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GENERAL INFORMATION thickness is about equal to the distance separating the

The Laterolog device usesan electrode arrangement and midpoint (0,) of M,M{ from the midpoint (0.J of
automatic control system to force the current to flow M,M& which is 32 in.
radially through the formations as a sheet of predeter-
mined thickness.
Two types of Laterolog devices were used to record
these old logs; the Laterolog-7 and Laterolog-3. The
Laterolog-7 tool used “point” electrodes, schematically
represented in Fig. 20. The device had one central elec-
trode (A,r) and three pairs of electrodes (Mr and M,, Mi
and M& and A, and AZ) placed symmetrically with
respectto A,; the pairs being respectively short circuited.
A current of constant and calibrated intensity was sent
through A,. Additional currents of the same polarity
were fed through the auxiliary power electrodes (A1 and
AZ). The intensity of these currents was automatically
and continuously adjusted in such a way that the dif-
ference in potential between the short circuited pairs
(MrM, and MiMi) was maintained practically equal to
zero. The potential of any one of these four electrodes
was then measured. The apparent resistivity measured
with this device was proportional to the value of this
potential and to a calibration coefficient that depended
on the distance between the electrodes.
With this system, the current emitted from A, was
prevented from flowing upward past Mr and M{ or
downward past M, and M& just as though insulated
plugs were placed in the hole at the levels of these elec- 78-86
trodes. Accordingly, the distance the current travels
across the mud is very small and the mud column has Fig. 20 Distribution of current lines for Laterolog-7.
very little influence on the measurements except in the
case of deep cavings. Also, the electrical conditions The Laterolog-3 tool used elongated electrodes, as
created by the controlling system are such that the cur- shown schematically in Fig. 21, and an automatic con-
rent emitted by A, behavesas if the insulated plugs were trol system similar to the Laterolog-7 device. Here, also,
extended horizontally some distance away from the the current fed through the center electrode (A;) was
borehole. The current is therefore forced to flow within forced to concentrate within an almost horizontal slice
an approximately horizontal slice of space whose of spacewhose thickness was about equal to the distance


between Ol, and Oi, which are at the middle of the the equipotential surface passing through M and infini-
respective gaps separating the center electrode from the ty. Without a focusing system, the current lines diverge
auxiliary electrodes. from A in all directions and are attracted upward and
If the distancesO,O, in the Laterolog-7 tool and O;Oi downward by the adjacent conductive formations so that
in the Laterolog-3 tool were equal, the thickness of the the resistance offered by the bed is, to a great extent, by-
sheetsof currents for both caseswould be the same, and passed. The apparent resistivity read opposite the bed is
the two devices would have similar abilities for detecting therefore much lower than the true resistivity of the bed.
details. With the Laterolog device, on the contrary, all current
The guarded electrode system was similar to the lines flow within the boundaries of the bed, at least over
Laterolog3. a large distance from the borehole, so that the resistance
between the equipotential passing through M and infini-
A’ ty (and, accordingly, the potential at M) is directly con-
trolled by the resistivity of the bed. The apparent resistivi-
ty is close to the true resistivity of the bed.

Fig. 21 Laterolog-3 current distribution.


The Laterolog device, becauseof its focusing system, was
better adapted for thin bedsthan the electrical log devices.
To illustrate this point, the Laterolog current is compared
to the normal device current in a schematic example of
a thin noninvaded bed with high resistivity bounded by i
thick formations of low resistivity. The bed thickness is
slightly greater than that of the sheet of current. 1 Focusing System
Fig. 22 shows this comparison and is divided into two Nonfocusing System (Laterolog)
parts by a vertical dashed-dotted line that coincides with t w
(Normal Device)
the axis of the borehole. A power electrode (A) is shown 4 i 80-86
on the axis midway betweenthe bed boundaries. Distribu-
tion of the current emitted from A, without any focus-
ing system (normal device), is represented qualitatively Fig. 22 Comparison of focused vs nonfocused current
on the left of the figure. The current distribution cor- distribution.
responding to the use of a focusing system (Laterolog)
is shown on the right. Fig. 23 shows a typical example of a curve recorded
The apparent resistivity is proportional to the poten- in the laboratory opposite a thin noninvaded bed, more
tial prevailing at an electrode (M) close to the power elec- resistive than the adjacent formations, and penetrated by
trode (A) and, consequently, to the resistance between a borehole filled with mud of low resistivity.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


L Laterolog
0, O2 = 1.5d
A, A, = 9d


Fig. 23 Comparison of E-log and Laterolog response.

In this figure the bed thickness e is equal to five times EFFECT OF THE INVADED ZONE
the hole diameter d. The spacing of the Laterolog device In permeable beds, the current used for measurement
is O,O, = 1Sd, with A1A2 equal to six times O,O,. For must cross the invaded zone radially before reaching
a usual hole diameter of about 9 in., these values corres- the uncontaminated zone. The apparent resistivity is
pond respectively to a bed thickness slightly less than 4 proportional to a voltage that includes the ohmic drop
ft and to a current sheet thickness slightly greater than of potential first across the invaded zone and then
1 ft. The true resistivity of the bed is 100 ohm-m, the across the uncontaminated zone. If the invasion is
resistivity of the mud is 0.1 ohm-m, and the resistivity deep, as it generally is in hard formations, the effect
of the adjacent formations is 3 ohm-m. of the invaded zone on the apparent resistivity may
The electrical log curves recorded with a short normal, be important.
a long normal, and a lateral device are shown for Departure curves have been computed for thick
comparison. beds, giving the value of the apparent resistivity read
The Laterolog device gives a much sharper indication with the Laterolog-7 curve versus the true resistivity,
of bed boundaries than conventional devices. The “ap- for various depths of invasion and various resistivities
parent thickness” of the bed, however, is smaller than of the invaded zone.
the true thickness by an amount about equal to the spac- The computed results are summarized into a few
ing. The value of the apparent resistivity read with the simple equations that correct the readings for invasion
Laterolog on the center plane of the bed is 80 ohm-m, effect:
compared to an Rt of 100 ohm-m; the conventional
devices show 4, 5, and 12 ohm-m, respectively. For 4 = 20 in.,
In hard rock the porous and permeable sections are
generally sandwiched between tight formations; in other R, = 0.2 Rx,, + 0.8 R, or R, = 1.25 R, -0.25 R,,.
words, R, is often smaller than R,. Laboratory tests for For 4 = 40 in.,
the caseof Rt < R, show that the effect of adjacent for-
mations can be neglected without too great an error in Ra = 0.4 R,yo+ 0.6 Rt or Rt = 1.66 Rg - 0.66 R,,,
saturation evaluation if bed thickness is greater than
For 4 = 80 in.,
about 4 ft. This conclusion applies to both Laterolog-7
and Laterolog-3 measurements. R. = 0.6 Rx0 i- 0.4 Rt or R, = 2.5 R, - 1.5 R,oo.

Field experiencehas shown that the sameequations can APPLICATIONS

be applied to the Laterolog-3 readings. The Laterolog device gives a sharp, detailed record of the
Values for Rx0 can be determined from the MicroLog sequencesof beds regardless of the mud resistivity and I
or the Microlaterolog; the value of dj has to be assumed. is an excellent tool for formation definition and for cor-
SinceRx0is a direct function of R,, the effect of the in- relation. Only the application to reservoir evaluation in
vaded zone depends directly on the mud resistivity. It is hard-rock territories will be discussed because the
interesting to define what the optimum value of R, should Laterolog tool is seldom used in other regions.
be so that the invaded zone effect is as small as possible.
High-Salinity Mud
To illustrate this point the following example is used:
High-salinity muds are frequently found in hard-rock ter-
F = 30, R, = 0.05 ohm-m, and d;: = 40 in. ritories becauseof salt beds overlying the productive for- D
mations. The Laterolog curve is one of the components
R, for 100% water saturation = 1.5 ohm-m. of the so-called “salt mud survey technique,” which
Rt for 25% water saturation = 24 ohm-m. becamestandard practice in many of these regions, such
as Kansas and the Williston basin. The other components
Fresh Mud - With a mud resistivity of 1 ohm-m, R,, are usually the gamma ray log, the Microlaterolog, and,
will be approximately 30 ohm-m. With such a mud, the occasionally, the neutron log.
invaded zone will have little effect when the formation With this technique, the gamma ray curve makes the
is oil,bearing becauseRx,, (30 ohm-m) is close to Rt (24 distinction between shale beds and nonshale beds; the
ohm-m). Microlaterolog delineates, within the nonshale beds, the
For water-bearing formations, with G$= 20, 40, and intervals with enough porosity to be considered poten-
80 in., the readings will be equal to 7.2, 12.9, and 18.6 tially productive. The qualitative analysis of each inter-
ohm-m, respectively. The apparent resistivities are val so singled out by the Microlaterolog is simple. Since
therefore far greater than the true resistivity (R, = 1.5 the resistivity of the mud is of the same order of
ohm-m) for even a moderate diameter of invasion, such magnitude as that of the formation water, the resistivity
as di = 2d. In fresh muds the Laterolog is not able to of the flushed zone is usually about the same as the true D
distinguish oil-bearing from water-bearing beds, even resistivity of the formations when they are water bearing
qualitatively, except when invasion is very shallow. and is smaller than their true resistivity when they con-
Salty Mud - With a mud resistivity of 0.1 ohm-m, tain oil or gas in appreciable quantities. The Laterolog I
Rx0 is approximately 3 ohm-m. reading is roughly equal to Rx0 in the former case, and
In the case of oil, the values for R, are respectively it is greater than % but smaller than Rt in the latter case.
19.6, 15.4, and 11.4 ohm-m; the true value is 24 ohm-m. When the value of Rx0 from the Microlaterolog is com-
When the formation is water bearing,’ the values of R, pared with the Laterolog reading, the presenceor absence
are 1.8, 2.1, and 2.4 ohm-m; the true value is 1.5 ohm- of hydrocarbons can be determined.
m. The Laterolog curve thus readsbelow the true resistivi- On the other hand, although R,,,and R, are of the same
ty for oil-bearing beds and above for water-bearing beds. order of magnitude, R, is often great enough with respect
The relative errors, nevertheless, are very small for to R, that the SP curve shows deflections of about 10mV
shallow invasion, and, though appreciable, are still ac- at the junctions between thick sections containing mostly
ceptable in cases of deep invasion. At any rate, the shalesor mostly limestones. This SP curve can sometimes
qualitative discrimination between oil-bearing and water- be used to determine the average value of R, over thick
bearing beds is quite clear. intervals when measured R, values are not available. I
Conditions are favorable for using the Laterolog tool
when the resistivity of the mud is low. The Laterolog is Field Examples
an excellent tool for those regions where the conventional Fig. 24 shows a Laterolog curve recorded in limestones
electrical Iog is the most adversely affected. drilled with a salt-saturated mud in west Texas. The figure
Salt muds do, however, have some drawbacks; one of also includes, for comparison, the resistivity curvesrecord-
the biggest is that the SP curve is reduced to an almost ed with short normal and limestone devicesand a gamma
flat line of no value for discrimination betweenbeds.Tak- ray log. One striking feature is the considerable difference
ing into account all aspectsof the interpretation, the op- in resistivities recorded with the various devices.
timum mud resistivity should be from three to five times The resistivities recorded with the short normal and the
that of the formation water resistivity. This rule, inciden- limestone sonde are very low, not greater than about 10
tally, is valid not only for Laterolog conditions but also ohm-m, becauseof the small radii of investigation of these
for electrical logs. devices and the bypass effect of the mud column. In

comparison, resistivities ashigh as 150ohm-m are obtained Fig. 25 is an example of the salt mud survey technique
with the lateral device(radius of investigation is very large) in a sequenceof limestones and shalesin Kansas. Interval
and the Laterolog. A is a potential reservoir. Over this interval, the average
Many details on the Laterolog curve are lacking on the value of Rx0 is equal to the average reading of the
limestone sonde curve, despite the resistivity scalefor the Microlaterolog; i.e., 10 ohm-m.
limestone curve being five times as sensitive as that used The Laterolog reading is 38 ohm-m. Furthermore, Rmf
for the Laterolog recording. at BHT is 0.07 ohm-m and R, is known from local ex-
Although large resistivity contrasts are observedon both perienceto be 0.04 ohm-m. With 20% residual oil satura-
the lateral and Laterolog curves, the shapesof the curves tion in the flushed zone, a lower limit for water saturation
are markedly different. The comparison showsclearly how is 31% and the average porosity is 10%.
much the lateral curve is distorted by the effect of the mud This interval was perforated, and after treatment with
column. In particular, the curve fails to show thin highly 8,000 gal of acid produced 10barrels of oil per hour with
resistive streaks, such asA, that correspond to sharp peaks 5% water.
on the Laterolog curve.

Gamma Ray Log Conventional Resistivity Log

Ohms m?m

IO” Normal 25 0-----------

19’ Lateral 50
I imnstnnn

I II-i i

Bit Size: 7’/~ in. R,: 0.04 At BHT

Fig. 24 Comparison of conventional resistivity log, Laterolog, and gamma ray log
in hard formations with salt mud (Permian basin).

The Microlaterolog device measuresRx0directly in this Features and Applications:

situation, (The Microlaterolog measurementis covered in l A focused measurement with sharp bed definition.
Chapter 7). l Accurate at high resistivities.
. Best results in salt mud systems.
Measures: l Inaccurate at low resistivities in fresh muds.
l Apparent formation resistivity.

Microlaterolog 1

- - -

ZZ = =
- - -
=z = -

= =
xo = 10 R, = 0.04

- -
Section A
RLL = 38 R,f = 0.07
- Z-
7 -

G = z
3 - -
= =
- - -
x -- --

ZI - -
= = =
- - -
- = =
0 Mostly Shale SE z SE
= II
Tight Limestone
II = 1
With Shale Streaks 1-- r- Porosity (From MLL): 10%
5 Water Saturation (From El Log): 31%
= Perf. 24 Shots: 8,000 Gal AC.
jg?j Porous And Permeable -.
- -- Swb 10 BOPH With 5% Water

Fig. 25 Typical salt mud survey.

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