2018-2019 Asean Academic Calendar (Semestral)

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ij | ‘CURRICULUM AND CURRICULAR MATERIALS IMPLEMENTATION APPRROVAL [Eaication Bye QR-AAD-005 ora LST OF DOCUMENTS FOR APPROVAL Curriculum for the following program: Laboratory Manual(s) Course Outline(s) for the following courses: List of Textbooks and references x | Others: (Please specify) 2018-2019 ASEAN Academic Calendar Module of instruction(s): Competency Standard(s): Remarks: (Please use this space for additional instructions) For 2018-2019 SEMESTRAL ‘To commence in August 2018. a, aia Preparde'by:, Reviewed by: Epgorsapiovia Oh. pea pate / 2k vateMlage wee Approvals: ALCO MEMBERS: ER COVED BY EE CAAT a Sa [7 Sw tr Date: Date; ate the Date: datey Dr. Arable R. Aguiluz, V™ Dater Date Date: [Advance Enrollment "ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DEPARTMEN ‘ASEAN ACADEMIC CALENDAR SY 2018-2019 EE July 2018 [Regular Enroliment ‘August £11 Last Day of Adé/Drop Period ‘August 18 [Creation of Grade Roster ‘August 20-25 start of Classes ‘August 13 [Orientation Week (New Students) ‘August 13-18 Tra [student Council Week. ‘August 27-34 [Quiz 2 Blended/Virtwal ‘Aug.27- Sept. 4 Preliminary Examination - Blended/Virtval ‘Sept. 38 [chairman's Day. September 5 [Preliminary Examination Regular ‘Sept. 16, 15, 17 al [Seese Enos Sept. 18-19 [Quiz 1 Blended/Virtual ‘Sopt. 24-29) [Quie 2 - Blended /Vireual Oct. 16 Midterm Examination - Blended/Virwal ‘Oct. 8:13 [Midterm Examination Regular (Oct. 16, 17, 18 [Grade Encoding (Oct. 19-20, [Quiz 1 Blended/Virtual Oct. 22:27 [Quiz 2~Blended/virtual (0ct.29-Novs Pre -Final Examination - Blended/Virtwal Nov.5-10, lPre-Final Examination - Regular Nov. 15, 16, 27 [Grade Encoding Nov. 19-20 Foundation Day November 19-23) [Quiz 1 - Blended/Virtual Nov. 19-24 Employee's Day November 24 [Deliberation and Approval of Candidates for Graduation Nov. 26-29 [Quiz 2-Blended/Virtwal Nov.26- Dee. 1 President's Day ‘December 6 Final_ Examination -Blended/Virual Dec. 3-7, [Final Examination - Regular Dec. 15,17, 18 [Grade Encoding Dec. 18-19) [Regular Completion Period (NFE Completion) for current SY Dec. 17-19) submission of Grades Dec. 20 [srade Posting Dec. 21 [Releasing of Gradeslips Dec. 22 [Submission of Final List of Graduating Students (Audited) Dec. 10 [Submission of Final List of Honor Students Dec. 43 [Graduating Students Clearance Period Dee. 6-10 Faculty Members Clearance Petiod Dec. 19-22, ind of First Semester December 18) * Grade encoding period includes updating of grade roster, submission of exported gradebook to excel, de verification and submissio ‘Document Reference OR-AAD-038 [SE SUDAN SECOND SEMESTER Gc ORCINUS | [See Pe Aah cede oe] "ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DEPARTMER Date issued May17, 2018, Sy 2018-2019 [Advance Enroliment December 2018 [Regular Enrollment Dec. 17, 2018- fan. 5, 2039, [Last Day of Add/Orop Period January 12 [Creation of Grade Roster January 14-18 tart of Classes Tanuary 7 [auie 1 - Glendea/viruar Tanuary 14-5 [oure 2 Blended/viruat Tanuary 2-26 Preliminary Examination -Blended/Virwal Jan. 28-Feb. 2 Preliminary Examination - Regular Feb.2, 4,5, [crade Encoding Feb. 6-7 [ouie 1 Blended/virual Feb. 18-23 [oui 2 Blended/Virtual Feb. 25- March? [Midterm Examination - Blended/Virtwal March 4-9 [Midterm Examination - Regular March 14, 15, 16 rade Encoding March 18-19 Joule 1 Blendec/vinual March 18-23 [oui 2 Blendea/Virwal March 25-30 Pre Final Examination -Blended/Virwal April [Pre-Final Examination - Regular ‘April 2, 13,15 [Grade Encoding April 16-17 Deliberation and Approval of Candidates for Graduation ‘April 22:23 fouiz 1 - Blended/Virual ‘April 22-27, [ouiz 2 Blended/Vitual ‘April 29- May [Final Examination - lended/ Virtual May 6-11 Final Examination - Regular ‘May 16, 17, 18 [Grade Encoding May 20-27 Regular Completion Period (NFE Completion) ‘May 17-20 [submission of Grades (Graduating Students) May 10 [Submission of Grades (Regular Students) ‘May 22 [Grade Posting May 23-25 Releasing of Gradesips ‘May25 [Submission of Final List of Graduating Students (Audited) May 21 [End of Second Semester May 8 [Graduating Students Clearance Period May 10-15, Facuty Members Clearance Period May 22-25; [Graduation Practices May 20-25 fentative Graduation Period May 27-31 verification and submiss = Grade encoding period includes updating of grade roster, submission of exported gr 0 of class records on inet "ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT] ‘ASEAN ACADEMIC CALENDAR SY 2018-2019 'SEMESTRAL PROGRAM] Date ssued! Kartorcones Tne Last bay of Adding / Dropping of Course ine 8 iter Eraiation Tie 17, 38,79 nal examination ‘uy, 2,13 End of Summer asses ays | Tan - Monday —| Tan Tuesday Feb 16 Friday | Feb 5 Tweedy E054 Revolution Feb 25- Sunday —] Feb 25- Mondsy raw ng Kagtingan/Oay af Vitor ‘or Mondey —| — Apr 9 Tuesday Maundy Thursday War 29- Thursday | apn 18-Thursdoy ood Friday ‘Mar 30=Frigay —| — apnli3- Friday lack Saturday Tar 31-Saturday | Aor 20- Saturday aster Sunday Aor Sunday —] — Apr2i~ sunday bor ay ‘May Tuesday | May - Weenesday du Fr 14136. Saturday | un 6- Thursday independence Day un 42 Tuesday | Jun 12- Wednesday Ninoy Aquino Day 7g 21 Tuesday] Aug21- Wednesday National eres Day ‘ug 27-Wonday | — Aug 26- Monday sins Nov Thursday | Novi Fridey sous Day Nov? Fray | — Nov 2-Saturday porifaco Day Nov 30 Friday | Nov 30- Saturday ftristmas Eve Dee 24--Monday | — Dec 24- Tuesday erristmas Day Dee25- Tuesday | ee 25- Wednesday ial Day ee 30-Sunday —] — Dec 30- Monday New ear ste Dee31- Monday | Dec 31-Tuesdey SOVED BY THE CH reracesioys 5 "ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DEPARTIMENT] ‘ASEAN ACADEMIC CALENDAR SY 2018-2019 SEMESTRAL PROGRAM Date sued May 17,2018 ereciy Decument Reference: [sv 2018-2019 (R-AAD- 038, ‘SUMMARY OF NUMBER OF SCHOOL DAYS. AstSem 2018-2019, Months No. of Days August 15 September 25 October 27 November 24 December 15, 706 2nd Sem 2018-2019, Months No. of Days January 2 February 2 March 26 April 2 May 15 107 ROVED BY PHE CHAINS

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