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Section I
Selected Topics

Bohacs, K. M., A. R. Carroll, J. E. Neal, P. J. Mankiewicz,
2000, Lake-basin type, source potential, and hydrocar-
bon character: an integrated-sequence-stratigraphic–
geochemical framework, in E. H. Gierlowski-
Kordesch and K. R. Kelts, eds., Lake basins through
space and time: AAPG Studies in Geology 46,
Chapter 1 p. 3–34.

Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and

Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated
Kevin M. Bohacs
Alan R. Carroll1
John E. Neal
Paul J. Mankiewicz
Exxon Production Research Company, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

INTRODUCTION and preservation, and temporal evolution of lake

hydrology (again aided by seismic-scale perspective,
Rocks associated with lakes probably account for more especially in east Africa) (e.g., Johnson et al., 1987;
than 20% of current worldwide hydrocarbon production Scholz, 1995). Analytical advances and a broader expe-
(Kulke, 1995; Calhoun, 1999), and lacustrine organic-rich rience base integrated into geological context have also
rocks are significant sources of these hydrocarbons. Lacus- contributed; geochemists have better tools for difficult
trine sources and reservoirs are important in many areas nonmarine organic-matter mixtures (e.g., GC-MS/MS,
of current and future exploration opportunities: Africa, isotope-ratio-monitoring GC-MS), stable isotope
South America, southeast Asia, China (Hedberg, 1968; records are more widely available, and more sophisti-
Powell, 1986; Smith, 1990; Katz, 1995). cated studies of the interactions among inorganic and
The years since the last AAPG lake Memoir (Katz, organic geochemistry and sedimentation have been com-
1990) have seen both an expansion of work on mod- pleted (e.g., Horsfield et al., 1994; Renaut and Last, 1994).
ern and ancient lake systems and a focusing on their These studies allow construction of process-based
hydrocarbon potential. Through the efforts of individ- models strongly conditioned by the geological record and
ual workers and teams in academia and industry, provide a solid foundation for extending hypotheses into
along with collaborative efforts (e.g., IGCP-GLOPALS, predictive realms. We can thus better and more naturally
International Association of Limnogeology), we have signif- group many and disparate observations to reveal genetic
icantly increased our knowledge of lake systems on two relations and construct better predictive models based on
fronts: key processes and sedimentary response-record our increased understanding of the links and feedback
(e.g., Anadon et al., 1991; Gierlowski-Kordesch and Kelts, among process, response, and record of lake systems.
1994; Katz, 1995). This paper presents a summary of key observations and
Particularly enlightening have been the increase in (1) an overview of a framework for integrating process,
basin-scale studies of ancient systems that integrate response, and record we find useful for understanding
stratigraphy, sedimentology, biofacies, and inorganic and predicting source character and hydrocarbon distrib-
and organic geochemistry, (2) the use of reflection seis- ution in lake basins.
mic data to gain large-scale 3-D perspectives on basin-fill
history, (3) studies by petroleum-industry scientists that
benefit from this large-scale perspective and integration LEADING FACTORS OF LACUSTRINE
of physical, chemical, and biological processes and BASIN-FILL EVOLUTION
responses, and (4) studies of modern lakes and closely
associated Quaternary deposits focused on key elements Numerous modern studies and ancient observa-
of sediment delivery and dispersal, organic production tions reveal that lakes are not just small oceans. Lakes

1Present address: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1215 W. Dayton Avenue, Madison, WI 53706

4 Bohacs et al.

differ from oceans in several significant ways (e.g., accommodation change and supply of sedi-
discussions in Kelts, 1988; Sladen, 1994). These differ- ment+water. Potential accommodation is the
ences strongly influence the occurrence, distribution, space available for sediment accumulation below
and character of hydrocarbon source, reservoir, and the basin’s outlet or spillpoint (it is a function of
seal play elements. Recognizing these differences is basin subsidence, outlet height, and inherited
essential to successful exploration and exploitation in basin shape) (Carroll and Bohacs, 1995, 1999). The
lake basins. Major differences between lake and type of lake system is controlled by how much of
marine depositional systems include the following. that space is filled by some combination of sedi-
ment+water and over what time span (Gilbert,
• Lakes contain much smaller volumes of sediment 1890); hence, climate (∞sediment+water) and tec-
and water; hence, lake systems are much more tonics/inherited topography (∞potential accom-
sensitive to changing accommodation and cli- modation), commonly exert co-equal control on
mate. Lake levels vary more widely and rapidly the nature and distribution of lacustrine deposi-
than sea level—300 m in 15,000 yr is not uncom- tional systems tracts and their source, reservoir,
mon (e.g., Currey and Oviatt, 1985; Manspeizer, and seal lithofacies.
1985; Hayberan and Hecky, 1987; Johnson et al.,
1987). In systems with very low relief over wide The contrast among lake and marine systems also
areas, small short-term lake level changes (weeks makes it inappropriate to directly apply one unmodified
to months) can move shorelines large distances; marine sequence-stratigraphic model to all lake systems.
the shoreline of Lake Chad recently retreated up The sequence-stratigraphic approach, looking at a hier-
to 18 km in 9 months due to a 3-m fall and lake archy of rock packages bounded by various surfaces,
area fluctuated 92% between 1966 and 1985 works very well in lake strata; however, the expression
(Mohler et al., 1995). The result in the ancient of depositional sequences varies as a function of lake
record is shoreline strata that are commonly depositional system, just as shallow-marine carbonate
poorly developed and relatively thin (see discus- sequences look different from shallow-marine siliciclas-
sions in Smoot, 1983 and Sladen, 1994). Water tic sequences. Indeed, one lacustrine model is not applic-
chemistry and lake ecology can also vary greatly able to all lake-basin types. Failure to appreciate these
over short stratigraphic intervals (e.g., Gier- differences has led to some of the difficulties encoun-
lowski-Kordesch and Kelts, 1994) with great tered in exploring in lacustrine basins. It is possible,
impact on source and seal character. however, to understand and predict lake-basin type,
• Lake level and sediment supply are directly as well as source and hydrocarbon distribution and
linked in lake systems (e.g., Schumm, 1977; Perl- character, using first principles of sequence stratigra-
mutter and Matthews, 1990). Lake level rises phy and lake depositional environments.
when river discharge is high and falls when dis- It also became clear that there were underlying
charge drops. The strength of this linkage varies major controls when we examined modern and
according to lake-basin type, with the strongest in ancient lake examples with a wide variety of ages, tec-
closed-hydrology basins and the weakest in open- tonic settings, climates, and latitudes (Carroll and
hydrology basins. This contrasts greatly with Bohacs, 1995, 1999). The many good studies of modern
marine systems, where sea level and sediment lakes (e.g., Johnson et al., 1987; Cohen, 1989; Scholz
supply are only weakly linked at most and most and Rosendahl, 1990) reveal an almost bewildering
models assume no linkage (e.g., Posamentier and array of process, interactions, and feedbacks that por-
Vail, 1988). This linkage is the prime cause of the tend a corresponding large complexity in ancient lake
variety of expression of depositional sequences deposits. This complexity, however, is not completely
among lake-basin types and of their contrast with recorded in ancient lake strata from many ages and
marine sequences. For example, significant thick- basins. We, along with several others (e.g., Bradley,
nesses of strongly progradational lowstand strata 1931; Glenn and Kelts, 1991; Gore, 1989; Olsen, 1990),
are unlikely to form in most lake basins. see three major facies associations in lake strata at the
• Lake shorelines can move basinward either by tongue to member scale (depositional sequence to
progradation or simple withdrawal of water. sequence-set scale; meters to hundreds of meters) and
Progradation deposits a distinct rock package, a characteristic stacking of these facies associations as
whereas withdrawal leaves little record other than a basin fills (Figure 1). (Most workers attributed these
desiccation features on previously deposited strata. three motifs or lake types to endemic, generally cli-
• The nature and existence of a lake is fundamen- matic, causes, hindering their general applicability
tally controlled by the relative rates of potential and even their recognition.)

Figure 1—Comparison of lake-basin-type facies associations in vertical section with examples from the
Eocene Green River Formation, Washakie basin, Wyoming. Each lake-basin type has distinctive associations
of lithologies, sedimentary structures, biota, and geochemical nature. These characteristics appear to be
strongly controlled by the interaction of potential accommodation and sediment+water supply and record the
integrated history of a lake’s hydrologic state. These associations are relatively independent of overall
thickness, age, and inferred water depth.
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 5

a. Fluvial-Lacustrine b. Fluctuating Profundal c. Evaporative

17-T12N-R100W S18-T14N-R99W NeNe23-T17N-R109W






0 30 0 1000






0 0

0 30 0 1000

LEGEND Mudstone

Laminated Mudstone
(42) Current ripples Stylolites
Wave ripples Concretions
(48) Limestone
Combined-flow ripples Oolite
Climbing ripples Stromatolite

Planar lamination Plant fossils Ss Sandstone

Flaser or lenticular bedding Ostracods MSs Muddy sandstone
Convolute bedding Molluscs SMs Sandy mudstone
Fining-upward bed Fish Ms Mudstone
Mudcracks xxxxx Tuff Sh Shale
0 30 0 1000

6 Bohacs et al.

Table 1. Representative Attributes of Three Major Lacustrine Facies Associations .

Lacustrine Facies Stratal Stacking Sedimentary Organic
Association Patterns Structures Lithologies Matter

Fluvial-Lacustrine Dominantly Physical Transport: Mudstone, marl Freshwater biota

progradation ripples, dunes, Sandstone Land-plant,
Indistinctly expressed flat bed Coquina charophytic and
parasequences Root casts Coal, coaly shale aquatic algal OM*
Burrows Low to moderate
(infaunal & TOC*
epifaunal) Terrigenous & algal
Fluctuating Mixed progradation Physical & Biogenic: Marl, mudstone Salinity tolerant
Profundal & aggradation flat bed, current, Siltstone, sandstone biota
Distinctly expressed wave, & wind Carbonate grainstone, Aquatic algal OM*
parasequences ripples; wackestone, micrite Minimal land
stromatolites, Kerogenite plant
pisolites, oncolites Moderate to high
Mudcracks TOC
Burrows (epifaunal) Algal biomarkers
Evaporitive Dominantly Physical, Biogenic, Mudstone, kerogenite Low-diversity,
aggradation & Chemical: Evaporite halophytic biota
Distinctly to climbing current Siltstone, sandstone Algal-bacterial OM*
indistinctly ripples, flat bed, Grainstone, Low to high TOC
expressed stromatolites, boundstone, flat- Hypersaline
parasequences displacive fabrics, pebble cgl* biomarkers
cumulate textures

*OM = organic matter, TOC = total organic carbon, cgl = conglomerate.

These three end-member facies associations are rec- lithofacies (clastic sandstone and grainstone, kerogen-
ognized based on objective physical, chemical, and bio- ite, evaporite) that contains a low-diversity, salinity-
logical criteria (Carroll and Bohacs, 1999; cf. Olsen, 1990, tolerant flora in beds and bedsets with sedimentary
and references therein). Specifically, each end member structures due to physical transport, biogenic precipi-
has characteristic lithologic successions, sedimentary tation, desiccation, and crystallization (e.g., ripples,
structures, geochemical indicators, fossils, and stratal stromatolites, mudcracks, displacive fabrics, and
stacking patterns. Table 1 lists the most common cumulate textures) (Figures 1c, 4). These three end-
attributes of each of these lake facies associations; more members appear to capture a large portion of the vari-
details on stratal stacking patterns are found in later ation in essential attributes of lacustrine strata and are
sections of this paper. In summary, the three lacustrine useful for exploration-scale summaries despite the
facies associations were named fluvial-lacustrine, fluctu- observed wide variation in accidental attributes, such
ating profundal, and evaporative by Carroll and Bohacs as evaporite or clay mineralogy, thickness, clastic
(1999), according to their most generally recognizable composition, color, or absolute area.
characteristics. The fluvial-lacustrine facies association Seeking to explain the common and widespread
tends to be composed dominantly of marlstone, occurrence of these three lacustrine lithofacies associa-
argillaceous coquina, and bioclastic grainstone, along tions, we sought to uncover the fundamental controls
with sandstone, carbonaceous mudstones, and coals on the preserved geological record of lakes. One’s
that contain freshwater fauna and mixtures of aquatic intuition might lead one to suppose that wetter cli-
and terrigenous organic matter in beds and bedsets mates have lakes that are larger, deeper, and in the
dominated by physical sedimentary structures (Fig- ancient thicker deposits; however, observations of
ures 1a, 2). The fluctuating-profundal lacustrine both modern and ancient lakes do not corroborate this
facies association typically comprises a complex intuition. Modern lake size, depth, and character or
interbedding of heterogeneous lithologies (carbon- ancient lake-strata thickness, extent, and attributes do
ate, siliciclastic, argillaceous, organic-rich mudstone) not correlate with measured or inferred climatic
containing fresh- to saline-water biota and domi- humidity (precipitation/evaporation = P/E) (Carroll
nantly aquatic organic matter in beds and bedsets and Bohacs, 1995, 1997, 1999). No correlation exists
with both biogenic and physical sedimentary struc- between P/E and any measure of lake size (e.g., depth,
tures (Figures 1b, 3). The evaporative lacustrine surface area, volume) for large modern lakes, even
facies association actually contains a wide variety of those of tectonic origin (Figure 5a). Also, predictions
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 7

Figure 2—Examples of fluvial-lacustrine facies association, typical lithologies, and stratal packages
(depositional sequences). Note dominance of clastic lithologies and physical sedimentary structures and
similar stratal stacking patterns despite different ages, paleolatitudes, and overall thickness (note different
scales). Subenvironments: 1 = fluvial/floodplain, 2 = lake plain and supralittoral, 3 = littoral, 4 = sublittoral,
5 = lake-floor “fan”/turbidite channel, and 6 = profundal. Subenvironments delineated based on indices of
bottom energy, subaerial exposure (pedogenesis), and trace fossils; preservation of vertebrate fossils; and
organic and inorganic geochemistry. Data derived from Eocene Luman Tongue, Green River Formation,
Hiawatha outcrop (Sec 17-T12N-R100W), Washakie basin, Wyoming (Horsfield et al., 1994), Triassic Waterfall
Formation, I-66 outcrop (Thoroughfare Gap, Virginia), Culpeper basin, Virginia (Hentz, 1981; Gore, 1988),
Cretaceous Lucula Formation, 73-69 core (Malongo North field), offshore Cabinda, Angola (Bracken, 1994),
Westphalian lacustrine shales, Traill Ø outcrop (ca. 72°N, 24°W), East Greenland (Stemmerik et al., 1990).

based on climatic humidity alone fail to explain the relatively small lakes (e.g., Amazon, Congo,
wide variety of modern lakes within a single climatic Orinoco, Mississippi).
zone, where they can range from saline to freshwa- A similar discordance between climate and lake
ter, eutrophic to organically barren, and purely sili- size is also apparent in ancient systems. For example,
ciclastic to carbonate forming (Herdendorf, 1984) detailed mapping of the Green River Formation of
(Figure 5b). Modern Utah Lake contains fresh water, Wyoming reveals that strata of the freshest water lake
but drains into the adjacent, hypersaline Great Salt phases (e.g., the Luman Tongue) are actually the
Lake, only 70 km away within the same semi-arid thinnest and least areally extensive (Sullivan, 1980;
area (Stansbury, 1852). Also note that the drainage Roehler, 1992) (Figure 6). In contrast, more saline lake
basins of the world’s largest rivers contain only few, members such as the lower LaClede Bed and upper
8 Bohacs et al.

Tipton member are the most widespread; furthermore, flows. These lakes are very closely related to perennial
the most evaporitic Wilkins Peak member is also the river systems; their deposits are commonly interbed-
thickest stratigraphically, although it had the shallow- ded with fluvial deposits and coals, which is the fluvial-
est depth lakes (Smoot, 1983). All these observations lacustrine facies association. Parasequence develop-
strongly indicate that changes among lacustrine facies ment is driven predominantly by shoreline prograda-
associations do not result solely from climatically dri- tion and delta-channel avulsion.
ven changes. Additionally, studies of organically Balanced-fill lake basins (Figure 9) occur when the
enriched lake deposits show little if any correspon- rates of sediment+water supply and potential accom-
dence with inferred paleoclimate or climatic zone (e.g., modation are roughly in balance over the time span of
Smith, 1990; Carroll, 1998). sequence development. Water inflows are sufficient to
periodically fill available accommodation, but are not
LAKE-BASIN TYPES always matched by outflow. As a result, climatically
driven lake level fluctuations are common. Lake
To reconcile these seemingly paradoxical observa- hydrology is closed during deposition of basinally
tions, we focused on the fundamental controls on lake restricted lowstand strata and open during highstand
strata. We interpret that it is the relative balance of deposition of obliquely prograding strata. Deposi-
rates of potential accommodation change (mostly tec- tional sequences record a combination of progradation
tonic) with sediment+water supply (mostly climatic) of clastic sediments and aggradation of mostly chemi-
that controls lake occurrence, distribution, and charac- cal sediments due to desiccation, which is the fluctuat-
ter. Our model addresses lake types and hydrocarbon ing profundal facies association. These deposits
potential in the context of these two fundamental con- typically have the highest organic enrichments of any
trols, incorporating meso- and macroscale stratal stack- noncoaly source rocks due to an optimal combination
ing, sediment-supply variations, and subsidence of primary production, mean water depth, chemical
history. We propose that climate and tectonics, through stratification, and rates of burial.
their strong effects on these controls, exert coequal Underfilled lake basins (Figure 10) occur when
influence on the occurrence, distribution, and character rates of accommodation consistently outstrip avail-
of preserved lake strata at both meso- and macroscales able water and sediment supply, resulting in a persis-
(one to tens of meters and hundreds of meters) (see also tently closed basin hydrology with deposits of
Manspeizer, 1985), mainly through their influence on ephemeral lakes or brine pools and playas inter-
the time-integrated history of lake hydrology. spersed with those of relatively “perennial” lakes.
Based on numerous empirical observations of Individual lakes are geologically short-lived, hence
ancient systems from Cambrian to Holocene, we there- parasequences and sequences are commonly very
fore propose that the three most common lacustrine thin (on the scale of decimeters). Parasequence stack-
facies associations correspond to distinctive lake-basin ing mainly records vertical aggradation of the prod-
types: overfilled lake basins, balanced-fill lake basins, ucts of desiccation cycles, which is the evaporative
and underfilled lake basins (Figure 7). Although facies association. These deposits are composed of
named for interpreted genetic factors (to provide pre- highly contrasting lithologies, commonly associated
dictive, as well as descriptive, utility), each type is with evaporites.
characterized by readily observable features, such as Due to changes in climate or tectonic subsidence,
lithofacies association and stratigraphic packaging, nonmarine basins commonly evolve from one lake
and possesses predictable hydrocarbon generation type to another through a variety of time scales in a
characteristics (Carroll and Bohacs, 1995, 1999). predictable pattern (cf. Lambiase, 1990). Predictable
A short summary of the major characteristics of successions of lake-basin types can arise from
each lake-basin type follows (Table 2); subsequent sec- either a climatic or tectonic cycle, following a
tions of this paper expand on stratal attributes, hydro- mostly vertical or horizontal trajectory on the lake-
carbon source potential, and associated hydrocarbon basin-type phase diagram (Figure 7). These changes are
character. These sections highlight the most com- commonly recorded within a single formation. For
monly occurring attributes of each lake-basin type example, the Green River Formation shown in Fig-
useful for recognition and mapping in exploration ure 6 records a primarily tectonic cycle (horizontal
data, and are not intended to be exhaustive. Note that trajectory) in its subdivisions: fluvial (Wasatch For-
many of the same factors that control source quality mation) to overfilled (Luman and Niland tongues)
also influence the distribution of lacustrine reservoir to balanced-fill (Tipton Member) to underfilled
and seal lithofacies. (Wilkins Peak Member) to balanced-fill (lower
Overfilled lake basins (Figure 8) occur when the Laney/LaClede) to overfilled (upper Laney/LaClede)
rate of supply of sediment+water consistently exceeds to fluvial (Washakie Formation). Different lake
potential accommodation (usually when P/E is rela- types can also coexist in adjacent basins (e.g.,
tively high or rates of tectonic subsidence are rela- Eocene Green River Formation in Washakie, Uinta,
tively low). The resulting lake hydrology is open and Piceance Creek basins) (Bradley, 1964); chains
either permanently or dominantly over the time span of modern lakes especially illustrate that the rela-
of accumulation of depositional sequences. Climati- tion of sediment+water supply to potential accom-
cally driven lake-level fluctuations are minimal modation change in each individual lake controls
because water inflows are in equilibrium with out- lake type and character.
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 9

Figure 3—Examples of fluctuating-profundal lacustrine facies association, typical lithologies, and stratal
packages (depositional sequences). Note complex interbedding of clastic and carbonate lithologies in both
physical and biogenic sedimentary structures and similar stratal stacking patterns despite different ages,
paleolatitudes, and overall thickness (note different scales). Subenvironments: 1 = fluvial/floodplain, 2 = lake
plain and supralittoral, 3 = littoral, 4 = sublittoral, 5 = lake-floor “fan”/turbidite channel, and 6 = profundal.
Subenvironments delineated based on indices of bottom energy, subaerial exposure (pedogenesis), and trace
fossils; preservation of vertebrate fossils; and organic and inorganic geochemistry. Data derived from Eocene
lower Laney member, Green River Formation, Trail Dugway outcrop (Sec 18-T14N-R99W), Washakie basin,
Wyoming (Horsfield et al., 1994), Jurassic lower Portland Formation, Park River Tunnel core (41° 45.4’N, 72°
42’W), Hartford basin, Connecticut (K. M. Bohacs, 1992, unpublished company report based on Park River
Tunnel project cores), Permian Lucaogou Formation, Tianchi aqueduct outcrop (43.7°N 84.3°E), Junggar basin,
China (Carroll, 1998), and Permian Unidad Roja Superior, Fuentes de Izas outcrop (42.45°N 0.28°W),
Aragón-Béarn basin, Spain (Valero Garcés, 1991).

Ancient deposits may not be directly comparable to intended to summarize the relation of potential
modern lakes, for which only a synoptic (“snapshot”) accommodation and supply of sediment+water and
view is available, because the record of a lake system the resulting lake hydrology over the time span of
is mainly controlled by the response of its sedimen- accumulation of the common associations of lithofa-
tary systems to changing hydrology over time (e.g., cies and stratal stacking patterns. This time span
Kelts, 1988). The shorthand lake-basin-type names are typically corresponds to the scale of depositional
10 Bohacs et al.

sequence to sequence set (or tongue to member; sev- the profundal and sublittoral strata associated with the
eral meters to hundreds of meters). The relative sim- organic-rich rocks. Their nature and distribution
plicity of lacustrine facies associations points out the record the complex interaction of depositional and
importance of the geological “filter” in determining preservational controls integrated over space and time.
what modern processes leave preservable records (see This integrated physical-chemical-biological approach
also discussion in Shanley and McCabe, 1994). All sed- allows robust recognition and prediction of lake-basin
imentary rocks represent a time-averaging of related types and their associated source and hydrocarbon
but diachronous and evolutionary depositional envi- potential. By concentrating on fundamental controls,
ronments. Lakes, in particular, are extremely dynamic, one can see how primary interactions affect all aspects of
with high rates of change of environmental parame- a lake system and its geological record.
ters, and vary widely in their sensitivity to climatic
and hydrodynamic changes (Hutchinson, 1957; Cole, SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY OF
1979; Gierlowski-Kordesch and Kelts, 1994).
Within our framework, water depth is a secondary LAKE-BASIN TYPES
attribute of lakes. Water depth can be portrayed as a
third, independent axis within the lake-basin-type Introduction
phase diagram (Figure 7), separating the percent of Lake-basin type strongly affects the physical char-
sediment+water supply that is water from the potential acter and distribution of strata and the expression of
accommodation that remains unfilled with sediment. the parasequences and sequences they accumulate.
Although terms such as “deep” and “shallow” are rel- Each type has characteristic expression and distribu-
ative, it is possible to subdivide each lake-basin type tion of hydrocarbon play elements (Figures 8–10).
into shallow and deep subtypes based mainly on Their expression ranges from similar to shallow-
coarse clastic facies and stratal geometry. Table 3 lists marine sequences in some overfilled lake basins to
some key examples of each type. In general, com- different in underfilled lake basins. The range of
pared to their shallow subtype, deep lake-basin types expression is detailed below.
tend to have more deposits associated with high-relief The sequence-stratigraphic approach, looking at
processes, thicker stratal packages, and better packages of rocks bounded by physical surfaces to
expressed stratal geometries. Basinally restricted construct a chronostratigraphic framework, works
strata are more distinct and aggradational and basin- well in lacustrine and alluvial strata. The expression of
margin erosion, downlap, and onlap are better devel- depositional sequences in these settings can vary
oped; however, basinward shifts of facies tend to be widely from the “normal” marine case, but these vari-
shorter and more subtly expressed. Clearly, “deep” ations are readily understood and predicted within a
and “shallow” do not control the essential attributes sequence framework. As with all depositional
of each lake-basin type, but “deep” and “shallow” can sequences, their character is controlled by the com-
strongly influence many accidental attributes, such as bined influence of base level (lake level and the
sequence thickness, areal extent, shoreline type, and groundwater table), sediment supply, and tectonics.
geographic distribution (especially reservoir facies) The influence of climate is recorded in both water sup-
(see Neal et al., 1997). ply (lake level and groundwater table) and the sedi-
Our use of the terms “overfilled” and “underfilled” is ment supply. The expression of lacustrine depositional
directly analogous to that employed in marine basins sequences varies widely because lake systems them-
(Marzo et al., 1996; Ravnas and Steel, 1998) and evolved selves are greatly variable. Lakes are much more
within our company at just about the same time (first responsive due to the smaller volumes of water and
published in Carroll and Bohacs, 1995). It is, however, sediment involved, their frequently closed-basin
distinctly different in application and consequences for nature, and their generally closer tie of sediment sup-
lake-basin fill because of the fundamental differences ply to lake level (Gierlowski-Kordesch and Kelts, 1994;
between lake and ocean basins, detailed in the previous Neal et al., 1997, 1998; Carroll and Bohacs, 1999).
section. Workers on marine rift basins based their terms Although lacustrine systems can vary more rapidly
on the interaction of total accommodation and sediment and widely (Figure 7), this does not affect the utility of
supply alone, and not on potential accommodation and the sequence-stratigraphic approach because the rocks
supply of sediment+water. Most important, the exis- are still deposited in layers bounded by physical sur-
tence of a sill controls the very existence of a lake and its faces that can be used as time lines. Indeed, sequence
absolute maximum amount of accommodation. It neces- stratigraphy is especially appropriate for lakes
sitates the definition of a balanced-fill lake state and because of its focus on integrating observations of
enables the explanation of the fluctuating-profundal many scales of sedimentary changes and hiatuses in a
lacustrine facies association, reconciling the close hierarchy that spans millimeters to kilometers.
interbedding of desiccational and progradational shore- Each lake-basin type tends to have characteristic
line parasequences. stratal patterns that arise from typical phase relations
Other workers have rightly pointed out the variety between sediment+water supply and lake level
of controls on lake strata and organic-rich rock accu- (accommodation) summarized as follows. Lake types
mulation (e.g., Zhou, 1981; Powell, 1986; Kelts, 1988; have distinctive facies stacking patterns at the
Watson et al., 1987; summary in Katz, 1990). What sequence and parasequence scale that reveal the link
we found most helpful was the close examination of of sediment+water flux to changing lake level.
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 11

Wilkins Peak Mbr Balls Bluff Siltst. Lake Bogoria Jingjingzigou Fm

Sub Environ Sub Environ Sub Environ Sub Environ
1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5

C #


10 m
10 m

1 3 5 ? 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5











Downlap Surface (max. flooding surface) Transgressive Surface (top Lowstand)
Flooding Suface Sequence Boundary

Figure 4—Examples of evaporative lacustrine facies association, typical lithologies, and stratal packages
(depositional sequences). Note wide variety of lithofacies in sedimentary structures due to physical transport,
desiccation, and crystallization, and similar stratal stacking patterns despite different ages, paleolatitudes,
and overall thickness. Subenvironments: 1 = fluvial/floodplain, 2 = lake plain and supralittoral, 3 = littoral,
4 = sublittoral, 5 = lake-floor “fan”/turbidite channel, and 6 = profundal. Subenvironments delineated based
on indices of bottom energy, subaerial exposure (pedogenesis), and trace fossils; preservation of vertebrate
fossils; and organic and inorganic geochemistry. Data derived from Eocene Wilkins Peak member, Green
River Formation, UPRR 41-43 core (NENE Sec 23-T17N-R109W), Bridger basin, Wyoming (Bohacs, 1998),
Triassic Balls Bluff siltstone, Culpeper Crushed Stone Quarry (Stevensburg, Virginia), Culpeper basin,
Virginia (Gore, 1988, 1989), Permian Jingjingzigou Formation, Tianchi aqueduct outcrop (43.7°N 84.3°E),
Junggar basin, China (Carroll, 1998), and Pleistocene–Holocene Lake Bogoria, cores and outcrops (0.15°N
36.06°E), (Renaut and Tiercelin, 1994).

Understanding this link leads to predictability in the sequences in shallow-marine siliciclastic settings,
sequence stratigraphy of each lake-basin type. although they are generally thinner (Figure 8)
(Bohacs, 1995, 1998). Observations show that flooding
surfaces tend to have relatively minimal lithologic
Sequence Expression In Lake Types contrast across them. Depositional sequence bound-
Overfilled lake basins tend to accumulate fluvial- aries tend to show either minimal or very distinctive
lacustrine facies associations in depositional sequences erosional reworking. Depositional geometries are
that can appear very similar in geometry and develop- generally well expressed due to the relatively large
ment to both Vail/Exxon-type-1 and Vail/Exxon-type-2 sediment supply and are readily recognized on seis-
;;;; ;;;;;
12 Bohacs et al.

(a) Modern Lake Observations

yyyy ;;;;;
3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0 (No Lakes observed)

(No Lakes observed)
2.5 2.5

yyyy yyyyy
2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

(V. Few Lakes observed) (V. Few Lakes observed)

0.5 0.5
500 1000 10000 100000 0.001 0.01 0.10 1.0

Surface Area (sq. km.) Average Depth (meters)

Figure 5—(a) Comparison of climatic humidity (precipitation/evaporation or P/E) with surface area and mean
depth of large modern lakes. No correlation exists between P/E and any measure of lake size for large modern
lakes, even those of tectonic origin. (b) Comparison of climatic humidity with lake chemistry and mixis,
showing little relation. Both graphs indicate that predictions of lake existence or character based on climatic
humidity alone fail to explain the bewildering complexity of modern lakes, which can range from freshwater
to saline, organically barren to eutrophic, and carbonate-precipitating to purely siliciclastic within a single
climatic zone. Data for both figures from Herdendorf (1984).

mic and in well-log cross sections and outcrop. Based on terrestrial organic matter are typical. Reservoirs gener-
observations of two distinctive stratal-stacking patterns ally are best developed in highstand clastic shoreline
of the fluvial-lacustrine facies association, we inter- strata, and occasionally in charophytic algal litho-
pret two states of overfilled lake basins, based on somes and in lowstand incised valley fills and lake-
whether and how far lake level falls below sill height. floor “fans” (basinally restricted turbidite and
In both overfilled lake states, observations indicate mass-flow deposits). Seal facies tend to be best and
that shoreline progradation dominates parasequence most extensively developed in distal transgressive and
development, resulting in the stacking of indis- highstand prodelta strata. Examples of this lake type
tinctly expressed parasequences up to 10 m thick. are listed in Table 4.
Sequence boundaries and systems tracts are what Balanced-fill lake basins generally accumulate
vary in development between the two lake states. In fluctuating-profundal lacustrine facies associations
permanently overfilled lake basins, wherein lake in depositional sequences that can be somewhat sim-
level remains at or very near sill height, stratal pat- ilar to or distinctly different from shallow-marine
terns are dominated by variations in sediment sup- siliciclastic sequences (Figure 9) (Bohacs, 1995, 1998).
ply, and erosive sequence boundaries are Observations indicate that parasequences record a
nonexistent to minimally developed (Neal et al., combination of progradation of clastic sediments and
1997). This is analogous to a classic type 2 depositional vertical aggradation of chemical sediments due to
sequence boundary, wherein no significant down- desiccation cycles. Carbonates are generally abun-
ward shifts of facies belts or basinally restricted low- dant in these lakes, hence their parasequences and
stand deposits are developed (Posamentier and Vail, depositional sequences are more similar to shallow-
1988). Flooding surfaces are enhanced in this case marine carbonate or mixed carbonate-clastic settings.
because they form by decreased sediment supply. Flooding surfaces are commonly well expressed in
Depositional geometries in this overfilled lake state distinct lithologic contrasts. Sequence boundaries
reflect changing sediment flux at fixed lake level. By tend to be marked by large basinward shifts of depo-
contrast, in dominantly overfilled lake basins, lake sitional environments with minimal erosion and inci-
level occasionally falls significantly below sill height, sion. Lowstands (basinally restricted strata) in shallow
enabling extensive erosion and incised-valley forma- balanced-fill lake basins accumulate relatively thin
tion during lake-level fall. These lakes form deposi- aggradational parasequence sets, with common evi-
tional sequences that look similar to classic type 1 dence of desiccation, that can be either carbonate or
sequences in shallow-marine siliciclastic settings. clastic dominated, whereas deep balanced-fill lake
Relatively low organic richness and an abundance of basins can accumulate relatively thick aggradational
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 13

(b) Figure 5—Continued.

Large Modern Lakes
Water Chemistry










Mixis Type








lake-floor turbidite “fans.” Indeed, the great variabil- rivers supply both water and sediment to the lake in
ity of lowstand expression is a key defining trait of this an intermittently open hydrologic system. When the
lake-basin type. Lake hydrology is interpreted to be rivers dry up, lake level falls due to decreased water
closed commonly during this stage. Transgressive input. The erosive power of the river and its sediment
systems tracts tend to be relatively thick and well supply would also decrease with lake-level fall, but
developed, marked by significant retrogradational increase during lake-level rise. This contrasts with the
stacking and some basal erosion. Highstands range explicit assumptions for shallow-marine depositional
from relatively thin to moderately thick and from car- sequences (Posamentier and Vail, 1988), thus giving
bonate to clastic dominated, interpreted as typically rise to the contrasting expression of depositional
accumulated under open hydrologic conditions. They sequences in this lake type. Organic matter types can
can show well-developed aggradation and some be mixed algal and terrigenous, although commonly
progradation, expressed as sigmoidal to oblique dominated by type I algal-bacterial kerogen. Reservoir
progradation on seismic. Strata generally thin basin- facies can include lake-floor “fans,” incised-valley fills,
ward by widely spaced downlapping. For this lake- and shoreline clastics or carbonates deposited during
basin type, we interpret that sediment supply is more transgressions and highstands. Seal-prone facies are
closely linked to lake level because often the same widespread and well developed in late transgressive

Green River Formation

Green River Basin Rock Springs Uplift Washakie Basin





0 100 200 300 400
Alkal. 500
Bohacs et al.

Laney Member BASIN



Late Eocene



Evap. Laney Member
Wilkins Peak Member

2500 meters
Alkal. 0

42º 200



Fresh ROCK
Luman Tongue 700 SPRINGS

1100 BASIN

Middle Eocene

41º WY

250 km


lake Water
Wilkins Peak Member


0 50 42º



Km. 100 BASIN 300

Map Area USA 300 BASIN

100 400
Isopach contour 100 200 300

200 WY

interval = 100' CO

Luman Tongue
1000 km
111º 110º 109º 108º 107º
Figure 6—Cross section and maps of three major lake units in the Eocene Green River Formation of Wyoming (after Sullivan, 1980;
Roehler, 1992). The hypersaline lake strata, deposited in the most shallow lakes, are stratigraphically thickest, the saline-alkaline lake
strata are the most areally extensive, and the freshwater lake strata are relatively thin and of smallest areal extent. All these
observations indicate that climate alone cannot explain variations in lake water chemistry and stratal character.
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 15

Table 2. Characteristics of Lake-Basin Types: Strata, Source Facies, and Hydrocarbons.

and early highstand systems tracts as prodelta Strata thin basinward by convergence, although some
mudrocks and sublittoral marls or micrites. Examples basinward thickening can occur in strongly evaporitic
of this lake-basin type are listed in Table 5. settings. Lowstand deposition is commonly restricted
Underfilled lake basins accumulate evaporitic lacus- to evaporites or other chemical/biogenic sediments
trine facies associations in depositional sequences that formed in remnant pools in the highest subsidence
are distinctly different from shallow-marine siliciclastic area of the basin; the bulk of the lowstand record is
or carbonate settings (Figure 10) (Bohacs, 1995, 1998). only desiccation features modifying underlying high-
The nature and distribution of depositional environ- stand or other strata (mudcracks, soil formation, etc.).
ments within this lake-basin type can change drasti- Transgressive systems tracts are typically recorded by
cally from small evaporitic ponds on broad playa thin, widespread clastic sheet-flow deposits at the base
mud/salt flats at lowstand to broad “perennial” lake (some local erosion is possible), reflecting the rejuve-
with lake-plain streams at highstands. Observations nation of river input. These deposits are overlain
indicate that sequence boundaries are subtly expressed directly by distal lake strata, commonly organically
in underfilled lake basins, whereas flooding surfaces enriched, marking the rapid spread of the lake over a
are marked by distinct lithologic contrasts. Flooding low-relief surface. Highstands are relatively thick, but
surfaces are commonly coincident with sequence typically composed of only one or two parasequences.
boundaries (FS/SB) across large portions of the basin Channel-fill sandstones are found in some highstand
area. Depositional geometries are generally parallel to lake-plain strata, reflecting the development and inte-
subparallel and dominated by aggradational stacking. gration of drainage systems during this wet phase of
16 Bohacs et al.

P/E=? Overfilled

(linked to precip'n/evap'n)

Thic k

e r v al
So s Underfilled
n te
r v als
P/E= Preservation)
1.0 Eolian

(linked to basin subsidence)
Figure 7—Lake-basin type phase diagram showing existence and character of nonmarine strata in general and
lacustrine strata in particular as a function of both sediment+water supply and potential accommodation.
Interaction of these two controls is reflected in the lithology, stratal stacking, biota, and geochemistry of lake
deposits. Potential accommodation is the space available for sediment accumulation below the basin’s outlet
or spillpoint (a key difference from marine systems) (Carroll and Bohacs, 1995), and it is mainly influenced
by basin tectonics, along with sill uplift and erosion, and inherited topography. Sediment+water supply is
primarily a function of climatic humidity, along with seasonality, local relief, and bedrock geology. (Clastic
sediment yield is a nonlinear, nonmonotonic function of climatic factors, generally peaking in semi-arid,
distinctly seasonal climates) (Einsele, 1992).

lake development. We interpret that parasequence variety of stratal patterns that are controlled by the
development and stacking in the lake center primarily phase relations between sea level and sediment+water
reflects vertical aggradation of the products of desicca- supply. (These relations vary by paleolatitude, thereby
tion cycles, with minimal advected clastic input. Sedi- providing some predictive capability) (e.g., Perlmut-
ment supply appears tightly linked to lake level. Lake ter and Matthews, 1990). Intermittent marine con-
level falls by the net withdrawal of water by evapora- nection can be beneficial for the accumulation of
tion and percolation, hence sequence boundaries are organic-rich rocks (Kelts, 1988; Mello and Maxwell,
marked by extensive indicators of subaerial exposure 1990; Higgs, 1991). Examples of marine-connected
and minimal erosion. The high primary production of lake basins are listed in Table 7.
these lakes, low fluvial input, and paucity of terres- The practical application of recognizing this diversity
trial vegetation in the drainage basin result in produc- of lake-basin types boils down to the necessity of using
tion of rich type I algal organic matter, but ultimate the sequence-stratigraphic approach to understand the
preservation is relatively low due to frequent desicca- lake system and to select appropriate models for pre-
tion. Reservoir facies are best developed in transgres- dicting the distribution of play elements. A two-
sive sheetflood clastics, early highstand fluvial phased approach is most helpful: (1) Use the standard
channels, and late highstand shoreline carbonate sequence-stratigraphic approach to make sense of all
grainstones. Seal-prone facies are most widespread in the data to recognize and correlate the hierarchy of sur-
upper transgressive and basal-highstand systems faces (flooding surfaces/parasequence boundaries,
tract strata. Examples of this lake-basin type are listed channel bases, parasequence-set boundaries, downlap
in Table 6. surfaces, and sequence boundaries) and (2) apply the
Another key element to recognize is that some lake understanding derived from constructing the sequence
basins become connected to the marine realm at high- framework to select appropriate lake-basin type and
stand. This allows lake level to vary independently of sequence-stratigraphic models for making predictions
sediment+water supply to the lake basin, resulting in a away from control.
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 17

pilim line
Littoral E oc
Sub Th lim- +
Littoral po
Hy n
Profundal nio +
+ in/
+ fma
+ + elie
h-r in
+ T = Temperature
+ + + H ig p bas O2 = Oxygen Conc.
dee TDS = Total Dissolved Solids
(Not to scale) Low-relief margin/shallow basin

Conglomerate Carbonates Mudcracks Macrophytes

Sandstone # # Evaporites Stromatolites Molluscs

Siltstone Coal Tufa Ostracods

Mudstone Scour Ooids Phytoplankton

Figure 8—Schematic diagram highlights major features of overfilled lake basins: persistently open hydrology,
freshwater lake chemistry, high groundwater table, progradational shoreline architecture, close relation to
fluvial systems, and commonly interbedded fluvial deposits and coals. (Not shown are bioclastic and other
freshwater carbonate lithosomes.) This lake-basin type occurs when the rate of supply of sediment+water
consistently exceeds potential accommodation (usually when P/E is relatively high compared to rates of
tectonic subsidence). Climatically driven lake-level fluctuations are minimal because water inflows are in
equilibrium with outflows. (Left side of the diagram schematically represents shallow overfilled lake basin
or low-relief margin; right side of the diagram schematically represents deep overfilled lake basin or high-
relief margin.)

CONTROLS ON ORGANIC-RICH minimized. Any appropriate combination of these fac-

ROCK DEPOSITION tors can produce potential source rocks.
Production refers chiefly to the photosynthetic fixa-
Lake-basin type also strongly influences production and tion of CO 2 by organisms and can include both
accumulation of organic matter that forms source rocks as autochthonous organic matter derived from algae and
detailed in Table 8. Recognizing the lake type allows one to aquatic plants and allochthonous organic matter
predict geochemical attributes from geologic data. transported from land (Figure 11). The primary pro-
Organic enrichment in lacustrine rocks is a function duction of organic matter in a lake is a function of
of the same basic factors as for other environments, many variables, including solar input, wind, precipi-
and can be expressed as a simple relation (e.g., Bohacs, tation, water chemistry, and temperature (Kelts,
1990, 1998): 1988). Of these, solar input and water chemistry have
the largest effect on overall primary production (Katz,
Production – Destruction Solar input controls the energy available for photo-
Organic Enrichment =
Dilution synthetic production. Production decreases with
increasing latitude, area/depth ratio, and turbidity due
Optimum organic enrichment occurs where pro- to the decrease in duration and intensity of solar energy
duction is maximized and destruction and dilution are available for photosynthesis. In general, primary
18 Bohacs et al.

T O2 TDS + ef ma +
el i
h-r in
Hig p bas
+ + +
+ +
+ +
T = Temperature
+ + O2 = Oxygen Conc.
(Not to scale) Low-relief margin/shallow basin TDS = Total Dissolved Solids

Conglomerate Carbonates Mudcracks Macrophytes

Sandstone # # Evaporites Stromatolites Molluscs

Siltstone Coal Tufa Ostracods

Mudstone Scour Ooids Phytoplankton

Figure 9—Schematic diagram highlights major features of balanced-fill lake basins: intermittently open
hydrology, fluctuating groundwater table and lake water chemistry, interaction of thermal and chemical
stratification, mixed progradational and aggradational shoreline architecture, and varied interbedding of clastic and
carbonate strata. This lake-basin type occurs when the rates of sediment+water supply and accommodation are
roughly in balance over the time span of sequence development. Water inflows are sufficient to periodically fill
available accommodation, but are not always balanced by outflow; hence, climatically driven lake level
fluctuations are common. (Left side of the diagram schematically represents shallow balanced-fill lake basin or
low-relief margin; right side of the diagram schematically represents deep balanced-fill lake basin or high-relief margin.)

production in modern lakes peaks at a mean depth of the highest natural primary productivities on earth
about 18 m (Cole, 1979). occur in tropical alkaline lakes (Likens, 1975).
The water chemistry of a lake controls the availabil- The autochthonous organic matter of a lake may be
ity of nutrients to support primary production of composed of benthic, higher plants, planktic and ben-
organic matter. Water chemistry is strongly influenced thic algae, and bacteria (Figure 11). Size and water
by basin hydrology and climate (Hardie and Eugster, depth control the proportion of each of these contribu-
1970), whose integrated effects may be discerned tions. Small, shallow overfilled lakes are commonly
through lake-basin type. The nutrients available to a dominated by benthic higher plants, and the organic
lake are brought in by overland flow from the lake sediments tend to be peat rich (Cole, 1979). In contrast,
catchment area or by eolian transport, so production is large, deep balanced-fill lakes can have a relatively
also, in part, related to bedrock geology (e.g., Cerling, limited area of littoral benthic plant growth, and so the
1994). Most nutrients are recycled during mixing of dominant organic matter deposited in the lake tends to
lakes; permanently stratified lakes, in fact, may require be planktic and benthic algal and bacterial matter.
an external nutrient load to support intense primary Allochthonous organic matter originates mostly
production (Katz, 1990). Alkaline waters help support from higher land plants. Deposition of allochthonous
a much higher level of primary production than organic matter is greater in the parts of the lake that
waters of neutral pH because of the abundance of CO3 are proximal to deltas and fluvial input. Input may be
ions available for incorporation by plants in addition seasonal or episodic, related to weather/climatic
to atmospheric CO2 (Kelts, 1988). For these reasons, events in the basin. Allochthonous organic matter may
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 19

+ +

n e
nio clin +
limemo in/
ixo Chnion
M lim marg
T O2 TDS o
f +
h-r in
Hig p bas
# # # # ## dee
+ + # # ## ##
+ T = Temperature
+ + + O2 = Oxygen Conc.
(Not to scale) Low-relief margin/shallow basin
+ TDS = Total Dissolved Solids

Conglomerate Carbonates Mudcracks Macrophytes

Sandstone # # Evaporites Stromatolites Molluscs

Siltstone Coal Tufa Ostracods

Mudstone Scour Ooids Phytoplankton

Figure 10—Schematic diagram highlights major features of underfilled lake basins: persistently closed
hydrology, characteristic chemical stratification, low groundwater table, high solute content of lake waters,
extensive desiccation features, highly contrasting lithologies, common association with evaporite deposits,
and dominantly aggradational shoreline architecture. This lake-basin type occurs when rates of accommodation
consistently outstrip available water and sediment supply, commonly resulting in a persistently closed basin
with ephemeral lakes interspersed with playas or brine pools or both. (Left side of the diagram schematically
represents shallow underfilled lake basin or low-relief margin; right side of the diagram schematically
represents deep underfilled lake basin or high-relief margin.)

also be blown into the lake by wind, although this is Destruction of organic matter is primarily a func-
generally a small contribution to the overall deposi- tion of the efficiency of various scavengers, particu-
tion of organic sediments in large lakes. Overfilled larly bacteria, which, in turn, is largely controlled by
lake basins are the most likely to receive input of the availability of oxygen. The supply of oxygen to
allochthonous organic matter due to the proliferation lake waters occurs via exchange with the atmos-
of forests in humid climates and to the existence of phere and as a byproduct of photosynthesis. In well-
well-integrated fluvial systems (e.g., Kelts, 1988; oxygenated water columns, most of the primary
Sladen, 1994). organic production is destroyed by microbial respira-
For source potential, then, autochthonous aquatic tion, converting the organic matter back into CO 2
organic matter is most important because its lipid-rich (Cole, 1979). Oxygen is depleted by biological and
cell membranes usually form oil-prone kerogens. inorganic oxidation, and if the oxygen is not renewed,
These membranes are sensitive to lake type because the waters will become anoxic, favoring preservation
they are used to control cellular osmotic pressure in of organic matter. Anoxic bottom waters enhance
aqueous environments; biomarker distributions there- organic preservation by limiting the activity of scav-
fore reflect the prevailing water chemistry (e.g., Mey- engers and bacterial respiration (e.g., Demaison and
ers and Ishiwatari, 1993; Peters and Moldowan, 1993). Moore, 1980; Kelts, 1988). The extent and duration of
Allochthonous organic matter from land plants is, in oxygen deficiency in a lake are controlled by the inten-
general, more likely to create gas-prone kerogens. sity and frequency of mixing, as well as by primary
20 Bohacs et al.

Table 3. Examples of Shallow and Deep Lake-Basin Types.

Lake Basin Type Formation Basin, County Age

Overfilled, Shallow Modern Sudd, Sudan Pleistocene–Holocene

Luman Tongue, GRF* Washakie, U.S.A. Eocene
Quantou-3 Songliao, China Albian
Overfilled, Deep Modern Lake Baikal Pleistocene–Holocene
Kissenda N’Komi, Gabon Berriasian
Mako to Nagyaföld Pannonian, Hungary U. Miocene–M. Pliocene
Balanced Fill, Shallow Modern Lake Victoria Pleistocene–Holocene
Laney Mbr, GRF* Washakie, U.S.A. Eocene
Lucaogou Junggar, China Permian
Balanced Fill, Deep Modern Lake Malawi Pleistocene–Holocene
Bucomazi Cabinda/Gabon Neocomian
Candeias Reconcavo, Brazil Neocomian
Underfilled, Shallow Modern Dabusun Lake Pleistocene–Holocene
Wilkins Peak Mbr, GRF* Bridger, U.S.A. Eocene
Blanca Lila Pastos Grandes ** Pleistocene
Lagoa Feia (upper) Campos, Brazil Aptian
Underfilled, Deep Modern Issyk-Kul Lake Pleistocene–Holocene
Lisan Dead Sea, Israel Pleistocene–Holocene

* GRF = Green River Formation.

** Argentina.

production of organic matter and water chemistry. Anaerobic degradation is strongly influenced by
Mixing of lake waters is inhibited when a lake is the concentration of sulfate in lake waters (e.g., Pow-
thermally or chemically stratified, hence oxygen in ell, 1986; Kelts, 1988). Sulfate content of lake waters is a
the bottom waters of the lake cannot be renewed. function of both catchment area input and lake-basin
Chemical stratification is common in balanced-fill and concentration. Sulfate-reducing bacteria dominate
underfilled lake basins. It is especially well developed anaerobic consumption in the presence of excess sul-
in deep balanced-fill lake basins and in marine- fate, a condition most common in marine-connected
connected overfilled and balanced-fill lake basins. and some underfilled lake basins. Less efficient fer-
Intermittent input of denser sea water generates per- menters and methanogens prevail in lakes with low
sistent ectogenic meromixis resulting in excellent sulfate concentrations (more likely in overfilled and
organic preservation (e.g., Raisz, 1937; Mello and Hes- balanced-fill lake basins).
sel, 1998). Thermal stratification is practically essential Dilution by mineral sediments can limit source rock
for organic-rich rock accumulation in deep overfilled richness by decreasing the proportion of organic mat-
lake basins (e.g., Dean, 1981; Demaison and Moore, ter relative to inorganic matrix. Organic matter in pro-
1980). Very deep lakes, however, can have high rates fundal sediments is diluted by mainly detrital
of organic destruction due to the longer time required sediments from rivers at deltas or from wave rework-
for particles to settle through deep, well-oxygenated ing of the shorelines and littoral zone. Deltas represent
surface waters (Katz, 1990, 1995). a large addition of sediment as bedload and sus-
Some lakes remain stratified because high contents pended load to a lake. Organic-rich sediments form
of dissolved organic matter in bottom waters deplete farther away from points where rivers enter a lake
the oxygen content (see discussion in Katz, 1990). (Kelts, 1988; Sladen, 1994). In many elongate lakes in
These biologically stratified lakes are associated with rift and wrench settings, drainage is axial to the basin,
high levels of organic production and currently occur and rivers and deltas are formed at one or both ends of
most commonly in rift basins in tropical climates. the lake. In these cases, deposition of organic-rich sed-
They may start out as thermally stratified oligomictic iments is displaced away from the clastic-dominated
lakes; however, the buildup of dissolved organic car- ends of the lake (e.g., Crossley, 1984; Nichols 1987;
bon in the bottom waters enhances the stability of Cohen, 1989). If organic concentration were low, the
stratification. Excessive primary production (hyper- quantity of hydrocarbons (particularly oil) expelled
trophication) can also apparently overwhelm the during generation would be limited by retention on
delivery of oxygen to the lake bottom, with good mineral surfaces (Sandvik et al., 1992). In extreme
organic preservation in relatively shallow lakes (e.g., cases, organic matter can be completely overwhelmed
Horsfield et al., 1994; Bohacs et al., 1996). These by clastic sediment input.
processes are most important in shallow balanced-fill Table 8 summarizes the effect of different lake types
lake basins. on each of these factors. Each lake type has characteristic
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 21

ranges of total organic carbon contents (TOC) and of typical underfilled lake-basin parasequences. For
hydrogen indices (HI) and associations of organic mat- example, low preservation of organic matter prevails
ter (noted on the right side of the table); a specific in Cambrian lake shales in south Australia (TOC
example from the Green River Formation is shown on <1.1%), and Jianghan basin in China (TOC <1%) (Pow-
Figure 12. The optimal lake for source rock deposition ell, 1986; Carroll, 1998). Other underfilled lake basins
is a compromise among production, destruction, and preserve significant organic-rich rocks, such as the
dilution: it is shallow enough to have high primary Wilkins Peak Member (Wyoming; TOC <19%, HI
production, deep enough to preserve a significant <1054 mg HC/g) (Bohacs, 1998) and Jingjingzigou
proportion of the resultant organic matter, and Formation (Junggar basin; TOC < 6.6%, HI <794 mg
starved of sediment but not of nutrients. These condi- HC/g) (Carroll, 1998).
tions appear from the geological record of ancient
lakes to coincide with balanced-fill lake basins, in
which deposits commonly attain more than 20% TOC INFLUENCE OF LAKE-BASIN TYPE ON
in oil-prone kerogens. For example, in the Washakie HYDROCARBON TYPE
basin, the balanced-fill lower Laney Member has sig-
nificantly richer potential source rocks than the other Lake-basin type influences hydrocarbon generation
intervals of the Green River Formation (Luman through both the type of organic matter produced and
Tongue, Wilkins Peak Member) (Figure 12). how it is preserved during burial. Overfilled lake
Overfilled lake basins have good aquatic production deposits are likely to contain, on average, higher quan-
and abundant land-plant input. The main challenges to tities of advected terrestrial organic matter, and there-
organic enrichment are preservation and dilution. fore can be expected to generate relatively more gas
Good preservation requires thermal stratification than other lake types. In contrast, kerogens from bal-
because solute-controlled density stratification is anced-fill and underfilled lake basins both appear to
unlikely to develop under persistently open hydrology be principally oil-prone algal-bacterial material. Sulfur
(unless marine connection occurs). Dilution is common content of most lacustrine oils is low due to the low
due to strong fluvial influence. Resultant organic sulfur content of most lake waters and generally high
enrichment is therefore most likely above flooding sur- availability of reactive iron associated with clays (Tis-
faces, especially around maximum flooding surfaces sot and Welte, 1984). In some underfilled lake basins,
(mid-sequence downlap surfaces), in profundal strata, however, the combination of extreme evaporative con-
and within some intervals of lake-plain strata associ- centration and low influx of clastic sediments can
ated with mire and pond environments (Bohacs, 1998). result in the preservation of sulfur-rich kerogens,
Balanced-fill lake basins experience optimal combina- resulting in oils with up to 12% sulfur (Shi et al., 1982;
tions of production, preservation, and dilution; produc- Fu et al., 1985; Sheng et al., 1987).
tion is boosted by intermittent fluvial input of nutrients Especially useful in tying physical and geochemical
subsequently concentrated by evaporation. Shallow bal- character are specific biomarker assemblages of oils
anced-fill lake basins have the largest portion of their and rock extracts that are associated with organic mat-
volume in the photic zone for the longest portion of their ter input (terrestrial, aquatic) and lacustrine deposi-
history. This lake-basin type records the highest primary tional–preservational environments (solute species
production levels (e.g., Horsfield et al., 1994; Sladen, and concentrations). These associations can help to
1994; Carroll, 1998). Preservation is enhanced by com- interpret lake-basin type from oils and to predict bio-
monly developed stable chemical stratification and dilu- marker distributions from lake-basin type.
tion is minimized because the maximum fluvial input Biomarkers can be thought of as molecular fossils
rates occur on transgressions, which traps most clastics whose basic carbon skeleton is derived from once-living
near shore. Organic enrichment is most likely above organisms. Biomarkers are found in petroleum and
flooding surfaces at the parasequence scale and in the rock extracts, and provide information about deposi-
lower portion of highstand systems tracts (Horsfield et tional environment, thermal maturity, migration path-
al., 1994; Bohacs, 1998). ways, and hydrocarbon alteration (Peters and
Underfilled lake basins can have high primary pro- Moldowan, 1993). Biomarker data can be used to inter-
duction. Recent shallow saline lakes can have surficial pret the relative contributions of terrigenous and
sediments with TOCs over 6% (Burne and Ferguson, aquatic organic matter and the environmental condi-
1983; Boon et al., 1983). Clastic dilution tends to be min- tions under which source rocks were deposited. These,
imal because most fine-grained clastics are trapped in in turn, can be related to lake-basin type (see below).
the lower lake plain and nearshore environments at The major diagnostic biomarker compounds used to
lake highstand. Peak organic enrichment occurs just distinguish lacustrine-sourced oils are tricyclic ter-
above the initial transgressive surface (base of trans- panes, β-carotane, gammacerane, and, to a lesser
gressive systems tract) (Bohacs, 1998). Long-term extent, the 4-methyl steranes.
preservation can be extremely problematic because Please note that most of the following biomarker
frequent and prolonged desiccation and exposure distributions are from source rocks tied directly to lake-
degrades most organic matter. In present-day solar basin type. Oils, however, can show less distinction
lakes in Sinai, organic matter is degraded to a depth because they result from maturing an interval of
of at least 66 cm (surface TOC = 9.7% decreases to source strata that can include several lake-basin types
3.0%) (Boon et al., 1983), which is about the thickness and mixing of several source facies types. Another
22 Bohacs et al.

Table 4. Examples of Overfilled Lake Basins.

Formation Basin, Country Age References

Anthrocosia shale North Sudetic basin, Permian Mastalerz, 1994
Hongyanchi Formation Junggar basin, Permian Carroll, 1998
Chinle Formation, Colorado plateau, Triassic Dubiel, 1994
Monitor Butte member U.S.A.
Waterfall Formation Culpeper basin, Jurassic Hentz, 1981; Gore, 1989
Virginia, U.S.A.
Mangara shale Doseo basin, Cretaceous Genik, 1993
Kissenda Formation N’Komi basin, Cretaceous Kou, 1994
Pematang shale Kutei subbasin, Eocene Kelley et al., 1995
Sumatra, Indonesia
Luman Tongue & Green River basin, Eocene Horsfield et al., 1994
upper LaClede bed, Wyoming, U.S.A.
Green River Formation
Terengganu shale Malay Basin, Miocene Madon-Mazlan, 1992;
Malaysia Creaney et al., 1994
Upper part of Snake Snake River basin, Holocene Wood, 1994; Wood and
River basin fill Idaho, U.S.A. Squires, 1998
Lake Baikal Russia Modern Flower et al., 1995

Table 5. Examples of Balanced-fill Lake Basins.

Formation Basin, Country Age References
Lucagou Formation Junggar basin, Permian Carroll, 1998
Lockatong Formation, Newark basin, Jurassic Olsen et al., 1989
lower members New Jersey, U.S.A
Alternance de Sokor Termit graben, Cretaceous Genik, 1993
Formation Niger
Qingshankou 1 Formation Songliao basin, Cretaceous Schwans et al., 1997
Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos basin, Cretaceous Carneio de Castro et al., 1981,
upper Jiquiá portion Brazil Bertani and Carozzi, 1985,
Abrahão and Warme, 1990
Brown shale, Aman trough, central Oligocene Kelley et al., 1995
middle portion Sumatra
Green River Formation, Green River basin, Eocene Surdam et al., 1980;
upper Tipton and Wyoming, U.S.A. Horsfield et al., 1994
lower Laney members
Middle part of Snake Snake River basin, Pleistocene Wood, 1994
River basin fill Idaho, U.S.A.
Units C and D Ribesalbes basin, Miocene Anadón, 1994
Lakes Malawi and East Africa rift system Pleistocene– Scholz and Rosendahl,
Victoria Holocene 1990; Scholz , 1995
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 23

Table 6. Examples of Underfilled Lake Basins.

Formation Basin, Country Age References
Jingjingzigou Formation Junggar basin, Permian Carroll, 1998
Passaic Formation Newark basin, Triassic Olsen et al., 1989
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Balls Bluff Siltstone Culpeper basin, Triassic Gore, 1989
Virginia, U.S.A.
East Berlin Formation Hartford basin, Jurassic Gierlowski-Kordesch and
Connecticut, U.S.A. Rust, 1994
Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos basin, Cretaceous Mello and Maxwell, 1990
Alagoas portion Brazil
Argille de Sokor Termit Graben, Cretaceous Genik, 1993
Formation Niger
Shahejie 4 Bohai basin, Oligocene Zhou, 1981; Hu et al., 1989;
China Chang, 1991; Remy et al.,
Green River Formation, Green River basin, Eocene Smoot, 1983
Wilkins Peak member Wyoming, U.S.A.
Lake Bogoria Kenyan rift Pleistocene– Renaut and Tiercelin, 1994
Dabusun Lake Qaidam basin, Modern Yang et al., 1995

Table 7. Examples of Marine-Connected Lake Basins.

Formation Basin, Country Age References

Bude Formation Westphalian basin, U. Carboniferous Higgs, 1991

Lagoa Feia Formation, Campos basin, Cretaceous Mello and Hessel, 1998
Alagoas portion Brazil
Coquiero Seco Formation, Sergipe-Alagoas basin, Cretaceous deAzambuja Fihlo et al., 1997
Moro do Chaves member Brazil
Oligocene lake strata Daban Basin, Oligocene Sagri, et al., 1994
of Daban Basin Sudan
Coorong Lakes Younghusband Holocene Warren, 1994
South Australia
Lake Maracaibo Maracaibo basin, Modern Redfield, 1958

complicating factor is that hydrocarbons in reservoirs prokaryotic sources, whereas steranes are produced
are subject to postemplacement alteration. The numer- by eukaryotic organisms. Thus, the triterpane/ster-
ical values in this section are an attempt to summarize ane ratio is a rough measure of the prokaryote/
representative ranges of oil properties as originally eukaryote contribution to the organic material. As
emplaced with data culled from published literature. salinity increases in a lake one expects that more sensi-
Much of the biomarker signature is due to the two tive eukaryotic organisms (e.g., sterane-producing
general categories of primary producers (autotrophs) green algae) would give way to the more tolerant bac-
of organic matter in lakes: prokaryotes (blue-green teria or cyanobacteria (tricyclic and hopane produc-
algae and bacteria) and eukaryotes (higher plants, ing) with a corresponding increase in the triterpane/
algae). The majority of triterpanes are associated with sterane ratio. Possible exceptions could occur with an

Table 8. Controls on Organic-rich Rock Development in Lakes.*

Lake Type Production Destruction Dilution Source Potential

Overfilled + Nutrient input increased – Increased oxygen supply – Abundant clastic detritus • Moderate to poor oil/gas
– Fresh water input dilutes – to bottom ± Abundant advected • Mixed gas/oil
– nutrients – Homogeneous water ± terrigenous clastics • Marked lateral variability
– Overall production – mass makes wind mixing TOC: <1–7% (muds)
Bohacs et al.

– decreases with increasing – more effective TOC: < 80% (coals)

– lake volume – Cold underflow OMT: mixed algal/
– Increased turbulence terrigenous (I/II)
HI: 50–600 mg HC/g
Relatively thick (< tens of meters)
Balanced fill + Appreciable nutrient input + Closed basin and episodic + Varying, but relatively • Moderate to excellent oil
+ Nutrients concentrated by + drying promotes density + minor clastic detritus • Mostly oil, some gas?
+ episodic drying + stratification + Minor component of • Little lateral variation
+ Larger percent of lake volume + Large amount of + advected terrigenous TOC: 1–30%
+ in photic zone + production consumes + organic matter OMT: mostly algal (I), some
+ oxygen at bottom – Episodic floods or flashy terrigenous (II)
– discharge may deliver HI: 500–700 mg HC/g
– significant clastic debris Relatively thin (1–10m)
Underfilled ± Variable nutrient input - Episodic drying oxidizes – Semi-arid climates yield • Poor to excellent oil
+ Nutrients concentrated by – organic matter – highest clastic input • Mostly oil
+ episodic drying - Episodic freshening + Minimal input of • Minimal lateral variation
– Extreme concentration of – introduces oxygen, + terrigenous organic TOC: <0.5–20%
– solutes kills organisms – consumers + matter OMT: Algal (Type I),
– Water available for + Significant amount of HI: 650–1150 mg HC/g
– production only part of time + fill due to precipitated Relatively thin (meters)
+ minerals

* + Positive for organic enrichment, – Negative for organic enrichment, ± Variable influence on organic enrichment, TOC = total organic carbon, OMT = organic matter type, HI = hydrogen
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 25

increased input of a limiting nutrient such as nitrogen, all geochemical data into geological context for most
or in a shallow balanced-fill to underfilled lake that is robust interpretations.
highly stratified, with a fresh surface layer and a saline Most dominantly overfilled lake basins contain a
bottom layer. In the latter case, both freshwater organ- mix of terrigenous and aquatic organic matter
isms and salinity-tolerant organisms could coexist in deposited in freshwater, suboxic to oxic conditions
the photic zone with little change in the triterpane/ (Table 8) (Carroll and Bohacs, 1995, 1999). The result-
sterane ratio. The other major component of the bio- ing hydrocarbons are typically oil plus some gas and
marker fraction comes from reworking of primary gas condensate (e.g., Pannonian, Eromanga basins)
organic matter (photosynthetically generated) by het- (Clayton et al., 1994; Powell, 1986). The oils are paraf-
erotrophs, bacteria whose signature are recorded finic with large contents of high-molecular-weight n-
mostly in hopanes. alkanes (waxes >20%) mainly generated from
Stressed environments (high alkalinity/salinity, cuticular tissues of vascular plants and membrane
typical of underfilled and balanced-fill lake basins) are lipids from some freshwater algae (Tissot and Welte,
characterized by tricyclics (C 20 –C 24 ; m/z 191), β- 1984; Goth et al., 1988; Tegelaar et al., 1989). API grav-
carotane (a C40 compound; m/z 125), and gammacer- ities range widely (24–57°API), as do pour points (–5
ane (a C30 triterpane; m/z 191), all with prokaryote to >20°C) mainly as a function of gas/oil ratio (GOR)
sources. Gammacerane and β-carotane are specifically (Powell, 1986; Clayton et al., 1994; Telnaes et al., 1992;
associated with nonmarine, highly saline environ- Kulke, 1995). Sulfur contents are low and NSO con-
ments (Peters and Moldowan, 1993). Gammacerane is tents are low. The molecular character is dominated by
thought to be derived from protozoa (ciliates) or bacte- terrigenous organic matter input and relatively oxic
ria or both. Gammacerane is derived from tetrahy- preservational conditions: pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph)
manol, which is produced by protozoa in an anoxic and hopane/sterane ratios are high and C29 desmethyl
environment; however, if free sterols are available in steranes are relatively abundant (Powell, 1986; Isak-
the anoxic environment, protozoa will assimilate them sen, 1991; Carroll, 1998). Some overfilled lake systems
and not synthesize the tetrahymanol precursor of contain a predominance of 4-methyl steranes (e.g.,
gammacerane (Tissot and Welte, 1984). In addition, if Brassel et al., 1986). Gammacerane contents are low
the environment is oxic (to possibly dysoxic), then the and β-carotane is usually not detected. Tricylic indices
protozoa can generate their own sterols to rigidify range from 12 to 100 (Carroll, 1998). If an overfilled
their cell membranes. The implications are that if a lake is not in an appropriate climate and deep enough
source rock has a low triterpane/sterane ratio (i.e., to maintain thermal stratification and anoxic bottom
possibility of free sterols), then gammacerane may not waters, the resulting organic matter generally will
be abundant even though the environment could be have a low hydrogen content and be completely
both saline and anoxic. In this case one needs to look swamped by terrigenous organic matter. In the
for other indicators of salinity (β-carotane) and anoxia extreme case, the organic matter is largely terrigenous
(C35/C34 triterpane ratio). As ever, one needs to place with characteristics similar to coals or coaly shales

Figure 11—Organic production within lakes is chiefly due to photosynthetic fixation of CO2 by organisms and
includes both autochthonous organic matter derived from algae and aquatic plants and allochthonous organic
matter transported from land. The primary production of organic matter in a lake is a function of many
variables, including climate, solar input, wind, precipitation, water chemistry, and temperature. Of these, solar
input and water chemistry have the largest effect on overall primary production.
26 Bohacs et al.

Figure 12—Each lake-basin

type has characteristic ranges
of total organic carbon and
hydrogen indices and
associations of organic matter,
illustrated here with
examples from the Eocene
Green River Formation of
Wyoming. The optimal lake
for source rock deposition is
a compromise between
production, destruction,
and dilution; it is shallow
enough to have high primary
production, deep enough
to preserve a significant
proportion of the resultant
organic matter, and starved of
sediment, but not of
nutrients. These conditions
are most common in
balanced-fill lake basins, here
shown that the balanced-fill
lower Laney Member has
significantly richer potential
source rocks than the other
intervals of the Green River

(e.g., Eromanga basin). In these cases, typical of per- of tricyclic terpanes. Gammacerane is typically ele-
manently overfilled lake basins, Pr/Ph is even higher vated due either to overall higher salinities (e.g., Mello
(>3), the proportion of isoprenoids to n-alkanes is et al., 1988) or well-developed chemical stratification
high, and diterpenoids (from higher plants) are com- (e.g., Schoell et al., 1994; Sinninghe Damsté et al.,
mon (Powell, 1984). 1995). C29 steranes are most common, tricyclic indices
Both deep and shallow balanced-fill lake basins can range from 80 to 200, and hopane/sterane ratios range
have significant hydrocarbon generation potential. from 0.5 to 15. Dinosteranes, along with other 4-
Organic matter in both is dominated by aquatic organ- methyl steranes, dominate biomarker distributions of
isms, with some land-plant material. TOC and HI can several shallow balanced-fill lake systems, consistent
be high (≤27%) (Horsfield et al., 1994). Hydrocarbons with preponderant aquatic organic matter input in
are dominantly oil with low GORs (e.g., 40.4–48.5 salinity stratified lakes with anoxic bottom waters
m3/t, Songliao basin) (Yang, 1985). Oils are typically (Horsfield et al., 1994; Carroll, 1998).
paraffinic and rich in n-alkanes from membrane lipids Underfilled lake basins have variable overall
of aquatic organisms. Wax contents range from 5 to hydrocarbon generation potential, although primary
>25% (e.g., Daqing field, Songliao basin), API gravities production can be very high, preservation is prob-
from 18° to 45°API, and pour points from 25° to 59°C lematic. For example, the potential of the underfilled
(mostly >35°C), with surface-condition viscosities Wilkins Peak Member (mean HI ~ 730 mg HC/g) is
from 6 to 24 cp (Tissot et al., 1978; Yang, 1985; Powell, much greater than that observed in the Jingjingzigou
1986; Schull, 1988; Kulke, 1995). Sulfur contents are Formation of the Junggar basin (mean HI ~ 351 mg
uniformly low, although NSO+aromatic contents can HC/g) (Grabowski and Bohacs, 1996; Carroll, 1998),
range from 5 to 40% (Tissot and Welte, 1984; Yang et but their detailed petroleum character is generally
al., 1985). Their molecular character is dominated by similar. Hydrocarbons are typically oils with mini-
compounds derived from aquatic organisms and their mal associated gas (Tissot and Welte, 1984; Powell,
microbial degradation, commonly under suboxic to 1986). Oils can have significant asphaltic and aro-
oxic depositional conditions (e.g., Powell, 1986). Pr/Ph matic contents and wax contents are relatively low
ratios range from <1 to 2.0, reflecting persistent (<5–10%) (Yang et al., 1985; Powell, 1986). API gravi-
anoxia and moderate to low terrigenous input. Also ties range from 12 to 37°API, pour points from –5 to
in contrast with freshwater overfilled lake systems, 23°C, and GORs from 10.6 to 149 m 3/t (Chen-yong
CPI (odd-carbon number compound preference) is Chang, 1991; Kulke, 1995). Sulfur contents are higher
lower and n-C 30 + compounds are less abundant. than in other lake-basin types, typically around 1%,
Enhanced algal procaryote input is recorded in mod- but ranging as high as 12% (Shi et al., 1982; Fu et al.,
erate amounts of β-carotane and increased amounts 1985; Sheng et al., 1987). The molecular character of
Lake-Basin Type, Source Potential, and Hydrocarbon Character: an Integrated Sequence-Stratigraphic–Geochemical Framework 27

Figure 13—Examples of
variations in biomarker
distribution among
lake-basin types from a
single basin. In the Junggar
basin (Upper Permian)
the three lake types are
represented by the
Hongyanchi Formation
(overfilled), the Lucaogou
Formation (balanced-fill),
and the Jingjingzigou
Formation (underfilled).
The triterpane
chromatograms (m/z 191)
show an increase in the
tricyclics (C20–C25) and
gammacerane from the
overfilled lake to the
underfilled lake. Also note
that the C24 tetracyclic
triterpane is more abundant
relative to the adjacent C26
tricyclics in the overfilled
and balanced-fill lakes in
comparison to the
underfilled lake.

the oils is derived from low-diversity assemblages of lake. Also note that the C 24 tetracyclic triterpane is
organisms highly specialized for rapidly changing more abundant relative to the adjacent C26 tricyclics
and often hypersaline conditions. Pr/Ph ratios are in the overfilled and balanced-fill lakes in compari-
typically <1, probably due to distinctive bacterial son to the underfilled lake. Similarly, the GC (gas
contributions, as well as persistent anoxic deposi- chromatogram) traces of the saturate fraction show
tional conditions. Commonly β-carotane is dominant, the underfilled lake basin extracts to contain elevated
and concentrations of gammacerane and tricyclic ter- β-carotane and a Pr/Ph ratio of <1, in contrast to the
panes are elevated (Powell, 1986). Hopane/sterane overfilled lake basin extracts, which show little or no
ratios are low, consistent with a restricted diversity of β-carotane and Pr/Ph ratios of >3. The best source
producers and excellent syndepositional preserva- potential for this series is the balanced-fill (mean HI
tional conditions. = 693 mg HC/g) followed by the underfilled (mean
Figure 13 demonstrates these variations in organic- HI = 351 mg HC/g). The overfilled Hongyanchi For-
matter character. In the Upper Permian of the Junggar mation is essentially a nonsource for liquids. Similar
basin the three lake types are represented by the trends between lake types are observed in the
Hongyanchi Formation (overfilled), the Lucaogou For- Washakie basin of the United States, except that the
mation (balance-fill), and the Jingjingzigou Formation overall oil potential of the underfilled lake basin is
(underfilled). The triterpane chromatograms (m/z 191) better. (Remember, however, oils may demonstrate
show an increase in the tricyclics (C20–C25) and gam- less distinction because they result from maturing
macerane from the overfilled lake to the underfilled an interval of source strata that can include several
28 Bohacs et al.

lake types and consequent mixing of several source ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

facies types.)
Our understanding of lakes has benefited from dis-
cussions and cooperative projects with L. Cabrera,
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Y. Y. Chen, K. S. Glaser, G. J. Grabowski, N. B. Harris,
N. C. de Azambujo Filho, L. Magnavito, M. Marzo,
So, where are we in our understanding of lacus- K. Miskell-Gerhardt, P. E. Olsen, D. J. Reynolds, C. A.
trine systems? Studies over the last century have Scholz, and K. O. Stanley. We thank R. P. Steinen (Uni-
pretty well boxed the compass of variations of lake versity of Connecticut) for introducing KMB to the
behavior and stratal records, explored the wide range wonderful world of lake deposits, insightful interac-
of variation, and seen enough examples to begin to tions, and for access to the Park River Tunnel Project
see essential common elements. We stand on the cores. We are grateful to Exxon Production Research
shoulders of people who have done a giant amount of Company for permission to publish. We also thank our
work (e.g., Lyell, 1830, 1847; Livingston, 1865; Gilbert, two anonymous reviewers for their very thorough and
1890; Bradley, 1929, 1964; Picard and High, 1972; helpful comments and E. Gierlowski-Kordesch for her
Manspeizer and Olsen, 1981). We can start synthesiz- editorial encouragement and patience. Alan Carroll
ing all these observations now because we also have thanks the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund,
the large-scale 3-D perspective of reflection seismic American Chemical Society for financial support.
data and the framework of sequence stratigraphy
with which to integrate all the disparate data on phys-
ical, biological, and chemical attributes from both REFERENCES CITED
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