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1. Look at the pictures. Where were these people at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon? What were they doing?

1. Ann was at home. She was watching TV.

2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________

2. Sarah did a lot of things yesterday morning. Look at the pictures and then write a sentence for each picture:

3. Look at the picture. You saw Joe in the street yesterday afternoon. What was he doing? Write positive or negative sentences.
1. He_____________________ (wear) a jacket. 5. He _________________ (carry) an umbrella.
2. He _____________________ (carry) a bag. 6. He ______________________ (go) home.
3. He ___________________ (go) to the dentist. 7. He ___________________ (wear) a hat.
4. He ___________________ (eat ) an ice-cream. 8. He ___________________ (ride) a bike.


1. Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use the past continuous or past simple.
1. Carol _________________ (break) her arm last week. It _________ (happen)
when she _________________________ (paint) her room. she
__________________ (fall) off the ladder.

2. The train ____________________ (arrive) at the station and Paula

__________________ (get) off. Two friends of hers, John and Jenny,
__________________________ (wait) to meet her.

3. Yesterday Sue ______________________ (walk) along the road when she

_________________ (meet) Jim. He _________________ (go) to the station to
catch a train and he ____________________ (carry) a bag. They
______________________ (stop) to talk for a few minutes.


1. What ________ you ____________ (do) when the phone ______________ (ring)? I ___________________ (watch) TV.
2. Was Jane busy when you went to see her? Yes, she ________________________ (study).
3. What time _________ the post ____________ arrive this morning? It _____________ (come) while I ________________ (have) breakfast.
4. Was Margaret at work today? No, she ___________________ (not go) to work. She was ill.
5. How fast _________ you _______________ (drive) when the police ______________ (stop) you? I don’t know exactly but I ________________________
(not drive) very fast.
6. ___________ your team _________ (win) the football match yesterday? No, the weather was bad so we ____________ (not play).
7. How ___________ you __________________ (break) the window? We _______________________ (play) football. I ________________ (kick) the ball
and it __________________ (hit) the window.
8. ______________ you ________________ (see) Jenny last night? Yes, she _______________________ (wear) a very nice jacket.
9. What ____________ you ___________________ (do) at 2 o’clock this morning? I was asleep.
10. I ______________ (lose) my key last night. – How _________ you ___________ (get) into your room? I _________________ (climb) in through a window

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