Department of Education School Improvement Plan (SIP) Output Checklist

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Attachment B to Regional Memorandum No ___s.2016: SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) AND W.A.T.C.H.


School Improvement Plan (SIP) Output Checklist

School ID:

School Name:


Name of person who submitted the SIP:

Date of SIP Submission:

Name of SIP output reviewer:

Output Checklist Available? Reviewer Comments

Preparatory Activities
1 School- Community Data Template and/or other data sources

1.1 Community Profile/Data

1.1a Social, Demographic and Cultural Profile
1.1b Political/Peace and Security/Peace and Order
1.1c Physical Environment/Ecological Profile
1.1d Economic Profile
1.1e Technological
1.2 School Profile/Data
1.2a Location, Relative Distance, and Type of School
1.2b Learning Environment
1.2c Teachers
1.2d Status of Priority Improvement Projects or CI Projects
1.2e Fund Sources
1.3A Situation of Children/Learners: Acces - In and Out of School
1.3.1 Children not in school
1.3.2 Children enrolled in school
1.3B Situation of Children/Learners: Access - Attendance and Retention
1.3.3 Attendance
1.3.4 Dropout
1.3C Situation of Children/Learners: Quality
1.3.5 Promotion/Graduation Rates
1.3.6 Mean Percerntage Scores
1.3.7 Literacy Level
1.3.8 Awards/Recognitions
2 Child Mapping Tool
3 Child-Friendly School Survey
4 Child Protection Policy Implementation Checklist
5 School Report Card
6 School Watching Checklist and Hazard Map
7 List of SPT members
8 Documentation of vision sharing
9 List of SPT with roles and responsibilities

Assess/ Plan
10 Gap Analysis Template
11 Priority Improvement Area (PIA) Template
12 Planning Worksheet
12.1 Intermediate Outcomes
12.2 Priority Improvement Areas
12.3 General Objectives
12.4 Root Cause
12.5 Timeframe
13 Project Team members with roles and responsibilities
14 Documentation of listening to the voice of the learners
15 Flowchart of school processes relevant to each PIA
16 Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix
17 Annual Implementation Plan
18 SRC Summary of Information
19 Basic School Report Card

Instructions: The Output Checklist Tool is a tool that you may use to determine the level of completeness of your School Improvement Plan (SIP) based on required template. Decide
if the questions/ criteria have been met with a "Yes" or "No". Write your answers in the yellow cells/ boxes.

Write Meaning
1 Yes
0 No
NA Not applicable
School Improvement Plan (SIP) Output Completion Checklist

School ID:
School Name:
Name of person who submitted the SIP:
Date of SIP Submission:
Name of SIP output reviewer:
Instructions: This Output Checklist Tool will help SIP Reviewers determine the level of completeness of School Improvement Plan (SIP) based on required template, and provide feedback on areas needing revision or improvement. For the
Available column, answer whether the questions/ criteria have been met with a "Yes" or "No" descried in the Quality Assessment column. Please write comments for those rated 1 or 2 for guidance on what to revise or improve on. Write
your answers in the yellow cells only.

Quality Assessment
Available Reviewer Comments
Output Checklist 1= Yes
Criteria (What needs improvement? Or total revision?)
0 = No

Preparatory Activities
Sufficient and accurate data is collected which can be utilized for evidence-based school
1 School- Community Data Template and/or other data sources planning.
1.1 Community Profile/Data Sufficient and accurate Community Profile/ Data is collected.
1.1a Social, Demographic and Cultural Profile
Data complete. Source indicated and reliable. (Possible sources: BLGU, MLGU, NGOs
a. Population of children 3-18
working in the area, direct child mapping activity)

b. Basic Needs indicators: Social Data complete. Source indicated and reliable. (Possible sources: BLGU, MLGU, NGOs
working in the area, BHU/BHW, MSWD/Socail Worker, direct child mapping activity)

c. Ethnic Groups present in the community List included.(inidicated)

d. Langauge spoken by the majority Indicated
e. Availability of basic social infrastructure and services Checklist accomplished.
1.1b Political/Peace and Security/Peace and Order
Quality Assessment
Available Reviewer Comments
Output Checklist 1= Yes
Criteria (What needs improvement? Or total revision?)
0 = No

Preparatory Activities
a. Basic Needs Indicator:Peace and Order Information gathered (Possible sources: PNP, BLGU, MLGU)
b. Local mechanism/structures for peace, security, and other Checklist accomplished
c. Stakeholder support to education (percentage of parent/guardians
and other stakeholders who attend Co-curricular activities, Extra- Table accomplished (Possible source: school records, logbook)
curricular activities, Meetings, and Assemblies
d. Incidence of crimes and other human-induced hazards Checklist accomplished (Possible sources: DOH/BHW, BLGU, MLGU, PNP,
1.1c Physical Environment/Ecological Profile
a. List of local resources/features of the environment that can be used
as learning resource/material List included. (Possible sources: teachers, parents)
b. Incidence of natural disasters Checklist accomplished. (Possible sources: BLGU, parents, elders)
c. Result of Disaster Incidences
Checklist accomplished. (Possible sources: BLGU, parents, elders)

1.1d Economic Profile

Values indicated in the table (Possible sources: DOH, BHU/BHW, DSWD/MSWO, BLGU,
a. Basic Needs Indicators: Economic MPDC)
b.Primary or Major Means of Livelihood of the Households Checklist accomplished (Possible soures: community members, BLGU)

c. Child Labor Practice Responses indicated. (Possible sources: BLGU, community, DSWD/MSWDO)

1.1e Technological
a. Availability of Electricity Supply: What is the source of electricity? Checklist accomplished
b. Internet Connectivity Checklist accomplished
1.2 School Profile/Data Sufficient and accurate School Profile/ Data is collected.
1.2a Location, Relative Distance, and Type of School Checklist and table accomplished.
1.2b Learning Environment
a. Physical Infrastructure: Classrooms and Seats Accomplished. Source: Physical Facilities Inventory Report
Quality Assessment
Available Reviewer Comments
Output Checklist 1= Yes
Criteria (What needs improvement? Or total revision?)
0 = No

Preparatory Activities
b. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Facilities
b.1) Water Supply/Source
Checklist and tables accomplished.(Source: Actual inventory)
b.2) Handwashing. Is there space for handwashing?
b.3) Functional Toilets
c. Textbooks Table accomplished (Source: Actual inventory)
d. Library Blanks filled out (Source: Actual inventory)

e. Other Learning Facilities/Materials(Ex. computer, science equipment) Table accomplished (Source: Actual inventory)

1.2c Teachers
a. Number of Teachers (Kinder - Grade 12) Table accomplished, consistent with EBEIS and Form ___
b.Quality of Teachers

b.1) Number of Master Teachers Table accomplished (Source: Actual inventory) consistent with EBEIS and Form ___

b.2) Number of Teachers meeting the desired competencies based on Table accomplished. If other tools were used to assess competencies apart from NCBTS,
NCBTS. indicate assessment used.
b.3)Projects/interventions implemented to improve basic competencies Table accomplished.(Source: consultation with teachers)
of teachers
a. Top 3 training needs of teachers Table accomplished.(Source: consultation with teachers)

b. Based on top 3 training needs, # of teachers trained. Table accomplished.(Source: consultation with teachers)

c. Reasons why teachers were not trained Table accomplished.(Source: consultation with teachers)

d. Other interventsions to improve competencies apart from training Table accomplished.(Source: consultation with teachers)
1.2d Status of Priority Improvement Projects or CI Projects Table accomplished.(Source: Consultation with parents, teachers, BLGU)
1.2e Fund Sources Fund sources listed.

1.3A Situation of Children/Learners: Acces - In and Out of School Situation of chidlren enrolled and out-of school is accurately identified, gaps and root
causes articulated
1.3.1 Children not in school
a. Number of school-aged children NOT in school 5-17 (last two years or Table accomplished (Sources: Child Mapping, BLGU data, MPDC data)
previous year, depending on data availability)
Quality Assessment
Available Reviewer Comments
Output Checklist 1= Yes
Criteria (What needs improvement? Or total revision?)
0 = No

Preparatory Activities
b.Reasons for not attending school in previous year 5-17 Table accomplished (Possible sources: Consultations with parents, BLGU)
c. Projects/interventions implemented to ensure that out-of-school Table accomplished.
childer are reached or mainstreamed in school
1.3.2 Children enrolled in school
a. Enrolment for the last 3 School Years Kinder to Grade 12 Table accomplished. Source: EBEIS and LIS
b. Number of children with disabilities by category Table accomplished. (Possible sources: consultation with teachers and parents)

c. Other data (# of Overaged, IP, Muslim, and 4Ps recipient learners) Table accomplished. (Possible source: class records, actual inventory)

Situation of the children's attendance and retention is accurately recorded, gaps and
1.3B Situation of Children/Learners: Access - Attendance and Retention root causes articulated

1.3.3 Attendance

a. Number of children regularlyattending classes (at least 90%

attendance) for the last three SYs Table accomplished (Source: teachers' attendance records)

b. Percentage of children regularly attending classes Table accomplished (Source: teachers' attendance records)
c. In the previous SY, how many children were frequently absent (below
90% attendance) and how many of them were recipients of the Table accomplished (Source: teachers' attendance records)
Conditional Cash Transfer Program of DSWD?
d. What were the reasons why children were frequently absent in the Table accomplished. (Source: consultation with children, parents)
previous SY?
e. Projects/Interventions implemented to address needs of children Table accomplished.
who are frequently absent?

1.3.4 Dropout

a. Number of Dropouts for the last three School Years Table accomplished. (Source: School records, EBEIS)
b. Dropout Rates for the last three School Years Table accomplished. Computed from number of dropouts and enrolments)
c. Number and Rates of Dropouts by Cause Table accomplished. (Possible sources: consultation with parents, children, BLGU)
Quality Assessment
Available Reviewer Comments
Output Checklist 1= Yes
Criteria (What needs improvement? Or total revision?)
0 = No

Preparatory Activities
d. Projects/interventions implemented to address children at risk of
dropping out Table accomplished. (Possible source: FGDs/consultations)

1.3C Situation of Children/Learners: Quality Situation of the children/learners on educational quality is sufficiently identified.

1.3.5 Promotion/Graduation Rates

a. Number of promoted learners by grade level, for the last three years Table accomplished. (Possible sources: school records)

b. Promotion and Graduation Rates for the last three years Table accomplished. (Possible sources: school records)
1.3.6 Mean Percerntage Scores Table accomplished. (Possible sources: school records)

1.3.7 Literacy Level

a. Number of learners who are in the frustration, instructional, and Table accomplished. If a tool other than Phil-IRI was used, indicate name of tool.
independent levels for the current SY (ENGLISH)
b.Number of learners who are in the frustration, instructional, and
independent levels for the current SY (FILIPINO) Table accomplished. If a tool other than Phil-IRI was used, indicate name of tool.

c. Projects/interventions implemented to improve reading skills of Table accomplished. Complete descritpion provided.
1.3.8 Awards/Recognitions
Thorough and accurate data is collected to identify the educational status of the
2 Child Mapping Tool children (children who are not accessing school) in the community. There is evidence of
collaboration with other stakeholders.

3 Child-Friendly School Survey The survey has been conducted throughout the school and incorporated into the
4 Child Protection Policy Implementation Checklist The checklist have been fully completed and incorporated into the planning.

5 School Report Card School Report Card have been fully completed and incorporated into the planning.

6 School Watching Checklist and Hazard Map School watching checklist have been fully completed and incorporated into the

7 List of SPT members List of SPT members has been fully completed. There is evidence of consultations.

Vision is articulated. There is evidence is was shared with school and community
8 Documentation of vision sharing stakeholders.
Quality Assessment
Available Reviewer Comments
Output Checklist 1= Yes
Criteria (What needs improvement? Or total revision?)
0 = No

Preparatory Activities
9 List of SPT with roles and responsibilities List of SPT roles and responsibilites has been fully identified.
Assess/ Plan

Gap in the school performance is data driven, analysis of contributing and inhibiting
factors is thoroughly covered, reflecting in-schools, community, social or environmental
aspects . Gaps are properly identified using the difference between desired level of
10 Gap Analysis Template performance and current level of performance. Gaps use indicators derived from data
gathered in annexes, grouping these by thematic area of performance outcomes:
Access, Quality, and Governance.

11 Priority Improvement Area (PIA) Template Improvement areas addresses the identified issues in the situation analysis and and
gap analysis.
Priority improvement areas are consistent (#11 and #12) and address the issues, root
12 Planning Worksheet causes and performance gaps.
12.1 Intermediate Outcomes DepEd Intermediate Outcomes Given.

12.2 Priority Improvement Areas PIAs are identified on the basis of strategic importance, urgency, magnitude, and
feasibility and supported by Gap Analysis
12.3 General Objectives General objectives aligned with PIAs and are SMART.
Root cause analysis of PIAs undertaken, selection of root cause that will be addressed is
12.4 Root Cause appropriate: within the school's control, cut across different PIAs, result in
improvement, have enough resources and time to address the cause.
12.5 Timeframe Timeframe is realistic based on the project design.

13 Project Team members with roles and responsibilities The roles and responsibilities among the project team has been identified and clarified .

14 Documentation of listening to the voice of the learners There is evidence that voice of the learners have been collected and fully documented.

15 Flowchart of school processes relevant to each PIA Flowchart of the school process has been established.

16 Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix Budget has been planned for each activity identified in the workplan, innovative fund
sources(other than GOP funds) are indicated.

17 Annual Implementation Plan Planned projects, activities and expected outputs will address the issues and gaps
identified, doable within the timeframe and budget.
18 SRC Summary of Information SRC containing baseline data and target per indicator
19 Basic School Report Card Basic School Report Card has been prepared and documented.
Quality Assessment
Available Reviewer Comments
Output Checklist 1= Yes
Criteria (What needs improvement? Or total revision?)
0 = No

Preparatory Activities

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