Circus Rings: Book Three Chapter One

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17 November 2402

The figure was hunched on the floor,surrounded by bowls and knives, the tools
of its trade.A blazing fire front of the figure cast a deep ring of shadow around
the room,casting flickering shapes on a thick dark liquid in the bowls.Slowly,a
pale hand extended from its tattered robes and poured from one bowl to
another.The liquid was a deep,rich red.The figure started rocking gently back
and forth as a spine chilling chant issued from its huddled shape.As the solitary
chanting increased in pitch and passion the bowl was gripped by both wizened
hands and raised in the air.The hood fell back,revealling an ancient face,deep
lines were etched into the black and white make up.The old woman finally
screamed,her eyes closed.Then she released the bowl and its contents.The dish
dropped to the ash strewn floor where it shattered into three pieces.Splashes of
red hit her raptured face.Looking down she gasped and moved back from the
"The Three,"she hissed.
A tall,leather-clad figure stepped from the shadows behind her.Two swords
were crossed behind his back.Knives and other blades were fastened to his
clothing.His face bore black lightening bolts over his eyes,crossed like his
swords.His sharp blue eyes were bright in the flames.
"What say you,Sayer?"His voice was perfectly level,as sharp as any of his
"The Three are coming,"she said.Her voice was pitched and cracked with age.
"The Three?"He laughed."They are merely legend,old woman.Ghosts made up
by your ancestors to give the weak and feeble minded hope."
"The Three are coming,"she insisted."The bowls never lie to those who can
see.They are on their way.They bring great change.Heed my
warning,Swordsman.Soon none of us will live long enough to see our children
Swordsman started laughing,openly scorning the old woman."The
Three!Here!"Still laughing,he returned to the shadows.The Sayer called to
him,making him pause.
"Prophesy promises great change and destruction following The Three!Great
change and destruction!"
Silently Swordsman left the room.
"Star One,confirm new command protocols."
"Have the launch and homing programs been authorised?"
"Okay,hide files and augments.Authorisation:Dexter,Stargazer 3."
"Execute full systems check."
"Return to standby status.Full security lock out."
Dexter sat back in his command seat as the console screens went dark.Slowly
the green lights on his panel faded to their yellow standby mode.His white face
with its black bat wings was hidden in the shadows and it wasn't until he leaned
forward into the muted yellow from the overhead hangar lights outside the ship
it became obvious.He enjoyed the few seconds peace and quiet after such a
hectic few days.He hadn't even had the luxury of moving freely around the base
like he was used to.Having to hide his new face was causing a lot of
problems.He couldn't even wear his uniform.Since the death of Thief and his
crew there had been a frantic effort to get as much information on this
industrial complex they were heading for.
Few Terran ships ever visited it.But to his surprise one of them turned out to be
Sharas' father.Alan Avery and his freighter Marlbor had been making regular
runs to the Hotmetal complex picking up and dropping off machine parts and
supplies.It was a profitable run but it was taking its toll on his ship.A lot of
equipment was being shipped in and out.It was a large complex,not just
dominating the surface of the planetoid but below the surface,going deep into
the core.The core was still molten, whether by design or accident he didn't
know,and the geo thermal heat was harvested for power to run the complex.It
turned out incredibly detailed ship and machine parts,computer systems,even
refining raw ore and fuel composites.Avery didn't know who owned and ran the
place,he only had his contact who told him where to either pick up or drop off
the next shipment.
When questioned about anyone wearing white make up he refused to answer
any more questions other than to say he'd seen them and most of them kept a
wide berth around them.No one he knew mixed with them.But he got the
impression they had levels below the surface all their own.
Dexter looked up at the ships clock.He had to go and catch his shuttle.The long
leather coat creaked as he climbed from his seat.Dressed in his usual off duty
black T shirt and jeans he'd recently lost his beard and long hair.Now clean
shaven,mainly to see what he looked like with his deathly white skin,and close
cropped hair he had trouble recognising himself never mind anyone else
knowing who he was.But he was tired of sneaking around and surprising
himself everytime he looked in a mirror.He wanted this mission over with and a
way to get this white make up off him.Thief said it only came off after death.
He hoped it wouldn't come to that.
The base was quiet but he still used the conduits running behind the walls to get
to a small airlock linked to a surface launch pad.Sitting on the pad was a two
seater civilian shuttle.The doors leading to the boarding tube were open as he
climbed from the conduit into airlock anti chamber and he could see someone
sitting in one of the seats.He paused,since no one but a select few knew the ship
was docked,but relaxed when he saw the thick ginger blond hair of Admiral
Jorgenson.He walked into the shuttle and sat down beside the admiral.Withgout
a word Jorgenson sealed the ship and detached the boarding tube,lifting the ship
on its lifting jets himself.Raising the nose he set course for a large orbiting
complex of their own,the Grafbinder Launch Station.Set high in Earth orbit it
was the starting point of many interstellar missions as well as providing repair
and recreation facilities. Constructed after the destruction of the original lunar
base,at one point all flights left from there.It was capable of containing and dry
docking the largest of starships,both military and civilian.Which was why they
were heading there.The captured Circus ship was in Slipway Three,a massive
dry dock with very few observation ports.Adam,Shara and the wheelchair
bound Alec had been on board since it was towed in.Some of Alpha
Team,Starcruiser Ones' maintenance crew,were also on board.If they were
going to use the ship to infiltrate the Circus they had to know as much as
possible about it.
And Starcruiser One didn't leave it in very good condition.
Dexter sat back as Jorgenson flew the shuttle.The admiral,a former starcruiser
pilot,expertly handled the ship.
"I don't fly enough any more,"said Jorgenson.
"Maybe you shouldn't have took the promotion,"answered Dexter.He noticed
the admiral hadn't mentioned the mission first.
"And who would run the fleet if I wasn't there?"
Dexter also knew Jorgenson took a lot of weight from him in the running of the
starcruiser fleet, especially with the rebuilds,when he was away on missions or
patrols.He was also Dexters fall back, meaning if an important decision had to
be made he could and often had to refer to him.Jorgenson also knew he couldn't
make changes without Dexters' authority.Between the two of them they
managed to run the small fleet successfully.But now Dexter was going to be
missing,possibly for weeks,with no input.And if a way could not be found to
remove his new face he may not be able to come back at all.Not a prospect he
relished.Dexter ignored the admirals' question.Instead he looked through the
small window in front of him.The Grafbinder station was growing larger by the
second. "How far have they got with the ship?"
"It will be running when we get there.Apparently Adam has been playing
around with the systems."
"Doing what exactly?"
"Haven't a clue.He only said it would at least get you there with a few surprises
built in."
"Adam.I never know if I should tell him off or pat him on the back."
"Problems there?"
"Not at all.Shara on the other hand...."
"I don't know why you keep her on board.Disciplinary problems-"
"Shara is starting to be a good officer.She might get a bit mouthy sometimes
but she's an excellent pilot.And I've got a feeling her fighting attitude will be an
asset on this mission."
"Raised alone by her father and two older brothers on a star freighter?She isn't
what I'd expect to make a good officer."
"She doesn't know it yet but her spirit is what I was looking for.She has a
powerful need to survive with a need to protect those around her.Sometimes
that need will make a crew survive where others fail."
"Are you expecting to fail this mission?"
Dexter was caught off guard and the thought before he answered."We-I-don't
know.Even the simplest of situations could go against anyone.There is a lot of
unknowns and I'm playing it by ear this time.It isn't a situation I'm comfortable
Jorgenson knew Dexter was often at his best when he was forced to think on
his feet.He decided not to point it out though.Instead he signalled docking
control and headed straight for Slipway Three.To the left of the massive space
doors a smaller hatch opened,designed to allow access without depressurizing
the main hold.The shuttle slipped easily into the hatch,which closed behind
them.The small pad they landed on shifted on powerful hydraulics,first raising
them,then moving sideways into the main slipway.The area was
huge,dominating the small ship sitting on the scarred surface.Small service
craft were dotted around the battered yellow Circus ship.A green atmosphere
light came on on the panel in front of Dexter as the pad dropped to the floor
and locked.They were still a good few minutes walk from the ship as they
opened the hatch.
Immediately they were hit by a blast of cold air.Heating such a vast expanse of
air had always proved a problem.But these were used to repair ships,not take a
few days holiday.Often a simple oxygen/gravity atmosphere would
suffice.Portable heaters were in evidence around the ship to provide a small
envelope of warmth.But where they were walking over it was close to freezing.
Dexter was pleased about his long coat and he pulled it tight around him,his
breath blowing out in plumes.Jorgenson had come prepared as he shrugged into
a thermal jacket,complete with a tiny heater to blow warm air around
him.Dexter looked a little envious at the silver material but said nothing.Instead
he set off at a brisk pace for the Circus ship.As they neared the ship he
suddenly realised he didn't feel cold.
At all.
"Adam,what's the temperature in here?"Dexter ignored the young engineers
white face.
"Captain?"Adam hadn't expected the question.
"How cold?"Dexter insisted.
Adam shook his head."Over beside your shuttle it'll be about minus
fifteen.Here it's about minus five.Why?"
"So it's chilly in here?"
"I think that's what I said."
Jorgenson turned to him."Captain?"
"I'm not cold.I mean,I know it's freezing in here but I can't feel it.But I feel
okay,I'm not numb anywhere."
Shara pulled a hand sensor and swept it over him."He's reading normal body
temperature.A steady 37degrees.No change at the extremities at all."
Alec turned his chair and hummed over.He'd fitted anti grav units to the chair,a
speciality of the Rubicans."Could be a side effect of the Circus thing.Immunity
to extremes of temperature."
Dexter seemed to become aware of the details of those around him.Both Adam
and Shara had full Circus make up and leather garb.He smiled as he noticed
Alecs' improved chair.Then he looked up at the battered hull above and behind
them.Someone had written a name on it in spidery white letters.

Adam grinned."Thief did say his employer was female.I thought it was fitting."
Dexter caught the smile from Jorgenson."You went along with it?"
"We needed to indentify it as something.Seemed like a good idea at the time."
"It'll have to come off.The Circus don't have any identifying marks on this
ship.If we're going to sneak into the Hotmetal complex we can't have it either."
"But Captain-"
"But nothing Lieutenant.The name stays,it comes off."
"Understood."Adam looked a little crest fallen but brightened when he realised
the name stayed with the ship.
"Departure is in one hour."Dexter moved towards the open airlock. "Let's see
what you've done to this thing.I don't want any surprises."
As it turned out he got what he didn't want.

Circus Rings

Starcruiser Five was keeping a discreet watch on the Hotmetal complex,slowly

circling at the limit of its sensor range.She was the only starcruiser in operation
at the moment,the others had all been recalled to be refitted.The crew knew of
the mission with Starcruiser Ones' crew,they'd been there every step of the
way,and they were keeping an eye on the complex so they didn't go in
blind.Their recovery leave had been cancelled and they were still supporting
various partly healed injuries.A little sore,they continued their sentinel
duties.The ships sensors picked up something coming towards them and the
crew shut everything down again to minimise their power signature.It was the
third time they'd done it.The starcruiser was dark,hiding in the shadow of a
moon as a yellow Circus ship flew passed,on a course for the Hotmetal
"Begin restart,"said Rader as the ship put distance between them.
Slowly the ship came back to life,the crew taking their time so they didn't alert
any sensors.
"That is the third ship that's come from that sector,"said Paul.
"But it's outside our territory,"answered Haskins."We don't know what is there."
"Obviously a lot of Circus ships,"said Solow.
"How many ships in total now?"
"That makes a total of nine Circus ships heading for the complex,"said
Haskins."Looks like a party."
"A party."Rader sat back in his seat thinking."If something big is going on it
might be easier for Dexter to sneak on board the place.Their security might not
be up to scratch if a lot of them are showing up."
"Or so tight it squeaks."
"Way to go,Paul."Haskins looked at his monitor at the receding ship."Always
looking on the bright side."
"The point must be made,"Paul answered."I wonder what's going on."
"They could be having a meeting.If our captured technology is down there they
could be pulling their people in to study it."Solow,from his perch in the
Interceptor,could see the Circus ship through his visor."Even the MK 2
equipment is more advanced than the ship we caught."
"You've studied Adam Masters reports,"said Rader."In what way?"
"Sensors,engines,computers,navigation.They are all better than their ship we
caught.MK 3 technology is even better.But they are better than us in
shields,hull armour and space frame technology.Systems we are currently
working on are already old news to them."
"So their defences are more advanced?Interesting."Rader brought Starcruiser
Five into the open. "Break comm silence.Send the info on the ships back to the
Circus ship on Grafbinder.Dexter should be leaving soon and he should know
about the situation before he leaves."

The captured Circus ship Witchfinder was now without any source of external
heating.Any equipment that was being used around it had been cleared
away.Where the name was the clean patch of hull had been suitably
distressed.On board the lights were brighter than their first visit,with a lot of the
elements being replaced.The corridors were still dirty,the rooms and
compartments were still untidy. Several hand held monitors were given to the
three man crew to provide a map of the still unfamiliar layout of the ship.It
would take two days to get to their destination and their lives would depend on
the ship functioning long enough to get them there and hopefully back,possibly
with the captured equipment in the massive holds.Another mission perogative
was to get the captain back to normal and find out as much as they could about
these Circus people.After several conflicts with major races diplomacy was to
be tried first before fighting then diplomacy.Though unlikely,they had the
potential to be valuable ally.At worst,a tolerated neighbour behind their own
The ship felt to Dexter like a dinosaur,basic and outdated.Tired and overworked
systems were forced into life one more time.Jorgenson and Alec had departed
for the admirals shuttle before the main airlock in the stern was sealed.Shara
commented on the more comfortable enviromentals on board as they made
their was across the large hold.Before the ship had been very cold.Dexter had to
take her word for it,he couldn't feel any difference.
"I've adjusted the heating on the life support,"said Adam as he led the way."I
had to hook up a few portable heaters throughout the ship.Gravity and air is the
same.The only thing is the ship is going to start stinking as the detritus they left
behind defrosts."
"We're only going to need a few sections,"said Dexter.
"We never know how this mission is going to end up.We could have a ship full
of people.But I set up a couple of bunks just off the bridge for sleeping,The
living quarters were disgusting."
"We noticed,"said Shara.
Adam led the way up through the ship to the bridge,a route all of them
remembered but in more hostile conditions.Now the lights were brighter they
could see how scruffy the ship really was.It didn't fill them with a lot of
confidence.The engineer though didn't seem to notice.Both Shara and Dexter
kept an eye on their hand monitors with its map of the ship.They needed to
know the ship enough to find their way around in the dark if they had to.The
ship had a single escape pod,located above the bridge,that had been extensively
repaired in case they needed it.
They approached the door at the back of the bridge where Dexter and Shara had
been forced to take cover from the automated defences.Damage was still
evident all around the doorframe and Shara resisted the urge to duck.Adam
walked straight in,turning the lights up from one of the consoles.
"Right,"he said."Helm is there with navigation.Engineering,that'll be me,is
there.Communication and defences are there.I've updated the computers so
more of the ships functions are automated. Tactical, flight and engineering
systems have all had some kind of modification."
"Adam,"said Dexter."I wanted the ship to blend in.If it goes back and is running
a different set up they could detect it,especially if the ship was based there."
"Captain,other than the lights,the modifications aren't active.We can revert to
the original set up at any time after we turn them on.And unless you know what
to look for the ship is just the same.For all we know these could be communal
starships,shared between the race."
"Like the name?"said Shara.
"The name was a mistake,"he admitted."But it's put right now."
Abruptly the communications panel started beeping.Shara started to move for it
but Dexter caught her arm.She looked at him.
"Take the helm,Lieutenant."
"You pilot the ship,I'll take the comm."
"Aye Sir."Shara sat in the seat in front of the large,battered console,taking a few
minutes to familiarise herself with the controls.Dexter stood in front of the
comm and weapons panel and pressed the button to receive the message.One of
the screens lit up with red text on a black background.
"It's from Starcruiser Five,"he said."There's a lot of traffic going into
Hotmetal,all of them Circus ships.So far none of them have left.And normal
traffic has been reduced.Rader thinks there might be some sort of
gathering,possibly to go over our technology."
"Sounds right to me,"said Adam."If we captured alien technology I'd get the
best minds to take a look.In fact I did with this ship.Including your uncle
Dexter looked up."Willian was here?And he never caught up with me?"
"None of your family besides your mother knows of our...situation.Was
impressed with the ship though."
Dexter shrugged and sat down,watching the others as they made the ship ready
to fly.His own panel was active but had little to do.
"Bringing modified computer systems on line."Adam adjusted controls and the
ship came to life around them.A faint vibration from the engines filled the ship.
Adam noticed Sharas' shocked face through her make up."Better get used to
that,Lieutenant.I can't do a lot about it."
"I think from now on we should use our Circus names."Dexter swivelled his
seat from the panel to face them."I'm Thief.That leaves Deceit and
Destruction.You choose."
Shara looked at Adam."We can all make things go bang.The question is-"
"Who is the biggest liar?"Adam smiled."Well,I'm a two hundred year old Swiss
cheese with a body odour problem.I also have a great selection of sand."
"And I'm your mother!"Shara answered.
"You want me to make you go bang?"said Adam.
"Enough!"Dexter smiled."Shara,you are now officially
Deceit.Adam,Destruction.No more use of our names."
"Right."Shara looked at her panel uncertainly."I think we're ready."
"Destruction?"Dexter looked at Adam.The engineer jumped but nodded.Dexter
turned to his panel and selected audio only."Witchfinder to Grafbinder
control.Requesting departure instructions."
"Understood Witchfinder,"came the instant response,probably because
Jorgenson had been having words."Depart immediately.You are cleared for a
straight run to the Simeon Route.Speed must be kept down to Quantum Five
until you have cleared the system.We must point out we have no destination or
manifest logged."
"Understood,Grafbinder.Witchfinder out.Deceit,let's go."
Outside the ship the atmosphere was vented,leaving the ship in a vacuum.The
single lifting jet raised the battered yellow ship into an unsteady hover.
"These controls are different to Starcruiser One,"Shara complained.
The massive outer doors swung open,revealling the darkness of space.Behind
their docking station the impressive blue and white of Earth reflected
sunlight,leaving them in shadow.Slowly Witchfinder inched forward,then
accelerated into space.They didn't see the tiny shuttle waiting beside the doors,
where an admiral and a crippled doctor were watching them leave.
"Set course for the Simeon Route.Speed,Quantum Six."
"Capt-er Thief,"said Shara."Grafbinder only authorised Quantum Five."
"That's a civilian restriction,Deceit.As far as I know,we're still military.What
are they gonna do? Arrest us?"
"They might,we've got a patrol ship coming up from astern."
Dexter looked at the main screen at the small cruiser.Designed as a type of
police patrol ship,their job was to maintain order in the traffic in the system.He
could remember several occasions when Starcruiser One had backed them
up.His panel beeped."They're requesting communications."He sat back and
opened an audio channel."Witchfinder,go ahead."
"Witchfinder,reduce your speed or heave to."
"Heave to?What are we doing wrong?"
"You are exceeding limits imposed on you by Grafbinder control."
"We are speeding?Checking."He left a few seconds pause."Our panel is reading
Quantum Five."
"You are doing Quantum Six.Reduce speed and prepare to be boarded."
"We've been doing some engine modifications.Our readouts might not be
properly calibrated.You say we are at Quantum Six?Match our speed and we
can set them up properly."
"You should not be in space if your equipment isn't functioning correctly."
"Look,I'm new to this job and if I don't get my cargo there on time my boss is
gonna kill me.Help me out will ya?"
There was a pause,giving Dexter time to look at the others.Both of them were
watching him enthralled,just to see him dig himself out of this one.
"Understood,Witchfinder.Match our speed and make necessary adjustments."
Dexter nodded to Shara who matched speed with the smaller patrol ship.They
counted down to Quantum One,allowing time to make the imaginary
"Proceed at Quantum Five,Witchfinder.We will maintain position until you
reach the Simeon Route in case the fault re occurs."
Dexter caught the dig at the end of the officers instructions.He resisted the urge
to tell him who he really was and pull rank.Instead he acknowledged and
nodded to Shara."Quantum Five."
Shara and Adam exchanged grins and the ship accelerated to the stated speed.It
took ten hours to get to the Simeon Route,the cleared area through the outer
asteroid belt.It was usually favoured by military ships,the starcruisers among
them,but they met no challenge from the observation satellites, probably more
of Jorgensons' handiwork.As they entered the debris free area the patrol ship
veered off without a word.
"Goodbye to you too,"said Shara."ETA outer space in three minutes.I'm picking
up a few ships on normal patrol,some on arrival headings.Two are leaving the
system with us.Most are military.One is a freighter."
"The Marlbor.My fathers' ship."
"If he's going to the Hotmetal complex it could pause problems for us.Has he
scanned us?"
"Can't tell with this equipment.But he's gonna recognise this as a Circus ship."
"There's nothing we can do about it.He knows something is going on.Can we
get there before him?"
Adam looked at his panel."If we were in Starcruiser One I'd say we'd do it
easily.In this crate we might beat him by an hour."
"So what if he recognises the ship?"said Shara."I don't recognise me with this
face.Odds are he can't.Especially you."
Dexter suddenly realised he'd started not to notice the white faces.They were
who they were,except they could take theirs off."Set course for the Hotmetal
complex.Destruction,how are we doing?"
"Systems read ready,Thief.I can't get them any better."
"Course is set."
"Activate star drive.Best speed."
Shara noticed she missed her starcruiser flight helmet.But at least she wouldn't
get helmet hair.The Circus ship surged forward,altering course.The hull seemed
to glow with a white light,a different effect to Terran star drives,and
Witchfinder disappeared into the Light Stream.

Circus Rings

Admiral Jorgenson left his office off S.CRUISA LUNA control in time to see
Starcruiser Threes' Attack Unit landing on its pad on the main screen.He paused
as the pad started to lower looking at the communications officer meaning to
ask again if there had been any word from Dexter and Witchfinder. They had
been gone for over two days.The comm officer shook her head.He hadn't even
asked the question.
"I'll be in Hangar Three,"he said.He made his way to the starcruiser
section,passing the sealed Hangar One and the hive of activity in Hangar
Two,visible through the open doors.Starcruiser Two was already stripped to its
spaceframe, ready to begin reconstruction into a MK 3.Technicians were
filtering in from Hangar Three,where the starcruiser was ready for assembly of
its component ships. The teams had managed to get the rebuilds down to two
weeks,with the time halved by having MK 3 Interceptors and standard
Command Bases already built.Techniques learnt from the rebuilds of
starcruisers One and Five were being fine tuned and each ship was being rebuilt
faster.Small production lines in the engineering level had been set up to build
major systems,power generators and engines.Freighters were shipping in parts
and equipment on a scale not seen since the base was constructed.Plans were
being drawn up for mission specific Command Bases,even modified
Interceptors.Though they were being worked hard the teams were excited and
keen to see how far they could take the designs.Hangar Three was filled with
diagnostic equipment and a few personnel.The Attack Unit was alone on the
pad,bare without its component ships.Its pilot,Kenny Lapham,was lowering the
steps between the wings.
Jorgenson walked passed the Command Module and Interceptor sitting in their
assembly cradles to speak to Kenny.
"Admiral,"he nodded,pulling his flight helmet off his long blond hair.
"How does it handle?"he said,without preamble.
"She needs some fine tuning but she handles like a dream.The performance is
far better than the simulators.""What about the weapons?"
"They behaved as expected but had a few problems with the recharge rate.Like
I said,some fine tuning."
"Admiral?"came a voice behind him."Something wrong?"
Jorgenson turned to find the ships commander,Gregg "Rusty" Hanley, coming
over.Dressed in work gear he'd been with the ship at every stage of the
rebuild."Is the ship passing the tests?"
"So far.But she's far from ready for duty.She hasn't even been tested fully
assembled yet."
"But all the other ships have passed?"
"Yes.But final testing is still four days away."
"You have a day Commander."
"A day?What's the rush?"
"I'll brief you before you leave,but I want Starcruiser Three assembled and
ready to fly in eighteen hours.That includes test flights."Jorgenson turned and
left them looking at his back.
Rusty and Kenny looked at each other for a second.
"Get Ceta team back in here,Ken.Looks like we still have a lot of work to do."

Witchfinder dropped out of the Light Stream still over three hours from the
Hotmetal complex. Immediately its improved sensors began to sweep the area
under Adams' control.Both Dexter and Shara were sleeping.Adam put the
sweeps on the main screen as he sat behind the helm console.They picked up
four targets,all on the same course as themselves.Three were Circus ships
similar to their own.The fourth was something entirely different.Setting the
sensors to passive scan mode,something they couldn't do before,Adam began to
take a look at the new ship.The sensors, now set up so the ship they were
scanning didn't know they were being inspected,started to bring in details
which he fed onto the console screen,leaving the image on the main screen.The
ship was much larger than theirs by almost seven times,almost battlecruiser
size.Four massive main engines lit up the stern.The hull, which was
convoluted,was decorated in alternating black,white and grey stripes.The bow
was gently sloping to a point.Rows of lights on the hull told him it had
seventeen decks.Several large open hatchways,like hangar doors,ran across
several decks each big enough to hold three starcruisers.
A wide port that ran across just above the bow was presumably the bridge.He
couldn't see any weapons but that didn't mean it didn't have any.He was also
reading a massive power signature,even on passive scan.Deciding he'd pushed
his luck enough he shut the scans down.
At present speed they'd get there twenty minutes before Witchfinder.He checked
the other Circus ships and found they'd increased speed so they'd get there
before this new ship.Since it was obviously important that the Circus get there
first he pushed the engine controls forward.Witchfinder accelerated.Now they'd
reach Hotmetal five minutes before them.

Starcruiser Five has in open space,holding position where it could keep an eye
on any approaching ships.She picked up the four Circus ships and just had time
to identify Witchfinder before the large alien ship appeared.Immediately alarms
went off.The hull sensors had picked up active sensors and that they'd swept
over them then returned.The alarms raised Rader from his bunk.Only Solow
was on duty in the Command Module.Rader stuck his head through the
door,"What have we got?"
"Large alien ship heading for Hotmetal.The sensors that alerted us are too
powerful to be from the Circus ships.One of them is Witchfinder."
"Finally.Is the ship close enough to pose a threat?"
"It knows we're here.It's scanning us now."
"Get us out of here.Make no moves other than those made by a MK 2."
Solow adjusted Raders' controls and Starcruiser Five banked, accelerating no
faster than a MK 2."Should we notify Captain Dexter?"
"We can't,it might tip them off to their not being who they're pretending to
be.We'll just slip away and hope this alien ship lets us go.If not,we'll have to
fight or run.Either way,we can't watch any longer."
"Settling at Quantum Four.So far no pursuit."
Adam was checking for Starcruiser Five and spotted movement where he knew
the ship should have been.The tiny white dot was slowly moving
away.Something had made them move but other than the ships he could see
there was nothing.Even the starcruiser itself wasn't on his sensors. With a final
look at his board he went to get the captain and Shara up.

The old hag sat in the dark in front of her fire.her black and white face bright in
the flames.Animal entrails and bones were scattered around her but all her
prophesies kept coming up with the same answer.
"The Three!"she hissed."The Three are almost here!"

"Put us behind the second Circus ship,"said Dexter,now well settled in his guise
as Thief,was standing behind the pilots chair.After two days they all were used
to their new names and appearance.
"Right."Shara,now Deceit,was at the controls.
"Are they transmitting anything?"Dexter looked across at Adam.
Adam,now Destruction,checked the communications panel."Nothing
yet.Wait........the first two ships are both transmitting the same message.Looks
like a simple welcome message.A return signal is being received....They're
getting directed to surface pads."
"Do we have the same greeting signal?"
Dexter and Shara waited anxiously for the response.Everything could fail at
this point and,without Starcruiser Five as back up and a very large alien ship
behind them,they would have little chance to escape.
"Signal received.We're being directed to a small pad just outside the main ore
processing plant."
"Deceit,set course.It looks like we're in."
Now they were closer to the surface of Hotmetal they found it lived up to its
name.Massive industrial buildings with exposed thick metallic pipes clung to
the dirty black surface.Closely grouped together with tubes, presumeably
walkways and ground transport,linked them together as they snaked across the
rock.Witchfinder swooped around the tall buildings,roughly following the
ground tubes,on a course for one of the landing pads next to the tallest of the
buildings.It mimicked the smaller complexes with its exposed pipework but
was easily four times larger.There were several other landing pads dotted
around theirs,almost all of them occupied with ships similar to their own.
Boarding tubes were connected to their large cargo holds in their stern giving
access to the ground tubes.Pools of industrial waste and detritus from the
inhabitants littered the exterior rock of the planetoid.If it had an atmosphere
Dexter thought the air would stink.
Shara brought Witchfinder to a hover over their pad and allowed the ship to
settle.Dust and debris were blown into a cloud by its single lifting jet.As the
systems wound down a boarding tube rolled out and fastened onto the hull.It
was big enough to take the largest of cargo.
Dexter straightened up from gripping the back of Shara's chair."Are the
modified systems off line?"
Adam checked his board."Yes.They couldn't tell they were altered even if
they're looking.But I can bring them back at a few seconds notice."
"Is everyone ready then?"
"Do I have a choice?"said Shara.
"Not really."He looked at the screen with the other ships."Everyone remember
which ship is ours."

The large alien ship slipped into a high orbit,keeping the main building in view
at all times.A smaller ship,black white and grey striped,emerged from one of
the large hangars in its side and dropped towards the surface.After a few
seconds it was obviously heading for a pad set into the roof.As soon as the ship
was clear four similar ships exited the four hangars on the side exposed to
space. They assumed a diamond formation and headed for Starcruiser Fives'
last position.

Dexter,Shara and Adam walked through the empty hold of Witchfinder and
punched the keypad to open the main door.Immediately a blast of heat hit them
from the dirty and badly lit corridor beyond.
Shara and Adam swore and tried hiding behind the frame to give them time to
adjust to the high temperature.Dexter looked bemused at them.
"What's wrong?"he said as the stood in the full heat.
"Can't you feel it?"said Adam.
"Feel what?I feel a breeze but that's it."
"It must be forty degrees out there."
"Feels fine to me."
"If all the place is like this I'm not going to stand it for very long,"said Shara."It
smells too."
Both Dexter and Adam sniffed.To the engineer he could smell hot metal,like an
iron foundry.Dexter couldn't smell anything.
"What did you think it would smell like?"said Adam."Cut grass and roses?"
"Pizza would have been nice,"she answered.She took a deep breath and
emerged into the full heat and winced."Maybe a nice bit of garlic bread."
"Garlic?That explains a lot."
"Come on."Dexter headed into the poor lighting.The others followed.
"What does that mean?"said Shara.
"Nothing.But I've been in your quarters and thought it was your socks."
"My socks?What's wrong with my socks?"
"Nothing,it was the garlic."
"At least it wasn't cheese burgers with fried onions.I thought that was
something else."
With Dexter in the lead they headed for the main ground tube and they saw
other Circus members for the first time.Most of them wore the beaten up
leather,some wore silver suits.All of them had face make up unique to
themselves.All of them,presumably crew from the other ships,were heading for
a beaten up ground transport waiting at the end of a larger tube.It resembled an
automated cargo sled with low sides and a large flat cargo area.There was no
sign of any driver but Dexter nodded to his crew to join the rest in standing in
the cargo section.None of them took any notice of them but they filed in and
stood waiting in silence,looking up the long tube ahead of them.For a few
seconds nothing happened,long enough for Shara to start feeling ill with the
heat and close confines of the people grouped around her.Adam started to look
concerned,apparently thinking one of them should find controls and start the
Just as she started to feel dizzy the transport rose slightly from the deck and
accelerated smoothly into the tube.The slightly cooler air felt like a refreshing
breeze and revived her a little.Small overhead globe lights flashed
passed,bringing the white faces into relief then shadow.Several open areas,like
train platforms,were passed but they were empty and the transport didn't
stop.Discarded or unused equipment littered what floor she could see,as well as
rubbish.Smashed cargo crates were scattered over one of them.She counted
four of these platforms before the transport slowed then stopped beside a larger
and cleaner area.The lighting was better here and the air was slightly cooler but
it was still hot and dry.Out of the group only Adam and herself were starting to
sweat.Their make up, designed so only a certain chemical would remove
it,absorbed the cooling sweat and managed to hide some of it.But if anyone
took a close look they would see the moisture on their skin.Dexter looked as
cool as when they started.They started to file off the transport,the three
starcruiser crew dawdling at the back.Shara leaned across to Dexter.
"If I don't get out of this heat I'm gonna pass out,"she whispered.
"I'm rather enjoying it,"said Adam."It reminds me of the engine room on the
Their hanging back seemed to catch the attention of the last Circus member,a
middle aged man in a silver suit.His white face had black lips and a black
splash over one eye.
"You'd better not be late,"he said."The Goddess Diana will be here soon and
she has one of her punishments for one of us."
The three of them shared a look before moving forward.
"Do we know who it is?"
The man looked at Dexter strangely."We never know who it is."He looked at
them in turn."You're converts aren't you?"
"Something like that,"said Dexter."I'm Thief,Deceit and Destruction."
"Poison,"he said simply.
Dexter wasn't sure if he should shake his hand or something but the man simply
turned and joined the rest as they were filing into an huge cargo area,filled with
Circus members.All of them were facing a kind of raised stage at the front.The
air was thick and difficult to breath and a faint smoke was drifting across,just
above their heads.No one said anything,no one coughed.Light came from a
cluster of powerful overhead globes in the centre of the ceiling.The walls were
streaked with dirt as was the floor.It was obviously used for more than
gatherings like this.Dexter estimated there were at least forty of them in the
group,starting at a line running parallel a few metres from the stage.All of them
were human,or humanoid,of ages ranging from about twenty to eighty.There
was an equal mix of male and female.
Dexter pushed his way to Poisons' side."I'm looking for a woman who bears
this mark,"he whispered as he pulled up his sleeve to show the mark on his
wrist.Poison looked at the mark and recoiled,the only show of emotion he'd
shown so far.He shook his head and was starting to say something when there
was movement at the front.Everyone looked up as a small open cargo elevator
began to drop from the ceiling.Whatever was on it was in shadow until it
dropped under the glow of the lights.There were three people standing on
it.One was a small human woman,thin with long blond hair.The other two were
tall reptilian males standing just behind and on either side of her.From their
weapons and body armour they looked like some kind of guards.The woman
was unarmed.She wore flowing white robes cut in a deep V at the front and a
high split at the hip revealling a lot of pale skin.Even from across the room
Dexter and Adam could see her blue eyes.Shara noticed the mens reaction to
her and she nudged Adam on his arm.When she got no response she did it
again.This time Adam seemed to stir and he looked at her.
"Diana I presume,"she said.
"Body of the goddesses,"murmured Dexter.
"What's the matter with you two?"Shara whispered."You never seen a goddess
The woman noticed the small commotion and her eyes stopped their sweeping
across the room and centred on them for a few seconds.The starcruiser crew
instantly stopped and gave her their full attention.She exuded an air of total
power.She was lord here and she knew it.
The lift stopped level with the stage with a gentle bump and she swept onto the
platform.Her guards stayed a metre behind her,constantly looking across the
audience for any kind of threat.She stopped at the edge of the stage and paused
for a few seconds.The Circus waited expectantly.
Dexter didn't get the impression of any adoration for her from the people
around him.More like fear and nervousness,all well hidden.
The woman spoke.Her voice carried around the room but without being
forced."I've been brought back here again because you seem to need
discipline.Twice now your assignments have failed.The assassination of the
president on Ceta Prime failed because she survived the poison.The capture of
the alien ships went well but they forgot to get the memory cores!"She started
to pace across the stage."I don't want to have to come here and keep having to
remind you what will happen to your families if you keep failing like
this.So,what do you think I should do?"She waited for a few seconds.
Dexter felt the tension increase in the room.He noticed his crew pick up at the
mention of the alien ships.He also noticed Shara looked like she was going to
pass out.
"Should I take it out on your children?"she continued."Would a few days
without food give you the incentive to do what I ask of you?Or would it take a
few deaths of your wives,parents,husbands?"
The tension turned to restrained hostility.She seemed to sense it.
"If anything happens here that prevents me from reporting back my ship has
instructions to first destroy this place,then move on to the first of your
camps.Then the second.And the third.All of them will be wiped out.All your
friends,your family,gone."She clicked her fingers.Dexter noticed her nails were
painted green."Just like that."She started to pace again."But if you do your jobs
and do them well they will have food,clothes,heat.Which brings us back to my
being here and your failure to do those jobs.But I'm feeling generous today.The
people assigned to the alien ships have four days to bring back at least one
memory core.If they can't two members of their family will die.I will let them
choose who it is.If they can't then all of them will die."
The hostility seemed to fade and be replaced by relief.Dexter noticed Adam
trying to get his attention and went he did he directed it to Shara. She looked
ready to collapse.He leaned across to the engineer.
"Get her out of here,"he whispered."Take her back to Witchfinder."
Adam put his arm around Shara for support and started to carry her out.
Diana caught the movement."Wait!Where are you going?"
Adam paused and looked at Dexter.
"Keep going,"he hissed.He turned to the stage as Adam made for the door."My
lady Diana.I am Thief."He waited for a response,trying to keep her attention so
Adam could get away.He didn't get any.Instead he pushed his way through the
crowd to the front and looked up at her.She was trying to look in two places at
the same time and she turned to mumble something to one of her guards.
Dexter had to think quickly."We are the team,"he continued forcefully,making
her give him her attention. "In charge of retrieving the alien ships."
"It was your failure to bring that the memory cores that have stopped us from
examining the ships," said Diana,looking down at him.
"The ships did not please you?"
Diana frowned,making Dexter think he was pushing his luck.Did Circus people
talk to her like this?
"Yes they did.But we can't test the ships capabilities,the computers are not
compatible with ours."
"Then they are being stored nearby?"
"Why do you need to know?You know where to deliver the cores when you get
"Of course....."
"They are on my ship!For a thief you're not very bright.Your team,where are
they going?"
Dexter could feel every eye on his back."They are going to get the ship
ready.We must be leaving as soon as we are ready.We do not want our families
"That is good."She turned back to the audience,dismissing him instantly."You
see,someone who takes notice.But,despite his distraction, we still have the
matter of a failed assassination.I want the person responsible to come forward."
For a few seconds no one moved.Then the aging figure of Poison pushed his
way through and stood at the front.
"I am Poison,I tried to kill the president."
"And failed.So,do I punish your family or just you?"Diana waited but got no
response."I think a more obvious demonstration is in order.Where is
A tall figure moved from the edge of the crowd and stood beside Poison.Dexter
noticed two swords crossed across his back.
"Poison,hold out one of your hands.I don't care which."
The old man looked at Dexter then held out his left hand.
With a look of defeat the man extended his arm to full stretch.Diana nodded to
Swordsman and before Dexter could react a blade flashed in the light.

Circus Rings

Poison landed on the floor a split second after his hand,holding his spurting
wrist.Swordsman had already sheathed the sword and was walking away.His
face was impassive,only doing his job.Poison had never said a word,never
uttered a cry.He had simply taken his punishment.Dexter looked in shock from
the old mans' face to the smug,satisfied expression on Diana's.Fighting the urge
to go for her neck,he knelt instead beside Poison.
"Concern for your fellow Circus?"said Diana."How touching.You have a
mission,Thief.I expect it to be carried out."She turned her back on them all and
stepped back on her lift.She couldn't hide her disgust as she looked at them for
the last time.
Dexter pulled his belt and tightened it around Poisons elbow.Then he noticed
the small mark on his wrist,the same as his.He also noticed none of the others
had made a move to help him.Out of the corner of his eye he saw Dianas' lift
rise and he openly looked with hate at her,something she couldn't fail to see.She
and her guards disappeared.
"You need medical attention,"he said softly to the old man.
"Why are you concerned?"he said,looking at his stump.
"A thank you would have been nice.Does everyone just take what she dishes
out?Diana I mean."
"That is the way it has always been."He took Dexters' help and got to his
feet.Some of the others were standing watching them but offering no assistance.
"Why?Why do you take it?"
"If we don't,her punishments are harsh.As you can see."
"But there were only three of them.And a hell of a lot of you."
"If we don't obey our families are punished in the camps they have provided for
them."The sarcastic voice came from one of the onlookers,a tall thin man with
black lips and an explosion of black around his left eye.
"You ever seen these camps?Poison,I want to get you back to my ship and get
you fixed up."
"Anarchy was raised in one of the camps,as we all were.They killed my father
at one of these meetings."
"I think it's about time I was told all about these people.Come on.And I want to
know about this mark."He pointed to the mark on Poisons' wrist.
They started to make their way to the ground transport,the few remaining
Circus parting to let them through.
"I want to come,"said Anarchy."To keep an eye on the old man."
"Concern for your fellow Circus?"said Dexter."You did nothing to stop him
from being hurt."
"It was his punishment!"Anarchy snapped.
Dexter looked at Poison."What do you say?Do you trust him?"
"All the Circus trust each other.We are all family.I hold him no malice.Nor
Swordsman.He was simply doing his job."
"Does everyone just do their job with such coldness?"Dexter felt the old man
begin to sag,growing weaker.The transport was waiting for them at the loading
station and they climbed on board.Anarchy took the controls and the car
accelerated away.
"It is who we are.It is very efficient.It's why we succeed."
"With punishment your incentive?Great control technique.What about these
marks?Thief,the original Thief,said I should seek out a someone with the same
"You want the Sooth Sayer.An old hag who thinks she can see the future.She
had the first mark.It is a sign of leadership and change."
"Leadership of what?"
"The resistance,planned for a long time but it never happened."
"Resistance?To Diana?"
"And her kind.The Shawnia,"said Anarchy.
The transport slid to a stop at the station next to Witchfinders' pad.They
climbed out and started to make their way through the decaying corridors.
Dexter was almost carrying Poison.They could see the open cargo bay of the
ship just as three of the reptilian guards stepped in front of them. Dexter
"What have we here?"the first guard hissed.His long snout was filled with dirty
but sharp teeth.Cold black eyes looked at them,blinking slowly.Even from three
metres away the Circus could smell carrion breath.The guards had not drawn
their grey coloured sidearms.
"I'm getting him help,"said Dexter.
"He failed.He doesn't deserve help.Filthy Circus.Can't trust them."
Dexter felt Poison go limp as he passed out.He gently lowered him to the floor
and stood facing them.Anarchy looked submissive,ready to take any instruction
they gave him.
"Leave him.Go about your missions."
Anarchy nodded and started to turn away.
"Wait a minute."Dexter turned to the guards."Why?"
"Why?Because we have told you to."The guards started to look
uncomfortable.They weren't used to being talked to like this.
"Excuse,not an answer.Why?What possible reason can you give us to leave him
"He is weak.He failed."They began to reach for their weapons.They hadn't shot
anyone before.They were young but had been taught the Circus would obey
any orders they gave them.No one told them what to do if one of them
answered back.
"He failed?One mistake and that's it?"
"It is the order of things."said Anarchy.
The guards drew their weapons and aimed them at Poison."Leave him or your
families will be punished."
Dexter drew his gun from its holster."My family is billions of miles away."He
aimed and let off three shots.The guards guns were dropped as the bullets
bounced off them.Suddenly disarmed the guards were submissive.
"Into the ship,"he said,pointing with the gun."Anarchy,pick up Poison."
Dexter started forward,making the guards go ahead of him.He put his
communicator in his ear."Dexter to Shara."
"Shara here,Captain.Where are you?"
"In the hold.Break out the handcuffs.We're getting guests."

Starcruiser Five was running at Quantum Four.Behind her were four alien ships
slowly closing in an attack formation.The starcruiser was running with no
shields or weapons and only two of her three generators were creating
power,producing a signature similar to a MK 2.
"Commander,this is getting ridiculous,"said Haskins."We've been at this for two
"I know,"said Rader."Are we getting the sensor information?"
"Yes,"answered Solow."The sensors are probing their ships.Another few
minutes and I can almost draw the designs from memory."
"What about their sensor scans?"
"The Haynes hull is absorbing some of it but what is getting returned is
limited.They can't read any weapons or defences because they're not active."
"They don't seem that bothered about us looking them over,"said Paul.
"Why should they?"said Haskins."As far as they know,they are superior in
every way.Better ships, more of them."
The alarms sounded,making them jump.Rader gripped the throttles by
reflex."What have we got?"
"They've increased speed.Power signatures have increased.Weapons are primed
and targetting." Haskins looked at his monitor."ETA two minutes."
"Plot a Star Drive course.Solow,increase power slightly to charge the star
drive.Heading-anywhere that isn't here.Standby."
"We're not going to fight?"said Paul.
"We've got orders to keep a low profile.Observe only.And we're outnumbered.If
one of them get back with one of our ships in full combat we've lost the
element of surprise.The time doesn't feel right to play our ace card."
"Course ready."
"Generator ready."
"Engaging Star Drive."
Starcruiser Five disappeared into the Light Stream.To the alien ships she sort of
gathered herself and exploded into nothing with a burst of static on their
sensors.Ten seconds later the starcruiser dropped into normal space.The effects
of such short Star Drives usually wreaked unpredictable havoc with the crew
and systems.This time the damage was minimal.Rader set a course for
Hotmetal,now over four hours away.The systems returned to normal operating
power."Damage report."
"Star Drive is off line.Shields are off line.Lasers are off line.Helm,
navigation,engines and main power are all operational."Solow dropped his
chair and pulled off his helmet."Beginning repairs."
"Paul,give him a hand."
"Right Commander."
"Any sign of the alien ships?"
"Not yet,"said Haskins."I've got Hotmetal right on the edge of sensors and that
large ship of theirs but there's no activity from the complex."
The sensors beeped an alarm and Rader checked his monitor.It showed three
contacts behind them."What the-"
"They've followed us!"said Standford.
"Combat Mode!Where's the other one?The other one!"
"Coming up hard and hot from starboard!"
Rader gripped the throttles as his visor closed in response to his order to
fight.Starcruiser Five accelerated as weapons fire aimed at her stern flashed
passed her main engines a split second too late.
"I need weapons and defences!"
"Not yet Commander.You have missiles but little else!"
Rader brought the nose up as he selected missiles on his visor.He targetted the
first lone ship.The cross hairs lined up."Firing!"
Four missiles streaked away from under the wings and caught the ship just
behind the bow.It shuddered as the hull ruptured.Its bow broke off on its own
trajectory as the rest continued on,its stern dropping into a spin.
The remaining three broke attack formation and came in on all sides, their
weapons locking onto the hull.Rader held his course then accelerated, dropping
the nose sharply.Their artificial gravity struggled to keep the crew from feeling
the stress.Weapons fire converged behind them and continued on.One unlucky
ship was in the line of fire from the other two and was caught amidships. Fire
broke through its cracked hull but it was managing to keep its engines running
and it started to limp away.
Rader stabilized the ship and brought the nose up to target one of the other
"You have shields!"said Paul.
"Standford,shields up,half strength."
"Do it!"
The electric blue light of the shields encased the ship just as weapons fire from
both ships impacted the ship.Starcruiser Five shuddered.Several systems
shorted on the command console with sparks.Raders visor went dark.
"Damn!"He pulled off his helmet."Looks like I'm gonna have to do this the old
fashioned way."
"Lasers have power!"said Haskins."Engines are down to eighty percent."
The alien ships were regrouping,arcing away from each other to bring them
back onto the starcruiser.Rader brought the ship around to bear on the starboard
one.The lasers extended from their housings on the Attack Unit and Command
Module.He selected the heavy lasers on either side of the Attack Unit and the
wingpods but had to use his monitor to target.The ship fired,catching the alien
in the stern engines.It exploded silently.As Starcruiser Five heeled over to port
to bring up the last ship it had wasted no time to get into position.Its forward
weapons locked on and fired.Haskins brought the shields up to full strength as
the weapons fired,hitting the Interceptor on its port side engines.They exploded
the fuel stored in them.
"Jettison the Interceptor!"said Rader as the ship heeled over from the
blast.Haskins blew the explosive bolts and the fighter drifted up and away.
Starcruiser Five accelerated away from it as its fuel supply was caught by the
fire.The Interceptor exploded.Rader used the resulting fireball to slow the ship
and turn to face the alien as it banked sharply to come around and lock on.He
selected missiles and lasers as its nose turned to face them.He fired without
giving them time to locate them and lock their weapons.As the ship exploded
the crew managed to fire the bow weapons,which caught Starcruiser Five head
Systems hissed and sparked as the ship suffered in the blast.Now without
guidance the nose rose into a spin as the engines failed.There came the hiss of
escaping air as the hull breached but it was quickly sealed first by automated
repair systems,then by the hull itself.The crew took a few seconds to realise
they were alive then tried to get the ship from spinning.
"My board is dark,"said Rader.
"So is mine,"said Haskins."We have no interface with the Attack Units'
"Going onto internal systems,"said Rader.
The Command Module came to life around them but the lights were muted and
dim.The hum of life support with its gentle breeze of fresh air filled the
cabin.Designed to be used when the ships were separated the systems now gave
them vital air and heat but no control over the full ship.The stars continued to
drop away through the viewports.
"I'm gonna try the modules thrusters,see if I can get a more even keel."
Tiny thrusters fired on the outside of the Command Module but they were only
designed to manoeuvre the ship when it was separated.But they managed to
slow the spin."Best I can do."He slipped his communicator behind his
ear."Rader to Solow or Paul.You guys okay?"
Solow had had the same idea to use his communicator."Picking up the pieces
back here.I'm amazed we're still in one piece."
"We're not.We lost the Interceptor."
"Man,I just got comfortable too."
"Yep.We've also lost our link with the rest of the ship.We can't tell how bad the
damage is."
"I can tell you that right now Commander.It's bad.Paul is on his way to the
Attack Units' seat to see if we can get control.Did we get them all?"
"I can see what's left of the last one making its way out of here every time the
port swings passed.It's making me feel nauseous."
"Okay.Starting damage reports."Solow pulled a diagnostic pad from a locker
and plugged it into a wall port,shaking his head as the machine began to check
the systems.
Rader watched the stars slow down as they swept passed his port,finally
"Here Commander.We've got limited thruster control but that's about it.Engines
are off,so is main power.Weapons are extended but without power.Sensors are
short range only.Even if we could track the last ship we can't catch or shoot it."
"What about communications?"
"Limited.There isn't another ship close enough to hear us."
"Witchfinder is.Send a signal to Dexter.Maybe he can relay a message to get us
some help."
"That alien ship knows where we are,Commander.Do you think broadcasting
our position is a good idea?"
"We don't have a lot of choice.But I want to try and get us away under our own

Dexter emerged onto the bridge of Witchfinder bringing his cargo with
him.Shara,still wearing her Circus make up,moved immediately to tend the old
man,taking him to the back of the bridge and pulling a medkit they'd brought
with them.Adam was at the communications console and looked up as they
came in.
"Secure our three scaly friends here,Adam.I want to talk to Anarchy here."
"Captain,we've received an emergency transmission from Starcruiser
Five.They've been disabled."
Dexter gestured to one of the empty seats for Anarchy to sit in as Adam began
tying up the three guards."How far are they away?"
"Star Drive distance.Four ships attacked them.One of them survived."
"Send a message back home-no wait.I'll do it."Dexter turned to the panel and
set a frequency.He opened the mike."Dexter.Stargazer 3."
"That's it?Three words?"
"Three little words can mean a lot,engineer."
Back on S.CRUISA LUNA the Star One main interface panel in the corridor of
Starcruiser One lit up.The master computer responded to the program Dexter
left in its memory to be triggered by receiving those three words.The ships
sensors first probed the hangar for life signs before it followed the program
further.The hangar was sealed and air was replaced with a vacuum.The console
lights slowly lit up as it set the ship to begin launch preparations.Then it raised
the pad.In Control alarms were going off,bringing Admiral Jorgenson from his
"What's going on?"he demanded.
"Sir,someone is stealing Starcruiser One!"
"They're what?"He stood behind the technicians chair as she put the image of
the starcruiser on its raised pad on the main screen.They watched as the ship
lifted on its jets and accelerated away.
"Who's in control?"
"No one Sir.No life signs."
"Track its course.What other ships have we close to it?"
"Starcruiser Three is on its pad ready for final trials."
"Get Hanley on the comm!Signal the system patrols to intercept."
"Commander Hanley for you,Sir."
"Admiral?Was that Starcruiser One?"
"Yes.It just took of without permission."
"Someone is stealing it?"
"There isn't anyone on board.It's either a malfunction or Captain Dexter left a
program on board to get it to do this.Launch and intercept, Commander."
"Admiral,we haven't finished testing-"
"Launch and intercept Commander.But do not attempt to bring it down.Let's
see how far this thing will go.We'll check things out at our end just in case this
isn't a malfunction."
"So what are we supposed to do to it?Ask it nicely to stop and come home?"
"Follow it,Commander.If the ship has been instructed to back them up I want
you to assist.They could be in trouble."
Starcruiser Three lifted off and followed Starcruiser One,pushing her new
engines to the max.But the escaping ship wasn't limited by the restrictions of
having a live crew on board and Star One pushed the ship beyond the
tolerances imposted by them.The acceleration curve finally dropped off at
Quantum 8,far faster than Starcruiser Three could manage.
"We're losing it,Commander,"said Kenny Lapham.
"I know."Hanley was forced to let his ship settle at Quantum 6.5 but continued
to follow it."Signal the admiral.Tell him we can't keep up."
"He's aware of our situation,"said Kenny."I'm receiving Star Drive co
"Where to?"
"Somewhere called Hotmetal.An industrial complex.He has ordered us to make
best speed there."
"You mean we can speed while still in the system?All right."
Starcruiser One continued to blast through the system until it reached its Star
Drive point and she disappeared without even slowing.Over an hour later
Starcruiser Three reached the same point and gave chase.

"Shara,is Poison going to be okay?"

"He'll still be one handed but he'll live.Besides,I didn't want to inherit his
colour scheme.Wouldn't match my eyes.He's sleeping now."
"Who are you people?"said Anarchy.
"Someone with a vested interest in the Circus and these Shawnia,"said
Dexter."The equipment we stole I told Diana about?It was stolen from us.We
want it back."
"You're not true Circus?"
"I am.Thief gave me a present as he died."He waved a hand across his white
features."And I would really like to get back to myself."
"But to be favoured in such a way is an honour."
"I don't see it that way."
"But you will not age another day.You will not grow old."
Dexter stopped."You saying I'm immortal?Oh,this just gets better."He suddenly
whirled and gripped the arms of Anarchy's chair."I don't want to be
immortal.My mortality is a precious thing.And I don't want to spend the rest of
my life kissing Dianas' boots!"He sagged then straightened."How do I get rid
of it?"
"You can't.I know of no one who has wanted to.It only leaves the body at the
moment of death when it is passed onto another."
"And where do the people come from to accept this "gift"?"
"From the camps.As one dies,another replaces them.Or someone at the place of
death will receive it.Like you.A convert."
"Convert?"said Adam.
"Yes.Soon after they receive the gift they find themselves drawn to this
place.They find they can't feel cold or hot,or pain.Anything they do is done
with logic and skill."
"Yeah,we noticed that part."
"So why aren't you under this Circus spell,Captain?"said Shara.
"Good question."Dexter looked at Anarchy.
"Depends on species.Shawnia are effected almost straight away."
"I'm human.Descended from ape.A mammal."
"Ah,not dinosaurus."Anarchy nodded knowingly.
"The translator didn't get that.Did you say dinosaurus?You,and these guards,are
related to dinosaurs?"
"Is that so strange?"
"Our dinosaurs died out millions of years ago and let the mammals take
over.The result was us and thousands of mammalian species."
"It was the other way round for Shawnia.Mammals died out then we came
along over millions of years."
Shara bent down next to one of the guards as they sat on the floor and studied
his green scales and rich uniform.Its black eye swivelled to look at her and it
lunged,hissing and snapping its teeth.Shara jumped back out of range."Hello to
you too,gorgeous."She blew him a kiss.
"Shara,stop harassing the wild life."Dexter called both of his crew to the back
of the bridge."Go and take that stuff off your face.Is your fathers' ship here
"He should be by now.I've no idea where though."Shara started to move into
the cordoned off sleeping area at the back of the bridge.
"Okay.When you're ready go to the main cargo dispatch area and find him.Tell
him to make a detour on his way out and assist Starcruiser Five."
"Captain-"Adam was cut off by a hissing behind them.One of the guards had
managed to get a communicator out and was talking into it.
Dexter moved quickly,kicking the small cylinder away from his mouth.
"Damn.Who were you talking too?"He picked up the smirking guard by the
uniform at his neck, wanting to pick him off the deck.The guard, however,stood
over two metres so he brought him to his knees."Who was it?"
"Our dreadnought in orbit.They know who and what you are.You won't leave
here alive."
Dexter dropped him and started to pace as he thought."Anarchy,bring up a map
of this place.Adam, put the modified systems on line.What program did you
"One of yours,Captain.The adaptive one."
"That was a bit lazy wasn't it?"
Adam shrugged.
The main screen lit up with schematics of the Hotmetal complex showing
refineries,stores and the extra sterile computer construction section."Where are
the main Circus areas?"
Anarchy pointed under the massive furnaces."Mostly here.Very few can stand
the heat under there."
"When Shara is finished,take Poison and meet me there.See if you can find this
Sooth Sayer.I want to talk to her."
"You want to listen the old hag?"
"Yes!Now go.Don't let anyone stop you.We don't have a lot of time."
He turned to Adam."Help me get these tied into the pilots chairs.They want
three?I'll give them three."
Dexter began putting commands into the auto pilot,a system that had been
improved with Adams' program enhancements,as Adam tied the guards to the
pilots seats.He pulled the chairs away from the consoles in case one of them
could reach it.
"That's a bit far away isn't it?"said Shara.Her face was a fresh healthy pink but
she now wore a white t shirt and denims,a good civilian outfit. She'd lost the
"We don't know what they are capable of,"said Adam."Better to be sure."
Dexter looked up from the helm long enough to take in Sharas' new
appearance."Good.Now go and get your father."
Puzzled at the less than enthusiastic response Shara checked she had her pistol
in her ankle holster and walked from the bridge,fitting her communicator in her
Adam caught Anarchys' eye."Is it taking effect?"
"Yes,your Thief is starting to talk like the Circus."Anarchy rose to get
Poison,emerging with the still unconscious Poison over his shoulders. With a
nod to the others he followed Shara off the bridge.
"Adam,your turn.Go and take your face off.I don't think I'm going to need you
from now on."
"And what are we supposed to be doing while you're playing with the
Sayer?We've lost the ship by the looks of it so we have no base of operations
"In about ten hours we're going to get a special visitor and its going to cause
chaos.And we're going to need a launch pad with a docking tube.I want you
and Shara to appropriate us one.Anarchy, Poison and myself are going to see
the Sayer,then Anarchy is going to use his talents for some chaos of our own."
"This "special visitor" doesn't come in four sections does it?"
"Yes it does and we have to be ready to receive it.It's our ride out of here and if
that dreadnought is still up there we're going to have problems."
"Right."Adam smiled at the thought of their visitor and went to get
changed,something he'd been looking forward to since it was first suggested he
put it on.Dexter turned to the three guards."Well,it looks like just the four of us
and a few minutes before we take off.Game of cards anyone?"
Shara hitched a ride with Anarchy and the now groggy Poison on the ground
transport.Witchfinder had confirmed her suspicions that the rest of the Circus
were starting to leave,recording two launches just before Dexter came
back.They certainly didn't hang around.Of Diana and her guards there was no
sign.She saw several of the Circus as they ventured but none of them stopped to
talk to them.Instead they gave them a strange look as they passed.Shara tried
her hardest not to look like she was with Poison and Anarchy,then decided it
only made her more conspicuous.The ground transport was whizzing along
through the complex,making its way from the outer launch pads and through
the refineries.Shara realised the outer pads must be reserved for the Circus
ships,she was seeing a lot more workers and freighter personnel.Massive cargo
areas were filled with containers and battered metal crates containing raw ore
for the refineries.
The heat was going from tolerable back to intense.Poison and Anarchy said
nothing until the car slowed.
"I must let you off here,"said Anarchy."Circus are not welcome here."
"Where are we?"Shara stepped onto the station platform and turned back to
"We're just outside the dispatch area.Through there is the coordinators
office.He should be able to tell you where your fathers' ship is."He pointed to a
wide arch,obviously big enough to take the massive containers she saw being
A large cargo shifter walked passed,catching her attention with its hiss/ stamp
of its rubbered feet.A large grey crate was in its jaws,dwarfing the driver.When
she turned back the transport was already whizzing away.
"Thanks to you too,"she murmured.
Suddenly alone she could hear the shouting and swearing of the loaders and the
shifters they were driving.She'd been in places like this before,she was raised
on a freighter,and knew the place would be filled with hard people both male
and female.It was possible she'd been here before. Making her way through the
arch she quickly located the dirty glass dome with the little man sitting behind
mounds of paper on the console in the centre.She carefully made her way
through the chaos and knocked on the glass.The little man raised his
sweating,dirt streaked bald head and regarded her through his thick
glasses.Twisting his face at the interruption he simply turned back to his
paperwork. Surprised at his lack of cooperation she lightly tapped again and
offered him her best smile,slightly arching her back to tighten her shirt.It
worked,this time she had his full attention and a small port opened in the glass.
"I'm hoping you can help me,"she said alluringly,apparently eyeing him up and
down.He barely came up to her shoulder.She tried not to grimace as she saw his
greasy grey vest.
"What can I do for you?"he squeaked.
How could someone be so weak and have a position of authority in a place like
this?she thought."I'm looking for a freighter captain,"she smiled. "Alan Avery
of the Marlbor."
The coordinators' eyes narrowed."What do want him for?"
She realised he was either going to protect him or try and get what she was
offering for himself. Telling him who she was would probably be
pointless."We.....have a party planned."She smiled again.Actually she wasn't far
from the truth,she realised.It just depended in what context he took it.
The little man squeaked a laugh."Ha,the old dog!Loading bay seven." He
pointed to his right where she could see massive loading slips,some stacked
with cargo ready to load and some empty.Each one was at least one hundred
and fifty metres wide with a space door at the end.
"Okay,"she beamed."Thank you."
As she left the coordinator he punched the intercom buried under the stacks of
paper."Beckett and Walsh.We have a woman down here looking for a
party.Wanna give her a good time?"
She realised it was going to take her a while to get passed the loading
slips,obviously designed for cargo carriers to land and load up.And she didn't
like the way the large crates formed alleyways at the start of each ramp.She
brought her gun from its ankle holster and slipped it down the waist of her
trousers at her back then covered it with her shirt before starting a light jog.The
air was cooler as she moved faster through it but after a few minutes she was
sweating and gasping for breath.
"Hello my lovely."
The voice came from behind a large battered crate as she ran passed it and she
skidded to a stop, holding her breath for a second as she turned.A huge
unkempt man stepped from behind the crate and into the dim light.
"Hello to you,"she gasped."I can't stop and chat.I'm in a hurry."
She turned and found a second man just half a metre from her.He was even
bigger than the first with long greasy hair and dirty overalls.Shara sighed as she
recognised the trap they'd sprung on her,there was nowhere to run.She put her
hands on her knees,panting but keeping an eye on both of them.
What's the hurry my pretty?"said the second.
"Listen guys.I'd really like to stay and play but I don't have the time."
"What's the matter?Us dock workers not good enough for you now?"
"I think you've got me confused with someone else."
"Oh,I don't think so.Looking for a party,eh?Well I think you've found one."
"I don't have time for this,"she said.Even as the last word came out she
exploded into action by aiming a kick at the groin of the nearest.It connected
with a satisfying crunch.But she wasted no time on watching him crease
up.Instead she drew her elbow back so it connected with the first ones throat,
who had quietly advanced until he was right behind her.
He staggered back gasping for breath and fell to his knees.She looked at the
second one but both were in no shape to pose a threat anymore.She relaxed and
checked herself,making sure her gun hadn't fallen.Then she noticed two dirty
patches,one on her ankle where she'd kicked him and one on her arm.
"Oh man,look at my stuff!"she said."Clean on this morning too.I'm sending you
the cleaning bill guys."She winked and turned to bay 7.

Adam left Witchfinder seconds before Dexter.He'd kept the leather look but his
face was almost a bright pink.He was allergic to the chemical used to remove
the Circus makeup and now his face felt tight and sore.The captain had told
him not to wait for him but to get out of the area as soon as possible.The
Shawnia were aware they weren't what they appeared to be and could be on
their way with more security.A ground car waited for him on the rails,returned
by Poison and programmed to take him to the administration section where he
could organise the launch pad.He put his communicator in his ear and hid it
with his blond hair.It would be up to him to tell Star One where to land,guiding
him down after he gave his arrival signal.The ship would home in on his
communicator,scanning the area for a suitable landing site so he would have to
be in the right place at the right time.The ship was programmed to analyse the
situation and come in at all costs,even if it was through a fire fight.As the car
whizzed away his communicator beeped.For a second he panicked,thinking the
ship had already arrived.
"Shara to Adam."
"Go ahead."
"I've caught up with Dad and we're on our way to get Starcruiser Five. Scared
the hell out of him when I showed up."
"Understood.I'm on my way to organize a launch pad.The captain is still on
board Witchfinder."
"Still on board?What's he doing?"
"Buying us some time he says.Why are you out of breath?"
"It took a while to get here.It didn't help some of the natives getting restless."
"You okay?"
"Look at it this way,they need medical attention."
Adam smiled."Right.Good luck."
"And you."

Shara shut off her communicator and sat back in the ripped chair on the
battered bridge of the Marlbor.The ship looked even more tired than she
remembered as she grew up on it.In her mind she could see the two empty
chairs manned by her brothers,both tall and dark.Both were imprisoned, had
been for over a year,but their presence was still strong on the ship.The last chair
was filled by her father.Overweight and greying,he dwarfed the console in front
of him.Alan put the launch pad with Witchfinder still sitting on it on the left
screen.The main screen had the view ahead and the right screen had a
flickering,blurred image of the Shawnian dreadnought,which was a few
thousand kilometres of their starboard side.They ignored the departing
freighter.Other than a quick scan they'd shown no interest.
The Marlbor set a course and accelerated as Witchfinder took off and
climbed.Immediately the dreadnought launched two of its smaller fighters.In
seconds they'd intercepted the Circus ship.Shara turned the Marlbors' sensors
on it.Three life signs registered.
Three?She shut the sensors off before they were detected but watched as the
fighters opened up on the ship.Witchfinder exploded,her engines going first
with the fighters finishing it off.As the ball of flames died there was nothing
left of the ship.Shara watched as one of the fighters gave a victory role and
headed back to the dreadnought.The other stayed in a high orbit of Hotmetal.
"Dad,"she walked to the back of his chair."Let's get there as fast as we can."
"I though the starcruiser was okay for now,"he said but increased speed.
"She is,but after seeing their fighters in action,I wouldn't want to face them
with anything less than full shields and body armour.That dreadnought is
dangerous,I can feel it."
"I thought only your mother was psychic?"
"Well she had the brains to ditch us,didn't she?But I don't need to be psychic to
know that ship can do some damage."
As the Marlbor sped to find Starcruiser Five the fighter turned and discreetly
started to follow it.

Circus Rings

Marshall Dexter had watched Witchfinder take off from a small window in the
side of the docking hatch.The three Shawnian guards were left tied to the chairs
to provide the life signs they hoped to find on the ship when it left.Diana
expected three people on board the ship because the guard warned her about
them.He had simply given her what she wanted to see and hopefully bought
them some time.Pity about the ship though.But it had served its purpose.But
until Starcruiser One gets to him he'd just lost his only avenue of escape.But it
had been a few hours since the ship left and he was still making his way to the
meeting site under the furnaces.He'd committed the map to memory but had
been forced to take side routes to avoid civilian workers and several Shawnia
guards,all reptilian.The civilians he had been forced to go passed had given him
strange looks but hadn't challenged him.Though he couldn't feel the heat he
could guess at the few people he saw and the way they were dressed he was
close to his destination. The corridors were dirty from the fuel burnt by the
massive industrial burners above him and the waste they produced.He realised
these people weren't exactly enviromentally friendly.
His communicator in his ear beeped but the transmission it was trying to pick
up just broke up and hissed.He checked his watch.It was too early to be
Starcruiser One.It was probably Adam reporting he had a launch pad.Shara
should be well on her way to retrieve Starcruiser Five so she should be out of
the way.And Adam was now a civilian so he was fairly safe in an environment
out of all of them he was the most used to.But while Dexter was under the
heavy construction of the furnaces he couldn't get any messages.And while he
had the face of the Circus he couldn't go into the public areas.And until he met
this Sayer he couldn't remove the face.So he was stuck with his current course
of action.But he'd managed to achieve one of their main goals.He'd found out
where the stolen starcruiser technology was and how far they'd analysed it.But
could Starcruiser One stop their dreadnought by itself?
He was following a network of steaming,dripping pipes lining streaked
concrete walls.Discarded equipment littered the floor amid the puddles of thick
creamy water.The floor suddenly became a mesh grid as he turned a corner and
he found himself in a huge open area.A dusty wind,presumeably hot,blasted
into his face.Grit tried to force its way into his eyes.His long coat flapping
around him he walked further and found himself on a bridge about two metres
wide.Below him was an identical bridge with another above him.The area was
inside a huge globe with lights running around the outside,indicating levels of
the complex around them.He counted twenty eight levels below him with
another twenty eight above.A single door was at the end of his bridge but it was
closed.Below him,right at the bottom of the globe,were four huge
furnaces,boiling with a thick yellow liquid.So much for geo thermal energy.
The door at the far end opened to reveal Anarchy,Poison and a tiny,wizened old
woman.He had expected her to be walking with a stick or a staff,hunched over
and hobbling,but she walked proudly, with a vigour that surprised him.She
looked at least a hundred years old.But she wasted no time,walking straight
over to the dark figure in the billowing coat on the bridge.
"You are Thief?"she said.
"You have been saying some interesting things to these two.And helped
"Yes.And I need your help."
"Help with what?I understand you lost your skulker."
"Your ship.Diana destroyed it after it took off.We thought you were still on
board and didn't expect you to be here.Skulkers need a pilot to take off."
"Well,we made some improvements.But I need information on this Diana and
the Shawnia."
"Such as?"
"Your history.Your appearance.Why you follow her."
"I though why we follow her instructions had been made clear at the
assembly.If we don't follow her orders we suffer.And our families suffer."
"Why?Why are they in a position to treat you like this?Haven't you tried to stop
"Once.In the beginning.And for every Shawnia dead one hundred Circus
died.Since then they've controlled us with an intense hatred."
"So how many Circus are there now?"
"Four thousand,two hundred and seventy one.But only fifty have full Circus
Poison leaned over to her."Seventy two."
"And the rest are in these camps?"
"Guarded by how many Shawnia?"
"That surprises you?"
"Damn right it does.Over four thousand of your people guarded by a handful of
oppressors.Why haven't you done anything about them?Seventeen isn't much of
a fight."
"But they will harm our families-"
"I heard that part!"Dexter started to lose his composure at their simple,docile
nature."You follow like sheep the instructions of people who rule by
fear,constantly afraid of failing because their punishment is harsh.That's no life
at all.You've forgotten how powerful the need for freedom is,just taking their
orders to do terrible things to other species.You aren't free.You're slaves!Poison
just took his punishment like the good little lamb he is.It never occurred to him
to try to save himself.No one helped him in case they were punished.You've
been encouraged to take whatever Diana wants to give you simply because
something happened in the past.Anarchy was going to blindly follow the orders
of three guards barely old enough to tie their boot laces!Because of their
edge.The fear.Fear is the edge here.It's how they control you."
"Anarchy told us about the guards.There will be retribution for their deaths."
"Then the time is now to stop this!Before any more die on a whim of one
person.I'm terrified at the thought anyone has the power and authority to inflict
such punishments whenever they feel like it.To us those times are long gone.It's
time it was for you too."
"Hold out your arm,"Sayer said suddenly.
"What?"Dexter heard her clearly but was suddenly put on edge.
"Your arm.Hold out your arm."
"Poison did this not long ago and lost his hand."He reluctantly held out his arm
and pulled up his sleeve to show the mark on the inside of his wrist.She visibly
got nervous but gestured to Anarchy to do the same.He raised the sleeve to
show the same mark.Poison lifted his and showed a third mark.
"The Three!"she hissed."The Three are here.You are they!"
Dexter looked confused and a little worried."Three?"
"Legend has it three Circus will be brought together who bear this mark and
lead us to freedom or bring great death and destruction.Most Circus do not
know of the freedom part.The Shawnia have made sure those with the mark do
not meet and they have not since the last day of our last attempt at freedom."
"This mark is the sign of the original three?The first Thief,Poison and
Anarchy?And no other Circus bear them?"
"No.It is unique.Thief,Poison and Anarchy have the best skills to beat the
oppressors but they can't do it separately.But together.Together they have the
power to remove those in charge."
"How it is done is up to you.When Diana is dead great punishment will be
metered out on the camps. Those Shawnia must die at the same time."
"My ship is on its way to rescue me,"said Dexter."I have my own problems to
take care of.Like some stolen technology on board that dreadnought.And
getting my normal face back."
"You will forever have the face of the Circus,Thief.It is your destiny."
"I already have a destiny and it isn't here."
"Then you must die to remove the face.Is that what you want?"
"What I want is to get back to my old life."
"Your old life is gone.You must forget what was and help with what will be."
Dexter sagged at the futility.He wanted to captain Starcruiser One again.He
wanted to lead his fleet into new places,not lead these people into a fight for
freedom.He'd fought hard to be where he was and he couldn't turn his back on
it now.
"Okay,"he said."I'll organise your fight.But as soon as my ship is here I'm
gone.I'll work something else out.You have communications to these camps?"
"Yes,"said Anarchy.
"And weapons?"
"Yes,"said Poison.
"How many Circus skulkers are still here?"
"Five ships remain.But they can't attack the dreadnought.They do not have the
power or the ability to avoid their fighters."
Dexter suddenly smiled and started fishing through his pockets.Finding what he
was looking for he held up a small shiny computer disc."Wanna bet?"

Starcruiser Five was advancing slowly on its wingpod engines,trying to get

some distance between them and the scene of the battle.The nearest spacial
body was a rogue asteroid quietly making its way through the dark.Raders' plan
was to get there and try to repair the ship before anyone else found them.The
sensors were barely operating but they'd picked up a disturbance in the Light
Stream as though something had blasted passed them at high speed.But there
had been nothing since.Though the crew couldn't afford the luxury of relaxing
they were fairly confident no one was near them.That was until the sensors
started beeping an alert.
Rader pulled his head out of the control panel in the corridor wall and dropped
his tools."Proximity alert!I've got it people.Keep working."
He climbed into the Attack Unit pilots' chair and raised it into the cockpit with
its only functioning control panel.A ship,large and slow moving,was advancing
on them,sweeping the area with its sensors.But the sensors couldn't identify
it.Abruptly the sensor sweeps locked onto them and the ship increased speed.
"Solow.Have we got any weapons?"
"Negative.However they are they're going to get us without a fight this time."
"They're coming up from astern.I can't see who they are."
The blip on his screen got larger until it pulled alongside and matched
speed.Then the pale pink glow of a tractor beam gripped the ship.Starcruiser
Five immediately started to fight the beam.
"Shut the engines down Commander,"said Solow."We can't escape on the
Rader sighed and shut the engines off.Seconds later a loud clang vibrated
through the ship.He dropped the chair and pulled out his gun."Boarding
tube!They've locked on!"He dropped the steps into the Command Base as
Standford,Paul and Solow came running out of the engine room.He leaped
down and took a second to see a large section of battered hull through the
windows,dim in the pink of the beam.A large tube was fastened onto the bases'
door.The airlock was cycling and he took up position as the doors opened.He
jumped as Lieutenant Shara Avery stuck her head through the door.
"Anyone need a lift?"She beamed.
"Shut down your ship Commander.We'll piggy back you out of here and the
systems you've got will interfere with the Star Drive.And we have company on
the way."
Rader gestured to Solow to shut down what was left of the systems.
"Shara?What's going on?"
She stepped through the door,taking note of the extensive damage visible
through the hatch in the ceiling."A Shawnian fighter is about ten minutes
behind us.If we're lucky we can Star Drive both ships home and they won't
even know what happened to you."
Around them Starcruiser Five fell silent and the lights faded.
"Shawnia?And where is Captain Dexter and Adam?"
"I'll brief you on the way home.Right now our priority is getting out of
here.And I'm not sue how reliabe the Marlbors' tractor beam is."
When they were safely on board the Marlbor the tractor beam pulled the ship
closer to the hull.Then they accelerated.The fighter was a small dot in the
distance.Then the engines flashed and the ship disappeared into the Light

"This Diana,"said Dexter.Poison and himself were now in one of the

skulkers,feeding the computer upgrades into one of the consoles.It was the last
one.The bemused crews of the ships had listened to the Sayer about The Three
but showed no reaction.They simply accepted the situation. The Sayer herself
was making contact with the Circus camps.Timing was going to be
crucial.Anarchy was off planning to use his skills to disrupt the operations of
the Hotmetal complex,hoping to confuse the dreadnought long enough for the
ships to take off.
"What about her?"Poison rebooted the computers and removed the disc.
"She doesn't look like the Circus.She looks human,not like the guards at all."
"It is the way it has always been."
"Well,that's a bit cryptic.All of the Circus look mammalian.You've got
"I can't answer your questions.We simply look like this after we receive our
Circus name."
"You're reptilian before that?Like the guards?And you've never thought to
question it?"
Poison shook his head.
"How did you receive your name?"
"From my father.He was killed at the camps as punishment and I was next to
receive his gift.It was a time of great ceremony.It is an honour to be chosen."
"So you said.So this is all you live for?To be converted to looking like this and
serving as Dianas' bad boys?"
"Bad boys?There are a lot of females in the Circus."
Dexter smiled."Bad choice of words.You-"Abruptly his communicator beeped.
"Captain?Starcruiser One is coming in for a landing.She entered normal space
just outside the complex.Brilliant bit of navigating."
"Where are you?"
"Waiting beside the pad.There's a bar and-"
"What is the dreadnought doing?"Dexter cut Adam off.
"As far as I can tell nothing.Maybe they can't detect her."
"Okay.Until they make a move tell Star One to hold position but make sure he
knows where the pad is.We're probably going to need to leave in a hurry."He
shut off the comm."We need to do it now. How do we contact Anarchy and the
Poison seemed to concentrate."They know.They are ready."
Dexter looked puzzled but let it go."Right.I'm going to meet my engineer.As
soon as I reach my ship I'll give the word."
"To start.The attack on the dreadnought and the camps must start at the same
time.Good luck Poison."
"Luck has nothing to do with it.We are Circus."
Dexter smiled at walked passed the waiting crew of the ship.The ship was the
same design as Witchfinder so he had no problems finding his way to the main
hold.On the way he considered whether he was doing the right thing.There was
nothing to stop him from simply leaving.As it was, the pad Adam had managed
to get one of the empty pads near to the one Witchfinder had landed on.Even
so,he needed a transport to reach it.As he boarded the car he looked dubiously
at the small control panel,wishing he'd taken more notice when Anarchy had
used it.He knew roughly where the pad was,one of the inner ones close to the
civilian areas.Dexter hoped he'd got the right place and set the car in motion.

Adam was standing outside the launch pad waiting for Dexter to show up so he
could signal the ship to come down.He didn't know what Dexter had planned
exactly but whatever it was he didn't want to hang around.The bar he'd left was
full of people,some of them had talked to him,others ignored him.
He'd come up with a cover story they seemed to swallow and he hadn't had a
problem.But now he was alone and getting nervous.The corridor behind him
was very quiet.
Starcruiser One was sitting in a high orbit behind some satellite.Whether the
satellite was working or not he didn't know.The fact the dreadnought had
ignored the ship worried him.The very thing they were looking for was sitting
almost right beside them yet they weren't doing anything about it.What were
they waiting for?Did they even know it was there?Also the fact the ship had
made it here under its own instruction basically amazed him.It was almost like
the ship possessed some artificial intelligence,constantly updating the
parameters of the original program so it could carry out its assignment.At the
moment it was on minimal power but its defence systems and engines were on
standby should anything try to approach or attack it.Like him,it was waiting.
Behind him the corridor was fairly clean compared to most of the complex he'd
seen but even here there were discarded crates and packing material.The
lighting was comfortably bright reflecting off only slightly scruffy grey
walls.He sighed and pulled over the top half of one of the empty crates and sat
down.A tiny cloud of dust puffed out the sides.Like Dexter he'd kept his leather
jacket but this one was his own,not one drawn from stores and beaten up.And it
was real leather,two hundred years old,lovingly cared for by generations of
owners.It was also the only link he had to any of his family. He had no idea if
he had any parents or brothers and sisters.Raised in an orphanage on Earth,he
supposed he had a better upbringing than most though he didn't keep in contact
with any of the thirty or so kids he was raised with.Or even the guardians in
charge of them.It wasn't until he joined the TSA and ventured into space did he
feel truly at home.He needed the challenge engineering presented him. That and
the freedom being a pilot gave him.He knew he wasn't going to get that at the
orphanage at home in Canada.Even so,he sometimes missed the clean,crisp air
of the Canadian winter and the spectacular scenery.Family wasn't something
he'd really thought about until he was assigned to Starcruiser One.Long hours
couped up with the same three people he hadn't had much choice but to get to
know them really well.And they were the closest he was probably ever going to
get to family.
Abruptly a faint scraping noise brought him out of his train of thought.He
hadn't noticed but the lights had dimmed slightly.In a second he was on his feet
and reaching for his gun.Then Dexter walked into view.
"That's a fine welcome Adam,"he said looking at the engineers gun pointed at
his chest.
"Captain!You scared the wotsits outta me."
Dexter managed a smile.In truth he was tired,aching from head to foot.He
wasn't supposed to be able to feel pain,why was he feeling uncomfortable
now?"Bring her down and let's go home."
Adam spoke into his communicator.High above them Starcruiser One suddenly
shifted and started her descent."Did you see the Sayer?"he said to Dexter.
"Yes.No luck getting this off me.Apparently I've been "honoured".I just want to
get out of here."
"So that's it?We just go?"
"I've arranged cover-"
Adams' communicator beeped and he listened for a second."ETA forty
"Okay."Dexter concentrated like he'd seen Poison do earlier,trying to send him
a message.The time was now.
"Well,"said a female voice behind them."So this is where the little insurrection
They turned to see Diana walking towards them flanked by Swordsman and a
single reptilian guard.
Dexter lost his train of thought in surprise.Nothing had happened.Had he sent
the message?Could he send the message at all?
"Nothing to say,Thief ?"she said."Or should that be captain?I thought I'd killed
you all on the skulker. Obviously not.Where is the third?"
"Third?"said Adam.
Diana looked at him and his human face."You are not the Three.Where are
Dexter smiled as he felt a vibration through the deck.Starcruiser One was about
to land."You'll never find the Three.Not now.You've managed to keep them
apart for a long time but that time is over.The Three are joined and your time is
"Three?"said Adam."Who are the Three?"
"I'm one of them,"said Dexter showing him his mark.He made sure Swordsman
saw it too.He saw the tall Circus' eyes react in surprise."The others are in a
position to do the most damage right now. You're too late Diana."He turned as
the starcruiser touched down and the boarding tube extended automatically.The
doors opened onto the Command Base.
Dianas' eyes widened in shock when she recognised the ship."You're one of
them!All this time and I had one of their captains right here!"
"Can you smell the victory?"said Dexter as he motioned Adam to start heading
for the ship."What you need is right through there.All the answers you want
and I've got it!"Dexter suddenly drew his pistol and pointed it at her head.None
of the others moved to help her,this fact she realised in the first hint of
panic."Where is your power now Diana?"He moved closer until the cold
muzzle was touching her temple and his face was inches from hers.He had to
lean down slightly."Where is your authority now?"The lights began to flicker
and an intense vibration shook the deck,a sign of Anarchys' work.He
smiled."The Three are joined and you are helpless.How does it feel?"
Dianas' eyes searched for an escape route,looking at Swordsman and the guard
but found no help there.They were following the Three now.Finally she looked
Dexter in the eye."I'm not that helpless."
In a split second she had a gun drawn from somewhere in her white robes and
without hesitation she fired at point blank range.The beam pierced to the right
of Dexters' chest and emerged from his back. Dexter looked calmly down at the
gun and smiled.He actually smiled,realising what she had done.They were
right,he didn't feel any pain.Instead a warmth spread out from the wound and
he started to feel faint.He stepped back and holstered his gun,pulling himself to
his full height.Unsteady, he looked at Swordsman.
"Your time is now,"he said."I've done all I can.If you.....value the word of the
Three,take what yours."He fell to his knees as Adam ran to his
side.The engineer couldn't believe what he had seen.He could feel the life
ebbing from his captain.
"Help me!"he said to Swordsman."Get him into the ship!"
"You really think you are leaving?"said Diana as she pointed the gun at Adam.
"Yes they are,"said Swordsman.With a brief flash of metal a sword severed her
gun hand.Diana looked in shock as Swordsman and the guard gripped her and
forced her against the wall."Get Thief into the ship,"he said to Adam."We will
be there in a moment."
Adam grabbed Dexter under the arms and dragged him backwards into the
boarding tube.He didn't look up as Swordsman softly spoke to Diana.
"The Three were supposed to be a myth.You made us believe the lies.Now the
lies are over."Again the metal flashed.
Adam bumped into something in the base as he dragged Dexter into the ship.He
saw the sword flash in the corner of his eye but he didn't look up.Instead he
turned,twisting as he was still crouched over holding the dying man."What the
hell is this?"The base had been packed with explosives.Crates were strapped in
from floor to ceiling.He brought Dexter to his feet so they could climb the
stairs into the Attack Unit.
"A little....surprise for the Shawnia,"Dexter gasped.
"You've turned the base into a bomb?"
"Damn....right."Dexter lost consciousness,prompting Adam to check his
pulse.It was faint but there. Swordsman and the guard strode in and took Dexter
from him,picking him up easily and looked at Adam for instructions.Adam
closed and sealed the door just as Star One beeped.
"Combat Mode,"said Adam."We need to get Thief into his sleep area and on
medical assistance.We need him alive if we're going to get out of here in one
The guard carried Dexter up the steps as Adam raced ahead and opened his
sleep cubicle.As the captain lay down the engineer ripped open his shirt and
connected the medical sensors.A faint heartbeat pulsed from the
machines.Swordsman instructed the guard to stay with him.Both of them knew
if Thief died and no one was there to receive the Circus gift there would be no
more Thief.The guard was ready for his conversion.Adam set the machines to
keep Dexter alive on full life support if they had too.
"You're staying here?"Adam said to the guard.He nodded to the engineer.Adam
looked at the taller Swordsman."Looks like you're coming with me."
Adam led the way to the Command Module and sat in Dexters' seat,putting on
the helmet as he strapped in.He motioned for Swordsman to do the same.The
visor closed,giving him information on the ships' status and the position of the
"Oh hell,"he murmured.The three fighters were hovering at equally distant
positions around the launch pad,totally surrounding Starcruiser One.Their
weapons were trained on the ship.
"Looks like getting out of here is easier said than done,"said Adam.

Circus Rings

Adam checked the ships systems on his visor.Star One had followed his
instructions to put the ship into full Combat Mode.The shields were at full
power and the weapons were extended,engines were standing by.So far the
fighters had made no move to fire.Taking a deep breath he launched the ship
into a hover,turning it on its lifting jets to face each ship in turn trying to find a
gap big enough to escape through.He turned again,looking up through the
canopy as he did so.There was nothing above him but if he launched straight up
all three ships would simply lock on and fire.He nudged the ship forward
slightly and found the three ships slightly adjusted their heading to follow.
"That's interesting,"he said.
He jetted backwards a few metres and again the ships followed.Rising a few
metres had the same effect."Hmmm.Hang on."
He reduced power on the lifting jets and Starcruiser One dropped to just above
the launch pad.
"You are going to surrender?"said Swordsman."It is the only solution."
"Not if I can help it."Adam rammed the thrust levers to maximum on the lifting
jets and the ship shot vertically into clear air.The fighters followed a split
second later,raising their noses to fire.The main engines ignited,quickly
accelerating the ship.All the fighters fired on empty space.
"Going for open space,"said Adam.He checked his visor and found the three
fighters in pursuit.But Starcruiser One was faster and they quickly outdistanced
them.The dreadnought tried getting a few shots off at them as they passed but
only two hit,causing minimal damage.
"Thank you Star One."Adam checked behind the ship and found the
dreadnought shifting in orbit to pursue,its fighters accelerating in front of it.He
pushed the engines to their limits but the Shawnia were gaining.
"Understood.I really need to pull a rabbit out my hat right now."
Starcruiser One shook as the fighters opened fire,hitting the stern shields.After
a second they fired again.Adam dived the ship to port and raised the nose but
the fighters kept their weapons lock.
Just off the starboard bow Starcruiser Three emerged from the Light Stream
almost into the middle of the fight.Immediately its shields lit up and its
weapons extended.
"Hanley to Starcruiser One."
"Adam Masters.I could use a little help here!"
Commander Hanley quickly assessed the situation."Lieutenant Dwyer,launch
"About time,"said Al and detonated the explosive bolts holding his ship to the
Attack Unit.He brought the ship around in a tight arc and opened fire on the
lead fighters.
But with only two starcruisers against five fighters and the dreadnought it was
obviously only a matter of time before they lost the fight.It was then Adams'
rabbit showed up.Five Circus skulkers came in at high speed,immediately
opening fire on first the dreadnought then the fighters before they turned,broke
formation and came back for another run.None of them came close to hitting
the starcruisers.
Adam turned Starcruiser One and headed for the dreadnought.Its weapons
opened up as the starcruiser closed in.He targetted the weapons turrets and fired
with lasers and missiles."Star One! Standby to jettison the Command Base and
detonate the explosives!"
Adam set the lasers to automatically target and fire on the dreadnoughts
weapons as he bought the ship around to the starboard side.One of the hangar
doors opened to launch a fighter,he could see it in its bay ready to emerge.He
increased speed on a heading directly for the hangar.
"What are you doing?"said Swordsman.
"Hopefully leaving in a few seconds!"The ship was within a hundred metres of
the hull and the gap was getting smaller.In the background he could see several
of the stolen starcruiser components.
"Jettison the base!"He pulled back on the levers and Starcruiser One
lifted,clearing the hull by centimetres.The base continued,spinning on its course
and entered the open hangar."Detonate!"
As the ship cleared the hull he found himself in the middle of the fight with
Starcruiser Three and the fighters with the Circus giving much more than the
got.The weapons,still locked to seek out Shawnian offences,targeted the
fighters and fired.
"Kenny,get out of here.The dreadnought is going to blow!"
Adam pushed the ship faster as Starcruiser Three and its interceptor broke off
and accelerated behind him.The sensors recorded the dreadnought heave as the
explosives detonated deep inside.Fire burst through its ruptured hull.Then it
exploded completely,taking its fighters and a Circus ship with it.The
starcruisers rode out the debris expanding behind them as ruptured hull
fragments flew passed. The Circus ships simply turned away and headed back
to Hotmetal,which was slowly coming back to life after Anarchy caused chaos
with its systems.On board the starcruisers it was suddenly quiet.
"Masters to Hanley."
"Nice flying,Lieutenant.Where's Captain Dexter?"
"I need to get him home as soon as I can.I think he's dead."

"S.Cruisa Luna medical log:Doctor Amanda Dexter reporting.It has been five
days since Captain Marshall Dexter has been brought back from his last
mission seriously injured.Returned on partial life support he remains on support
following a surgical procedure to repair weapons injury to his chest. Whatever
the energy weapon was it burned clean through his right lung and out his back,
missing his spine by centimetres.From studying the anatomy of the Circus
member known as Swordsman and the dinosaurus life form brought back with
him it was clear the beam was meant to penetrate the heart.However,since the
human heart is on the the left,he was lucky his assailant didn't know his
species.Unfortunately,he failed in his mission to find a way to remove to Circus
colouring on his skin.(See file alpha two zero for reports and scans of Circus
anatomy.)I also can't find any evidence of the claimed immortality,resistance to
pain stimuli and temperature regulation.
On a personal note,Seeing my sons' complete lack of response to treatment to
bring him out of his coma has me worried.He should be able to breath on his
own.Sleep is supposed to be a great healer, but if he doesn't start to improve
soon he could sleep forever."
Doctor Alec Johns closed the file on Dexters' computer and shut it
down,rubbing his eyes in the dimly lit office.Behind him the large painting of a
starcruiser cast a back light behind him,throwing the sparse furniture and a
battered motorcycle leaning against the wall into deep shadow.Since Dexter
and his crew came back he'd had trouble concentrating as he tried to keep up
with the captains clerical duties.Even trying to puzzle out his bizarre filing
system hadn't kept his mind from what was happening in medical.
Starcruiser Five was in for repairs again and he'd authorised them.Starcruiser
Three had been assigned a shake down patrol.The rebuilds on Starcruisers Two
and Four were nearing completion, something Dexter wanted to be there
for.And Starcruiser One was grounded,not because there was anything wrong
with it but it was simply without its captain.Shara and Adam had been
debriefed on their parts of the mission but there was a lot of empty spaces in the
report.Then they were offered leave.Neither of them took it.
Alec picked up his crutches he'd left leaning against the side of the desk and
struggled into a standing position,putting them under his arms for support.He'd
stopped using his wheel chair a few days before,mainly because he was tired of
looking up at people.His legs still hurt a lot,especially when he tried to sleep.So
he was tired and strung out,even for him.He hobbled around the desk planning
to go to his quarters to sleep but when he got into the corridor outside Dexters'
office he changed his mind and headed for Hangar One.He couldn't explain
why he had to go to the ship. Inside he just knew he had to be there.
The hangar was dark when he opened the door but the sensors picked up his
presence and the pad lights came on,brightly illuminating the starcruiser.Any
sign of damage from the fight at Hotmetal was gone and the ship
gleamed,humming softly on standby.He moved over to the coffee machine and
ordered a Terran coffee,slumping into a chair next to it.The material huffed as
he dropped into it.
Other than the whisper of life support and the gentle thrum from the ship the
hangar was quiet and peaceful.And he welcomed the silence.
Adam walked into medical to check on the captain.He also had another
excuse.The last time he'd been in he'd caught the eye of one of the nurses.The
brunettes name tag had read Sanchia.He'd seen no rings on her fingers and felt
he could try his luck.When she'd turned to smile at him through the glass
separating the captain from the rest of the ward his heart leaped to somewhere
around his ears. But when she'd come out of the room she'd simply nodded at
him and walked passed,leaving him speechless.Hoping she would be tending
the captain again he returned to the glass partition with Dexter beyond.His
heart dropped when he found Shara standing there instead.He nodded a
"Any change?"he said.
"None.It's like he just shut down.Amanda doesn't hold out much hope."
"She told you that?"
"I saw it in her eyes."
Adam looked back through the glass.Dexter was lying on a bed covered by a
thin sheet from the waist down.Tubes snaked into his arms and in his
mouth.Around him machines beeped and a pulsing light flashed in time with
his steadily rising and falling chest.The small round wound was visible on his
white skin,already healing.
"You seemed disappointed when you saw me standing here,"said Shara.
"Disappointed?No.But I was hoping for someone else."
"Like?"Shara got a hint of a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
Adam looked uncomfortable."Like,well...Sanchia.She's-"
"One of the nurses.I know.I've seen her.That's a turn up.Adam's got a
crush,"she sang.
"Has anyone ever told you you can't sing?"he snapped."I'm not the one who
nearly got assaulted by two dock workers.Now why was that,eh?"
"Apparently it was one of the games the ladies from the bars play when they
want a bit of fun.They thought I wanted a party."She shrugged.
Adam opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by alarms going off in the
room beyond.The dim lights were replaced by full illumination as running feet
came from behind them and Doctor Dexter and two nurses came rushing
through the door,one of them Sanchia.The beeping of the machines had become
erratic then a constant whine.The door closed behind them,shutting off any
sound from beyond.
Shara and Adam could only watch as they tried to save their captain.
In Hangar One all the lights on board Starcruiser One went out.The ship went
completely silent.Alec stood up without his crutches,feeling shock and fear he
couldn't explain.

Marshall Dexter couldn't feel any pain.In fact he couldn't feel anything.Around
him it was dark,like hiding in a warm blanket.Instinct told him he was safe.Far
off in the distance he could hear a faint beeping,like a heart beat,and he found
that comforting too.He had no idea how long he'd been there or what he'd been
doing before he was there.He knew only he was safe and comfortable.The
sound in the distance changed from a beep to a whine,disturbing him.He didn't
like this new sound.He didn't understand why the noise had changed.He knew
only it made him uncomfortable and he wanted it to stop.
"Do you really want it to stop?"The voice,soft and male,came from all around
him in the darkness.
"Yes."He didn't know why but he accepted the presence of the voice without
"I don't like it."
"You fear it."
"If I wanted to show you something,would you come?"
"Will it make the noise stop?"
"It could.It depends on you."
"Show me."
Two orbs of light faded into view,above him or behind him he couldn't
tell.They were large and bright.One was simply white,the other seemed to have
an image in it.
"What are they?"
"Your destiny."
"What does that mean?"
"From now on your destiny is made up of choices.One leads you to eternal
peace.The other,well the other can take you to places your heart has yet to
"How do I know which one to choose?"
"The choice must be yours.I cannot help you."
"How do I choose?"
"Concentrate on your choice.Then move towards it."
Dexter looked at the orbs,gaseous and nebula-like.One was blank,the other
seemed to have an image of a ship.It was vague and he couldn't see it.He
concentrated on trying to make the image out and found himself moving closer.
"The choice is made."
The light with the image engulfed him and when it cleared he found himself
standing in Hangar One facing a starcruiser.It never occurred to him he
suddenly had a physical presence,a body with arms and legs.Instead he was
looking at the ship.It was decrepid with an aging yellow hull.Exposed weapons
hung at arkward angles,incapable of defending the ship.The viewports were a
milky white,
making it impossible to see inside.He walked around it,taking in the ancient
remains of the vessel. Then he noticed the scarred nameplate.
"Starcruiser One!"
A blond man stepped from the shadows,tall and wearing an old
style,immaculate uniform."Yes,"he said.Dexter recognised the soft voice from
before.Now he had substance.
"What have you done to it?"
"Nothing.This is how she was and how she will be."
"You are talking in riddles."
"I'm giving you choices."He stood in front of Dexter and looked at him with his
clear blue eyes,the same eyes as his father.
"Choices to do what?"
"Who are you?"
"In life I was called Michael."
"Michael?"Dexter thought for a few seconds."Michael Dexter!You're one of the
men who designed the ship.You were lost in the war."
"I was lost here,defending the ship."
"Are you saying you're still here?"
"Here is such a relative term."
"Where am I?"
"Right now your body is in medical,fighting for its life.But you,you are here."
Michael seemed to struggle with his words."It's best described as between heart
beats.Right now you're suspended between one heartbeat and the next."
"What will happen?How do I get back to my body?"
"That depends on you.And your choice."
Dexter looked around."I see no choices here."
Beyond him the wall shimmered and was replaced with another Hangar
One,complete with another starcruiser.This time the ship was perfect,gleaming
in the pad lights.Dexter moved over to the new ship,taking in the perfection of
the hull.
"I have to pick the right ship,is that it?"
Michael nodded.
"And if I'm wrong?"
"There is no right or wrong.One will take you back to your life before.The
other will take you beyond.The choice is yours."
"How do I choose?"
"That depends on you.I cannot help you."
"What if I choose not to play your game?"
"Game?This is no game,Captain.This is your destiny.Right now you hold your
life in your hands. Two futures.Now choose."
Dexter looked from Michael to one ship then the other.One ship aged and
decrepid,the other pristine.How could he tell?The old ship could indicate time
long gone,old and tired.The other could be pastures new.Or he could be
wrong.He slowly walked around both ships,stopping beside the door of the
perfect Command Base.Through the perfectly clear glass he could see
something lying on the table inside.What he saw made him turn and walk
straight up to the old ship and through the door.Around him the ship shimmered
and everywhere went dark.Then he heard the faint whine change into a
steady,comforting beat.As the hangars faded Michael watched with a smile of
satisfaction,then he faded with them.
In medical the heart monitor was emitting its long whine as Amanda stepped
back in defeat.Nothing she could do had saved her son.Captain Dexter was
dead.Swordsman and the guard quickly came in followed by Adam and
Shara.The guard laid his hands on Dexters' now flat chest as Adam held
Amanda back.The guard closed his eyes as the whiteness seemed to drain from
Dexter into him.The man on the bed became a human pink colour,the black bat-
wings fading last from his eyes.The guard lost his reptilian skin,changing into
the smooth white of the Circus with the black bat-wings forming on a now
human face.Then he stepped back.
"You are now Thief,"said Swordsman.He turned to the still form of the
captain."For all you have done,you are honoured."Then they simply turned and
left,followed by three security guards.
Shara looked at Amanda."That's it?You can't do anymore?"
Amanda seemed to sag in defeat."No,Lieutenant.I can't do anymore.I need to
get hold of his father. I'm pronouncing time of death-"She stopped as the heart
monitored beeped then resumed whining. Then it continued a steady pulsing
beat."What the-"
"He's alive!"said Shara.
Amanda checked the screens then physically checked his pulse."I have a
pulse!I don't understand."
"Something from the Circus maybe?"said Adam."Something left over?"
"Look."Shara pointed inside his wrist.Amanda turned his arm over to the light
shone on it.The stylised eye was still there.The mark of the Three.
Dexter took a deep breath,fighting the machine.Quickly Amanda withdrew the
tube and he opened his eyes.He looked from one worried face to the other."I've
heard of waking up with a crowd around you,"he croaked."But this is

"It seemed so real."Dexter sat in his office with Alec.He'd set the lights to
normal and his coffee machine was brewing away.He stiffly put his legs on the
desk and leaned back in his chair.Alec was sitting on one of the couches facing
"It could have just been your unconscious making you choose whether you
lived or died.We still know very little about the unconscious mind,especially
when it's close to death."
Dexter shook his head."It was more than that.Why imagine one of my ancestors
and Starcruiser One at all?"
"Both of those subjects are very close to you.I would have been surprised if it
had been anything else."
"But to be so specific."He picked up and sipped at his coffee."I dunno.It's just
one of those mysteries.And what about all the lights going out on the ship at the
same time my heart stopped? Now that is a real mystery.Nothing was recorded
about a power loss."
Alec stood up and leaned on his stick.Since the two weeks had passed since
Dexter died and came back his own health had improved.He,like Dexter,still
wasn't cleared to return to active flight duty. "I'm going to bed,doctors
orders.What about you?"
"In a minute."
"Goodnight Doctor."
Alec stopped in the doorway."You still haven't told me what made you finally
Dexter smiled."When I've worked it out in here."He tapped the side of his
head."I'll tell you."
The doctor nodded and walked out.As soon as Alec left the room the smile left
his face and he withdrew into himself.Lost in thought he stood up and walked
to Hangar One.He'd managed to avoid going to the hangar since his recovery.
He slipped his security card into the slot and the doors opened.The pad lights
were already on, brightly illuminating the ship.He walked over and stepped
onto the pad,running his hand over the slightly warm hull.The ship was just a
ship,ready to take him and his crew wherever they wanted.But the memory of
the ancient ship still haunted him.He couldn't get passed the thought to think of
the future.He slowly walked around the ship,running his hand over the large
main engines,then the wingpods,continuing under the landing legs of the
Command Module.
He'd be okay.He just had to get his head around the fact he died and came
back.All he had was a dream.That was it,just a dream.Finally he stepped off the
pad and took one last look at the ship.Then he turned and walked from the
Behind him a tall blond figure faded into view and walked to the edge of the
launch pad,looking at Dexters' back.He smiled as he turned back to the ship,the
pad lights fading with him.

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