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College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

Experiment No. 1

ME Electives 4 (Mechatronics)

Cutting Device


Prado,Mon Patrick M.

Student Number:

MTWTh/7:00 -9:30 am

Date of Submission:
June 28, 2018

Engr. Arnaldo D. Valino
I. Introduction
Metal cutting machine process is a main part of the all industries Normally
the sheet metal cutting machine is manually hand operated but in pneumatic cutting
device using solenoid valve as for automation as the cutting device works with the
help of pneumatic double acting cylinder the piston is connected to the moving tool.
It is used to cut the small size of sheet metal. The machine is portable in size easy
in transportation and economical.
A programmable logic controller (PLC) is an industrial computer control
system that constantly monitors the input devices and makes decisions based upon
a custom program to control the output devices. Almost any production line,
machine function, or process can be significantly improved using this control

AND Function states that two or more events must occur together and at the
same time for an output action to occur. The order in which these actions occur is
unimportant as it does not affect the final result. For example, A & B = B & A. In
Boolean algebra the Logic AND Function follows the Commutative Law which
allows a change in position of either variable.

II. Objectives
a. To be able to Design and construct indirect AND function on the PLC
system using the CoDeSys software.
b. To be able to construct a custom program that satisfy the required of the
given situation or problem.
c. To be familiarized with the operation and principle of PLC and its
programming sequence.
III. Problem Description

Using a cutting device sheets of paper are to be cut to size.

By pressing two pushbutton switches the cutting blade is advanced and the
sheet of paper is cut. After releasing one pushbutton switch the cutting
blade is returned to its start position.

Figure 1. Cutting device front view

IV. Procedure

1. First set up the programm in CoDeSys by creating a new file, choosing the
FESTO CPX-CEC/CPX-CEC-C1, type of POU (Program Organization
Unit) and use the Program and Ladder (LD) respectively, and configuring
the plc to be used by appending 8DIN/8DOUT [VAR] PLC.
2. Determine how many Inputs and Outputs to be used in the PLC from the
3. Set two inputs and one output in the program by addressing it to the input
and output adress of the PLC. For input %IX2.0 and %IX2.1 is used and
%QX0.0 for the output.
4. K1 is has no adressed which will be the compiler and the PLC as a relay.
5. Construct a diagram of the system using indirect AND function.Test the
program for errors by simulating it first. Go to Oline tab click simulation
mode then login and run.
6. If the program runs correctly, then it is ready to be uploaded to the PLC.
7. Set-up the network configuration of the computer used by expiditing its IP
adress to 198.162.2.X,( X )note can be from any number except 50 for due
to by default 50 is being use by PLC already.
8. Connect the PLC to the computer using a ethernet or lan cable.
9. Then upload the program now to the PLC by unselecting the simulation
mode then login and search the conneted plc and select it now the program
is uploaded into the PLC and will excute the command even with out the
computer connected.
10. Then execute the program turn on the PLC make sure its all connected
from the main poweer supply and turn the knob of the PLC and make sure
the air service unit knob is on. Then push the buttons that satisfies the
V. Results and Discussion

Power Supply Push Button Digital


Air service

solenoid valve

Double acting
Logic Tabular Diagram

AND function

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