Activities of Non Diplomatic Representatives of Foreign Principals in The US 1

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1;1'1'111:1: 'r n r


E [( ; I IT Y -1': I ( ; II' l' II (' ( ):\ ( ~ I { E ~ ~

1':\IPI:H TIll: .\I'TIHHUTY OF~, la:~, :ll;~, ."7TH ('O:\(;Im~~ . . \:\I)~, In:~, ~l;, ."';"'l'll ('():\·(;iU·:;-;~~ .. U'TIIOHIZI:\U THE CO.'I:\i'iTTLI: (1:\ FnHEl<;:\ lU:L.\TIO:\~ TU ~'lTJ)l THE cH'TI\'-

rr u:« (H' :\'!):\IHI'j,():\L\TH' HU'HE:-;!-::\T.\TI\'E:-; OF F(H~I-:l<::\ !'!{L\('ll'.\L~ J.'\ '1'111: 1 :\TI'I:U :-;T.\TI·::-;

Part 1

:\!.\IWlI i.: ,\:\11 .11'.\1: ~(I, l\H;:;

Printed for till' use of t hc' Coru m it tpl' on Foreign Relat ions




A M E A N ( WHA 1"§ ltElllND



By Harold Lord Varney

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Rtprintf'd from &b.t' J~ 1957 bfae

AmeritaD Met\"1U)'v 250 W. 57th St ... N. Y ... N. Y.

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CO}Il\IITrr'}~F:O~~FOR,}~I(i~ ItEIlA,rr10~S rx lrr}Jl) srrA\rT_ES SEN;\ ~r~~






MAY 23, 1003


Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations


J. W. FrLBRIGH'f, Arkansas, Chairman


HUBERT H. IHJ:\IPIIHEY, Ml n ne so t a GEORGE D. AIKE~. Vermont



RUSSELL B. 1.O::-l'O, Lou tsrana KAH.L E. ;.\fUNDT, South Dakotu

.-\LBERT GORE. 'I'enn essee




THOMAS J. DODD, Connecticut



Note.-This hearing was held in executive session, and released August 1, 1963, pursuant to committee determination.


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Let tor Budge l\la' Lcttp;

can Letter Jcro Memo Copy

Letter fron Memo Copy Arri.

Letter f ror LettCI fror Lcttei fror Lettel Inc Lettcl Inc Lpttel Inc Lett.ei Inc Lette Inc Lctte fr o:

Lette Inc Two Ag.

Lette Un

A. o o rv

Op"njng stutr-mc-nt l~t~lt: I:I:g~t E N T S .

;-';(,llatp HE'~olllti()n'~(i, xxt.h Congress, l st S('SSiOll _

;-';Pllat(· H('soilitioll :)(i:!, S7th COIlgn'SS, :2d s('f;~i{)n _

COpy' of :'lUbPPIlH add rr-sscd to Mr. Gottlid) I l ammc-r , d atcd :\lay l:{,

I.Q6:) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _

Copy of subpe-na addressed tu J\1r. Isadore Harnliu , dated :\1ay I ti,

I ! Hi:) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _

Ope-ning st.atr-nu-n t of :\11-. Gottlieb Hammer . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Chart A. ~our('(' of funds for programs of Jr-wish Ag('Il('Y for brad,

Jr-rusak-m (the Jerusalem Agt-nt-y ) prior to ] 960 _

Chart B. ~ourc(' of and flow of funds (except from the Unite-d ;-;tates) to Jewish Agr-ncv for Israel, Jerusalem (trw Jerusalem Agency),

after April 1 !H)o _

Chart C. Flow of funds from t h« United Statt-s for relivf , rehabilita-

tion, and in Israel, af ter April 1 ~H)O _

Chart D. Functions and sr-r vir'vs, Jewish Agf'ney-Ampri('an Section,

Ine. (Anu-r ir-an ~'kction), 1960-f\2 .. _

Let tr-r dated April 5, 1 \162, to Henry Bornstein, from Got.t.lieb Hammer __ Budget Digt'sts of the Couucil of .Ir-wish Fedc-rat.ions and Welfare Funds,

Mav 19G1, :\0. :)(), rr-Iat ing tu Amr-rir-a n Zionist Council . _ dated Septr-rnber 4, UI;")S, to Rabbi Irving Miller, chairman, Ann-r i-

ean Zionist Cou ncil, from Gottlieb Hammer . _

Lr-tt.or dated Fe-bruary 7, 1957, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, from Rabbi

.Ierorno Unger, ro accounting _

Mo morandu m datr-d June 2G, 1955, to Fannie Speiser, from Jay D. Loshin , Copy of 11 Jewish Agency, l nc., rho ck dated June 26, ] 9.58, for $20,000 for American Zionist Council _

Letter dated March fl, 1951-.;, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish Agency, Inc.,

from Rabbi Jerome UIIgN, American Zionist Council, re accounting _

Me morandu m dated Juno 20, 1955, to Fannie Speiser from Jay Lr-shin __ COfY of. Jew~s~ ~gen~'y, In.c., cheek dated June 20,1958, for $4,000 for the

. merlCan Zionist CounCIL _

Let.tor dated April 1, 195)-1, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish Agency, Inc.,

from Rabbi Jerome Unger, American Zionist Cou ncil, re accounting _

Letter dated May S, 1958, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish Agency Inc.,

from Habbi Jerome Unger, American Zionist Council, re accounting _ dated June H, 1958, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish Agency Inc.,

from Rabbi Jerome Unger, American Zionist Council, rc accounting _

Letter dated August 18, 19,58, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish Agency,

Inc., Rabbi Jerome Unger _

Letter dated September 11, 1958, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish Agency,

Inc., from Rabbi Jerome Unger, American Zionist Council, _

Letter dated October 1, 19l58, to Mr. Gottlirb Hammer, Jewish Agency,

Inc., from Rabbi Jerome Unger, American Zionist Council, _

Letter dated January 6, 1959, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish Agency,

Inc., from Rabbi Jerome Unger, American Zionist Council, _

Letter dated February 18, 1959, to 1Vf. Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish Agency,

Inc., from Rabbi Jerome Unger , _

Letter dated June 2, 1959, to Mr , Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish Agency, Inc.,

from Rabbi Jerome Unger _

Letter dated August 10, 1959, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish Agency,

Ine., from Rabbi Jerome Unger , _

Two letters dated October 5, 1959, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, Jewish

Agency, Inc., from Rabbi Jerome Unger , .;. _

Letter dated April 15, 1960, to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer, froafR'abbi Jerome

U D ger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~.~ - .. :'::.r _

Accountants report covering fiscal year ended March :31, 1959:

Exhibit A, schedule 3, miscellaneous investments _

Exhibit B, schedule 3, expenditures for the Jewish Agency Treasury,

Jerusalem, for the year ended March 31,1959 _


Page 1211 1:21:2 1~12


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12:!4 I :2;n


1260 126ti






1276 1277


1278 1279 1280 1289




Arro\lllt:lll(s rrport d:tll'd '>:O\"llllwr ,1. l'liiO. ,'o\'I'I'il\,~ ii:-d':ti \'I'a[" Piliit'd :\i:trcil 31. 11)11(\:

l'>,hihil II, ,~cllt'(lilil' ;\, cx pcndit ur.-« for .J,'\\ i- h ;\g('llrl' TI,(,:I~III'\', .kr\l~:l It'll!

Exhibit H, ~cll!'dl!k ,1. JI'\\'i~h .\I-((·lll·Y for L,nl"I, [11('., :ldTllilll~(r:tII\(: expenses for t 11(' vear ('11<\,'<1 \1 arch :.! 1. 1 qt;(I

l\1()lllhh rvports of t lu- Alll!'ric:111 ('''rl~li:llI 1':I"'~till!' ('Ollllllill"" f or Vl n v, .Iulv , and Oct ot nr I!r;)g, u n d .ln n u nrv jq;)!I, n'll(h'rpd h v HI'\·. Kar! I\w'hr

t!l il:lhhi .Ir-r o n n- l'lll-(i'f ' ,

T,·~tIIlIOIlI· of \1[, b:ltiOl'" l l n m h n , 1,\1,,'1111\1' 1)11"0','11>1', .11'\\ [~jl '\~"JII'\, \lIJ"fll';1I1 :-;, ... 1 [Oil, I nc:

Me mnr aru lu in dn\<'d \LI I' :.!(). I \lti(l, til \{ [~~ F"Jllli(' ~J"'i~''I' Ir o m Ladtlf"

Hamlill .

COP\' 01':1 .J"I\"i~11 ;\g('II(·\····.\III1'fil':tll ~'('tlllll, 111('., ('I",('L ":iI,'d \1;,1' '.'.7, ] ()liO, f or ~.I.()()(), jl:l\'ahl,' (0 (11<' .\111"['«':111 Zi.,[II,.;1 ('llll[I('i1, "( hi :l('(:(11[1l1 of ~pl'('i:ll puhl«: rc\atwlIs b\ldgl'I"

JIH[l(l\nitl('1l nut « d:II<·t! .Ln l v ~(), J!){iO. adtlfl,,.,,('d "F. :-;." .u«! ;-'I~l(l',j

"1. II ' .

Cnpv of :1 .I1'wi,,11 :\~('II('\"-":\[[li'riC:l1l :-:('Ctlllll, 111('., cl[l'l'l, d:t\I'd .lu l v '.'.1, J!HiO, fflf ~:\,;-,()() p.rvn hl« to th« ;\[llI'ril':'1I Zi()lIi~1 ('tlllllC'iI ",\ddlilU[l:d Oil ~lH'('iill pu hl i« ["!'I;II io n» 1>1 [dl-('\ "

l\1f'TllOrall(llllll d:tl(~d :\O\'('I1lI)I'r :), I U()(), \0 :'Ill";" Fallllll' ::-Ip('i",'l' f ro rn

],.:ltIOl"l' l l a m h n, ['" 1 II' :-;1[\\,,,drllll

COP\' of :Ill unda t.od h.m.iwr nt.-» [101(' "igll!'d "()I\, 1. 1I,1I11lill"

Let t c-r dH\pd .Ia n u.rr v '2:1. 1 !lti:.!, I () I ir, b:t:u' Vl o v.i l , C'iglll'd "L. ,\. Pinr-u-.' LI'lter "atl'd :'I1:lI' :\il. I\Jt>'!, to 1 )1',1. \101':", fr'n[1l L. A. l'ill('l[~

Mo ruor nnd um d;tl('d .Iulv ro, 1!)f)~, to \li:-.:-i Fallllii' ~P"I""r fro ru I )r, Mo v.i l, rr- ul locat ion 11\' ttl!' ."'wish \gl'lll'Y 10 Arnc-r i rr n Ziolli,,! ('(JllllI'ti for i)('riod April f , I\Hi~,l() Vl ar ch :1[, I\Hi:l

Un dut cd nu-morundu m titled Anu-r icu n Ziolli,,( Co uncil , ('Ollllllitl"I' Oil Infur nurt ion aile! Publ ic Reb! io us , for 1)(ldgl'l IIfY' vcar J !Hi'2-ti:l

Copy of 'I .lcwish Ag('[Il'1' Amc-r icun :-)('ctiull, I,il'" vourln-r dat('d .11[[1"

:2:2, 1 \Hl'2, in tlu- amount of SI;, I !)8, 11 .. , , _

Report dr-pur t.mrnt. of iuf or n , dl'!i\'('f('d hv ;\lr:;, .Iud it.h Ep"\.('[Il,

chairman of t he dr-pnr t.nicnt., 0[1 October :;0, I Dfi2 _ ' _ .. _. _. _ . , , _

Budget Digests, Council of Jewish Fcderut.ious und Wr-lf'ar« Fund", Inc, \Ia:, l!ltil, '>:0 ao. p.u;« :2 (I'omplptt' v.rsi on Ilpp('llr.~ 1':lI'li<'r, p, L':{,,\)

Five mom orn.ud a f r o m tilt' Anu-ri can Zi o ru.«. ('ullllcil d:lI"d ..

~ ovprn her J.j, 1 !lG:2. __ . . _ .. _ . __ . _

Docr-mbcr :2H, H)!):'; __ . __

J a 1111 ar y ~, I !H):~, . _ . _ . . _ .. __ '

February 27, 1 !16:L .....

March 4, I\H):~ .... ~ _ _ ,_ ... _, ,.,

Memorandum dated lkc('1Il1)('r :27, I!Hi:2, to :'Ili~:; Fuun i.- ~pi:-;('r, fr orn

Dr, 1. Mo val , .____ _ __ . __ .

Copy of Jewish A~l'Il('V '-' American :-;ectioll, Inc" voucber dated j)('e(~nl-

her 27, 1%2, for :J;J:l,OOO__ ._

Let tor dated Fohr u.rr v [i, I \lG:3, to Dr. Na h urn (;oldmallll, from Tsudor«

Hamlin ,_.~_. ... _,_. . ._ ... _

Letter to Mr. EI('lIzar Lipsk y, dated \-lay '27, HHiO, f rom Isadore Hamlin _ l\Il'lflorH.lIdllrn datl'rl AlIgu"t I, 1 \lull, to l{use L. Halprin, Iroru Isarlor.:

Hamlin, re ,ITA budgr-t , , . ,. . __ . _,

Mcmur a n d u m tiat,'d OctuiJPI' 10, l!ltiO, to Dr. Na hu m (;ol<IInallll f'rorn

Isadore Hamlin, rl' JTA ... _

Moruor a ndum dn tc-d Octohor Ill, JfI()O to I Jr , l rov .Iot-H'ph from '>:abllill

(;oldlllann rr- .I'LL _

:\1 r-mor an dum datr-d ()ctol)('r 12, 1 !)(iO, to Fannie :-;pt'if;('r from Isadore Hamlin, fl' pav me n t s to .rr A

Accou n ta n t.s rr-por t fur year ende-d Mar cl: :$], 1 ntH:

Exhibit A, st.atr-mr-nt of assets find liabilit.ics .. _ ~ . __ .'

~dlenlile B-2, l)tltiKl'tary expenses, year ended March :31, U){,] ,.' :-;chpdule B-2-h, public r elat.ions and special projects, year euded

March 31, HH>L . . _. . __ . ,

S"'H'<illi<' B-:{ -n , v.-ur 1'[ldt'd Murch :~l, IDOl (a copy of which is ill th,.

corrun i t.ter- filr-s) .. .. _ .. __ ..... ..' __

Memorandum dated June 1, HI61, to Miss Fannie Speiser, from Isadore

Hamlin, re JT A . ' _

Letter dated May 15, 1961, tci Mr. Eleazar Lipsky, from Isadore Hamlin . .

J ~'1\

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J:: ,-, I I :).):j J:) ;,,-) 1 :i.-,;, LL-) 7

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1;$71 1:)7:2

1 :~7.'i 1:37 ;)

;\[II(·ndlll(·[[t to s[ tt-mlwr :m, UJ( catroual a n d Cl Accountant" I"CP( Amentllll('nt tiled l\Hi:l, re grant

a n d paYIIlI'lIts dat<-d .J uri' Letter dutl'd Jun:

,\t1dltlllll!i1 Illforil I r,l"tuft .1(,\\1:';]1 1111.(''' , ( '('rti[l('d "If( '('tI ' ( 'rrt.u n«! (·tlCCL1' J .rs t uf


1)1Iiet'[, d. ('opy of \1 II \ '.! (0 HI"I[l'~t til(' ClJ [ H(,.[Il<':;t ti\I' :\1 ,", Hr"jl11,,,t An u-r i: \1 j{"IIIII':;t I. [()[ [i,~t April I

I() H('lill(':;t dirt·(,tl, HalJillr' Alfa[r,;

I I l(v'illl'~t I .h'\\ ish 111('., t( l~ Pate of! bv the

l:L l{<:( [lit-bt appear Jr-wish !lag" III 11[(', A I \l(iO, 11

I I. I{cqll<'st arrung:

Appeal J !Hil)

1:"" L!,tt('r to 1j1lClIt t

H(" PH',.;! ~ fur arldi I. ('ertitied :-:('ctiOll '2. l{('qll('st .Ic-rusa l ;{, R<:queNt I of thl' 4, Request Jerusal agents d. Request f ill bra!

,III' \' ,

l''1~e 1 ~!II

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\11lt'11I11I1I'llt I() :'llppi('III(,lItal r ogistrut.iou stakTlll'llt fur per io.i l'Tldllll!, :--l('Pt.rm l n-r :W, I ~Il/ I, tikd ()ctulwr ['I, 1 \,11.;2, rr: gl u n t.s and Mull\ 1'lltIOIlS, cducatlollal /111(1 r-ul t uru l urt rvit ic-s. a n d paylllelltK to afliliutc«! orgallizutiomi_ ;\c('olllltallls rrport for yvur ('Il(ll'd :\Iurcll ;11, 1 \H)2, sc+u-dulc B I -Allll'n<illll'll( tiled Oetober :" 1\1\;:2, f()r (i-llfoiltli period ('!loin[/; March :H, UHj:2, rr- grants all!! suhvcn t.ions. cducut.iouul alit! cultural a et.iv i t ics,

find pa 1'I11<'1I(.-< to :dliltatl'd oruu u izut ions _ . - - - , . - - - - --

Le-t.t.rr da't(',j .JIIIlI' \1, 1\lIi I, x lr. \josiI<' HI\IIIl, Ir orn bud()r(' l l a mhu -. - --

Ll'tkr dut i-d JIIII(' I,', I\Hi:2, to \11'. Lleai\ar lrpsk v, Ir orn Isudorv Hllllllin __


,\<1.11\1<111;11 i uf o rr n a l u u, rI"Jl",:,tl'd [ro ur \1r, (;()ttil('I, l l a runu-r :

1 1,1~t of tilt' (HIi('('rs u n d .\I"II1I)('rs of t.h« Board of I llr('('t()r& of t.h..11'11 l~h ;\g('lll'\' for l sru.l, 111(' , It Ill"llIl)('r,~lllp (:()rpllratiull orgu- 111/,('<1 u n.Ic-r t~le uu-tu ln-rslu p lu« s of the :--tat(' of :\CI\ York ('('rtilll'd ('op\' of Bylll\\ s of the J('I\ Ish ,\g(~I1C." fur brill'}, inc" l'lf,,('tl II! ,\IllV :2:;, 1 q\i:; ,_

(','rtIll<'I1 ('UP,\ of 1I_I'1111\£ of t lu- ./1'\\ Ish ,\g('IIC\ for Israe-l. tnl'! ('11('('tI 1 (' prror to April I, 1 \11)(1

'\ I.I",t of 1III'IIII)('r", 11l1'llilH'r:; uf ttj(' l',\('('utin' ('olllll1iu(", Hilt! (J11i(,(,I's (If till; "Illtl'd brad ;\p[I('HI

" ('oP) (If ('hurter u m] ]\_I'IIIII'; of t11(' llliled l srur-l ;\Pl"'111 df('('ti\e \Ia \ '2;1, I \lli:,

(, J(("jllt:st to su l in u t. for till: r,'('urd till' ~talll"; as of \IIlY 2:), 1\11):;, Ill' till' I'url'oral(' ro ul ro l IIf till' 1'1111l'<I brad ,\ppl'al

Hl"IIII,,,t of till' lI_\blll"; of t h« l'uh-st.u«: Fou m ln tiou Flilld ('11'1'('t.!1I' .\hl 2;;, 1 ~Ili;;

" i{("liI('.-t Ior 11 _I','ar-IIY-,I"Hr lll'l'(llillt.llig or all payllll'llts to the :\lIl1'ricllll ZIOIII,.;t ( ou nrrl

" i{('llllI,,,t for >:;1'1 (If I)('rio.ll(' H('l'()tllltlllgS 1"'IIII('rI'd l>y t.l u- :\111"1'1('1111

ZI\JIII~( ('otlllt;d to till' J,'I\ 1,,11 :\g('IIC) fr o rn .Ia nuar y 1, 1 \1;-),\ tu ,\prd I, I \II'U

1\1 H('ljll('Sl t or till' y('ar-IJY-_ll'ar :i('\'()lllltIllg 11>:; to alljJtlYllll'"b «it her dll,(,(,tly or tilrtJlq,dl t.h« ,\lll('ril':111 hlolli"t Counuil Of ou gl: t h« HlIIJilJ()IIIU, FOlludatioll 10 t he C'uu ucil Oil :\ll(ldk Last.c-r n ,\trHlrs _

II 1\"'1IIi'~t for II ,\'1'lIr-IIY-,I'('[([' ac('ulIlltillg of payllll'llt,.; or jOllllS to till' .1l'\\ 1;;11 Tdl'grapliic ,\g\'IIl',\' (r o m t.h« .J.~\\ ish Agellcy for israel. 111('" to April l , 1\I(iO

I:.! l iuu- of uc.juisu.iuu of stock of J('I\i~11 Telegraphic :-';(!\IH Agcllc,l' II." tile .1('\\ ish :\gl'lll'~' for Israeli l1IC.

I,;, H('IIII('''t. fur :1 (kt:llled it.o m n of ~,'jU,()Ol) 1'\jJCIl<iitllrt' which apJll'ar:-; ill till' rcpor t dated :\OH'llllwr ·1, 1\)(;0, n'llIlI'n!d to sh ,\gl'IIC.\' fur Israe-l, l nc. IJ\' (i['('I'II, ~tr()ek('r ,\{ ('p" Oil t]II' pag., 11IHrl,,," L\l!ihit J\, ;-;chl'lillk ,I(a) J('II ish Ag"lIe~' for l srurl. Ill", Ad m iu ist ru t.i vc 1'>'1)('11::'('0 fur vour l'lIti .. d Vl n r ch :; I, I \I(ilJ, lIskd liS "~I)('('ial pu hl ic rr-lu ti o ns ~;-JO,OO()" .

II. i{(''1l1('st for a h-tt.r-r givc-u SOIIH'« in 1\);-11 or 1\1:):2 r.-lnt i vr- t.o a rruu gc-nu-nt.s fur tratl:;f('I'I'II('l: of Iu ud s Ir orn till' Cnitl,d l srur-l Appcu l to t.l«- J('llisli ,\gl'IICY fur l srac-l . 111(' , prior to ,\pril I, 1\I(iU

I:), Lot t.-r to ~ellator FIIllJriglit f roru :\Ir, l l a m nn-r recr-i vcd SIIII;;\,qlll'llt to lu-ar iug .


H("lllt'~I" fur at ldi n» l informut.iou to lx- supplii«! hv '\11', l l amli n :

I, ('{'rtined copy of the hyla« s of t h« .Ie'l ish Ag('1I1'Y Amet-ica u ;-;('C'tiOIl, I11C" I'ff('ctivc :Vla~' :2:1) I \)(i3

'J H.l''1I11'st fur a cop.' of t ho coust.itut.iou of till' 1'>'l'(,lIti\'(' of the .Il'l'lISU\('11l ,\W'II('\' _

;\ Request for H list of indi vu lua ls comprising the' board of d irr-ctors of t hr- E\I'cllti\'(! of th« Jcrusulr-m Agl'IlCY

,L Request for excerpts of mi nutc-s of mr-c-t.ings or the Ex('cutiv(' ill .Ierusalcm since- April I, I \HiO, relating to act.ivitios through'

agents ill the United ~tatN:l_ __ . _ _

;I, Request for a brief dC::lcriptioll of the Dcpart mcuts and operatious

ill Isra('1 of thcpEx('C'utin' __ .' . _ . _

1 :3St) 1 :)9,t 1:)%

1 :lY7
I : I ~J!J
iu :
1411 1-111



~ 1413



Page 1,177 13S4

Bl'llUI'"h r"r ntldili"ll:ll i uturruu t i un (I, I", "llpplil'dl'.\ ,\11' JI:11111111 ""II

II I:\·\I\{\·:--t fIll :1 \ I':l['-~\\ \ 1':11" :11'\'\)lllll !I\l~ (\11' \':1\ 1111",1\..., \\ hlt'l} 1111

,Ii'\\ l>h \L:_t'lll'\ \JIII'I'II':\ll t-. I'(·!\\I'I 1:1:1111' Ii) 1111 \:111'111';1'1

/,1" 11,,1 ('''IIIII'Ii ,,111('1 \/'1'11 I, / '1111\

1~1··iI14':--.t fpc tltl' 111111ilH'r (dO n'(lIgt'I':-' l " r \\','11" \\1111 11:1\/ IlI'l'll I:ild 'I 11\1 " \'1'11' i 1:\ (III 111,,1 /11 \ ":11',.. I ItI"'lJgl, 1/11' II ,,," "I 1/11' .l. 'I.-', \ ~I -: II' \ I ill' I~I':I', ,I, IIII'

l ' ag" 111',

1~\"IIII':--.t (\)1' "I':lr-I)\·\ 1"11' ~l('t'\)llrll \II~

,II' \\ 1 ...... 11 \ l!_t" \ r: \ \ 111\' r I (';i II :---., -t ' t 1\ \ I',

/IIHII,I ( ,1\111('11 "[' ,111'1'1'1 I \ 1" ,\11' I 1'11'1-1"1'111,1 1',11,111 \11:111''' ('''111111111''''

'I 1:1'.,111· ..... 1 for \\':lr-IJ\ -\\';'1" :lI'('(Hjllllll~ (JI I'~i.\ !lII'll{', tl) I1I1 ('0111 I j! 1"1 \11,1,111 1",,1"1'" \11:111" fl'''"\ lit, ,I<-II I.-It \g"III'\ \(1)('I'II'1\', '''''1'111111, II 1',1'111",[ ,111','1'11\ Ill' IIt['IIII~1t 1111 \111"1'11':11 /'111111.-1 ( "'1111'11

III 1,1'1111, ,I (," ,I ""11\ IIi" I II' \1 rr t 1<-1: :IITII'~I II11 III 1',1',,1'1','" III III " kll, r ,1.11<-,1 \hl ~II 1'Ji",~ ",1,11"",1 III III' I \1,,\:11 ,111,1 '1~1,,'t! 1,,\ I. \ 1'111("1.', \\ 11](,1, 1"'I,d, :I' 1',,1111\\' Th, d, 1,111, III 11,'\\ II' 1111:111'1 II" """"lilil' <If II,,' /':1,1 \":11' ,111<1 lnt u r. 1',1\ 'Ill II I., \I i l I I", \\ II I k,' 1 I "" I "II 1'1 1 I!', I II" I II I 'I, I II "j" ,/1 I Ii,' ,I III I I I" 'I I~!:I 111 w t r t ru; .... :1 ...... .u: .lrr:II\~r'rllt'[ll 1\11\\1·11111> ,IIII! 1111" \11111'\\·'1:1 1.1,>1'1,1 ('11111'1';1

"-I:"'IIiI',1 1'''1' nunr llilx 1111'\il, If 1111\,11','111 lit, \11" 11"1111 1.1",'1,1

~ ( '1111 III " I" I Ill' \ III, ['I' ',II :-:\ '1'1 I, i I I 'i I' I, I" ,I, 'I'll" til 'II, I, \ r ' II I I \, '" 1)1' \1,,\ II rd"I1""" I" II, I Ill' 1.-1 1'1' "f \1,1\ :.'11, 1 ',II,~

l,' 1\",/1;\',1 fur :1 ""1'\ "f I II, 1.-11,'1' 1"1<11'1'",,,'] III \I ",.il, :-:h:tr,'11 ,,,[,.

I', rn uu; Iii' ('''1111''11 '11'111111111 ['1'1', lI'I'd III 111,1 1,'11,'[' d ,1,,1

1,'1111'11111'\ d, 1'Ili:;, ,1""['",,,,,,, I" 1)1' \.Itillllli (,,,It!III:111 111,1

'I~[:t'd 1"11""1'1 11:111 I'll

1-:"'1111',1 rill' 11,\.':1['-1,\-'.,:11' .t rro u nt nn; I'" Iill jl:t\III"III, II,,!!I, ),\

11i,' ,)"\\1,1, \/,,'111'\ \111"1'11';11' :-:"1'11"11, III(' I" 1111' .J'\\I'!,

T,'II'~r:lJ"IIt' \\.:,'11,'\ 'III,'" '\1'1'11 I, / !lIil,1

I I I{"IIIII>I 1'111' Illf"r1lillllllll :1" III irlvn t II v "I' III'L';IIIII/:II III II ui.r k u u; III' :';(i(I,lltHI P:',\'lIll'lll III IIII' .1,,\\ I~it 'i'1':11 'I.'.l':tl'it iI' \~I'llt',\ rdl'IT,'rI I" 11'11 1111'11""':tlld'llll ":111'" ,\llglI,.;1 1, 1!l(iO, :1""n'~'I'd III j{'I"" I, ILli/,rll} frllll' 1,:"IIlI'" ILII1!lill

1,-, 1("'1111',,1 :h' I') 1>:1\ Ill,'lil" Illlllll' ,IT \ i'"f"I'!'t,,] III ill !I 1111·IIIt>r:tll· dlllil d:III'" (kl"I" r' I~, 1!llill, It> 1-':111111., :-:Ilt'i:-,,'I' frllill 1,1,",,1', 11:11111111, 1'1'l'urlt-d III r,'gl,II'IIIIIHI ,LlI"IiII'llh fil .. d \\1111 1111' II". I'llrtlll"lll III' ,111'111'

II, j{"'III,',1 f"r 11,'1111/",] :11'I'lIllllllllg Ill' );~I),(I(I(lIII'1l1 wh irh :1i'i'I':lr~ III III" !'t'I",rl 1"';I']..l'I,d 11\ (:rt"'II, :-:lnJ('k,'1' ,\: ('II, (','rliltl,d 1'1",[1, \1'1'111111111111';. ill ",h,'''III" II ;;11, 1'llIilll'" ",\II."I,,'II'IlII'lllh, f,,1' \(':11' l'lldlll~ \i:.l'I'h :; I, 1'11'1"

/;- 1(':'1111','( r"I' 11.,1 illL'; 1'1' 1':1\ 1II,'IIt,., III \ hi ,IT \ III till' n',L';I"II'lll II ill ,1111<-1111'111 (Ill' th, (j 111"11111" "Ildilll!; :-'I'ptl'11I1",r ;111, 1~I(il, .i -. \\1'" :1:' I Iii' 1111I'11,jIIII'111 III I h:11 til I Ill!; li:tl<-d (ldl)III't' (i, I !lli'2, (iJ.;'d 1,\ I lit' \ nu-tiv.i u ~"I't io n. 1111'

I" 1(("'1111',,1 fllr fllrlli,'I'llIflll'III:I1II>11 1'1'1:111111.: II) 111'11\'; III rl'I)()rt:-: III III' ,1,,\\ i-]: \,,1'111'\ ,\ 1lll'l'il'all ~I'I'I iun . 1111' ],\ (;r,'I'II::-;1 rtll'i-:'I'I' ,\: ('I)" ('1',\'.;, ,,'II "JlI'I'lllit\lI~ fill' IIII' li"I'111 \ 1':11' (,Inllll!!: \l:irl'iJ :\1, /'It;~:

\1/1 Jiroll) "1'11"dllll' H IIf t liu r"ptlrl, "11(111.,,] "!llltlg,'II\l'\

1':-'lll'II~I" [llf"I'lIl:11 iUII, '11':11' [':lldillg :\1:11'1'11 2,-), lll(i~." I lit' Ilt-I'I ",11'\\ I"it T,'II'!!:l'ilplll" \g:I'III'\, 1111', hlllkl'l, ~li(l,I)(ltl, I"I"'lIdil u rr-». .'~tiO,I)(II)" \\ "!'t' :111\ "I' I h""'I' 1'\I"'lldl1ll1'l'" 1'1'1">1'1,'<1 1>11 !'t'!2.hl r.u iou :'1:IlI'III,'It!" til.'d wi t h tIll' 1)1'/""'11111'111 "I' ,J 11,,,1 irr:"

Ihi From "I'h",J'lk Big, It"lli 'l'lll>li .. H,.j:llltlIlS :-;1)('I'i:11

[>roJI"'I,~, )"":Ir Llltlill!2. \f:Il'l'h :11, 1~l(i:2," \\":1.'; I III" "'p"lIdillll'l' r"/ltlrtl'd Oil rn~i~1 1';(1 iun "t:lII'11I1'111S fjil'd wit It I II\' I )1'PlIl'! 1111'111 (If .lust.u-«?

(In ill'llIil.illg ! itl'~I' "'jll'll(lil u r.-s, ill :1('('oroiHII('1' \\ il h lilt' ('hairrll:lll','; r"'1II1'~I, pl,,:I.';,' st u t r- IJaIlIl'~ to wh o r» flllld~ wl'n' p:lid, pu rpo-«: uf I ill' p.rvuun t ; d a t r of r lu- (layrlll'lIl: a nd r hI' :11111)11111 of panlll'1I1,)

H), Lot n-r from \Ir, l s.rdor« Hrunl i n to :-I1'lI:dor Flllhright ,i:lI,'d .l ul, 25, l!Hi:~, comuu-ut i ng o n ('I'rt:till port io ns of his tt,,,tiIIlOIlY

"I' 1 ':1 \ r i u 'I I, I I II' , (111'11 I I c;ll \ ""1 li'l I : lli./

III I,ll' 1,\ til' I I", \ II \1 1'1,'" I I

I q' tIt.· \ !1]1 1'1

I 11'1



I 1211


I 1~2

I 12~

1 12~

I 1~2

I ,~~


I I~ I


'I'll\' I'~ 1]11111 it t 1~1!1. \1'\\' :-';('Ji 111:t1l) pn';;idlll~ 1)1'(';--\']\1: ~I'!

I )()dd, II i,'I'd'IIII ,\ 1;;1) PI'\';;('lil or I ht' «onuu i t t •

Tilt, ('II,\IIDI ;;11', so /111' n'('( :Iddl'l'ss,

:\ I r. I I.DDI I:l

East ~7t h ~t n>(' \[ V i>1I:..:j liP;;;; : '1'''1\\ ( '0\ lICU, :\11', 11,\:\1:111-:1< The ('II,\IH:U, :\[1', ILDIMEI


,\[1". IkwKSTl The ('''AmM Mr. BOUKSTl:' Tlw ('1I,\UC\[ Mr. BOUKSTI The CU,\ IHl'II

Ih{1 Opl'1l i lIg ;;t pl'ol'pdnrps to h \11-. H,DDrEI The (') L\ Ile\1 jilt he recor. 1 nr

(TIIP stnlPllH

1111 ('Ilil

111\')1 Il,,1

\ I 1 I'! I ' I) tl..; ~.

I I!',

('II 1:11.1 ' \\ .Jt, 1 .... I


I' fl\ Ill' \ 11 I t r I \ ' ~ l \ I \ I: I, I

I I <,

( \)11' \:1 \ 11 \( l'1 (':1

I I i'l

IiI 111 ,I

1 \ 1 I I ~ \:

I, I III, ,or '11', 1),1\,11,,1 11;,

\ 1111 T'l '. \ 1


1',1\ \ Illl

I r I! 1\' , t 11111 II, I

I', 1,1, I,' ,I, II I':

11-' I

I k 1110; III [1'ITI'I,j 1 II

H"" I


11 r t 1 ( I r. 11

1 .... :1I!I1!.

II:, 1),-


I; \(':1 I" .... I t ,

<I 1'111>11,


\ .... ! rr t \ ( , r I

• ,I' ", II Ii f<t! I >I

I I:.':.'

1..., t t) l 11 \ 'Ill' )..,'1' ,\ "1'1' It .u .

1<11:"1 n 1\ i, I'IIJ-', IlIld;_:"I, of 1 11, '$, II 1 ~ Iii, ,oj


:-;Pl 'I 'lit! \":1' III I' III~ Ili,,<I


\\ illl Ih, 11 fllll<i, :1,\'111"111,

,·d .Jill \

II \ I I:.' I

ur I Y I TIE S 0 F \" «) \ I) I P L 0 \1.\ T I (' HE P It ESE NT A T I v E S OF FonEH~\, PHL\fIPALS 1\ THE li\ITED STATES

THURSDAY. MAY 2~~, 19():~

{',:-;, :-;,::--.: \IT,

('(\'[\11111-:1 .• ):" 1<'1>1:1':1(;:" I:UL\TIO-';,'-., W'f.~hinqt(JlI, u.c.

Tilt' 1'1)11111111[.'1' III!'I, jllll'"ll:llll 1() "all, :11 111:111 ()\'Io<'i-; <1,111" ill room I:..: 1~1. \('\\' :-~I'lI:llt' ()i1il'\' Hllilrllll!.!', ~t'II:tIClr ,I, \r. Fullunrh: ('II:tir

111:111) p]'\'"idlll!..', ' ,

1)"(''-,,'111: ~t'llat 01'" Filii II'I!.!'III, :-; I 1:11'].;111;111, II 11Illplll'l'.\, .'-'.\IIIIII;!IOll, I judd, 1111'kl'ltloOPI'I', :111.1 ,\ i "('II.

.\J:,() pn',:"'II(: \11'. \bl'(·Y. :'Ill'. l'IIIl'II"', .\11'. ;--;iflo!l. <l11l1 '\11', Yill.!..'lirll! tl r I 11\' I' ( )111111 11 t \ -t- S t : I t L

Till' ('n,\]IDI,\"" .\11'. I l.u unu-r, \\ III Y(lil :-;1:1[(' f'or t he I'('('()nl, pit-asp, SII', so t lu- n'('ort! "ill sho w, you!' full 11:1111\" :I<I<lI'(,s:-;, alld 1111Silll'S"-; :Idrl n'ss,

\11'. 1I\'''IJ-:It . .\h full n.uuv i" (;(ltlli(,h l Iumuu-t-. 1 lin' at ll:,t

j'::ls( ~7th ;--;t]'\'('I, Br~)okl\,ll, ~.Y,

.\[ v 1111~i 111':-'''' addl'1'''-;:-; i",' ;'11;.1 lark .\ vvn uv. :\ I'W York. '1'(1(1 ('lI\llnf\:\:, ,\lldYOII :11'1' ae('olllpallil'd hv ('olln:,!'1 ~ ,\11'. 11,\~I~IFlL I alii uccompnnir«! hy {'OUl1St'].

TIl\' (·lI.\lIDL\~, (iiH' his fu l l nnnu-. plea-e.

'\fr. IL\l\Dnx .\[1'. Maurice ~L Boukst e in of r he firm of nllzik 8:

l loukstr iu.

:\11'. B(WKSTEI"" 100 Broadway .

Tho CIL\IHl\f.\N. And this YOUIII! lady is yOlll' assj;;tal\! ~ Mr. BOUKSTEIN. A member of my staff.

Tho ('IL\IlDf v x , (ii\'(' her nuuie, plPllSP,

Mr. BOUliSTEIN. Mrs. Elaine Rosenbatnn.

The CU,\Il{l\L\:'.;. "'Ir.lIn-mIller, you han' had an opport unitv 10 rt'ad t h« opPllilig stut ernvnt of t he conuu it t e« outlining the p\ll'po~(,,,, lind jll'Oc'l'dtll'P:-; to bp followed at this 1H':tring ~

:\[ r. I I.uDn:R. Yl'~, sir.

The (·IL\lIDL\~. 'Vitltout ohjoct ion t Iial :-,tatplIH'llt wil l Iii' ill:-;Pl'tpd i lJ t h P ]'('('0 J'( I at t his po ill t.

I Till' stut rment rdl'lTl'd to foIlo\\':-;:)


1:21:2 :\(''1'1\'1'1'11:-; (II' ,\(;1.:,\,[,-., OF FOI(V]C:-'; PHt'.t'IPALS 1:-'; U,S,

l':"'\tT\\\I\t' ;'."'_"I)I[ l lv-.r ri n r-. 'fll flit" .\( li\i!ii'> ,d' "\ll(J{jll.["III:111I Hl'pn''-,I'lltitIIV(,~ "f l'~'~['('lg[1 !'l·illi'il\;ll ....

\\'" 1'11111111111-' ),,,la,I' Ill .. 1iI';lrill':s l>"fo>J'i' 1111' ('""11111111''' "II F"r.'igll H,'lnti'"I", )ll'ld I'lli'''llillll I" ~''lJ;III' Hi·:-."llIli"ll :W:':, "I' t lu- ,'<7Ill ('IOIlgIT"~,:':d S(·""iOIl, awl :';1'11;11.· [(.·~"lllli"ll :,:,;, :l1.:;l't'"d to> ,\i:tl't'li II, I:H;;;, ('"pi," ,,1' t hr-« r",~I)lllIil/ll' II ill t,,: ills"l'lt'd ill t l u 1'",'o>l'iI ;11 t h i-: 1.lillt


H,s"I" II, T'hn r Ih., ""lllillitll'(' 1111 )<,,,1'1'1':;11 HI'I:lliIJIlS, III' :tII,I' c1111:", u u t lu.r izcxl "lIllt'''lllllIilll't' t lnrr-o:'. i,; 1I11111"l'izl'd I11Id!'I' "",'Iioll" !:H alld 1:$1; «f 1111' 1,,'gis];llin' ]t.'<'rg))llizatl"ll ,\"1"1' 1:HI;, as <I111t'lIti r- ,1, a nr l ill ;1"I'lird:II)I~' wi t h ils jllri"c1idjo" sp.'<.'llil'd 11.1' 1'1111' .\X\, "I' t lu- :-;t:tlltlill:': HIII"" .. r til.' :-;,'11:11", to l'IIlllillllP it" "lllll,I' of l lu- IlI'li\"ilil".; .. r 11"lltiiplolll:lli,' rl'III'I'S,'lll:llilt',; III' flll'l'igll prilwil'al-.; illl'lll<iill;:, wi r lrou r l i m i t n t i"II, j'orpigll ':OI"I'I'IIIIII'II!,;, flll'l'igll po l i t ic:!l pari it's, n nd i n d i vit l u.t l s. l'ilrlll.'I',hil'~, iI-';"""'lilli"Il~, "'01'1"'1'" I ion-. "r:':-:llliz:llil'llO-; ,,1' o t ht-r t'lIlld,ill:ltillIIS "I' i ru l i v idllill.~, II lut lu-r r<>I'I'IC:11 III' d"IIII'~Ii<', :)1'1 Iii:':: ill lilt, 1'1:1,'(' III', or iii lli,' 1111.'r,·,_ls Ill', "r "II 1 u l.u l t' "I' :1 f"l' t ' i:':-1l :'::"11'1'111111'111 "I' f"l'I'I~1l 1'"lil iru l 1':lrt,l', 1,'lltlillg- or ill t"lIdl~1 III i n tl ururr- rill' f"rl'IC:II or ;1,<111<'-.;1 it' polil'i .. ,.; Ill' iIJt.'r,'~I" III' I hi' I llil.'tl ~I:tl.'"

~r:, Til., "Illlllllilll'l' i,,", f u rt lu-r u ut ho rizr«! nn dr-r "{,,'Iioli" ]::1 u n d I::(i IIf Ille

LI'c:i"I:llirl' H,'I\I':'::IIIIZ:II:1l1l \"1 Ill' l~ill; I" ~II'(' 11t"l'ollc:h t'"II"itll'l':llillll III t'xi"lillg n nd rlr"p"."",j 1t':.::i,i:I\I"ll rt':llill:':: 1" 111<' .utr vi t i.», ,,1' Illilldil'lIJIII:llil' 1'1'1'1'''''''111:1- IiI "" .. I" 1'lll'l'I:'::ll pril)('il':II", :I" :If''I'I''ilitl, :111t! 1(11);11", "111'11 1'1'('''1111111'11<1:11 illil" wi : h I'I"I"~'I 1111'1'1 I" ;1" 11111,1' 1,., 1'''111111 II~' il 1111 .. , :lI'l'r"l'riall',

:-'H ;; F"I' III<' ]>tII'P"""" "I' t hi-. IT""IIIIII'II t lu- ('"1I111Iill,''' i-. :1!111)lII'iz,~1 f rr nn F"!H'II:lI',I'1. 1!14;::, 10,1:11111:11',1' ::\. l(fld, 111I'11I"il", r l : rIO 11I;lk" ~III'II "'I'I'lId,IIII'I'" , 1:21 I" h c.l.] "11<'11 lil':ll'ill;':-", I" ~il :11It! :11'1 :11 "1.1<'11 lillll's ;1 lit! }llnl'I'" t111I'ing t lu- ""-c"1,,11", rt~'I''''''''', illlt! adj"IIJ'lIt'd II('rilld" ,,1' 11)(' ;-:.'11:11", 1:\ I I" rr-q n i rr- l.v "lIl'IH'II:l III' olill'l"\l i",'!l1t' :111.'lIti:IIII'I' 101"111'11 111111.'"'''''' :tlld IIII' jll'I>(llh'liltll Ill' Slll'li l'IIrrl"p"lIdl'III"', 1"",1;", p:ll,,,r,.;, :1Ild t!O('lllllPIII,;, I II It) !;IKI' ';111'11 IP,;lilll()II~': I;, I 10 "111[>1",1',111"'11 a 1"lll(tI'l'lIr~ t':I"i", suvh 11'1'!tlli(';I1, I'lt'rit-al, IIllil 01111'1' as,~isl;lllh and 1'(III"III:lllh, <IlId 11;1 w i t h t l u- prillI' 1'''IIS .. n t "I' t h.- III':ld".,f tit .. tll'P:tI-IIII(,IIi>; "I' :1:'::"lwi.,,, .'I'III','rlll'd, :llIti I Ill' I '''llllllil 1,',· oil HIIII'" ;11111 ,\tlillini"i I'll I i on. II) IlliIIZ" t h.- 1','11111,111'-';:"'\., ,1'l'l'i('I''_', illf"rIll:lli'>JI, fa"ititil''':, :IIIt! 1"'I'''OIJII.,j of alIY "f IIII' tiq,arllllt'llh 01' a:':I'llI'i"" Ill' lIlt' (;(1\'('1'111111'111 a" it t!1'I'Ill" .u l vixn hh-.

~I" ,I. TIl!' 1''"'1','11'''''; Ilj' IIii' r-om m i t i .-: 11 lid "I' t h i-, rp,;oliltilill vvhu-l: sltall not ""'P.'t! :q.",lil~) 1'111' 1111' l"'J'i"t! I'ltilillg- ,J:lIIl1;II'~' :n, I!H;-t, "hall li .. paid from HIP ('''tltill~'I'1I1 f u ncl Ill' t hr- ;-O;(,llal .. u pon 1'''II<'!tI'r'' :II'I'I'IlH'tI h,l' IIII' .. ha irm a n of r n« ('f,1I1111iftp ..

~H' ,-, Tlu- 1'111111111111'" ,,11:111 ('lllllpil'lI' ils - t mlv ant! sul.rui r III til" :-;"lIall' not l a t c-r 111:t11 .Iu n un ry ::1, 1!f1;-t, Sill'll 1'('';1111" of t!1p "t1lt!~· Ilt'rl'ill a u r hor izr-d 1()g"ptlIPr wit h ,Ill'll n'''II11111j('nd;llilllt.s n" to (',i..;linl! OJ' jll'OIJl)s"d il';:islatilJll :1," hr-r o i n a u I 1!<t!'IZl'tllls IIIH_\' hi' flllilid hy it to tl!' apl'roprintl'

\\'hl'rPll-: tli., ~I'liat .. "f till' "llitl'd ~tatl''' Iw,: ~[I('('inl ('''listililtillllal rr-sponsibiliti",; ill mu t t r-r-, lx-a ri ru; upon r lu- rorpi;:11 rplntilllls of t lu- l'nitp(j :-;tal('s; and

\'"111'1'1':1'; 1:'11' di'wlrnrg!' of thi,; n"~I)()II"ihilily rr-qu irr--, II t horuuah 1'PviPW lind f'u l l 1IIIItli., tl i"I'jll,"1I 1'1' of IIr .. nour l i pl om a t i.: ru-t tvi t u-s of rpprl's!'lltatin'S of f'orr-ign g()I'('rJlllIPIlI,.; :11111 t h .. r-x tr-nt to whir-h t lu-v a trempr to injlllPIII'(' L'u itr-d St at es pnlid,>,,: :'\0\\', t hr-ref'or». bf' it

Hn()II'('d, That tilt' (")111111ittpp IIIl FOJ'l'i;.:n np]atillll", Ill' n nv (]1l1~' u ur h orized ;;ntH'OTlIlllitt(,p t!lprPIlf. i,s a ut horiztxl undor s('('ti('lIs 1:~4 :111(1 l:W of r hr- fRgislar iv« 1{porg":tnizatioll .\1'1 IIf l~H'i, a,~ HIIIPII(]pcI, and ill :1J'('ort!;llwP with its jllri"dktillll ;"l){'<,itiP(l by ruto X'\\' of t hr- ~I:lndill;: Huli's IIf Ill!' ~('IJaI(', to ('ollillld, a fill! .i nd ('omplptp xt url y of all nonrl i pb uun r i.- 11l'til"ilip,.; of rr-prr-sr-ntati ves of forpign ~ov('rrlillPllts, a nd r he ir c-on t rru-r or s a nd agpnt,s, in promoting the


intprl'"L" of II! .r t t r-m pl. to l n ll ill t .. rr-s t .

SI':(" ;!, For t tun k e such «xj» and plal'!'>! d ur I:n to n~I1Jin~ ttw prod\lctIoll !Jlho siwh t .. sl:

·"ipril'lIl. u n d III of t hv hPHI\" 0 Ru l .. " n nd At! fll,.jliti~·", and 1III'IiI :I" it IIpt'n

SH', :1. T'h« I l'xl"'l'd $.~(),1»()O (,lIlIt in;:PIlI. run <'" III til i t.tev .

SI':(;, 'I Thl'l s u hnn t. t" t hr- ~ 11I'1'I,ill Hili ho ris apprl'I,riatp,

Till' '·Ollllllilt, of 11I>ll(Iipllllllitt or wr-r» i 1I!\'lltl,

'j'1)t1u,v's lu-u r 11I1Ild i pi 11111 U t i<- 1,(' 1.) o x.uu!n .. , t lu- n.i t ure »f 1 posil illl! til "1111' I iou rr-lu t i llg 10

TIll' ~I'I>I>.' of tin'." I\'lio art> I'I'[(IS, '1'111' "(I tiipiolll:tti.' agl «u r r is-d Oil by diplollillti(' ('ol'j

'I'll" )P!'IlI "n in;: Oil br-balf ( rr-l n t i on s, ('('OIl ot h--r area",

The fad t ha oral or wr ittr-r will not Iw fPI.

1'hH forpigll t ho resol ut ion: i nd i v id nuts an g'overnments c wr-l l with i ndi traditionally I ar-ts in the pla mittee'1'I attent menta or foreil tend or were i

The Influenc comm i ttee's a 1 be brought to and interests, moreover, eitt in the nature particular cas.

With r esper tlons are eon thered by eiU

I:\" f1.S.

.. i':ll H,·I;ltl"Ii~. ~d S.·~Si"I', Hlld rt'.-":( d u t i'lll:-- \\ III

lilly !I Iii it(lriz"(1 111(' L";':-I~l;lrl\,(' u-, jlll'i"dll'll"n

III i n ur irs ";llld.1 ':I':J!~ ill,·llId'I,:,:. u tu l i url i vidu.r !-. 'uIl11 \ i Il a! j I 'II"'; I ~f ill 111<' 1111 I 'I"'~I"

rl)lldirl~' (IT' i n ,,,l' Iii,' I n i t .«!

:llId 1::,; ,,1' (lie 111IIl II. t'\ j .... r 111,~ 11 ir- rt'pn''''('T11;1 :I'I"lall""~ \1 Ilil

! 1 [11 (J ri Zt'i j frllll[ 'I ,. '\ 1 II '11<1 I II r('~ (111 ri Il~' r fll> -, , ...... - Ii 1'\' 1'.1 "II' 'I "'11:1 1 (If ....;11(·11 ('( ,1·1'1--


H~:--;i:--:I;lllr:-- nnr] 1 t' dPI ~:I r: Ililill r:-II i I) i -, l r;1 t i ('II. r (I ,),,,,,1111(·1 (If :I fly I i";li,j"

.vh ic-l: "h,,11 rll>t pu irl frorn IIIP h;!ir-III:111 "f r h--

t lu- SPIIHtp nor or i zr«] r(l~prhpr II :I" Ii, '1'(' ill :111-

III i onu l rvspon.. d ~ra(('s: and '~h ),PI'ip\I' a nd t i vr-« IIf fon'igll

T'llitpd :;:tall'S

1I1~- IIl1tlilirized ; of llip TA'g1I"- 1;1 twp witli its till' S"lt:! «'. to

of r"pr~f'lItaI' rom ot i ng the


illt,·!'I·"t,; ()f tll()"!' ~()I'prrlfll(,llts, alit! t hr- pXI!'llt 10 which SUi'll ),PI)l·p.~l'liLat iVI'S :lllplliPt. t" illtlllPll'·!· till' I'oli,·ip,.; of t lu- ltrlt c-d :--;Ial,·"; 1111(1 alrp!'! tll(' nn t ioun l III t (Ir<~;-: t

:--;1-:, FII)' tilt' Pllrl'os('s of t h i s 1'(· . so l u t ion Ill" (·Ollllllill, ... · is HlllllOriz('d (1) to

milk,' ";11..11 "Xi'('lldillll'PS: I~l I .. hold slIclt lll·:!rillg.", 10 "illlll<i III'! HI suc-h t l mes ' 1I11t! 1'1:1"".,.; d u ri rur II,,' s('SSillllS, )'(','P";""s, alld llilj(>lII'IWcl (k·l'io.[s of I it .. ~l'llIIle; (:1) to 1','pIlI'!' by ";llbpt"1111 (II' ot In-rw i «- t lu- HIll'lId:III1T uf stwlt \\·illll·S.'>t'l-i and

t I\\' 1'1'()·dIWli()1l of fftwlt "()rr""lll'lId!'Il<'p, b,~)ks. ]lll]l"I'~, a nd rhx-unu-u ts : (4) 10 t.t k .. s mh Ipsi i ruonv : I~') III "Illploy, lIPOll a tPIIII)('l'liry hIlS'i", xurh tpclini(·1l1.

;('l,.ri,·al. nur l ()lllt'ra,.;"islaIIt." 1I11d "oll"lIlll1l1tS; a nd Itt) wi t h IIII' priol' ,·oll_,.;ellt (If t lu- 1"'lIds of t h .. dq"II-llIl('II~S III" a~PJl<'it's "()I1",·rll(~I. u tul r lu- (·()llllltiltt .... • on 1{ItI,'S n rul Ai!lIlillislrillillll. 10 u t it izr- Iltp rr-imhu r-su bl« "PI'Yi..,·s, inforllllllioCl, fal'ilitie". a nd I'" rSOl1 III" of lilly of Uh' <it-parUllt'llts or a~"ll\'i,'s (If ItI(· «"vernuu-n t ;[" it "",,111."; a d vl sn hh-.

~E'·. :L TIlt' "Xl"'I1""" of t lu- ,'()Illlllit t(· .. 1I11,it-r lid . ..; rr-xo l u t ion. wh ic-h xh a l l not "XI""'I! ;::.-O.fNH) ror lit" l"'ri<>d (,lIdill~ .In n ua ry ::1. n~;.;;, "hall III' paid f rorn the I'Il1Itirl':('nl f'u nd of t h .. :-;"Il;[le IIPOII vo mlu-r« appr()\',>{l by t lu- l'itairlllilll of the '·,.lIIl1litlt·.·.

:-;f." TIt(' ,'oIllTllittp(, xhu l l (·olll]>l .. tl' it~ ,;tlldy I.v .11111(' :10. l~Hi:{, bu t it shall

.';III,,"il I" lit,· :-;"11111(' 1I1d lill .. r t hu u .1:11111:11'.1' :ll. 1~1l;;{. "Iwli ['(·SIIII,.; of t l«- study ]1"1'\'111 nu t hor izr-i l IO~I'!hl'), wi t h ,,"l'll rl"'IIII1IIWlldllliI)IIS lIS 11111." 1> .. 1'(11111<1 t o hI:' :1 PI')'op)'i:1 t r-

'I'll" ">llllllilll'i,' j..; u u t ho r i z.c-d hy till'",· j'(·""llItillll." t() i uq ui rr- i n t o t lu- ur-t i vi t it-s of lI11l1dipllllll:lti,' :1g:"11I."; "I' fO)"'ig:1I jI)'illl'ip;[l." II 111')''' Illo.q· .u-t i vi t i o-. h a vr- tPIII!t'd III' w r-r« illl"IlIII'II III i t r l l t n-t u-t- I'I>li"i,'~ :I1,,1 i nt c-rr-st I)l' litis "0111111'.1.

T()day'" lu-a ri rur is a ("'lllillllHlillli of t lu- "")'ips ,.( lu-n ri ujr-, I" II h i il: i nd i vid uu ! nor n l i plt n na t i «: ;[g(,lll" will I,,· ('a I 1 .. <1. Tit .. [>III'I'OS(' of t h is ""ri,'" of Iwarillg.s will I", I" ('\alllitl,· ""lilt' .u-t i vi t ic-« ,·arri,.d (III by "pl,·,·t.·d tl()lI<1il"olllllli( :I~'·ltl..;. t It)(·p t ln- 1I11111n' of tll('"'' n..til iIi".,,; is llll<il'r"tl>"d. I Ill' '·<>lIll1titt,.,. will I.,· ill It IwtLpr posifi'1I1 tIl "IIII"idpr till' IIPp<l for till' ('11:1,'11111'111, «IIIP'lIiIU(·llt. or 1"'I'('al (If Ip~i"lat i ou rr-l a t i iu; 10 .u-t i vi t u-« ,.1' i1llllolldipl(llll:tti,·agPIII".

'1'1[(' :-;,'()jH' 111' t l u- I·()llIlIlill.· .. ·" ill\·(·"ligati()11 i" l i ru i t r-d III al'lililip" of 1'1'1'1'"",'111:1- IiI'"..; wh» <In' nc-i t lu-r n"'lIgtliz('d nor H", n'di!"<1 ;t." ""'!ltlWI''; .. f tllP d i pl o m n t i« (·I.rl'''. Till' «ouuu i r r : ... ··." i n v« . ..;tigali()11 will i n volv.-, It 111\ ,'\"'1'. .u-l i vi t i e-» "f 11I'1Id i pl orun t i r- ag:l'llls wh i+h t ' it lu-r ;1)',' ()f II,,· 11:I!UfI' III' a<'f!l'iti,'s t rud i t i oun l lv ,'arri,'(1 Oil hy d i pl orn a t », Ill' br iuz t h .. a~"llt~ ill "O!ltlwl wi t h 11l1'11l1H'I's of t he diplollill I i .. ('()rp.~.

Tilt' t r-r ru "['(·prl'~l'lIt:tliH·." a" usr-d ill til" rpsolnlioll.". i nrl urh-» :tIl." 1','1',,011 axti ru; un I.pllalf of. or ill til .. illlf'rpsi of HllolllPr wh .. t lu-r ill t hr- tipld of law, pu b l irrt-l.r t i ou». P"()lllIlIli,' '·lIll.";ltltatioll, information or I'n's" SPf\'kps, lot.l.yilig or ill ot he r a r .. as.

Ttu- fac-t that the rppr!'sPllt~llion is z rut ultous, n onc-outrm-t un l , or pursuant to oral or w ri t.t on a gTPf' III ('1I t, the duratioil or fWOPP of t lu- rep)'Psf'tllativp's duties, will not lIP r .. levant in <iplpl'lIlining t h« scope of t he "OlJIIllitlpp's i nq u i r y.

Tho f()rpi~n prtn.-ipa l« wit h wh ich 111(' «om ru it tc-« will tiP (")!l(,I'rllt-d, pursuant to t h« resolut i ous, will inc-lude fore-igll g'O\'l:'rtIIIIPlltS, forpi~1l jloliti('lll parties, and i udi vid uu !s and ll"sodatil)ll."; ading Oil IlPltalf "f, or ill t he- intvrest of, forpigu governmentx or foreign political pa rties. T'he committee will he r-oncer-ned as well with ind i vid ua ls or assocint tons w h osr- adivili('s art' of t hr- nature of those traditionally performed by governments, III ":Uell a «n se t he foreign principal acts in the plaee of 11 go\'prnment. F'inu llv, t he rr-sol ut ions n lso din'i·t the cornmlttee's at.tent.lon to forpigll pr lnr-i pn Is 11a v i rIg no ,'011 II pI'( ion wi t h t'Of('igll govprnmPlltH or f'orr-Ign po li t k-a l parties where the act ivit ies of agPllts of those pr incipals tend or wr-re inte-nded to influence policies or intr-rests of the L'mt.ed States .

The influence upon r.s. policies Of Interests to which the resolutions direct the oonunf ttee's a t ten t i on ruav, IlN'dlp;;s to sav. ill' dirp('( or indi rect, Iritlueur-e mav he brought to hear not only in HIP ('stnhlisiItllPllt n nd furrnulu t ion of {-.~. polil'ie-H and interests, but a lso in t hr-i r furth(,flulI'P n nd pXP,·mioll. The infl uenr-r- may, moreover, f'ithf'r aid or impede those pol ir-ir-s or intert-sr s : we a re more l nt err-str-d in the nature of the acrivit les theruselves t han in t he direct lou tlH'Y tHJ{e in "';lI·h particular ('use.

With rel'lj>ect to tlie oiJjN't of the adivitips of llondiplornatir agf'nt.'l, thf' rp!-\olntiona are l'oIwerned with polkieH and interpsts wiJi<"h lIlay h(' forlllNI or furthered by eith('r the legislative Of ('x('('utive bran('h('~ of our Governnwnt. The

1214 :\('TI\1'I:ll';:::' OF A(;}::'-:TS OF FOHEl(;N PRINCIPALS IN U.S.

l'ill'ti"lllllr p"lki .. " or illll'rl'"l" i n vo l v-«l BIHy I,.. p'ipn'",wd, for 1''-':1I1IIpll', ill 1'1'11 ,,"'<I'd or IId"l'tl'd Ipg-i"llItioll, "latl'IIIPlIt" of dl'l'Hrlllll'ullil poli,'.", IIr ill 1111' 1-:1'11\'l'Il1 ('(1111''',· (If "lIlIdll<'1 Ill' 11111' ';(I\'Pflllll('llt

\\'ith rl'''I'('('( tit till' l'l"o(,t'dllrt' to hi' f,oIlo\Y('d 1,,\' t he- ""lIlulill ..... I 1If111' t hu: loday'" henr i rur j" Iil'ilig-IiPld ill r-xr-cut i vr- ,;p""ioll ill orlipr t hu I t lu- ('Olllillitt",· will Ii .. ill a p""itioll 10 d .. 1 "1"111 iru- whr-t h .. r t lu- .. ltarll..r('r uf t h .. 1(,,,1 illlOIlY lu-a rd \\ u r ru nt s publ i« d i.,,('1 0,,11 1'1', III IlIllldllg' Ihlll dl'tl'flllill:tlioll, till' ""llIllIil(('(' will j"'HI' ill m i nd I hI' 111IIio[l1l1 "('I'llrily n nd I lIP i nu-rvst s of i ndl v irluals nn nu-rl ill (III' ('IIllr"" of ('sl imouv liS wul I a" 1 III' ipl!i"lnt in' purl''''''''' «f t h i s ill V"," I i;.:al ion.

l 'u rxuu nt til n "(lllIlIlillt'p Itrli"r unu uuuouslv adopll't! IJY a llIajority of 1111' 1'('111 ru i t t e« t hi-n ,lwillg l'rt'''''111 ilia 1l1l,,·tilig-IH'ld .Iu nuu rv 1.), 1 Hit:l, duly I'ullt"ll by tilt, .-hu i r nur n, th .. Ip~lIi quo r uru of t ln- ('(JIII-lIIilt('\' or IIf u nv of i t « SIlI"'OIlIlIIiUI''''' fllr t lu- pllrposp (If r n k i nz sworn Ir"lilllOny hu s !I{'PlI li xr-d HI I)IH'. Aut hor-it v rllr t h i-. u.-r Iun III11Y li(' f'o um! ill rill .. :.!.-.:llh) of Ill .. ~tHlIdiIIg- It ult-s of thp SPItal ...

At n-ndanc« n t this hpll ring' has hf»eIl li m ited to uu-mher« of t h« 1'l)llJllIiltl"l' u u.l of t he committee stnff as well us the witnesses.

The wit nesses W1l08(, testlmonv will be lu-nrrl today have Iwpn called 10 appear pursuant to aubpenas addressed to them and datvd May U and MIlY 1(;, 11:X;;{. A ('opy of these subpenas will be inserted in the record at this point.




Jeunsh. AtJency for Israel, IIlG .• 515 Park Avenue,

Xew York 22, N,Y., (}reeting:

Pursuant to lawful authority, you are hereby commanded to appear before the full Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of the United States. on May 23, 1963$, at 10, at thel r eommittee room, 4219 New Senate Office Build, i ng, Washington, J),C,,* then and there to testify what you know relati ve to t he subject matters under considera tlon by said committee, and to bring with you the below listed papers, documents, records, etc., to wit: All journals, If'dgf'rs, hooks of account, other flnaneial recorda and supporting documents or papers of every kind and description within your possession or under your control Includ ing. but not l irn i ted to, all canceled checks, banks statements, vouchers, vendors' invoices, sales invoices, contracts and other supporting papers relat ing to any and all ar-tlvl tie; of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., on behalf of the Jewish Agency for Israel, Jerusalem, Isr-ael. where those activities have tended or were intended to influence the establishment or furtherance of policies or interests of the United States and were engaged in during the perlod January 1, 1958 through and including March 31, 1960; and

All correspondence, memoranda, cables, telegrams, teletype messages and other written communications to and from all persons, all books, records, files, memoranda, documents, papers of every kind and description in your possession or. under your control relating to any and all activities as hereinbefore described during the period January 1. 1958, through and including March 31, 1961.

Hereof fail not, as you will answer your default under the pains and penalties in such cases made and provided.

To Joseph C, Duke, Sergeant at Arms of the Senate of the United States to serve and return.

Given under my bam], by order of the committee, this thlrteenth day of ~lay in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and stxty-three.

J. W. FuLBRIGHT, Chairman, Committee On Foreign Relations.

·01' at such date or dates and at such place or places to which the meeting of the cornmtt tee shall be adjourned,



Tn :'1 r. t~AJ)()!!~;i~ Jcicisti Agcnt~JJ; :; I,j Pur]; '~A POrn

l'llrsllf\llt to'1uwf tu l l Conuu it.t ee OIl.l ~:I, 1\;{;:1,* at 10 ax i ng, \Vmdling-toll, IJ t o t lu- subjl'cl ruu t.t e VOl! I IIp below I istl,'jl i."oks of ur-count. oi «vr-r v kind and <l1.'S, III::, 'bll t not I illlll4·d i nvolcr-s. snles l n v o :rlld all ;[('t:l'itieH () I lu- .J r-w ish AgPt}(·y 11'lIilt'd or we rr- ln t e ,.r i nt e rr-st s of t lu- 1, 11)60, through and

All ('()ITPSPOlldl'III w r i t teu ('ommllUieu rn nrlu , d,WIllIIPllt". uridr-r vou r r-ont r ol dllriIlg'the period A

l lr-reof fail not , a ill .~IJ('h ('n,'.;f';'; mn de To Joseph (', Du ~l'l'I" n ml T('tllrn,

t ;\\· .. 11 u mlor m v ill th,· yl':lf of fln~ I

The HulJIWnaR se u nd "ulJsl'quent meunt l l such time as t Upon being excu ,·ommittpf'. room Svouchers for r ra vel

A trn n scrtpt is b Each witness will of his testimony in to the eonuntttee or

Counspl for each t he witness as to h Object.ious by ell nddressed to the d EfiCh wttness wi of ract and oplntoi en !led to testify,

The CHAIRMA quire witnesses I firmation.

'Yin you plen:

Do you solem: hut the truth, so :\fr. HAMMER.

$ Or a t such dati co mmt t tee shall be f. r

or ('\111111'1(', ill [lrll 'Y, or i II III.' ,L:;t'Il\'['111

III i I tl ... ·. I 11<>1 t' I ill! I

t ln- "1111111111 I'~' \\ ill t i IIIUIlY IIp<I rrl \\ II r 'l uurn i It t't' vv ill llt'li r 1:llllt'd ill t lu- "(ll1r" ..

III [1111

ru jor i I.\' of r II,' ""ill dilly "Hllt,,1 I,y Ill .. sllI"'IJIIIIlI[t1,·"", fur Authority fur t h ix

t.lw ~PIIH1;',

Ihp ('''!llilli ttl't' IIIlt!

tvp b1'i'n ca l led to lay 1:) and :'tiny Hi. d at this point.

C) appear bef'o re r.ho

Unf ted States, on ;enate Offir-o BuildI know relative til

rnd to bring with -it: All journals. log documents or 00 or under your banks statements,' supporting pape-rs ael, Jnc., on beb a If ose acti vitles ha ve irtherance of pol iduring the pertorl

uessages and or her cords, files, memozour possession or. Inberore described -ch 31, 1961.

atns and penalties

~ United States to

eenth day of 2\fay -three,


reign Relatione,

the meeting of t he


('O,'\':H~,ssOF'lf'lr: C:"l'fEIJ S'IA'IEt>

TI) :\Ir, F""~IlOIU: l~I'L; (. 'k;'l'~(~a'~(',ibi/~~r" ,11'1('i.~11 .lfl("/I.('J/o-',\/JI(,I'if,JUIi section, i,ne,.

,il.! Park '.1 Pi,j'lill' . .\'(,'W York 2!. S. 'f., Ll rcet iru)

Pu rsun u t t .. 11lwflll authority, you are lrerr-bv ('Olllillal)(jpd til UPIK'lll' before t hrfull COlli III it u-e (Ill l'oj'('igll It,'lll t iUll'; of till' ;-:iPIIH t (' or Unl.ted :"H.a tvs, OD Mu y :.!;l, l!H;;l,· :It 10 u.ui. lit their r-ounn itteo rooru, ,l:2l!1 Ne-w ::-i('IlUtp Office But lrli ng. \\'Hsliingto!l. I H'.* t ln-n a ud t hr-rc to !t'stii'y what you way k now relat.ivc II) I IIp subh-ct ruu t t r-rs unde-r ('ollsid('ratillll by said <:I)IJllllit,t.e(~., 111](1 to bring with YIJU t lu- lx-low l i xl rxl papprs, tlO('IJrIlPllts, re.-or d». (,((". t(i wit: All jou rnu ls, ledger s, l'l)oks of lu·('olrnt ... t he r finn m-iu l ['('cords and sllp(l()rtin~ drx-u rnt-n tx or papers of .'\pry k i nd n nd d('S(Tiptillll within your posS('SSiOll or unde-r your rout rnl includIII;':, hut not l l m i t r-d (II, all ('un('pl!'d dlPI'!-;,;. bunk st a t eruvnt s. vouchers, vendor-s' iIlYoi('l's. ;.:alps ill\·nj('ps. contracts, and ot lu-r s upport l nir pUlwrs rr-la t lru; to a nv :llId all :lI't:l'iti('~ of t lu- .Ir-w i sh Agl'ncy-Alllerkan ~('dlon, Ino., on h.'half of 111(' .Ir-wixh Agf'Il('Y for l srnel. Jvrusa Iern. IHrupl, whore UIOSP uct ivlt.les have It'lItll'd or we-rt- i n tr-udr-d t o i n tl uonr-« 11)(' t'stllhli;;hlllPnt or f'urt hern ncv of policie;.; ,)1' l n t r-rr-st s of till' Ll nl t od ~tJJ.te!'i find wr-re Pllgaged in dur-ing t hr- l)eriod April I, 11l6(), through and tncludtug December :n, 19G2; and

:\11 ('f)['n·"1l0IlIl(,I}('P. memoru ndu. r'a hles. tplpgrllm:-l. telf'typp ll1PSl'ugp:-; nnrt other w r i t ten «onnnuu k-n tinn» to and f'rntn all persons, all book", rp('()rds. flips. mPITIoru ndu , d.x-u nu-nt s, papl'!'s (If r-vr-rv k i nd n ud (jps('riptiQn in your posspssioYl or unde-r your ('(lllt!',,1 rpLatillg to unv lind nil 1l.('tlyjtif'H as llPrl:'inheforp descr lbed d n r i nj; t lu- I't'riod .\(11"11 I. 1!)4\0. r h ruuzh lind in('lndillg Dpcemlwr :\1. lH()2.

l Io reof fail not , a .. ~ yo u will n nswvr your defnult under the pains and p .. na lt los

III ~!I('h (':!SPH lIlat!e n nd provid--d. -

T» Jo"pph (" Du kr-, ::';prgp!lut at .vrru« (If t he ::';P[]lltt' of t he United ~Iatps tf) ~('r\ I' n n.l rr-t urn.

(:in'f! ruv hUIIl!. ".\' o rdc-r of till' commtr too. this sixtflf'nth dnv of -'fay if! tIlt, ~'(':Ir of ou r Lord ('llp t hnusn nd nine h nndt-ed ant! si xt v-t h ree.

.T. W. FITLBIHOHT, (,1Iair-moll Cnm m it t c» on Fore ion Rctat ion«.

T'hr- subpenn s served on t hr- wltnosses wilt require their n t tr-ndnnr-e at t hi-, u nd subsequent mpetillgs of the committee at which they are requested to appear n n t i l such tltne as they are nnally excused by the chairman.

l 'jxm hping (,X ('II !"('(I, tho wrtnesses are Invited to report to t hr- officps nf t h« «omm l t tr-e. ruom ~-116, Capitol Building, Wasbingtoll. D.C., to :-;jght appropr-iate vouchers for travel allowances and witness fee!'! upon the committee.

A trallfwript is being taken of the testimony and pr oceedlugs at this hom-Ing.

Each wittlPss will be givpn a reasonably opportunity to Inspec-t the transcript of his testimony in order to determine its accuracy and to make representations to the ('olllmltt('€ on that subject.

Counsel for r-acn wltness mav attend t he hearing for t he purpose of advialng t he w l tness as to his right!>1.

Object lons by each witness to questtons posed during the hea rings should he atldr~'~sf'd to the chalrman.

Eaeh wit.ness will bp permitted to present a prepared statement as to matters of filet and opinion rolatf ng to the subject matter concerning which he bas heen called to testify,

The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Hammer, it is the committee's practice to require wir nesses testifying on matters of fact to do so upon oath or affirmation.

w.n you please rise.

Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing hut the truth, so help you God?

Mr. HAMMER. I do .

• Or at such date or du ts-s and art: such place or places to which the meet lng of the co mm tt toe shall he adjourned,



Til", ('1I.\1It:\1.\~. Y01\ h avr- n pn'pan',l -.;tntplIH'lli, \11". l I.unmor, yon wouh] like to gin· to t ho comm it too (

:\fl'. II "I'IH(' If J IllH\",:-;ir.

\fr. H()l·I~Tr:I~. \11'. ('hairlllall. would Y011 nppro,'p if wv ""I{,·d 'fro Hamlin n l-«: to ('qltl" in t o till' room? I t h i uk it \YIl111<lIH' hp\pflll hp(';tlISP :-;Oll1P o f tll\: are;]:-c irlil'l'bp or o ve rl a p, alld hi:-c PI'(-:-CI'IlI'(' ill t h« room may he lu-l pful. .

TIll' ('IT \lln! vx. \YP !'xpt"'j 10 I,:tll :\11'. l l.uul in !:tIn. IlIl! I t h inl: it con f uses 1\)(' J'(','ord 10 hn vr- lh{'~p qlll':-clioll" n l l m i xv.I lip OlH' o vo r t ho ot her. I.P(';tll:-,(i t hev an' :-cd out p;l('h in dividuul ;u'('ording II) h i-, n'spoll:-cihi I it iv-. .\" I uudvrsr n nd ir. :U r. IT a11II1II'I' pn·,'(·ded :'II I'. Hiunl i 11,

rli(llwllol'? <

:\fr. ILDl'IEH_ That is I'orn'd_

Tho ('II \IID1 \:-;-. I nuiv :-cay t h i-. is vvr v diflini11 f'or lilt' to k,·l'p it st might i II :til," ('a:-c(', It i:-c ;I()[ a si iu plo ('a~I', BIIt ,\11'. J r :11111111, of (,0111':-;('. will hn callpd,

:\fl', B(WK'-.TVl:\"_ Thank Y01l, '\fr. Chu irm.m .

TIl(1 ('II.\IJDI,\:";, You 'llIa\, Pl'(){'('('d wit h \"(JIII' "t;llp!llt'llt, '\[1',




\fr. H,\:\DH:H. :'.fr, Cha i rmu n. iu a v I ('''P1'('''s Illy ;ljlJln·ciati().1l fIll' t he pri\-ill'g-p of ]>1'P:--('lltitig :111 i u l ror lur-t o rv -t ntvuu-nr. J 11(11)(' it w il l pm\'(' 111'Ipfill. .\[1'. Chn i rrn.ui, if 1\\0111<1 fil'''1 dl':-C('J'i))(' tltp fIJll(~tioll," of th(· foll()willg 1111,(,(' ()r~alliz:ltioll:-- wh i.-l: 1'(';11' a ""I'laill ,_;illlilarity in thpir !lamp", and Ihl' I'platioll:-chip hl'l\\"I'plI t lum. Tl u-v n ro :

I. TItE' .l ewish .\g(·II('Y for I~r;Ii·I. "~'I'II";:lklll, to whicl: I "klll l'dl'1' for "Oil vrn i('III'P ae; 111('.r Pl'1Io-';III"111 _\gl'll('Y,

I 1. TIIf~ .l e w isl: .\gl'll('V for }"I'<lP1. 111(, .. to which I "llnll ]'('1'(')' for cor: "('11 jPTH'P a:-; t lIP U,(', '

I I r. Tho .Ivwi-]: .\gPIl"y-.\IllP]'i(':lfl Sp('/ ion, l nc., 10 ",hi(,1t I shn l l l'pj'pl' for' (,OllH'llil'll('P as tll('.\ llIPl'i('(l 11 :--;('('1 iOll.

Four ('ltart;; d(,s(,J'ihill~ r hr- flow of funds alld fun.: iOlh of tllPSP three organizatiolls an'suhmitted with t liis st at emc nt ,

r. THE ,lEWISII .Ha::-.:CY FOH ISH,\EL, .JEI:i'S,\I.E:lf (,ll':Hl':->,\I.E:lI ,\(,F:\"('YI

Thp, .Ierusalern AgPJl('.v, with lwadqllartl'l':-C in .Jpl'u-;alf'llI. was Ol'g,ln ized in ID~0 under tltt'- Lpagm" of Xnt ions llIHIIdMl' for Palesr ine.

It was established by .Jewish groups, both Zionist and nou-Zion ist , horn all OVH the free world, for the pur-post' of creut illg a ha \"P1l for Jewish refllg-ep;-; a ntl to fuci l it at e t he i r {'('hahilitation and I'Pspttlpment in Pa lest ine, and lat e r, Israel. Unt il HHR, t he .Jprus:t1pm~.\gen~y served as the representative .Iewish authority ill Palest ine vis-a-vis Britain, and later in the present at ion of fhp .Iew ish ('a:-ce before the Un ited Nat ions,

Since Hqg, when tlw Statp of Israel was ('stablislIP(l. the .lvrusa lem Agency has performed 110 polit icn l functions.

The .Ir-rusalem Agency is a unique orjza nizat ion. It is a nongovernment nl body which was burdened with t.he.ext reme ly complicated task of rehabi lit ating and resettling over 1 million refugees.


It r-ont i n Si'tt ]PS t.hen its k in d in t t ra nsportut of .f('\\'isll I (,PIIt of t h i r-ornrn uni: if Ellropf'. So

III ad!hti otlll'I' illiPOI (II) ,\-slt ( I)) (i nil ('II It 111';11 sct

( (') I ,Il:t I iHlllligrai io t () hi' Ii n.u« ('Ollll'ihlit i():

S i 11('(' i l« (":I l'ripd (JIll l. IOU. (Ion 1'1' 111(' J)P"!UlI P(':l)! f'(' rugl gaTia,- ('ZP(' III i gTa t i 0 II i ~

III 194-4. t t he Un ited , This oilier: 1 eign Agent: corporuted of X('w YOI ill AprillUf

During t} (1949-52) , her of areas (a) The art i vit ies of

(b) The] suppliers t< so that the, flood of reft

(c) ~h~ :

JIl neq U 11'm, T1H' purchr building m: livestock, Ul

It mav b T srael obtai loan was ea salem Agen

IN U};.

] l u m n u-r. y()n

f W(' :l"kl',j \1 r. fll' lu-l p f u l h,'~ 11'(-0;1'1](',' ill t11\'

1))11 I 1111111, it p 0111' (1\','1' [111' I ill!,!' {, I 1110; I'P d :'111'. H;lllllill.

IIH' io kl'I'P If r, Hal1dl)l. 1)1'

:I{\'llll'IlI"".\[ 1',


J In"'i at ion fill' I IJ(lpP it wi l l t hI' 1'11111'1 inn,,, :I'lllo;illlil:iI'it\,

," ;In':

I; I "iI:111 I'd!,!'

'!II, wa:" OI'~;1 ~ Palpst inr-. '

I non-Zionisr , g a huven for I ['{'spt 11 I'ITl I'D t a 11'111" _ \ gPIH'.V r iue \'is~a~\"is 1"1' hefon' t he

Ihp .J (']'11:-':1 ]PIn

a nonjzovernpl icut ed tusk


It l'Old i 11llPS to r-are, armua.l lv, fo r tens of thousands of l'pfugel's and :-;('(t]PS tl,ll'Tfl po rnuuientlv. It ·pr()b~lhl.v, is the l~rgpst ~)rg-allization of Its 1..:111<1 11l t he wOl'id. It sppJlds ,q>p'H')xllllately $100 rui llion H yearfor

"" t ru nsportut.ion , iuit inl ('a)'p. rehahilit at iou. shelter, and I'Psdtipmellt

of .J('\\i-dl n'fllg~'ps. AlIlPri(,Hll .Jpws cont rihut e roughly about 4() per('Pllt of t h is n n ruu nt . Cout ribur ions <In' abo rpcpiv('d f rorn .Ivwish ('I.mlllllllitips ill (;n'Ht Britain u url t he h count ru-s, frpe EllI'OPt'. ~Ollt It .\ fricn , and Lut in Amo ricu.

III addition to ciJal'it:lblr,J_·()lltril!lltioIIS. IIIP .lvrusa lcm .\geul'y has o( jH'l' im nort u nr Ii nu nriu l ~)III'('('S, TI1!'s!' include :

( (,) • \ ~ S h:l n' I II (i P I' III :t II 1'(' p:t rn t i 0 II S f llll d s.

(Ii) (ir:lllto.; horn t 1)(, (iOVPl'lllllPllt of bra('] for :t;,si sta 1)(,(' in the llgri~ cu lt 111':11 :-,pt t 1('111('111 of rd'lIg('(' immigrallts.

(f) L():lll:-; n u.] ('('('<lils. l'lldn t lu- pl'PSSl!rp of lal'gp~s('a1(> r('fug-pe illlllligT:ltioll. a sul)stalltial part of th(' .J('I·I\SaJpllI ,\gPll('Y budgP! had t(1 h(' till:ll\l'pd l)y joal1s alld udvn ncr-s ill n nt ici put.ion of future years' ('(III! riliut iOI\O;,

~ill(,(' the illdp]IPlld(,II('p of Israel in 194-R, the .Ierusalern Agency ";IITipd out tIll' t ru usport nt itm and f'('S(,(tlPIl)('llt of approximately 1.111I1.tHH11·dllgp(' immigrallts. Fi rst ('lU1H' approxima.tply ~;)(),()O(i from rill' j>PI'HlI1fh()f\\,:tI'-(Ol'lI Ell rope. Fo l-low iuz t.he fi rst wan' of 1<:111'0- 1ll':lll l'l'i'uW'ps. t lur« ('afllp Ill:t,SS IJlign1tiOlls from Yemen, Iraq, Bu1- ,~al'ia'l. ('z{'('hnslm':il.;:ia. Poi,nuL and ot lu-r count ries. Larg('~s('ale imIlligl·:!t ion is sr ill «ont inuinu.

I!. TilE .r swrsu ,\(lE~CY FoR l:-lR.\EL, INC.


III 1914, the .J erusaleru Agency established a representative office in t lIP Lrrit ed States under the name of the .Iewish Agency for Palestine. This officI' n·gisterNI with the Department of .Iustice under the Forl'igll Agent.s Registration Ad. In February 1949 this office was incorporated as a membership corporation under the III ws of the State of New York. as The .Iewish Agency, Inc., which name was changed ill Apl'il1!i5!i to The .Iewish Agency for Israel, Inc.

During the initial period of large-scale refugee immigration to Israel (1949-52), the IKC. worked intensively in the United States in a Humlx-r of areas:

(a) The INC. did whatever it could to strengthen the fundraising act iv iries of t he United Jewish Appeal.

(b) The INC. obtained commercial loans and credits from banks and suppliers to supplement funds available from current contributions so that the .Ierusalem Agency would be in a position to cope with the flood of refugee needs.

(c) The INC. acted as purchasing agent for the Jerusalem Agency ill acquiring necessary equipment and supplies in the Fnited States. The purchases included blankets, tents, foodstuffs, medical supplies, building material, farm machinery, tractors, automotive equipment, Iivest ock, and other supplies.

It may be of interest to the committee to note that in ID-!9, when Israel obtained its first Export-Import Bank loan, $25 million of that loan was earmarked for agr-icultural settlement programs of the .Ierusalem Agency. This amount, plus an additional sum of approximately

121S .\CI'I\"\\'[I':"; OF ''\<;1'::\;[':-; OF FOIU:U;N PRIl\"('lPALS IN (1,5,


~:.II 1111111011 pn)\'id\'d litmllgll t lu- 1:-·;('. out of {'lIil('d .Ir-vvi-I: .\I'Pp:II ~!~' :11 [II!' J'('qlll'''

1':IIII]>:II!.!:ll Ill·O('~·f·d,.; or lou n-; nuu le IIp:l [0[:11 of ;+;7:1 iu i l l iou in PIII'- n It er, :lnd ;[1'(' :

l'It;I";~'" fr()I" P,~. ";11 Ill)l iNS durin!!"," :\".'n'ft~· p(:ri~~.; ,':~~m,.. ~.tIP,W.jJl·U" of .I

III !lIon' n't'l'lll y(,:ll'~, 1111' 1:\('. (':llTipd on :t1,.;() :l pl'ogralll of ot ho r a~-fll:lr(~·jlr,.;t 11('

:I('{ i vir u-, ill lilt' li('id of ('till(':It iou :tlld puh!i« illf()),lll:!1 ion. Tlu-«: Tlu- ,It I ivit ie-

;1(', i vit u--. illl'illdl'd: .\g(·IH'V. llan', c

I'I) :\hlll'aillill!! ('olil:!(', wit h :llld a~,.;i~tin!! Zi(lni~t .~TOIl(h ill t lu- vvh i.-h '\\:1"; ";1~('l'i

1"lIi[pd ~f;ltt'''; :111,],.;1 n·II~·tll(·IIIIIg flll](II'ai..;illg dl'()l't."'. h kn o wn a~ r lu-

II,) I'l'(llliotioll of Ihp -r iul v ()f (lit' Ilpl,I'l'\\' lall!!:Ir:I:.~:t· :lwl I Id)l'!'\\', 1';111 :-\p(,ti()II).

Ziolli..;t.:llid !..;r:u·llitpl'atlll·p, . '

i,) lll'OlII()ti()ll o f n'ligitllb pd'il'atioll :tlld Ill(' ";(II(h of t lu- Bihli'. (1/1 ;-:'('('lIrill!!: Auu-riou n kll(\\\' !t()\\' :lilt! t('('lilli"1I1 ',.:kill to wo r-]: i n '''1';1('1 ;llIr I (It'l';tsiOIl:l 1 assisf alWI' Hlld!!lIida /1('(' r (1.\ II (('rica ll,S who d(';')in' I () work n r ~·t t II' in l s r.u-].

II) Pliblic:!1 ion :lIId di,.;trillll( ion (If hO(l!.;'" (III 1,.;1':\(,1 :llld .of g(,IIl'l'al .h- wish Illfl'l'(''';t,

I f) ~('I'\'i("lll!! .lvwi sh «onuuu u i t iP:;.tII·OIl!!)I()lll La! III .\Ill"ri(,:t w n h iu forn m t ion, prilltPd mat o rial. .r('\~~h ('due:" ionu] glliti:lIWt'. and ";0 forth,

((1) ('ooppi'atillg' with .\lllPl'il':t11 vout h ol'!!:lnizatiollC; ill t lu- (',.;tab li,.;jllllt'llt of su nuue r (',UIIP";, sf'mill,,!",;.,.;t ltdy u nd t r.i v.-l gr()llp,,; to Isruo l. Ill"t ruct ion ill .J pwi,.;h music an.] folklore.

Tho I:\C, \\'11,.0.; reorjm.n ized in lHGO ill order to p rov ide a ('lo";PT' idvnI iii l ':l t i () II Oil t 1)(, p: i rt 0 f t II (' 1)('0 ph- \\' h 0 r a i sed fun d,.; vv i 1 It t II p pro b I (' Il 1:-; of actual 0IH'I':ltlOlb ill the lipId. and in orde r to ,.;:ttisfy (lip n'(111inL llll'lIt." of t ho Internal TIp\,Pll\lP ;-';eT\'i,'B w ir h respect to dome-t ic orjrnIIIZ:ll l()ll"; O!Wrallng i)\'('I'SP:lS,

.\"':1 n''';IIIt of the n'org-allizatioll, on t lu- basi,; of a plan au.] rur-t hod of oJIPl'at ion prcviouslv cleared with the 1ot(,1'n:11 Hen'lIuP Service, t he I XC, came 1I1Hler the control of American organizat ions and (,it iZ('Il"; and thenceforth (,PHspd beillg the ' and representative of the .Ieru..;alf"lll .\g-el\(,~', .\ceordingly, it derez ist ered as a fOl'ei~'11 agPllt,

Ill. Tl

T I III • \ r ])1' r i ( 'a I .\g·(·llt'\' III rll(' I .\g'Pllt'l{pgist rat I,:\('lll,;i H']Y wit ] II n·(·pi \"('s from u va i luble for it. .t n v "nited .T(.\, ill '{ Ill' l ' n ited :--;1:

III addi! ion to {hl' .Ierusulem .' II all tl ill, \\'11 () is: n·"poll,.;ibilit\· f( I ip,.; which h:l<1 1 [ ion and deI'l.'g'i"t

.\0<1 !lOW, )fl' ( 1) Tlw .Jeru .J\'\\':-; anc] ot lu-r f un ct ion. "'it h hundreds of t hr III igh t hit n' per i

(~) Thi,.; job ";11 ppoli of t 1tE' of .Iva li nsr w it h 1)\ ;)11 on!~llizati ;1 '11 ()\'P],' t hp wor

1I'.· . ..;.s o f ,J P\\,..;, ('0 ;111<1 pl'odll(·tin> 1

(;;) In order 1I);11l,\' yl';l r-, :l j ( of nl I modern m.

F('\\' cont ribu Most of tlu-rn In and that what I fO],IlIat ion t lie v

r hI' I'P f lIg'e('.~, lHl r i OilS ill bnll:' I. \ ment of rdllg-ee :

It is for this] .\lJwrkan Sect io cn t ionn l and infr

('lItIp)' t ho n'or!!;tlliz;ttion, t ho IXC. j" till' bodv which dl'tprmillPs till' 11";(, of l'llit('d.Tp\\i"h .\ppt'al collections intl'n;{pd for 1,,1':1('1. Tll(' b'o:lI'd illc]l1tlp,.; pri nr-ipu l officPl's and national 11':l(lpJ'c; of T'nir cd .Ie w ish .\pp .. n l. TIll' bon rd studies tho IIP{'(b and ntukes spoc ili« and detai]pd a l loc.rt ions for l'PSClIP, rosett k-nu-nt , uud rchubil it ar ion program" ill Isr.u-l. Thl':-;p programs ~HP curried our ill the field under the terms of n n :1~repmpnt.lwtwpPJl t he IXC, and t he .Ie rusa leru .\geney, which a('t..; :I" t ho opernt uur agPllt of tIll' IXC., subject to strict account inz and crmt rols. "Tit!' TXC. mn int ni ns a represent at ive office in .Ten;;;a]pm which supervises awl observes r lie work of its a(rpnt (Lho .Ierusa len: :\ gpncy) in t lip "'lwIHling of the Amer icn n e:u711arked dollars and makes pvriodi« report s and reconnneudut ions.

I,) .n l.l it ion. till' 1\'('. :,('nd,.; all :\J1IPri('an l'l'l'ti(ied puhl i.: accountant to .Io ru-n ](:11,) p:}('11 Y(';lJ' (() audit. H'I'i fy ~ and report l.a ck 10 the board the specifi« dp{:lil~ of t lu- cxpcndir urcs .mud» for t lie ;ll'COllllt of tht' IXC,

,L of tIll' pjl't'l'tin' dat(' ()f it,.; I'P()l'!!::lIlization in U)(;O, thp J.\"C. din',,(ptl it se lf of all :}('I i v ir iI'" w h ich had \)('('11 ':'<ll'ri('(l Oil, on lx-hu lf of

,; t: .s,


\'i~ll ,\ PIH':II ~ll' :11 1111' 1"'(1111''''1 Ill' I Itt' ,1,'I'II"':li"til ,\~('Il(',\, It" ,lI't I 11111'" we rc- t 1ll'H'

l iou ill ]llll~ :tftl'I', .ur.] :In' .u pt'I''';I'III, ('olllil[(,d If) 1111' :Idlllllll"tl'alloll o f till' P.'\-

~:\lll (~)~f' (J't ""1;':1':'" ~k'I_1r. "'_~J.t\JJ.~.1PJ~,j.Jf l'IJJ~lli,.",.l ~.~I.';;l~~Jpp)l',~J.~!,[OI'I'I'(.l:-; 1I111'IIll\'d for "'I':llJ.

" :I~-111:1~"III,.;t dl''';I'I'IIH'(r.

ion. '1'111'>1' Till' :111111111':-' III IIII' Cllitl'd ~t:ltl''' ('11 !)I'hai!' of Ill" .JpI'1I"a]I'1l1

,\L:'I'I\(',V, It:I'.I'. -';111(',' .\prll I~Hill, 111"'11 1':11'1'11''' 011 IJ_\ :UI ()l'I!:llliZ:lt iOB wh irl: 1\:1;' ";IW"lti(,:llly 111('(}['IIOI':lil'd III :\1'\1 YOI'],: for,t III."; plll'pll:--I' and h known :I~ till' .II'II'I,.;l! ,\~I'IIt',\ ,\IIIl'l'II';t11 :--;"1'1 lilli, l uc. (till' Anu-ri,';t n ~('I 'I ion),

'Pill''' ill till'

till' Blhh>,

to IIOrf.; ill " w h» d(~il'l'

III. IIIF ,11-:\\'1>11 II;~,:\( ,

(,\:\li':HI(',\::--I ";}:(,Tlo;'\.

TIIII .\111\'1'11';\11 ~1'('tltJll ;\('1-.; :l> 111(' l'l'[>I'(':->('llf:lIII'(' of tilt' .J('III ... alplll ,\gt'll('Y III till' ! 'Illred ~r:lrt':'; :111t! II J.":";O ['l'gi:';Il'l'!'d uucivr I Ill' Fon'igll .\gl'lll Hl'gi..;t],;llioll .\d wit h I Ill' Ih'pal'tllll'l1t of' .l ust ic«. It opvrutes 1'.'\,'lll:-,il'pi\· 1I'IIIt fu m l-, f\ll'lli:.;ill'd II\' t lu- .1.' 1'\I:.;a 1,," I ,\g-PI\('V, w h ir]: it ['l'('pin'; from :--Olln'p;, ollhid\' the (I\ited ;-;rall':';, 01' ot jll'I'\\:i,.;p Jllad\' :tlailab[p f()I' it:.; an'Ollllr, Thp ,\lIll'l'iCUI ;.ipj'riOll dop:.; IIOt l'PCPII'P ;IllY "llited .JI'II'i:--h "\PIH':tl f'uud-, (II' ot lu-r eiw)'itahll' c-ont ribur ious ill rill' {'llitpd ~Iath,

III .iddit ion tu st ridiy ti:-i,'ai alld pun'!l;I:-iing functions on behalf of

t lu- .l c rusn lcrn .\~Pll('\', rill' .\lIlPril':lIl :--){'('t ion, of wli ic]: \11'. l sador«

l l.uu l in , who i" .i l-,o h~'l'p t odu v. i:.; tile ('"p('util'!' d i n-ct or. took O\'('!' t lu['(, '" pOI bib iii I Y f () I' t 11 p Z i () II i :.; I: (' d 11<": I til J l\ n l, I'll I t II r.: I, ;t II d () I h P r :11'1 i v i - tit''_; w hich 11:1<1 IWI'II ('aniI'd 0111 11.1' t hI' 1:\(', prior to it,.; !'porg:llliz:lI i011 ani I dl'n'g-i,.;t rut ion a:.; ~l fo!,'pigll agent.

.\lId 1\0\\', '\II'. Chuirnra n. ill conclusion, I should l ike to sa v :

(1) The .TPI'\I:-i;t!PIlI .\gl'lley. wit h the flllld,,,; prov i.Ir«] IJY "\I·IJPI'il·;t1l .Ie w-, n nr] ot lu-r .Ivw ish conunun ir it"..;, ('al'l'il'~ III1 a n.osr \ ir a l lu-toric funrt ion. 'Yitilullt it, t he joh of n'spUlillg and I'pllabilitntillg t hrInuulreds of t liousa uds of ,Jr'II''; 1\'l!O had 110 pian' to go, aJ\d Il'ho lIIil_!hr II:! \'(' pl'l'i:.;lwd. «ou lcl uevcr II:! I'P bC1'1I al'('()ll\pl i,..;IH·",

(:!) Th i-, job ('()Illd not hal'(' 111.'1'11 clone w ir Iiout till' pliliglJtPIII't\ ,;\lPPoJ'1 of t ln- fn'\' world, pnjl\l'ipally tiLl' 1-l1it('d ~rall'''. Tlu- jol: of d":liilll_! w it l: tilt', .... !' J'dlIl_!l'P inun ijrr.uu-: ('()]lId on lv han' !H'I'II d ou« 1),1 :111 ol'g-alliz:lr ion which PlIjoy"d Iht' ltro:ld -upport of .J('II'i:-,h grollp;, ;111 l ,\('1' r hl' II'O]'ld, who "'PI'E' dl'l\'nll ilH'd I hat til(' al_!('-old hOllll·lp:.;..;II',· .... :.; of .JpI\";, ('oll:.;ralltly ";I'pkillg a hn vr-n whe r« rhl'.\' ~'()ld(t lin· a f]'(,(' ;11111 PJ'ot!u,'! i vv l i fe ns ,J('\\,,; shon ld «om« 10 n n e n d.

(;l) III order to rally this concern effect ively and consistently over lLUII:' Yl'ar".:t jl;), of organizatioll i:.; rt-quirvd wh irh calb for the Ihe of :~]l mod('n~ meuns of commun icarion, ill~l11dillg muss merl ia.

}< "\1' cout ributors sponta neouslv spnd III t hr-ir checks {';lei I _\'!':lJ', -'lost of them must be nuule :I''':lI'P of tIlt' Jl\agnitude of t he problems ;\ lid t hu t w ha t t li ey a I'P doi ng i:-; i III porta 1\ t a lid necessa ry, The informn t iOB they require re1atp~ not. only t o t ho immed iute lI,ppelS of t lu- l'pfU7PP;', II11t abo to t he social :111(1 I'('ollomie u nd !!(,Ileral cond it i ons ill b rav l, \Y h jl' II a ti'pet the PI'()I'C':-;'_" of l'e lin b il it a t iO~1 a lid resett lement of refugee immigrants.

It is for this rea-on that the 1SC.: prior to .Ap ril L l:)GU, and the _\IlIl'l'ic:t1l ~pction after lHGO, hu ve found if necessa rv to support edu-

I ":ll io nn] and inf'ortnur ionul act iv it ies. •

1I1''l'I(';1 wit ]: t l lt 't ", :11\.1 "II

III till' p,.;(:1 hIp:'; til Isr.u-l.

l l'lo:-,p[, itipl\ lip P robl Pill:'; t lIP 1"('(111 iro ruv-t ic o r,!!: I

.uu] Ill!'! llOd Se 1'\' i rt>, t 11 f' a Ild (,it ;'!.I'll~ of t he .JI'I'1I-

I dp[prnlilll'''; I ";1';1('1. Tit!, llit!'ll.TI'I\'i:--lt n nd ddailPd

)!'Ol_!rall\:'; III the terms of " which ad..; ount ing' alld n .Te rusa lr-m I' .Ierusa IrIlI

dollars and

Jii(' :lC(,Ollllthad;: to tit!' t lIP ;I,'('Ollll!

ilI'I:\C,di)11 Ileita] f of



(-l) Ov o r tIl(' pa:--t ~" yea!"s till' {Tnitpd .Ir-w ish Apppal raispd approx i muu-Iv Sl I ~ hdlioll, ,\IIIPl'i(,:111 .l e ws cont ri bur ed this nione v III onl!'I' t h.u ~)lll\'thill!! h~' <IOIIl' about t lu- lot o f t lu-i r less fort uuu trhrcr h n-u C)\'c'I'S(':IC', Cont rihut iou-. :11'(' III:ld(' 1)\' AllII'ric'alls, .lp\\,s :\Ild IWII-,lp\\s. 1'1"0111 :111 wu l k-: of lifp and ill all s(-)I'ial st rn ta. A IlIlTic:I 11 Jc'\YS do not lH'c'pssaril\' :112:1'('.' Ojl all mn t r o rs. :--\OIlJP an' IktllocTaLs, n n d S()IIIP an' l{p[>llbli(:"ll;. SOIlIC' :1]'(' l ilx-rn ls and S(JBW are eOllSPI'\':It ivv-, :-o(JlllP :11'(' ZiOlilsts :Illd SOliit' :ln' uou-Zionisr-, some are rich and SC)IlH' :In' P,)"],,

l l o wc v-r. lilt, ()\·('n\lwll!lilll-'." nutjorit v of .\IIIPI'jC(lli .]pws do agn'e :111<1 :11'l' 1111:1!'d ill t lui r ('OIWPl'lt [o r 1'(,1'1112.'1';>:-; as dPIIlOll"tJ':ltpcl by t li« (JIll P' 1111'111!.!.- ()f t hi" (I'\'111('W tOIlS SIIIII i)\('I' :I ~,-) .\'1':11' 1wI'iod, ,\1(11'(' t hu n I 1111111011 .Jc,\\isll i':lltlilil'st111 till' ,'llilpd ~Iat('::;. wliich «ont ribut e an- 1111:111,\ t,) till' ('llill'c\ .Iewis]: ;\ppP:lL w i l l ('olltilllH' to .!!in' sO IOTlg as tilt' I}(,\''] fol' "\11,11 :lssi"laIIlT ('xis!", rOI' d('!'ply !'ootl'd ill flIP c'c)flSci()IISI ,>1'.\ Illt'l'i":1 11 .1 ('\\-.; I" 1111' t I':ld it inl) .. For I :1111 iu v h]'ot hl'l''s kt~, '1",

I lllal,illg Illis \'pry ~1IiJ:--I:tllli:lll'lr()l'l tl) alln'ia((' hum.m sllll'priJig 'cl:lci. ,\IJlt']'!I':111 ,!t,\\C' ;II'\' ~~T:ttili('cI II) kllo\l t ha t t luv ;tn' ;[(·tlll! .... ill till' dl'III<'I'l':IIII' .u u l 1IIII1I:IIlll:~l'lall tl':llliIIOIlS()1\ wh irh ti'ti"('OIIIIII'\,'\\·;t.;

f'tlI11.t1,(L '

.1(,\\'", of r h i-, !_'."·ilt'r:lli()ll \\IIIIII:I\'t' \\'Itll{'ss\'d t lu- si:llll-'."ltI!'I' of Ii m il-

lion 1)1' t lui r kill ill till' \,11:1 hol()('allst u n- 1'1'1I:-;SIl]'('<1 hv Ihl' k nowlvdtre

. '"

l l ut l ('WI'Y ,1(,\\ 1,(,<[IIII·illl-'." a it:I\'PII wi l) filld it h{'(';1l1S(, t hv :--\t:ttP of

I "1';IPI I'X iSh, •

'I'h.uik Y(lII, :\11', Ch a i ru m u. ~~: .

\lay I P"i!11 l o IIII' all:lC'itlll(,llt' of thli<:p cha rt.s, . If I mnv, I would n u-rvlv l il«: to SllllIlll:tl'lZ(;', alld s:t.\' t hut t ho pllrposp of :lUnching those dl:lJ'ts \\'a:-; 10 try t(l put graphi(,ally t he tlo w of funds prior to U)()O, al\d till' 110\\ or fUllds a It e r l~)(;(), alld tlw flow of funds of American fUllds af:lpr l!)(~(), ",hi.,ll n·f~>I'S to the reorganized l~C, And finally a ('itart Ifld~'atlll!! r he present functions of the American Sect ion. '

Tit .. (''ICII.\X, Tilallk 'yOll, xr.. Hammel", -,

\TIIP ('h:1I1:-; rp{pJ']'(,·d to follow:)


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U.S. A.




I (1).1. .... ) :

I (0",,011<><1 by \J S. r



I (?F.f) •

I (0"''''''''<1 by V. s. I

L CIII .... ...:._.,._--J



COM.othod by rh<> J .. ,~ A9'''<1 10;"'.'"' Und"" FAllA'

At. Aqo-#l-l o~ in • .t-v\,lwlom AgfJn<y

"01\$,,,.,,«:1 'v~, '0 I-h.u Joruwu:m ....... 1"tCl' tor Op.rohot\, in bl"O'Oi, CC;r04ut:htd ()nd f'I1ad. gf'Onh for hr'\)lo.v"_ ClIlf\lwl, EdV'Cg~>-Qrw:W aad IltformOhOI"l A(.tf-"itlO1l; FH'On(;.ct Tr~lI::ml - Pv"chOiling, ao,.,owfng. ere. - In USA.

\ \











.. - - .... - -" _-..... . - - - - -

. - _--_~~~~'g~~~~.--~~.-,.,-. .. -~ .... -..~,~--__._._.,-,.- . .,.....,_ ... _.........._. ....... _. - _,.. I



Elected by Ropre'!ontotiv9' of Zioni,' Organllotions in Covntrie\ Throvghouf -the free Wofldl Controlle-d th6 Di§.po1;tion of Funck Received from Above Sovrevu


IN OTHU CC::'U~HQrES (bce_pl U S _. A.)


Cco d o r te d ond mQldo gronh for. Rel,g,ov\. Cuhvrgl, Edu(OIIOl"'ol ,1",d tnforl"fl0l'o"'t' AC1'~ 111t''\. F'non(,ul Ttof'llo( I,on" Pvr(/'It."In:f}, Bo-r c ..... In'] etc I1hraugh Je ..... ,~.., Agfm<y for I\rO(l1 In(

~('w Yorl.)

f'.I.o<epll"on, Rllfhob,h'OI'lJl"I, R~,ettIB menl,

Abt.arpt.on, COion'l()hOn of Re-fv.gCG '",,'T'1I9"::Jnh: and COtC!' 04 (hlld,l?n end Vf)u1n Amol"lg ~1S4vgee Irnm')!jrooll.

A d and AUI\tol"clt 'a, end Pro"Unt'1"I9 01" QefV'g:~ Imn't'gronrs

fd'vCQt,onQI. (...,I r , Hol Rel.{llo v , ond Infor,,"ol~o'" Arf, .. ,f'e1.












JErwi,,", R01fih.rhofl s.,..cccu.o, OrgOf"lizcf1on


I IE ••• p' U.s~)






. "

Elected by Representatives af 2,on;,1 Organ;10t;"ns in Covntries Throvghovl the Free World.

Controlled Ihe Di'po.iIIOf"l of Fund. Rece·,ved 'ram Above 5ou:,0,




IN USA Throug~

Reeept.on , Re-hcbll,'a';of'i. ~tx&t1Jf,tm-t'nt,

Abw'plion. (oro,,;lo,iofl of l4efug-E'c Im...."gro,..'~, and Cc-e of Ch.ldren and 'f'o>Jth Amor.g Refugee lmm,gront,

(b.c.epl U ~ A)

A,d l::!"d Au;,'anCI!) 10, cod P·c(f'H·"'g of, Refugc,f Immlf:poflli CuH-uroi, f.ieIIQ'Qvfo o ed

l .. dormQtlon AC1 ."t'e>1







(QIl'"ijLire,ed ..... Ith V S Depc rt-oeot 0' J ..... vt.c e .Jr de- FA~A A, A~~nt of Jew.'~ Agency for hroi!'l. J('>rv'\ol~",,)

( , II :\ RT (.



"""~ '~~.--~





(JDC, i


L . ,

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\ i r .. d hr L

1 .. l' ,I""

~""'----', -----_.



I nRfr'j HAYf~OD

I IP F f i




Controlled by Uoued Stoles Citilen~


Adop''1 '" 0_" trvdgf>t, (J1Io{()·(>\ 4"I'P'!"'1d,'v'''' for 'pee 1,( P'OIt'ctl Or) t ~d\ 01 Re(<l!phOr"l Re+ob.t.ror.oe. Ab~o'P1 0". Op\€IIIt-I"'\l"nt o ... d

(o:or.rol on 01 P€'t gl"o Imrr 9'on~ c o d c u r e of (""Id'en o.-,d to'",,,,

omong ff'!>Jge9 m ,g'o".J. anJ-',-,pf!''''''Ioe\ 'love I-, e eoe od '",'In ........ (h

OTt' (onhrmed ,,,, v-e 1,1' d. o"d 0"0 by ,ndt'~r)j1~"f o ... d" Ho. QP(I'r<J1 nQ agen, If'! tv-oe: v o de r e o on oc rvc! G"o"g!J!<T-I?""

- ~- - -:-<-:-:T'"~ -_....-r-.-.~- ---.....,--c;'!' .. _4_._~ .... -_.:-~~-__,;;:. -~----~-~-.----.-....,....-__:,"'-..---.,:___ .. r...: ... :~-...__..-:....__:.-_;__~-_:_~- _;_.


.. ...






A, ..... fO._l'Iq 10 I'lLI'M") 'Pkr1\Jt1"'f:j '"
I, lr,.e 01 Won if'! Iwe'lTf



(fieT..-or~. Ac-odef'l'll( H~b,l"'W .!ttvcIoM. P"b1tC01hO .... " e-e j





I,.. COO;>elC1fOA"

...,,"" ts~j 014~ o-f Inf1)f'~>1't

ISRAEL STUDENTS AN"ltQf'loao "0 SlvdC!'nh Sivclyln.O iJII U""t"~


1Jor P~09~o"'" 0-4 l·~ .... ·t.f Ird¢~I'¥IQ~IOl" o ... ,j ldV<Oh.e"J


."To AUJll Nt"W, JHJ-t"-ey to c..Vi) '\,lit Co-;,e~o~ of N.;r_\ of Inte"M' tel J~..,"tJ


{l(e-LeO"i Ko-ye",od Svbval"lf'O'#'ll 10 O~QOfilfQ"O"'t. for P-Jblt~O"Qn1 ," Ih-e U,., .ted S,':.ltFH _", ><1'1 A ~I' ii F..,""<i ;;01'&''''9 Compo'''Jt\1J



~~Q~=~O~:~C c~nR~,:,TS I

",,~;,;'~,,::;,":'~;:'~ -. I


At;;'!@"-'<OM Com.m',tI'ea for We-it~O"'n lnVdv19 '1.1'f' Pg$-l G'!I c.'Ql"lt,)








Bo"O#'-e"I9'l, IJ-e-P'Or"T'l"'!I'I't 04 lc-('Jf11.. I'u'(~~" o .. d j)Q1..,..~ ... t' Y~ ~~-e(,',( !MlI'~~'f,)-f'I. OJ 0' for ~ A",.,..,JI'I' 01 The Jerl,/"~!.tof'f'o A:'i~""("'j'

'it v'_'''~ '~e p~.,oo 1960 1962 .,",~ Oe'~r1""lJ'"t, 04 T!J;-:Jk Cd-",<O' e e: f.dJ"<otool'! c~d (U!I""I!). Her,l I"~I ..... I~. jo4'~l'l ~tf!U. M..ot.I'eom ....,ogc2,1'\~. -e''e o,;m .... .oe-ec b1 .... e A",,~,,{"] .... 1 0'""11 (.ov'·>I:;,1 G,onl\ 10 tt-.e A~~!"·~c" 1.0""" Covn(·1 _pre d HO~I "'-..I~d Q\ -:;.f jr.;! .... JQ. f 22. , 963. end I"_,~e ~PO'H'''I!''''~ o-e o~ pqn~~ odm ""'i,~r'l!"-d bf th~ Afr''':!. c" ... 5~-::"vFl



Tlu: ('11,\11::\1,\:\. ~Ir. IIalllllll'l',.'Ollrpn'St.'llt po~itioll i~l'X;Il,tl." wimt : nu-u n. an' YOU \\'it 11 t lu-.! ('\\' ;:-;11 .\ !ft'IH' v for Isruvl. 11]('. ~

,\11'. II ";.'II1:H. I .uu wit l: the' n~()l'!f;;Il;zl'd .It',\'i~h .\!,!I'III'V fill' 1:-,1':1('1.

l uc., I :1I11 ,'Xl'I'111 ;\'1' vi('p chu irmun. ' . .

Th« ('11,\11:'1,\-';, Is t Ilat :I ('Ol'[lol'at ion ~

:\11'. II \:\1:\II:H. That ;:-; :\ ('ol'l'ol'al iou, :-;;1', ol'g'allizpd nuder tIll' mciu-

bt'l':-;hip I:t\\'~of t lu: ~(:lt!' llt' \'('\\' York.

Tlw ('II \11:.'11.\:"; .• \nd YOIl an' what. Ihl' e xr-cut in' "il'p, «ha iriunn ~ ,\1 r. II \:\1 '11-:1:. EXt'('llt i'n' v iel' (~ha un m 11.

Till' ('11.\111:\1 x x . Do YOII Il:1\'1' a l ist of t he ollil'('l':-;{ :\11'.11 \:\I\lU:. I kllo\\' who t he ollico rs u ro.

Tlw ('II \11:.'11.\:";. ('oLtid \,011 g-i,'(' till' ofli('('I':-; for t he n'('urd ~ \11'.11,\",11-:1:. Tlwl'l' i:-;';[ l)(;:lL'Il of ~L T1H' «hn irma n of the boa rd

;,.; \11', J !t'\\P\' I). ~t())ll' of Hrockt on. :\[a~", '1'1)('1'1' an' t wo v ice I'hail"- 1111'11. ()'ll' i'e- :\Ir- .• Jo,.;pplt :\1(',wl'll<d1' of Haltilllon', :\lrl. lip i~ \·i(·p I'ilail'lll:lll n m l ill' i:-; :d~() g'I'!H'['al « hn irnuu: of t he (~Ilil\'d .Iowish Ap-

pl';d, l ru iuh: add. ,

Tlu- ()IIII'r \'i"I' ('hail'lll:lll i:-: \1 .. <, Hlh(' L. l Iu lpriu. Tlu-r« .uv t w o t l't':I~lIl'l'r:-:, ()Ill' j,.; :\I r .. \J:n \1. Fi~ht'l' of I >PI ro it , \1 irh. .uu] t l u- 01 lu-r nIH' i~ ~lr, .\lq':I!l;llll (;()Odlll:lll Ill' \1'\\ York. '1'11\' :-:\'I')'('I:u'\' i:-; .\11'. Lou i-: ~t'!f:ll of \'('\\' York. and lll\',.;(,]f:\,.; t'.\.I'('IJlin' \'il'I' ('it:lil'l'll:lll.

Tll!' ("1.\11"1 \'\. Th()~1' n rr- till' ,:Ili('('!':--, l t i-. ('Olli]'llil('d hy 111i:-: !)():Ird () f din' I 'I (?! ':-: () f ~ 1 ~

'\ I r. I I \ 'I '11 11\ , Til (' (111 i, . \'1'...; I Ii...; t (' t! :t n' 1111'11 Ii )(' l'~ () f till' 1)():\ r d, :l 11 dill :Iddllit)ll ,111']'1' :II',' ut hr r dll'l'l'ior:-; ;illll)t:tlill~ ~l. I .uu not a un-m l u-r () r t Iii' hila I'd .

T 11\' ( . I I \ I I; 'I \ ...... , (' n 111 d ." (III :-: II p ply f n l' t 11 p n '(' () 1'\ I : IIi ~ t 0 f t li P 111 P m - h(' 1''''; () f ( ill' LO:I I'd ~

.\[1', Ir\:\I~I1:1:, \1''';, <i r. \\'()llld 'OLI \\';11111111' til do tll:ll ll()"'~

Thn ('II \Il:\l.\:\~ \'0, \'0\1 (':111 d()' it I a 1\'1', Thcr« w i l l 1)() a number () f ( h i Ill .. '> --1111 k:-;,.; Y I) 1I h:l' v p a lis t wit I I .\'()l1.

~HI'. Ih,\D1EI(' 1 dOll'! h:I\,\) it list w it l: 11\(' Lut I (';Ill I'P(,:lll from

lIl1'lllOI'\' .

'I'llI' ('ll,\IIDf.\:";, "~l'1I, you call :-;upply t hn t . 'fr. II \)I:IU~IL Yes, sir.

(:--;I'P :II'Pt'Ildix I, p. L~~17, It ern 1.) Tho ('11.\11,:\1 v x . You huve hrla\\'~ ~ ;\{ r. I I \.'Ii ;\OIUt. '\'n 11a \'(~ In' b'\\'s.

Thp ('II,\TH.'II\:'>i. {'ollld ,"011 supply ;\ I'OPY of rlIp hv law« I'm'tlle


~rl'. II \:\DIEH. '\\\' will. y('s.sir. (~l'\\ :q)jll'll<1 i x 1, p. 1 :~!)7', It(·ll\:2.)

'I'h« ('II\IIDI.\~, It i~ l'O!flstpl'l'd under till' ~tat(' of :'\P\\' York :

:\1 r. II \'IDIEIL It is il1l'orrlorat('(l:1s a tur mhe rsh i p corpornt ion nndor t Ill' In w-: of t]w :--Irate of New York .

. \11'. HOl:!\s:n:lx. If I may say. ~rr. Cha irman, I think the hvln ws :lnd I'prt iji(~ate of incorporation ha n'l been made available to your staff ill N(,\\' York.

Tho ("!.\lHI\L\X, I nIH told we do not have n ccrt ilied copy of it for t he record.

:\f r. BUUKR1'1<:l:'o1'. \Ve will be gln, furnish it.



Till' ("I\IIDI.\:\". If you have got OIH' YOIl could idplltify it :ll1d put II ill t l u- 1'('('01'11.

\f1'. ILDDfJ-:H, "vI' w ill be !!Iat! 10 Fu rn i sh :l ('Pl'tili('d ('opy, :\fr. ( "h.i i rmun.

Tht' ('II\lWIf.\.\, ,\111'i!!ht.

:--;l'll;ttOI' III vt r-r nu.v. '''hat j,.; t lu- (iitl'I'l'('J)('P bet wr-cn ~1 ('t'l'tiIiP(] ,'np." .n u l t lu- 0111' \\t' 11:1 \"t' got ~

Tlw ('11.\[11:\1.\", I don'! kl1O\\·.

:--;('11:1(01' I lrvn-n nnv. J:.; 111('1'\' a dill'Pl'l'I\('P. \11". Pin('II";/ 11' t lurr-

i , :111\' dill'!'1'PII('l' I w ou ld likl' til know whn t it i-. "'itat i:-; 1111' diH'I'I' ('IH'(,.'hl't\\,('Pll:1 ('Pl'tifjpd copy and till' Olll' that ,\'011 hu ve go! ~ i :1111

no: :1 ln \\',\'1'1'. I ju-t wn nt [0 know.

~('lI:lt()I' ~I'\j{f("I.\:\. Tlwl'P \\'oldd hA' no dil1'pI'Pl)(,(" It i:-; jll:-;t :1

111:Itl\'1' of itil'lltif,\'ill;! t hi-. You llligitt luiv» 10 ],(,:ld t lu- who!» thill!! o r PI'l'h:lP:-; II(' kuow- fron i t li« appl':ll':llH'(' of it w lu-t ln-r Of' Ilot it 1- :1 11'111' ('opY, I f lip rn n idl'ld if." it rig-hi now.

:--;t'II:lIOI' I It'll'IIRE),, That jc; all right.

:--;1'1I:ltOl' nlCh.E"LP~II'LH, Ht, w ou!«] not lw ~lhlp to id('IlIi1\' It 111111'-"; lit' n,;}(i P\'l'I'Y wo rt] in it, It i,.; Illlly :1 quv-t ion of h:IVill!! :l~1 :1"('111':1((' onv ill r lu- n'('on!.

.'\TI1, 1I.\.'\Dn~H·:-; IlF,,('HII''!'lo:\ OF 1''1''\'('']'1(1:\:-; (iF ,1!:\\,1:-:1I \(;1.:\1'\, ,\.'\fFltl('\X "F\"l'j()"

Th« ('II.\IIDI.\:\" .\[r. lI:1111I1I!'1'. .i n- YOII n n (lill('PI' Iii t lu- ,Jt'\\i,,11

.\!.:\'lll'\'- -.\llll'l'i(':lll :--;('('1 ion ~

\11', 'HUD[U1. :'\0, -i r : I .un uot ,

TIll' l 'II \ liD! vx Y ou 11:1 \'(' no 1'(lIIIH'ct ion \\ i 111 I 11:11 ~

\il', II \:\DIUi. I lta\p I\() l'ollIH'('rioll with tilt' ,\!llpri(':11I ~('di()ll, The ('II.\IIDL\X. I not ice you c;pokp ahout t lu- .\II\('l'i(':11I ~l'('ri()ll

()! 1 pa;!(' ";' () f you r l ' n'p:Il'pd st:l t 1'111('11 t , III \\' hu t (':1 p:Il' i t .\' \\'(' J'(' YI) II dp:-;l'rihing t ho funct ions of t lu- .h,,,·i:-;h ;\gPIl('Y-.\lllf'ri(,:111 :--;l'('ti()lll

'Ir. ILuDHX 'VrlL in .\pril HH;O, \\'111'11 WI' I'Pol'g:l1lizl'd 1111' I~(" :11111 diYI':-;!\,d 011]':'(»\'(':-; of th!' fuu.-t ion- which I in<iil':ltpd \\'(' did, I w.i-, :1\\':\]'[' of t h« 1l:111Il'1' of thps!' fun.-r ious hl'(,:llb(' ptior to l!Hi() t lu-v \"PI'P ;111 iniegTal part of t l u- 1:'\(,., t l u- OI'g:tllizatioll (ft' wh i.h I \\':\:-; r lu-n l'XP('lltin' din'dor,

~Il hsPqIH'llt i 11 f orm.u ion \\';[:-; g rvvn to ITIp hv :\11'. I1 :I III I ill. I n:-:kl'd h im to ('Ill't'l,; :11Id \'t'!'ify t lu- 1":1('1:-; ('ollt:lillrd in my -t n tvmvu t PI'I01' ttl ('0111 i 11:: lIPI'P.

Tilt; CIL\HDU:\. Th:ll h:l:-; Ix-cn ('](.:II'('d wit h :\11". Hamlin ~ :\[1'. II.DDIEIL Yt':-;.

'1'11(' ('II.\IIDI v x . I \\:lllfl'd t l u- J'('('ol'd 10 :-;how that, I h!'\il'\'\\ hi' 11:1ca similar posit ion iii t lu- .\llIpri(:an ~t'dioll,

:\[1', H\:\D'fI-:R, In t hv Auu-rican ~P('tioll, sir,

1ll'I'lES OF FXHTTI\,i-: \'ICE CIlAIR::\'fA X

Tho CII,\lH'W,\X, '\YOllld yon just briotlv dp"nih<, for 111{' n'('ord YOIII' dlltit,:-; ;\:-; t'X('I'lItin' "iet' d;ail'l;l:lll of th;s o['::alliz:ltioll~

~H r. 11 \ :W\II:!{. • \ s p x (' I'll t i \'(, v i c p (' 1I:l i rill a II (; f t l 1(' • J p wi s h . \ at' 111' v f 0 I' lC-I':I('1. 111(,., Illy fuucr ions :In' 111:11 of pi-i n ci pu] udmi nisr r.u i~e oilicpr. :\[OI'l' :-;pl'('ilic:l n., I :1111 responsible for the fina ucia I a n'n i rs of t ht, ()l';!:t1liZ;ltioll. [lll'gotiatl' vvhn t e ve r 10:111:-; or (,I'pdits \\'P nia v I'P'l'l I rr-.


;l11l'lllJlI to I hlldgrt, I :-;uI f'roiu o u r l'PPI ; n u-ru l!pr:-; oi' ( , J'('qllil'pd of II TIIP ('II,\1l(

pri IIcipa 1 (,XI'( vlr. Ib;\DI tin' of1in'l', bu


The ('Il,\W W:iS at 0]1(' til of 1 ~I;l;", as n n i:-; that COITPct

:\1r, I LDDII The <. '1l.\1H .uu l prt'parrd :'\1 1". I h :\DU The (' 11.\ I H

d:! v ('a lled t lu .\1 r. I LUDfI Tilt' ('II,\J1C :\Ir.ll..\::,\I:m The CII\II(

\\ ill rcf'er to i t JlP~e spparatc 'Yondl YOU h-m .\[!'Pl)(:\' t(

~fr.' I h~n[ dp~('ri bod, is

t lu-ir initial II:lYP to COnSI! 1 ill' nO\'PI'Ilill «oord iuuto tl n n d ]'(':-;p ttl (' III

I think I :-:.1 ! lu-v a re not (~O~'l'l'Illll\,ll t , u-runt ionu l l» 111Ppt Oller' py t lie v pjl'd or ,It'\~ i:-;h AgPll

TIH'CIL\lH :\Jr, I h:'lD 'I'll(' ('I1Am ':\h,HAMl\I

milllvv~ars, a ftf'i· the pst wus llleorpor



! lit' 1"1' i I i"t>]" I : I III

,:-,1 :1 11 ill!! I r I'

11111"" 111": If ('

) .


,(.! 1 () II

l' v () 11 ,t iou I

1:\ ( '. did. I ~ II ; I I I it,ll I

I,.:],; l' ( I o r t ( )

\" fn I" iin'l". I' t Ill' 111("('.


:tlll'II1]ll lu kl'Pp f'u uds lio\\iJlg ill a('cordan('l' with a prp<it'tpl'llliIlPd

hllrlg-t't. I :-'IlPPITi,.;(' t lie p rr-pu rnt ion of n'p()rl~. I obtain in f'ormnt iou

fl'OIlI 0111' I'I'PI'!'-':!'1i!;ll iv« ollie(' ill .J!'l"ll:-'alpill alld ('in'llla!!' it to all t l u!lll\'ll!lll'!""; of 0111' board and IH'l"f()l"I11 such ot h«r f'iuu-t iolt:-' :1:-' muv b!' n'qllil'P(l of I1U' by my ho.ud.

'Ilu- ('II.\IW\I x x . I,.: it fail' til ":Illlllllal'izp it a:' :-:tyillg. YUII nIT t hv

l'l'illl'ipal l':'d'('lll i\p ()jJt('I'1' of t h i- I);lrt i.-u ln r ('()I'PO!':!t iOll ~

:\11'. I h,W\l J:I:. ""('IL I n,j'PIT!'d 10 nrv-t-l f :1"; Pl'ilWip:l1 uchu in i-a ru ! in' oJli('Pl', hut I \\ ill :\<'('('pt t lu- ot lur. t hn nk YOII, sir.

.run ~\I.F:\l .\{:L:\(·Y \:\1> HEI..\TIO:\" 'Ill ";T.\TE OF I:--I{.\EL

Ill' ('11.\111:\1.\:\, ~Il'. 1 l.uu n u-t. tlt(' .Ivw isl: .\gPIH'y for bra!'l, 111(". \\:\,.: :II (l1IC' t 1111(' l'q:i,.:t('j"t·d 11Il(.lPI' till' Fon·igll .\g\,111 1{l'gi~lI'a( ion Act D f I! i; j .'-., :I"; ; I II J( '11 d 1'1 La,.; a II a,~ I'll t () f t It (' . J (' \ v i ,.: h . \ gi' 11 r: Y for P a 1\) ~ t i ne :

I~ t h.u ('()ITl'('( :

:\11'. H.UDIEH. T11:tl is ('OITP('I.:.:ir. L'rior to l!Hj().

TI[(' ('It.\lIDI,\:\. Till' l·p~i,;\tioll -t a tvn n-nr s Jil('d \\('n' (,Xl'('llt('d

:llld (In'p:! n,d Ly you, '

:'\11'. i1.\'DtEH. Yp:':,sil'.

TIll' ('II.\IIDI\:\. Till' .f('\\i,.;jl .\g(,Jl('Y for l 'u lvst ino is, I [wli,'\"(' to-

d;l.\" (';111('<1 t lu- ,'(,,,ish ,\g('II<',\" 1'(11' Isrnvl : is t hat (,OITPct ~ _\lr. Ih'I:HEIL That j";('oI'n'('t,,.:ir.

TIIP ('1I.\11DL\:\, .\lId it i~ jO(':tt('d ill.J(,l'u~al(·m ( 'I r. 11.\:\1:\1 u\, I nJvrusn lcm.

The, (,,, \1I0L\:\ .• \lId for l'ol1n'lIil'll('p YOIl !J;lYP :"1"(';1(1\' :.:t:ltt'd WI' \\ ill rt-fr-r III it a,.: till' ,J('I'u,.;:il('1l1 .\~(,Il('\" .. It i:.: rut her difli~'llit t o kpPjl

tlt('~es('p:ll':Jt('d in our own mind.' ,

"'01ull vou expln in to t lip ('OllllllilU'P the rvlat ion, liI':':! of t he .if'l'Il:.:aI \) 111 . \ !!(' II ( , \. tot 11 (' ~ t a I l' 0 f b r:l (' 1 ~

~II'.' Ih'DIE'H. '1'11(' .l c ru-a lcm .\!!Plln' i,.: t he hodv wh ich, :l:-; Y huvo dp;nilwd, i:.: l'Pspoll:-ibh) for til() '11l'in'ging of inunig rauts n nci for t luir i n it in l (':tn' :lIId j'P:-il'lth·IlH)111. III this l'rgard t hr-v ohv iouslv hnve to c()ll:-'t1lt u nd l'OO!Wr:1tr' with t hr hO~l gon·I'II111I'Il!. ill this (':\,.:(' till' (;OVPI"IIIII(,lIt (If l srnrl. Tl u-v ('()()l'diu:ltl' t ho ir uct i v it ies, t lu-v ('()onlil1:1tp t hvir poli('i(':-i ill all qiH',..tioll:-i ;ltl'i'(,ting t he iuuuisrrn t ion :II)(] rt'-.:l'tl1plI~t'llt of J'(,fllgt't' itllllligl':lnt:-i.

I t hi uk I should IIl:lkt' it ('1('ar they :tr'(' not part of t ho (;m'PI'1lYllPnl, t hl'Y u rv not :1 gO\'(,1'1l1l1Pllt:l1 agt'll<'_\', nor an) t IlPY an ag"PIl('Y of t lip (iOnrlllll('llt. TllP .Ivw i-h .\~·\'11('V for l s r.u-l, .lerusn lcm, i~ n n illil'rll:lt ionn l hody l'I't'atpd by .Tl:'\" is]; grollps ! ltr()tlgllollt t lip \\'orld who 1110l'f OlH'I' I'H)r\' ,I \'l':lr:-: ill :1 ('(Jll~I"(':--': or ('011\"('111 ion at w h ich t imp tltt'\ ('1('('1 o r dt:,.;i~';:ttl' illdi\"idll:t1~ to :-'\'I"\"P :I:': till' "EX('('llt in' of flit' .'l'\~ i~lt .\gl'lll·Y."

('()HI'IlH.\TI·: ";T\Tl:-i OF .rt u: ,lEWISII .\(a::-;'('Y

TlIP('JI.\lIDI.\:-;'. Is it n corpor.u ion ~

:\11'. I L\:\DIEH, I 1)(>11('\'(' it i:.: a corporal ion under hrapi law.

Th(,('IIAlIDL\~, Ill('orporntpd in Isr;lpl'~

.\fr. HAMl\nm. III Israel. It was an un iucot-pornted assoc in t ion for mnn v vea rs, {'~t:lhli:.:IH:d jir~t ill Zur ich, Switzprland, in 10:2!l, hut aftf'i, tiw p~tablishmt'nt of (JIl) st,~1t' sonu-t ime in the «a rlv 1!);)O's it

\\':1:<1 iuco rpornted under Isrne l ln w. .


T!tP('II.\IIDUX. Doos it have a bo:tl'dofdiredors?

.:\1[,. l)CWI\:STEIX . .\Jr, ('hairll\:\ll, I think I ,'(HIld 1l1'1p you in this respect .

Tltp ('II.\IIDL\:\". Yps,

:\11'. B(WI';S·I'EI:\". It has t h. S:lIlW kind of spp('ialll'l!al n'('ogIlI1101l that was !!iypn ill this country to t ho Hed Cross ill the sense that it. was I'I"P:Ltpd a~ a lpgal en t it vLv a speriu l ad of Pal'lialllPllt rut her t han hy j he filing of it (,Pl' of incorpor»! ion hy a I'lt'rk ill soli 1(' coun t \' (' Jerk's oflic«.

TIH', ("!.\[Inl.\", I )OCS it han':l bon rd of diI'P(,toI's?

"'II', II.\:\DIEIL yp~, sir. II h:\s n lioa r«] of din','to!'s wh i.-l: i-; ('alll,d

t ho EXP('ll! i ve of t lw ,j «w ish AgPI)('Y.

'I'he ('U\I1Dn:"i. I [ow uin.nv rnvmlu-rs of t IH' EXP(,llt i \"(' ~ :\1·". H.DDfEH, .\pproximat·ply In, I think.

TIt('( "1.\1101 vx. Do \"1111 han':I l i-: of t lu-m :

:\11". H'\:\DII:I:. I dOl;'( 11:\\'(' 011(' hut Ollp (':111· Li' ohf:lillPd. I think :\11'. Hamlin could prov id« such n list heca use lH' is, 01' h i-. orgallization n'pn'sl'lll s I hI' ,J PI'1lsa lorn AgPl1cy und.he \\'OU lit probablv ha H~ it.

(JI'J'>TIO:\" (IF \(;I~Fl-:'IEXTSI\I-:T\\'LE:\" ,IEl:l S,\I.I<:'( .\(;1-::\;1''''' .x x n (;O\'EJ::\" '1.E:\"T OF 1)-anEL

TIH'('II\IH\I\,. \\"I'I':III:ISk.\Il'.lblIlIJllrll:tl.'

~O\\', :Il"l' i lu-r« ;tII,\' :lgrITIIH'111-; t'xistillg 1)('I\\'('I'n t lu- .Ie rusn lvin .. \!_!\'lIl'Y a lid t Itp (;I>\'Pl'llIlIPIII or 1-;1':)(,1 wit It l'I,,,jWd' to i (;-; fllll~t JOII" ~

~i r. 1":\1" UL TltpJ'(' i", n n agl'l'PlIll'nt sppi Lill!! DIll till' fu n.tion-, t lu- l'l"():ld !_!'p]wral fllll(,ti()lls :lll<ll'h:lr:I\'Ip]' of t lu- ,!p\\\rh .\gl'JWY for l sr.u-]. ,ll'l"lISali'lll,lht' .Icrusu lt-ru .\gPl\('Y \\ lti('lt 11";1";, pl)('li(,\T (~lItPJ"('d int o hpI \\t'I'l1 t Itt' (;'O\"f'l"l\ll\Plll of bra!'l u n: 1 t ilp ,11'1'!l:--':1 lvm .\ ,rplll'Y S(\flIP',

,-. ,

,\'<':1 J'~ ago.

T1H' ell \lID!.\X. ~I r. I I.UDI FI~, [ lar--

no _VOl! 11:1 ,'e:1 ('opy of t hat ~ dUll't h:l\"l' a ('IIPY \\ It It lilt'.


'flip\" eli" ~f'l\"P:"; ('ach t hcv gf't to~ I'll addit i

.ut ivit ies. 'I'll(' CHA ~lr. Jb:\1 Mr. Hot

Iiomv nnr- d ('it izcn of Y COlll)('ct ion

TllP Cn .

Ld()l'P I !)(;O :\lr, JI.\:\ Tltt' ('JU ,J eI'Il:.:a lr-rn

:\1r.lh'l out n ll of t :I", (':llTYlllg ~t:lU's.

TIt(' ('I1,1

l' x \' I '1I ( in' (' 1 :\fr,lL\:\1 Tilt' ('[1.\ ::\[1'. H,nl

oHi('~' ill 1!)~ TI}(, en" :~H r. 1 f.u:

The ('II.' IlH'., is that :\fr. II,"I 'I'll\' CIl, t lio name a'

Mr. IrA;; more :lCCllI

Prior t o Aft er t hr- ' to cont im: updnt pit.

Tlw ('11 j\ gl'll ('Y w .\fr.II.\ The ell Exocut ivo l\1r. n. all policic Ag('n~'y, t

'I'll(' ('U.\llDl.\N, Do V011 h:\\,(' one :1\'ail:l1>1(' \"011 t lw I'('('()J·d !

:\Jr. lI."DIEH .. \!!;tin, I think )h. Hamlin might probnblv hp able' t 0 ,-; 11 p ply t h:l t.

The Cn.\lIDI.\:\". \\'p,ll. \\II:1t is (lip rvlnt ioush i p of t li is \,X('('llti\'e

body. \,011 sa v () f I D !

:\ir: I 1.\:\1 ~ll:Il, ,A p prox imu.t e lv 1 n.

TIl(' ('II,\lIDI.\:\", To t hoJerusn lem .\!_!PI}(,\·.

,Jr. H "DIE!:. 11 :ld~ a~ (lip ('XPI'llti\'p ;'Ollllllitlp(, or t he hoard of din'l'tors of t he .Ie rusn lr-m Agency.

T'Iie ('J1,\IlDI.\~. no('~ it also h:IH':11\ r-xr-cut ive ofli('pt· sillllhr to YOII rs ~

~1r, H.\'DIEH. It is a most unusuul ~ptItP, Oll(, which 'VB don't grlle rn ll v lind 111'1'('. It is both an execut.ive commit tee and also an administrative bodv, Lnd ividuu.l nn-mlx-rs of this executive group lin ve slwcific responsibi l it ir-s, one in the flt-l(l of i mmijr rat.iou, another in the field of absorption. a t h ird in the field of agricultural settlpfllPllt, one is a ,{ reasu 1'('1', and so OJI.

I l'

I t liS

Ii 1 i () 11

It Ita t tllt'r


I) I

l~a 11'11 I

I ()ll~ I


/.'" for lP]'('(1 :-;(fn I( \I.


v f()]'


'd of

I r t ()

g(,llI a dhan~ I the

, one


Thvv d ividv up t li« :tdillilli~tr;din' n~:-;pOl,sil)iliti('s HIlIOIlg' t heruse'ln':-;, P:lcit nIH' l'Pspo]l:-;ibll' for his particular pal'! of till' ,iob, alld t lu-n t]Wy!.!,·pt (o,(!l'thpl' and 1l1f'Pt :I'; ill! rXI'('lltin' hOllnl or bonnl of .l i rr-ct oi-s.

I'll 'addit'ioll thl'I'l' i:-, a :-WCI't't:lry gpm'l'al who hplp" ('()ordillatl' the

:\('1 i v it ip",

Till' ('IL\llni.\~. "\"110 is he?

.\11', Ih:\DIE[{, "\ m.m bv t h« name of Dr . .\io:.::lu' Av i.lor.

:,\11', B(>ll~ST1T\" ~t'll:lt~)r, just if I maya" all a"il1(', 1 \\':1:-1 at h is llOliH' 0111' d:IY and I :-;:I\Y :\ ('1'1'1 ili(,:lH' oi: hi" \yall that h(' is all houorurv (,-it iZ('l\ of vou r :-'tatt', tri\P1i to h i m bv t ho (;()\'Pl'j\OI' of \'0111' :--it<lt~ iii

. /""' . '

('Ullll('('\ iOll ",it Ii :-'()III(, I'd\l(':11 iuua l <let I\'ity, I dOll't know what it i-:

'I'll\' ('II \!H\I.\', ',"IU'II vou \\('n' \,il'!' ('li!llnn<lJl: I";; 111:11 l'Ol'l'I'('( ~ !'(,fol'l' I~H;I), ill ot lu-r \\o)'(b~

.\11'. l l.i xrvn:«. I \\:l~ p:\p('lltin din'('jol' of 1:\(', lx.f'orv H)(ilL

Th« ('Ii,\IIC\! \:-.., ,\t r hu t t imo wliu t wu-. ,\'0111' n·lal 1(111-:11:1' wit II tilt,

.lcru-u lcm .\~"'ll('\' ~

:\11', 11,\'1\1'1:1" ,rl' ]'('pn''';(,I\tpd t 11(' .l e ru-» kill .\!2T1II'Y, :lnd II-P I':lni(,d

<Hit all of tlH' fllllction:-; of tIl(' tlc;('a! agPIlt. PIllTli:l:-:ing ilgl'llt, as \\('H :I~ 1':ll'l'yi1l1_!.' oil t'dll":ltiol\;11 :JJHIIllfol'JIlatioll:ll :lrli\,itlV:-; ill Illl'l'llitt,d

~t :1 t {'so

Thl' ('11\\11:\1\" Ll,t 111(' ,,('t', ill']..; nl'!.!,'alliz:ltl()l\ of \yhi('h \'()Il "-('n'

P'\:I'I'lll i\(, 1'l1:1 i rrun u :11111:\11 illH'.P:\\'I'\I! inL---:,\IL n,\:\D!FH, i>in'I'IOI',

'1'11('('11 \IID! \>0;, jlirl'<'!Ill': \\:1:-- (·,;t:ddi..;lu'd i1\ l!q!l(

)'fl', H \1DrnL It \\':1:-; (·:-,t:dlli...;iled in l!l,I:I, it \\:1-; (,:-:t:lbli,.;]IPd :1>:1Il

ot1il'(lill l~q-L:\II" ilj('()]'pl)r:lled ill 1!q!I,

Th« CH,UI"'! \ x. I "nd('[' t h« Il:tI1I(' of t h« .J('\\"i;-;h _\g-(,IH'Y, 111(,,"

:\fl', H\:l11IFH, Bi,:!lll. ' ,

TII(' ('Il.\IIDI \,\, \\"III"lt 1:11('1' \1('(':1111(' thl' .l.-wish Ag(']\('~' for l srnvl.

11)('" is that ('DITI','1 I

:\{r. II \:\I'JF1;, l in t i:-- ('()rI'l'd,<Il',

'I'll\' ('II \UPI \ ,\, I" j 1\1'1'(' :llIy part iCII1:I1' n':I"OJ\ \\h~' YOI1 ('h:lIl~l'd

the n.uuo ut t 1l:lt t i IlH'!

:\fl', II,\:lI:lIFII. Yp:-;, si r. Tho n.uuv \\:1:": Cll:III!!I'(! ill ()l'dpl" to 1'('11('('t

ilion' :I('Cll1"atl'l \' t l uu I't':l ill wh uh \\"(' wOl'/';:pd, ,

Prior to Inl~ it \\:1:": kuown :t..;l!t(, ,h·\\'i:-;h _\g('I](',v for Pald~tilH', Af(crtlt('(':-;I:lbli:..:illlH'Ill ol'tll{' ~tat(' it was felt that it ",a" incorrect I 0 (' () III i III It' \II J d I • r I I H' () 1 d 11 : I 1111', a 1 j( 1 i I \Y ;l ~ (' L :I I I gP dill 0 rd p J' t ()


TI\(l (',1\111:\1.\>0;, Prior t he n to u)(;n, vour re lut ion to UI(, .Io rusu lom .\gl'll(·Y "-:1:-' 1,11:11 o I :III :lgPllt ill this count rv : is thi:-; (,OIT('('t~ .

:\[1'. 11.\",HFH, That i;-; (,OlTl'ct, sir, and tliat is t lu- way we registprp<l. The ('!L\lH:\f.\~, .\I\d you we re din'rlp~l in vour opl'ratiol1:-; by the Expcllt in' i 11 .1 l'J'lI:-,al('lll?

,:Hr. H.\~DIEH, That jc-: ('ort'prt, sir. III acld it ion to'the g(,lIcral over-

all pol ic ios w h i('h \\'l'l'~' fonn u la trd hy the' (',11 t i re ~)oa I'd 0 Y ~ IH' .J ~>\Vish '; ~~ Agl'ney, ttlD 1~) I rdpITPd to. t hr-rc ''"PI'(' I'f':-;l(1(,llt In 111(' T'nit od ~tatt'St.'

1230.\CTl\TrlI::-; OF :\(;1:':-;T:-; OF FOREIG:,{ PRIXC'lPALS IN V.S. ~


(i 01' 7 .\IIIlTi(·:t11 111l'lldH'l':-; of that .lvw ish ~\gPll('Y Ex('cllt ive ",ito wo u l d llll'pt f'rt-que nt lv alld l'f'l!lllarly Io r the pIlI'P()~P of conducting the u tl'n irs of t lu- .Ivwi-h ~\gPlll'Y ill till' L'uitcd ;--;tatp:-;.

TIIP ('IL\UL\L\:-'-. \Y;t:-; t lio .Ivw i-h ~\~(,l)('\' a niembvr of the XI'\\' York co rpo rnt ion prior to l!IG()1 durillg tlle'pl'l'i;)(1 you wvre in charge of it ( ~\[l'. II.uDH:I\. By n u-m in-r of till' ('oq)()!,;ltioti..: I n m not a l~\Vfer,

~Pllat()I'-'-- "

'\fr. B(I!K~TU:\ .. ...;PllatOI',l·;tll I tell h im 11[(' h'2':ll facts?

Tho ('!I,\IlL\I\:-'-. Yv-, . /


\11'. HI)\ K,.,TLl:-'-. Till' Illl'lldH'r:-; of t l u- ('()j'I)(I]':U ion 0\'('1'(' t hI' n u-ml e rs

of t IIp i'llt iro EXt'I'ut in' ()f t hI' Jl'wi:-;h .\.~l'II(·\· for Ll~:t('L jill> .l1'I'II:-;alr'lll .\!'!"!'lll·\, wh irh illl'llldl'd t h» .\lIH'l'i(·:11l l'lIPI I I Ll'l'.'. .Tlu: din'l·tors of the ('()rp(ll'~t t i (Ill \n' n' t It I' ~ \ 111l' ri (';Ill morn 1 )('r:-; 0 f the Execut i VI'.

Till' ClI.\IIDL\:\, The v \\'('1'1' t ho directors, hut t h« .Jp\\"i~iI Agellcy,

.Ie ru-n lcrn. \\,:1, a JllPIlJi){:r of t IIp corpor.u ion ~ , .

:\fl', II vxr xr rn. Th« I!) momln-r-. t lu-v \\('1'1' tit\' mvmbe r-, of ILl' ,'or-

jlora! lOll.

'I'll\' ('1[,\11(\[\:\. Tlu-v \\('1'1' tlIp on lv members, wr-reut tlH'Y~ :\[1'. J Lvxr vn:«. TIIP\' \~'l're t hp on l \' lll'pm!H»)'''''

Th.- ('11\1101.\:-'-. ~~l t hn t tllp ,ll:wi~h A!_!'Plh'\' ill pt!'Pt'! owne.l .uid

dirpctpd (,()lllpjptf'ly t h» one ill Xl'\\" York? C ••

:\[1'. Ll vvr vn:n. That i:-;(·01T('l't.'ir.

The ('II \1£01\:-'-. Do you 11:1\,\' :l copy of t ho L\,I:\\\:-; ptrpctin' pr ror 10 l!)(iOofthr \'l'\\ York (,()'l'pOl'atiolll

:\11'. H\'\D!FH. The re i" :1 :cpt of hv ln w» ill cx istr-nc«, I PI'P:-'llIlIP, and I dOll'! ha \'(' t hom ill lily IliJy:-;i(::l1 po-sr-ss ion n t t hi~ motuvut , hut-Tho ('II \1101 vx. '''ill YOIl 'lipply t lio-t- for r lu- I'P<'lll'd: Ill:l! i-, t hn-o

('f!,p<'!i\,p[ll'io)'to 1!){;11~

:\f r. H,nDIFH. Prior I () l!)till.

'I'h« (' 11\ 110[\:\. BpfoI'P t he ('lla 11!2.<' Mr. H,\:\DHH. r would he ~hd 10. (;--;Pt' apppndi" 1. p. n!)0,I1Plll :L)

Tho ('IJ.\uc\r\:\. Y\'lli>ll t h« corpor.uiou wa:-; reor-rau izcd in l!)GO, was t ho nu-mbo rslrip o f tilt' :\PW York corpurat ion at that t ime

.changed) .

\fr. TI.\:\DfFH. Yps,sir. "'ltP]) tIll' corporrn ion W;tS )'Porganizf'd III l!Hitl, t ho mernhe rsh ip wu-, challg()d in orde r to insure .\IllPrir:tIl COII-

trill. I'nd('l' t lu- n'o1'2':lIlizatioll the l 'n itcd Israel Appon l, all Ameri-

call r-orpornt ion, lWI':llnr t ho major mombor ('ontY'ol1illg t wo-t liirds of r h« BO:lrd of till' 'rpoJ'.!,!":lIlizpd rxc .. and t ho .Ie w isl: AgPllcy-,\mrri- 1':1 II ~I'('I ion, 1)('(':UllP t lu: Ilt 111'1' rnemlx-r. wit II a rPTll'p:-;\'nt:lt ion of one

third of t.ho hoard. .

HF.\S():\ n)1{ J~EClH(,~,\:\1 Z.\T]()~

Tho ('11.\1I0I.\~. \\'hat wa~ t lu- reason for t hn t chan'ge?

.Mr. I h,M;\IFH. The re.i-on for that chang£' was 1 0 gin~ effect to the d{':-;in' to idt'llIify t ho pl'oplp w ho \\'Pl"p act ivr-lv f'1lg'agpd in f undrn is-

lllg' III enue ~ at ing , INC. izutior tender



,,:\1 r. was n n lloca wort h :\ gene CIPnn

Tli( ~~ .:\11' . t iOI1--

a W(']! wit h [ ( ;--;{

Til, ::\0 ('orpc :\11' 'I'll

t 1](' l '

l\h 'I'll ~h Tl ,:\11

I I II ('. ~ :HI

I h ro:

Tl :U Tl \1

\ \'0

Tl . :\1



T ,\1 sf n t :Jill tlIP


I York of it ~


II d >(' r~ :';:1 1 t'ill

1of! lip

lYIH'y. II' ,'or-


II and

I prilll' e. and It --

( lto~p

I o x

1!1 ()(l , t imc

("d ill I con IllPI'lds of mcr i-


n t he rals-

:\('TI\ITI us OF ;\(;E:\T:-; O:F FOI{EIG~ PRI.NCIPALS IN u.s. 1231

11lg ill the l'nilPd ~tat('s with the problems in the field, ami also to hut t ross our posit ion ill~()fal"':h t lu- requirements of the Internal Revi-n ue Sl'n-i('l' w.-re concerned rt'gal'dillg donu-sr.i« oI',ganizations operating OU"'S(,<lS. In short, whu t \H' .u terupted to do was to divest the L\( '. of foreign control, set it up as an .Aruericun-cont rolled organizut iou , and !.!..j\,(' it the funct ion of c()ntrolling merican funds in-

tendrd for us~' uy('J'seas. . '

'1'1\(, ('II \IIDT \'\. ~() I Ill' I~(, .• ill rlll'I,t 1.l'I':IIlH' tltl' ,J('",isll :\gPlley.\ IIIPricH II :-;('('1 iOll : is that (,01'1'('(" :

:'111'. II \:'IDTlIL I lH'sitatp to US(' t hr- t rriu ">\nH'ri('an SpC'tion:' It \\:IS not t lu- <\lll(,l'i~'an SC'dioll. It wa:.: :1lI intieppndent organization, ;ll[()('atin~ .\IIIPl'i(':llIl1lOlH'Y for such pl"ogl'ams OHII'SeaS as it deerued wort liv :11111 ])p('f':-:sary. and :-:iJllpl~' llspd the fucil it ies of the .I crusa lem \~PII('." to iJllplPlllPllt 1 his jlI'O!.!.T:Iltl for rvasous of (,,'OIlOllIY and efli('J('II('Y.

Tl{e ("IL\IIDI v x , '\',IS this _\IlIl'ric:l11 :--1('('1 ion a mombe r of INC. ~

.;;s. :\Ir. Ih:-'DIFH. Y!',-" si r : I hu ve so st:ltp(L that t h« .Ymer icnn Sect ion t hr-re a re t \\0 1l1l'lIIiwIS: Ol1P is l1H' l'llitl'd ISI":H,j Appeu l , wit h :1 "'"PI!!ht of t wo-t hirds o f tll(' LU:lnl. or 11 :':111<1 tlw .\1111'1'](';111 ~p(,tion. vv i I h ; 1 \\'(' ig 11 t () f () II f' -I hi rd. Il r 7.

{ :--;(>(';1 PIll>11( I i x 1. p, ):1~)7. I! \,111 :2, )

1-:-' IT!:D 1.'-'11.\11. _\J'I>L.\L I. IT\)


:\0\\-, t!ti' Cllitl'd J:-.T:IPI '\»111':11. 111('_. i:-- n l-o n ~l'W York l1lPlllh(,l'ship ('()r] )(1]';1t i011 ~

:H 1'. I I , :'>1'11 LlL Y ('c', si r : t h.t t is ('OIT('('t.

'1'11(' ('II.\IID1.\:\", Do yon hold. or han' yon lH'ld. any positions with

(11\\ l'llil('d l sr.ul .\PP(,:lL 1111'.1

.'Ir. Ih1Drr:H. 1 am :-;1'('l'ptnl'Y of till' T'u it ed brad Appeal, IIIC'. , TIll' ('II.\IIDL\:,\. LIo w ](,i>1l1! rp~e Y0l! been secretury :

:\11'. I r DDIFH. J du rvsn v (; Of' 1 VE'Hrs.

Tlw('H.\llDL\:\". And it j"a]sp~\ ('orporatioll~

:\11'. lLD!'.IJ'H.· It is abo n inemlx-rsh ip corporut ion.

Till' ('11 \IIDL\:->, "'he) aT't' t h« members of the T'n it od IsruelAppca l.


'T r. II \ \1 \I FH, T!lPI'P ;L'n' 1:2() ~\JIl(,l'i(':l1Is from \':1 ['icws conuuun it iE'S

Ijlroll~I)l)\Jt tllp l-Ilitpd ~1:\It,s.

T1H' ('Il \lIDJ.\:\", .\1'\.' thps(' prin,f(' illdi\'i\ruals~ 'fr_ H \:'Il:\IFH. Pri\':11(' ind iv idun ls.

Tltt' ('II \IIDT x x . .\ rt' t lu-v IlH'lltlI('I'S of t hI' lIo:1 I'd of (fin'<'tOl"s ~

\Ir. II \:'IDIU:. :\lost of tl~l'm n rv nu-mbers of t he board of directors.

won h] :-::\\ I hat t lu-v ('oilll'idp. I h(' list co inc idos.

Th» C II~ i n vt.v x. ,\ 111111<11'('<1 ilOW rna 11\'? .

, \11'. II \:'IDln, 1:20, .

'fro HOl'l':STFI:\". :\[1'. Chn irmn n, so t hnrf ln- rvcorr] w ill benbsolutelv

('OITl'I't, it is ;l lpg-al f.u-t wh ic]: I would like (0 be helpful with. .

!nlp ('II Un)[,DL Yl'S. '

~rl'. H<H'hSTEI:'\, Tho mpmhrrship of 111('; PIA is, as ~1r. Hammer sl :It{'(l, I Ii('lipvp, 1~(). The board consists of the same 120 people, and :\ 1I111nhn of ppoplC'. 10 or 15. pjrctrd at large by the 110 from all oyer tht' Cnited States.

The C'H.\tH:-'L\~. 1Yait a nrin ut es you said 120 first,


~rr. H'W1';:STU:\. l~O. I (10 IlO! renu-mber e x.nt lv t lu- 1IU1 II 1)(,1'.

The ('lIAII~:\L\'" .\pproxim<lt(>ly ~ ..

.\[1'. H\WKI'TElX. 1. ['S, Lw.uited to add the fact that tllPH' U(i ('1('('1

ad.lit ioun] 1;. at hJ'[[(' ..

TIl(' ('H.\llnL\x .. :\~ members ~ ~lr, BOl-KSTJ:IX_ ,\s mo rube rs.

Till' ('H.\IIDL\:\. 1>0 tlH'Y han' a smn llo r bo.ud. an o xvcut i vc coni-

rn it tee :

\11'.1 r \ 'I :\11·1:. Thcrr- is:l smu l le r e xvcut in' comnrit t cc. Tilt> ('II \ 11('\£.\". () f how IWIl1 \>J

.:\[1'. I M)'fLIC I wou] d say t ho smn l le r r-xccut ivo ('Olllll1ittl'(' is p robably :~[, or .pl~ upproxunn te lv. Ln ru no! ('{'rtain of the pxa,'! 111lIl1h{'r.

TlwCrl \Ilnr vx . "rll() :1]'(' t lu- ofii('l'l's i

~fl', H \:lDrEH. Till' chn i rmun. the nn t ionn l chn irrnn n. of tll(' Tln it cd T srapl .\ PPp:ll is :UI'. 1 ),'\\'Py I). SlOTH'. of Host on. Tho ('ita i rruu n of t he bo.i r.] i~ \fr. ,rillialll H. S,,·l\,;. of Phi l a do lp hiu, :11l(1 t lu-u tlrei'p :In' ot hpl' olli('I'!"s. '-:I riou» ,-jet' prp-;id('ll t '-' :Illd t rousurvr-.

I call '-'lippI," ;1 dd:lil('(l 1i-;1 of ofii('('rs 1:lh'r~ if you '-'0 d('~il'(,. :\11'.


'~IJ(' ('II \11::'>1 \'\. I t hi uk \\[' uII~·lll !o II:lH' it if \II' u n- to .~pt thi..;

slr:1 i~11t.

:\fr'. II UDYFI:. I \Hlilld hI' \'l'!·Y 11:IPlw I(l fu r n rsh it. ( :--; (' (' : 1 jl P (' I \( I i \ 1, p. 1: ~:)! ), I t (' III L)

'1'11(' ('II \ lin! \ '\ .. \ lid 1 :1.'-'],;1'<1 v o u , I ]wli('\" YOU :-::1 id Yilil wou l.l pro\'jtk:1 ('opy of t lu: hy1:t,,·.,-, of (I'Ii' {'Ilit('d I..;r':H,j .\ppl':11 /

,r r. 11 \ ~DrFH. PI'i(lr to 1 !)(;(l.

I :--; (' (' : I PI )(' Il( 1 ix 1. 11, 1 ~ nn, It f' III ~l. r

' ..

Th« (":Il\JH"I,,\. '''lIar rl'l:1ti(l11 d()('~ fh(~ P:llp..;tillP Foun.ln t inu Fund, IIlC., II:Hf' :()fitl' r'lIitpd l srnc! Appeal. I11C., if n nv I

:\11'. II 11f'IFI(. 1)('1'11:1]>:' it \\()Iild ap[w:ll' cI!':I("('I' if I \\(']'t' Pl'l"Illittpd fn :'1;ltl' 111;11 tIll' fir-.j n],~:ll1i/.:lti()ll In :l(lP(,:Il" Oil t lu- ,,';;>111' \\:1:' IIII' P:d(",:tillP F()l1l1d:lti()1l Fu nd. :llld t ha t "·:1"; ill 1!)~1. If \\:1-.. ()r~;11Iiz('(1 as tlu' flilldrai:-;ill!! arm (If 111(' .Ip\\'i,-.ll ,\~(,lIt'\.' fill' P~IIf':-;lillP.

In 1!):.!7. it \\·:1" 1111'1"1' ".('l't' tIYO ;'(l]l'llptill~' (l1'~·:llli!.:lji()]l"; n~lllptiJlg' to rn i-«: IIIOIl('_\' for tltf' .J('\\'~ ill P:ljl'-;fillp: 01lP \\·:1, tll(, Palpstirw Founrln t iou Fu n.], :In<l 111(' ot ho r waS t h« .rpwi-:h ~;Iti()ll:ll 1"11;1(1. For r lu- ..;:11,(' of t':\TH'dil'll<'\, t 11(' t \Ul \\1'1"(' ('Olllhiflt,d fill' 1'1111<1- r:li:-::il1!! pllrpf):-;I':-: 1111<11'1" :111 (lr~·:llli/:di()n f'all('d t lu- l-llifl,<l P:1II'-.tilll' .\PIH':ti. wh icl: nu mo \\":1-' htp]' ('ll:lll~t'd to ttlt' {'l1ill'd r~J':II'J.\flPI':11. :lhol1t whirl: yllli han' .i1l:'! ])1'1'11 a"k;ll~' mr: <jlll'..;tillllC:.

Thai w.i si n 1~):.!7.

For 111:111.'·:.\1':11':'. fliP l'llitp(1 r"l":l!'] .\PT)(':ll.. p rt-v iou-Iv ],11(1\\1l :1"; 1111'

{'nitI'd P~I(':,!iIH' .\ppr:1L r:li-.:pd fllnd..;. '

'1'111'11. fn I !):~~, it wns foun.] t 11:lt ,h'wish TlP(,c]"; ()Yl'r'Sf':l~ 11:1(1 !!1'0\\"11 t rvuu-ndou-l v u s n 1'1'~1l1t of rhp \':Izi ('X('('S~p~, and t he l'nitl'd .Ir-w ish '\Plw'?ll \\:IS ~'..;1:Il\li:-:hed ill (\l'clt'l' to r:li~(' moru-v for 01(' (-nitI'd Tsrnol Apponl and Ill" .\HH·I'ic:Ul~.T(,,,'ish .I oi nt Distrilm.lio!1 Com m it t oe. so that vou havo u n arlin' f und m.isinjr orgunizat iou cn.l1rd tho Un itod ':Trwi~h _\ppp:d, 1 S:I\' today, This is 111(' hod\' wh ir l: rai~ps tho mOI1f'Y,


TllP I'nit that it is 11' n,r t 11 p. T Il i Founda: ion ot IIPI' t hun

Till' CH.\i

of Ill\' l'nitl \fr. Th:\T '1'1)(' ('J 1.\ ~lr. l l.x » TheClIA ;\[". II.\)I

11ll'lalllOl'jlh \\"('rf' t \YO II rlir P:l1p~iil l~l'-d, tlIl'.h III (' II t. . \.t "1 ruct u rv.

I \\"(\111 d ~I .1 "('~p f<l('1 s,

('(IT'P()!':1 I p (' TIl{' ( '11.\ :'\ Ir. J I \)1 'I'll(' ('11.\ \ 1 r. II .UT ( :--;('(' :1 pp Tll(' ('II.'

FUlId, 1 nc.' :\f r. I I \:'1,:


Tho ell \ :\fl',n" T'h« ell \ 'fl'. H \:\ '1'11('('11'

'h. H \' Tlw ('II \

~~\'11:1I OJ'

:'rI,Jwh:d \ \fr. T T \',

:--;1'11:11 (lJ' :\[1'. 1I v

11(,11:11 f ()f Lord 1:()11 I hI [ou r

:--;!'ll:ltnr xr-. H,\ t l1f'1 .TpwiS mr-ut. that horne ill P


. i~ PI'OLII \ I11I h~ r.

p Fllijpd .m oft he tlr~t(' :In'

) .~('t tIl .,

ll't"fllil led \ \ :1 -, till' )I·g·;\ 11 i 1.(,< I

11 i 1.;\ t jnp-:

\\:1" i lip :\':1 t i011:11 ·Ill· 1'111\(1 I '; I I \'~ ( i 111'

\ PllI';1 1.

d ~1'()wn l.lP\\"ish 'd I srapl nun it I (,p. .11('d t IH' ·11 1':1 i'-'l'--:


TIlt' Clliu'(l l sruo l '\PP(,:t1 i:-: :l st a ndbv organization in til!' SPl1SC qlat it i~ l~()t \l'1'~' :1('( in" 1)\,(,;lll~P it::; fUlIdrai:-:ill!! job is hpill:! d(~lil~ liy t lio 1 Illtpd .J(,\\"1,,1I .\PPl':\1. :llld 111('11 vou hn vc t ho old Pu lost iue FOI1JHht ion Fuud, wliicl: lias not Iunct ioucd for 111;[11\', mn nv Yl':\·l"~, ot IH'I" I luu: to nu-rr-l V S!'r\"P as a t rn.usmission of flll1dc<

TIIP CII.\I!D!.\:\". w-u, (hI' P:dpO'tillP Fouudut iou Fund is a JIIl'llttWl'

«f I Ill' ."l1ilP<l br:tl'I.\pppal. Iu«. ~ .\II·. !£.\'I:H]"I:. Y!'-:.~ir,

Till.' ('II \11nl.\~. [)t)p:-i it cOlltrol tIlt' T'n itr«] f"r:w] .\Pl)(':tl. 11\<'.1 :\lr. II \ \1 '.11"1(, If 1 11\:\\", I wo u ]«] l i l;o t() rdn,:-:lt ]lIV nu-uinr v.

Tltp ('II \11::\1 \'\. Yes. '.\0'1;: vo u!: 1:1\\'\'('1". . ~

'11'. II \"\TFlC :\11'. ('\1:11.1"111:\'11, this 1t':I" !!OIIP thH)1I~11 a 1I1lnd)(,1" of 11I\'l:lllllll"!dliJ:--P";; :11 ()1\P '~llW it did. '1'111'11 at :lll()tltl'l' t imc -tlterr WPl'P t w» Illt·llll\)P)"" \yh() l'ollt]"(111pd till' l"llitpd lsr:wl .\pp(';jl: 1t \\'as rliP j':lil,,,tiIIP Fou udut iou Fund :1tld 11\\' ,Jp\\i~h \:llioll<l1 Flllld. III 1~1.-.[. t !«: .JI'\\·I~II \;It io n.r l I.'lllld \\;1:-- O'I'P:I]";ill'd (lilt f r.uu t h i-. :IIT:l11!!('- 1111'1I1. ,\t t luit t i u u- 1111'1'1' \\'(,1'\' ot lur I·II:\II~E\'''; 1I1;\(h, ill t lu- I'orpol'atp -r 1'11('111)"1'.

J \\Ililid .i-]: vou r indll1:.E('II('P -"iI', if I nin v l"pfn,O'h 111\- IllPI11()n-. cll('ci;: .lll('''l' f;l(·t:-', :11l·d 1111'1\ <uhn n t for lltl' H'I·o;·d t l u- P]"('-:(·'1I1 ~1;lnl~ Ilf t lic l'lll'jl()]";l1l' {·(lld]"{ll o f (·llill'd. j,:r:IP] .\1)1)(';11.

'1'111' ('n.\I1:'1.\~. That \\ollld Iii' l"t,lIl·{·t('d ill t lir- l iv l.i w«, wou ld it llllt i

\Yr.II\\!\llJC Yp,,;, sir. .

'1'1 H' ( '11.\ 11"1 \ ~ .. I f you su ppl Y t l u- hy lu \YS () f t lw:-,l' \'orpnr:1l inn..; i 'Ill'. 1I.\'.DIll\, Y('O'.~il".·' • (~i'I':IPPl'111jix I.p.l101, It('ll1~;,)

'I'll!' ('II \11:'11\'<. \Ypl'''' vou :\11 o1l)"PI' in the Pulc-t in« Fouu.Iut ion

Fund. I Ill'.? . .

,'fr. J I \ '''IEI\. I .uu :I..;..;o('i:up t rensure r of t ho P:ljp..;rillP Foundation


TIH\ ('II \lfnl \:\". "'Crt, Y01[. dnri nz t his Iwrioll prior to I!)()()? 'f1". 11 "I\IFI~. YI'~. :-;ir.

T lIP C II \ lin! \ ". . \ ~:-;()(' i:l t f' W ha t ! 'fl', JT, \'I~!J:lt. .\~:-,()('i:ltp t n-nsu rcr.

T111,('II\II:,r\,,·. Th rouirhou! tJut jll'riod,(ll'lll(l..;t ofi!'? \fl' I I \ \1\lV1:. :\f()st o f tlt:\t jleriod. I \\'oldd -uv.

'I'll\' ('II \ll,:\h:-;, Thp S('ll •. ,-!or f roru :\fi:-':-:()lll"i.-

j\\I,IO\H [ll:Cl.\J(.\TIII, .w 1~117

;--;I'~I:ll()r' ;--;"11 "\(;")"'"\". "'(1111,[ \',I\! .l{":'Tlj'I' III\' Ihlf')111" J),'(·hr:ltj()ll.

:111,1'\\':1·11 \<':11"

.\fr. ! 1 \"1 vuu. Tit" Ib I filII!" 1 \,,'1:1 r.u jllli.

,....; I' II : It 11 r ,~\ '1 I "\ ( ; TO ". T It I' I h ) f, 11 I l' PI' (" h r: Iii () 1\ .

:\1"1· 11 \ 'I \(1 It. It \\·:l:-i i">il\',j III 1~)] 7. 11 1"1'1)1'{'-';Pllt(ld :1 --:[ :11 l'IIH'lIt Oil lH'II:Jlf (If lilt' Briri:-;11 (~f)\'(~nlll\('llr 1,\ i.t--: t lun F(ln'i~11 ;--;"{'l"\'I:ll"\" to J,()l'd I~l)lh--:{·!tild <Ill lwhalf o f r!ll' .1;'\\1-:11 ("ullllllllllit\· ill which':\Ir.

l\:i I fll\ II' .

~(,ll:d or ~ ,. '.11:"\ (;TO"\". I jord I! ot II "I" 11 i I Ii \\"a:;: n' TlI'(,S(,11 t i 11 g- t 11<' --:\fr. H."DIIJ:. Ill' \\":1-" hr:l(l of dIP Zioui-t s. Lord Balfour informed (lin .T(,,,·ish I'011l1l111llitv t hn t it was t lu- SPllS{' of the British Gm'{'rn-

mcnt t hut tIH'Y wouldex pcdit e thA {'srahlishnH'nt of a .Iew ish national

hom« ill Pall'S! i ru- at t ho p~lrlip,st opportunity.

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