Have Got - Can

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The Verbs "Have Go = = > == = eee t= What have they got? a A bird has got a beak, .. They've got roller blades. J atait and wings. They haven't got skate- boards. an Has she got long hair? No, she hasn't. She's got short hair. We use the verb have (got): She has got # headache. a) to show that something belongs to somebody @.g. He's got a bal b) to describe people, animals or things e.g. She’s got blue eyes. c) with the following expressions: I've got a heaciache, I've got a temperature, I've got @ cough, I've got toothache , I've got a cold, !'ve got a problem. Ihave (got) Ive (got) Ihave not (got) You have (go!) You've (got) You have not (got) He has (got) He's (aot) He has not (got) ‘She has (got) She's (got) ‘She has not (go!) Ithas (got) {ts (got) thas not (got) We have (got) We've (got) We have not (got) You have (got) You've (got) You have not (got) They have (goi) They've (gol) They have not (got) 1 2 8 4 5 6 haven't (go!) Have | (got)? You haven't (got) Have you (got)? He hasn't (got) Has he (got)? She hasnt (go) Has she (got)? ithasn't (got) Has it (got}? We haven't (got) Have we (got)? You haven't (gol) Have you (got)? They haven't (got) Have they (got)? st Say what they have got, then as in the example. He has got a guitar. Have Gor’-"Can” Fill In have got of has got. Then write Look at the objects in the table. In questions and negations as in the Pairs, ask and answer what you, your example. parents and your brother/sister have/ has t or haven'vhasnt got in the 1. Stoven ...hias got... a new car. tit ‘example. Has Steven got... a bieycie? No, Steven hasn't got a bicycle... e.g. SA: Have you gota calculator? $8: Yes, | have. 2 SAMY ceeaeecintnteenntineenenne AN UMBFEN. eee $A; Have your parents got a jeep? ‘SB: No, they haven’. 3. Anna and Tom .... ‘Your Brother/ sia ie San [emer | ‘Sister 4 The table . four legs z 1 three legs? calcutator motorbike 5 They soso @ white cat, 7 cet a black cat? \ 6 The dog 1. a long tail. a ‘ : «a shor tail? Somputer video camera 7 Nike eee de & Ye .. a.camera? seas bieycle mobile phone guter 8 Julie . abig house. - a small house? Note: It's got = It has got / Tom's got = Tom has got Ws = Itis Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and write them out using the full form of the verbs as in the example. In short answers we only use Yes or No, the subject pronoun and the verb have (haven't)has (hasn't), 1 she’s/hair/blonde/got We don't use got. She has got blonde hair. e.g, Have you got a car? Yes, | have, 2 a/ got / Tony's / red / ball Have you got... ? ee ea 3- goldfish / seven / got / he's No, liwe haven't. Yes, he/sheiit has. 4 alit's /kite / yellow Has he/sheit Got? 40, e/shert hasn't & a/ got/ they've / car / new Yes, they have. No, they haven’. 6 big/a/it's/ house Have they got... ? The Verbs “Have Write questions and answers as in the example. Look at the pictures. in pairs ask and answer questions using the prompts as in the example. 9.9. SA Has Fiona Smith got a cheap car? ‘SB: No, she hasn't. She’s got an expensive car. 4 (Fiona Smith/cheap car) 5 ona Smityinary jewels) 2 (Mary Newtonismall 6 (Mary Newtorva yacht) house) 7 Fiona Smitha big house) 3 (Fiona Smith/a tent) 8 (Mary Newtorvinany 4 (Mary Newion/a watch) dresses) ame: fone Name: Mary (lady/umbretta) hey/drums) ee (giraffeishort neck) ie aise. ob: typist 1 Has the boy got a doll?, No, he hasn't, He's got a teddy bear. = as aap Sih + & ays ib * th a cheap car Complete the sentences with have/ ‘6, has got or haven't/hasn’t got and one of the words from the list. atent wnena so 4 lot of pets, a headache, four legs, toothache, her glasses, a balcony. ‘enough money, sharp teeth I don't feel very well. 've gor a headache. wna, it's a nice flat but it sie fact Activity Most animals... a Write about Fiona Smith and Mary Newton as in the Katy likes animals. She covenanes exaimples I'm going to call the dentist. | ...... Fiona Smith as got a b ei Grandma can't read the letter. She .. Sharks ... a We must go to the Bank. We

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