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Case Study: An Information System of Senior High School

Students of Catanduanes National High school

Chapter 1

Technology is an essential part of our lives today and few can imagine living

without. Additionally, the technology we create now shapes the future and make things

easier and not more complicated as stated by Gluck (2012). Nowadays, faster growth of

technology contributed a lot of progress in various ways in our industry. As claimed by

Birk (2015) technology is growing at a rapid rate. It is constantly being developed,

altered and improve upon. It seems like more and more technology is changing almost

on a daily basis.

According to Zwass (2018) Information system, refers to an integrated set of

components for collecting, storing and processing data, and for providing information,

knowledge and digital products. This information system is beneficial especially to the

students today. As stated by Krishnan (2018) the first significant advantage of a student

information system is that as a school you are able to keep proper track of date related

to students. Student information system (SIS) store and track all student information,

including grades, attendance records, and more. Student information system products

are used by teachers, students, and parents to communicate all relevant information

pertaining to a student’s schooling, based on Abel (2018).

In accordance to this, the computerized student information will provide a faster

and more convenient process of storing files of students in different track and strands.

This will serve as a solution for the school problem regarding to student’s information

conflict. The student’s data can be viewed by the means of searching the details in an

easy way without having the anxiety of losing the files. This kind of system is very

important, according to Fashid (2018) such a system let the students focus solely on

their primary responsibility in life – studying. No longer do they need to come to the

management of school for their records or any other thing that may bother them.

A. Statement of The Problem

This study primary aims to know the perception of selected Senior High School

Students regarding to Student Information System. The specific objectives of the study

are to:

 Advantages of computerized information

 To organize and manage the information of every students

Specifically it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What will be the advantages of student information system in Catanduanes

National High School?

2. Does the information system can easily manage the records of every

B. Significance of the Study

This study is about the importance of having Student information system to the


To Students - this study will provide an easy access to the student’s data and

help them in the most convenient way. This research will serve as an instrument

on keeping their files safely.

To Teachers and Staff - it will lessen the teachers and staffs paper works and

they can easily edit changes without worrying about the files location. Lastly,

computerized data will not be time consuming and hassle-free.

C. Scope and Limitation

The scope area of the study is in rural school in Catanduanes. The

research is conducted in Catanduanes National High School. Its main

focused is on the application of student information system. This will

include selected Senior High School students in the said school.

D. Conceptual Framework

STRAND Catanduanes
National High
Student School



E. Definition of Terms

System – is a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done;

an organized scheme or method

Information - knowledge that you get about someone or something

Information System - Information system is an academic study of system with a

specific reference of student information and it can be a hardware and software

information and use to collect, filter, process, create and also distributing a data.

Program - provide (a computer or other machine) with coded instruction for the

automatic performance of a particular task.

Title: An Information System of Senior

High Students of Catanduanes National
High School
An Information System of Senior High
Students of Catanduanes National High

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