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lifestule English for work, socializing & travel €lementary Workbook PEARSON Oct ‘AUDIO.CD. Louis Harrison dee, Pearson Eacation Limited Edinburgh Gate Haclow Essex CM20 26 England snd Asvocated Companies throughout the world. ‘opearsaongman com/liestyle © Peseson Education Limited 2011 The right of Louis Harrison tbe denied seuthor of ‘his Work as ben asserted by hin in acordance ih the Copyeight, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Allright reserved: no part ofthis publication may be reproduced stored in eteieval system, of wansmited in any formor by any means lctroni, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otberwise without the prior writen permission ofthe Publisher est published 2011 ISBN 978-1-4082-5713-7 Set in Avene Book 9/11 pt Printed in Seva by Neogata ‘ext Acknowledgements In game instances we have been unable to trace the owners af copyright material, and we would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so. Mlastation Acknowledgements Julian Mosedale 19.38, 43: Richard Allen (Eye Candy llstration) 6 48; Sophie Joyce (Bye Candy Msration) 1, 5,6 “Tony Collins 3, 18, 24,25, 31, 35, 37,67. Picture Coeds “The publisher woud lke to thank the following for their kind Permission to reproduc their photograph: 1p) ‘Alamy Images: AfaPicsom 57/2, Alex Sey 17/4 Blend images 204, bobo 34/A, Dave Donaldson tr, David Levenson 60/4, David Wall 24, Ftonlne Sb, Gary Roebuck 60/3, Horizon Inernational Images Limited 60/5, Jochen Tick 602, Fonny Greig people 34/C, ‘Oramstck 66t/A, PCI. 3S(C, SM Photography 39/4, Stee Stanford Sac, Travel and Paces 5c), 30h; Corbis: Ariel kelley 20br, ARND WIEGMANN 22/8, Chuck Savage 65, Edward Bock 1B Image Source 5r, Peter Barret 36, Radius lsages $8 Steve x6, tere Przant Le, Waller Geiersperger 57/4; sbsolt 21/2, bende64 97/6, Graga Victoria 0 graphypubilf 21/3, _Ljupco Smokovski 57/5, Rober Elis M/D, Sascha Burkard HVE, hats 30, Sikstock 30, Sansa Komogorow 87 trex 30 “Thomas Pins 34 Tom Suter 57/3, waxart St) Yur Arcurs 7, 21/6: Getty Images: Bary 331, Bernd Opty 196, ColrBlind images 1b, Cultura / Zero Creatives 214, Darel Leniuk 171, David Young, ‘Wolff 2, Daabe lead 424), Dorling Kindersley 2, Eleonora Ghiok 1316 jeff Corwin 2, im Bastard 8/1, J Caron 37, Jon Feingrsh 6 fle oy 4c, Karen Moskowit 4t Kelvin Muttay 400, Kev Mackintosh 66¢/B, Leland Bobbe 8/4, Nick Doldig 13D, Paul Simcodk 21/1, 21/5, 35/8, Romilly Lockyer Sit Stat Fox 63b, Symphonie 13/8, Thomas Barwick 39br, Thomas Strand el, ‘TORSTEN BLACKWOOD 12bh Masterfile: Cusp and Fir 4c, Mastesile VE; Photolibrarycoms 8/3, Chris Renton 26d, jinn West 177, MINA Ca. Lad. 13/4, Oleksty Maksymenko 28, Paula Soloway 56x, Photoalto 66b/C, Simon Kretem 17/3, Press Assocation “Images: Anthony Upton 22/A: Reuters: 22/D: Rex Features: KPA 1 Zuma 2IC, Rex Features 43; Science Photo Library id: JOHN COLE Cart All other images © Pearson Education (ey b-bowom:e-canie: efi: eight ery effort as been made to tac the copyright holders and we spologs in advance for any unintentional omissons, We would be plessed to inset the appropriate ackawlcgement in any subsequent ition ofthis pubiation Li English for work, socializing & travel Elementary Workbook Louis Harrison

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