company. On the other
hand, interpersonal and conceptual skills for managers are taught at universities. Large
organizations generally maintain their own training departments whose staff conducts the
programmes. In addition, many organizations arrange basic-skills training for computer literacy.

Methods and Techniques of Training:

A multitude of methods of training are used to train employees. On-the-job methods refer to
methods that are applied in the workplace, while the employee is actually working. Off-the-job
methods are used away from workplaces.
Training techniques represent the medium of imparting skills and knowledge to employees.
Obviously, training techniques are the means employed in the training methods. Among the most
commonly used techniques are lectures, films, audio cassettes, case studies, role playing, video-
tapes and simulations.

Lecture is a verbal presentation of information by an instructor to a large audience. The lecturer
is presumed to possess a considerable depth of knowledge of the subject at hand. A virtue of this
method is that is can be used for very large groups, and hence the cost per trainee is low. This
method is mainly used in colleges and universities, though its application is restricted in training
factory employees.

Limitations of the lecture method account for its low popularity. The method violates the
principle of learning by practice. It constitutes a one-way communication. There is no feedback
from the audience.. Continued lecturing is likely to bore the audience. To break the boredom, the
lecturer often resorts to anecdotes, jokes and other attention-getters. This activity may eventually
overshadow the real purpose of instruction. However, the lecture method can be made effective it
if is combined other methods of training.

Visuals Audio-visuals include television slides, overheads, video-types and films. These can be
used to provide a wide range of realistic examples of job conditions and situations in the
condensed period of time. Further, the quality of the presentation can be controlled and will
remain equal for all training group. But, audio-visuals constitute a one-way system of
communication with no scope for the audience to raise doubts for clarification. Further, there is
no flexibility of presentation from audience to audience.

A simulator is any kind of equipment or technique that duplicates as nearly as possible the
actual conditions encountered on the job. Simulation then, is an attempt to create a realistic
decision-making environment for the trainee. Simulations present likely problem situation and
alternatives to the trainee. For example, activities of an organization may be simulated and the
trainee may be asked to make a decision in support to those activities. The results of those
decisions are reported back to the trainee with an explanation of what would have happened had
they actually made in the workplace. The trainee learns from this feedback and improves his/her
subsequent simulation and workplace decisions.
The more widely held simulation exercises are case study, role playing and vestibu1 training.

Case Study
It is a written description of an actual situation in business which provokes, in the reader, the
need to decide what is going on, what the situation really is or what the problems are, and what
can and should be done. Taken from the actual experiences of organizations, these cases
represent to describe, as accurately as possible, real problems that managers have faced. Trainee
studies the cases to determine problems, analyses causes, develop alternative solutions, select the
best one, and implement it. Case study can provide stimulating discussions among participants as
well as excellent opportunities for individuals to defend their analytical and judgment abilities. It
appears to be an ideal method to promote decision-making abilities within the constraints of
limited data.

Role playing
Generally focuses on emotional (mainly human relations) issues rather than actual ones. The
essence of role playing is to create a realistic situation, as in case study, and then have the trainee
assume the parts of specific personalities in the situation. For example, a male worker may
assume the role of a female supervisor, and the supervisor may assume the role of a male worker.
Then, both may be given a typical work situation and asked to respond as they expect others to
do. The consequences are a better understanding among individuals. Role playing helps promote
interpersonal relation. Attitude change is another result of role playing. Case study and role
playing are used in MDPs

The advantage of simulation is the opportunity to 'create an environment' similar to real situations
the manager incurs, but without the high costs involved should the actions prove undesirable. The
disadvantage is (i) it is difficult to duplicate the pressures and realities of actual decision-making
non the job and (ii) individuals often act differently in real-life situations than they do in acting
out a simulated exercise.

What should be the Level of Learning?

The next question in designing training and development programme is to decide on the level of
learning. As was pointed out earlier, the inputs passed on to trainees in training and development
programmes are education, skills, and the like.

In addition, there are three basic levels at which these inputs can be taught. At the lowest level,
the employee or potential employee must acquire fundamental knowledge. This means
developing a basic understanding of a field and becoming acquainted with the language, concepts
and relationships involved in it. The goal of the next level is skills development, or acquiring the
ability to perform in a particular skill area. The highest level aims at increased operational
proficiency. This involves obtaining additional experience and improving skills that have already
been developed.34 All the inputs of training can be offered at the three levels. How effectively
they are learned depends on several principles of learning.

Learning Principles
Training and development programmes are more likely to be effective when they incorporate the
following principles of learning:

1. Employee motivation,
2. Recognition of individual differences,
3. Practice opportunities,
4. Reinforcement,
5. Knowledge of results (feedback),
6. Goals
7. Schedules of learning,
8. Meaning of material, and
9. Transfer of learning.



On the basis of subject matter covered training can be classified into;
1. Behavioural
2. Functional
3. Technical
On the basis of the location it can classified as;
1. External training programs (it also includes various seminars, MDP’s etc)
2. Internal training programs

For worker and executive level

Training and its process at AIL for the workers and executives: -
As far as worker training need identification is concerned the skill mapping exercise
forms the basis.
With regards to executives training is identified in various ways like;
1. Competency matrix and the corresponding Gap analysis
2. Organizational need based training
3. Need identified through the Performance Management System
4. In line with business strategy of the organization/ request from employees
5. Training necessitated due to technological upgradation.
6. Through questionnaire ( to be implemented)

Thereafter the training department goes about its business in the following manner;
1. Preparation of training calendar (both monthly as well as well on an annual basis)
2. Contacting the respective faculty members and coordinating with them
3. Informing respective departments about the training program. In case of open nomination
the department head is free to send in people from his department on his own accord. In
some cases however certain individuals are already identified, who are then informed in
this regard.
4. The Training and Development cell then has to take care of all the facilities that are to be
provided with regards to the training program. If the program is an outbound one then the
entire activity is to be coordinated like-wise.
5. The Training & Development cell is entrusted with maintenance of attendance record of
the programs along with collecting immediate reaction feedback with the help of ‘smile
6. The entire data in this regard is constantly uploaded on to SAP.
7. According to company policy a learning evaluation form is sent to the respective
departmental HOD’s at least two-months after the training program had been conducted.
8. On the basis of the feedback received the program is rated on a scale of 10.

Model of Training Evaluation

The Kirkpatrick Four-Level Approach:

Probably the most well-known framework for classifying areas of evaluation, developed by
Kirkpatrick, contains four levels of evaluation. This conceptual framework assists in determining
the types of data to collect and answers four very important questions.
Reaction is defined as what the participants thought of the program, including material,
instructors, facilities, methodology, content, etc. Participant’s reaction is sometimes a critical
factor in redesigning or continuing HRD programs. Responses on reaction questionnaire help
ensure against decisions based on the comments of a very satisfied or disgruntled participant’s.

Kirkpatrick’s model includes four levels or steps of outcome evaluation:

• Level 1 Evaluation—Reaction

• Level 2 Evaluation—Learning
• Level 3 Evaluation—Behavior

• Level 4 Evaluation—Results

Level 1—Reaction

Here your goal is to measure participants’ reactions to the training program. You should measure
their reactions immediately after the program. Level one evaluation should not just include
reactions toward the overall program (e.g., Did you like the program?); it should also include
measurement of participants’ reactions or attitudes toward specific components of the program,
such as the instructor, the topics, the presentation style, the schedule, audiovisuals, etc.
Furthermore, each of these components can be further broken down into sub-components for
evaluation (e.g., you can ask participants to evaluate specific characteristics of the instructor, the
presentation, etc.). In short, level one evaluation is far more than just the measurement of overall
customer satisfaction.

Level 2—Learning

Here your goal is to determine what the training program participants learned during the training
event. Because the training instructor should have specific learning objectives, one hopes to find
clear learning outcomes. Learning outcomes can include changes in knowledge ,skills , or
attitudes . Some training events will emphasize knowledge, some will emphasize skills, some will
emphasize attitudes, and some will emphasize multiple learning outcomes. The evaluation should
focus on measuring what was covered in the training event (i.e., the learning objectives).

Level two evaluation should be done immediately after the training event to determine if
participants gained the knowledge, skills, or attitudes. A couple of issues here are (a) how shall
one measure knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and (b) what research design should be use to
demonstrate improvement in level two outcomes?

Level 3—Behavior

Here your goal is to find out if training program participants change their on-the-job-behavior
(OJB) as a result of their having attended and participated in the training program. If the behavior
change does not occur, you also want to find out why the change did not occur. The level three
question is, Did the training have a positive effect on job performance? Level three evaluation
specifically involves measuring the transfer of knowledge, skills, and attitudes from the training
context to the workplace.

Remember that level one and level two outcomes are still important because participants
generally need to react positively to the training program (level 1 outcome) and they need to learn
the material (level 2 outcome) if they are going to be motivated and able to apply what they have
learned when they return to their jobs.

Level 4—Results
Here your goal is to find out if the training program led to final results, especially business results
that contribute to the “bottom line” (i.e., business profits). Level four outcomes are not limited
return on training investment (ROI). Level four outcomes can include other major results that
contribute to the well functioning of an organization. Level four includes any outcome that most
people would agree is “good for the business.” Level four outcomes are either changes in
financial outcomes (such as positive ROI or increased profits) or changes in variables that should
have a relatively direct effect on financial outcomes at some point in the future.

Here are some examples of different kinds of level four outcomes:

• Improved quality of work.

• Higher productivity.
• Reduction in turnover.
• Reduction in scrap rate (i.e., less wasted resources).
• Improved human relations (e.g., improved vertical and horizontal communication)
• Increased sales.
• Fewer grievances.
• Lower absenteeism.
• Higher worker morale.
• Fewer accidents.
• Greater job satisfaction.
• Increased profits.

Behavioral Training Program

Communication ,leadership and team building:

VENUE: AIL Bhiwadi.

Communication leadership ,and team building are essential for competing in today’s business
scenario where just individual perfection is not as desirable as a high level of collective
performance. Adventure pursuits help develop individual and leadership qualities which are
essential for achieving excellence in various fields.
This training camp was organized with the above mentioned points in mind. The participants
were divided into two batches..
It must be noted that the participants belonged to the level of Dy.Manager and above.
The participants were identified through the competency assessment which in itself was a part of
much wider ranging exercise that was carried out at AIL. impart necessary knowledge and skills
about Communication, Leadership & Team Building covering :
• Orientation to the changing world and the need for increasing production capacity.
• Increasing self-awareness.
• Overcoming the barriers to effectiveness.
• Increasing Organisational Commitment.
• Importance of team building.
• Leadership Perspective.
The workshop was organized to address the following nine aspects;
1. Clear objective and agreed goals
2. Support and Trust
3. Sound Decision Making
4. Openness and Confrontation
5. Co-operation Vs Conflict
6. Appropriate Leadership
7. Regular reviews with respect to progress at work
8. Individual Development
9. Sound Inter-group relations.
The program consisted of a number of outdoor activities like; Icebreaker, Cook’s Tour, Magic
carpet, Knotty problem, Tent Pegging and the drum game.The underlying objective of this
training initiative was to nurture a fellow-feeling and impress upon the participants the
importance and advantage of team spirit. Hence quite predictably all the exercises were team

Technical training program

Trouble shooting of mechanical equipments

VENUE: AIL Bhiwadi.

To impart necessary knowledge and skills about Trouble Shooting of mechanical Equipments
covering :-
• Basics of mechanical Engg. Principles applicable to industries.
• Maintenance of industrial mechanical installation & equipments.
• Control circuits.
• How to read control circuits and trouble-shooting.
• Confidence building in handling mechanical and electrical problems.
• Mechanical rules & safety.
• How to find out root cause for break down.
• How to coordinate with process people to get the correct feedback to attend the breakdown at
right place.

“It is only with committed employees that one can create the right environment for employee
retention and sustained success in the market”
Retention is a critical element of an organization’s more general approach to talent management,
which is defined as “the implementation of integrated strategies or systems designed to increase
workplace productivity by developing improved processes for attracting, developing, retaining,
and utilizing people with the required skills and aptitude to meet current and future business
An effective retention effort is the cornerstone of strategic employee management. An
organization’s ability to promote employee’s success, persistence, and knowledge speaks to the
quality of its job experience
Retaining key employees is critical to the long-term health and success of business. Most of the
managers readily agree that retaining good employees ensures customer satisfaction, high
productivity, satisfied co-workers, effective planning and increased organizational knowledge
and learning. Employee retention does matters a lot.
Employee retention plays a significant role in the context of customer retention and companies’
enduring success within their markets. This is why we need to develop the Employee Retention
Analysis which evaluates AIL employees' retention factors towards the company. We need to
work to make our organization one of the few, the best that truly honour and appreciate
If we treat our employees wonderfully, we will seriously reduce employee turnover. When these
things are done well, not only do retention rates increase, it becomes easier to recruit new
employees as well. From a financial perspective, retaining more employees is the most cost
effective approach for improving institutional budget outcomes.

What insights can be gained from this Analysis?

The analysis will show you...
• The proportion of committed and high-risk employees within the workforce,
• It will point out the factors determining the retention of your employees,
• How employees rate the factors important for employee retention in your company, and
• The measures for improvement that can be derived from all this.
• We may establish for you the degree of retention felt within the employees.
• In addition we may show you the proportion of employees who feel inclined to leave or
who feel 'trapped'.
• We can conduct an analysis of the current state of organization’s retention efforts, identify
the areas with the greatest need of additional attention, and assist in developing a plan for
long term success.

Within the framework of an employee retention analysis it is often necessary to distinguish

between different departments. Here we have sufficiently large employee numbers, our approach
can also supply the desired data at departmental level, or provide concrete recommendations for
action destined for certain departments. If you are seeking an immediate, hard-and-fast answer to
the question of how many employees AIL can expect to retain. Then we are sorry to say that
there are many factors and complexities to impact the final outcome.
The Retention Analysis will be powerful only when coordinated under your guidance and words
of wisdom.
Our Goal will be to improve retention and decrease employee turnover at all departments by
focusing attention and resources on employee retention, re-entry and exit.


Different factors responsible for employee retention, we can categorize in thirteen main
“The degree to which individuals like their jobs”.
“The amount of pay, benefits, or equivalents distributed in return for service”.


“The degree of attachment to individuals associated with the organization such as supervisor, co-
workers, or customers.”


“The degree to which individual’s identify with and are involved in the organization”.


“The degree to which the organization is perceived to be reputable and well-regarded”.


“Organization Culture is shared values & norms”.


“Beliefs about the unavailability of jobs outside the organization”.

(8) Advancement opportunities

“The amount of potential for movement to higher level within the organization”.

“The proximity of the workplace relative to one’s home”


“Perceptions about the fairness of reward allocations, policies and procedures, and
interpersonal treatment”.
“Work- life balance”

“Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group in
effort towards goal achievement”.

“The inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal and
Organizational goals”.

Training Effectiveness Measurement

• To Find out the Importance of training program for employees

• To find out whether the Design, content and trainer were appropriate for a particular
training program.
• To provide an inside edge of the training process and familiarizing self and undergoing an
experimental learning to explore the effectiveness of technical and non-technical training.

Retention Analysis
• To communicate the importance of retaining employees and keeping them satisfied.
• To convey why respect is essential to keeping employees


I conducted a research On 15 different Training programs .In this research I used Kirkpatrick
model of Training Evaluation, It Include 4 phases. First phase is Reaction Evaluation of Training
Programs. In this I tried to tap the views of employees about the training Program in terms of
design, Job relevance, Trainer and Infrastructure. A questionnaire was being prepared. Sample
size Used was of 210 employees. The objective was to measure the degree to which employees
feel that Training program was suitable in terms of 4 aspects of Design, Job relevance, Trainer
and Infrastructure.

Employee Feedback-Results and Interpretations:

 On the basis of no. of respondents:
Cluster wise analysis of programs is done. First Cluster is DESIGN.
Parameters include:
a. The training was well organized and clearly structured
b. The objective and aim of training was explained clearly
c. The training covered a variety of useful topics
d. The content and material of the training were relevant
e. The medium of presentations(lecture/discussion/exercise/ games/ case studies,
AV's) was appropriate
f. The examples and references used were effective
g. The pace of training was appropriate
h. The duration of the training was just right.

Interpretation: Out of 210 Employees I have taken for my study, It was found that 95%
either Strongly agree or agree with the design of the training programs .So after looking at
the results it can be said that participants are satisfied with the design of the programs.

 Second Cluster is RELAVANCE TO JOB:

Parameters include:
a. This course gave me ideas/information/material which I can use in my normal job
b. I will suggest this course to my colleagues
c. This course was time well spent and met my expectations
d. I will be able to apply my learning's immediately at the workplace
Interpretation: Out of 210 Employees I have taken for my study, It was found that 95%
either Strongly agree or agree that training programs are relevant to jobs .So after looking
at the results it can be said that participants are satisfied with the content of the programs
and content of programs are useful for the employees and it is very well related to their

 Third Cluster is Trainers of the Programs:

Parameters include:
a. The trainers were friendly and approachable
b. The trainer conveyed enthusiasm for the subject and responded positively to the
ideas and questions of the participants
c. The trainers were clear in their communication and encouraged participation
d. The trainer had strong subject knowledge
e. The trainer was able to answer my questions
Interpretation: Out of 210 Employees I have taken for my study, It was found that 94% either
Strongly agree or agree with the trainers of the programs .So after looking at the results it can be
said that participants are satisfied with the Trainers of the programs.

 Fourth Cluster is Infrastructure of the Programs:

Parameters include:
a. The venue was suitable
b. The facilities and food were satisfactory
c. The course material (handouts/ writing pads/ stationary) were adequate & helpful
d. The batch size was about right

Interpretation: Out of 210 Employees I have taken for my study, It was found that 91%
either Strongly agree or agree with the Infrastructural facilities of the programs .Only 1%
strongly disagree or disagree with the infrastructural facilities of the programs, which is
negligible. So after looking at the results it can be said that participants are satisfied with
the infrastructure of the programs.


This is second phase of evaluation of Training Programs. A questionnaire was being prepared.
Sample size Used was of 30 employees. The objective was to measure the following:

a) Determining what the participants have learned

b) Giving the learners time to reflect on their learning during the program prior to their
completion of their post-training personal action plan

c) Getting useful feedback in an organized manner, to help with future training planning, and

d) Ensuring trainees and learners follow-up their training with relevant actions to apply,
improve, develop and reinforce learning attained.
HOD Feedback-Results and Interpretations:

These questionnaires are filled by respective HOD’s of departments.

Q1. The training has facilitated a smoother attainment of departmental goals

ANALYSIS: for 30 employees, I have taken view of their immediate supervisors, It

was found that 53% either Strongly agree or agree that training has facilitated a smoother
attainment of departmental goals and 47% are neither agree nor disagree.

Q2 There has been a marked change in the activity and the performance after the training

ANALYSIS: for 30 employees, I have taken view of their immediate supervisors, It was
found that 67% either Strongly agree or agree that there has been a marked change in the activity
and the performance after the training,16% disagree with the fact and 17% are neither agree nor

Q3 The objectives of the training were met

ANALYSIS: for 30 employees, I have taken view of their immediate supervisors, It was
found that 45% either Strongly agree or agree that The objectives of the training were met,16%
either disagree or strongly disagree with the fact and 39% are neither agree nor disagree.

Q4 There were certain innovative and useful practices implemented as a result of this

ANALYSIS: for 30 employees, I have taken view of their immediate supervisors, It was
found that 47% neither agree or nor disagree that there were certain innovative and useful
practices implemented as a result of this training.,40% either agree or strongly agree with the fact
and 13% are either disagree or strongly disagree.

Q5 The training has benefitted the department

ANALYSIS: for 30 employees, I have taken view of their immediate supervisors, It was
found that 87% either Strongly agree or agree that the training has benefitted the department and
13% are neither agree nor disagree.
Q6 The trainee has been able to put to use the skills he acquired during the training.

ANALYSIS: for 30 employees, I have taken view of their immediate supervisors, It was
found that 67% either Strongly agree or agree that the trainee has been able to put to use the skills
he acquired during the training,17% are neither agree nor disagree and 16% either strongly
disagree or disagree with that fact.

Q7 There has being a positive change in the behavior of the employee after the training

ANALYSIS: for 30 employees, I have taken view of their immediate supervisors, It was
found that 77% either Strongly agree or agree that There has being a positive change in the
behavior of the employee after the training ,13% are neither agree nor disagree and 10% either
strongly disagree or disagree with that fact.

Q8 Would you recommend a similar training for other employees?

ANALYSIS: for 30 employees, I have taken view of their immediate supervisors, It was
found that 73% either Strongly agree or agree that they will recommend a similar training for
other employees ,17% are neither agree nor disagree and 10% disagree with that fact.

Interpretation from learning phase:

The model of evaluation on which I have based my study is the “Kirkpatrick’s Model”. One of
the most effective and most prevalent way of evaluating the effectiveness of a training program is
through feedback gathered from the immediate reporting authority or the boss.
The questions that were put up to the individuals( here the boss) mainly tried to get an idea as to
how beneficial the training was from the department’s point of view.

What did they say

1. They agree that the training has helped in the smoother attainment of departmental goals
and that the department has indeed benefitted from the training.
2. They are also positively inclined to send other employees for such programs.
3. Another fact is the acceptance of the fact that the participants did indeed apply what they
had learned during the training. But the extent of impact of this training is what is to be
noted here. According to the respondents there hasn’t exactly been a marked change in
the performance of the department as a result of this training.
4. The respondents in this case found the participants bringing in a new zeal and a higher
level of motivation as a result of this training.

Behavior phase analysis

In behavior phase I tried to find out that, to how much extent trainees are able to use their learned
skills when they are back on their job after training.

For this purpose questionnaires are filled by peers, candidates and Hod’s .
In order to try and find the effectiveness of the training program a separate questionnaire was
developed to assess the change brought about by the training program a separate questionnaire
was developed for peers to evaluate.
In order to do so herein there are results from the survey conducted and the interpretation arrived


Q1 Your colleague/senior has helped you succeed in your work.

2 There has been a positive change in the behavior of your colleague/senior

Q3 Your colleague/senior is more open to new ideas.

Q4 This training has helped reduce the stress levels of your colleague/senior.

Q5 Your colleague/senior will consult you (regarding work) in most cases even if its time

Q6 Your colleague/senior would prefer setting an example and expects others to follow it.
Q7 The training has helped your colleague/senior more goal oriented.

Q8 The training helped me come out with some innovative ideas.

INTERPRETATION: Mere figures or pictorial depictions don’t convey the message that is to
be derieved from the responses. The following are the interpretations of the responses received;
1. Overall response to the program is quite clearly positive with all the respodents agreeing
to the fact that the training did indeed help their collegues.
2. Some of the key criterias that I attempted to capture were as follows;
a. Team spirit
b. Openess to change and flexibilty
c. Goal orientation.
3. With regards to the training program the respondents felt that their colleagues as a result
of this training had become more of a team player. This sentiment was all pervasuve with
100% of the respondents agreeing to it.
4. Furtheremore when asked as to whether the participant would consult before taking most
departmental decisions, an overwhelming 100% agreed to it. This is an important
indicator indicating towards the success of the trianing; albiet not in entirity.
5. However when asked as to whether the participant had helped the respondent in
suceeding at his job(the respondents) 13% responded negatively to it.
6. Finally as far as goal orientation is concerned all the respondents admitted that the
training had aided in developing a more goal oriented approach in their colleagues.















1. All the participants agree to the fact that the training program was indeed able to fulfill
the participants objectives.
2. The program was conducted with the object of developing team skills in the participants.
From the responses gathered an overwhelming majority of individuals have seen a
positive change in themselves. In a nutshell they themselves as better team player’s now
3. The training it seems has been fairly successful in reducing stress levels of the
participants. This fact is corroborated by the data gathered from peers as well.
4. It seems that the training has yielded its results as far as impressing upon the participants
the importance of team building.
5. The participants have noted that they have been able to implement some of the learning
that they have acquired but even then when asked to narrate any one of such incidents a
lot of them were not able to come up with anything.
6. Some participants have felt that this training has helped them adapt to the organisation
better at the same time a few have claimed that this training has helped them in coming up
with innovative ways to deal with problems faced by them.
7. Its evident from the responses that the training has helped the participants become more
receptive to change and at the same time respect the opinion of other team
members( departmental colleagues).

Technical training program

Trouble shooting of electrical equipments

Q1. The training was well organized and clearly structured.

2 The training covered a number of useful TOPICS

Q3 The duration of the program was right

Q4 This training gave me ideas which I can use in my job

Q5 I will suggest this course to my colleagues

Q6 I was able to get all my doubts clarified

Q7 The training would help me in my long-term career growth

Q8 There has been a marked change in working after the training

Q9 I have all the tools and materials required to implement my training.

Q 10 The objectives of the training were met

Q11 There were certain innovative and useful practices implemented as a result of
this training.

Q12 The training helped me come out with some innovative ideas.

 Q 13 The training has helped in updating with the current trends in the

1. The overall response for the program is positive.

2. Majority of the particpants have benifitted from the training program as it happened to be
job job relevant as well as helped them get to know the current trends in the industry.
4. One of the feedback’s that was given was to make use of more pictorial representations in

ROI analysis:

Result on investment, this part is most important in training evaluation because it gives you
ultimate results of training. for this purpose I have taken interviews of Hod’s of respective
departments. I have also done Gap analysis collectively between previous status and current
status of results.


1) Had these participants not undergone this training what problems would the department
had faced
2) If you were to mention any benefit that your department derived from the persons who
underwent training you would say
3) Did employees support each other at the time of worst situation in your department:
4) Is there any decrease in delays?
5) Is work culture improved in the sense of human relations?
6) Is there any improvement in productivity?
7) Is behavior of employees changed positively?

The results of following questions asked in interview can be categorized under the following:-

 Quality of work life

 Improved quality of work.

 Higher productivity.

 Improved human relations (e.g., improved vertical and horizontal communication)

 Decreased in delays

Employee retention Analysis

“The degree to which individuals like their jobs”.

I love the job; I like my job and have lots of fun; I am happy in my current position and enjoy the
work that I do here; I love my job and I feel like I am accomplishing something; I really enjoy
what I do as an employee.

Question No. 1 2 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 319 269 588
Agree (4) 435 456 891
Undecided (3) 11 21 32
Disagree (2) 16 36 52
Strongly Disagree (1) 4 3 7

The above graph shows that 95% of employees are satisfied with their jobs at JSPL. The rest 5%
of the employees surveyed are either undecided or not satisfied.
Extrinsic rewards
“The amount of benefits, or equivalents distributed in return for service”.
JSPL pays better salaries than other businesses in the field; we are provided with various
benefits like insurance, mediclaim, marriage gift, club, housing, auditorium, musical fountain
and many more; better pay and benefits are among the best in the industry.

Question No. 3 4 5 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 188 317 287 792
Agree (4) 436 392 424 1252
Undecided (3) 70 37 47 154

Disagree (2) 76 31 24 131

Strongly Disagree (1) 15 8 3 26

Here in this graph, it shows that 87% of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the salaries
and benefits or equivalents distributed in return to service.

“The degree of attachment to individuals associated with the organization such as
supervisor, co-workers, or customers.”
My coworkers are fun loving, goal oriented, and help me stay motivated; I feel like I am part of
the team; my supervisor is a great role model; the people I work with are like family to me.

Question No. 6 7 8 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 232 243 259 734
Agree (4) 485 456 480 1421
Undecided (3) 35 40 26 101
Disagree (2) 29 31 19 79
Strongly Disagree (1) 4 15 1 20
The above graph shows that 91% of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the prevailed
work culture of AIL

“The degree to which individual’s identify with and are involved in the organization”.

I am not the type of person that jumps from job to job; I am proud to work here; I believe in
loyalty to the company that hired me; I love this place; I feel AIL as a part of my family and I am
loyal to that; Because I made a commitment to do the job and I don’t jump ship just because the
water gets rough.

Question No. 9 10 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 442 339 781
Agree (4) 311 404 715
Undecided (3) 22 20 42
Disagree (2) 9 19 28
Strongly Disagree (1) 1 3 4

From the above graph we can find out that 95% of AIL employees are loyal and committed to the
“The degree to which the organization is perceived to be reputable and we
I feels good to say I work for JSPL; our company is highly respected; people always say JSPL is
the best place to work; has a great reputation for being good to its employees and brand name in
the manufacturing industry, which makes us more marketable.

Question No. 11 12 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 427 343 770
Agree (4) 335 405 740
Undecided (3) 13 22 35
Disagree (2) 8 13 21
Strongly Disagree (1) 2 2 4

The above graph shows that 96% of the employees surveyed are feeling proud to be a part of this
reputed organization.

“Organization Culture is shared values & norms”.
“A set of core values, guiding principle, behavioral norms, and behavioral patterns, which
govern the way people in an organization interact with each other and invest energy in their job
and in the organization at large”. Participative decision making system is added advantage to
have a cohesive work environment. Reduction of stress is an important brick for the success of
any organization.

Question No. 13 14 15 16 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 200 188 251 142 781
Agree (4) 505 484 443 476 1908
Undecided (3) 44 68 47 95 254
Disagree (2) 33 42 41 63 179
Strongly Disagree (1) 3 3 3 9 18

Here in this graph, it shows that 86% of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the core values,
guiding principle, behavioral norms, and behavioral patterns.
“Beliefs about the unavailability of jobs outside the organization”.
I do not like the experiences I have had with any of our competitors; I have not received a better
job offer; I have applied in other organization: the economy is down and I cannot find another

Question No. 17 18 19 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 34 26 126 186
Agree (4) 113 74 300 487
Undecided (3) 123 121 184 428
Disagree (2) 336 381 139 856
Strongly Disagree (1) 179 183 36 398

Here in this graph, it shows that 53% of the employees surveyed are disagreeing to the given point as
they are with JSPL because they are getting healthy work culture.

Advancement opportunities
“The amount of potential for movement to higher level within the organization”.
JSPL provides excellent opportunities for advancement and development; The Company offers
me the chance to move up; I see the future here; I joined JSPL few years ago and had acquired
vast exposure; I like the opportunity of growth here; JSPL hire and promote talent.

Question No. 20 21 22 23 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 289 180 195 159 823
Agree (4) 441 510 495 520 1966
Undecided (3) 27 54 35 61 177
Disagree (2) 24 33 54 40 151
Strongly Disagree (1) 4 8 6 5 23
Here in this graph, it shows that 88% of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the amount of
potential for movement to higher level within the organization.

“The proximity of the workplace relative to one’s home”
It is really close to my house; the location to and from work is really accessible; accommodated
within company premises: not having to travel through the city to get to work; it is a short and
convenient drive from my home; the company is close to my home.

Question No. 24 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 281 281
Agree (4) 392 392
Undecided (3) 43 43
Disagree (2) 52 52
Strongly Disagree (1) 17 17

In the given graph, it shows that 86% of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the location of
the organization.

“Perceptions about the fairness of reward allocations, policies and procedures, and
interpersonal treatment”.
The company cares what its employees think and lets us give input; I am treated and trusted as a
valued team member; our policies are fair & transparent; I am satisfied with the company
policies and procedures.
Question No. 25 26 27 Total
Strongly Agree (5) 203 252 228 683
Agree (4) 475 451 471 1397
Undecided (3) 57 39 59 155
Disagree (2) 39 35 22 96
Strongly Disagree (1) 11 8 5 24

This graph interprets that 88% of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the perceptions
about the fairness of reward allocations, policies and procedures, and interpersonal treatment.


“Work- life balance”
I have the shift I want; the company has always supported me on my work schedule; My
supervisor and manager work with me and try to help out in any scheduling difficulties I have.

Here in this graph, it shows that 85% of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the flexible
work arrangement within the organization.
“Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group in effort
towards goal achievement”.

Question No. 29 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 205 205
Agree (4) 509 509
Undecided (3) 40 40
Disagree (2) 27 27
Strongly Disagree (1) 4 4

This graph shows that 91% of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the process of
influencing the activities of an individual or a group in effort towards goal achievement.
“The inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal and organizational goals”.

Question No. 30 Total

Strongly Agree (5) 220 220
Agree (4) 494 494
Undecided (3) 45 45
Disagree (2) 23 23
Strongly Disagree (1) 3 3

graph, it shows that 91% of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the inner force that drives
individuals to accomplish personal and organizational goals.
“The degree of RETENTION ANALYSIS in total”.

Question No. Total

Strongly Agree (5) 7022
Agree (4) 12660
Undecided (3) 1570
Disagree (2) 1745
Strongly Disagree (1) 553

Here in this graph, it shows that 84% of the employees surveyed are satisfied with the
organizational work culture, opportunities, norms & principles, So, Our Retention Rate is 84%
with the survey of 785 employees of the sample data size. It definitely shows that JSPL –
Raigarh Plant is having high percentage of retention of employees in overall.

The limitation included:-
Time Constraint: The project was limited to a period of 3 months which restricted the exposure
to the broader aspect of the topic.
Confidential data: Most of the data where confidential and for the perusal of the company
No personal meetings: it was restricted to paper work only. No session were held which could
help in getting the details.
Calculation of ROI: ROI assessment was so difficult as to be insurmountable, so that the
organization remains satisfied with general approximations or vague comparisons, or
accepts wider forms of justification for the training without invoking detailed costing.

After doing the study of two training programs in AIL researcher found that most of the
participants were fairly satisfied with the Design, content, Infrastructure and Job Relevance of the
program. Training helped in smoother attainment of departmental goals and researcher found that
participants bringing in a new zeal and a higher level of motivation as a result of training.
Researcher also found out that participants were able to implement their skills what they learnt by
technical training program when they return to their job. Ultimately researcher can conclude that
training helped in achieving quality of work life, improved quality of work, higher productivity
and improved human relations.

After doing a survey on Employee Retention in AIL, Researcher found that most of the
employees were satisfied with their current jobs. Researcher has identified that there are some
important factors which are responsible for retaining the employees in AIL like they feel proud to
be a part of reputed organization , employees are satisfied with the organization culture, fairness
in organization. Researcher found that Employees believe that in AIL they get opportunity to
grow, they are satisfied with the amount of potential for movement to higher level within the
organization. so researcher can conclude that most of the employees surveyed are satisfied with
the organizational work culture, opportunities, norms & principles, so retention rate is very high
in the Organization.

BIBLIOGRAPHY & references


1. Human Resource Management

- By K. Ashwathappa
2. AIL literature.

3. AIL Induction Manual


Annett, Duncan, Stammers and Gray, Task Analysis, Training Information Paper 6, HMSO,
Kirkpatrick, D.L., Evaluating Training Programs: The four levels, Berrett-Koehler, 1996.
Wills, Mike, Managing the Training Process, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
Donald Kirkpatrick's Learning Evaluation Model 1959; review and contextual material
Alan Chapman 1995-2007
Articles for books & management magazines published by ICFAI University Press.
Article posted on August 24, 2008.

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