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Politics : A Reader
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AN: 1336238 ; Krook, Mona Lena, Childs, Sarah.; Women, Gender, and
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Women, Gender, and Politics: A Reader

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Women, Gender, and Politics:

A Reader
Mona Lena Krook and Sarah Childs, Editors
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Women, gender, and politics : a reader / Mona Lena Krook and Sarah Childs, editors.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-19-536880-2; 978-0-19-536881-9 (pbk.)
1. Feminism—Political aspects—Cross-cultural studies.
2. Women’s rights—Cross-cultural studies. 3. Women—Political
activity—Cross-cultural studies. I. Krook, Mona Lena. II. Childs, Sarah, 1969–
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For our teachers, mentors, colleagues, and students

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This reader is just one of the many products that have resulted from our first meeting at a women and
politics conference in Belfast in March 2002. Being very young scholars, we booked ourselves into
very cheap accommodations and met while roaming the halls for a hairdryer. Keeping in touch over
the years, we had our first opportunity for sustained collaboration in 2004–2005, when Mona was an
Economic and Social Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Bristol, which has been
Sarah’s home institution since 2003. We spent many afternoons and evenings discussing how to con-
ceptualize and analyze various facets of women’s political representation. In 2005, these interests spilled
into new collaborations with Karen Celis, at the University College Ghent, and Johanna Kantola, at
the University of Helsinki, which has led us to think about “representation” in a much broader sense as
occurring in parliaments, but also in social movements, political parties, and the state, as well as through
the vehicles of elections and public policy.
When Mona returned to the United States to take up a job at Washington University in St. Louis,
our conversations turned as well to questions of how to teach a course on women, gender, and politics.
Neither of us felt that existing books were appropriate for a general introduction to the field, as mono-
graphs and edited collections tend to focus narrowly on one aspect of women’s political participation
and/or one particular country or region of the world. This is a well-established norm in scholarly re-
search, but creates a gap for students, both graduate and undergraduate, who seek exposure to a broader
range of theoretical ideas and empirical examples. At the same time, we felt that a traditional textbook
was inadequate to the task. These are too often overly general, focused on breadth rather than depth
and pitched at a very introductory level. Furthermore, in our single- and co-authored research we have
become increasingly aware of the need for both students and researchers to be able to access influential
pieces “firsthand.”
This reader reflects our effort to distill some of the key bodies of research on women, gender, and
politics. We focused on selecting both classic and recent contributions in six areas of research: (1) women
and social movements; (2) women and political parties; (3) women, gender, and elections; (4) women,
gender, and public policies; (5) women, gender, and political representation; and (6) women, gender, and
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the state. Our aim has been to capture the various ways that research has developed in each of these areas,
both thematically and chronologically. To draw connections between the readings, each section includes a
short overview of the selections and their relation to one another. Each set of readings might therefore be
read as an introduction to general trends in thinking about women, gender, and politics, or alternatively,
as an entry into key sets of debates as they have evolved over time.
The resulting volume, as with our other work, is truly “co-authored.” Despite the physical distance
between us, we really do make decisions together: we engaged in a lot of back and forth exchanges on
what to include and exclude, as well as on how the individual chapters and articles should be edited. We
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viii Preface
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hope that the authors feel that we have done justice to their work, in what was—ultimately, and perhaps
inevitably—a rather ruthless process. In our efforts to ensure that the reader included both theoretical
and empirical work, covered major themes related to gender and politics, and reflected—as far as pos-
sible—both temporal and regional variations, we realized that it was impossible to include every influ-
ential piece. Although our coverage could not be total, we hope that we have managed to put together a
single collection that offers a thorough—if necessarily incomplete—introduction to the study of women,
gender, and politics.
In compiling this reader, we became indebted to a number of individuals who helped shape this proj-
ect and bring it to fruition. We are especially thankful to David McBride, our editor at Oxford University
Press, who saw the potential of this reader and offered invaluable advice throughout the process, as well as
to his assistant, Brendan O’Neill, for talking us through the details of putting together a volume such as
this. In addition, the three anonymous reviewers who read our proposal offered very helpful suggestions
for improving the content and flow of the reader, as well as crucial support for the project as a whole.
Our students in our courses, “Politics of Gender” at the University of Bristol and “Gender and Politics in
Global Perspective” at Washington University in St. Louis, inspired this project and in many ways helped
us think through how we might best edit the pieces we have chosen.
Lydia Anderson-Dana, who was at the time an undergraduate student at Washington University, as-
sisted with some of the initial paperwork for the reader. Diana Z. O’Brien, currently a graduate student
at Washington University, performed something of a small miracle in helping us obtain clean copies of
all the pieces, contact details of authors and publishers, and—at a time when the copy machine at the
Department of Political Science was out of service—permission to copy and scan nearly all of our edits
in other parts of the university at one point or another. She also became an expert with the fax machine,
when it was necessary to send out our edits and permissions that way as well. Emma Qing Wang, cur-
rently an undergraduate at Harvard University, stepped in and assisted during the final stages, helping us
implement the final edits and reviewing all the notes and references.
For this crucial assistance, we gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Graduate School
of Arts and Sciences at Washington University; the Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Govern-
ment, and Public Policy Research at Washington University; and the Radcliffe Research Partnership
Program. The time and resources to write the introductory essay were facilitated by Mona’s fellowships
at Harvard University at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, as well as the Women and Public
Policy Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, where the fellowship was funded by
The Women’s Leadership Board.
Finally, we would like to express an enormous thanks to the authors and publishers who agreed to
have their work included. We hope that they can be proud of this reader, and the role that they have
played in the development in this field of research, even if in the process we may have cut out the one
sentence that they really think is the most important statement of their work. We sincerely appreciate
their generosity.
In closing, we would also like to thank our friends and colleagues in the wider gender and politics
community, which is in many ways one of the best aspects of being a women and politics scholar. They
provide a challenging but supportive—and fun!—environment within which to work on theoretically
and substantively important questions in political science. Some of the key networks—always open to
new members—include the Women and Politics Research Section of the American Political Science
Association, the Women and Politics Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association, the Gender
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and Politics Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research, and the Gender and
Politics Research Committee of the International Political Science Association. For these reasons, we
would like to dedicate this book to our teachers, mentors, colleagues, and students, who together form
part of this growing community. They continually remind us of the value of reading, teaching, and
doing research on women, gender and politics.

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1. Women, Gender, and Politics: 7. Translating the Global: Effects of

An Introduction 3 Transnational Organizing on Local
Mona Lena Krook and Sarah Childs Feminist Discourses and Practices in
Latin America 63
Part I: Women and Social Sonia E. Alvarez
Movements 8. Cross-Regional Trends in Female
2. Mobilization without Emancipation? Terrorism 71
Karla J. Cunningham
Women’s Interests, the State, and
Revolution in Nicaragua 21
Maxine Molyneux Part II: Women and Political
3. Beyond Compare? Women’s Movements
in Comparative Perspective 29 9. The Dynamics of Gender and
Karen Beckwith Party 81
Joni Lovenduski
4. Women’s Movements and Democratic
Transition in Chile, Brazil, 10. Theorizing Feminist Strategy and Party
East Germany, and Poland 37 Responsiveness 87
Lisa Baldez Lisa Young
5. Protest Moves inside Institutions 47 11. Building a Base: Women in Local
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Mary Fainsod Katzenstein Party Politics 89

Jo Freeman
6. Do Interest Groups Represent the
Disadvantaged? Advocacy at the 12. Women’s Political Representation
Intersections of Race, Class, and in Sweden: Discursive Politics and
Gender 55 Institutional Presence 97
Dara Z. Strolovitch Diane Sainsbury
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x Contents
Copyright © 2010. Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S.

13. The Problem with Patronage: Constraints 21. Quotas as a “Fast Track” to Equal
on Women’s Political Effectiveness in Representation for Women: Why
Uganda 107 Scandinavia Is No Longer the
Anne Marie Goetz Model 175
Drude Dahlerup and Lenita
14. Feminist Political Organization in
Iceland: Some Reflections
on the Experience of Kwenna Part IV: Women, Gender, and
Frambothid 117
Political Representation
Lena Dominelli and Gudrun
Jonsdottir 22. Quotas for Women 185
Anne Phillips
Part III: Women, Gender, and
23. Representation and Social
Perspective 193
15. The Developmental Theory of the Iris Marion Young
Gender Gap: Women’s and
24. Should Blacks Represent Blacks and
Men’s Voting Behavior in Global
Women Represent Women?
Perspective 127
A Contingent “Yes” 201
Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris
Jane Mansbridge
16. Puzzles in Political 25. Preferable Descriptive Representatives:
Recruitment 135 Will Just Any Woman, Black,
Pippa Norris and Joni Lovenduski
or Latino Do? 215
17. Entering the Arena? Gender and the Suzanne Dovi
Decision to Run for Office 141 26. From a Small to a Large Minority:
Richard L. Fox and Jennifer
Women in Scandinavian Politics 225
L. Lawless
Drude Dahlerup
18. Party Elites and Women Candidates: 27. Beyond Bodies: Institutional Sources of
The Shape of Bias 151 Representation for Women in Democratic
David Niven
Policymaking 231
19. Women’s Representation in Parliament: S. Laurel Weldon
The Role of Political Parties 159
Miki Caul Part V: Women, Gender, and Social
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20. Explaining Women’s Legislative
Representation in Sub-Saharan 28. Sex, Gender, and Leadership in the
Africa 167 Representation of Women 243
Mi Yung Yoon Karin L.Tamerius

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Contents xi
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29. Congressional Enactments of Race- 35. Gender and the State: Theories
Gender: Toward a Theory of and Debates 299
Raced-Gendered Institutions 251 Johanna Kantola
Mary Hawkesworth
36. Gender in the Welfare State 305
30. Taking Problems Apart 263 Ann Orloff
Carol Lee Bacchi
37. Interacting with the State:
31. Sex and the State in Latin Feminist Strategies and Political
America 267 Opportunities 313
Mala Htun Louise Chappell
32. Beyond the Difference versus Equality 38. Introduction to Comparitive
Policy Debate: Postsuffrage State Feminism 319
Feminism, Citizenship, Dorothy McBride Stetson and
and the Quest for a Feminist Amy G. Mazur
Welfare State 277
39. State Feminism or Party Feminism?
Wendy Sarvasy
Feminist Politics and the Spanish
33. Is Mainstreaming Transformative? Institute of Women 327
Theorizing Mainstreaming Monica Threlfall
in the Context of Diversity and
40. When Power Relocates: Interactive
Deliberation 283
Changes in Women’s Movements
Judith Squires
and States 335
Lee Ann Banaszak, Karen Beckwith,
Part VI: Women, Gender, and and Dieter Rucht
the State
Credits 347
34. The Liberal State 293
Catharine A. MacKinnon Index 351
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Women, Gender, and Politics: A Reader

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Chapter 1
Women, Gender, and Politics:
An Introduction
Mona Lena Krook
Sarah Childs

In recent years, the status of women as political broad body of research on women, gender, and
actors has captured the imagination of spectators politics. This work is informed by feminism, the
around the world. The growing number of female belief in the social, economic, and political equal-
presidents and prime ministers, as well as record ity of women and men. It is marked by two major
proportions of women elected to national parlia- contributions to political analysis: (1) introducing
ments, suggest that women have made important the concept of “gender” and (2) expanding the
gains in the political sphere. Yet the experiences definition of “politics.” Although the term “gen-
and portrayals of female politicians, in addition to der” is often elided with “women” (cf. Carver
the continued under-representation of women 1996), but it is crucial to distinguish between
in politics, draw attention to the many ways in “sex,” normally taken to denote biological differ-
which access to political office is still very much ences between women and men, and “gender,”
stratified by gender. At the same time, women referring to the social meanings given to these
continue to be involved in large numbers in social distinctions. The concept of gender thus makes
movements and political parties. However, their it possible to move the analytical focus away from
participation has increasingly taken new forms, as biological sex, which treats men and women as
women have ascended to leadership positions, fo- binary opposites, to constructed gender identities,
cused on a wider array of issues, and experimented which view masculinity and femininity as features
with new tactics of political protest. Women have that exist along a continuum, often in combi-
also received renewed focus from the media and nation with other identities (Childs and Krook
political elites as voters and candidates. This is due 2006). As such, theories of gender offer a chance
to the increased salience of the gender gap in recent to explore masculinities and femininities, as well
elections in many countries and the dramatic rise as the relative status of men and women, in the
in female candidates as a result of newly adopted conduct of political life.
quota policies. The presence of more women in The term “politics,” in turn, is often used by
politics has in turn raised questions about whether political scientists to refer to the formal processes
or not women make a difference in terms of intro- and institutions of government and elections.
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ducing new policy priorities, proposals, and out- Women’s movement activism in recent decades,
comes. Such a lens suggests that public policies are however, has inspired feminists to theorize at least
not gender-neutral, and thus that state actors and two additional meanings. One group expands
agencies play an important role in shaping gender its range to encompass informal politics and the
relations in ways that produce and reproduce in- dynamics of everyday life. Some scholars insist,
equalities between women and men. for example, that social movements are a form of
To make sense of these developments, this political participation on par with engagement
volume seeks to offer an introduction into the inside the state (Baldez 2002; Beckwith 2007).
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4 Women, Gender, and Politics
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At the same time, feminists draw attention to the and the state. Within each of these sections, read-
power relations that permeate all levels of social ings have been selected to capture the various ways
life, including relations within the private sphere that research has developed in each of these areas,
of home and family. For them, “the personal is both thematically and chronologically. To aid the
political” (Okin 1979; Squires 1999). A second reader, each section begins with a short overview
group, together with postmodern theorists, has of the readings and their relation to one another,
adopted a notion of “politics” as any instance or as a means to better situate each piece within the
manifestation of power relations (Butler 1990; context of the whole. Each section might there-
Foucault 1995). They are thus interested not only fore be read as an introduction to general trends
in the politics of the state and the politics of social in thinking about women and politics or, alter-
movements, but also the politics of language, the natively, as an entry into key sets of debates on
politics of exchange, and the politics of represen- gender and politics as they have evolved over time.
tation, which they have analyzed using a wide To reflect the diversity of trends and approaches,
variety of research tools. the collection includes readings that, as a group,
Both of these feminist innovations have come analyze both developed and developing countries,
under challenge in recent years. On the one hand, as well as historical and contemporary examples,
there has been increased recognition of the ways and use both statistical and case study methods.
in which multiple facets of identity may interact This introductory essay provides a brief survey of
to shape not only personal interactions but also the state of the art in the six areas covered in this
large-scale political outcomes. In these debates, book. It draws out general trends, notes recent
scholars have offered various schemes for analyz- developments, and concludes with thoughts as to
ing how the dynamics of gender shape and are how a gender lens improves knowledge of both
shaped by other patterns of inequality based on formal and informal political processes.
race, class, sexuality, ability, and other features
(Hancock 2007; Weldon 2006). For some, this
critique means that it is no longer possible to Women and Social Movements
speak of “women” as a group; for others, it sim-
ply entails recognizing that there may be strate- Social movements have long been a central focus
gic value to retaining the category of “women” of studies of women, gender, and politics. This is
while also remaining aware of differences among due in part to the fact that women have largely
women that may at times make it difficult to been excluded from other arenas of political
generalize about women as a group (cf. Fuss 1989; participation, like elections, political office, and in-
Squires 1999). On the other hand, increased global- ternational politics. While formal barriers like lack
ization, combined with decentralization, has posed of suffrage have been overcome in most countries,
major challenges to traditional configurations of informal norms associating women with the pri-
political organization, creating new opportunities vate sphere and men with the public continue to
and constraints for feminist change. As a conse- exert influence, leading fewer women than men to
quence, “politics” is now an even more diffuse hold top-level political positions. At the same time,
entity, with new and developing arrangements women have also played a major role in many civil
that are not yet well understood. society organizations, including churches, choirs,
To acquaint readers with this vast literature, and charities. While social movements form part
this volume brings together classic and more of civil society, they are distinguished from other
recent contributions on central topics in the study voluntary organizations in that they involve “col-
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of women, gender, and politics. It is divided into lective challenges, based on common purposes and
six sections to reflect the range of research in this social solidarities, in sustained interactions with
subfield of political science: (1) women and social elites, opponents, and authorities” (Tarrow 1998,
movements; (2) women and political parties; (3) 4). Given feminists’ strong interest in changing the
women, gender, and elections; (4) women, gen- status quo, it is perhaps not surprising that they
der, and political representation; (5) women, gen- have been attracted to the study and practice of
der, and public policies; and (6) women, gender, social movement organizing.
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Women, Gender, and Politics 5
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Women’s participation in movement activities of “colonial oppression,” a measure of “Western

falls into three broad categories (Beckwith 2000). decadence,” and even a type of “forced emanci-
Women’s movements encompass any type of pation” (Basu 1995; Franceschet 2005).
systematic organizing by women. Although this A third subset of this literature concerns
term is most often associated with movements women in social movements. While the content
promoting women’s rights, including suffrage of these groups may not relate directly to ques-
and women’s liberation, it also refers to move- tions of women or feminism, they are often deeply
ments that draw on—and possibly even seek to gendered in terms of their participants, issues, and
preserve—more traditional gender roles, like tactics. Some social movements, for example,
mothers’ movements and right-wing women’s tend to attract women, like antinuclear, peace,
groups. Some key questions asked by research- and environmental groups (Braidotti et al. 1994;
ers concern definitions of “women’s interests” Roseneil 1995), while others are dominated by
(Molyneux 1985), relationships between wom- men, like guerrilla and terrorist organizations
en’s movements and political parties (Lovenduski (Cunningham 2003; Reif 1986). These pat-
and Norris 1993), how political opportunities terns stem in part from metaphorical associations
for women’s movements are gendered (Chappell between women, peace, and care, on the one
2002), and determinants of women’s movement hand, and men, war, and violence, on the other.
failure and success (Banaszak 1996). Within many groups, further, women have often
Feminist movements are often seen as a sub- been relegated to support roles, although this pat-
set of women’s movements. However, they tern has begun to change in some movements as
are distinct in that they may include men and, women have assumed a greater number of leader-
more fundamentally, are informed by a gendered ship positions. However, the enduring tendency
power analysis that aims to overcome women’s to view men, but not women, as political actors
subordination. Nonetheless, they may be inspired continues to play an important role in how vari-
by different types of feminism. Liberal feminism ous groups have devised strategies and recognized
emphasizes equality between women and men opportunities for mobilization. Indeed, the fact
and believes that change can be achieved through that women are often not seen as “political” has
legal and social reform. Radical feminism, in enabled them to protest when members of
contrast, stresses differences between women and other groups have been violently repressed
men and views gender inequality as a basic sys- (Baldez 2002), as well as—more recently—carry
tem of power that organizes human relationships. out terrorist attacks because they are less likely to
Socialist feminism combines ideas from Marxism be searched by authorities (Cunningham 2003).
with radical feminist ideas about patriarchy to In the former case, women often gain moral force
highlight economic and cultural sources of wom- by mobilizing as mothers; in the latter, they may
en’s oppression. Finally, postmodern feminism draw on maternal imagery—even to the point of
merges ideas about “sex” and “gender” with post- posing as a pregnant woman in order to conceal a
modern or poststructuralist theory to call attention bomb—as a means to achieve violent ends.
to the multiple and contradictory aspects of indi- While it is possible to distinguish analytically
vidual and collective identity, which undermine between women’s movements, feminist move-
the possibility of a unitary category of “women” or ments, and women in social movements, there
“men.”1 Key dilemmas for feminist movements, are also important overlaps between these cat-
therefore, include whether to engage or not egories. Feminist movements are often viewed as
engage with state actors (Kantola 2006; L. Young a subset of women’s movements; in many cases,
or applicable copyright law.

2000), mobilize separately or in coalition with they are even seen as synonymous terms. A less
other actors (Beckwith 2000; Molyneux 1998), well-known connection is that women in social
and emphasize sex and gender over other identi- movements often launch women’s movements,
ties (Goetz and Hassim 2003). A related concern especially when the movement in question aims to
is whether to use the term “feminism” at all, given overcome injustice or fight for equal treatment. In
its various negative connotations in many parts of some instances, like campaigns for civil or human
the world as “man-hating,” “bourgeois,” a tool rights, women gain a gender consciousness after
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being treated in sexist ways (Bunch 1990; Evans be viewed as a type of social movement activity
1979). In others, such as revolutionary or nation- (Katzenstein 1998; Sainsbury 2004). This bound-
alist movements, women experience frustration ary has been pushed even further with increased
after being asked to delay their demands for gen- globalization and a concomitant rise in transna-
der equality until the “broader” cause is achieved tional contention, which have served to create
(Basu 1995; Luciak 2001). The issues that have new opportunities and constraints in women’s
in turn become central to women’s and femi- movement organizing.2 On the one hand, local
nist movements include legal and political rights, groups have adopted new discourses and prac-
employment opportunities and discrimination, tices as a result of increased contacts with other
reproductive choice and abortion, violence against women’s groups across national borders. Some
women, sexual freedom, and women’s political have forged new personal bonds of solidarity with
participation and representation. Nonetheless, the others who share locally stigmatized values, while
particular emphasis of individual movements var- others have learned new strategies for lobbying
ies across countries and over time. more effectively for an expansion of women’s
Differences in priorities may also be debated rights (Alvarez 2000). On the other hand, patterns
within movements themselves. In some cases, of governance have shifted with state reconfigu-
activists disagree on the best strategies for accom- ration and increased multilevel governance, such
plishing the group’s goals. Early suffrage organiza- that activists are not limited to petitioning state
tions split on several occasions on the question of actors, but may also appeal to—or seek strategic
whether to pursue lobbying or more disruptive alliances with—international organizations and
tactics (Daley and Nolan 1994). Similarly, while transnational advocacy networks as a means to
liberal feminists are more open to working inside achieve policy change (True and Mintrom 2001).
existing institutions, radical feminists prefer to At the same time, however, changes in the struc-
stay outside on the grounds that engaging with tures of states have made it less clear which actors
patriarchal structures only serves to legitimate and have the capacity to implement these reforms
perpetuate these institutions (Squires 1999). In in meaningful ways (Banaszak, Beckwith, and
other instances, there are critiques from within Rucht 2003).
and outside the movement regarding claims to
speak for “all women,” when in fact these tended
to reflect the needs and viewpoints of Western, Women and Political Parties
white, middle-class, heterosexual, and able-
bodied women (Mohanty 1988). This tendency, A second relatively large literature is research
however, is not limited to feminist groups: on women and political parties, for some of the
national organizations that represent marginalized same reasons as social movements: until recently,
groups are substantially less active on issues affect- political parties have served as the main avenue
ing disadvantaged subgroups than they are when for women’s participation in the formal political
it comes to issues affecting advantaged subgroups sphere. This work can be divided into three pri-
(Strolovitch 2006). These patterns not only pose mary areas of research. The first concerns wom-
challenges to articulating “women’s interests,” en’s modes of participating in the party system.
but also call attention to the dynamics of power at In many countries, women have played an active
work within and across groups working for social role inside political parties—in many instances,
justice. even before women gained the right to vote.
Debates over how to define women’s move- However, they rarely assumed leadership roles
or applicable copyright law.

ments have led to discussions over the nature and and even now still make up a minority of all top
location of social movements. While some argue party officials (Kittilson 2006). Women have
that a group must be autonomous from other instead often been relegated to more ancillary roles,
political structures in order to be classified as a such as cooking, doing clerical work, and mobi-
women’s movement (Gelb 1989; Weldon 2002), lizing female voters, although they have also been
others suggest that women’s presence and strug- involved in giving speeches and writing campaign
gles inside male-dominated institutions should literature (Bashevkin 1985; Freeman 2000). Their
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participation has often been facilitated by the responsiveness, which entails recruitment of
presence of women’s sections within the parties, more women to positions of power, and policy
although there is ongoing debate as to whether responsiveness, which involves greater attention
such organizations serve as a platform for formu- to issues of concern to women—and argues that
lating women’s demands or as a mechanism for parties may be responsive, promoting representa-
marginalizing women and their concerns within tional and policy concerns; cooptive, recruiting
the party at large (Sainsbury 2004; Tripp 2001). more women but not altering policy priorities;
For some, this insider position has been crucial nonresponsive, making no changes in response
for gaining greater presence in political decision to feminist demands; and oppositional, outwardly
making and attention to women’s concerns in refusing to change their recruitment practices or
public policy (Lovenduski 1993), while for others policy stands (L. Young 2000). Although it does
it results in cooptation and reduced effectiveness not necessarily adopt this language, much of the
overall (Goetz and Hassim 2003). literature on this question explains these varia-
A second major topic is interactions between tions with reference to party ideology, strategy,
women’s movements and political parties. Stem- and structure. In general, scholars find that left-
ming from concerns about cooptation, a key wing parties are more open to feminist demands,
dilemma in feminist organizing has been whether being more likely than right-wing parties to
or not to participate in mainstream power struc- nominate female candidates and alter their party
tures. For some, engaging with political parties is platforms (Lovenduski and Norris 1993). In part,
the only effective means for promoting women’s this is due to a greater willingness among estab-
interests; they believe that change must—and can— lished left parties to take steps to overcome pat-
come from within existing institutions (Sainsbury terns of exclusion and marginalization, as well as
2004). For others, however, true change requires among new left parties to promote new ways of
remaining outside the party system; participation, doing “politics” (Kittilson 2006). It is also crucial
for them, can only serve to legitimize and per- to note, however, that parties of the right have
petuate patriarchal power relations (Lovenduski and can play a role in promoting women’s rights;
1986). Although these perspectives are informed indeed, in several countries they were at the fore-
by different types of feminism, the strategies of front of promoting women’s right to vote and
particular women’s movements may vary within equal pay (Wolbrecht 2000). Party strategy also
and across countries, with movements adopting plays an important role: studies find that parties
partisan, crosspartisan, or apartisan stances vis-à- tend to be more willing to respond when they
vis parties (L. Young 2000), and shift from a sepa- believe they will gain something in return, like
ratist toward a more integrationist approach, or electoral benefit (Lovenduski and Norris 1993)
vice versa, over time (Britton 2005; Lovenduski or support for an existing regime (Goetz and
1993). On the occasions where women’s groups Hassim 2003). The effects of ideology and strat-
have decided to engage with political parties, they egy, in turn, are affected by the organizational
have tended to do so overwhelmingly with par- structures of political parties, stemming from their
ties of the left (Kittilson 2006; Lovenduski and degree of decentralization and party discipline
Norris 1993). However, a growing literature also (Caul 1999; L. Young 2000).
reveals mobilization by women inside parties of The literature on women and political parties
the right (Clark and Schwedler 2003; Wiliarty thus focuses on gendered patterns in party activi-
2001). The choice to engage, in turn, often cre- ties, lobbying, and priorities. Most of this work
ates a new dilemma of “double militancy,” namely analyzes trends in established parties, exploring
or applicable copyright law.

what to do when there is a conflict between how women’s engagement may reinforce or chal-
identities as a party versus a movement activist lenge “politics-as-usual” within these organiza-
(Beckwith 2000). tions. A small number of studies, however, have
A third and related area of research involves addressed the phenomenon of women’s parties.
the responses by political parties to women’s While rare, these parties have appeared in a wide
movement demands. One typology discerns two range of countries and, in various ways, reveal the
broad categories of responses—representational potential and limits for women to engage with
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and transform existing party systems. They have such that today the franchise for women is seen
appeared in all regions and ideologically are quite as a taken-for-granted feature of political citizen-
diverse: while some are feminist, others claim to ship. All the same, having the same right to vote
be centrist and still others emphasize women’s does not necessarily mean that men and women
traditional roles (Stokes 2005). Nonetheless, they have equal opportunities to influence political
generally emerge with two basic goals: to increase outcomes. Some scholars argue that women’s de-
the number of women in elected office and to layed suffrage has had long-term implications for
insert women’s issues onto the political agenda. women’s status in political life, stemming from
In most cases, they appear at moments of cri- the fact that many political institutions—includ-
sis or change in existing political systems; with ing political parties—predate women’s right to
few exceptions, they win only a small number of vote (Harvey 1998).
votes. A common approach to explaining their Predictions as to how women would use their
lack of appeal is to argue that “sex” is not viewed right to vote were an integral part of debates
as a political cleavage; women do not necessarily leading up to women’s suffrage. Although many
identify politically as “women,” but rather with argued that women would be unlikely to vote in
a particular set of policy positions. However, the a substantially different direction than men, a large
major appeal of women’s parties, where they number of participants on both sides imputed dis-
have been successful, is their effort to introduce a tinct political preferences to women and men.
new way of doing “politics” by taking decisions Early research found that women tended to vote
by consensus, flattening hierarchies, and rotating in greater numbers than men for conservative
positions (Dominelli and Jonsdottir 1988). parties, a trend often explained with reference to
the belief that women were more religious than
men (Duverger 1955). However, this gap began
Women, Gender, and Elections to narrow and then reversed in many countries
in the West in the 1980s and 1990s, such that
Work on political parties links to another ma- today women appear to give greater support to
jor area of study, focused on women, gender, parties of the left. Whereas the “traditional gender
and elections. Although wide-ranging, it can be gap” continues to prevail in many non-Western
separated into research on electing versus being contexts, the so-called modern gender gap has
elected. The first category can be further subdi- become an enduring feature of the political land-
vided into two sets of concerns: women’s right to scape in the West (Inglehart and Norris 2000).
vote and gender gaps in voting behavior. While In an effort to understand what drives these gaps,
today women’s suffrage is nearly universal,3 it was a more critical literature has emerged suggesting
initially viewed as controversial. Opponents ex- that there are important differences among femi-
pressed concerns that it would bring about the nists and nonfeminists (Conover 1988), as well as
decline of the family, bolster the conservative among older and younger women (Norris 1996).
vote, and usher in prohibition. Supporters, in At the same time, alternative research designs
contrast, suggested that women’s suffrage would find that the gender gap credited to changes in
improve the form and content of politics, even women’s behavior may in fact be more accurately
helping to secure world peace (Pateman 1994). attributed to men, who have shifted their sup-
The first countries to give women this right were port in greater numbers to parties of the right
largely peripheral countries within the world sys- (Kaufmann and Petrocik 1999). These patterns
tem, like New Zealand, Australia, Finland, and indicate that the “gender gap” has been socially
or applicable copyright law.

Norway. Suffrage then spread to countries around constructed as a female phenomenon (Mueller
the world, coming in waves after the two major 1988), which has in turn led parties to take steps
world wars and, later, following independence in to appeal more explicitly to female voters out of
many postcolonial states (Daley and Nolan 1994). the belief that their support has the potential to
National and international suffrage alliances acted radically alter electoral outcomes.
as crucial motors for change that, over time, re- One way in which parties have sought to appeal
sulted in a broader shift in international norms, to women is by nominating and electing more
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women to political office. Although women are with women’s overall rates of education and labor
underrepresented in most elected bodies,4 there force participation (McDonagh 2002), as well as
are substantial variations across levels of govern- with levels of national socioeconomic develop-
ment, as well as across countries and over time. In ment (Matland 1998), whose effects are generally
many cases, more women win office at the local attributed to modernization processes that enable
and regional levels than at the national level (Darcy, women to move into higher social and econom-
Welch, and Clark 1994). In contrast, they have ic roles that lead to greater influence in politics
rarely acceded to positions of executive leadership (Inglehart and Norris 2003). Finally, cultural atti-
as cabinet ministers (Davis 1997) and as presidents tudes also appear to be important, as the number
and prime ministers, although their numbers have of women in politics is typically higher in Prot-
grown dramatically in recent years (Jalalzai 2008). estant countries (Reynolds 1999) and in coun-
Most research, however, has focused on women’s tries where citizens are more open to women
representation in national parliaments. A starting in leadership positions (Inglehart and Norris
point for many analyses is the supply and demand 2003). Yet, these findings may be case- and time-
model of political recruitment, which proposes specific: although some research confirms these
that the number of women elected is the com- findings in non-Western cases (Paxton 1997;
bined result of (1) the qualifications of women as Yoon 2004), other work discovers that these
a group to run for political office, namely their same factors appear to play little or no role in
resources and motivation, and (2) the desire or developing countries (Matland 1998). More spe-
willingness of elites to select female aspirants, cifically, there are a growing number of develop-
based on elites’ perceptions regarding women’s ing countries with majoritarian electoral systems,
abilities and experience (Lawless and Fox 2005; where women have a relatively low status, and/or
Niven 1998; Norris and Lovenduski 1995). In where the majority religion is not Protestant, but
contrast, scholars largely dismiss arguments about women have made major gains in recent years.
voter bias; although some early work found that At the same time, research examining past trends
the public was reluctant to vote for female candi- finds that the effects of PR electoral systems did
dates, most studies find that voters not only vote not surface until recently; before 1970, there were
for male and female candidates at equal rates, but few differences among countries in this regard.
may in fact vote in greater numbers for women Research on women, gender, and elections
over men (Black and Erickson 2003). has thus been more attentive than some other lit-
In addition to explanations of why women eratures in terms of recognizing diversity among
are underrepresented in general in national par- “women,” incorporating men into the analysis,
liaments, a large literature addresses crossnational and exploring connections between develop-
and crosstemporal variations, looking to identify ments in the public sphere and social, economic,
some of the structural and contextual factors that and cultural realms. Even so, there is ongoing
may shape women’s access to political office. This debate regarding the nature and importance of
work finds that the percentage tends to be higher the gender gap in voting behavior. In addition
in countries with proportional representation (PR) to asking why women as a group might have
electoral systems than in those with majoritarian political preferences distinct from those of men
electoral arrangements (Salmond 2006). Propor- (Studlar, McAllister, and Hayes 1998), scholars
tional representation systems tend to be organized have probed the content of women’s political
around multi-member districts, meaning that interests (Campbell 2006) and sought to explain
more than one person is elected, which open the lower levels of political knowledge among women
or applicable copyright law.

way for women to be included as the total num- as compared to men, despite changes in the oppor-
ber of seats available in each district increases. In tunities for women’s engagement in political life
contrast, majoritarian systems resemble a “winner- (Mondak and Anderson 2004). At the same time,
take-all” situation where only one candidate may a growing literature explores differences among
win election, reducing the number of opportuni- women, in terms of how gender, race, and class
ties for a diverse group of candidates to be elected may interact to shape women’s political priori-
(Caul 1999). Correlations are similarly observed ties (Gay and Tate 1998). Studies of women’s
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election have also developed in new directions gap in the population (Schwindt-Bayer 2006),
over the last few years. Some have attempted to and any issue of concern to the broader society
nuance the category of “women” by analyzing (Mackay 2001).
differences in access among women of differ- Scholars have also focused on different aspects
ent races and ethnicities (Hughes 2008). Others of the policy-making process. They have exam-
have observed dramatic shifts in women’s repre- ined legislator attitudes and priorities (Schwindt-
sentation in recent years and sought to identify Bayer 2006; Swers 1998), patterns of bill intro-
new factors that may facilitate women’s election duction and cosponsorship (Franceschet and
to parliament, including the adoption of candi- Piscopo 2008; Swers 2005), and legislative votes
date gender quotas (Dahlerup 2006; Krook 2009; (Thomas 1994). Most studies find that women
Tripp and Kang 2008), the end of violent conflict tend to have the greatest impact at earlier stages
(Bauer and Britton 2006), and the mobilization of in the legislative process (Grey 2002; Tamerius
women’s groups, both national (Kittilson 2006) 1995). Although some suggest that the best solu-
and international (Krook 2006; Paxton, Hughes, tion is to examine the entire legislative process
and Green 2006). This work suggests that the (Swers 2002), others highlight the numerous ele-
public sphere, while still heavily gendered, may ments of contingency that may be responsible
be shaped in active ways by strategies and oppor- for moving an issue to agenda prominence and
tunities for political change. gaining its passage (Childs and Withey 2006).
However, there is some debate on the need to
establish differences among women and men in
Women, Gender, and Political political office. While some claim that women
Representation only have an impact when they do not act in the
same way as men (Cowell-Meyers 2001), oth-
Women’s voting behavior and the election of ers argue that convergence may occur when the
female candidates are often treated as important increased presence of women leads men to show
questions in themselves. While recognizing that more interest in women’s issues (Reingold 2000),
women’s participation carries symbolic value for the presence of antifeminist women and profemi-
democracy, another line of work seeks to go nist men evens out the aggregate balance of pref-
beyond political priorities and presence to consider erences across women and men (Chaney 2006),
what effects these may have on concrete policy and “gendering” processes silence women by
outcomes. It addresses the degree to which the pressuring them to conform to positions taken by
presence of women in political office translates men or by blocking their opportunities to freely
into attention to women’s concerns in policy articulate their own views (Hawkesworth 2003).
making; in other words, the relationship between Further, some criticize the focus on “difference”
the “descriptive” and “substantive” representa- because it retains an emphasis on women as the
tion of women (cf. Pitkin 1967). Political theo- sex with special interests and experiences.
rists have presented various arguments pointing These concerns intersect with questions about
to women’s “interests” and “perspectives” as a the impact of numbers. Because women consti-
means to support efforts to increase women’s po- tute a minority in most political bodies, research-
litical representation (Mansbridge 1999; Phillips ers have explored whether a “critical mass” of
1995; Williams 1998; I. Young 2000). Yet, the women is needed before legislative change can
notion of “women’s interests” remains controver- occur. The concept was originally invoked to
sial (Celis 2006; Molyneux 1985), and as a result, explain why the presence of women did not
or applicable copyright law.

scholars have identified “women’s issues” in a appear to affect policy outcomes, the argument
number of different ways in empirical research. being that women were unlikely to have an
They have defined it, variously, to include poli- impact until they grew from a few token indi-
cies that increase women’s autonomy and well- viduals into a considerable minority of all legisla-
being (Reingold 2000), concerns in the private tors (Dahlerup 1988). It is supported by evidence
sphere according to established views on gender showing that legislatures with higher proportions
relations areas where surveys discover a gender of women tend to introduce and pass more bills
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on women’s issues than their female counterparts place, noting that parliaments are only one pos-
in low representation legislatures (Thomas 1994). sible arena among many: actors in social move-
However, a growing body of research criticizes ments, political parties, and the state may also
these assumptions, finding that women make a articulate claims, and take concrete steps, to rep-
difference even when they form a small minority resent women’s concerns (Celis, Childs, Kantola,
(Crowley 2004) or, alternatively, that a jump in and Krook 2008; Weldon 2002).
the proportion of women may decrease the like-
lihood that individual female legislators will act
on behalf of women as a group (Carroll 2001). Women, Gender, and Public Policies
Further, there are important boundary conditions
that may prevent women from pursuing reforms In addition to studying women’s legislative
addressing “women’s interests.” These include behavior, researchers have also analyzed legislative
diversity among women, in terms of their race, outcomes by exploring the gendered nature of
class, and party identities (Barrett 1995; Childs public policies and the creation and evolution
2004), as well as features of the political environ- of gender equality policies. With regard to the
ment, such as committee membership (Norton former, feminists have been particularly inter-
1995), institutional norms (Kathlene 1995; Mac- ested in exploring how laws—including those on
kay 2008), legislative inexperience (Beckwith questions not traditionally thought of as “wom-
2007), and the electoral system (Tremblay 2003). en’s issues”—reflect normative interpretations
These findings have in turn led many to question concerning gender relations, in terms of what
the continued utility and relevance of “critical trends are viewed as “problems” and how these
mass” as a concept in research on the substan- “problems” are framed and translated into policy
tive representation of women (Childs and Krook prescriptions (Bacchi 1999; Elman 2007; Verloo
2006; Dahlerup 2006). 2007). In revealing how public policies construct
The literature on women, gender, and politi- “men” and “women” as groups, this work ex-
cal representation has thus long retained a criti- poses the gendered hierarchies that inform policy
cal edge, seeking to problematize the concepts of making, as well as the frequently contested nature
“women” and “gender” and expand the notion of of women’s rights around the globe. In addition
“politics.” However, some recent contributions to legislators, other key actors in policy debates
have pushed these challenges even further, to the include churches, doctors, lawyers, unions, em-
point of questioning some of the core assump- ployer associations, and international organiza-
tions behind this work. In terms of research on tions (Htun 2003; Norgren 2001), revealing that
women’s legislative behavior, for example, a a host of groups recognize the power of
growing number of studies document diversity public policy to shape social, economic, and
among women in terms of not just their race and political outcomes. These political struggles, in
party, but also their mechanism of election (Goetz turn, help explain important differences across
and Hassim 2003; Schwartz 2004), emphasizing countries in terms of policies on the family
that being female may matter less than gender (Charrad 2001; Htun 2003), property rights (Basu
consciousness for achieving feminist outcomes 1995; Tripp 2003), reproduction (Norgren
(Archenti and Johnson 2006; Childs and Krook 2001; Stetson 2001), and the labor market
2006). Further, scholars continue to question (Morgan 2003; Ruggie 1984), to name but a
the concept of “women’s interests,” arguing that few policy areas. As a result, countries may have
these may not only vary across countries and over varied policy profiles in terms of their articulation
or applicable copyright law.

time, but also across groups of women divided by of women’s rights, both within and across issue
race, class, and other identities; as such, it is cru- areas (Kantola 2006; Weldon 2002).
cial to promote the election of women sensitive A related line of research concerns the devel-
to the needs of dispossessed subgroups of women opment of gender equality policies, also known
(Celis 2006; Dovi 2002). Finally, a new litera- as “women-friendly” or “gender-sensitive” pub-
ture has emerged that seeks to open up when and lic policy. Reflecting developments in feminist
where women’s policy representation may take theory, policy approaches have evolved over time
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as policy makers have grappled with ongoing ten- to take into account multiple dimensions of mar-
sions between “equality” and “difference” (Bock ginalization when designing new public policies.
and James 1992; Sarvasy 1992). Initial attempts In some countries, this shift has led to the amal-
to devise women-friendly public policy focused gamation of state agencies based on gender, race,
largely on equality as sameness, seeking to raise disability, and sexuality into a single policy unit.
women to the standards of men. Dissatisfied While this approach enables attention to multiple
with this approach, many advocates subsequently dimensions, it also complicates the policy-making
embraced the inverse strategy of difference, which process and raises further doubts about the abil-
entailed abandoning efforts to make women more ity of governments to design and implement such
like men toward focusing on women’s needs as policies in a manner that is sensitive to the needs
women (Bacchi 1996). However, concerned of all groups (Squires 2007; Verloo 2006).
that such tactics might reify sexual difference,
policy makers at both the national and interna-
tional levels have now largely moved to a third Women, Gender, and the State
stage known as “gender mainstreaming” (Booth
and Bennett 2002; Squires 2005). This approach This discussion links to a sixth literature, on
involves incorporating a gender perspective at women, gender, and the state. Focusing on
all stages of the policy-making process, with the state-society interactions, feminists have been
goal of (1) recognizing where policies might have interested in understanding how states influence
a differential impact on women and men and gender relations and, conversely, how gendered
(2) adjusting the policy in question such that it norms and practices shape state policies. One area
promotes gender equality. Although it entails of research concerns feminist theories of the state,
domestic institutional change, international orga- which not only reflect different types of feminism
nizations and transnational activists have played but also distinct political strategies for engag-
a crucial role in the elaboration and spread of ing with state actors. Liberal feminists view the
the mainstreaming approach (True and Min- state in a relatively optimistic light, believing that
trom 2001). Yet, its diffusion has led to a wide while the state has been historically dominated by
variety of national approaches to mainstreaming men, there is nothing inherent about this domi-
that have not always been transformative (Jahan nation: with engagement, the state will become
1995; Squires 2007). In fact, the adoption of more open to women and their concerns. Radical
mainstreaming has often served to marginalize feminists, in contrast, are more pessimistic about
women-specific policy concerns and, in some the transformative potential of the state, arguing
cases, to justify the end of women’s policy agen- that the state is patriarchal and thus can never be
cies (Woodward 2003). employed for feminist ends (MacKinnon 1989).
Scholars interested in questions of gender and Socialist and poststructuralist feminists, in turn,
public policy thus have a long history of self- perceive the state as a mechanism of power and
critique, moving between theory and practice and domination, asserting, albeit for different reasons,
back again. In line with this established pattern, that political strategies centered on the state will
recent work addresses new developments in polit- not produce transformative change (Randall and
ical practice that have followed from increased Waylen 1998). To these some authors add Nor-
recognition of multiple and intersecting facets of dic feminism, which they argue combines faith
identity. A growing body of work offers theoret- in the ability of the state to change society in a
ical—and, increasingly, methodological—insights positive direction, with awareness of the potential
or applicable copyright law.

into the ways in which it might be possible negative consequences of engaging with the state
to study the intersectional needs and effects of (Kantola 2006). This approach expresses concerns
public policy (Hancock 2007; Weldon 2006; that state policies intended to reduce one set of
Yuval-Davis 2006). At the same time, govern- inequalities may in fact serve to produce another
ments around the world have begun to move away set of inequalities, replacing women’s dependence
from a sole focus on gender mainstreaming toward on men with women’s dependence on the state
a model of “diversity mainstreaming,” which aims (Hernes 1984).
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A second set of questions relates to gender and rise to a fourth area of study on women’s policy
the welfare state. This research compares the eco- agencies and the phenomenon of “state femi-
nomic and social policies of various states to illus- nism.” The basic feature of these feminist bureau-
trate how they are shaped by particular normative crats, also known as “femocrats,” is that they seek
views of gender relations (Orloff 1996; Sainsbury to transform the state from within (Franzway,
1994). Many scholars have been influenced by Court, and Connell 1989). Yet, as this concept
mainstream welfare state typologies, exploring how has traveled around the world, it has taken on a
different types of welfare state configurations cre- range of distinct, and even contradictory, defini-
ate distinct opportunities for women to combine tions. One emerges from work on gender and
motherhood and care work with paid employment. welfare states in Scandinavia, which argues that
They note that while social democratic welfare “women-friendly” policies in this region are the
states enable women to combine motherhood and combined result of the political mobilization of
paid employment, conservative regimes tend to women in civil society and the entry of increased
promote women’s traditional status in the family, numbers of women into political office and public
while liberal welfare states often adopt strict policies administration (Hernes 1987). A second meaning
of nonintervention that reinforce existing inequali- of “state feminism” emerges from work on newly
ties (Esping-Andersen 1999; Sainsbury 1996). independent states, where modernizing—and
Yet, feminists also criticize the measures used to sometimes authoritarian—regimes reform family
distinguish between welfare state models, arguing and labor market policies to improve women’s
that a focus on state-market interactions should be legal and economic status (Hatem 1992). The
extended to include the realm of the family, atten- third and most common definition, however,
tion to stratification should be expanded to include refers to women’s policy machineries and femi-
a look at paid and unpaid labor, and concern for nist bureaucrats in other parts of the state appa-
social rights and decommodification should be ratus who seek to integrate a gender perspective
reconsidered in light of women’s caring roles in in their own specialized policy fields (Stetson and
the private sphere (Orloff 1993). These observa- Mazur 1995; Threlfall 1998).
tions have led some to put forward the alternative The main challenges to traditional approaches
“male breadwinner” family model (Lewis 1992), for studying women, gender, and the state have
which over time has given way to a new ‘adult revolved mainly around the nature and role of the
worker’ model, as women have joined the ranks state in an increasingly globalized world. While
of the employed, creating new challenges for com- some scholars have begun to integrate questions
bining care and wage labor (Lewis 2001). of diversity and intersectionality into the study
In light of these dynamics, a third literature of the state in general, and the welfare state in
addresses how women’s movements might inter- particular (Josephson 2002), the main focus of
act with states to alter existing gender relations. research has been the impact of reduced state
Whereas earlier feminist activism debated the capacity on welfare state policies (Lewis 2002)
value of engaging with the state, more recent and the emergence of new systems of multilevel
work has explored the ways in which the struc- governance (Outshoorn and Kantola 2007). A
ture of political opportunities shapes the strategies key concern has been to capture the effects of
of women’s movements and the arenas—whether four processes of state reconfiguration (Banaszak,
legislative, bureaucratic, or judicial—with which Beckwith, and Rucht 2003): uploading, or the
they choose to engage (Banaszak, Beckwith, shifting of power and responsibility to higher state
and Rucht 2002; Chappell 2000). Their lob- levels; downloading, or the shifting of power and
or applicable copyright law.

bying activities have not always met with suc- responsibility to lower state levels; lateral load-
cess, but where women’s groups have targeted ing, or the shifting of power and responsibility
state actors they have made some progress in to nonelected state bodies; and offloading, or the
gendering policy approaches and promot- shifting of power and responsibility to nonstate
ing women’s rights (Chappell 2002). In some actors. While some of these processes have been
instances, women have entered the state apparatus detrimental to women’s organizing, others have
as a means for achieving these ends. This has given created new opportunities for women’s political
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engagement, in part by expanding the definition Shulamith Firestone (radical feminism); Gayle Rubin
of “politics” to include a much wider range of and Sheila Rowbotham (socialist feminism); and
Judith Butler, Luce Irigaray, and Julia Kristeva (post-
issues, actors, and locations. modern feminism).
2. It should be noted, however, that women’s organizing
has long had a global dimension, beginning with the
Conclusions early international suffrage campaigns in the late nine-
teenth century (Daley and Nolan 1994; Rupp 1997).
3. The only country where women do not have the right
As mentioned at the outset, the main contribution to vote today is Saudi Arabia, where men only gained
of work on women, gender, and politics has been the right to vote in 2005.
the introduction of the concept of “gender” and 4. There are only a limited number of cases where women’s
an expansion of traditional definitions of “politics.” numbers have been equal to or greater than men’s, includ-
This literature has grown increasingly nuanced in ing some local councils in Norway in the 1970s and India
in the 1990s, the National Assembly for Wales in 2003–
recent years: challenges to the role of “gender” have 2007, and most recently, the lower house of parliament in
appeared in studies pointing to the importance of Rwanda, with 56 percent women elected in 2008.
multiple interacting identities, while new questions
about “politics” have been raised in light of the
perceived erosion of state capacities and the emer-
gence of new patterns of multilevel governance. Alvarez, Sonia E. 2000. “Translating the Global: Effects of
Aiming to capture these diverse developments, the Transnational Organizing on Latin American Feminist
goal of this volume is to acquaint readers with de- Discourses and Practices.” Meridians: A Journal of
bates in six key areas of research: social movements, Feminisms, Race, Transnationalism 1 (1): 29–67.
political parties, elections, political representation, Archenti, Nélida, and Niki Johnson. 2006. “Engendering
the Legislative Agenda with and without the Quota:
public policy, and the state. Within each section, A Comparative Study of Argentina and Uruguay.”
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MacKinnon, Mary Daly, Andrea Dworkin, and Journal of Political Research 37: 431–468.

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Swers, Michelle L. 2002. The Difference Women Make: The Verloo, Mieke. 2006. “Multiple Inequalities, Inter-
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Part I
Women and Social Movements
This section contains readings on women and social movements, focusing on women’s participation in
women’s and feminist movements, as well as women’s involvement in other kinds of social movements.
The section begins with a classic article on “women’s interests” in social movement organizing (Molyneux
1985). It is followed by six other readings that map how the study of women and social movements has
subsequently developed, focusing on broad patterns and variations in women’s mobilization (Beckwith
2000), the moments when women organize as women in times of democratic transition (Baldez 2003),
women’s presence and struggles inside male-dominated institutions as a type of social movement activity
(Katzenstein 1998), inequalities among advantaged and disadvantaged subgroups of women in interest
group organizing (Strolovitch 2006), shifts in women’s movement discourses and practices as a result of
globalization and increasing contacts among women’s groups across national borders (Alvarez 2000), and
innovations in the repertoires of women’s social movement participation to include terrorist groups
(Cunningham 2003).
Maxine Molyneux studies women’s mobilization in the Nicaraguan revolution that brought socialists
to power in the 1970s. To understand why women would get involved in struggles that do not appear
to further their “emancipation,” she distinguishes between women’s “practical” and “strategic” interests.
She argues that practical interests arise inductively from the concrete conditions of women’s positioning
within the sexual division of labor, while strategic interests are derived deductively from the analysis of
women’s subordination and the formulation of an alternative set of arrangements to those which exist.
Practical interests tend to emerge in response to immediate needs in women’s daily lives, like access to
food, shelter, and water; as such, they will vary significantly across countries and over time. Strategic
interests, in contrast, require a level of feminist or gendered consciousness in order to be formulated, like
demands for day care, reproductive choice, and freedom from wage discrimination. This distinction
constitutes an initial attempt to understand why women mobilize as women and when and where they
do. It has subsequently been used as a jumping off point for scholars who study women and social move-
ments, as well as those concerned with theorizing the concept of “women’s interests.”
In a wide-ranging review of comparative research on women’s movements, Karen Beckwith argues
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against conflating women’s movements, feminist movements, and women in social movements. She then
identifies four crucial issues to consider when analyzing individual movements: relationships between
women’s movements and political parties, “double militancy” as a potentially distinctive collective identity
problem for women’s movement activists, the extent to which political opportunities for women’s move-
ments are or can be gendered, and relationships between women’s movements and the state. To better
understand how and why women engage in protest, Lisa Baldez analyzes women’s mobilization in the
context of democratic transition in Chile, Brazil, East Germany, and Poland. She argues that in the first
three cases, but not the fourth, women perceived moments of political realignment as uniquely gendered
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20 Women and Social Movements
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opportunities: building on existing formal and informal networks among women, as well as inspired by
women’s groups abroad, they came together across other dividing lines to organize as women against the
regime in power. However, once opposition parties incorporated women’s movement demands into their
agendas, women often ceased to mobilize on this basis.
Critical of tendencies to associate social movements exclusively with civil society groups, Mary Fainsod
Katzenstein observes that a great deal of movement activity has now moved inside institutions. Focusing
on women in two very male-dominated institutions, the U.S. military and the Catholic church, she
explores how feminists have pursued different political objectives and used various political strategies to
effect changes within institutions, for example by spurring debates over hiring and promotion, rape and
harassment, child care, and workplace benefits. Their participation in formal and informal networks of
support, she argues, has previously not been associated but could be reframed in line with women’s
movement activity. Offering a different line of critique, Dara Z. Strolovitch seeks to establish whether
interest group claims to speak for “all women” in fact reflect a diversity of women’s views and experi-
ences. She examines the policy advocacy of national organizations that represent marginalized groups to
explore the degree to which they advocate on behalf of advantaged versus disadvantaged subgroups of
their membership. Among women’s groups, she finds that organizations are substantially less active on
issues affecting disadvantaged subgroups than they are when it comes to issues affecting the advantaged
subgroups. The analysis reveals how gender interacts with race and class to structure and perpetuate
inequalities among female activists who are otherwise committed to improving the status of women as
a group.
Calling attention to recent innovations in women’s social movement activities, Sonia E. Alvarez
examines links between transnational organizing and local women’s movements in Latin America. She
notes that through transnational contacts two new logics of women’s movement organizing have
emerged: an internationalist identity-solidarity logic, which provides a means for (re)constructing subal-
tern or marginalized identities and establishing personal and strategic bonds of solidarity with others who
share locally stigmatized values, and a transnational nongovernmental organization advocacy logic,
which involves organizing across borders in an effort to expand formal rights or affect public policy.
Karla J. Cunningham, in turn, surveys women’s involvement in terrorist groups, observing that while
women have historically participated in terrorist groups in low numbers, female involvement is widen-
ing ideologically, logically, and regionally. She attributes these changes to several trends: new contextual
pressures that drive terrorist organizations to recruit women while intensifying women’s motivations for
joining these groups, changes in societal controls over women that may make them more willing to
engage in political violence, and operational imperatives for gaining strategic advantages over adversaries
through “strategic innovation.” Together, these readings reveal that women’s social movement partici-
pation is diverse in terms of motivations, contexts, and tactics, with ongoing debates over the identities
and needs of women as a group.
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Chapter 2
Mobilization without Emancipation?
Women’s Interests, the State, and
Revolution in Nicaragua
Maxine Molyneux

. . . This [chapter] focuses on the Nicaraguan rev- The political pertinence of the issue of
olution and its progress since the seizure of state whether states, revolutionary or otherwise,
power by the Sandinistas in July 1979, in order to are successful in securing the interests of social
consider the proposition that women’s interests are groups and classes is generally considered to be
not served by socialist revolutions. The [chapter] twofold. First, it is supposed to enable predic-
examines how women are affected by government tion or at least political calculation about a given
policies in the aftermath of a successful revolution- government’s capacity to maintain the support
ary seizure of power in which they participated on of the groups it claims to represent. Second,
a mass scale. The first part of the discussion reviews it is assumed that the nature of the state can
some of the theoretical questions raised by this be deduced from the interests it is seen to be
debate, particularly the matter of “women’s inter- advancing.3 Thus the proposition that a state is
ests.” The second section describes and interprets a “worker’s state,” a capitalist state, or even a
the policies that the Sandinista state has adopted “patriarchal state” is commonly tested by inves-
in relation to women in order to determine how tigating how a particular class or group has fared
women’s interests are represented within the San- under the government in question.
dinista state.1 Women in Nicaragua have certainly However, when we try to deploy similar cri-
not achieved full equality, let alone emancipation. teria in the case of women a number of problems
But the argument set forth here takes issue with arise. If, for example, we conclude that because
the view that women’s interests have been denied the Sandinistas seem to have done relatively lit-
representation or have been deliberately margin- tle to remove the means by which gender sub-
alized through the operations of “patriarchy.”2 ordination is reproduced, that women’s interests
have not been represented in the state and hence
women are likely to turn against it, we are making
Women’s Interests a number of assumptions: that gender interests are
the equivalent of women’s interests, that gender
The concept of women’s interests is central to is the principal determinant of women’s interests,
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feminist evaluations of socialist societies and in- and that women’s subjectivity, real or potential, is
deed social policies in general. Most feminist cri- structured uniquely through gender effects. It is,
tiques of socialist regimes rest on an implicit or by extension, also supposed that women have cer-
explicit assumption that there is a given entity, tain common interests by virtue of their gender,
women’s interests, that is ignored or overridden and that these interests are primary for women. It
by policymakers. However, the question of these follows then that transclass unity among women
interests is far more complex than is frequently is to some degree given by this commonality of
assumed. . . . interests.4
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22 Women and Social Movements
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Although it is true that at a certain level of one. Because women are positioned within their
abstraction women can be said to have some societies through a variety of different means—
interests in common, there is no consensus over among them, class, ethnicity, and gender—the
what these interests are or how they are to be for- interests they have as a group are similarly shaped
mulated. This is in part because there is no theo- in complex and sometimes conflicting ways. It is
retically adequate and universally applicable causal therefore difficult, if not impossible, to generalize
explanation of women’s subordination from about the interests of women. Instead, we need to
which a general account of women’s interests can specify how the various categories of women might
be derived. Women’s oppression is recognized as be affected differently, and act differently on ac-
being multicausal in origin and mediated through count of the particularities of their social positioning
a variety of different structures, mechanisms, and and their chosen identities. However, this is not to
levels which may vary considerably across space deny that women may have certain general interests
and time. There is therefore continuing debate in common. These can be called gender interests
over the appropriate site of feminist struggle and to differentiate them from the false homogeneity
over whether it is more important to focus at- imposed by the notion of women’s interests.
tempts at change on objective or subjective ele-
ments, “men” or “structures”; laws, institutions, Strategic Gender Interests
or interpersonal power relations—or all of them
simultaneously. Because a general conception of Gender interests are those that women (or
interests (one which has political validity) must men, for that matter) may develop by virtue of
be derived from a theory of how the subordina- their social positioning through gender attributes.
tion of a determinate social category is secured, Gender interests can be either strategic or prac-
it is difficult to see how it would overcome the tical, each being derived in a different way and
two most salient and intractable features of wom- each involving differing implications for women’s
en’s oppression—its multicausal nature, and the subjectivity. Strategic interests are derived in the
extreme variability of its forms of existence across first instance deductively, that is, from the analysis
class and nation. These factors vitiate attempts to of women’s subordination and from the formu-
speak without qualification of a unitary category lation of an alternative, more satisfactory set of
“women” with a set of already constituted inter- arrangements to those which exist. These ethi-
ests common to it. A theory of interests that has an cal and theoretical criteria assist in the formula-
application to the debate about women’s capac- tion of strategic objectives to overcome women’s
ity to struggle for and benefit from social change subordination, such as the abolition of the sexual
must begin by recognizing difference rather than division of labor, the alleviation of the burden
by assuming homogeneity. of domestic labor and childcare, the removal of
It is clear from the extensive feminist literature institutionalized forms of discrimination, the at-
on women’s oppression that a number of differ- tainment of political equality, the establishment
ent conceptions prevail of what women’s interests of freedom of choice over childbearing, and the
are, and that these in turn rest implicitly or explic- adoption of adequate measures against male vio-
itly upon different theories of the causes of gender lence and control over women. These constitute
inequality. For the purpose of clarifying the issues what might be called strategic gender interests,
discussed here, three conceptions of women’s and they are the ones most frequently considered
interests, which are frequently conflated, will be by feminists to be women’s “real” interests. The
delineated. These are women’s interests, strategic demands that are formulated on this basis are usu-
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gender interests, and practical gender interests. ally termed “feminist” as is the level of conscious-
ness required to struggle effectively for them.5
Women’s Interests
Practical Gender Interests
Although present in much political and theoret-
ical discourse, the concept of women’s interests is, Practical gender interests are given induc-
for the reasons given earlier, a highly contentious tively and arise from the concrete conditions of
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Mobilization without Emancipation? 23
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women’s positioning within the gender division fashion could threaten the short-term practical
of labor. In contrast to strategic gender inter- interests of some women, or entail a cost in the
ests, these are formulated by the women who loss of forms of protection which are not then
are themselves within these positions rather than compensated for in some way. Thus the formu-
through external interventions. Practical interests lation of strategic interests can only be effective
are usually a response to an immediate perceived as a form of intervention when full account is
need, and they do not generally entail a strate- taken of these practical interests. Indeed, it is the
gic goal such as women’s emancipation or gen- politicization of these practical interests and their
der equality. Analyses of female collective action transformation into strategic interests that women
frequently deploy this conception of interests to can identify with and support which constitutes a
explain the dynamic and goals of women’s par- central aspect of feminist political practice.
ticipation in social action. For example, it has Second, the way in which interests are for-
been argued that by virtue of their place within mulated—whether by women or political orga-
the sexual division of labor as those primarily nizations—will vary considerably across space
responsible for their household’s daily welfare, and time and may be shaped in different ways by
women have a special interest in domestic provi- prevailing political and discursive influences. This
sion and public welfare.6 When governments fail is important to bear in mind when considering
to provide these basic needs, women withdraw the problem of internationalism and the limits
their support; when the livelihood of their fam- and possibilities of cross-cultural solidarity. Fi-
ilies—especially their children—is threatened, it nally, because women’s interests are significantly
is women who form the phalanxes of bread ri- broader than gender interests, and are shaped to
oters, demonstrators, and petitioners. It is clear, a considerable degree by class factors, women’s
however, from this example that gender and class unity and cohesion on gender issues cannot be as-
are closely intertwined; it is, for obvious reasons, sumed. Although they can form the basis of unity
usually poor women who are so readily mobi- around a common program, such unity has to be
lized by economic necessity. Practical interests, constructed—it is never given. Moreover, even
therefore, cannot be assumed to be innocent of when unity exists it is always conditional, and the
class effects. Moreover, these practical interests historical record suggests that it tends to collapse
do not in themselves challenge the prevailing under the pressure of acute class conflict. It is also
forms of gender subordination, even though they threatened by differences of race, ethnicity, and
arise directly out of them. An understanding of nationality. It is therefore difficult to argue, as
this is vital in understanding the capacity or fail- some feminists have done, that gender issues are
ure of states or organizations to win the loyalty primary for women, at all times.7
and support of women. This general problem of the conditionality of
The pertinence of these ways of conceptual- women’s unity and the fact that gender issues are
izing interests for an understanding of women’s not necessarily primary is nowhere more clearly
consciousness is a complex matter, but three ini- illustrated than by the example of revolutionary
tial points can be made. First, the relationship upheaval. In such situations, gender issues are
between what we have called strategic gender frequently displaced by class conflict, principally
interests and women’s recognition of them and because although women may suffer discrimi-
desire to realize them cannot be assumed. Even nation on the basis of gender and may be aware
the lowest common denominator of interests that they do, they nonetheless suffer differentially
which might seem uncontentious and of universal according to their social class. These differences
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applicability (such as complete equality with men, crucially affect attitudes toward revolutionary
control over reproduction, and greater personal change, especially if this is in the direction of so-
autonomy and independence from men) are not cialism. This does not mean that, because gender
readily accepted by all women. This is not just interests are an insufficient basis for unity among
because of “false consciousness” as is frequently women in the context of class polarization, they
supposed—although this can be a factor—but disappear. Rather, they become more specifically
because such changes realized in a piecemeal attached to and defined by social class.
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24 Women and Social Movements
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An awareness of the complex issues involved too, the Sandinistas were full of promise. The rev-
serves to guard against any simple treatment of olution occurred in the period after the upsurge
the question of whether a state is or is not act- of the “new feminism” of the late sixties, at a time
ing in the interests of women, that is, whether all when Latin American women were mobilizing
or any of these interests are represented within around feminist demands in countries like Mexi-
the state. Before any analysis can be attempted co, Peru, and Brazil. The Sandinistas’ awareness of
it is necessary to specify in what sense the term the limitations of orthodox Marxism encouraged
“interest” is being deployed. A state may gain the some to believe that a space would be allowed
support of women by satisfying either their imme- for the development of new social movements
diate practical demands or certain class interests, such as feminism. Some members of the leader-
or both. It may do this without advancing their ship seemed aware of the importance of women’s
strategic objective interests at all. However, the liberation and of the need for it in Nicaragua. The
claims of such a state to be supporting women’s early issues of Somos AMNLAE, one of two news-
emancipation could not be substantiated merely on papers of the women’s organization, contained
the evidence that it maintained women’s support articles about feminist issues and addressed some
on the basis of representing some of their more of the ongoing debates within Western feminism.
practical or class interests. With these distinctions Unlike many of its counterparts elsewhere, the
in mind, I shall turn now to the Nicaraguan rev- FSLN, the revolutionary party, did not denounce
olution, and consider how the Sandinistas have feminism as a “counterrevolutionary diversion,”
formulated women’s interests, and how women and some women officials had even gone on
have fared under their rule. record expressing enthusiasm for its ideals. . . .
Once they were in power, these hopes were
not disappointed. Only weeks after the triumph,
The Nicaraguan Revolution article 30 of decree number 48 banned the media’s
exploitation of women as sex objects, and women
The Nicaraguan revolution represents an extreme FSLN cadres found themselves in senior positions
case of the problems of constructing a socialist so- in the newly established state as ministers, vice-
ciety in the face of poverty and underdevelop- ministers, and regional coordinators of the party.
ment, counterrevolution, and external interven- In September, AMPRONAC was transformed
tion. . . . The forces which overthrew Anastasio into the Luisa Amanda Espinosa Association of
Somoza in July 1979 distinguished themselves Nicaraguan Women (AMNLAE) to advance
by their commitment to a socialism based on the the cause of women’s emancipation and carry
principles of mixed economy, nonalignment, and through the program of revolutionary transfor-
political pluralism. An opposition was allowed mation. Public meetings were adorned with the
to operate within certain clearly defined limits, slogan “No revolution without women’s eman-
and more than 60 percent of the economy re- cipation: no emancipation without revolution.”
mained in private hands, despite the nationaliza- The scene seemed to be set for an imaginative and
tion of Somocista assets. “Sandinismo” promised distinctive strategy for women’s emancipation in
to produce a different kind of socialism, one that Nicaragua.
consolidated the revolutionary overthrow of the But after the first few years in power, the
old regime through the creation of a new army FSLN’s image abroad began to lose some of its
and its control of other organs of state power, but distinctive appeal. The combined pressures of
was more democratic, independent, and “moder- economic scarcity, counterrevolution, and mili-
or applicable copyright law.

ate” than many other Third World socialisms had tary threat were taking their toll on the Sandinista
been. Through its triumph and its commitment experiment in economic and political pluralism,
to socialist pluralism, Nicaragua became a symbol placing at risk the ideals it sought to defend. In
of hope to socialists, not only in Latin America, the face of mounting pressure from U.S.-backed
but around the world as well. . . . counterrevolutionaries in 1982, a further casualty
The Nicaraguan revolution also gave hope to of these difficulties appeared to be the Sandinista
those who supported women’s liberation, for here commitment to the emancipation of women.
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Mobilization without Emancipation? 25
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AMNLAE, the women’s union, reduced its public of the classic socialist guidelines for the emancipa-
identification with “feminism” and spoke increas- tion of women. . . . Some of these guidelines have
ingly of the need to promote women’s interests in been incorporated into AMNLAE’s official pro-
the context of the wider struggle. Already, at its gram which lists its main goals as (1) defending the
constitutive assembly at the end of 1981, it had revolution; (2) promoting women’s political and
defined its role as enabling women to integrate ideological awareness and advancing their social,
themselves as a decisive force in the revolution. political, and economic participation in the revo-
AMNLAE’s first priority was given as “defense lution; (3) combating legal and other institutional
of the revolution.” But it was only in 1982, as inequalities; (4) encouraging women’s cultural
the crisis deepened and the country went onto and technical advancement and entry into areas
a war footing that the priority really did become of employment traditionally reserved for men,
(as it had to) the revolution’s survival, with all combined with opposing discrimination in em-
efforts directed to military defense. AMNLAE ployment; (5) fostering respect for domestic labor
became actively involved in recruiting women to and organizing childcare services for working
the army and militia. Under such circumstances women; and (6) creating and sustaining links of
it is hardly surprising that the efforts to promote international solidarity. The 1969 program of the
women’s emancipation were scaled down or FSLN also made special mention of eliminating
redefined. Emancipation was to come about as a prostitution and other “social vices,” helping the
by-product of making and defending the revolu- abandoned working mother, and protecting the
tion. Yet, even before the crisis deepened, little illegitimate child. Each of these issues has been
had been achieved to tangibly improve the posi- addressed in subsequent legislation and social
tion of women, and FSLN cadres considered that policy. There is also official concern for allow-
progress in this area was necessarily limited. . . . ing greater freedom of choice to women in the
matter of childbearing, by making contracep-
tives more widely available and by not prosecut-
Sandinista Policy with Regard to Women ing those who carry out abortions, except in a
few cases.8
. . . Most contemporary states have enshrined Although these goals, if realized, would be
within their constitutions, or equivalents, some insufficient to achieve the complete emancipa-
phrase which opposes discrimination on the tion of women, based as they are on a somewhat
grounds of race, sex, or creed. What distinguishes narrow definition of gender interests, they do
socialist states such as Nicaragua is their recogni- embody some strategic concerns, in that they are
tion of the specificity of women’s oppression and directed toward eliminating some of the funda-
their support for measures that combine a con- mental inequalities between the sexes. However,
cern to promote equality with a desire to remove progress in Nicaragua has so far been uneven.
some of the obstacles to achieving it. Some of the There is official support for the implementation of
strategic interests of women are therefore recog- the full program, but only some of the guidelines
nized and, in theory, are advanced as part of the have been translated into policy and then only
process of socialist transformation. In its essentials, with limited effect. . . . The greatest benefits that
the FSLN’s theoretical and practical approach to women received were from the welfare programs
women’s emancipation bears some resemblance and from certain areas of legal reform. Women
to that found in those state socialist countries that also felt the impact of change in the realm of
espouse Marxist theory. They share an approach political mobilization in which they played an
or applicable copyright law.

that links gender oppression to class oppression increasingly active part. Despite these advances it
and believe women’s emancipation can only be was evident that the gap between intention and
achieved with the creation of a new, socialist so- realization was considerable.
ciety and with the further development of the . . . It is clear that the FSLN was able to imple-
productive capacity of the economy. . . . ment only those parts of the program for wom-
According to official views and party docu- en’s emancipation that coincided with its general
ments, this involves implementing the principles goals, enjoyed popular support, and were realizable
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26 Women and Social Movements
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without arousing strong opposition. The policies women supposes some attempt to persuade them
from which women derived some benefit were that their interests as well as more universal con-
pursued principally because they fulfilled some cerns (national, humanitarian, and so forth) are
wider goal or goals, whether these were social represented by the state.10
welfare, development, social equality, or political The second way in which the mobilization
mobilization in defense of the revolution. This is, of women is regarded as a necessary part of the
in effect, what the Sandinistas meant by the need overall strategy is more directly relevant to the
to locate women’s emancipation within the over- economy. The education of women and their
all struggle for social reform and survival against entry into employment increases and improves
intensifying external pressure. the available labor supply, which is a necessary
This kind of qualified support for women’s concomitant of any successful development pro-
emancipation is found in most of the states that gram. In most underdeveloped countries, women
have pursued socialist development policies. form only a small percentage of the economically
Indeed, the guidelines that form the basis of their active population (usually less than 20 percent),
program for women’s emancipation (discussed and although the figures tend to conceal the real
earlier) all have universalistic as well as particular- extent of women’s involvement, by registering
istic goals, in which the former is the justification mainly formal rather than informal activities, the
for the latter. Thus, women’s emancipation is not work they do is frequently unpaid and underpro-
just dependent on the realization of the wider ductive, confined to family concerns in work-
goals, but it is pursued insofar as it contributes to shops or in the fields, and subject to the authority
the realization of those goals. There is therefore of male kin. Government policies have therefore
a unity of purpose between the goals of women’s emphasized the need for both education and a
emancipation and the developmental and social restructuring of employment to make better use
goals of revolutionary states.9 of the work capacities of the female population.
Revolutionary governments tend to see the The third aim is to bring the family more into
importance of reforming the position of women line with planning objectives and to place it at the
in the first period of social and economic trans- center of initiatives aimed at social reconstruction.
formation in terms of helping to accomplish at Postrevolutionary governments regard women as
least three goals: to extend the base of the gov- key levers in harnessing the family more securely
ernment’s political support, to increase the size to state goals, whether these be of an economic or
or quality of the active labor force, and to help an ideological kind. The prerevolutionary family
harness the family more securely to the process has to be restructured to make it more compati-
of social reproduction. The first aim, of expand- ble with the developmental goals of revolutionary
ing or maintaining the power base of the state, is governments. Once this has been accomplished,
pursued by attempting to draw women into the the reformed family is expected to function as an
new political organizations such as the women’s, important agent of socialization, inculcating the
youth, and labor unions; the party; and neighbor- new revolutionary values into the next genera-
hood associations. There is a frequently expressed tion. Women are seen as crucial in both of these
fear that unless women are politicized they may processes. . . .
not cooperate with the process of social transfor- If we disaggregate women’s interests and
mation. Women are seen as potentially and actu- consider how different categories of women
ally more conservative than men by virtue of their fared since 1979, it is clear that the majority of
place within the social division of labor, that is, as women in Nicaragua were positively affected by
or applicable copyright law.

primarily located outside the sphere of produc- the government’s redistribution policies. This is
tion. More positively, women are also regarded so even though fundamental structures of gender
as crucial agents of revolutionary change whose inequality were not dismantled. In keeping with
radicalization challenges ancient customs and the socialist character of the government, policies
privileges within the family, and has important ef- were targeted in favor of the poorest sections of
fects on the next generation, through the impact the population and focused on basic needs pro-
on their children. The political mobilization of vision in the areas of health, housing, education,
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Mobilization without Emancipation? 27
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and food subsidies. In the short span of only five make the family income stretch further and thus
years, the Sandinistas reduced the illiteracy rate avoid pressure building up over wage demands or
from over 50 percent to 13 percent; doubled the shortages.15 A feature of this kind of campaign is
number of educational establishments; increased its recognition of women’s practical interests, but
school enrollment; eradicated a number of mor- in accepting the division of labor and women’s
tal diseases; provided the population with basic subordination within it, it may entail a denial of
healthcare services; and achieved more in their their strategic interests.
housing program than Somoza had in his entire With respect to strategic interests, the acid
period of rule.11 In addition, the land reform can- test of whether women’s emancipation is on the
celed peasants’ debts and gave thousands of rural political agenda or not, the progress which was
workers their own parcels of land or secured them made is modest but significant. Legal reform,
stable jobs on the state farms and cooperatives.12 especially in the area of the family, has confronted
These policies have been of vital importance the issue of relations between the sexes and of
in gaining the support of poor women. Accord- male privilege, by attempting to end a situation in
ing to government statistics, women form more which most men are able to evade responsibility
than 60 percent of the poorest Nicaraguans; in for the welfare of their families, and become liable
the poorest category in Managua (incomes of for a contribution paid in cash, in-kind, or in the
less than 600 cordobas per month), there are 354 form of services. This also enabled the issue of
women for each 100 men.13 It is these women, domestic labor to be politicized in the discussions
by virtue of their class position, who have been of the need to share this work equally among
the direct beneficiaries of Sandinista redistributive all members of the family. The land reform
efforts, as have their male counterparts. Of course encouraged women’s participation and leadership
not all women were to benefit from these pro- in cooperatives and gave women work for their
grams; women whose economic interests lay in wages and titles to land. There has also been an
areas adversely affected by Sandinista economic effort to establish childcare agencies such as nurs-
policies (imports, luxury goods, and so forth) have eries, and preschool services. Some attempts have
suffered some financial loss, as have most women been made to challenge female stereotypes not
from the privileged classes as a result of higher just by outlawing the exploitation of women in
taxation. It is also the case that while poor women the media, but also by promoting some women
benefited from the welfare provisions, they were to positions of responsibility and emphasizing the
also the most vulnerable to the pressures of eco- importance of women in the militia and reserve
nomic constraints and especially to shortages in battalions.16 And finally there has been a sustained
basic provisions.14 effort to mobilize women around their own needs
In terms of practical gender interests, these re- through the women’s union, and there has been
distributive policies have also had gender as well discussion of some of the questions of strategic
as class effects. By virtue of their place within interest, although this has been sporadic and con-
the sexual division of labor, women are dispro- troversial.
portionately responsible for childcare and family To sum up, it is difficult to discuss socialist
health, and they are particularly concerned with revolutions in terms of an undifferentiated con-
housing and food provision. The policy measures ception of women’s interests and even more diffi-
directed at alleviating the situation in these areas cult to conclude that these interests have not been
have, not surprisingly, elicited a positive response represented in state policymaking. The Sandinista
from the women affected by them as borne out record on women is certainly uneven, and it is as
or applicable copyright law.

by the available research into the popularity of the yet too early to make any comprehensive assess-
government. Many of the campaigns mounted ment of it, especially while it confronts increas-
by AMNLAE have been directed at resolving ing political, economic, and military pressures.
some of the practical problems women face, as Nonetheless, it is clear that the Sandinistas have
is exemplified by its mother and child healthcare gone further than most Latin American govern-
program, or by its campaign aimed at encourag- ments (except Cuba) in recognizing both the stra-
ing women to conserve domestic resources to tegic and practical interests of women and have
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28 Women and Social Movements
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brought about substantial improvements in the debate must focus. The list of strategic gender inter-
lives of many of the most deprived. . . . ests noted here is not exhaustive, but is merely exem-
6. See, for example, Temma Kaplan, “Female Con-
sciousness and Collective Action: The Case of
Notes Barcelona, 1910–1918,” Signs 7 (Spring 1982): 546–
66; and Olwen Hufton, “Women in Revolution,
1. This discussion necessarily leaves out the specific sit- 1789–1796,” Past and Present, no. 53 (1971): 90–108.
uation of women in Nicaragua’s ethnic minorities. 7. This is the position of some radical feminist groups in
The Miskito Indian communities in particular require Europe.
separate consideration because they have, and have 8. In the first three years, only one case had been tried
and this was of an abortionist accused of gross mal-
had historically, a very different relationship to central
government than that which is described here.
9. For a fuller discussion of socialist policies with regard
2. Male power—whether institutionalized or interper-
to women and the family, see my “Women’s Eman-
sonal—and the essentialist or naturalist arguments
cipation under Socialism: A Model for the Third
which legitimate it do play a part in the explanation of
World?” World Development 9 (1981): 1019–37. Also
women’s continuing subordination after revolutionary
published in Monthly Review 34 (July 1982): 56–100;
upheavals; but the importance of such factors should
and in Magdalena Leon, ed., Sociedad, Subordinación y
not be exaggerated. There are differing definitions of
Feminismo (Colombia: ACEP, 1982).
patriarchy, but most of them agree that patriarchy
10. This viewpoint has to be compared and contrasted
describes a power relation existing between the sexes, with many nationalist movements that call for the
exercised by men over women and institutionalized sacrifice of women’s interests (and those of other
within various social relations and practices, including oppressed groups) in the interests of the nation.
law, family, and education. 11. See Walker, ed., Nicaragua Five Years On (New York:
3. There is a third usage of the term “interest” found Praeger, 1985).
in Marxism which explains collective action in terms 12. For a discussion of the agrarian reform and its effects
of some intrinsic property of the actors and/or the on women, see Carmen Diana Deere, “Co-operative
relations within which they are inscribed. Thus, class Development and Women’s Participation in Nicara-
struggle is ultimately explained as an effect of the rela- gua’s Agrarian Reform,” American Journal of Agrarian
tions of production. This conception has been shown Economics (December 1983).
to rest on essentialist assumptions and provides an 13. Data are from the Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y
inadequate account of social action. For a critique of Censos, December 1981.
this notion, see Edward Benton, Realism, Power, and 14. Basic provisions were rationed and heavily subsidized
Objective Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University until 1983 when it became increasingly difficult to peg
Press, 1982); and Barry Hindess, “Power, Interests, prices due to mounting economic pressures.
and the Outcome of Struggles,” Sociology 16 (1982): 15. AMNLAE argued that the implications of women
498–511. conserving resources under a socialist government
4. Zillah Eisenstein, editor of Capitalist Patriarchy and were radically different from those under capitalism
the Case for Socialist Feminism (New York: Monthly because in the first case the beneficiaries were the peo-
Review Press, 1978), has produced a sophisticated ple, and in the second, private interests.
version of the argument that women constitute a 16. Although there are no women in the nine-member
“sexual class” and that for women, gender issues are junta that constitutes the FSLN leadership, the vice-
primary. See her “Women as a Sexual Class” (paper pre- president of the council of state (until the elections of
sented at “A Marx Centenary Conference,” Winnipeg, November 1984) was a woman, and women assumed
Canada, 1983). many key positions in the party at the regional level.
5. It is precisely around these issues, which also have an On three occasions after 1979, women filled ministe-
ethical significance, that the theoretical and political rial posts.
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 3
Beyond Compare?
Women’s Movements in
Comparative Perspective
Karen Beckwith

. . . A major conceptual problem for the study of movements but was instead women’s activism in
women’s movements is that the literature has not other political movements more accurately iden-
yet produced a definition of women’s movements tified, for example, as class-based movements or
that can be employed for comparative political nationalist movements.
purposes. In part this is the result of how quickly . . . The specific content of women’s issues and
and with what magnitude an international body of women’s gendered experiences will, of course,
comparative women’s movement literature, case- vary across national and state structures, cultural
specific and based on field research, has emerged; contexts, and women’s intersecting classed,
initial working definitions guided research in racialized, and other experiences and identities.
progress and have produced a range of competing In definitional terms, “women’s movements”
definitions that have yet to be assessed and culled. can encompass right-wing or antifeminist wom-
The lack of definitional agreement and clarity is en’s movements as well as progressive, left-wing,
most evident in the research on nations where or feminist women’s movements, but exclude
women’s movements, and particularly feminist women’s activism in other social movements
movements, have most recently emerged. . . . (e.g., women in nationalist movements that lack
This range of definitions of women’s move- gender content and where men predominate in
ments encompasses individual actions as well as leadership roles and decision making). In this
collective actions, collective endeavor with dif- regard, “women’s movements” are distinguished
fuse and generally human rights content or with from “women in movement.”
specifically feminist content, a sense of account- Feminist movements are distinguished by their
ability, use of women’s social service agencies, challenge of patriarchy. Feminist movements share
and women’s rights organizations. The collective a gendered power analysis of women’s subordina-
range of this definitional continuum, although tion and contest political, social, and other power
admirably inclusive, marks a difficulty in the arrangements of domination and subordination
broader range of definitional attempts: the impulse on the basis of gender. Note that this definition
to identify (any) women’s activism as part of a is silent on other power inequalities, leaving open
or applicable copyright law.

women’s movement and an eagerness to recuper- the conceptual possibility of feminist movements
ate (almost any) women’s activism as feminist. In that are highly class-constrained, racist, or nation-
definitional terms alone, overly inclusive concep- alist. The extent to which feminist movements
tualizations of women’s movements obscure the challenge inequalities and powerlessness of other
general, persistent, enduring activism of women subordinated groups is an empirical question. Our
of different classes and races across the past 100 capacity to understand how feminist movements
years, much of which has not been located in emerge, how feminists mobilize, their strategic
what might technically be referred to as women’s decisions, their coalition possibilities, and their
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30 Women and Social Movements
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relationship to the state will be strengthened 1987; della Porta 2000; Threlfall 1996; Valiente
to the extent that we do not privilege feminist 2000) but have also failed to do so, containing and
movements, at least in definitional terms, as dis- controlling feminist movement activists (Jenson
tinctively inclusive, just, antiracist, or typical of all 1980, 1996; Jenson & Ross 1984; Lovenduski &
women’s movements. . . . Randall 1993; Mazur 1995; Rowbotham 1996).
The position of left-wing parties may shape
feminist movement opportunities for policy influ-
Comparative Women’s Movement ence, by advancing movement interests (even
Research: Advances and Opportunities while in opposition) or, in some cases, by fail-
ing to protect feminist interests against attack.
. . . The arenas of well-developed research on For example, in Britain, the nearly two decades
women’s movements include: (1) the relationship during which the Labour Party was in opposi-
between women’s movements and political par- tion served to exclude the British feminist move-
ties; (2) “double militancy” for women’s move- ment from political influence (Bashevkin 1998;
ment activists; (3) women’s movements’ agency Lovenduski & Randall 1993; Rowbotham 1996;
and opportunities, including the extent to which Ruggie 1987). Evidence from West Europe and
political opportunities for women’s movements North America suggests that while left-wing par-
are (or can be) gendered; and (4) the relationship ties may not always serve to advance feminist (or
between women’s movements and the state. . . . even women’s) interests, or may extract a high
price from the movement while doing so, femi-
nist movements may be even less protected in the
Women’s Movements and Political Parties absence of governing left-wing parties (Bashevkin
1996; Rowbotham 1996: 8). . . .
One of the key issues for feminist movements, The West European cases may be distinctive in
and for comparative women’s movements scholar- the configuration of left party-feminist movement
ship, is the conditions under which political parties relationships. . . . Nonetheless, . . . there are cir-
serve as institutional carrying agents for advancing cumstances where feminists, allied with progressive
women’s issues and improving women’s status. . . . opposition parties, dramatically increase their pol-
A substantial body of scholarly literature icy influence under conditions where the politi-
focuses on women’s movements across multiple cal opportunity structure shifts. Brazilian feminists
political party types, party systems, and govern- and Spanish feminists, under authoritarian military
ment v. opposition parties. The relationship of regimes, positioned themselves in alliance with (and
feminist movements to political parties of the left directly within) left opposition parties. As the
is well-documented for late 20th-century West- Brazilian and Spanish regimes fell, and socialist
ern nations. Where women’s movements have parties came to governing power, feminist move-
made alliances with political parties, they have ments were advantageously positioned to institute
done so overwhelmingly with parties of the left.1 major constitutional and policy changes (Alvarez
Women’s movements have been more successful 1990; Threlfall 1996: 118–120). . . . These cases
in pursuing policy goals through socialist, com- . . . suggest that shifts in electoral balance or unan-
munist, social democratic, and labor parties than ticipated changes in government and opposition
through other types of parties; similarly, parties of of large magnitude open major opportunities for
the left have generally evidenced higher numbers women’s movements and that feminist move-
and percentages of female nominees for national ments, allied in advance with left-wing opposi-
or applicable copyright law.

legislatures.2 This is not to say, however, that these tion parties, can achieve rapid and large-scale
alliances have been more successful for feminist policy changes.
movements than have other political strategies; Despite these cases, however, the relationship
indeed, the evidence concerning the success of between feminist movements and political par-
feminist movements working through left-wing ties, even left-wing parties, is not always amicable.
parties is mixed. Political parties of the left have The tension between the need to ally with a for-
served to advance feminist policy issues (Beckwith mally organized, electorally experienced political
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Beyond Compare? 31
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party and the (perceived) benefits of a nonallied, problematized by the strong organizational pres-
independent political position is evidenced in ence of the PCI, with a highly “workerist” politi-
comparative women’s movement scholarship. cal culture (Hellman 1987), and by the developing
Feminist movements in multiple nations have presence and organizational innovations of the
undertaken debates concerning autonomy versus autonomous feminist movement. . . .
coalition as political strategies. Many women’s Double militancy is related to but distinguish-
movements have struggled to maintain autonomy able from the multiplicity of women’s intersecting
from political parties and have succeeded in policy identities of gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and
terms and in goal achievement when they have nationality, for example. Arising from structural
remained autonomous (Hellman 1987; Hubbard locations of collective political action, double
& Solomon 1995: 174; Kemp et al. 1995: 132– militancy both emerges from and influences the
133; Quindoza Santiago 1995: 124–125). . . . organization and tactical forms of women’s move-
Despite these tensions, the strategic solution of ment activism. Given the complex collective
establishing a feminist political party, or a wom- gender identities that emerge from intersections
en’s party, is rare.3 The paucity of women’s politi- with class, race, and other collective identities,
cal parties, across political and electoral systems, collective action commitments may be elicited
has yet to find adequate theoretical or explanatory simultaneously in more than one organizational
grounding. . . . venue; that is, double militancy, a potentially
distinctive feature of women’s movements, has
organizational and tactical implications.
Double Militancy: Identity and Location One implication is that feminist activists have
to negotiate their feminism within nonfeminist
Because women’s movements have not given rise organizations that nonetheless provide resources,
to women’s political parties, the relationship of contacts, and scope for feminist activist goals. . . .
the women’s movement to linkage organizations Such identity crises may be resolved when the
(such as political parties) and to formal political state refuses to fund feminist NGOs, closing a
institutions and state structures involves unre- venue within which feminist activists work from
solved tensions and conflicts. Within feminist and multiple political commitments. Alternatively,
women’s movements, debates concerning the feminists may reconcile identity tensions by relin-
utility of an “inside” strategy of working within quishing involvement in one set of issues, choos-
institutions and of the value of an autonomous ing to focus on campaigns and struggles where
“outside” position independent of political parties double militancy tensions are less acute.
concern more than simply structural concerns. Under other circumstances, depending upon
They also involve issues of competing collec- political culture and the presence of a strong left
tive identities, characterized across nation-states party, feminists may maintain and extend their
and regions, in the 1970s and the 1980s, by the activism, accommodating if not resolving tensions
dilemma of “double militancy.” of double militancy. In other cases, feminist activ-
The “double militancy” of its activists may ists may be purged from local party organizations;
be a distinctive characteristic of women’s move- they may seek other venues for action; or they
ments. By double militancy, I mean the location may dissolve their own organizations and rely
of activist women in two political venues, with on “spontaneous,” autonomous local organizing
participatory, collective identity and ideological campaigns around specific issues. . . .
commitments to both. For example, double mili- For feminists who persist in double militancy,
or applicable copyright law.

tancy was evidenced in feminist movement activ- recourse to discursive struggle may clarify, if not
ists within the Italian Communist Party (PCI) in resolve, competing allegiances and demands. . . .
the 1970s and 1980s (Beckwith 1985; della Porta To the extent that feminist activists can shape and
2000; Hellman 1987: 60). . . . With political control political discourse concerning women,
commitments to feminism and to the left, Italian they may be able to employ feminist discourse
activist women confronted intersecting collective as a resource for shaping and influencing public
identities as feminists and as socialists that were policy.
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32 Women and Social Movements
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Another implication of double militancy con- the state, rather than toward parties, other inter-
cerns the internal transformations of nonfeminist est groups, or employers or business firms, suggest
organizations in response to feminist activism and that women’s movements are positioned differ-
the empowering of feminists within those organi- ently from other movements (e.g., labor, peace)
zations for feminist purposes. Double militancy can to achieve their ends.
emerge within women’s movements even where
the state organizes the movement (e.g., China).
In these cases, women’s activism may be coopted Gendered Political Opportunities:
and controlled by the state but, at the same time, Response and Creation
female activists can employ these organizations for
their own purposes and as a staging ground for . . . Research on women’s movements suggest[s]
feminism. Zhang and Wu observe that the All- that political opportunities are gendered in ways
China Women’s Federation (ACWF), established both advantageous and deleterious to women’s
by the Chinese Communist Party in the 1940s, movements. . . . Women are located both exter-
emerged (if in limited form) as a location for nally to institutions whose actions they aim to
women’s progressive policy initiatives and leader- influence (e.g., government agencies) and inter-
ship development, even as its programs “were all nally within institutions where institutional mem-
state induced” (Zhang & Wu 1995: 30–31). . . . bership and participation are the goals (e.g., labor
This transformative capacity of double militancy unions, universities). As a result, political opportu-
may be matched by the empowering possibilities nity for women’s movements is structured differ-
for feminist activists in nonfeminist institutions ently, even within the same institution, depend-
and organizations. Double militancy may posi- ing upon the movement’s goals and its internal
tion feminists within state structures, government or external position vis-à-vis the institution. Most
and political party systems more powerfully, more research on women’s movements and feminist
influentially, and with more protection and sup- movements has focused on women’s movements
port than they would otherwise be able to provide positioned externally to institutions and the move-
for themselves independently. Funding for femi- ments’ attempts to exact policy changes.
nist ventures and campaigns is in many cases more . . . Although no systematic classification of
easily raised where feminists are also located political opportunities for women’s movements
in nonfeminist organizations willing to pro- has yet been devised, the literature suggests that
vide financial support for feminist publications political opportunities may be gendered in ways
(Beckwith 1985; Hellman 1987), feminist meet- that advantage female actors rather than male
ings and conferences (Sternback, Navarro- actors, and that privilege movements that employ
Aranguren, Chuckryk & Alvarez 1992), and specifically gendered discourses (Beckwith
feminist offices and research centres (Lovenduski 1998b; Berkovitch & Moghadam 1999: 278–287;
& Randall 1993). . . . Katzenstein 1995, 1998).
The relationship of women’s movements to First, political opportunities are structurally
linkage organizations such as political parties, and gendered in cases where male actors are precluded,
a resulting emergence of double militancy, have by law or by threats of coercion or retribution by
implications for women’s strategic collection states or other groups, from engaging in move-
action. Dieter Rucht, comparing multiple social ment actions or campaigns. In the United States,
movements across time (1970s to 1990s) and for example, labor union members in predomi-
nations (France, Germany, the Netherlands, and nantly male workforces may be precluded by labor
or applicable copyright law.

Switzerland), finds that women’s movements4 are law, court injunctions, or threat of job loss from
distinctive, even within a “family” of left-liber- engaging in picketing or mass demonstrations;
tarian movements, in that they rely very little, in in these cases, organized women in the commu-
comparative movement terms, upon protest as a nity, often specifically identifying themselves as
tactic for achieving their ends. . . . The use of activist women, mothers, wives, or daughters,
protest, rarely violent, when focusing on national may initiate challenging actions designed to fur-
issues, and national mobilization targeted toward ther the interests of striking workers where they
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Beyond Compare? 33
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themselves are not subject to legal punishment feminists to change their understanding of the state
(Beckwith 1998a; Fonow 1998; Maggard 1990). and an inability to recognize the potential of increa-
. . . The range of available responses by the state singly open access in the new German state, femi-
and other actors may also be gendered insofar nists in the East missed an opportunity to engage
as they may feel constrained in using their full the state. East German feminists’ historic resistance
capacity to repress women’s collective action. to the state and their focus on the “private” sphere
Second, political opportunity structures may isolated and disempowered them. . . .
be gendered insofar as increases in particular types
of political opportunity structures are commonly
favored by women’s movements to advance their Autonomy, Involvement, and the State
interests. . . . It is notable that women’s movements,
and feminist movements specifically, employ their The range of political opportunities available to
position within, and alliances with, left-wing par- women’s movements varies across nation and time,
ties to advance their policy concerns when: (1) and presents activist women with strategic choices
new constitutional arrangements seem likely or are between autonomy and involvement (Berkovitch
formally under consideration; (2) an alternation in & Moghadam 1999: 283; Randall 1998; Randall
power between governing and opposition parties & Waylen 1998), not only in regard to political
is likely, or when a party realignment is antici- parties but in terms of the state. The increasing
pated;5 and (3) in revolutionary periods. centrality of the state in feminist theory and in
Constitutional redrafting offers mobilization feminist movement scholarship underscores the
opportunities for women’s movements to engage state as an important structural, legal, and dis-
not only in the direct campaign to shape a new cursive venue for women’s movements. Amrita
or revised constitution but, in doing so, to craft Basu identifies the level of state control as a cru-
changes that shift the political opportunity struc- cial variable for understanding women’s move-
ture for future campaign purposes. Women’s ments, hypothesizing that “women’s movements
movements mobilized to influence the writing tend to be weak where state control permeates
of new (or revised) constitutions (or other state civil society and strong where state control is or
arrangements) in Canada, South Africa, Namibia, has been relaxed” (Basu 1995: 2). . . . The com-
Scotland, Germany, and other nations across the parative women’s movement scholarship has yet
past decade. . . . to identify the conditions under which women’s
In these cases, women’s movements are com- movements position themselves vis-à-vis the
monly organized within and active across a range state; the literature is clear, however, that the
of venues. Dobrowolski characterizes the Cana- strategic divide between autonomy and involve-
dian women’s movement as employing a “wide ment presents a dilemma to women’s movements
and adaptable” strategic repertoire, arguing that cross-nationally.
“women’s movements transcend the represen- . . . In facing the strategic divide of movement
tational confines of parties, interest groups and autonomy or state involvement, women’s move-
social movements to promote a more expansive ments often fracture. . . . Where splits occur and
political outlook and more diverse political prac- women’s movements choose to disengage from the
tices” (Dobrowolski 2000: 39–40). In the con- state, however, they may be foreclosed from policy
text of Canadian constitutional reform, women’s influence (Rowbotham 1996: 14, although see also
movements mobilized for specific reforms, plac- Bashevkin 1998, 1994a, 1994b). Rowbotham sees
ing themselves to create and to shape political a major failure for West European feminist move-
or applicable copyright law.

opportunities and actual politics (Dobrowolski ments, for example, in their inability “to reorient
2000; Meyer 2000). . . . their strategies to new circumstances in the econ-
Women’s movements may miss opportunities omy and in the role of the state” (Rowbotham
to bring about change or to restructure the politi- 1996: 13). . . .
cal opportunity context to their advantage if they In other cases, splits over the strategic divide may
do not organize across multiple political venues. serve to benefit one segment of the movement,
. . . An unwillingness on the part of East German leaving the others disempowered and unprotected.
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34 Women and Social Movements
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Rowbotham concludes that most successful femi- the space of an autonomous movement, in part
nist movements in the 1990s have been liberal ‘absorbing’ the political demands of feminism”
feminist movements, which have “been adept (della Porta 2000: 18). . . .
at negotiating the disintegratory modernizing
impulse in capitalism and securing a piece of the
cake. . . . Liberal feminism has secured real gains Conclusion: Beyond Compare?
particularly in the US, though its major weakness
is that it has had little to offer the American poor, Women’s movements, however problemati-
many of whom are women of color” (Katzenstein cally defined, are not beyond compare in stud-
2000; Mink 1998; Rowbotham 1996: 15). ies that clearly identify their research questions,
Women’s movements’ relationship to the state specify the frameworks of analysis they employ,
can shift with regime changes as well, changing and explicate the concepts they seek to investi-
the context within which movements act and, gate. The best comparative women’s movements
in some cases, resulting in the movement’s rapid research is clear about the limitations of its evi-
exclusion from state influence. Research on dence and cautious about generalizing from the
women’s movements in East and Central Europe, case foci to other politically relevant contexts
and in Latin America, suggests that regime changes (e.g., nation-states, regions, class identities). The
concurrent with democratic transitions serve potential benefits, in terms of building a body of
to transform the context of political opportunity knowledge, of developing new indicators and
for women’s movements, and scholars have speci- perspectives and of honing existing ones, and of
fied conditions under which movements may increasing our confidence about strategic and pol-
sustain their activism and influence (Alvarez icy recommendations for women’s movements,
1994; Behrend 1995; Dodds 1998; Miethe 1999; are substantial.6 . . .
Saint-Germain 1997; Schild 1998; Tong 1999;
Waylen 1994; Young 1996). These include fluid-
ity of electoral politics; alliance with a progres- Notes
sive or left party; feminist or woman-centered
discourse as part of party discourse; a unified 1. This seems not to be an artifact of case selection, al-
women’s movement with multiple women’s though it is nonetheless true that little research focuses
groups and organizations; mobilization and on links between women’s movements (or simply
presence within multiple political venues; a will- rightwing women) and parties of the right.
ingness or ability to persist in party politics in the 2. Note that this is not to suggest that the nomination of
women is necessarily feminist.
post-transition period; and capacity to negotiate 3. Such few parties include, for example, the Filippina
women’s policy concerns as a condition of move- feminist party Women for the Motherland; the French
ment support for a party or the state. group Choisir (which competed in French National
Regime changes also serve to shift the oppor- Assembly elections in 1978 and 1989); and women’s
tunity context within stable states (e.g., Britain). A parties in Iceland and Russia.
4. Here Rucht uses the term “women’s movements” as
change of governing regime, within a single state, synonymous with feminist movements (Rucht 2000).
may transform the context within which wom- 5. Note that women’s movements can help to create these
en’s movements mobilize and act collectively. In opportunities as well.
Britain, for example, the Thatcher governments 6. For an earlier articulation of this position, see Beckwith
constituted a regime shift sufficient to marginalize 1980.
the British feminist movement and to encourage
or applicable copyright law.

its abeyance in the 1980s (Bashevkin 1998, 1996,

1994a). In other cases, regime change facilitates References
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Chapter 4
Women’s Movements and
Democratic Transition in Chile,
Brazil, East Germany, and Poland
Lisa Baldez

In many countries women have responded to tran- of the goals of the movement, while at the same
sitions to democracy by mobilizing along gender time encompassing a wide array of interests and
lines to advance their own agendas. In countries issues. They typically inaugurate a movement in
as diverse as Argentina, Korea, Spain, and South the public eye and introduce women’s demands
Africa, women saw popular demands for democ- into the public arena.
racy as an opportunity to press for the democ- Peaks of protest consolidate women’s politi-
ratization of everyday life and the extension of cal clout. They attract the attention of (primarily)
women’s rights. They mobilized across class and male political actors, who seek to harness wom-
party lines to demand that incoming democratic en’s capacity to mobilize for their own electoral
governments ensured women’s equal participa- goals. Interest from political parties leads to the
tion in politics. Yet not all transitions to democ- incorporation of women’s demands in the politi-
racy have been accompanied by the mobilization cal agenda and further fuels popular support for
of women as women. In most of the transitions the movement. The coalitions that emerge out of
in Central and East Europe women who partici- such moments often come to serve as the institu-
pated in dissident movements did not organize on tional representatives of the women’s movement
the basis of their status as women. Within demo- in the political arena. Scholars and activists alike
cratic transitions, when will women mobilize on uniformly acknowledge the importance of these
the basis of their gender identity? . . . moments in the history of a movement; they take
Women’s movements represent many different on mythic proportions in histories of movements
identities, interests, and issues.1 Despite important and in the memories of activists.
differences, however, many women’s movements The formation of such coalitions is not inevi-
experience a particular moment at which women table, as women’s movements typically include
unite on the basis of their gender identity. At this groups with diverse and conflicting agendas. What
moment, the peak of mobilization in women’s prompts women’s groups to coalesce is their exclu-
movements, a diverse array of women’s organiza- sion from the process of realignment, the point at
tions comes together to form a coalition that tran- which actors within the democratic opposition form
or applicable copyright law.

scends cleavages along class, race, or partisan lines. new alliances with one another. The exclusion of
These peak moments typically occur at a rally, a women and women’s concerns from the agendas
demonstration, or a conference. They differ from articulated by primarily male opposition leaders
other points in the evolution of a movement in heightens the political salience of gender relative
terms of their size, breadth, and significance. They to other cleavages and triggers the formation of a
frequently constitute the largest convocation of united front among women’s organizations.
organizations in the history of a movement. They At the same time, these peak moments prove
represent the acme of unity and the ideal expression difficult to sustain. Conflict seems to break out
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among groups within the women’s movement Organizational networks constitute a neces-
almost as soon as the peak of unity occurs. But sary but not sufficient cause for the emergence of
the ephemeral nature of these moments does not women’s movements. In all four cases discussed
undermine their significance. Peaks of protest here, significant numbers of women participated
demonstrate women’s capacity for mobilization, in both formal and informal groups that could
which attracts the attention of party elites. Once have formed the organizational infrastructure
male politicians see women as a constituency of an autonomous women’s movement. Many
worth coopting, they begin to compete for wom- kinds of networks can serve as crucibles for wom-
en’s support. The advent of electoral competition en’s organizing. In these four cases households,
fragments the movement. churches, and unions generally provided the
This argument will be examined with regard foundation on which women’s movements could
to three countries in which women mobilized be built. In Latin America political parties and
during democratic transition—Brazil, Chile, and international organizations also provided mobili-
East Germany—and one in which women did zational resources for women.
not—Poland. These cases provide variation on In some cases the demands of domestic work
the dependent variable and enhance the validity of forced women to organize collectively. The most
the inferences that can be drawn from them.2 The explosive rates of mobilization in Latin America
women’s movements that emerged in Chile and took place in poor and working-class neighbor-
Brazil were two of the largest and most vibrant in hoods, where deep economic crisis prompted
Latin America; they joined human rights groups, women to organize around household activities,
feminist organizations, and shantytown groups forming soup kitchens, shopping collectives, and
organized around issues of economic subsistence. craft workshops. Many poor and working-class
In East Germany the movement included wom- women became politicized as a result of these
en’s peace organizations, lesbian collectives, radical informal neighborhood groups.4 . . .
feminists, socialists, and neighborhood groups. In In the socialist countries, performing house-
Poland the level of autonomous organizing among hold tasks in conditions of scarcity also fostered
women remained minuscule in comparison. . . . informal networks among extended family mem-
bers, trusted friends, and neighbors. Accounts of
the status of women in Communist countries
Women’s Movements and Democratization consistently point to the “double burden” of for-
mal employment and housework as an obstacle
. . . Systematic comparison across cases and regions to autonomous organizing among women, yet in
reveals three factors as critical to the mobilization many cases it promoted social ties.5 . . .
of women in democratic transitions: organiza- Churches provided dissident groups with space
tional networks, direct contact with international to meet, funding, and, most important, protection
feminism, and exclusion from the process of deci- from repression. In Latin American countries the
sion making within the opposition. Catholic church fostered women’s participation
at the grass-roots level through ecclesiastical base
Resource Mobilization communities and human rights work.6 In Poland
the Catholic church supported dissident activity
According to this perspective, movements through the Solidarity movement. In East Ger-
emerge as a function of individual decisions about many Protestant churches played a similar role;
the costs and benefits of collective action or as a their neutrality with regard to the Communist
or applicable copyright law.

function of material resources that can be brought regime allowed them to shelter the opposition.
to bear on organizing.3 Factors such as money, In Latin America participation in political par-
leadership, and (especially) existing organiza- ties facilitated women’s mobilization in two ways.
tional networks facilitate mobilization. People First, it provided women with valuable organiza-
who already participate in groups can be mobi- tional skills. Second, it often brought them face to
lized around other issues more easily than isolated face with sexist attitudes of their male colleagues,
individuals. which fueled awareness of feminist concerns.
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Women’s Movements and Democratic Transition in Chile, Brazil, East Germany, and Poland 39
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Aid from international organizations and foreign while international feminism inspired women to
governments helped incipient women’s groups take action in Latin America, its impact was not
build support and become institutionalized. In the automatic or unequivocal. Resistance to feminism
former Soviet Union and East and Central Europe has proven strong in Latin America, a region also
dissident groups received far less support from characterized by a traditional culture that vener-
international organizations until after 1989. . . . ates the image of women as mothers. . . .

Cultural Framing Political Opportunities

. . . Frame analysis highlights the role that ideas, . . . Movements rise and fall in part in response
beliefs, culture, and discourse play in shaping col- to changes within the political arena, known as
lective action. This approach focuses on the way changes in political opportunities.8 . . .
in which activists perceive their status and con- Within cases of transition in Latin America,
vey their concerns to the public.7 The concept of scholars generally concur that the suppression
framing suggests that movement discourse is con- of conventional forms of political activity under
tingent and strategic. The decision to mobilize as military rule provided a space for nontraditional
women, for example, represents a decision about actors and nontraditional forms of participation
how to frame collective action. Women can par- to emerge. More precisely, repression directed
ticipate in social movements on the basis of many primarily against male-dominated political par-
identities—as workers, students, poor people, ties and trade unions allowed women to develop
or environmentalists—but they will frame their new styles of political engagement. These spaces
actions in terms of gender identity only if they expanded as military regimes liberalized but shrank
believe that their concerns stem from their status when political parties (re)gained control within
as women and if they perceive some advantage to the political arena.9
be gained by presenting themselves as women to . . . The pervasive power of Communist par-
the outside world. ties clearly limited the space for independent
Many have pointed to the diffusion of interna- mobilizing, yet the breakdown of these regimes in
tional feminist discourse as a key factor in mobilizing the 1980s did not always foster the emergence of
women in Latin American transitions. . . . Nonethe- women’s movements. The reason has to do with
less, while the discourse articulated at international the dynamics within the opposition itself. . . . The
women’s conferences was ostensibly available to absence of women and women’s concerns from
women from all countries, it did not foster mobili- the agendas articulated by primarily male oppo-
zation in all countries. Many women in the former sition leaders prompted women’s organizations
Communist countries explicitly rejected interna- representing diverse interests to unite on the basis
tional feminist perspectives. . . . Communist gov- of gender identity.
ernments consistently claimed to have emancipated To a certain extent, periods of realignment
women and to have solved the “woman question” provided an opportunity for all organized groups
by instituting full employment for women. But within civil society to press for the incorporation
these claims rang hollow when participation in the of their concerns in the political agenda. Yet in
work force did not result in gender equality and did most cases the vast majority of people involved
not improve the quality of women’s lives. in these discussions were men. Despite whatever
Thus, international feminism fostered women’s role they may have played in opposition activi-
movements in Latin America but impeded them ties up to this point, women suddenly found
or applicable copyright law.

in the former Communist countries. However, themselves frozen out of the process of negoti-
not all women in Communist countries rejected ating the terms of transition. . . . The common
feminist discourse. In East Germany women experience of exclusion prompted diverse groups
embraced international feminism; geographic and to join together to demand a role in setting the
linguistic proximity to West Germany gave East agenda. Where women were included in the
German women access to information that allowed process, there was no catalyst for the formation
them to challenge prevailing views. Moreover, of a women’s movement.
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40 Women and Social Movements
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Brazil neighborhood groups, feminist organizations,

professional associations, mothers’ clubs, black
When the Brazilian military seized power in 1964, feminist groups, and academic research centers.14
it sought to restructure Brazilian society funda- The First National Women’s Conference took
mentally, in economic, political, and social terms. place in Rio de Janeiro a month later. . . . Thus,
The military regime’s policies created three sets while Brazilian women began to organize against
of issues around which women mobilized: hu- authoritarianism in the early 1970s, the move-
man rights violations, economic subsistence, and ment did not peak until the beginning of 1979. Its
women’s rights.10 Women made up a majority of peak coincided with the emergence of competing
the participants in approximately 100,000 Chris- coalitions within the opposition.
tian base communities organized by the Catho- Women’s organizations continued to prolif-
lic church.11 Many of these women went on to erate in the 1980s, but the unity evident at the
organize in neighborhoods to demand “adequate First Women’s Congress soon dissolved. The
schools, health centers, running water, transpor- anticipated reform of the party system came in
tation, electricity, housing and other necessities November 1979, when President General João
of urban infrastructure.”12 The government did Batista Figueiredo dissolved the two-party sys-
not suppress these groups, but the government’s tem and decreed a law that permitted the forma-
lack of responsiveness and refusal to take women’s tion of new parties. . . . The military government
concerns seriously was a radicalizing experience. hoped that the various factions would compete
Feminist framing did not automatically take in against one another and weaken support for the
Brazil. . . . Things began to change during the opposition, but its strategy strengthened the links
period of liberalization in the late 1970s as women between politicians and the grass roots.15 All of
who had been exiled began to return home. . . . the opposition parties began to compete for the
Returning exiles brought feminist ideas back with support of women’s organizations. Realignment
them. They had a tremendous impact on women’s thus further spurred popular support for the
organizing in Brazil, particularly in regard to the women’s movement because of a convergence of
issue of movement autonomy. . . . Women who interests between the new parties and women’s
had been in exile in Italy and France, for example, organizations. . . . All the new parties included at
persuaded others that it was possible to create a least some women’s demands on their agendas.16
feminist movement in a predominantly Catholic Yet the realities of electoral competition also frag-
culture.13 International organizations provided mented the movement, as different groups aligned
resources to bolster these efforts. A 1975 meeting themselves with particular parties.
organized to mark the United Nations Interna-
tional Year of the Woman led to the creation of
several groups dedicated to promoting awareness Chile
of the status of women. . . .
The peak of protest for the Brazilian wom- The military government that seized power on
en’s movement occurred in 1979, in the midst September 11, 1973, employed draconian mea-
of conflicts among the opposition political lead- sures in its efforts to achieve economic stability
ers that ended in a major realignment of the and political order. It banned political parties,
party system. . . . Women’s groups campaigned shut down congress, and engaged in a systematic
to put women’s issues on the opposition agenda campaign of terror and repression that resulted in
for the November 1978 elections, but with little the torture, death, and disappearance of thousands
or applicable copyright law.

success. . . . Exclusion from the process of realign- of people. During the first ten years of military
ment provided the conditions for women to rule under General Augusto Pinochet fierce re-
unite. Women’s mobilization reached a peak dur- pression curtailed overt expressions of opposition
ing this period. On March 8, 1979, International to the regime. Scores of organizations formed
Women’s Day, close to one thousand women clandestinely. Chilean women played a promi-
gathered for a two-day Women’s Congress in São nent role in this underground opposition. They
Paulo that included women from trade unions, organized along three lines, in a pattern similar to
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Women’s Movements and Democratic Transition in Chile, Brazil, East Germany, and Poland 41
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Brazil. Human rights groups grew out of wom- in Santiago. Organizations representing labor,
en’s efforts to support political prisoners and lo- students, human rights groups, the poor, and
cate relatives who had been detained. Women in white-collar professionals took to the streets to
poor and working-class urban neighborhoods or- denounce the regime. The surprising success of
ganized economic subsistence groups to deal with this demonstration triggered a series of general
economic crisis and cuts in social spending. In protests that took place every month for the next
the late 1970s university-educated women, many three years, until 1986. The opposition political
of whom had been active in Salvador Allende’s parties moved quickly to assume leadership of the
Popular Unity government, organized small, in- protests. Defying the regime’s ban on party activ-
formal feminist discussion groups to reflect on the ity, opposition politicians formed two separate
changes that living in a dictatorship had wrought alliances. . . .
on their lives.17 International support proved Conflicts over strategy between these two
critical in the emergence and survival of all of coalitions galvanized women in the opposition.
these groups. The Catholic church provided safe In November 1983 a group called Women for
places to meet for many of them. Religious men Life (Mujeres por la Vida, MPLV) unified women
and women helped to organize soup kitchens across party lines. The sixteen women who
and women’s centers in the shantytowns around formed the group represented the full spectrum
Santiago. By the early 1980s Chilean women had of political parties within the opposition. They
created a dense organizational network. served as referents of various positions but did not
Women who returned to Chile after spending represent their parties in an official capacity. Even
time in exile brought back ideas about feminism though they were party leaders, they framed their
with them, particularly from countries with active actions in terms of women’s status as political out-
feminist movements, such as Sweden, Canada, siders in order to highlight their exclusion from
Austria, West Germany, and the U.S. . . . the decision-making process. Women for Life
Ideas about feminism were not new to Chile. saw the task of inspiring unity within the opposi-
Media sources from the period indicate aware- tion as one that women were uniquely qualified
ness of women’s liberation movements in other to carry out. . . .
countries. Prior to the 1980s, however, Chileans On December 29, 1983, Women for Life
tended to view feminism either as radical man held a massive rally in the Caupolicán Theater
hating that violated traditional gender norms or in downtown Santiago. This event drew 10,000
bourgeois false consciousness that betrayed the women representing a diverse array of issues and
prospects for socialist revolution. Living in exile interests from all the factions within the oppo-
provided some Chilean women with a differ- sition, the Democratic Alliance and the Popu-
ent context in which to interpret feminist ideas. lar Democratic Movement, and activists from
Feminism gave these women a language to make human rights groups, subsistence organizations,
sense of their experiences and showed them the and feminist collectives. The rally catalyzed the
value of identifying with women as women in formation of a broad-based, multisector women’s
a way that transcended national boundaries and movement. Women had formed separate organi-
national identity. zations prior to this point, and many of them had
As in Brazil, funding from international organi- participated in the general protests, but not in a
zations, particularly the Ford Foundation, allowed coordinated way under a single banner.18 . . .
women academics to conduct research on the sta- But the unity expressed at the Caupolicán rally
tus of women. . . . Participation in regional and did not last long. Soon afterward, the movement
or applicable copyright law.

international conferences strengthened the incipi- split along partisan lines. Ultimately, women in
ent movement and provided a space for the fur- the opposition overcame these divisions enough
ther articulation of autochthonous understandings to create another umbrella group, the Coalition
of feminism. of Women for Democracy, to force the incoming
Protest in the Chilean women’s movement democratic government to adopt some of their
peaked in 1983. In May 1983 Chileans opposed demands, but they were never able to recapture
to the regime organized a mass demonstration the Caupolicán moment.19
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42 Women and Social Movements
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East Germany Women’s mobilization in East Germany

peaked in the climate of political realignment.
The Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) In the first few weeks of September 1989 four
exercised a remarkable degree of control over distinct citizens’ movements emerged, each offer-
the lives of East German citizens. It forbade any ing a different set of proposals for constructing a
groups that did not support the party. Yet dis- new state. . . . September 1989 was thus a ripe
sident activity among women emerged in the moment for women’s organizations to coalesce.
1980s, primarily in the universities and under the Female political entrepreneurs responded pub-
protection of the Protestant church.20 The church licly to the absence of women’s issues on the
sheltered peace, environmental, gay and lesbian, agendas of the new coalitions just a few weeks
and women’s groups. It provided physical space later and “organized in virtually every city in the
for them to meet, publicized their events in the former GDR” around the goal of participating
church press, and held annual rallies that facilitated in the political process as women. The move-
regular contact among dissidents.21 The church ment quickly gained momentum. On October
sponsored informal discussion groups for women 11, 1989, a group called Lila Offensive staged a
during their “baby year,” mandatory one-year protest during a government-sponsored rally in
maternity leave, which helped to raise their con- which they called for women to participate as
sciousness about gender inequality.22 equals in society and politics. . . . On December
The most prominent of the East German peace 3, a month after the collapse of the Berlin Wall,
groups was Women for Peace, which mobilized women’s groups came together to form the Inde-
in opposition to a 1982 law that allowed women pendent Women’s League (UFV), a coalition that
to be drafted into military service. Women for represented a wide array of organizations, includ-
Peace actively sought out contacts in the West, ing radical feminist groups, lesbians, socialists,
particularly in West Germany where shared lan- groups with national visibility, and local grass-
guage facilitated communication. . . . The ruling roots organizations.26 Twelve hundred women
party permitted the publication of foreign feminist attended this initial gathering, which took place
writings, although it prohibited them from being at the People’s Theater in East Berlin. . . .
discussed.23 Regular contact with western femi- The UFV rally represented the peak of
nists and awareness of feminist ideas changed East women’s mobilization in East Germany. . . . The
German women’s perceptions about their role UFV won concessions from the opposition in the
in the dissident peace movement and convinced short term. Members of the group represented
them of the advantages of women-only peace women’s issues at the National Roundtable in 1989–
groups. The Communist regime’s increasingly 90 and fielded candidates in the 1990 parliamentary
conservative policies toward women, known as election. Yet none of the UFV candidates won,
“mommy politics,” further enhanced the appeal and women’s influence waned as the issue of reuni-
of feminism. fication monopolized the agenda.
International attention shielded women’s
groups from repression. Amazingly, despite its
notoriously pervasive surveillance, the East Ger- Poland
man security forces (the Stasi) proved unable to
stop Women for Peace from holding demon- From the Communist takeover of 1945 to
strations. Women’s structureless and leaderless the emergence of Solidarity in 1980, dissident
protests stymied the Stasi’s customary strategy women’s organizations were extremely rare in
or applicable copyright law.

of “rounding up the ringleaders” of dissident Poland. Their rarity cannot be explained as a func-
groups, at least initially.24 When the Stasi arrested tion of limited mobilizational resources.27 Women
the core leaders of the group in December 1983, participated in dissident unions; they made up half
the women called upon their foreign contacts to the members of Solidarity, for example. Many
pressure the regime for their release. . . . None- women worked in primarily female fields, such
theless, the Stasi prevented the growth of popular as textiles and nursing, but only on a handful of
support for the group.25 occasions did female-dominated unions engage
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Women’s Movements and Democratic Transition in Chile, Brazil, East Germany, and Poland 43
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in opposition activities that emphasized their sta- issues during the roundtable discussions between
tus as women.28 The high level of mobilization in Solidarity and the Gierek regime. The Interfac-
Poland in the late 1970s and early 1980s begs the tory Strike Committee won several concessions
question of why a women’s movement did not that women strongly supported: a three-year paid
emerge in Poland during this period.29 maternity leave, guaranteed day care slots for
Awareness of international feminism inhib- working women, and, for nurses, higher wages
ited women’s independent mobilizing in Poland, and housing.33 Women made up a minority of the
exactly the opposite effect that it had in Brazil, delegates to the 1981 Solidarity Congress (only
Chile, and East Germany. Poles were aware of 8 percent), and many women were conscious of
international feminist ideas, but they associ- the degree to which men dominated the Solidar-
ated them with the Women’s League, the offi- ity leadership.34 But the vast majority of women
cial women’s organization, and thus discredited raised little objection.35 . . .
them. The state both mediated and monopolized The climate for women’s organizing in Poland
information from abroad, rendering foreign ideas changed in 1989, when the proposal of an anti-
suspect among ordinary Poles. . . . For dissidents, abortion law in the Sejm in June 1989 “activated”
direct contact with the western world remained the women’s movement.36 Thirty women’s
very limited. . . . In this context, women were groups emerged during the abortion debate, but
likely to have associated western feminist ideas they were “dramatically fragmented and reluctant
with the party and thus to have seen them as to enter alliances or to create a united front, in
(another) source of oppression, rather than as a part for fear of being associated with the commu-
potential source of liberation.30 . . . nists.”37 Women created a formal separate divi-
The absence of autonomous organizing by sion within Solidarity in fall 1989, but demands
women in Poland stands out in relief against a cycle for the inclusion of women did not enjoy popular
of antiregime protests that broke out in the late support. Opportunities and issues around which
1970s. The cycle began in June 1976 when work- women could mobilize exist, but feminist orga-
ers staged a protest against recently announced nizations remain “tiny minority groups,” a far
price increases. The government responded to cry from the explosive levels of mobilization that
these strikes promptly—it eliminated the price occurred in Brazil, Chile, and East Germany.38
increases and brutally suppressed the workers—
but its actions set off explosive levels of popular
mobilization that lasted several years.31 . . . By 1980 Conclusion
the economic situation had deteriorated, resulting
in widespread food shortages. Another attempt Three variables are significant in explaining
to impose price increases in June 1980 prompted women’s mobilization during democratization.
the Gdansk shipyard workers to go on strike, Formal and informal networks in which women
triggering a wave of strikes that quickly spread were involved constituted the organizational in-
throughout the country. Their efforts brought the frastructure to build women’s movements. Direct
government to the negotiating table in August contact with the international feminist commu-
1980 and resulted in a series of concessions to nity prompted women to frame their situation in
workers known as the Gdansk Agreements. The terms of their status as women and to organize
emergence of Solidarity constitutes a realignment: separately from men. Finally, exclusion from the
the formation of a new coalition within the anti- process of realignment within the democratic op-
authoritarian opposition. . . . Dissidents took over
or applicable copyright law.

position catalyzed the formation of a formal coali-

unions and other party-dominated groups, but the tion among diverse women’s organizations. . . .
Women’s League remained immune to pressures
to democratize.32 Why did women’s groups not
form during this period of realignment? Notes
The main reason is that women did not con-
sider themselves to be excluded from this process. 1. Amrita Basu, ed., The Challenge of Local Feminisms
The strike leaders explicitly addressed women’s (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995).

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44 Women and Social Movements
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2. Gary King, Robert Keohane, and Sidney Verba, Feminism and Women’s Movements,” in Basu,
Designing Social Inquiry (Princeton: Princeton Uni- ed.; June Edith Hahner, Emancipating the Female Sex
versity Press, 1994). (Durham: Duke University Press, 1990); Fanny
3. John D. McCarthy and Mayer N. Zald, The Trend Tabak, “Women in the Struggle for Democracy and
of Social Movements in America (Morristown: General Equal Rights in Brazil,” in Barbara Nelson and Najma
Learning Press, 1973). Chowdhury, eds, Women and Politics Worldwide (New
4. Philip Oxhorn, Organizing Civil Society (University Haven: Yale University Press, 1994).
Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995); 11. Alvarez, p. 70.
Cathy Lisa Schneider, Shantytown Protest in Pinochet’s 12. Soares et al., p. 311.
Chile (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995). 13. Sonia Alvarez, “The Politics of Gender in Latin Amer-
5. Katherine Verdery, What Was Socialism, and What ica” (Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1988), p. 355.
Comes Next? (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 14. Alvarez, Engendering Democracy in Brazil, p. 113.
1996). 15. Scott Mainwaring, Rethinking Party Systems in the Third
6. Pamela Lowden, Moral Opposition to Authoritarian Rule Wave of Democratization (Stanford: Stanford University
in Chile, 1973–90 (New York: Macmillan, 1996). Press, 1999).
In Argentina the church played a more ambiguous 16. Alvarez, Engendering Democracy in Brazil, p. 161.
role. See Alison Brysk, The Politics of Human Rights in 17. See Ann Matear, “Desde la Protesta a la Propuesta,”
Argentina (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994); Democratization, 3 (1996); Veronica Schild, “New Sub-
Rita Arditti, Searching for Life: The Grandmothers of the jects of Rights?” in Sonia Alvarez et al., eds., Politics of
Plaza de Mayo and the Disappeared Children of Argentina Culture, Cultures of Politics (Boulder: Westview Press,
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999); Mary- 1998); Maria Elena Valenzuela, “The Evolving Roles
sa Navarro, “The Personal Is Political: Las Madres de of Women under Military Rule,” in Paul W. Drake
la Plaza de Mayo,” in Susan Eckstein, ed., Power and and Ivan Jaksic, eds., The Struggle for Democracy in Chile
Popular Protest (Berkeley: University of California (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995); Maria
Press, 1989); Anthony James Gill, Rendering unto Caesar Elena Valenzuela, “Women and the Democratiza-
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998). tion Process in Chile,” in Jane S. Jaquette and Sharon
7. Lee Ann Banaszak, Why Movements Succeed or Fail L. Wolchik, eds., Women and Democracy (Baltimore:
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996); David Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998); Marjorie
E. Snow, “Master Frames and Cycles of Protest,” in Agosin, Tapestries of Hope, Threads of Love (Albuquerque:
Aldon D. Morris and Carol McClurg Mueller, eds., University of New Mexico Press, 1996); Patricia
Frontiers in Social Movement Theory (New Haven: Yale Chuchryk, “From Dictatorship to Democracy,” in
University Press, 1992); David E. Snow and Robert Jane S. Jaquette, ed., The Women’s Movement in Latin
Benford, “Ideology, Frame Resonance, and Partici- America (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994); Alicia
pant Mobilization,” in Bert Klandermans et al., eds., Frohmann and Teresa Valdés, “Democracy in the
From Structure to Action (Greenwich: JAI Press, 1988); Country and in the Home,” in Basu, ed.; Julieta
Ann Swidler, “Culture in Action: Symbols and Strate- Kirkwood, Ser politica en Chile (Santiago: FLACSO,
gies,” American Sociological Review, 51 (1986). 1986); Teresa Valdés and Marisa Weinstein, Mujeres
8. Mary Fainsod Katzenstein and Carol Mueller, eds., The que sueñan (Santiago: FLACSO, 1993).
Women’s Movements of the United States and Western Europe 18. Chuchryk.
(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987); Doug 19. Lisa Baldez, “Coalition Politics and the Limits of State
McAdam, Political Process and the Development of Black Feminism,” Women and Politics, 22 (2001).
Insurgency, 1930–1970 (Chicago: University of Chicago 20. See Hildegard Maria Nickel, “Women in the German
Press, 1982); Herbert Kitschelt, “Political Opportu- Democratic Republic and in the New Federal States,”
nity Structures and Political Protest,” British Journal of in Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, eds., Gender
Political Science, 16 (1986); Joyce Gelb, Feminism and Politics and Post-Communism (New York: Routledge,
Politics (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), p. 144; Brigitte Young, Triumph of the Father-
1989); Anne N. Costain, Inviting Women’s Rebellion land (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999);
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992); Myra Marx Ferree, “The Rise and Fall of ‘Mommy
Charles Tilly, From Mobilization to Revolution (Reading: Politics,’” Feminist Studies, 19 (1993); Lynn Kameitsa,
Addison-Wesley, 1978); Sidney G. Tarrow, Power in “East German Feminists in the New Democracy,”
Movement (New York: Cambridge University Press, Women and Politics, 17 (1997); Eva Maleck-Lewy,
or applicable copyright law.

1994). “The East German Women’s Movement after Unifi-

9. Elisabeth J. Friedman, Unfinished Transitions: Women cation,” in Joan Wallach Scott et al., eds., Transitions,
and the Gendered Development of Democracy in Venezuela, Environments, Translations (New York: Routledge,
1936–1996 (University Park: Pennsylvania State 1997).
University Press, 2000). 21. Christina Schenk, “Lesbians and Their Emancipation
10. See Sonia E. Alvarez, Engendering Democracy in Brazil in the Former German Democratic Republic,” in
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990); Funk and Mueller, eds.; Christian Joppke, East
Marianne Schmink, “Women in Brazilian ‘Abertura’ German Dissidents and the Revolution of 1989 (New
Politics,” Signs, 7 (1981); Vera Soares et al., “Brazilian York: New York University Press, 1995).
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Women’s Movements and Democratic Transition in Chile, Brazil, East Germany, and Poland 45
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22. Anne Hampele, “The Organized Women’s Move- Do Polish Women Have a Change?” in Marilyn Rue-
ment in the Collapse of the GDR,” in Funk and schemeyer, ed., Women in the Politics of Postcommunist
Mueller, eds., p. 181. Eastern Europe (Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1998); Judy
23. Young, p. 72. Root Aulette, “New Roads to Resistance,” in Jill M.
24. Barbara Einhorn, “Where Have All the Women Bystydzienski and Joti Sekhon, eds., Democratization
Gone? Women and the Women’s Movement in East and Women’s Grassroots Movements (Bloomington: In-
Central Europe,” Feminist Review (1991), 26. diana University Press, 1999).
25. Barbara Einhorn, Cinderella Goes to Market (London: 30. Members of the Greenham Common Women
Verso, 1993), pp. 207–8. eventually visited Poland as well, but not until later,
26. Young, p. 84. in 1983. Padraic Kenney, A Carnival of Revolution
27. Grzegorz Ekiert and Jan Kubik, “Contentious Politics (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002), p. 100.
in New Democracies: East Germany, Hungary, 31. Grzegorz Ekiert, The State against Society (Princeton:
Poland, and Slovakia,” World Politics, 50 (1998), argue Princeton University Press, 1996), p. 232.
that Poland was resource rich in this regard. 32. Jean Robinson, “The Liga Kobiet in Poland,” in Dor-
28. Padraic Kenney, “The Gender of Resistance in othy McBride Stetson and Amy Mazur, eds., Com-
Communist Poland,” American Historical Review, 104 parative State Feminism (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1995),
(1999). p. 204.
29. See Ewa Hauser et al., “Feminism in the Interstices 33. Renata Siemienska, “Dialogue: Polish Women and
of Politics and Culture,” in Nanette Funk and Magda Polish Politics since World War II,” Journal of Women’s
Mueller, eds., Political Change in Poland (New York: History, 3 (1991).
Routledge, 1993); Kenny; Renata Siemienska, “Con- 34. Kristi S. Long, We All Fought for Freedom (Boulder:
sequences of Economic and Political Changes for Westview Press, 1996), p. 168.
Women in Poland,” in Jaquette and Wolchik, eds.; 35. Hauser et al., p. 263.
Anna Titkow, “Political Change in Poland: Cause, 36. Malgorzata Fuszara, “Women’s Movements in
Modifier or Barrier to Gender Equality?” in Funk Poland,” in Scott et al., eds., p. 134.
and Mueller, eds., Gender Politics and Post-Communism; 37. Hauser et al., p. 258.
Joanna Regulska, “Transition to Local Democracy: 38. Einhorn, Cinderella Goes to Market.
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 5
Protest Moves inside Institutions
Mary Fainsod Katzenstein

Protest in American society has moved inside to everyday needs as defined by the realities of
institutions. In recent years, there have been only women’s lives (day care, flexible work times, a
sporadic instances of marches, strikes, and dem- more nurturant work environment).
onstrations; yet the common image of protest In calling this demand making the politics of
continues to be one of placard-bearing activists protest, I wish to highlight the way in which its
whose job actions, pickets, sit-ins, and proces- purpose is often disruptive. Feminist organizing in
sions made lively television and news copy in institutional contexts may not press for the instant
decades past. What this [chapter] sets out to do is cessation of daily business sought by the earlier
to convince those schooled to believe that protest sit-ins or the demonstrations that led to the
happens only on the streets of an additional and destruction of property of clashes with police. But
newer institutional reality: that understanding the feminist organizing (in its most adversarial and
emergence of gender, race, and sexual politics in even sometimes in its more accommodative forms)
contemporary American society means recogniz- does seek to transform the world. Even some of
ing the importance of protest inside institutions.1 the most narrow versions of feminist politics that
To limit the definitional purview of protest . . . is decline to embrace antiracist, antiheterosexist, and
to be oblivious to a territory where major struggles antipoverty agendas intend through their focus
over power, resources, and status in American on equal jobs, promotions, harassment, rape, and
society presently occur. . . . other forms of sexual violence to fundamentally
change the way American institutions function.
In the 1990s, protest pursued in the byways of
The Meaning of Protest institutional life can be as disturbance-making as
that orchestrated on the public staging grounds of
This [chapter] is about contemporary feminist earlier social movements.
protest located inside the core institutions of both I use the term protest despite the fact that the
state and society. Since the 1970s, feminists have women whose activism I describe are far from
voiced demands for equal roles within the U.S. lawless, rarely use civil disobedience, and never
or applicable copyright law.

armed forces, within the institutional spaces of resort to violence. Less lawbreaking than norm-
most religious denominations, within prison man- breaking, these feminists have challenged, dis-
agement, the health sector, universities, police comfited, and provoked, unleashing a wholesale
forces, the professions, unions. Indeed, no major disturbance of long-settled assumptions, rules,
institution has been untouched. Feminist groups and practices. Mostly this is intentional or at least,
inside these institutions have pressed for equity as many advocates of equality would say, inevi-
in pay, hiring, and promotion, for the end to table. Sometimes by their mere presence, but
harassment and sexual abuse, for greater attention more often by claiming specific rights, and by
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demanding in certain facets the transformation of the contemporary women’s movement and won
the institutions of which they are a part, feminists much media attention. Even as these dramatic
have reinvented the protests of the 1960s inside days of demonstrations, court cases, and legisla-
the institutional mainstream of the 1990s. . . . tive battles have mostly faded, there continue to
When advocates of gender equality in the be vast numbers of organizations operating in the
military proclaim that gender alone should not interstices of society, doing the important work of
bar women from flying bomber missions, when what I call unobtrusive mobilization.4
feminists in the Catholic Church write that the Protest inside institutions is different from
words of the gospel provide for a church that unobtrusive mobilization. When activism inside
would include women in all its ministries, they institutions turns into protest, it is almost never,
are violating firmly established institutional norms in the sense of escaping public notice, unobtru-
and participating in role-shattering behavior. This sive. When institutional routines are disrupted
too is protest. This is not mere “resistance” to the and the norms of an organization contested, it is
power of dominant elites; it is proactive, asser- almost always because the public gaze has been
tive, demand-making political activism. If groups focused on these institutions and institutional
inside institutions were not in organized ways elites feel exposed.
making these kinds of demands, if these forms of What I am calling unobtrusive mobilization
institutional activism were not deeply unsettling, occurs both inside institutions and in the space
the fear-laden conservative backlash of the last outside institutions, in what Susan Hartmann has
twenty years might well have been, one can only elsewhere designated as the work of autonomous
speculate, less virulent. feminism.5 What is specific to institutional mobili-
It is limiting, I think, to define protest in terms zation is its connection to a parent organization.
of any preestablished, particular set of political Formed or re-formed with the intention of hold-
tactics or events.2 What constitutes nonnormative ing a parent-institution accountable to feminist
behavior, disrupts existing understandings, and concerns, activism inside institutions ranges across
challenges established roles is context-specific. To different sectors of the workforce from women’s
fail to see disruption as situation-specific can be studies programs in universities to women’s groups
to misrepresent the course of social movements located in the larger professional associations of
themselves. Marking the beginning or ending lawyers, engineers, doctors, and scientists, to the
of social movements by the rise and decline of Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues of the
media-covered protest “events” or by the requi- U.S. Congress, to the Coalition of Labor Union
site use of particular demonstrative actions (sit- Women in the union movement.
ins, demonstrations, marches) may leave much These institution-based organizations are dif-
convention-breaking speech and action unre- ferent from more autonomous women’s orga-
marked.3 To recognize protest requires know- nizations. Autonomous organizations (although
ing as much about the “who, when, what, and they may receive governmental or foundation
where” as it does about the “how.” . . . funding) think of themselves as more free-floating,
situated outside government and less directly
beholden to institutional supervision. Institution-
Unobtrusive Mobilization and Civic based organizations are more connected adminis-
Associationalism tratively or financially to the political institutions
they intend to influence. They may receive funds,
What I have called protest inside institutions is may have overlapping memberships or meeting
or applicable copyright law.

only part of the repertoire of American feminism. spaces, and may share a common normative
Institutional protest exists alongside and would or ideological purpose with the larger, male-dom-
not exist without the rich associational activ- inated institutional body of which they are a part.
ity that has constituted feminist activism in the They must also on a more daily basis than autono-
1980s and 1990s. This associationalism has out- mous feminist groups negotiate the often hazardous
lived the marches, the litigation, the cascade of terrain where influence and access are traded against
legislative activity that marked the first decades of independence and critical distance. . . .
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Protest Moves inside Institutions 49
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Associational activism in American politics late the Latin expression prima facie, of “in your
organized with the purpose of reshaping some face” discrimination. Because you are a woman
facet of gender relations is nothing new. It is and cannot be ordained, you are barred from the
unclear, given the widely dispersed and often deaconate, priesthood, and all higher offices of
inconspicuous character of much of women’s the Catholic Church. Similarly, in the military,
organizing, whether the degree of associational even with the policy changes of the early 1990s
activism that has accompanied second-wave fem- that permitted women to fly combat missions and
inism is much the same as in earlier times, greater serve on surface warfare ships, there are still com-
than before, or whether (as seems unlikely) it has bat roles from which women are explicitly barred.
declined over time as Robert Putnam claims is For lesbians, of course, there is legalized exclu-
the case with civic associationalism in the United sion from the armed services in its entirety. But
States more generally.6 What I call unobtrusive provocation is one thing and activism is another.
mobilization by women has always existed in pro- What needed making sense of was why feminists,
fusion in American society. What is clearly new women and men, did speak out when to do so
is its development inside male-dominant organi- could invite the negative sanctions of institutions
zational environments—the media, law enforce- whose capacity for repression is greater than that
ment, the churches, universities, business, prisons, of many others in contemporary times. In the
unions, and engineering, to name just a few of church, the powers of excommunication can and
these institutional locales. In these new environ- have been used against those who espouse femi-
ments, feminists have spurred debates over hiring nist ideas, specifically support for women’s repro-
and promotion, rape and harassment, child care, ductive choice. For other expressions of dissent
and workplace benefits (including coverage for from institutional teachings, feminists have been
lesbian and gay partners); they have sometimes fired from their jobs in church institutions or
enagaged in intense contestation over how the officially silenced; scheduled speeches have been
quality of work and the fairness and worth of canceled, and pressures have been put on religious
what men and women do should be assessed. If communities to rein in aberrant members. In the
the profusion of unobtrusive feminist networks, military, the risk to promotion and job security is
caucuses, associations, coffeehouses, bookstores, no less real. The military lawyer who refuses to
Internet lists, informal and formal organizations, prosecute a suspected gay or lesbian servicemem-
both inside and outside institutions, is any indica- ber risks possible court-martial for disobeying
tion, civic associationalism not only is present but an order, or the necessity of resigning his or her
can provide a breeding ground for a form of pro- commission; the whistle-blower or complainant
test politics that operates within both arterial and who reports illegal harassment risks retaliation in
capillary corridors of society and of the state. the form of a blocked promotion or unwelcome
job assignment. Distinct to the military, specifi-
cally, is the widespread experience of feminists
Feminist Protest in the U.S. Military and and women in general who face daily harassment
the Catholic Church from male peers in the form of comments, jeers,
gossip, rumor—all amounting to accusations
Why the U.S. military and the Catholic Church? about their sexuality or their alleged incompe-
What makes these institutions important to an tence at their job.7 The puzzle is, in the face of
analysis of protest inside institutions? . . . the pressures and institutional penalties that exist
Sex discrimination in many other sectors in both the military and the church, why speak
or applicable copyright law.

of society is as much de facto as de jure, and the out as a feminist?

practices against which women must rail are some- Despite the strong similarities between the
times subtle and indirect, often part of institu- military and the church—the deeply gendered
tional cultures rather than matters of rules or law. assumptions embodied within institutional doc-
In the case of the U.S. military and the Catholic trine, the hierarchical structures, and the coercive
Church, by contrast, discrimination is not subtle. measures that can be deployed against internal
Much prejudice takes the form, to mistrans- criticism—feminists in the two institutions pursue
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50 Women and Social Movements
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very different political objectives and use differ- governance, and in neither institution did women
ent political strategies. For most feminists in the expect to be considered equal partners with men
military a gender-equal society is one in which in daily affairs. Rather, women in both the mili-
qualified women have the same opportunities as tary and the church saw themselves in relation
qualified men. What this reformist vision requires, to men as fulfilling a different but complemen-
many military women would say, are better laws, tary role. Why is it that in the last two and a half
policies, and education. For many activists in the decades when women in the military and in the
Catholic Church, by contrast, feminism is insepa- church turned to feminism, they did so in very
rable from the all-encompassing goal of antimili- different ways—to an interest-group (influence-
tarism, class equality, race and gender equity, a seeking) liberal feminism in one case and to a
homophobia-free society, and social justice on a radical, discursive politics in the other?
comprehensive scale. This is a radical vision that
demands, many Catholic feminists believe, nothing
less than a reconstructed world achieved through Institutional Protest in Its Different Forms:
an entire restructuring of societal institutions. No Interest-Group and Discursive Politics
doubt both institutions have been unsettled by
feminists in their midst. And yet feminists in each It is important to understand the differences between
of these institutions might be just as unsettled by feminism in the military and in the church as part of
the version espoused by their counterparts in the a larger universe of protest that exists inside institu-
other of what it means to undertake activism on tions. What bears emphasizing is that protest inside
behalf of gender equality. . . . institutions is not monolithic. The objectives and
It might be easy . . . to cite the different insti- forms may vary hugely. Some protest internal to
tutional traditions in the military and the church institutions aims at moderate change, some at the
as explanations of the different political visions to radical restructuring of the institution. Some pro-
which feminists have turned, although the church test emphasizes influence seeking in order to shape
in America does have a history of radical poli- policy; other instances emphasize the crafting of
tics. . . . It might also be plausible to attribute the language and the formulation of meanings in print
difference in institutional feminisms to individual and speech. I have called feminist protest inside
self-selection. . . . But numerous interviews sug- the military “moderate, interest-group, influence-
gested otherwise. Many of those I spoke with seeking” politics and that within the church “dis-
emphasized that their political ideas were not at cursive radicalism.” . . .
all fully formed at the time they became nuns or It is not difficult to envision what feminists do
joined the military, or that their politics had little when they engage in interest-group politics. We
to do with why they chose to become what they can readily visualize feminist lobbyists walking
became. . . . the corridors on the Hill. . . . In the United States,
What convinces me that we must look beyond interest-group activism is the way many feminists
the “different institutional traditions” or the “self- do politics. Not that this form of feminist poli-
selection” explanations of feminism’s differing tics necessarily elicits public acclaim. The selec-
manifestations in the military and the church is tion of Geraldine Ferraro as a Democratic vice
the fact that women’s attitudes have not always presidential candidate provoked accusations that
been as different in the two institutions as they feminists had acted as an interest group, “biasing”
are now. Until the mid-1970s, what was striking the selection of Walter Mondale’s running mate.
about the attitudes and practices of military and Some feminists, too, are disquieted, albeit differ-
or applicable copyright law.

church women was their similarity, not their dif- ently. When feminists do interest-group politics,
ferences. In the first half of the twentieth century, some suspect, they have bought into a world of
the organizational affinity of the two institutions political compromise. But on the whole, interest-
seemed to correspond to a similarity in women’s group politics is seen as politics-as-usual.
understandings of their roles within the two insti- Discursive politics requires greater elucidation.
tutions. In neither the military nor the church Most succinctly, it is the politics of meaning mak-
did women expect to exercise an equal voice in ing.8 By discursive, I mean the effort to reinterpret,
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Protest Moves inside Institutions 51
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German radicals feminist protest in

march through the the military

radical moderate

feminist protest campaigns against

in the church date rape


Figure 5.1: Four Types of Institutional Protest.

reformulate, rethink, and rewrite the norms and news media, but going public with a New York
practices of society and the state. Discursive politics Times advertisement, or undertaking the kind of
relies heavily but not exclusively on language. It public protest that armband-bearing sisters pre-
is about cognition. Its premise is that conceptual sented during the pope’s visit, would be unthink-
changes directly bear on material ones. Its vehicle able for women who intend to pursue a military
is both speech and print—conversations, debate, career. . . . Women activists in the military pay
conferences, essays, stories, newsletters, books. . . . attention to who wields influence in the military
I do not mean to draw too neat a line between hierarchy and in positions of political importance
interest-group and discursive politics. All politi- outside the military, and they endeavor to build
cal activism does interpretive work using lan- connections to those who can make change hap-
guage and symbols, so in this sense all politics is pen. At the same time, what they aim to do is to
discursive. Similarly, all political activism is, in play by the rules and change the gendered assump-
some ways, about advancing the interests of some tions embedded in the norms of the institution.
sectors of society over others. I am suggesting, Feminism in the Catholic Church relies heav-
however, that political activism is at any point in ily on a discursive politics that self-consciously
time (whether by choice or by default) more fully invokes the language of “radical equality.”9 I
absorbed by one kind of political project than by emphasize the discursive aspects of radical politics
the other—by the intention to influence policy in the church to call attention to the energy that
and shape immediate outcomes or by the effort to feminists in the church devote to language and
deploy language and symbols to convince others interpretation—to seeing the meaning of God,
of new possibilities. of church, of ritual, of justice through a feminist,
Feminism in the military engages in an influ- antiracist, globalist, nonelitist, and nonheterosex-
ence-seeking interest-group form of politics. It is ist politics. Most feminists in the church (both
grounded in norms of equal opportunity and a sisters and lay activists) work for a living in paid
belief in social change through adherence to insti- jobs not unlike those of women generally. They
tutional rules. It is common to hear women activists spend significant amounts of time, however, and
or applicable copyright law.

in the military speak of the need to be mission- most would spend far more if they could, reading,
oriented team players, to work for change from writing, attending (and planning) conferences,
within, to follow the chain of command (phrases engaged in creating a new vision of church and
distinctly absent from the vocabulary of women in society in prose.
the church). Military activists often welcome the In both the U.S. military and the American
attention of the press and have on occasion looked Catholic Church over the last twenty years women
the other way when information was leaked to the activists have worked to create a consciousness
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52 Women and Social Movements
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that challenges discriminatory institutional prac- become middle-class, had gained in some cases
tices. In both institutions, feminists have created a foothold, in some cases substantial representa-
organizational habitats (formal groups and infor- tion in the educational, occupational, and cul-
mal networks) within which feminists (mostly tural institutions of mainstream society. At the
women) share stories, develop strategies, and find same time, beginning in the 1950s, laws and court
mutual support. In both institutions, numerous decisions recognizing this right of entry provided
initial- and acronym-denoted organizations carry these diverse groups with authoritative language
the burden of keeping gender equality on the through which to make claims within their insti-
institutional agenda. . . . tutions. The conjunction of these patterns of
Despite this common project of institutional mobility with the legislative and judicial affirma-
change, and despite the existence in both insti- tion of equal rights has given rise to the prolifera-
tutions of woman-made organizational spaces tion of claims making within institutions. Feminist
within which those at odds with institutional protest inside the U.S. military and the Catholic
practices gather energy and devise plans of action, Church is party to this history. . . .
there are profound differences in their agendas.
In describing interest-group feminism in the
military and feminist discursive radicalism in the Notes
church, I wish to defend the usage of two words.
The first is military feminism. Only about half of 1. The importance of dramatic, on-the-streets, politi-
those I interviewed described themselves as feminists. cal protest is largely associated with the writings of
Those who did often laced their self-description Richard A. Cloward and Frances Fox Piven (Piven
with humor, irony, or a touch of bravado. . . . and Cloward 1971 and 1977). In a more recent essay,
Piven and Cloward observe that the “continuities
Others eschewed the feminist label, occasionally between conventional social life and collective pro-
expressing impatience with my question. . . . test” that the literature on resource mobilization has
Second, I believe it is no less important to described have been useful. The essay, however, warns
explain the term “radical” as I use it to describe against “blurring the distinction between normative
feminism in the church. By the term, I mean that and nonnormative forms of collective action” (Piven
and Cloward 1992, 301). The large literature on pro-
feminist activists in the church seek an understand- test politics is usefully synthesized in Tarrow 1994.
ing of the structural or systemic bases of inequality in 2. Piven and Cloward, as a careful reading of their work
the church and in society. . . . It was not enough will show, do not do this. But their focus on move-
merely to ordain women; a true “radical” equality ments that have relied heavily on strikes, demonstra-
demands a reenvisioning of church hierarchy itself, tions, riots, and so on makes it easy to interpret them
as saying that protest is synonymous with a particular
including ritual and prayer and all elitist structures set of movement tactics, e.g., marches, rent strikes,
of church and society. When feminists in the boycotts, and riots.
church describe their dedication to radical equal- 3. So-called political process studies of social movements
ity, they do not mean the kind of commitment have used protest events as the “staple” signifier of
to the poor evinced by a Mother Teresa with her movement stages. I am grateful to David Meyer for
helping me to see this point.
ministries to the sick and dying. What feminists 4. In an earlier Signs article, in which I used the term
mean is the identifying and rooting out of the “unobtrusive mobilization,” I grouped together rather
very systems that cause the poor to be poor, the than attempting as I do here to make a distinction be-
homeless to be homeless, and that cause people to tween groups inside institutions (owing accountability
die of poverty or oppression.10 . . . primarily to their parent institution) involved in very
visible and disruptive protest and those groups that are
The advent of feminist protest inside institu-
or applicable copyright law.

much less noticed and, I would argue, much less likely

tions is part of a larger story about the last half- therefore to be disruptive. Katzenstein 1990, 27–52.
century in American society. Prior to the 1950s, 5. Hartmann 1998.
the political rights (the vote, specifically) granted 6. Putnam 1995.
to Blacks, to immigrants, and to women were 7. In the course of my interviewing, I heard of no lawyer
who was actually court-martialed for failure to par-
unaccompanied by privileges of citizenship in the ticipate in a prosecution of a gay or lesbian service-
reigning social institutions of the time. . . . By member, but I was told of a male JAG ( judge advocate
midcentury, sections of each of these groups had general) member who resigned.

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Protest Moves inside Institutions 53
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8. I owe this phrase to a discussion with Martha Minow. There have got to be yet others who expose the evil.
For a definition of discursive politics and the role, (D’Arienzo 1985, 33)
particularly, of feminist publishing and autotheo-
retical texts, see Young 1997. See also Fraser 1990,
56–79. References
9. This phrase is widely utilized by feminists in the
church. See, for example, the conference materials
from the Women’s Ordination Conference 1995, in D’Arienzo, Camille. 1985. “My Pact with Camillus.” In
Crystal City, Virginia. Midwives of the Future: American Sisters Tell Their Story,
10. The words of one Sister of Mercy who was asked by ed. Ann Patrick Ware, 22–36. Kansas City, MO:
the New York Daily News to comment on the work Leavan Press.
of Mother Teresa help to illuminate the ways that Fraser, Nancy. 1990. “Rethinking the Public Sphere:
an understanding of structural inequality is central to Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing
this vision: Democracy.” Social Text 8, no. 3; 9, no. 1: 56–79.
Hartmann, Susan. 1998. Feminist Footholds Everywhere:
Before I opened my mouth I knew I was about to get Capturing the Liberal Establishment in the 1960s and
myself in trouble. 1970s. New Haven: Yale University Press.
I had no idea how much. Katzenstein, Mary Fainsod. 1990. “Feminism within
Carefully, I began: American Institutions: Unobtrusive Mobilization in
“I think Mother Teresa is a holy and compassionate the 1980’s.” Signs 16, no. 11 (Autumn): 27–52.
woman. There is no minimizing the good that she does Piven, Frances Fox, and Richard A. Cloward. 1971.
for Calcutta’s abandoned poor and dying. But I think Regulating the Poor: The Functions of Public Welfare. New
she does many sisters a disservice by allowing the media York: Pantheon Books.
and ecclesiastical authorities to promote her as the role Piven, Frances Fox, and Richard A. Cloward. 1977. Poor
model for all religious throughout the world, especially People’s Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail.
in the United States.” New York: Pantheon Books.
Piven, Frances Fox, and Richard A. Cloward. 1992.
The reporter pressed her to explain herself. She
“Normalizing Collective Protest.” In Frontiers in
Social Movement Theory, ed. Aldon D. Morris and
We confront different needs, a variety of injustices. . . . Carol McClurg Mueller, 301–26. New Haven: Yale
Sisters here—as in other place—must discover corpo- University Press.
rately and by themselves what needs exist and how to Putnam, Robert D. 1995. “Bowling Alone: America’s
address them. And even in Calcutta, someone ought to Declining Social Capital.” Journal of Democracy 6, no.
be figuring out who or what it is that causes so many 1 ( January): 65–78.
people to perish in the streets. There have got to be Tarrow, Sidney. 1994. Power in Movement: Social Movements,
direct ministers in the streets, but there must also be Collective Action, and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge
people who invade high places to learn why people University Press.
die in the streets. There must also be sisters who find Young, Stacey. 1997. Changing the Wor( l)d: Discourse, Politics,
ways to change the killing systems wherever they are. and the Feminist Movement. New York: Routledge.
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 6
Do Interest Groups Represent
the Disadvantaged?
Advocacy at the Intersections of
Race, Class, and Gender
Dara Z. Strolovitch

Interest groups have a long history in American assesses their efficacy by examining the degree to
politics as advocates of corporate and professional which organizations claiming to speak for these
interests. Since the explosion in the ranks of orga- groups attend to the particular challenges of
nizations representing marginalized groups such as advocating on behalf of disadvantaged subgroups
women, racial minorities, and low-income people of their own marginalized constituencies. To do
in the 1960s, these organizations have also become so, I collected new data using a survey of 286
a crucial conduit for the articulation and repre- national advocacy organizations. Supplemented
sentation of disadvantaged interests (Berry 1989, with information from face-to-face interviews
1999; Pinderhughes 1995; Schlozman 1984). that I conducted with 40 organization officers
While they comprise a small part of the broader and analyzed in light of insights based in theories
interest group universe, organizations such as the of intersectionality, these data allow for the first
National Association for the Advancement of generalizable examination of the extent to which
Colored People (NAACP), the National Orga- women’s, racial minority, and economic justice
nization for Women (NOW), and the Center for organizations represent disadvantaged subgroups
Law and Social Policy (CLASP) are a significant of their members.
and visible presence in Washington politics. Using these data, I find that while advocacy
Organizations such as these provide an insti- groups provide some representation for their dis-
tutionalized voice for the concerns of groups that advantaged members, they are substantially less
continue to lack sufficient formal representation in active when it comes to issues affecting disadvantaged
national politics and that are ill-served by the two subgroups than they are when it comes to issues
major political parties (Frymer 1999). Decades affecting more advantaged subgroups. Organiza-
after the explosion in the number of these orga- tion officers are concerned about representing
nizations, however, important questions remain disadvantaged subgroups, and most feel a respon-
about how well they live up to their promise to sibility to represent many subgroups. However,
or applicable copyright law.

represent their members. There are many ways attention to these concerns is overridden by the
to assess the effectiveness of representation for fact that officers at these organizations marginalize
these marginalized groups, such as asking how and downplay the impact of such issues, framing
well such organizations empower those mem- them as narrow and particularistic in their effect,
bers of marginalized groups who will be in the while framing issues affecting advantaged groups
best position to uplift less powerful members of as if they affect a majority of their members and have
their communities (DuBois 1903). This [chapter] a broad and generalized impact. . . .

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The New Mobilization of Bias of organizations representing formerly excluded

groups. Berry (1999) argues that liberal advocacy
Like their corporate and professional analogues, groups have abandoned economic justice issues
organizations representing groups such as women, and are instead dominated by “post-materialist”
racial minorities, and low-income people exist to issues such as the environment, which, he argues,
represent their members and to advocate on their are of interest mainly to the middle class. . . . A
behalf. Unlike these other groups, however, they second set of concerns is the mirror image of this
do so in a political world in which their constit- first cluster and alleges that organizations con-
uents, while formally enfranchised, continue to cerned with economic issues marginalize issues of
be marginalized and underrepresented. As such, race, gender, and sexuality (Frymer 1999).
most of these groups claim that they are advo- Although not directly concerned with rep-
cates for the weak and marginalized and that they resentation for disadvantaged subgroups, other
are motivated by a desire to advance social justice scholars suggest a third set of mainly strategic rea-
and equality (Berry 1999). Indeed, their political sons to be concerned that organizations will not
legitimacy derives from these claims. be active when it comes to issues affecting disad-
Because of their mandate to give voice to the vantaged subgroups. . . . Interest groups will likely
voiceless, the explosion in the number of these ignore targeted issues affecting numerically small
organizations in the 1960s and 1970s brought with subgroups—whether weak or strong—in favor of
it the promise of a new era in which the interest- issues that have a wide impact and that affect their
group system ensures representation for everyone, median member. Concerns about organizational
even those underserved by electoral politics. . . . maintenance also lead organizations to try to avoid
The extent to which this promise has been fulfilled alienating allies, members, and potential members
has been the source of much debate. Although (Wilson [1974] 1995), and so they will also avoid
there is broad agreement that the increase in the issues that are unpopular or controversial among
number of these organizations has helped margin- their members or the public, as are many of the
alized groups, crucial concerns remain about how issues affecting disadvantaged groups (Kollman
well these organizations represent their constitu- 1998; Rothenberg 1992). They will also prefer
ents. The growth in the number of these groups to exploit political opportunities and policy win-
has been outpaced by the growth in the number dows by pursuing issues that are politically salient
of trade, business, and professional organizations and likely to “win” (Kingdon 1995). Attention to
that had previously dominated the interest group issues affecting disadvantaged groups is rendered
universe (Baumgartner and Leech 1998; Berry even less likely due to socioeconomic biases that
1989; Schlozman 1984; Schlozman and Burch lead to low levels of organizational membership
2009; Tichenor and Harris 2002–2003; Walker among women, African Americans, Latinos, and
1991). Consequently, their relative power remains people with lower levels of income and education
outflanked by the host of organizations represent- (Verba, Schlozman, and Brady 1995). . . .
ing more advantaged interests.
Moreover, many argue that in spite of their
potential, organizations that represent margin- Intersectional Marginalization
alized groups replicate the mobilization of bias
lamented by Schattschneider (1975), in which [An alternative] approach to understanding how
the concerns of weak groups are “organized out” well organizations represent their disadvantaged
of politics by elites who manipulate the agenda members contends that the quandary cannot be
or applicable copyright law.

toward their own interests. While Schattschneider understood as the outcome of rational strategic
critiqued biases toward powerful interests within choices, nor as a zero-sum trade-off between eco-
the broader pressure-group system, new scholar- nomic and social issues. Instead, adherents of this
ship identifies biases within the organizations that approach assert, organizations fail to address issues
claim to remedy these inequities. I focus here on that affect subgroups of their constituencies whose
four main concerns about such biases. The first marginalized positions are constituted by the inter-
cluster critiques a middle-class bias in the agendas sections of different forms of disadvantage (Cohen
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Do Interest Groups Represent the Disadvantaged? 57
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1999; Crenshaw 1989). . . . An example is African- 1999, 23). The claims and needs of intersection-
American gay men, who face discrimination based ally disadvantaged groups, on the other hand, are
on both race and sexuality. Recognizing that in- constructed and framed as being outside the pur-
equities persist between marginalized and dominant view of these single-axis organizations, and there-
groups, intersectional approaches stress the over- fore “fall through the cracks” between the axes of
lapping inequalities within groups and the resulting existing organizations. . . .
unevenness in the gains they have made.
Groups can be marginalized or lack power in
many ways: they might lack financial resources, Policy Typology
they might be the objects of de jure or de facto dis-
crimination, they might lack electoral power and Despite widespread interest in intersectionality, it
have few elected representatives, or they might be has proven difficult to assess empirically and to
stigmatized by the broader society or the domi- measure its effects, particularly in a systematic way
nant culture (Williams 1998, 15). They may also (Hancock 2007). In addition, while helpful for
be few in number (i.e., a minority), though as understanding representation for disadvantaged
illustrated by the example of billionaires, who are subgroups, extant intersectional frameworks are
a minority of all Americans, and by women, who limited, relying as they do on dichotomous dis-
constitute a majority of the population, minor- tinctions that differentiate only between, on the
ity status on its own is not necessary or sufficient one hand, single-axis issues (or, in Cohen’s ter-
to qualify a group as marginalized (Williams minology, consensus issues) that affect the whole
1998). Theories of intersectionality tell us that group, and, on the other hand, intersectional issues
these many disadvantages are not static or rank- (or, in Cohen’s terminology, cross-cutting issues)
able and that they do not operate along single that affect disadvantaged members. . . .
axes in additive ways. Instead, these systems To operationalize the concepts underlying
are dynamic and create inequalities that define, theories of intersectionality and assess their explan-
shape, and reinforce one other in ways that con- atory power relative to other theories of interest
stitute the relative opportunities and positions of group behavior, I designed a four-part policy
different members of marginalized groups. . . . typology. . . . The four categories in this typol-
While marginalization occurs along multiple ogy are: (1) universal issues, which theoretically
intersecting and overlapping axes such as gender affect the population as a whole (i.e., not only the
and race and poverty, the typical political response to marginalized members of the organizations being
oppression and disadvantage in the United States, examined here), regardless of race, gender, sexual
with few exceptions, has been to organize interest orientation, disability, class, or other identity; (2)
groups and to pursue policies that are dedicated majority issues, which affect an organization’s mem-
to addressing single axes of oppression—gender or bers relatively equally; (3) disadvantaged-subgroup
race or poverty. . . . [Yet,] the single-axis interest issues, which affect a subgroup of an organization’s
groups that dominate advocacy politics do not members who are disadvantaged economically,
represent unitary constituencies with clearly socially, or politically compared to the broader
defined and bounded interests. Instead, the broad membership; and (4) advantaged-subgroup issues,
constituencies represented by these organizations which also affect a subgroup of an organization’s
are coalitions of intersecting and overlapping members, but one that is relatively strong or advan-
groups that are organized around one particu- taged compared to the broader membership.
lar axis that is constructed or framed as what they For example, universal issues are policy issues such
or applicable copyright law.

have in common. Organizing around one axis, as Social Security. Though not everyone is affected
however, means that so-called common interests in precisely the same way by such issues, issues such
are actually those that affect or are “rooted in the as these, as their name implies, are relatively “equal
experiences of” the more privileged members of opportunity” in their potential impact, both among
a group, and the policy issues addressed by these members of constituencies of the organizations in
organizations are likely to be those that affect this study but also outside of these constituencies.
these more privileged members as well (Cohen Majority issues, in contrast, have particular effects
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58 Women and Social Movements
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on the members of the organization in question. likely to benefit from it. Such programs are more
However, among these members, a majority issue likely to help middle-class and affluent women,
is also an “equal opportunity” issue, equally likely who are more able than low-income women to
to affect any member of an advocacy organization’s attend college and graduate school.
membership even if it does not affect a numerical It might not be reasonable to expect organiza-
majority. An example is violence against women as tions to represent intersectionally disadvantaged
an issue for women’s organizations. This issue is of subgroups of their members if they made no
concern to all women, who are relatively equally claims to represent broadly defined constituen-
likely to be victims, even if not every woman is a cies. Few organizations construe their constitu-
victim in her lifetime. encies so narrowly. Instead, key to the mission
While both universal and majority issues are, in statements of many organizations is a claim to
different ways, equal opportunity issues, neither represent all members of the group. . . . Evidence
disadvantaged- nor advantaged-subgroup issues from the survey also demonstrates that officers at
can be characterized in this way. When it comes most organizations approach their role as repre-
to these issues, different subgroups of an organi- sentatives with very broad mandates. To gauge
zation’s members are unequally likely to benefit their ideas about the scope and content of their
or to be harmed. In the case of disadvantaged- representational obligations, respondents were
subgroup issues, they are more likely to benefit asked to assess to what degree their organization
or harm a subgroup of an organization’s members addresses the policy concerns of ten groups: Asian
that is disadvantaged relative to other members. Pacific Americans, African Americans, Latinos,
For example, welfare reform is a disadvantaged- Native Americans, elderly people, LGBT (lesbian,
subgroup issue in the case of women’s organi- gay, bisexual, and transgender) people, immi-
zations. That is, the majority of people directly grants, poor or low-income people, women, and
affected by this policy are women (and their workers. Most of the organizations in the study
children), but the majority of women are not claim that they address the concerns of many of
affected by it, nor are all women equally likely to these groups—on average, eight of the ten groups
be affected by it. Instead, welfare reform has a dis- about which they were asked. Just under half
proportionately high chance of affecting particular (43%) claim to address the policy concerns of
subgroups of women—in particular low-income all ten groups. These responses reveal that most
women and women of color, i.e., intersectionally organizations see themselves as representatives of
disadvantaged subgroups of women. many subgroups of their constituencies.
In contrast to disadvantaged-subgroup issues, As representatives of these broad constituen-
advantaged-subgroup issues, while also unequal in cies, organizations representing marginalized
their potential impact, are more likely to benefit groups also embrace broad policy mandates. To
or harm a subgroup of an organization’s members assess the scope of their policy mandates, survey
that is advantaged relative to other members. So, respondents were asked about their organizations’
while issues falling into this category affect a sub- interest in eight broad policy areas: antipoverty
group of the broader group or involve multiple policy; civil rights and civil liberties; criminal
axes of identity, many of those axes may be associ- justice; health and human services; immigration;
ated with advantage or privilege (e.g., middle-class, labor policy; urban policy and development; and
male, white, heterosexual) rather than with disad- women’s equality. Responses to these questions
vantage or marginalization. Although they affect reveal that the organizations in this study are at
a subgroup of an organization’s members, issues least minimally interested in an average of 6.9 out
or applicable copyright law.

falling into the advantaged-subgroup category of these 8 policy areas, and that they are, on aver-
are also more likely than disadvantaged-subgroup age, “very interested” in 3.
issues to be constructed or framed as majority By announcing broad policy agendas and
issues. An example of an advantage-subgroup a determination to speak for all members of a
issue is affirmative action in higher education as given constituency, advocacy organizations claim
an issue for women’s organizations. While this implicitly to speak for less privileged members of
policy benefits women, women are not all equally these groups. Many ask why we should expect
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Do Interest Groups Represent the Disadvantaged? 59
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these organizations to act altruistically rather than the impact, the less attention an issue receives.
strategically. Indeed, organizations cannot represent The coefficient for the main effect of the measure
every member at all times, nor can they focus of advantaged-subgroup issues is the largest, and
exclusively on disadvantaged subgroups to the it is also the only significant measure for the main
exclusion of majorities. Nonetheless, character- effects of policy type. Controlling for all other ef-
izing representation for disadvantaged subgroups fects in the model, then, issues affecting advan-
as an act of altruism underscores one of the main taged subgroups receive more attention than all
points about intersectionality. The notion that it other issue types.
is altruistic to work on behalf of disadvantaged Examining the interaction of these measures
subgroups of a constituency rests on the assump- with the measure of the proportion of members
tion that these members are not a part of the group affected provides a great deal of support for an
and that it is an act of charity rather than one intersectional approach. Specifically, the effects
of responsibility and common interests to advo- of the interaction between the proportion of
cate for them. Unless organizations qualify their members affected and both the majority issue
claims and say, for example, “we speak for white, and the disadvantaged-subgroup issue are positive
heterosexual, middle-class women,” their claims and significant, while the interaction between
to represent groups such as women, Latinos, and the proportion affected and the advantaged-
low-income people include disadvantaged sub- subgroup issue is not significant. Breadth of
groups of these populations. . . . impact, it seems, is a crucial determinant of the
level of advocacy when it comes to majority
and disadvantaged-subgroup issues, but has no
Hypothesis and Model effect in the case of advantaged-subgroup issues.
These results reveal a double standard applied by
Using the survey data, I adjudicate between the organizations that helps to determine the level
various possibilities suggested by extant research of advocacy that they devote to issues, a double
about the levels of advocacy that organizations standard that benefits privileged subgroups at the
devote to issues affecting disadvantaged subgroups expense of other members. Specifically, the exis-
by testing the hypothesis that the level of activ- tence of interaction effects for both majority and
ity that organizations devote to an issue depends disadvantaged-subgroup issues and their absence
more on the relative advantage of the subgroup for advantaged-subgroup issues demonstrates that
affected by the issue than it does on the relative when it comes to issues that affect advantaged
size of the affected group. If true, we should find subgroups, advocacy is high regardless of the pro-
that organizations are less active when it comes portion of members affected. However, when it
to disadvantaged-subgroup issues that they are on comes to the other two issue types—majority issues
majority and advantaged-subgroup issues. . . . and disadvantaged-subgroup issues—organizations
are more active when they perceive that more
members are affected.
Policy Type and Proportion . . . If the driving concern were to have a
of Members Affected “broad” impact, we should see low levels of
activity on issues affecting advantaged as well as
The most striking finding is that organizations do disadvantaged subgroups. However, organiza-
not allocate their advocacy in ways that benefit tions do not increase their efforts in response to
the greatest number of members. In fact, quite an increase in the proportion of members affected.
or applicable copyright law.

the opposite is true. The coefficient for the vari- Instead, this is true only for disadvantaged-sub-
able that tests how the size of the constituency group issues; issues affecting privileged subgroups
affected by an issue influences the level of ad- receive high levels of attention regardless of the
vocacy devoted to that issue (members affected) is proportion of an organization’s members that are
significantly negative. This indicates that activity affected. Indeed, controlling for all other effects,
does not increase as the proportion of members issues affecting advantaged subgroups receive
affected by an issue increases. Instead, the broader more attention than majority issues.
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60 Women and Social Movements
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The face-to-face interviews provide additional of 25 have college degrees, while approximately
support for an intersectional understanding of 12.6% of all women live below the poverty line,
policy advocacy and suggest further that the dis- as do 26.5% of female-headed households, and
tribution of activity across issues and subgroups is 22.9% of women living alone.
due to the ways in which advocacy groups frame Consider this typical judgment by the field
issues. Whereas survey respondents generally rec- organizer at a women’s organization. Asked why
ognized that majority issues affect more members her organization is so active on the majority issue
than do the advantaged-subgroup issues, in face- of violence against women, she framed the issue as
to-face interviews respondents framed advantaged- one that affects most women: “It’s so prevalent,”
subgroup issues as if they were majority issues that she said. “It really prevents so many women’s
affect many more members than they actually do. freedom and success and equality.” When asked
In contrast, they framed issues affecting disadvan- about the advantaged-subgroup issue of affirma-
taged subgroups as affecting a narrow portion of tive action in higher education, the vice presi-
their membership. dent of another women’s group also framed this
For example, among the women’s organiza- issue as one that affects all women, not just the
tions in the Survey of National Economic and relatively advantaged subset who attend college or
Social Justice Organizations (SNESJO), 38% graduate school. She said, “I think it’s a prior-
of those surveyed said that the majority issue, ity because . . . affirmative action is one of the
violence against women, affects “almost all” of reasons that women and minorities have made so
their members. Far fewer, 13.6%, said that the much progress. . . . It has a huge impact and . . .
disadvantaged-subgroup issue, welfare reform, [it affects] all women who are in the workforce or
affects almost all members, and only 9.8% said that go to college or start their own business and are
the advantaged-subgroup issue, affirmative action competing for government contracts—that’s a lot
in higher education, affects almost all members. of women.” She went on to say that women on
Levels of activity, however, do not reflect these welfare “don’t go to college, but that’s a smaller
assessments. Whereas 86% of women’s organiza- and smaller set of people,” thus downplaying the
tions are active on violence against women, the number of women who cannot avail themselves of
majority issue, almost as many—80%—are active affirmative action in higher education and retain-
on affirmative action in higher education, even ing the framing of it as a benefit to “all women.”
though respondents recognize that this issue Finally, when asked about her organization’s activ-
affects fewer members. A far smaller proportion ity on welfare reform, a disadvantaged-subgroup
of women’s organizations—only 62%—are active issue, this organizer’s comments were particularly
on welfare reform, although they recognize that revealing, capturing the tenor of many comments.
this issue has almost the same impact on their “[We are] not as active [on that as we are on]
members as affirmative action in higher educa- some of the other projects,” she said. “We work
tion. However, as I will show below, respon- in coalition with organizations that do work on
dents in the face-to-face interviews framed both welfare reform, but it’s really just not our cup of
violence against women and affirmative action tea. . . . We definitely see welfare reform as [a]
in higher education as affecting all women. In gendered issue. It’s definitely something that we’re
contrast, they framed welfare reform as having concerned with and have been involved in but just
a very narrow impact even though, like affirma- not on the same level.”
tive action in higher education, it affects a sub- These statements about welfare reform, affirma-
group of all women. Notably, welfare reform tive action, and violence against women are typi-
or applicable copyright law.

affects a disadvantaged subgroup of women, rather cal of general trends in the connections drawn by
than a relatively advantaged subgroup, as is the respondents between the effects of various policy
case with affirmative action in higher education. issues as they influence their levels of advocacy
In reality, the proportion of women affected by on those issues. As such, these statements help
each of these issues is quite similar. For example, to explain the patterns of involvement in public
according to the 2002 Current Population Sur- policy issues reflected in the data from the
vey, approximately 17.5% of women over the age SNESJO and help to illuminate how the respondents
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Do Interest Groups Represent the Disadvantaged? 61
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frame and justify their reasons for being is likely to be on that issue. Many interview
involved in some issues and not in others. Spe- respondents concurred that they are unlikely to
cifically, they play up the impact of majority and take action on issues unless their members agree
advantaged-subgroup issues, and play down the with their position. The executive director of an
impact or relevance of disadvantaged-subgroup Asian-American organization commented, for
issues. Essentially, no interaction effect exists for example, “We don’t want to turn off or upset
advantaged-subgroup issues because organization our community. . . . What’s the point of having
leaders strategically conflate status and impact, an advocacy organization if you’re turning them
using the high status of advantaged groups to off?” Her organization therefore avoids address-
supplement the relatively narrow impact of the ing violence against women because, she argued,
issues that affect them. As such, officers justify pri- it is “not a topic that is openly discussed in our
oritizing majority and advantaged-subgroup issues community.”
by framing them both as having a broad impact. Paying attention to member interest and sup-
Issues affecting disadvantaged subgroups, on the port certainly makes sense: organizations that
other hand, are framed in a manner that is both depend on member support are understandably
narrow and particularistic, justifying low levels of concerned not to alienate these members. While
attention. Since the survey data show that advoca- understandable, however, pegging levels of activ-
cy on disadvantaged-subgroup issues depends on ity to member concern and agreement depresses
the proportion of members affected, framing them advocacy on issues that affect disadvantaged
narrowly exacerbates biases against them. . . . subgroups because concern about these issues
is, on average, lower than it is for majority and
advantaged-subgroup issues. For example, while
Exacerbating the Bias: Member 58% of respondents reported that “almost all” of
Concern and Support their members are concerned about the major-
ity issues, and 45% gave this answer regarding the
Low levels of advocacy on disadvantaged- advantaged-subgroup issues, only 30% believed
subgroup issues are due in part to the tendency on that almost all of their members are concerned
the part of organizations to downplay the effects about the disadvantaged-subgroup issues. The
that these issues have on the members affected by effect of these uneven levels of concern is com-
these issues. Nevertheless, other factors also exac- pounded further by the fact that interest groups,
erbate the biases against disadvantaged subgroups like members of Congress, are more likely to
discussed above. For example, member concern address issues that are important to those “pas-
about an issue leads to increased advocacy on that sionate minorities” of their constituencies who
issue. The interviews confirm that organizations have the motivation and the resources to make
are more active on issues that they perceive as themselves heard (Kollman 1998). Because advan-
being important to their members. Several taged subgroups are likely to have the resources
respondents said, for example, that they make necessary to make organizations aware of their
the decision to address an issue when they concerns, organizations perceive more interest in
begin “getting lots of phone calls” about it. Con- the issues of concern to those groups, which con-
versely, the executive director of an economic tributes to the disproportionately high levels of
justice organization told me that his organization attention devoted to advantaged-subgroup issues.
has never done anything regarding public funding Member dissent is also more likely to prevent advo-
for abortion (which affects low-income women, cacy when it comes to issues affecting disadvan-
or applicable copyright law.

a disadvantaged subgroup of low-income people) taged subgroups—in the case of violence against
because, he said, they do not “get a lot of pressure women discussed above, for example, dissent
from” their members about it. prevents the Asian-American organization from
In addition to responding to member concerns, working on an issue affecting its women members.
the data show that the higher the proportion of It is part of an organization’s mandate to respond
constituents that agrees with an organization’s posi- to its members’ preferences, but responding to
tion on an issue, the more active the organization objections to disadvantaged-subgroup issues by
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62 Women and Social Movements
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avoiding such issues reinforces the marginaliza- References

tion of intersectionally disadvantaged groups by
validating the idea that disadvantaged subgroup Baumgartner, Frank R., and Beth Leech. 1998. Basic
issues and the people that they affect are not wor- Interests. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Berry, Jeffrey M. 1989. The Interest Group Society. 2nd ed.
thy of attention. Thus, the patterns of response New York: Harper Collins.
and nonresponse to member preferences exacer- Berry, Jeffrey M. 1999. The New Liberalism. Washington,
bate biases against disadvantaged subgroups. . . . DC: Brookings Institution Press.
Cohen, Cathy. 1999. The Boundaries of Blackness. Chicago:
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Crenshaw, Kimberlé. 1989. “Demarginalizing the Inter-
Discussion and Conclusion: section of Race and Sex.” University of Chicago Legal
Closer to a Pluralist Heaven? Forum 39: 139–67.
DuBois, W. E. B. 1903. The Souls of Black Folk. Chicago:
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Advocacy organizations provide a crucial form of Frymer, Paul. 1999. Uneasy Alliances. Princeton: Princeton
political representation for marginalized groups University Press.
such as women, racial minorities, and low- Hancock, Ange-Marie. 2007. “When Multiplication
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voice, offsetting some of the bias against them in sectionality as a Research Paradigm.” Perspectives on
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the data reveal persistent and widespread barriers Princeton University Press.
to representation for disadvantaged subgroups of Pinderhughes, Dianne M. 1995, “Black Interest Groups
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these marginalized groups. As an intersectional In Blacks and the American Political System, ed. Huey
approach would predict, levels of advocacy are L. Perry. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, pp.
closely related to the relative status of the sub- 203–24.
group that is affected, and issues are framed in Rothenberg, Lawrence S. 1992. Linking Citizens to
ways that tend to overestimate the breadth of Government. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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much energy and resources to issues that they Pressure System.” Journal of Politics 46 (4): 1006–32.
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Chapter 7
Translating the Global:
Effects of Transnational Organizing
on Local Feminist Discourses and
Practices in Latin America
Sonia E. Alvarez

International activism has been a defining feature feminism onto the regional and world policy stages.
of both first- and second-wave feminisms in Latin Seeking to influence the international norms
America and most other world regions.1 From the and accords forged at these intergovernmental
onset of the contemporary wave, periodic Latin meetings, feminist activists fashioned new trans-
American and Caribbean feminist encuentros (re- national advocacy networks and fortified pre-
gion-wide feminist meetings; literally, “encoun- existing linkages with their counterparts across
ters”) helped forge a self-consciously regional national borders. . . .
feminist political identity, affirming a feminism Few studies have explored the critical question
distinct from its putatively bourgeois, imperialist of how feminist activists’ engagement with policy
North American and European variants.2 By the advocacy on a supranational plane translates locally
early 1990s, the bonds of solidarity created and in terms of movement dynamics, discourses, and
strategic issues debated at these periodic gather- practices. By analyzing some of the local impacts
ings had facilitated the emergence of dozens of of a wide array of transborder activities under-
region-wide issue- or identity-based feminist net- taken by Latin American feminists over the past
works—such as the Latin American and Carib- two decades, I want to draw attention to three
bean Network against Violence against Women oft-neglected dimensions of the transnationaliza-
and the Afro-Latin American and Afro-Caribbean tion of local feminist discourses and practices.
Women’s Network. The local and transnational forces shaping fem-
The 1990s witnessed the ascendance of a new inist movement dynamics are, of course, mutually
form of international activism among growing constitutive and therefore difficult to disentangle
numbers of feminists in the region—one target- analytically. In the sense used here, transnational-
ing intergovernmental organization (IGO) and ization refers to local movement actors’ deploy-
international policy arenas and thereby hoping ment of discursive frames and organizational and
to gain global leverage in pressuring for changes political practices that are inspired, (re)affirmed,
or applicable copyright law.

in gender policy on the home front. The UN or reinforced—though not necessarily caused—
summits held during the first half of the 1990s— by their engagement with other actors beyond
culminating with the Fourth World Conference on national borders through a wide range of trans-
Women (FWCW) in Beijing in 1995—prompted national contacts, discussions, transactions, and
thousands of women’s rights advocates in Latin networks, both virtual and “real.”3
America and around the globe to intensify their First, whereas many recent studies suggest
transnational organizing efforts and catapulted that contemporary international feminist activism

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largely has been propelled by a top-down process arenas. Whereas the existing literature typically
or is the outgrowth of the UN Women’s Decade lumps all cross-border organizing efforts under a
(1976–85) and the World Summits of the 1990s, single analytical rubric (for instance, “global civil
I want to stress that, in the case of Latin America, society” or transnational social movements), I want
the particularities of the regional and national political to suggest that different modalities of transborder
contexts in which feminisms unfolded also impelled local activism not only can have differential impacts on
movement actors to build transborder connections from the promoting desired policy changes, but also can
bottom up.4 Feminists throughout the region have have distinct political consequences for activist
been involved in a variety of dense “transnational discourses and practices and for intramovement
civil society exchanges” (Fox 1999)—such as the power relations on the home front.6 In conclusion,
periodic Latin American and Caribbean feminist I will argue that while the interplay of these two
encuentros and the vast array of region-wide redes, transnational activist logics has brought numerous
or networks—since at least the early 1980s. benefits to local movements, the predominance of
Second, I will suggest that the logic informing IGO-advocacy activities among growing sectors
such transnational exchanges differed significantly of Latin American feminist movements in recent
from that driving an increasing number of interna- years has had more ambiguous and sometimes
tional and intraregional feminist advocacy efforts in contradictory local consequences.
Latin America in the 1990s. Among Latin American
feminisms, I will argue, an internationalist identity-
solidarity logic prevailed in the “encuentro-like” intrare- Encountering Feminism: Intraregional
gional feminist activism of the 1980s and 1990s, whereas Solidarity and the Configuration of Latin
a transnational IGO-advocacy logic came to predomi- American Feminist Identities
nate in region-wide feminist organizing around the Rio,
Vienna, Cairo, and Beijing Summits of the 1990s. . . . . . . Building on internationalist solidarities, the
I will suggest that local movement actors pur- regional encuentros helped fashion an “imagined”
sue transnational linkages with their counterparts Latin American feminist community whose proper
beyond the boundaries of the nation-state for (at boundaries have been continually renegotiated
least) two distinct reasons. First, local movement and redrawn. Who rightfully “belongs” to that
actors use transnational contacts as a means to (re) community has been a subject of considerable
construct or reaffirm subaltern or politically mar- contention locally, and those contests often have
ginalized identities and to establish personal and been reenacted and redefined in critical transna-
strategic bonds of solidarity with others who share tional sites, such as the periodic regional meetings.
locally stigmatized values (for example, feminist Whether or not women who continued to identify
ideals) or identities (for example, as Afro–Latin primarily with the Left and to privilege the “gen-
Americans or as lesbians). Second, activists also eral” struggle for revolutionary transformation
organize across borders in an effort to expand should be included in that imagined feminist com-
formal rights or affect public policy, seeking to munity, for instance, has been a key axis of regional
enhance their local political leverage via what and local debate since the First Encuentro. . . .
Margaret Keck and Kathryn Sikkink (1998a, The sense of “group-ness” (Stein 1995, 135)
12–13) call the “boomerang pattern” of influence. and the transnational feminist community imag-
By this means, transnational coalitions of nongov- ined at the encuentros, of course, sometimes drew
ernmental, governmental, and intergovernmental less-than-inclusive boundaries, actively contested
actors exert pressure on more powerful states and by those excluded. At the Mexico meeting, for
or applicable copyright law.

on IGOs to in turn bring pressure to bear on a instance, hundreds of poor and working-class
particular government that violates rights or resists women active in community struggles, human
a desired policy change.5 . . . rights organizations, and other sectors of the grass-
Finally, I will maintain that these distinctive roots women’s movement in the region who had
transnational activist logics nonetheless can have different come to identify as “popular feminists” insisted
effects on local movement organizational dynamics and that they too “belonged.” Black women and
power relations and can sometimes clash in local movement lesbians—whose needs and concerns often were
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excluded, as a consequence of the racism and Republic who were murdered by security forces
heterosexism prevalent among many feminists of the Trujillo dictatorship on that day in 1960.
locally—also sought out transnational linkages. Since the Bogotá meeting, feminists through-
They endeavored by this means to reaffirm their out the region have commemorated that occa-
distinctive identities, to exchange strategies for sion simultaneously by whatever means appeared
advancing their race- and sexuality-specific claims, most appropriate to local conditions—including
and to imagine alternative feminist communities mounting demonstrations and other protest
of their own. Indeed, the transactions made pos- actions, holding workshops, lobbying legislators,
sible by the periodic encuentros and other regional staging dramatic performances, or launching pub-
or subregional workshops, meetings, and events lic education campaigns on sexual and domestic
facilitated the configuration of a number of “iden- violence (Keck and Sikkink 1998a, 178). Many
tity-based” transborder networks. A network of other dates have come to mark the feminist calen-
Latin American lesbian feminists was established dar regionwide, such as September 28, the Day of
in 1987 at a regionwide meeting held in Mexico Struggle for the Decriminalization of Abortion,
in tandem with the Fourth Encuentro. The Afro– and October 11, Indigenous Women’s Day.
Latin American and Afro-Caribbean Women’s These simultaneous commemorative occa-
Network was founded during the Fifth Encuentro sions, along with the many theoretical and stra-
in Argentina and has held two regional meetings tegic exchanges facilitated by the encuentros and
(1993 and 1996) of its own since then. . . . innumerable other intraregional meetings, pub-
The kinds of internationalist identity-solidarity lications, electronic communications, and web-
exchanges of which the encuentros are emblem- sites often have fueled deeper feminist reflection
atic, as Peruvian feminist Virginia Vargas suggests, among local activists and introduced new ways of
were “fundamentally oriented toward recreat- discursively framing local feminist struggles. . . .
ing collective practices, deploying new catego-
ries of analysis, new visibilities, and even new
languages which feminisms at the national level The UN Is Knocking at Your Door: The
were outlining, to name that which heretofore “Globalization” of Local Latin American
had no name: sexuality, domestic violence, sexual Feminist Policy Advocacy in the 1990s
harassment, marital rape, the feminization of pov-
erty [and so on]. These were some of the new In the early 1990s, a very different activist logic
signifiers that feminism placed at the center of began propelling increasing numbers of Latin
democratic debates” (1998, 3). A Latin American American feminist NGOs to pursue transnational
feminist cultural politics . . . thus was fostered in linkages with their counterparts throughout the
such transnational spaces, in interaction with local region and across the globe. Largely inspired by
movement arenas. These transborder exchanges the UN’s declared intention to promote greater
furnished local feminist activists with new discur- NGO participation in the “megaconferences” or
sive repertoires, . . . which accompanied the prac- world summits it sponsored during the first half
tices of the movement, “creating dates, recovering of that decade (Clark, Friedman, and Hochstetler
leaders, histories, symbols” (Vargas 1998, 3). 1998, 6; Otto 1996; Weiss and Gordenker 1996),
Regionwide “days of protest” or feminist many feminists in Latin America for the first time
action proposed by participants in the encuen- came to view IGOs and the intergovernmental
tros, for example, not only helped draw public arena as potential venues for advancing women’s
attention to particular feminist issues but also rights locally.7
or applicable copyright law.

contributed to a sense that activists—most often The organized, regionally coordinated partici-
a relatively small minority in their own national pation of Latin American feminists in “official”
context—were “not alone” in their local struggles international publics such as the UN or ECLAC
for gender(ed) justice. At the First Encuentro, for (the Economic Commission on Latin America and
instance, participants decided to proclaim Novem- the Caribbean)—as compared to the many “alter-
ber 25 the Day against Violence against Women, native” transnational arenas discussed above—
in honor of three sisters from the Dominican was a novelty. As Marysa Navarro recounts, “For
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Latin American and Caribbean feminists, the first through intergovernmental venues such as the
world conferences on women did not have great UN conferences, then, appealed particularly to
relevance (with the exception of the Brazilians that sizable subset of Latin American feminist
and Mexicans who did see themselves affected by activists who had become most directly involved
the beginning of the Women’s Decade). [At the in local gender policy matters during the previous
world conference of the International Women’s decade. . . .
Year] in Mexico, the presence of Latin American
feminism was minimal since, though groups had
emerged in some countries, there still were no The Complementarity of Transnational
movements [as such]” (1998, 108). Activist Logics in Latin America
By the time of the Beijing conference, in con-
trast, “the [regional] women’s movement (and The new transnational activist logic spurred par-
its feminist expression) took part in the official ticularly by the Beijing preparatory process built
conference process, with its many currents, issues, upon and sometimes reinforced the internation-
and forces” in expressive numbers, whereas “at alist solidarity exchanges of the 1980s and early
previous conferences on women . . . it participat- 1990s. That is, the two transnational activist logics
ed only in the World [NGO] Forum and barely outlined in the introduction, though sometimes
managed to establish relations with official circles” running on parallel or seldom-intersecting tracks,
(Vargas and Olea Mauleón 1998a, 16). Though at other times proved to be complementary, with
most were inexperienced in “global policy advo- largely positive consequences for local movement
cacy,” a specialized skill perfected by feminist dynamics, discourses, and practices.
international NGOs (INGOs) based mostly in the The NGO forums at the Mexico, Copenha-
North, many local activists were by then persuaded gen, and Nairobi UN women’s conferences, for
that influencing their government’s reports to the instance, were “important for the development of a
UN and lobbying for changes in international regional feminist movement. They played a signifi-
legal norms might provide them with additional cant role in fostering bonds of solidarity . . . [and]
political leverage on the home front. provided the foundations for an intense and infor-
The difference between Latin American femi- mal network of relationships and exchange” (Var-
nists’ scant presence in Mexico and their signifi- gas and Olea Mauleón 1998a, 16, 2n). Indeed, it
cant participation in the Beijing process was not was at the mid-decade of the Woman Conference
due only to the impressive expansion of feminist in Copenhagen (1980) that some Venezuelan femi-
movements in the region in the two intervening nists decided to promote the first regional encuentro,
decades, however.8 It is also attributable to changes which Colombian feminists organized the follow-
in the national political contexts in which the ing year (Navarro 1998, 108; Navarro 1982).
movements unfolded. With the return of elec- The encuentros and other intraregional feminist
toral democracy (however flawed and restricted) gatherings and exchanges in turn facilitated the
and liberal rights discourses (however hollow formation of transnational social networks and
and “neo”) to much of the region by the end of nurtured intense personal and political bonds and
the 1980s, many governments in the mid-1990s affinities among feminists in far-flung reaches of
claimed to be more receptive to selected feminist Latin America which provided a crucial back-
claims. Whereas during the 1970s and much of drop for the creation of policy-focused networks
the 1980s feminists for the most part turned their and regional advocacy coalitions.9 The variety
backs on the state and eschewed the conventional of internationalist identity-solidarity exchanges
or applicable copyright law.

political arena—then (rightly) viewed as exclu- gave impetus to the more formalized, policy-
sionary, oppressive, and self-evidently inimical to centered feminist networks, such as the Network
any and all claims for social justice, let alone gen- of Women in Politics (established at the Argentine
der justice—by the 1990s growing numbers of encuentro) and others which combined an identity-
feminists were directing their organizing efforts at solidarity logic with an emphasis on promoting
influencing gender policies (Alvarez 1998, 1999). policy change, such as the Latin American and
The possibility of pursuing local policy changes Caribbean Network against Violence against
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Women and the regional women’s health and Engagement with transnationalized gender
reproductive rights network. . . . policy advocacy has provided advocates with
The transnational IGO-advocacy of the 1990s new, internationally sanctioned political scripts
sometimes built on, reinforced, or extended the they can deploy locally, which, unlike the shared
affinities and complementarities fostered by ear- feminist movement signifiers diffused through
lier identity-solidarity exchanges. This was partic- inward-oriented identity-solidarity exchanges,
ularly evident in the case of black and indigenous have greater potential political resonance vis-à-vis
women, lesbians, and others whose voices were local policy makers. Latin American rights advo-
often muted in local movement arenas despite cates now more regularly invoke international
their considerable prior local and cross-border human rights law to press for local compliance
organizing efforts. Those efforts contributed to with new global gender equity norms, and they
the “globalization” of feminist discourses about appeal to UN and OAS (Organization of Ameri-
difference and diversity among women, and fos- can States) conventions in promoting women’s
tered the incorporation of elements of those dis- rights locally. In late 1996, for instance, Brazilian
courses by IGOs and the liberal Northern states members of CLADEM brought two local cases of
that are hegemonic in international policy arenas. violence against women before the Inter-Amer-
As a consequence, UN agencies and Northern- ican Commission on Human Rights.11 Invoking
based private foundations and INGOs often con- the Inter-American Convention on Violence
ditioned funding for participation in international against Women—ratified by Brazil in 1995 and
forums on local movements’ ability to “incorpo- promulgated by Decree 149 in 1996—local femi-
rate diversity.” The Beijing process thus furnished nists argued that the Brazilian government had
a new “top-down” incentive for Afro–Latin failed to investigate and prosecute the deaths of
American women, lesbians, disabled women, two São Paulo women killed by their male lovers,
young women, and indigenous women to engage thereby violating the fundamental rights assured
in transnationalized rights advocacy around their to women by the convention. “The simple fact
specific needs and concerns. This participation, of bringing these women’s rights violations to the
in turn, emboldened them to assert a more vocal attention of the international community,” local
presence in local, national, and regional women’s CLADEM members argued, “imposes a politi-
movement arenas. . . . cal and moral condemnation on the Brazilian
The heightened visibility of Latin American State.”12 . . .
feminist NGOs in official international policy
arenas also appears to have helped legitimate
feminist claims vis-à-vis nonfeminist parallel sec- Contradictory Consequences of
tors of national and international civil society, “Transnationalized” Feminist Policy
prompting both INGOs, such as Human Rights Advocacy for Local Movement Discourses,
Watch, as well as local human rights groups to Practices, and Power Dynamics
be more attentive to women’s rights and to seek
out alliances with local and transnational feminist The new transnationalized advocacy repertoires
ngos. As Peruvian activist and former regional developed by those sectors of the Latin Ameri-
coordinator of the Comité Latinoamericano de can women’s movements most centrally involved
Defensa de los Derechos de las Mujeres (the Latin in the UN conference processes of the 1990s
American Committee for the Defense of Wom- did not always translate smoothly in local policy
en’s Rights, or CLADEM) Roxana Vasquez told and movement arenas. First, though analysts of
or applicable copyright law.

me, “Vienna forced the National Coordination transnational advocacy networks and local social
of Human Rights Organizations to seat us at the movements alike have stressed the centrality of
table. Vienna legitimated the topic of women’s frame resonance—defined as “the relationship
human rights and obliged them to pay attention to between a movement organization’s interpretive
violence against women,” a rights violation until work and its ability to influence broader public
then seldom addressed by national and regional understanding” (Keck and Sikkink 1998, 17)—
mainstream human rights organizations.10 . . . to advocates’ success in promoting desired policy
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changes (see also Tarrow 1998; McAdam, Mc- arenas—and the self-proclaimed “pure” and radi-
Carthy, and Zald 1996), I want to suggest that the cal autónomas, or “autonomous” feminists, who
framing processes appropriate when persuading view any involvement with local or international
state or IGO public officials are sometimes more policy arenas as an automatic capitulation to the
problematic when what is desired is also broad forces of “global, neoliberal patriarchy.”
cultural change. This is a particularly tricky issue This clash, appropriately enough, came to a head
for feminist rights advocates, since framing their precisely in one of those alternative international
claims in ways that will have cultural resonance in public spaces so central to fomenting the bonds of
local policy arenas may clash with their principled solidarity which made the formation of transna-
quest to transform larger publics’ cultural under- tional advocacy coalitions possible—the Seventh
standings of gender power relations. . . . Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Encuentro,
Though political give-and-take, cautious lan- held in Cartagena, Chile, in November 1996. Dur-
guage, and a willingness to make discursive con- ing the often-acrimonious debates at that encuentro,
cessions may well be essential to effective policy the autónomas—a recent, relatively small, but highly
advocacy, public policies, of course, have cul- vocal political current within the Latin American
tural effects. That is, policies help (re)shape cul- feminist field—accused transnationalized, policy-
tural understandings of particular social problems. centered NGOs of having “sold out” the women’s
Thus, if the feminist framing process is reduced movement to IGOs and local states.13 . . .
to discursive accommodation and spills over the
negotiating table and onto the streets, into the
larger public debate about women’s rights or gen- Notes
der justice, it can have troubling implications.
For example, in Chile, as in several other Latin 1. On first-wave feminist international activism, see
American nations, the Congress—at the urging of especially Miller 1990 and 1991; Rupp 1997; Water-
local feminist policy advocates and under pressure man 1998; and Keck and Sikkink 1998a, chap. 2.
from new international women’s rights norms— 2. On the encuentros, see Navarro 1982; Sternbach et al.
enacted legislation on intrafamilial violence (vio- 1992; Fischer 1993; Stephen 1997; Beckman 1998;
Craske 1999; and Olea Mauleón 1998.
lencia intra-familiar). Local feminist rights advocates 3. I am grateful to my colleague Jonathan Fox for calling
engaged in protracted negotiations to persuade my attention to the variety of possible types of trans-
policy makers of the urgency of legislating on border civil society exchanges. See Fox 1999.
this issue, and the law unquestionably represents 4. Most analyses stress the centrality of UN processes
an important step in combating violence against in the formation of global women’s networks, sug-
gesting that “any chronology of the international
women. However, the watered-down law that women’s movement reads like a litany of UN meet-
ultimately prevailed centered on “strengthening ings: Mexico, Copenhagen, Nairobi, Vienna, Cairo,
the family,” prescribed efforts at “family recon- Beijing” (Sikkink 1995, 9). The contemporary wave
ciliation,” recommended “couples’ therapy,” and of transnational feminist organizing is said to have
largely ignored the gendered power relations so “gained momentum during International Women’s
Year (IWY) and the UN Decade for Women (1976–
central to feminist understandings of the causes 85), which in turn catalyzed networks around wom-
and remedies for this dramatic and systematic vio- en’s rights” (Keck and Sikkink 1998a, 169). See also
lation of women’s human rights. . . . Chen 1996; Kardam 1997; Prugl and Meyer 1999;
Though sometimes complementary or mutual- West 1999; and Tinker 1999.
ly reinforcing, then, the two transnational activist 5. These two categories are not in any way intended to
be exhaustive. For instance, a third and distinct motive
logics can clash in local movement arenas. . . . The
or applicable copyright law.

force not discussed here is implicated in transnational

clash between the two transnational logics, more- organizing among activists who share concrete mate-
over, seems to have further fueled the growing rial interests or a common legal or cultural fate despite
local schism between the so-called institucionaliza- their location in different national settings. Examples
das, or “institutionalized feminists”—as their crit- of this kind of “logic” might include cross-border
organizing efforts by employees of the same trans-
ics have dubbed those activists who in recent years national corporation, such as the 1997 “Eurostrike”
have gone to work in government institutions or staged by Renault workers in Belgium and France
who focus their activism on lobbying those official (Tarrow 1998, 176–77).

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6. For a sampling of recent analyses of “global civil Works Cited

society, “see Clark, Friedman, and Hochstetler 1998;
Lipschutz and Mayer 1996; Otto 1996; and Shaw Alvarez, Sonia E. 1998. “Latin American Feminisms ‘Go
1994. On transnational social movements, see Smith Global’: Trends of the 1990s and Challenges for the
1998; Smith, Chatfield, and Pagnucco 1997; and New Millennium.” In Cultures of Politics/Politics of
McCarthy 1997. Cultures: Re-visioning Latin American Social Movements,
7. These world summits included the UN Conference edited by Sonia E. Alvarez, Evelina Dagnino, and
on Environment and Development held in Rio de Arturo Escobar. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
Janeiro in 1992, the UN World Conference on Alvarez, Sonia E. 1999. “Advocating Feminism: The
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16 August 1997. A recent survey of 155 international Jaquette, Jane S., and Sharon L. Wolchik, eds. 1998.
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11. Interview with Maria Amélia de Almeida Teles, ———. 1998b. “Transnational Advocacy Networks in the
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Procuradora do Estado de São Paulo and member of Contentious Politics for a New Century, edited by David
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12. Flávia Piovesan, Maria Amélia de Almeida Teles, and & Littlefield.
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(April 1997): 8. Mundo Editores.
13. On that debate and its local and regional aftermaths, Lipschutz, Ronnie D., with Judith Mayer. 1996. Global
see especially Olea Mauleón 1998. See also special Civil Society and Global Environmental Governance.
issues of Cotidiano Mujer (Uruguay), nos. 22 (May Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.
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6 (May 1997): Brujas (Argentina), March 1997; and eds. 1996. Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements:
Femindria (Argentina), June 1997. Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural

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Framings. New York: Cambridge University Press. Smith, Jackie, and Ron Pagnucco, with George A. Lopez.
McCarthy, John D. 1997. “The Globalization of Social 1998. “Globalizing Human Rights: The Work of
Movement Theory.” In Transnational Social Movements Transnational Human Rights NGOs.” Human Rights
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Jackie Smith, Charles Chatfield, and Ron Pagnucco. Stein, Arlene.1995. “Sisters and Queers: The Decentering
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Ir Creando Futuras Cartografias.” In Encuentros, (Des) Westview Press.
Encuentros y Búsquendas: EI Movimiento Feminista en Tarrow, Sidney. 1998. Power in Movement: Social Movements
América Latina, edited by Cecilia Olea Mauléon. Lima: and Contentious Politics. 2d ed. New York: Cambridge
Ediciones Flora Tristán. University Press.
Olea Mauléon, Cecilia, ed. 1998. Encuentros, (Des) Tinker, Irene. 1999. “Nongovernmental Organizations:
Encuentros y Búsquedas: El Movimiento Feminista en An Alternative Power Base for Women?” In Gender
América Latina. Lima: Ediciones Flora Tristán. Politics in Global Governance, edited by Mary K.
Otto, Diane. 1996. “Nongovernmental Organizations in Meyer and Elisabeth Prugl. New York: Rowman &
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Chapter 8
Cross-Regional Trends in
Female Terrorism
Karla J. Cunningham

Although women have historically been partici- a woman’s ability to get pregnant and the atten-
pants in terrorist groups1 in Sri Lanka, Iran, West dant changes to her body facilitate concealment
Germany, Italy, and Japan, to name a few cases, of weapons and bombs using maternity clothing,
very little scholarly attention has been directed as well as further impeding inspection because
toward the following questions: first, why women of impropriety issues. Finally, popular opinion
join these groups and the types of roles they play; typically considers women as victims of violence,
and second, why terrorist organizations recruit including terrorism, rather than perpetrators, a
and operationalize women and how this process perspective that is even more entrenched when
proceeds within societies that are usually highly considering women from states and societies that
restrictive of women’s public roles. . . . Regardless are believed to be extremely “oppressed” such
of region, women’s involvement with politically as those in the Middle East and North Africa
violent organizations and movements highlights (MENA). Such a perspective is frequently trans-
several generalizable themes. First, there is a gen- lated into official and operational policy, wherein
eral assumption that most women who become women are not seriously scrutinized as opera-
involved with terrorist organizations do so for tional elements within terrorist and guerilla orga-
personal reasons, whether a personal relationship nizations because of limited resources and threat
with a man or because of a personal tragedy (e.g., perception.
death of a family member, rape). This assumption This analysis contends that female involve-
mirrors theories about female criminal activity in ment with terrorist activity is widening ideolo-
the domestic realm, as well as legitimate politi- gically, logistically, and regionally for several
cal activity by women,2 and diminishes women’s reasons: first, increasing contextual pressures (e.g.,
credibility and influence both within and outside domestic/international enforcement, conflict,
organizations. social dislocation) create a mutually reinforcing
Second, because women are not considered process driving terrorist organizations to recruit
credible or likely perpetrators of terrorist violence, women at the same time women’s motivations to
they can more easily carry out attacks and assist join these groups increases; contextual pressures
or applicable copyright law.

their organizations. Women are able to use their impact societal controls over women, thereby
gender to avoid detection on several fronts: first, facilitating, if not necessitating, more overt politi-
their “non-threatening” nature may prevent in- cal participation up to, and including, political
depth scrutiny at the most basic level as they are violence; and operational imperatives often make
simply not considered important enough to war- female members highly effective actors for their
rant investigation; second, sensitivities regarding organizations, inducing leaders toward “actor
more thorough searches, particularly of women’s innovation” to gain strategic advantage against
bodies, may hamper stricter scrutiny; and third, their adversary.3
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Contextual Pressures and Innovation ticularly under heavy government pressure or to

exploit external conditions, to include new actors
Since 11 September 2001 United States law en- or perpetrators.7 In both Sri Lanka8 and Palestine,
forcement and national security efforts have been female participation within politically violent
aggressively targeted at identifying current and organizations has increased and women’s roles
potential terrorist actors who threaten the coun- have expanded to include suicide terrorism. Sri
try’s interests. This activity has largely centered on Lanka’s “Black Tigers,” composed of roughly 50
Muslim males because of the types of terrorist at- percent women, is symbolic of this adaptation. In
tacks that have threatened the United States over 2002, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade in the Occu-
the past decade (e.g., the World Trade Center pied Territories began actively recruiting women
[1993], the African Embassy bombings [1998], and to act as suicide bombers in its campaign against
the USS Cole bombing [2000] to name a few). All Israeli targets. Other organizations have demon-
of the incidents were planned and implemented strated efforts to recruit and employ women. For
by Muslim, and predominantly Arab, males resid- example, the Algerian-based Islamic Action Group
ing within the United States or abroad. (GIA) operation planned for the Millennium
Terrorist organizations tend to be highly adap- celebration in 1999 reportedly had a woman,
tive, and although there are fundamental differ- Lucia Garofalo, as a central character. The Rev-
ences among terrorist groups along ideological olutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
lines (e.g., ethnonationalist, religious, Marxist- and Peru’s Shining Path have growing levels of
Leninist) that influence the types of ends these female operatives, and even right-wing extremist
organizations seek, they are typically unified in groups in the United States, such as the World
terms of the means (e.g., political violence) they Church of the Creator (WCOTC), are reportedly
are willing to employ to achieve their goals. witnessing high female recruitment levels, and one
The means/goals dichotomy is reflected by the woman associated with the rightist movement,
absence of a single definition of terrorism with Erica Chase, went on trial in summer 2002 with
which all can agree.4 Nevertheless, an ancient her boyfriend in an alleged plot to bomb symbolic
Chinese proverb quickly gets to the heart of ter- African-American and Jewish targets. . . .
rorism, noting that its purpose is “to kill one and
frighten 10,000 others.”5
Problematic, and evidenced by the evolv- Patterns of Operational Female Terrorism
ing nature of campaigns in Sri Lanka and Israel/
Palestine, as well as historical examples from Not only have women historically been active in
Ireland and Lebanon, is that terrorist organi- politically violent organizations, the regional and
zations tend to adapt to high levels of external ideological scope of this activity has been equally
pressure by altering their techniques and targets. broad. Women have been operational (e.g., regu-
Terrorist organizations learn from each other, and lars) in virtually every region, and there are clear
“[t]he history of terrorism reveals a series of inno- trends toward women becoming more fully in-
vations, as terrorists deliberately selected targets corporated into numerous terrorist organizations.
considered taboo and locales where violence was Cases from Colombia, Italy, Sri Lanka, Pakistan,
unexpected. These innovations were then rapidly Turkey, Iran, Norway, and the United States
diffused, especially in the modern era of instan- suggest that women have not only functioned in
taneous and global communications.”6 Corre- support capacities, but have also been leaders in
sponding to existing terrorism theory, the use of organization, recruitment, and fund-raising, as
or applicable copyright law.

suicide campaigns is an example of one type of well as tasked with carrying out the most deadly
tactical adaptation utilized by terrorist organiza- missions undertaken by terrorist organizations—
tions, especially in the Arab-Israeli conflict and suicide bombings. Regardless of the region, it is
Sri Lanka, and both cases have also witnessed an clear that women are choosing to participate in
evolution in targets (e.g., combatant to civilian). politically violent organizations irrespective of
This analysis suggests that terrorist organiza- their respective organizational leaders’ motives for
tions “innovate” on an additional level, par- recruiting them.9
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Cross-Regional Trends in Female Terrorism 73
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European Female Terrorism terrorist organizations designated by the U.S.

Department of State, Colombia’s FARC and the
European terrorist organizations are among Shining Path of Peru, have increasingly incorpo-
the oldest groups to examine and offer the first rated women into their organizations. Figures on
insights into women’s roles in these organiza- total female membership within the FARC vary
tions. Women have been drawn to leftist and from 20 to 40 percent, with a general average of
rightist organizations in Europe, and have thus 30 percent.13 Although the FARC’s senior leader-
been involved in groups with goals ranging from ship structure, particularly the Secretariat, remains
separatism to Marxist-Leninism. Women have all male, women have been ascending throughout
been, and in certain cases continue to be, active the group’s ranks, with women now reportedly
members of several terrorist organizations within bearing the title “Commandante.” Like Shin-
Europe including the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna ing Path, the FARC has recruited and retained
(ETA, Basque Homeland and Unity), the Irish women for more than a dozen years. Unlike
Republican Army (IRA), and the Italian Red Bri- the FARC, the Shining Path’s senior leadership
gades (RD), to name a few. Mirroring the Pales- structure, the Central Committee, is composed of
tinian conflict, which will be discussed later, Irish eight women (out of 19).14 The Latin American
women, particularly mothers, have been widely phenomenon of “machismo” is noted as responsi-
active in their conflict with the British, which was ble for the continuation of senior male leadership
waged close to home in their neighborhoods and for the FARC and the “cult of personality” that is
communities. said to surround the Shining Path’s former leader,
One examination of the operational role of Abimael Guzman. As with the Liberation Tigers
women in Italy’s various terrorist factions during for Tamil Eelam (LTTE), women of both groups
the 1960s and 1970s identifies several important experience the same types of training and expec-
tendencies. Although women generally accounted tations as their male counterparts and women
for no more than 20 percent of terrorist membership have been increasingly used in intelligence roles
during this period, Italian women who participated by the FARC.15
in terrorist organizations were overwhelmingly In Latin America, female activism in politically
drawn to leftist and nationalist organizations. . . . violent organizations remains concentrated within
The Italian experience correlates with a gen- leftist movements, corresponding to themes seen
eral trend10 in which leftist organizations tend to in Europe and North America. In both Colombia
attract more female recruits not only because their and Peru, the revolutionary features of the respec-
ideological message for political and social change tive movements are significant, mirroring process-
(e.g., equality) resonates with women, but also es in Palestine and Sri Lanka, as well as Iran, South
because those ideas influence leadership structures Africa, and Eritrea. For the most part, women join
within the groups. As a result, “[w]omen tend to the FARC and Shining Path while young, engage
be overrepresented in positions of leadership in in all facets of the organization, and often remain
left-wing groups and to be underrepresented in members for life, although activism rates may alter
right-wing groups.”11 Conversely, rightist organi- with age, as is true with their male counterparts.
zations have more limited recruitment of women, . . . The fact that poor, young individuals are fre-
and they have historically been characterized by quently drawn to terrorist organizations and polit-
an almost uniform absence of female leaders. . . . ically violent groups is neither regionally limited
nor gendered.
or applicable copyright law.

Latin American Female Terrorism

South Asian Female Terrorism
Women have historically been involved in
numerous revolutionary movements in Latin The Sri Lankan case shares some parallels with
America (e.g., Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua, MENA terrorist organizations, including the struc-
Mexico) so their more visible role in groups like tural imperatives that favor the use of women as
the FARC and Shining Path is not surprising.12 suicide bombers, the intersection of political and
Within Latin America, two of the most notable sociocultural goals of liberation, and sociocultural
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74 Women and Social Movements
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norms that idealize sacrifice.16 As of 2000, roughly ism does not distinguish between male and female
half of the LTTE’s membership17 were females, equality forming a religio-societal grounding that
who are frequently recruited as children into the neither precludes female combat nor categorizes
Black Tigers, an elite bomb squad composed of that role as uniquely masculine (or “unfeminine”).
women and men.18 Women enjoy equivalent Rather, societal resistance to female combat roles
training and combat experience with their male is fostered by well-founded fears of sexual abuse,
counterparts and are fully incorporated into the rape, and sexual torture of women if captured.
extant structure of the LTTE. Women’s utility as Within the Sikh case, women’s “support” roles
suicide bombers derives from their general exclu- are not viewed as peripheralized or indicative
sion from the established “profile” of such actors of women’s marginalization within the political
employed by many police and security forces sphere. Instead, women’s support of their hus-
(e.g., young males), allowing them to better avoid bands and sons is seen to critically enable their
scrutiny and reach their targets. The 1991 assassi- ability to fight and die for the nation, and wom-
nation of Rajiv Gandhi, then leader of India, by a en’s roles as mothers producing future fighters for
young Tamil woman who garlanded him, bowed that nation is also recognized. As a result, “[w]hile
at his feet, and then detonated a bomb that killed it is obvious that the celebrated virtues of courage,
them both, provides proof of the power of this bold action, and strong speech are consonant with
terrorist weapon. However, that woman, identi- masculinity as understood in the West, among
fied as Dhanu (a.k.a Tanu), suggests some of the Sikhs these qualities are treated as neither mas-
contradictory themes that arise when considering culine nor feminine, but simply as Sikh, values.
women’s roles in the LTTE. Women may be bound to the kitchen and may
Reportedly prompted to join the LTTE have babies in their arms, but they are still fully
because she was gang-raped by Indian peacekeep- expected to behave as soldiers, if necessary.”23 . . .
ing forces who also killed her brothers,19 Dhanu Several themes arise from the South Asian
has become an important mythical force utilized context that provide additional insight into
for further recruitment as rape has been identi- female terrorists, particularly suicide terrorism.
fied as one of the primary reasons motivating First, personal motives (e.g., family, rape, finan-
young women to join the LTTE. The goal of cial) are argued to greatly influence women to
eelam (freedom) pursued by the LTTE is said to join organizations like the LTTE and, even more
be conjoined with the pursuit of similar personal, importantly, into becoming suicide bombers
and perhaps even societal, freedom for female (e.g., rape). Second, freedom and liberation are
recruits as “[f]ighting for Tamil freedom is often key themes at both the collective and individual-
the only way a woman has to redeem herself.”20 istic levels. . . . However, this has led to accusa-
Also inherent in the struggle is the ideal of sacri- tions that women are less committed to eelam as
fice, particularly for Tamil rape victims who are their primary motivation for participating in the
said to be socially prohibited from marriage and LTTE, joining instead for personal vengeance.24
childbearing. Equating the sacrifice of the female The idea of sacrifice as an ideal is the third theme,
bomber as an extension of motherhood, suicide and it centers both on the role of women within
bombings become an acceptable “offering” for society as a whole (e.g., motherhood) as well as
women who can never be mothers, a process that for suicide bombers more particularly. Female sac-
is reportedly encouraged by their families.21 “As a rifice for her family, and particularly for her male
rule, women are represented as the core symbols children, is seen as a generalized cultural norm
of the nation’s identity” and the “Tamil political that is usefully extended to female self-sacrifice
or applicable copyright law.

movements have used women’s identity as a core for her community and family, particularly if she
element in their nationalism.”22 . . . is unable (e.g., because of rape) to undertake her
Sri Lanka is not the only place in South Asia, role as wife and mother within the society. In
however, where women are, or have been, alleg- both the Sikh and Sri Lankan examples, female
edly involved with terrorism. Among Sikh mili- martyrdom is viewed as necessary to overcome
tants, women have participated in an array of the individual and—more importantly—collec-
roles including armed combat. Importantly, Sikh- tive shame of dishonor caused by rape. Fourth,
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Cross-Regional Trends in Female Terrorism 75
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the personalism of women’s motives that arguably ate aftermath of the attack given that heretofore
drive them to join organizations like the LTTE women had only helped plant bombs and it was
is both responsible for somehow diminishing the not clear whether Idris had intended to deto-
overall “authenticness” of women’s roles in these nate the explosive or whether the explosion was
organizations, particularly for outside observers. . . . accidental. Equally unclear was whether she was
acting on behalf of some group or how she had
Middle East and North African obtained the explosives. This confusion made the
Female Terrorism Israelis reticent to confirm that the attack con-
stituted the first “official” case of a female sui-
From the earliest days of the Palestinian resis- cide bomber related to the Arab–Israeli conflict
tance, women have been involved in both the and, therefore, a significant shift in the security
leftist and rightist sides of the Palestinian struggle framework within which the Israelis would have
against Israel.25 . . . One of the most well-known to operate. . . .
female terrorists is Leila Khaled, affiliated with Idris’s motivation to commit a suicide opera-
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine tion was arguably prompted by a sense of hope-
(PFLP), who hijacked a plane in 1969. Although lessness under occupation and rage, not heaven as
there has been a low probability that women will promised to her male counterparts.29 As a result,
be used by Islamist terrorist groups, continuing her action is seen “to have been motivated more
the trend of lower female representation among by nationalist than religious fervor,”30 a moti-
rightist organizations, there is precedent for such vation that is frequently attributed to her male
inclusion in Palestine. Etaf Aliyan, a Palestinian counterparts. In addition to not being a “known”
woman who is also a member of Islamic Jihad, member of a terrorist organization, and therefore
was scheduled to drive a car loaded with explo- more likely to be identified as a potential sui-
sives into a Jerusalem police station in 1987 but cide bomber, Idris did not carry out the attack in
was apprehended before the attack could take the “normal” fashion. She carried the bomb in a
place. If the attack had occurred, it would have backpack, rather than strapped to her waist, rais-
represented “the first suicide vehicle bombing in ing widespread speculation that she did not intend
Israel,”26 and significantly, it would have been to detonate the bomb and the explosion was acci-
implemented by a woman. dental.31 Another cause for skepticism about Idris’s
Women’s roles were increasing among secular role in the attack arose from the lack of a note and
and Islamist Palestinian organizations before 2002, martyr’s video, which are typically left behind by
suggesting a warning sign of the impending escala- one engaging in a “martyr’s operation.”
tion of Palestinian violence against Israeli targets. . . . The response by secular and Islamist Palestin-
In hindsight suicide bombing by women appeared ian leaders to the attack is important. Although
to be a logical progression in women’s operations the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibil-
within various organizations, and suggests that ity for the attack, it did not do so immediately.
women may be tasked with tandem suicide bomb- The strong reaction by the “Arab street” to the
ing and other operations in the future. . . . attack, and the heightened sense of insecurity
However, despite the escalating role of women noted by Israeli officials, provide two excellent
in the intifada, the prospect of a female suicide reasons why women’s operational utility increased
bomber remained remote through the first weeks for Al-Aqsa’s leaders. First, Idris’s action resonated
of 2002 because “[t]here have been very few cases strongly throughout the Arab world. Egypt’s weekly
of Arab women found infiltrating Israel on a mis- Al-Sha’ab published an editorial on 1 February
or applicable copyright law.

sion to murder civilians.”27 2002 entitled “It’s a Woman!” that is reflective

That perception changed dramatically in the of the general tone that emanated throughout
wake of 28 January 2002 when Wafa Idris (a.k.a. the Arab press regarding the attack. The editorial
Wafa Idrees, Shahanaz Al Amouri)28 detonated a stated, in part, “It is a woman who teaches you
22-pound bomb in Jerusalem that killed her, an today a lesson in heroism, who teaches you the
81-year-old Israeli man, and injured more than meaning of Jihad, and the way to die a martyr’s
100 others. Confusion punctuated the immedi- death. . . . It is a woman who has shocked the
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76 Women and Social Movements
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enemy, with her thin, meager, and weak body. . . . only increasing the rate of female activity within
It is a woman who blew herself up, and with her terrorist and politically violent organizations, but
exploded all the myths about women’s weakness, is also expanding their operational range. The
submissiveness, and enslavement.”32 . . . tactical advantage of this convergence is apparent
Historical and recent cases of female Palestin- particularly with respect to female suicide bomb-
ian terrorism suggest several trends. First, female ers, a tactic designed to attract attention and instill
activism has tended to be more active within the widespread fear in the target audience, because
secularist context (e.g., leftist) rather than among as one observer noted in the wake of Idris’s
Islamists (e.g., rightist), reflecting a general global attack, “it’s the women we remember.”33 Because
trend. However, although women have been suicide terrorism is designed to attract attention
more active with the nationalist/secular side of the and precipitate fear, in an increasingly charged
Palestinian movement, women have been linked atmosphere it takes more and more to attract
to Islamist groups either directly or in terms of attention, increasing the utility of female suicide
their overall support. Second, as the conflict with bombers. Female suicide bombers also funda-
Israel deepened, the scope of activism widened to mentally challenge existing security assessments
include women in an increasing array of activities, and socially derived norms regarding women’s
up to and including suicide bombing, and women behavior, heightening the fear factor. Finally, and
pushed for these expanded roles. Third, women more significantly, the small number of women
activists have tended to be young, with one or who have, to date, been used in such operations
more politically active family members (male), suggests that they will be able to better evade
and exposed to some form of loss (e.g., within detection than their male counterparts. . . .
their family or immediate community) that argu-
ably contributed to their mobilization. Impor-
tantly, marital, educational, and maternal status Notes
were not uniform factors. Also, these factors are
not radically divergent from males who undertake 1. Organizations labeled as “terrorist” are derived from
suicide operations within this context. Fourth, the United States Department of State listing of des-
ignated terrorist organizations through either support
Palestinian secular leaders’ willingness to include or operational activities (see Patterns of Global Terror-
women in martyr operations was influenced by ism 2000, available at
security assessments (e.g., an ability to evade secu- pgtrpt/2000/2450.htm). This analysis will utilize this
rity scrutiny and travel more deeply into Israel), designation for the sake of simplicity.
operational constraints (e.g., growing Israeli pres- 2. Because a woman’s place is “naturally” private her
motivation to become “public” would have to be
sure on male operatives), and publicity. Female personal. This suggests as well that once this personal
suicide bombers represent one way to overcome reason has been resolved she will willingly and natu-
Israeli security pressures, heighten Israeli inse- rally return to her normal, private, role.
curity, and exhaust Israeli security resources by 3. The common belief that women’s participation in
significantly increasing the operational range and political violence is quite limited is not supported
by even a cursory examination of history. However,
available pool for suicide operations. . . . what is clear from that cursory look is that women’s
experiences with political violence have not received
sustained attention, and what examination has occurred
Conclusion: Preliminary Trends has often been heavily influenced by established
and Themes Western norms of appropriate female behavior. Given
the constraints of any article-length analysis, certain
or applicable copyright law.

limitations were necessary in approaching the subject

Although there is a tendency to dismiss the over- matter. As a result, this work should not be construed
all threat of women suicide bombers, or female as an exhaustive inventory of women’s participation
terrorists more broadly, because they have histor- in politically violent or terrorist organizations, past or
ically engaged in such a small percentage of ter- present, but rather a selective examination of primarily
current critical cases.
rorist activities, contextual pressures are creating 4. Several of the most oft-quoted terrorism defini-
a convergence between individual women, ter- tions include those used by the United States Federal
rorist organization leaders, and society that is not Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the United States

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Cross-Regional Trends in Female Terrorism 77
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Department of State, and the United States Depart- 9. The regional cases that are discussed later are utilized to
ment of Defense (DoD). The FBI defines terrorism as demonstrate these developments given the constraints
“the unlawful use of force and violence against persons of an article. However, it should be understood that it
or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the is not, and is not intended to be, an exhaustive inven-
civilian population, or any segment thereof, in fur- tory of cases in which women have engaged in politi-
therance of political or social objectives” (28 Code of cal violence or terrorism. Cases from Africa (Eritrea,
Federal Regulations Section 0.85). The State Depart- South Africa) and East Asia (Japan, Korea, Vietnam)
ment defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically are also worth investigating.
motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant 10. For a good analysis of female participation in left- and
targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, right-wing organizations within the United States dur-
usually intended to influence an audience” (United ing the 1960s and 1970s please see Jeffrey S. Handler.
States Department of State, Patterns of Global Terror- “Socioeconomic Profile of an American Terrorist:
ism 2000, available at http://www.state. gov/s/ct/rls/ 1960s and 1970s,” Terrorism 13(3) (May–June 1990),
pgtrpt/2000/, 13 April 2001). Problematic with both pp. 195–213.
definitions, however, is that they fail to capture orga- 11. Ibid., 1990, p. 204.
nizations motivated by religious or economic motives, 12. For a useful examination of women’s roles in Latin
such as Islamist organizations in the Middle East and American guerilla movements please see Linda M. Lo-
North Africa (MENA) or narcoterrorist organizations bao, “Women in Revolutionary Movements: Chang-
such as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colum- ing Patterns of Latin American Guerilla Struggle,”
bia (FARC) and National Liberation Army (ELN) in Dialectical Anthropology 15 (1999), pp. 211–232.
Colombia. The DoD partially overcomes this defi- 13. For varying figures see Jeremy McDermott, “Girl Gue-
ciency by widening the goal orientation of terrorist rillas Fight Their Way to the Top of Revolutionary
organizations as it defines terrorism as “the calculated Ranks,” Scotland on Sunday, 23 December 2001, Lexis/
use of violence or the threat of violence to inculcate Nexis, 2 April 2002; Karl Penhaul, “Battle of the Sexes:
fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate government Female Rebels Battle Colombian Troops in the Field
or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally and Machismo in Guerilla Ranks,” San Francisco Chron-
political, religious, or ideological” (Department of icle, 11 January 2001, Lexis/Nexis, 2 April 2002; and
Defense, “DoD Combating Terrorism Program,” Di- Martin Hodgson, “Girls Swap Diapers for Rebel Life,”
rective Number 2000, 12, available at http://www. Christian Science Monitor, 6 October 2000, available at, 15
September 1996). p6s1.htm, 2 April 2002. Aside from a fascination with
5. Jamie L. Rhee, “Comment: Rational and Consti- the makeup habits of the female FARC members, these
tutional Approaches to Airline Safety in the Face of articles offer some insights into the motivations of
Terrorist Threats,” DePaul Law Review 49(847) Lexis/ women in the FARC’s ranks.
Nexis (Spring 2000). 14. M. Elaine Mar, “Shining Path Women,” n.d., Harvard
6. Martha Crenshaw, “The Logic of Terrorism: Terrorist Magazine, available at http://www.harvardmagazine.
Behavior as a Product of Strategic Choice,” in Walter com/issues/mj96/right.violence.html, 2 April 2002.
Reich, ed., Origins of Terrorism: Psychologies, Ideologies, During the late 1980s, “approximately 35 percent of the
Theologies, States of Mind (Washington, DC: Wood- military leaders of . . . [the shining Path], primarily at
row Wilson Center Press, 1998), p. 15. the level of underground cells . . . [were] also women”
7. If we examine state behavior with respect to military (Juan Lazaro, “Women and Political Violence in
recruitment, we see a similar process. Samarasinghe Contemporary Peru,” Dialectical Anthropology 15[2–3]
notes “most nations have increased women’s military [1990], p.234). Additionally, by 1987 roughly 1,000
roles only when there has been a shortage of quali- women had been arrested on suspicion of terrorism in
fied men and a pressing need for more warriors. . . . Peru including four senior Shining Path female lead-
The decision to permit women into combat is made ers: Laura Zambrano (“Camarada Meche”), Fiorella
by men. . . . [And] the allowable space within which Montano (“Lucia”), Margie Clavo Peralta, and Edith
women could operate in military units is also deter- Lagos (ibid., p. 243).
mined by them” (Vidyamali Samarasinghe, “Soldiers, 15. This position is advanced by McDermott, “Girl Gue-
Housewives and Peace Makers: Ethnic Conflict and rillas Fight Their Way to the Top.”
Gender in Sri Lanka,” Ethnic Studies Report 14[2] [July 16. Interestingly, the LTTE’s creation of an organized
or applicable copyright law.

1996], p. 213). squad of female suicide bombers is said to be mir-

8. As of early 2002, a cease-fire deal was secured be- rored after the Indian National Army’s (INA) activ-
tween the Tamil Tigers and the government of Sri ities against the British during the early to mid-1940s
Lanka, halting the type of violence that will be dis- (see Peter Schalk, “Women Fighters of the Libera-
cussed in this article. However, even if this activity is tion Tigers in Tamil Ilam: The Martial Feminism of
now a matter of historical record, rather than a current Atel Palacinkam,” South Asia Research 14 [2] [Autumn
phenomenon, it offers important insights into how 1994], p. 174).
women were (are) mobilized into a politically violent 17. United States Department of State, Patterns of Global
movement. Terrorism 2000, “Asia Overview,” 30 April 2001,

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78 Women and Social Movements
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available at State of Independence,” Race & Class 34(3) (January–

2000/2432.htm, 2 April 2002. March 1993), pp. 31–43.
18. Some observers further identify the female cadre of 26. David Sharrock, “Women: The Suicide Bomber’s
the Black Tigers as the “Birds of Freedom.” See, Story,” Guardian, 5 May 1998, Lexis/Nexis, 30 March
for example, Charu Lata Joshi, “Sri Lanka: Suicide 2002.
Bombers,” Far Eastern Economic Review, 1 June 2000, 27. Phil Reeves, “The Paramedic Who Became Another
available at ‘Martyr’ for Palestine,” Independent, 31 January 2002,
currents.html, 11 March 2002. The idea of a bird available at
carrying the soul of the martyr to paradise is a theme parameic013102.html, 6 March 2002.
seen in Islamist discourse on martyr operations. 28. Hizbollah television identified the bomber as Shahanaz
19. Ana Cutter, “Tamil Tigresses: Hindu Martyrs,” n.d., Al Amouri following the attack. See Imigo Gilmore,
available at “Woman Suicide Bomber Shakes Israelis,” Daily
PUBS/SLANT/SPRING98/article5.html, 11 March Telegraph (London), 28 January 2002, Lexis/Nexis,
2002. Also see Frederica Jansz, “Why Do They Blow 6 March 2002.
Themselves Up?” Sunday Times, 15 March 1998, 29. Lamis Andoni, “Wafa Idrees: A Symbol of a Genera-
available at tion,” Arabic Media Internet Network (AMIN), 23 Feb-
plus4.html, 3 April 2002. ruary 2002, available at
20. Cutter, “Tamil Tigresses,” 55. Ibid. uncat/2002/feb/feb23.html, 6 March 2002.
21. Ibid. 30. Reeves, “The Paramedic Who Became Another
22. Joke Schrijvers, “Fighters, Victims and Surviors: ‘Martyr’ ”; James Bennet, “Filling in the Blanks on
Constructions of Ethnicity, Gender and Refugeeness Palestinian Bomber,” New York Times, 31 January
among Tamils in Sri Lanka,” Journal of Refugee Studies 2002, Lexis/Nexis, 6 March 2002; and Wafa Amr,
12 (3 September 1999). The quotation on women as “Palestinian Woman Bomber Yearned for Martyr-
core national symbols is on p. 308; the quote on Tamil dom,” Jordan Times, 31 January 2002, available at
use of women’s identity is on p. 311; and the quote on, 31 January 2002.
purity and suicide bombing is on p. 319 with emphasis 31. Peter Beaumont, “From an Angel of Mercy to Angel of
in the original. Death,” Guardian, 31 January 2002, available at http://
23. The discussion of the role of Sikh women was drawn,3858,4346503,00.html,
from Cynthia Keppley Mahmood. Fighting for Faith 6 March 2002.
and Nation: Dialogues with Sikh Militants (Philadelphia: 32. Quoted in “Inquiry and Analysis No. 84: Jihad and
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996), pp. 213–234. Terrorism Studies Wafa Idris: The Celebration of the
The quotation is located on pp. 230–231, emphasis First Female Palestinian Suicide Bomber—Part II,”
added. Middle East Media and Research Institute, 13 February
24. Jansz, “Why Do They Blow Themselves Up?” 2002, available at, 6 March
25. For two good studies on the role of women in Pales- 2002. Also see James Bennet, “Arab Press Glorifies
tinian resistance both before and during the first inti- Bomber as Heroine,” New York Times, 11 February
fada see Soraya Antonius, “Fighting on Two Fronts: 2002, Lexis/Nexis, 6 March 2002.
Conversations with Palestinian Women,” Journal of 33. Melanie Reid, “Myth That Women Are the Most
Palestine Studies 5 (October 1979), pp. 26–45, and Gra- Deadly Killers of All,” Herald (Glasgow), 29 January
ham Usher, “Palestinian Women, the Intifada and the 2002, Lexis/Nexis, 6 February 2002.
or applicable copyright law.

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Part II
Women and Political Parties
This section collects together readings on women and political parties, exploring interactions between
women’s movements and political parties, the activities of women inside established political parties, and
some of the conflicts between feminism and party politics as illustrated by attempts to form women’s
parties. The first selection offers a general introduction to the dynamics of gender and party (Lovenduski
1993). It is followed by contributions that discuss typologies for thinking about feminist strategies and
party responses (Young 2000), the traditional roles that women have played inside political parties
(Freeman 2000), the ways that women and feminists have transformed political parties from within
(Sainsbury 2004), the limits for women and feminists in working with political parties (Goetz 2003), and
some of the tensions and challenges inherent in trying to experiment with new feminist ways of “doing
party politics” (Dominelli and Jonsdottir 1988).
Joni Lovenduski presents an overview of women’s activities inside political parties in Western countries
to illustrate how gender has affected party politics and how party politics has shaped gendered patterns
of political representation. She observes that women have largely mobilized from within political par-
ties—rather than through social movements outside the parties—for greater presence in political deci-
sion making and greater attention to women’s concerns in public policy. She also discusses some of the
ways that parties have responded to these demands through programmatic and organizational change.
Taking up but extending some of these themes, Lisa Young analyzes contacts between feminists and
political parties in Canada and the United States. Based on her comparison, she theorizes feminist strate-
gies according to decisions, first, to engage or not engage in electoral politics and, second, to adopt
partisan, crosspartisan, or apartisan stances vis-à-vis political parties. She then discerns two broad types of
party responses: representational responsiveness, which entails recruitment of more women to positions
of power, and policy responsiveness, which involves greater attention to issues of concern to women.
On this basis, she develops a typology of party responsiveness to feminist demands, which she describes
as responsive, co-optive, nonresponsive, and oppositional.
Turning to the internal life of political parties, Jo Freeman documents some of the traditional roles that
women have played inside political parties, even before women gained the right to vote. In the United
or applicable copyright law.

States, this included giving speeches, cooking and cleaning at political rallies, organizing partisan meet-
ings with female voters, mobilizing male and female voters, and writing campaign literature. Despite
these important roles, however, women were usually discriminated against within the parties and often
not seen as full political actors in their own right. Examining a different case, Diane Sainsbury studies the
evolution of ideas on gender equality within Swedish political parties, focusing on the roles of women’s
groups inside and outside the parties. She emphasizes the importance of women’s agency in explaining
why Sweden has long had among the highest levels of female parliamentary representation in the world.
These transformations were due in large part, she argues, to various discursive strategies to reframe
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80 Women and Political Parties
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women as a minority within the parties to a majority of the citizenry. Similar to the arguments made by
Katzenstein (see previous section), Sainsbury contends that these women form a crucial part of the
women’s movement in Sweden, even if women’s movements are usually seen as operating outside
political parties.
Adopting a more skeptical approach, Anne Marie Goetz addresses women’s participation in the ‘no-
party’ system in Uganda, where women have been integrated into the political regime through an
extensive system of reserved seats. In contrast to Sainsbury, who identifies some of the resources avail-
able to women’s movement actors who work inside the parties, Goetz argues that, in the case of Uganda,
women’s presence in politics is part of a strategy to legitimize what is in fact a one-party regime. As such,
their inclusion comes at the important cost of women not being able to organize more autonomously.
Women’s increased access to political office may thus have negative consequences for women’s political
effectiveness, revealing the costs and benefits of this particular system of political patronage. On the
other end of the political scale, Lena Dominelli and Gudrun Jonsdottir study the emergence and experiences
of women’s lists for local elections in Iceland, exploring how these lists navigate the tensions between
being a social movement and a political party. They document how a particular women’s list sought to
implement new “feminist” ways of doing “politics” through flattened hierarchies, unanimous voting,
consensus decision making, group consultation, and rotation of representatives. As a group, these read-
ings offer insights into the possibilities and limits for women as a group to transform party politics by
mobilizing within and outside the party system.
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Chapter 9
The Dynamics of Gender
and Party
Joni Lovenduski

The issue of the political representation of women some countries this led to the appearance of new
has changed substantially since women first secured issues in party programs, new systems of candidate
the franchise. When nineteenth-century feminists selection, new means of policy-making, and the
sought the right to vote they also wanted the establishment of new structures of government
right to stand in elections because they were con- such as ministries for women, equal opportunities
vinced that changes in women’s condition would ombudspersons, and publicly funded women’s
come about only when women themselves be- committees. In response to pressure from women
came members of elected legislatures. In contrast, activists, members, and voters, gender became an
during the 1960s and 1970s many second-wave explicit issue for many political parties. This took
feminists were cynical about political institutions place in contexts affected by different kinds of
and electoral politics, preferring the political au- party politics. The extent and the manner of party
tonomy they found in new social movement or- accommodation of gender has been influenced by
ganizations. By the early 1980s, however, there increased party competition via the entry of new
had been a reconsideration of the importance of parties and/or the decline of established parties,
mainstream politics and feminists became active the erosion of established coalitions, moderniza-
members of political parties. Meanwhile some of tion strategies devised to replace or renew declin-
the women who were already established in their ing constituencies, system-level constitutional
parties began to claim parity of political repre- change, and altered party-state relationships.
sentation. The struggle for equal pay was a wa- Demands for women’s representation have
tershed. Once parties became committed to the had the most dramatic success in Scandinavia.
policy of equality at work it was only a matter of Norwegian feminists were early in advocating
time before more substantial demands for equal the integration of women into the existing party
political representation than “one person, one structure as a strategy of empowerment. It has now
vote” were made. During the 1980s support for been more than twenty years since the “women’s
getting more women into politics grew in each of coup” overturned agreed party preferences on
the countries discussed in this chapter. There was candidates lists for local authority elections and
or applicable copyright law.

a shift in the agendas of both the parties and their returned three local councils with a majority of
women members. women. The implications of this initial display of
Over the same period political parties were a women’s solidarity were understood rapidly by
major site of women’s activity. There was a clear parties and the progress that Norwegian women
challenge to parties by women who claimed a voice have made since then is remarkable. . . .
in decision-making and pressed for changes in the Near the other end of the scale is Britain, where
political agenda. Women demanded and secured demands for equality in women’s representation
party reforms with varying degrees of success. In came later, gathering force in the opposition
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82 Women and Political Parties
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parties only in the early 1980s and becoming a there are common patterns here as well. Wom-
feature of the ruling Conservatives’ strategies of en’s demands for political representation inevita-
representation as late as the early 1990s. By then bly affect party politics; party politics inevitably
women comprised fewer than 10 percent of mem- affects the strategies that women employ to press
bers of the House of Commons. Of course, the their claims. A continuous process of adjustment
timing of demands for representation is only part and accommodation takes place on both sides.
of the story. The Norwegian and British political We need to look beyond the particular and spe-
systems present different possibilities for women. cific cultures in which that adjustment takes place
In general the rules of the game in Norway favor if we are to gain a good overview of women in
the representation of women while in Britain they contemporary party politics. . . .
do not.
This raises the question of what we mean by
political representation. In democratic societies, The Development of Women’s Claims
the representation of a group’s interests has two
dimensions: the presence of its members in Women have made demands on political parties
decision-making arenas and the consideration of since the issue of female suffrage was first raised.
its interests in the decision-making process. An In this discussion I consider three aspects of their
implication of the first dimension is that, to be development:
democratic, the composition of the elected assem-
1. How women have made their claims.
blies should mirror the composition of the society
2. How they intervened in party politics.
it serves. But the second dimension implies that it
3. The mutual accommodation between par-
is enough that an assembly takes into account the
ties and women claiming increased political
interests of all its electors. There have been intense
theoretical arguments about which of the two
formulations should prevail and these arguments The development of party gender politics in re-
have been reflected in debates amongst feminists cent years is an effect both of the infiltration of
who have disagreed sharply about the nature of feminist ideas and the attention women influ-
women’s interests and the political strategies enced by those ideas have paid to the impera-
required to press them. In practice the demands tives of party politics. There are four identifiable
women have made to be represented in party pol- components to the strategies such women de-
itics reflect both programmatic and organizational vised. First, women’s issues were brought to the
concerns. Thus parties have been under pressure political agenda. Prominent party women, sup-
to promote policies to attract women voters, to ported by women’s organizations and networks,
undertake campaigns to recruit women members, raised issues of sex equality in the parties. Often
to promote women into key positions in the party they began with demands for policies to secure
organization, and to nominate women candidates. sex equality in employment, but the implications
Party programs have been expanded to include of equality for childcare, reproductive rights, and
policies on equal opportunities and reproductive family policies were also issues. Secondly, seeking
rights, as well as to revise traditional party posi- to avoid accusations of sectionalism, they sought
tions on family policy to take into account new to transform women’s issues into universal issues.
understandings of gender and power. . . . Thirdly, women used a dual strategy of working
We argue that liberal democracies offer women within women’s networks and in male-dominated
the means to claim equality of representation by areas of the party. Finally, women paid close at-
or applicable copyright law.

utilizing the political opportunities offered by the tention to the rules of the game. They sought to
party system. Party systems have responded to transform gender relations in politics from within,
women’s demands, but to varying degrees. . . . hence they were careful to affirm their commit-
These contrasts indicate changes in party politics ment to their parties.
to accommodate women’s demands for politi- The gains made during the 1970s and 1980s
cal representation but they also reflect different must be considered in the light of a large mobili-
social, cultural, and historical circumstances. And zation of women. This background gave credence
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The Dynamics of Gender and Party 83
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to efforts to get women’s issues on the political Party Change

agenda. The emergence of the second wave of
feminism after the end of the 1960s had impor- The justification for such a strategy is that par-
tant effects. Even in countries in which a wide- ties will adapt to accommodate the new demands,
spread and radical women’s liberation movement and in so doing will become carriers of feminist
did not appear, ideas about sex equality were in ideas. This raises a number of questions, the most
the air and women began to seek inclusion in obvious of which is whether parties do adapt.
a variety of areas of social life. Gradually cam- To answer we need to look at the main sites of
paigns for equality gained support and parties women’s interventions in the parties. This re-
began to respond. But the momentum built up quires us to examine the ways that parties differ
by wide-ranging movements in support of equal in their policies to represent women. Here we
rights would not have been enough to secure must consider both the programmatic and the
changes in party policies. Political parties moved organizational dimensions of representation: how
on women’s issues when they were pressed to parties differ in their treatment of women’s is-
do so. . . . sues and in their strategies to promote women’s
Once a party committed itself formally to the representation.
principle of gender equality in one sphere, then
party women were able to use this commitment Programmatic Change
in their arguments for increased representation.
. . . An implicit goal of feminist infiltration of par- Parties devised gender policies to respond to the
ties is to secure changes in attitudes about gender, claims of women voters, members, and activists.
mainly by increases in understanding and aware- Over the past twenty years the sort of sex equal-
ness of gender differences and their implications ity policies women demand has developed from a
for power relations. . . . set of fairly straightforward employment laws to
In almost all parties, women kept to the rules a wide-ranging program affecting the whole of
of the political game. Party divisions outweighed society. Most political parties have accommodated
gender divisions. Cross-party alliances are excep- these demands in ways that are congruent with
tional within and outside legislatures. Party women their ideologies. There was a tendency for parties
have primarily sought change from within the to converge in the sense that, eventually, they all
parties except in the United States where party adopted particular policies to satisfy women voters
loyalties are exceptionally weak and the rules and members, for example by making laws about
of the game allow greater flexibility in making equal pay or childcare, but the policies themselves
coalitions. reflect the ideology of the party. . . .
Attention to party imperatives presents a The activity of party women is vital if such
dilemma for feminists who seek to transform par- changes are to be secured. There is considerable
ties into more women-friendly entities, but risk evidence now that, within political life, women
incorporation as they adapt to the rules of the take an active part in creating definitions of reality
game. A great dilemma for second-wave feminism that support efforts to make new policies. . . . Par-
has been whether women will change institutions allel to women’s integration into party politics,
before institutions change women. Originally, new agendas were established including strategies
some feminists were dismissive of party structures to get more women into political office.
with their hierarchies and rituals, preferring sepa-
rate autonomous organizations that sought politi-
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Organizational Change
cal change from outside the established political
structures and institutions. However, the cost of Parties have developed strategies to promote
such separatism was low effectiveness. Under- women internally into decision-making positions
standing this, many feminists acknowledged the in the party organization and externally into elected
necessity of party politics, implicitly by their assemblies and public appointments. Generally
activism and explicitly in their publications and they have been more radical, determined, and
debates. imaginative in devising policies to bring women
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84 Women and Political Parties
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into internal positions than to nominate women be contested in the party, but the most intense
as candidates for elected office. There appear to opposition will occur when the inevitable claim
be three party strategies for increasing the pro- for an increased women’s presence in the national
portion of women in decision-making positions. legislature is made. Seats in the legislature are the
These are: political prize toward which much of party poli-
tics is directed, hence access to them is usually
1. Rhetorical strategies whereby women’s claims
carefully guarded.
are accepted in campaign platforms and party
The pattern of the political careers of party par-
spokespersons make frequent reference to
liamentarians tells us a great deal about the rules
the importance of getting more women into
of the game. In the past, in many systems, wom-
en’s political careers have differed from those of
2. Strategies of positive or affirmative action in
men, and in many systems women have not been
which special training is offered to aspirant
nominated because they do not have appropriate
women, targets are set for the inclusion of
“qualifications.” Inhibitions about the appropri-
women, and considerable encouragement,
ateness of their qualifications may stop women
including sometimes financial assistance, is
from seeking candidacy. The qualifications a party
given to enable women to put themselves
requires of its candidates are, of course, a function
forward to be considered.
both of ideology and organization. This is an area
3. Strategies of positive discrimination in which
of some variation. Different countries and parties
places are reserved for women on decision-
have developed different political apprenticeships
making bodies, on candidate slates, on shortlists.
and it is clear that some are more accessible to
In addition, special women’s committees with
women than others. In Ireland the traditional
significant powers may be set up parallel to or
route for women to elected office was kinship
within existing party decision-making struc-
with the previous incumbent. This used to be
tures and institutions. All three strategies may
termed the “widow factor” in the United States and
be controversial, but most parties now have
Australia. In the Netherlands and in the Italian
rhetorical strategies to promote women and
PCI and its successors, the long party career is the
many have adopted strategies of positive action.
main qualification for candidacy to the legisla-
Positive discrimination, however, is much less
ture. Requirements for continuous and lengthy
common and tends to be restricted to women’s
apprenticeships in firms are thought by equal
access to internal party structures. . . .
opportunities experts to favor men as employees.
In politics the effect appears to be similar.
But requirements for local experience need not
The Rules of the Game: Ideology, have a negative effect on women. It has long been
Organization, Political Careers, argued that women’s political concerns tend to
and Gender be centered on the locality and the community,
hence an emphasis on local experience should
The claims that women make and the strategies benefit them. In Sweden, which has the high-
they employ are considerably affected by the kind est proportion of women legislators in the liberal
of party they seek to influence. All political par- democratic world, this is borne out. The politi-
ties have decision-making procedures consisting cal qualification for the Riksdag is local elected
of formal rules, informal practices, and customs. office. This is the case across the political par-
These reflect the party’s political environment ties and men’s and women’s career paths do not
or applicable copyright law.

and patterns of internal conflict as well as express- diverge. A similar tendency is becoming apparent
ing its ideology and goals. They also structure in the British Labour party. In Italy, where pre-
the party’s organization. When women become parliamentary careers are important, candidates in
political claimants, when they seek political rep- good positions tend to have held local or party
resentation, they must take the rules into ac- elected office simultaneously. Italian women’s
count and pay attention to the ideology and political careers are coming to resemble men’s.
organization of their party. All their claims will By contrast, in France, the absence of women in
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The Dynamics of Gender and Party 85
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elected office may in part be explained by their who lose their seats. But in Italy’s factionalized
exclusion from local politics. Local political bases parties with weak bargaining structures (notably
are essential to the careers of French politicians the Christian Democrats), it is still the core elite
and there is great competition amongst men for who are in control; the difference between the
likely offices. Women have been largely excluded two types is that the elite is fragmented rather
from these competitions and have not therefore than cohesive. In practice the localities in almost
been able to make the first steps of a standard all parties have some bargaining power in the
French political career. candidate selection process, but the amount of
When party rules alter to facilitate women’s local power will vary considerably by the type of
candidacy they may well upset normal career electoral system and by the strength of the party.
paths. Eva Kolinsky notes that the adoption of The level of competition for candidacy also var-
quotas of candidates in the German SDP has ies considerably by party and is closely associated
changed the nature of the political apprenticeship with party fortunes. But other factors are also
there. It has sharply reduced the Oschentour (slav- important. In Italy, high levels of political com-
ing like an ox), the long haul necessary to become petition for candidacy impede women’s chances
qualified as a candidate. The backlog of “quali- of securing nominations. In Canada, where levels
fied” women who sought careers was very quickly of turnover are high and there are comparatively
cleared after which novices became candidates. few safe seats, women have relatively high rates
Quotas broadened access routes and increased the of entry. In most countries minor parties with
pool of women who were “eligible.” lower chances of electoral success are more likely
Parties of the left have traditionally been more to nominate women, but this is not a reliable
willing than parties of the center and the right to indicator that they wish to see more women in
make agreements to nominate women and they power. Such parties are generally more likely to
also appear to be more able to deliver on such nominate atypical candidates because they have a
agreements. But ideology is a less reliable indica- limited choice of applicants.
tor of party support for women’s representation The disadvantages that women candidates may
than it once was. Today the trend is for parties experience are sometimes transformed by political
across the ideological spectrum to seek ways of circumstances. In the United States in the 1990s
promoting women. women have the advantage of being perceived as
Party organization is another variable that we outsiders by the public at a time when it is a “plus”
must take into account. As we have seen, weak to be outsiders. Similarly in Italy, the contempo-
or decentralized party organization means that rary crisis is essentially about political representa-
party centers are less able to implement policies tion, hence the issue of women’s representation
to promote women because they have low levels is readily incorporated into the current debates
of control over their local branches and constitu- about restructuring the party system.
ency organizations. Federal party organizations There is no party in which efforts to nominate
embracing affiliates of various kinds are similarly more women have occurred without an inter-
impeded. In the British Labour party, it is diffi- vention by women making claims. In Sweden,
cult to exercise effective control over the way that organized women pressed their parties to nomi-
affiliated trade unions exercise their considerable nate women candidates and place them in favor-
selection powers. . . . [In Italy,] the way a party is able positions on party lists by several means. At
structured has considerable impact on the capac- first, they simply put women’s names forward,
ity of its leadership to influence the composition a tactic that was very important in the early
or applicable copyright law.

of the candidates list. This is both because of the stages. They also conducted campaigns to pro-
power that the center has over the localities and mote women candidates and made proposals to
because centralized parties with relatively large get women into better positions on party lists.
bureaucracies are able to recruit, develop, and Finally they acted as watchdogs and protested
support officials who constitute a corps of pro- whenever reversals occurred. The task of securing
fessional politicians. The bureaucracy also offers substantial increases in women’s electoral fortunes
the security of paid employment for politicians has been achieved without recourse to formal
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quotas. Recommendation, arguments, and the When parties fail to respond or, as is the case when
threat to work for quotas achieved agreements to they adopt rhetorical strategies, they respond only
set targets of 40 percent of nominations going to minimally, women increase their demands. As a
women. Once these targets were set, considerable result rhetoric leads to positive action strategies
progress was made. which by the same dynamic become more com-
prehensive as time passes. When positive action
strategies lead to good results women become
The Dynamic of Gender and Party Politics more integrated into their parties and thus better
positioned to secure and maintain adequate lev-
In conclusion, it is evident that there is a dynamic els of representation. When insufficient change
between women’s claims and party responses results from positive action, demands for posi-
whereby initiatives on women’s representation tive discrimination are made and these have been
lead to more radical such initiatives by both sides. adopted in many countries. . . .
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Chapter 10
Theorizing Feminist Strategy and
Party Responsiveness
Lisa Young

The focus of this [chapter] is on the responses of relative to other priorities. If partisan and electoral
political parties to the contemporary women’s strategies are a regular element of movement activ-
movement. Not all women are feminists, and ity over an extended period, and consume signifi-
many women involved in partisan politics would cant financial and human resources, then they can
object to the idea that their political involvement be considered core activities of the movement. If,
is best understood as related to feminist efforts to however, the movement only expends effort and
reform political parties. Nonetheless, changes in resources on these activities sporadically, and if
the role of women inside political parties coincided the resources expended are minimal, then these
with the rise of modern feminism, so it is reason- activities can be considered peripheral activities
able to frame this discussion in that context. of the movement.
This raises a crucial question: to what extent The second dimension of a movement’s orien-
have feminist organizations in the United States tation involves its stance toward the political party
and Canada engaged with political parties? If we system. A movement that adopts a partisan stance
are to understand parties’ responses to feminism, enters into some form of exclusive relationship
we must first come to grips with the stimulus to with one established political party. In its most
which they are responding. The emphasis that regularized form this would entail a formal rela-
women’s movement organizations place on elec- tionship between one or more major movement
toral politics, the movement’s partisan orientation, organizations and a particular political party such
and the character and intensity of ties between as that between unions and the British Labour
movement and party organizations may all affect party. Less institutionalized manifestations of a
partisan responses to feminism. . . . partisan stance would include movement orga-
nizations endorsing a party in elections, signifi-
cant informal contact between movement leaders
Categorizing Movement Strategy and party officials, financial support exclusively
for the party and/or its candidates, movement
When characterizing the orientation of a move- involvement in internal party affairs, and orga-
or applicable copyright law.

ment toward political parties and the electoral nized efforts for movement adherents to become
system, two dimensions require examination: active in the party. To say that the movement has
the importance of electoral or partisan activities become partisan, it would be necessary to see evi-
relative to other movement undertakings, and the dence of several of these indicators over time.
movement’s choice among partisan, multiparti- A movement that is multipartisan in orientation
san, and apartisan orientations. engages with more than one political party. In this
Social movements vary in the emphasis they case, movement organizations avoid endorsing
place on political parties and electoral politics a single party and their leaders have meaningful
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88 Women and Political Parties
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Table 10.1. Models of Party Responsiveness

Responsive Co-optive Nonresponsive Oppositional

Representational High or moderate High or moderate Low Low

Policy Positive Negative Neutral Negative

contact with more than one party. If financial example, possible to conceive of a situation in
support is offered, it is divided among the par- which the political party is highly responsive in
ties. Movement organizations that are multiparti- representational terms, but opposed to the wom-
san may act like interest groups during elections, en’s movement’s policy agenda. The pattern of
engaging in such activities as rating party plat- possible responses is outlined in Table 10.1. A
forms and staging debates on key issues. political party that is responsive to feminism will
A movement that is not engaged with political include women in partisan elites in significant
parties in any way can be termed apartisan. A dis- numbers, may employ quotas or other measures
tinction must be made, however, between move- guaranteeing women such representation, and
ments or groups that are apartisan because they will include significant elements of the move-
are apolitical, and politicized movements that ment’s policy agenda in its platform. Conversely,
have chosen not to engage with parties. Politi- a political party that makes little effort to include
cized apartisan movements may choose to form women in partisan elites and adopts stances in
their own political parties to compete with other opposition to the women’s movement can be
parties, or they may choose to work outside the understood to have an oppositional orientation.
electoral arena to achieve social change. Clearly, A low degree of representational responsiveness,
these are very different kinds of behaviors, yet when combined with a failure to respond to the
they share an aversion to working within the movement’s policy agenda in either a negative or
confines of the existing political parties. . . . positive manner, would suggest a nonresponsive
stance. If, however, a high degree of representa-
tional responsiveness is mixed with policy stances
Party Responsiveness to Feminism in direct opposition to those of the movement,
then the pattern of party responsiveness is best
Party responsiveness to feminism is a two- understood as co-optation, as women are prob-
dimensional concept. The first dimension, rep- ably being included in partisan elites in an effort
resentational responsiveness, refers to both the to mask or soften the party’s stance on these
numerical representation of women in partisan issues.1 . . .
elites and the extent to which the party employs
quotas or other representational guarantees for
women. The second dimension is policy respon- Note
siveness, which includes the extent to which the
party adopts or opposes the movement’s policy 1. For a discussion of the co-optation model as applied
agenda, as well as the attitudinal support for this to Canadian political parties, see Lise Gotell and Ja-
nine Brody, “Women and Parties: More Than an
agenda among partisan elites. . . . Issue of Numbers,” in Party Politics in Canada, 6th ed.,
Representational and policy responsiveness ed. Hugh Thorburn, 53–67 (Toronto: Prentice-Hall,
or applicable copyright law.

do not necessarily work in tandem. It is, for 1991).

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Chapter 11
Building a Base:
Women in Local Party Politics
Jo Freeman

As suffrage became a reality, the ranks of party infiltrated many interior rooms, and took over
women mushroomed. Women rushed into the the basement.
realm of practical politics with enthusiasm, eager Although the strength and organization of
to learn and do everything. . . . By 1930 women the major political parties varied from state
had been absorbed and co-opted; the parties to state, party leadership everywhere had the
digested women with only a few burps. same attitude: They wanted women as vot-
When women opened the door of the politi- ers and workers but not as leaders or decision
cal house, the edifice they entered was not makers. The few exceptions were women who
empty. It was a labyrinthine complex of many demonstrated their loyalty to party men, usu-
rooms, built largely by men for their comfort ally to one man who acted as their sponsor and
and convenience, full of the furniture brought protector. Beyond this, few generalizations can
there by past and present occupants, permeated be made because politics differed from state to
by smoke, reeking with the fumes of alcohol, state, and within each state. Some states and cit-
and rather messy. On every level, national, state, ies had strong party organizations, others relied
and local, women had to operate within exist- on “friends and neighbors” politics, or were
ing political arrangements, most of which were dominated by traditional elites whose economic
unfamiliar to them, and had to deal with men far interests were sustained through political con-
more knowledgeable of these arrangements than trol. Still others had a populist tradition, or had
they were and with little inclination to share been suffused by progressive ideals that pre-
that knowledge. Women learned that despite ferred weak parties. The limited evidence avail-
their formal admission to the official party bod- able does not show that women more quickly
ies, the actual decisions were made at times and entered politics in visible positions in one type
places of which they were not even told, let than in another. But it does indicate that where
alone invited to. The most important rooms of a party was strong, party leaders chose the
the political house were closed to them, often women to organize and educate other women,
hidden from sight, and their ability to rearrange and the women they chose were ones with-
or applicable copyright law.

the furniture in the rooms they could occupy out competing claims on their loyalties. Where
was not great. Party women set about educating parties were weak, party men accepted help
themselves and other women in party and public from their national committees, or asked suf-
affairs. They soon learned that they could make fragists and reformers to organize women for
a place for themselves in the political house, their party, or let women organize on their
but mostly as servants to party men. While they own. After these women succeeded enough to
made the beds, tended the plants, and served make demands, they were squeezed out of the
the coffee, they also created their own spaces, party.1
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90 Women and Political Parties
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Bringing Women into the Parties As Republican women organized, they debated
whether to be independent or auxiliaries to men’s
Party men in the states where women were not clubs. Foster suggested that women should form
already organized invited well-known women separate clubs to study politics, but cooperate
with organizational experience to be their women with men in campaigns; by and large that is what
leaders. Some Republican state leaders sought they did. Nonetheless the conflict between inde-
out prominent suffragists such as Harriet Taylor pendence versus cooperation (or subservience)
Upton of Ohio, Louise Dodson of Iowa, Lillian would continue for many decades, with local
Feickert of New Jersey, and Nina Otero-Warren politics and individual personalities usually being
of New Mexico.2 Quite a few Republican state the determining factor.4
party leaders drafted leaders of women’s clubs. . . . Lacking support from their national commit-
Locales with strong parties were less con- tee, and seldom favored by their state committees,
cerned with organizational experience than Democratic women took longer to form ongoing
with loyalty. Party bosses recruited women like organizations. Since the social base of the Dem-
themselves—ethnically and politically—to head ocratic Party outside the South was urban, eth-
their women’s organizations. . . . Where parties nic, and working class, the saloon played a much
were weak, women often organized themselves. greater role in party organization than in that of
In Maryland, a Democratic state whose gover- the Republican Party. Outside the four full suf-
nor had opposed suffrage, six suffragists decided frage states, there appear to be few Democratic
to organize Republican women in November women’s clubs, other than temporary campaign
1920. . . . Despite only token help from party clubs, prior to 1912. There were at least one,
men some of whom “were leery of women in maybe two, Democratic women’s clubs in New
‘a man’s sphere’ and others who looked with York City and a couple in Illinois that continued
suspicion upon those women who were ardent to work between campaigns, but most Demo-
members of the Women’s Christian Temperature cratic women did other things.
Union” they convened the first meeting of the In the suffrage states it was largely on the coat-
Maryland Federation of Republican Women’s tails of populism that women gained a voice in
Clubs in June of 1921.3 the Democratic Party. Democratic women were
strongest in Colorado, founding the Colorado
Women’s Democratic Club on May 24, 1894. . . .
Political Clubs The 1896 fusion brought many into the Demo-
cratic Party. After the 1896 election, many clubs
The women’s party club was modeled on the fell apart as the parties realigned, but by 1900 they
women’s club, not on men’s party clubs. The latter were on the rise again. . . .
generally started as social clubs in the nineteenth- While campaign clubs of women flourished at
century saloon. Indeed Tammany Hall, the first every election, ongoing clubs and statewide fed-
grand Democratic organization, was “practically erations were harder to sustain in the states where
conceived in a tavern; and ever since the eating- women did not have full suffrage. . . . Only in
house and the saloon have been its chief sup- the 1920s, when the Republican National Com-
ports.” . . . Women had organized campaign clubs mittee (RNC), Democratic National Commit-
since the 1840s and these flourished in the 1880s, tee (DNC), National American Woman Suffrage
but when J. Ellen Foster encouraged Republican Association (NAWSA), and its successor the
women to form permanent organizations, she League of Women Voters (LWV) all encouraged
or applicable copyright law.

knew that alcohol would not be the glue that held women to join political parties, did club orga-
them together. Women had already organized nization increase exponentially. Encouraged by
themselves into numerous clubs, largely for study the national parties, and sometimes by the state
and self-improvement. The study of issues and parties, women in many states turned their 1920
the education of women about politics would be campaign organizations into permanent ones.
the task of women’s Republican clubs between Not all clubs were begun by the regular
campaigns. . . . party organizations; indeed competing clubs were
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Building a Base 91
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sometimes created by local factions, or even by Women’s Republican Clubs (NJWRC). How-
women who wished to remain independent of ever her successor as vice chairman of the state
partisan infighting. . . . This kind of independence committee organized women into “official”
was exactly what party men feared the most. They Republican women’s clubs. By 1925 women’s
wanted women to work loyally for party nominees planks had disappeared from the state party plat-
in the general election, but not to take sides in pri- form. The last suffragist was removed from the
maries. An April 1924 article on “Women’s Party state committee in 1928. And in 1929, the official
Clubs” in the National Republican said there was Women’s State Republican Club of New Jersey
“great variety” in their organization, describing was created; the NJWRC disbanded in 1930.
some of the patterns. Clubs were more common Loyal party women had eclipsed suffragists in the
in cities, “while rural districts keep to the regular New Jersey Republican Party.6
party organizations.” And “in some states there is Republican women in New York had a similar
rivalry between what is called the women’s divi- experience. Party men had been quite horrified by
sion and the women’s clubs.” In some states, the suffragists when Mary Garrett Hay spoke against
state committee divided the territory up among the reelection of Senator James W. Wadsworth
the women vice chairmen; in others they sent out in 1920. They much preferred party women like
their own organizers. Independence from the state Helen Varick Boswell and Sarah Schuyler Butler
party was discouraged as leading to disharmony. who never questioned the qualifications of any
Indeed clubs which “try to . . . map out a program Republican. Being a suffragist practically became
of their own . . . may be a menace. It has hap- a disqualification for high party office, even after
pened, in some cases, that women have organized years of party work. On September 6, 1929,
so effectively that they became a great power, . . . the Republican State Committee met to pick
demanding this and that regardless of party deci- a successor to Pauline Sabin, who had resigned
sions. . . . Some . . . have operated as a belligerent as national committeewoman to organize the
anti-man league, a female bloc, whose chief func- Women’s Organization for National Prohibition
tion was to grasp for the sex offices and power in Reform (WONPR). Henrietta Wells Livermore,
the party and in the government.” Women’s clubs founder of the Women’s National Republican
were urged to be “helpful” to the party; they were Club (WNRC), had “strong backing among the
not to be a “machine.”5 . . . women.”7 But newly elected Congresswoman
Ruth B. Pratt was chosen, even though she had
not sought the office. She had worked in the
Keeping Women in Their Place trenches of the Republican Party for ten years,
without a background in suffrage or reform. . . .
After a few years the party men who had appointed
suffragists to be their women leaders realized that
they had made a mistake. The best party women Political Machines
were not those who had learned their craft in ser-
vice to a great cause, whether suffrage or reform. During the first half of the twentieth century
Such women were just not party loyalists. Party there were at least a dozen states with party
men replaced them with their own women, fre- organizations strong enough to be called ma-
quently wives of party men or major contribu- chines by political analysts.8 Although political
tors, whom they could control. The Republican parties were hierarchically organized, with the
Party of New Jersey concluded that Lillian Feick- state central committee being the highest official
or applicable copyright law.

ert was too independent because she demanded body, machines were generally organized at the
that the party support certain legislation, insisted county level and the party county leader was the
on planks in the party platform, and refused machine boss. Sometimes there would be bosses
to submit to party discipline. In 1924 she and at other levels, such as the assembly district, or
other suffragists were targeted for removal from ward, even the city, but it was usually as head
the party state committee. Despite her defeat, of a county committee that a boss ruled. . . . But
she continued as president of the New Jersey only a few state machines survived well into the
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92 Women and Political Parties
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twentieth century. . . . In some of these ma- Huey Long, elected governor of Louisiana in
chines individual women made their mark. Many 1928, and his successors effectively bifurcated
worked with their husbands, to whom the mate- state politics into Longs and anti-Longs for several
rial reward usually went. . . . decades. In 1933 Hilda Phelps Hammond formed
Most precinct captains, leaders, and bosses the Women’s Committee for Louisiana to pro-
were men. Gosnell estimated that women were test the election of a Long machine senator with
5.1 percent of the Chicago precinct captains in stuffed ballot boxes. Active until Long was assas-
1928 and 11 percent in 1936, though they were sinated in 1935, the committee provided a basic
as much as 25 percent in the “colored wards.” He education in practical politics for New Orleans
did not count those women who ran a precinct women “of brains and standing.” One of these
with their husbands, or in their husbands’ name.9 was Martha Robinson, who turned the Women’s
No one else counted the women, individually or Division of the Honest Election League into the
in clubs, so there is no way of knowing if women independent Woman Citizens’ Union (WCU) in
did better in one area, or party, or machine, than June of 1934. As women, the WCU lobbied for
in another. Blair felt that “generally speaking, the clean election laws, registered voters, removed
boss-controlled machines have been more hospi- false names from the registration lists, and moni-
table to women than those led by more idealistic tored the polls on election day. . . .
politicians.” But Helen V. Boswell observed that
male captains were still given twice the money to
get out their vote that women got.10 Beyond this Illusion and Disillusion
there is little evidence that strong party machines
had different attitudes toward women than weak By the end of the 1920s many women were disil-
party organizations. Some women were chosen lusioned with the major political parties. While
for positions by bosses, some achieved recogni- some were disappointed that they got work but
tion through their work, a few were elected to no “plums,” the most unhappy were those who
office, and many more got patronage jobs. More had cut their political teeth in reform or suf-
important to the male bosses than sex was loyalty. frage movements but heeded the call to join a
If women had to be given a place, then so be it, as political party rather than remain nonpartisan or
long as they were loyal women. work through women’s organizations. They had
Although women did work in and for political believed that women could make a difference,
machines, they also organized against machines. and mostly found that they were used. Winifred
This was particularly true of elite women, for Starr Dobyns, a progressive Chicago Republican,
whom machines represented everything that was resigned after several years as the woman state
bad about politics. The municipal reform move- vice chairman, quoting the famous limerick about
ments of the 1890s and early 1900s saw the forma- “The Lady and the Tiger.” In a January 1927
tion of separate women’s organizations through article with that title, she explained that she now
which women worked to elect candidates as knew that “the aim of the political organizations
good-government reformers alongside the men’s is not good government, patriotic service, [or]
organizations. . . . Sometimes party women orga- public welfare. . . .[M]achines are . . . highly effi-
nized against the machines in their states. . . . cient business organizations” operating in the self-
More commonly, nonpartisan political clubs . . . interest of their leaders. Women were welcomed
provided a way for women to be involved in poli- because “once in the organization we could be
tics who did not want to be party women, or who controlled. Our nuisance value was gone.” She
or applicable copyright law.

lived in times and locales where parties did not concluded that “the political machine is the great-
offer suitable opportunities for female participa- est menace to democracy that exists today,” and
tion.11 that it could not be reformed from within.12
In the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, elite women She was answered a few months later by Emily
in New Orleans worked through a succession of Newell Blair, who was still the vice chairman of
organizations to defeat politicians they thought the DNC. She wrote that women needed to fight
were corrupt. The political machine created by longer and harder, or not fight at all. Power could
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Building a Base 93
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only be won through fear. If women wanted rec- prosperity made it easy for men to get jobs without
ognition, they must organize a following, and party help. Women, on the other hand, were told to
try, try again. In December of 1927 New York go home and give up their paid jobs to men. For ten
Republican leader Henrietta Wells Livermore told to twenty years, until women regained their place in
Republican women: Don’t Resign—Fight! “Until the labor force, many more women than men were
politicians treat women fairly and do not dis- available for volunteer work of all types.14
criminate against them because they are women, Among younger women, decades of exhorta-
women must go into politics with the backing tion to participate in the political process saw fruit;
of women. . . . [They]. . . must learn solidar- as party work lost its image as a male domain, it
ity in order to overcome these special temporary became less of a male domain. Women in the
handicaps.” In April of 1928, Eleanor Roosevelt, 1950s, like the educated, middle-class women of
experienced party woman and prominent politi- the 1890s, found party work to be a pleasant way
cal wife, combined cynicism and hope. Summa- to spend their discretionary time. It was mildly
rizing the complaints of women from both parties challenging, provided social contact, and since it
who worked hard but were ignored when impor- was unpaid with flexible hours, did not conflict
tant decisions were made, she confirmed that with family obligations or incur the social disap-
“Politically, as a sex, women are generally ‘frozen proval that came with paid employment. House-
out’ from any intrinsic share of influence in their wives flowed into the vacuum created by the
parties.” She acknowledged that an occasional departure of men. By the 1950s they were doing
woman was elected to public office, but for the most of the campaign work and were often the
most part, party men were recognized and taken only workers sustaining the parties between cam-
care of, while women “are generally expected paigns. This was just as true of black women as of
to find in their labor its own reward.” Her solu- white, even though the former were more likely
tion was for women to organize as women, select to be in the paid labor force. Clare Williams said
competent women as “bosses,” and follow their three million Republican women were active in
lead as they bargained and dickered in “the hard the 1958 campaign. Six million women volunteers
game of politics with men.” But, she cautioned, was the estimate for the 1960 presidential cam-
women should do this within the parties and paign. By 1962 even Attorney General Robert
should not organize a “Woman’s Party.”13 . . . Kennedy, who admitted he had no great love for
women, agreed “that men do ninety percent of
the talking in the campaign and women do ninety
Female Infiltration percent of the work.” In 1971, RNC Chairman
Robert Dole told the RNC that “women do 90
During World War II “much of the hard, gruel- percent of the work, they should get 50 percent
ling work of Party organization fell upon women.” of the delegates.”15
After the war, women kept their stake in the Unlike earlier decades, the new party women
“bottom rung of the political ladder” as election were just as likely to be Democrats as Republi-
clerks and inspectors, poll watchers, and vote cans. After losing the presidency in 1952, a reform
pullers. By the 1950s women had taken over most movement swept the Democratic party. Adlai
of the grunt work of canvassing, telephoning, and Stevenson’s wry humor, elegant speeches, and
mailing. One reason for this was that they were image of intelligence and integrity reinvigorated
good at it. Party leaders constantly commented the Democratic Party. During his campaign thou-
on women’s superior “people” skills. Another sands of political clubs were founded through-
or applicable copyright law.

was that they were cheap. As Jim Farley found in out the country. The Stevenson campaign and
the 1930s, women worked for “the cause” more the subsequent reform movement brought into
than for jobs. By the postwar period the con- Democratic Party politics a new breed, the ama-
tinual assault on patronage and party prerogatives teur Democrat, who was educated, middle-class,
begun by Progressives had significantly reduced professionally employed (and/or married to a
the available jobs for party service and conse- professional), and motivated by ideals more than
quently the number of available men. Postwar patronage. These “ardent amateurs” set up their
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94 Women and Political Parties
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own organizations to combat the regulars for much more liberally, probably including all of those
control of the Democratic Party. In New York organizations which he labeled strong “traditional party
organizations.” He summed up his assessment in 1991,
City, reform clubs admitted both men and women 762, “thirteen states supported arrays of strong ‘tradi-
members, but elsewhere separate clubs were often tional party organizations’ as late as the 1960s; Rhode
founded. Elizabeth Snyder, southern chairman Island and Connecticut in southern New England;
of the California Democratic Women’s Division New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and
from 1952 to 1954, said in 1977 that the Stevenson Delaware (for which the evidence is notably scanty) in
the Middle Atlantic area; Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois
campaign was “when we formed many of the wom- in the southern Midwest; and the noncoastal border
en’s clubs that are still in existence today.”16 . . . States of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri. The
pattern is substantially specific to each state.” While
he didn’t describe the pre-1960s pattern, Mayhew also
said “a geographic pattern of party organization had
Notes coalesced by 1900, one that resembled the later ‘tra-
ditional party organization’ map of the 1960s”; 766.
1. Mayhew 1986, reviews party organization in the fifty A few states had strong party organizations in at least
states as of the late 1960s, supplemented by histori- part of the state for some of the decades between 1900
cal material. Based on his estimates, roughly two-fifths and 1960. These include Tennessee, Louisiana, New
of the American population lived in states with the Mexico, and to a lesser extent, Arkansas, Texas, Vir-
strong parties in the 1920s, with a small but steady ginia, and Georgia.
decline thereafter. 9. Gosnell 1937, 61–62. Although Forthal 1946 also
2. Upton 1926, XXV: 1. On New Jersey, see Gordon found only 5 percent of the precinct captains were
1986, 78–79. On Dodson, “To Direct Women’s women in 1927, her inclusion of the work of wives
Campaigning,” New York Sun, Jan. 23, 1930, 10:1. makes it clear that more women were active party
Upton and Dodson soon left their states to work for workers than those who were official captains.
the RNC, though Dodson returned. On Otero- 10. Blair 1937, 182. Boswell’s observation was made at
Warren, see Salas 1999, 165. a meeting of the National Council of the Women’s
3. Helmes 1983, 1–2. National Republican Club, Jan. 10, 1931; reporter’s
4. New York Trib, July 28, 1900, 7:2, “California Women in minutes, 7, WNRC. It’s unclear whether she is refer-
Politics” reported that “the Women’s Republican State ring to Tammany or Republican politicians, or both.
Central Committee of California, which was organized 11. Monoson 1990. SFCall 1908: March 21, 8:2; March
six years ago in San Francisco.” On Wyoming, see 29, 27:1; April 12, 30:3; Oct. 17, 7:2. Pinchot wrote
Chicago Trib, July 10, 1892, 10. On Kansas, see state about “The Influence of Women in Politics” as a re-
report in WJ, Nov. 10, 1894, second quote 354. sult of his victory, 1922, quote on 12; “What Women
On Ohio see WJ, June 29, 1895, 201, “Republican Did in Gary,” Ladies Home Journal, October 1951, 51.
Women Organizing.” On Illinois see WJ, Nov. 10, 12. Egan 1920, 185. Dobyns 1927. The poem goes: “There
1894, 358, “Republican Women at Work.” On Colo- once was a lady from Niger, who smiled as she rode on
rado see Sumner 1909, first quote 67, 69. “Leaders in a tiger. They came back from the ride, with the lady
Colorado’s Republican Woman’s Club,” Denver Times, inside, and the smile on the face of the tiger.”
Oct. 7, 1900. Third quote and photos of clubhouse in 13. Livermore 1927, 4. Blair 1937. Roosevelt 1928. There
Wixon 1902, 414. IV HWS 1902, 520, 522, credits were attempts to organize women outside the parties
Mrs. Frank Hall, vice chairman of the Republican State for electoral work, but none lasted. See “Women, Go
Committee, for organizing women in Colorado, and into Politics!” about the “Multi-Party Committee of
the silver issue for recombining women’s party clubs in Women, a non-partisan organization formed to en-
ways too complex to go into. Yost wrote in 1931 that courage the participation of women in politics.” Its
Utah, “organized in 1899 and incorporated in 1901,” founder, Edesse Dahlgren, explained that “It is not a
had the oldest Republican Club still in existence. feminist organization” but wanted to see that “women
5. “Women’s Party Clubs,” National Republican, April candidates get the recognition and support they de-
12, 1924, 17-18. serve”: New York Sun, Feb. 5, 1947.
6. Gordon 1986, 90-91, 93, 96. New York Times: July 3, 14. First quote, DD [Democratic Digest], “Fifty-Fifty,”
or applicable copyright law.

1925, 5:1; April 15, 1928, X:6:1; Nov. 9, 1929, 9:6; June, 1946, 12. Second quote in Fisher 1947, 87.
Feb. 15, 1930, 9:8; obit, Jan. 22, 1945, 17:5, New York Farley 1938, 55. Young 1950, 81. Dougherrty 1946, 17.
Herald Tribune: July 13, 1929, July 21, 1929. Salisbury 1956–66. Ducas 1936, describes the experi-
7. BDE, July 9, 1929, 7:3; Aug. 19, 1929, 3:1. ences and motivations of three types of party women as
8. Mayhew’s extensive review of the structure of state they took over the work of party drones. Early in 1941,
and local parties as of the mid-sixties restricts the term DNC Chairman Edward J. “Flynn Advises Women to
“machine” to “a party organization that exercised Assume Heavier Role in Party Work” in a talk before
overall control over government at a city or county the WNDC [Women’s National Democractic Club]:
level,” 1986, 21. The popular view used the term WES [Washington, DC Evening Star or Sunday Star,
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Building a Base 95
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Jan. 19, 1941. Baker 1999 makes similar observations Ducas, Dorothy, “All for the Party,” 129 Delineator, Oct.
on the change in the party work force. 1936, 10–11, 50.
15. Those who commented on women’s takeover of cam- Egan, Eleanor Franklin, “Women in Politics to the Aid of
paign and party work include: Dougherty 1946, 17: Their Party,” 192 Saturday Evening Post, May 22, 1920,
Sanders 1956, 31; Grafton 1962, 156, 120; Gruberg 12–13, 185–86, 189–90.
1968, 52–53; Smith 1992, 148. Bone found in 1951 Farley, James A., Behind the Ballots: The Personal History
that “both Republican and Democractic headquarters of a Politician, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co.,
during elections appear to be staffed, in the main, by 1938.
middle-aged and elderly women, and women play a Fisher, Marguerite J., “Women in the Political Parties,”
most active part in the organizations.” Eighty percent 251 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
of these were housewives; 1952, 10–11, 18. Louch- Science, May 1947, 87–93.
heim said that women campaign workers “outnumber Forthal, Sonya, Cogwheels of Democracy: A Study of the
the men by two or three to one”; in Shelton, “Wom- Precinct Captain, New York: William-Frederick Press,
en, Once Ignored, Play Vital Role in Politics Today,” 1946.
WES, Oct. 3, 1954. On black women, see, Clayton Gordon, Felice D., After Winning: The Legacy of the New
1964, Chapter 7, especially quote from Cong. William Jersey Suffragists, 1920–1947, New Brunswick, N.J.:
Dawon (D. Ill.), 122: “the Negro woman has been Rutgers University Press, 1986.
the salvation of Negroes politically.” 1958 estimate Gosnell, Harold F., Machine Politics: Chicago Model,
in “What Women Do in Politics,” Dec. 1958. 1960 Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937, 1968.
estimate in Sanders 1963, who divided the volunteers Grafton, Samuel, “Women in Politics: The Coming
into three: “Issues Girls, Club Ladies, [and] Camp Breakthrough,” 89 McCalls, September 1962, 102–3,
Followers.” Kennedy quote from “Comments . . . 156, 158, 160.
Before the CONFERENCE ON EMPLOYMENT Gruberg, Martin, Women in American Politics: An Assessment
OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN,” Sept. 24, and Sourcebook, Oshkosh, Wisc.: Academia Press,
1962; Box 58, Louchheim Papers, LoC. Jackie Ken- 1968.
nedy repeatedly told women’s groups that President Gustafson, Melanie, Kristie Miller, and Elisabeth I. Perry,
Kennedy thought “One woman is worth ten men in a eds., We Have Come to Stay: American Women and
campaign”: WES, Nov. 30, 1960, C:4:1. Dole quote Political Parties, 1880–1960, Albuquerque: University
in WES, “More Women, Dole Says,” Dec. 10, 1971, of New Mexico Press, 1999.
and “‘Distinction’ for Women,” Feb. 3, 1972. Helmes, Winifred G., Republican Women of Maryland,
16. The term is in Sanders 1955, 29–32. Quote in Snyder, 1920–1980; 39-page pamphlet, no publisher, 1983.
who gives a first-person acount of Stevenson’s mag- Livermore, Henrietta W., “Women’s Place in Political
netism, 1977, 80. Synder thought women did more Parties,” 5:5 Republican Woman (of Illinois), December
campaign work in 1952 than in 1977; 83. 1927, 4–5.
Louchheim, Katie, By the Political Sea, Garden City, N.Y.:
Doubleday, 1970.
Mayhew, David R., Placing Parties in American Politics,
References Princeton: Princeton University Press,1986.
Monoson, S. Sara, “The Lady and the Tiger: Women’s
Baker, Paula, “She Is the Best Man on the Ward Electoral Activism in New York City before Suffrage,”
Committee”: Women in Grassroots Party 2:2 Journal of Women’s History, Fall 1990, 100–35.
Organizations, 1930s–1950s,” in Gustafson, Miller, and Roosevelt, Eleanor, “Women Must Learn to Play the
Perry, 1999, 151–60. Game as Men Do,” Redbook, April 1928, 78–79,
Blair, Emily Newell, Gamma’s Story, unpublished 141–42.
autobiography, Books I and II, Schlesinger Library, Salas, Elizabeth, “Soledad Chavez Chacon, Adeline Otero-
Cambridge, MA, and Case Western Reserve Library, Warren, and Concha Ortiz Y Pino: Three Hispana
Cleveland, OH, 1937. Politicians in New Mexico Politics, 1920-1940,” in
Bone Hugh A., Grass Roots Party Leadership (A Case Study Gustafson, Miller, and Perry, 1999, 151–60.
of King County, Washington), Seattle: University of Salisbury, Robert H. “The Urban Party Organization
Washington Bureau of Governmental Research and Member,” 29 Public Opinions Quarterly, Winter 1965–
Services, October 1952; 40-page pamphlet. 66, 550–64.
or applicable copyright law.

Clayton, Edward T., “The Woman in Politics,” in The Sanders, Marion K. The Lady and the Vote. Cambridge:
Negro Politician: His Success and Failure, Chicago: Houghton Mifflin, 1956.
Johnson Publishing Company, 1964, 122-48. Sanders, Marion K. “Issues Girls, Club Ladies, Camp
Dobyns, Winifred Starr, “The Lady and the Tiger, or, the Followers.” New York Times Magazine, December 1,
Woman Voter and the Political Machine,” Woman 1963.
Citizen, January 1927, 20–21, 44–45. Smith, Mary Louise. Interview with Louise R. Noun,
Dougherty, Page H., “It’s a Man’s Game, but Woman Is in MORE Strong-Minded Women: Iowa Feminists Tell
Learning,” New York Times Magazine, Nov. 3, 1946, Their Stories. Ames, Iowa: Iowa University Press,
VI:17, 54, 56. 1992, 146–57.
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Sumner, Helen L. Equal Suffrage: The Results of Ohioana Library Association by the Committee for
an Investigation in Colorado Made for the Collegiate Equal Preservation of Ohio Woman Suffrage Records, n.d.
Suffrage League of New York State. Harper and Brothers, (1926).
1909. Reprinted New York: Arno Press, 1972. Young, Louise M. Understanding Politics: A Practical
Upton, Harriet Taylor, Random Recollections, unpublished Guide for Women. New York: Pellegrini & Cudahy,
memoir presented to the Martha Kinney Cooper 1950.
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 12
Women’s Political Representation
in Sweden:
Discursive Politics and Institutional
Diane Sainsbury

. . . This [chapter] addresses the following ques- and its strategy of legislated reforms. However,
tions: What were the patterns of interaction be- it moves beyond liberal feminism by virtue of its
tween the women’s movement, the state, and emphasis on equality of result—not solely equal
political parties in altering women’s representa- opportunities or formal equality. This emphasis
tion? Why did women experience much more allows for reforms that conflict with certain lib-
success in gaining office during recent decades eral principles, e.g., a cautionary or critical attitude
in contrast to their earlier attempts? Finally, how toward the state and government intervention.
is women’s descriptive representation related to It also sanctions positive discrimination to reach
their substantive representation? equality of outcomes and a redefinition of the pri-
To understand the process of improving repre- vate and public spheres. . . .
sentation I analyze three crucial debates spanning The second feature contributing to the picture
several decades. The first debate on more women of a weak women’s movement was the paucity
in politics (1967–1972) put the issue of women’s of newly formed organizations in the 1970s. . . .
representation on the agenda. The second debate Equally important, the new women’s movement
(1985–1987) dealt with quotas for appointed posi- invigorated the established women’s organizations
tions. The third debate concerned the decline of of the political parties and the Fredrika Bremer
women’s parliamentary representation and the Association. It also led to an intensification of
establishment of a women’s party (1991–1994). . . . women’s activity in the political parties and other
mainstream organizations. . . .
A third feature is the embeddedness of femi-
The Women’s Movement nists in institutions, which reduces their visibil-
ity. . . . Among the waves of mobilization in
. . . Probably three features largely account for Sweden, the first wave produced organizations,
the picture of a weak women’s movement in Swe- such as the Fredrika Bremer Association and the
or applicable copyright law.

den during the 1970s and 1980s. The first is that women’s sections of four of the political parties:
radical feminism was not the major ideological the Conservatives, the Liberals, the Centre Party
inspiration of the Swedish movement. Instead, (formerly the Agrarians), and the Social Demo-
varieties of socialist feminism growing out of the crats. The establishment of these first-wave orga-
new left and especially a distinctive brand of re- nizations, mostly in connection with the suffrage
formist feminism dominated. Reformist feminism struggle, resulted in the institutionalized presence
encompasses liberal feminism’s concerns about and influence of women. The lack of attention
equal rights and equal status of women and men to how the variable of institutional participation
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differentially empowers social movements has In short, framing women’s issues as demands
been nurtured by a variety of assumptions. Per- for gender equality and gendering the debate
haps the most pervasive is that institutionalization on democracy formed a discursive turn that had
inevitably leads to deradicalization. implications for both substantive and descriptive
representation. Redefining women’s issues as
demands for gender equality recast the conditions
Discursive Opportunity Structures and a for substantive representation—the incorpora-
Discursive Turn tion of women’s preferences in policies. Gender-
ing the debate on greater democracy altered the
. . . Until recently, a neglected aspect of politi- meaning of democratic representation and made
cal opportunities has been their discursive com- certain understandings impossible or untenable—
ponent, and it is precisely this aspect that helps us improving the potential for descriptive represen-
understand the difference before and after 1970. tation.
. . . In Sweden the shift in the political discourse
during the 1960s away from freedom of choice to
equality and greater democracy altered the discur- “More Women in Politics,” 1967–1972
sive opportunity structure, privileging groups that
could and did frame their claims in the current By 1968 the demand for increased political repre-
terms of the debate. Moreover, demands for gen- sentation for women had begun to gain momen-
der equality were integrated into the larger debate tum, and it was voiced in many quarters and across
on equality. The push to get gender equality on the political spectrum. Those calling for more
the agenda came from two sources: (1) a network women in politics included the women’s sections
of academics who launched a debate on sex roles of the political parties, the Fredrika Bremer As-
in the early 1960s and (2) women’s sections of the sociation, and the reform communist party. Party
political parties. Getting gender equality on the leaders endorsed the demand, it was written into
agenda was of crucial importance because it trans- party documents, and it eventually became an in-
formed perceptions of women’s demands. They tegral part of the official gender equality policy.
were no longer issues of a special minority within The initial demands preceded the emergence
the parties; they were now major party issues. . . . of the new women’s movement, but their gain
Of the women’s sections of the parties, the efforts in momentum paralleled the early growth of
of Social Democratic women to get gender equality the movement and the political mobilization of
onto the public agenda were the most important. In women. . . . Among the first to voice the demand
the mid-1960s they published “Women’s Equality” were the reform communists. The 1967 program
(Kvinnans jämlikhet 1964), an ambitious program of of the Left Party Communists (VPK), “Social-
reform.1 Its proposals dealing with taxation, labor ist Alternative,” contained a strong plank calling
market policy, family law, education, social secu- for the equality of the sexes. It proclaimed that
rity, and public services were eventually incorpo- “women are also under-represented in the lead-
rated in the “Towards Equality” program adopted ership of the Labour Movement organisations. It
by the 1969 party congress. Ironically, the demand is a blatant injustice and a threat to democracy
for women’s political representation was not voiced that half of the population of Sweden is poorly
in the 1964 women’s program, and the problem represented on boards and executive committees”
of under-representation of women in public office (p. 13). The Centre Party women, who had the
was only briefly mentioned in the Towards Equal- poorest representation in parliament in the 1960s,
or applicable copyright law.

ity program (Jämlikhet 1969, 24, 94). The issue of were also very early in pointing to women’s
women’s representation was eclipsed by emphasis under-representation as a contradiction in demo-
on other reforms to achieve equality of women and cratic principles (Larsson 1973).
men. Nonetheless, the Towards Equality program Across the political spectrum, the demand was
put the aspiration of equality at the top of the party framed in surprisingly similar terms: The problem
agenda and made gender equality an integral part of was the deficient functioning of Swedish democ-
the aspiration. . . . racy, manifested in gross under-representation.
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Women’s Political Representation in Sweden 99
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Women were half the citizenry, but only a small Women’s Federation (SSKF) had proposed that
proportion held political office. Women made neither sex should have more than 60 percent
their claims as voters and citizens—not as women. of the positions and that quotas should be intro-
As citizens they demanded that the principle of duced if a fair distribution of positions could not
equal rights to political office be translated into be reached through agreement between the sexes
reality. . . . (Karlsson 1996, 160). . . .
Framing the issue of women’s representation As part of the campaign, the SSKF congress
as citizens’ rights had strategic implications. First, in 1972 produced a six-point resolution on gen-
it enhanced unity among women. Women as der equality. One point was to appoint a special
a special minority within the parties were frag- task force at the cabinet level to monitor and pro-
mented along partisan lines. As citizens they had mote issues related to women’s equality (Fager-
equal rights and were joined together in redress- ström 1974, 45). Subsequently the party congress
ing the denial of their rights. Second, as half the adopted a decision supporting the establishment
citizenry, women were entitled to a correspond- of a working group on gender equality at the cab-
ing share of the seats. Third, framing women’s inet level. This decision seems to have placated
under-representation as a contradiction of demo- Social Democratic women, whose officers adopted
cratic principles made it hard to argue against the a wait-and-see stance on the issue of women’s
demand for increased representation of women. representation (Karlsson 1996, 158). Following
In fact, a consensus emerged. All the party leaders the congress decision, the Advisory Council to
expressed their support of more women in office, the Prime Minister on Equality between Men and
but they were quick to point out that it was up to Women was established in late 1972.
local constituencies, which were responsible for Many accounts of the formation of the Coun-
the nomination of candidates, to rectify the situa- cil fail to note the role of the SSKF. Instead Olof
tion (see, e.g., Rapport FN 1968, 81). Palme’s speech at the 1972 party congress has been
. . . Within and outside the parties, women hailed as a turning point, and he is assigned credit
pursued a debate on what constituted a fair dis- for the Council’s establishment (e.g., Elman 1995,
tribution, developing two types of solutions. The 241). On the basis of these accounts, the outcome
first was to get women into positions high enough would be classified as preemption. The acknowl-
on the party list to be elected. After pressure from edgment of the actions of the SSKF calls for a
women, the local Stockholm party branch of the revision, however. The creation of the Council
Social Democrats decided that every third place corresponded to the demands of the SSKF and
on the ballot was to be occupied by a woman therefore should be categorized as a dual response
(Karlsson 1996). Järf älla, a suburb of Stockholm, in the sense that it both corresponded to the
was the first municipality where the Social Dem- goals of the women’s movement and incorpo-
ocratic party list nominated a woman for every rated women in the decision-making process.
other seat on the local government council. This The Advisory Council to the Prime Minister on
was achieved only gradually. The initial step was Equality between Men and Women was set up to
to alternate female and male candidates from the appease party women who were angered by their
11th to the 35th seat on the party list in 1970; continued under-representation in elected and
candidates were alternated from the fifth seat in party office. Party women proposed the Council,
1973, and then through the entire list in 1976 and it was eventually staffed almost entirely by
(SOU 1987:19, 85; cf. Leijon 1991, 108). women.
The other tactic was to persuade the party con- In short, ideological and strategic imperatives
or applicable copyright law.

gress/conference to adopt guidelines for women’s conjoined, offering a window of opportunity. The
representation in party and elected office. The radicalization of the Social Democrats, empha-
Liberals were the first party to do so. In 1972 they sizing equality and greater democracy, offered
recommended that at least 40 percent of the posts a discursive opportunity. How could the party
in all party bodies be held by women (Sandberg present itself as a proponent of greater democracy
1975, 80). Eventually the Social Democrats also and at the same time not improve its own record
adopted such guidelines. . . . The Social Democratic on women’s representation? Moreover, the
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party incorporated gender equality in the Towards frame was democracy, and women’s under-
Equality program. All this made it difficult for the representation was the problem. . . .
party to deny the legitimacy of women’s demands The commission also gendered decision mak-
for equal representation. ing in the state bureaucracy and political power.
Strategically the Social Democrats were under Administrative bodies make decisions that dis-
pressure as both the right and the left outflanked tribute resources, but women and men have dif-
them. The pressure was keenly felt because the ferent concerns. Without women representatives
party wanted to lay claim to the issue of gen- in these bodies, decisions would fail to take into
der equality. On the right, the Fredrika Bremer account their interests and priorities. Examples of
Association brought up the issue of quotas and conflicts of interest between the sexes, mentioned
mounted a campaign “More Women in Politics” by the commission, were different priorities con-
in 1972–1973. The Liberals were first to adopt cerning investments in road construction vis-à-vis
guidelines for party office—setting 40 percent public transport, social services, and work time
as a goal for women’s representation. The trans- (SOU 1987:19, 54–55). . . .
formation of the Communist Party into a leftist The corrective action centered on the recruit-
alternative emphasizing women’s issues and the ment process and the special barriers it posed to
emergence of Group 8 as an independent social- women. The most controversial proposal of the
ist women’s organization also gave Social Demo- commission was the introduction of quotas. The
cratic women extra leverage (Karlsson 1996). commission recommended quotas and drafted a
Moreover, all parties were vying for the sup- bill to this effect. In addition to legislated quotas
port of women, especially those whose interest and formulating targets and deadlines to increase
in politics had been fired by a growing women’s women’s representation, the commission pro-
movement. posed the following changes in the recruitment
process: making the process more visible and
transparent, specifying and formalizing recruit-
“Every Other Seat for a Woman,” ment criteria, and broadening the recruitment
1985–1987 base. To make the process more visible and open,
the commission recommended annual statistics.
Once established, the Council to the Prime Min- The annual reports would identify the laggards
ister on Equality between Men and Women put and put them to shame.
new areas of increased women’s representation The commission mixed strong words and rec-
on the agenda. Because nominations to public ommendations with a conciliatory stance. The
office are the prerogative of the political parties commission stated it was firmly convinced that
and state intervention in party activities has been only quotas would achieve quick results. How-
minimal, this area was largely out of reach for the ever, as a concession, it had chosen a “softer”
Advisory Council but posts within the state were approach as a sign of its confidence in the nomi-
not. During the first year of its existence (1973) nating organizations’ assurances that they only
the Advisory Council wrote to the govern- needed more time. Accordingly, the commission
ment, pointing out that few women were mem- recommended that the government give the orga-
bers of inquiry commissions or on the boards of nizations a chance to show their good intentions
national administrative agencies. In 1975 the by nominating more women. The commission
Council went on to criticize the low representa- laid down the following targets for women’s rep-
tion of women in regional administrative bodies resentation on administrative bodies and inquiry
or applicable copyright law.

(Sandberg 1975, 81). commissions: 30 percent by 1992, 40 percent by

Reports to the UN offered opportunities for 1995, and 50 percent by 1998. If the goal of 30
agenda setting and moving positions for nego- percent was not reached by 1992, the commission
tiations forward. “Step by Step” (Steg på väg), a proposed the introduction of legislated quotas.
national plan for gender equality, also served as In strategic terms, the commission’s conces-
the report to the 1980 United Nations Women’s sion put the onus on the nominating organiza-
Conference. . . . As in the first debate, the master tions. Quotas could be avoided if they nominated
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women. The conciliatory move also prevented In retrospect, a tighter organization may have
an open division among women over the issue of been more effective than the more inclusive orga-
quotas. Its final recommendations met with the nization of the parliamentary commission. For
approval of the women’s sections of the political one thing, it is doubtful that the all-party com-
parties. . . . mission could have forcefully advocated quotas,
In summary, the drive to increase women’s since the parties disagreed over the matter. Not
representation in appointed positions in the state only was the parliamentary commission politically
administration has been a project of femocrats unwieldy, the national plan it produced was a
involved in women’s policy machinery. The comprehensive catalog of recommendations cov-
Advisory Council to the Prime Minister first ering a wide range of policy areas. Nor was much
brought up the issue. Women worked to get it attention paid to implementation. The national
onto the policy agenda and to keep it there, using plan’s philosophy was one of voluntarism: for
the reports to the UN women’s conferences as change to be lasting it had come from the orga-
a vehicle. Femocrats were not only involved in nizations and their members themselves (SOU
agenda setting, they also framed the debate, gen- 1979:56). In other words, implementation was
dering the decisions of the state bureaucracy by the responsibility of the organizations.
emphasizing their relevance for women. Femi- By contrast, the 1985 commission was an
nists were also in charge of the inquiry commis- expert commission, and it concentrated on a single
sion leading to legislation, the government bill, issue. Its final report spelled out concrete targets
and the eventual evaluation to see if the targets to be implemented, and members of the commis-
for women’s representation were fulfilled (cf. sion attempted to persuade key persons involved
Bergqvist 1994, 104–5). It was a case of dual in the recruitment process of the need for change.
response par excellence—women were central in the Voluntarism was now combined with potential
debate as well as the policy process, and the out- sanctions. . . . Finally, the positive responses of
come corresponded to the goals of the women’s the nominating organizations, especially the trade
movement. A swift feminization of key positions unions, may have been spurred by the mounting
in the state bureaucracy occurred during the next criticisms of the corporatist system, and labor’s
decade, and in 1998 women’s representation in desire to keep the system in place. Simultane-
appointed positions in the national administrative ously, women within the unions mobilized and
agencies and inquiry commissions approached the from the late 1980s onwards women were elected
proportion of women in elected office. to top positions of union leadership.2
Why was there a take-off in the late
1980s—and not one in the late 1970s? Women’s
policy machinery had already put the issue of “Half the Power, Full Pay,” 1991–1994
appointed positions on the agenda, and it was
strongly supported by the women’s movement, Women’s representation in parliament fell from
feminist activists, and supposedly by the major 38 to 34 percent in the 1991 election; it was the
interest organizations. Perhaps most important first time since 1928 that there was a major set-
were changes in the policy environment. The back. Women were both angered by their weak-
organization of women’s policy machinery was ened position in parliament and fearful of the
a bone of contention among the political par- consequences. Immediately after the election,
ties. Upon forming a government after the 1976 women formed a network, the “Support Stock-
election, the nonsocialists replaced the Advisory ings” (Stödstrumporna), whose rally cry was “Half
or applicable copyright law.

Council to the Prime Minister with a parliamen- the power, full pay.” Their goals included im-
tary commission assigned the task of formulating a proving women’s representation in parliament
national plan for gender equality. The nonsocialists and preventing a dismantling of the public sector
complained that the Council was an exclusive and women-friendly policies by the new coali-
body monopolized by the Social Democrats; a tion government headed by the Conservatives
merit of a parliamentary commission was that it (Stark 1998). Together with the New Democrats,
would include all the political parties. the Conservatives had won sizeable gains and
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102 Women and Political Parties
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interpreted their victory and the rightward shift in auspices of the deputy prime minister, Mona
the electorate as a mandate for change. Sahlin, who was also minister of gender equality.
In a more pronounced fashion than previously The Social Democrats also changed their by-
the issue of women’s representation was framed laws to stipulate that the party lists provided an
in terms of power, as evident in the demand for equal distribution of sexes at the 1993 party con-
50 percent of the power. The problem was the gress. The change gave new legitimacy to the
failure of parties to nominate women. The solu- existing praxis of alternating lists, pushing Social
tion proposed by the Support Stockings was to Democratic women’s parliamentary representa-
start a women’s party that would put up its own tion closer to 50 percent. Their share rose from
list of candidates in the 1994 election. The estab- 41 to 48 percent in the 1994 election.
lishment of the party depended upon whether These outcomes were the product of the com-
the major parties selected sufficient female can- bined pressures of women inside the parties and
didates to reinstate and even improve women’s the external women’s movement. In this debate
parliamentary representation so that they would the external movement, and especially the net-
hold half the power. . . . In short, the Support work, figured much more prominently than pre-
Stockings gendered both the problem and the viously. Obviously, the threat to start a women’s
solution of the debate. The problem was male party was critical, and party women utilized the
power in the parties and the solution was a threat during the candidate selection process or
women’s party. pointed to the gains of women during the nomi-
. . . In addition to pointing to the threat of nations of other parties. Furthermore, the 1990s
a women’s party during nominations, Social witnessed resurgence and a generational renewal
Democratic women used the threat in a differ- of the women’s movement as younger women
ent way. In the words of Margareta Winberg, became involved. . . . The main organizers of the
president of the SSKF, “Let us demonstrate that network were women academics and publicists
the Social Democrats are the women’s party in on the left, who were not party members. . . .
Sweden” (SD 1993b, 35). . . . To become a wom- The Support Stockings practiced the tactics
en’s party, [they] concluded, women must have of disruption by creating uncertainty—first
the same opportunities to influence society as about the network’s existence and then through
men. This demand encompassed all elected posi- their threat to start a women’s party. They kept
tions, chairpersons, and party functionaries (SD threatening to form a party but always at the last
1993a). Simultaneously, as an alternative to this minute postponed the decision. If they had acted
demand, SSKF women proposed special wom- upon their threat, it is likely that the new party
en’s lists (Eduards 1992; SD-motioner 1993). In would have thrown the party system into a state
effect, SSKF women pursued the same tactics as of disarray. Opinion polls indicated that a wom-
the Support Stockings but inside the party. If the en’s party led by Maria-Pia Boëthuis could have
party did not act to improve women’s representa- attracted 25 percent of the vote—some reports
tion, women would introduce their own lists. claimed as much as 40 percent (Stark 1998, 235).
Social Democratic women also pointed to the Furthermore, the media were a major player in
male political culture of the party. . . . It con- the debate, showering attention on the Support
cluded that if women were not represented, male Stockings and booming up the prospects of a
interests and knowledge would govern decisions, women’s party.
and that under-representation meant that democ- The constellation of party strength also altered
racy was incomplete (SD 1993a, 3, 16). . . . the political opportunity structure. Not only did
or applicable copyright law.

Women’s parliamentary representation the 1991 election remove the Social Democrats
rebounded, reaching a new high of 40 percent from office; it was their worst election since 1928.
in the 1994 election. The Social Democratic The disaster at the polls caused much soul search-
government that came into office after the 1994 ing within the party, opening up space for new
election was the first cabinet in which women ideas and the acceptance of previously controver-
and men were equally represented. The govern- sial proposals. Moreover, opinion polls showed
ment launched gender mainstreaming under the that supporters of the left parties were most prone
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Women’s Political Representation in Sweden 103
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to vote for the party proposed by the Support . . . The ascendancy of the left from the mid-
Stockings. Finally, the votes of women were 1960s to the mid-1970s promoted a public dis-
especially important to the left parties. In recent course on equality and greater democracy, and
elections, a larger proportion of women than men the new terms of the debate altered the discursive
had voted for the Social Democrats and the Left opportunity structure. The key activists and speak-
Party, and party women noted the importance of ers shaping the debate were women and men on
the women’s vote. the left, ranging from the Liberals to the far left.
In other words, this was more than a discourse fit
or taking advantage of a shift in discourse; it was
Conclusion an instance of making a discursive opportunity.
By contrast, the timing of women’s gains in
Why Did Women’s Political appointed offices underlines the significance of
Representation Experience a Take- organizational resources and strategies. Women’s
Off in the Early 1970s in Contrast to institutional presence was both necessary and
the First Decades of the Postwar Period? effective in triggering the increases in appointed
positions. In short, the preceding analysis reveals
The timing of the take-off was related to two the importance of coupling discursive resour-
aspects of a discursive turn. First, the leaders and ces to strategic and organizational resources—
the rank and file of the political parties had regarded especially institutional influence. It has been their
women’s issues as particular to women who were co-occurrence that has shaped outcomes. . . . As
a special minority. Women’s issues were neither already noted, the first wave of women’s mobili-
their issues nor the major issues of the parties. zation in Sweden led to institutionalized partici-
Transforming women’s issues into demands for pation that was a resource during the next wave
gender equality was one of the crucial aspects of of mobilization. The preceding analysis of the
the discursive turn that altered this perception. . . . second wave points to the importance of an insti-
Putting gender equality on the political agenda def- tutional presence in promoting women’s political
initely aided the cause of women’s representation. representation. Party women as inside agitators
It proved more advantageous than the more gen- continually pressed the issue and they came up
with the practical solution of granting women
eral aspiration of social equality, because it changed
every other seat on the ballot. The second wave
the basis of coalition building, making possible an
also consolidated the institutional influence of
alliance across class and gender.
women within the state itself.
The second aspect of the discursive turn was
gendering the demand for greater democracy.
Initially framing the issue in terms of the equal What Was the Relationship between
rights of all citizens rather than the representation Substantive and Descriptive Representation in
of women’s interests emphasized an understand- the Three Debates?
ing of political women as citizens rather than party In the period leading up to the first debate, the
activists, strategically converting political women reframing of women’s issues as issues of gender
from a minority within each of the parties into equality and getting them on the agenda put a
a majority of the electorate. As a majority of the premium on women’s substantive representation.
electorate, women laid claim to at least half of The first debate entailed a shift from substantive
the seats. Furthermore, the emphasis on women’s to descriptive representation and a broadening
or applicable copyright law.

under-representation as a glaring contradiction of the advocates of women’s representation; there

of democratic principles had great resonance— was no attempt to link the two types of represen-
all the more so because greater democracy was tation in the debate. However, getting women’s
on the political agenda. Its resonance, however, issues on the agenda favorably altered the precon-
continued into the 1980s and 1990s; extending ditions for descriptive representation. Women’s
democracy constituted the master frame in all issues were politicized and became a source of
three debates. political activism, mobilizing new women. On
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104 Women and Political Parties
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these issues women could also claim special com- located in other sites of the state bureaucracy, and
petence. In the second and third debates, the their location is a major variation across countries
interrelationship between the two forms of rep- which requires investigation.
resentation was emphasized but in different ways. The constellation of party strength, the uncer-
The inquiry commission on improving women’s tainty of the parliamentary situation, and intense
representation in appointed positions maintained party competition were important in both the 1970s
that women representatives were necessary in and the 1990s. The parties—although there was some
order to guarantee that certain preferences held reluctance on the part of the Conservatives—vied
by women were represented and incorporated to make gender equality an issue of their own.
in the policy process—especially when there was Party competition produced a virtuous circle in
a conflict between the interests of women and two respects. After the Liberals adopted guide-
men. The third debate and its aftermath raise the lines on women’s representation, the other par-
issue of whether “half the power” is a prerequisite ties eventually followed suit (Wängnerud 2002,
for gender mainstreaming to function according 139), and over time there has been a tendency to
to feminist intentions. improve the targets for women’s representation.
Second, with each alternation in power between
What Were the Patterns of Interaction the Social Democrats and the nonsocialists, the
between the Women’s Movement, the State, incoming government matched or increased the
and the Political Parties in Altering Women’s proportion of women on the cabinet in relation to
Representation? its predecessor (Bergqvist et al. 1999, 310). . . .
In the Swedish case, the increase in women’s
The Swedish experience discloses an inter- political representation and the fact that the goal of
esting dynamic between the demands for more gender equality is still on the agenda while equal-
women in political office and the rise of state ity and greater democracy have long since faded
feminism in a narrow sense, and the feminization from the public discourse attest to the vitality of
of the state bureaucracy more generally. The first the women’s movement and the achievements of
state body charged with the task of promoting feminists. These accomplishments run counter to
gender equality, the Council to the Prime Min- conclusions of decline and that institutionalization
ister on Equality between Men and Women, was necessarily saps the vitality of a social movement.
established as a response to women’s demands for They challenge the image of the Swedish experience
greater political representation. Subsequently the as “state feminism without feminists” (Gelb 1989)
Council and its successors put women’s represen- and call attention to subtle forms of activism and
tation in administrative positions on the agenda, mobilization within central political institutions.
and women’s policy machinery was eventually
instrumental in bringing women into appointed Notes
office and in staffing many positions in the state
bureaucracy with femocrats. 1. Members of the drafting committee were also part of
These developments suggest the need to the sex roles debate network.
complement the prevalent narrow definition of 2. Among the top positions secured by women were: the
state feminism with a broader conceptualization. president of the municipal workers’ union, the largest
More narrowly, state feminism has been strictly blue-collar union (1989); the president of the confeder-
ation of white-collar workers (TCO) (1994); the presi-
associated with women’s policy agencies that are dent of the confederation of trade unions (LO) (2000);
formally charged with promoting women’s status
or applicable copyright law.

and most recently the peak organization of professionals

and gender equality (Stetson & Mazur 1995). A and academics (SACO) (2001).
broader form of state feminism consists of women
holding bureaucratic office who bring a feminist
perspective to their positions. The narrow con-
ceptualization is problematic because it obscures Bergqvist, C. 1994. Mäns makt och kvinnors intresse, skrifter
the fact that femocrats are not confined to agen- utgivna av Statsvetenskaplig föreningen i Uppsala, 121.
cies devoted to women’s policies and can be Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.

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Bergqvist, C., Borchorst, A., Christensen, A.-D., Leijon, A.-G. 1991. Alla rosor ska inte tuktas! Stockholm:
Ramstedt-Silén, V., Raaum, N. & Styrkársdóttir, A., Tiden.
eds. 1999. Equal Democracies? Gender and Politics in Rapport FN 1968. Rapport till Förenta Nationerna över kvinnornas
the Nordic Countries. Oslo: Scandinavian University status i Sverige. Stockholm: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Press. Sandberg, E. 1975. Målet är jämställdhet, SOU 1975:58.
Eduards, M. 1992. “Against the Rules of the Game: On Stockholm: Ministry of Labour.
the Importance of Women’s Collective Actions,” in SD 1993a. Är socialdemokraterna ett kvinnoparti? Stockholm:
Eduards, M. et al., eds., Rethinking Change: Current Socialdemokraterna.
Swedish Feminist Research. Stockholm: Swedish Council SD 1993b. Kongressprotokoll, B. Protokoll. Socialdemokraternas
for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. 32: a kongress 15–21 september 1993. Stockholm: Social-
Elman, A. 1995. “The State’s Equality for Women: The demokraterna.
Equality Ombudsman,” in Stetson, D. & Mazur, A., SD-motioner 1993. Motioner. Socialdemokraternas 32:a
eds., Comparative State Feminism. Thousand Oaks, CA: kongress 15–21 september 1993. Stockholm: Social-
Sage. demokraterna.
Fagerström, E. 1974. “Fler Kvinnor i politiken—en studie SOU 1979:56. Steg på väg. Nationell handlingsplan för
av det socialdemokratiska partiets and kvinnoförbundets jämställdhet utarbetad av Jämställdhetskommittén. Stockholm:
åtgärder för att nå detta mål mellan valen 1970 och Ministry of Labour.
1973.” Unpublished paper. Stockholm: Department of SOU 1987:19. Varannan damernas. Stockholm: Ministry of
Political Science, University of Stockholm. Labour.
Gelb, J. 1989. Feminism and Politics. A Comparative Stark, A. 1998. “Combating the Backlash: How Swedish
Perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press. Women Won the War,” in Oakley, A. & Mitchell, J.,
Jämlikhet 1969. Jämlikhet. Första rapport från SAP-LO: s eds., Who’s Afraid of Feminism: Seeing through the
arbetsgrupp för jämlikhetsfrågor. Stockholm: Prisma. Backlash. London: Penguin.
Karlsson, G. 1996. Från broderskap till systerskap. Det Stetson, D. & Mazur, A., eds. 1995. Comparative State
socialdemokratiska Kvinnoförbundets kamp för inflytande och Feminism. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
makt i SAP. Lund: Arkiv. Wängnerud, L. 2002. “Kvinnors röst: En kamp mellan
Kvinnans jämlikhet 1964. Stockholm: Tiden. partier,” in Jönsson, C., ed., Rösträtt 80 år. Stockholm:
Larsson, M. 1973. Kvinnor i tidsspegel. En bok om Centerns Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and
Kvinnoförbund. Stockholm: LTs förlag. Ministry of Justice.
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Chapter 13
The Problem with Patronage:
Constraints on Women’s Political
Effectiveness in Uganda
Anne Marie Goetz

One of the many achievements for which Yow- candidates in open elections, of bringing member-
eri Kaguta Museveni’s government in Uganda has ship pressure to bear on party executives to intro-
been applauded internationally is the increase in duce gender sensitivity in the staffing of party posts,
the numbers of women in representative politics or of using the dynamic of multiparty competition
from the national legislature (25 percent of MPs to develop political clout around a gendered vot-
are women as of the June 2001 parliamentary ing gap. Instead, they have been recruited to the
elections) down through all five tiers of local gov- project of legitimizing the Movement’s no-party
ernment (where women average 30 percent of state, risking the discrediting of the entire project
local councillors). High-profile appointments of of representing women’s interests in the political
women to senior civil service positions have also arena should the present system collapse. . . .
significantly enhanced women’s presence in the
administration. These increases in women’s pub-
lic presence have been accomplished through the The “No-Party” System
creation and reservation of new seats in national
and local government for women, and through The very first official act of the National Resis-
a principle of affirmative action in administrative tance Movement (NRM) government after the
appointments. This chapter considers how the military triumph of the National Resistance Army
means of women’s access to politics has affected (NRA) was the suspension of party politics.1 From
their legitimacy and effectiveness in policy mak- the start, Museveni promoted an alternative and,
ing. Particular attention is paid to the extent to he argues, particularly Uganda-appropriate version
which women have benefited or lost from the of democratic politics. It is based on the notion
suspension of party competition in Uganda’s “no- that all Ugandans can compete for office without
party” democracy. The relatively nondemocratic party backing, but on the basis of their “individual
means of women’s access to power through res- merit.” The democratic content of this “no-party”
ervations and affirmative action has been effective system is grounded in the multiplication of op-
in ensuring their rapid promotion through the portunities for ordinary people to participate in
or applicable copyright law.

“benevolent autocracy” (Norris 1993: 329) that decision making through the local government
Museveni’s government represents (at least as far Resistance Council (RC) system. Museveni justi-
as women are concerned). But this has been at fies the continued suppression of party competi-
the cost of politically internalized safeguards on tion on the grounds that parties exacerbate ethnic
these gains. Without institutionalized parties, and conflict in Uganda (Museveni 1997: 187; Kasfir
without a democratic decision-making structure 1998: 60).
within Museveni’s “Movement,” women have The system has evolved through various self-
no means of asserting their rights to be fronted as imposed moments of reckoning, each of which
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108 Women and Political Parties
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has stiffened the executive’s resistance to political would be in violation of Article 269 of the con-
competition, and provided occasions for winnow- stitution which controls party activities. Critics,
ing out more democratically minded members of however, are at pains to advertise the many ways
the NRM. . . . Since the passing of the Move- in which it does nevertheless act as a party: actively
ment Act in 1997, the “no-party” system has campaigning for its candidates during elections,
been known as the “Movement” system. This with a distinct active membership composed of
Act gives the “Movement” privileged constitu- the “historicals” involved in the guerrilla war and
tional status, where it is described as the country’s newer members, and with its caucus in Parlia-
political system, a system which prohibits parties ment (Human Rights Watch 1999: 59). Its rural
from functioning through elections (though they structures (the local Movement Councils paral-
are not formally banned), and will do so until a leling the local government system) were used in
national majority recalls the system through a ref- the June 2000 referendum to mobilize support for
erendum. The 1997 Movement Act creates a new the government’s position, just as a political par-
set of local council structures paralleling the exist- ty’s branch structures might have been employed
ing system, and culminating in a National Move- to support a political campaign.
ment Conference and a permanent secretariat.
Membership in the local Movement Councils
is mandatory for all Ugandans, and all members Women’s Engagement with the National
of Parliament are obliged to be members of the Resistance Movement
National Conference. . . .
The first and highly successful demonstration Women’s professional organizations, religious as-
of this consultative spirit was the way the Uganda sociations, nongovernmental development organi-
Constitutional Commission (1988–93) conducted zations, rural self-help groups, and feminist policy
seminars in all of Uganda’s 870 subcounties, spe- advocacy groups have thrived under the NRM,
cifically consulting socially excluded groups such constituting, according to Aili Mari Tripp’s de-
as women, and collected over 25,000 submissions. tailed study of the Ugandan women’s movement,
Another expression of this consultative mode was “one of the strongest mobilized societal forces
the introduction, after 1989, of a range of affir- in Uganda” (Tripp 2000: 23), and indeed, “one
mative action measures to institutionalize a voice of the strongest women’s movements in Africa”
in politics for certain social groups: women, the (Tripp 2000: 25). This was not the case at the mo-
disabled, youth, and workers. Women have been ment of the NRA’s victory in 1986, when what
the most spectacular beneficiaries of these mea- remained of autonomous women’s associations
sures, which began in 1989 with the reservation had been driven underground by the efforts of
of one seat for a secretary of women’s affairs on Uganda’s authoritarian rulers to co-opt and con-
each RC council, and the selection, through an trol the country’s female constituency. . . .
electoral college composed of RC leaders, of one Though the Ugandan women’s movement had
woman from each district to sit on the National atrophied by the mid-1980s, . . . it is testimony to
Resistance Council (NRC). the resilience and energy of women in civil society
Reconciliation of social differences and moder- in Uganda that a small group of urban women’s
ation of ethnic tensions have also been approached organizations mobilized to lobby Museveni soon
through the restoration of some of the traditional after his takeover. They demanded that women
kingdoms, most notably the powerful Buganda be appointed to leadership positions, arguing that
kingdom in 1995. . . . The restoration of tra- women’s support for the NRA during the 1981–86
or applicable copyright law.

ditional leaders and the revived cultural rights guerrilla war justified this. Later that year, one
enjoyed by tribes can conflict, however, with the new urban feminist association, Action for Devel-
equal rights granted to women in the constitution, opment (ACFODE), a small group of professional
since customary laws tend to subordinate women’s women, conferred with other women’s organi-
property and personal rights to men’s. . . . zations to generate a list of demands to present
The “Movement” continues to resist definition to the new government (Tripp 2000: 70). This
as a political party, because of course otherwise it hastily compiled women’s manifesto called for the
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creation of a Women’s Ministry, for every minis- enabled women to act as a distinct negotiating and
try to have a women’s desk, for women’s repre- voting bloc. Most of them joined a non-partisan
sentation in local government at all levels, and for Women’s Caucus. . . . The Women’s Caucus was
the repeal of the 1978 law linking the National instrumental in ensuring that a number of key pro-
Council of Women (NCW) to the government. visions were included in the constitution: a princi-
Museveni made quick political capital out of ple of nondiscrimination on the basis of sex; equal
urban women. In response to their initial sub- opportunities for women; preferential treatment or
mission, he appointed women who were strong affirmative action to redress past inequalities; provi-
NRM supporters to very prominent positions. . . . sion for the establishment of an Equal Opportunities
Two years later, Museveni appointed two women Commission; as well as rights in relation to employ-
lawyers to the Constitutional Commission . . . ment, property, and the family. . . .
and also created a Ministry of Women in Devel- One of the most contentious issues defended
opment. He acceded to the demand to create a by the Women’s Caucus at that time was the use
seat for a woman at all levels of the now five- of the principle of affirmative action to reserve
tier (village to district level) Resistance Council one-third of local government seats for women.
system. . . . And, in a gesture which laid the foun- Many male CA members objected to this on the
dation for the pattern of patronage appointments grounds that it violated the principle of equal
which was to follow, Museveni went one step rights in the constitution. Women delegates
beyond women’s demands for political represen- countered that participatory democracy did not
tation. They had asked for seats for women in deliver equal participation of women without
local councils, but he added 34 dedicated seats specific instruments to enable women to attain
for women in the national assembly (the National representative office, particularly at the local level
Resistance Council), one for each of the country’s (Ahikire 2001: 13).
districts. Election to this position was to be deter-
mined not by popular suffrage, but by an electoral
college composed of leaders (mostly male) of the Implications of Reserved Seats for
five levels of the RC system. Women’s Legitimacy as Politicians
A critical opportunity for the women’s move-
ment to embed its concerns in the institutions The way the one-third reservation for women was
and politics of the country was presented by the implemented in the 1997 Local Government Act
extended period of preparing a new (the fourth) raises ambiguities about the constituencies they are
constitution for the country between 1989 and supposed to represent. The one-third reservation
1995. The two women lawyers on the Con- has not been applied to existing seats in local gov-
stitutional Commission (which prepared drafts ernment councils. Rather, the number of seats on
between 1989 and 1993) introduced clauses on all Local Councils (LCs—previously Resistance
matters of importance to women, and the Wom- Councils) save at the village level have been ex-
en’s Ministry organized a nation-wide consulta- panded by a third to accommodate women. The
tion exercise to compile a memorandum for the “women’s seats” therefore do not disturb estab-
Commission which set out women’s interest in lished competitions for ward seats. Instead, new
seeking the repeal of legislation which discrimi- “women’s seats” are cobbled together out of clus-
nates on the basis of sex, particularly in relation to ters of two to three wards, in effect at least dou-
marriage, divorce, and property ownership. bling the constituency which women are meant
Fifty-two women, or 18 percent of delegates, to represent, compared to regular ward represen-
or applicable copyright law.

participated in the Constituent Assembly (CA) tatives. The “afterthought” nature of these seats
constitutional debates of 1994–95. Most of them is emphasized by the fact that elections for the
were occupying the seats reserved for women women’s seats are held separately, a good two
representatives from the districts, but nine had weeks after the ward elections. And the mechan-
won in open contests, this time on the basis of ics of voting are different: instead of a secret bal-
universal adult suffrage, to be county represen- lot, voters indicate their choice through the old
tatives. The large number of women in the CA bush war system of physically queuing up behind
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the candidate in question (this was changed to a competition mean that women are treated as a
secret ballot for district-level women’s councillor social group whose disadvantage justifies pro-
seats in 2001). . . . Women now in these seats tected access to the state. But this recognition
express confusion over who or what they are sup- is not accompanied by an acknowledgment that
posed to represent: women in their wards, or all women as a group may have specific interests
of the population in their wards. Either way, they which need to be identified through a process of
are very often sidelined by the “real” ward rep- public debate involving women in civil society.
resentatives, to whom locals go first with their Thus it is their gender, not their politics, that is
problems (Ahikire 2001). their admission ticket. . . . Moreover, it is assumed
Similar ambiguities and constraints afflict the that these values are shared by all women. There
women in the 53 reserved district-level parlia- are no further screening processes beyond ascer-
mentary seats. As detailed by Sylvia Tamale in taining the candidate’s gender, no process of win-
her book on women parliamentarians in Uganda, nowing out likely candidates according to their
it has never been clear that these women district effectiveness in promoting any particular party plat-
representatives are supposed to represent wom- form or social program, and no process to enable
en’s interests. The constitution makes a subtle the women’s movement to review candidates.
distinction between these women representa- The efforts to include women do not threaten the
tives and other categories of special representa- position of incumbent politicians or entrenched
tives (for whom there are simply a few national interests. They do not challenge these interests by
seats, not district seats), such as youth, workers, suggesting that women as a group may have a set
and disabled people. Representatives of other of interests to represent which may change the
special interest groups are elected directly by their orientation and beneficiaries of these institutions.
national organizations, but women are elected
primarily by district local government politicians.
Affirmative action seats for youth, the disabled, Women’s Resistance to Patronage
the army, and workers are described as being for
people who will be “representatives of ” these The payoff for the NRM of this patronage of wom-
special interests. Women district representatives, en is a large vote bank. Moreover, the NRM has
in contrast, are not described in the constitution made efforts to construct women as a non-sectarian
as representatives of women, but as representatives political constituency, a model of the non-ethnic
for each district (Tamale 1999: 74). Women run- vision of citizenship and political participation pro-
ning for these seats must therefore appeal to a nar- moted in the “no-party” political system, and there-
row electorate of mostly male district elites, not a fore key to Museveni’s legitimation project. . . .
broader electorate, and inevitably this favors elite The women’s movement . . . has not been
and socially conservative candidates. The women uncritical of the NRM’s instrumental interest in
MPs in affirmative action seats are not necessarily women as a constituency. But it has often been
people who may appeal to a wider women’s con- in a reactive rather than proactive position in the
stituency. Indeed, in many districts, professing a competition to establish the authoritative discourse
commitment to women’s rights might well con- on the purpose and means of women’s inclusion in
stitute a disqualification in the eyes of the elec- politics. Up to the June 2001 elections, the domes-
toral college. . . . tic women’s movement had not put pressure on the
The “add-on” mechanism of incorporating NRM to institutionalize women’s political gains
women into politics has been based on a prin- and secure them from a future loss of patronage.
or applicable copyright law.

ciple of extending patronage to a new clientele, Such institutionalization would involve revising the
and indeed of “extending the state”—creating electoral system to enable women to compete more
new representative seats, new political offices, effectively against men for “mainstream” seats. This
and where possible, new political resources. . . . would require a review of means of articulating
The “add-on” method influences the relationship and promoting women’s interests in politics, which
between women in office and those in the wom- would include a review of the regulations on politi-
en’s movement. The reservations for women-only cal parties, starting with the NRM itself. . . .
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The Problem with Patronage 111
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During the 1994–95 Constituent Assembly successful, though least coordinated and overt,
debates, the Women’s Caucus did not take a is in relation to the NRM’s admittedly muddled
stand on the debate over the country’s political efforts to create a female party organ along the
system. . . . The Women’s Caucus’s positions on lines of an “old-style” women’s wing. Early in
key debates in the CA were in part informed by the NRM’s tenure, when Museveni responded
the nation-wide consultation process which the quickly to many of the women’s movement’s ini-
Women’s Ministry had conducted in the preced- tial demands for the representation of women, he
ing years in order to collect women’s perspectives held back on one key demand: the repeal of leg-
on important areas for legal change. . . . In the islation linking the National Council of Women
Women’s Ministry summary of the advantages of to the state. This body maintained a register of
the new constitution for women, no mention is women’s associations, and its formal connection
made of the constraints on political parties. . . . to the government was a reminder of the tradi-
There was a similar lack of discussion of the impli- tion of ruling parties controlling women’s asso-
cations of a lack of pluralism for women’s policy ciation in Uganda. In 1993 Museveni abolished
ambitions, and for their prospects as politicians, on the link between the NCW and the state, but
the occasion of the June 2000 referendum. . . . instead established a much more comprehensive
The restraint shown by the women’s movement and complex system of supervision of women’s
in engaging in debates on pluralism should not be association activities in the country, confusingly
taken as collusion with the deepening authoritari- titled “National Women’s Councils.” Designed
anism of the Movement. It is testimony, instead, by the Directorate of Women’s Affairs in the
to the growing risks associated with opposing the NRM Secretariat, the National Women’s Coun-
Movement, the lack of credible alternative arenas cils parallel the country’s five-tier local govern-
for political activism in the malingering old parties, ment councils. They are designed to mobilize
and skepticism about the value of engaging with the rural women into political and development
state. . . . The failure to keep a critical eye on the work, and to channel development resources
undermining of democracy in the country—risky to rural women. In effect, they impose a dou-
as it is to challenge the NRM—has contributed not ble duty of political participation on women, as
only to a deepening stagnation and paralysis in the women are also enjoined to engage with the local
old political parties, but also to an erosion of democ- government system. . . .
racy within the NRM itself. By neglecting questions In the end, however, the new National Wom-
of party development, the women’s movement has en’s Council system failed to pose the expected
failed to scrutinize the position of women within threat to the autonomy of women’s civil society
the NRM, and, as will be shown below, has done activism. There are several reasons for this. One is
little to promote the institutionalization of gender because of a desperate shortage of resources for the
equity concerns within the party—in its recruit- National Women’s Council system. . . . Another
ment, candidate promotion, policies, or leadership. reason is the lack of enthusiasm of women in the
There is an exception to this. In the run-up country for these parallel councils, and for the
to the 2001 parliamentary elections one umbrella political control of women’s activism which they
women’s organization, the Uganda Women’s portend. Urban women’s associations are highly
Network (UWONET), spearheaded an initia- suspicious of the potential of the NCWs to func-
tive which took public steps towards challenging tion as a women’s wing of the NRM. Some rural
the lack of internal democracy in the Movement. women have taken advantage of the NCW system
UWONET’s “People’s Manifesto,” backed by as an arena of political apprenticeship. . . . How-
or applicable copyright law.

like-minded NGOs, broached the issue of inter- ever, the fact that few development resources are
nal reform in the Movement, raising the need to accessible through the NCWs discourages the
bring gender-equity concerns to the attention majority of rural women from taking them seri-
of the National Executive Committee and the ously. But though the NCW system is in many
Movement Secretariat.2 . . . places near-moribund, it represents an institutional
One area in which women’s resistance to the structure which could be revived to constitute a
NRM’s patronage has been most marked and women’s wing of the NRM if necessary.
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Women in Politics and Gender-Friendly MPs and women in civil society to trace this
Legislation “lost amendment.” They were told that there had
been procedural irregularities in the way they had
One measure of the institutional security of tabled the amendment which then disqualified it.
women politicians, and of their relative autonomy In the end, the president admitted that he had
from male or party interests which are hostile to a intervened personally to delete the amendment
gender equity agenda, is their capacity to promote (Tripp 2002). . . .
gender equity legislation. Women in Parliament The president’s suggestion of appending the co-
started out well on this score, passing an amend- ownership amendment to the Domestic Relations
ment to the penal code in 1990 that made rape a Bill (DRB) has as good as extinguished the amend-
capital offense. A few years later, women Constit- ment altogether, because of the political near-im-
uent Assembly delegates were effective in writing possibility of passing the DRB. . . . The bill aims
gender equity provisions into the new constitu- to protect women’s rights in relation to polygamy,
tion. But between the CA debates and the run-up bridewealth, child custody, divorce, inheritance,
to the 2001 parliamentary elections there was a consent in sexual relations, and property owner-
notable flagging of energy around a gender equity ship. This kind of legislation, which challenges
agenda, or around efforts to act in concert on oth- men’s rights to control women and children in
er issues. The Women’s Caucus in Parliament was the family, is inevitably deeply controversial in a
largely inactive between 1996 and 2001. Women sexually conservative society. The item in the bill
politicians did not use their valuable positions on which has aroused the most ferocious objections
parliamentary committees to support each other from many men relates to criminalizing marital rape.
or to push a united policy agenda. . . . A major In addition, the Muslim community has objected
stumbling block is that it is impossible to pass new to the restrictions on polygamous unions in the bill.
legislation without the endorsement of the top Already burdened with these “unpassable” clauses,
leadership of the Movement. . . . At least two im- the DRB can hardly act as a vehicle for pushing
portant recent efforts to promote women’s rights through the spousal co-ownership clause. The bill
have quite clearly lacked this essential Movement has no champion amongst women MPs, . . . [who
endorsement. have] not wanted to risk their political careers on
The most dramatic example of Movement such unpopular legislation. . . .
hostility to women’s concerns, and indeed, direct The Minister of Justice has done more than
presidential sabotage, was the undermining of footdragging to hobble another important piece
efforts to include a clause in the 1998 Land Bill of legislation: the Sexual Offenses Bill. This
to give women equal rights with men over joint draft legislation, which raises the age of consent
property, such as the homestead. Women in civil to 18, is very popular among Ugandan women
society first took up this issue in 1997, joining the because of the deep outrage about what is called
Uganda Land Alliance (a civil society coalition). . . . “defilement” of young girls, particularly in the
They demonstrated the prevalence of the tragedy context of the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS. How-
of widows being forced off their homesteads ever, when the Minister of Justice presented it
by their husband’s families. They also argued in to Cabinet in 1999, it was referred back to the
favor of what became known as the “spousal co- Law Reform Commission because of the poorly
ownership” amendment, that without wives’ right prepared principles and missing background doc-
to homestead land, husbands could sell family land umentation justifying the law. The commission
without their wives either consenting or gaining was mystified, given that the principles and docu-
or applicable copyright law.

any financial benefit from the transaction.3 mentation had been prepared in full. It transpired
Assiduous lobbying by women’s groups gen- that the Minister of Justice, personally objecting
erated support from many women MPs (but not to setting the age of consent at 18, had taken it
three of the then five women in Cabinet, who upon himself to revise the draft legislation and
remained strongly opposed). . . . But when the lowered the age to 16, redrafting the legislation in
Land Act was published, . . . there was no trace great haste.4 This cavalier disregard for the views
of this amendment. It took months for women of the women’s movement as expressed in the
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The Problem with Patronage 113
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commission’s work shows contempt for the The women’s movement, like most other sec-
expression and pursuit of women’s interest tors of civil society, was not centrally engaged in
through political processes. . . . Museveni’s liberation struggle. However, women
There is, however, one noticeable contribu- in combat areas in the center and south of the
tion which women MPs have made: some of them country did give marked support to the bush war
are beginning to constitute an anticorruption by acting as couriers, providing nursing skills, and
lobby. . . . For women within the Movement, it may caring for orphans. A few women were prominent
be that raising issues of corruption is the only way as fighters in the NRA and activists in the NRM,
in which to make an implicit critique of the lack of but they had not formed themselves as a distinct
internal democracy in the Movement. . . . Women constituency. There was no women’s wing, and
MPs have concentrated more closely on corrup- senior women . . . did not identify themselves with
tion than any other group in Parliament, save for women’s issues. . . . Women supporters and com-
the group of new/young parliamentarians be- batants had not had a chance to articulate a position
tween 1996 and 1999, after which key leaders on internal representation of women, or on gen-
amongst them were neutralized by being absorbed der equity in party policy. In the post-1986 period,
into the Cabinet as ministers of state. . . . senior women within the NRM have diverged
according to their interest in gender equity in poli-
tics. . . . Some of these women appear to have been
The No-Party Movement—Problems neutralized by inclusion in the Cabinet. . . .
of Institutionalization and Consequences There has been no structured approach to
for Women encourage women’s engagement in setting policy
priorities within the NRM. Senior women in the
. . . Though the government insists the Move- Movement appear to have focused upon the poli-
ment is not a party, there is little doubt that today tics of national reconstruction in the post-1986
the Movement system does function as a ruling period, rather than upon internal democratiza-
party in the sense that it promotes the electoral tion. . . . There are no measures to ensure parity
prospects of its own members. . . . In the first half in the participation of women in these Movement
of the 1980s, no efforts were put into constitut- Councils, nor to ensure their representation in
ing the NRM into a political party—it was merely the leadership of these councils. In any case, the
the public negotiator for the National Resistance automatic leadership of these councils by the LC
Army (NRA). At the time of its coming to power chairperson ensures almost completely male lead-
in 1986, the NRM/A was primarily a guerrilla ership, since most elected LC chairpersons at all
army, given coherence by its overwhelming loy- levels are men.
alty to the person of Museveni and its one priority One possible reason that little attention was
of getting rid of Milton Obote and seizing power. paid to women’s engagement in the Movement
Aside from presiding over the Resistance Coun- Councils is because a parallel structure exclu-
cil system in liberated areas, the NRM/A had sively for women was set up earlier: the National
no formal internal structures for electing lead- Women’s Council system. No provision for a
ers or debating policies. . . . Between 1986 and structured input of policy concerns from the
1997 the NRM set up shop in an office block in Women’s Councils to the Movement Councils
Kampala and established directorates to perform (or even the Local Councils) exists. This under-
some functions associated with a party: politi- lines women’s separateness, and strengthens the
cal mobilization, organizing Resistance Council notion that women’s participation in politics is
or applicable copyright law.

elections, supporting the NRM representatives in constructed around notions of their difference
the districts, supporting a caucus of NRM MPs from men, rather than equality.
in government, and organizing political educa- There are other organs for policy making in the
tion and self-defense for villagers (chaka muchaka). Movement: the National Executive Committee
Since 1997 the Movement Act, as shown earlier, (NEC) of the Movement, elected at the Move-
has generalized the NRM’s idea of no-party ment’s National Conference, and the Movement’s
democracy into a national political system. Parliamentary Caucus. More important still are
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the decision-making arenas in government: the been sidelined, described by one woman MP as
Cabinet, and the informal and shifting collection “just an errand girl for the President.”5 . . . In any
of friends and advisers around the president. . . . case, the Cabinet is not the true locus of decision
There are 150 people on the NEC. This includes making for the Movement. Insiders say that most
a few seats for representatives of special interest decisions are debated by a very tight circle of close
groups (5 are for women), while the rest are filled army comrades of the president’s: friends on the
by the 45 district chairpersons (all men), and 1 Army Council, the president’s brother Salim Saleh,
MP chosen from each district (most of whom are and a few senior Movement stalwarts in the Cabi-
men). According to one of the few women MPs net. This is popularly known as the “Movement
on the NEC, there has been no discussion since Political High Command.” There are no women
1998 about gender issues, no mention of any in this inner circle.
need for the Movement to offer women special Because membership in the Movement is
support in elections, or to create a quota to ensure mandatory and universal, it does not have policies
that a certain proportion of Movement candidates on recruitment, and hence women have not had
are women. The NEC has never functioned as an the opportunity to push for focused recruitment
effective policy-setting body. . . . of women members. There has been no struc-
The Movement Secretariat is legally charged tured approach to improving women’s chances as
with ensuring that legislative activity is in line with Movement candidates in open contests. . . . This
the Movement’s policy. . . . The NEC is sup- means that there is no way for women to insist
posed to appoint these directors but, in practice, it that the Movement provide backing to a quota
is the president who personally nominates them, of women candidates in the way that their South
and expects the NEC to approve them. There African sisters so successfully did in the African
are 16 directors in the Secretariat, 3 of whom are National Congress (ANC).
women. The head of the subdirectorate for Gen- . . . Ever since the CA elections of 1994, the
der, Labor and Development . . . is not connected NRM Secretariat has unofficially sponsored district-
to the women’s movement, and her directorate level committees to recommend “NRM candi-
has made few efforts to ensure that the govern- dates” for support. At the time, the objective was
ment is enacting the legislation previewed in the mainly to eliminate candidates supportive of plu-
constitution to protect women’s rights. . . . ralism (Besigye 2000: 32). Nevertheless, most of
There is no comprehensive statement of Move- the women politicians interviewed for this study
ment policy, and it would be difficult to put a single who had come to Parliament through competition
label on the Movement’s ideology. Its values are for an open county seat (as opposed to an affir-
summarized in a thin 1999 document that updates mative action seat) claimed they had received no
the NRM’s 1986 10-point program into a 15-point support from the NRM in the 1996 parliamentary
program. Gender is mentioned at point 14, which elections. By keeping the candidate selection sys-
endorses affirmative action as a means to encour- tem unofficial and informal, personal preferences
age political, social, and economic participation of can be muscled through by local strongmen. . . .
marginalized groups (Movement Secretariat 1999: Women politicians who wish to receive Move-
46). . . . The terms “gender equity” or “equality” ment backing must buy into these local power
are never used, nor are any measurable goals men- structures. . . . There have occasionally been efforts
tioned, in terms of aiming for parity in women’s to democratize the movement from within, but
and men’s political or economic engagement. . . . all the individuals who have dared to challenge
The Cabinet is an important forum for debat- abuses of power have lost their positions within
or applicable copyright law.

ing policy. But although there were six women the Movement. . . .6
ministers in the 1996–2001 Cabinet, none of them
was close to real decision making. Research by the
Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) Notes
has shown that these women control small bud-
gets in low-visibility ministries with few staff A shorter version of this chapter was published in the
(FOWODE 2000:10). The vice-president has Journal of Modern African Studies. This chapter is

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The Problem with Patronage 115
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based on in-depth interviews conducted between References

1998 and 2000 with ten MPs, ten local government
councillors (both MPs and councillors were a mix of Ahikire, J. (2001) “Gender Equity and Local Democracy
women and men from across the political spectrum), in Contemporary Uganda: Addressing the Challenge of
six activists from political parties, six women’s rights Women’s Political Effectiveness in Local Government.”
activists, and six representatives of development or- Working Paper 58, Centre for Basic Research, Kampala.
ganizations, as well as a number of academics. This
Besigye, K. (2000) “An Insider’s View of How NRM Lost
chapter also draws on group discussions held with
the Broad-base.” Sunday Monitor, 5 November.
women local government councillors in December
FOWODE (2000) From Strength to Strength: Ugandan
2000 and organized by the Centre for Basic Research
Women in Public Office, Forum for Women in
in Kampala.
Democracy publication, Kampala, May.
1. Through Legal Notice No. 1 of 1986.
Human Rights Watch (1999) Hostile to Democracy: The
2. UWONET (2000), “The People’s Manifesto,” mimeo,
Movement System and Political Repression in Uganda,
3. UWONET, Women and Land Rights in Uganda Human Rights Watch, London.
(Kampala: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, October, 1997): Kasfir, N. (1998) “ ‘No-Party Democracy’ in Uganda.”
UWONET and the Association of Women Parliamen- Journal of Democracy, 9. 2:49–63
tarians (AWOPA), Proposed Amendments on the Land Bill Movement Secretariat (1999) Movement Fifteen Point
1998 (Kampala, UWONET, April 1998). Programme, Pamphlet, Movement Secretariat, Kampala.
4. Interview with an ex-member of the Uganda Law Re- Museveni, Y. K. (1997) Sowing the Mustard Seed, London:
form Commission (21 February 2000). Macmillan.
5. Interview with a woman MP (23 February 2000). Norris, P. (1993) “Conclusion: Comparing Legislative
6. They include Sam Njuba, a government minister Recruitment.” In J. Lovenduski and P. Noris (eds.),
who objected to the NRM’s pressure on the con- Gender and Party Politics, London: Sage.
stitutional commission to write the no-party system Onyango, Odongo (2000) A Political History of Uganda: The
into the draft constitution; Onyango Odongo, an Origin of Yoweri Museveni’s Referendum 2000, Kampala.
early Director of Information and Mass Mobilization The Monitor Publications.
in the NRM Secretariat, who proposed procedures Tamale, S. (1999) When Hens Begin to Crow: Gender and
for electing the NRM’s top leaders and limiting Parliamentary Politics in Uganda, Kampala: Fountain
their terms of office (Onyango, 2000; 77–78); and Publishers.
Dr. Kiiza Besigye, who was threatened with court- Tripp, A. M. (1994) “Gender, Political Participation, and
martial for an open letter he published in the opposition the Transformation of Association Life in Uganda and
paper in November 1999 discussing the Movement’s Tanzania,” African Studies Reveiw, 37.1.
lack of internal democracy and the corruption of high ______. (2000) Women and Politics in Uganda, Oxford:
officials. James Currey.
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Chapter 14
Feminist Political Organization in Iceland:
Some Reflections on the Experience
of Kwenna Frambothid
Lena Dominelli
Gudrun Jonsdottir

The Formation of a Feminist Political Party tion women had in Iceland’s social power base.
In 1982, only three out of sixty parliamentary
. . . Kwenna Frambothid (KF) came about through representatives were women. Their position in
the efforts of a group of ten to twenty women local authorities was equally deplorable; out of
who were concerned about women’s invisibility 1,076 councillors, only seventy-one were female.
in Icelandic society, particularly their lack of voice Although women’s membership profile in the
and political power. These women had previously unions was high and 80 percent of women of
been active in the Red Stockings, but had grown working age were in paid employment, there
disillusioned with its failure to secure significant were only two women on the central commit-
changes in the position of women in Iceland tee of Iceland’s national trade union organization.
and fed up with its factional in-fighting. Meet- Women’s impact on employing bodies was even
ing regularly during the summer of 1981, they worse, for there were no women representatives
discussed the possibility of forming a women’s in the national employers’ associations.
party to take part in the forthcoming municipal The group became incensed by this state of
elections. During these meetings they shared their affairs and was determined to do something about
understanding of women’s position in Iceland and it. The realization that they were confronting a
developed the ideological base which was subse- political problem of mammoth proportions at
quently adopted by KF. . . . a time when city council elections were pend-
They found that like women in other parts of ing pushed these women into entering electoral
the world, Icelandic women neither owned nor politics as well as engaging in other feminist/pro-
controlled substantial proportions of the country’s women activities such as establishing women’s
resources. Moreover, women’s material poverty refuges and women’s centers. . . .
was reflected in and exacerbated by their low The decision to put forward a Women’s List
wages. . . . From their feminist perspective, the in the pending local elections was taken that
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problem formed part of a vicious circle, in that autumn. A problem which the group identified,
women received low wages because they were but did not resolve, was that of finding ways to
women and were being used as a reserve army of stand outside the political system and adhere to
labor because they were women whose experi- feminist principles and practice while still being
ence of waged work was circumscribed by their part of the conventional political apparatus. . . .
familial commitments. KF was launched as a feminist political party at
The KF founding group’s analysis of wom- an open meeting attended by about 600 women
en’s position also revealed the poor representa- of all ages and classes in November 1981. . . .
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They agreed to form Kwenna Frambothid, a party to eliminate it were limited largely to endors-
of women for women, run on egalitarian feminist ing the establishment of SKV [Samtok Kwenna a
lines, and accepted a program aimed at eliminat- Vinnumarkadnum, The Organization of Women
ing gender oppression and transforming gender in the Labor Market]. . . .
relations in ways which fostered collective, caring
values. . . .
KF’s attempts to secure power began with the Contradictions of Feminist Participation in
placing of candidates on a Women’s List for the May the Electoral Process
1982 local authority elections in Reykjavik and
Akureyri.1 . . . KF’s Women’s List named fifty can- . . . Most of the women involved in these ac-
didates. . . . In Reykjavik and Akureyri, KF received tivities had never before participated in political
11.7 percent and 18 percent of the vote, respec- work of this nature. But they, alongside the few
tively. This resulted in two women being elected in women who had been engaged in previous cam-
Reykjavik, the first and second on the list. paigning activities, found the preparation for and
The failure of the Akureyri elections to pro- the running of the election campaign a profound
duce a majority ruling group led the KF can- experience of sisterhood in action. About 100
didates there to join a left of center coalition, a women were actively involved in electoral work
decision which was perplexing to a number of for the 1982 municipal elections. They attended
KF women in Reykjavik. . . . A year later, one election meetings held by other political organi-
of KF’s breakaway factions, Kwenna Listin, was zations, making sure that they publicly addressed
fighting national (parliamentary) elections. . . . women’s issues; wrote newspaper articles; spoke
on radio; and appeared on television presenting
their case for women. . . .
Ideological Ambiguities in Kwenna After this exuberant experience, the entry of
Frambothid’s Position the two successful candidates into city council
work and the awesome display of power held by
. . . KF rejected those aspects of familial ideology KF’s opposition engendered a profound sense of
which gave women an inferior status in society by shock. For the councillors, there was the realiza-
arguing that women’s work in the home was so- tion that working in the system was a lonely affair.
cially valuable and deserved public recognition. . . . They were ostracized by the other political parties
The idea of a “feminine tradition” heralding a new which, while feeling threatened by KF’s exposure
social order appealed to all KF supporters. Its am- of their failure to advance the position of women,
biguity from a feminist point of view gave it the found it difficult to take them and their position
scope to attract a broad cross-section of women seriously. Moreover, the very nature of council
following progressive persuasions. Moreover, the work and its reliance on formal membership of
feminine tradition was capable of uniting women committees forced the KF councillors to tread a
on a gender basis because it was predicated on a lonely path whereby they often had to make snap
heritage of family-centerd domestic labor which decisions on behalf of other women. This made
all Icelandic women held in common. . . . them feel isolated from their power base and
Working-class women were often just too removed from the heady influence of sisterhood.
physically exhausted after their daily exertions to For many KF women, the separation between
participate in activities not essential for the survival them and their councillors was a new and fright-
of their family unit. . . . The tyranny of domestic ening experience, and was difficult for both sides
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commitments which bars working-class women to handle. In addition, since many of their efforts
from having time to consider their own liberation bore no fruit, it was hard for KF councillors to
must be directly addressed by feminist political point out to the membership the results of their
organizations if they expect to draw working-class struggles and use them to reassure women at the
women into their ambit. KF’s record on this front grassroots of the value of their work. . . .
has been mixed. The existence of the problem KF’s venture into electoral politics badly
was acknowledged, but the practical steps taken skewed its action program because city matters
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began to consume an inordinate amount of KF failed to change under the influence of feminism.
women’s time and energies. KF’s initial intention The feminists who braved the groups of pow-
of limiting its involvement in city politics to a erful men at these meetings to argue their case
small part of its plan of action was frustrated by often felt disparaged and ridiculed by those whose
the sheer volume of work generated by trying to minds and attitudes they sought to alter. Some KF
uphold the practice of collective mandating. This women, disillusioned with KF’s lack of progress
required KF councillors to meet weekly with its in democratizing committee proceedings, felt that
supporters to make and consider KF policy on some gains had nonetheless been achieved. . . .
issues coming up before the council. Their meet- Actions by KF women have forced men
ings were established as nonhierarchical forums to politicians to acknowledge feminism and its
facilitate dialogue, mutual exchanges, and collec- demands, but in practice they did not alter their
tive decision making, and to ensure that KF coun- relationships with women or their perceptions of
cillors remained accountable to the grassroots. For them. Moreover, many men responded to femi-
a short period the women were swept along by nism’s challenge in disturbing ways. Some used
postelection euphoria, and the meetings operated it to confirm their misogynist prejudices and
successfully. But over the longer term, and as the insist more stridently that feminists “hate men.”
weight of city council business increased, disil- Labeling feminists as man-haters became a way
lusionment set in. of putting down KF’s feminism and providing
. . . Women’s reduced involvement occurred a diversionary tactic which encouraged people
as the KF councillors were becoming familiar not to take either KF’s challenges or the feminist
with local authority decision-making structures. movement seriously. . . .
This combination of reduced grassroots involve-
ment and a greater familiarity with local authority
procedures greatly enhanced the KF councillors’ Kwenna Frambothid Splits; Kwenna
power and, despite their intentions, distorted the Listin Is Formed
relationship between them and their supporters
by eroding the nonhierarchical structures KF had Another issue which arose from KF women’s frus-
worked hard to establish at its inception. For a tration at their experience of electoral politics con-
time, the KF councillors resisted the encroach- cerned the appropriateness of their entry into this
ment of hierarchy with a modicum of success. arena. . . . A major crisis erupted while the ques-
However, their struggle to maintain the balance tion of increasing grassroots participation remained
between non-authoritarian directional leadership unresolved. . . . It revolved around the question
and hierarchical leadership was precarious. . . . of putting up KF candidates for the parliamentary
This dissatisfying state of affairs did not creep election of 1983. After months of agonizing dis-
upon KF activists unawares. They had foreseen cussions, KF supporters voted by a majority of one
some of these problems in the pre-election not to have candidates stand in the elections. . . .
period and had taken measures such as engaging However, the narrowness of the vote against
in regular critical reflection on their progress. KF taking part in the parliamentary elections did not
women now attempted to reduce the rigidity of satisfactorily resolve the issue for the substantial
meetings and the power of hierarchy by delib- number of women who remained committed to
erately introducing nonhierarchical techniques entering the parliamentary arena. Taking the mat-
into meetings. . . . ter into their own hands, they formed a break-
Despite these innovations, KF women were away group, Kwenna Listin (KL), and put up
or applicable copyright law.

anxious about drifting into apathy which would their own candidates for the 1983 parliamentary
destroy their democratic and feminist impetus elections. These candidates were fielded in three
and institutionalize their creativity. This danger areas—Akureyri and environs, Reykjavik city,
appeared very real to the KF women who were and Reykjavik environs. The Akureyri region
involved in giving evidence to various subcom- was the only area which did not return a KL
mittees of the council, where the rules and pro- candidate. The other two areas returned three of
cedures established under the masculine tradition their women candidates to parliament.
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The issue at stake in the breakaway action threat posed by KF to make overtures to KF
was not simply that of parliamentary politics, for women and ask them to join them in fighting
the debate revealed further divisions amongst KF the 1983 parliamentary elections. . . . In other
supporters—divisions about how they should words, they waited until the women had proved
conduct a parliamentary campaign, and ideologi- themselves as politicians and chalked up an elec-
cal divisions between the pro-women faction and tion victory in their own right before deeming
the feminist faction. Although their ideological them worthy of consideration. Arguing that the
differences were far from clear-cut, KL’s com- left should resist fragmentation because men and
mitment to increasing the number of women women had more interests in common than dif-
in parliament gave it a slightly different philos- ferences, and that they should avoid splitting the
ophy from KF and attracted to its membership anti-conservative vote because it would deci-
women from all parts of the political spectrum, mate the left, leading left-wing male politicians
rather than primarily progressive or left-oriented asked KF women individually to stand as candi-
women. This has produced tensions between the dates in their own parties and to wind up KF as a
pro-woman group, which felt that being of the party political entity. The KF women’s rejection
female gender was the only criterion for member- of such overtures turned these politicians against
ship in KL, and the feminist group which wanted KF, and during the parliamentary campaign they
a feminist political orientation and commitment used every possible opportunity to discredit KF’s
to transforming gender relations as the criteria for work on the city council and make the positions
eligibility into KL’s ranks. it adopted seem ridiculous. . . .
As their philosophies and methods of working KF women felt justified in reacting skeptically
were different, relationships between KF and KL to the male politicians’ proposals. The Icelandic
were somewhat strained. Even on policy issues left historically had a poor record in further-
which were of mutual interest, such as day-care ing women’s rights and interests. . . . For KF
provisions, KL and KF pursued their individual women, achieving equal power between men
lines. . . . As the situation amongst its activists and women within traditional party structures
deteriorated following the split in the organiza- was impossible.
tion, the morale of both councillors and supporters KF feminists urged women not to resolve their
reached an all-time low. Attendance at meetings problems within the context of a mixed left-wing
dropped further as women with little interest in political group. Although this position was an
being an effective support group for councillors appropriate interim response, given the earlier
ceased attending. Work on other aspects of KF’s failure of the left in promoting women’s inter-
program continued to slow down as council busi- ests and women’s need to develop their strengths
ness consumed most of the active women’s time and organizations, the old dilemma of the point
and resources. at which feminism and socialism converged
remained. . . .

Kwenna Frambothid’s Influence on

Traditional Parties The Significance of Women-Only
Organizations in the Political Process
Meanwhile, existing political parties responded
to KF’s challenge by increasing women’s in- From KF feminists’ perspective, at least in the
volvement in their own party structures, par- short term, women needed to devote their en-
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ticularly at the lower levels. They hoped that ergies to developing their own skills and talents
this strategy would spike KF’s electoral ambi- and helping one another grow strong and con-
tions. The feminist challenge was greatest for fident so that they could tackle gender op-
left-oriented parties because KF was attracting pression. It was much easier to ensure that this
women who would have normally given these happened if women worked within women-only
parties their electoral support. By early 1983, organizations and formed their own independent
left politicians were worried enough about the power base. Moreover, as KF women discovered,
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organizing in women-only groups had a number Kwenna Frambothid Fails to Resolve the
of merits besides bolstering women’s confidence Ideological Rifts
and morale.
Various examples of women-only direct action . . . The failure of the 1984 conference to attract
demonstrated that acting in concert with other large numbers of women resulted in KF’s decision
women renewed individual women’s determina- not to hold another conference in 1985. Instead,
tion and conviction so that their actual struggle the women decided to organize several evening
against gender oppression was maintained and meetings aimed at deciding how to respond to
their strength of purpose reinforced. They also the 1986 local elections. The attendance at these
found that working with other women had ther- meetings continued to be low, with never more
apeutic spin-offs. Knowing that other women than twelve to sixteen women present. This ex-
shared their view of the world and confronted acerbated the feelings of disillusionment amongst
similar problems recharged them psychologically. the KF activists.
Moreover, women had lots of fun and derived The two KF councillors found it difficult to
great pleasure when working alongside other agree between themselves either on the analysis
women, even when the objective situation they of the situation or on how to handle the impend-
faced was grim. Such women-only organizations ing dissolution of KF. One councillor was con-
as SKV made women feel more comfortable and vinced that KF had served its purpose and should
spontaneous in their reactions. This was amply be wound up. She interpreted the membership’s
revealed during the Supermarket Demonstration poor participation rate as a statement of the return
of March 1984. . . . to traditional model politics. For her, the message
The Supermarket Demonstration was orga- from the majority of women who had participated
nized to highlight the problems women encoun- in the 1982 campaign was that the grassroots were
tered as wage-laborers. . . . They argued that as abdicating their electoral responsibilites to their
women earned only 66 percent of the male aver- elected representatives. . . .
age wage in Iceland, they should pay only 66 per- During the period of declining participation,
cent of the price being asked for commodities. various forms of fund-raising and direct action
Having alerted the media that a demonstra- continued, and received the support of large
tion was going to take place, KF activists went numbers of women. The most challenging of
to the downtown supermarkets to buy the these was the response to the speech made by
ingredients for making a rice pudding which the the mayor of Reykjavik while taking part in the
(male) Minister of State for Economic Affairs selection of the beauty queen of Iceland at one
claimed all low-income families could afford. of the town’s leading restaurants. In the televised
The KF women tendered 66 percent of the version of events, while he was crowning the vic-
asking price, explaining their rationale to the tor, the Mayor was quoted as saying:
perplexed (female) cashiers. Several cashiers,
If the candidates of KF were as nice looking and
sympathizing with the protesting women’s
had as good measurements as the thirteen girls
actions, accepted the sum of money offered.
taking part in the competition, I would most cer-
Others, worried about management’s response
tainly lose in that next election as they would
and the possibility of losing their jobs, called for
sweep the electorate off their feet.
managerial intervention. Management asked the
women to leave, but the women refused to go The KF women decided to retaliate with
and began chanting and singing protest songs. pointed humor at the next meeting of the Reykja-
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Management called the police, who stood by vik City Council. . . . Dressed in either gala dresses
helplessly watching a group of women sing- or bikinis, and wearing makeup, jewelry, crowns
ing and dancing in the supermarket. . . . The of silver paper, and sashes depicting virtues men
Supermarket Demonstration and other forms of desired in women—Miss Patience, Miss Easy-to-
direct action planned by KF on a woman-only Handle, and so on—the women took their places
basis forced people to think about old situations in the proceedings. . . . The KF councillor spoke at
in novel ways. . . . the beginning of the meeting and read a declaration
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explaining the action. She stated that KF was pro- The results acheived by KL in these elections
testing against the sexist manner in which women were less optimistic than those obtained by KF in
had been described by the mayor and that during 1982. KL lost ground, receiving 8.2 percent of
the meeting they would . . . keep quiet and follow the vote compared to KF’s 11.7 percent in 1982,
the men’s lead without expressing an opinion of and it got only one representative on the city
their own. . . . At the end of the meeting, the KF council. . . . A Women’s List was also put up in
councillor again read a statement describing how two places outside of Reykjavik. In one of these,
difficult it had been for the KF women to play no women candidates were elected; in the other,
the roles ascribed to them by men and that they one woman gained a place in the council cham-
hoped the absurdity of that role had been made bers. Overall, out of 1,180 people sitting in local
clear. Having been given prior warning of the government in Iceland as a whole, 226 were now
event, media coverage of the meeting was intense. women. The picture had changed somewhat, tip-
Angry and embarrassed by the publicity, the mayor ping slightly toward a greater representation of
accused KF of “being a disgrace to the city coun- women in these bodies, but it was not a feminist
cil.” For the women who took part, however, the gain, for most of the women had been put up
action was extremely satisfying because it managed by the traditional parties. KL women also stood
to recapture the spirit of 1982. . . . for the parliamentary elections in the spring of
But this form of demonstration was not rep- 1987, with nine of their members elected. They
licated. It stands as KF’s swansong. The wrangles believe that it is important that the skills acquired
over the position they should adopt in relation by women who had previously participated in the
to the 1986 municipal elections continued with electoral system should not be lost. . . .
acrimonious debates. In the end, the issue was
resolved by a vote not to become involved at all.
Those against participation in elections argued Lessons Drawn from Kwenna Frambothid’s
that their current attempt at using the process to Entry into the Party Political Arena
acquire fundamental changes favoring women
had been futile. The arguments on the other side KF’s entry into the electoral process has produced
were that KF was admitting defeat in not putting mixed results. On the positive side, its activities
up a list; that the women’s voice in the system have raised public consciousness of feminism and
would be lost without KF participation; that in given a considerable boost to feminist work. . . .
a situation in which women did not have equal Organizing a women-only political party and
electoral representation with men at either parlia- the experience of working together collectively
mentary or city-council level a separate Women’s through direct action boosted women’s morale
List was essential; and that a Women’s List was and confidence, added to their storehouse of in-
an appropriate form of feminist intervention. Fol- ventiveness, and gave them considerable expertise
lowing this meeting, held in January 1986, KF in the “male” way of handling politics.
issued a press statement lamenting the failure of On the negative side, KF’s venture into elec-
KF to have a fundamental impact on Iceland’s toral politics badly skewed its action program,
electoral system, announcing that KF would not because city matters took up so much of KF
put forward a Women’s List again and declar- women’s time and energies and tended to turn
ing that the 1982 List was aimed at promoting them into servants of the electoral process. It also
discussion about the status and life of women in raised problems about the connections between
Iceland and at making it plain that women were policy and process, especially the contradiction
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oppressed there. . . . of trying to operate on a collaborative, non-

The final outcome of this split was that a hierarchical, democratic basis within the extremely
Women’s List for the 1986 local elections came hierarchical structures of representative democra-
out under the auspices of KL. Most of the women cy in the local authority setting. As feminists, KF
at the top of the list had been on KF’s list of 1982, women opted for democracy on an ongoing, par-
including, at the very top, the former number ticipative basis rather than the traditional basis of
two who had been a KF councillor. voters endorsing a representative once every four
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Feminist Political Organization in Iceland 123
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years. But this was extremely difficult to maintain KF’s commitment to electoral success meant
in practice. that its feminist ideology was diluted to appeal to
Ambiguity over what constituted a feminist too broad a group of women—feminists and non-
position and whether it could be confined to feminists alike. Rather than focusing on demands
gender issues bedevilled KF not just in its elec- for the transformation of society, its main goal
toral politics but in its policy making more gen- became that of rendering the hitherto invis-
erally. The fear of exacerbating divisions and of ible experience of women visible and getting it
causing further rifts in the organization prevented accepted as being equally valuable as men’s. This
KF from having full debates on its parliamentary made it easy for women who saw themselves pri-
position as well as on other crucial matters such marily as mothers or housewives to identify with
as its position vis-à-vis the family. But it was KF in that it highlighted their caring role. But it
the division over electoral intervention which meant that the specific form of women’s oppres-
caused its demise. sion and questions about who the oppressors
Whether feminists should operate within or are, and why, were never directly addressed. KF
outside state structures is an important question women avoided questions about the nature of the
for feminist political organizations. The expe- family, women’s sexuality, lesbianism, and other
rience of KF suggests that feminists must work controversial matters which might frighten the
effectively in both. They must tackle gender voters and cause a substantial number of women,
oppression wherever it is located and fight it particularly working-class women, to leave its
simultaneously on a number of different levels. ranks. Hence, discussions about women’s fam-
However, becoming part of the state hierarchy ily life and their sexuality occurred only amongst
carries with it the grave risk of incorporation small groups of mainly middle-class women who
and of tokenism. The local state could use the were very close friends. . . .
fact of women’s participation to argue that it was
“doing” something to promote women’s inter-
ests. Meantime, it could abdicate its responsibility Note
for providing women with the additional material
resources they needed and were demanding. On 1. The observations on KF in this article deal with the
the other side of this coin, KF women worried Reykjavik group, unless otherwise specified. Akureyri
that their own “self-help” efforts would make KF had developed its own electoral response, and to do
justice to its position would require another article which
it easier for the state to withhold resources from neither of us is in a position to write. Communication
women on the grounds that they could provide between the two groups was sporadic and they lacked a
the services they needed for themselves. . . . formal coordinating structure between them.
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Part III
Women, Gender, and Elections
This section brings together readings on women, gender, and elections, focusing on women’s and men’s
distinct electoral preferences, opportunities and barriers to the selection of female candidates to political
office, and explanations for cross-national variations in the election of women to national parliaments.
The first article focuses on the “gender gap” by surveying and analyzing changes in patterns of male and
female voting behavior across countries and over time (Inglehart and Norris 2001). The second outlines
a basic model for understanding patterns of legislative recruitment (Norris and Lovenduski 1995), which
is elaborated further in terms of supply-side (Fox and Lawless 2004) and demand-side (Niven 1998)
explanations for women’s under-representation in electoral politics. Addressing variations across coun-
tries, the next three selections present what is now largely seen as the conventional wisdom regarding
variations in women’s access to political office (Caul 1999), as well as challenges to these arguments
based on data from developing countries (Yoon 2004) and the recent adoption and implementation of
electoral gender quota policies (Dahlerup and Freidenvall 2005).
As noted in the introduction, predictions as to how women would use their right to vote played a
central role in debates leading up to women’s suffrage. Although some believed that women would vote
in ways similar to men, others argued that women were likely to espouse quite different political priori-
ties. Subjecting these assumptions to an empirical test, Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris analyze patterns
of male and female voting behavior in more than sixty countries over time. They discover that a “tradi-
tional gender gap,” whereby women vote more to the right than men, continues to prevail in many
non-Western contexts. However, this gap has narrowed and reversed in many Western countries, pro-
ducing a “modern gender gap,” whereby women are not more likely to vote to the left than men. They
find that this trend is strongest among younger age groups, suggesting that the process of generational
turnover is likely to strengthen the modern gender gap over time. Reasons for these patterns, they sug-
gest, stem from differences in men’s and women’s values, especially their divergent attitudes toward
postmaterialism and the women’s movement.
Turning to the question of women as elected officials, a common starting point is what has come to be
known as the “supply and demand” model of political recruitment. Using evidence from the United
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Kingdom, Pippa Norris and Joni Lovenduski outline their seminal statement of this model. They propose that
the number of women elected is the combined result of (1) the qualifications of women to run for political
office and (2) the desire or willingness of elites to select female aspirants. The two key factors shaping the
supply of potential candidates are (1) resources, like time, money, and experience, and (2) motivation, such
as drive, ambition, and interest in politics. Once applicants come forward, their selection hinges on percep-
tions of their abilities, qualifications, and experience. Trends in these assessments are strongly shaped by the
preferences and opinions of political elites, who may justify their decisions as based on merit, but in fact often
employ various types of “information short-cuts” like sex as a proxy measure of abilities and character.
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Richard L. Fox and Jennifer L. Lawless expand on the supply-side explanation by analyzing the initial
decision to run for political office in the United States. Drawing on the results of a national survey, they
find that women who share the same personal characteristics and professional credentials as men express
significantly lower levels of ambition to hold elective office. They note that women are far less likely
than men to be encouraged to run for office and are significantly less likely to view themselves as quali-
fied to run. As a consequence, they argue that despite major changes in women’s social and economic
status in recent years, traditional sex-role socialization continues to play a role in limiting women’s access
to political office. David Niven, in turn, elaborates the demand-side explanation by examining elite atti-
tudes toward the selection of male and female candidates. Through a survey, he seeks to ascertain
whether the selection of fewer women than men is due to the biases of predominantly male elites against
potential female candidates. He finds that the tendency not to select women is due to the preferences of
male elites to find candidates similar to them through their stated preference for attributes that are ste-
reotypically seen as “male.”
A focus on general explanations for women’s under-representation, however, overlooks the fact that
there are significant variations across countries in terms of women’s representation in national parlia-
ments. Miki Caul reflects the dominant findings of this literature through a statistical analysis of women’s
representation in twelve advanced industrial countries at three points in time: 1975, 1985, and 1989. She
examines a range of factors, including the electoral system, the degree of party institutionalization, the
level of candidate nomination, the ideologies and values of political parties, the proportion of women in
party offices, and the presence of formal rules to increase the numbers of women nominated. Drawing
on this research, Mi Yung Yoon tests whether the same or different factors explain variations in women’s
representation in sub-Saharan Africa. Contrary to findings from developed countries, she discovers that
education, labor force participation, and socioeconomic development do not have any positive effect. In
contrast, patriarchal culture, proportional representation electoral systems, and gender quotas are statisti-
cally significant.
Elaborating on this last variable, Drude Dahlerup and Lenita Freidenvall observe the rapid diffusion of
gender quotas around the world in recent years and identify two paths to increased representation for
women. In countries that follow the “incremental track,” the proportion of women increases gradually
over time, and gender quotas—if adopted—appear only after women make substantial gains. In coun-
tries on the “fast track,” in contrast, the number of women in elected office may increase dramatically
following quota adoption. Together, these readings indicate that general trends in women, gender, and
elections coexist with important cross-national and cross-temporal variations, which point to the con-
tested nature—and uneven progress—of women’s incorporation into the political process.
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Chapter 15
The Developmental Theory
of the Gender Gap:
Women’s and Men’s Voting Behavior
in Global Perspective
Ronald Inglehart
Pippa Norris

During the postwar era the established orthodoxy then we would expect to find similar gender gaps
in political science was that women in western in other nations. Yet, alternatively, if caused by
democracies proved more right wing than men. specific factors which are distinctive to American
Gender differences in party preferences were politics, such as the traditional lack of a strong
never as marked as the classic electoral cleavages class cleavage in the electorate, the centrist pat-
of class, region, and religion, . . . but . . . “wom- tern of two-party competition, or the salience of
en’s conservatism” was commonly noted as a per- issues like abortion and affirmative action, then
sistent and well-established phenomenon. During we would expect that the modern gender gap in
the 1980s the conventional wisdom came under the United States would prove to be sui generis,
increasing challenge. On the one hand, commen- or at least highly contingent upon particular con-
tators in many countries outside the United States ditions found in particular countries, such as the
detected a process of gender dealignment, finding predominant issue agenda, patterns of party com-
minimal sex differences in voting choice and party petition, or cultural values. . . .
preferences. On the other hand, in the United To provide a fresh look at this issue we focus on
States a pattern of gender realignment became evi- comparing gender differences in the voting prefer-
dent. The emergence of the modern gender gap ences of the electorate, the most common mean-
in America is due to the way that women moved ing of the term “gender gap,” in a wide range of
toward the Democrats since 1980 while men moved countries. . . .Our argument is based on a devel-
toward the Republicans on a stable, long-term, opmental theory of the gender gap suggesting that
and consistent basis, thereby reversing the pattern long-term structural and cultural trends, which
of voting and partisanship common in the 1950s. have transformed women’s and men’s lives, have
The process of gender realignment in the gradually produced realignment in gender politics
or applicable copyright law.

United States raises the question whether similar in postindustrial societies. For data we draw on
developments are now evident elsewhere. There the World Values Surveys (WVS), carried out in
are two perspectives on this issue. If the gender three waves in the early 1980s, the early 1990s,
gap in American politics is caused by common and the mid-1990s. In total these surveys allow
structural and/or cultural trends affecting modern us to compare sixty societies around the globe,
societies, such as increased female participation although not all countries were included in each
in the paid workforce, the breakup of traditional wave. . . . Gender differences in voting intentions
family units, or the transformation of sex roles, are compared using a 10-point scale, derived from
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expert assessments of the position of parties across in many established democracies, notably in terms
the left-right spectrum. . . . of class and religion (Dalton et al., 1984; Crewe
and Denver, 1985; Franklin et al., 1992; Norris
and Evans, 1999). . . . This account stressed that
Theoretical Framework
voters have become more instrumental. Under
these conditions no party could expect to enjoy a
The Orthodox Account of Female
persistent and habitual advantage among women
or men voters; instead contingent factors like gov-
. . . The early classics in the 1950s and 1960s ernment performance, party policies, and leader-
established the orthodoxy in political science; gen- ship images could be expected to come to the fore
der differences in voting tended to be fairly modest in voting decisions.
but nevertheless women were found to be more
apt than men to support center–right parties in Theories of Gender Realignment
Western Europe and in the United States, a pat-
During the last decade, however, there has
tern which we can term the traditional gender gap
been much speculation, although little concrete
(Duverger, 1955: 65–66; Lipset, 1960: 143; Pulzer,
evidence, that women were continuing to realign
1967: 52; Butler and Stokes, 1974: 160; Camp-
toward the left throughout advanced industrial
bell et al., 1960: 493). Inglehart (1977: 229) con-
societies, a situation that we will term the modern
firmed that in the early 1970s women remained
gender gap, replicating the pattern evident since
more likely to support Christian Democrat and
the early 1980s in the United States. The pro-
Conservative parties in Western Europe, particu-
cess of “partisan realignment” is understood to
larly in Italy and Germany, although a new pattern
produce an enduring and stable change in the
appeared to be emerging in the United States.
mass coalitional basis of party politics (Norris
Most explanations of the traditional gender gap
and Evans, 1999). . . . The modern gender gap
emphasized structural sex differences in religiosity,
in American elections has rarely been substan-
longevity, and labor force participation. . . . In this
tial compared with differences based on race or
era women were also commonly assumed to be
religion, but nevertheless this has proved a con-
more conservative in their political attitudes and
sistent, stable, and politically significant factor in
values, producing an ideological gap underpinning
many contests, representing a long-term shift in
their party preferences. . . .
the mass basis of party politics. . . .
Theories of Gender Dealignment
The Developmental Theory of
This orthodoxy came under increasing chal- Gender Realignment
lenge during the 1980s since scholars in many
. . . We argue that a developmental theory can
Western countries emphasized a pattern of gender
be used to explain this phenomenon, in which the
dealignment in the electorate, or a weakening of
transformation of sex roles in postindustrial soci-
women’s traditional conservatism. . . . The old the-
eties has influenced the process of value change.
sis of female conservatism was apparently no longer
As women’s and men’s lifestyles and cultural at-
evident; instead, the situation in the 1980s seemed
titudes have been altered by the process of soci-
contingent upon political circumstances: in some
etal modernization we expect this to have a major
established democracies women seemed to lean
impact on their political preferences. The theory
toward the right, in others to the left, particularly
or applicable copyright law.

is based on three major premises that are open

in Nordic societies (Oskarson, 1995), and in yet
to empirical investigation; namely, we expect to
others no significant differences could be detected
find systematic differences in the gender gap:
(Mayer and Smith, 1995; Norris, 1988; Oskarson,
1995; Studlar, McAllister, and Hayes, 1998). . . . 1. between societies based on their level of politi-
An overall pattern of gender dealignment cal and economic development;
seemed to fit theories suggesting that the impact 2. within societies based on generational cohorts;
of traditional social–party linkages had weakened and
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The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap 129
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3. within societies based on structural and cul- this view it is not the general shift to postmaterial-
tural factors. ist values per se, but rather the growth of feminist
identity and consciousness that has been the cata-
The developmental theory is based on the assump- lyst producing the modern gender gap in party
tion that traditional societies are characterized by support. . . . If so, we would expect to find the
sharply differentiated gender roles that discour- modern gender gap would be strongest among
age women from jobs outside the home. . . . In feminist women. This hypothesis can be tested
postindustrial societies gender roles have increas- by examining the size of the gender gap control-
ingly converged due to a structural revolution in ling for the effects of confidence in the women’s
the paid labor force, in educational opportunities movement and also attitudes toward abortion,
for women, and in the characteristics of modern understood as key indicators of sympathy for
families. These major changes in sex roles can be feminist ideals. . . .
expected to influence women’s and men’s politi- Lastly, some suggest that the gender gap in
cal behavior. . . . Women’s support for parties of America is due to greater support among women
the left may be encouraged by pervasive patterns for a range of left-wing policy issues, rather than
of horizontal and vertical occupational segrega- those that are explicitly gendered, . . . such as
tion. Working women are often overrepresented government spending on the welfare state and
in low-paid jobs and as public sector professionals public services, pro-environmental protection, and
and service providers in education, health care, and pacifism in the use of military force. . . . We can
welfare services. Women also experience contin- examine this hypothesis by monitoring the gender
ued pay disparities and lower socioeconomic status, gap after controlling for attitudes toward govern-
with considerably higher levels of female poverty ment, measured by examining a series of left-right
(United Nations, 1995). . . . Increased participa- attitude scales in the WVS toward the role of
tion by professional women in higher education government in the economy and the responsibili-
may have encouraged more liberal attitudes. Struc- ties of the state in the provision of social welfare.
tural accounts have also commonly emphasized the To summarize, the developmental theory sug-
process of secularization. Women have tended to gests that structural and cultural trends common
be more religious in the past and this, particularly to postindustrial societies have realigned women
Catholicism, helped to explain greater female sup- toward parties of the left. This can be tested by
port for Christian Democratic parties in the post- examining the size and direction of the gender
war era (Lipset, 1960). . . . gap given a series of hypotheses. First, at national
Structural factors can be regarded as interacting levels we would expect to find the reversal of the
with, and causing, shifts in cultural attitudes and gender gap according to the society’s level of eco-
values that may subsequently exert an independent nomic development. . . .
and direct effect upon voting choice. The most Within postindustrial societies we would also
influential cultural theories concern gender differ- predict that the gender gap would reverse by gen-
ences in postmaterialist values, the effects of femi- erational cohort, given the way that changes in
nist mobilization, and attitudes toward the role of lifestyles and cultural trends have transformed the
government. . . . It is argued that this pervasive lives of older and younger groups of women. . . .
cultural shift has increased the salience of issues We would hypothesize that the modern gender gap
such as reproductive choice, sexual harassment should be evident among the younger generation,
in the workplace, and equal opportunities. . . . while the traditional gap should remain relatively
If the modernization process has influenced the strong among the older cohorts. These genera-
or applicable copyright law.

gender gap, we would expect to find that support tional effects would not be expected in postcom-
for postmaterialist values would be closely associ- munist or developing societies, since structural and
ated with female support for parties of the left. cultural changes in these societies have taken very
Alternatively, Conover (1988) has argued that different pathways there. The forces of moderniza-
the electoral gap in America has been strongly tion have not yet transformed gender roles in most
influenced by mobilization by the women’s developing societies; and in the postcommunist
movement around issues of gender equality. In world, the historical changes of recent decades
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have been very different from those operating in ies, and −.14 in developing societies (with women
advanced industrial societies. leaning right). This offers important evidence pro-
Lastly, . . . we would also expect to find that viding initial confirmation of our first hypothesis,
within societies the gender gap at the individual that the gender gap is consistently associated at the
level would vary systematically according to struc- national level with the process of economic and
tural and cultural factors which have changed political modernization. The traditional right-wing
women’s and men’s lives, namely women’s gap remains prevalent in developing societies, but
participation in the paid labor force, their socio- a pattern of convergence or gender realignment is
economic status, education, and religiosity, as evident in more developed societies. This lends sup-
well as their attitudes toward postmaterialism, the port to the hypothesis that the shift toward the left
women’s movement, and government. among women is strongly influenced by the mod-
ernization process.
To test whether the pattern we have established
Trends in the Voting Gap is an artifact of the particular measure we used,
or whether the patterns in voting are reflected
. . . We can start by comparing the gender gap more broadly in terms of the ideological position
in voting choice in eleven established democra- of women and men, we can compare nineteen
cies where we have information from the early countries where we have a consistent measure of
1980s to the early or mid-1990s. . . . The evi- left–right identity. . . . The “ideological gap” is cal-
dence for trends since the early 1980s is available culated as the difference in the mean self-placement
for the eleven established democracies included of women and men on these scales. . . . The results
in the first wave of the World Values Survey. If confirm that the position of men has remained rela-
we compare the gender gap using the expert scale tively stable since the early 1970s, with some trend-
we find a mixed pattern in these societies in the less fluctuations around the mean. . . . In contrast,
early 1980s: in four countries (the Netherlands, women proved ideologically further to the right of
the United States, Denmark, and Italy) women men in the early 1970s, with a closure of the gap in
leaned toward the left while in six countries they the mid-1980s, and the emergence of women more
leaned rightward. But the pattern of change over to the left of men in the mid-1990s. . . .
time is generally consistent: in countries where The analysis of gender differences in left-right
women were more conservative in 1981 this pat- ideology in the wider range of societies included
tern weakens although it does not disappear ev- in the World Values Surveys in the early 1980s,
erywhere, except for Spain. The modern gender the early 1990s, and the mid-1990s confirms this
gap, with women more left wing than men, is ev- pattern: the results support the conventional wis-
ident in each wave in the United States, consoli- dom about women’s greater conservatism in the
dates over time in the Netherlands, and emerges past. In the early 1980s women did see themselves
by the 1990s in Canada and West Germany. as slightly more right wing than men in two-thirds
. . . We can compare the size and direction of of the countries where we have comparable data,
the voting gap in the 1990s in 36 countries. What is and this pattern was particularly strong in Italy,
striking is that in postindustrial societies in the 1990s Spain, and France. By the early 1990s the evi-
the modern gender gap, with women significantly dence shows that women had moved to center–
more left wing than men, is evident in almost half the left in about half the countries under comparison,
nations under comparison. Women are significantly with the modern gender gap becoming evident in
more right wing in only two (Finland and Spain), the United States, Norway, and the Netherlands.
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and in the remainder there is no significant gender By the last wave of the survey in 1995–97 this
difference. In contrast, in the eight developing soci- pattern is even clearer as women were on balance
eties women proved significantly more right wing more left wing than men in all nations except
in four and more left wing in only one (Argentina). Spain (where women have still become less con-
Across all advanced industrialized democracies the servative over time) and South Korea (which
gender gap in voting was +.10 (with women leaning shows a mixed pattern over time and no signifi-
left), whereas it was −.08 in postcommunist societ- cant difference in the mid-1990s).
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The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap 131
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. . . We also compared the ideological gap in 3 also enters the attitudinal variables, which
57 nations with data drawn from the most recent reduced the effect of gender although this still
World Values Surveys available in the early or remained significant. Support for postmaterialist
mid-1990s. The results confirm that by the 1990s values and for the women’s movement were the
women were significantly more right wing than most important effects although all these variables
men in only a few societies (6 out of 57 nations). proved significant. What this suggests . . . is that
In most nations women proved largely similar to the modern gender gap is more strongly the prod-
men, but they were significantly more left wing uct of attitudinal rather than structural variables.
in fourteen countries. . . . Most of the countries That is, women in advanced industrialized societ-
displaying the modern gender gap in ideology are ies are shifting left because of a broad process of
postindustrial societies. . . . value changes, particularly the shift toward more
egalitarian attitudes associated with postmaterial-
ism and feminism.
Testing the Developmental Theory of [Analyzing] the results for postcommunist soci-
Gender Realignment eties, we found a different pattern, with the tra-
ditional gender gap being prevalent in the 1990s.
To examine the reasons for gender realignment Women proved more right wing than men even
we need to analyze the effects of the generational, after controlling for differences in social structure
structural, and cultural factors discussed earlier. To and in political attitudes. Cultural factors proved
do this we use ordinary least squared regression particularly weak. . . . The pattern by age group
models with the 10-point left-right voting scale as was also far more polarized than in established
the dependent variable. . . . In Model 1 we explore democracies, since the women who leaned further
the impact of gender on the left-right voting scale to the left than men were found between both the
without any controls. . . . Model 2 subsequently youngest and oldest cohorts. The pattern of secu-
adds structural controls, including religiosity, labor lar generational trends in these nations is therefore
force participation, education, age, and the respon- more complex than we can predict in developed
dent’s socioeconomic status. . . . Model 3 adds con- societies. When we compared the same models
trols for cultural factors, measured by support for in developing societies, the results confirmed the
postmaterial values, the women’s movement and persistence of the traditional gender gap, even
abortion, and attitudes toward government. . . . after controlling for structural and cultural factors.
[Analyzing] Model 1 confirms that gender As observed earlier, however, there are impor-
was a significant predictor of voting choice in the tant variations within these broad categories of
1990s, with women leaning left, confirming the societies. We break down the results further to
existence of the modern gender gap. Model 2 compare patterns for the eighteen nations where
shows that gender remains significant even after we have the complete set of control variables.
entering the structural controls. That is to say, The results in Model 1 confirm that by the 1990s
the modern gender gap cannot be explained, as among advanced industrialized societies women
some previous research suggests (DeVaus and proved significantly more left wing than men in
McAllister, 1989), as simply the result of gender six out of ten nations, there was no significant
differences in religiosity, class, age, or participa- difference in three countries, and in one (Finland)
tion in the labor force. In established democracies women were more right wing. The modern gen-
the pattern of the gender gap by age group did der gap was maintained in the United States,
prove to be an important indicator of generational France, and Germany after introducing struc-
or applicable copyright law.

change: among the youngest group women are tural controls, but it became insignificant in every
far more left wing than men whereas among the country except the United States once we con-
over-65s the gender gap reversed, with women trolled for cultural attitudes. This reinforces the
more conservative. Given the process of genera- earlier conclusions that structural and cultural fac-
tional turnover this promises to have profound tors play a role in the development of the mod-
consequences for the future of the gender cleav- ern gender gap, but of these it is value change
age, moving women further left. Lastly, Model that seems the most direct influence. Moreover,
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in postcommunist societies the only significant once we take into account cultural factors. This
gender gap at the national level was found in finding suggests that the modern gender gap is
East Germany, which closely reflects the West more strongly the product of cultural differences
German tendency for women to lean to the left. between women and men in their value orienta-
Lastly, in the four developing nations analyzed tions, especially attitudes toward postmaterialism
here, the traditional gender gap proved strong and the women’s movement, rather than differ-
and significant, even after introducing controls, ences in their lifestyles.
in two countries (Chile and Mexico). This again Third, and perhaps most significantly for
reinforces the finding that any global analysis future developments, we demonstrated that in
of the gender gap needs to take account of the postindustrial societies the modern gender gap
type of society, as well as individual level factors. was strongest among the younger age groups
The process of modernization has had profound while the traditional gender gap was evident
effects on men’s and women’s lives, and the mod- among the elderly. If this is a generational rather
ern gender gap is strongly linked to the process of than a life-cycle effect, as seems most likely, it
economic and political development. suggests that the process of generational turnover
will probably continue to move women leftward.
In the long term, as younger voters gradually
Conclusions and Discussion replace older generations, through secular turn-
over, the modern gender gap should therefore
. . . The developmental theory emphasizes that strengthen and get consolidated in established
common developments transforming the lifestyles democracies. . . .
and values of women and men in postindustrial so-
cieties have produced changes in party preferences.
To support this theory, this study established three References
main patterns. First, we found that in established
democracies as recently as the early 1980s, women Butler, D., and D. E. Stokes (1974). Political Change in
tended to be more conservative than men, in their Britain: The Evolution of Electoral Choice (2nd ed.).
London: Macmillan.
ideology and voting behavior, as earlier studies Campbell, A., P. Converse, W. E. Miller, and D. E. Stokes
suggested. The traditional gender gap continued to (1960). The American Voter. New York: Wiley.
be evident in many postindustrial societies as late Conover, P. J. (1988). “Feminists and the Gender Gap.”
as the 1980s. Moreover, this pattern persists today Journal of Politics, 50: 985–1010.
in many developing societies where women con- Crewe, I., and D. T. Denver (1985). Electoral Change in
Western Democracies: Patterns and Sources of Electoral
tinue to prove slightly more right wing than men, Volatility. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
even after including a range of social controls. Dalton, R. J., S. C. Flanagan, P. A. Beck, and J. E.
Yet, most important, we also found that in Alt (1984). Electoral Change in Advanced Industrial
many postindustrial societies by the 1990s women Democracies: Realignment or Dealignment? Princeton, NJ:
have shifted leftward, producing a modern gender Princeton University Press.
DeVaus, D., and I. McAllister (1989). “The Changing Politics
gap similar to that which currently exists in the of Women: Gender and Political Alignments in 11
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cess is far from uniform, probably reflecting par- Duverger, M. (1955). The Political Role of Women. Paris:
ticular circumstances within each country, such as UNESCO.
the pattern of party competition, the predominant Franklin, M., T. T. Mackie, H. Valen, and C. Bean
(1992). Electoral Change: Responses to Evolving Social and
issue agenda, and the strength of the organized
or applicable copyright law.

Attitudinal Structures in Western Countries. Cambridge:

women’s movement. Nevertheless, by the mid- Cambridge University Press.
1990s we established that women are now no Inglehart, R. (1977). The Silent Revolution: Changing Values
longer more conservative than men, and are often and Political Styles among Western Publics. Princeton, NJ:
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Lipset, S. M. (1960). Political Man: The Social Bases of
cies. In postindustrial societies the modern gen- Politics. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
der gap persists even after introducing a range of Mayer, L., and R. E. Smith. (1995). “Feminism and
social controls, but the size of the gap diminishes Religiosity: Female Electoral Behavior in Western

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The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap 133
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Europe.” In Women and Politics in Western Europe (S. Oskarson, M. (1995). “Gender Gaps in Nordic Voting
Bashevkin, ed.). London: Frank Cass. Behavior.” Women in Nordic Politics (L. Karvonen and
Norris, P. (1988). “The Gender Gap: A Cross National P. Selle, eds.). Aldershot: Dartmouth.
Trend?” In The Politics of the Gender Gap (C. Mueller, Pulzer, P. G. J. (1967). Political Representation and Elections
ed.). Beverley Hills, CA: Sage. in Britain. London: Allen & Unwin.
Norris, P., and G. Evans (1999). “Introduction: Studlar, D., I. McAllister, and B. Hayes (1998). “Explaining
Understanding Electoral Change.” In Critical the Gender Gap in Voting: A Cross-National Analysis.”
Elections: British Parties and Voters in Long-term Social Science Quarterly, 79.
Perspective (G. Evans and P. Norris, eds.). London: United Nations (1995). The World’s Women 1995: Trends
Sage. and Statistics. New York: United Nations.
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Chapter 16
Puzzles in Political Recruitment
Pippa Norris
Joni Lovenduski

. . . To understand recruitment, this study seeks to “safe,” with majorities greater than 10 percent.1
reintegrate the literature from two primary sub- In choosing candidates the selectorate therefore
fields in political science. Studies of political elites determines the overall composition of parliament,
have been concerned with the social composition and ultimately the pool of those eligible for gov-
of parliament. Studies of party organizations have ernment. In federal systems such as in Canada or
focused on how the process operates and what the United States, there are multiple routes into
the selection process tells us about the distribution government. But in Britain there is a single ladder
of power within parties. This [chapter] seeks to into the highest offices of state; the first hurdle is
build on this literature, developing a more com- adoption as a prospective parliamentary candidate
prehensive theoretical model and analyzing new in a local constituency.2
evidence—the British Candidate Study (BCS). The main approach to studying recruitment
The aim is to link our understanding of the pro- in Britain has focused on identifying who con-
cess of candidate recruitment with the outcome trols selection decisions within parties, whether
for the social composition of parliamentary elites. national leaders, local officers, or grassroots party
This study provides a fresh exploration of three members, and how this power has evolved over
major questions: time. . . . The recruitment process has commonly
been evaluated according to whether the process
(i) Who selects, and how?
is “democratic” in the sense of involving local
(ii) Who gets selected, and why?
activists and grassroots members; “fair” in treat-
(iii) Does the social bias of the outcome matter?
ing all applicants equally; “efficient” as a decision-
making process; and “effective” in producing
“good” candidates.
Studies of Party Organizations: Who The question of internal party democracy, par-
Selects and How? ticularly the appropriate role for national and local
organizations, has been one of the most contro-
. . . Candidate selection may seem at first sight versial issues. . . . Struggles to control the pro-
or applicable copyright law.

like a routine and obscure function of political cess have always been one of the prime areas of
parties, conducted behind closed doors in small intraparty conflict, as E. E. Schattschneider notes,
meetings long before the public drama and excite- because gatekeepers who select ultimately control
ment of the election campaign. In marginal seats, the composition of the party leadership:
who gets into parliament is determined by voters.
But in safe seats with a predictable outcome the The nominating [i.e. candidate selecting] pro-
selectorate have de facto power to choose the MP. cess . . . has become the crucial process of the
And in Britain, about three quarters of all seats are party. The nature of the nominating procedure
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determines the nature of the party; he who can Reflecting weak organizations, this system may
make nominations is the owner of the party.3 be open to manipulation by small groups.
Alternatively, in formal-centralized and formal-
In [Austin] Ranney’s words, factional struggles to regional systems (such as in the Liberal party in
control the nominating procedure are contests for the Netherlands, the old Italian Communist Party
“nothing less than control of the core of what the [PCI], or the old Japanese Liberal Democrats),
party stands for and does.”4 Placing candidates in party executives or factional leaders at national
safe seats, possibly for a lifetime political career, and regional level have the constitutional author-
has more significant consequences than getting ity to decide which candidates are placed on the
conference resolutions adopted, or supporters party ticket. Lastly the most common pattern in
nominated to internal party bodies. . . . European parties is one of formal-localized recruit-
The locus of control over candidate selec- ment. Here constitutional rules and national
tion varies substantially cross-nationally. In most guidelines are established to standardize the pro-
countries the recruitment process is governed pri- cess throughout the party. The fairness of the sys-
marily by internal party rules, rather than by law. tem, ensuring all applicants are treated alike, rests
A comparative approach indicates that decision on the implementation of clear, transparent, and
making in the recruitment process varies along equitable rules. Within this framework the selec-
two dimensions. First, there is the question of tion of individual candidates takes place largely by
the dispersion of power. Is the process centralized local agencies at constituency level.
with the main decisions taken by the national party Based on this classification, it becomes apparent
leadership, is it left to regional party officers, or is that in the long term the main change in recruit-
it dispersed with grassroots local party members ment within British parties has been in process
exerting most influence? Secondly, there is the rather than power. There has been a gradual evo-
question of the formalization of decision making. lution from an “informal-localized” system based
Is the process informal, a matter of tacit norms on patronage in the nineteenth century toward
with few binding rules and constitutional regula- a more “formal-localized” system today based
tions, or is it formalized so that the procedures on more meritocratic standards. This change has
at each step are standardized, rule-governed, and gone further in some parties than others. . . .
explicit? These distinctions suggest six main types It was commonly assumed that a formal-
of selection process. localized system was functional for British party
In informal-centralized systems (such as the organizations. Without some central management
French Union pour la Démocratic Française— the process might become factionalized and divi-
UDF) there may be democratic constitutional sive, since in moribund constituency associations
mechanisms, but in practice the process is char- small groups might “capture” the party label for
acterized by leadership patronage. Rules serve a their preferred candidate. Standard procedures for
largely symbolic function. Without any estab- selection and appeal help ensure that the rules are
lished tradition of internal party democracy, and seen as uniform and legitimate by all participants.
with loose organizations, party members play lit- All British parties, except the Greens, have nation-
tle role in the process. In informal-regional systems al guidelines, and formal vetting of all proposed
(such as the Italian Christian Democrats) faction candidates by national officers. On the other hand
leaders bargain with each other to place their it is usually assumed that too much control by
favored candidates in good positions.5 the national party leadership might cause resent-
In informal-localized systems (such as in the Cana- ment at the grassroots level. The constituency
or applicable copyright law.

dian Progressive Conservatives), local ridings decide association has to work closely with its candidate
on the general procedures used for selection, as on a day-to-day basis for an effective grassroots
well as the choice of individual candidate. With- campaign. Local members are most in touch with
out established guidelines, practices vary widely; the needs of their area. Therefore, many believe
some constituencies may nominate at large-scale that local associations should exercise most power
meetings open to all “members,” while patronage over the choice of individual applicants, working
by a few local leaders may be significant in others. within nationally standardized selection rules.
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Puzzles in Political Recruitment 137
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Changes in the Selection Process . . . Studies of legislative elites in many coun-

tries have established that legislators tend to be
. . . During the last decades many aspects of drawn from a privileged social background com-
the Labour and Conservative selection process pared with the electorate.7 The British parliament
have changed significantly. Reforms have usually fits this pattern. Far from representing a micro-
been initiated during periods in opposition, when cosm of the nation, the “chattering classes” with
parties have sought to regain electoral popularity professional occupations fill benches on both
by improving the quality of their candidates. The sides of the aisle.8 Although the number of old
selection process has altered in accordance with Etonians and Harrovians has gradually decreased,
the dominant ethos and traditional practices in many new members continue to follow the tradi-
each party. In the major parties the main impact tional path of attending public school and Oxford
of these changes has been twofold: to increase the or Cambridge.9 Over time the Labour and Con-
formality of the process; and to shift power slightly servative parties have become more middle
away from the core constituency activists, simulta- class, with a decline in members from the tradi-
neously upward toward the central leadership and tional aristocracy and the manual working class,
downward toward grassroots members. . . . although there remains an important public–
private sector split by party. In other regards the
The Attitudes of Party Selectors Commons has become slightly more diverse; after
the 1992 election the Commons included sixty
A reason for a fresh study lies in the need to move women (9.2 percent) and six Asian and black
beyond the formal process to analyze the attitudes, MPs (1 percent).10 Concern about the gender and
values, and priorities of party selectors. . . . The racial composition of parliament has risen during
institutional focus of organizational studies means the last decade although the general social bias has
we know more about the main steps in the process been familiar for years. . . .
than the experience and attitudes of the key actors.
What are selectors looking for in candidates, when The Experience of Applicants
they make their decisions? Do participants feel that
selection procedures are fair, democratic, and ef- Most previous work has relied upon aggregate
ficient? Are party members and candidates satisfied trends in the composition of the elite over time,
with the process? What do members feel about the for example their age or education, since this in-
relative influence of national and local party agen- formation is easily available from public records.
cies? To understand the experience and percep- Studies have too frequently counted what can be
tions of the main actors we need to go beyond the counted, without a broader theoretical frame-
formal steps in the process. work. Individual-level survey evidence needs
to be considered to understand how applicants
experience the process, their perceptions of the
The Sociology of Political Elites: Who selectorate, and their strategy in securing seats.
Gets Selected, and Why? What do they see to be the main obstacles in run-
ning for parliament? What are the most rewarding
The study of party organizations focuses on how aspects? If elected, what are their primary goals?
the process operates and who has power over Unless we understand micro-level data—lifetime
recruitment. This perspective can be understood career patterns of individuals to see how some
as one half of the equation. It is supplemented politicians move into elite positions while oth-
or applicable copyright law.

by the extensive literature on political elites, con- ers fail—we will be limited to describing rather
centrating on the outcome of the process. The than explaining this phenomenon. We need to
traditional sociological study of political elites understand who are members of the legislative
sought to explain how those in power reinforced elite, but, more important, why and how they got
and consolidated their position.6 . . . Studies have there. Just as studies of party organization tended
focused on who got into positions of power rather to neglect the outcome, so studies of the outcome
than how they got there. . . . have tended to neglect the process.
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The Experience of Losers than “carpetbaggers”? Do women members give

a higher priority to social policy than men? Does
Another reason for a new approach is that the the social class of members relate to their political
winners—MPs—are only the tip of the iceberg. values? . . .
The elite literature describes the social background
of MPs, and sometimes parliamentary candidates,
but studies are usually silent about those in the Research Design, Data, and Methods
wider pool who aspire to a political career but
fail. . . . Studies have compared the social back- . . . The main intellectual foundations for this
ground of MPs with parliamentary candidates, the study lie in the work on party organizations and
next strata down. But again this tells us little about political elites. . . . The research design reconcep-
the reasons for the social bias. We would expect tualizes the candidate recruitment process. Based
significant differences in social background and on a “supply and demand” model, the study dis-
political experience because MPs represent an tinguishes between the factors influencing the
older generation than candidates. . . . “supply” of candidates willing to come forward
and the factors influencing the “demand” of party
selectors in making their decisions.
Legislative Behavior: Does the Social
Bias Matter? The Supply and Demand Model
Despite all the studies of trends in occupa- Demand The supply and demand model pro-
tional class and education, previous research vides an analytical framework to understand fac-
has not clearly established that the social back- tors influencing the selection process. The most
ground of politicians has a significant influence common explanations of the outcome usually
on their attitudes, values, and behavior. Does assume demand by selectors is critical. On the
the social bias matter? There are reasons to be demand-side the model assumes selectors choose
skeptical since we can identify MPs from an candidates depending upon their perceptions of
impeccably patrician background who are radi- the applicants’ abilities, qualifications, and experi-
cal left wingers on the Labour benches, just as ence. Since candidates are rarely well known to
there are working-class Conservatives who are most selectors, these perceptions may be colored
among the most enthusiastic “hangers and flog- by direct and imputed discrimination toward cer-
gers.” Some women members, such as Margaret tain types of applicant. The term “discrimination”
Thatcher, acknowledged no sympathy with fem- is used here in a neutral sense. Discrimination can
inist concerns while others were ardent defenders be for or against certain groups, whether lawyers,
of abortion rights, child care provision, and equal farmers, trade unionists, southerners, women, or
opportunities policy. Anecdotal evidence sug- Asians.
gests a complex relationship between background Direct discrimination means the positive or neg-
and attitudes. . . . ative judgment of people on the basis of charac-
Further, there are significant differences in the teristics seen as common to their group, rather
roles MPs adopt, and the priorities they give to than as individuals. Party selectors, faced with
different sorts of activities, such as individual case- nonlocal candidates, often have minimal informa-
work, committee work, and attending debates. tion on which to make their decisions. The cur-
Studies have tried to explain these differences by riculum vitae gives the bare bones. There may
or applicable copyright law.

party affiliation, type of constituency, and politi- be hundreds of application forms. The interview
cal generation.11 But they have not examined process is relatively short and formal. Members
the relationship between behavior and the social may therefore rely upon background characteris-
background of legislators. There are a range of tics as a proxy measure of abilities and character;
plausible hypotheses to be tested, for example prejudice functions as an information short-cut.
do “local” MPs who grew up in their constitu- As a result, individuals are judged by their group
ency spend more time on constituency surgeries characteristics.
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Puzzles in Political Recruitment 139
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Imputed discrimination is different. Here party tinction between the supply factors holding indi-
members may personally favor a certain category viduals back from applying for a position (“I’m not
of candidate (“I’d like to vote for a woman,” “We interested.” “I don’t have the right experience.” “I
need more blacks in parliament”) or an individ- can’t afford to move.” “I couldn’t win”) and the
ual applicant (“The Asian was the best-prepared demand factors which mean that, if they apply, they
speaker”). But members may be unwilling to are not accepted by selectors (“He’s not locally
choose such a candidate because they expect they known.” “She’s not got the right speaking skills.”
would lose votes among the electorate (“But she’d “He would not prove popular with voters”). The
never get in.” “There aren’t enough black vot- supply-side and demand-side distinction therefore
ers in Cheltenham”). Demand-side explanations provides a useful analytical framework to explore
therefore suggest that the social bias in parliament alternative explanations.
reflects the direct and imputed discrimination of To operationalize this model, the process of
party selectors. These explanations are pervasive in getting into parliament can be conceptualized
popular thinking, and often reflected in the aca- as a multistep ladder of recruitment. Party strata
demic literature, although rarely substantiated. . . . are groups at different levels on the ladder. Party
Supply The obvious cause of the social bias voters are those who supported the party in the
in parliament—discrimination by party mem- general election. Party members are the grassroots
bers—is not necessarily the most significant one. card-carrying activists at selection meeting.12 In
Discrimination may be a popular explanation, but the next step up the ladder, applicants are those on
this might be based on inferences from the out- the party list, the “pool of talent” who failed to be
come, rather than any good evidence. In a plea selected by a constituency in the 1992 election.13
of mitigation party members frequently claim Next are parliamentary candidates (PPCs) adopted
their hands were tied: they would like to short- for a constituency in the 1992 election, who can
list more well-qualified woman, Asians from the be further classified by type of seat, as discussed
local community, or experienced working-class later. At the top of the ladder are incumbent
candidates, they say, but few come forward. Members of Parliament (MPs) who were returned
Supply-side explanations suggest that the out- in the previous election. The term party elite refers
come reflects the supply of applicants wishing to to the combined group of applicants, candidates,
pursue a political career. Constraints on resources and MPs. . . .
(such as time, money, and experience) and moti- To explain the outcome of the process we
vational factors (such as drive, ambition, and need to know the total pool involved at every
interest) determine who aspires to Westminster. level: MPs, candidates, list applicants, party mem-
Most citizens, other than a few categories such as bers, and voters. By comparing strata we can
lunatics, traitors, and peers, are legally qualified to see whether the outcome of the selection pro-
stand. Few do so given the risks and demands of cess reflects the supply of those willing to stand
life at Westminster. Supply-side explanations of for parliament or the demands of party activists
the social bias in parliament suggest that the out- when adopting candidates for local constituen-
come reflects the resources and motivation of the cies. This simple method, in brief, is the heart of
pool of applicants seeking a political career. our research design. . . .
Supply-side and demand-side factors interact.
Potential applicants may be discouraged from com-
ing forward by the perception of prejudice among Notes
party activists, complex application procedures, or
or applicable copyright law.

anticipated failure. The concept of hidden unem- 1. This definition refers to multiparty marginals, that is,
ployment (“Why apply? I won’t get the job”) is a those where the difference between the parties in first
perfect analogy for the “discouraged political aspi- and second place is less than 10 percent. From 1955
rant.” If seen as a “systems model,” this produces a to 1992 about 73 percent of seats can be seen as safe
by this definition. See Pippa Norris and Ivor Crewe,
feedback loop from the outcome back to the pool “The British Marginals Never Vanished: Proportion-
of those who aspire to a political career. . . . Despite ality and Exaggeration in the British Electoral System
these qualifications there remains an important dis- Revisited.” Electoral Studies ( June 1994).

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2. It should be noted that the only exceptions for Cabi- 10. It should be noted that the term “black” will be used
net office are entry via the House of Lords. to refer to ethnic identification based on the 1991
3. E. E. Schattschneider, Party Government (New York, Census definitions including Black Caribbean, Black
Holt, Rinchart and Winston, 1942) p. 64. African, and Black other.
4. Austin Ranney, “Candidate Selection” in David Butler, 11. See Donald D. Searing, “New Roles for Postwar
Howard R. Penniman and Austin Ranney, Democracy at British Politics: Ideologues, Generalists, Specialists
the Polls ( Washington DC, American Enterprise Insti- and the Progress of Professionalisation of Parliament,”
tute, 1981) p. 103. Comparative Politics (1987) 19, 4 pp. 431–53; Don-
5. For studies of the process in Italy and France see chap- ald Searing, “The Role of the Good Constituency
ters 4 and 7 in Michael Gallagher and Michael Marsh Member and the Practice of Representation in Great
(eds.), Candidate Selection in Comparative Perspective Britain,” Journal of Politics, 47 (May 1985), pp. 348–
(London, Sage, 1988). 81; J. Vincent Buck and Bruce E. Cain, “British MPs
6. For a review of elite theory see Geraint Parry, Political in Their Constituencies” Legislative Studies Quarterly,
Elites (New York, Praeger, 1969). 15 (February 1990), pp. 127–43; Bruce E. Cain, John
7. Robert D. Putnam, The Comparative Study of Politi- A. Ferejohn, and Morris P. Fiorina, The Personal Vote:
cal Elites (Englewood Cliffs NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1976); Constituency Service and Electoral Independence (Cam-
Gerhard Loewenberg and Samuel C. Patterson, Com- bridge MA, Harvard University Press, 1987); Philip
paring Legislatures (Boston, Little, Brown and Com- Norton and David Wood, “Constituency Service by
pany, 1979); J. D. Aberbach, R. D. Putnam, and Members of Parliament: Does It Contribute to a Per-
B. A. Rockman, Bureaucrats and Politicians in Western sonal Vote?” Parliamentary Affairs, 43, 2 (April 199),
Democracies (Cambridge MA, Harvard University pp. 196–208.
Press, 1981) pp. 40–83. 12. The BCS survey was compared with the larger
8. See Martin Burch and Michael Moran, “The Chang- Whiteley and Seyd survey of Labour party members
ing Political Elite,” Parliamentary Affairs 38, 1 (1985), (N = 5071). This confirmed that selectors are broadly
pp. 1–15. socially representative of all members. Patrick Seyd
9. In 1945, 83 percent of Conservative MPs and 19 per- and Paul Whiteley, Labour’s Grassroots: The Politics of
cent of Labour MPs had attended public school. In Party Membership (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992).
1992 the figures were 62 percent and 14 percent, re- 13. It should be noted that throughout this chapter the
spectively. There has also been a decline in the number term “applicant” refers to those on the national lists
from Oxford and Cambridge, although in 1992 one- of applicants. It does not refer to those who apply
third of all MPs had been educated there. See Burch to particular constituencies. Further, the Labour and
and Moran, “The Changing Political Elite”; Byron Conservative lists are not wholly comparable. The
Criddle, “MPs and Candidates,” in David Butler and Conservative list is based on candidates approved by
Dennis Kavanagh (eds.), The British General Election of Conservative Central Office, therefore some “appli-
1992 (London, Macmillan, 1992); George Borthwick, cants” have already been weeded out. In contrast the
Daniel Ellingworth, Colin Bell, and Donald MacKen- Labour “A” (Trade Union nominees) and “B” (con-
zie, “The Social Background of British MPs,” Sociol- stituency nominees) has not been approved by the
ogy, 25, 4 (November 1991), pp. 713–17. National Executive Council.
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 17
Entering the Arena?
Gender and the Decision to
Run for Office
Richard L. Fox
Jennifer L. Lawless

When the 108th Congress convened, 86% of both sexes, when presented with similar electoral
its members were male (CAWP 2003). . . . The opportunities for open seats, will employ similar
dearth of women in elective office is also evident cost-benefit analyses when deciding whether
at the state and local levels: 88% of state gover- to enter the race (e.g., Kazee 1994; Schlesinger
nors, 88% of big-city mayors, and 78% of state 1966; Stone and Maisel 2003). The eligibility
legislators are male (CAWP 2003). Particularly pool explanation posits that as women’s presence
striking about these large gender disparities in in the fields of law and business becomes more
elective office is that neither qualitative investiga- comparable to men’s, so too will their economic
tions nor empirical analyses reveal a political sys- status and their likelihood of seeking elected posi-
tem rife with gender bias. . . . tions (Darcy, Welch, and Clark 1994). . . .
In light of the seeming contradiction between To assess prospects for gender parity in our
a political system that elects few women and an electoral system based on these institutional expla-
electoral environment that is unbiased against nations is to fail to consider a critical piece of the
women candidates, political scientists focus on candidate emergence process: the manner in which
two theoretical explanations for women’s numeric gender interacts with the initial decision to run for
underrepresentation. First, they point to the office. . . . A wide body of literature on the impact
incumbency advantage, where reelection rates for of traditional gender socialization in the electoral
legislative positions are consistently above 90%. process continues to find that sex plays a significant
. . . Second, researchers point to the “eligibility role in the manner in which actual candidates and
pool” to explain the low number of women can- officeholders retrospectively assess their initial deci-
didates and elected officials (Conway, Steurnagle, sions to run for office (e.g., Fowler and McClure
and Ahern 1997; Darcy, Welch, and Clark 1994; 1989). Although this body of research does not
Duerst-Lahti 1998; Thomas 1998). . . . speak directly to potential candidates, it identifies
Common to both of these explanations is the several specific ways in which the decision calcu-
or applicable copyright law.

expectation that, as more women enter the pool lus involved in deciding whether to enter an elec-
of qualified candidates, women will increasingly toral contest may differ significantly for potential
be presented with good opportunities for political women and men candidates. Studies comparing
success and electoral victory. Further, each expla- geographic regions, for instance, find that wom-
nation expects that potential women candidates en are more likely to emerge as candidates when
will respond to political opportunities in the same they live in areas with less traditional political
ways that men traditionally have. The incum- cultures (e.g., Fox 2000; Hill 1981; Rule 1990).
bency explanation relies on the premise that Other investigations find that women in politics
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are more concerned than men with balancing their women in the sample may have overcome the forc-
career and familial responsibilities (Fox, Lawless, es of traditional socialization to a greater extent than
and Feeley 2001; Jamieson 1995; Witt, Paget, and the overall population of potential women candi-
Matthews 1994). Analyses also point to the fact dates. . . . Although this sampling design allows us to
that, since their entry into the public sphere has compare levels of political ambition across these pro-
not traditionally been embraced, women candi- fessions, it does not allow us to determine whether
dates and officeholders are more concerned with the gender dynamics within each profession require
their qualifications, substantive credentials, and more extraordinary commitments of time and effort
policy expertise and motivations, all of which by women than men. . . . We balance this gen-
help them gain legitimacy in the political arena dered conception of the eligibility pool by equally
(Dodson 1998; Fowler and McClure 1989; Niven representing educators and political activists, two
1998; Sanbonmatsu 2002b; Swers 2002). . . . professions from which women are more likely than
This [chapter] presents the results of the Citizen men to emerge as candidates (CAWP 2001).
Political Ambition Study, the first national survey Our results are based on responses from 3,765
of potential candidates in the “eligibility pool” respondents (1,969 men and 1,796 women). After
for all levels of elective office. . . . Our unique taking into account undeliverable surveys, this
research design allows us to assess whether men and represents a 60% response rate, which is higher
women potential candidates who share the same than that of typical elite sample mail surveys (see
personal characteristics and professional credentials Carroll 1994; Fox, Lawless, and Feeley 2001;
hold similar levels of political ambition at the earli- Stone and Maisel 2003). No remarkable socio-
est stage of the candidate-emergence process. . . . demographic, geographic, or professional differ-
ences distinguish the samples of men from women
professional elites. . . .
The Citizen Political Ambition Study

. . . This research design involves compiling a Gender, Candidate Emergence, and

random, national sample of citizens who occupy the Prospects for Women’s Representation
professions that are most likely to precede a career
in politics. The sample is stratified by sex, so as to General studies of political ambition conclude
avoid informant bias and ensure an equal number that, as rational actors, potential candidates are
of men and women potential candidates. . . . more likely to seek office when they face favor-
We administered by mail a four-page survey to able political and structural circumstances. The
a national sample of 6,800 men and women, each number of open seats, term-limit requirements,
of whom could be considered part of the “eligibil- levels of legislative professionalization, partisan
ity pool.” . . . The survey asks respondents about composition of the constituency, and the party
their sociodemographic backgrounds, familial of the potential candidate relative to that of the
arrangements, political outlooks and experiences, incumbent are among the factors men and women
and perceptions and willingness to run for office. consider when seeking elective positions or
The sample consists of an equal number of men and deciding whether to run for a higher office (Black
women in the three professions that tend to yield 1972; Kazee 1994; Moncrief, Squire, and Jewell
the highest proportion of political candidacies: law, 2001; Rohde 1979; Schlesinger 1966; Stone and
business, and education (CAWP 2001; Dolan and Maisel 2003). In conceptualizing ambition this
Ford 1997; Gray, Hanson, and Jacob 1999; Mon- way, the decision to run for office is primarily
or applicable copyright law.

crief, Squire, and Jewell 2001). A group of political a strategic response to an opportunity structure;
activists supplements the national sample. with the exception of general gauges of political
This conception of the eligibility pool serves as a interest, financial security, and political experi-
stringent test case through which to explore gender ence, potential candidates’ personal circumstances
differences in political ambition. Female lawyers and are treated as relatively exogenous. This frame-
business leaders have already entered and succeeded work predicts that women and men from similar
in male-dominated fields, which suggests that the professional and sociodemographic backgrounds
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(subsample of those OFFICE (subsample
who considered of those who run)
(comprised of roughly running)
Men: .59
equal numbers of
Men: .59 Women: .63
women and men
chosen from the Women: .43 Men: .20
professions and Women: .15
backgrounds that are Difference not
likely to precede a statistically significant.
Difference signification
political candidacy: at p < .01.
law, business,
education, and
political activism.)
Difference signification
at p < .01.

FIGURE 17.1: Candidate Emergence from the Pool of Prospective Candidates.

are equally likely to move from the pool of eli- Results from the Citizen Political Ambition
gible candidates into positions of elective office. Study reveal that gender does, in fact, play a sub-
But this rational choice approach to ambition is stantial role in the initial decision to run for office.
almost certainly flawed when we consider poten- Figure 17.1 depicts the process by which potential
tial candidates who do not currently hold office. candidates move into positions of political power.
In order to leave the pool of eligible candidates The leftmost box contains roughly equal samples
and run for office, potential candidates undergo of men and women who comprise the pool of
a two-stage process that serves as a precursor to potential officeholders: lawyers, business leaders
the strategic side of the decision to run. First, they and executives, educators, and political activists.
must consider running for elective office; potential The figure’s final box illustrates the likelihood
candidates will never emerge as actual candidates that a candidate wins the race. As we would
if the notion of launching a campaign and what expect from the body of literature on gender and
that entails does not enter into their frame of con- elections, there is no statistically significant gender
or applicable copyright law.

sciousness. Only after the notion of a candidacy difference between men and women’s likelihood
crosses a potential candidate’s mind can he/she of winning political contests: 63% of the women
determine that the benefits to entering the elec- and 59% of the men in the eligibility pool who
toral arena outweigh the costs. The central ques- ran for office launched successful campaigns.1 Of
tion before us, therefore, is whether sex interacts course, this finding means only that there appear
with either stage of this process by which quali- to be no gender differences at the end stage of the
fied individuals select to be actual candidates. electoral process.
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The second and third boxes in the figure shed again emerge, although they are of a smaller mag-
light on the gender dynamics of the candidate nitude: 20% of the men, compared to 15% of the
emergence process. The second box from the left women, who considered running for office actu-
is comprised of those members of the eligibility ally chose to seek an elected position (difference
pool who “considered” running for any political significant at p < .01). Once again, this gender
office. More than half of the respondents (51%) difference withstands statistical controls for the
stated that the idea of running for an elective posi- aforementioned demographic, political, and struc-
tion at least “crossed their mind.” Turning to the tural variables. It is also noteworthy that women
gender breakdown of the respondents who con- potential candidates’ lower levels of political ambi-
sidered a candidacy, though, a significant gender tion are not a result of the fact that women are not
difference emerges: 59% of the men, compared to as interested as men in politics and the seemingly
43% of the women, considered running for office male-dominated political arena (see Burns, Schloz-
(difference significant at p < .01).2 . . . Sex remains man, and Verba 2001; Burt-Way and Kelly 1992;
a significant predictor of considering a candidacy Carroll 1994; Darcy, Welch, and Clark 1994; Fox
even after controlling for education, income, 1997). Women in the sample are more likely than
race, political party and attitudes, previous cam- men to express a high degree of interest in both
paign experience, and whether the respondent local (49% of women, compared to 41% of men)
ever received external encouragement to run for and national (41% of women, compared to 31%
office, most of which are traditional correlates of of men) politics (differences significant at p < .01).
political interest, participation, and ambition (see Women, therefore, are at least as well positioned
Bledsoe and Herring 1990; Burns, Schlozman, as men not only in terms of professional accom-
and Verba 2001; Fox, Lawless, and Feeley 2001; plishment and socioeconomic status, but also gen-
Stone and Maisel 2003; Verba, Schlozman, and eral interest in the political sphere.
Brady 1995). . . . Together, the second and third boxes of
Such high levels of interest in considering a can- Figure 17.1 illustrate the precarious assumption
didacy may appear suspect, even among a sample of on which current prescriptions for increasing the
professional elites. The measure, however, is aimed
to capture even the slightest inclination of pursuing
a candidacy. Nonetheless, in order to ensure that Table 17.1. Gender Differences in Considering a Run for
respondents’ attitudes toward considering a candi- Political Office (across Professions)
dacy were not merely an artifact of being asked the Question: Have you ever…
question, we asked potential candidates whether
Women Men
they took any of the steps required to mount a
political campaign. More specifically, they were Considered running for office? 43% 59%
asked whether they ever investigated how to place Discussed running with friends 22 33
their name on the ballot or ever discussed running and family?
with potential donors, party or community leaders, Discussed running with 9 15
family members, or friends. Comparisons between community leaders?
men’s and women’s answers to all of these questions
Investigated how to place your 6 13
again highlight stark gender differences. Table 17.1
name on the ballot?
reveals that, across professions, men are always at
least 50% more likely than women to have engaged Discussed running with party 6 12
in each of these fundamental campaign steps (gen- leaders?
or applicable copyright law.

der differences significant at p < .01). Based on a Solicited or discussed financial 3 7

variety of measures, what started out as a gender- contributions with potential
balanced eligibility pool winnows to one that is supporters?
dominated by men. N 1,711 1,812
When we move to the third box in the figure
and examine those members of the sample who Note: For each item, the Chi square test comparing
actually ran for elective office, gender differences women and men is significant at p < .01.
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number of women in positions of political power Family Responsibilities

are predicated. Despite starting out with relatively
equal proportions of similarly situated and equally . . . Contemporary studies of family gender
credentialed women and men as potential candi- dynamics reveal that women, even in two-ca-
dates, and regardless of the fact that women are reer households, are still more likely than their
just as likely as men to win elections, men are spouses to spend time raising children and com-
nearly twice as likely as women to hold elected pleting household tasks, such as cleaning and
office: 7% of the men, compared to less than 4% laundry (Burns, Schlozman, and Verba 2001;
of the women, from the initial pool of potential McGlen and O’Connor 1998). This division
candidates, hold an elective position (difference of labor often results in women candidates and
significant at p < .01). elected officials feeling obligated to consider
. . . Empirically, our results provide the first piece family responsibilities more carefully than do
of evidence—nationwide—that women elites are their male counterparts (Burrell 1998; Con-
significantly less likely than their male counter- way, Steuernagel, and Ahern 1997; Fowler and
parts to emerge as candidates. Theoretically, our McClure 1989).
results indicate that the conventional institutional When we consider the household division
explanations that account for women’s numeric of labor in the Citizen Political Ambition Study
underrepresentation are incomplete and some- sample, we see that women who live with a
what misleading. The challenge to which we now spouse or partner are approximately seven times
turn is to account for the sources of the gender gap more likely than men to be responsible for more
in the initial decision to run for office. of the household tasks; the numbers are similar
for childcare arrangements. These results might
account for women’s lesser likelihood of consid-
Traditional Gender Socialization and ering a run for office.
the Gender Gap in Political Ambition
Self-Perceived Qualifications
Gender socialization theory offers the most com-
pelling lens though which to understand the gen- . . . Regardless of their actual qualifications and
der gap we uncovered in Figure 17.1. . . . Recent credentials, women have likely been socialized to
studies of gender in the electoral process, based perceive themselves as less qualified to enter poli-
largely on women who have already entered tics. In fact, when asked to place themselves on
the electoral arena, identify four general areas in a continuum from “not at all qualified” to “very
which vestiges of traditional gender role orienta- qualified” to run for office, the male potential can-
tions may affect both the likelihood of considering didates in our sample are nearly twice as likely as
a candidacy and the propensity to launch an actual the female potential candidates (26%, compared to
campaign. 14%) to deem themselves “very qualified” for an
elected position (difference significant at p < .01).
Political Culture We might also expect traditional socialization
to play a role in the degree to which potential can-
Evidence suggests that the political environ- didates rely on their self-perceived qualifications
ment can have a gendered effect on citizens’ when considering a candidacy, since we know
attitudes about entering the political system. . . . from the ambition theory literature that politi-
Despite the fact that the men and women in the cians tend to behave in way that maximizes their
or applicable copyright law.

Citizen Political Ambition Study are similar in likelihood of attaining higher office (Schlesinger
terms of geographic dispersion, we might expect 1966). . . . We might expect women to be more
that women in certain political environments will likely than their male counterparts to emphasize
be less likely to think about running for office, their substantive credentials, perhaps in an effort
whereas the political culture in which men exist to gain legitimacy for their candidacies (see Fowler
will not have an impact on the decision to seek an and McClure 1989; Kahn 1996; Sanbonmatsu
elective position. 2002b).
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Ideological Motivations culture nor family structures and arrangements

influence the likelihood of considering a candidacy,
Finally, traditional gender socialization may although both men and women are less likely to
influence the decision to run for office in terms think about running for office as they age. Wom-
of ideological motivations. . . . Whereas men of en’s circumstances of being the primary caretak-
all political proclivities might be equally likely to ers of the home and the children do not depress
think about a candidacy, women may need an their likelihood of running. And ideological moti-
additional policy boost to spur them on to consider vations do not have an impact on the propensity
running for office, if for no reason other than the to consider running for office. The traditional
legitimacy conferred by a focus on women’s issues barriers to women’s entry into the political sphere,
and interests. therefore, no longer appear to impede their likeli-
hood of thinking about a political candidacy.
Traditional Gender Socialization and Of course, we cannot fully dismiss these vari-
Considering a Candidacy ables’ effects without examining the degree to
which they interact with the sex of the respon-
In order to explore the degree to which traditional dent. . . . Only one interaction term—self-
gender socialization accounts for the gender gap perceived qualifications—achieves statistical
in potential candidates’ likelihood of considering significance. The interaction between the sex of the
running for office, measures of political culture, respondent and the respondent’s self-perceived
familial arrangements and responsibilities, self- qualifications is so strong, though, that it miti-
perceived qualifications, and ideological motiva- gates sex’s independent effect. Table 17.2 which
tions supplement the [earlier] logistic regression. displays the substantive impact of perceived
. . . Somewhat surprisingly, sex remains a signi- qualifications on the likelihood of considering a
ficant predictor of considering a candidacy even political candidacy, indicates that the gender gap
after controlling for the series of sociodemo- narrows considerably and becomes statistically
graphic and political variables, as well as the insignificant as women perceive themselves as
“traditional socialization” variables. When we increasingly qualified to run for political office.
calculate the substantive effects of the logistic re- Men’s likelihood of considering a candidacy
gression coefficients, . . . we see that, on average, increases from 0.60 to 0.87 as they move along
women are 14 percentage points less likely than the continuum of perceiving themselves as “not
men to consider running for office. The “average” at all qualified” to “very qualified” for holding
woman has a predicted probability of 0.56 of hav- an elected position. The impact of self-perceived
ing considered a run for office; an identical man in qualifications on women’s predicted likelihood
the sample has a 0.70 likelihood of thinking about of considering a run is nearly double that for
a candidacy (difference significant at p < .01). men. Women gain a 53 percentage point boost
Unexpectedly, most of the traditional gender when they assess themselves as “very qualified.”
socialization variables fail to meet conventional Although men have a higher base likelihood of
levels of statistical significance. Neither political considering a candidacy, women’s perceptions

Table 17.2. Predicted Probabilities of Considering Running for Political Office, by Self-Perceived Qualifications
Respondent Considers Himself/Herself…
Not at All Somewhat Very
or applicable copyright law.

Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified

Male Respondent .60 .71 .80 .87
Female Respondent .30 .49 .69 .83
Gender Gap 30% 22% 11% 4%

Note: Predicted probabilities are based on setting the variables included in the regression to their respective
means. Dummy variables are held constant at their modes.
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of their qualifications work to lessen the political of entering a race; female potential candidates’
ambition gender gap. In fact, for women, self- likelihood is slightly greater than 0.12.
perceived qualifications are the strongest predic- The regression results suggest that the gender
tor of considering a run for office. gap in political ambition is significantly alleviated
One additional gendered finding emerges by the second step of the process, in large part
from the regression results. The consideration of because so many women weed themselves out by
a candidacy depends significantly on the degree never having considered running. The variables
to which an individual receives encouragement to that predict men’s likelihood of entering an elec-
run. When we calculate the predicted probabilities toral contest also predict women’s likelihood, and
of considering running for office, we see that a the magnitude of each variable’s effect is not con-
woman who has never received encouragement ditioned by sex. Even in terms of external sup-
to run for office, either from a political actor or port, gender differences seem to disappear. When
a nonpolitical source, has only a 0.20 predicted we focus only on those potential candidates who
probability of having considered it. Men’s likeli- considered a candidacy, we see that receiving
hood is significantly higher (0.32), but still falls far encouragement for the idea still exerts an equal
below the mean level of considering a run. When and significant impact on women and men, but at
a respondent receives external support to run this stage, women and men are also equally likely
from both a formal political actor and a nonpoliti- to receive it (60% of men, compared to 57% of
cal source, the likelihood of considering a candi- women). In short, as we move throughout the
dacy more than doubles. Women’s likelihood of candidate-emergence process, the effects of gen-
considering running increases to 0.75; and men’s der seem to dissipate. But far fewer women than
predicted probability of considering a run grows men reach this stage of the process.
to 0.85. Despite the fact that external support for These findings do not mean that sex is irrel-
a candidacy boosts both men and women’s like- evant at the second stage of candidate emergence.
lihood of considering a run for office, 43% of The gender gap in self-perceived qualifications
the men, compared to 32% of women, received is smaller at this stage, and women are no more
encouragement to run from a party leader, elected likely than men to rely on these perceptions when
official, or political activist (difference significant at determining whether to turn the consideration of
p < .01). Thus, even if traditional gender socializa- a candidacy into an actual campaign. But women
tion does not affect potential candidates’ reliance are still disadvantaged in terms of their self-assessed
on external support, these results corroborate the qualifications. Twenty-six percent of the women
conclusions of scholars who suggest that vestiges of who considered running for office deem them-
patterns of traditional gender socialization in can- selves “very qualified,” compared to 36% of men
didate recruitment hinder the selection of women (difference significant at p < .01). When a poten-
candidates (Sanbonmatsu 2002a; Niven 1998). tial candidate considers himself/herself highly
qualified, the likelihood of launching a candidacy
increases by more than 63%. This translates into
Traditional Gender Socialization a 10 percentage point increase for men and a 9
and Running for Office percentage point increase for women. Men and
women might rely similarly on this factor when
. . . The logistic regression coefficients shed light determining whether to enter an electoral con-
on the factors that lead men and women who have test, but men and women potential candidates are
considered running for office to decide to enter not similarly situated in terms of how they per-
or applicable copyright law.

actual electoral contests. Not only are most of the ceive their own qualifications.
traditional gender socialization variables and inter-
action terms statistically insignificant, but sex is also
not a statistically significant predictor of whether a Conclusion and Implications
potential candidate enters an actual race. Based on
the logistic regression coefficients, the “average” The results from the Citizen Political Ambition
male respondent has a 0.17 predicted probability Study offer evidence that the leading theoretical
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Chapter 18
Party Elites and Women Candidates:
The Shape of Bias
David Niven

. . . It is in the study of party recruiters and their in- measure, a more revealing approach is available.
teraction with potential women candidates where The potential for expanding our understanding of
many scholars argue we will find an explanation why there are few women legislators seems most
for the dearth of women candidates and office- likely to be in direct examination of elite recruiter
holders in the U.S. (Carroll 1994; Clark, Hadley, attitudes and their treatment of potential women
and Darcy 1989; Darcy and Schramm 1977; Rule candidates. This can be accomplished by asking
1981). potential women candidates about their experi-
Nevertheless, the most prominent studies ences and by asking elite party people (sensitively
on the subject have concluded that women are constructed) questions about their preferences.
not subject to biased treatment by party leaders
(Burrell 1994a; Darcy, Welch, and Clark 1994).
Unfortunately, these works base their conclusions Methods and Hypotheses
on indirect indications of elite behavior. Specifi-
cally, they incorporate party financial contribu- To examine elite party recruiter attitudes, county
tions to their nominees as a surrogate for party party chairs are surveyed. . . . Party chairs have
treatment of candidates. Of course, this measure many different levels on which to exercise their
tells us little concerning the hurdles candidates influence in recruiting: direct contact with pro-
face on the way to the nomination. In other spective candidates, trading of political favors with
words, the pattern of contributions to nominated other interested people, organization of party loy-
candidates is only of tangential interest if the elites alists, and strategic mentions of prospective can-
are in any way limiting the number of women didates to the media. All can be marshaled toward
running. the end of discouraging the unwanted and aiding
With the financial contribution approach, we the favored candidates (Abel and Oppenheimer
learn nothing of the treatment of the countless 1994; Canon, Schousen, and Sellers 1994; Fowler
unknown potential candidates who have been and McClure 1989; Herrnson and Tennant 1994;
successfully discouraged from running; we learn Hertzke 1994; Kazee and Roberts 1994).
or applicable copyright law.

nothing of the behavior of party leaders behind To complement the survey of party chairs, a
closed doors. Thus, conclusions regarding the survey of women holding local office was also
lack of bias emerge primarily when the experi- conducted. Those elected on the local level rep-
ences of the potential candidates who are most resent a most fertile ground for finding people
likely to have been subject to bias are excluded willing to contest for higher office in the future
from the analysis. . . . (Carroll 1994), thus locally elected women would
Instead of extrapolating elite attitudes and treat- be able to express the perceptions of poten-
ment of women from the financial contribution tial female state legislative and Congressional
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candidates. This unconventional sample avoids Meanwhile, if party leaders see potential male
the widespread problem of surveys relying on candidates as part of the ingroup, they are likely
women nominated or elected to state legislatures to individually evaluate the competency of the
or Congress, a sample that constricts variation person. Moreover, ingroup members are gen-
on a key dimension, namely success of legisla- erally assumed to be similar to the perceiver in
tive candidacy. The women in this sample are attitudes, values, and personality (Piliavin 1987).
only potential legislative candidates, a group that This assumption of similarity can be very signifi-
includes both those who have been encouraged cant when a subjective evaluation must be made,
and discouraged from seeking higher office, mak- as similarity induces assumptions of competence
ing the group uniquely qualified to express the (Klahr 1969). . . .
extent and ramifications of bias.
The sample population for these surveys Distribution Effect
includes all county party chairs1 and a sample of
locally elected women2 from the states of Ohio, An alternate explanation for elite bias is the
New Jersey, Tennessee, and California. Mail sur- distribution effect, where the differential distribu-
veys resulted in usable responses from 280 party tion into productive roles feeds the perception of
chairs and 276 women. Sampling four states gender-based differences (Eagly and Wood 1982).
provides regional balance, as well as variation of Because of sexual segregation in the work roles,
state political cultures, attitudes toward women, men outnumber women in positions of achieve-
and state legislative structures. . . . While obvi- ment, and women more frequently have low sta-
ously not as powerful as a sample population of tus jobs. This results in abstractions of the sexes
all 50 states, one could argue that results found in based on their distribution in productive roles
these four varied states would be quite instructive (Eagly and Wood 1982; Yount 1986). . . .
regarding the situation in the nation as a whole. In addition to assumptions based on the divi-
If elites are biased against potential women sion of productive roles, another aspect of the dis-
candidates, party chair responses will be scru- tribution effect is the salience of the numerically
tinized to try to uncover what motivates biased rare. When one encounters a female in an occu-
behavior. It is hypothesized that bias against pation area dominated by males, the incongru-
women candidates is most likely based on one of ity feeds doubts concerning the appropriateness
two perceptual processes, the outgroup effect or of the woman’s position (Eagly, Makhijani, and
the distribution effect. Klonsky 1992).
The distribution effect would occur in poli-
The Outgroup Effect tics because women are more likely to pursue
home-based or low-status work than are men
Why would party elites react negatively to female and because women officeholders are compara-
candidates? One potential answer begins with the tively rare. Party leaders, encountering a woman
fact that most party leaders are male; as many as interested in political office, could subconsciously
97% are male in some states. . . . If a party leader assume that men are more likely to succeed in
holds the view that most women are not as politi- politics because of the difference in distribution.
cally inclined as men, one would expect that pro- This assumption colors their behavior, not because
spective female candidates would be lumped into they view women as inherently incapable, but
an outgroup in which the default assumption is because their understanding of the political land-
that a woman is not as politically capable as a scape (the distribution of gender among profes-
or applicable copyright law.

man. Outgrouping inhibits individuation, which sionals and officeholders) leads them to believe
by definition limits the ability of the qualified men are more likely to succeed. . . .
woman to distinguish herself from the party lead- Perhaps the most important distinction for the
er’s notion of women in general. . . . When con- future between the outgroup and distribution
fronted with a woman who wants to run for office, explanations is that the distribution effect suggests
the recruiter’s perception of women could lead the that by altering the number of women in high-
recruiter to encourage the woman not to run. status positions, opposition to women will wane
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Party Elites and Women Candidates 153
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(Eagly, Makhijani, and Klonsky 1992), making it “brainless bitches,” being told they “spend mon-
progressively easier for women to pursue political ey like a woman,” or that holding office made
office. . . . If women can overcome the obstacles women “frighteningly strong to their husbands.”
in their path to contest and win political office, More startlingly, some women referred to even
the distribution will change, changing the beliefs, more pervasive bias that affected everything they
and encouraging further change in the distribu- did politically. In the words of one Ohio Demo-
tion. The outgroup effect, conversely, produces crat, the instances of discrimination she experi-
bias against those from other groups even as the enced in party politics were “too numerous to
other group strengthens itself politically (Giles list, I could write a book!” . . .
and Evans 1985), as the talents of the outgroup Establishing that women are subject to bias
may be downplayed in ego-protective conclu- within their party is a significant step in justifying
sions (Snyder and Miene 1994). . . . a need to examine party recruiter behavior and
the larger effort to identify bias. These simple data
Bias against Women strongly suggest that potential women candidates
are subject to bias (see also Werner 1993). More-
Women holding local office serve here as a over, this lack of party support has quite dramatic
sample of potential women candidates for the state effects on the officeholding plans of these wom-
legislature and Congress. These women were asked, en, as 85% report they would not run for higher
“In your experience, have party leaders discour- office if their party was unsupportive.
aged potential women candidates from running for
office because of their gender?” A stunning 64% Outgroup versus Distribution Effect
responded affirmatively. Space was provided for
the respondents to make comments on the ques- The responses of county party chairs to the
tion, and 46% of the women chose to relate some survey instrument were utilized to assess their
personal experience with discrimination. . . . attitudes. Built into the survey were numerous
Among those who reported experiencing opportunities for party chairs to evaluate relevant
discrimination, many responses (42%) referred candidate traits. The evaluations involved reac-
to some variant of “old-boy networks,” where tions to occupations, reactions to personality traits,
appointments, endorsements, and eventually estimates of women’s electoral chances in specific
nominations went to male friends of the men in scenarios, and finally, reports on the gender ratio
charge, instead of going to the most qualified. of the candidates the chair considers most capable
Others (31%) recounted situations in which they of seeking state legislative office.
were discouraged from running because of their
gender or were ignored or rebuffed when they Occupation Test
attempted to assume leadership on a specific issue
(11%). The remaining 16% report multiple mani- In the first evaluation, the party chairs were
festations of bias. asked to rate the favorability of candidates with
Through the course of their political experi- different occupations. Specifically, the chairs,
ences these women report being told in various being told only the occupation of the candidates,
ways that when it came to running for office, were asked to rank each of the seven candidates
they “don’t belong here. You should be at home based on their capacity to win a legislative race
in your kitchen,” that the job of holding office (1 to 7, 7 = most capable). The occupations listed
“really needs a man.” To the extent their political were attorney, grade school teacher, television
or applicable copyright law.

activity was accepted it was accepted with severe reporter, sales person, former professional athlete,
limits, as one Ohio Republican reports being police officer, and “someone with your primary
told that in her party “women only serve on the occupation.”
decorating and coffee committee.” Nevertheless, If the distribution effect influences the party
these women continued to persevere, enduring chairs, then they should rate most favorably the
insults along the way, including being “referred occupations that tend to produce elected officials.
to as a dumb housewife,” a “blonde bimbo,” or . . . If the outgroup effect influences party chairs,
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then chairs should rate most favorably the occu- with men, five associated with women, and five
pations that are most closely related to their own with no gender association.3 To make the purpose
background. of the test less obvious, the traits were randomly
. . . Party chairs did not display a strong pref- listed in the survey question. . . .
erence for the occupations that have the stron- The results provide strong support for the out-
gest presence, or distribution, in politics. While group effect and no support for the distribution
attorneys play the most significant role by far in effect. First, there is a slight negative association
legislative officeholding of the professions listed, between distribution of female officeholders and
attorney was not the top-rated category, and cer- ratings of female traits (r = −.11).4 A correlation
tainly did not stand far ahead of the field as its that is neither statistically significant, nor posi-
distribution in politics would suggest. The overall tive, is quite inconsistent with the distribution
correlation between the occupations’ ratings and effect. Second, party chairs did not rate the traits
their distribution was weak (r = .17) and statisti- that are most prevalent in politics most favor-
cally insignificant (at p < .10). Conversely, strong ably. Party chairs rated the two least prevalent
evidence for the outgroup effect exists as the traits (average score 5.2) to be the two most pos-
clear top choice of party chairs was a candidate itive of the five neutral traits (the more prevalent
from the same profession as themselves. In other traits averaged 2.1). Again, the party chairs failed
words, party chairs valued the occupation most to treat that which is more commonly associated
closely associated with themselves, not the occu- with officeholders as superior, challenging the
pation most prevalent in politics. distribution effect. Finally, male party chairs rate
This evidence could be misleading if responses the male traits much higher than do the female
to a candidate from the same profession as the party chairs. Male party chairs offer estimates of
chair vary based on the type or distribution of that male trait value that are higher by a margin rep-
profession. Further analysis reveals, however, that resenting fully 10% of the range of the trait index
party chair reaction was quite favorable across all (Male Trait Index: male chairs = 3.1/female
occupation categories. chairs = 1.7, p. < .01).5 Meanwhile, female chairs
It is both a strength and a weakness of this type by an even wider margin rate the female traits
of test that gender was not specifically mentioned higher than do male party chairs (Female Trait
to the respondents. The strength of this measure is Index: male chairs = 1.9/female chairs = 3.4,
that it is less likely to provoke defensive responses p. < 01). Again, such a pattern should not occur
used to guard against the appearance of gender if chairs were influenced by the distribution
bias. The weakness, however, is that such efforts effect, but this is precisely the pattern one would
make it more difficult to show that respondents expect if the outgroup effect were influencing
would react this way when gender was the clear perceptions.
focus of their attention. To extend these findings, On two measures, the occupation ranking and
and move closer to the target, party chairs were the personality trait response, party chairs have
asked to react to a series of personality traits. This displayed strong support for the outgroup effect
is another effort to examine how party chairs feel by favoring that which is more closely associ-
about male and female candidates without that ated with themselves and devaluing descrip-
purpose being explicitly apparent. tions of outgroup members. Their responses
have lent no support to the distribution effect
Personality Trait Test as prevalence has not produced more positive
evaluations. Although the results to this point
or applicable copyright law.

The party chairs were given a list of 15 person- have been clear, gender has not been explicitly
ality traits and were asked whether the trait was a mentioned to the respondents. Therefore, one
positive or negative feature of a candidate. Then could argue that a stronger test of the applicabil-
the party chairs were asked to rate the importance ity of the outgroup and distribution effects on
of the trait to electoral success on a scale from 1 gender bias would require the party chairs to
(least important) to 7 (most important). The trait respond more directly to gender (Linville and
list was constructed to provide five traits associated Jones 1980).
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Party Elites and Women Candidates 155
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Electoral Chances of Women should go with another candidate. Additionally,

47% is an estimate based on half the candidacies
The next evaluation, then, explicitly asks for being labeled “mainstream” on the issues. Left on
estimates of the electoral chances of women. Spe- their own to assume what kinds of issues women
cifically, the party chairs’ opinions of a woman’s candidates would run on, party chairs might more
chances for election to a set of political offices likely imagine women running on “women’s
is solicited. The list progresses from local offices issues,”7 for which their average estimate of the
to national offices: including town/city coun- likelihood of female success ranges from a high
cil, state house, and Congress. The party chairs of 47% to a low of 28%. Examining the estimates
were asked to indicate on a scale of 0 to 100 the shown for women’s issue candidates reveals that
likelihood of a female candidate from their party the cumulative average for such candidates offered
defeating a male for the position in the general only a 38% chance of success. In other words,
election. The scenario varied from a woman as 47%, which is a losing estimate, may be inflated
incumbent to challenger and from a woman can- by the “mainstream” label being given to half the
didate emphasizing mainstream issues to a candi- women candidates.
date emphasizing women’s issues; thus, including While this examination of the results provides
the three levels of office, there were twelve dif- some additional support for the outgroup effect,
ferent scenarios presented.6 In order to lessen the another way to interpret the data is even more
chance for self-monitoring (avoiding giving an illuminating. One of the defining aspects of bias
answer that reflects poorly on yourself), the sur- against a group is obviously the failure to attend
vey emphasized that the question asks for a guess to individuating information (Judd and Park
based on their experience and expertise and not 1988). Partly chairs were given different scenarios
whom they would prefer. In this way, the sub- involving three different levels of office, two dif-
jects should not feel that they are betraying any ferent issue areas emphasized, and two different
bias when they are rating the chances for victory types of candidate. This resulted in twelve differ-
of the hypothetical female. ent situations in which the party chair was asked to
These results add support to the outgroup effect estimate the chances of a female candidate. To the
and again do not conform to the distribution effect. extent party chairs are without bias, they should
First, the aggregate women candidates, electoral recognize and incorporate into their estimates the
chance rating (average of all twelve estimates) is value of the information provided them. In other
not strongly correlated with gender distribution words, each of the twelve estimates should vary
(r = .09). Second, the results reveal that averag- significantly based on the precise details involved.
ing their responses across the different conditions If the distribution effect is affecting party chair
presented to them, women party chairs believed behavior, this variance should not be predicted
that women candidates had a significantly better by gender of the chair. If, however, the outgroup
chance of winning than did men party chairs. This effect is affecting party chair behavior, then male
finding again undermines the distribution effect, party chairs should be less likely to acknowledge
as a significant difference is not to be expected if the individuating information of the outgroup
the distribution effect were creating this behavior. candidate scenarios presented, and should, there-
Moreover, these differences between men and fore, display less variance in their estimates than
women party chairs exist in the same direction for female party chairs display.
all twelve situations presented (and are statistically To examine this possibility, a score was cre-
significant in ten of the twelve). ated by calculating the variance for each indi-
or applicable copyright law.

Some might argue that the numbers hardly vidual party chair’s estimates across the twelve
bespeak great prejudice against women, as most of scenarios.8 The pattern that emerges shows that
the figures near 50%. However, according to male female party chairs do, in fact, have more variance
party chairs, the average chance for a woman can- in their responses to the scenarios presented them
didate to succeed in the twelve scenarios is 47%. (male = 369/female = 499, p > .05). Women’s
Clearly, 47% is less than 50%, and in a two-person estimates of women’s chances vary significantly
race 47% is an expected loser, meaning the chair more with the details of the situation than do
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men’s estimates. This provides further support for In these questions, which seek to directly tap
the outgroup effect as women utilized the individ- real party chair behavior, male party chairs dis-
uating details describing ingroup members more play a distinct pattern for more strongly support-
than men chose to factor in those same details when ing ingroup candidates at the expense of outgroup
describing the chances of outgroup members. candidates (women). The absence of strong cor-
While this test also provides strong support for relations suggests that it is not the relative poor
the contention that the outgroup effect is evident distribution of women in high-status positions
in party chair behavior, all of the tests presented that caused this response, but instead again this
have relied heavily on hypothetical situations. . . . is evidence for an outgroup effect where those
Therefore, the last test involves gender both dir- who lack surface similarity to the evaluator are
ectly and in a real-world setting. less valued.
The significance of this last test, beyond add-
Gender of Future Candidates ing more evidence in support of the outgroup
effect, is that this test is based on real-life behav-
Party chairs were asked the gender ratio of ior and preferences. Male party chairs report that
the top five people they have in mind for future they are considering fewer women candidates
state legislative races. Party chairs were also asked for actual future races than are women chairs.
the gender of the person they consider to be the Male chairs have more than twice as many men
best of the five. The obvious danger of this type than women candidates in mind for future races
of question is that it may appear to the party chair and are about three times more likely to have
to be socially unacceptable to answer this question a man as their top candidate prospect. Given
truthfully if there are too few women in their top that men far outnumber women as party chairs,
five. A basis for optimism, however, exists in that and that the women candidates largely report an
the chairs were told this was a study of the party unwillingness to run for higher office without the
leader/candidate relationship (not about women) support of their party, this pattern of preference
and were reminded throughout the survey that for male candidates represents a most meaningful
there were no right answers. If the party chairs obstacle for potential women candidates (see also
accepted the purported purpose of the study and Niven 1996).
did not feel threatened, then they might offer In sum, while the distribution effect was not
realistic answers to these sensitive questions. . . . firmly supported by any of the tests utilized, the
As is consistent with the previous findings, the outgroup effect was consistently supported by
number of women in the chairs’ lists of prospec- a variety of evaluations whose connection with
tive candidates is not strongly correlated with gender ranged from none to explicit and whose
gender distribution (r = .12). Further, male chairs relationship with actual behavior ranged from
on average indicated that 1.5 of their top five can- remote and hypothetical to very real.
didates were women, while women responded
that 2.2 of their top five candidates were women,
a difference significant at p < .001. Perhaps more Implications
interesting is the question of who the top candi-
date is, since this will presumably be the person . . . The most daunting implication of the prev-
given the most opportunity and encouragement alence of the outgroup effect is that male party
to run. Again, whether a woman is the top choice chairs will continue to express reluctance to sup-
in the chairs’ lists of prospective candidates is port women regardless of the amount of success
or applicable copyright law.

not strongly correlated with gender distribution women candidates achieve. Unlike the distribu-
(r = .15). Moreover, while only 24% of male tion effect which suggests negative evaluations
party chairs indicated that their top candidate for of women would recede as women’s success
a future state legislative race is a woman, 47% of expanded, the outgroup effect offers no reason to
female party chairs indicated that their top can- expect that male elites will evolve into support-
didate is a woman, a difference also significant at ers of candidates who are unlike themselves. The
p < .001. outgroup effect persists because it is predicated on
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Party Elites and Women Candidates 157
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perceived distance. Success for outgroup members 6. Sniderman et al. (1991) find that describing an African
can be treated as an isolated anomaly or explained American as a dependable worker tends to reduce or
eliminate prejudiced reactions to that individual be-
away through situational events (Schlenker and cause the description violates the stereotypes of many
Miller 1977). respondents. In this situation, identifying the woman
One way to reduce bias against women can- candidate as an incumbent or as emphasizing main-
didates, then, would be to increase the number stream issues may violate the stereotype party leaders
of women in party leadership. While both major have of women candidates, thus it is necessary to pro-
vide the challenger and women’s issues categories to
parties have professed interest in having more prevent the description from artificially lowering dis-
women run as candidates (Burrell 1994b), increas- played bias against women.
ing the number of women party leaders has not 7. On the tendency to associate women candidates with
been stressed. The number of women party chairs certain issues, see Alexander and Anderson (1993) and
is slowly increasing (Baer 1993), and this bodes Huddy and Terkildsen (1993).
8. The variance of the twelve estimates from each indi-
well for women candidates. However, women vidual was first calculated, then the average variance
today still hold only a small minority of party chair for party chairs was calculated by determining the aver-
positions and are likely to see their power remain age of those scores. This method was chosen, instead of
limited for the same reasons women’s candidacies simply using the traditional aggregate variance, because
are limited. . . . the purpose was to try to isolate whether individuals
recognized differences in the scenarios presented them.
For example, if one party chair gave an estimate of
10% for each situation and another gave an estimate
Notes of 60% for each situation, these figures would produce
variance as it is traditionally calculated. By individu-
1. A total of 516 county party chairs actively held office ally calculating variance, and then averaging the scores,
in the four states in fall 1995. Names and addresses of this situation would produce no variance, which more
the county party chairs were provided by the state party accurately reflects the lack of attention to individuating
offices of the two parties in each state. The response information in the example.
rate was 54%, with respondents having no statistically
significant differences from the overall sample on de-
mographic traits.
2. A sample of elected women was chosen to produce 516
cases, the same number available for party chairs. The References
sample consisted of 129 women randomly chosen from
the lists available for each of the four states. Names and Abel, Douglas, and Bruce Oppenheimer. 1994. “Candidate
addresses of locally elected women in the four states Emergence in a Majority Hispanic District: The 29th
were provided by the National League of Cities. The District in Texas.” In Who Runs for Congress? ed.
response rate was 53%, with respondents having no sta- Thomas Kazee. Washington, DC: Congressional
tistically significant differences from the overall sample Quarterly Press.
on demographic traits. Alexander, Deborah, and Kristi Andersen. 1993. “Gender
3. There has been extensive work done on traits people as a Factor in the Attribution of Leadership Traits.”
associate with men and women (Alexander and Ander- Political Research Quarterly 46:527–545.
sen 1993; Eagly and Mladinic 1989; Eagly and Steffen Baer, Denise. 1993. “Political Parties: The Missing
1984; Hoffman and Hurst 1990; Huddy and Terkildsen Variable in Women and Politics Research.” Political
1993). These works were consulted in producing the Research Quartely 46:547–576.
traits used in the survey: (associated with women) loyal, Burrell, Barbara. 1994a. A Woman’s Place Is in the House:
yielding, modest, cautious, and compassionate; (asso- Campaigning for Congress in the Feminist Era. Ann Arbor,
ciated with men) individualistic, aggressive, arrogant, MI: University of Michigan Press.
competitive, outspoken; (neutral) adaptable, tactful, Burrell, Barbara. 1994b. “Women’s Political Leadership
conventional, unpredictable, serious. and the State of the Parties.” In The State of the Parties,
or applicable copyright law.

4. The correlations reported use the actual percentage of eds. Daniel Shea and John Green. Lanham, MD:
women state legislators in each state as a score of wom- Rowman and Littlefield.
en’s distribution. Other potential measures, such as the Canon, David, Matthew Schousen, and Patrick Sellers.
number of female members of Congress from the state, 1994. “A Formula for Uncertainty: Creating a Black
or the chairs’ reported percentage of female officehold- Majority District in North Carolina.” In Who Runs
ers in their county were used in separate analyses, and for Congress? ed. Thomas Kazee. Washington, DC:
produced similar results. Congressional Quarterly Press.
5. Statistical significance for this and subsequent compari- Carroll, Susan. 1994. Women as Candidates in American
sons of means refer to 2-tailed T-tests. Politics. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

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Clark, Janet, Charles Hadley, and R. Darcy. 1989. Judd, Charles, and Bernadette Park. 1988. “Out-Group
“Political Ambition among Men and Women State Homogeneity: Judgements of Variability at the
Party Leaders.” American Politics Quarterly 17:194–207. Individual and Group Levels.” Journal of Personality and
Darcy, R., and Sarah Schramm. 1977. “When Women Social Psychology 54:778–788.
Run against Men.” Public Opinion Quarterly 41:1–12. Kazee, Thomas, and Susan Roberts. 1994. “Challenging
Darcy, R., Susan Welch, and Janet Clark, 1994. Women, a ‘Safe’ Incumbent: Latent Competition in North
Elections, and Representation. New York: Longman. Carolina’s 9th District.” In Who Runs for Congress?
Eagly, Alice, Mona Makhijani, and Bruce Klonsky. 1992. ed. Thomas Kazee. Washington, DC: Congressional
“Gender and the Evaluation of Leaders: A Meta- Quarterly Press.
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Chapter 19
Women’s Representation
in Parliament:
The Role of Political Parties
Miki Caul

Women are still under-represented in the parlia- Party Organization

ments of all advanced industrial democracies. . . .
Virtually all prior comparative empirical research Three aspects of party organizational structure
has focused on national-level patterns of women’s may influence women’s representation: central-
parliamentary representation. A national-level anal- ization, institutionalization, and the location of
ysis overlooks the fact that individual parties vary candidate nomination.
greatly in the proportion of women MPs within The first component, centralization, describes
each nation. Parties differ in the number of women the distribution of control over decision making
they nominate, where they rank women on party within the party hierarchy. . . . In a highly cen-
lists, and the proportion of women that they tralized party, leaders have the control to create
send to parliament. Parties are the real gatekeep- openings for women—when they want to do so.
ers to elected office (Norris and Lovenduski, 1995; . . . In response to pressures from other parties
Norris, 1996). Because they play such an impor- and the electorate, party leaders may seek votes
tant role in the composition of parliament, we by broadening the diversity of party MPs. There-
must understand how parties differ in encouraging fore, one might expect that women will be better
or discouraging women’s access to parliament. represented where the party leaders can effectively
This chapter analyzes party-level variation in make an effort to promote women candidates
women’s representation in parliament. By treating through the use of particular party policies.
the party as the unit of analysis, rather than the nation, Further, a centralized party organization may
we can isolate the role of the party in promoting be more accountable for its inclusion of female
women. . . . This study of parties in 12 advanced candidates. Groups seeking increased representa-
industrial democracies enables research to . . . deter- tion have a central target for their demands. If
mine which party characteristics are conducive to those demands are not met, the groups can fault
the parliamentary representation of women. . . . the party leaders. In a more decentralized system
each locality must be individually pressured to
support women.
Examining Party-Level Differences The degree of institutionalization determines
or applicable copyright law.

the nature of the process by which MPs are

This study systematically examines four general recruited. A high degree of institutionalization
party characteristics that have been hypothesized to denotes a more rule-orientated process (Norris
affect the proportion of women MPs: a party’s or- and Lovenduski, 1995). Highly institutionalized
ganizational structure, its ideology, the proportion parties provide all potential MPs, especially those
of women party activists, and party gender-related without ties to the power center, with a set of
representation rules. understandable rules. . . . If the rules do not overtly
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discriminate against women, women might have participation, and social equality” (Dalton, 1986:
a better chance in a highly institutionalized envi- 153; emphasis added). New Left parties may be
ronment. even more closely linked to the women’s move-
In addition, with institutionalization, party ment than are the Old Left parties (Kitschelt,
leaders have less leeway to bend the rules in favor 1989; Jenson, 1995).
of certain candidates. Weakly institutionalized The year a party enters the political system may
parties tend to bias candidate nomination in favor be another measure of “newness” that affects the
of those who have accumulated “personal political representation of women. Single-nation evidence
capital,” resources based upon personal status or suggests that new parties may be more supportive
external group support (Guadagnini, 1993). . . . of female candidacies. . . . New parties may be
Another important characteristic is the level more likely to open their doors to a less power-
of nomination for parliamentary candidates. One ful group such as women and to encourage them
might hypothesize that localized nomination is to run for office. New parties may be more likely
more hospitable to women because they are more to hold postmaterialist values such as equality and
likely to work in community politics and may increased internal democracy (Dalton, 1991). In
work their way up to the national level (Loven- addition, new parties have few entrenched power-
duski and Norris, 1993). . . . In contrast, a cen- holders and are thus open to newcomers because
tralized nomination pattern may provide a more no incumbents will be deposed in the process. . . .
structured internal party career ladder. . . .
Women Activists
Party Ideology
During the 1970s, increasing numbers of women
Another explanatory factor is party ideology. took their demands for increased participation to
Left parties may be more likely to support wom- the political parties. . . . Once women began to
en’s candidacies than right parties because left enter the lower party ranks, they could directly
parties espouse egalitarian ideologies (Duverger, increase pressure for representation at the high-
1955; Beckwith, 1986, 1992). Traditionally the est level—parliament. In other words, women’s
women’s movement has been linked to left parties participation inside the party as party activists at
(Jenson, 1995). Matland and Studlar (1996: 27) the local level, as organizers of intraparty wom-
suggest that parties on the left may “feel a need en’s groups, and as internal officeholders should
to be sensitive to groups traditionally excluded buoy up women’s power in the party. This power
from the circles of power”—and this may include should increase women’s opportunities to lobby
women. . . . for further support of women as candidates for
Lovenduski and Norris (1993) contend that parliament. Women’s party activity also creates a
while left ideology may once have been a strong new pool of politically experienced women. . . .
influence on women’s parliamentary represen- Thus, those parties with higher proportions of
tation it is no longer as strong. Left parties may women activists display correspondingly high pro-
no longer be the only parties to support women portions of women MPs.
because such support spreads across the ideologi-
cal spectrum. . . . Therefore, the impact of party Party Rules
ideology on women’s representation must be
examined over time. Parties can increase the proportion of nomi-
In addition, the traditional unidimensional left- nated female candidates by creating formal rules
or applicable copyright law.

right ideological continuum may be too simple to that prescribe a certain proportion of women
describe how ideology affects women’s represen- among the party’s candidates. Such direct action
tation. . . . The rise of a “New Politics” cleavage can take the form of a quota (mandated percent-
adds a new dimension to our conceptualization of ages of women) or a target (recommended per-
ideology. “This New Politics dimension involves centages of women). Implementation of gender
conflict over a new set of issues: environmen- quotas or targets by parties not only reflects the
tal quality, alternative lifestyles, minority rights, acceptance that gender underrepresentation is a
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problem, it also demonstrates a willingness to act . A party was included in the study if it gained at
to fix the problem. least one seat in parliament at any one of the three
Gender goals and quotas within parties first time points under review. . . .
emerged in the late 1970s. The number of par- The participation of women is examined at three
ties implementing these goals and quotas rose points in time: 1975, 1985, and 1989. These were
throughout the 1980s (Caul, 1997). In advanced selected because it was at the beginning of this time
industrial societies, the number of parties establish- frame that women increased pressures for greater
ing quotas and targets doubled between 1975 and political representation. By 1975, attention had been
1985. . . . Parties that implement formal rules to called to the dearth of women MPs in advanced
promote women’s representation should directly industrial democracies. By 1985, some parties had
increase the number of females nominated. substantially increased their level of women’s rep-
Party organization and ideology may influence resentation. Finally, by 1989, . . . it is possible to
whether there are gender rules for candidates. Par- evaluate how new parties and new rules for gender
ty organization affects a party’s capacity to make parity affect party levels of women’s representation.
enforceable rules concerning equal representation
of candidates. For example, in the United States
the weak and decentralized parties are unlikely Women MPs
to attempt to establish candidate quotas because
they lack any mechanism to enforce them. Party . . . The data show that the percentage of women
ideology is likely to affect whether or not parties increases over time: from 12 percent in 1975 to
see fit to adopt quotas. A leftist party might rea- 19 percent in 1985 and 23 percent in 1989. . . .
son that equal opportunity is not enough to help . . . There are substantial variations among
severely underrepresented groups, while more parties in the percentage of women they send to
conservative parties may extend their “hands-off ” parliament. For example, the Norwegian Labor
approach to the economy to the gender of party Party had 19, 42, and 50 percent women MPs in
candidates (Lovenduski and Norris, 1993: 320). 1975, 1985, and 1989, respectively. In stark con-
trast, Fianna Fáil of Ireland had 1, 6, and 6 percent
Electoral System women MPs in the same three years. Within Italy,
the Communists sent 18, 19, and 32 percent female
The focus of this research is on party-level dif- delegations to the national legislature, while the
ferences. However, the electoral system remains Liberal Party sent no women in any year. Similar
an integral component in explaining women’s variation exists within several nations.
representation. Several studies have established Taking into account that basic party character-
that a nation’s electoral system strongly influences istics are fairly stable, a party’s proportion of female
women’s representation in national legislatures. MPs should be strongly correlated with the previ-
Party-list PR systems produce more women in ous time point. Indeed, the data reveal that the
parliament than plurality systems (Duverger, 1955; parties that elect the highest proportion of women
Lakeman, 1994). The standard explanation is candidates in 1975 are among the highest in this
that parties in PR systems are more likely to add respect at the next two time points. The correla-
women to the list in order to broaden their appeal tion between the percentage of women MPs in
and balance the ticket. The perceived electoral risk 1975 and 1985 is .43; the correlation between
with a female candidate decreases when a female is 1985 and 1989 is .69 ( p < .05 in all cases).
part of a group, rather than the sole candidate.
or applicable copyright law.

Predicting the Representation of Women

Data Analysis
Party Organization
The analysis is based on 68 parties in 12 advanced
industrial democracies.1 This study is limited to . . . The first hypothesis is that a more highly
the United States and West European nations. . . centralized party will better promote women MPs.2
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The index of membership centralization is moder- the left have higher percentages of women MPs
ately related to women MPs in each year, yet the than the parties to the right. Environmental and
leadership index of centralization is only positive- communist parties average the highest percent-
ly related to women MPs in 1975. More highly ages of women. In stark contrast, the discontent
centralized parties appear only slightly more likely and ultra-right parties send virtually no women
to have women MPs. A second set of party char- to parliament. Surprisingly, the conservative and
acteristics measures the degree of institutionaliza- rural parties both have more women MPs on
tion. More highly institutionalized parties are in average than the left socialist parties.
fact more likely to elect women to office at each But party type is an extremely blunt indica-
time point. A more specific measure of party cen- tor of ideology. In order to measure party ideol-
tralization is the pattern of candidate nomination. ogy rather than party labels, voter self-placement
“Candidate nomination level” scores nomination on the left-right ideological continuum is used.
at the local level as 1 and nomination at other lev- The moderately strong and statistically signifi-
els as 2.3 In 1985 and 1989, candidate nomination cant correlations between leftist self-location
at the local level is associated with higher percent- and percentage of women MPs supports the
ages of women MPs. This suggests that central- hypothesis.
ized control over nomination is not conducive to Separate measures of Old Politics and New
women’s representation. Politics ideology were also collected.4 The cor-
relations suggest that the more leftist the party,
Party Ideology on old or new cleavages, the more women MPs
the party tends to have. The most striking finding
Leftist parties may be more supportive of gen- is that the summary indices for the New Politics
der equality than rightist parties. As a first test of dimension yield higher correlations than the Old
this idea, Figure 19.1 displays the average percent- Politics indices. Further, there is little support for
age of women MPs for different ideological fami- the diffusion of women’s representation across
lies of parties in 1989. Overall, the chart supports the ideological spectrum. Ideology does not play
the hypothesis. On the whole, the party types to a stronger role in 1975 than in 1985 or 1989. The







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Left socialist








Party type

Figure 19.1: Women MPs by Party Type (Average Percentage).

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correlations for the Old Politics indices actually of female candidates. The middle-level elite indi-
grow stronger over time. This moderate strength- cators measure the percentage of women party
ening of the Old Politics indicator suggests that elites who are delegates at 1977 national party
Old Left parties may have responded in the late conferences and the percentage of women work-
1980s to New Left parties’ efforts to promote ing as local activists. The correlations suggest that
women MPs in the early 1980s. high levels of women delegates and local activists
A related expectation is that the “newness” of also lead to high levels of women officeholders in
the party is positively associated with women’s later years.
representation. The correlation between the year
a party was founded and the percentage of women Party Rules
MPs is weak in each case. Newer parties do not
appear to be more hospitable to women. Party rules range from strict quotas to softer
recommendations for a certain proportion of
Women Activists women candidates. Accordingly, parties with
explicit quotas score 2 points, while parties with
With more women active at different levels targets score 1, and parties with no gender rules
within a party, the party may send more women score zero. Each party was scored in this manner
to the national legislature. The percentage of in 1975, 1985, and 1989.
women is examined at three internal levels within Only three out of our 68 parties had any can-
the party: representation on the party’s national didate gender goals or quotas in 1975. The num-
executive, among middle-level elites, and among ber of parties with candidate gender rules grows
local party activists. by 1985, reaching its highest level in 1989 at 21
The first striking finding is that the average out of 68 parties. In 1989, those parties that have
percentage of women party activists at the local implemented candidate gender rules average 28
level is lower than the average percentage of percent women in their delegation to parliament,
women who are middle-level party elites. Fur- while those parties without any form of gender
ther, both these averages are lower than the per- rules average 22 percent women.
centage of women on the national executive in As one might expect, the influence of party
1975, 1985, or 1989! The average percentage of candidate gender rules on the percentage of
women local activists is 12 while among the mid- women MPs has a lagged effect. For candidate
dle-level elites it is 14 percent. The average pro- gender rules adopted in 1975 there is a low cor-
portion of women on party national executives is relation in 1975 itself, and a higher and signifi-
16 in 1975, 24 in 1985, and, by 1989, the average cant correlation in both 1985 and 1989. For those
grows to 27 percent. Parties appear to have more rules adopted by 1985 there is a weak positive
women at the top of the internal party ranks than correlation with MPs in 1985 itself. However, by
at the lower-level elite positions. . . . 1989 the rules adopted in 1985 seem to have had
In each year there is a moderately strong and their impact. The effects of the quotas instituted
statistically significant relationship between the in the late 1980s may not show up until the mid-
level of women in the party national executive 1990s.
and its level of MPs. The correlations grow stron-
ger and more significant over time. This find- Electoral Rules
ing reveals a lag effect. In a party where there is
a higher proportion of women on the national As hypothesized earlier, parties in party-list
or applicable copyright law.

executive in 1975, by the next time point there PR electoral systems may have higher levels of
is a higher percentage of women in parliament. women in their delegation to parliament. Parties
In sum, women at upper levels within the party in a party-list PR system scored 1 and parties in
appears to encourage more women in parlia- any other type of system scored zero. The result-
ment. ing correlations reveal that parties embedded in
A high level of women working within the party-list PR electoral rules do in fact send more
party ranks may also increase the party’s promotion women to parliament.
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Multivariate Analysis At the next level, a reciprocal relationship may

exist between the two most direct influences.7
There are strong relationships for variables in Parties may adopt internal gender targets and
each of the four categories. The next goal is to quotas for party decision-making bodies, such as
determine which characteristics work best to- the national executive. In turn, the presence of
gether to maximize women’s representation. women on the national executive may encour-
To avoid possible multicollinearity problems, age the adoption of candidate rules; women
the strongest independent variables from each active at high levels within the party can add the
of the five categories were selected and entered direct pressure necessary to create and implement
into a multivariate regression analysis. From the gender quotas and goals. Finally, women on the
party organization variables, both the index of national executive and candidate rules may both
institutionalization and the level of candidate have a direct and significant impact on the level
nomination were selected as measures of party of women in parliament.
centralization.5 From the party ideology variables,
the New Politics index emerged as the strongest. Estimating the Model
From among the women activist indicators, the
percentage of women on the national executive . . . The first model predicts the level of women
in 1985 was selected. In addition, the presence of activists on the national executive of each party in
rules in 1985 was selected.6 The lagged variables 1989.8 The resulting equation is as follows:
were utilized as predictors because the bivariate
relationships suggest that it takes time for these Activists = .28  .02(Inst.)  .05(Nom.)
variables to have their desired impact. Finally, the  .52(NewPol.) + .09(ES)
type of electoral system in 1989 is included.
The only strong and significant indicator in this
Causal Flow Chart model is the New Politics index. Hence, in 1989
a party’s New Left orientation alone best predicts
These party characteristics are linked. Their its level of women activists.
combined impact on women’s representation The second model predicts the presence of
may not be simultaneous, but rather linked in a candidate gender rules in 1989 and the resulting
chain of favorable influences. . . . The first and equation is:
broadest influence is the electoral rules in which
the parties are embedded. The electoral system Rules =  .28(Inst.) + .11(Nom.)
should be linked to the ideologies of the parties  .27(NewPol.) + .18(ES)
and should also shape the internal organization of + .43(Act.)
those parties. Specifically, a party-list PR system
should increase a party’s ability to adopt candidate The index of institutionalization, the index of
rules because achieving gender balance on a list New Politics, and the level of women activists
should be more feasible than mandating that one all predict the presence of candidate rules. Yet
particular seat be filled by either gender. the indicator for women activists is the stron-
Moving through the causal process, parties gest. . . . We expected that high levels of New
with New Left values have more women on their Left values and women on the national executive
national executives and also should be willing to would advance the adoption of gender rules. It
adopt candidate gender rules. In addition, a more was previously hypothesized that parties with high
or applicable copyright law.

highly institutionalized party may nominate more levels of institutionalization would be more likely
women to a rule-making body such as the national to adopt these rules. However, according to this
executive and is more apt to adopt and imple- multivariate model, once the other variables are
ment formal rules to help promote women. Also, controlled for, parties with low levels of institu-
the level of candidate nomination should have an tionalization tend to have gender-related rules. In
impact on the ability of the party to implement response, one might hypothesize that if candidate
those candidate rules. gender rules are largely a function of women on
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the national executive and their efforts to pres- in women’s representation. High levels of in-
sure the party, then rule-orientated parties are stitutionalization, a localized level of candidate
less flexible and more focused upon the party’s nomination, and leftist and postmaterialist val-
program and thus reluctant to adopt measures to ues all individually enable parties to increase the
promote women. representation of women. Further, high levels of
The third model finally predicts the level women working at internal party offices and the
of women MPs in 1989. The formula for the presence of formal rules designed to increase the
model is: number of women MPs are both conducive to
women’s representation.
MPs = .01 (Inst.)  .14(Nom.) It appears that women’s party activism, espe-
 .13(NewPol.)  .35(ES) cially at the high levels, triggers the other factors,
+ .39(Act.) + .39(Rules) such as quota rules, that facilitate women’s repre-
sentation in parliament. The finding that women’s
The type of electoral system and women activ- party activism is integral is especially encouraging
ists both have a direct impact on the level of in an era when women’s activity in party politics
women MPs. has increased substantially. Not only can women
Comparing the models, while the impact of a party activists pressure the party for women’s rep-
party-list PR electoral system appears limited to resentation in parliamentary office, activists can
the final outcome of women MPs, a high level also institutionalize the gains made by pressing to
of women activists on the national executive is implement rules that call for guaranteed propor-
important both to the implementation of candidate tions of female candidates. . . .
rules and to the level of women MPs directly. In
contrast, the impact of the index of New Politics is
mediated by the women activists variable. In sum,
New Left values are important in elevating women Notes
within the party’s internal hierarchy. Then, women
use their new power to push for candidate gender 1. The nations included in this study are: Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands,
rules and to promote women MPs. Norway, Sweden, the UK, and the United States.
According to the theoretical model, candidate 2. The index of institutionalization measures a party’s
gender rules should be a powerful influence on programmatic orientation. All the party organization
women’s representation.9 On the one hand, it is variables, plus party type, self-location, and women
possible that gender goals and quotas do not have on the national executive, are collected from Lane and
Ersson (1991). In order to uncover which measures
the strong effect that we had hypothesized. Upon tapped underlying subcharacteristics, the groupings of
close inspection of the data over time, of the parties items under party organization, ideology, and women
with candidate gender rules in 1985, 5 out of the activists were factor analyzed using a principal com-
15 decline or remain the same in their proportion ponents analysis involving the extraction of a varying
of women MPs from 1985 to 1989. On the other number of factors, corresponding to each grouping of
items. The only set of indicators that are intended to
hand, and based on the success of the lagged can- measure the same characteristic, but do not appear to
didate gender rules variable in the bivariate analy- tap the same dimension, are Lane and Ersson’s summary
sis, one expects that gender quotas and targets take index of integration (centralization) items. Therefore,
time to realize their full impact. It was not until the I present the factor scores from each of these dimen-
mid-1980s that many parties began adopting such sions as the leadership and membership indices of cen-
candidate gender rules. As such, the effects of these
or applicable copyright law.

3. Candidate nomination level is taken from Lane and

new rules might not be visible until the 1990s. Ersson (1991) and these scores are verified and supple-
mented with the information on candidate selection in
Gallagher et al. (1995), Gallagher and Marsh (1998),
Conclusions and Norris (1996).
4. The Old and New Politics indices were created from
scores given to parties on select issues from Laver and
. . . These findings reveal that certain party char- Hunt (1992). The first two issues, which make up the
acteristics actually influence party-level variation Old Politics index, are “Increase Public Services vs Cut

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Taxes” and “Public Ownership vs Anti.” The third and Beckwith, Karen (1992) “Comparative Research and
fourth issues make up the New Politics issues: “Pro- Electoral Systems: Lessons from France and Italy,”
Permissive Social Policy vs Anti” measures a party’s Women and Politics 12 (3): 1–33.
position on abortion and homosexual law; and “En- Caul, Miki (1997) “Women’s Representation in National
vironment vs Growth” measures the party’s support of Legislatures: Explaining Differences across Advanced
protection of the environment, even at a cost to eco- Industrial Democracies,” paper presented at the
nomic growth. I have selected the elite-level adjusted Western Political Science Association Meeting, 13–15
scores on these issues because we are interested in the March, Tucson, Arizona.
attitudes of party elites. Dalton, Russell J. (1991) “Responsiveness of Parties and
5. There are two measures from the centralization Party Systems to the New Politics,” in Politische Klasse
category—the index of institutionalization and the und politische Institutionen. Opladen: Westdeuscher Verlag
level of candidate nomination—because both have GmbH.
equally strong correlations and it is therefore difficult Dalton, Russell J. (1986) Citizen Politics. Chatham, NJ:
to say which is the strongest indicator. I have also run Chatham House Publications.
the same multivariate analyses using only one or the Duverger, Maurice (1955) The Political Role of Women.
other and the results are similar to the model with Paris: United Nations Economic and Social Council.
both. Gallagher, Michael and Michael Marsh, eds (1988) Candidate
6. When lagged variables are replaced by indicators from Selection in Comparative Perspective. London: Sage.
1989 the models change very little. The same predic- Gallagher, Michael et al. (1995) Representative Government
tors remain strong in each model. However, the ex- in Modern Europe. New York: McGraw Hill.
plained adjusted variance drops. Guadagnini, Marila (1993) “A ‘Partiocrazia’ without
7. It is difficult to determine the sequence of the re- Women: The Case of the Italian Party System,” in
lationship between gender party rules and women Lovenduski and Norris (eds).
party activists. From the case study literature it ap- Jenson, Jane (1995) “Extending the Boundaries of
pears that women party activists began pressuring Citizenship: Women’s Movements of Western
parties to open their hierarchies to women, and as Europe,” in Amrita Basu (ed.) The Challenge of Local
more women gained clout within the party, changes Feminisms. Boulder, CO: Westview.
occurred at even higher levels. Many parties set aside Kitschelt, Herbert (1989) The Logics of Party Formation.
seats on the national executive for a representative of Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
the women’s wing. Perhaps these women used their Lakeman, Enid (1994) “Comparing Political Opportunities
position to press for opportunities for women candi- in Great Britain and Ireland,” in W. Rule and J.
dates. Zimmerman (eds) Electoral Systems in Comparative
8. The models are estimated with a pairwise deletion of Perspective. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
missing data because there are missing scores on some Lane, Jan-Erik and Svante Ersson (1991) Politics in Society
indicators. When the same multiple regressions are in Western Europe, 2nd edn. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
run with a listwise deletion of missing data the ex- Laver, Michael and W. Ben Hunt (1992) Policy and Party
plained adjusted variance on each equation increases Competition. New York: Routledge.
considerably. Lovenduski, Joni and Pippa Norris, eds (1993) Gender and
9. Candidate gender rules is a highly intercorrelated in- Party Politics. London: Sage.
dicator (as indicated by its strong correlations with Matland, Richard E. and Donley T. Studlar (1996) “The
several indicators and by its low tolerance levels in the Contagion of Women Candidates in Single-Member
multivariate regression). Therefore, its impact may be District and Proportional Representation Electoral
reduced by multicollinearity problems. Systems: Canada and Norway,” Journal of Politics 58 (3):
Norris, Pippa (1996) “Legislative Recruitment,” in
Lawrence LeDuc et al. (eds) Comparative Democratic
References Elections. London: Sage.
Norris, Pippa and Joni Lovenduski (1995) Political
Beckwith, Karen (1986) American Women and Political Recruitment: Gender, Race and Class in the British
Participation. New York: McGraw Hill. Parliament. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 20
Explaining Women’s
Legislative Representation
in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mi Yung Yoon

Introduction with only one exception (Reynolds 1998), there

has been no systematic empirical study of wom-
. . . Some sub-Saharan African countries show en’s parliamentary representation in sub-Saharan
an impressive representation of women in parlia- Africa. Most of the few works on this subject are
ment, while others lag behind. Women account studies of one or a few cases,3 and it is difficult to
for more than 20% of parliamentary seats in generalize on the basis of these findings. . . .
Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa,
and Tanzania, but they account for less than 5%
of seats in Djibouti, Lesotho, Niger, Nigeria, and Social, Economic, and Cultural Variables
Togo. What can explain these considerable cross-
national variations? This study addresses this The extant literature of women’s political repre-
question by examining the relative significance sentation sees female access to education, women’s
of social, economic, cultural, and political factors labor force participation, a country’s economic
that boost or hinder women’s legislative repre- condition, and that country’s culture as the most
sentation. I study sub-Saharan African countries important social, economic, and cultural factors
that held democratic legislative elections between that affect women’s access to the legislature.4
January 1990 and June 30, 2001. For the coun-
tries that held more than one legislative election Access to Education
during this period, I include only the latest elec-
tion for analysis. . . . . . . Female education in sub-Saharan Africa
This study is different from previous studies of has not been given much priority (Ufomata 1998,
women’s parliamentary representation in a couple 64), as is proven by the area’s female enrollment
of aspects. First, by focusing solely on sub-Saharan rate, which is the lowest in the world (UNDP
Africa, it fills a gap in the extant literature, which 2000, 164).5 As a result, the gender gap in edu-
has focused on advanced industrialized democra- cation has been more noticeable in sub-Saharan
cies.1 To put it bluntly, factors affecting female Africa than in other regions of the world. . . .
or applicable copyright law.

legislative representation in sub-Saharan Africa

have been neglected and left unexplained in the Participation in the Labor Force
literature.2 Second, this study is the most extensive
cross-national analysis of female legislative repre- . . . Women’s labor force participation in the
sentation in sub-Saharan Africa. With the recent formal sector remains low in sub-Saharan Africa.
democratization in the continent, which began in The majority of the female workforce is either
1990, the questions this study raises have emerged in labor-intensive subsistence farming or in the
as new scholarly interests among Africanists. Yet, informal sector (for example, knitting, pottery,
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gardening, raising small livestock, dressmaking, multiparty systems with many political parties that
vegetable and fruit selling, firewood selling, and sprang up in the 1990s.
others) (Kanji and Jazdowska l993, 13).
Gender Quotas
Economic Condition
Gender quotas have been used to increase
. . . Extrapolating from the Kenyan experience, women’s entry into parliament. . . . Two types of
Nzomo (1993, 70) states that economic hardship quotas are used in sub-Saharan Africa: the system
has a negative impact on women’s political repre- of reserved seats established by national legislation
sentation because it decreases women’s interest in (Sudan, Uganda, and Tanzania)6 and quotas vol-
running for elective offices. Other scholars argue untarily established by political parties (Botswana,
that by discrediting male politicians who failed to Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Mozam-
manage the country’s economy, harsh economic bique, Namibia, Senegal, and South Africa).7 At
reality actually encourages women to become present, no country in sub-Saharan Africa man-
involved in politics (Foster 1993, 113; Mikell dates all political parties to adopt a gender quota
1995, 409). for national legislative elections.

. . . Some Africanists argue that patriarchal cul-
ture, which relegates women to subordinate roles, Selection of Cases
has been a major barrier to female political repre-
sentation in Africa because it not only discourages Since 1990, more than 40 countries have held
women from becoming candidates but also low- multiparty legislative elections in sub-Saharan
ers their probability of winning elections (Geisler Africa. Doubts have been raised, however, about
1995; Gordon 1996, 113). the competitiveness of these elections because of
electoral irregularities reported in many countries.
. . . Elections in some countries have been declared
Political Variables meaningfully competitive and therefore demo-
cratic. This study includes only those countries
Analysts view electoral systems, party system frag- because the political dynamics related to women’s
mentation, and gender quotas as the most signifi- legislative representation might be quite different
cant political variables. in countries where elections are meaningless. . . .
. . . On the basis of this criterion, 28 coun-
Electoral Systems tries have been selected. Freedom House politi-
cal rights scores are measured by such indicators
Norris (1985), Rule (l981, 1987, 1994a, as free and fair elections for political offices, fair
1994b), Matland (1998), and Matland and Studlar electoral laws, equal campaigning opportunities,
(1996) found multimember proportional repre- fair polling, honest tabulation of ballots, citizens’
sentation systems more favorable to women than right to organize political parties and other politi-
single-member majority or plurality systems. . . . cal groupings, the existence of significant oppo-
sition, freedom from domination by powerful
groups, and autonomy or participation of minor-
or applicable copyright law.

Party System Fragmentation

ity groups in the decision-making process. . . .
Reynolds (1999, 553) states that the likelihood
of women to be nominated is higher in a party Dependent Variable
system with a small number of large parliamentary
parties because large parties are likely to have safe The dependent variable of this study is women’s
seats in which they can place female candidates. representation in national legislatures, measured
Most sub-Saharan African countries have inchoate by the percentage of women in each parliament.
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Explaining Women’s Legislative Representation in Sub-Saharan Africa 169
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For countries that have two chambers, the study countries that reserve at least 15% of parliamen-
considers the percentage of women in the lower tary seats for women, as well as countries where
house only because members of the upper house a political party that wins more than 50% of par-
or Senate of those countries are appointed or liamentary seats employs at least a 30% quota for
elected indirectly.8 female candidates. . . . In sub-Saharan Africa, the
highest percentage of a party quota for women is
Explanatory Variables 33.3%, in the African National Congress in South
I measure women’s access to education by ren- The minor quota category includes countries
dering the combined female primary, secondary, that reserve less than 15% of parliamentary seats
and tertiary level gross enrollment ratio as a per- for women and countries in which a political party
centage of the combined male primary, second- that wins less than 50% of parliamentary seats has
ary, and tertiary level gross enrollment ratio.9 I a gender quota. The no quota category includes
index the male enrollment ratio to equal 100. countries with no party quota or reserved seats for
A larger percentage indicates a smaller gap in women. . . .
enrollment between men and women. I mea-
sure women’s participation in the labor force
using women’s share of the adult labor force in Findings
percentages.10 Here, “labor force” refers to wage
earners in the formal sector and excludes home- To estimate the effects of the explanatory variables
makers and workers in the informal sector. For on women’s parliamentary representation in sub-
enrollment ratios and women’s share of the adult Saharan Africa, I used an ordinary least squares
labor force, I use the election year data. When multiple regression model. . . . I hypothesized that
election year data are unavailable, I use the data the coefficients for access to education, participa-
for the closest previous year. . . . I use the aver- tion in the labor force, proportional representa-
age annual percentage increase of the consumer tion, mixed electoral system, and gender quotas
price index in the 1990s before the election year would be positive, whereas the coefficients for
as the barometer for an adverse economic condi- patriarchal culture and party system fragmentation
tion because the rise of basic commodity prices would be negative. Further, I expected the coef-
has been the most critical complaint among the ficient for economic condition to be either posi-
populace in Africa and, according to some ana- tive or negative. All of the coefficients have the
lysts, has hurt women more than men.11 expected signs except for those for mixed elec-
I measure patriarchal culture by the prevalence toral system and party system fragmentation. Of
of female genital mutilation in percentage terms. the nine coefficients, four are much larger than
The percentage for each country refers to the their associated standard errors. The overall fit of
proportion of the female population affected by the model measured by the F-statistics indicates
this practice. . . . It has been identified as one of that the dependent variable is not independent of
the symbols of male-dominant culture. . . . The the explanatory variables. It is statistically signifi-
data for female genital mutilation are estimates cant at p = .000 and rejects the null hypothesis
from national surveys conducted mostly in the that all of the coefficients except the constant
1990s.12 are zero. The explanatory variables in the model
For this study, I divide electoral systems into explain 90.7% of the variance in the percentage of
three categories: proportional representation sys- women in parliament.
or applicable copyright law.

tems, mixed systems, and majority-plurality sys- The bulk of the literature suggests that some of
tems. . . . Party system fragmentation is measured the explanatory variables in the model might be
by the Laakso and Taagepera effective number of correlated. . . . An inspection for multicollinearity
parliamentary parties (1979). . . . with the variance inflation factor (VIF) does not
I also divide gender quotas into three cat- call for any serious concern, however.13
egories: substantial quotas, minor quotas, and no Among the social, economic, and cultural
quotas. The substantial quota category includes variables, only patriarchal culture is statistically
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significant. . . . Women’s access to education has Party system fragmentation has little impact
little effect on female legislative representation in on women’s parliamentary representation. . . .
sub-Saharan Africa, perhaps because of the content What is important for greater legislative repre-
of the education that women receive. According sentation of women is the political will of major
to Gordon (1991, 33), education for girls in Africa parties, particularly ruling parties, to nominate
tends to emphasize stereotypical roles of women more women and place them in good constitu-
and does not train women to assume leadership encies or in winnable positions on their lists. In
roles. Measuring women’s access to education most African countries, a few political parties
with the percentage of female college graduates with superior competitive strength tend to win
or with the gender gap in higher education only substantial shares of parliamentary seats. Other
might have produced a different result for the parties, new or crippled for a long time under
education variable, if we assume that female poli- pre-democratization, single-party, authoritarian
ticians are likely to come from the well-educated rule, lack well-established support bases, party
population. Unfortunately, the data for female structures, and campaign strategies—all prereq-
college graduates or for the gender gap in higher uisites for winning legislative seats. The hurried
education are unavailable for most sub-Saharan transition toward democracy has not allowed suf-
African countries. Women’s participation in the ficient time for these young or oppressed political
labor force also shows a negligible effect, probably parties to develop such essentials. . . .
because women are concentrated in low-skilled, It is clear that political factors (proportional
low-paid jobs, which offer little of the training representation and gender quotas) play a crucial
and resources necessary to pursue elective office. role in increasing the proportion of women in
Adverse economic condition has no significant African parliaments. The effects of gender quotas
effect, perhaps because of the pervasive poverty appear substantial.15 Even a minor quota increases
hurting most sub-Saharan African countries. . . . women’s parliamentary representation by 12.76%!
I also found no significant relationship between To check the robustness of these findings, I ran
economic development and women’s represen- two restricted models: one with the social, eco-
tation. This result suggests that economic devel- nomic, and cultural variables and the other with
opment is not an important determinant. In fact, the political variables. The results of these two
this generalization has been proven by studies of restricted models confirm the main findings of
many developing countries—including several this study but with a few changes. What are the
African countries—that have much higher rates implications of this study’s findings for improving
of representation of women in parliament than women’s legislative representation in sub-Saharan
do some of the most developed countries, such Africa and for understanding women’s legislative
as France (12.1%), Italy (9.8%), Japan (7.3%), and representation in general? . . .
the United States (13.8%).14 This study found variables that affect legislative
Among the political variables, substantial quota, representation of women in advanced industrial-
minor quota, and proportional representation sig- ized democracies, such as women’s educational
nificantly influence the percentage of women in opportunities and labor force participation, to be
parliament in the expected direction. Women’s irrelevant in sub-Saharan Africa, whereas propor-
parliamentary representation is 15.56% higher tional representation and culture were consistent-
in countries with a substantial quota and 12.76% ly relevant. These findings imply that the effects
higher in countries with a minor quota than in of women’s education and labor force participa-
countries with no quota. Women’s representation tion are different in developing societies; in the
or applicable copyright law.

is also 4.31% higher in proportional representation latter, education perpetuates the view that politics
systems than in majority-plurality systems. There is not a women’s domain, and an overwhelming
is no significant difference, however, between majority of female wage earners are concentrated
mixed systems and majority-plurality systems in at the bottom rung of the formal economy. Pro-
determining female parliamentary representation. portional representation, on the other hand, is
Contrary to expectation, the former elect fewer advantageous to women in advanced and devel-
women to parliament than the latter. oping democracies, although its positive impact
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Explaining Women’s Legislative Representation in Sub-Saharan Africa 171
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might be greater in well-established democracies. Party’s Share

Size of
Culture, which shapes people’s views toward Country Party of Legislative
Quota (%)
Seats (%)
women’s roles, appears to play a significant role,
irrespective of levels of economic and political Botswana Botswana 30 2.1
Congress Party
development. Egalitarian culture fosters women’s
Botswana 30 12.8
involvement in electoral politics, but hierarchical National Front
culture impedes it. How favorably or unfavor-
Côte d’lvoirc People’s Front of 30 43.0
ably the society views women’s involvement in Côte d’lvoirc
politics depends on where its culture lies in the Equatorial People’s Social ? 1.3
egalitarian-hierarchical cultural spectrum. Guinea Democratic
Mali Alliance for Democracy 30 87.1
Notes in Mali
Mozambique Front for the Liberation 30 53.2
of Mozambique
1. Among the studies that analyze the determinants of
women’s political representation in industrialized de- Namibia South West 30 76.4
mocracies are Matland 1998, Norris 1985, and Rule African People’s
1987, 1994a, 1994b.
2. This neglect is mainly due to the lack of data. Senegal Socialist Party 25 8.3
3. For case studies, see Geisler 1995, Goetz 1998a, South Africa African National 33.3 66.5
1998b, House-Midamba 1990, Shettima 1995, and Congress
Tripp 2000.
4. It is important to note that the discussions of these
variables involve inevitably broad generalizations that 8. Most sub-Saharan African countries have unicameral
do not apply to some countries. systems. Only Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Gabon, Leso-
5. Girls’ combined primary, secondary, and tertiary tho, Liberia, Mauritania, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal,
level gross enrollment ratio in sub-Saharan Africa South Africa, and Swaziland have bicameral systems.
is 37%. This combined ratio refers to “the number Of these countries, Ethiopia, Liberia, and Nigeria
of students at all these levels as a percentage of the elect members of the upper house or Senate through
population of official school age for these levels” direct elections. I have excluded some of these coun-
(UNDP 2000, 278). For an extensive discussion on tries because their legislative elections fail to meet the
the factors that limit women’s educational oppor- democratic election standard of this study. Data for the
tunities in sub-Saharan Africa, see Odaga and He- dependent variable come from Inter-Parliamentary
neveld 1995. Union 2001.
6. Sudan reserves 35 (9.72%) legislative seats for women; 9. I collected the data for these ratios from volumes of
Tanzania, 48 (17.51%); and Uganda, 56 (18.42%) Human Development Report, published by the United
(Amongi 2002; Inter-Parliamentary Union 2001; Nations Development Programme. Here, “primary
Parliament of Tanzania 2003). I exclude Sudan and education” refers to elementary schools; “secondary
Uganda from this study because their legislative elec- education” to middle school, secondary schools, high
tions fail to satisfy the democratic election standard of schools, teacher training schools at this level, and vo-
my analysis. (See “Selection of Cases” in the Methods cational or technical schools; and “tertiary education”
section of this article.) refers to universities, teachers colleges, and higher
7. The following table lists the political parties that professional schools.
employ gender quotas. The data were drawn from 10. I culled the data for women’s share of the adult labor
Inter-Parliamentary Union 1997, 2001; Jacobson force from volumes of the World Bank’s World De-
1996; Lowe-Morna 1999; MacGregor 2000; Socialist velopment Report and World Development Indicators, and
International Women 2002; and Yoon 2001. volumes of African Development Report, produced by
Senegal uses both proportional representation and the African Development Bank.
or applicable copyright law.

majority systems; the Socialist Party gender quota is 11. Data come from the World Bank’s World Development
for proportional representation. The gender quotas Indicators 2000, the United Nations Development
of the African National Congress and the Front for Programme’s Human Development Report 2001, and
the Liberation of Mozambique require that a woman volumes of African Development Report. Unemploy-
occupy every third place on these parties’ lists. The ment rates would be another good indicator of adverse
data for placement rules of other political parties economic conditions, but such data are unavailable for
are unavailable. Côte d’Ivoire and Equatorial Guinea most African countries.
are also excluded from study because they fail to meet 12. I culled data from AFROL 2003, Inter-Parliamentary
the selection standard of my analysis. Union 2003, United Nations Population Fund 2003,

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and Executives of the World.” World Politics 51: Ufomata, Titi. 1998. “Linguistic Images, Socialisation, and
547–72. Gender in Education.” Africa Development 23: 61–75.
Rule, Wilma. 1981. “Why Women Don’t Run: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
The Critical Contextual Factors in Women’s Various years. Human Development Report. New York:
Legislative Recruitment.” Western Political Quarterly Oxford University Press.
34: 60–77. United Nations Population Fund. 2003. “Working to End
Rule, Wilma. 1987. “Electoral Systems, Contextual Gender Inequality.”
Factors, and Women’s Opportunity for Election to index.htm ( January 4, 2003).
Parliament in Twenty-three Democracies.” Western World Bank. Various years. World Development Report.
Political Quarterly 40: 477–98. Washington, DC: Oxford University Press.
Rule, Wilma. 1994a. “Women’s Underrepresentation and World Bank. 2000, 2001. World Development Indicators.
Electoral Systems.” PS: Political Science and Politics 27: Washington, DC: World Bank.
689–92. World Health Organization. 2003. “Most Recent
Rule, Wilma. 1994b. “Parliaments of, by, and for the Prevalence Rates for FGM.”
People: Except for Women?” In Electoral Systems in frh-whd/FGM/FGM%20prev%20update.html
Comparative Perspective, ed. Wilma Rule and Joseph F. ( January 3, 2003).
Zimmerman. Westport, CT: Greenwood. Yoon, Mi Yung. 2001. “Democratization and Women’s
Shettima, Kole Ahmed. 1995. “Engendering Nigeria’s Legislative Representation in Sub-Saharan Africa.”
Third Republic.” African Studies Review 38: 61–98. Democratization 8: 169–90.
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Chapter 21
Quotas as a “Fast Track” to Equal
Representation for Women:
Why Scandinavia Is No Longer
the Model
Drude Dahlerup
Lenita Freidenvall

Although highly controversial, electoral gen- today, the Scandinavian countries may no longer
der quotas are being introduced in an increasing be the model, at any rate not the only model,
number of countries in all the major regions of for ways to improve women’s political represen-
the world. About forty countries have already tation. The introduction of a fast track, notably
introduced gender quotas for parliamentary elec- the introduction of legal electoral quotas in Latin
tions by constitutional amendment or electoral American and other Third World countries, may
law, most of them in recent years. In more than represent an alternative and faster model, though
fifty countries, quotas requiring that a certain this may also have its problems.1
minimum of the parties’ candidates for election The chapter is based on the first worldwide
to national parliament must be women are now overview of the use of quotas (www.quotaproject.
stipulated in major political parties’ own statutes. org).2 Here, only electoral gender quotas are dis-
This development challenges previous theories of cussed, defined as legal rules (constitutional or
variations in women’s political representation. . . . legislative) or internal party regulations setting a
Major historical leaps in women’s parliamen- minimum proportion of women, or both sexes,
tary representation can occur without quota pro- in the political parties’ candidates for public elec-
visions, just as the mere introduction of quotas has tion or among those elected.3
not resulted in uniform increases in the numbers of
women parliamentarians worldwide. However,
this [chapter] focuses on electoral gender quotas The Fast Track versus the
as an affirmative action measure to increase wom- Incremental Track
en’s representation. First, the [chapter] identifies
two discourses: the incremental track versus the . . . Figure 21.1 shows what we call the fast ver-
or applicable copyright law.

fast track to women’s parliamentary representation. sus the incremental track to high representation for
Second, it outlines the amazing new development women. By means of a strong quota regulation (40
in the introduction of quotas worldwide. Third, it percent) and forceful implementation procedures,
analyzes the troublesome implementation process. women’s representation in Costa Rica’s parliament
Finally, the [chapter] discusses the implications of jumped overnight from 19 to 35 percent in 2002.
the incremental versus the fast track in terms of In Denmark, where 38 percent of members of par-
women’s empowerment. The conclusion is that, liament are women (2001 election), the same move
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176 Women, Gender, and Elections
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Percent women







Y 1918
Y 1924
Y 1926
Y 1929
Y 1932
Y 1935
Y 1939
Y 1945
Y 1947
Y 1950
Y 1953 a
Y 1953 b
Y 1957
Y 1958
Y 1960
Y 1962
Y 1964
Y 1966
Y 1967
Y 1968
Y 1970
Y 1971
Y 1973
Y 1975
Y 1977
Y 1978
Y 1979
Y 1981
Y 1982
Y 1984
Y 1986
Y 1987
Y 1988
Y 1990
Y 1994
Y 1998
Y 1999
Y 2000
Y 2001
Y 2002
Denmark Costa Rica

No information from the 1974 election in Costa Rica.

1953a and b: Two general elections took place in Denmark.

Figure 21.1: Women’s Parliamentary Representation in Costa Rica and Denmark (Percentage).

took twenty years of incremental increase over categories the right to a guaranteed number of
eight elections. . . . representatives based on their specificity, prefer-
Figure 21.2 shows the two tracks as two dif- ring equal opportunity to equal results. Concerns
ferent discourses—constructed as ideal types. about the multiplicity of categories and groups
Both discourses advocate equal representation for that might claim quota provisions have also been
women, but their general perception of the his- raised (Maier and Klausen 2001), as well as argu-
torical and the future development varies, as does ments focusing on social cohesion, accountability,
their identification of both the causes of under- and fear of fractionalization (Phillips 1995).
representation and understanding of women’s In contrast, the fast track discourse rejects the
underrepresentation as a problem, and the pro- idea of gradual improvement in women’s repre-
posed strategies. . . . sentation. It is even assumed that an increase in
According to the incremental track discourse, resources might not automatically lead to equal
the primary problem is that women do not have representation. Exclusion and discrimination are
the same political resources as men. While there regarded as the core of problem identification and
is prejudice against women, this will eventually understanding, the solution to which could very
disappear as society develops. There is thus an well be affirmative action. The fast track discourse
inherent concept of gradualism, leading to strate- represents the impatience of today’s feminists, who
gies such as women’s capacity-building and par- are not willing to wait seventy to eighty years to
ties’ responsibilities to recruit more women. achieve their goals. . . . Since the political parties
or applicable copyright law.

From a liberal perspective, quotas as a specific are the real gatekeepers, they are the ones capable
group right conflict with the principle of equal of increasing the proportion of nominated wom-
opportunity for all. Explicitly favoring certain en candidates by defining formal rules that pre-
groups of citizens, i.e., women, means that not all scribe a certain proportion of women among the
citizens (men) are given an equal chance to attain party’s candidates. According to this understand-
a political career. The incremental track discourse ing of women’s underrepresentation, mandated
thus points to the reluctance to give specific quotas for the recruitment and election of female
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Quotas as a “Fast Track” to Equal Representation for Women 177
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The Incremental Track

1. General perception:

Equal representation may take many decades, but will be achieved in due course as a

country develops.

2. Problem identification: Why so few women?

Women lack resources and public commitment.

Attiludes and ingrained prejudices limit women.

3. Strategy:

Increase women’s commitment and resources in civil society through education.

labor force participation, social welfare provisions such as day-care centers.

Political parties should work more actively to recruit women. Capacity-building for

women in the political parties through education, mentor programs, and provisions

to help women combine family, work, and politics, such as babysitting facilities at

political meetings, family activities at conferences, compensation for salary

reduction, change of meeting hours.

Strong resistance to quotas, which is considered discriminatory (against men).

The Fast Track

1. General perception:

Women’s representation does not increase by some historical necessity. Backlash

may even be possible.

Historical leaps in women’s representation are necessary and possible.

2. Problem identification: Why so few women?

Informal and formal discrimination against women (and other groups) is widespread

in politics. Processes of exclusion and glass ceilings.

3. Strategy:

Active measures, such as targets or quota provisions, which will force political parties

to work more actively to recruit women.

Quotas are seen as a compensation for structural barriers, not as discrimination.

Figure 21.2: Two Tracks to Equal Political Representation.

or applicable copyright law.

candidates, possibly also including time-limit pro- a shift toward “equality of results.” . . . If barriers
visions, are needed. exist, compensatory measures must be introduced
Advocating the use of quotas thus represents as a means to achieve equality of results. In this
a shift from one concept of equality to another. perspective, we will argue that quotas are not dis-
The incremental track is associated with the classic crimination (against men), but a compensation for
liberal notion of equality— “equal opportunity” or structural barriers that women face in the elec-
“competitive equality”—whereas quotas represent toral process. . . .
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Women as a Group passed quota laws, by factors such as the difficult

transition to democracy in the region and the
Electoral gender quotas also touch on the cur- desire of political leaders to present their coun-
rent theoretical debate about “women as a group” tries as “modern” by increasing women’s repre-
and draw attention to the problem of whether it is sentation (Marques-Pereira 2001; Htun and Jones
theoretically acceptable to continue saying “we” 2002; Peschard 2003).
about a single category of women. . . . We will Quota regulations are also being adopted in
argue that, rather than using static concepts of several countries in Asia, and people there even
“essentialism,” the dilemmas and strategic choices talk about a new “quota fever.” The radical move
of women in various contexts should be explored to introduce a 33 percent quota in village coun-
empirically. Research on quotas must therefore cils in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh represents a
empirically analyze which groups of women are very important step toward empowering women
involved in the promotion of quotas as well as in countries with massive female illiteracy and
their alliances with men. . . . a strict patriarchal regime. . . . There seems to
be general agreement that profound changes are
taking place, but also that, without massive sup-
The Use of Quotas—A Global Overview port and capacity-building, these new women
politicians, of whom many are illiterate, tend to
In recent years, countries around the world have become tokens (Chowdhury 2002; Raman 2002;
implemented constitutional quotas and/or quota Mohanty 2003; Rai 2003; Sharma 2003).
regulations by law for elections to national parlia- A distinction should be made between Western
ment. Quota provisions are found in many differ- Europe and Eastern Europe. In the former, there
ent political systems, including countries with less are few legal quota systems, France and Belgium
democratic elections. being the exceptions. However, party quotas are
Depending on how difficult it is to amend becoming more and more widespread. In contrast,
a constitution, quotas by law are generally less in the former communist countries in Eastern and
robust than constitutional quota systems. At the Central Europe and Russia (with the exception of
implementation stage, the difference between countries in former Yugoslavia), quotas are very
the two different kinds of legal basis is insignifi- unpopular, and with few exceptions not used. . . .
cant, however. Democratic countries with con- Resistance is fierce, also among women, because
stitutional quotas have usually laid down quota it reminds people of what is seen as the “forced
regulations in the electoral law as well. A simple emancipation” of Soviet rule. . . .
division between legal quotas (constitutional and/ Several countries in Africa and the Middle East
or by law) and party quotas thus seems adequate. have introduced quotas. Uganda introduced
Major political parties in more than fifty coun- a system of reserved seats for women as early
tries have now included quota regulations in their as 1995. One of the most notable examples is
own bylaws, requiring a certain minimum pro- South Africa, where the 30 percent quota system
portion of women on the party’s candidate list of the ANC party brought the Republic of
( . . . We reserve the con- South Africa to the top of the world ranking
cept of “party quotas” for countries where quota of countries with high women’s representation
provisions are introduced solely by the individual (Ballington 2002; Goetz and Hassim 2003). In
political parties and not required by national legal late 2003, Rwanda topped the world ranking,
rules. . . . thus surpassing Sweden ( In the
or applicable copyright law.

[There are] interesting regional variations. . . . 2003 election, twenty-four seats were reserved for
Latin America represents one such cluster, where, women on women-only ballots, but another fif-
in the space of very few years (1996–98), many teen women were elected among the “free seats,”
countries, with Argentina as front-runner in 1991, thus giving women thirty-nine out of eighty
introduced quota systems, mostly legal quotas. . . . parliamentary seats, or 48.8 percent. Women’s
Researchers have explained this amazing develop- representation in the Arab world is negligible,
ment, where totally male-dominated parliaments although quotas are currently being discussed
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Quotas as a “Fast Track” to Equal Representation for Women 179
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there. Recently, by agreement among the politi- the UK (party quotas in the form of short lists),
cal parties, Morocco elected thirty women on France, India, and Bangladesh as well as Nepal
the “national list,” and in the June 2003 election (legal quotas).
in Jordan, six seats were reserved for women for Quotas for women are also being used in par-
the first time. In Egypt, quotas were in use only liaments resulting from nondemocratic elections.
between 1979 and 1986 (Abou-Zeid 1998). It seems appropriate to use the term “quotas as
Quotas for women are also being discussed in reserved seats” for systems that guarantee women a
countries administered or occupied by the interna- certain number of seats in parliament independent
tional community. In some cases, e.g., Bosnia and of the electoral result, whereas “candidate quotas”
Herzegovina, the initiative came from internation- (legal as well as party quotas) prescribe a certain
al organizations in cooperation with local women’s percentage of women on the lists presented to vot-
organizations ( Jalusic and Antic 2001; Nordlund ers at the election. In reality, the difference may in
2003). In the case of East Timor, however, the some cases be quite small, and many reserved-
UN actually rejected a quota demand put forward seat systems include some kind of election among
by East Timor’s women’s organizations (Pires the women candidates. In Uganda, an electoral
2002). . . . This development makes it important college in each of the fifty-six districts elects a
to discuss further the concepts of empowerment “woman representative” to parliament. Seats are
“from above” versus “from below.” also reserved for other groups, e.g., youth, the
Do quotas work? . . . A majority of coun- armed forces, and workers, and a few women
tries with more than 30 percent women in the are elected to so-called free seats. In all, women’s
national parliament have implemented quota representation in Uganda’s parliament is as high
provisions.4 . . . However, some countries at the as 24.7 percent (Christensen 1999; Tripp 2000;
top of the list, such as Denmark and Finland, . . .
have not implemented any type of quotas for
national parliament. The Implementation of Quotas
The use of quotas alone is not sufficient to
ensure high levels of representation for women. . . . Passing quota regulations may be just a sym-
Properly implemented, however, quotas can bolic gesture if implementation is not regulated
bring about substantial improvements in women’s and there are no sanctions for noncompliance. . . .
political representation. Thus, a high representa- Several factors are important to the successful
tion of women may be attained by the implemen- implementation of quota provisions. Here, we
tation of various types of quotas, but it can also be will discuss two very crucial dimensions: first, the
achieved without them. specification of the quota provisions, including
Discrepancies between the provision of quotas the question of a rank order for the candidates,
and the actual representation of women . . . should and second, the sanctions for noncompliance
not just be regarded as a question of time, i.e., and the eventual (non-)implementation of such
women’s representation will reach the required sanctions. The following discussion is limited to
percentage in due course. After all, the very aim candidate quotas.
of quota systems is to produce a rapid and imme-
diate change, i.e., in the next election.5 The Minimum Requirement
Information about the electoral systems of the
top sixteen countries supports the well-known Candidate gender quotas imply that women
theory that electoral systems based on pro- must make up a certain minimum number or
or applicable copyright law.

portional representation are better at ensuring percentage of the candidate lists (Dahlerup 1998).
women’s representation than the majority system Today, most quota systems aim at ensuring that
(see also Rule 1987; Reynolds 1999). . . . Quota women constitute at least a “critical minority” of
provisions are undoubtedly more compatible 20–30 percent. Quota provisions vary considerably,
with PR electoral systems than with majority from Nepal’s 5 percent to Costa Rica’s 40 percent
systems, even though quota provisions are and France’s 50 percent. A required minimum of
being tried out in several majority systems, such as 30 percent women is most common. . . .
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180 Women, Gender, and Elections
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Gender Neutral or Quotas for Women? of sanctions for noncompliance. . . . In party

quota systems, the sanctions are only political—
Most quota systems aim at increasing women’s critique from women’s groups with the party or
representation. . . . However, the rules are often reactions from the voters. In contrast, legal quo-
formulated in a gender-neutral way. . . . A minimum ta systems often have some rules about sanctions
requirement for women implies a maximum for in case of noncompliance. . . . It is important to
the representation of men. In contrast, gender- note, however, that while regulated sanctions are
neutral quotas involve a maximum for both sexes. important, there is no guarantee that they will be
An often-used rule is that neither gender should used, as in Peru and Brazil. In France, the rejec-
have more than 60 percent and less than 40 per- tion of lists which failed to meet the require-
cent of the candidates. . . . A 50–50 quota is by ment worked, and women’s representation on
mature gender neutral. . . . municipal councils in larger cities doubled. At
the national level, only financial sanctions were
Rules on the Ranking of Candidates available, which obviously did not deter the par-
ties, and consequently women’s representation
. . . A requirement of 30 percent women on increased only marginally, from 10.9 to 12.3
the list may result in no women being elected at percent in the French National Assembly . . .
all. But even a radical 50–50 regulation, where (Sineau 2002). . . .
women and men are alternated on the list, can, The conclusion is that . . . quota provisions
under special circumstances, result in the election that do not match the electoral system may just be
of only men from the party in question. If, for symbolic. Furthermore, in the case of legal quotas,
example, a small party nominates a man as first sanctions for noncompliance are crucial, provided
on the list and a woman as second in a closed-list that the sanctions themselves are implemented. . . .
electoral system, and the party wins none or only
one seat in all constituencies, then a 50–50 quota
provision is of no help. In this case, as in majority Quotas and the Empowerment of Women
systems, the central party has to intervene in order
to break the tradition, which counteracts the tra- The Scandinavian notion that the introduction of
dition of local party autonomy in nominations. quota systems is very difficult, if not impossible, if
. . . In countries such as Argentina, Paraguay, women do not already have a solid power base in
Bolivia, and Ecuador, rules were passed on the parliament or in the political party in question is
ranking of candidates on the electoral list, the so- contradicted by the rapid diffusion of quota mea-
called placement mandates or double quotas. In sures worldwide, particularly during the 1990s.
Argentina, the quota pioneer among Latin Amer- Today, quotas have been introduced in countries
ican countries, the decree of 1933 fixes the mini- where women’s representation is low, and where
mum number of seats guaranteed to women. . . . women seemingly had little political influence.
In Costa Rica in 1999, after intervention from Gender quotas therefore appear in countries at all
women’s organizations, the Supreme Electoral levels of development and in various social and
Tribunal came up with the following radical economic political systems. . . .
interpretation of the quota law: women should not One of the most important factors behind this
only have the required 40 percent of the candi- new trend is the influence from a new interna-
dates on the lists, but also 40 percent of the “elect- tional discourse supporting active measures to
able” seats, interpreted as the number of seats that increase women’s representation, as, for example,
or applicable copyright law.

the party won in the constituency in the previous at the UN conference in Beijing in 1995. How-
election . . . (Peschard 2003; Quesada 2003). . . . ever, this does not explain why quotas are being
introduced in some countries and not others, and
Sanctions for Noncompliance why quota systems seem to expand in clusters.
Consequently, the focus should be on the study
The distinction between legal quotas and of the translation of these new international and
party quotas becomes highly relevant in the case regional discourses through national actors,
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Quotas as a “Fast Track” to Equal Representation for Women 181
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e.g., the women’s movement . . . (Dahlerup cal parties, trade unions, or other organizations.
and Freidenvall 2003; see also Krook 2004). While the fast track does have its advantages
The crucial question to be discussed in the last because of the speed of the changes, it can also
part of this [chapter] is the extent to which, and create problems. The fast track, where women
under what circumstances, quotas will eventually are given political positions “from above,” so
empower women, which is after all the ultimate to speak, could turn them into tokens and leave
goal for most advocates of such measures. them relatively powerless, unless the initiative is
In quantitative terms, quotas have proven effec- followed up by massive capacity-building, cri-
tive at increasing the number of women in politi- tique, and support of the many newcomers by
cal assemblies, provided that the specific rules women’s organizations. . . .
match the electoral system in question, and pro-
vided that sanctions for noncompliance exist and Notes
are properly enforced. . . .
Quotas are thus a means to open up systems of 1. In a forthcoming book (Dahlerup 2006), the quota sys-
closed and male-dominated recruitment patterns. tems in all major regions in the world are compared.
Quota systems do not accept the argument that 2. This website, representing the first global overview
of electoral gender quotas (,
there are not enough (competent) women, but is the result of a joint venture between International
demand that parties seriously begin to search for IDEA and our research project, entitled ‘Quotas—A
women and allow women at all levels in the party Key to Equality? An International Comparison of the
organization. . . . Use of Electoral Quotas to Obtain Equal Political
However, quota systems do not remove all Citizenship for Women’ (
We would like to thank everybody who participated
barriers to women in politics, such as women’s in the hard work of collecting data for this website:
double burden, the gender imbalance of campaign Julie Ballington and Virginia Beramendi-Heine at
financing, and the many obstacles women meet IDEA, Christina Alnevall and Anja Taarup Nordlund
when performing their job as elected politicians, at our department, and Mona Lena Krook at Colum-
and quotas may even contribute to the stigmatiza- bia University. This global overview would not have
been possible without the help of a large number of
tion of women politicians. But quota provisions researchers and women’s organizations from all over
properly implemented do obstruct and overcome the world.
some of the most crucial barriers to women’s 3. Quotas for internal party structures are not discussed
equal political representation. Quota systems force here, nor are quota provisions for public committees
parties to scrutinize and change their male-dominated and boards.
4. In the 2003 election, 50 percent women and men were
gender profile and seriously start recruiting women who elected to the Welsh parliament. However, Wales is a
share their political conviction. . . . part of the United Kingdom and not an independent
An evaluation of quota regulations in qualita- state.
tive terms should be the subject of future research 5. In some countries, like Belgium and Brazil, a gradual
the world over. Among important themes are the increase in the minimum requirement was built into
the law.
possibilities for elected women to perform their
job, changes in political culture, changes of pub-
lic policy (substantial representation of women References
versus numerical representation), the interaction
between the women’s movement and elected Abou-Zeid, G. 1998. “In Search of Political Power—
women, and the alliance structure within political Women in Parliament in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon,”
in Karam, A. (ed.) Women in Politics: Beyond Numbers,
or applicable copyright law.

pp. 43–54. Stockholm: International IDEA.

We suggest that the two tracks may have dif- Ballington, J. 2002. “Political Parties, Gender Equality
ferent implications for women’s empowerment, and Elections in South Africa,” in Fick, G., Meintjes,
seen within a limited time perspective: The incre- S. and Simons, M. (eds) One Woman One Vote: The
mental track to high representation usually ensures Gender Politics of South African Elections, pp. 75–105.
Johannesburg: EISA.
that elected women have some power base out- Chowdhury, N. 2002. “The Implementation of Quotas:
side parliament, whether in terms of educational Bangladesh Experience—Dependence and Marginality
or job resources, or by their positions in politi- in Politics,” paper presented at the Regional Workshop

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182 Women, Gender, and Elections
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on “The Implementation of Quotas: Asian Experiences,” Finding Report.” Working Papers Series 2003:1 from
IDEA, Jakarta, Indonesia, 25 September. the project “Quotas—A Key to Equality?” Stockholm:
Christensen, T. G. 1999. A Woman’s Place Is in the House— Stockholm University, Department of Political Science.
State House! Aarhus: Department of Political Science, Peschard, J. 2003. “The Quota System in Latin America:
University of Aarhus. General Overview,” paper presented at the Regional
Dahlerup, D. 1998. “Using Quotas to Increase Women’s Workshop on “The Implementation of Quotas: Latin
Political Representation,” in Karam, A. (ed.) Women in American Experience.” IDEA, Lima, Peru, 23–24
Parliaments: Beyond Numbers, pp. 91–106. Stockholm: February.
International IDEA. Phillips, A. 1995. The Politics of Presence. Oxford: Oxford
Dahlerup, D. 2006. Women, Quotas, and Politics. London: University Press.
Routledge. Pires, M. 2002. “East Timor and the Debate on Quotas,”
Dahlerup, D. and Freidenvall, L. 2003. “Quotas as a ‘Fast paper presented at the Regional Workshop on “The
Track’ to Equal Political Representation for Women,” Implementation of Quotas: Asian Experiences,” IDEA,
paper presented at the IPSA World Congress in Jakarta, Indonesia, 25 September.
Durban, South Africa, 29 June–4 July. Quesada, A. I. G. 2003. “Concretando el mandato: Reforma
Goetz, A. M. and Hassim, S. 2003. No Shortcuts to Power: juridica en Costa Rica,” paper presented at the Regional
African Women in Politics and Policy Making. London & Workshop on “The Implementation of Quotas: Latin
New York: Zed Books. American Experience,” IDEA, Lima, Peru, 23–24
Htun, M. N. and Jones, M. 2002. “Engendering the February.
Right to Participate in Decision-Making: Electoral Rai, S. M. 2003. “Quotas for Women in Local
Quotas and Women’s Leadership in Latin America,” Government and Deliberative Politics: The Case of
in Craske, N. and Molyneux, M. (eds) Gender and the the Indian Panchayats,” paper presented at the ECPR
Politics of Rights and Democracy in Latin America, pp. conference in Marburg, 18–21 September.
32–56. England: Palgrave. Raman, V. 2002. “The Implementation of Quotas for
Jalusic, V. and Antic, M. G. 2001. Women-Politics-Equal Women: The Indian Experience,” paper presented at
Opportunities: Prospects for Gender Equality Politics in the Regional Workshop on “The Implementation of
Central and Eastern Europe. Ljublijana: Politike. Quotas: Asian Experiences,” IDEA, Jakarta, Indonesia,
Krook, M. L. 2004. “Promoting Gender-Balanced 25 September.
Decisions-Making: The Role of International Fora Reynolds, A. 1999. “Women in the Legistatures and
and Transnational Networks,” in Christensen, H. R., Executives of the World: Knocking at the Highest
Halsaa, B. and Saarinen, A. (eds) Crossing Borders: Glass Ceiling,” World Politics 51 (4): 547-72.
Re-Mapping Women’s Movement at the Turn of the 21st Rule, W. 1987. “Electoral Systems, Contextual Factors
Century, pp. 205–20. Odense: University Press of and Women’s Opportunity for Election to Parliament
Southern Denmark. in Twenty-Three Democracies,” Western Political
Maier, C. S. and Klausen, J. (eds). 2001. Has Liberalism Quarterly 50 (3): 477–98.
Failed Women? Assuring Equal Representation in Europe Sharma, A. 2003. “Women’s Political Participation and
and the United States. New York: Palgrave. Leadership in the Governance of Municipal Institutions
Marques-Pereira, B. 2001. La répresentation politique des in an Indian State,” paper presented at the conference
femmes en Amérique latine. Bruxelles: L’Harmattan. “Women and Politics in Asia,” Halmstad, Sweden, 6–7
Mohanty, B. 2003. “Women’s Presence in Panchayats June.
(Village Councils) in India: A New Challenge to Sineau, M. 2002. “La parité en peau de chagrin (ou la
Patriarchy,” paper presented at the conference “Women résistible entrée des femmes à l’Assemblée nationale),”
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Nordlund, A. T. 2003. “International Implementation Tripp, A. M. 2000. Women and Politics in Uganda. Oxford:
of Electoral Gender Quotas in the Balkans—A Fact- James Currey.
or applicable copyright law.

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Part IV
Women, Gender, and Political
This section contains readings on women, gender, and political representation, surveying normative
arguments as to why women’s presence might matter for public policy and empirical evidence regarding
the role of women in producing gender-sensitive public policy. The first three readings are classic state-
ments that have influenced almost all subsequent feminist thought on justifications for increasing wom-
en’s presence in political office. As a group, they present both general and more contingent arguments
for why the descriptive features of female officeholders might be important—or not—for ensuring the
substantive representation of women’s concerns (Phillips 1995; Young 2000; Mansbridge 1999). This
work is critically challenged by the next article, which elaborates criteria for identifying “preferable
group representatives” (Dovi 2002). The next two pieces draw on empirical evidence to assess these
claims. The first is a seminal article that introduces various ways for analyzing links between the descrip-
tive and substantive representation of women (Dahlerup 1988), while the second seeks to nuance this
approach by exploring other actors and locations that may be involved in the substantive representation
of women’s concerns (Weldon 2002).
In an influential formulation, Anne Phillips identifies four possible reasons for increasing women’s
representation: (1) to provide role models, because the increased presence of women in politics may
inspire other women to run; (2) to promote justice, as women constitute half the population so should
therefore occupy half of all elected positions; (3) to articulate interests, on the grounds that men cannot
advocate on behalf of women’s needs; and (4) to take advantage of new resources that will improve
democracy, because the participation of women will introduce different values and concerns to political
debate, thereby enhancing the quality of political life. Iris Marion Young brings these arguments down to
the microlevel, arguing that the process of political representation moves between moments of authori-
zation and accountability, connecting the representative and the represented to one another in determi-
nate ways. For this reason, she asserts that members of underrepresented social groups should be present
in political institutions to facilitate group representation, because being similarly positioned in society
or applicable copyright law.

creates a shared social perspective among group members.

Jane Mansbridge, however, cautions against these arguments about “women” as a group. In her view,
there are only four contexts where disadvantaged groups like women benefit from increased descriptive
representation: (1) where there is group mistrust, (2) where interests remain uncrystallized, (3) where
there is a history of political subordination, and (4) where there is low de facto legitimacy. She argues
that outside these specific contexts, there is a risk of promoting essentialism, or the notion that members
of certain groups have an essential identity that all members of that group share and which no others can

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partake. Along related lines, Suzanne Dovi criticizes existing normative arguments for women’s repre-
sentation by posing the question of whether the presence of “any” woman will do. Concerned that a
focus on sex may obscure the fact that women are divided by other identities, she argues that substantive
representation requires the presence of “preferable group representatives.” These are representatives
who possess strong mutual relationships with dispossessed subgroups of historically disadvantaged groups;
in the case of women, with women from disadvantaged race and class backgrounds. Only then, she
claims, can the increased descriptive representation of women be matched by their increased substantive
These theoretical arguments have developed alongside a growing empirical literature on women,
gender, and political representation. In a well-known contribution, Drude Dahlerup identifies six areas
where increased numbers—or a “critical mass”—of female representatives might have an impact on
political life: (1) reactions to women politicians, with a decline in sexist treatment and sexual harassment;
(2) the performance and efficiency of female politicians, with fewer women leaving politics; (3) the
social climate of political life, with the arrival of a more consensual style and family-friendly working
arrangements; (4) political discourse, with a redefinition of “political” concerns; (5) the policy-making
agenda, with a feminization of the political agenda; and (6) the influence and power of women in gen-
eral, with the broader social and economic empowerment of women. Using evidence from Scandinavia,
she finds that women in politics are often important in all of these respects. However, she remains skep-
tical of the power of numbers, rejecting the concept of “critical mass” in favor of focusing on “critical
Taking these arguments one step further, S. Laurel Weldon contends that assumed links between
descriptive and substantive representation rest on a problematic understanding of the importance of
female representatives for women’s substantive representation and the relationship between individual
experience and group perspective. Comparing the impact of various modes and sites of women’s repre-
sentation on policies to address violence against women in thirty-six democratic countries in 1994, she
finds that women’s movements and women’s policy agencies may provide more effective avenues of
expression for women’s perspective than the presence of women in national legislatures. Collectively,
therefore, the readings provide an introduction into a series of contentious debates within and across
theoretical and empirical research on women’s political representation.
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Chapter 22
Quotas for Women
Anne Phillips

I of intentional or structural discrimination. In

such contexts (that is, most contexts) women
. . . Arguments for raising the proportion of women are being denied rights and opportunities that
elected have fallen broadly into four groups. There are currently available to men. There is a prima
are those who dwell on the role model success- facie case for action.
ful women politicians offer; those that appeal to There are two things to be said about this.
principles of justice between the sexes; those that One is that it relies on a strong position on the
identify particular interests of women that would current sexual division of labor as inequitable
be otherwise overlooked; and those that stress and “unnatural.” . . . My reasons lie in a feminist
women’s different relationship to politics and the analysis of the sexual division of labor as “unnatu-
way their presence will enhance the quality of ral” and unjust. The general argument from equal
political life. The least interesting of these, from rights or opportunities translates into a specific
my point of view, is the role model. When more case for gender parity in politics only when it is
women candidates are elected, their example is combined with some such analysis; failing this,
said to raise women’s self-esteem, encourage it engages merely with the more overt forms of
others to follow in their footsteps, and dislodge discrimination that exclude particular aspirants
deep-rooted assumptions about what is appropri- from political office. Justice requires us to elimi-
ate to women and men. I leave this to one side, nate discrimination (this is already implied in the
for I see it as an argument that has no particular notion of justice), but the argument for women’s
purchase on politics per se. Positive role models equal representation in politics depends on that
are certainly beneficial, but I want to address further ingredient which establishes structural
those arguments that engage more directly with discrimination. . . .
democracy. The second point is more intrinsically problem-
The most immediately compelling of the atic, and relates to the status of representation as a
remaining arguments is that which presents political act. If we treat the under-representation
gender parity as a straightforward matter of jus- of women in politics as akin to their under-
or applicable copyright law.

tice: that it is patently and grotesquely unfair representation in management or the professions,
for men to monopolize representation. If there we seem to treat being a politician as on a con-
were no obstacles operating to keep certain tinuum with all those other careers that should be
groups of people out of political life, we would opened up equally to women. In each case, there
expect positions of political influence to be ran- is disturbing evidence of sexual inequality; in each
domly distributed between the sexes. There case, there should be positive action for change. The
might be some minor and innocent deviations, argument appeals to our sense of justice, but it does
but any more distorted distribution is evidence so at the expense of an equally strong feeling that
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being a politician is not just another kind of job. . . . II

While men have no “right” to monopolize political
office, there is something rather unsatisfying in bas- An alternative way of arguing for gender parity is
ing women’s claim to political equality on an equal in terms of the interests that would be otherwise
right to an interesting job. discounted. . . . Women occupy a distinct posi-
. . . A rough equality in political participation tion within society: they are typically concentrat-
has entered firmly enough into the understanding ed, for example, in lower paid jobs; and they carry
(if not yet the practice) of political equality for us the primary responsibility for the unpaid work of
to see an imbalance between the sexes as a legiti- caring for others. There are particular needs, in-
mate cause for concern. Extending this, however, terests, and concerns that arise from women’s ex-
to the sphere of representation simply asserts what perience, and these will be inadequately addressed
has to be established: that representation is just in a politics that is dominated by men. Equal rights
another aspect of participation, to be judged by to a vote have not proved strong enough to deal
identical criteria. The under-representation of with this problem; there must also be equality
women in elected assemblies is not simply analo- among those elected to office.
gous to their under-representation in the mem- One point made by Will Kymlicka is that this
bership of political parties or the attendance at argument may not be enough to justify parity of
political meetings; for, while we can quite legiti- presence.1 . . . When the group in question is a
mately talk of an equal “right” to political par- numerically small minority, the threshold might
ticipation, we cannot so readily talk of an equal prove larger than their proportion in the popula-
“right” to be elected to political office. . . . tion as a whole; when the group composes half
What we can more usefully do is turn the the population, the threshold might be consider-
argument around, and ask by what “natural” supe- ably lower. . . . It is the argument from justice that
riority of talent or experience men could claim most readily translates into strict notions of equal-
a right to dominate assemblies. The burden of ity; the argument from women’s interests need
proof then shifts to the men, who would have not deliver such strong results.
to establish either some genetic distinction which The above is a qualification rather than a
makes them better at understanding problems and counterargument, and in principle it still confirms
taking decisions, or some more socially derived the legitimacy of political presence. A potentially
advantage which enhances their political skills. more damaging argument comes from those who
Neither of these looks particularly persuasive; query whether women do have a distinct and
the first has never been successfully established, separate interest, and whether “women” is a suf-
and the second is no justification if it depends on ficiently unified category to generate an interest
structures of discrimination. There is no argument of its own. If women’s interests differed system-
from justice that can defend the current state of atically from men’s (or if women always thought
affairs; and in this more negative sense, there is an differently on political issues), then the dispropor-
argument from justice for parity between women tionate number of men in politics would seem
and men. The case then approximates that more self-evidently wrong. . . . Does not the notion of
general argument about symbolic representation, a distinct “women’s interest” just dissolve upon
stressing the social significance that attaches to the closer attention?
composition of political elites, and the way that The idea that women have at least some inter-
exclusion from these reinforces wider assump- ests distinct from and even in conflict with men’s
tions about the inferiority of particular groups. is, I think, relatively straightforward. Women
or applicable copyright law.

But there is a troubling sense in which this still have distinct interests in relation to child-bearing
overlooks what is peculiar to representation as a (for any foreseeable future, an exclusively female
political act. When democracy has been widely affair); and as society is currently constituted they
understood as a matter of representing particular also have particular interests arising from their
policies or programs or ideas, this leaves a ques- exposure to sexual harassment and violence,
tion mark over why the sex of the representatives their unequal position in the division of paid
should matter. and unpaid labor, and their exclusion from most
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Quotas for Women 187
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arenas of economic or political power.2 But all representatives who also happen to be women.
this may still be said to fall short of establishing We might feel that men would be less diligent
a set of interests shared by all women. If interests in pressing women’s interests and concerns, that
are understood in terms of what women express their declared “sympathy” would always be sus-
as their priorities and goals, there is considerable pect. But if we all knew what these interests were,
disagreement among women; and, while attitude it would be correspondingly easy to tell whether
surveys frequently expose a “gender gap” between or not they were being adequately pursued.
women and men, the more striking development Interest would then more obviously parallel
over recent decades has been the convergence in political ideas or beliefs. It would become some-
the voting behavior of women and men. There thing we could detach from particular experi-
may be more mileage in notions of a distinct wom- ence. . . . The alternative emphasis on changing
an’s interest if this is understood in terms of some the composition of decision-making assemblies is
underlying but as yet unnoticed “reality,” but this particularly compelling where interests are not so
edges uncomfortably close to notions of “false precisely delineated, where the political agenda
consciousness,” which most feminists would pre- has been constructed without reference to certain
fer to avoid. Indeed, the presumption of a clearly areas of concern, and where much fresh thinking
demarcated woman’s interest which holds true for is necessary to work out what best to do. In such
all women in all classes and all countries has been contexts there is little to turn to other than the
one of the casualties of recent feminist critique, people who carry the interests, and who does the
and the exposure of multiple differences between representation then comes to be of equal signifi-
women has undermined more global understand- cance with what political parties they represent.
ings of women’s interests and concerns.3 If there is . . . If the field of politics has already been
no clearly agreed woman’s interest, can this really clearly demarcated, containing within it a com-
figure as a basis for more women in politics? prehensive range of ideas and interests and con-
There are two things to be said about this. The cerns, it might not so much matter who does the
first is that the variety of women’s interests does work of representation. But if the range of ideas
not refute the claim that interests are gendered. has been curtailed by orthodoxies that rendered
. . . The argument from interest does not depend alternatives invisible, there will be no satisfactory
on establishing a unified interest of all women: solution short of changing the people who repre-
it depends, rather, on establishing a difference sent and develop the ideas.
between the interests of women and men. The more decisive problem with the argument
Some of the interests of women will, of course, from interests lies in the conditions for account-
overlap with the interests of certain groups of ability to the interested group. Does the election
men. . . . Women have no monopoly on gener- of more women ensure their representation? At
osity of spirit, and even in these more conflictual an intuitive level, an increase in the number of
situations they can expect to find a few powerful women elected seems likely to change both the
allies among the men. What they cannot really practices and priorities of politics. . . . In the
expect is the degree of vigorous advocacy that absence of mechanisms to establish accountability,
people bring to their own concerns. the equation of more women with more adequate
The second point is more complex, and arises representation of women’s interests looks suspi-
with particular pertinence when a history of polit- ciously undemocratic. If the interests of women
ical exclusion has made it hard even to articulate are varied, or not yet fully formed, how do the
group concerns. . . . The more fixed the interests, women elected know what the women who
or applicable copyright law.

the more definite and easily defined, the less sig- elected them want? By what right do they claim
nificance seemed to attach to who does the work their responsibility to represent women’s con-
of representation. So if women’s interests had a cerns? . . . However plausible it is to say that male-
more objective quality (and were transparently dominated assemblies will not adequately address
obvious to any intelligent observer) there might the needs and interests of women, it cannot be
be no particular case—beyond what I have already claimed with equal confidence that a more bal-
argued about vigorous advocacy—for insisting on anced legislature will fill this gap.
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III more cooperative, more prepared to listen to oth-

ers; that women bring with them a different, and
The third way of formulating the case for gen- more generous, scale of values; that women raise
der parity approaches it from almost the opposite the moral tenor of politics. These arguments are
direction. It sees the inclusion of women as chal- always associated with women’s role as caring for
lenging the dominance of interest group politics, others, and often more specifically with their role
and expects women politicians to introduce a dif- as mothers. . . . The real problem with basing the
ferent set of values and concerns. . . . In some case for more women in politics on their sup-
formulations of this, feminists have made a strong posed superiority over men is that this loads too
distinction between interest and need, arguing much on women’s role as mothers.
that the emphasis on interests treats politics as a The precise implications of this remain, how-
matter of brokerage between different groups, ever, ambiguous. The widely presumed associa-
and that the equation of politics with the rational tion between women and a politics of care leaves
calculation of interests is at odds with women’s it open whether women will concentrate on
own understanding of their needs and goals.4 . . . policies to enhance child care provision, thereby
Need, by contrast, is thought to appeal to a more to increase women’s participation in the labor
basic and common humanity; instead of asserting market, or on policies that will raise the value
a stake in political battle, it formulates claims in and prestige of the care work that women do in
more obviously moral terms. the home. What resolves this in the Norwegian
This distinction engages directly with that context is not so much gender as party. Women
common objection to a politics of presence associated with parties on the left of the politi-
which views it as increasing the role of interest cal spectrum are more likely to interpret a poli-
in politics. When the demand for more women tics of care in terms of the first set of priorities,
in politics is formulated in terms of interest, this while women associated with parties on the right
seems to accept a version of politics as a matter of will tend to the second interpretation. In this as
competition between interest groups; it talks the in other policy areas, party loyalties are usually
language of defense or protection, and treats poli- decisive, and, though H. Skjeie notes a number
tics as a zero-sum game. . . . The substitution of of cases of women forming cross-party alliances
needs talk for interests talk may then offer a more on particular issues, she finds little evidence of
radical challenge to the practices of contemporary women refusing the ultimate priorities of their
democracy, querying the very nature of the game parties. “The belief in women’s difference could
as well as the composition of the players. still turn into a mere litany on the importance of
My own position on this is somewhat agnos- difference. Repeated often enough, the statement
tic. Interest can sound rather grasping and com- that ‘gender matters’ may in turn convince the
petitive, but it does at least serve to remind us that participants that change can in fact be achieved
there may be conflicts between different groups. by no other contribution than the mere presence
Need has more obvious moral resonance, but of women.”6
it originates from a paternalist discourse which
lends itself more readily to decisions by experts
on behalf of the needy group.5 My own rather IV
commonsensical solution is to use both terms
together. . . . Neither needs nor interests can be This leads directly into the key area of conten-
conceived as transparently obvious, and any fair tion, already signaled in my discussion of interest.
or applicable copyright law.

interpretation of either then implies the presence Either gender does make a difference, in which
of the relevant group. case it is in tension with accountability through
The broader claim made by those who disdain political parties, or it does not make a difference,
the politics of interest is that increasing the pro- in which case it can look a rather opportunistic
portion of women elected introduces new kinds way of enhancing the career prospects of women
of behavior and values. It is often suggested, for politicians. Aside from the symbolic importance
example, that women will be less competitive, of political inclusion, and women’s equal right
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to have their chance at a political career (a fair of representation gives no recognition to the
enough argument, but not intrinsically about de- communal attachments through which people
mocracy), we can only believe that the sex of the live their lives, then this is felt to be intolerable,
representatives matters if we think it will change even when changing that pattern of representa-
what the representatives do. Yet in saying this, we tion has no discernible impact on the kinds of
seem to be undermining accountability through policies adopted. . . .
party programs. We are saying we expect our . . . People do recoil from the representation of
representatives to do more—or other—than they themselves by such an “unrepresentative” sample,
promised in the election campaign. . . . and do feel that changing this matters even if it
Though it is rarely stated in the literature, the subsequently proves to make no further differ-
argument from women’s interests or needs or dif- ence. One of the principles associated with legal
ference implies that representatives will have con- judgments is that justice must not only be done
siderable autonomy; that they do have currently; but be seen to be done. By the same token, we
and, by implication, that this ought to continue. might well say that representatives must not only
Women’s exclusion from politics is said to mat- be representative but also be seen to be so. It
ter precisely because politicians do not abide by would be foolish to underplay this element, but it
pre-agreed policies and goals—and feminists have would also be misleading to consider it the only
much experience of this, gained through painful thing at issue in demands for political presence.
years of watching hard-won commitments to sex- Women do think that it will—or should—make a
ual equality drop off the final agenda. When there difference when more women are elected as rep-
is a significant under-representation of women at resentatives. . . .
the point of final decision, this can and does have This points to a significant area of divergence
serious consequences, and it is partly in reflection between current feminist preoccupations and
on this that many have shifted attention from the what has long been the main thrust in radical
details of policy commitments to the composition democracy. Radical democrats distrust the way-
of the decision-making group. Past experience ward autonomy of politicians and the way they
tells us that all male or mostly male assemblies concentrate power around them, and they typi-
have limited capacity for articulating either the cally work to combat these tendencies by mea-
interests or needs of women, and that trying to tie sures that will bind politicians more tightly to their
them down to pre-agreed programs has had only promises, and disperse over-centralized power.
limited effect. There is a strong dose of political Feminists have usually joined forces in support of
realism here. Representatives do have autonomy, the second objective: feminism is widely associ-
which is why it matters who those representa- ated with bringing politics closer to home; and
tives are. women are often intensely involved in local and
This is a fair enough comment on politics as community affairs. But when feminists insist that
currently practiced, and shifting the gender bal- the sex of the representatives matters, they are
ance of legislatures then seems a sensible enough expressing a deeper ambivalence toward the first
strategy for the enfeebled democracies of the pres- objective. The politics of binding mandates turns
ent day. But one might still ask whether represen- the representatives into glorified messengers: it
tatives should have such autonomy, and whether it puts all the emphasis on the content of the mes-
would change the importance attached to gender sages, and makes it irrelevant who the messengers
composition if the politicians were more carefully are. In contesting the sex of the representatives,
bound by their party’s commitments and goals. . . . feminists are querying this version of democratic
or applicable copyright law.

The more radical the emphasis on accountabil- accountability.

ity, the less significance attaches to who does the . . . Much more can (and in my view should)
work of representation. be done to keep representatives accountable to the
Bob Goodin offers one way out of this programs on which they were elected to office,
impasse, which stresses the importance of sym- and to bind them more closely to what they pro-
bolic representation and the way this relates to fessed as their political beliefs. But there is no
people’s self-images in politics.7 . . . If the pattern combination of reforms that can deliver express
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and prior commitments on every issue that will cedes tremendous power to those individuals
come to matter, and it is in those spaces where who are eventually elected. . . .
we have to rely on representatives exercising their . . . Changing the gender composition can-
own judgment that it can most matter who the not guarantee that women’s needs or interests will
representatives are. Behind the deceptive sim- then be addressed. The only secure guarantees
plicity of the arguments for gender parity is this would be those grounded in an essential identity
alternative—and more contested—understanding of women, or those arrived at through mecha-
of representation. nisms of accountability to women organized as
The first part of the argument for gender a separate group. The first has neither empirical
parity in politics derives from principles of jus- nor theoretical plausibility; the second is impos-
tice, and its power is essentially negative: by sible under current electoral arrangements, and
what possible superiority of talent or experi- perhaps unlikely in any event. So the case for
ence could men claim a “right” to monopolize gender parity among our political representatives
assemblies? There is no convincing answer to inevitably operates in a framework of probabili-
this ultimately rhetorical question, and on this ties rather than certainties. It is possible—if highly
more limited ground of equal access to elected unlikely—that assemblies composed equally of
office it is easy enough to establish the case. women and men will behave just like assemblies
There are all kinds of second-order questions, in which women have a token presence; it is
relating to how legitimate objectives can be possible—and perhaps very likely—that they will
best achieved; and all kinds of pragmatic judg- address the interests of certain groups of women
ments to be made on specific proposals, none of while ignoring the claims of others. The pro-
which flows directly from conclusions on overall posed change cannot bring with it a certificate of
objectives. But the real problem with the argu- interests addressed or even a guarantee of good
ment from justice is that it remains a subset of intent. In this, as in all areas of politics, there are
more general arguments for equal opportunities no definitive guarantees.
and affirmative action, and as such it gives too . . . Fair representation is not something that can
little weight to the difference between being a be achieved in one moment, nor is it something
representative and being a lawyer or professor. that can be guaranteed in advance. Representation
It may be said that changing the composition of depends on the continuing relationship between
elected assemblies plays a particularly important representatives and the represented, and anyone
symbolic role, that it involves a more powerful concerned about the exclusion of women’s voices
and visible assertion of women’s equality with or needs or interests would be ill-advised to shut
men than changing the composition of manage- up shop as soon as half those elected are women.
ment or the professions. But this still confines it . . . The shared experience of women as women
to the realm of symbolic representation, without can only ever figure as a promise of shared concerns,
any clear implications as to what further differ- and there is no obvious way of establishing strict
ence this representation should make. accountability to women as a group. Changing the
The argument from either interests or needs, gender composition of elected assemblies is largely
by contrast, anticipates a difference in the kinds of an enabling condition (a crucially important one,
policy decision that will be made, and this more considering what is disabled at present), but it can-
directly challenges existing conditions of rep- not present itself as a guarantee. It is, in some sense,
resentation and accountability. Representation a shot in the dark: far more likely to reach its target
as currently practiced rests on what most of the than when those shooting are predominantly male,
or applicable copyright law.

practitioners will admit is pretense: a pretense that but still open to all kinds of accident.
the choices offered to the electorate exhaust the
full range of possible alternatives; a pretense that
party manifestos and programs wrap up coherent Notes
packages of interests and beliefs; a pretense that
government is just a matter of implementing the 1. W. Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory
choices the electorate has made. The pretense of Minority Rights (Oxford, 1995), ch. 7.

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Quotas for Women 191
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2. Since segregation is the fundamental ordering principle 5. This is one of the arguments made by Anna Jonasdot-
of gendered societies, women can be said to share at tir, who sees needs talk as potentially paternalist, and
least one interest in common: the interest in improved not sufficiently insistent on the political involvement
access. See H. Skjeie, The Feminization of Power: Nor- of those in need; see her “On the Concept of Inter-
way’s Political Experiment (1986–) (Oslo, 1988). est, Women’s Interests, and the Limitation of Interest
Theory,” in K. B. Jones and A. Jonasdottir, The Political
3. See e.g. C. T. Mohanty, “Feminist Encounters: Interests of Women (London, 1988).
Locating the Politics of Experience,” in M. Barrett and
A. Phillips (eds.), Destabilizing Theory: Contemporary 6. H. Skjeie, “Rhetoric of Difference: On Women’s Inclu-
Feminist Debates (Cambridge, 1993). sion into Political Elites,” Politics and Society, 19/2 (1991).
4. J. Jacquette, “Power as Ideology: A Feminist Analysis,” 7. R. E. Goodin, “Convention Quotas and Communal
in J. S. Stiehm (ed.), Women’s Views of the Political World Representation,” British Journal of Political Science, 7/2
of Men (New York, 1984). (1977).
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Chapter 23
Representation and Social
Iris Marion Young

. . . In the context of complex mass politics, a relationship among political actors engaged in a
frequently heard complaint of exclusion invokes process extending over space and time. . . .
norms of representation. People often claim
that the social groups they find themselves in or
with which they claim affinity are not properly Representation as Relationship
represented in influential discussions and deci-
sion-making bodies, including legislatures, com- . . . On this [conventional] image of democracy,
missions, boards, task forces, media coverage representatives could only properly express the
of issues, and so on. Such claims recognize “will of the people” if they are present for their
that in a large polity with many complex issues constituents, and act as they would act. On this
formal and informal representatives mediate the image, the representative substitutes for the con-
influence people have. . . . stituents, stands for them in a relation of identity.
Policies, proposals, and arguments for the spe- Critics of representation rightly note that it is not
cial representation of groups, however, face many possible for one person to be present in place of
objections. One of these . . . presumes a com- many, to speak and act as they would if they were
mitment to attend to rather than submerge social present. It is impossible to find the essential at-
difference. The idea of group representation, this tributes of constituents, the single common good
objection claims, assumes that a group of women, that transcends the diversity of their interests, ex-
or African Americans, or Maori, or Muslims, or periences, and opinions. The objection that some
deaf people has some set of common attributes people make to the notion of specific representa-
or interests which can be represented. But this tion for marginalized gender or ethnic groups in
is usually false. Differences of race and class cut fact can be extended to all representation. Politi-
across gender, differences of gender and ethnicity cal representatives usually have a large constitu-
cut across religion, and so on. . . . The unifying ency that is diverse in its interests, backgrounds,
process required by group representation tries to experiences, and beliefs. . . .
freeze fluid relations into a unified identity, which If we accept the argument that representation
or applicable copyright law.

can re-create oppressive exclusions.1 is necessary, but we also accept an image of demo-
. . . Implicitly much discourse about repre- cratic decision-making as requiring a co-presence
sentation assumes that the person who represents of citizens, and that representation is legitimate
stands in some relation of substitution or identity only if in some way the representative is identical
with the many represented, that he or she is present with the constituency, then we have a paradox:
for them in their absence. Against such an image representation is necessary but impossible. . . . A
of representation as substitution or identification way out . . . involves conceptualizing representa-
I conceptualize representation as a differentiated tion outside a logic of identity. . . . [This] entails
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discarding images of the co-presence of citizens Anticipating Authorization and

or that representatives must be present for citi- Accountability
zens, and instead conceiving democratic discus-
sion and decision-making as mediated through In her classic work on representation Hanna Pit-
and dispersed over space and time. Rather than kin analyzes several meanings that attach to the
a relation of identity or substitution, political term. Some writers understand what constitutes
representation should be thought of as a process a representative as the fact that he or she is au-
involving a mediated relation of constituents to thorized to act by a set of official institutions that
one another and to a representative. . . . also bind together the represented group. Others
Conceptualizing representation in terms of dif- focus on demands that a legitimate representative
férance means acknowledging and affirming that must be accountable to those whom he or she rep-
there is a difference, a separation, between the resents; otherwise the agent who claims to repre-
representative and the constituents. Of course, sent is simply acting on his or her own.
no person can stand for and speak as a plurality Pitkin discusses the debate about whether a
of other persons. The representative function of representative is properly a delegate who carries
speaking for should not be confused with an iden- the mandate of a constituency which he or she
tifying requirement that the representative speak advocates, or rather ought to act as trustee who
as the constituents would, to try to be present for exercises independent judgment about the right
them in their absence. It is no criticism of the rep- thing to do under these political circumstances.
resentative that he or she is separate and distinct Pitkin argues that the debate is misconstrued.
from the constituents. At the same time, how- Both sides are correct in their way; the specific
ever, conceiving representation under the idea of function of legitimate representation consists in
différence means describing a relationship between exercising independent judgment but in knowl-
constituents and the representative, and among edge and anticipation of what constituents want.
constituents, where the temporality of past and . . . I follow Pitkin in theorizing representa-
anticipated future leave their traces in the actions tion as involving both authorization and account-
of each. ability, and agree with her that the dichotomy
Conceiving representation as a differenti- of delegate–trustee is a false polarization.2 . . .
ated relationship among plural actors dissolves Representation consists in a mediated relation-
the paradox of how one person can stand for the ship, both among members of a constituency,
experience and opinions of many. There is no between the constituency and the representative,
single will of the people that can be represented. and between representatives in a decision-making
Because the constituency is internally differenti- body. As a deferring relationship between con-
ated, the representative does not stand for or refer stituents and their agents, representation moves
to an essential opinion or interest shared by all between moments of authorization and account-
the constituents which she should describe and ability. Representation is a cycle of anticipation
advocate. and recollection between constituents and repre-
Rather than construe the normative mean- sentative, in which discourse and action at each
ing of representation as properly standing for the moment ought to bear traces of the others.
constituents, we should evaluate the process of . . . Representation is a differentiated rela-
representation according to the character of the tionship between constituents and representative
relationship between the representative and the where disconnection is always a possibility, and
constituents. The representative will inevitably connection maintained over time through antici-
or applicable copyright law.

be separate from the constituents, but should also pation and recollection in moments of authoriza-
be connected to them in determinate ways. Con- tion and accountability. A representative process
stituents should also be connected to one another. is worse, then, to the extent that the separation
Representation systems sometimes fail to be suffi- tends toward severance, and better to the extent
ciently democratic not because the representatives that it establishes and renews connection between
fail to stand for the will of the constituents, but constituents and representative, and among mem-
because they have lost connection with them. . . . bers of the constituency.
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Representation and Social Perspective 195
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. . . In most situations the specific constituency tatives to account over and above reauthoriz-
exists at best potentially. . . . The constituency is ing them. As with authorization, accountability
usually too large, or the varying activities of its should occur both through official institutions
members are too dispersed, or its definition and and in the public life of independent civic asso-
borders too vague, to expect a time when the ciation. All existing representative democracies
constituency at one moment arrives at a collec- could be improved by additional procedures and
tive will. Instead, in a well-functioning process a fora through which citizens discuss with one
public sphere of discussion sets an issue agenda and another and with representatives their evaluation
the main terms of dispute or struggle. For parlia- of policies representatives have supported. . . .
mentary processes to be effective as representative,
and not merely as a stage on which elites perform
according to their own script, the democratic pro- Modes of Representation
cess of the authorization of representatives should
be both participatory and inclusively deliberative. The representative should not be thought of as
. . . The representative ought to recollect the a substitute for those he or she represents, I have
discussion process that led to his authorization suggested, nor should we assume that the repre-
and anticipate a moment of being accountable to sentative can or should express and enact some
those he claims to represent. The representative united will of the constituency. The represen-
is authorized to act, but his judgment is always tative can stand for neither the identity of any
in question. Whether he acted on authority is a other person nor the collective identity of a
question deferred to a later time, when he will be constituency. There is an inevitable difference
held accountable. The representative acts on his and separation between the representative and
or her own, but in anticipation of having to give constituents, which always puts in question the
an account to those he or she represents. While manner and degree to which constituents partici-
there is no authorized mandate for many deci- pate in the process that produces policy outcomes.
sions, representation is stronger when it bears the Yet representation is both necessary and desirable in
traces of the discussion that led to authorization modern politics. Rather than devaluing represen-
or in other ways persuasively justifies itself in a tation as such, participatory and radical democrats
public accounting. should evaluate the degree to which processes of
In the process of calling representatives to authorization and accountability exist, are inde-
account for what they have decided, citizens con- pendent, and activate the constituency-inclusive
tinue to form themselves into a constituency, and participatory public opinion.
they engage anew in debate and struggle over the Another measure of the degrees of democracy,
wisdom and implications of policy decisions. Such I suggest, is whether people are connected through
renewed opinion formation may bear the traces relationships of authorization and accountability
of the process of authorization, but it also has new to a plurality of representatives who relate to dif-
elements, because previously the constituents did ferent aspects of their lives. . . . Democracy can
not know just how issues would be formulated be strengthened by pluralizing the modes and sites
in the representative body, and what expression, of representation. Systems of political represen-
appeals, and arguments would be offered there. tation cannot make individuals present in their
The responsibility of the representative is not individuality, but rather should represent aspects
simply to tell citizens how she has enacted a man- of a person’s life experience, identity, beliefs, or
date they authorized or served their interests, but activity where she or he has affinity with others.
or applicable copyright law.

as much to persuade them of the rightness of her Potentially there are many such aspects or affin-
judgment. ity groups. I propose to distinguish here three
In most actually existing democracies, the general modes through which a person can be
moment of accountability is weaker than the represented: according to interest, opinion, and
moment of authorization. . . . Strong communica- perspective. . . .
tive democracy, however, requires some processes What do I mean when I say that I feel repre-
and procedures where constituents call represen- sented in the political process? There are many
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possible answers to this question, but three stand Perspective

out for me as important. First, I feel represented
when someone is looking after the interests I take . . . Social group differentiation should be
as mine and share with some others. Secondly, understood with a more relational logic, I argued,
it is important to me that the principles, values, and individuals should be understood as posi-
and priorities that I think should guide political tioned in social group structures rather than hav-
decisions are voiced in discussion. Finally, I feel ing their identity determined by them. . . . Group
represented when at least some of those discuss- differentiation offers resources to a communica-
ing and voting on policies understand and express tive democratic public that aims to do justice, be-
the kind of social experience I have because of cause differently positioned people have different
my social group position and the history of social experience, history, and social knowledge derived
group relations. . . . from that positioning. I call this social perspective.
Because of their social locations, people are
Interest attuned to particular kinds of social meanings
and relationships to which others are less attuned.
I define interest as what affects or is important Sometimes others are not positioned to be aware
to the life prospects of individuals, or the goals of of them at all. From their social locations people
organizations. . . . I define interest here as self- have differentiated knowledge of social events and
referring, and as different from ideas, principles, their consequences. . . . Structural social positions
and values. The latter may help define the ends a thus produce particular location-relative experi-
person sets for herself, where the interest defines ence and a specific knowledge of social processes
the means for achieving those ends. . . . Interests and consequences. Each differentiated group posi-
frequently conflict, not only between agents, but tion has a particular experience or point of view on
also in the action of a single agent. . . . social processes precisely because each is part of and
has helped produce the patterned processes. . . .
Opinions Following the logic of the metaphor of group
differentiation as arising from differing positions
I define opinions as the principles, values, and in social fields, the idea of social perspective sug-
priorities held by a person as these bear on and gests that agents who are “close” in the social field
condition his or her judgment about what poli- have a similar point of view on the field and the
cies should be pursued and ends sought. This is occurrences within it, while those who are socially
the primary sphere of what Anne Phillips refers to distant are more likely to see things differently.
as the “politics of ideas.”3 . . . By opinion, I mean While different, these social perspectives may not
any judgment or belief about how things are or be incompatible. . . .
ought to be, and the political judgments that [A] social perspective does not contain a deter-
follow from these judgements or beliefs. . . . A minate specific content. In this respect perspec-
communicative democracy requires the free ex- tive is different from interest or opinion. Social
pression and challenging of opinions, and a wide perspective consists in a set of questions, kinds of
representation of opinions in discussions leading experience, and assumptions with which reason-
to policy decisions. ing begins, rather than the conclusions drawn.
Political parties are the most common vehicle Critiques of essentialism rightly show that those
for the representation of opinions. Parties often said to belong to the same social group often have
put forward programs that less express the inter- different and even conflicting interests and opin-
or applicable copyright law.

ests of a particular constituency, and more orga- ions. People who have a similar perspective on
nize the political issues of the day according to social processes and issues . . . nevertheless often
principles, values, and priorities the party claims have different interests or opinions, because they
generally to stand for. Smaller or more special- reason differently from what they experience, or
ized associations, however, can and often do form have different goals and projects.
to represent opinions in public life and influence Perspective is a way of looking at social pro-
public policy. . . . cesses without determining what one sees. Thus
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Representation and Social Perspective 197
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two people may share a social perspective and still municate in certain ways with people with whom
experience their positionality differently because one does not share perspectives in others.
they are attending to different elements of the . . . It is useful to regard social perspective
society. Sharing a perspective, however, gives as helping to set a framework of interpretation.
each an affinity with the other’s way of describing Doing so may indeed help individuals reason
what he experiences, an affinity that those differ- through what they find to be in their interests.
ently situated do not experience. This lesser affin- Nevertheless, theorizing in this regard ought to
ity does not imply that those differently positioned recognize that sometimes individuals similarly
cannot understand a description of an element of positioned in social structures find that there are
social reality from another social perspective, only many interests they do not share. Representing
that it takes more work to understand the expres- an interest or an opinion usually entails promot-
sion of different social perspectives than those one ing certain specific outcomes in the decision-
shares. . . . making process. Representing a perspective, on
One might object that the idea of an African the other hand, usually means promoting certain
American perspective, or a female gendered per- starting points for discussion. From a particular
spective, is just as open to criticism as the idea of social perspective a representative asks certain
a single group interest or opinion. . . . To be sure, kinds of questions, reports certain kinds of expe-
each person has his or her own irreducible history rience, recalls a particular line of narrative history,
which gives him or her unique social knowledge or expresses a certain way of regarding the posi-
and perspective. We must avoid, however, the tions of others. These importantly contribute to
sort of individualism that would conclude from the inclusion of different people in the decision-
this fact that any talk of structured social posi- making process and nurture attention to possible
tions and group-defined social location is wrong, effects of proposed policies on different groups.
incoherent, or useless. . . . The idea of perspective Expressing perspective, however, does not usu-
is meant to capture that sensibility of group- ally mean drawing a conclusion about outcomes.
positioned experience without specifying uni- Let me give another example to illustrate the
fied content to what the perceptive sees. . . . So expression of perspective. Several years ago U.S.
we can well find different persons with a similar Senator Robert Packwood was accused of sexual
social perspective giving different interpretations harassment of several of his aides. After the story
of an issue. Perspective is an approach to looking broke, many in the Senate seemed disinclined to
at social events, which conditions but does not bring the matter to hearing for potential ethics
determine what one sees. sanction. . . . In response nearly all the women
Suppose we accept this claim that individuals legislators in both the House of Representatives
positioned in similar ways in the social field have and the Senate held a joint press conference to
a similar group perspective on that society. What demand that the Senate hold hearings seriously
does this imply for individuals, who are positioned to consider the charges against Packwood. These
in terms of many group-differentiated relations? women did not agree on political values and they
Since individuals are multiply positioned in com- had many divergent interests; they did not agree
plexly structured societies, individuals interpret the in their opinions of whether Packwood was guilty
society from a multiplicity of social group perspec- of harassment. Their purpose was to influence the
tives. Some of these may intersect to constitute Senate’s agenda, and in doing so they expressed
a distinctive hybrid perspective, a Black woman’s a similar perspective on the meaning and gravity
perspective, perhaps, or a working-class youth of accusations of sexual harassment, a perspective
or applicable copyright law.

perspective. . . . The multiple perspectives from that many of the men seemed not to understand,
which persons may see society may reinforce and at least at first.
enhance one another, or it may be impossible to Interests, opinions, and perspectives, then, are
take one without obscuring another. . . . However three important aspects of persons that can be
they are experienced, the availability of multiple represented. . . . None of these aspects reduce to
perspectives provides everyone with the resources the identity of either a person or a group, but each
to take a distance on any one of them, and to com- is an aspect of the person. None of these aspects
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of persons, moreover, is reducible to the others. which the constituency contests within itself about
They are logically independent in the sense that the issues to be represented and calls the repre-
from a general social perspective one can immedi- sentative to account, then a social group constit-
ately infer a set of neither interests nor opinions. uency certainly can and should ask how well a
Unlike interests or opinions, moreover, social person with the presumed descriptive attributes
perspectives cannot easily be thought of as con- in fact represents a social perspective. It may be
flicting. Put together they usually do not cancel possible, furthermore, though I would argue not
each other out, but rather offer additional ques- very common, for persons without the descrip-
tions and fuller social knowledge. . . . tive attributes to represent a perspective. To do
so, however, the person should stand in social
relations that provide him or her with similar
Special Representation of experiences and social knowledge to those with
Marginalized Groups the descriptive attributes. An Asian American
man who grew up in a predominantly African
. . . One important way to promote greater inclu- American neighborhood, who has many Afri-
sion of members of under-represented social groups can American friends, and who now works for a
is through political and associational institutions community service in a neighborhood with many
designed specifically to increase the representation African Americans, for example, might be able
of women, working-class people, racial or ethnic to represent an African American perspective in
minorities, disadvantaged castes, and so on. . . . many discussions, but most Asian American men
Many doubt the justice or wisdom of efforts could not because they are rather differently posi-
at the specific representation of social groups. tioned.
Some claim that individuals should relate directly [A] second question [is] whether we have real-
to political institutions without the mediation of ly transcended the problem of the one represent-
groups, and that districts aggregating individual ing the many by moving from representing group
votes to obtain one representative is the only way interest to representing group perspective. . . .
to implement such political individualism.4 . . . For this reason a scheme of group representation
Others object to group representation because would do best to pluralize group representation.
they suspect it of invidious and false essentializing. Representation of the perspective of women in
Several theorists raise objections to what is called a commission or legislative body would be better
“descriptive” or “mirror” representation. done by means of a small committee of women
. . . Any form or system of representation poses rather than just one woman, for example. . . .
the problem of the one and the many, and, in Quotas for women in party lists, or rules about
my view, this problem is best addressed by active a certain proportion of racial or ethnic minority
relationships of authorization and accountability group members in party conventions, are often
between constituents and representatives. . . . The acceptable and desirable ways of promoting the
notion of representing a perspective in particular inclusion of diverse perspectives and interests.
aims to respond to objections to group represen- This method does not ghettoize group members,
tation which claim that social groups cannot be but includes them in wider party deliberations.
defined by common interests or opinions. To Depending on the number of parties and the vot-
the extent that what distinguishes social groups is ing procedures, voters from all groups continue to
structural relations, particularly structural relations have several candidate options. . . .
of privilege and disadvantage, and to the extent that Legislatures are not the only governmental
or applicable copyright law.

persons are positioned similarly in those structures, bodies, however, in which arguments for group
then they have similar perspective both on their own representation can and should be applied. Courts,
situation and on other positions in the society. . . . public hearings, appointed committees and com-
Can only persons with certain ascriptive attri- missions, and consultative processes are among
butes represent the perspective of a structural the other deliberative and decision-making bodies
social group? If representation consists in a relation- that should be candidates for inclusive representa-
ship between a constituency and representative in tion, even when citizens do not directly vote on
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Representation and Social Perspective 199
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their composition. . . . A more democratic rep- State University Press, 1993); Chantal Mouffe, “Fem-
resentative government would have various lay- inism, Citizenship and Politics,” in The Return of the
Political (London: Verso, 1993); Cathy J. Cohen,
ers and sites of elected, appointed, and volunteer “Straight Gay Politics: The Limits of an Ethnic Model
bodies that discuss policy options, make policy of Inclusion,” in Ian Shapiro and Will Kymlicka (eds.),
decisions, or review policy effectiveness. . . . Ethnicity and Group Rights, Nomos 29 (New York:
New York University Press, 1997).
2. Hanna Pitkin, The Concept of Representation (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1971).
3. Anne Phillips, The Politics of Presence (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1995).
1. For examples of works that make this sort of objection, 4. See Nancy Schwartz, The Blue Guitar: Political Represen-
see Anne Phillips, “Democracy and Difference,” in tation and Community (Chicago: University of Chicago
Democracy and Difference (University Park: Pennsylvania Press, 1988).
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 24
Should Blacks Represent Blacks and
Women Represent Women?
A Contingent “Yes”
Jane Mansbridge

In at least four contexts, for four different func- function. It is primarily when we ask how to
tions, disadvantaged groups may want to be rep- improve deliberation—both vertically, between
resented by “descriptive representatives,” that is, constituent and representative, and horizontally,
individuals who in their own backgrounds mirror among the representatives—that we discover the
some of the more frequent experiences and out- virtue of shared experience, which lies at the core
ward manifestations of belonging to the group. of descriptive representation.
For two of these functions—(1) adequate com-
munication in contexts of mistrust, and (2) inno-
vative thinking in contexts of uncrystallized, not What Is “Descriptive” Representation?
fully articulated, interests—descriptive represen-
tation enhances the substantive representation of . . . Few commentators have noticed that the word
interests by improving the quality of deliberation. “descriptive,” modifying representation, can de-
For the other two functions—(1) creating a so- note not only visible characteristics, such as color
cial meaning of “ability to rule” for members of a of skin or gender, but also shared experiences, so
group in historical contexts where that ability has that a representative with a background in farming
been seriously questioned, and (2) increasing the is to that degree a descriptive representative of his
polity’s de facto legitimacy in contexts of past dis- or her farmer constituents. . . . “Being one of us”
crimination—descriptive representation promotes is assumed to promote loyalty to “our” interests.
goods unrelated to substantive representation.
In the contexts of group mistrust, uncrystallized
interests, a history suggesting inability to rule, and Arguments against Descriptive
low de facto legitimacy, constitutional design- Representation
ers and individual voters have reason to institute
policies that promote descriptive representation, Descriptive representation is not popular among
even when such implementation involves some normative theorists. Indeed most normative dem-
losses in the implementation of other valued ide- ocratic theorists have rejected descriptive repre-
or applicable copyright law.

als. As political parties, legislative committees, sentation relatively summarily, often with some
and voters weigh the pros and cons of descriptive version of Pennock’s trenchant comment, “No
representation, this analysis argues for attention to one would argue that morons should be repre-
the specific historical contexts that make descrip- sented by morons” (Pennock 1979, 314, based on
tive representation most useful. Griffiths and Wollheim 1960, 190; see also Grof-
The analysis will stress that the deliberative man 1982, 98; Pitkin [1967] 1972, chap. 4). Even
function of democracy requires descriptive rep- among explicit advocates of group representation
resentation far more than does the aggregative the ideal of descriptive representation finds little
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support. Will Kymlicka writes, “[T]he general elected assemblies with assemblies chosen simply
idea of mirror [descriptive] representation is by random selection from the population over-
untenable” (1995, 139), and Iris Marion Young whelm the current benefits. Very few democratic
concurs: “Having such a relation of identity or theorists advocate substituting microcosmic rep-
similarity with constituents says nothing about resentation for electoral representation. . . .
what the representative does” (1997, 354). In the far more frequent “selective” form of
Empirical political scientists studying women descriptive representation, institutional design
and Black legislators have had similar negative gives selected groups greater descriptive represen-
assessments. . . . tation than they would achieve in existing elec-
These normative theorists and empirical toral systems in order to bring the proportions
researchers make an important, incontrovert- of those groups in the legislature closer to their
ible point. The primary function of representa- percentages in the population. Selective forms
tive democracy is to represent the substantive of descriptive representation are necessary, if at
interests of the represented through both delib- all, only when some form of adverse selection
eration and aggregation. Descriptive repre- operates within an existing system to reduce the
sentation should be judged primarily on this proportions of certain groups below what they
criterion. When nondescriptive representatives would achieve by chance. Otherwise, one would
have, for various reasons, greater ability to rep- expect all the characteristics of the population to
resent the substantive interests of their constitu- be duplicated, more or less, in the legislature in
ents, this is a major argument against descriptive proportion to their occurrence in the population.
representation. Selective representation should thus be conceived
as compensating for the effects of some other
process that interferes with an expected pro-
The Costs of a Lottery: Lesser Talent portionality.
One version of the selective form of representa-
The most frequent criticism of descriptive repre- tion draws geographical district lines to encourage
sentation charges that descriptive representatives the election of representatives from proportion-
will be less able than others to perform the task ally underrepresented groups. In other versions of
of the substantive representation of interests: “No selective representation, parliaments and parties
one would argue that morons should be repre- set aside a number of seats for members of spe-
sented by morons.” cific descriptive groups, such as French speakers,
This criticism rests primarily on confusing two Catholics, scheduled castes, or women. . . .
forms of descriptive representation, the “micro- Representatives with selective descriptive char-
cosmic” and the “selective” forms.1 In “micro- acteristics need not be significantly less skilled or
cosmic” representation, the entire assembly is dedicated to the public good than representatives
designed to form a microcosm, or representative chosen for reasons that do not include descriptive
sample, of the electorate. . . . characteristics. It is true that adding any criterion
If microcosmic representation, achievable (e.g., that a representative have lived in a constitu-
only by lottery or another form of representa- ency five or more years, or be of a given gender
tive selection, were to replace elected representa- or ethnicity) to a mix of criteria for selection will
tive assemblies, one cost would indeed lie in the always dilute to some degree the impact of the
strong likelihood that choosing the members of other criteria for selection. The key question is,
a ruling assembly at random from the population however, whether the reasons for the currently
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would produce legislators with less ability, exper- lower proportion of a given characteristic are
tise, and possibly commitment to the public good functionally related to ability to perform the task
than would choosing those legislators through of representation. . . . If the reasons for lower pro-
election. . . . portions of the characteristic are not functionally
Because lawmaking in large states and at the related to the task, and if the descriptive charac-
national level usually requires considerable talent teristic on which one is selecting is widely shared,
and acquired skill, the costs of replacing current one would expect any decrement in talent from
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adding a descriptive criterion to the mix of criteria Through reading, conversation, and living with
for selection to be almost infinitesimally small.2 . . . left-handers, right-handers can learn many of the
Although in microcosmic representation the costs perspectives of this group that would be relevant
in talent might be considerable, in selective repre- to a deliberation. As we will see, however, in the
sentation those costs seem to be negligible. contexts of communicative mistrust and uncrys-
tallized interests this vicarious portrayal of the
experience of others by those who have not them-
The Costs of Selection: Which Groups, selves had those experiences is often not enough
Why, and How Many from Each? to promote effective deliberation—either verti-
cally between constituents and their representa-
. . . The deliberative function of representative tives or horizontally among the representatives.
democracy aims at understanding which policies Although a representative need not have shared
are good for the polity as whole, which policies personally the experiences of the represented to
are good for a representative’s constituents, and facilitate communication and bring subtlety to
when the interests of various groups within the a deliberation, the open-ended quality of delib-
polity and constituency conflict. It also aims at eration gives communicative and informational
transforming interests and creating commonality advantages to representatives who are existentially
when that commonality can be genuinely good close to the issues.3
for all. In its deliberative function, a representa- Do deliberations require the participation of
tive body should ideally include at least one rep- representatives of relevant perspectives in pro-
resentative who can speak for every group that portion to the incidence of those perspectives in
might provide new information, perspectives, the population? In theory, deliberation seems to
or ongoing insights relevant to the understand- require only a single representative, or a “thresh-
ing that leads to a decision. It should not, how- old” presence, in the deliberation to contribute
ever, simply reproduce all views in the polity. to the larger understanding (Kymlicka 1993,
The process of choosing representatives should 77–78, 1995, 146–47; Mansbridge 1981; Phillips
select to some degree against those views that 1995, 47, 67ff.; Pitkin [1967] 1972, 84). Getting
are useless or harmful to the polity as a whole the relevant facts, insights, and perspectives into
(Mansbridge 1998). the deliberation should be what counts, not how
The aggregative function of democracy aims many people advance these facts, insights, and
at producing some form of relatively legitimate perspectives. In practice, however, disadvantaged
decision in the context of fundamentally con- groups often need the full representation that
flicting interests. In its aggregative function, the proportionality allows in order to achieve several
representative assembly should, in moments of goals: deliberative synergy, critical mass, disper-
conflict, ideally represent the interests of every sion of influence, and a range of views within the
group whose interests conflict with those of oth- group.
ers, in proportion to the numbers of the group in First, deliberation is often synergistic. More
the population. . . . representatives usually produce more, and some-
In aggregation, interests are relatively easily times better, information and insight, particularly
represented by nondescriptive representatives. . . . when they may need to explore among them-
On matters of pure aggregation, reelection selves new ideas that counter the prevailing
incentives and other forms of accountability can wisdom. . . .
make descriptive representation unnecessary. For Second, representatives of disadvantaged
or applicable copyright law.

aggregation alone, normative democratic theory groups may need a critical mass for their own
demands only that power be exercised on behalf members to become willing to enunciate minority
of particular interest bearers in proportion to their positions. They may also need a critical mass to
numbers in the population, not that this power be convince others—particularly members of domi-
exercised by any particular mechanism. nant groups—that the perspectives or insights
In deliberation, perspectives are less easily they are advancing are widely shared, genuinely
represented by nondescriptive representatives. felt, and deeply held within their own group.
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Third, governing bodies usually include a vari- interests that, in the most extreme versions of the
ety of committees and subcommittees in whose idea, transcend the interests that divide them.
deliberative spaces the most important features of Such an assumption leads not only to refusing to
policy are often hammered out. Having sufficient recognize major lines of cleavage in a group, but
numbers of representatives to disperse into the also to assimilating minority or subordinate inter-
relevant policy areas allows members of the disad- ests in those of the dominant group without even
vantaged group to influence decisions wherever recognizing their existence (Fuss 1989; Spelman
those decisions would become better decisions by 1998; see Young 1994, 1997 for ways of con-
including these members’ perspectives. ceiving of group existence with a minimum of
Finally and most important, because the con- essentialist thinking). The problem is exacerbated
tent and range of any deliberation is often unpre- when the facets of identity assumed to bind the
dictable, a variety of representatives is usually group together have biological markers, such as
needed to represent the heterogeneous, varied sexual organs or skin color, because such mark-
inflections and internal oppositions that together ers encourage seeing whatever commonalities are
constitute the complex and internally contested assumed central to the group as biological, not
perspectives, opinions, and interests characteristic historical. . . .
of any group. This range of views is not easily The advocacy of descriptive representation
represented by only a few individuals. . . . can emphasize the worst features of essential-
The demand for proportionality is accentuated ism. When an extreme descriptivist writes, “it is
by the fact that in practice almost all democratic impossible for men to represent women” (Boyle
assemblies are aggregative as well as deliberative, 1983, 797),4 that statement implies the corollary,
and achieving the full normative legitimacy of that it is impossible for women to represent men.
the aggregative function requires that the mem- It also implies that any woman representative
bers of the representative body cast votes for each represents all women (and all women equally),
affected conflicting interest in proportion to the regardless of the women’s political beliefs, race,
numbers of such interest bearers in the popula- ethnicity, or other differences.
tion (see Mansbridge 1981, 1996, 1998 for a fuller The essentializing features of descriptive repre-
exposition of these ideas). sentation can be mitigated by stressing the nones-
sentialist and contingent reasons for selecting certain
groups for descriptive representation. The entire
“Essentialism” as a Cost of Selection argument in this [chapter] is an argument from con-
tingency. . . . It highlights the historical contexts in
The greatest cost in selective descriptive repre- which descriptive representation is likely to advance
sentation is that of strengthening tendencies to- the substantive representation of interests. That
ward “essentialism,” that is, the assumption that descriptive representation most closely approaches
members of certain groups have an essential iden- normative ideals when it reflects the inner diversity
tity that all members of that group share and of of any descriptively denominated group.
which no others can partake. . . . Insisting that One might also approach contingency from
others cannot adequately represent the members another angle, by asking first what features of the
of a descriptive group also implies that members existing electoral process have resulted in lower
of that group cannot adequately represent oth- proportions of certain descriptive groups in the
ers (Kymlicka 1993, 1995; Phillips 1992, 1995; legislature than in the population—a result that
Swain 1993; Young 1997). one would not expect by chance and that sug-
or applicable copyright law.

This problem of essentialism haunts every gests the possibility that “certain voices are being
group that hopes to organize politically around silenced or suppressed” (Phillips 1992, 88; also
a facet of identity, including descriptive charac- 1995, 53, 63). The next screening question
teristics such as place of birth, gender, and race. should be whether the members of that group
Essentialism involves assuming a single or essen- consider themselves able adequately to represent
tial trait, or nature, that binds every member of a themselves. If the answer is yes, the third ques-
descriptive group together, giving them common tion, bearing on normative responsibility, might
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be whether there is any evidence that domi- of blind loyalty to be eased as more descriptive
nant groups in the society have ever intention- representatives competed for and entered the
ally made it difficult or illegal for members of representative assembly, allowing constituents to
that group to represent themselves. A history of compare more easily the virtues of one descrip-
strong prejudice would provide such evidence. If tive representative against another. . . .
the answer to this third question is also yes, the Against these costs, one must weigh the ben-
group appears to be a good candidate for affir- efits for substantive representation of enhanced
mative selective representation. If a group has deliberation through descriptive representation.
been in the past excluded by law from the vote, These benefits, I argue, are greatest in contexts
to take an extreme example, it seems likely that of communicative distrust and uncrystallized
the social, political, and economic processes that interests.
allowed one group in the past legally to forbid the
political participation of another may well have
their sequelae in the present, working through Contexts of Distrust: The Benefits of
informal social, political, and economic structures Enhanced Communication
rather than through the law.5
A formation like this points backward to con- The quality of the mutual communication
tingent historical processes rather than inward between representative and constituent varies
to an essential nature. It also implies that when from group to group and era to era. Historical
the systemic barriers to participation have been circumstances can interfere with adequate com-
eliminated through reform and social evolution, munication between members of one group and
the need for affirmative steps to ensure descrip- members of another, particularly if one group is
tive representation will disappear. The institu- historically dominant and the other historically
tion of descriptive representation itself becomes subordinate. A history of dominance and sub-
contingent. ordination typically breeds inattention, even ar-
rogance, on the part of the dominant group and
distrust on the part of the subordinate group.
Other Costs of Descriptive Representation In conditions of impaired communication,
including impairment caused by inattention
Another potential cost of selective descriptive and distrust, the shared experience imperfectly
representation, related to that of essentialism, in- captured by descriptive representation facilitates
volves the way developing institutions that en- vertical communication between representa-
courage citizens to see themselves as members of tives and constituents. Representatives and vot-
a subgroup may erode the ties of unity across a ers who share some version of a set of common
nation, a political party, or a political movement experiences and the outward signs of having
(see, e.g., Phillips 1995, 22ff.). This serious cost lived through those experiences can often read
has greater or lesser weight depending on the pre- one another’s signals relatively easily and engage
cise institutional arrangements. . . . in relatively accurate forms of shorthand com-
Yet another cost of selective descriptive rep- munication. Representatives and voters who
resentation applies specifically to a particular share membership in a subordinate group can
method for achieving this result—drawing elec- also forge bonds of trust based specifically on the
toral boundaries to create relatively homogeneous shared experience of subordination. . . .
districts. This cost is the potential loss of influence In the United States, voters have many of their
or applicable copyright law.

in other districts. . . . most vital interests represented through the “sur-

A final cost of selective descriptive representa- rogate” representation of legislators elected from
tion lies in the possibility of reduced accountability. other districts. Advocates of particular politi-
The descriptive characteristics of a representative cal views who lose in one district, for example,
can lull voters into thinking their substantive can hope to be represented by advocates of
interests are being represented even when this is those views elected in another district.6 Surro-
not the case. . . . One would expect this danger gate representatives do not have to be descriptive
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representatives. But it is in this surrogate pro- speak on those issues with a voice carrying the
cess that descriptive representation often plays its authority of experience.
most useful role, allowing representatives who In the United States, where party discipline
are themselves members of a subordinate group is weak and representatives consequently have
to circumvent the strong barriers to communica- considerable autonomy, legislators often vote by
tion between dominant and subordinate groups. “introspective representation,” acting on the basis
Black representatives, for example, are likely to of what they themselves have concluded is the
be contacted by Blacks “throughout the region” right policy for their constituents and the nation.
and not just in their own districts. . . . When this is the case, voters exercise power
not by changing the behavior of the representa-
tives, as suggested in traditional mechanisms of
Contexts of Uncrystallized Interests: The accountability, but by electoral selection.8 In this
Benefits of Experiential Deliberation process, the voters often use descriptive charac-
teristics, as well as party identification and indi-
In certain historical moments, citizen interests on cators of character, as cues by which to predict
a given set of issues are relatively uncrystallized. whether a particular candidate, if elected, will
The issues have not been on the political agenda represent their interests, both crystallized and
long, candidates have not taken public positions uncrystallized. . . .
on them, and political parties are not organized The accuracy of these cues, and degree to
around them. . . . which they predict “identification” (Fenno 1978,
When interests are uncrystallized, the best way 58–59) or “common interests” (Bianco 1994),
to have one’s most important substantive inter- depends on the degree to which the descriptive
ests represented is often to choose a representa- characteristics are in fact aligned with the interests
tive whose descriptive characteristics match one’s of the majority of voters in their districts, so that
own on the issues one expects to emerge. One representatives engaged in introspective represen-
might want to elect a representative from one’s tation will reflect the policies their constituents
own geographical territory, class, or ethnicity. would choose if they had greater knowledge and
Then, as issues arise unpredictably, a voter can time for reflection.
expect the representative to react more or less In introspective representation both postelec-
the way the voter would have done, on the basis tion communication and traditional accountabil-
of descriptive similarity. The original geographic ity between the representative and the constituent
representation of voters in the United States was can be nonexistent, and the relation still fulfill
undoubtedly intended in part to capture this form democratic norms. Because this is not a traditional
of descriptive representation. principal–agent relation but rather a relation only
In political systems where many issues, such of selection, democratic norms require that in the
as those involving economic class, are relatively selection process communication be open, accu-
crystallized, other issues, such as those involv- rate, and likely to help participants achieve a bet-
ing gender, are surfacing and evolving rapidly ter understanding of their interests. We can also
on the political agenda. When this is the case, judge the relationship normatively by making a
individuals for whom these relatively uncrys- third-person estimate of the interests of the con-
tallized interests are extremely important may stituents and the degree to which the representa-
get their best substantive representation from tive actually promotes those interests effectively
a descriptive representative.7 Here, the impor- in the assembly (Mansbridge 1998).
or applicable copyright law.

tant communication is not vertical, between When legislators are engaged primarily in
representative and constituent, but horizontal, introspective representation, descriptive repre-
among deliberating legislators. In this horizon- sentation will enhance that representation most
tal communication, a descriptive representative when interests are relatively uncrystallized—that
can draw on elements of experiences shared is, when party identification and campaign state-
with constituents to explore the uncharted ram- ments provide poor clues to a representative’s
ifications of newly presented issues and also to future actions. On the many issues relating to
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gender, for example, where views are changing With respect to gender, many issues relating
and policies developing in a relatively ad hoc way to sexual harassment and violence against women
to meet a rapidly evolving situation, descriptive are politically salient but have not become suf-
representatives are, other things equal, more likely ficiently crystallized that the two main parties
than nondescriptive representatives to act as their in the United States have developed distinctive
descriptive constituents would like them to act. and opposing positions in regard to them, or
Issues of race, which are somewhat more that candidates usually mention their positions
crystallized in the United States than issues of on these issues in their campaigns. It is not sur-
gender, also produce moments when a descrip- prising, then, that women legislators have usu-
tive representative acts in a context of relatively ally been the ones to bring these issues to the
uncrystallized interests. In 1993, when Carol legislative table. . . . Having more women in
Moseley-Braun was the only Black member of office unquestionably makes government poli-
the U.S. Senate, only she was galvanized into cies more responsive to the interests of most
action when Senator Jesse Helms attached to women.11 Proportional descriptive representa-
one piece of legislation an unrelated amend- tion would undoubtedly reflect an even wider
ment renewing the design patent of the United range of views among women, producing a
Daughters of the Confederacy—a design that fea- more nuanced sensitivity to differences within
tured the confederate flag. Moseley-Braun argued that group. Reflecting internal group differences
vehemently against the Senate’s legitimating the is a particularly important feature in deliberation
flag by granting this patent, and succeeded in per- when issues are uncrystallized and may be taking
suading enough senators to reverse themselves to their first, and possibly defining, shape.
kill the measure.9 Disadvantaged groups also may need descrip-
As an African American, Moseley-Braun was tive representation in order to get uncrystallized
undoubtedly more likely than even the most pro- substantive interests represented with sufficient
gressive White representative to notice and feel it vigor (see Phillips 1995, 69 and passim, on the
important to condemn the use of the Confederate “degree of vigorous advocacy that people bring
flag on the design patent of the United Daughters to their own concerns”). . . .
of the Confederacy. The flag issue had not previ- In the case of Anita Hill versus Clarence
ously appeared on the active political agenda of Thomas, for example, an issue involving sex-
either the nation or the state of Illinois, Moseley- ual harassment (which could not have been on
Braun’s constituency. Moseley-Braun undoubt- the agenda of the members of the U.S. House
edly had never mentioned the issue in her election of Representatives when they ran for election)
campaign. Nor could Moseley-Braun have feared emerged in the Senate hearings on the nomina-
reelection sanctions on this point, since without tion of Thomas for the Supreme Court. It was
her intervention the amendment would have the women in the House of Representatives,
passed unnoticed. She did, it turns out, use the where the number of women had reached a criti-
issue to consolidate her position with her Demo- cal mass, who took decisive action. The famous
cratic constituency in the next election, but one photograph of five women legislators from the
can imagine a less dramatic issue in which this House of Representatives charging up the Senate
would not be the case. The most important reason steps to demand a delay in the Thomas nomina-
for her action seems to have been the particular tion captured for many women voters the need
sensibility, created by experience, that led her to to have representatives of their own gender in the
notice the Confederate flag and be offended by legislative body.
or applicable copyright law.

it. Her descriptive characteristics—going beyond Particularly on issues that are uncrystallized
skin color to her use of language and ties to her or that many legislators have not fully thought
church—had earlier signaled that sensibility to her through, the personal quality of being oneself a
Black constituents. The visible characteristics were member of an affected group gives a legislator
the outward signs of the shared experience that a certain moral force in making an argument or
allowed her, as a representative, to react as most of asking for a favorable vote on an issue important
her descriptive constituents would have liked.10 to the group.12
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Beyond Substantive Representation A major cost to this claim, in addition to the

problem of essentialism discussed earlier, involves
Two other benefits of descriptive representation the way the very process of making a claim of his-
do not enhance substantive representation, but torical disability to some degree undermines claims
nevertheless deserve consideration in any dis- on other political tracks that members of the group
cussion of the costs and benefits of descriptive have currently achieved the status of first-class citi-
representation. These benefits arise from the rep- zens. As in any claim for justice based on disadvan-
resentative assembly’s role in constructing social tage, signaling that disadvantage in public erodes
meaning and de facto legitimacy. the public presentation of the group as fully equal.
This cost must be balanced against the benefit of
creating new social meanings that include mem-
The Construction of Social Meaning
bers of the group as truly “able to rule.”
In certain historical conditions, what it means Claims like this one, based partly on the con-
to be a member of a particular social group cept of reparations, do not in theory entail the
includes some form of “second-class citizenship.” cost of painting a group as disadvantaged, because
Operationally, this is almost always the case when claims for reparation can be and are made by
at some point in the polity’s history the group political, economic, and social equals (or supe-
has been legally excluded from the vote. In riors). But claims for reparation do require both
these conditions, the ascriptive character of one’s establishing a history of intentional injustice and
membership in that group carries the historically arguing convincingly that a particular form of
embedded meaning, “Persons with these charac- reparation (in this case establishing some form
teristics do not rule,” with the possible implica- of selective descriptive representation) is the best
way of redressing that injustice.14
tion, “Persons with these characteristics are not
The argument here for the creation of social
able to (fit to) rule.”13
meaning is an argument not for a right but for a
Whenever this is the case, the presence or absence
social good. The argument is simply that if the
in the ruling assembly (and other ruling bodies,
costs are not too great, any measure is good that
such as the executive and judiciary) of a propor-
increases the degree to which the society as a
tional number of individuals carrying the group’s
whole sees all (or almost all) descriptive groups as
ascriptive characteristics shapes the social meaning
equally capable of ruling.
of those characteristics in a way that affects most
bearers of those characteristics in the polity. . . .
Similarly, when descriptive characteristics signal De Facto Legitimacy
major status differences connected with citizenship, A second benefit to descriptive representation
then a low percentage of a given descriptive group comes in the increased empirical (or sociologi-
in the representational body creates social mean- cal, or de facto) legitimacy of the polity. Seeing
ings attached to those characteristics that affect all proportional numbers of members of their group
holders of the characteristics. Low percentages of exercising the responsibility of ruling with full
Black and women representatives, for example, status in the legislature can enhance de facto legit-
create the meaning that Blacks and women can- imacy by making citizens, and particularly mem-
not rule, or are not suitable for rule. . . . bers of historically underrepresented groups, feel
This is a historically specific and contex- as if they themselves were present in the delibera-
tual dynamic. Normatively, making a claim for tions (Gosnell 1948, 131, cited in Pitkin [1967]
or applicable copyright law.

descriptive representation on these grounds 1972, 78; also Guinier 1994, 35, 39; Kymlicka
requires historical grounding for the factual con- 1993, 83; Minow 1991, 286 n. 69, 291; Phillips
tention that the social meaning of membership in 1995). Seeing women from the U.S. House of
a given descriptive group incorporates a legacy Representatives storming the steps of the Senate,
of second-class citizenship. Such a claim could for example, made some women feel actively rep-
point, for confirmation, to a history of being resented in ways that a photograph of male legis-
legally deprived of the vote. lators could never have done.
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To a great degree this benefit is a consequence Institutionalizing Fluid Forms of

of previous ones. Easier communication with Descriptive Representation
one’s representative, awareness that one’s inter-
ests are being represented with sensitivity, and Because there are always costs to privileging any
knowledge that certain features of one’s identity one characteristic that enhances accurate substan-
do not mark one as less able to govern all con- tive representation over others, voters and institu-
tribute to making one feel more included in the tional designers alike must balance those benefits
polity. This feeling of inclusion in turn makes the against the costs. And because I have argued that
polity democratically more legitimate in one’s the benefits of descriptive representation vary
eyes. Having had a voice in the making of a par- greatly by context, it would be wise, in building
ticular policy, even if that voice is through one’s descriptive representation into any given demo-
representative and even when one’s views did not cratic institutional design, to make its role fluid,
prevail, also makes that policy more legitimate in dynamic, and easily subject to change.
one’s eyes.15 This analysis suggests that voters and the
These feelings are deeply intertwined with designers of representative institutions should
what has often been seen as the “psychological” accept some of the costs of descriptive representa-
benefits of descriptive surrogate representation for tion in historical circumstances when (1) commu-
those voters who, because of selective bias against nication is impaired, often by distrust, (2) interests
their characteristics, are less than proportionately are relatively uncrystallized, (3) a group has once
represented in the legislature. The need for role been considered unfit to rule, (4) de facto legiti-
models, for identification, and for what Charles macy is low within the group. The contextual
Taylor (1992) has called “equal dignity” and “the character of this analysis suggests strongly that any
politics of recognition” can be assimilated under institutionalization of descriptive representation is
this rubric. In many historical moments, these best kept fluid. Microcosmic forms of descriptive
factors may be of great importance to a particular representation are best kept advisory and experi-
constituency. mental for a good while, as they currently are.
I stress the creation of social meaning and de Selective forms are also best kept experimen-
facto legitimacy rather than, say, the need for role tal. Permanent quotas are relatively undesirable
models on the part of individuals in the descrip- because they are both static and highly essential-
tively underrepresented group precisely because izing. They assume, for example, that any woman
points like these have often been presented as can stand for all women, any Black for all Blacks.
questions of individual psychology.16 Instead, I They do not respond well to constituents’ many-
want to point out that the social meaning exists sided and cross-cutting interests.
outside the heads of the members of the descrip- Drawing political boundaries to produce
tive group, and that de facto legitimacy has sub- majority-minority districts is also both relatively
stantive consequences. . . . static and essentializing. Cumulative voting in
For similar reasons I do not contrast “sym- at-large districts (Guinier 1994) is far more fluid,
bolic” and “substantive” representation. In politi- as it allows individuals to choose whether they
cal contexts the word “symbol” often bears the want to cast all their votes for a descriptive rep-
unspoken modifier “mere.” Moreover, symbols resentative or divide their votes among different
are often perceived as being “only” in people’s representatives, each of whom can represent one
heads rather than “real.” Psychological needs are or another facet of the voters’ interests. Such sys-
intangible, and it is easy incorrectly to contrast the tems, however, have their own costs in party col-
or applicable copyright law.

“intangible” with the “real” (as Swain 1993, 211, lusion to produce noncompeting candidates and
points out). In most writing on this subject, the the consequent voter demobilization.17 Systems
structural consequences of descriptive representa- of proportional representation with party lists
tion have been de-emphasized in favor of psycho- have well-known costs, but are still a relatively
logical ones in ways that I believe do not reflect flexible way to introduce selective descriptive
their actual relative influence in contemporary representation, as those lists can change easily in
political life. each election.18 Similarly, experimental decisions
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by political parties to make a certain percentage resentation usually produces benefits that extend
of candidates descriptively representative of an throughout the political system.
underrepresented group are preferable to quotas
embedded in law or constitutions. Such ad hoc
arrangements can be flexible over time. Notes
Less obtrusive, although also undoubtedly
less immediately successful, are other “enabling 1. The term “microcosmic” comes from Birch 1993, 72;
the term “selective” is my own.
devices,” such as schools for potential candidates 2. If adding descriptive criteria in fact made a selection
(Phillips 1995, 57), and reforms aimed at reduc- process dip significantly lower into the pool of poten-
ing the barriers to representation, such as those tial representatives, polities could compensate for any
studied by the Canadian Royal Commission on expected descriptive decrement by reducing the nega-
Electoral Reform: “caps on nomination cam- tive impact of the other factors on selection (e.g., by
instituting public funding for campaigns or increasing
paign expenses; public funding of nomination the salary of the legislators). The number of talented
campaign expenses . . . ; the establishing of formal and dedicated individuals currently driven away from
search committees within each party to help iden- state and federal electoral politics by low salaries and
tify and nominate potential candidates from dis- the politically compromising activities of fund-raising
advantaged groups; and so on” (Kymlicka 1993, is undoubtedly far higher than the number that would
be overlooked if, say, ethnicity and gender played
62). Vouchers for day care or high-quality day greater roles in the selection process.
care at the workplace of elected officials would 3. Pitkin’s ([1967] 1972) condemnation of descriptive rep-
reduce the barriers to political entry for parents resentation recognized its uses in deliberation, but set up
of young children. Scholarships to law schools what I believe to be a false dichotomy between “talking”
for members of historically disadvantaged and and “actively governing” (63, 84), as well as sometimes
seeming to restrict the deliberative function to simply
proportionally underrepresented groups would “giving information” (63, 81, 83, 84, 88, 90).
reduce another major barrier to entry.19 This 4. See also Phillips 1995, 52, quoting a group of French-
approach more generally aims at identifying and women in 1789 (“a man, no matter how honest he
then reducing the specific structural barriers to may be, cannot represent a woman”), and Williams
formal political activity that serve to reduce the 1998, 133, quoting the Reverend Antoinette L.
Brown in 1852 (“Man cannot represent woman”).
percentages in office of particular disadvantaged 5. The intent of this argument is not to restrict groups
groups. . . . designated for selective representation to those who
This chapter represents a plea for moving have been legally deprived of the vote or other rights
beyond a dichotomous approach to descriptive of citizenship, but to draw normative attention to this
representation. It argues that descriptive represen- characteristic on the grounds of past societal respon-
sibility. Such responsibility is also involved when a
tation is not always necessary, but rather that the form of discrimination, such as that against gays and
best approach to descriptive representation is con- lesbians, has run so deep that it has not been necessary
textual, asking when the benefits of such repre- legally to forbid their political participation. Historical
sentation might be most likely to exceed the costs. discrimination is also usually responsible for commu-
Representation is in part a deliberative process. nication impaired by distrust, a social meaning of lesser
citizenship, and impaired de facto legitimacy, three of
Recognizing this deliberative function should the four contexts that in the central argument in the
alert us to contexts of communication impaired text mandate particular concern for descriptive rep-
by distrust and contexts of relatively uncrystallized resentation. See Phillips 1992, 1995; Kymlicka 1993,
interests. In both of these contexts, descriptive 1995; and Williams 1998 on historical and systemic
representation usually furthers the substantive rep- disadvantage; Guinier (1994, 140) points out, how-
ever, that her argument does not rely primarily on the
resentation of interests by improving the quality of
or applicable copyright law.

historic context of group disenfranchisement. Political

deliberation. Systems of representation also have marginalization, our concern here, need not require
externalities, beyond the process of representa- economic inferiority (Aminzade n.d.).
tion itself, in the creation of political meaning and 6. Surrogate representation is in many ways similar to
legitimacy. Recognizing these externalities should what Burke called “virtual representation” ([1972] 1871,
293). It differs in applying to the aggregative as well as
alert us to contexts of past denigration of a group’s the deliberative function of democracy to will as well
ability to rule and contexts of low current legiti- as wisdom, to changing preferences as well as relatively
macy. In both of these contexts, descriptive rep- fixed and objective interests, and to negotiations among

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self-interested groups as well as the good of the Crenshaw 1991; Gilmore 1996, chap. 3; Richie 1996;
nation as a whole (Pitkin [1967] 1972, 169–75; see Walker 1981).
Williams 1998, 33ff., for a nuanced discussion of 12. I take this point from Representative Barney Frank
Burke’s concept of a “description” of people). Burke (personal communication, June 1998), who as an
therefore did not address questions of proportional- openly gay legislator in the U.S. Congress serves as a
ity, as does my concept of surrogate representation, surrogate descriptive representative for many on gay
Weissberg’s (1978) similar “collective representation,” and lesbian issues.
and Jackson and King’s (1989) “institutional” repre- 13. The concept has a word in German: Regierungsfahig,
sentation. For a fuller analysis of surrogate representa- “fit to rule.”
tion, see Mansbridge 1998. 14. Distinguishing between minority “nationalities” and
7. Two of Anne Phillips’s four “key arguments” for minority “ethnic groups” within a nation-state, Kym-
descriptive representation turn on this issue. One is licka (1995) makes a convincing case on the basis of
“the need to tackle those exclusions that are inherent reparations for nationalities having forms of repre-
in the party-packaging of political ideas” and the other sentation separate from those of the majority popula-
“the importance of a politics of transformation in a tion. Although Kymlicka does not espouse descriptive
opening up the full range of policy options” (1995, representation for minority ethnic groups or women,
25; see also 43–45, 50, 70, 151ff.). Her analysis, par- a similar historically based case could be made for
ticularly of transformative politics, goes much further temporary forms of selective descriptive representa-
than I have the opportunity to do here. Holding other tion. See Williams 1998 on “memory,” suggesting for
features of substantive representation equal, one might selective descriptive representation only the two cri-
expect descriptive representatives in a field of uncrys- teria of contemporary inequality and a history of dis-
tallized interests to be most efficacious when dominant crimination. Using only these criteria would generate
groups have kept key issues off the political agenda as candidates for selective representation Asians, Lati-
(see Bachrach and Baratz 1963). nos, 18- to 21-year-olds, and the propertyless, among
8. Mansbridge 1998. Others have called this process other groups.
representation by “recruitment” (Kingdon 1981, 45), 15. Heilig and Mundt (1984) found that although mov-
“initial selection” (Bernstein 1989), or “electoral re- ing from at-large to single-member district systems
placement” (Stimson, MacKuen, and Erikson 1995). in the 1970s increased the number of Mexican
9. Adam Clymer, “Daughter of Slavery Hushes Senate,” American and Black members on city councils, the
New York Times, 23 July, 1993. See also Gutmann and fiscal constraints of the cities were so great that even
Thompson 1996, 135–36. achieving a majority of the group on the council
10. Her experience as an African American also helped brought few results that greatly affected the citizens
Moseley-Braun find words to describe the issue that (see also Karnig and Welch 1980). At the same time,
would convince the other senators to change their however, they found that council members from
minds. See Williams 1998 on “voice.” low-income districts were far more likely than at-
11. Thomas (1994) summarizes the literature on gender large representatives to adopt an “ombudsman” role,
differences among legislators and adds important data helping constituents with personal problems and
of her own. She and Mezey (1994) each point out government services. Whatever the cause, the result
that although on several feminist issues party affiliation seemed to be greater satisfaction among constitu-
predicts feminist position better than female gender, ents after moving to a single-member district system
gender has its own independent effect. See also Berk- (Heilig and Mundt 1984, 85, 152).
man and O’Connor 1993; Skjeie 1991; Jonasdottir 16. On role models see, e.g., the interview with Repre-
1988; Strauss 1998. Representative diversity (and the sentative Craig Washington in Swain 1993, 193. Pres-
critical mass of important subgroups within that di- ton (1978, 198) and particularly Cole (1976, 221–23)
versity) in any descriptive group greatly increases the stress what I call social meaning.
chances of diverse perspectives being represented in 17. The state of Illinois practiced cumulative voting until
deliberation. For example, although there was one the process was eliminated in 1982 in a cost-cutting
Black woman on the 16-member Illinois Commission effort that reduced the size of the assembly. The cu-
on the Status of Women when it debated the Sexual mulative voting system produced greater proportional
Assault Act (which also changed the burden of proof representation of Democrats and Republicans in the
in rape, requiring the alleged rapist rather than the vic- state legislature but not a great degree of voter choice,
or applicable copyright law.

tim to show that the victim had consented), it is not because for strategic reasons the two major parties of-
clear how deeply, if at all, the commission discussed ten ran altogether only three candidates for the three
the distinctive concerns of Black women on this issue. seats available in each district (Sawyer and MacRae
The differential conviction rates of African American 1962; Adams 1996).
and White men, the historical legacy of lynching, 18. See Zimmerman 1992, 1994 for the positive and neg-
and the ongoing racism of most contemporary police ative features of cumulative voting and different forms
forces complicate for Black women approval of any of proportional representation.
law such as this that shifts the burden of proof on con- 19. Directing attention to the eligible pool, Darcy, Welch,
sent in rape from the victim to the alleged rapist (see and Clark (1987, 101) indicate that the percentage of
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Chapter 25
Preferable Descriptive
Will Just Any Woman, Black, or
Latino Do?
Suzanne Dovi

Democratic political institutions are often evalu- in its political life. Such a commitment, at least
ated by the gender, ethnicity, and race of elected in many circumstances, requires society to take
representatives (e.g., Guinier 1994; Paolino 1995). active steps to increase the number of descriptive
Implicit in these evaluations is the assumption representatives. On these grounds, these theorists
that democratic political institutions that lack any endorse various institutional reforms such as party
representatives from historically disadvantaged list quotas, caucuses, racial districting, and schemes
groups are unjust. Moreover, these evaluations for proportional representation. But these theorists
often assume that an increase in the number of have said remarkably little about the criteria that
representatives from historically disadvantaged should guide democratic citizens in their choice
groups can contribute to the substantive represen- of descriptive representatives.2 The emphasis of
tation of those groups (e.g., Thomas 1991). . . . this literature so far has been on establishing the
This method of evaluating democratic institutions need for the presence of some descriptive represen-
often assumes that the more women, Blacks, and tatives, not on investigating criteria for identifying
Latinos, the better for democratic institutions.1 preferable descriptive representatives.
These assumptions justify the political practice Which members of historically disadvantaged
of setting aside certain political and institutional groups are preferable representatives for those
positions for members of historically disadvan- groups? My primary aim is to argue for the need
taged groups. These positions are specifically for criteria that will help answer this question. I
designed to increase the number of representa- take the value of having descriptive representa-
tives from historically disadvantaged groups—that tives in public positions as a given.3 . . . I propose
is, the number of what I call “descriptive repre- one criterion for identifying preferable descriptive
sentatives.” Contemporary political theorists have representatives: Preferable descriptive representa-
directly and indirectly supported these assumptions tives have strong mutual relationships with dispos-
by offering several explanations for why politi- sessed subgroups. . . .
or applicable copyright law.

cal representatives for a historically disadvantaged

group should come from that group (e.g., Mans-
bridge 1999; Phillips 1995; Sapiro 1981). . . . Justifying the Silence about Criteria
Although the reasons they advance differ signifi-
cantly, these theorists sound a common theme: Silence about the criteria for evaluating descrip-
To be fully democratic, a society that has denied tive representatives is not accidental. Theorists of
full political membership to certain groups must group representation have offered two kinds of
be strongly committed to including those groups arguments to justify their silence. . . .
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According to the autonomy argument, members of ability to satisfy these different functions. How-
historically disadvantaged groups should decide for ever, her emphasis on identifying the contingent
themselves who is a preferable descriptive representa- conditions under which descriptive representa-
tive. . . . According to this line of thinking, respecting tion is preferable to nondescriptive representation
the autonomy of historically disadvantaged groups makes the actual choice of descriptive representa-
requires theorists to refrain from advancing criteria tives secondary, if not irrelevant.
for evaluating descriptive representatives. . . . . . . Theorists of descriptive representation avoid
The first version of the autonomy argument a tough question: Who is a preferable descriptive
asserts that any proposed criterion for evaluat- representative? Answering this question is not
ing descriptive representatives presupposes that a easy, because it requires privileging the interests,
historically disadvantaged group has an essential values, and perspectives of certain members of his-
nature. . . . To explain why some members are less torically disadvantaged groups over those of other
suitable descriptive representatives is to question members. Answers to this question can therefore
the authenticity of those members’ identity. Such have the effect of downplaying, if not excluding,
explanations possess an implicit charge that “she certain interests, values, and perspectives. For this
isn’t really a woman” or “he isn’t really black.” . . . reason, answers to the question of who is a prefer-
The second version of the autonomy argument able descriptive representative are more likely to
emphasizes the autonomy of descriptive representa- be disputed than answers to the question, “why
tives. . . . To suppose that there is a fixed set of have descriptive representatives?”
criteria by which descriptive representatives should
be judged is to fail to appreciate how the autonomy
afforded to representatives justifies the politics of The Need for Criteria
presence. According to this second formulation,
it would be misguided to provide a laundry list of . . . To articulate criteria for evaluating descrip-
“good policies” that a female representative should tive representatives runs the risk that those criteria
support and to insist that preferable female represen- can be used in unanticipated and possibly harm-
tatives can vote only in ways consistent with that ful ways. Some fear that articulating such criteria
list. After all, male representatives could also vote might also unduly influence members of histori-
according to a laundry list. The more one knows cally disadvantaged groups.
how a descriptive representative should act, the less it Such concerns are understandable but ultimate-
is necessary to have a descriptive representative. . . . ly unpersuasive. After all, to articulate such criteria
The second kind of argument for remaining is not necessarily to assume that all members of a
silent about the criteria for judging descriptive historically disadvantaged group have some essen-
representatives is the contingency argument. Accord- tial identity. In fact, the very real and politically
ing to this argument, it is impossible to articulate relevant differences among members of historically
the criteria that should be used to evaluate descrip- marginalized groups point to the desperate need
tive representatives because context matters. . . . for a theoretical discussion of criteria. There is a
For Mansbridge (1999), descriptive representa- difference between articulating particular policies
tives are needed when marginalized groups dis- that a descriptive representative must endorse to
trust relatively more privileged citizens and when count as a legitimate descriptive representative and
marginalized groups possess political preferences articulating general guidelines for identifying pref-
that have not been fully formed. She emphasizes erable descriptive representatives. . . . To maintain
that descriptive representatives are necessary only that a descriptive representative should pay special
or applicable copyright law.

under certain conditions—that is, when descrip- attention to overlooked interests does not require
tive representatives perform certain functions in that she possess a particular view about those inter-
certain contexts. Mansbridge’s discussion provides ests.4 . . . However, to say that descriptive repre-
some important insights into evaluating when sentatives can legitimately interpret their group’s
descriptive representation is necessary. Implicitly, interests in multiple ways is not to say that anything
her work offers some general criteria for evaluat- goes. Descriptive representatives who denounce
ing descriptive representatives—that is, by their their group affiliations or who deny that they have
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Preferable Descriptive Representatives 217
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any particular obligation to their group would fail to Descriptive representation can fail to revitalize
achieve the ends for which descriptive representa- democratic institutions. It can also undermine
tion was introduced (cf. Phillips’s four arguments). democratic institutions if the ruling elites of histor-
Descriptive representatives who claim to represent ically disadvantaged groups use their institutional
only the common good might be desirable repre- positions to control those groups instead of mobi-
sentatives for other reasons; however, they do not lizing those groups or bringing their overlooked
satisfy Phillips’s “overlooked interests” argument. interests onto the policy agenda (e.g., Cohen
. . . To pose criteria for judging descriptive 1999). For these reasons, it is important to clarify
representatives is not the same as imposing those the criteria for judging descriptive representatives.
criteria on members of historically disadvantaged Evaluations of democratic institutions need to go
groups. Obviously, to impose criteria on such beyond merely quantitative considerations—that
groups, or on democratic citizens more gener- is, the number of descriptive representatives. Eval-
ally, is wrongheaded. It is crucial according to my uations of democratic institutions need to consider
view that members of historically disadvantaged the extent to which preferable descriptive repre-
groups retain the ability to choose to adopt any sentatives are present. The criteria for identifying
proposed criterion.5 preferable descriptive representatives need to iden-
. . . Theorists can offer criteria for choosing tify principled reasons for preferring some descrip-
among descriptive representatives and still main- tive representative to others that are in line with
tain that members of historically disadvantaged the arguments for group representation. By failing
groups must determine for themselves whether to discuss criteria for assessing descriptive repre-
a specific criterion is appropriate at any particu- sentatives, this theoretical literature ignores certain
lar moment. This leads to the second argument persistent debates about descriptive representation
for remaining silent: the role of contingencies in in contemporary politics. It also disregards the pos-
evaluations of descriptive representatives. sible dangers and disappointments of a politics of
Context undeniably does matter. . . . For presence to democratic politics.
instance, who is a preferable descriptive represen-
tative might depend on whose interests, opinions,
and perspectives are currently being stigmatized The Criterion for Evaluating Descriptive
and marginalized by existing political norms and Representatives
institutional processes. . . . Which descriptive
representatives are preferable might also depend My criterion for evaluating descriptive repre-
on the reasons that descriptive representation is sentatives is a general one: Democratic citizens
necessary, e.g., to increase the trust groups have in should consider the degree to which a descrip-
democratic institutions or to include overlooked tive representative has mutual relationships with
interests on the policy agenda. dispossessed subgroups as relevant to identifying
Espousing criteria is not the same as requiring preferable descriptive representatives. Preferable
that certain criteria be applied in all circumstances. descriptive representatives will have strong mutual
Like most theorists of descriptive representation, I relationships with dispossessed subgroups. This cri-
share the suspicion of a cookie-cutter approach to terion is composed of two aspects. First, prefer-
evaluating descriptive representatives. . . . able descriptive representatives should possess a
My final argument for articulating criteria for particular kind of relationship (mutual), and sec-
evaluating descriptive representatives is based on ond, they should have this kind of relationship
my understanding of a particular role that political with certain subgroups of historically disadvan-
or applicable copyright law.

theory can and should play. Increasingly, the need taged groups (dispossessed).
for political theory to inform contemporary politi-
cal controversies has been recognized (Isaac 1998, Mutual Relationships
chap. 7). . . . The suspicion is that simply having
descriptive representatives is not sufficient to meet . . . What is distinctive about my criterion is
the requirements of a democratic commitment to its specification that representatives and members
the concerns of historically disadvantaged groups. of historically disadvantaged groups must mutually
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recognize each other. Mutuality requires an inter- apathetic. Preferable descriptive representatives
active relationship between representatives and will inspire their group to act in concert with
citizens. Mutual relationships require a historically them. Although it is possible that a descriptive
disadvantaged group to recognize its descrip- representative could adequately “represent” the
tive representatives in a particular way as well concerns of the apathetic insofar as the represen-
as a descriptive representative to recognize that tative takes positions that reflect the interests or
group in a particular way. Such reciprocal recog- preferences of apathetic citizens, the descriptive
nition is necessary for descriptive representatives representative’s actions would not be democratic
and their groups to coordinate consciously cho- to the extent that apathetic citizens do not care
sen political activities. Descriptive representatives about the activities of that representative. My
without mutual relationships could be “represen- criterion prefers descriptive representatives who
tative” in the sense that their behavior responds can and do mobilize a historically disadvan-
to the policy preferences of their group, but such taged group, encouraging the active engagement
responsiveness is not sufficient to make the form of that group. Requiring preferable descrip-
of representation democratic. tive representatives to have mutual relations is
Descriptive representatives with mutual rela- very demanding and therefore likely to support
tions would improve democratic representation robust democracies.
by enabling historically disadvantaged groups to To possess mutual relations, descriptive repre-
influence the political decision-making process. In sentatives must recognize and be recognized by
doing so, historically disadvantaged groups act in members of a historically disadvantaged group in
concert with their descriptive representatives. . . . two ways. First, they must recognize each other
In proposing this criterion, I am advocating as belonging to a historically disadvantaged group,
a new approach to assessing the performance of and second, they must recognize each other as
descriptive representatives. . . . Assessing descrip- having a common understanding of the proper
tive representatives solely by the way they cast aims of a descriptive representative of the group.
their votes can lead to the conclusion that it does To recognize each other mutually in these two
not matter who represents historically disadvan- ways is to possess a mutual relationship.
taged groups (Schwarz and Shaw 1976; Swain Preferable descriptive representatives are those
1993). This approach ignores other reasons for who recognize and are recognized by members
having descriptive representatives, e.g., introduc- of their historically disadvantaged group as being
ing overlooked interests or building trust in the “one of us.” In particular, they have a recipro-
political institutions. . . . cated sense of having a fate linked with that of
Assessments of descriptive representatives need other members of their group. . . . The notion of
to consider whether these representatives reach linked fate reflects the fact that a person’s range of
out to (or distance themselves from) historically choices—that is, his or her perceived opportuni-
disadvantaged groups. Preferable descriptive rep- ties and goals—is both subjective and social. . . .
resentatives facilitate social networks. Formal as To have a sense of linked fate with a historically
well as informal ties provide the channels through disadvantaged group partially entails having a sub-
which democratic relationships could work and stantive conception of that group that is relevantly
thereby the means to revitalize democratic insti- similar to those held by other members of that
tutions. I introduce mutual relationships into group. Group membership can be based on shared
discussions of descriptive representation because visible characteristics, e.g., color of skin, or on
these discussions need to reflect the fact that what shared experiences (Mansbridge 1999). The sub-
or applicable copyright law.

determines policy is not only what political actors stantive content of group membership can vary.
do but also whom they know. Some individuals can belong to more than one
It is important to emphasize a consideration group and therefore experience conflicting alle-
implicit in my claim that preferable descrip- giances to different groups. Members can also pos-
tive representatives possess mutual relationships: sess conflicting views on their group’s politics. . . .
The commitment to democratic representation But preferable descriptive representatives
requires that democratic citizens should not be for a given group share an understanding of the
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Preferable Descriptive Representatives 219
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group’s boundaries with that group. Descriptive mutual recognition with them. The extent to
representatives who possess a narrower (and more which she disavows her relationships to African
exclusive) understanding of those boundaries are Americans indicates the extent to which she is less
unable, or at least less likely, to satisfy the argu- likely to possess mutual relationships with them.
ments that justify group representation. For this African Americans would be more likely to dis-
reason, an African-American descriptive represen- trust her. She would also be less likely to advance
tative who denies that gay and lesbian blacks are overlooked interests of the African-American
members of the group (or who excludes conser- community and to mobilize that community.
vatives, IV drug users, Muslims, or other religious Who perceives that representative as “belonging”
African Americans) would be less preferable than to the group and whom a representative claims to
one who includes those members in his or her act on the behalf of are important considerations
understanding of the group.6 After all, justifica- for evaluating the qualifications of descriptive
tions for group representation tend to emphasize representatives.
the extent to which descriptive representatives Individuals in mutual relationships not only
include overlooked interests, build trust, and fos- recognize each other as belonging to the same
ter deliberation. Descriptive representatives who group, but also recognize that they share an
overlook certain members of the group or who understanding of the proper aims of their rep-
deem certain members “inauthentic” are less likely resentatives. To have shared aims is to possess a
to fulfill these functions. Representatives who pos- similar vision for the future direction of politics—
sess broader understandings of the group are more one whose goal is the improvement of the social,
likely to overlap with the varied understandings economic, and political status of particular his-
of the represented and therefore satisfy the reasons torically disadvantaged groups. My understanding
for having an institutionalized voice. . . . Pref- of aims has two components: policy preferences
erable descriptive representatives possess shared and values.8 A descriptive representative could
understandings of group membership that recog- disagree with members of a historically disad-
nize salient differences of subgroups. . . . vantaged group about either component, yet still
To understand the importance of mutual rec- share aims.9 Some members might experience a
ognition of belonging to the group for evaluating descriptive representative advocating certain pub-
a descriptive representative, consider the following lic policies as a litmus test for shared aims with that
case. It is possible to imagine an African-American representative, e.g., their position on abortion or
representative who grew up in a primarily white affirmative action, while others see shared aims as
neighborhood, attended predominantly white resulting from a particular combination of policy
private schools, has a white spouse, and has preferences and values. Individuals can and will
shown no demonstrable interest in the problems have different conceptions of what is necessary for
of other African Americans. In fact, such a rep- having shared aims. Nevertheless, a descriptive
resentative could thrive politically by publicly representative who did not share either compo-
distancing herself from the African-American nent with a historically disadvantaged group does
community. The point of this example is not to not share aims with that group.
question whether this woman is an “authentic” In this way, my criterion recognizes that people
African American. I believe that she is.7 Rather, it who share similar political values can justifiably
is to question whether such a representative could disagree about the desirability of certain public
satisfy sufficiently the reasons that theorists for a policies. It also recognizes that individuals with dif-
politics of presence gave for increasing the num- ferent political values can agree about certain pub-
or applicable copyright law.

ber of descriptive representatives. After all, such lic policies. Consequently, I do not always want
a descriptive representative lacks the relation- people who agree with my political values or with
ships necessary to satisfy these reasons. She might my policy preferences. I do want someone who
individually face certain obstacles and experience shares my aims. The notion of shared aims recog-
forms of discrimination because of her identity; nizes the importance of the interaction between
however, she lacks the relationships with Afri- policy preferences and values for selecting prefer-
can Americans that could enable her to achieve able descriptive representatives. For this reason,
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shared aims must be measured in degrees: Descrip- This second aspect of my criterion offers a way
tive representatives share aims with a historically to return to the commitment found in the litera-
disadvantaged group to greater or less degrees. ture on group representation to those groups that
. . . Descriptive representatives are preferable have been and continue to be marginalized within
to the degree that their actions are perceived by the existing political system. A commitment to
members of a historically disadvantaged group as group representation entails a commitment to
improving their linked fate. My notion of aims is those whose interests have been overlooked, who
meant to capture the fact that members of histori- have been and continue to be unjustly excluded
cally disadvantaged groups, despite having differ- from political participation, and whose presence
ent policy preferences and values, can still share could revitalize democratic institutions. Group
a political vision aimed at relieving the plight of representation therefore requires being vigilant
their communities. Thus, the actions of descrip- about groups that lack a political voice. Preferable
tive representatives are not irrelevant to who descriptive representatives would be those who
should be considered a preferable descriptive seek out and establish mutual relationships with
representative. Preferable descriptive representa- dispossessed subgroups.
tives recognize themselves, and are recognized by To demonstrate the importance of mutual
members of a historically disadvantaged group, as relationships with dispossessed subgroups, I focus
sharing the aims of that group. on the ways in which class inequalities can con-
The importance of shared aims is most readily strain effective representation.10 Such inequali-
apparent when one lacks a representative who share ties can undermine democratic citizens’ political
one’s aims. One is less likely to accept differences of resources. My discussion of dispossessed sub-
opinions with those who have different aims than groups is by no means limited to the experiences
with those who share one’s aims. . . . Both a sense of poor subgroups of historically disadvantaged
of belonging to a group and shared aims are impor- groups. Other subgroups that lack the politi-
tant for mutual relations, for individuals whose fates cal and economic resources for effective repre-
are linked can have different aims. . . . sentation would also count as dispossessed. I use
poor subgroups to illustrate my understanding
Dispossessed Subgroups of dispossessed subgroups for two reasons. First,
this example highlights the necessity of mutual
. . . I use the term dispossessed . . . to refer to relationships for improving the substantive rep-
groups that are unjustly excluded from and/or stig- resentation of historically disadvantaged groups.
matized by the political process and consequently Second, this example demonstrates the interac-
lack the political and economic resources necessary tions among different forms of oppression.
for effective representation. Often dispossessed . . . Theorists of self-representation do not
subgroups suffer oppression not only as members adequately acknowledge problems with poor sub-
of their overarching group but also as members groups of historically disadvantaged groups being
of the subgroup. They are therefore members of represented by economically more privileged
historically disadvantaged groups, yet they face fur- members of their group. Some explicitly deny that
ther political obstacles—what Cathy Cohen (1999, class should be incorporated into political solutions
70) describes as secondary marginalization—that for presence. For example, Phillips argues that the
is, the ways in which members of marginalized politics solutions for presence should be treated as
groups construct and police group identity to distinct from issues concerning class. Phillips offers
regular behavior, attitudes, and the public image several reasons for this distinction, e.g., the difficulty
or applicable copyright law.

of those groups. Perhaps it is in virtue of the com- in defining class. However, Phillips (1995, 170–78)
bination of the forms of oppression that they lack admits that these reasons for treating class separately
the financial, time, and social resources necessary are “insincere,” stating that “when it comes down
for political participation. Class, sexuality, drug to it, the real reason for my silence on class is sim-
use, geographic location, relationships to wel- ply that it does not lend itself to the same kind of
fare, criminal records, and religion are all possible solutions.”11 This admission implies that consider-
markers of dispossessed subgroups. ations of class cannot be adequately incorporated
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Preferable Descriptive Representatives 221
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into the types of institutional reforms necessary for about political issues, let alone to participate in
increasing the number of descriptive representa- politics, requires time and economic resources.
tives. Interestingly, this admission contradicts her Elected officials increasingly spend their time
arguments for a politics of presence. . . . fund-raising. Citizens with economic resources
Others minimize the significance of socioeco- can buy access, but those without economic
nomic factors by choosing examples that focus resources tend to have relatively less access. Con-
almost exclusively on only one form of oppres- sequently, those with economic resources do not
sion. Often these examples explore the ways necessarily need as much of an institutionalized
that groups are formally excluded from politi- voice as those who lack those resources. . . .
cal participation. For instance, Williams focuses One should not assume that class “perspec-
on the structural obstacles faced by U.S. women tives” are necessarily better represented if eth-
and African Americans in their efforts to gain full nicity, race, and gender are better represented in
political standing. She cites economic inequalities legislatures. After all, research has documented the
as indicators that institutional reforms are neces- economic disparities within various racial groups
sary, yet her proposed institutional reforms are (e.g., Dawson 1994, chap. 2; Hochschild 1995;
aimed exclusively at formal political exclusions. Wilson 1980). Such disparities are increasing.
Williams’s emphasis on formal political exclu- Although they continue as a group to be econom-
sions reflects the tendency among proponents ically and socially worse off than whites, African
of group representation to notice the oppressive Americans are increasingly economically divided
nature of socioeconomic status without incorpo- in ways that affect housing, jobs, death rates, and
rating this observation into their arguments for the likelihood of being a victim of crime. . . .
group representation or into their proposed insti- My criterion for evaluating descriptive rep-
tutional reforms. . . . resentation should not be interpreted as argu-
William’s analysis of self-representation would ing that the self-representation of women or of
have benefited from an example in which the African Americans or other minorities is secondary
dynamic of multiple forms of oppression was con- to the representation of the poor. Such an argu-
sidered. . . . Theorists of group representation tend ment would merely mimic the common claim
to give examples in which the dynamics of race, that identity politics is divisive while class is more
class, and gender are prominent only a cursory unifying (Gitlin 1995). Nor am I repeating claims
treatment, if any treatment at all. They also tend to that class is more politically salient than race. . . .
downplay how political norms and practices with- I maintain that who is a preferable descriptive
in the democratic institutions, e.g., recruitment representative depends on how different forms
practices, can marginalize certain subgroups. Con- of oppression intersect; for example, how race
sequently, their understandings of group represen- can work in conjunction with class is relevant to
tation ignore that inclusion in politics can promote determining who is a preferable descriptive rep-
instrumental political bargaining at the expense of resentative. Democratic citizens need to evalu-
transformative politics (Dryzek 1996; Reed 1999). ate descriptive representatives in ways that attend
More specifically, theorists of group representa- to how political institutions marginalize certain
tion do not adequately address the particular barri- groups. Young was right that institutional reforms
ers to effective representation experienced by poor aimed at increasing the number of descriptive rep-
subgroups of historically disadvantaged groups. . . . resentatives can entrench certain interests, e.g., by
Theorists who emphasize electoral reforms that privileging heterosexual Latinos at the expense of
increase the number of descriptive representatives gay and lesbian Latinos. Moreover, evaluations of
or applicable copyright law.

also tend to ignore the kinds of resources neces- descriptive representatives are particularly messy
sary for poor subgroups to advance their politi- when segments of a historically disadvantaged
cal agendas. Traditional means for getting policy group reject a descriptive representative. For
preferences onto the political agenda—studies, Young, the diversity within historically disad-
public relations campaigns, lobbying efforts— vantaged groups can be so great that schemes of
advantage citizens who are financially better off group representation will necessarily result in the
and resource-rich. Being able to stay informed suppression of difference.
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However, recognition of the diversity within the proper criteria could therefore help refine
historically disadvantaged groups does not change those decisions and prevent such exclusions. . . .
the fact that some groups are chronically under-
represented. In other words, it does not change the Notes
fact that some groups need institutional reforms to
enhance their substantive representation. For the 1. For an opposing view, see Cameron, Epstein, and
O’Halloran 1996.
institutional reforms to work successfully, demo-
2. I use “democratic citizens” to refer to all citizens—
cratic citizens need to select descriptive representa- that is, to both citizens who are members of histori-
tives in ways that are sensitive to how institutional cally disadvantaged groups and citizens who possess
norms and practices unjustly marginalize dispos- more privileged social locations.
sessed subgroups. My criterion offers one way to 3. The need for institutional reforms aimed at increasing
the number of descriptive representatives for a certain
take into account the dynamic among different
historically disadvantaged group may be temporary.
forms of oppression: Who is a preferable descriptive These reforms may be dropped, if and when the society
representative depends partially on whose interests, has advanced to the point where a historically disadvan-
opinions, and perspectives are being excluded. taged group is no longer politically marginalized.
Recall that a descriptive representative’s shared 4. Like representatives generally, good descriptive rep-
resentatives should sometimes act as trustees and at
aims and sense of belonging to a group provide
other times act as delegates. The standards for good
some substantive guidance for what that represen- representation cannot be linked strictly to the policy
tative should be doing. In this way, my criterion preferences of the represented. Pitkin (1967, 166) ex-
depends on context. Those selecting descriptive pressed this point in the following way: “Neither ‘fol-
representatives (for appointments, committees, or low their wishes’ nor ‘ignore their wishes’ will do; the
decision must depend on why they disagree . . . but
public office) need to attend to the mutual rela-
the standard by which he [the representative] will be
tionships that descriptive representatives possess judged as a representative is whether he has promoted
with dispossessed subgroups. They should not the objective interest of those he represents. Within
assume that “just any woman will do” or that “just the framework of his basic obligation there is room
any black will do.” Institutional reforms aimed at for a wide variety of alternatives.” My criterion for as-
sessing preferable descriptive representatives does not
increasing the number of descriptive representa-
assume one particular understanding of the objective
tives are more likely to revitalize democratic insti- interests of historically marginalized groups.
tutions if citizens assess descriptive representatives 5. A description of the conditions necessary for promoting
using my criterion. this ability is clearly beyond the scope of this paper.
For this reason, I submit that when one has a 6. As can be seen, descriptive representatives with mu-
tual relations do not necessarily possess “progressive”
choice between two descriptive representatives,
or “liberal” policy agendas.
one who has strong mutual relationships to dis- 7. To articulate reasons for preferring some descriptive
possessed subgroups and another who does not, representatives to others is not the same as questioning
one should (ceteris paribus) prefer the former. I the authenticity of a descriptive representative’s mem-
have so far avoided the question of what to do bership. A full discussion of the relationship between
preferability and legitimacy is clearly beyond the scope
when choosing among descriptive representa-
of this chapter. Here I purposely limit my discussion to
tives who possess mutual relationships to differ- the desirability of particular descriptive representatives
ent dispossessed subgroups. Such moments do not their legitimacy. I recognize that all members of
not have generalizable or easy answers. In such a historically disadvantaged group are in some sense
circumstances, citizens face tough choices that legitimate descriptive representatives of that group.
In other words, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Marian
require exercising their own political judgment.
Wright Edelman, Shelby Steele, and Allan Keyes are
To recognize that the dispossessed too can have
or applicable copyright law.

all legitimate descriptive representatives for African

diverse interests is to acknowledge that my cri- Americans; however, who is a preferable descriptive
terion might not settle the question of who is a representative for African Americans depends on who
preferable descriptive representative. However, possesses strong mutual relationships with dispossessed
subgroups. Such subgroups can include conservative
the refusal to examine the criteria being used for
and/or poor subgroups.
selecting descriptive representatives can reinforce 8. For a discussion of the difference between measur-
the norms and practices that unjustly exclude dis- ing political values and policy preferences, see Stoker
possessed subgroups. Public deliberations about 2001 and Rasiniski 2001.

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9. To explicate the idea of an aim, it is necessary to dif- Dawson, Michael C. 1994. Behind the Mule: Race and Class
ferentiate an aim from what Young (2000, 134) calls in African-American Politics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
the “modes of representation”—that is, three aspects University.
of one’s identity that need to be represented. Those Dryzek, John. 1996. “Political Inclusion and the Dynamics
three aspects are interests (policy preferences), opin- of Democratization.” American Political Science Review
ions (values, priorities, and principles), and perspec- 90 (September): 475–87.
tives (starting points of conversations). While Williams Gitlin, Todd. 1995. Twilight of Common Dreams. New
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more inextricably tied, Young stresses how these dif- Guinier, Lani. 1994. The Tyranny of the Majority: Fundamental
ferent aspects of a person’s identity can conflict. For Fairness in Representative Democracy. New York: Free
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tives. Individual representatives are less likely to sat- Cornell University.
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are the processes of representation. I know of no rep- and Women Represent Women? A Contingent ‘Yes.”’
resentative who shares all of my interests, opinions, Journal of Politics 61 (August): 628–57.
and perspectives. These modes of representation are Paolino, Phillip. 1995. “Group-Salient Issues and Group
too narrow to provide much guidance for identifying Representation: Support for Women Candidates in
preferable descriptive representatives. For this reason, the 1992 Senate Elections.” American Journal of Political
I argue that members of historically disadvantaged Science 39 (May): 294–313.
groups should seek descriptive representatives who Phillips, Anne. 1995. Politics of Presence. New York:
share their aims. Clarendon.
10. I explicitly reject an understanding of class that is Pitkin, Hanna Fenichel. 1967. The Concept of Representation.
based on categories and classification schemes; rather, Berkeley: University of California.
I am concerned with how class relations are produced Rasiniski, Kenneth. 2001. “Commentary: The Study of
and maintained through political institutions. Phil- Values,” In Citizens and Politics: Perspectives from Political
lips argues that the category of class is substantively Psychology, ed. James Kuklinski. New York: Cambridge
different from conceptions of race and gender. For University.
example, one loses one’s class when one becomes Reed, Aldoph. 1999. Stirrings of the Jug. Minneapolis:
an elected official. For an alternative understanding University of Minnesota.
of class, see Acker (2000, 197), who defines class as Sapiro, Virginia. 1981. “When Are Interests Interesting?”
“social relations constructed through active practices, American Political Science Review 75 (September): 701–21.
not as categories or classifications of people accord- Schwarz, John E., and L. Earl Shaw. 1976. The United
ing to socioeconomic characteristics or occupational States Congress in Comparative Perspective. New York:
status.” Holt. Rinehart and Winston.
11. For her full discussion of class, see Phillips 1995, chap. 7. Stoker, Laura 2001. “Political Value Judgments.” In
Citizens and Politics: Perspectives from Political Psychology,
ed. James Kuklinski. New York: Cambridge University.
Swain, Carol M. 1993. Black Faces, Black Interests:
References The Representation of African Americans in Congress.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
Acker, Joan. 2000. “Revisiting Class: Thinking from Thomas, Sue. 1991. “The Impact of Women on State
Gender, Race, and Organizations.” Social Politics Legislative Policies.” Journal of Politics 53 (November):
(Summer): 192–213. 958–76.
Cameron, Charles, David Epstein, and Sharyn O’Halloran. Williams, Melissa. 1998. Voice, Trust, and Memory: Marginalized
1996. “Do Majority-Minority Districts Maximize Groups and the Failings of Liberal Representation.
Substantive Black Representation in Congress?” Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.
American Political Science Review 90 (December): 794– Wilson, William Julius. 1980. The Declining Significance of
or applicable copyright law.

812. Race: Blacks and Changing American Institutions. 2nd ed.

Cohen, Cathy. 1999. The Boundaries of Blackness: AIDS Chicago: University of Chicago.
and the Breakdown of Black Politics. Chicago: University Young, Iris Marion. 2000. Inclusion and Democracy. Oxford:
of Chicago. Oxford University.

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Chapter 26
From a Small to a Large Minority:
Women in Scandinavian Politics
Drude Dahlerup

Does the Size of the Minority Count? ings. Therefore the analogy has its limitations.
Yet, this chapter makes the point that we should
“Don’t expect us to make much difference as long not neglect that politics is also a workplace, an
as we are only a few women in politics. It takes organization with its own rules, norms, and
a critical mass of women to make fundamental culture.
changes in politics.” Today, arguments like this The idea of critical mass is most often applied
can be heard among women politicians. This ana- to situations when women constitute less than 30
lytic term has been included in ordinary language percent, in this way explaining why the entrance
before the concept of a critical mass has been of women into politics has not made more differ-
properly developed in scientific analysis. . . . ence—yet!
Women in minority positions are the focus In this chapter, however, I discuss the rel-
here. Recent literature has discussed what hap- evance of the concept, based on the experiences
pens to women that, few in number, enter male of women in Scandinavian politics. . . .
dominated areas like politics and traditional male The question is this: What is supposed to
professions and crafts. Tokenism, invisibility, mar- change when moving from a small to a large
ginality, harassment, the Queen Bee Syndrome, minority? Is it possible to identify a self-increas-
exclusion from the informal network are some of ing process, which will start when the minority
the important problems discussed in the literature reaches a certain size? Are we in Scandinavia wit-
of women as a minority. nessing a critical mass at work? . . .
The term “critical mass” implies that the size
of the minority is crucial, and that to women in Some Methodological Remarks
politics a fundamental change may happen long
before they reach the 50 (or maybe 60) percent . . . Several studies, using multivariate correla-
of the seats. tions analysis, have with different results tried—
The concept of a critical mass is borrowed among many other variables—to measure the
from nuclear physics, where it refers to the quan- effect of the relative number of women in vari-
or applicable copyright law.

tity needed to start a chain reaction, an irreversible ous local councils on the expenditures on for in-
take-off into a new situation or process (Rendel stance day care and care for the elderly. For the
1978). discussion of what will change when the minority
In physics, the concept of a critical mass is grows, however, more qualitative approaches are
applied to a process that takes place in isolated needed.
entities or rooms. In social sciences, however, . . . The empirical data used in this chapter on
every entity we look at is normally characterized women in politics in the five Nordic countries
by some degree of interaction with its surround- comes from several sources: Lengthy interviews
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with 28 Nordic women politicians at the national organizations are related to the “minority” status
and local level in a structured, nonrepresentative of women in society at large.
sample (Dahlerup 1985); results from a question- . . . Rosabeth Moss Kanter concludes that the
naire sent to all national political parties in the problems of these women derive from women’s
five Nordic countries (Dahlerup: The POP Sur- minority position in the organization, not from
vey 1984) and results from a questionnaire sent to the fact that they are women. Other minorities,
all women’s organizations and equality commit- such as blacks, will encounter the same problems
tees within the same political parties at national (Kanter 1977).
level, provided such organizations existed in the My counterargument will be that the “minor-
party (Dahlerup: The WOC Survey 1984); infor- ity” status of women or blacks outside the orga-
mation about what strategies women in the five nizations interacts with their status inside the
countries have used to improve women’s political organization, thus creating greater problems
representation (Dahlerup 1988); data on women’s than white males encounter when in a minority
political representation in Haavio-Mannila et al. position.
(1985). The surveys of local councillors made by Some minorities do fine inside an organiza-
Hellevik & Skard (1985) and Wallin et al. (1981) tion if they, directly or indirectly, get support and
have provided useful information. . . . resources from outside. The successful careers of
male nurses illustrate that “majority group status”
Women as a “Minority Group” in society at large might balance or even coun-
terbalance an actual minority position inside the
Back in 1951, Helen Mayer Hacker wrote her organization. Needless to say, women do not get
famous article “Women as a Minority Group” power just because they are in the majority. . . .
(Hacker 1951). . . . Hacker’s basic idea is that
although they constitute 50 percent or more of Problems Women Encounter as a Minority
the population, women—like minority groups— in Male-Dominated Organizations
suffer from discrimination and unequal treatment.
Women also display many of the psychologi- The following problems are compiled from the
cal characteristics ascribed to minorities, such as literature on women entering male-dominated
self-hatred, feelings of inferiority, denying a feel- professions and workplaces. . . . The question here
ing of group identification, and yet developing is whether women in politics meet the same prob-
a separate subculture within the dominant cul- lems, and maybe only when in a small minority.
ture. . . . Women who make it in the male world,
on the other hand, will try to dissociate themselves
Consequence of women being in the minority
from other women. This is a theory of women’s
in an organization (most of them shared with
“minority status” in society in general.
others in a minority position)

When Women Are Actually in the Minority • high visibility

• become token, e.g., symbols of the entire
Although interlinked, the theory of women sex (group), symbols of what women can do,
as a minority group should not be confused with stand-ins for all women
theories of the problems women encounter when • role conflicts, e.g., too feminine or too mas-
numerically in the minority, e.g., as politicians, culine
engineers, mechanics, executives, or journalists. • lack of allies in the organization
or applicable copyright law.

The theory about women in actual minority • exclusion from informal network
positions looks at women within an organization. • lack of knowledge of the informal power
This is also the focus of this chapter. structure and the recruitment process, lack of
The connection between the minority group personal power
status of women and women in actual minority • higher dropout rate
positions derives from the fact that many of the • lower rate of promotion
problems women experience as minorities within • lower efficiency
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From a Small to a Large Minority 227
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• feel uncomfortable in the dominant culture of but then must often pretend that the differ-
the organization ences do not exist, or have no implications,”
• over-accommodation ´ Moss Kanter writes (p. 239). Tokens are alone,
• sexual harassment ´ yet the dynamics of interaction around them
• lack of legitimate authority ´ “create a pressure for them to seek advantage by
• stereotyping ´ dissociating themselves from other of their cat-
• no considerations for family obligations by the egory and hence, to remain alone” (p. 239). This
organization ´ implies that tokens are unable to from alliances
• exposed to doubled standard ´ with each other.
Relaxing situations, e.g., after-work drinks
Problems marked with an ´ are considered
and sports events, are often most stressful for
combined consequences of the minority position
tokens, who then lack the protection of defined
and women’s status in a patriarchal society in
positions and structured interaction. In short,
general. . . .
according to Moss Kanter, organizational, social,
. . . Women politicians seem to be caught
and personal ambivalence surrounds people in
between two conflicting expectations:
token situations.
(1) Women politicians must prove that they are In the tilted group (“with ratios of perhaps
just like (just as able as) male politicians, who 65:35,” Kanter writes; from her figure, however,
in general have longer seniority and whose from 15 to about 40), the minority is becoming
gender occupied the political arena long strong enough to begin to influence the culture of
before women were allowed to participate. the group, and alliances between minority group
(2) Women politicians must prove that it makes members become a possibility. The “tokens”
a difference when more women are elected. have changed into a “minority.”
This second demand comes from the wom- In the balanced group (about 60:40 and down to
en’s organizations and the feminist movement, 50:50), culture and interaction reflect this balance,
who critically ask why it does not make more Moss Kanter argues. And for the individuals in
difference that there are now more women in such a balanced group the outcome will depend
politics. . . . more on other structural and personal factors than
their type (gender, race).
The Relative Numbers Count The basis of this reasoning is, of course, that
there is a difference in culture and behavior
In her study of women in a big American cor- between the minority and the majority group.
poration, Rosabeth Moss Kanter makes the point The argument here is that alongside the similari-
that the size of the minority is significant. It is the ties between women and men, also marked differ-
proportion of social categories, here women and ences exist—not necessarily from birth, but from
men, that makes an important difference. Moss their different social positions and their different
Kanter identifies four types of groups on the basis social experiences.
of different proportional representation of socially Moss Kanter does not talk about a “critical
different people, be it women/men or blacks/ mass,” but simply of the gradual change when the
whites. minority grows larger in an organization. The dis-
The uniform group or organization has only one cussion of a critical mass adds to this the question
significant social group and its culture dominates of a possible point of acceleration in the influence
the organization. of the minority when reaching a certain size, e.g.,
or applicable copyright law.

The skewed group (the minority being no 30 percent. . . .

more than max. 15 percent) is controlled by
the numerically dominant group and its culture. What Will Change with More
The minority become tokens; that is, they are Women in Politics?
considered symbols of their entire group, espe-
cially if they fumble. “They are made aware of . . . What might change if the political represen-
their differences from the numerical dominants, tation of women increases? What kind of changes
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are we looking for? Here follows a list of aspects d. “Yes,” a fourth group answered and told rath-
that seem to be important in this respect: er bitter stories of resistance, sexism, and male
chauvinism—of how they had to fight to be-
1. Changes in the reaction to women politicians.
come accepted. . . .
2. Changes in the performance and efficiency of
the women politicians. In conclusion: changes have taken place in the
3. Changes in the social climate of political life perception of women as politicians by the voters.
(the political culture). And the open resistance to women politicians by
4. Changes in the political discourse. voters and male colleagues in the political workplace
5. Changes of policy (the political decisions). has almost disappeared. Less open kinds of discrimi-
6. Increase in the power of women (the empow- nation, differential treatment, and “techniques of
erment of women). . . . dominance” (Aas 1980) still exist, however.
It is suggested here that the increased num-
Changes in the Reaction to ber of women as politicians has had an impact,
Woman Politicians although within the framework of a general
change in attitudes toward women in public roles.
. . . It is not possible to conclude that the remov- There has also been a growing resistance by the
al of the open resistance against women politicians women politicians themselves to discrimination
derives solely from their increased numbers today. of women. However, it is not possible to con-
We are witnessing a general change in attitudes clude that these changes follow from any fixed
among both men and women toward women in number of women, e.g., 30 percent.
public roles. However, the presence of women In this process of change, the example of just
politicians in great numbers does make it seem a few successful women in top positions, e.g., as
rather hopeless to try to remove women from the prime minister or president, may have contrib-
public sphere today. So numbers do count. uted substantially to the change in the perception
Stereotyping is another well-known problem. . . . of women as politicians. In such cases it is not the
Following the growing number of women in numbers that count, but the performance of a few
politics, stereotyping decreases, because so many outstanding women as role models.
different types of women now occupy the politi-
cal arena.
The removal of the open resistance against Changes in the Performance and Efficiency
women in politics does not imply that women of Women Politicians
today have the same opportunities as men in pol-
. . . According to Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s
itics. The fact that women are in the minority
study, the “failure rate” or turnover of women in
indicates the existence of barriers for women in
a minority position in the corporation was con-
siderably higher than that of their male colleagues.
Do women politicians experience discrimina-
Kanter suggests that the dropout rate will decrease
tion, e.g., unfair treatment on account of gender?
when the size of the minority increases.
In my interviews with politicians I got four types
The media in the Nordic countries often carry
of answers:
stories about women who quit politics because
a. “There is no discrimination of women any they are overworked or do not like the atmo-
more, rather the contrary,” some women poli- sphere in the political institutions. But what are
ticians said. the facts?
or applicable copyright law.

b. “Women are definitely discriminated against A quick look at the women in parliament
but personally I have not experienced it,” said reveals that during the interwar period, most of
another group. the few women MPs did occupy their seats for a
c. “Women are not discriminated against,” a third very long period and did not seem to have had a
group told me, but later in the interview the higher dropout rate than the men. . . .
same women related many unpleasant episodes Why should the dropout rate fall because the
that certainly seemed like discrimination. proportion of women increases? One answer could
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From a Small to a Large Minority 229
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be that the role conflicts of women politicians behavior of that group. We all behave differently
diminish and that women begin to influence the in front of a woman or a man. . . . I will argue
political culture and hence begin to feel more at that an increasing number of women politicians
home in politics. in itself changes some of the social conventions
However, more women in politics does not in of politics as a workplace, because most of these
itself diminish the family obligations of women women, not all of them, bring into the political
and the conflict between the need of the family institutions traits of women’s culture as it manifests
and the political work. . . . itself today, e.g., taking care of newcomers, con-
According to these studies, women politicians sideration for the private problems of others, less
feel less satisfied with their job than their male col- tough style of debating, and so forth.
leagues, but nevertheless they stay on with almost The higher the proportion of women in poli-
the same frequency. So even if they constitute 20 tics, the more social conventions will change,
to 30 percent today, women politicians have not although again it is not possible to identity a spe-
obtained what one could call equal opportunity cial turning point, a critical mass. But numbers do
of carrying out their work as politicians. count, event if the politicians themselves and the
public are not aware of it.
Change in Political Culture But political culture is more than the social
conventions of politics. The high level of con-
. . . What will change according to the wom- flict in politics seems to bother many female
en’s organizations: politicians (“politics is a football game to male
politicians!”), but this is one of the many aspects
• The tone will be softer in politics.
of the political culture that women politicians
• The meetings will be arranged with more
do not seem to have been able to change. While
consideration to family obligations—fewer
changes in social conventions may happen with-
late meetings, fewer meetings between 4 and
out so many considerations, it takes a deliberate
7 in the afternoon, no more meetings in res-
effort to change the more fundamental aspects
of the political culture. Since politics is not
• Meetings will be less formal and less ceremo-
physics, we should look for critical acts, not for a
critical mass. . . .
• Shorter speeches, less formal language, more
to the point. . . .
Changes in the Political Discourse
Most interesting is that several women’s or-
ganizations write that the women politicians not . . . The political discourse is the language of
only will but already have changed the political politics, and the language and meaning attached
workplace. . . . to the different political issues. This includes also
The individual woman in an organization the discussion of what is considered political, and
dominated by men is often faced with a dilemma. what is suppressed from the political debate by tra-
Either she lives up to the norms of how women dition or direct exclusion (Dahlerup 1982). . . .
behave, and keeps her female style, with the con- Today, women’s position has entered the polit-
sequence that often she is not really accepted as ical discourse. . . . Even if women politicians do
a colleague. Or she may to some extent adapt to not agree politically on many issues, an effect of
the style of the men, and consequently the public a growing number of women in politics could be
will call her a “man-woman”! . . . that the way to talk about women’s position and
or applicable copyright law.

Even if women politicians as a minority have the priority given to such issues changes. Again,
been forced to and have to some extent wanted we cannot isolate the effect of the growing num-
to adapt to the prevailing political culture, I will ber of women politicians from the effect of what
argue that the presence of women in the assemblies happens outside the formal political arena. What
in itself makes some change. We know now that we can see is that the issues of women’s position
the entrance of just one woman into an all-male in society have been placed on the formal political
group (and vice versa) changes the discussion and agenda by women politicians. . . .
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Change in Policy • The open resistance against women politicians

is removed—now it seems hopeless to bring
. . . Does making a difference mean that all women back to the house.
women should form a coalition across party lines? • Still fewer voter express negative attitudes to
The women MPs truly dislike this idea, because being represented by a woman.
in Europe they are all elected on different party
platforms. Or should women within each party . . . Only on one point, namely, changes in
make their voices heard and form coalitions with the social climate, does it seem relevant to talk
other women within the party? about a kind of “automatic” change when the
Secondly, what ideas should these women minority grows large.
bring forward? Values representing women’s Maybe we should replace the concept of a criti-
traditional culture? Or modern feminist ideas? cal mass with the new concept of a critical act, better
Or ideas representing the points of view of dif- suited to the study of human behavior. A critical
ferent groups of women, e.g., by bringing the act is one which will change the position of the
views of the unskilled women workers into the minority considerably and lead to further changes.
working-class parties, the views of the farmers’ Most significant is the willingness and ability of
wives into the farmers’ parties, or by express- the minority to mobilize the resources of the organi-
ing the different voices of socialist and liberal zation or institution to improve the situation for
women? . . . themselves and the whole minority group. For
. . . The crucial point is whether women poli- women in politics this constitutes critical acts of
ticians develop some common ideas they want to empowerment. Here are some recent examples of
fight for. Also here we must turn the question critical acts by women in Scandinavian politics.
of a critical mass into a question of critical acts
a. When women politicians recruit other
by the women politicians. In the Nordic coun-
women. . . .
tries women politicians have conducted critical
b. Quotas for women. . . .
acts on selected issues. These are described in the
c. New legislation and new institutions. . . .

Change in Women’s Power
Dahlerup, D. 1982. “Overcoming the Barriers: An
. . . Does the increase in women’s political Approach to the Study of How Women’s Issues are
representation accelerate as recent electoral results Kept from the Political Agenda,” in Stiehm. J. H. ed.
seem to suggest? Will more women in the assem- Women’s View of the Political World of Men. New York:
blies lead to a relative increase in women’s share
Dahlerup, D. 1984. The POP Survey.
of the political leadership? . . . Dahlerup, D. 1984. The WOC Survey.
. . . Although it is very difficult to isolate the Dahlerup, D. 1985. Blomster & Spark. Samtaler med kuindelige
effect of the growth in women’s political repre- politikere i Norden. Nordisk Ministerrad: Nord-serien.
sentation from the general social development, Dahlerup, D. 1988. Vi hur pentel lange nok. Handbog i
kvinderepresentation. Nordisk Ministerrad: Nord serien.
certain changes may without much hesitation be
Haavio-Mannila, E. et al. 1985. Unfinished Democracy.
connected with the increase in women’s politi- Women in Nordic Politics. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
cal representation, that is, with the move from a Hacker, H. M. 1951. “Women as a Minority Group.”
small to a large minority: Social Forces 30, 60–69.
or applicable copyright law.

Hellevik, O. and Skard. T. 1985. Norske Kommunestyrer—

• The stereotyping of women diminishes with- plass for kvinner? Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
out being removed totally. Kanter, R. M. 1977. Men and Women of the Corporation.
• New role models of women in public life are New York: Basic Books.
Rendel, M. 1978. Women as Political Actors. Legal Status and
Feminist issues. Paper, ECPR Workshop on Women as
• The social conventions are somewhat changed, Political Actors. Grenoble.
even if the main feature of the political culture Wallin, G. et al. 1981. Kommunalpolitikerna. Stockholm:
remains untouched. Kommunaldepartementet.

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Chapter 27
Beyond Bodies:
Institutional Sources of
Representation for Women in
Democratic Policymaking
S. Laurel Weldon

Introduction are extremely limited as an avenue of substantive

representation and that multiple sources of repre-
The literature on representation for marginal- sentation should be considered and compared.
ized groups has tended to focus on the question The contributions of and interactions between
of whether women should represent women and modes of representation can then be more effec-
blacks should represent blacks. But the idea that tively evaluated. . . .
individuals can represent groups through their
persons or behavior is based on a problematic The Limits of Individuals as Spokespersons
understanding of the relationship between indi- for Marginalized Groups
vidual experience and group perspective. I pro-
pose that group perspective is a collective product Political theorists have argued that historically
of social groups, developed through intragroup marginalized groups have a distinctive perspec-
interaction. This suggests that institutional struc- tive that is unlikely to be articulated effectively
tures and social movements, not just individuals, in contexts from which members of those groups
can be more or less representative of marginal- are absent. This perspective derives from shared
ized groups. I apply this argument in an examina- experiences and/or social position, and it is man-
tion of the impact of women’s representation on ifest in narratives that members develop collec-
policies to address violence against women in 36 tively. It often differs from or conflicts with the
democratic countries in 1994. Using OLS regres- perspectives of dominant groups. Representation
sion analysis, I find that women’s policy agencies for marginalized groups should reflect group di-
(such as women’s commissions or women’s bu- versity and should not assume a false homogeneity
reaus) and women’s movements provide more of interest or identity. Substantive representation
effective avenues of expression for women: in requires processes through which marginalized
combination, they give women a stronger voice groups authorize and hold accountable those who
or applicable copyright law.

in the policy-making process than does the pres- speak for them. Finally, substantive representation
ence of women in the legislature. Thus, studies requires that the group’s voice or perspective is
of representation for marginalized groups would articulated and heard in policy processes (Mans-
do well to consider institutional changes and in- bridge 1999; Phillips 1995; Williams 1998; Young
creased political mobilization as potential sources 1997). The weakness in these arguments is the link
of political representation. The point is not that between the personal experience of individuals and
bodies provide no representation, but that bodies their knowledge of the group perspective. . . .

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The assumption that a group perspective gives one more information after interaction with
resides complete in any individual from the group others than before, but there is a point of dimin-
implies that including individual members of the ishing returns: the last pieces are not as valuable
group is sufficient to represent the group per- as the first few.
spective. Epistemologically, any individual has It may seem as if this analogy suggests that in-
the knowledge to articulate a group’s distinctive teraction among women will produce agreement
voice. This conclusion conflicts with the recogni- on the meaning or implications of the picture.
tion of within-group diversity that these theorists But merely identifying similar obstacles or issues
explicitly recognize (Mansbridge 1999, 637–39; does not suggest that women will experience or
Williams 1998, 293). If she is a white, straight, interpret these phenomena in the same way. . . .
middle-class mother, she cannot speak for Afri- Sharing a perspective on women’s social position
can American women, or poor women, or les- does not suggest agreement on the meaning of
bian women on the basis of her own experience any that position or the political dynamics that pro-
more than men can speak for women merely on duce it.
the basis of theirs. Moreover, marginalized group Even when women have conflicting interests,
perspectives are not transparent to individual mem- the issues that divide them are strikingly simi-
bers of the group. Group perspective is a collective lar. For example, middle-class and working-class
phenomenon. . . . women have conflicting interests in relation to
the issue of wages for child care. The former
Individual Experience, Group Perspective would benefit from lower wages for child care
and Representation while the latter would benefit from higher wages
for child care. But in both cases, it is women who
. . . Group perspective is related to group have responsibility for child care, and it is women
members’ individual experiences, but not in a for whom the issue has the most serious conse-
direct, transparent way. . . . The distinctive voice quences. The important thing is to note that all of
of marginalized groups flows from group orga- these women confront the issue of the relation-
nization and mobilization; it is a product of the ship between motherhood and work. What they
interaction among members of a social group share is not a list of policy proposals, but more
(Weldon 2002). Only a small part of this group like a list of “women’s issues.”
perspective is reflected in the experience of any . . . A group perspective is not as specific as a
particular individual. The group perspective is policy position or recommendation: It is more like
created when individual members of the group an agenda of topics for discussion or list of prob-
interact with other members of the group to lem areas (Weldon 2002). Because social perspec-
define their priorities. tives are developed through interaction among
Group perspective can be thought of as a puz- the members of a social group, no individual
zle of which each member of the group has a member on her own has a full understanding of
piece. The more pieces of the puzzle, the bet- the conditions that confront the group. . . . Individ-
ter picture we have. When additional pieces are ual members of the group cannot legitimately claim
very similar to existing pieces (the same color to speak for the group without having partici-
or texture) we learn little about other areas or pated in such interaction because they lack the
features of the puzzle. The greater the diversity epistemological bases (as well as the normative
in pieces, the better idea we have about the dif- bases) for doing so.
ferent areas and parts of the puzzle. Moreover, Of course, interaction among women often
or applicable copyright law.

when members of the group come together, they involves conflict, and subordinated subsets of
can compare their puzzle pieces, and each person women often have difficulty getting their issues
gains a greater understanding of the larger puzzle recognized as issues of importance by more priv-
to which she or he holds a piece after seeing the ileged women. But debate among women makes
puzzle pieces of others. Thus, the process of putting these divisions themselves the topic of discussion,
together the puzzle pieces is interactive rather than particularly when marginalized subsets of women
simply aggregative. One’s puzzle piece likely can organize as such. . . .
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. . . This view of group perspective . . . suggests women’s movement activists and the individual
that there is no reason to assume that the greater bureaucrats. If consultation with women’s groups
bodily inclusion of members of marginalized is a formal part of the policy agency, then access
groups, in itself, should significantly increase their is likely to be more uniform across policy areas
substantive representation. Small improvements and over time. It may be more difficult for new
can be expected, but significantly improving sub- administrations (who may be hostile to women’s
stantive representation for groups requires that groups) to shut women’s organizations out of the
representatives be able to articulate the group per- policymaking process when formal, regularized
spective. The individual alone cannot effectively channels for consultation exist and are part of the
articulate this perspective.1 normal operation of government.
. . . Mechanisms for the articulation of group However, improving institutional capacity is
perspectives must attend to both the interactive not the same as providing the political will to
nature of such perspectives and the requirements address a problem. . . . In addition, providing mech-
of accountability and authorization.2 anisms by which women’s movements can be
consulted will not be of much use if there is no
Institutional Sources of Representation one with whom to consult. This suggests that
political support from external social movements
. . . Women’s policy agencies are one way of is necessary to provide women’s bureaus both
creating state institutions that at least partially reflect the political pressure and input that is necessary
women’s perspective. A women’s policy machin- to capitalize on improved institutional capacity.
ery can focus on issues of concern to women in Thus, when women’s policy machineries have positional
their entirety: one need not segment problems authority and adequate resources, they can improve sub-
confronting women (such as violence) into their stantive representation for women by providing a mech-
health aspects, criminal justice aspects, and so on anism by which women’s distinctive perspective can be
in order to address them (Weldon 2002). Stetson articulated, and by providing some mechanism of autho-
(1995) argues that those agencies that had central- rization or accountability for women (through consul-
ized, cross-sectoral approaches to promoting gen- tations with women’s organizations). But this impact
der equality were the most effective (288). These depends upon the presence of a women’s movement, and
agencies must be set up to coordinate women’s we should expect little in the way of direct effects.
policies in an authoritative manner, having the
power to direct policy making across a number of Women’s Movements as Sources
departments. This suggests that a subdepartmental of Political Representation
desk in a low-ranking ministry is unlikely to be
an effective mechanism for representing women Women’s movements, as mechanisms for the
in policy deliberations. Similarly, an agency with articulation of women’s perspective, provide an-
few resources will be unable to carry out the mon- other important but generally unexplored avenue
itoring and analysis required. This suggests that a of representation (Dobrowolsky 1998). This is
women’s policy machinery must have a degree of not to suggest that women’s movements are a
independence, some of its own resources, and po- perfect incarnation of “women’s voice.” Wom-
sitional authority in order to be consistently effec- en’s movement articulations can only ever be par-
tive in representing women. tial articulations of women’s perspectives because
The representativeness of the perspective ar- some subgroups of women are always dominated
ticulated by women’s policy agencies can be or excluded. Still, because women’s movement
or applicable copyright law.

improved if the represented have the opportu- activities provide an arena where women inter-
nity to comment on and critique the agency’s act as women to define their priorities, women’s
proposals. Women’s bureau consultations with movements are likely to come closer to articulat-
women’s movement organizations and activists ing women’s perspective than a disparate, unor-
can improve agency proposals. . . . ganized group of women in the legislature.
Where access is based on informal channels, However, it is not just the existence, but also
it usually depends on good relations between the autonomy of women’s groups that is important
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for their success in influencing policy (Busch 1992; movements and effective women’s policy agencies rein-
Elman 1996). An autonomous women’s move- force one another in improving women’s representation.
ment is a form of women’s mobilization that is de- This effect is interactive: Each factor magnifies the effect
voted to promoting women’s status and well-being of the other.
independently of political parties and other associ-
ations that do not make the status of women their
main concern. . . . Women’s Representation and Policies on
. . . If the women’s movement is entirely con- Violence against Women
tained in the state, the ability to criticize gov-
ernment policy may be curtailed. Autonomous . . . In this section of this chapter. I examine the
groups can challenge the existing order of prior- impact of different sources of political represen-
ities by drawing attention to issues that are not tation for women on policies to address violence
on the agenda. Thus, autonomous women’s move- against women. . . .
ments can improve the representation of women in the
policy process. Government Responsiveness to Violence
against Women
Interactions between Sources
of Representation Violence against women takes a number of
forms. This study focuses on the categories of
Distinguishing multiple sources of represen- sexual assault of women by men and battering of
tation makes it possible to conceptualize inter- intimate female partners by males. Action on vi-
actions between these different sources, and to olence is an important indicator that a women’s
theorize their combined impact on democratic perspective is influencing policymaking, since it
political processes. Women’s policy agencies pro- suggests that government is responding to the ar-
vide an important avenue of representation for ticulation of an issue of importance to women.
women, but this is only likely to have an effect Despite the many differences among the coun-
on the policy process in the context of an auton- tries considered, similar features of the problem
omous women’s movement. Strong, autonomous and the existing policy structure make it possible
women’s movements improve the institutional to identify a common set of needed actions to
capabilities of government in addressing wom- address violence against women. A cross-national
en’s issues. This magnifies women’s voice inside data set developed by Weldon (2002) includes
government. When the women’s movement is data on seven different aspects of government
strong, the women’s policy machinery has more response to violence against women:3
influence with other government departments.
1. Has there been any legal reform dealing with
Bureaucrats inside the women’s policy machinery
domestic violence?
seeking to articulate women’s concerns can point
2. Has there been any legal reform dealing with
to public pressure from the women’s movement.
sexual assault?
Thus, a strong, autonomous women’s movement
3. Is there any national government funding for
improves the representative function performed
shelters for victims of domestic violence?
by a women’s policy agency.
4. Is there any national government funding for
Conversely, women’s policy agencies can
rape crisis centers?
strengthen women’s movements. By providing
5. Are there any government-sponsored training
financial support for organizing and independent
or applicable copyright law.

programs for service providers?

research, women’s policy machineries provide
6. Are there any government-sponsored public
additional resources to women’s organizations.
education initiatives?
In addition, by providing research support and
7. Is there a central agency for coordinating na-
opportunities for input on policy development,
tional policies on violence?
women’s policy machineries can assist women’s
movement activists in publicly articulating wom- Asking how many of these types of policy action
en’s perspective. Thus, strong, autonomous women’s a government undertakes provides a good measure
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of government responsiveness: A government that women’s festivals, newspapers, concerts, and so

addresses more areas is enacting a broader, more on), and so on. Given what we know about dem-
multifaceted response. Although these seven types ocratic policymaking, it seems likely that strong
of policy action are important for different reasons, women’s movements will influence policy out-
all seven policy areas are important for addressing comes more than weak ones, but strong move-
violence against women.4 The seven policy areas ments do not always influence policy outcomes.7
are weighted equally: The indicator simply sums . . . Movements are coded as strong if they are
the scores (1 for each area in which policy action described by expert observers as strong, influential,
occurs, 0 for a lack of action) across the seven areas. powerful, as mobilizing widespread public support,
This variable therefore measures the scope of gov- and the like. Comparative and country-specific
ernment response, that is, the amount or breadth accounts of women’s movements explicitly assess
of government activity, rather than the particular the strength of women’s movements over time
substantive focus or quality of the individual ini- and/or relative to other countries, relying on mul-
tiatives (Powell 1982; Putnam 1993).5 Further, tiple data sources. . . . Where the movement is both
note that this indicator does not measure which strong and autonomous, the country is coded 1;
governments enact the policies that result in the otherwise it is coded 0.8
greatest reduction of violence. Indeed, some of the
policy measures considered here are aimed at rais-
ing awareness or serving victims, rather than at di- Women’s Bureaus as a Form of Political
rectly reducing the overall incidence of violence. Representation for Women
The data set includes these seven aspects of . . . We would expect women’s bureaus to
national government response to violence against improve the political representation of women
women for all stable democracies. The focus is when they have:
on national government response because in gen-
eral, action by the central government, even if it 1. formalized channels of access for women’s or-
is only providing funding to local areas, is a key ganizations, and
symbolic indicator that the political community is 2. the independence and resources needed to for-
seriously addressing a problem. . . . mulate and implement aspects of a women’s
These data on government response are based agenda.
on a variety of primary and secondary sources. . . .
This analysis is for the year 1994. If the women’s policy agencies in the 36 stable
democracies in this study are categorized accord-
ing to these criteria, only 8 of the 36 agencies
Women’s Movements and Political actually meet these criteria (the agencies in
Representation Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, The Netherlands,
Belgium, Venezuela, Portugal, and Germany).
. . . The vast majority of nations in this study
Countries are coded a 1 on this variable if they
had active women’s movements by 1994 (Wel-
meet both conditions, and 0 if they do not.9
don 2002).6 Women’s movements can be coded
as autonomous if they have an organizational base
outside political parties, unions, and other politi- The Interaction between Women’s
cal institutions. . . . Movements and Political Institutions
In addition to gauging the autonomy of wom-
en’s movements, we need some sense of whether As argued above, such a women’s policy ma-
or applicable copyright law.

they are strong or weak. . . . Such strength is indi- chinery does not, on its own, guarantee any gov-
cated by the size and number of protest activities, ernment response to violence against women.
the degree of support expressed for feminists in Rather, it is the interaction of the apparatus with
opinion polls, the degree of support for women’s a strong, autonomous women’s movement that
organizations, the diversity and membership of results in better representation for women in
women’s organizations, the proliferation and di- democratic policy processes. Where such wom-
versity of women’s cultural institutions (such as en’s movements interact with effective policy
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machineries, we should see greater responsive- a mode of representation produced better policy
ness to violence against women. This interactive outcomes for women, we would expect the mode
effect can be captured by using a multiplicative to be associated with governments addressing an
term (strong and autonomous women’s movement increased number of additional areas.
effective women’s policy machinery) in the re- As expected, there is no linear relationship
gression analysis. between proportion of women legislators and
government responsiveness to violence against
Representation by Women Legislators women (Model 1, Table 27.1). More generally,
a critical mass effect is not visible in this policy
. . . I have argued that, in itself, a greater number area. Of those governments where women com-
or proportion of women (even the presence of a critical prise more than 30% of the legislature, none have
mass) in the legislature would not have a consistently addressed more than four policy areas (Weldon
large effect on government responsiveness to violence 2002, 99). Moreover, among those governments
against women. that have been the most responsive to violence
against women (i.e., have adopted five or more
The Proposed Model policies), percent of women in the legislature
varies from 6.4% to 21.2% (Weldon 2002, 98).11
In general, then, the interaction between It may be that individual feminist women are
strong and autonomous women’s movements and important in getting policies passed as policy
institutional structure produces better representa- entrepreneurs. Indeed, it may be that the pres-
tion in the policy process, which is here measured ence of at least one woman is a necessary con-
by responsiveness to violence against women. dition for policy development. But there is no
We might also expect strong and autonomous linear relationship between the overall number
women’s movements to have an impact indepen- of women in the legislature or in cabinet and
dent of this interaction, since such agencies are government responsiveness to violence against
not necessary for women’s movement influence. women.
We would not necessarily expect such an inde- The presence of a strong, autonomous wom-
pendent effect from women’s policy agencies. In en’s movement is more strongly positively associ-
addition, the number of women in the legislature ated with scope than the proportion of women,
does not determine responsiveness to violence with standardized Betas of .50 and .00, respectively
against women. Level of development and cul- (Model 1, Table 27.1). Controlling for level of
ture are thought to be fundamental factors influ- development (Model 1, Table 27.1), the presence
encing politics and policy.10 I control for these of a strong and autonomous women’s movement
factors using dummy variables to measure level of is associated with about one or two additional
development, region, and dominant religion (the areas of policy action on violence against women
latter two as proxies for culture). (1.90+/− 0.55). This supports the argument that
the existence of strong, independent women’s
Analysis movements improves women’s representation in
the policy process more effectively than increas-
I employ OLS regression to examine the as- ing women’s presence in the legislature.
sociation of different sources of political repre- In contrast, the presence of an effective wom-
sentation for women with responsiveness to vi- en’s policy machinery is not associated with
olence against women. Multivariate regression government responsiveness to violence against
or applicable copyright law.

analysis can be used to examine whether (and women (Table 27.1, Model 1). This may seem
how strongly) each of these modes of represen- to contradict the hypothesis that these institu-
tation is associated with more government ac- tions have an effect on government responsive-
tion on violence against women. (Table 27.1). ness to violence against women. But I argued
Scope of government response is coded from 0 above that the policy impact of these institutions
to 7, depending on the number of areas of policy depended on the presence of a strong and auton-
action that a national government undertakes. If omous women’s movement, and that we should
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Table 27.1. Regression Coefficients, Dependent Variable = Scope of Govt. Response to Violence against Women, 36
Stable Democratic Countries, 1994
Model Independent Variables B SE Beta T Sig.* R2
1 Level of development 1.20 .64 .30 1.87 .07 .37
Strong and autonomous women’s 1.90 .55 .50 3.44 .00
Percent of women in legislature .00 .02 .00 −.02 .98
Effective women’s policy machinery .45 .66 .10 .68 .49
2 Level of development 1.09 .54 .27 2.03 .05 .43
Strong and autonomous women’s 1.39 .59 .36 2.33 .02
Effective women’s policy machinery −.86 .96 −.19 −.90 .37
Eff. women’s policy machinery * 2.33 1.27 .42 1.82 .07
strong, aut. wm
3 Level of development −.28 1.43 −.07 −.20 .85 .61
Strong and autonomous women’s .80 .67 .21 1.21 .24
Eff. women’s policy machinery * 2.30 1.34 .43 1.71 .10
strong, aut. wm
Logged number of reps .01 .42 .04 .17 .87
Region–Africa −1.12 1.84 −.14 −.60 .55
Region–Asia 2.31 1.48 .34 1.56 .13
Region–Latin America −.88 1.68 −.18 −.53 .61
Region–North America 2.44 1.23 .30 1.99 .06
Region–Oceania 1.22 1.25 .18 .98 .34
Dominant religion–Protestant .00 .65 −.01 −.06 .94
Dominant religion–other −2.3 1.3 −.47 −1.7 .08
I report statistical significance as a matter of interest, but I consider this set of countries to be a complete set
of stable democracies (i.e., a population), and I am not employing sampling techniques.

not expect to see an independent effect. If this policy action (B = 2.33+/−1.27) (Model 2). This
argument holds, then a term capturing the inter- association seems to hold even controlling for level
action between effective women’s policy agencies of development, region, and religion (Model 3).
and strong and autonomous women’s movements In sum, then, strong, independent women’s
should be strongly associated with government movements and effective women’s bureaus inter-
response to violence against women, and should act to provide an effective mode of substantive
explain more than either term alone. representation for women. Indeed, in the area
An indicator representing the interaction of a of policies on violence against women, cross-
strong, autonomous women’s movement and the national data suggest that women’s bureaus and
presence of a women’s policy machinery (one that women’s movements together are more effective
provides access and resources) is a very strong pre- than large numbers of women in the legislature at
or applicable copyright law.

dictor of government responsiveness to violence securing policy action.

against women (Table 27.1, Models 2 and 3), be-
ing associated with more areas of government ac-
tion than either of the two parts alone (Model 2). Conclusion
The interaction of a strong, autonomous women’s
movement and an effective women’s policy agency . . . Discussions of substantive democratic represen-
is associated with about two additional areas of tation should consider multiple sources of political
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representation. Considering a number of modes of if she is so inclined. This is a weak version of the ar-
representation makes it possible to compare differ- gument that in cases where group perspectives are un-
crystallized, the reactions of members of marginalized
ent modes of representation, and explore interac- groups in legislatures can help to define the interests
tions between them. In this study, the interaction of marginalized groups (see Mansbridge 1999; Phillips
between modes of representation appears to be 1995).
critical: The interaction between women’s move- 2. Even though social choice theory has treated the re-
ments and institutional structures is more important lation between individual and group preferences in
depth, I do not employ that approach here. Methodo-
for understanding policy responsiveness to violence logical individualist tools are relatively poorly suited to
against women than the proportion of women in a theorization of social group perspective because such
the legislature. perspectives are not achieved by aggregating individ-
This is not to suggest that individual members ual preferences, and perspective is much less determi-
of marginalized groups provide no representation. native than a specific preference.
3. This dependent variable has eight categories (0 to 7),
Indeed, the presence of such representatives can and so can be used in an OLS regression equation.
have important symbolic and sometimes substan- Since the dependent variable is not an event count,
tive effects on policy processes. But descriptive a Poisson regression function is not appropriate
representation is severely limited as an avenue for (Winkelmann 1997).
4. Note that this means that governments sometimes
providing substantive representation. Of course,
obtain the same score by enacting different policies.
as noted, social movements and women’s pol- This is generally considered a problem with this sort
icy agencies are also limited in terms of substan- of indicator, but for our purposes this feature of the
tive representation: Some women feel excluded indicator is of little interest. Policy experts and activists
or dominated in women’s movements and lines argue that there is no single policy solution and that
an appropriate policy response is one that attacks the
of accountability are unclear. Women’s policy problem on all fronts (Busch 1992; United Nations
agencies are characterized by similar exclusions 1998; Chalk and King 1998; Elman 1996). For this
and weaknesses. Examining multiple sources of reason, the dependent variable is measured in terms
representation provides a more complete picture of the number of different sorts of things that gov-
of possibilities for—and limits on—influence in ernments are doing (scope) rather than by which of
the seven policy areas they address. On this measure,
democratic policy processes. a government that undertook only a criminal justice
More generally, this analysis shows the value of response or only public education initiatives would
examining the structural conditions in which pol- receive a lower score than one that undertook both
icy is made (Ashford 1978; Bobrow and Dryzek criminal justice and public education initiatives.
1987). Examining the social order, the patterns of 5. Unfortunately, the usual criteria for assessing com-
posite dependent variables are inappropriate for this
political inclusion and exclusion established by in- measure of scope, and for my research question more
stitutions and norms, is important for understand- generally. For example, a common mode of assessing a
ing democratic policymaking (March and Olsen composite indicator is to examine correlations among
1989). Understanding the impact of such patterns, the items. The items in this indicator (policy areas)
are conceptually related to the problem of violence
I have shown, is key to understanding whether
against women, and are widely considered important
and how social groups are represented in demo- elements of comprehensive response to the problem.
cratic policy processes. Thus, the study of women But they need not be correlated with each other in
and politics, and of democratic policymaking order to indicate the breadth of government response.
more generally, should focus as much on political For example, funding for battered women’s shelters
is often distinct from funding for rape crisis centers:
structures such as institutions, social movements,
governments often fund one, but not the other, even
and other macrolevel phenomena as it does on though both are important elements of any govern-
or applicable copyright law.

individual-level variables and characteristics. ment response to violence against women. If the
adoption of these two different types of policies is only
weakly correlated, should I conclude that one of them
is unnecessary or unrelated to the underlying concept,
Notes the scope of government response to violence against
women? I think the answer is no, since we can see that
1. At best, an individual member of the group, without they are both clearly related to government response
interacting with others from the social group, can ar- to violence against women. Eliminating one of these
ticulate a truncated version of the group perspective, items would weaken, not strengthen, the measure,
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9. The machinery is coded 1 only if both conditions are Institutions: The Organizational Basis of Politics.
met, because neither condition alone is theoretically New York: Free Press.
sufficient for political influence. Examination of the Phillips, Anne. 1995. The Politics of Presence. Oxford:
interactions between these two dimensions supports Clarendon Press.
this coding. Powell, G. Bingham. 1982. Contemporary Democracies:
10. Unfortunately, the cross-national data on levels of vio- Participation, Stability and Violence. Cambridge: Harvard
lence are not of sufficient quality to warrant inclusion University Press.
in a regression analysis. The data that do exist, and are Putnam, Robert D. 1993. Making Democracy Work: Civic
somewhat comparable, suggest that level of violence Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
bears little relationship to government response (Weldon University Press.
2002). Stetson, Dorothy McBride. 1995. “The Oldest Women’s
11. Nor are absolute numbers of women linearly related to Policy Agency: The Women’s Bureau in the United
government responsiveness, even focusing on women States.” In Comparative State Feminism, eds. Dorothy
in more influential positions, such as the proportion of McBride Stetson and Amy G. Mazur. Thousand Oaks:
women in cabinet (not shown). Sage.
United Nations. 1998. Commission on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
(CEDAW). Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence
References against Women, Its Causes and Consequences. New York:
United Nations. http://www.
Ashford, D. 1978. Comparative Public Policies. Beverly Hills: daw/csw.
Sage. Weldon, S. Laurel. 2002. Protest, Policy and the Problem of
Bobrow, Davis B., and John S. Dryzek 1987. Policy Analysis Violence against Women : A Cross-National Comparison,
by Design. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Busch, Diane Mitsch. 1992. “Women’s Movements and Williams, Melissa. 1988. Voice, Trust and Memory:
State Policy Reform Aimed at Domestic Violence Marginalilzed Groups and the Failings of Liberal
against Women: A Comparison of the Consequences Representation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
or applicable copyright law.

of Movement Mobilization in the United States and Press.

India.” Gender and Society 6(4): 587–608. Winkelmann, Rainer. 1997. Econometric Analysis of Count
Chalk, Rosemary, and Patricia King, eds. 1998. Violence Data. 2nd ed. New York: Springer.
in Families. National Research Council and Institute Young, Iris. 1997. “Deferring Group Representation.”
of Medicine. Washington, DC: National Academy In Nomos: Group Rights, eds. Will Kymlicka and Ian
Press. Shapiro. New York: New York University Press.

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Part V
Women, Gender, and Social Policies
This section collects together readings on women, gender, and public policies, presenting an array of
theoretical and empirical approaches for studying gendered origins and outcomes of public policy.
Building on the previous section, the first two readings document and analyze the power dynamics in
legislatures that influence how women as a group are able to shape broader policy-making processes
(Tamerius 1995), as well as the ways in which the authority of women to speak for “women” is under-
mined by gender and racial biases that tend to silence minority women (Hawkesworth 2003). Focusing
on specific policy areas, the next four selections offer various strategies for gendered policy analysis.
They outline a “what’s the problem approach” for studying the gendered nature of public policy (Bacchi
1996), develop a set of arguments for disaggregating what is meant by “gender policy” (Htun 2003),
discuss historical approaches for thinking about “equality” and “difference” in state policies for women
(Sarvasy 1992), and focus on the theoretical underpinnings of recent developments to promote equality
between women and men through “gender mainstreaming” (Squires 2005).
Working from some of the key findings of the literature on links between the descriptive (numbers)
and substantive (outcomes) representation of women, Karin Tamerius addresses the apparent lack of sex
differences in legislative voting behavior, which have been utilized to argue that women do not appear
to “make a difference” when elected to political office. She notes that this finding fails to take account
of the gendered nature of this conventional measure of “policy impact,” which presumes that enact-
ment—not agenda-setting and policy formulation—are the most important stages of the policy-making
process. Applying her revised approach to the U.S. House of Representatives, Tamerius’s analysis reveals
that differences between male and female legislators on women’s issues are the biggest at the earliest
stages of the policy-making process, which require the greatest amount of support, commitment, aware-
ness, and expertise in relation to specific policy issues. Mary Hawkesworth offers a parallel critique, observ-
ing that it is difficult to capture many of the nuances of policy-making behavior using traditional methods
of legislative analysis. Examining policy making in the U.S. Congress, she elaborates the concept of
“racing-gendering” to refer to political processes that silence, stereotype, enforce invisibility, exclude,
and challenge the epistemic authority of Congresswomen of color. Through these raced and gendered
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dynamics, she argues, minority women are frequently precluded from speaking for “women” in legisla-
tive contexts, despite their increased presence in elected assemblies.
Moving to the content of public policy itself, Carol Lee Bacchi notes that many policies, including
those not traditionally thought of as “women’s issues,” are infused with beliefs about gender relations,
in terms of what is viewed as a “problem” and how these “problems” are framed and translated into
policy prescriptions. On this basis, she contends that public policies should not be understood as neutral
technical matters, but rather in terms of competing interpretations or representations of political issues.
She develops her “what’s the problem” approach as a means to reveal how policy debates and proposals
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contain explicit or implicit diagnoses of the “problem,” which in turn influence the choice of solution
to pursue. Mala Htun elaborates a distinct critique of policy making. Comparing the cases of Argentina,
Brazil, and Chile, she seeks to understand how and why states make decisions about gender-related
issues. Focusing on rights to abortion, divorce, and gender equality in the family, she assesses the various
roles played by transitions from dictatorship to democracy, relations between the church and state,
activities of liberal and feminist reformers, and pressures from growing international norms. Based on her
study, she presents a new “disaggregated” approach to studying gender policy and the state that does not
treat “women’s rights” as a single issue area, but rather as a collection of various issues that may not all
be addressed in the same way.
Addressing policies that explicitly aim to improve women’s status, Wendy Sarvasy studies the writings
of early-twentieth-century feminists in the United States to reconstruct the evolution of their ideas
about sex and gender equality. She argues that the work of these women suggests a feminist theoretical
process for how to achieve gender equality: they showed how unequal power relations turned biological
differences into socially constructed, substantive gender inequalities; they formulated public policies
based on a new conception of gender equality to alleviate these substantive inequalities; and they sought
to use the emancipated aspects of women’s different experiences and outlooks to create a more egalitar-
ian political and social environment. Focusing on policy developments in more recent decades, Judith
Squires theorizes the history of gender equality strategies in terms of a typology of inclusion, reversal, and
displacement. Inclusion involves a focus on equality as sameness, reversal entails an emphasis on sexual
difference, and displacement seeks to go beyond existing binaries to meet the varied needs of women
and men. Analyzing the strategy of “gender mainstreaming,” she focuses on the potential of displace-
ment as a transformative approach that is best able to respond to increasingly important demands of
diversity, namely, efforts to include race and class in discussions of gender equality policy. Together, the
readings point to the vivid political struggles that inform policy-making processes, shaping the degree to
which public policies reinforce or reform existing dynamics of inequality.
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Chapter 28
Sex, Gender, and Leadership in the
Representation of Women
Karin L. Tamerius

. . . Recent advances by women in the political that organizations seeking to promote women’s
arena have attracted new attention to a number welfare through government action would be best
of old but important questions about the relation- advised to direct their electoral resources toward
ship between sex, gender, and representative gov- Democratic candidates of either sex.
ernance: Are the women in public office more . . . I argue in this chapter that the largely neg-
supportive of women’s issues than their male coun- ative findings of earlier studies are in fact perfectly
terparts? Are they more attentive to the needs and compatible with a feminist worldview, even one
concerns of the women in their constituencies? Do that says that having more women in government
they work harder to enact policies for women into will significantly enhance the representation of
law? In short, does the sexual integration of our women’s interests. It is my contention that pre-
political institutions lead to greater representation vious work on this topic failed to uncover sub-
of women’s interests? stantial sex differences not because the feminist
. . . Ever since women first began to achieve project has failed or been misguided, but because
public office in significant numbers, researchers difference was operationalized with scant regard
have been attempting to assess their impact on the to the stated and unstated theories of gender and
“feminist” content of policy. The general conclu- politics that underlie feminist predictions. Rather
sion to emerge from these studies—located pri- than considering what we mean when we say
marily in state legislatures and Congress—is that that women will alter the substance of govern-
women matter, but they do not matter much. ment and choosing tools well suited to investi-
The main indicator used to gauge sex differences gating those propositions, researchers have simply
in the representation of women in government appropriated traditional indicators of difference
institutions is the roll call voting of elected officials and applied them to the study of gender. Yet, as
on “women’s issues.” All else being equal, sex has the work of a number of feminist epistemologists
not been shown to be an important determinant. attests, such an approach is bound to provide a
Although women at all levels of public office tend distorted image of the nature and consequences
to vote in a slightly more feminist direction than of women’s political participation.2
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their male colleagues, these differences rarely have The major shortcoming of previous studies
been substantively significant.1 Moreover, in the from a feminist perspective is the failure to take
rare instances when meaningful differences have into account the gendered nature of conventional
been found, . . . it still appears that electing women measures. Regrettably, the stock research imple-
to public office is at best an inefficient way of en- ments of modern political science did not arise
hancing the representation of women’s interests. untainted from the sexually divided environment
Since inevitably the most powerful predictor of of their origination. Developed largely by men
feminist voting is party membership, it follows to answer questions of interest to men about the
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political behavior of men, many existing tools representation. Falling into two distinct yet caus-
contain an inherent male bias. In the study of ally related categories—sex differences in experience
legislative behavior, for example, the traditional and sex differences in attitudes and resources—these
emphasis on roll call voting, which assumes that determinants may conspire with the demands of
enactment is the most important stage in the leg- representative institutions to produce sex differences
islative process, privileges majority and, therefore, in feminist legislative leadership—active involvement
male interests. Since policies of concern to the in the establishment and promotion of a feminist
majority of members are bound to make it to the legislative agenda.
floor eventually, early maneuvers are unlikely to
have a major impact on whether a policy is ulti-
mately adopted. From the perspective of women Sex Differences in Experience
and other legislative minorities, however, critical
stages of the legislative process are more properly A central notion of feminist standpoint theory is
identified as agenda setting and policy formula- that women and men have different experiences in
tion, since the vast majority of policies of interest life that have consequences for how their interests
to underrepresented groups, including feminist are represented in politics. . . . In this study four
bills, never receive consideration on the floor. gendered aspects of representatives’ experiences—
While the existence of such male biases does content, perspective, mutuality, and association—are
not mean that conventional indicators such as roll expected to be particularly crucial in fashioning
call votes should never be used to study sex dif- legislative involvement with women’s concerns.
ferences, these biases do mean that we need to
seriously investigate their implications and appro- Content
priateness for assessing gendered constructs before
employing them in our empirical research. At The first feature that distinguishes the experi-
the same time, we should not hesitate to develop ences of female and male legislators is their gen-
novel alternatives capable of providing more dered content. Although the women and men
accurate depictions of “female-oriented” behav- who serve in public office tend to come from
ior when conventional measures prove unequal similarly privileged backgrounds, they are still
to the task.3 . . . likely to experience life in substantively different
. . . The study reported here is an attempt to ways. Sex disparities in the types of experiences
do just that. Drawing on theoretical and empirical legislators have arise in part from fundamental
work in gender and politics, legislative politics, biological distinctions (such as the capacity to
and a series of interviews with more than a dozen become pregnant) but also from pervasive sexual
members of Congress,4 I develop and evaluate a divisions within society. Among the social factors
model of sex differences in legislative behavior that are likely to result in divergent experiences
that posits several ways in which being female for women and men are sex differences in so-
may impel a representative toward legislative leader- cialization, prejudicial treatment, occupation, so-
ship on feminist issues. cioeconomic status, domestic roles, and criminal

Why Expect Sex Differences in Perspective

A second distinction to be made about the ex-
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In striving to develop realistic and defensible pre- periences of female and male legislators is their
dictions about the impact of female legislators gendered perspective. Simply put, women’s ex-
on governance, I began by looking for ways in periences happen to women while men’s experi-
which being a woman or man structures a repre- ences happen to men. This divergence in outlook
sentative’s relationship with women’s issues. My limits the amount of insight either sex can have
investigation yielded a number of factors that, in into what it is like to be the other since the inter-
theory, have the potential to produce gendered pretation, salience, and feeling of any experience
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is likely to be mediated at least in part by whether dered representation. In the model described here,
it is happening to us or someone else. While the it is hypothesized that experiences affect political
“objective” experience—what happens—may be engagement with issues of particular concern to
the same, we can only perceive it subjectively, women in two ways: first, by altering legisla-
through a gendered lens. Consequently, just about tors’ attitudes—support and commitment—toward
the only way men can experience womanhood women’s issues, and, second, by providing legisla-
or, conversely, women can experience manhood, tors with resources—awareness and expertise—that
is with the assistance of their imaginations. facilitate feminist activism.

Mutuality Support

A third factor that distinguishes the experi- One consequence of sex disparities in ex-
ences of female and male legislators is gendered perience is that female legislators may be espe-
mutuality. In simple terms, women’s experiences cially supportive of policies for women. Women’s
tend to be shared by other women while men’s experiences may shape their policy attitudes by
experiences tend to be shared by other men. providing compelling evidence of the need for
Since the degree to which members of a social government action on feminist concerns. A female
group identify with each other depends in large legislator who has suffered discrimination in hiring,
part on the commonality of their experiences, this for example, has personal confirmation that the prob-
divergence is likely to strengthen ties within the lem of sex discrimination exists, while a male leg-
sexes while weakening bonds between them. islator who has had no such experience may remain
skeptical. At the same time, because a female legisla-
Association tor who has experienced discrimination is afforded
unique insight into its emotional and financial ram-
A final aspect that differentiates the experiences ification, she may be inclined to judge the problem
of female and male legislators is their gendered as- more severe than do her male counterparts.
sociation. Despite strong familial and emotional Women do not need to confront problems
ties, women and men often work and socialize directly, however, to have their policy attitudes
in sexually exclusive groups. Within the context shaped by their experiences. Female legislators
of American politics, for example, male politi- may become convinced of the need for feminist
cians historically have operated through political policies simply through their frequent associa-
old-boys networks inimical to the participation of tion with other women. For example, a legislator
women. Partly in response to the male dominance may be persuaded to support an antidiscrimina-
of these informal associations, many female politi- tion policy because she has had the opportunity
cians have opted to work closely with political or- to speak with victims of sex discrimination about
ganizations for women. Not only do such groups their experiences. Similarly, being involved with
often provide a starting point for women’s political organizations that possess substantial information
careers—affording much needed experience, en- about the severity and extent of prejudice may
couragement, and funding—but they frequently encourage a female legislator to alter her assess-
continue to work closely with female legislators ments of the need for policies designed to fight
long after they are elected to public office. sex bias in the workplace. . . .
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Sex Differences in Attitudes and Resources
A second consequence of sex disparities in
Although feminist standpoint theory has success- experience may be that female legislators are
fully focused attention on the political relevance especially committed to policies for women. Gen-
of legislators’ experience, it has made little attempt dered experiences may cause female legislators to
to specify the mechanisms by which experience as make feminist issues a priority for two reasons.
a woman or man might be translated into gen- First, . . . their unique perspective on women’s
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issues may enhance their assessments of problem Sex Differences in Feminist

severity, making them more inclined to place Legislative Leadership
women’s issues high on the list of national con-
cerns. Second, female legislators may feel a spe- As noted earlier, one consideration that has been
cial responsibility for helping women with their lost in the debate over the impact of female of-
problems as a result of their common experiences ficeholders on the representation of women is
and group membership. . . . that gender is likely to interact with legislative
institutions in ways that are not captured by
Awareness conventional conceptions of political difference.
For this reason, before attempting to measure
A third consequence of sex disparities in expe- the effect of women’s gendered attitudes and
rience is that female legislators may be especially resources, it is important to examine the roles
aware of issues of concern to women. Theoreti- support, commitment, awareness, and expertise
cally, gendered experiences give female officials play in the legislative process. In the model de-
an advantage in identifying the problems facing lineated here, it is hypothesized that because of
women in two respects. First, female legisla- the widely varying demands of legislative activ-
tors may be more aware of women’s problems ities, gendered attitudes and resources will re-
because they have encountered those problems in sult in sex differences in legislative leadership on
their own lives. A congresswoman who has been feminist issues.
the victim of spousal abuse, for example, is apt to A widely known, but little heeded, fact of leg-
be more cognizant of crimes against women than islative politics is that different activities demand
are her male colleagues who have never suffered different things from the representatives who
domestic violence. Second, female legislators may engage in them. Among the factors that distin-
learn about women’s problems through their as- guish among legislative activities is the amount of
sociation with other women. For example, one attitudinal support they require. In simple terms,
of the primary goals of feminist organizations is to there are some activities representatives are will-
bring problems of particular concern to women ing to undertake when their support for a policy
to the attention of female legislators. . . . is low, others they are willing to undertake when
their support for a policy is moderate, and still
Expertise others they are willing to undertake only when
their support for a policy is high. For exam-
A final consequence of sex disparities in experi- ple, roll call voting is one activity that does not
ence is that female legislators may be especially expert require high levels of policy support since a legis-
on women’s issues. In addition to imparting informa- lator need only prefer a policy to its alternative to
tion about the types of problems women confront, cast a vote in support of it. In contrast, activities
experiences may also afford information about how like cosponsorship, speechmaking, and sponsor-
those problems can best be resolved. To begin with, ship imply high levels of policy endorsement.
female legislators may acquire policy information A second factor that distinguishes among leg-
by facing gender-based problems in their own lives. islative activities is the level of commitment they
For example, a female legislator and mother who require from representatives who engage in them.
has had difficulty securing reliable and affordable day Legislative sponsorship, for example, is a high-
care for her children may be more apt to recognize commitment activity because it requires large out-
that a jobs program for unemployed women will lays of a legislator’s time and energy. Not only does
or applicable copyright law.

not succeed unless it makes adequate provisions for the sponsor of a bill tend to play a primary role in
child care. At the same time, female legislators may drafting the legislation, but she or he is usually also
acquire policy expertise from their associative expe- responsible for soliciting support from other legis-
riences with other women. Feminist organizations lators in order to build a coalition that will carry
are particularly important in this regard, since they the bill to passage. Alternatively, activities such
often acts as clearinghouses for information relating as voting, cosponsorship, and, to a lesser degree,
to women and women’s concerns. . . . speechmaking are low-commitment activities
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because they require legislators to expend com- representative institutions are now readily appar-
paratively few resources. ent. Specifically, activities that require the greatest
A third factor that distinguishes among legis- amount of support for, commitment to, aware-
lative activities is the amount of issue awareness ness of, and expertise on women’s issues should
they require. Put simply, legislators must be highly elicit the largest sex differences, while activities
conscious of an issue of concern to the public that require the least amount of support, com-
in order to engage in certain activities, but may mitment, awareness, and expertise should elicit
engage in others while relatively unaware. For the smallest differences. By taking a look at some
example, in order to sponsor legislation, a leg- of the most common legislative activities and the
islator must first know that a problem requiring attitudinal and resource demands each imposes,
government attention exists. In contrast, voting several clear predictions for sex differences in
requires little awareness of issues because by the feminist legislative behavior emerge. As shown in
time legislation has gone to the floor for a vote, a table 28.1, when activities are ranked according
problem has already been identified and the task to predicted sex differences, the resulting order of
before legislators is simply to accept or reject a magnitude is as follows: roll call voting (smallest),
proposal for solving it. At the same time, activ- cosponsorship, speechmaking, and sponsorship
ities such as speechmaking and cosponsorship fall (largest).
somewhere between these two extremes because In light of these predictions, conceptualiz-
neither demands that a legislator initiate action on ing difference in feminist terms appears to mean
a problem and yet both activities are often under- more than simply thinking of female legislators
taken before an issue has been subject to much as more feminist in orientation than men. It also
public debate. means thinking of women as leaders on feminist
A final factor that distinguishes among legisla- issues—the people who assume responsibility for
tive activities is the amount of policy expertise they shaping the legislative agenda and doing the work
require. . . . Voting is one legislative activity that necessary to get feminist policies enacted into
requires little substantive knowledge since repre- law. From this perspective, the reason previous
sentatives are able to rely on cues from a variety studies of sex differences in governance failed to
of sources when making their voting decisions.5 uncover compelling evidence of female legisla-
In contrast, legislators must be relatively well tors’ impact on politics is because they relied on
informed to sponsor a bill and guide it through the roll call voting—the indicator theoretically asso-
legislative process. Other activities such as cospon- ciated with the least dramatic aspect of gendered
sorship and speechmaking require legislators to be representation.
reasonably informed, but do not demand that they
be experts.
Given these systematic differences in the atti- Measuring Difference
tudinal and resource burdens imposed by legisla-
tive activities, and given the expectations about Assessing the influence of sex on feminist legisla-
sex differences in attitudes and resources discussed tive behavior is a difficult task. Like most politi-
earlier, the potential consequences of gender in cal terms, the feminist label refers to a highly

Table 28.1. Predicted Sex Differences by Activity Type: Feminist Legislative Leadership
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Activity Requirements Roll Call Voting Cosponsorship Speeches Sponsorship

Support Moderate High High High
Commitment Low Low Moderate High
Awareness Low Low Moderate High
Expertise Low Low Moderate High
Predicted Sex Small Small/Medium Medium Large

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subjective and mutable concept that shifts in percent of the votes cast by the congressmen. In
meaning depending on how and by whom it is accordance with predictions, however, this dif-
used. While few would deny that in general fem- ference was far from large, equivalent to about
inism seeks to advance the well-being of women, one more feminist vote per congresswoman, in-
there are conflicting notions about what consti- dicating that sex is not a major determinant of
tutes women’s welfare and about how that wel- roll call voting on women’s issues. In addition,
fare can be best advanced. . . . party was a better predictor of feminist voting
. . . My own admittedly imperfect answer was than sex, with 78 percent of the Democrats’ votes
to employ a definition of feminist that is consistent being feminist compared to just 65 percent of the
with liberal feminism, the most common form of Republicans’ votes.
feminism in American politics and the version The second variable I examined was feminist
most strongly associated with such groups as the bill cosponsorship. . . . All told, the congresswomen
National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) and cosponsored legislation 11,962 times. Of these in-
the National Organization for Women (NOW). stances, 1,088 (9 percent) involved feminist bills.
Under this definition, legislators’ behaviors were In contrast, the congressmen signed their names
defined as feminist if their primary purpose was to to legislation 9,541 times, and of these cases, 569
promote the well-being of women through one (6 percent) involved feminist bills. Since in prac-
or more of the following: eliminating discrimi- tical terms this difference amounts to about 23
nation on the basis of sex, redressing grievances more pieces of feminist legislation per congress-
of women who have suffered discrimination on woman, legislative cosponsorship is clearly an
the basis of sex, addressing needs arising from area in which the behavior of women and men in
women’s unique physiologies or socioeconomic Congress is substantially different. Moreover, sex
conditions, or achieving public recognition of was a more important determinant of cosponsor-
women’s contributions to society. . . . ship than partisanship, which had no discernible
The locus of this study was the U.S. House impact on the dependent variable; both Demo-
of Representatives during the 101st Congress crats and Republicans dedicated about 10 percent
(1989–90). The sample included all twenty-four of their cosponsorship activity to feminist bills.
women and a matched group of twenty-four The third dependent variable I examined was
men who served in the House during this entire feminist speeches on the floor of the House. Sex
period. The matching procedure selected those differences in this area were also highly pro-
men who shared the same party, seniority, and nounced. . . . Of the 2,841 speeches given by the
ideology as the women.6 When possible, men congresswomen, 241 were feminist. During the
were also paired with women on the basis of same period, congressmen gave 1,941 speeches
region and age. The purpose of using a matched of which 81 were feminist. This means that on
sample was to measure the independent effect average the women gave about 6 more feminist
of sex on feminist legislative leadership. In ac- speeches per person than did their male counter-
cordance with the typology developed earlier, parts. As with feminist cosponsorship, the effect
four types of legislative activities were examined: of sex on feminist speechmaking was greater than
feminist roll call voting, feminist speechmaking, the effect of party, which accounted for less than
feminist cosponsorship, and feminist sponsorship. a 1 percent difference between members. On av-
erage, about 8 percent of the speeches given by
both Democrats and Republicans were feminist.
Findings Sponsorship of feminist legislation was the
or applicable copyright law.

final dependent variable, and was measured in

The first dependent variable I examined was fem- the same manner as the cosponsorship variable.
inist roll call voting. . . . As in previous research, Overall, the congresswomen sponsored legislation
there was a measurable sex disparity in the voting 582 times, and in 69 of these instances the legis-
behavior of the representatives. Seventy-seven lation they sponsored was feminist. In contrast,
percent of the votes congresswomen cast on the the congressmen sponsored legislation 328 times,
seventeen issues were feminist, compared with 70 and in only 6 of these instances did the legislation
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Sex, Gender, and Leadership in the Representation of Women 249
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Table 28.2. Sex Distribution by Feminist Activity Type

Feminist Activities Women Men Totals
Roll Call Votes 52% 48% 100%
Cosponsors 66% 34% 100%
Speeches 75% 25% 100%
Sponsors 92% 8% 100%

fall into the feminist category. In practical terms, Notes

this means that female members sponsored about
2 more pieces of feminist legislation per per- 1. Frieda L. Gehlen, “Women Members of Congress:
son than did the congressmen. As with feminist A Distinctive Role,” in A Portrait of Marginality, ed.
speechmaking and bill cosponsorship, feminist bill Marianne Githens and Jewell Prestage (New York:
sponsorship variation by party was almost imper- McKay, 1977); Sheila Gilbert Leader, “The Policy Im-
pact of Elected Women Officials,” in The Impact of the
ceptible; both Democrats and Republicans spent Electoral Process, ed. Louis Maisel and Joseph Cooper
about 11 percent of their sponsorship activity on (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1977); David
feminist bills. Hill, “Women State Legislators and Party Voting on
In order to determine whether these sex dif- the E.R.A.,” Social Science Quarterly 64 (1982): 318–26;
ferences varied in magnitude depending on the Janet A. Flammang, “Female Officials in the Feminist
Capital: The Case of Santa Clara County,” Western Po-
types of activities in which the representatives litical Quarterly 38 (1985): 94–118; Sue Thomas, “Vot-
were engaged, I compared the sex distributions ing Patterns in the California Assembly: The Role of
of different feminist activities. As shown in Gender,” Women and Politics 9 (1989): 43–53; Samantha
table 28.2, the gap between women’s and men’s L. Durst and Ryan W. Rusek, “Different Genders,
feminist legislative involvement increased consis- Different Votes? An Examination of Voting Behavior in
the U.S. House of Representatives,” paper presented at
tently in the predicted direction: the greater the the annual meeting of the American Political Science As-
attitudinal and resource demands imposed by an sociation, Washington, D.C., September 2–5, 1993.
activity, the larger the sex disparity. While in this 2. Kathleen B. Jones and Anna G. Jonasdottir, eds., The
study women cast just over half of the feminist Political Interests of Gender: Developing Theory and Research
votes, they constituted 66 percent of the cospon- with a Feminist Face (London: Sage Publications, 1988).
3. Ibid.
sors of feminist legislation, 75 percent of the pro- 4. Sixteen interviews (nine with women and seven with
feminist speakers, and 92 percent of the sponsors men) were conducted in person during May, June, and
of feminist legislation. This finding conforms July 1991. The sessions ranged in length from fifteen
closely to the model of feminist legislative lead- minutes to one hour, and, because of members’ time
ership developed earlier. Although not definitive, limitations, not all questions were asked in every in-
terview. To encourage members to speak freely about
the results are consistent with an interpretation their attitudes and activities, respondents were promised
that posits heightened support, commitment, anonymity and the sessions were recorded with written
awareness, and expertise among female members notes (taken during and immediately following the in-
of Congress as primary determinants of sex dis- terviews) rather than with a tape recorder.
parities in feminist legislative leadership. While 5. John W. Kingdon. Congressmen’s Voting Decisions, 3d
ed. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1989).
congressmen are not averse to feminist policies, 6. Ideology was measured with rankings from the Ameri-
congresswomen provide the bulk of the leader- cans for Democratic Action (ADA) and the American
ship on feminist issues. . . .
or applicable copyright law.

Conservative Union (ACU) for 1987, 1988, and 1989.

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Chapter 29
Congressional Enactments
of Race–Gender:
Toward a Theory of
Raced–Gendered Institutions
Mary Hawkesworth

In their path-breaking work, A Portrait of Margin- scientists a clue that there is more going on in
ality, Marianne Githens and Jewel Prestage (1977, legislative institutions than has yet been captured
339) noted that from its inception American pol- in the literature [on race, gender, and politics].
itics has been “man’s business” (i.e., it has been This chapter explores the experiences of margin-
“gendered”) and “white folks’ business” (i.e., alization reported by Congresswomen of color in
it has been “raced”). “As a consequence, black the 103rd and 104th Congresses in an effort to
women have been doubly excluded from the po- make visible power relations that have profound
litical arena.” The form of exclusion that Githens effects, constructing raced and gendered hierar-
and Prestage sought to illuminate was the perva- chies that structure interactions among members
sive and persistent underrepresentation of women as well as institutional practices, while also shaping
of color in elective offices. In 1977, when Por- public policies.
trait of Marginality was published, women of color Toward that end, I first develop a conception of
held 3% of the elected offices in the United States racing–gendering as an active process that differs
and five seats in the U.S. Congress (King 1977, significantly from the conceptions of race and sex
347).1 A quarter century later, women of color as individual attributes or demographic characteris-
hold 3.7% of the seats in the U.S. Congress, 3.6% tics. I then suggest that investigating the processes
of the seats in state legislatures, and 3.09% of the of racing–gendering requires methodological
mayoral and council offices at the municipal level innovation to make visible that which traditional
(Center for American Women and Politics 2002; methodologies have rendered invisible. I provide
National League of Cities 2002). In addition to examples of racing–gendering in Congress and
underrepresentation, studies of elected women of indicate how these marginalizing experiences of
color consistently document forms of marginali- Congresswomen of color challenge a number of
zation including stereotyping complemented by a received views in Congress studies. I explore the
policy of invisibility, exclusion of women of color persistence of racing–gendering across two Con-
or applicable copyright law.

from leadership positions within legislatures, and gresses, the Democratic-controlled 103rd and the
lack of institutional responsiveness to the policies Republican-controlled 104th, to demonstrate that
women of color champion (Bryce and Warwick Congresswomen of color perceive racing–gender-
1977; Bratton and Haynie 1999; Swain 2000). . . . ing to be ongoing processes regardless of the party
When women legislators of color report per- in power. In the final sections, I identify new ex-
sistent marginalization within legislative institu- planatory possibilities created by the theory of rac-
tions despite years of seniority and impressive ing–gendering in Congress and consider some of
legislative accomplishments, they offer political the implications of this account for understandings
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252 Women, Gender, and Social Policies
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of the internal operations of political institutions, racialization and gendering are specific yet interre-
the substantive representation of the interests of lated. Racialization may produce marked com-
historically marginalized groups, and the quality of monalities or privilege between men and women
democracy in the United States. of the dominant race/ethnic groups and of disad-
vantage among men and women of the subordi-
nate racial/ethnic groups. Gendering may produce
From Race and Sex to Racing–Gendering particular commonalities (deportment, adornment,
stylizations of the body, voice intonations and in-
Political scientists have tended to treat race and flections, skilling or deskilling, interests, aspira-
sex as biological or physical characteristics rather tions) among women across race and ethnic groups
than as political constructs. According to this “pri- and among men across race and ethnic groups.
mordial view” (Taylor 1996), race and sex pre- The term racing–gendering attempts to fore-
cede politics. As part of the “natural” or “given” ground the intricate interactions of racialization
aspects of human existence, race and sex are apo- and gendering in the political production of dis-
litical, unless intentionally mobilized for political tinctive groups of men and women. Racing–
purposes. The effects of race or sex upon politics, gendering involves the production of difference,
then, are matters for empirical investigation but political asymmetries, and social hierarchies that
there is no reason to believe that politics plays simultaneously create the dominant and the sub-
any role in shaping the physical characteristics of ordinate. To investigate racing–gendering, then,
individuals or the demographic characteristics of it is crucial to attend to specifics and to interrela-
populations. tionships. The processes that produce a white
Within the past few decades, critical race theo- male, for example, will differ from, while being
rists and feminist theorists have challenged the pri- fully implicated in, the processes that produce a
mordial view of race and sex, calling attention to black man, a Latino, a Native American man, a
processes of racialization and gendering through white woman, a black woman, a Latina, an Asian
which relations of power and forms of inequality American woman, or a Native American woman.
are constructed, shaping the identities of individ- Racing and gendering are active processes
uals. Through detailed studies of laws, norms, and with palpable effects. Racing–gendering occurs
organizational practices that enforced racial segre- through the actions of individuals, as well as
gation and separate spheres for men and women, through laws, policies, and organizational norms
scholars have excavated the political processes and practices. The identities of women of color
through which hierarchies of difference have been are constituted through an amalgam of practices
produced and maintained. They have demon- that construct them as “other” (to white men,
strated that the imputed “natural” interests and men of color, and white women), challenging
abilities of women and men of various races are the their individuality and their status as fully human.
result of state-prescribed limitations in education, The manifold practices through which racing–
occupation, immigration, citizenship, and office- gendering are generated and sustained are
holding (e.g., Connell 1987; Flammang 1997; complex and many-layered. They surface episte-
Haney Lopez 1996; Siltanen 1994). Politics has mically in the particular knowledges ascribed to
produced race and gender not only by creating and women of color and in the forms of knowledge
maintaining raced and gendered divisions within alleged to lie beyond their grasp. They surface
the population but by defining race and gender contradictorily as in the opposing phenomena of
characteristics and according differential rights on invisibility (when whites consistently fail to see
or applicable copyright law.

the basis of those definitions (Yanow 2002). . . . or ignore women of color; confuse them because
Feminist scholars of color have coined the term “they all look alike”; deny them recognition) and
intersectionality to capture the intricate interplay of hypervisibility (any woman of color stands for all
social forces that produce particular women and women of color; one or two women of color in
men as members of particular races, classes, ethnic- a room is somehow too many). Silencing, ex-
ities and nationalities (Crenshaw 1989, 1997). cluding, marginalizing, segregating, discrediting,
Intersectionality suggests that the processes of dismissing, discounting, insulting, stereotyping,
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Congressional Enactments of Race–Gender 253
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and patronizing are used singly and in combina- practices produce relations of power that alter the
tion to fix women of color “in their place.” conditions of work and the conditions of life for
Tokenism has been a talisman of racing– women of color in subtle and not so subtle ways.
gendering. As tokens, some women of color are They ensure that the playing field is not equal.
admitted to membership in elite institutions but In addition to a variety of direct effects, rac-
their inclusion carries an expectation that they ac- ing–gendering practices also produce unintended
cept the agenda of the dominant members consequences: anger and resistance. In Hurtado’s
(Hurtado 1996; Lorde 1984). Their talents are (1996, 21) words, “ To be a woman of color is to
recognized only on the condition that they are live with fury.” In response to racing–gendering,
used to support the status quo. Any attempt to women of color mobilize anger for purposes of
expand the agenda or change the operating pro- social change. Locke (1997, 378) has argued that
cedures by a token produces quite different rac- women of color have “struggled since our nation’s
ing–gendering tactics by those dominant within founding against peripheral status and the conse-
the institution. Hurtado (1996, 135, 166) has sug- quences of exclusion.” Within the institutions in
gested that women of color who act in accor- which they work and within their communities,
dance with their own agendas confront “topic a “central tactic of resistance is to use anger effec-
extinctions” and the “pendejo game.” Topic ex- tively” (Hurtado 1996, 21). In the struggle against
tinctions refer to the total silence that greets sub- exclusion and marginalization, women of color in
stantive suggestions and policy agendas advanced electoral politics have envisioned themselves as
by women of color. Whether fueled by willed social change agents “trying to achieve the visi-
indifference, evidence blindness, or a refusal to bility and recognition that were symbolically
hear, such silence ensures that women of color fail reserved for white men” (Darling 1998, 157). In
to achieve their objectives. In the pendejo game, exploring the dynamics of racing–gendering in
white men and white women in positions of the U.S. Congress, it is important to consider that
power “play dumb,” pretending that they do not the identities of Congresswomen of color may be
understand the policy suggestions or substantive constituted not only through the racing–gender-
arguments of women of color and requesting fur- ing practices that silence, marginalize, and con-
ther explication and deeper elaboration. While strain but also through resistance and the political
women of color devote time and energy trying to mobilization of anger that racing–gendering
educate members of the dominant group about engenders. Indeed, I argue that the anger and
the issues, those in power pretend to listen but do resistance engendered by Congresswomen of col-
not hear; hence, everything remains the same. or’s experiences of racing–gendering in the halls
The demand for additional information is simply of Congress help explain certain of their policy
a delaying tactic that ensures that the agenda preferences and the intensity with which they
advanced by women of color is deferred. pursue legislation that they know to be doomed.
Racing–gendering can also involve certain
“Catch 22s”: Women of color are simultaneously
pressured to assimilate to the dominant norms of Methodology
the institution and denied the possibility of assim-
ilation. They are not allowed to assume the posi- . . . To illuminate factors that contribute to Con-
tion of the unmarked (white/male) member gresswomen of color’s experience of marginalization,
because racing–gendering practices continue to I interpret interview data from Congresswomen
set them off as different. Indeed, racing–gender- in the 103rd and 104th Congresses in light of re-
or applicable copyright law.

ing involves asymmetrical power relations that cent scholarship in critical race theory, feminist
simultaneously constitute the marked and theory, and African American history. I draw
unmarked members. Whites and men constitute upon the concept of intersectionality and the
themselves as the unmarked norm in the very theory of gendered institutions to investigate rac-
process of constructing people of color and ing–gendering in the U.S. Congress, identifying
women as marked, different. Whether deployed interpersonal interactions and institutional prac-
intentionally or unwittingly,2 racing–gendering tices that situate and constrain Congresswomen
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of color differently from white Congressmen and that distinguished their responses from those of
women, and differently from Congressmen of their white counterparts. These tales provide con-
color. crete examples of racing–gendering in Congress
While this study is informed by hermeneutics, that form the core of the analysis in the next two
it also employs a multimethod approach, com- sections. . . .
bining textual analysis of interview data with a
case-study of welfare reform in the 103rd and
104th Congresses. The interview data are drawn Racing–Gendering Enactments in Congress
from a long-term study of women in Congress
conducted by the Center for American Women . . . Invisibility can mean markedly different things
and Politics. My textual analysis is based upon in Congress, depending on the context and de-
transcripts from interviews with 81 Congress- pending on whether it is deployed tactically by a
women, including 15 Congresswomen of color member or imposed unwillingly upon a member.
who served in the 103rd and 104th Congresses When one is a member of the minority party,
(11 African American women, 3 Latinas, and 1 working with and through members of the major-
Asian American woman), supplemented by cer- ity party may be the only tactic possible to accom-
tain policy debates recorded in the Congressional plish a legislative end. . . . In principle, such tactical
Record. . . . During the interviews Congresswomen invisibility is race and gender neutral. . . .
were asked about their legislative priorities and Congresswomen of color can be rendered in-
accomplishments, their efforts to represent visible even when they are not deploying tactical
women, and their relationship to the Congres- invisibility to accomplish their legislative goals. . . .
sional Caucus for Women’s Issues, as well as their Topic extinctions and silencing can undermine
role in passing legislation in the areas of crime, the legislative efforts of Congresswomen of color,
health, health care reform, reproductive rights, contributing to a form of invisibility accompanied
violence against women, welfare, and interna- by ineffectiveness. Congresswomen of color have
tional trade. also been rendered invisible, however, in in-
There were many similarities in the responses stances of significant legislative achievement. The
of white Congresswomen and Congresswomen role of Congresswomen of color in pressing for
of color. All agreed that they felt an obligation to minimum wage legislation in the 104th Congress
represent women, although they differed in their is well documented in the Congressional Record.
understanding of what constituted a women’s The demand for a “livable wage” was a recurrent
issue, which women they sought to represent, motif in their floor statements during the debates
and how they thought it best to represent those over welfare reform. Arguing that poverty could
women. They also agreed that they were willing be eliminated for the working poor only if the
to work across party lines to achieve legislation minimum wage were increased sufficiently to lift
they thought would help women, and they agreed those who worked full-time above the federal
that the Congressional Caucus for Women’s poverty level, Congresswomen of color organized
Issues played an important role in coordinating to put minimum wage legislation on the agenda.
bipartisan coalitions in support of particular pieces In the tradition of legislative entrepreneurs
of legislation. (Kingdon 1984) and coalition leaders (Arnold
The interview transcripts also revealed a range 1990), Democratic Congresswomen of color
of differences in the responses of white wrote to the Minority Leader to press him to put
Congresswomen and Congresswomen of color. a minimum wage bill at the top of his priorities.
or applicable copyright law.

In discussing their legislative priorities and in They wrote multiple “Dear Colleague” letters to
identifying their specific roles in support of or in all members of Congress in an effort to persuade
opposition to particular bills, Congresswomen of Democrats and Republicans of the importance of
color provided narratives that differed markedly an increase in the minimum wage for working
from those of their white counterparts. African women, who constitute over 60% of minimum
American Congresswomen, in particular, related wage workers. They circulated evidence gener-
tales of insult, humiliation, frustration, and anger ated by economists that an increase in the
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minimum wage was correlated with an increase Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) and the
in business activity rather than a decrease as oppo- Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues
nents of the measure suggested (Clayton 1997). (CCWI) is of particular interest in the context of
When the Republican House leadership was racing–gendering practices; for Gingrich’s
reluctant to schedule a vote on the proposed leg- decision to eliminate the LSOs was perceived by
islation, Representative Ileana Ros Lehtinen many as an effort to mute the organized voice of
[R-FL], who was a cosponsor of HR 3265, the blacks and the organized voice of women within
Minimum Wage Increase Act of 1996, worked the halls of Congress. The withdrawal of office
with Jack Quinn [R-NY] to pressure the leadership space, furnishings, and equipment and the edict
to hold a straight up or down vote. When the prohibiting members from using their staff allow-
vote was held, the legislation passed. Despite the ances to support such collective endeavors were
activism of Congresswomen of color on both perceived as an assault motivated by racism and
sides of the aisle in support of the Minimum Wage sexism. . . . Confiscation, dispossession, physical
Increase Act, when the press conference was removal, and lockouts are not tactics typically
called to announce the enactment of the legisla- deployed between equals. Nor do such draconian
tion, all the spokespersons for the Administration measures make much sense in terms of rational
and for the Congress were male. power maximization. Since almost all of the
Representative Patsy Mink [D-HI] (1997) members of the CBC were Democrats, the tactics
reported that the all-male delegation taking credit they had attempted to employ as a voting bloc to
for the legislation was not inadvertent. On the gain leverage within the Democratic party would
contrary, she had lobbied the Secretary of Labor not have worked with the new Republican ma-
without success to include some women in the jority. For this reason, they posed little threat to
press conference. Thus Republican men who had the Republican leadership of the House. Within
been most opposed to the legislation while it was the context of racing–gendering, however, the
under consideration in Congress claimed full credit demarcation of government property as off-limits
in public for its passage. In casting themselves as for the CBC staff takes on ominous meaning: for
the real representatives of women’s interests in it racializes congressional space, constructing the
Congress, these white men effectively rendered black members of the House as somehow not
invisible the intensive labor of Congresswomen fully part of the government, not entitled to use
of color to advance the interests of the nation’s their resources to advance black interests. To
working poor. . . . physically bar black staff working without pay
One tactic underrepresented groups in Congress from House office buildings is to send a message
developed to try to minimize the personal costs about the Majority Leader’s preference for the
of raced–gendered interactions was the creation House as a white enclave. Thus the forcible evic-
of legislative service organizations (LSOs), such as tion of the CBC staff from the Capitol was taken
the Congressional Black Caucus and the by Congresswomen of color as a particularly
Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, which egregious example of institutional racism.
could not only serve as support networks for For Congresswomen of color, eliminating
members, but also provide a mechanism for col- rights of participation, hampering efforts to devise
lective action outside of party structures. Funded collective strategies, and dampening the organized
by contributions from members’ staff allowances, voice of underrepresented groups constituted un-
the legislative service organizations hired staff to mistakably raced and gendered politics. While the
conduct research, draft legislation, and help the institutional rule changes that sustained this politics
or applicable copyright law.

members devise successful legislative strategies to of exclusion were neutral on their face, they were
advance shared interests. experienced by Congresswomen of color as race–
In the opening days of the 104th Congress, gender specific in their effects. As such, they engen-
House Speaker Newt Gingrich [R-GA] intro- dered new strategies for collective action. . . .
duced a number of structural changes to stream- Within Congress, the CBC and the CCWI reorga-
line House operations. The abolition of 28 nized as Congressional Members Organizations
legislative service organizations including the (CMOs), a form of organization that was not
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prohibited by Gingrich’s institutional restructur- of the theory of racing–gendering in Congress. I

ing, and continued to meet to devise strategies to will argue that the theory of racing–gendering
provide substantive representation for what they provides a better explanation of the motivations
perceived as their national constituencies, women and intensity of involvement of Congresswomen
and people of color. . . . of color in welfare reform legislation than other
accounts of congressional behavior. According to
studies of constituency influence in Congress,
Explanatory Possibilities of a Theory welfare recipients are not a constituency likely to
of Racing–Gendering receive strong representation in the halls of
Congress. As Hall (1996, 201) has pointed out,
To this point, most of the examples of racing– “The proposition that lower-class interests will
gendering have been drawn from the 104th Con- suffer from relatively weak representation in the
gress. Some might then claim that what appears to American political system dates at least back to
be racing–gendering is really a matter of partisan E. E. Schattschneider’s The Semi-Sovereign People
politics. I have noted that such a reductive move is (1960).” While welfare recipients are concen-
incompatible with the views of Congresswomen trated in the geographic constituencies of legisla-
of color themselves. To support further the claim tors representing inner cities, they are neither an
that racing–gendering is distinctive from partisan attentive public nor the “primary constituency”
maneuvers, I want to expand the analysis to com- (i.e., strongest supporters) of urban representatives
pare instances of racing–gendering in the Dem- (Fenno 1978). They do not donate time or money
ocratically controlled 103rd Congress with those to campaigns and often they do not vote. They
in the Republican-controlled 104th Congress in do not tend to be well informed about legislation
one policy area, welfare reform. Welfare policy is pending in Congress. And with the exception of
a particularly appropriate case for the examination the activism mobilized by the National Welfare
of racing–gendering for a number of reasons. Rights Organization in the early 1970s (Sparks
Since its inception, U.S. welfare policy has 1997), they tend to be unorganized. Why then
reinforced structural inequalities rooted in race– did Congresswomen of color devote such time
gender (Fraser 1989; G. Mink 1995). Restricted and energy to the representation of an unorga-
primarily to women recipients deemed morally nized majority-white underclass? . . .
worthy by the state bureaucrats, welfare has been The theory of racing–gendering can offer
“dispensed in a disparate and racially unequal some insights into such questions. Through the
manner not just in the Jim Crow era, but since following case study, I attempt to show that the
the Voting Rights Act” (Darling 1998, 161). intense involvement of Congresswomen of color
Racial bias in determinations of eligibility ensured in welfare reform legislation over the course of
that “African American and Latinos remained un- the 103rd and 104th Congresses can best be
derrepresented on the welfare rolls, despite high understood as an instance of resistance engendered
levels of need” (Mettler 2000, 12). Although in response to racing–gendering in Congress. I
racial disparities in the allocation of benefits have argue that as white Democrats and Republicans
typified welfare policy, and the majority of wel- shifted the terrain of welfare debates from poverty
fare recipients are white, cultural stereotypes of alleviation to pathologizing and racializing the
the typical welfare recipient are highly racialized. poor, Congresswomen of color mobilized at con-
Several studies have demonstrated that the racist siderable political cost to make a public stand on
attitudes fueling the misperception of welfare re- the issue. In addition to the political harms of
or applicable copyright law.

cipients as overwhelmingly black influence white going against their own party and their President
opposition to welfare (Gilens 1995, 1996). There in the 103rd Congress and against the Republican
is also evidence that entrenched racism has shaped majority in the 104th, the cost Congresswomen
decades of policymakers’ efforts to reform welfare of color paid for their resistance was subjection to
(Lieberman 1995; Quadagno 1994). intensified forms of racing–gendering in Congress.
Welfare reform is also an appropriate focus, for Their willingness to incur those costs can be
it helps to illuminate the explanatory possibilities understood as a political manifestation of willed
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resistance to racing–gendering. In the case of wel- and supported by all the Congresswomen of color.
fare reform, to live with anger is to legislate against The alternative welfare reform included a proposal
the grain. The theory of racing—gendering in for a living wage, . . . education and training
Congress thus illuminates a form of minority par- opportunities to equip welfare recipients for jobs
ticipation at great remove from the “expression of that would enable them to escape poverty, job
minority opinion central to the practice of demo- creation to counteract unemployment, child care
cratic consent” (Hall 1996, 238). Far from legiti- to meet the needs of working parents, and trans-
mating the legislative process and the policy it portation allowances to make remote worksites
produces, legislating against the grain provides a accessible. The Congresswomen of color sup-
trenchant indictment of the system. ported enhanced entitlements to eradicate pov-
erty, but their policy recommendations remained
A Case Study of Welfare Reform far more progressive than the proposals endorsed
by the Democratic task force, which were an-
In the 103rd Congress when welfare reform nounced by President Clinton in June 1994.
was placed on the political agenda by President Introduced immediately prior to Congress’s
Clinton and by the Republican minority, Con- summer recess and the fall congressional elections,
gresswomen of color were fully supportive of the the Clinton proposal to “end welfare as we know
prospect of reforming the welfare system. The it” died with the 103rd Congress.
reforms they sought, however, placed them at The experiences of the Democratic women of
odds with dominant forces in the Democratic and color in the 103rd Congress as the Democratic
Republican parties. The Congresswomen of color majority crafted welfare legislation exemplify
sought a welfare reform that would eliminate marginalization. Many reported that they could
poverty. Thus, they sought legislation that would not gain access to key white male decision makers
address the structural causes of poverty, such as and, as such, could not influence the shape of the
low wages and unemployment. They also sought legislation. Despite repeated efforts to shift the
strategies to address the needs of welfare recip- terms of debate away from erroneous perceptions
ients, such as lack of training, lack of transpor- of welfare cheats and cycles of dependency, nei-
tation, and lack of child care, which constituted ther the social science knowledge they circulated
major barriers to workforce participation. . . . nor the personal experiences they related were
Central to the concerns of Congresswomen of taken as authoritative or compelling. Even
color was the circulation of racialized stereotypes Representative Patsy Mink’s substitute proposal,
about welfare recipients, particularly the construc- which garnered 90 Democrats’ votes in the
tion of welfare recipients as women of color—too House, was dismissed rather than selectively in-
lazy to work—who sought to cheat the system. corporated into the President’s plan.
To counteract the “stereotypes that were alive
and well” (McKinney 1997), Congresswomen of Welfare Reform in the 104th Congress
color tried to inject social science research into
the debate. On October 23, 1993, Representatives In contrast to the concern with structural
Patsy Mink [D-HI] and Maxine Waters [D-CA] causes of poverty, which lay at the heart of the
joined their colleagues Ed Pastor [D-AZ] and approach to welfare reform taken by Congress-
Lynn Woolsey [D-CA] in cochairing a confer- women of color, the Republican proposals for
ence on Women and Welfare Reform: Women’s welfare reform framed poverty as a matter of
Opportunities and Women’s Welfare. Sponsored personal responsibility, particularly in relation to
or applicable copyright law.

by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research in marriage and responsible fatherhood and moth-
Washington, DC, the conference brought to- erhood. Asserting that the nation confronted a
gether academics and policymakers in an effort to “crisis of out-of-wedlock births,” the Republi-
“break myths and create solutions,” The elements cans proposed legislation designed to “ensure that
of progressive welfare reform outlined at this con- the responsibility of having a child belongs to the
ference became the basis for the alternative wel- mother and father, rather than to the mother and
fare reform legislation introduced by Patsy Mink the U.S. taxpayer” (Meyers 1993).3 Several of the
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key provisions of the Republican welfare reform increasingly vitriolic floor debates the legitimacy
targeted teen pregnancy in particular and out-of- of their concern became apparent as even the pre-
wedlock births more generally on the assumption tense of using race-neutral language to charac-
that “the increase in the number of children re- terize the poor disappeared and Republican
ceiving public assistance is closely related to the legislators denounced illegitimacy in the black
increase in births to unmarried women” (The community. For example, in his floor speech
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Representative Cunningham [R-CA] (1995)
Reconciliation Act of 1996, Public Law 104- linked illegitimacy in the black community not
193, 42 USC 601, Sec. 101 [5]C). In the words only with welfare, but with crime and drug ad-
of Dick Armey [R-TX] (1995), “We need to diction.4 Representatives Patsy Mink [D-HI]
understand . . . that it is illegitimacy and child- (1995), Sheila Jackson Lee [D-TX] (1995a, b),
birth, fatherless children, that is so much at the Maxine Waters [D-CA] (1996), Eva Clayton
heart of the distress that seems to be unending and [D-NC] (1995a–c), and Nydia Velazquez [D-NY]
growing worse and larger each year. So we insist (1995) repeatedly emphasized in floor debate that
that we must have a new approach that brings the majority of welfare recipients were white, but
down illegitimacy, and quite rightly so many of us their factual claims failed to dispel racialized wel-
say, yes, bring down illegitimacy, but not through fare myths. In the words of Representative
increased abortions.” . . . Barbara Collins [D-MI] (1998), “The Congress
Congresswomen of color perceived the attack unfortunately had the image of a welfare recipient
on single mothers at the heart of welfare reform as an urban black woman, who irresponsibly had
proposals as an attack on the black family, an at- children, was lazy, refused to work, was unedu-
tack that resurrected pathological theories of pov- cated. Whereas the truth of the matter was that
erty, which had circulated in policy circles since the majority of welfare recipients were white,
the Moynihan Report in the 1960s. To counter white women and white families,”5
Republican claims about the causes of poverty, As a white woman and the only member of
Congresswomen of color turned to social science. Congress to have once been a welfare recipient,
To engage the mistaken notion that single-parent Representative Lynn Woolsey [D-CA] (1998)
families are the cause of increasing poverty in also took to the House floor to tell her colleagues
the United States, Representative Patsy Mink that most welfare recipients were white. “My
(1997) circulated to all members of the House and strategy was to be out there, to take the heat and
Senate copies of a 1995 study (Brown 1995) con- show people . . . that welfare moms were like me,
ducted by the Center on Hunger, Poverty and that I was the typical welfare mom. They had to
Nutritional Policy at Tufts University. Drawing see that. Then I’d hear on the other side of the
upon the research of 76 scholars who specialize in aisle, ‘Yeah, but you’re different.’” The racializa-
the areas of poverty and welfare, Mink contested tion of the poor had conflated welfare recipient
the conflation of single-motherhood with pov- and black women so powerfully in the minds of
erty and presented an alternative account. . . . some members of the House that they refused to
Despite Representative Mink’s attempt to invoke accept that the typical welfare recipient is a white
the authority of the social science community woman who resorts to welfare for a short time
and the U.S. Census Bureau to shift the terms of after a divorce in order to support her kids while
the welfare debate, the empirical evidence did she gets back on her feet. Facts that did not con-
nothing to dispel the correlation mistaken for form to raced–gendered stereotypes about welfare
causation at the heart of the Personal Respon- recipients were simply dismissed.
or applicable copyright law.

sibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Since argument rooted in personal experience
Act (PRWORA). was not carrying much weight in welfare reform
Congresswomen of color were deeply con- debates, Congresswomen of color relied heavily
cerned that the Republican focus on out-of- on social science research in their efforts to dispel
wedlock births, unwed mothers, and single-women other erroneous and damaging myths about wel-
heads-of-household was a thinly veiled attack fare. In floor debates, Republicans constructed
upon poor women of color. During a number of welfare recipients as “welfare addicts who will do
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anything to stay on the public dole” (Vucanovich recipients and on the basis of social science evi-
1995) and as people who need “tough love” to dence that “women do not get pregnant to get
free “a whole class of people that have been held welfare.” Representative Patsy Mink also quoted
in bondage for generation after genaration and evidence from the Census Bureau and the
cannot get out of bondage” (Chenowith 1995). Department of Health and Human Services to
In contrast to this image of perpetual dependency, prove that there is no causal relationship between
Patsy Mink (1995) repeatedly emphasized that the the availability of welfare benefits and the size or
majority of welfare recipients resort to welfare structure of poor families. . . .
when beset by crises such as illness, unemploy- Congresswomen of color were among the
ment, domestic violence, and divorce and remain most outspoken opponents of welfare reform in
on welfare for less than a year; indeed 80% of re- congressional debates. Like her Democratic coun-
cipients rely on welfare for less than 2 years. terparts in the House, Senator Carol Moseley-
Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard [D-CA] Braun (D-IL), the only woman of color in the
(1996) emphasized domestic violence as the rea- Senate, was an outspoken critic of the welfare
son that many women resort to welfare for short reform bills in the Senate. She too tried to per-
periods of time. “A recent study by the Taylor suade her fellow Senators that the legislation
Institute of Chicago . . . found that 50–80% of under consideration would not address the un-
women on AFDC are current or past victims of derlying problem of welfare: poverty. . . . Like
domestic violence. . . . For victims of abuse, the her counterparts in the House, Senator Moseley-
welfare system is often the only hope they have Braun tried to use her power on the Senate
for escape and survival.” As in the case of causal Finance Committee to alter the welfare reform
claims about poverty and empirical claims about bill. She drafted a substitute proposal, The Personal
the demographic characteristics of welfare recipi- Self-Sufficiency Act, which she introduced as an
ents, social scientific evidence about welfare use amendment to the draft welfare bill prepared by
made no impact on the terms of Congressional Committee Chair Bob Packwood. Her amend-
debate. Reflecting upon these frustrating floor ment was defeated in the Finance Committee by
debates, Representative Eva Clayton [D-NC] a 12–8 vote. She also tried to amend the welfare
(1997) said, “I was trying to speak out for reason. reform bill from the Senate floor, but her amend-
I’m not sure I succeeded in that. . . . I would ment was again defeated, by a 58–42 vote.
like to think that my role was to present In the House and in the Senate, women of
common sense. Again I don’t think I succeeded color worked arduously to air an alternative vi-
in that.” sion of welfare recipients and to advance an alter-
In addition to empirical arguments based upon native version of welfare reform. According to
social science research, Congresswomen of color one congressional staffer, “They spoke dispropor-
raised constitutional arguments about the permis- tionate to their seniority” on welfare reform
sibility of discriminating against legal immigrants, (Hawkesworth et al. 2001). Yet their words seemed
punishing children for actions of their parents, to have no effect. The statistical evidence they ad-
and violating the rights of poor women to privacy duced was discounted. Their cogent arguments
in reproductive decision making (Meek 1995; were dismissed. Authoritative knowledge was
Velazquez 1995). They also tried to humanize deemed to lie beyond their grasp. Gayatri Spivak
welfare recipients, to depict welfare recipients as (1988) has suggested that the refusal of the domi-
mothers struggling against adversity to meet the nant to hear the voices of and for the oppressed is
needs of their children and as children who them- a perennial tactic in technologies of race–gender. It
or applicable copyright law.

selves are grappling with material deprivation that is a form of racing–gendering that permeated wel-
marginalizes them from the mainstream. fare reform debates in the 103rd and the 104th
Challenging the stereotype of the welfare cheat Congresses, ensnaring Congresswomen of color in
who gets pregnant to qualify for or to increase a prolonged and painful pendejo game.
welfare benefits, Representative Sheila Jackson . . . The distorted racialized stereotypes of wel-
Lee [D-TX] (1995a) asserted unequivocally on fare recipients continued to circulate in discussions
the basis of her own interactions with welfare of welfare reform on the floor and in committees
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of the House and Senate until the Congress passed 103rd Congress, they used their power within the
The Personal Responsibility and Work Oppor- Democratic Party to try to shape the content of
tunity Reconciliation Act in August 1996. President Clinton’s welfare reform proposal. They
Representative Waters, like many of the cochaired scholarly conferences to try to shape
Congresswomen of color, transformed her anger public perceptions of the poor, as well as the con-
at the calumnies against the poor into efforts to tent of welfare legislation. They used their power
mobilize public opposition to welfare reform. in committees to try to amend Republican-
Mobilization of anger is a tactic that several sponsored legislation in the 104th Congress. They
Congresswomen of color reported deploying in drafted one of two Democratic alternative bills to
response to the welfare reform legislation. H.R. 4 considered in the House, as well as one of
Representative Corrine Brown [D-FL] (1998), the Democratic alternative bills considered in the
for example, said that she felt it was her responsi- Senate during the first session of the 104th
bility “to educate my constituents as to what was Congress. They secured a special order to allow a
going on so they could be enraged and call their floor debate of the welfare legislation in the House
Senators. . . . In August I conducted 50 town of Representatives. They used their intellectual
meetings [to which] anybody could come and lis- and rhetorical power in floor debates to try to
ten.” In response to the proposal to drastically cut alter congressional understandings of poverty.
the school lunch program, Representative Eva They scheduled press conferences featuring wel-
Clayton [D-NC] (1997) “organized Forums fare recipients to try to get alternative images of
called ‘Feed the Folk’s down in our district, and the poor before the Congress and the public.
we must have received about 1300 different peti- They wrote “Dear Colleague” letters and circu-
tions to save the school lunch program.” lated them with comprehensive social scientific
In addition to their efforts to mobilize the studies in an effort to break the hold of pernicious
anger of voters in their districts, I would suggest stereotypes of the poor. They held town meetings
that the intensive and varied participation of across their constituencies to mobilize voters
Congresswomen of color in welfare reform ef- against the pending legislation. Even in the final
forts behind the scenes, in committees, and on the hours they joined with a bipartisan group of 26
floor be understood as a mode of resistance against women members from both houses in sending a
racing–gendering. Through a wide array of tac- letter to the Conference Committee to try to
tical maneuvers, Congresswomen of color shape the compromise bill that would eventually
attempted to stem the stigmatization, racializa- become law. But ultimately they failed to con-
tion, and punitive regulation of poor women. vince their colleagues to move beyond what they
They proposed multiple amendments to the wel- perceived to be racist stereotypes and policies that
fare reform bills. Although none of the 20 amend- punished the poor. In the end, they used the
ments that Representative Carrie Meek [D-FL] power of their votes in Congress to oppose both
introduced as a member of the budget committee versions of the welfare reform legislation. All 15
passed, two amendments proposed by Congress- Congresswomen of color—14 Democrats and
women of color to the House Rules Committee one Republican—voted against The Personal
did succeed and were eventually approved by the Responsibility Act and The Personal Responsi-
House.6 Representative Eva Clayton succeeded bility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act.
in inserting language that required that individuals Their opposition was intense and consistent across
employed or participating in a work or workfare two Congresses, but there is no indication that in
program be paid at least at the minimum wage. airing their minority view, they accorded legiti-
or applicable copyright law.

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-FL] secured an exemp- macy to the process or to the bill that resulted
tion for mentally or physically disabled immigrants from it. On the contrary, their stories of margin-
from provisions excluding legal immigrants from alization and thwarted effort, of the silencing of
access to state and local public benefits. . . . reason and evidence, and of the pervasive racing–
In their efforts to legislate against the grain, gendering of welfare recipients and Congress-
Congresswomen of color deployed the full reper- women of color provide a resounding indictment
toire of strategies available to legislators. In the of this form of majority rule. . . .
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Notes Bryce, Herrington, and Alan Warrick. 1977. “Black

Women in Electoral Politics.” In A Portrait of
1. King notes that the preponderance of these elected Marginality, ed. Marianne Githens and Jewell Prestage,
officials held positions on local school boards. Con- New York: David Mckay, 395–400.
gresswomen of color included Patsy Mink [D-HI], Center for American Women and Politics. 2002. “Fact
Shirley Chisholm [D-NY], Barbara Jordan [D-TX], Sheet: Women of Color in Elective Office, 2002.”
Yvonne Braithwaite Burke [D-CA], and Cardiss Col- New Brunswick, NJ.
lins [D-IL]. Chenowith, Helen. 1995. Congressional Record, 104th
2. In her study of state legislators, Thomas (1994, 37) Cong., 1st sess., p. H3720, March 23.
found that male legislators routinely deny that they en- Clayton, Eva. 1995a. Congressional Record, 104th Cong.,
gage in stereotyping and sexist behavior or that women 1st sess., p. H1684, February 13.
legislators are in any way limited in their legislative roles Clayton, Eva. 1995b. Congressional Record, 104th Cong.,
by stereotypes or sexism. Yet when asked to compare 1st sess., p. H3445, March 22.
women’s and men’s performance in the legislature, the Clayton, Eva. 1995c. Congressional Record, 104th Cong.,
male legislators tended to identify certain “deficiencies” 1st sess., p. H3511, March 22.
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imputed deficiencies conformed to sexist stereotypes. Politics Interview, November 4.
For the purposes of my argument, it does not matter Collins, Barbara Rose. 1998. Center for American Women
whether the racing–gendering is done intentionally and Politics Interview, February 18.
or unintentionally. My goal is simply to demonstrate Connell, Robert. 1987. Gender and Power. Stanford, CA:
that these practices exist and have effects within legisla- Stanford University Press.
tures. Crenshaw, Kimberle. 1989. “Demarginalizing the
3. Representative Jan Meyers [R-KS] was one of the first Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist
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Reconciliation Act also strings together a series of Cong., 1st sess., p. H3446, March 21.
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5. The bipartisan reference to the Congress in this state- New York: Oxford University Press.
ment is intentional, since many white Democrats as Fenno, Richard F., Jr. 1978. Home Style. Boston: Little,
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Chapter 30
Taking Problems Apart
Carol Lee Bacchi

Have you ever read a newspaper article about a asked to study the policy process as if policies
controversial topic and thought that you would were attempts, more or less successful, to “deal
have approached the issue from a completely dif- with” a range of issues or “problems.” Even when
ferent angle? Have you ever compared the two students are warned that indeed those affecting
perspectives, yours and that of the columnist or and initiating policy have assumptions and values,
reported speaker, and noted that the contrast in the investigation seldom reaches into the effects
views had all sorts of consequences, including these will have on the way the people concerned
how to deal with the issue? If so, you have already describe or give shape to a particular political
been applying the approach which I will outline issue.
in this [chapter], an approach I call “What’s the In contrast, the approach developed [here]
Problem?”—a shorthand for “what’s the problem takes as its starting point that it makes no sense to
represented to be?” At its most basic, the insight consider the “objects” or targets of policy as exist-
is commonsensical—how we perceive or think ing independently of the way they are spoken
about something will affect what we think ought about or represented, either in political debate or
to be done about it. . . . The flip side of this, in policy proposals. Any description of an issue or
and the guiding premise of a What’s the Problem? a “problem” is an interpretation, and interpreta-
approach, is that every policy proposal contains tions involve judgment and choices. Crucially,
within it an explicit or implicit diagnosis of the we also need to realize that interpretations are in-
“problem,” which I call its problem represen- terventions since they have programmatic out-
tation. A necessary part of policy analysis hence comes; that is, the interpretation offered will line
includes identification and assessment of problem up with particular policy recommendations (see
representations, the ways in which “problems” Fraser, 1989: 166–75). More directly, policy pro-
get represented in policy proposals. posals of necessity contain interpretations and
While this might appear commonsensical, it is hence representations of “problems.” Therefore,
not the way we are taught or encouraged to think we need to shift our analysis from policies as
about political issues. These are often talked about attempted “solutions” to “problems,” to policies
or applicable copyright law.

or written about as if there were only one possible as constituting competing interpretations or rep-
interpretation of the issue at stake. I do not mean resentations of political issues.
that we are not offered competing opinions on I use the phrase “What’s the Problem?” as a
particular issues; this of course is the stuff of party way of achieving this refocusing. The phrase is
political banter. But we are not encouraged to intended to provoke an analysis which begins
reflect upon the ways in which issues take shape with asking of any particular policy proposal or
within these discussions. This is illustrated most policy the questions what is the “problem” repre-
clearly in policy studies, where students are often sented to be; what presuppositions are implied or
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taken for granted in the problem representation Olsen also emphasizes that decisions by govern-
which is offered; and what effects are connected ments affect the circumstances which provide the
to this representation of the “problem?.” Important background to decisions we make about how we
follow-up questions would probe what is left un- live our lives; hence, governments are “inter-
problematic in particular representations, and vening” all the time, even when they are not
how “responses” would differ if the “problem” “acting” in the traditional sense—not providing
were represented differently. The focus on inter- publicly funded child care or free-standing abor-
pretations or representations means a focus on dis- tion clinics, for example. Importantly, for the point
course, defined here as the language, concepts, and being made here, these issues might never come up
categories employed to frame an issue. . . . This for discussion, and hence it would be impossible to
means that the objects of study are no longer identify and talk about deliberate inaction. In this
“problems” but problematizations—“all those way, a What’s the Problem? approach is markedly
discursive practices that introduce something into different from analyses that ask why and how some
the play of true and false and constitute it as an issues make it to the political agenda, while others
object for moral reflection, scientific knowledge do not (see, for example, Bachrach and Baratz,
or political analysis” (Foucault, 1984: 257, 265, 1963; Cobb and Elder, 1983; Kingdom, 1995). Its
cited in Reekie, 1994: 464). The focus on effects starting point is a close analysis of items that do
means that in this analysis discourse refers not just make the political agenda to see how the construc-
to ideas or to ways of talking, but to practices tion or representation of those issues limits what is
with material consequences. . . . talked about as possible or desirable, or as impos-
This [chapter] applies a What’s the Problem? sible or undesirable. . . .
approach to a number of issues directly affecting It seems appropriate at this point to offer an
the lives of many women, issues frequently taken example to illustrate the different kind of thinking
as the focus in courses on women and policy. In a What’s the Problem? approach entails. If we
doing this, I am not endorsing the common refer- were thinking about political discussions of por-
ence to “women’s issues,” a notion I intend to nography, we would ask not what is the problem
challenge. Every issue affects the lives of women with pornography, but rather, what kind of a
and a What’s the Problem? approach could be ap- problem is pornography represented to be within
plied to any policy area. In addition, a What’s the different policy recommendations? This question
Problem? approach offers a way to think beyond opens up a space for reflecting upon the com-
single issues, and questions the kind of separation peting understandings of pornography offered by
implied by a listing of discrete policy areas. In moral conservatives, defenders of free speech,
contrast to many studies of policy, a What’s the feminists who find themselves in sympathy at
Problem? approach encourages us to think about some level with one of these interpretations, and
the interconnections between policy areas, and to feminists who wish to contrast their analyses with
reflect upon which issues remain unaddressed or each of the other approaches. Representations of
undiscussed because of the ways certain “prob- a “problem” can encompass two interrelated
lems” are represented. . . . levels of analysis and judgment. There can be dif-
A What’s the Problem? approach encourages ferent impressions offered of what is a concern.
deeper reflection on the contours of a particular There can also be different impressions offered of
policy discussion, the shape assigned a particular the causes of a “problem.” So, with pornography,
“problem.” In many cases, it is not a matter of de- the concern may be expressed as moral degrada-
liberately refusing to act but of talking about a tion, or as an abuse of women, while the “cause”
or applicable copyright law.

“problem” as if “acting” is simply inappropriate or could be described as a lack of moral restraint, or

not an issue. Frances Olsen (1985) has noted the as men’s desire to control women. This example
ways in which labeling items on a political “public” indicates that a great deal is at stake in competing
agenda or “private” serves to achieve this effect. representations of “problems.” As Deborah Stone
So, the “private” domestic sphere of “private” (1988: 162) forcefully states, “[S]truggles over
enterprise is by this labeling located outside of causal definitions of problems, then, are contests
“public” accountability (see also Plumwood, 1995). over basic structures of social organization.”
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Taking Problems Apart 265
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A little elaboration is required at this point. It . . . [A] What’s the Problem? approach insists
might have occurred to some readers that, for de- upon a close scrutiny of the ways in which “social
fenders of free speech, pornography is not a “prob- problems” are represented and what follows from
lem.” As Merton (1966: 786) noted some years these representations. It challenges the common
ago, “the same social condition will be defined by presumption that achieving social problem status
some as a social problem and by others as an for one’s cause is in itself a sign of success, a com-
agreeable and fitting state of affairs.” However, mitment to important change. Rather, it depends
those who call pornography a “problem” provoke upon the way in which the problem is repre-
a response from those who dispute its problem sented. For example, describing racism as the
status. A What’s the Problem? approach insists product of individual prejudice provides little le-
that it is crucial to reflect upon the representations verage to challenge structural discrimination.
offered both by those who describe something as Similarly, seeing sexual harassment as the unruly
a problem and by those who deny an issue prob- behavior of a few predatory men deters an analysis
lem status. Its purpose is to create a space to con- of the role played in sexual harassment by the
sider competing constructions of issues addressed in the greater social prestige attached to the status “male.”
policy process, and the ways in which these constructions While not wanting to discount the challenges and
leave other issues untouched. The approach can be resistances posed by groups of people who mobi-
applied to debates surrounding policy issues in lize to press for change, we need, in my view, to
public venues such as parliaments or the media, to consider more closely the shape of the challenges
policy documents such as committee reports, and they pose, the ways in which they perceive and
to policy proposals in the shape of legislative or represent “problems,” and the reasons for this.
judicial decrees. For committee-produced docu- Here we need to reflect upon why certain reform
ments, it is important to note that several problem responses get taken up, why others get dismissed,
representations may lodge within a single docu- and what happens to reform proposals in the
ment, causing tensions and contradictions (see process of being “taken up.” . . .
Maddox, 1997: 3). Still, the key insight of a Context is highly important in a What’s the
What’s the Problem? approach remains—the need Problem? analysis. This is because “problems” are
to uncover problem representations and to see often constituted differently due to location-
where they, and by implication, where they do specific, institution-specific, and history-specific
not, lead. factors. Attention to these specifics will provide
I suggest thinking about problem representa- insights into why some versions of a “problem”
tions as nested one within the other, necessitating appear in one place and other versions appear else-
repetition of the question “What’s the problem where, and/or why an issue problematized in one
represented to be?” at each level of analysis (see setting remains unproblematized in another. . . .
Fraser, 1989: 163). Thinking of pay equity, for . . . To put it briefly, I argue that it is impos-
example, the concern is often represented to be sible to talk about any social condition without
either the undervaluing of women’s work or the putting an interpretation to it. Hence, all we as
low wages some women receive. However, the analysts have access to are the interpretations. So,
undervaluing of women’s work is also often of- while I believe that there are a multitude of dis-
fered as a cause of the low wages some women turbing social conditions, once they are given the
receive. Causes of the undervaluing are commonly shape of an interpretation, once they are charac-
represented to be either discrimination or gender terized as a “problem” or as a “social problem,”
segregation of the labor force. Gender segregation they are no longer “real.” They are interpretations
or applicable copyright law.

itself can be represented to be a problem of dis- or constructs of the “real.” We can have no direct
crimination or a matter of women’s “choices.” access to the “real.” In the words of Bannister and
Discrimination is also represented to be different Fransella (1977: 18), “we cannot contact an inter-
kinds of problems in different literatures. This pretation-free reality directly.” This is what is
example highlights the need to reflect upon the meant by the sometimes misunderstood phrase
implications of different problem representations that people do not “discover” problems; they
in successive layers of analysis. . . . “create” them. It is the particular shape, the
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problem representation, assigned a “problem” the same? Who is likely to benefit from this
which is created. representation?
I feel the need to spell this out clearly because • What is left unproblematic in this representa-
it is easy for some who see “real” challenged in tion?
this way to conclude that this means that “social • How would “responses” differ if the “problem”
problems” are unreal, are inventions. In fact, there were thought about or represented differently?
are many in the community who would leap at
While these questions directly target policy
such an interpretation—all those, for example,
proposals, they can also be used to clarify the
who would challenge the “problem” status of is-
assumptions and implications of understandings of
sues like racism, sexism, or pollution. I hope it is
an issue offered by those who deny an issue “prob-
clear that this is not my intention in saying that it
lem” status. . . .
is impossible to identify “real” “social problems.”
A What’s the Problem? approach accepts that
there are numerous troubling conditions, but
states that we cannot talk about them outside of References
their representations, and their representations
hence become what is important—because of the Bachrach, Peter and Baratz, Morton S. (1963) “Decisions
and Nondecisions: An Analytical Framework,”
shape they give to the problem, and because of American Political Science Review, 57 (3): 632–42.
what they imply about what should be done or Bannister, Don and Fransella, Fay (1977 [1971]) Inquiring
should not be done. Man: The Theory of Personal Constructs. Harmondsworth:
. . . [A] What’s the Problem? approach is useful Penguin.
for any policy field. It provides a way of studying Cobb, Roger and Elder, Charles (1983) Participation in
American Politics, second edition. Baltimore, MD: Johns
policy which opens up a range of questions that Hopkins University Press.
are seldom addressed in other approaches: how Foucault, Michel (1984) “The Concern for Truth” in
every proposal necessarily offers a representation L. D. Kritzman (ed.) Politics, Philosophy, Culture:
of the problem to be addressed, how these repre- Interviews and Other Writings 1977–1984. New York:
sentations contain presuppositions and assump- Routledge, pp. 255–67.
Fraser, Nancy (1989) Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and
tions which often go unanalyzed, how these Gender in Contemporary Social Theory. Minneapolis,
representations shape an issue in ways which limit MN: University of Minnesota Press.
possibilities for change. It also offers a framework Kingdom, Elizabeth (1995) “Body Politics and Rights”
for examining gaps and silences in policy debate in Jo Bridgeman and Susan Millns (eds.) Law and
by asking what remains unproblematized in cer- Body Politics: Regulating the Female Body. Aldershot:
Darmouth, pp. 1–21.
tain representations. Here I offer an elaborated set Maddox, Marion (1997) “A Critique of the National
of questions which could be used to initiate a Action Plan for the Education of Girls,” unpublished
What’s the Problem? approach of any selected paper. University of Adelaide, Politics Department.
issue, remembering the dangers of single-issue Merton, Robert K. (1966 [1961]) “Epilogue: Social
analysis and the need to reflect upon interconnec- Problems and Sociological Theory” in Robert K.
Merton and Robert Nisbet (eds) Contemporary Social
tions between policy areas: Problems. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, pp.
• What is the problem of (domestic violence, 778–823.
Olsen, Frances (1985) “The Myth of State Intervention
abortion, etc.) represented to be either in a in the Family,” University of Michigan Journal of Law
specific policy debate or in a specific policy Reform, 18 (4): 835–64.
proposal? Plumwood, Val (1995) “Feminism, Privacy and Radical
or applicable copyright law.

• What presuppositions or assumptions underlie Democracy,” Anarchist Studies, 3: 97–120.

this representation? Reekie, Gail (1994) “Reading the Problem Family: Post-
Structuralism and the Analysis of Social Problems,”
• What effects are produced by this representa- Drug and Alcohol Review, 13: 457–65.
tion? How are subjects constituted within it? Stone, Deborah A. (1988). Policy Paradox and Political
What is likely to change? What is likely to stay Reason. New York: HarperCollins.

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Chapter 31
Sex and the State in Latin America
Mala Htun

One of the more contentious developments of and gender equality in the family. . . . [It] pro-
modern politics is the claim of the state to reg- poses a new, disaggregated approach to studying
ulate family life and gender relations. How and gender policy and the state. All three countries in
on what grounds should states organize the rights this study modified laws to grant women greater
of parents over children, allocate property within rights in marriage. By contrast, only two out of
marriage, offer the possibility of and grounds for three legalized divorce and none liberalized abor-
divorce, and allow women the choice to termi- tion. This suggests that differences among gender
nate a pregnancy? In most countries around the issues are politically consequential. Rather than
world, laws on these issues historically conformed treating “women’s rights” or “feminist policies”
to religious and patriarchal models. State policy as a single issue area, we should disaggregate gen-
granted men almost complete power in the family der issues.
and limited citizen discretion over decisions about . . . Issues differ in how they are processed
marriage and reproduction. Between the 1960s politically, the groups that weigh in on policy
and the 1990s, the rise of the feminist movement debates, and the ideas at stake in change. Some
brought new ideas about women’s roles, while policy issues provoke rhetorically charged public
changes in social practices and the consolidation debate informed by clashing worldviews, princi-
of democratic politics put pressure on old laws. pled beliefs, and religious and ethical traditions.
Lawyers, feminist activists, and liberal and socialist Other policy issues occupy small groups that spend
politicians organized to demand reform of laws days arguing over details of syntax and sequence.
on family equality and divorce; many also favored The prospect of change on some issues threatens
decriminalizing abortion. Some states introduced the status of Catholic values, prompting bishops
major liberalizing changes. . . . Other countries to defend the Church’s position in the public
continued to uphold restrictive laws, often stress- sphere. The Church is disinterested in other issues
ing the importance of traditional gender norms to and neglects to flex its muscles in policy debates.
cultural integrity and national identity. These differences among issues stem in large part
This [chapter] studies the experiences of from how policies are framed (Yishai 1993: 208).
or applicable copyright law.

Argentina, Brazil, and Chile during the last third of “Absolutist” policies tend to be seen in symbolic
the twentieth century to understand how and why terms, provoke gut responses and value clashes,
states make decisions about policy on gender is- and “more likely deal with policy ends than
sues. Through comparative analysis, it assesses how means” (Carmines and Stimson 1980: 80).
the transition from dictatorship to democracy, re- Religious institutions are likely to weigh in on
lations between church and state, the mobilization changes to an absolutist agenda. “Technical” pol-
of liberal and feminist reformers, and international icies, by contrast, demand expert knowledge and
norms shaped state policy on abortion, divorce, provoke little public controversy. Change on
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technical issues is less likely to put religion on the women’s rights. Not all democratic governments
defensive. In short, “gender rights” is not one issue were able to complete an agenda of gender
but many. Opportunities for reform on one issue equality, reneging on promises made during the
may not lead to reform on others. To explain policy transition and contributing to the trend toward il-
change, we must disaggregate gender issues. liberal democracy in the region (Diamond 1999;
The [chapter] emphasizes the role of “issue O’Donnell 1994; Zakaria 1997).
networks”—elite coalitions of lawyers, feminist The other major factor shaping issue network
activists, doctors, legislators, and state officials—in success was the relationship between church and
bringing about policy change. These issue net- state. For partisans of legal divorce to succeed, the
works, inspired by ideas of modernity, equality, bishops had to be overpowered and defeated. The
and liberty; changes in other countries; and inter- eruption of church-state conflict over human rights,
national treaties, constituted the impetus behind economic policy, and authoritarian rule performed
reform. The growth of the second-wave feminist this function, opening a window of opportunity for
movement, in particular, helped put gender liberal issue networks to promulgate divorce.
equality and reproductive rights on the policy Abortion is a special case, because it provoked
agenda in many countries. Feminist movements considerably more moral conflict than other is-
in all three countries raised public awareness about sues. Even when citizens in Latin America came
questions of gender, lobbied state officials, and to accept divorce, they remained deeply ambiva-
worked with or within the state to help formulate lent about abortion. Though the practice is wide-
state policy. Yet many members of issue networks spread, abortion laws are rarely enforced. Since
were not feminist activists but middle-class male middle-class women generally have access to safe
lawyers. These lawyers, who played decisive roles abortions in private clinics, many see little reason
in early abortion reform, the legalization of to press for the liberalization of abortion laws. It is
divorce, and changes promoting equality in the primarily poor women who suffer the conse-
family, have been the unsung heroes of much of quences of clandestine abortions. At the same
gender law liberalization in Latin America. Their time, the political clout of abortion opponents
activism on gender rights serves as important grew, particularly after John Paul II became pope
evidence that gender, far from being a “woman of the Roman Catholic Church and antiabortion
question,” involves and affects all of society. movements organized at the global level. Whereas
The possibilities for policy change depended abortion was once considered a technical issue of
on whether and how these elite issue networks interest to criminologists and health practitioners,
were able to hook into state institutions. by the 1970s the abortion debate became polar-
Institutional features of military and democratic ized around a clash of absolutist values, frustrating
regimes and the relationship between church and political compromise over abortion legislation.
state shaped this “fit” between issue networks and . . . In spite of their superficial similarities, the
the state (the notion of “fit” comes from Skocpol timing and content of gender policy in Argentina,
1992: 54–7). Military governments created tech- Brazil, and Chile differed significantly. This vari-
nical commissions charged with modernizing the ation is striking across countries and across issues.
civil law, opening a privileged window of influ- Brazil started to change its laws first, and these
ence for lawyers to bring cosmopolitan legal the- changes continued throughout the period of mil-
ories to bear on domestic policy. The closed nature itary rule. Argentina introduced major civil law
of these governments insulated technical decisions reforms during military rule, though most of its
from societal input, thus expediting change. As a changes came after the 1983 democratic transi-
or applicable copyright law.

result, military rulers in Argentina, Brazil, and tion. Chile, by contrast, which waited until 1989
Chile presided over important reforms advancing to grant married women full civil status (also
gender equality in the family. Under democratic under military rule), has still not legalized divorce,
rule, the success of issue networks was more var- and abortion remains illegal under all circum-
ied, for it depended on the weight of the authori- stances. In fact, no Latin American country has
tarian legacy, the political party system, and the liberalized its laws on abortion since the 1940s.1
strength of executive and partisan commitment to How can we make sense of this variation? . . .
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Sex and the State in Latin America 269
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Latin American Legal Systems highly consequential for the politics surround-
ing policy change. Gender equality, moreover,
Due to the . . . nature of civil and criminal laws was often treated as a technical issue of civil law.
in Latin America, gender-related legal reform One had to have legal training (and considerable
involves more than a mere policy shift. It can repre- patience) to understand the nuances of marital
sent a transformation in the social and moral norms property arrangements. Divorce and abortion, by
governing an important sphere of human behavior. contrast, were policies that invoked gut responses
When gender rights change, so do definitions and from novice and expert alike. Divorce and abor-
understandings of gender roles and relationships. tion called on people to assume absolutist moral
Liberals who favor the legalization of divorce seek positions; with rare exceptions, these two issues
to replace the traditional image of marriage as an were never treated as technical matters.
indissoluble and sacred relationship with a modern . . . Decision making on technical policies
notion of a civil contract rooted in the will of indi- could often be delegated to small commissions of
viduals. Conservatives who resist divorce insist that experts. These commissions applied specialized
marriage is not a contract but a bedrock institution knowledge to issues such as marital property and
of the social order. Prochoice groups favoring the parental rights and the conditions under which
decriminalization of abortion aim to make mother- abortion should be legally permitted. Working out
hood elective, not compulsory. Antiabortion groups the details of these reforms often took years, for it
maintain that an ethic of life in the post-Holocaust involved organizing studies, consulting data, and
era requires the unconditional defense of the weak revising numerous drafts. Significantly, even when
and innocent, including the unborn. As so much is they closed Congress, military governments did
at stake, government officials, elected representa- not shut down expert commissions; in fact, mili-
tives, and other policy experts take change in gen- tary rulers frequently created such commissions to
der rights very seriously. They do not want to formulate state policy. Absolutist policies, by con-
impose one vision of gender on the rest of society trast, were decided in Congress. Decision making
but to convince other citizens that it is the appro- on these policies was preceded by principled de-
priate vision for the times. Gender-related legal liberation among elected representatives, policy
reform is not usually imposed through executive experts, activists, members of the media, and so
decree or party discipline, but evolves through pro- on. While some ended up convinced by the views
longed deliberation. Legislative decision making on of their opponents, many continued to disagree.
divorce and abortion, for example, usually follows Resolving conflicts over an absolutist agenda thus
the principle of voto de consciencia, according to require a congressional vote. After the 1970s, no
which parties free each legislator to vote her or his president—not even a military president—was
conscience on the issue. . . . willing to impose radical changes to divorce and
abortion law by executive decree on the recom-
Issue Differences mendations of a small group of experts.3 . . .
Issue differences need to be taken into account
. . . Different gender policy issues may engender by theories of change. To be sure, the gender
distinct types of politics. Specifically, policies dif- policy issues considered in this [chapter] share
fer in terms of the involvement of the Roman some common features. Laws on gender are nor-
Catholic Church and whether they are treated mative as opposed to merely distributive, redis-
as “technical” or “absolutist.” Roman Catholic tributive, or regulatory. . . . The normative power
of the law enhances the role of deliberation, emo-
or applicable copyright law.

bishops opposed policy change on divorce and

abortion,2 but did not contest, and sometimes tion, and the weight of principled ideas in policy
even supported, advancing gender equality in the change. But it would be a mistake to assume that
family. . . . Church doctrine began to change in all normative policies follow the same logic. Just
the 1960s. From its earlier support of a patriar- because ideas are at stake doesn’t mean they are
chal household, the Church came to endorse men the same ideas. Emotional investment, too, can
and women’s equal rights in family matters. The vary in degree. For example, though divorce and
presence or absence of Church opposition was abortion both engendered ethical conflict, the
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270 Women, Gender, and Social Policies
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degree of moral polarization surrounding abor- policy area, not collective identity, occupational
tion made the issue far more politically intractable category, place of residence, shared values, or
than divorce. By disaggregating gender issues, we ideological orientation (though members of issue
may . . . reduce the scope of the application of networks may share these things). . . .
causal theories and thereby enhance their explan- Issue networks were the mechanism through
atory power. Though we may never have a gen- which international developments influenced
eral theory of gender and the state, we may be domestic political changes. International confer-
able to arrive at specific theories of the politics sur- ences, interstate agreements, and demonstration
rounding different gender issues. effects generated ideas and proposals within
domestic issue networks. . . . Beginning in the
1940s, lawyers attending the annual meetings of
Issue Networks the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA) de-
liberated civil law reforms to grant married women
New paradigms of gender rights became politically more rights is family matters. . . . Lawyers who
salient in Latin America when they were debated attended these conferences came home armed
within elite “issue networks” of lawyers, femi- with proposals for domestic policy reform. In this
nists, and reformist politicians. . . . Issue networks way, many members of domestic issue networks
involve people at many levels, such as interest were simultaneously participants in transnational
groups who directly lobby policy makers, knowl- advocacy networks (Keck and Sikkink 1998).
edgeable individuals who publish and offer expert Later, international agreements such as the
advice, professional associations, grassroots move- Inter-American Convention on Women’s Civil
ments circulating information about social condi- and Political Rights (1949) and the United
tions, and state officials with particular policy in- Nations’ Convention on the Elimination of All
terests or competencies (Berry 1989; Heclo 1978; Forms of Discrimination against Women
. . . Baumgartner and Jones 1993). This concept (CEDAW) . . . helped consolidate global norms
usefully captures the range of actors and interests of gender equality that helped issue networks to
who have contributed to gender-related reform pressure local governments for change. In theory,
in Latin America in the last third of the twentieth the CEDAW has the force of law in ratifying
century. Feminist activists interested in women’s countries. This boosts the standing of gender
emancipation participated in gender-related issue equality advocates, who may make the argument
networks, and so did jurists influenced by legal not that their government change its policies, but
changes in other countries and rational principles that it comply with already existing law. Liberal
of law, liberal and socialist politicians interested issue networks also inspired reforms in other
in social reform, doctors, and representatives of countries. After the vast majority of North
the media. Issue networks were the key advocates American and European states reformed laws on
for gender rights reform. These networks, which divorce, family relations, and abortion in the
mobilized around specific issues such as divorce, 1970s and 1980s, many members of Latin
abortion, or family law reform, brought issues to American issue networks argued that their coun-
the public agenda, circulated information and rec- tries had to adopt similar reforms in order not to
ommendations, and mobilized public opinion. lag behind the rest of the “civilized world.”
“Issue networks” may be influenced by, or International influences were also channeled
even grow out of, social movements. Yet “social through conservative issue networks. United
movements” is a much broader term, which can Nations conferences in Cairo in 1994, Beijing in
or applicable copyright law.

be understood to refer to sequences of collective 1995, and New York in 2000 provided a focal
action among social actors seeking a variety of point for antiabortion groups and created an op-
goals . . . (Cohen and Arato 1992: 526; Tarrow portunity for Latin American antiabortion activists
1998: 2). Issue networks, by contrast, mobilize to build connections and acquire skills and re-
around specific policy issues, and may involve ac- sources. These groups mobilized to prevent the
tors from both state and society. What links mem- consensus documents produced by U.N. meetings
bers of issue networks is interest in a particular from endorsing broad definitions of reproductive
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rights, which they argued legitimized the legaliza- organized and executed by the military acting as
tion of abortion (Franco 1998; Shepard 1999a). an institution and aiming to reorder state and so-
Antiabortion transnational advocacy networks also ciety (Cardoso 1979). Military rulers developed a
fed domestic political mobilization. Abortion national security ideology that justified their sei-
reforms in Western Europe and the United States zure of power to avert threats posed by politically
left behind disgruntled opponents who took an mobilized popular classes and leftist movements;
interest in preventing similar reforms in other they also felt that military governance would create
countries. . . . Meanwhile, studies about the per- the political stability necessary to encourage invest-
nicious consequences of divorce law liberalization ment . . . (O’Donnell 1979; Stepan 1978, 1988).
in the United States motivated Latin American Military discourse had a significant gendered
conservatives to contest divorce reform at home component. . . . Latin American military govern-
(Diaz Vergara 1997). High rates of teenage preg- ments expressed their right and reason to rule in
nancy in the United States, interpreted as the result gendered terms, and appealed to traditional virtues
of liberal state policies on reproductive issues, of feminine care and devotion (Chuchryk 1989,
shored up the arguments of Latin Americans op- 1994; Filc 1997; Kirkwood 1990; Munizaga and
posed to sex education, family planning, and abor- Letelier 1988; Tabak 1983; Valenzuela 1987).
tion (e.g., Santa Cruz 1996: 20). . . . Military ideologies thus reinforced traditional gen-
der roles and identities, presenting a seeming ob-
stacle to liberalizing change on gender rights. . . .
State Institutions To be sure, the patriarchal military project was not
seamless. Latin American militarism produced
. . . For many years, major works of Latin Ameri- contradictory effects on gender relations and
can studies had used regime type and transition women’s positions. In spite of their conservative
as proxies for the institutional configurations that discourse, military economic policies pushed un-
mattered for political outcomes. Yet as we have precedented numbers of women into the work
seen, liberalizing reforms on gender and the fam- force, breaking down public-private distinctions
ily occurred under both military and democratic and creating social dynamics that challenged tradi-
regimes, before and after democratic transitions. tional gender roles (Alvarez 1990; Jaquette 1994;
This lack of correspondence between forms of Waylen 1998).
political regime and liberalizing gender policies Given these conservative ideologies, how could
caused scholars to call for a more complex analysis military governments preside over important
of the relationship between institutions and gen- reforms on married women’s civil rights and, in the
der-related reform (Alvarez 1990; Jaquette 1994; Brazilian case, legalize divorce? To understand
Molyneux 2000; Waylen 1998). . . . In this spirit, why, we need to look at the policy-making insti-
the present study analyzes how middle-level fea- tutions created by military governments as well as
tures of military and democratic governments and how church-state relations developed under mili-
the relationship between church and state shaped tary rule. . . . Military governments overhauled
the prospects for reform. national laws, constitutions, state bureaucracies,
economic policy, and state-owned enterprises in
Military Governments line with principles of technical efficiency and cos-
mopolitan standards of modernity. . . . Legal tech-
Military coups and military governments have nocrats included lawyers, legal scholars, and judges
been a recurrent feature of Latin American politics who published in professional journals and partici-
or applicable copyright law.

in the twentieth century. . . . The military coups of pated in national and international legal confer-
the 1960s and 1970s differed from their predeces- ences. When they decided to modernize the law,
sors. . . . Whereas earlier coups lacked any defined military rulers created small commissions of legal
programmatic goals beyond restoring order or sav- technocrats to draft proposals for change based on
ing the fatherland, later coups were backed by a the newest ideas and approaches. For example, the
specific political ideology elaborated by senior mil- Argentine government of General Juan Carlos
itary leaders. Coups of the 1960s and 1970s were Ongania organized dozens of legal commissions to
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overhaul the country’s civil, commercial, and To be sure, Argentine democracy has its prob-
criminal legislation. The existence of these com- lems, including lack of judicial independence,
missions provided a window of opportunity for limited provincial autonomy, and the excessive
elite issue networks to influence state policy, even use of presidential decree powers, though many
under authoritarian conditions. . . . of these issues were addressed in the 1994 consti-
tutional reforms ( Jones 1997: 277–78). The rela-
Democratic Governments tive inclination of Argentina’s parties and
institutions toward policies of national impor-
Latin American countries commonly made tance is reflected in the Radical Party’s champi-
the transition to democracy in the 1980s and oning of liberal changes to family law, and of a
1990s. Yet the political institutions of democratic multipartisan advocacy of divorce, in the mid-
governance—electoral rules, federalism, presiden- 1980s. Argentine liberal lawyers and feminist ac-
tialism, legislative procedures, party systems, and tivists found common ground with liberal parties
so on—contain important variations that have in Congress and actors in the executive branch
proven consequential for democratic stability, po- committed to reform.
litical practice, and policy outcomes. . . . Chile’s democratic political institutions have
These institutional differences help to account been far more affected by an authoritarian legacy
for distinct patterns of policy making across coun- than counterparts in Brazil or Argentina.
tries. In Brazil, a combination of a fragmented party Democrats agreed to respect the constitution
system, weak party discipline, and “robust feder- promulgated by military rulers in 1980, which
alism” thwarted the executive’s attempts to fight established, among other problematic features,
inflation and reform the state during three admin- the presence of eight “institutional” senators
istrations in the mid- to late 1980s and early 1990s appointed by Pinochet (the so-called designados).
(Mainwaring 1999). Problems with the party The presence of the designados increased the
system can be largely attributed to Brazil’s elec- power of the socially conservative voting bloc in
toral rules, which combine an extreme form of the Senate, frustrating reform on even mildly
proportional representation (a low threshold and controversial gender issues (Londregan 2000).
high district magnitude) with a preference-voting Military rulers also changed the electoral norms to
system that encourages personalistic behavior. create incentives for a de facto two-party system
Historically, moreover, Brazilian legislators have by creating sixty two-member districts to elect
enjoyed the automatic right to stand for reelection, the lower house and requiring that a party or co-
further reducing the leverage of party leaders. . . . alition receive twice as many votes as the run-
Nonetheless, there is evidence that this traditional ner-up in order to capture both seats (Rabkin
pattern may have changed as parties became more 1996; Siavelis 1997). These rules required Chile’s
disciplined throughout the 1990s. . . . historic multiparty system essentially to squeeze
In Argentina, by contrast, a two-party-dominant itself into a two-coalition framework. The two
system and moderate to high degree of party dis- coalitions have proven durable and unified
cipline in the legislature contributed to the coun- throughout the 1990s (Carey 2002). Nonetheless,
try’s relative policy success, particularly its ability to maintain unity and their hold on power against
to weather a severe economic crisis at the end of opposition from the right-wing coalition, mem-
the 1980s. Electoral rules, including a closed-list bers of the governing coalition, comprised of
proportional representation system, relatively low Christian Democratic, Socialist, and Democratic
district magnitude (an average of five deputies (PPD) parties, have sought to avoid potentially
or applicable copyright law.

per district), and plurality elections for senators divisive issues such as divorce and abortion. . . .
and governors, helped maintain the two-party
system and party discipline, as did the ability of
party leaders in Congress to affect, by deter- Church-State Relations
mining committee memberships and allocating
budgetary resources, legislators’ ability to deliver The final variable affecting the “fit” between is-
goods to their constituencies ( Jones 2002). . . . sue networks and the state is church-state relations.
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Seen most broadly, the process of gender law lib- 1979; Levine and Mainwaring 1989; Mainwaring
eralization described in this study involved the re- and Wilde 1989; Moreira Alves 1984; Smith
placement of laws inspired by traditional Roman 1982). In many countries, the Church hierarchy
Catholic ethics on male authority, indissoluble formally opposed the military government and
marriage, and the crime of abortion with new laws supported social movement networks struggling
inspired by feminism and liberalism. Though this to bring about an end to authoritarian rule
makes the Church an integral part of the story, it (Mainwaring 1986; Smith 1982).
is important to bear in mind that Roman Catholic These shifting relationships between Church
bishops did not contest all gender-related policy and state produced by military rule and demo-
changes. By the 1960s, Roman Catholic doctrine cratic transition were consequential for Church
had replaced a traditional model of male authority influence over policy issues it cared about.
with acceptance of sex equality within marriage. During periods of Church-state cooperation,
As a result, the bishops did not act to oppose state leaders realized benefits from the Church’s
reforms advancing family equality. Church doc- political support and were unwilling to make
trine on divorce and abortion did not change. moves that would incur episcopal wrath. When
The Church always opposed the legalization of the Church turned against the state, opportu-
divorce and the decriminalization of abortion. Yet nities emerged for opposing coalitions to step in
historically the Church acted to oppose divorce and produce shifts in gender rights legislation.
more vehemently than abortion because of the When national governments clashed with the
threat to its values posed by pro-divorce move- Church over policy issues such as human rights,
ments. Issue networks of lawyers, socialists, and economic development, and education, liberal
liberals had mobilized to demand divorce since issues networks could overpower the Church. At
the nineteenth century. A large movement pro- other times, the Church elected to contest reform
posing alternative ideas about abortion, however, and succeeded.
emerged only in the late twentieth century. The In summary, differences among issues, political
general social consensus that abortion was morally institutions, and Church-state relations shaped
wrong assured the Church that its position was the ability of issue networks to produce policy
safe, and it chose not to contest some early, liber- change. . . .
alizing reforms to abortion laws. After the middle
of the twentieth century, the diffusion of feminist
liberal ideas about elective abortion compelled the Notes
Church firmly to defend the sanctity of embry-
onic life under all circumstances. 1. One exception must be mentioned here. In 2000, the
The evolution of Church doctrine and the legislature of Mexico City approved changes to the
perceived threat to core Church principles shaped city’s criminal code to expand the conditions of legal
the Church’s decision on whether or not to con- abortion. Based on a bill introduced by then mayor
test reforms. Yet even when the Church con- Rosario Robles, the reforms granted women permis-
sion to abort if the pregnancy threatened their health
tested reform, it could still be defeated. Cracks in (not just their life), or in the event of fetal abnormal-
the Church-state relationship opened a window ities.
of opportunity for liberal issue networks to defeat 2. Before Roe v. Wade, however, the Church declined
the Church. How did this come about? Though to contest some reforms that exempted from criminal
the Latin American Church had historically allied punishment abortions performed on women who had
been raped.
itself with the conservative oligarchy and the
or applicable copyright law.

3. A partial exception must be mentioned here. In 1989,

military, many bishops transferred their alle- the outgoing Chilean military government modified
giances in the 1970s and 1980s. Latin American the country’s Health Code to make therapeutic abor-
bishops influenced by liberation theology con- tions (performed in case of grave risks to the mother’s
demned the human rights abuses of military life or health) illegal. This reform was supported by
military elites but not preceded by deliberation among
governments, introduced new participatory struc- regime officials or society at large. I call this a “partial”
tures, and worked with social movements and exception because the criminal code, which criminalized
labor unions to demand social justice (Gilfeather abortion under all circumstances, was not modified.

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Chapter 32
Beyond the Difference versus
Equality Policy Debate:
Postsuffrage Feminism, Citizenship,
and the Quest for a Feminist
Welfare State
Wendy Sarvasy

Women activists in the United States did not ity split, however, a core of feminist reformers
retire from public life after the ratification of the held onto the comprehensive vision. They groped
suffrage amendment but continued to pursue for a theoretical and practical synthesis of equality
the interdependent aims of women’s complete and difference as the basis for women’s citizenship
citizenship and the creation of a feminist wel- and as the defining characteristic of public policies
fare state. They assumed that a feminist welfare in a feminist welfare state.
state with its guiding principle of gender equality My aim is to reconstruct their feminist process
would provide the context for the new women of synthesis. Though these women disagreed
citizens and that the process of women becom- about how to achieve a combination of formal
ing citizens would advance feminist welfare equality and gender difference, their writings sug-
state development. They also assumed that both gested a feminist theoretical process of how to
projects required a conception of gender equality reconceive gender equality: they showed how
that combined in new ways identical treatment unequal power relations turned biological differ-
and difference. To articulate this notion, they ences into socially constructed, substantive gen-
proposed a series of public policies expanding der inequalities; they formulated public policies
women’s formal equality in the areas of jury duty, based upon a new conception of gender equality
naturalization law, and family law. They also mar- to alleviate these substantive inequalities; and they
shaled support for the first federal health care pro- sought to use the emancipated aspects of women’s
gram that addressed the different needs of women different experiences and outlooks to create a more
and infants. Yet because women did not receive egalitarian political and social environment. . . .
half the power along with the vote, feminists’ To recapture the innovative aspects of postsuf-
attempts to institutionalize a new conception of frage feminism, I will focus on feminist analyses of
or applicable copyright law.

gender equality within a hostile political climate mothers’ pensions—the state programs of income
fractured the women’s movement. Placed in a supplements for poor mothers and their children,
defensive posture, feminists advocated either the which preceded the 1935 federal Aid to Depen-
presuffrage tradition of sex-based labor laws that dent Children (ADC) program. I have chosen
emphasized women’s differences from men or the mothers’ pensions because this policy has been
postsuffrage commitment to an equal rights con- central in shaping our understanding of women’s
stitutional amendment that emphasized women’s relationship to the welfare state, because its femi-
equality with men. Despite this difference/equal- nist aspects have been overlooked by the histories
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of the welfare state, and because feminists who and caregiver was unthinkable because the babies
disagreed among themselves on protective legisla- would have to be weaned prematurely and be-
tion and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) cause “the earnings of an unskilled wage-earning
supported mothers’ pensions. The mothers’ pen- woman afford no margin for paying a substitute in
sion discourse turned out to be an arena in which the home.”1 The implication of Kelley’s story was
feminists worked out their new understanding of that the feminists who supported the ERA were
gender equality. On the surface, support of the inhuman monsters who would pull babies from
mothers’ pension concept appeared to require ac- their mothers’ breasts in the name of the prin-
ceptance of special treatment for mother-headed ciple of equality. This polemical presentation of
families based upon a theory of gender difference. the anti-ERA position on mothers’ pensions was
Yet women reformers used the issue to justify the effective because it put the National Woman’s
development of universal entitlements and to Party (NWP) on the defensive. Yet Kelley’s argu-
show the compatibility of equal rights and social ment did not do justice to a more comprehensive
programs for mothers. approach to mothers’ pensions, which was being
Specifically, I will use feminist analyses of developed by a group of fellow anti-ERA femi-
mothers’ pension programs to argue that a new nists who drew lessons from the limited state pro-
synthesis of difference and equality embodied in grams for how to create gendered universal social
social policy was required to achieve the interde- programs capable of alleviating gender difference
pendent aims of women’s full citizenship and the as substantive inequality. . . .
creation of a feminist welfare state. To demonstrate To achieve this resolution, broad social policy
this argument, I will begin by describing the femi- would have to build upon investigations of women’s
nists who shared a commitment to the develop- different needs and problems. This aim was sug-
ment of a feminist welfare state. Then I will gested by Agnes L. Petersen, assistant director of the
construct four different resolutions of the tension U.S. Women’s Bureau, in an article addressed to the
between gender difference and formal gender general topic, “Four Ways to Support a Family.”
equality that illustrate the feminist process of syn- Petersen defended an ideal mothers’ pension pro-
thesis. With each resolution, I will discuss the im- gram in part because it “should serve to collect
plications for a new conception of women’s valuable facts and provide a working laboratory for
citizenship and for the use of the policy debate over the study and diagnosis of the economic and social
gender equality as an ideological mechanism for ills of our family life.”2 Studies by Edith Abbott,
furthering feminist welfare state development. . . . [Sophonisba] Breckinridge, and [Mary F.] Bogue
did reveal certain gender-specific problems: the dif-
ficulty of combining low-wage work and care-
Structuring Gender-Differentiated Needs taking, the effects of having children out of marriage,
into Universal Programs and specific health issues for women and children.
Uncovering “the valuable facts,” however,
When, in 1924, Florence Kelley characterized depended upon asking feminist questions so that
mothers’ pensions as “a discrimination established women’s differentiated needs could structure the
in almost all the states in favor of women,” she emerging welfare state programs in a feminist di-
provided a politically potent argument against rection. To have the mothers’ pension programs
the ERA: it would abolish a popular program make such a contribution, research would have
that benefited poor female-headed families. To to be guided by two assumptions. First, the pen-
dramatize her point, she gave the example of sioners could not be seen as deviants. Petersen,
or applicable copyright law.

a young mother who was left with the care of in particular, connected the situation of poor
two-month-old twins when her young electri- mother-headed families to the increasing number
cian husband died of pneumonia. The widow of married women who were in the paid labor
had no marketable skills and soon went through market. . . . With this focus, the feminist analysis
her husband’s life insurance and the savings of her of the importance of mothers’ pensions offered a
older sister. To Kelley, the idea that this mother way to counter the hegemonic familistic frame-
should be forced into the dual role of wage earner work that assumed that social programs should
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Beyond the Difference versus Equality Policy Debate 279
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strengthen only the father-headed model of the opment. Justifying a special program for women
family. and children was not the ultimate goal of the fem-
The second feminist assumption was that social inist analysis of mothers’ pensions. The feminists
policies for families would have to be connected to instead attempted to redefine the concept of
labor law legislation that would guarantee adequate equality embodied in the notion of universal
wages for women. . . . Abbott and Breckinridge social programs. Rather than emphasize a notion
argued that pensions were inadequate because they of universal as identical treatment, they suggested
were tied to low wage levels: “It is probably true that different gender-specific needs could be ac-
that until the great majority of independent wage commodated within a universal framework. As
earners have incomes that are adequate, relief will they pushed for national systems of health insur-
never be really adequate.” They also showed in ance, unemployment insurance, and old age pen-
their analysis of an ethnically and racially diverse sions to eradicate the inequalities experienced by
group of women who lost their eligibility due to mother-headed families, they suggested a process
new restrictions in the law (including a new citi- of policy formulation that could achieve two pur-
zenship requirement) that even the most able poses: the eradication of substantive gender in-
mothers “would doubtless have maintained better equalities and the advancement of formal social
homes with the help of the pension from the Court rights for both men and women citizens.
and have given their children a better start in
life.”3 . . .
By using analyses of the mothers’ pension pro- Creating Greater Substantive Gender
grams to focus attention on women’s dual role and Equality through Equal Rights
the interconnection between pensions and wom-
en’s low wages, these feminists established that The left wing of the NWP developed the the-
their aim was not a two-track system characterized oretical importance of mothers’ pensions for an
by universal benefits geared to men’s needs and in- understanding of gender equality in response to
adequate means-tested mothers’ pensions geared to the political effectiveness of the polemical at-
women.4 Instead, they suggested concrete ways tacks from Kelley and others. When NWP mem-
that broad social policy could address gender dif- bers went to Congress to build support for the
ferences that translate into substantive inequality.5 ERA, they were forced to confront the assertion
Moreover, the perspective of the feminists was not that the adoption of the amendment would put
wedded to the concept of a means-tested mothers’ mothers’ pensions in jeopardy. Members of the
pension but explicitly addressed what Petersen NWP certainly supported these popular state
called “the rights of mothers to economic security programs, but without the polemics over equality
for their children.”6 If adequate women’s wages and difference they might not have spent so much
could be achieved through legislative sensitivity to time discussing them. As the 1920s progressed,
the implications of gender-segregated and racially they developed a strategic defense of mothers’
segregated labor markets—phenomena well under- pensions as ADC and placed ADC within the
stood by these analysts—then even Kelley might context of growing European support for a family
have accepted the option of mothers working out- or child allowance. Both approaches, taken up in
side the home and paying for child care.7 Thus, for Equal Rights, in testimony before Congress, and
these policy analysts, the problem was not simply in a 1928 pamphlet, emphasized the compatibility
how to supersede mothers’ pensions with universal between equal rights and governmental support
programs but how to structure the latter so that of children. Specifically, the analysis suggested a
or applicable copyright law.

they could address the gender-specific problems of second resolution of the difference/equality ten-
mother-headed families. . . . sion: formal equality could help overcome gender
The feminist aim of using a gender-specific difference as substantive inequality.
program to expand universal entitlements showed The NWP-aligned social reformers began their
how the gender-equality dynamic created by at- analysis of ADC with the obvious point: the pro-
tempts to overcome the tension between equality gram was not a privilege for women because they
and difference could advance welfare state devel- did not receive a stipend as caregivers. The aid was
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intended to support only the needy children. As could be used to offset a controversial aspect of
studies for the Children’s Bureau showed, the substantive gender equality. . . .
grants were not adequate for the children, let alone While the gender-neutral formulation of the
for the mothers. Where was the privilege? Quoting ADC program suggested a formal equality frame-
from legal experts such as Judge Ben Lindsey of work for transforming notions of citizenship, it
Denver, who supported the ERA and radical social also offered insights into how feminist attempts to
reform, and from Children’s Bureau documents, resolve the difference/equality tension through
Lavinia Dock declared that the programs were for public policy could advance movement toward a
the good of the nation as a whole and not simply a welfare state. When feminists advocated that all
“sex privilege.” Maud Younger similarly argued needy children should be included within the
that the programs should be seen within the con- means-tested ADC programs, they were implic-
text of free school lunches and day nurseries.8 While itly challenging the assumptions that prevented
this line of argument was persuasive, a complete men from receiving income supplements for their
response to the charge that the ERA would under- families. In the United States, poor, able-bodied
mine the advance of social programs for women men traditionally had been categorized as nonde-
and children required an even more explicit treat- serving and excluded from public and private
ment of the equal rights aspect of ADC. . . . forms of aid. The feminists, in defending the ERA
The gender-neutral analysis of ADC and child and its formal equality framework, challenged the
allowances suggested a new formal equality frame- distinction between the deserving and nondeserv-
work that could challenge two types of substantive ing poor and showed how low-income men as
gender inequality, thereby establishing a more egal- well as women could benefit when programs of
itarian social and political context for the new income supplements for children were defined in
women citizens. First, there would no longer be a gender-neutral terms. In effect, the formal equality
justification for stigmatizing the female-headed stance of the pro-ERA feminists offered a radical
family, since the assumption of either the critique of class inequality as it offered a new way
means-tested, gender-neutral ADC program or the to understand the relationship between gender
universal child allowance program was that many difference and formal equality. . . .
types of families, not just women-headed ones,
were in need of income supplements to raise chil-
dren. While the mother-headed family would still Using Gender Difference to Redefine
suffer from the inadequate wages of the gender- Formal Gender Equality
segregated and racially segregated labor markets, the
income supplement as a social right offered a means The feminist discourse on mothers’ pensions in-
for improving the status and power of women. tersected with another feminist issue in the 1920s:
Second, there would no longer be a justifica- independent citizenship for married women. This
tion for distinguishing between married and un- issue gained prominence because some women
married mothers. The establishment of equal were denied the right to vote when their citi-
social and legal rights for mothers and their illegit- zenship status was determined by their husbands’
imate children was a key motivation for European status.10 The dramatic cases that unified the wom-
feminist versions of child allowances. The femi- en’s movement were of native-born American
nists in the United States shared the concerns of women who married foreign citizens and then
their European counterparts.9 Some of the femi- lost their American citizenship because of a 1907
nists tried to address the issue through an equal law that legislated the concept of family unity
or applicable copyright law.

rights framework. Unfortunately, they did not based upon the husband’s nationality. To correct
control most of the state mothers’ pension pro- this situation, the Cable Act of 1922, supported
grams. Still, the gender-neutral formulation, with by the women’s movement, established the con-
its emphasis on the needs of the children rather cept of citizenship independent of marital status.
than the marital status or sex of the caregiver, of- This new law established identical treatment for
fered a simple way to respond to a particular gen- men and women but created new substantive
dered need, illustrating how universal formulations inequalities for foreign-born women married to
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Beyond the Difference versus Equality Policy Debate 281
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American citizens (including foreign-born men Conclusion

who had become naturalized citizens).11 Between
1855 and 1922, immigrant women did not have This chapter has illustrated a feminist method
to worry about naturalization examinations, of synthesis characterized by three steps: the
which tested ability to speak English, and knowl- uncovering of the negative aspects of gender dif-
edge of history, government, geography, and the ference as substantive gender inequality, the pro-
laws; their citizenship followed their husbands’. posing of public policy remedies that embodied a
Because of the Cable Act, the immigrant women new relationship between equality and difference,
had to go through the whole ordeal of the nat- and the drawing out of the emancipatory poten-
uralization process on their own, and their hes- tial of gender difference within a new context of
itancy to take the examination could eventually greater substantive and formal gender equality.
deny them a mothers’ pension. . . . This three-part process provides both a frame-
For Abbott and Breckinridge, the situation of work for reconceiving women’s citizenship and
the immigrant woman under the Cable Act raised an ideological motor for developing a feminist
important questions about the relationship welfare state. . . .
between gender difference as substantive in-
equality and formal gender equality. As Abbott
explained, “Here in the United States we must Notes
remember that although we establish theoretical
equality with reference to citizenship, actual 1. Florence Kelley, “Why Other Women Groups
equality will come only as one by one all the dis- Oppose It,” Good HouseKeeping 78, no. 3 (March
advantages from which women and particularly 1929): 162.
2. Agnes L. Petersen, “Mothers’ Pensions,” Survey 57,
immigrant women have suffered are removed.”12 no. 5 (December 1, 1926): 281.
Abbott and Breckinridge used mothers’ pensions 3. Edith Abbott and Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, The
to illustrate the gap between formal or theoretical Administration of the Aid-to-Mothers Law in Illinois,
equality and substantive or actual equality. Children’s Bureau Publication 82 (1921), reprinted in
Through their analyses of mothers’ pensions and The Family and Social Service in the 1920s: Two Docu-
ments (New York: Arno, 1972), 48, 69, 111, 157.
independent citizenship, they presented a third 4. For a different interpretation, see Barbara Nelson,
resolution of the difference/equality tension: gen- “The Gender, Race, and Class Origins of Early Wel-
der difference could be used as a basis for restruc- fare Policy and the Welfare State: A Comparison of
turing legal or formal gender equality. . . . Workmen’s Compensation and Mothers’ Aid,” in
The relationship between independent citizen- Women, Change, and Politics, ed. Patricia Curin and
Louise Tilly (New York: Sage, 1990), 413–35. She
ship and mothers’ pensions suggested that the fem- shows how during the Progressive period two gender-
inist resolution of the tension between difference based state policy channels emerged: workmen’s com-
and equality could advance the welfare state pro- pensation for white men and mothers’ aid for white
ject only if it proceeded from the vantage point of mothers. Her analysis does not include the place of
the most vulnerable women. Otherwise, some sex-based labor laws or how reformers attempted
to create policies to address the needs of working
women might be denied citizenship status and thus mothers.
be prevented from participating in the welfare state 5. Though they did not make the case, their analysis
and from supporting its expansion. By arguing that suggested that unemployment insurance, e.g., could
identical treatment must be modified to include structure its benefits to accommodate a diversity of
options and to reflect women’s daily lives, women’s paid work patterns as well as the needs of
male breadwinners. For a contemporary analysis of
Breckinridge and Abbott made clear that the dif-
or applicable copyright law.

the implications of structuring employment insur-

ferent substantive inequalities among women must ance to respond to men’s working patterns only, see
be addressed in the process of reconceptualizing Diana Pearce, “Toil and Trouble: Women Workers
gender equality and shaping public policy to reflect and Unemployment Compensation,” Signs 10, no. 3
that evolving concept. In this way, a feminist wel- (Spring 1985): 439–59.
6. Petersen, “Mothers’ Pensions,” 281.
fare state would be able to respond to women’s 7. See Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, Women in the Twentieth
experiences and needs as well as to men’s and to Century: A Study of Their Political, Social, and Economic
attract greater popular support. Activities (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1933), 229.

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8. For examples of such arguments, see Eleanor Taylor 10. For a comprehensive analysis of independent citizen-
Marsh, “Equal Rights and Mothers’ Pensions,” ER 1 ship, see Virginia Sapiro, “Women, Citizenship, and
(January 19, 1924): 390; “Mothers’ Pensions and the Nationality: Immigration and Naturalization Policies
Amendment” (editorial), ER 11 (May 3, 1924): 92; in the United States,” Politics and Society 13, no. 1
and Lavinia L. Dock, “Concerning Equal Rights,” ER (1984): 1–26.
12 (June 20, 1925): 147; U.S. Senate Subcommittee of 11. The Cable Act did not address the needs of Chinese
the Committee on the District of Columbia Hearings women who were ineligible for citizenship due to rac-
on Mothers’ Aid in the District of Columbia, State- ist citizenship laws. In Chang Chan v. Nagle (1925),
ment of Miss Maud Younger, of the National Woman’s the Supreme Court decided that a Chinese wife of a
Party, S. 120 and S. 1929, 69th Congress, 1st sess., native-born American was not eligible for citizenship;
January 11, 1926, 37. she remained an alien. This ruling affected the citizen-
9. Mary Beard characterized the broad mothers’ pen- ship rights of American-born widows of Chinese hus-
sion discourse on unmarried mothers in the follow- bands, who were not allowed to reclaim their original
ing terms: “While women do not stand as a unit for citizenship when their husbands died, and wives of
recognition of the unmarried mother where they do aliens who were ineligible for naturalization. Breck-
support home pensions, there is evidence of strong inridge notes these examples of “hardship,” but her
advocacy of [sic] among women of her inclusion in main focus is on white immigrant women. Sophonisba
the benefits of this legislation. At all events women P. Breckinridge, Marriage and the Civic Rights of Women
are opening their eyes to the problem” (Mary (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1931), 31–32.
Ritter Beard, Woman’s Work in Municipalities [New 12. Grace Abbott, “After Suffrage—Citizenship,” Survey
York: Appleton, 1915], 70). 44, no. 19 (September 1, 1920): 656–57.
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 33
Is Mainstreaming Transformative?
Theorizing Mainstreaming in the
Context of Diversity and
Judith Squires

Introduction tional organizations, to be a new equality strategy.

There has been considerable progress in devel-
Is gender mainstreaming a transformative strategy, oping mainstreaming as a set of tools and methods
a bureaucratic tool of integration, or an agenda- (Yeandle et al. 1998), yet the transformative
setting process? I will explore this question in potential and theoretical coherence of main-
relation to the current policy concern with streaming as an equality strategy has been obscured
“diversity” and recent theoretical debates con- by the piecemeal implementation of mainstream-
cerning the pursuit of democratic inclusion. ing tools formulated within specific policy con-
The first part of the [chapter] outlines the texts (Hoskyns 1992). . . . There have [also] been
threefold typology of inclusion, reversal, and dis- relatively few sustained attempts to consider
placement (Squires 1999) and locates mainstream- mainstreaming in the context of a diversity agenda
ing within this typology. I argue that while it is or in relation to democratic theory. . . .
possible to depict mainstreaming as a strategy of I suggest that, at a time when EU directives
displacement (where equal treatment and positive require member states to promote equality in rela-
action are viewed as strategies of inclusion and tion to sexual orientation, age, and religion, in ad-
reversal, respectively), one can also find each of dition to race, gender, and disability, it simply
the strategies of inclusion, reversal, and displace- doesn’t make sense to look at gender equality in
ment within mainstreaming practices. I then go on isolation from other forms of equality. Equality can
to map these three approaches to mainstreaming, no longer be considered in isolation from diversity.
outlining the strengths and weaknesses of each. Understanding what mainstreaming might entail in
While acknowledging the strengths as well as the context of diversity and not just gender repre-
the weaknesses of the integrationist and agenda- sents a significant challenge. Given the plurality of
setting approaches, I argue in particular for the equality agendas held by diverse groups and the
need to develop the potential of the transformative difficulty of ascertaining these by bureaucratic
approach. In order to develop its currently under- mechanisms, the role of inclusive deliberation
specified potential, I consider the benefits of should be stressed. This transforms mainstreaming
or applicable copyright law.

integrating theories of democratic inclusion into from a technocratic tool into an institutional man-
this mainstreaming model. I suggest that, aug- ifestation of deliberative democracy.
mented by a commitment to democratic inclu-
sion, this transformative model of mainstreaming
is best placed to respond to the—increasingly Mainstreaming as a Gender Equality Strategy
important—demands of diversity. . . .
Gender mainstreaming is widely perceived, Accounts of mainstreaming vary. Mainstreaming
within the European Union and among interna- is variously understood to entail mainstreaming
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equal opportunities, equal treatment, women’s By contrast, those who adopt a difference perspec-
perspectives, gender, gendered perspectives, or, tive feel that in the context of a patriarchal society,
more recently, diversity. . . . the pursuit of equality will inevitably result in re-
. . . I would suggest that there are three ana- quiring everyone to assimilate to the dominant
lytically distinct ways of conceptualizing main- gender norm of masculinity. The central norma-
streaming, informed by three distinct theoretical tive issue here is whether gender equality requires
frameworks, which I have previously defined as de-gendering or the equal valuation of different
inclusion, reversal, and displacement (Squires contributions by women and men.
1999). Those pursuing a strategy of inclusion usu- Yet it is now increasingly accepted that equality
ally aspire to objectivity (whether cognitive or and difference are only incompatible if equality is
moral), conceive of people as autonomous, and understood as sameness (Bacchi 1999, 266; Lister
espouse an equality politics (and are often labeled 1997, 96; Squires 1999, 127−32). While equality
as liberal feminist). Those pursuing a strategy of is understood in this way, gender consistently
reversal usually adopt an interpretative method- emerges as a problem of difference: “Equality as
ology, talk of “Woman” or “women,” and espouse sameness is a gendered formulation of equality,
a difference politics (and are often labeled as rad- because it secures gender privilege through
ical feminist). Those pursuing a strategy of dis- naming women as difference and men as the neu-
placement adopt a genealogical methodology, tral standard of the same” (Brown 1995, 153).
speak of subject positions and of gendering (as a Neither the sameness nor the difference perspec-
verb) rather than gender (as a noun), and espouse tives therefore entail a transformation of the
a diversity politics (and are often labeled as post- norms of equivalence themselves. For this, we
modern). The strategy of inclusion seeks gender- need to render visible the ways in which partic-
neutrality; the strategy of reversal seeks recognition ular institutions and laws perpetuate inequality by
for a specifically female gendered identity; and the privileging particular norms. This is what I label a
strategy of displacement seeks to deconstruct those diversity perspective. . . .
discursive regimes that engender the subject. One can see the same three approaches mani-
The place of mainstreaming in relation to this fest in gender equality strategies. Teresa Rees, for
threefold typology is rather complex. I would example, suggests that one can identify three
suggest that mainstreaming is widely conceived to phases in the European Commission’s approach
represent a displacement of the equality/differ- to gender equality over the last three decades:
ence debate, and as such might best be viewed as equal treatment in the 1970s, positive action in
a strategy of displacement. However, I would also the 1980s, and gender mainstreaming in the 1990s
suggest that mainstreaming itself is variously con- (Rees 2002, 48). . . . Equal treatment is a “legal
ceived, such that it entails within its conceptual redress to treat men and women the same.”
boundaries this same threefold typology. As such, Positive action recognizes that there are differ-
it is best viewed not as resolution or displacement ences between men and women and that specific
of the equality/difference debate, but as yet an- measures are required to address disadvantages
other manifestation of it. . . . experienced by women as a consequence of
those differences.1 Mainstreaming “ideally should
involve identifying how existing systems and
Mainstreaming as a Strategy of Displacement structures cause indirect discrimination and al-
tering or redesigning them as appropriate”(Rees
Debates about equality within feminist writings 2002, 46–48). The aim of the mainstreaming
or applicable copyright law.

have been shaped by a perception . . . that equality strategy is to counteract gender bias within exist-
and difference are antagonistic aims. Those com- ing systems and structures: it addresses “those very
mitted to liberal principles of equality have argued institutionalized practices that cause both indi-
for the need to transcend sexist presumptions vidual and group disadvantage in the first place”
about gender difference, to grant women equal (Rees 2002, 3). It is because it takes a systems
rights with men, and to enable women to partic- approach that it is felt to have more transforma-
ipate equally with men in the public sphere. . . . tive potential than previous equality policies. . . .
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Is Mainstreaming Transformative? 285
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Three Varieties of Mainstreaming of mainstreaming, it becomes clear that while

mainstreaming might on the one hand be taken to
However, while one can conceptualize main- represent a displacement of the equality/differ-
streaming as a strategy of displacement, I would ence dichotomy, it might also on the other hand
also suggest that one finds the three strategies of be viewed as a catchall concept that incorporates
inclusion, reversal, and displacement manifest the tension within its boundaries.
within mainstreaming practices themselves. I would suggest that of the three analytically
For example, accounts of how mainstreaming distinct conceptualizations of mainstreaming, only
has emerged as a notable policy innovation, and the transformative conceptualization represents
what it entails, vary significantly. Some commen- a displacement of the equality/difference dichotomy.
tators argue that a “small number of key actors in Yet elements of all three analytical conceptuali-
the European Commission” envisioned the zations might coexist within the actual imple-
strategy (Booth and Bennett 2002, 440). Others mentation of the strategy. . . . Moreover, . . . the
suggest that increased political opportunities and implementation of mainstreaming strategies sug-
mobilizing structures for social movements have gests that different definitions of mainstreaming
been central (Pollack and Hafner-Burton 2000, are used according to institutional context (see
434). Still others emphasize the role of transna- Yeandle et al. 1998).This has led some scholars to
tional networks and international nongovern- suggest that the three approaches to mainstream-
mental organizations (True and Mintrom 2001, ing should be viewed as complementary rather
28–29). These three accounts of the derivation of than competing. In this way, mainstreaming
mainstreaming generate three distinct correlative ceases to be understood as a distinctive equality
accounts of the nature of mainstreaming. . . . Those strategy that moves beyond the previous strategies
who perceive mainstreaming to be a product of of equality of opportunity and positive action,
bureaucratic policy process conceive of it as a way and comes to be viewed as a broad strategy that
of mainstreaming formal equality of opportunities, entails the incorporation of the other two strat-
while those who perceive mainstreaming to be a egies as and when appropriate. . . .
product of women’s movement campaigning con-
ceive of it as a way of mainstreaming women’s
voices, and those who perceive mainstreaming Evaluating the Three Mainstreaming
to be a product of transnational norm diffusion Models
conceive of it as an open-ended and potentially
transformative project. . . . Many articulations of mainstreaming are primar-
Notwithstanding the intermingling of these ily either integrationist or agenda-setting, and
three models of mainstreaming in practice, . . . it manifest specific problems relating to each (Table
is analytically useful to understand approaches to 33.1). Integrationist mainstreaming relies on ex-
mainstreaming via a threefold typology, labeled as perts within existing bureaucracies to pursue
“integrationist, agenda-setting, and transforma- neutral policy-making. The main concern here
tive” approaches (Jahan 1995, 126). The first is that of rhetorical entrapment. Agenda-setting
approach is now fairly widely accepted to entail a mainstreaming relies on women’s groups within
focus on experts and the bureaucratic creation of civil society to articulate their group perspectives.
evidence-based knowledge in policy-making, The main concern here is that of reification.
while the second model is perceived as entailing a
focus on the participation, presence, and empow-
or applicable copyright law.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the

erment of disadvantaged groups (usually women Integrationist Model
in this context) via consultation with civil society
organizations (see Beveridge and Nott 2002, 301; One of the key strengths of the integrationist
Lombardo 2003). The features of the third, trans- model of mainstreaming is its effectiveness in
formative model of mainstreaming are much less allowing gender experts an important role in the
easy to discern—in theory or in practice. . . . Given policy formation process (Woodward 2003). This
the existence of these three distinct conceptions in turn ensures that policy-making is based on
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Table 33.1. Mainstreaming Strategies

Mainstreaming Inclusion Reversal Displacement

Model Integrationist Agenda-setting Transformative

Actors Experts Identity groups Political citizens
Aims Neutral Recognizing Denaturalizing and
policy-making marginalized voices thereby politicizing
policy norms
Processes Indicators Bureaucratic policy Consultative politics Deliberative cultural
instruments of presence transformation
Strengths Effective Group perspectives Sensitive to diversity
integration recognized
Weaknesses Rhetorical Reification, Complexity, lack of
entrapment “women only” specificity

“gendered” knowledge, rather than on ideology perspectives and concerns of women outside the
or stereotypes (Beveridge and Nott 2002, 301). policy-making elite, countering the top-down
However, to be effective, gender mainstreaming approach to agenda-setting and problem solving.
must be understood and implemented by the reg- Rather than relying on bureaucratic policy instru-
ular actors in the policy-making process. . . . ments, this approach focuses on the importance
. . . There is the danger that, once accepted as of consultation with nongovernmental organiza-
a norm that resonates with the dominant policy tions and social movements. . . . The potential
frame, mainstreaming will be adopted as a techno- weakness of this “agenda-setting” model is that,
cratic tool in policy-making, depoliticizing the issue in focusing on particular organizations as repre-
of gender inequality itself. Tellingly, Gender sentative of women’s views, this strategy might
Impact Assessments have largely been introduced privilege certain gendered identities over others,
where they are not too demanding in terms of entrenching political opportunities in structures
costs, time, and expertise (Verloo 2001, 15). This that require one to speak “as a woman” first and
demand to limit the scope of mainstreaming tools foremost. The concern is that this may formalize
such that they fit easily within existing policy and freeze identities that are actually subject to
processes potentially delimits the potential of constant change and thereby undermine solidarity
mainstreaming itself. It raises questions about the across groups. . . . So, while the strength of this
political accountability of experts, reduces the model is its ability to recognize group perspec-
scope for wider consultation with “non-experts,” tives from outside the existing policy-making
and so reduces the likelihood that the policy elite, its weakness is its tendency to reify group
agenda will reflect the particular experiences and identities, obscuring both intra-group divisions
concerns of women that do not resonate with the and intergroup commonalities.
preexisting policy framework. Its strength lies in
its ability to realize effective integration; its weak- The Strengths and Weaknesses of the
ness lies in its tendency to fall into rhetorical
or applicable copyright law.

Transformative Model
. . . The weaknesses inherent in these two models
Strengths and Weaknesses of the suggest that there are good reasons to consider the
Agenda-Setting Model transformative model of mainstreaming as the way
forward, ideally avoiding the problems of both rhe-
The key strength of the agenda-setting model, torical entrapment and reification, while still pro-
by contrast, lies in its aspiration to recognize the moting equality via the systematic integration of
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diverse perspectives into the policy-making process. ment and gender mainstreaming under a broad
The clear weakness of this model is, of course, its commitment to “equality and diversity.” When
lack of specificity. This lack of specificity takes two evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the
forms: practical and conceptual. Its lack of practical three models of gender mainstreaming, one of
specificity arises from the fact that it remains pri- our concerns might therefore reasonably be the
marily theoretical, with very few practical features extent to which these models are capable of main-
or concrete articulations. Its lack of conceptual streaming with relation to all of the various
specificity arises from its theoretical commitment equality strands, and not just gender.
to denaturalizing and thereby politicizing policy Yet there are concerns about the emergence of
aims, rather than establishing and implementing the “diversity” agenda that need to be considered.
alternative policy aims in their place. . . . While the shift from the pursuit of “equality” to a
celebration of “equality and diversity” could be
viewed as a positive policy response to the
Diversity Mainstreaming? long-standing theoretical concerns with inter-sec-
tionality, it is worth noting that “diversity man-
It has long been accepted that one significant agement” has its roots in corporate human resource
challenge for contemporary equality theorists is to management and is here conceived of primarily as
engage with the intersecting hierarchies of gen- a means to produce economic productivity rather
der, race, economic class, sexuality, religion, dis- than social justice (Wrench 2003). Diversity ini-
ability, and age. As Patricia Hill Collins suggests, tiatives are widely argued to improve the quality
“viewing gender within a logic of intersectional- of organizations’ workforces and act as a catalyst
ity redefines it as a constellation of ideas and social for a better return on companies’ investment in
practices that are historically situated within and human capital. They are also argued to help busi-
that mutually construct multiple systems of op- nesses to capitalize on new markets, attract the
pression” (Hill Collins 1999, 263). This discursive best and the brightest employees, increase crea-
shift brought “diversity” to the fore as central to tivity, and keep the organization flexible (see
the theoretical conceptualization of equality. Cartwright 2001, Price 2003, Thompson 1998).
Meanwhile, contemporary equality policies in In this context, some theorists adopt a highly
the first world tend to focus on issues of cultural skeptical view of “diversity,” locating the emer-
and political inequality rather than inequalities in gence of diversity management within the logic of
distributional goods. Those who are considered Taylorized capitalism (Hennessy 2000) and
to be “unequal” are increasingly seen to be ethnic bemoaning the replacement of a moral issue by a
minorities, disabled, the elderly, gays and lesbians, business strategy (Wrench 2003, 10). Given this,
religious minorities, and so on, rather than the any attempt to find a possible synergy between
poor. As a consequence, we have witnessed the diversity management and gender mainstreaming
emergence of a commitment to pursuing and the- must necessarily proceed with caution. . . .
orizing equality in a way that acknowledges and Given the nature of the integrationist model,
celebrates differences. While attempts to address the pursuit of “equality and diversity” from this
economic inequalities have traditionally focused framework is likely to rely upon “diversity
on distributive issues, seeking to erase the (eco- experts,” and to adopt the language of “diversity
nomic) differences between people as the means management” employed within the corporate
of securing their equality, attempts to sector.2 To conceive of diversity mainstreaming
address cultural and political inequalities usually from this perspective is to focus attention on the
or applicable copyright law.

entail calls that (cultural) differences be recog- market and to embrace the neo-liberal rhetoric
nized and respected, rather than denied or eroded, of economic competitiveness. Its strength would
as a precondition for securing their equality. be that it resonates with the dominant logic of
Equality now appears, in both policy and theory government, but its weakness would be that it
debates, to require a respect for diversity. ceases to be about gender justice and instead
. . . Regional and national governments are focuses on individuals’ inclusion in the sphere of
attempting to negotiate both diversity manage- employment.
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288 Women, Gender, and Social Policies
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On the other hand, the pursuit of “equality public opinion to the state” (Dryzek 2000, 162).
and diversity” via the agenda-setting model of Advocates of deliberative democracy—in a move
mainstreaming is likely to entail widespread con- akin to that made by advocates of mainstream-
sultation with a whole range of (frequently com- ing—suggest that the idea of democracy revolves
peting and conflicting) identity groups. The around the transformation, rather than simply the
inevitable negotiations that will result around aggregation, of preferences. The basic impulse
perceived “hierarchies of oppression” may well behind deliberative democracy is the notion that
lead to fragmentation and the further erosion of a people will modify their perceptions of what
sense of public-spiritedness. For example, many society should do in the course of discussing this
feminists have suggested that multiculturalism and with others. The point of democratic participa-
feminism not only stand in tension to each other, tion is to manufacture, rather than to discover and
but that multiculturalism is bad for women. . . . To aggregate, the common good. . . .
conceive of diversity mainstreaming from a group . . . What deliberative democrats offer theorists
rights perspective is to focus attention on cultural of gender mainstreaming is a concern with the
identity and to embrace a potentially essentialist quality and form of engagement between citizens
affirmative politics of authenticity. Its strength and participatory forums, stressing in particular the
would be that it might create new political importance of political equality and inclusivity,
opportunity structures that would empower the and of unconstrained dialogue (Smith 2005, 39)
spokespersons of particular groups, but its weak- Deliberative democrats, like gender mainstream-
ness would be that it reduces the incentive for ing theorists, suggest that if the decision-making
people to speak across groups and thereby makes process is inclusive and dialogue unconstrained,
the pursuit of genuine diversity more difficult. then a greater understanding between different
What then would the transformative model of perspectives is more likely to be realized, and out-
mainstreaming entail with relation to the pursuit comes more widely accepted by participants are
of “equality and diversity”? I would suggest that it likely to be achieved.
would require, minimally, that greater attention The emphasis that deliberative democrats place
be paid to democratic inclusion within the main- on inclusion and dialogue offers rich resources to
streaming process. . . . counter the technocratic tendency in the integra-
tionist model of mainstreaming. Whereas the inte-
grationist model emphasizes the importance of
Inclusion Deliberation and Diversity “gender expertise” and creates an elite body of
Mainstreaming professional gender experts, a deliberative ren-
dering of transformative mainstreaming would
At the heart of the mainstreaming process is a emphasize the importance of dialogue with diverse
concern to determine, scrutinize, and transform social groups. This is particularly significant given
the norms of equivalence currently used to evalu- that the move to consider equality and diversity
ate competing equality claims, such that they cease rather than simply gender equality renders the
to reproduce structural inequalities. . . . Enabling process of mainstreaming infinitely more complex.
excluded groups to unsettle institutionally accepted Deliberative innovations such as citizens’ juries,
conceptions of equality will require a parity of par- consensus conferences, deliberative opinion polls,
ticipation, which makes democratic inclusion central and deliberative mapping are growing in number
to both the meaning and realization of equality.3 and significance (see Smith 2005, 39–55). Evidence
Political theorists have recognized that demo- suggests that these mechanisms do indeed facilitate
or applicable copyright law.

cratic debate and decision-making are themselves the capacity to produce recommendations on
necessary preconditions for impartial equality complex, public policy issues that are informed by
policies. . . . a wide variety of experiences and viewpoints
It therefore makes sense for theories of main- (Smith 2005, 55). For this reason, gender main-
streaming to engage with theories of deliberative streaming theorists have much to gain from ex-
democracy, which have attempted to explore ploring the possible synergies between deliberative
“discursive mechanisms for the transmission of innovations and their own equality strategies. . . .
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However, while the deliberative democracy Booth, Christine, and Cinnamon Bennett. 2002. “Gender
literature has focused on the importance of active Mainstreaming in the European Union: Towards a New
Conception and Practice of Equal Opportunities?” The
civil society and the reinvigoration of the public European Journal of Women’s Studies 9 (4): 430–46.
sphere, there is surprisingly little attention as to Brown, Wendy. 1995. States of Injury: Power and Freedom
how the deliberations from within civil society in Late Modernity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
are to be transmitted to the more formal arena of Press.
political decision-making. . . . Cartwright, Roger. 2001. Managing Diversity. Capstone
Express Exec.
I would suggest that these mechanisms should Dryzek, John. 2000. Deliberative Democracy and Beyond.
be considered with relation to mainstreaming Oxford: Oxford University Press.
policies, and that the potential of integrating these Hennessy, Rosemary. 2000. Profit and Pleasure: Sexual
deliberative transmission mechanisms into a trans- Identities in Late Capitalism. New York: Routledge.
formative model of mainstreaming be explored. Hill Collins, Patricia. 1999. “Moving beyond Gender:
Intersectionality and Scientific Knowledge.” In
This would generate a model of mainstreaming Revisioning Gender, ed. Myra Marx Ferree, Judith
that is deliberative, rather than bureaucratic or Lorder, and Beth Hess. London: Sage.
consultative; that aims primarily to denaturalize Hoskyns, Catherine. 1992. “The European Community’s
and thereby politicize policy norms, rather than Policy on Women in the Context of 1992.” Women’s
to pursue neutral policy-making or to recognize Studies International Forum 15 (1): 21–28.
Jahan, Rounaq. 1995. The Elusive Agenda: Mainstreaming
marginalized voices. The strengths of this poten- Women in Development. London: Zed Books.
tial model are that it would be sensitive to diverse Lister, Ruth. 1997. Citizenship: Feminist Perspectives.
citizen perspectives without reifying group iden- Basingstoke: Macmillan.
tities, and that it would allow for deliberations Lombardo, Emanuela. 2003. “Integrating or Setting
within civil society to be transmitted to the for- the Agenda? Gender Mainstreaming in the Two
European Conventions on the Future of the EU and
mal arena of political decision-making without the Charter of Fundamental Human Rights.” Paper
becoming rhetorically entrapped. . . . presented at the ECPR General Conference, Marburg.
Available at
Notes Pollack, Mark, and Emilie Hafner-Burton. 2000. “Main-
streaming Gender in the European Union.” Journal of
European Public Policy 7 (3): 432–56.
1. The justification of positive action does not require Price, Alan. 2003. Human Resource Management in a Business
the recognition of difference, and it may be defended Context. Thomson Learning.
in terms of correcting for past unequal treatment (see Rachels, James. 1978. “What People Deserve.” In Justice
Rachels 1978). Nonetheless, a recognition of difference and Economic Distribution, ed. J. Arther and W.H. Shaw,
is most likely to lead to the support of positive action 150–63. Prentice Hall.
policies, and the implementation of such policies fre- Rees, Teresa. 1999. “Mainstreaming Equality.” In
quently results in the entrenchment of group identities Engendering Social Policy, ed. Sophie Watson and Lesley
that do reify differences. Doyal. Buckingham: Open University Press.
2. The assumption, implicit in this argument, is that the ———. 2002. “The Politics of ‘Mainstreaming’ Gender
criteria of equivalence, and the conception of “the Equality.” In Esther Breitenbach, Alice Brown, Fiona
good” upon which these rest, will be a product of dem- Mckay, and Janette Webb, eds. The Changing Politics of
ocratic deliberation. In this way, transformative main- Gender Equality in Britain. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 45–69.
streaming works to politicize and thereby denaturalize Smith, Graham. 2005. Beyond the Ballot: Democratic
hegemonic equality criteria, but does not itself entail Innovations from around the World. London: The Power
alternative criteria. This makes it a procedural model at Inquiry.
heart. Squires, Judith. 1999. Gender in Political Theory. Cambridge:
3. Thanks to Ze’ev Emmerich for this point. Polity Press.
or applicable copyright law.

Thompson, N. 1998. “The Organisational Context.”

In Promoting Equality: Challenging Discrimination and
References Oppression in the Human Services. London: Macmillan.
True, Jacqui, and Michael Mintrom. 2001. “Transnational
Bacchi, Carol Lee. 1999. Women, Policy and Politics: The Networks and Policy Diffusion: The Case of Gender
Construction of Policy Problems. London: Sage. Mainstreaming.” International Studies Quarterly 45:
Beveridge, Fiona, and Sue Nott. 2002. “Mainstreaming: 27–57.
A Case for Optimism and Cynicism.” Feminist Legal Verloo, Mieke. 2001. “Another Velvet Revolution? Gen-
Studies 10: 299–311. der Mainstreaming and the Politics of Implementa-
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tion.” IWM Working Paper, no. 5. Available at http:// Exploration.” Council of Europe and European Commission Research Seminar, Budapest 10–15 June
Woodward, Alison. 2003. “European Gender 2003. Available at
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Policy Making.” Review of Policy Research 20 (1): 65–88. Yeandle, Sue, Chris Booth, and Cinnamon Bennett. 1998.
Wrench, John, 2003. “Managing Diversity, Fighting “Criteria for Success of a Mainstreaming Approach to
Racism or Combating Discrimination: A Critical Gender Equality.” CRESR, research report.
or applicable copyright law.

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Part VI
Women, Gender, and the State
This section brings together readings on women, gender, and the state, focusing on general debates on
women, gender, and the state; uses of the state to promote feminist political goals; and gendered implica-
tions of changes in state structures. The section begins with a classic statement of the radical feminist
view of the state (MacKinnon 1989), which the second reading places within the context of later femi-
nist theories of the state (Kantola 2006). It then moves on to another seminal contribution, which
explores the ways in which gender relations and welfare states mutually influence one another (Orloff
1996). Subsequent research has used these insights to investigate how feminists may target the state for
women-friendly policy change by adopting context-specific political strategies (Chappell 2000), pro-
moting “state feminism” and women’s policy agencies (Stetson and Mazur 1995), and lobbying particu-
lar government and party allies (Threlfall 1998), even as opportunities for access to state structures are
reconfigured over time (Banaszak, Beckwith, and Rucht 2003).
Catharine A. MacKinnon originates what has come to be known as the radical feminist theory of the
state. This view has often been used as an argument against feminist engagement with state actors and
institutions on the grounds that the state is “inherently” male and patriarchal, although this is not the
author’s argument. In her analysis, the state coercively and authoritatively constitutes the social order in
the interests of men as a gender, through its legitimating norms, forms, relation to society, and substan-
tive policies. Situating this selection in relation to broader feminist theories and debates, Johanna Kantola
provides an overview of approaches to studying gender and the state. She distinguishes and elaborates
liberal, radical, Nordic, and poststructural feminist theories. She then explores how feminists themselves
may discursively construct the state in order to alter its gendered and gendering nature, using the exam-
ple of debates on child care and domestic violence in Finland and the United Kingdom.
To better understand these processes, Ann Orloff presents a framework for analyzing how gender rela-
tions and welfare states mutually influence one another. She argues that such a lens is a crucial improve-
ment on existing theories of the welfare state. To build her case, she traces the historical development
of state social provision to demonstrate its gendered effects and explores comparative variations in the
linkages between specific characteristics of gender relations and particular features of welfare states.
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Interested in how these patterns might be changed, Louise Chappell undertakes a comparative analysis of
feminist strategies and political opportunities in Australia and Canada. She argues that similar institutions
in different countries provide varying opportunities for feminists, to which feminists respond by adopt-
ing certain strategies over others: feminists in Australia have targeted bureaucratic arenas, while feminists
in Canada have focused on constitutional arenas. Chappell concludes that the relationship between femi-
nists and political institutions is interactive and dynamic, rather than predictable and permanent.
Extending this theme of institutions and change, Dorothy McBride Stetson and Amy Mazur examine
women’s policy agencies in Europe and the United States and seek to establish the degree to which they
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292 Women, Gender, and the State
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can be considered a form of “state feminism.” To this end, they outline criteria for assessing state femi-
nism that combines attention to state capacity, or the extent to which women’s policy agencies influence
the formation of feminist public policies, and state-society relations, or the extent to which women’s
policy agencies develop opportunities for feminist and women’s advocacy organizations to have access
to the policy process. Monica Threlfall expresses some skepticism about the term “state feminism,” observ-
ing that it appears under at least three distinct guises around the world, despite tendencies in the litera-
ture to talk about state feminism as a unified concept. According to her, “state feminism” has been used
to refer to women-led political projects, male politician-led political projects, and women’s policy
machineries. For this reason, she argues that the term is no longer useful because it has been used in such
widely divergent contexts that it has lost analytical precision. Further, she suggests, what is often seen as
“state feminism” is in many ways a kind of “party feminism,” championed by the party in power at a
particular moment in time.
Adding another layer of complexity, Lee Ann Banaszak, Karen Beckwith, and Dieter Rucht observe
interactive changes in states and the strategies of women’s movements in recent years. These new
dynamics stem from four distinct processes of state reconfiguration: uploading, the shifting of power and
responsibility to higher state levels; downloading, the shifting of power and responsibility to lower state
levels; lateral loading, the shifting of power and responsibility to nonelected state bodies; and offloading,
the shifting of power and responsibility to nonstate actors. To illustrate how women’s movements have
responded to these changes in state forms, the authors draw on examples from Britain, France, and
Germany. As a group, the readings thus offer a variety of vantage points for analyzing the ways in which
ideas about “gender” shape state policy and, in turn, how state decisions may reinforce or alter gender
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Chapter 34
The Liberal State
Catharine A. MacKinnon

Feminism has no theory of the state. . . . idealism or gradualist reform, each apparent gain
Feminism has not confronted, on its own deceptive or co-optive, and each loss inevitable.
terms, the relation between the state and society Liberalism applied to women has supported
within a theory of social determination specific to state intervention on behalf of women as abstract
sex. As a result, it lacks a jurisprudence, that is, a persons with abstract rights, without scrutinizing
theory of the substance of law, its relation to the content and limitations of these notions in
society, and the relationship between the two. terms of gender. Marxism applied to women is
Such a theory would comprehend how law works always on the edge of counseling abdication of the
as a form of state power in a social context in which state as an arena altogether—and with it those
power is gendered. It would answer the questions: women whom the state does not ignore or who
What is state power? Where, socially, does it come are in no position to ignore it. As a result, femi-
from? How do women encounter it? What is the nism has been left with these tacit alternatives:
law for women? How does law work to legitimate either the state is a primary tool of women’s bet-
the state, male power, itself ? Can law do anything terment and status transformation, without analysis
for women? Can it do anything about women’s (hence strategy) of it as male; or women are left to
status? Does how the law is used matter? civil society, which for women has more closely
In the absence of answers, feminist practice has resembled a state of nature. The state and, with it,
oscillated between a liberal theory of the state on the law have been either omnipotent or impotent:
the one hand and a left theory of the state on the everything or nothing. The feminist posture
other. Both theories treat law as the mind of toward the state has therefore been schizoid on
society: disembodied reason in liberal theory, re- issues central to women’s status. Rape, abortion,
flection of material interest in left theory. In liberal pornography, and sex discrimination are exam-
moments, the state is accepted on its own terms as ples. To grasp the inadequacies for women of lib-
a neutral arbiter among conflicting interests. The eralism on the one hand and Marxism on the other
law is actually or potentially principled, meaning is to begin to comprehend the role of the liberal
predisposed to no substantive outcome, or manip- state1 and liberal legalism2 within a post-Marxist
or applicable copyright law.

ulable to any ends, thus available as a tool that is feminism of social transformation.
not fatally twisted. Women implicitly become an Gender is a social system that divides power. It
interest group within pluralism, with specific is therefore a political system. That is, over time,
problems of mobilization and representation, exit women have been economically exploited, rele-
and voice, sustaining incremental gains and losses. gated to domestic slavery, forced into motherhood,
In left moments, the state becomes a tool of dom- sexually objectified, physically abused, used in
inance and repression, the law legitimating ideol- denigrating entertainment, deprived of a voice
ogy, use of the legal system a form of utopian and authentic culture, and disenfranchised and
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294 Women, Gender, and the State
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excluded from public life. Women, by contrast relation between state and society, such as may
with comparable men, have systematically been exist under socialism, make a difference? If not, is
subjected to physical insecurity; targeted for sexual masculinity inherent in the state form as such, or
denigration and violation; depersonalized and den- is some other form of state, or some other way of
igrated; deprived of respect, credibility, and re- governing, distinguishable or imaginable? In the
sources; and silenced—and denied public presence, absence of answers to these questions, feminism
voice, and representation of their interests. Men as has been caught between giving more power to
men have generally not had these things done to the state in each attempt to claim it for women
them; that is, men have had to be Black or gay (for and leaving unchecked power in the society to
instance) to have these things done to them as men. men. Undisturbed, meanwhile, like the assump-
Men have done these things to women. Even con- tion that women generally consent to sex, is the
ventional theories of power—the more individu- assumption that women consent to this govern-
ated, atomistic, and decisional approaches of the ment. The question for feminism is: what is this
pluralists, as well as the more radical theories, which state, from women’s point of view?
stress structural, tacit, contextual, and relational The state is male in the feminist sense:7 the law
aspects of power—recognize such conditions as sees and treats women the way men see and treat
defining positions of power and powerlessness.3 If women. The liberal state coercively and authori-
one defines politics with Harold Lasswell, who tatively constitutes the social order in the interest
defines a political act as “one performed in power of men as a gender—through its legitimating
perspectives,”4 and with Robert Dahl, who defines norms, forms, relation to society, and substantive
a political system as “any persistent pattern of policies. The state’s formal norms recapitulate the
human relationships that involves, to a significant male point of view on the level of design. In
extent, power, rule, or authority,”5 and with Kate Anglo-American jurisprudence, morals (value
Millett, who defines political relationships as judgments) are deemed separable and separated
“power structured relationships,”6 the relation from politics (power contests), and both from ad-
between women and men is political. judication (interpretation). Neutrality, including
Unlike the ways in which men systematically judicial decision making that is dispassionate, im-
enslave, violate, dehumanize, and exterminate personal, disinterested, and precedential, is con-
other men, expressing political inequalities among sidered desirable and descriptive.8 Courts, forums
men, men’s forms of dominance over women without predisposition among parties and with no
have been accomplished socially as well as eco- interest of their own, reflect society back to itself
nomically, prior to the operation of law, without resolved. Government of laws, not of men, limits
express state acts, often in intimate contexts, as partiality with written constraints and tempers
everyday life. So what is the role of the state in force with reasonable rule-following. . . .
sexual politics? Neither liberalism nor Marxism Formally, the state is male in that objectivity is
grants women, as such, a specific relation to the its norm. Objectivity is liberal legalism’s concep-
state. Feminism has described some of the state’s tion of itself. It legitimates itself by reflecting its
treatment of the gender difference but has not an- view of society, a society it helps make by so
alyzed the state’s role in gender hierarchy. What, seeing it, and calling that view, and that relation,
in gender terms, are the state’s norms of account- rationality. Since rationality is measured by point-
ability, sources of power, real constituency? Is the of-viewlessness, what counts as reason is that
state to some degree autonomous of the interests which corresponds to the way things are. Practical
of men or an integral expression of them? Does rationality, in this approach, means that which
or applicable copyright law.

the state embody and serve male interests in its can be done without changing anything. In this
form, dynamics, relation to society, and specific framework, the task of legal interpretation
policies? Is the state constructed upon the subor- becomes “to perfect the state as mirror of the so-
dination of women? If so, how does male power ciety.”9 . . . Such law not only reflects a society in
become state power? Can such a state be made to which men rule women; it rules in a male way
serve the interests of those upon whose power- insofar as “the phallus means everything that sets
lessness its power is erected? Would a different itself up as a mirror.”10 . . .
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The Liberal State 295
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The state is male jurisprudentially, meaning tive freedom legally guaranteed to the second
that it adopts the standpoint of male power on the group will make it the equal of the first. For
relation between law and society. This stance is women, this has meant that civil society, the
especially vivid in constitutional adjudication, domain in which women are distinctively subor-
thought legitimate to the degree it is neutral on dinated and deprived of power, has been placed
the policy content of legislation. The foundation beyond reach of legal guarantees. Women are
for its neutrality is the pervasive assumption that oppressed socially, prior to law, without express
conditions that pertain among men on the basis of state acts, often in intimate contexts. The negative
gender apply to women as well—that is, the as- state cannot address their situation in any but an
sumption that sex inequality does not really exist equal society—the one in which it is needed
in society. The Constitution—the constituting least. . . .
document of this state society—with its interpre- The underlying assumption of judicial neu-
tations assumes that society, absent government trality is that a status quo exists which is preferable
intervention, is free and equal; that its laws, in to judicial intervention—a common law status
general, reflect that; and that government need quo, a legislative status quo, an economic status
and should right only what government has pre- quo, or a gender status quo. For women, it also
viously wronged. . . . tends to assume that access to the conventional
In this light, once gender is grasped as a means political realm might be available in the absence
of social stratification, the status categories basic of legal rights. At the same time it obscures the
to medieval law, thought to have been super- possibility that a substantive approach to women’s
seded by liberal regimes in aspirational nonhier- situation could be adequate to women’s distinc-
archical constructs of abstract personhood, tive social exploitation—ground a claim to civil
are revealed deeply unchanged. Gender as a equality, for example—and do no more to license
status category was simply assumed out of legal judicial arbitrariness than current standards do.
existence, suppressed into a presumptively pre- From women’s point of view, adjudications are
constitutional social order through a constitu- already substantive; the view from nowhere
tional structure designed not to reach it. Speaking already has content. . . .
descriptively rather than functionally or motiva- If the content of positive law is surveyed more
tionally, the strategy is first to constitute society broadly from women’s point of view, a pattern
unequally prior to law; then to design the consti- emerges. The way the male point of view frames
tution, including the law of equality, so that all its an experience is the way it is framed by state
guarantees apply only to those values that are policy. Over and over again, the state protects
taken away by law; then to construct legitimating male power through embodying and ensuring
norms so that the state legitimates itself through existing male control over women at every
noninterference with the status quo. Then, so level—cushioning, qualifying, or de jure appearing
long as male dominance is so effective in society to prohibit its excesses when necessary to its nor-
that it is unnecessary to impose sex inequality malization. De jure relations stabilize de facto rela-
through law, such that only the most superficial tions. Laws that touch on sexuality provide
sex inequalities become de jure, not even a legal illustrations of this argument. As in society, to the
guarantee of sex equality will produce social extent possession is the point of sex, rape in law is
equality. sex with a woman who is not yours, unless the act
The posture and presumption of the negative is so as to make her yours. Social and legal realities
state, the view that government best promotes are consistent and mutually determinate: since
or applicable copyright law.

freedom when it stays out of existing social ar- law has never effectively interfered with men’s
rangements, reverberates throughout constitu- ability to rape women on these terms, it has been
tional law. . . . unnecessary to make this an express rule of law.
. . . If one group is socially granted the positive Because part of the kick of pornography involves
freedom to do whatever it wants to another eroticizing the putatively prohibited, obscenity
group, to determine that the second group will be law putatively prohibits pornography enough to
and do this rather than that, no amount of nega- maintain its desirability without ever making it
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unavailable or truly illegitimate. Because the of women, who live the sexual abuse in pornogra-
stigma of prostitution is the stigma of sexuality is phy as everyday life, pornography is reality. The
the stigma of the female gender, prostitution may law of obscenity treats regulation of pornography
be legal or illegal, but so long as women are from the standpoint of what is necessary to protect
unequal to men and that inequality is sexualized, it: as regulation of morals, as some men telling
women will be bought and sold as prostitutes, and other men what they may not see and do and think
law will do nothing about it. and say about sex. From the standpoint of women,
Women as a whole are kept poor, hence so- whose torture pornography makes entertainment,
cially dependent on men, available for sexual or pornography is the essence of a powerless condi-
reproductive use. To the extent that abortion exists tion, its effective protection by the state the essence
to control the reproductive consequences of inter- of sexual politics. Obscenity law’s “moral ideas” are
course, hence to facilitate male sexual access to a political reality of women’s subordination. Just as,
women, access to abortion will be controlled by “a in male law, public oppression masquerades as pri-
man of The Man.”11 So long as this is effectively vate freedom and coercion is guised as consent, in
done socially, it is unnecessary to do it by law. Law obscenity law real political domination is presented
need merely stand passively by, reflecting the as a discourse in ideas about virtue and vice.
passing scene. The law of sex equality stays as far Rape law assumes that consent to sex is as real
away as possible from issues of sexuality. Rape, for women as it is for men. Privacy law assumes
pornography, prostitution, incest, battery, abor- that women in private have the same privacy men
tion, gay and lesbian rights: none have been sex do. Obscenity law assumes that women have the
equality issues under law.12 In the issues the law of access to speech men have. Equality law assumes
sex discrimination does treat, male is the implicit that women are already socially equal to men.
reference for human, maleness the measure of en- Only to the extent women have already achieved
titlement to equality. In its mainstream interpreta- social equality does the mainstream law of equality
tion, this law is neutral: it gives little to women that support their inequality claims. The laws of rape,
it cannot also give to men, maintaining sex in- abortion, obscenity, and sex discrimination show
equality while appearing to address it. Gender, thus how the relation between objectification, under-
elaborated and sustained by law, is maintained as a stood as the primary process of the subordination
division of power. . . . of women, and the power of the state is the rela-
The law on women’s situation produced in this tion between the personal and the political at the
way views women’s situation from the standpoint level of government. These laws are not political
of male dominance. It assumes that the conditions because the state is presumptively the sphere of
that pertain among men on the basis of sex— politics. They are integral to sexual politics
consent to sex, comparative privacy, voice in because the state, through law, institutionalizes
moral discourse, and political equality on the basis male power over women through institutional-
of gender—apply to women. It assumes on the izing the male point of view in law. Its first state
epistemic level that sex inequality in society is not act is to see women from the standpoint of male
real. Rape law takes women’s usual response to dominance; its next act is to treat them that way.
coercion—acquiescence, the despairing response This power, this state, is not a discrete location,
to hopelessness to unequal odds—and calls that but a web of sanctions throughout society which
consent. Men coerce women; women “consent.” “control[s] the principal means of coercion” that
The law of privacy treats the private sphere as a structures women’s everyday lives.13 . . .
sphere of personal freedom. For men, it is. For
or applicable copyright law.

women, the private is the distinctive sphere of inti-

mate violation and abuse, neither free nor particu- Notes
larly personal. Men’s realm of private freedom is
women’s realm of collective subordination. The 1. Recent work attempting to criticize and yet reha-
bilitate the liberal state, such as Bruce Ackerman,
law of obscenity treats pornography as “ideas.” Social Justice in the Liberal State (New Haven: Yale
Whether or not ideas are sex for men, pornogra- University Press, 1980), does not solve these prob-
phy certainly is sex for men. From the standpoint lems. Ackerman, for example, does not question

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The Liberal State 297
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the social sources and sites of power, but only its Baratz, “Two Faces of Power,” in Bell, Edwards, and
distribution. Wagner, Political Power, p. 94. To these facets, Steven
2. Karl Klare, “Law-Making as Praxis,” Telos 40 Lukes adds control over agenda, latent as well as ob-
(Summer 1979): 123–135; Judith Shklar, Legalism servable conflict, and objective as well as subjective in-
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1964). terests, emphasizing the “sheer weight of institutions”
3. Scholars of power in its political aspect traditionally over explicit decisions; Power: A Radical Analysis
analyze legitimated physical force. Thus, the orga- (London: Macmillan, 1974), p. 18. These concepts
nization called “government,” the science of which also characterize gender relations as power, hence po-
is political science, after Weber became that which litical, relations.
successfully upholds its claim to regulate exclusively Given the heated disagreements among these
the legitimate use of physical force in a physical men, it is remarkable the extent to which Robert Dahl
territory; Robert A. Dahl, Modern Political Analysis is correct in characterizing them all when he observes
(Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1976), p. 3. that political science (which is the study of politics,
(See Max Weber, Theory of Social and Economic Or- which is, inter alia, about power) has defined the man/
ganization [New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1957], woman division outside its confines, because it is seen
p.154.) Dahl and C. E. Lindblom use “control” in a to relate to “ancient and persistent biological and phys-
similar way: “In loose language, A controls the re- iological drives, needs and wants . . . to satisfy drives
sponses of B if A’s acts cause B to respond in a defi- for sexual gratification, love, security and respect are
nite way”; Politics, Economics, and Welfare (New York: insistent and primordial needs. The means of satisfying
Harper & Brothers, 1953), p. 94. Pluralist theorists of them quickly and concretely generally lie outside po-
power have been critical of treating power as a lump litical life”; Modern Political Analysis, pp. 103–104. In
in a zero-sum game: you either have it or you don’t. other words, because the subordination of women is
Still, for them, it has to do with getting what one seen as universal and natural, it is not seen as a system
wants, with rewards and deprivations, with A getting of domination, hence a system of power, hence as po-
B to do something A wants independent of what B litical at all.
wants, either from A telling B or from B anticipating 4. Harold D. Lasswell and Abraham Kaplan, Power and
what A wants. “A power relation, actual or poten- Society (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1950), pp.
tial, is an actual or potential causal relation between xiv, 240.
the preferences of an actor regarding an outcome 5. Dahl, Modern Political Analysis, p. 3. See also Dahl and
and the outcome itself ”; Jack H. Nagel, A Descriptive Lindblom, Politics, Economics, and Welfare. Of course,
Analysis of Power (New Haven: Yale University Press, this is not to say that power is all there is to politics.
1975), p. 29. Because he wants it, it happens. On 6. Kate Millett, Sexual Politics (Garden City, N.Y.: Dou-
other causal aspects, see Herbert A. Simon, “Notes bleday, 1970), p. 31.
on the Observation and Measurement of Political 7. See Susan Rae Peterson, “Coercion and Rape: The
Power,” Journal of Politics 15 (1953): 500–516. Carl J. State as a Male Protection Racket,” in Feminism and
Friedrich similarly formulates a “rule of anticipated Philosophy, ed. Mary Vetterling-Braggin, Frederick A.
reactions”: “if A’s desire for X causes B to attempt Elliston, and Jane English (Totowa, N.J.: Littlefield,
to bring about X”; Constitutional Government and Adams, 1977), pp. 360–371; Janet Rifkin, “Toward
Democracy (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1937), a Theory of Law and Patriarchy,” 3 Harvard Women’s
pp. 16–18. According to Dahl, “A has power over Law Journal 83–96 (Spring 1980). Additional work of
B to the extent that he can get B to do something interest on this subject includes Sherry B.Ortner, “The
that B would not otherwise do”; Robert A. Dahl, Virgin and the State,” Feminist Studies 4 (October
“A Critique of the Ruling Elite Model,” in Politi- 1978): 19–36; Viana Muller, “The Formation of the
cal Power, ed. Roderick Bell, David Edwards, and State and the Oppression of Women: Some Theoretical
Harrison Wagner (New York: Free Press, 1969), Considerations and a Case Study in England and
p. 80. See also Nelson Polsby, Community Power and Wales,” Review of Radical Political Economics 9 (Fall 1977):
Political Theory (New Haven: Yale University Press, 7–21; Irene Silverblatt, “Andean Women in the Inca
1962), and R. Dahl, “Power,” International Encyclopedia Empire,” Feminist Studies 4 (October 1978): 37–61;
of the Social Sciences, vol. 12 (New York: Macmillan, Karen Sacks, “State Bias and Women’s Status,” American
1968), 405–415. These formulations, while envision- Anthropologist 78 (September 1976): 565–569.
ing a somewhat atomistic and individuated social 8. Herbert Wechsler, “Toward Neutral Principles of
or applicable copyright law.

world and a discrete set of decisional interactions, Constitutional Law,” 73 Harvard Law Review I (1959),
nevertheless do characterize many of the behaviors though a defense of legalized racism, is taken as axi-
claimed by feminists as exhibiting power relations omatic.
between women and men. 9. Laurence Tribe, “Constitution as Point of View”
Other concepts of power urged by critics of the (Mimeograph, Harvard Law School, 1982), p. 13.
traditional approaches capture further dimensions of 10. Madeleine Gagnon, “Body I,” in New French Femi-
male power as a political system, emphasizing the more nisms, ed. Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron
structural, contextual, tacit, and relational dimen- (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1980),
sions of power. See, e.g., Peter Bachrach and Morton p. 180. The mirror trope has served as metaphor for
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the epistemological/political reality of objectifica- and heroic action. That is why Napoleon and Mus-
tion in feminist work. “Into the room of the dress- solini both insist so emphatically upon the inferiority
ing where the walls are covered with mirrors. Where of women, for if they were not inferior, they would
mirrors are like eyes of men, and the women reflect cease to enlarge”; A Room of One’s Own (New York:
the judgments of mirrors”; Susan Griffin, Woman and Harcourt, Brace & World, 1969), p. 36.
Nature: The Roaring inside Her (New York: Harper & 11. Johnnie Tillmon, “Welfare Is a Women’s Issue,” Lib-
Row, 1978), p. 155. “She did suffer, the witch / try- eration News Service, February 26, 1972; reprinted in
ing to peer round the looking / glass, she forgot / Rosalyn Baxandall, Linda Gordon, and Susan Re-
someone was in the way”; Michelène, “Réflexion,” verby, eds., America’s Working Women (New York:
quoted in Sheila Rowbotham, Woman’s Conscious- Random House, 1976), pp. 355–358.
ness, Man’s World (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973), 12. Sexual harassment, designed in pursuit of the juris-
p. 2; see also ibid., pp. 26–29, and Mary Daly, Be- prudential approach argued here, is an exception. So
yond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women’s is a recent decision by the Ninth Circuit, Watkins v.
Liberation (Boston: Beacon Press, 1973), pp. 195, Army, 837 F.2d 1429 (9th Cir. 1988), which holds
197. Virginia Woolf wrote the figure around (“So I that to deprive gays of military employment on the
reflected . . .”), remarking “the necessity that women basis of homosexual status is a violation of the Equal
so often are to men” of serving as a looking glass in Protection Clause.
which a man can “see himself at breakfast and at dinner 13. Charles Tilly, ed., “Western State-Making and The-
at least twice the size he really is.” Notice the doubled ories of Political Transformation,” in The Formation of
sexual/gender meaning: “Whatever may be their use National States in Western Europe (Princeton: Princeton
in civilized societies, mirrors are essential to all violent University Press, 1975), p. 638.
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 35
Gender and the State:
Theories and Debates
Johanna Kantola

... 1962). Differences between women and men

ought not to be pertinent in the public sphere;
Feminist Theories of the State both are to be treated as equal citizens. . . .
While a number of the liberal feminist argu-
How have feminists theorized the state? What are ments have been powerful, there are problems that
the critiques of these theories? . . . Feminism was caution against the uncritical use of the liberal fem-
long dominated by a deep uneasiness about the inist notion of the state. The concept of the state
state, which was seen as patriarchal and therefore is very narrow and understands it mainly in terms
beyond reform politics. This discomfort culmi- of institutions, which is rejected by critics. They
nated in arguments that feminists did not have a argue that liberal feminists fail to understand the
theory of the state (MacKinnon 1989) and that it structural relations of women’s lives—the family,
was not a feminist concern to theorize it (Allen the sexual division of labor, sexclass oppression—as
1990). Despite this, a variety of feminist perspec- part of the political life of society (Eisenstein 1986:
tives on the state exists (Kantola 2006). . . . 181). As it does not challenge the deep structures of
male dominance, it could be argued that it creates
space for a new form of patriarchy, one which is
The Neutral State subtler and may be more stable and powerful than
earlier forms (Pringle and Watson 1990: 231). Leg-
Liberal feminist theories of the state have been islation provides formal equality but, at the same
influential in offering feminists some powerful time, diverts attention away from powerful eco-
policy instruments. They see the state as a neutral nomic, social, and psychological bases for inequal-
arbiter between different interest groups. Whilst ity. For Kathy Ferguson (1984), liberal feminism
liberal feminists recognize that state institutions has become a voice subservient to dominant patri-
are dominated by men and that policies reflect archal discourses. An exclusive focus on integrating
masculine interests, they argue that the state is to women into state institutions produces a situation
be “re-captured” from the interest group of men. that perpetuates dominant patriarchal discourses
and norms rather than challenges them. . . .
or applicable copyright law.

In other words, the state is a reflection of the in-

terest groups that control its institutions. To many
liberal feminists, more women in the state would
entail more women’s policy. They seek initiatives, The Patriarchal State
legislation, and policies that promote equality and
address women’s concerns (Watson 1990, Way- Radical feminists, in turn, offer important tools for
len 1998). Liberal feminists stress the principle of feminist theories of the state by stressing its patri-
formal equal treatment before the law (see Friedan archal nature. Their critical analyses help to reveal
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the role of the state in perpetuating gender inequal- criticism is directed at both radical and liberal
ities. Radical feminist focus on women’s concerns, feminists. They fail to understand the different
such as reproduction and sexuality, opens feminist meanings that concepts such as work and family
debates to crucial issues that are often regarded as have for black women (Amos and Parmar 1984,
lying outside state politics and analyses of states. . . . Mirza 1997). Western feminist state theory largely
While liberal feminists understand the state in ignores the experience of Third World women
terms of its political institutions, radical feminists under the postcolonial state. The assumptions
extend their focus to the wider structures of the made are West-centered but the theorizing takes
state and society. This is one of the key contribu- on a universalizing language (Rai 1996: 5). . . .
tions of radical feminism and extremely useful for
any analysis of the state. Radical feminist work
shows the patriarchal nature of the formal and The Capitalist State
informal practices followed in decision-making.
The concept of patriarchy informs feminist strat- Whereas for radical feminists the state is patriar-
egies and political goals: the whole structure of chal, for Marxist feminists the state is essentially
male domination must be dismantled if women’s capitalist (McIntosh 1978: 259). The state is
liberation is to be achieved (Acker 1989: 235). not just an institution but also a form of social
Civil society, rather than the state, is the sphere in relations. Women’s subordination plays a role in
which women should concentrate their energies sustaining capitalism through the reproduction
in order to challenge patriarchy. . . . of the labor force within the family. Women are
Radical feminism employs the concepts oppressed in work and in exclusion from it, and
of gender and sexuality. . . . States enforce the Marxist feminists argue that the familial ideol-
equation of women with sexuality. However, ogy is to blame. When criticizing welfare states,
via consciousness-raising it becomes possible to Marxist feminists argue that the state helps to re-
rediscover what is truly female and to struggle to produce and maintain the familial ideology pri-
speak with women’s own voice. Whereas liberal marily through welfare state policies. In contrast
feminists understand differences between the to radical feminism, Marxist feminists argue that
sexes as nonpertinent, radical feminists celebrate women are important in the struggle against capi-
and value them. At best, this creates new visions, talism as workers, not as women (McIntosh 1978)
for example, about alternative, antihierarchical and the category of women is employed in repro-
ways of working (Ferguson 1984: 5). ductive terms (Sargent 1981: xxi).
Despite these useful insights into gender and the Socialist feminism attempts to combine the
state, there are a number of problems with radical insights of both Marxist and radical feminism.
feminist theorizing. Particularly, radical feminists From radical feminists, socialist feminists derive an
tend to essentialize the state as patriarchal. They understanding of the system of oppression called
seek to specify a single cause of women’s oppres- patriarchy, and from Marxist feminists the impor-
sion, namely the exploitative structure of patriar- tance of the class oppression defining the situation
chy. In the model, the state becomes a key source of all workers. The two approaches are combined
of patriarchal power and power becomes men’s in analyses of this “dual system” of capitalism
power, authority, or dominance over women. and patriarchy. . . . Michèle Barrett identifies
For critics, neither the state nor masculinity has a number of ways in which the state promotes
a single source or terrain of power (Barrett and women’s oppression: women are excluded from
Phillips 1992: 3, Brown 1995: 179). certain sorts of work by protective legislation, the
or applicable copyright law.

Radical feminism is insensitive to differences state exercises control over the ways sexuality is
between women and risks claiming that states op- represented through pornography laws, and the
press women everywhere in the same way (Acker state’s housing policy is resistant to the needs of
1989: 235). The universalizing tendencies are non-nuclear families (1980: 231–7).
strongly rejected by black feminists, who point . . . Many feminists are increasingly concerned
out that their solidarity is often with black men about capitalist structures in their most neoliberal
rather than with white women. Black feminist forms, their linkages to the state and their impact
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Gender and the State 301
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on gender relations, and argue for the need to capacity emerge as key issues in the Third World
theorize these. Nevertheless, these approaches literature, whereas Western feminists often take
have some significant shortcomings. Sophie Wat- these issues for granted, focusing instead on how
son argues that despite the Marxist and socialist best to engage with the state (Chappell 2000:
feminist emphasis on the state as a form of social 246). . . .
relations, the state still appears to be an “entity Nordic feminist analyses of the state are mark-
which limits and determines our lives, which acts edly different from radical and Marxist feminist
in the interests of capital, which defines who we perspectives. . . .
are and what we need, which deflects class con- Helga Maria Hernes (1987) defines Nordic
flict and which obscures class divisions” (1990: states as potentially women-friendly societies,
4). More specifically, Marxist feminist accounts which signifies that women’s political and social
employ reductionist and functionalist arguments empowerment happens through the state and
to explain the persistence of sexual divisions and with the support of state social policy. The social
the patriarchal family form, which ends up sub- democratic citizenship tradition results in a more
suming gender relations within the all-powerful optimistic acceptance of the state as an instrument
system of something called the ‘needs of capital’ for social change than radical, Marxist, or socialist
(Watson 1990: 6). feminism. For Hernes, Nordic women act in ac-
In other words, Marxist feminists are criticized cordance with their own culture in turning to the
for privileging Marxist categories of analysis at the state, even in those instances where they wish to
expense of feminist ones. . . . Privileging Marxist build alternative institutions (1988: 210).
categories means that Marxist feminists continue to Studies of the Nordic women-friendly welfare
suffer from the problems faced by Marxists: struc- states are concerned with the roles of women as
turalism, determinism, and an overemphasis on eco- political actors. It is argued that women become
nomics. Socialist feminists provide more nuanced empowered as political subjects through the insti-
analyses of the two systems. However, at times the tutionalization of gender equality. An exclusive
capitalist and patriarchal structures of the society focus on patriarchy, in contrast, risks reducing
remain so dominant in their analyses that there is women to victims of patriarchal structures, which
hardly any room for positive social change. means that their contribution to maintain or
change gender relations becomes invisible (Siim
The Women-Friendly Welfare State Nordic feminism is more pessimistic in its
analysis of gender and the state than liberal fem-
Liberal, radical, Marxist, and socialist feminist inism. The private dependency of women on
theories are challenged from a number of differ- individual men is transformed into public de-
ent perspectives within feminist theory. Nordic pendency on the state in the women-friendly
feminists, femocrats in Australia, and gender and welfare states (Dahlerup 1987). The expansion of
development scholars highlight the differences the public sector, even if it benefits women, is
between states. These scholars are united in argu- planned and executed by a male-dominated es-
ing that there is a need to move beyond narrow tablishment. The parameters for distribution and
understandings of the state as outlined above. For redistribution policies are increasingly determined
example, development scholars reveal the funda- within the framework of the corporate system,
mentally different meaning of the state in non- where women have an even more marginal role
Western countries. Like Western debates, this to play than in the parliamentary system. Thus,
or applicable copyright law.

literature is concerned to examine the processes women are the objects of policies. The tendency
and functions of state institutions in exercises of is exacerbated by the observation that women’s
power in various areas of the public and private lives are more dependent and determined by state
lives of women and women’s resistance to these policies than men’s (Hernes 1988a: 77). . . .
intrusions (Rai and Lievesley 1996: 1). However, Whilst radical feminists assume that all women
there are important differences. Postcolonialism, are oppressed by the state in the same way, Nordic
nationalism, economic modernization, and state feminists have the opposite problem: they seem
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to claim that all women are liberated through the The Differentiated State
state in the same way. Indeed, because the term
“women-friendly welfare state” is premised on The final feminist approach to the state . . . is the
the idea of the common and collective interests of poststructural feminist one. It seems to provide
women, the category of women is very homoge- some answers to the problems identified with
neous. Hernes herself notes that egalitarian values Nordic feminist theories of the state. Poststruc-
have their limitations when it comes to introduc- tural feminist approaches highlight differences
ing pluralism of any form (1987: 17). The concerns within states. Rosemary Pringle and Sophie Wat-
of, for example, lesbians and ethnic minorities son challenge the unity of the state and argue that
have yet to enter the agenda of women-friendly the state consists of a set of arenas that lack coher-
welfare states. Gender equality signifies, first and ence (1990, 1992). In poststructural analyses, the
foremost, equality for white, heterosexual, work- state is a differentiated set of institutions, agencies,
ing mothers in the Nordic context. Diversity and and discourses and has to be studied as such. The
fluidity within the category of women and wom- approaches shift the emphasis to state practices
en’s identity are missing from Nordic feminist and discourses rather than to state institutions.
analyses of women-friendly welfare states. The state is depicted as a discursive process, and
Furthermore, like liberal feminists, Nor- politics and the state are conceptualized in broad
dic feminists tend to opt for the sameness route terms. The state is not inherently patriarchal but
to equality, which signifies the idea of gender was historically constructed as patriarchal in a po-
equality as a condition where men’s and wom- litical process whose outcome is open. The patri-
en’s lives are uniform (Lindvert 2002: 100). The archal state can be seen, then, not as the manifes-
normative foundation of the women-friendly tation of patriarchal essence, but as the center of a
welfare state rests on a dual-breadwinner model reverberating set of power relations and political
where both women and men are waged workers. processes in which patriarchy is both constructed
In other words, the feminist discourse about and contested (Connell 1987, 1994). Particular
women-friendliness is based on the premise that discourses and histories construct state bound-
women’s labor market participation is a key to aries, identities, and agency.
gender equality (Borchorst and Siim 2002: 92). In comparison to the approaches discussed
Measures associated with civil rights, rather than above, the poststructural contribution is to high-
social rights, and their importance are neglected light the differentiated nature of the state and to
in the women-friendly welfare state literature. question the unity of state responses (Franzway,
Liberal countries—the United States, Canada, Court, and Connell 1989). An important ques-
Australia, and Britain—offer a somewhat different tion for poststructural feminists is what the most
set of gender-equality measures from the social effective strategies are for empowering women in
democratic states (O’Connor, Orloff, and Shaver their engagements with the state (Randall 1998:
1999). These include reproductive or body rights, 200). In other words, the feminist aim becomes
antidiscriminatory regulations, and workplace to make sense not only of the state’s impact on
policies. The measures are associated with civil gender, but also of the ways in which the state
rights rather than with social rights. can be made use of and changed through feminist
Nancy Fraser argues that neither a politics of struggles. The analyses allow the complex, multi-
redistribution—remedying social inequalities— dimensional, and differentiated relations between
nor a politics of recognition—revaluing disre- the state and gender to be taken into account.
spected identities—is sufficient on its own (1995, They recognize that the state can be a positive as
or applicable copyright law.

1997). Nordic feminists problematically show well as a negative resource for feminists. . . .
partiality toward the politics of redistribution and While emphasizing the gendered nature of
gender equality is separated from cultural politics concepts such as the welfare state or citizenship,
(Siim 2000: 126). Such fundamental civil right poststructural feminists also take into account na-
issues as the right to bodily integrity (violence tional variations. Helpfully, the approaches turn
against women) have been notoriously slow to away from the theorization of relations between
arrive on the Nordic agenda. gender and the state in general terms and focus
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Gender and the State 303
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instead on the construction of gender within spe- Chappell, Louise (2000) “Interacting with the State,”
cific state discourses and practices (Mottier 2004: International Feminist Journal of Politics 2 (2) pp. 244–75.
Chappell, Louise (2003) Gendering Government: Feminist
81). Within a framework of diverse discourses Engagement with the State in Australia and Canada
and power relations, gender diversity and differ- (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press).
ences in women’s experiences come to the fore Connell, Robert W. (1987) Gender and Power (Cambridge:
(Kantola and Dahl 2005). Polity Press).
Poststructural feminist theorizing of the state Connell, Robert W. (1994) “The State, Gender, and
Sexual Politics: Theory and Appraisal,” in H. Radtke
thus signifies important developments for feminist and H. Stam (eds.) Power/Gender (London: Sage),
debates. Nevertheless, it would be problematic pp. 136-73.
to opt for it uncritically. Poststructural feminist Cooper, Davina (1994) Sexing the City (London: Rivers
understandings of the state are criticized for an Oram Press).
overemphasis on discursive processes, which shift Cooper, Davina (1998) Governing out of Order: Space, Law
and the Politics of Belonging (London and New York:
attention away from institutions and policies. Fou- Rivers Oram Press).
cauldians, in particular, concentrate on relations Dahlerup, Drude (1987) “Confusing Concepts—Confusing
and techniques of governance, treating institu- Reality: A Theoretical Discussion of the Patriarchal
tions as an effect of processes and practices rather State” in Anne Showstack Sassoon (ed.) Women and the
than as their origin (Cooper 1998: 10). . . . It is State (London: Routledge) pp. 93–127.
Eisenstein, Zillah (1986) The Radical Future of Liberal
often argued that due to the poststructural femi- Feminism (Boston: Northeastern University Press).
nist lack of focus on institutions and institutional Ferguson, Kathy (1984) The Feminist Case against Bureaucracy
mechanisms, the approaches underestimate the (Philadelphia: Temple University Press).
difficulty of achieving change compared with the Franzway, Suzanne, Diane Court, and R. W. Connell
relative ease of reproducing status quo power re- (1989) Staking a Claim: Feminism, Bureaucracy and the
State (Cambridge: Polity Press).
lations (Cooper 1994: 7). A further implication of Fraser, Nancy (1995) “False Antitheses: A Response to
the oversight of state institutions is the neglect of Seyla Benhabib and Judith Butler,” in Seyla Benhabib
the linkages between state bodies, for example, the et al. (eds.) Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange
influence the central government exerts over the (London: Routledge) pp. 59–74.
local government (Cooper 1994: 7; O’Connor, Fraser, Nancy (1997) Justice Interrupts: Critical Reflections in
the “Post-Socialist” Condition (Routledge: London).
Orloff, and Shaver 1999:11). Poststructural fem- Friedan, Betty (1962) The Feminine Mystique (New York:
inism can also be argued to lack specificity. The Dell).
state is treated as a terrain of struggle, without Hernes, Helga Maria (1987) Welfare State and Woman
much thought being given to how the state differs Power (Oslo: Norwegian University Press).
from other such terrains (Cooper 1994: 7). . . . Hernes, Helga Maria (1988) “Scandinavian Citizenship,”
Acta Sociologica 31 (3) pp. 199–215.
Hernes, Helga Maria (1988a) “Women and the Welfare
State: The Transition from Private to Public
References Dependence,” in Anne Showstack Sassoon (ed.)
Women and the State (London: Routledge) pp. 72–92.
Acker, Joan (1989) “The Problem with Patriarchy,” Kantola, Johanna (2006) “Feminism,” in Colin Hay,
Sociology 23 (2) pp. 235–40. Michael Lister, and David Marsh (eds.) The State:
Allen, Judith. (1990) “Does Feminism Need a Theory of Theories and Issues (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)
‘The State’?” in Sophie Watson (ed.) Playing the State pp. 118–34.
(London: Verso) pp. 21–37. Kantola, Johanna, and Hanne Marlene Dahl (2005) “Feminist
Amos, Valerie and Pratibha Parmar (1984) “Challenging Understandings of the State: From Differences between
Imperial Feminism,” Feminist Review 17 pp. 3–19. to Differences Within,” International Feminist Journal of
Barrett, Michèle (1980) Women’s Oppression Today: Problems Politics 7 (1) pp. 49–70.
or applicable copyright law.

in Marxist Feminist Analysis (London: Verso). Lindvert, Jessica (2002) “A World Apart: Swedish and
Barrett, Michèle and Anne Phillips (eds.) (1992) Australian Gender Equality Policy,” NORA 2 (10) pp.
Destabilizing Theory (Cambridge: Polity Press). 99–107.
Borchorst, Anette and Birte Siim (2002) “The Women- MacKinnon, Catharine (1989) Towards a Feminist Theory of
Friendly Welfare States Revisited,” NORA: Nordic the State (London: Harvard University Press).
Journal of Women’s Studies 10 (2) pp. 90–98. McIntosh, Mary (1978) “The State and the Oppression of
Brown, Wendy (1995) States of Injury: Power and Freedom Women,” in A. Kuhn and A. Wolpe (eds.) Feminism
in Late Modernity (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University and Materialism: Women and Modes of Production
Press). (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul) pp. 254–89.
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Mirza, Heidi Safia (ed.) (1997) Black British Feminism: A Randall, Vicky (1998) “Gender and Power: Women
Reader (London: Routledge). Engage the State,” in Vicky Randall and Georgina
Mottier, Veronique (2004) “Feminist Political Theory,” Waylen (eds.) Gender, Politics and the State (London:
European Political Science 4 (3) pp. 79–84. Routledge) pp.185–205.
O’Connor, Julia, Ann Shola Orloff, and Sheila Shaver Sargent, Lydia (1981) “New Left Women and Men: The
(1999) States, Markets, Families: Gender, Liberalism Honeymoon is Over,” in Lydia Sargent (ed.) Women
and Social Policy in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and and Revolution: The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and
the United States (Cambridge: Cambridge University Feminism (London: Pluto Press) pp. xi–xxxii.
Press). Siim, Birte (1988) “Towards a Feminist Rethinking of the
Pringle, Rosemary and Sophie Watson (1990) “Fathers, Welfare State,” in Kathleen Jones and Anna Jónasdóttir
Brothers, Mates: The Fraternal State in Australia,” in (eds.) The Political Interests of Gender (Oxford: Sage) pp.
Sophie Watson (ed.) Playing the State (London: Verso) 160–86.
pp. 229–43. Siim, Birte (2000) Gender and Citizenship: Politics and
Pringle, Rosemary and Sophie Watson (1992) “ ‘Women’s Agency in France, Britain and Denmark (Cambridge:
Interests’ and the PostStructuralist State,” in Michèle Cambridge University Press).
Barrett and Anne Phillips (eds.) Destabilizing Theory Watson, Sophie (1990) “The State of Play: An
(Cambridge: Polity Press) pp. 53–73. Introduction,” in Sophie Watson (ed.) Playing the State
Rai, Shirin (1996) “Women and the State in the Third (London: Verso) pp. 3–20.
World: Some Issues for Debate,” in Shirin Rai and Watson, Sophie (1992) “Femocratic Feminism,” in Mike
Geraldine Lievesley (eds.) Women and the State: Savage and Anne Witz (eds.) Gender and Bureaucracy
International Perspectives (London: Taylor and Francis) (Oxford: Blackwell) pp. 186–204.
pp. 5–22. Waylen, Georgina (1998) “Gender, Feminism and the
Rai, Shirin and Geraldine Lievesley (eds.) (1996) Women State: An Overview,” in Vicky Randall and Georgina
and the State: International Perspectives (London: Taylor Waylen (eds.) Gender, Politics and the State (London:
and Francis). Routledge) pp. 1–17.
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 36
Gender in the Welfare State
Ann Orloff

Introduction The Social Reproduction

of Gender Hierarchy
Gender relations, embodied in the sexual division
of labor, compulsory heterosexuality, discourses One school of thought emphasizes the ways
and ideologies of citizenship, motherhood, mas- in which state social policies regulate gender
culinity and femininity, and the like, profoundly relations and contribute to the social reproduction
shape the character of welfare states. Likewise, the of gender inequality through a variety of mech-
institutions of social provision—the set of social anisms (see Jenson 1986 for a review). Analysts
assistance and social insurance programs, univer- saw the emergence of modern welfare states as
sal citizenship entitlements, and public services to a transition from “private” to “public” patriar-
which we refer as “the welfare state”—affect gen- chy (e.g., Holter 1984). Key mechanisms for the
der relations in a variety of ways. . . . However, maintenance of gender hierarchy include: (i) gen-
comparative study has so far given little systematic dered divisions of labor, with men responsible for
attention to gender. Most feminist work, though families’ economic support and women respon-
concerned with elaborating a gendered analysis of sible for caregiving and domestic labor as well as
welfare states, has not been systematically com- for producing babies; (ii) the family wage system,
parative. . . . This means that we lack a sense of in which men’s relatively superior wages (and tax
the range of variation in how gender relations and advantages) are justified partly in terms of their
welfare states mutually influence each other. . . . responsibility for the support of dependent wives
and children; women are excluded from the paid
labor force (or from favored positions within it)
Gender and the Welfare State and therefore are economically dependent on
men; (iii) traditional marriage (which implies
Over the past two decades, we have amassed a the gender division of labor) and a concomitant
large body of research showing that state policies double standard of sexual morality. . . . Many
of all kinds are shaped by gender relations and in have called attention to the ways in which these
turn affect gender relations. Until recently, one various mechanisms—even when not associated
of two broad understandings of the relationship with women’s absolute material deprivation—are
or applicable copyright law.

between the state and gender has predominated coupled with women’s exclusion from political
in analyses of social policy. The first sees states power (e.g. Lewis & Åström 1992, Nelson 1984,
contributing in one way or another to the social Hernes 1987, Borchorst & Siim 1987).
reproduction of gender hierarchies. In contrast, . . . More recently, there has been a greater focus
the second sees states varying in terms of their on the ways in which state practices themselves con-
ameliorative impact on social inequality, includ- stitute gender. Thus, some have focused particularly
ing gender inequality. on the construction of gendered citizenship, with
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its encodings of male “independence” based on vulnerability to poverty is occluded. Moreover,

wage-earning (rather than the older basis in military quantitative poverty studies typically overlook the
service) and female “dependence,” and associated ways in which regulation may accompany bene-
gender-differentiated social provision (Gordon & fits, as in the case of many benefits for solo parents
Fraser 1994, Knijn 1994, Saraceno 1994, Cass 1994, that are conditioned on cooperation in paternity
Pateman 1988, Lister 1990). Another formulation establishment (Monson 1996). In addition, the
highlights the state’s production of gender differen- ways in which the systemic characteristics of social
tiation (and inequality) through the process of claim- provision affect gender interests are ignored. For
ing benefits from the state: men tend to make claims example, in the United States, increased levels of
on the welfare state as workers while women make income transfers would not address the political
claims as members of families (as wives or mothers) marginalization of the status of “client” in a con-
and through the very existence of “masculine” text where citizenship is linked strongly to the
and “feminine” programs—the former protecting status of “worker” (Nelson 1984); nor would this
against labor market failures and targeting a male strategy counter stereotypes of dependency deeply
clientele, the latter providing help for family-related embedded in relations of class, race/ethnicity, and
problems and targeting a female clientele (e.g. Fraser gender (Roberts 1995, Quadagno 1994, Collins
1989). . . . In the United States especially, scholars 1990). Others have argued that the residual char-
speak of a “two-tier” or “two-track” welfare state in acter of American social provision undermines
which programs targeted on men and labor market popular support for social spending generally, and
problems tend to be contributory social insurance in such a context, calls for increased benefits in
while those primarily for women and family-related targeted programs such as Aid to Families with
are means-tested social assistance. . . . Dependent children (AFDC) may actually exac-
erbate the political difficulties of welfare (Weir
Ameliorating Gender Inequalities? et al. 1988). In other words, access to cash benefits
is not always an unmixed blessing. . . .
The second understanding of gender relations
and the welfare state is based on the common idea
that welfare states work to ameliorate social in- Maternalism and the Origins
equalities; feminist versions of this view focus on of Welfare States
gender as well as class inequalities, especially in
vulnerability to poverty. These analysts generally Recent studies of the origins of modern social
note that although poverty rates for the popula- provision have challenged some key assump-
tion as a whole fell in the post–World War II era, tions of both mainstream and earlier feminist
women made up an increasing proportion of poor scholarship. First, these studies have revealed the
adults, and households headed by women became significant amount of state activity aimed at the
an ever-larger proportion of all poor households; welfare of mothers and children and the activities
these trends are due partly to the improving sit- of women reformers, ignored in the mainstream
uation of other demographic groups (e.g., the literature’s focus on labor market regulation and
elderly) but also to some women’s deteriorating class actors. Second, they have challenged some
position in the labor market and the rising rates of the assumptions of the social reproduction ana-
of solo motherhood (McLanahan, Sorenson, and lysts by highlighting women’s participation (even
Watson 1989). Income transfer programs some- as subordinate actors) in the shaping of policies
times offer buffers against women’s poverty (Piven directed at women and families.
or applicable copyright law.

1985). . . . The implication of these studies is that Many women (and some male) reformers were
disadvantaged groups—including women—have motivated by the ideas and discourses of mater-
an interest in higher spending. . . . nalism. Koven and Michel (1993, p. 4) define
A focus on poverty rates alone can be mis- maternalism as “ideologies and discourses which
leading; when marriage rates are high, one sees exalted women’s capacity to mother and applied
relatively low poverty rates for women and low to society as a whole the values they attached to
gender poverty gaps, but the extent of women’s that role: care, nurturance and morality.” The
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Gender in the Welfare State 307
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widespread acceptance of ideals of gender differ- race, ethnicity, and nationalism have also shaped
entiation did not deter women from entering the gendered policies. In the United States, a number
political sphere—indeed, they entered it largely of studies have shown that maternalist policies such
on the basis of “difference,” claiming their work as mothers’ pensions and the Sheppard-Towner
as mothers gave them unique capacities for devel- maternal health programs were not equally aimed
oping state policies that would safeguard mothers at or accessible to African Americans and other
and children, leading to “equality in difference.” women of color (Bellingham & Mathis 1994,
Koven and Michel emphasize the ambiguous Goodwin 1992, Gordon 1994, Mink 1994, Boris
meanings and uses of maternalism, noting that it 1995). Thus, the motherhood (and infant life) to be
can encompass pronatalists most concerned with supported was bounded in racial and ethnic terms;
population increase, women who accepted the analysts disagree about the extent to which this
ideal of a family wage for men as the source of reflects the interests of maternalist reformers or is
support for mothers, and feminists who called for simply a reflection of the power of racist forces in
an independent state-supplied income for mothers American society. Similar considerations obtained in
(Pedersen 1993, Lake 1992). . . . Australian policy, which simultaneously supported
The few explicitly comparative studies of this white motherhood (largely through state-regulated
period offer some clues to which factors were male wages, but also with maternalist measures),
most significant in shaping the character of social banned non-European immigration under the
policies aimed at the support of motherhood, par- rubric of the “White Australia” policy, and system-
enthood, and children—variations that in many atically deprived aboriginal mothers of custody of
cases continue to distinguish the systems of social their children (Lake 1992, Shaver 1990, Burney
provision in the contemporary west. Of particular 1994). A debate in Germany about the character of
significance are: (i) the balance of power among social provision under National Socialism features
labor, employers, and the state; (ii) discourses and disagreement about the interests of dominant-group
ideologies of motherhood, especially whether or women. Bock (1991) emphasizes that only some
not mothering was seen as compatible with paid groups’ reproduction was supported—pronatalism
work; and (iii) concerns about population quality for “Aryans” was accompanied by antinatalism for
and quantity, particularly in the context of inter- Jews, Gypsies, and “defectives.” . . .
national military competition.
Jenson’s (1986) comparison of British and
French policies for the support of reproduction Comparing Gender in Contemporary
was influential in questioning the generaliza- Welfare States
tions about women and the state that predomi-
nated in the early 1980s. Both French and British . . . A particularly promising development in com-
elites operated within an international context parative scholarship has come with the elaboration
that raised concerns about population, particu- of the concept of “social policy regimes,” which
larly about declining birthrates and rates of infant offers a way to analyze the qualitative variation
mortality perceived to be too high. Yet Jenson across national systems. As Shaver (1990) describes
showed that differences in the capacities of orga- them, social policy regimes are institutionalized
nized workers and employers, different levels of patterns in welfare state provision establishing sys-
demand for female labor, and different discourses tematic relations between the state and social struc-
about motherhood and paid work produced strik- tures of conflict, domination, and accommodation.
ingly different policies. British policy worked to Such patterns refer to the terms and conditions
or applicable copyright law.

make the support of babies primarily dependent under which claims may be made on the resources
on fathers’ wages, while France developed pol- of the state, and reciprocally, the terms and condi-
icies that allowed for mothers’ paid work, offering tions of economic, social, and political obligation
both material support and health-related services to the state. These regimes are to be found in both
to working mothers and their children. . . . individual institutions of the welfare state and in
Analyses of maternalism have provided some common patterns cutting across domains of social
opening for consideration of the ways in which provision, such as health or income maintenance.
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Mainstream analysts of regime types have been allowing those responsible for care work—mostly
concerned with the effects of welfare states on married mothers—to enter the paid labor force.
class relations and particularly with whether the Liberal regimes, he argues, are indifferent to
state can “push back the frontiers of capitalism” gender relations, leaving service provision to the
(Esping-Andersen 1990). Feminist analysts using the market. . . . Esping-Andersen classified the United
regime type concept are interested in the gendered States, Canada, Australia, and . . . Great Britain as
effects of state social policy; some are also attempt- liberal regimes; the Nordic countries are identi-
ing to define and measure gender interests. . . . fied as social-democratic regimes; and Austria,
Much recent feminist work on regime types France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands are
builds on Esping-Andersen’s Three Worlds of Wel- conservative-corporatist regimes.
fare Capitalism (1990). . . . Esping-Andersen pro- Many feminist analysts have critiqued Esping-
poses three dimensions that characterize welfare Andersen for the gender-blindness of his scheme:
states, including the relationship between the state His citizens are implicitly male workers; his di-
and the market in providing income and services mensions tap into states’ impact on class relations
and the effects of the welfare state on social strat- and the relationship between states and markets
ification. Central to the understanding of how without considering gender differences within
welfare states affect class relations are the concepts classes or the relations between states and fam-
of social rights and the “decommodification of ilies; he leaves invisible women’s work on behalf
labor,” defined as the degree to which the indi- of societal welfare (i.e. unpaid caring/domes-
vidual’s typical life situation is freed from depen- tic labor); and his framework fails to consider
dence on the labor market. These rights affect the states’ effects on gender relations, inequalities,
class balance of power by insulating workers to and power (see, e.g., Langan & Ostner 1991,
some extent from market pressures and by con- O’Connor 1993, Orloff 1993, Sainsbury 1994a,
tributing to working-class political capacities. b, c, Bussemaker & van Kersbergen 1994, Bor-
Esping-Andersen has constructed a typology chorst 1994). . . . Swedish women’s employment
of regimes representing “three worlds of welfare depends on the state both for jobs and for the
capitalism”—liberal, conservative-corporatist, and services that make employment for those with
social-democratic—based on where they fall out caregiving responsibilities a possibility. German
on the three dimensions. Liberal regimes promote women are largely marginalized by an employ-
market provision wherever possible, encourage ment regime that revolves around the needs of
social dualisms between the majority of citizens predominantly male industrial workers, a rela-
who rely mainly on the market and those who tively underdeveloped service sector, and state
rely principally on public provision, and do little policies that prize subsidiarity over the public
to offer citizens alternatives to participating in the provision of services. In the United States, wom-
market for services and income. The welfare state en’s rising employment and the advances women
is well-developed in both social-democratic and have made into the upper ranks of the labor force
conservative-corporatist regimes, bringing almost are largely market-driven, although state anti-
all citizens under the umbrella of state provision, discrimination activity has been important in
but in other ways the two types differ. The former opening opportunities in the realm of private
are universalistic and egalitarian, while the latter employment. While some U.S. women have
preserve status and class differentials. Only social- benefited from private employment opportunities
democratic regimes promote significant decom- and can afford private provision of services, others
modification of labor, for conservative-corporatist have suffered from the low wages and benefits of
or applicable copyright law.

regimes condition their relatively generous bene- the lower rungs of the service sector.
fits on strong ties to the labor market. Significant Analysts have tried to make sense of gendered
for gender relations is the fact that conservative relations and patterns using the regime-type
regimes promote subsidiarity (thereby strength- framework, evaluating whether or not liberal,
ening women’s dependence on the family), while conservative, and social-democratic regime
social-democratic regimes have promoted an indi- types have distinctive effects on gender rela-
vidual model of entitlement and provide services tions. Extending the analysis of regime types to
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Gender in the Welfare State 309
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consider the ways in which care work (broadly out that men and women may have conflicting
defined) is organized and supported has been a interests based on who has family wage–paying
key area of concern for those interested in states jobs or who has access to domestic or sexual ser-
and gender relations. . . . Gustafsson (1994) finds vices, feminist analysts have noted ways in which
that childcare policies in the United States, the women’s interests cohere and/or compete with
Netherlands, and Sweden reflect the regime-type children’s interests. Others argue that it is falsely
differences specified by Esping-Andersen, that is, homogenizing to speak of women’s interests per
that public services are best developed in Swe- se, since the “interests that women (or men) have”
den, market provision of services is prominent (the descriptive sense of the concept) vary by class,
in the United States, and the Netherlands offers race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, and
little public provision, in effect opting to support so on (e.g., Molyneux 1985, Collins 1990). . . .
mother’s caregiving work rather than offering Political power and participation are also of
daycare. . . . concern in understanding interests. Jónasdóttir
Sainsbury (1993) considers the effects on (1988) contends that everyone has an interest in
women of one aspect of social rights, the bases participating in the construction of choices in the
for making welfare claims, and the programmatic policy areas that affect them. Thus, being the sub-
characteristics (i.e., social assistance, social insur- ject as well as the object of policy is a critical aspect
ance, or universal entitlements) of four different of women’s and men’s interests (see also Lewis
welfare states—the United States, the United 1992, Orloff 1993, Lister 1990, O’Connor 1993,
Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Sweden. . . . She Nelson 1984). Participation takes on a specifically
shows that, indeed, whether claims are based on gendered character in that women have been so
labor market status, need, or citizenship is signif- long formally and informally excluded from the
icant for gendered outcomes; women do best in policymaking that shapes the structures of their in-
Sweden, a system with strong universal charac- centives to work for pay and bear children, and to
teristics, and fare worst in the United States and care for children, their husbands, or the disabled.
Britain, the countries with claims based princi-
pally on labor market participation. . . . Gendered Dimensions
for Assessing Welfare States
Gendered Dimensions Feminist analysts note that Esping-Andersen’s
for Assessing Welfare States framework was developed to address issues of class
rather than gender power. Therefore, they argue,
All of the approaches I have reviewed have helped one cannot fully tap into states’ effects on gender
to show the importance of gender relations in relations simply by looking at how women and
the welfare state and the significance of welfare men fare in different regime types using his (or
states for the situations of men and women and others’) gender-blind dimensions. Rather, specif-
their relationships. Yet these studies share some ically gendered dimensions based on an under-
analytic weaknesses: an inadequate theorization standing of gendered interests are needed to assess
of the political interests of gender and a failure the impact of state policies on gender relations.
to specify the dimensions of social provision and Lewis (1992) argues for considering policy
other state interventions relevant for gender rela- regimes in terms of their different levels of com-
tions (Orloff 1993, Borchorst 1994). . . . mitment to a male breadwinner–female house-
wife household form, which in ideal-typical form
or applicable copyright law.

Gender Interests would “find married women excluded from the

labour market, firmly subordinates to their hus-
Defining gender interests is necessary to the bands for the purposes of social security entitle-
task of assessing the gendered effects of welfare ments and tax, and expected to undertake the
states, but not simple. A prominent theme in work of caring (for children and other depen-
recent feminist scholarship concerns conflicts of dents) at home without public support” (p. 162).
interests. For example, in addition to pointing Women’s interests, she thereby implies, are least
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310 Women, Gender, and the State
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well served by policies supporting this traditional marriage, and household formation (e.g. laws on
set of arrangements, but they fare somewhat divorce, custody, homosexuality). . . .
better when policy supports dual-earner house-
holds. She contrasts France, Sweden, Britain,
and Ireland, finding Britain and Ireland strongly Conclusion
committed to the breadwinner form, France less
strongly so, and Sweden only weakly so, tending On the basis of this review, I recommend that
to a dual-breadwinner form. . . . future research include a comparative dimension;
Sainsbury (1994c) proposes examining states in case studies should be situated in the context of
terms of their similarity to one of two gendered the range of cross-national variation in relations
ideal-types: the breadwinner model (similar to between welfare states and gender relations.
Lewis’s conception) and what she calls an indi- Moreover, I would encourage the use of gendered
vidual model, where both men and women are dimensions of variation to give greater specificity
earners and carers, benefits are targeted on individ- to findings and to allow the further development
uals, and much caring work is paid and provided of a body of comparable findings concerning the
publicly. . . . She draws out specific dimensions mutual effects of gender relations and welfare
of variation that differentiate the two models: the states. These findings may also speak to the ques-
character of familial ideology, entitlement (includ- tion of the extent to which different gendered
ing its basis, recipient, benefit unit, contribution interests are reflected in state social provision,
unit, and mode of taxation), employment and including the “woman-friendliness” of the state
wage policies, and organization of care work. . . . (Hernes 1988). . . .
Orloff (1993) proposes to consider how ben-
efits contribute to women’s capacity to form and
maintain an autonomous household, a dimension References
that indicates “the ability of those who do most of
the domestic and caring work—almost all women— Bellingham B, Mathis MP. 1994. Race, citizenship, and the
bio-politics of the maternalist welfare state: “Traditional”
to form and maintain autonomous households,
midwifery in the American South under the Sheppard-
that is, to survive and support their children with- Towner Act, 1921–29. Soc. Polit. 1:157–89.
out having to marry to gain access to breadwin- Bock G. 1991. Antinatalism, maternity and paternity in
ners’ income.” This should enhance women’s National Socialist racism. See G. Bock & P. Thane.
power vis-à-vis men within marriages and families 1991. Maternity and Gender Policies: Women and the Rise
of the European Welfare States. 1880s–1950s. New York:
(see also Hobson 1993). Men typically gain this
Routledge, pp. 233–55.
capacity through their market work, backed up by Borchorst A. 1994. Welfare state regimes, women’s
income maintenance programs. State policies have interests, and the EC. See Sainsbury 1994a, pp. 26–44.
differed in how (if at all) this capacity is achieved Borchorst A, Siim B. 1987. Women and the advanced
for women; some regimes have promoted wom- welfare state—a new kind of patriarchal power?
See AS Sassoon ed. 1987. Women and the State. The
en’s employment through varying combinations
Shifting Boundaries of Public and Private. London, UK:
of childcare services, wage subsidies, or improved- Hutchinson, pp. 128–57.
access policies, or by reducing levels of and eligibil- Boris E. 1995. The racialized gendered state: Constructions
ity for public support; this overlaps, then, with the of citizenship in the United States. Soc. Polit. 2:160–80.
dimension of access to paid work. Other regimes Burney L. 1994. An Aboriginal way of being Australian.
Aust. Fem. Stud. 19:17–24.
have offered support for solo mothers to stay at
Bussemaker J, van Kersbergen K. 1994. Gender and
home to care for their children; this maintains core
or applicable copyright law.

welfare states: Some theoretical reflections. See

features of the gender division of labor—women Sainsbury 1994a, pp. 8–25.
remain responsible for caretaking—but under- Cass B. 1994. Citizenship, work and welfare: The dilemma
mines economic dependence on husbands. Orloff for Australian women. Soc. Polit. 1:106–24.
Collins PH. 1990. Black Feminist Thought. Knowledge,
(1996) argues that the capacity to form and main-
Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. New
tain a household embodies “the right to a family,” York: Routledge.
implying more than individual independence, and Esping-Andersen G. 1990. The Three Worlds of Welfare
reflects the character of laws regulating sexuality, Capitalism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press.

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Gender in the Welfare State 311
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Fraser N. 1989. Women, welfare and the politics of need. Molyneux M. 1985. Mobilization without emancipation?
In Unruly Practices, pp. 114-60. Minneapolis, MN: Women’s interests, the state and revolution in
Univ. Minn. Press. Nicaragua. Fem. Stud. 11:227–54.
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Gordon L. 1994. Pitied but Not Entitled: Single Mothers and Nelson B. 1984. Women’s poverty and women’s
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Soc. Polit. 1:14–31. the comparative analysis of welfare state regimes:
Gustafsson S. 1994. Childcare and types of welfare states. theoretical and methodological issues. Br. J. Sociol.
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Hernes H. 1987. Welfare State and Woman Power: Oslo, Orloff AS. 1993. Gender and the social rights of citizenship:
Norway: Norway Univ. Press. The comparative analysis of gender relations and
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Scandinavian women. See K. Jones & A. Jónasdóttir Orloff AS. 1996. Gender in the liberal welfare states:
1988. The Political Interests of Gender: Newbury Park, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the
CA: Sage, pp. 187–213. United States. In State/Culture, ed. G Steinmetz.
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Chapter 37
Interacting with the State:
Feminist Strategies and
Political Opportunities
Louise Chappell

In recent years, feminists have engaged in new possible explanation, proffered by Australian polit-
and interesting debates about the relationship be- ical scientist Marian Sawer, is that feminists in the
tween gender and the state. . . . They have been two countries have different ideological positions,
concerned to shift our understanding of feminist especially in relation to feminist engagement with
engagement of the state away from earlier dichot- the state. In her view, Canadian feminists have
omous accounts which treated the state as either been more distrustful of the state, and have there-
inherently patriarchal and oppressive of women, fore been less inclined to enter state institutions
or as gender neutral and able to enhance women’s (1994: 65). . . . Conversely, there is evidence to
emancipation, to a mid-position which empha- suggest that, in line with the mainstream political
sizes the interaction between the state and gen- culture, many Australian feminists have adopted
der, without privileging one or the other. This a much more positive approach to engaging with
approach enables us to look afresh at feminist the state (see Sawer 1991; Eisenstein 1996).
engagement with the state. Through a compar- While there is undoubtedly some variation
ative study of the feminist activists in Australia in the degree to which Australian and Cana-
and Canada this chapter demonstrates that fem- dian feminists have been distrustful of the state,
inist strategies are not only shaped by, but they it would be wrong to overemphasize ideological
themselves can shape, the nature of the political differences as an explanatory variable. Not only
opportunity structure at feminists’ disposal. . . . have both Australian and Canadian feminists
been influenced by American feminist liberation-
ist ideas of the need for consciousness raising, a
Methodological Considerations distrust of the state, and an antipathy to hierarchi-
cal forms of organization (for Canada see Vickers
This chapter offers a detailed analysis of feminist 1992; for Australia Burgmann 1993), but also, in
engagement with political institutions in two both countries feminists have engaged directly
western liberal states, Australia and Canada, dur- with the state. . . . If we take the broad political
ing the past two decades. In doing so, it utilizes a context of both countries into account, it can be
“most similar systems” comparative method. . . . argued that Canadian feminists are not necessarily
or applicable copyright law.

These similarities raise an important ques- more suspicious of the state than their Australian
tion. . . . Why is it, given these similarities, that sisters, rather that they have targeted different in-
feminists in the two countries have pursued such stitutions. In other words, that their “pro-statism”
different strategies with those in Canada empha- has manifested itself in different ways.
sizing lobbying and, in recent years, looking to the If we can discount ideology as the key explan-
constitutional and legal realm while their Austra- atory variable for the differences in feminist po-
lian sisters have targeted the executive arena? One litical strategies in Australia and Canada, how can
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they be explained? It is the contention here that Constitution, and the entrenchment of a bill of
these variations have arisen as a result of differ- rights gave added legitimacy to the claims of rights
ences in both the operation of political institutions activists, including feminists. Moreover, once the
in each country and the political opportunities Charter was entrenched, these actors were pro-
these institutions afford. . . . vided with an instrument through which they
. . . In Canada, Anglo-feminists were quick could pursue rights-based claims in the courts.
to identify the opportunities for advancing their The existence of other “enabling structures”—
aims through the entrenchment of a bill of rights including financial support and access to the
in the Constitution. Having successfully lob- court system—made the political opportunity
bied for the inclusion of sex equality rights in structure in relation to the constitutional/judi-
the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, they then cial realm even more favorable as far as equal-
engaged in Charter litigation through which ity seekers were concerned. Once the Charter
they were able to create new opportunities by came into effect, the Federal government was,
way of feminist jurisprudence. In contrast, Aus- at least initially, willing to provide some of the
tralian feminists have long identified a range of necessary financial resources to fund court chal-
impediments within the constitutional and legal lenges. . . . Moreover, interest groups in Canada
realms. With no bill of rights and procedural and have found it relatively easy to gain access to the
financial constraints limiting their ability to inter- Courts because of existing provisions in relation
vene in court cases, they have been unable to to legal standing and amicus curiae (a friend of
use the constitutional and judicial arena to pur- the court) applications. The Supreme Court of
sue their aims. Instead, they have looked to the Canada has frequently used its broad discretion-
bureaucratic arena, where a culture of tolerance ary powers to allow public interest groups to
for internal advocates and supportive Australian intervene as a party in constitutional cases (Wil-
Labor Party (ALP) governments have made it cox 1993: 242). . . .
possible for them to achieve significant gains.
In both cases we see that feminists have identi-
fied and exploited existing political opportunities, Anglo-Canadian Feminist Constitutional
and, especially in the Canadian case, have been and Legal Strategies
able to create new opportunities through their
litigation strategy. In view of such findings, we . . . Anglo-Canadian feminists responded to this
cannot assume that feminist engagement with structure by developing sophisticated positions in
the state inevitably leads to co-option as radical relation to the Constitution and the legal system
feminists would suggest. Rather, a more nuanced more generally, and have been directly engaged in
argument emerges: that political institutions offer constitutional politics. It is important to note that
feminists different opportunity structures across there has not been one unified Canadian feminist
place and time. . . . constitutional position but a range of views, which
tend to fall along broad linguistic and racialized
lines. Francophone feminists have overwhelm-
Canadian Constitutional and ingly supported the stance taken by the Quebec
Legal Institutions government to reject as far as possible the appli-
cation of the Charter to the province. Aboriginal
Constitutional questions in general, and the issue women’s groups have adopted yet another range
of rights in particular, have long been a central of positions: some argue strongly in support of
or applicable copyright law.

concern within Canada. . . . The focus on the the application of the Charter to native commu-
Constitution as a means to address political is- nities, others are more suspicious of an individual
sues, which culminated in the entrenchment of rights–based approach and fear the Charter will
the Charter [of Rights and Freedoms], can be seen interfere with aspirations for self-government (for
to have provided a favorable opportunity structure a full discussion see Vickers 1993: 266). . . .
for political actors in Canada—especially “equality The involvement of Anglo-feminists in the
seekers.” On the one hand, the emphasis on the constitutional debates can be conceptualized
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Interacting with the State 315
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as occurring in three distinct phases. The first The Anglo-Canadian Feminist Litigation
phase, which occurred during the late 1970s and Strategy: An Assessment
early 1980s, saw elite feminist legal groups lobby
the government to include equality provisions . . . What a decade of litigation experience has
in the proposed charter of rights. However, it taught Anglo-Canadian feminist legal activists
soon became obvious that this elite-level ap- is that on its own, this strategy cannot be relied
proach was not in itself sufficient to secure the upon to always bring about positive outcomes for
ironclad equality guarantees that many feminists women, but that it can sometimes achieve its aims.
were looking for. Problems with this approach The lesson for Canadian feminists to draw from
came to a head when a forthcoming conven- this experience is that their best chance of achiev-
tion on women and the Constitution organized ing positive outcomes for women is to adopt a
by Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of multi-faceted strategy—one which enables them
Women (CACSW) was canceled. . . . Members to take advantage of the opportunities in one in-
of the women’s movement established the Ad stitution when they are closed off in another. . . .
Hoc Committee on Women and the Constitu- Some feminists, including those from non-
tion and set about arranging their own confer- majoritarian backgrounds, continue to express
ence (see Kome 1983: ch. 4). . . . skepticism about the litigation strategy (see Fudge
The Ad Hoc conference ushered in the second 1989: 449; Bacchi and Marquis 1994: 102). Nev-
phase of feminist organizing around the Consti- ertheless, the problems some feminists have had
tution. A distinguishing feature of this phase of with the litigation strategy more generally cannot
intervention was the level of mass involvement detract from the fact that the organization and
by women’s activists. While some feminists were the strategy have broadened the repertoire of the
circumspect about the usefulness of a Charter for Anglo-Canadian women’s movement in such a
advancing women’s interests because it meant re- way as to enhance its capacity to make the most of
lying on “male dominated” courts (see Vickers existing institutional arrangements. While Anglo-
1993: 274), in general there was widespread sup- Canadian feminists have been able to look to the
port for entrenched equality guarantees within the parliamentary realm when blocked by the courts,
Anglo-women’s movement. . . . The conference the reverse situation has also been possible; the
agreed that it would support the Charter on the litigation strategy pursued by Canadian feminists
proviso that the Government accept its amend- has been able to provide women with protection
ments including an overriding protection of equal- against negative legislative decisions. . . .
ity rights (Ad Hoc Committee 1981: 165). . . .
The third phase of feminist engagement with
the Constitution, which began after the en- Political Constraints in Australian
trenchment of the Charter in 1982, saw a return Constitutional and Legal Institutions
to an elitist approach, with feminist legal experts
involved in developing a legal “project.” This In contrast to Canada, there has been a compar-
“project” had two components: “Charterwatch- atively low degree of interest in Australia about
ing” and a litigation strategy. Charterwatching general constitutional questions, including con-
involved holding conferences and workshops, stitutional issues related to individual rights.
writing books and articles, and undertaking an Australia is one of the few liberal democratic na-
“audit” of federal and provincial statues which tions that does not have either a legislative or con-
aimed to “pinpoint what needed to be changed stitutional bill of rights. . . . Support for parliamen-
or applicable copyright law.

to avoid subsequent legal battles over equality and tary and common law rights protections, rather
provide women with a catalogue of what may than an entrenched bill of rights, has remained
need changing through litigation” (Razack 1991: strong since federation (see Connolly 1993; Mad-
39). When the equality provisions came into ef- dox 1996: 243).1
fect in 1985 legal activists enthusiastically shifted To some degree, the reluctance to address
their effort from these activities toward the devel- rights issues can be seen to have been influenced
opment of a litigation strategy. . . . by Australian political culture. From the time
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of white settlement, the question of individual opportunities in other institutions—especially the

rights has been subordinated to other issues. In executive and to a lesser extent the legislature.
Australia, the perception of government as “a Feminists, like other equality seekers, have ori-
source of services,” or as a ‘provider’ has been far entated themselves toward these institutions for a
more common than one that sees it as a protector number of reasons: first, in Australia rights have
of rights (Colebatch 1992: 4). . . . The emphasis remained . . . in large measure the prerogative
on responsible government in Australia has meant of the legislature; second, parliament has enacted
that, to the extent that individual rights protections rights legislation; and, finally, parliament has cre-
do exist, they have been the product of executive ated executive machinery to enforce these acts.
and legislative measures, rather than the Consti- In targeting the parliament and the executive,
tution (Thompson 1997: 99). This situation has women’s groups can be seen to have adopted
had a fundamental influence on the strategies of the traditional modus operandi of Australian social
Australian rights activists, including the women’s actors—which is to look to these areas of the state
movement. To the extent that the Constitution to satisfy their demands.
and legal institutions have had an effect on the
Australian women’s movement, they have argu-
ably had a negative impact: feminists have been The Femocrat Strategy
encouraged to look elsewhere—primarily to the
bureaucracy and to a lesser extent, the legislature— The efforts of Australian feminists may have been
to advance women’s rights issues. stymied in the constitutional arena, but they have
been able to make headway on gender equity is-
sues through their efforts within the bureaucracy—
Institutional Impediments to an Australian in particular through a “femocrat” strategy. The
Feminist Litigation Strategy femocrat is one of the distinctive personalities of
the Australian women’s movement. This neolo-
Australian feminist activists have faced institu- gism originally referred to feminist women who
tional constraints, rather than opportunities, in entered the bureaucracy to work in designated
relation to the constitutional and legal realm. women’s agencies. Over time, the meaning of
Without access to an instrument such as a bill the term has shifted to reflect femocrat praxis.
of rights, women’s rights activists have not had As femocrats moved out of women’s policy po-
the same reason as their Canadian counterparts to sitions into the mainstream bureaucracy the term
look to the Constitution or the courts to pur- has expanded to refer to “a powerful woman
sue their objectives. Although feminists had ac- within government administration, with an
tively engaged in the debate on constitutional ideological commitment to feminism” (Eisen-
change, and participated in a Women’s Constitu- stein 1996: 68). . . .
tional Convention in February 1998, unlike their Since the 1970s, the fortunes of Australian
Canadian sisters, their voices had little impact on femocrats at both the federal and state level have
the outcome. The Government-sponsored Con- waxed and waned. . . .
stitutional Convention that directly followed the Despite these difficulties, the femocrat strategy
Women’s Convention paid little heed to feminist has been highly successful in terms of policy out-
arguments for the inclusion of a bill of rights in comes. Whereas Canadian feminists have been
the Constitution. . . . able to influence equity issues through the court
system, Australian feminists achieved a similar
or applicable copyright law.

degree of success through the bureaucracy. One

Executive and Legislative Rights Provisions of the most significant achievements of the fem-
ocracy has been to expand the purview of govern-
In addition to these negative influences, the ment to encompass areas that were not previously
strategic decision of the Australian women’s seen to be the subject of public policy. Femo-
movement in relation to rights have also been crats have influenced the development of policies
influenced, in a more positive way, by existing in relation to childcare, women’s refuges, and
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Interacting with the State 317
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women’s health centers (Eisenstein 1996: 50). 1991), it also helped to create a tolerance for par-
They have drawn government attention to the tisanship within bureaucratic institutions—some-
issue of domestic violence and secured budget thing which ran counter to the neutral public
allocations for the creation of programs in this servant model followed in other Westminster
area. . . . Femocrats have had significant input parliamentary systems, including Canada. . . .
into federal legislation in the areas of Sex Discrim- A period of administrative reform during the
ination (1984); Equal Employment Opportunity 1970s, when feminists were first entering the
for public service employees (1984 and 1987); and bureaucracy, gave the femocrat strategy an addi-
Affirmative Action (1986, 1992, and 1993) (see tional boost. The shift from seniority to merit-
Sawer 1990: ch. 7; Wills 1995: 126). The influence based promotion and the introduction of lateral
of femocrats has also extended to the international recruitment enabled femocrats to gain entry to
sphere. They helped to secure the Government’s senior bureaucratic positions without the need to
signature of the UN Convention on Elimination work their way up through the male-dominated
of All Forms of Discrimination against Women career service. The introduction of equal employ-
(CEDAW) and the International Labour Organi- ment opportunity (EEO) programs, which were
zation Convention 156, which deals with workers themselves the work of femocrats, also added
with family responsibilities. . . . to the improvement in the number of feminists
The success of the femocrat strategy is di- and women in general in the senior ranks of the
rectly attributable to the favorable opportunity public service (Conroy 1994: 94). . . .
structure Australian feminists have faced within It would be wrong to assume that Australian
bureaucratic institutions. It is possible to identify feminists have concentrated all their efforts on the
three key opportunities that have helped to shape bureaucracy, or that political opportunities for
this strategy. The first of these is the presence of feminists only exist in that arena. Members of the
ALP governments. The success of the femocrat Australian women’s movement have also lobbied
strategy has by no means been guaranteed under from outside political institutions to advance their
Labour governments, nor has it come without claims, at times with success. . . .
its costs. In return for support for the strategy, The legislature has also provided opportunities
ALP governments have used femocrats to help for Australian feminists to advance their claims.
“sell” its policies to women in the electorate The enactment of the Sex Discrimination Act
(Eisenstein 1996: 174). Nevertheless, feminists (SDA) (1984) . . . is one example of this. With
have found that the commitment of federal and the passage of the SDA, Australian women were
state ALP governments to gender equality (at least given a new avenue through which they could
at a rhetorical level) has smoothed the path for pursue discrimination claims. . . .
them to work from within government agencies
to advance their agenda.
The second factor that has had a positive in- Conclusion
fluence on the Australian femocrat strategy has
been the existing political culture. In Australia . . . One of the significant points to emerge from
there has been a long-standing tradition of certain this comparison of two similar countries is that we
social actors, especially producer groups such as cannot assume that similar political institutions in
trade unions, manufacturers, and farmers, look- different countries will offer feminists the same
ing toward the bureaucratic arm of the state to opportunity structures. Although we might be
meet their demands. Adopting a utilitarian view able to argue that the constitutional/legal realm
or applicable copyright law.

of the state, these social actors have not only lob- is a positive arena for Canadian feminists, the
bied from outside the bureaucracy to have their same cannot be said of these institutions in Aus-
demands met, but have sought to have the state tralia. This comparison alerts us to the fact that
create agencies through which they could advance we cannot assume that particular institutions are
their claims. . . . Not only did this utilitarian tradi- “good” or “bad” for feminists wanting to pursue
tion influence the orientation of social actors, in- their objectives. Rather, we need to understand
cluding feminists toward the bureaucracy (Sawer that the nature of political institutions, and the
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opportunities they offer political actors, will vary Conroy, Denise. 1994. “The Glass Ceiling: Illusory or
across time and place. A second important point Real?,” Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration No.
76, April.
to emerge from this comparison is that we cannot Eisenstein, Hester. 1996. Inside Agitators: Australian Femocrats
assume that feminists operating in similar politi- and the Australian State. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
cal systems will adopt the same political strategies. Fudge, Judy. 1989. “The Effect of Entrenching a Bill of
Feminists, like other political actors, make strate- Rights upon Political Discourse: Feminist Demands
gic choices to suit the particular institutional op- and Sexual Violence in Canada,” International Journal of
Sociology of Law 17:445–63.
portunity structure in which they are operating. Kome, Penny. 1983. The Taking of Twenty-Eight: Women
Finally, and perhaps most important in terms of a Challenge the Constitution. Toronto: The Women’s
future research agenda, what this analysis shows us Educational Press.
is that the relationship between feminists and po- Maddox, Graham. 1996. Australian Democracy in Theory
litical institutions is both interactive and dynamic. and Practice, 3rd edn. Melbourne: Longman.
Razack, Sherene. 1991. Canadian Feminism and the Law:
Feminists are able to take advantage of opportu- The Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund and the
nities within political institutions to advance their Pursuit of Equality. Toronto: Second Story Press.
political agenda and, in choosing certain strategies Sawer, Marian. 1990. Sisters in Suits: Women and Public
over others, they help shape the very nature of Policy in Australia. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
this political opportunity structure. ———. 1991. “Why Has the Australian Women’s
Movement Had More Influence on Government in
Australia than Elsewhere?” In Francis Castles (ed.)
Note Australia Compared. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
———. 1994. “Feminism and the State: Theory and
Practice in Australia and Canada,” Australian Canadian
1. There are some signs that suggest this is changing. In Studies 12(1):49–68.
the past decade, the High Court of Australia has shown ———. 1996. “Challenging Politics? Seventy-Five
a willingness to question the adequacy of parliamentary Years of Women’s Parliamentary Representation
and common law rights protections and has increas- in Australia,” Guest Editorial, International Review of
ingly cast itself in the role of the guardian of fundamen- Women and Leadership 2(1):i–xvi.
tal rights (see Walker 1995: 251). Thompson, Elaine. 1997. “The Constitution,” in Rodney
Smith (ed.) Politics in Australia, 3rd edn. Sydney: Allen
& Unwin.
References Vickers, Jill. 1992. “The Intellectual Origins of the
Women’s Movement in Canada,” in Constance
Ad Hoc Committee of Canadian Women Conference Backhouse and David H. Flaherty (eds) Challenging
on Canadian Women and the Constitution. 1981. Times: The Women’s Movement in Canada and the
“Resolutions Adopted at the Conference on Canadian United States. Montreal & Kingston: McGill/Kingston
Women and the Constitution,” 14–15 February, University Press.
Atlantis 6(2):62. ———. 1993. “The Canadian Women’s Movement and
Bacchi, Carol and Vicky Marquis. 1994. “Women and the a Changing Constitutional Order,” International Journal
Republic: ‘Rights’ and Wrongs,” Australian Feminist of Canadian Studies 7–8 (spring/fall):261–84.
Studies 19 Autumn: 93–113. Walker, Kristen. 1995. “Who’s the Boss? The Judiciary,
Burgmann, Verity. 1993. Power and Protest: Movements for the Executive, the Parliament and the Protection of
Change in Australian Society. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. Human Rights,” Western Australian Law Review 25,
Colebatch, H. K. 1992. “Theory and the Analysis of December. 238–54.
Australian Politics,” Australian Journal of Political Science Wilcox, Murray R. Justice. 1993. The Australian Charter of
27(1):1–11. Rights. North Ryde: The Law Book Company Limited.
Connolly, Peter the Hon. CBE, QC. 1993. “Should Wills, Sue. 1995. “Sexual Equality,” in M. Hogan and K.
the Courts Determine Social Policy?,” Upholding the Dempsey (eds) Equity and Citizenship under Keating.
Constitution, Vol. 2. Melbourne: Samuel Griffiths Sydney: Public Affairs Research Centre, University of
or applicable copyright law.

Society. Sydney.

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Chapter 38
Introduction to Comparative
State Feminism
Dorothy McBride Stetson
Amy G. Mazur

Social movements provoke official action, espe- formation? Second, if state feminism exists, are
cially by democratic governments. Whereas move- there variations in the abilities of these state struc-
ment activists seek real change and permanent ac- tures to promote feminist political agendas in the
cess to arenas of power, government actions may context of the different political, social, and cul-
be symbolic or even cosmetic, a way of damp- tural traditions of various countries? This chapter,
ing the fires of reform. Second-wave women’s therefore, has three major objectives:
movements in advanced industrial societies have
1. To describe the range and diversity of state
generated an assortment of responses from their
structures formally responsible for promot-
governments.1 The most striking consequence of
ing women’s position and rights in advanced
over 25 years of women’s movement activism has
industrial societies
been the array of institutional arrangements in-
2. To analyze the extent to which these state offices
side democratic states devoted to women’s policy
achieve feminist goals within the social, political,
questions. Such a widespread change in institu-
and historical context of each nation-state and
tions has the potential of turning the state into
the variations in achieving goals across different
an activist on behalf of feminist goals,2 embed-
ding gender issues in national policy agendas and
3. To propose, based on this cross-national com-
giving advocates for the advancement of women
parison, the combination of political and social
permanent access to arenas of power. . . .
factors that appears to produce state structures
The concept state feminism refers to activities of
prone to pursuing effective state feminist action
government structures that are formally charged
with furthering women’s status and rights. At issue
is the extent to which these agencies are effective Women’s Policy Machinery
in helping women as a group and undermining
patterns of gender-based inequities in society. To No single inventor claims to have developed the
many women’s movement activists, the idea that idea that the state could, through its institutions,
the state could further such a feminist agenda is become an actor in promoting equality between
or applicable copyright law.

problematic if not impossible. Their skepticism men and women. One of the first countries to
triggers the central questions of this compara- have a permanent agency for women was the
tive study. First, does state feminism exist? That United States, where Congress established the
is, do state structures assigned by political leaders Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor
to address women’s inferior position in society in 1920. Over the years, especially during World
contribute to policies that reduce gender-based War II, women’s agencies and officers appeared
inequities and provide an opportunity for women’s in other countries. More recently, successive
movement activists to influence feminist policy governments have added offices, commissions,
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agencies, ministries, committees, secretaries, and concerns. At the time, many politicians believed
advisers to deal with women’s issues. A source of that, at the very least, adding women’s policy
encouragement and advice to them has been the machinery would show the growing number of
United Nations. women voters that the state was responding with
The United Nations has its own institutions attention to some version of a women’s policy
devoted to women’s agendas: the Commission agenda.
on the Status of Women (CSW) and its admin- The CSW has viewed policy machinery as a
istrative arm, the Division for the Advancement means of implementing its resolutions on equal-
of Women (DAW). Through these structures, ity and opportunity for women at the national
the United Nations has recommended, since and local levels. As the UN activities on behalf
the 1960s, that governments around the world of women have become more ambitious, espe-
establish similar structures. The CSW coined the cially with the International Women’s Decade
term national policy machinery for the advancement of (1975–1985), its attention to policy machinery
women to refer to agencies devoted to women’s has intensified. Beginning in 1975, the Decade
policy issues. Following this UN definition, this for Women: Equality, Development, and Peace
chapter will use the term women’s policy machinery3 conferences (Mexico City, 1975; Copenhagen,
to describe any structure established by govern- 1980; Nairobi, 1985) focused on setting a world-
ment with its main purpose being the betterment wide agenda for women as elaborated in Nairobi
of women’s social status. Often set up in name Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of
only, formal women’s policy structures may not Women (United Nations, 1985/1993b). Central
actually achieve state feminist goals. to the implementation of this agenda has been the
Both domestic and international influences establishment of a national policy machinery by
have led states in advanced industrial societies each member state.
to create women’s policy machinery. Domesti- Since the Nairobi Conference in 1985, and
cally, the second wave of the women’s movement leading up to the Fourth Women’s Conference in
emerged in the context of social and economic Beijing in 1995, DAW has gathered information
changes after World War II. Stimulated by the on machinery in many countries and studied the
rise of other movements, especially on the Left, range, diversity, and effectiveness of various ef-
activists used various strategies to protest against forts. Leaders of UN member states are frequently
pervasive male dominance. The women’s rights called upon to report to DAW on the types of ma-
strategy focused on using conventional pressure- chinery they have established. Furthermore, since
group tactics for seeking changes in policy and 1979, over 120 countries have ratified the UN’s
practice to promote antidiscrimination and equal- Convention for the Elimination of Discrimina-
ity. Other activists worked on leftist parties to tion against Women (CEDAW). Signatories must
include women’s demands in socialist and social file periodic reports with the oversight commit-
democratic agendas. Adding energy to the wom- tee on the “legislative, judicial, administrative,
en’s movement were the radicals of the women’s or other measures which they have adopted to
liberation wing, inventing a variety of unconven- give effect to the provisions” of the convention
tional means to change gender relations at the (Article 18). Pressure from domestic movements,
personal level. together with monitoring by international
Whatever form the second wave took, polit- agencies, has encouraged political leaders in many
ical leaders were faced with a challenge to take countries to establish and retain some sort of in-
action. Demands came from sectors they were stitution to treat women’s issues.4
or applicable copyright law.

used to working with, such as unions and parties. Reports to the United Nations about national
But they also came from formerly nonpolitical machinery indicate a wide variety of forms: per-
women’s organizations and newly formed groups manent national commissions on the status of
skillful at attracting media attention. In crafting women, ad hoc and regional commissions, ad-
a response or, in come cases, a diversion, most visory committees, permanent bureaus within
leaders found it useful to create some sort of office departments and ministries, and, in Communist
to be responsible for dealing with the movement’s countries, administrative committees within ruling
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Introduction to Comparative State Feminism 321
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parties (United Nations, 1987). These structures these institutions the responsibility to achieve
vary by their level of organization, authority, and what Hernes (1987, p. 11) calls “feminism from
power and by their links to governmental and above,” or state feminism. The meaning of the
nongovernmental agencies. Women’s issues are term state feminism has evolved in its brief public
complex, affecting a cross section of conventional life. Originally, the Scandinavian literature refers
governmental activities from social and labor to to state feminists as “both feminists employed
economic and legal. As a consequence, machinery as administrators and bureaucrats in positions
is also complex and adapts to fit the needs and of power and to women politicians advocating
political context of each country. The UN studies gender equality policies” (Siim, 1991, p. 189).
show that the national machineries do not lend Then Australian writers coined the term femocrat
themselves to easy categorization. (Sawer, 1990) to describe the individuals referred
It is important to contrast this focus on policy to by Siim. The creation of the notion of a femo-
machinery with other ways of looking at wom- crat allowed scholars like Eisenstein (1990) and
en’s role in government. Policy machinery refers Outshoorn (1992) to focus on the institutional-
to structures in government—those agencies that ization of feminism in public agencies promot-
are established by statute, administrative directive, ing a women’s policy agenda and to analyze the
or political resolution. Thus, studies of machinery women staffing them.6 It is a logical step, then, to
are different from studies of women in govern- use state feminism to refer to this institutionaliza-
ment and political office. Participation of women tion of feminist interests. It is important to avoid,
in elective office is defined according to the rates at this point, any assumptions about a universal
of representation in legislatures, cabinets, and ex- definition of feminism. As we will see, the defi-
ecutive positions (e.g., Darcy, Welch, & Clark, nitions of both state and feminism are questions for
1994; Lovenduski & Norris, 1993; Randall, cross-national research.
1987). Studies of state feminist offices are also dif- The scholars who have begun to turn their
ferent from studies that look at the role of women attention to women’s agencies offer a fresh look
in public administration of feminist scholarship on at the state and its capacity to achieve feminist
organizations (e.g., Ferguson, 1984; Guy, 1992; goals. These writings on state feminism differ from
Staudt, 1990). The establishment of women’s previous feminist research in that they question
policy machinery does allow some women to the notion held by many critics that the state is a
work full-time inside government, designing and single entity acting in society in defense of its own
implementing projects devoted to the improve- interests. Whether influenced by postmodernism’s
ment of women’s status rather than being re- obliteration of grand design or sobered by their
stricted to a part-time role outside as supplicants. encounters with the world around them, . . . writers
Unlike much research in this area, this study calls of state feminist literature avoid such global def-
women who staff women’s policy agencies femo- initions of the state (Pringle & Watson, 1992). A
crats to distinguish them from other women in more useful approach is to conceive of the state
government.5 In this chapter, therefore, the term as the site or location of a variety of internally
women’s policy machinery refers to state structures differentiated structures and processes (Franzway,
established to advance the status of women; state Court, & Connell, 1989). Furthermore, for pur-
feminist women’s policy machineries are those poses of comparative research, these analysts rec-
agencies that concretely achieve their formal ognize that whatever the state means is relative;
charge in some way. conceptions vary from political culture to polit-
ical culture, and these differences affect the way
or applicable copyright law.

the state agencies may intervene in women’s lives

State Feminism (Pringle & Watson, 1992; Sawer, 1993).
Deconstructing the monolithic state has recon-
. . . Many advanced industrial democratic states have structed the question of its impact on women.
established agencies ranging from equal opportu- Until now, empirical research on state femi-
nity commissions and councils to departments and nism has been limited to a few case studies (e.g.,
ministries for women. Governments have given Sawer, 1990, 1993; Stetson, 1987; Walker, 1990).
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Research in state feminism in Australia, for since the 1950s.8 From this population, we have
example, shows that through the intervention selected 12 cases: Australia, Canada, Denmark,
of femocrats and state offices, organizations have France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy,
been successful in securing funds for many projects the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the
based on feminist collective ideologies. Sawer (1993) United States.
argues that the operation of these agencies cemented Our study also includes two contrasting cases,
a bond between the state and women’s groups representing political change among the advanced
that strengthened the nongovernmental bodies’ industrial societies: Spain and Poland. Spain, a
influence over policy. Work on these structures member of the European Union and classified
in Canada, on the contrary, suggests that subsidies among the advanced industrial societies by the
from women’s agencies to feminist groups were World Bank, has had continuous democratic rule
limited and were seen by political leaders as too only since 1975, when the authoritarian Franco
radical (Walker, 1990). Still, as Stetson (1987) regime was replaced. Poland, a member of the
has shown in the case of France, the Ministry of Communist bloc until 1989, represents the more
Woman’s Rights under the first Socialist presi- recent trend of democratization in Europe: the
dency of Mitterrand (1981–1986) took over the transition of Eastern European countries from
agenda-setting role that had previously resided in communism to market economies and dem-
nongovernmental feminist groups. ocratic regimes. This set of 14 cases, therefore,
These initial forays to explore the records of simultaneously provides a solid foundation to
action by specialized agencies have led many to develop propositions about cross-national varia-
agree with Drude Dahlerup (1987) that in order tions in state feminism in democratic states and
to develop a feminist theory of the state, we need suggests explanations for the existence of women’s
less abstraction and more studies of “the scope policy machineries in systems that are not as prone
and context of government action and its con- to democratic stability. . . .
sequences for the position of women” (p. 108).
Theories about the state and feminism must be
examined cross-nationally, given the cultural dif-
Dependent Variables: Criteria for
ferences in the ways both these terms are under-
State Feminism
stood. Eisenstein (1990) agrees that the question
of whether the state has helped or hurt women
Central to this study is the following question:
requires comparative research to assess the impact
Is women’s policy machinery feminist? To an-
in a variety of contexts. We offer the first sys-
swer this question requires setting forth cate-
tematic cross-national examination and analysis
gories of agency activities to study and criteria
of states’ records and potential to further feminist
for determining whether they are feminist or
not. To develop the categories of agency activ-
ities, we drew upon literature from comparative
social science on the state, particularly the work
Selecting the Cases
of Skocpol (1985). She suggests two important
categories for studying state action: the capacity of
The population from which the cases were drawn
the state, through policy, to have an impact on
is composed of advanced industrial societies.7 In
society and the impact of the state on political re-
selecting the cases, we used primarily the most
lationships or state-society relations. Adapting these
similar approach, choosing countries that had
or applicable copyright law.

two analytical angles to the study of women’s

many characteristics in common. Thus, we re-
policy machinery yields two areas of inquiry:
duced our population to those advanced industrial
societies with stable democratic political systems. 1. State capacity: To what extent does women’s
Because we are studying a phenomenon that arose policy machinery influence feminist policy?
from the second wave of feminism beginning in the 2. State-society relations: To what extent does
1960s, we confine our cases to those countries that women’s policy machinery develop opportu-
have had democratic governments continuously nities for society-based actors—feminist and
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Introduction to Comparative State Feminism 323
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women’s advocacy organizations—to have An ideology, policy, organization, or activity is

access to the policy process? feminist to the extent that it has the purpose of
improving the status of women as a group and
When these questions are examined in a variety of undermining patterns of gender hierarchy.
different country case studies, problems of “con-
ceptual stretching” may arise.9 Most social science
concepts are subject to various interpretations in Independent Variables: Explaining
different cultures and languages. And we have State Feminism
used two concepts—state and feminist—that are
subject to intense debates both cross-nationally In identifying factors that explain cross-national
and within countries. The contemporary schol- variations in state feminism, it was important in
arly debates on the use of the state in political re- the design of this study to choose independent
search have revealed one area of agreement: Con- variables that would affect the two dimensions
ceptions of the state in society are grounded in of state feminist offices: their policy influence
history and political culture (Rockman, 1990). and their ability to provide access to women’s
Such conceptions range from societies where the groups. Early in our research we noted that
idea of the state has little political meaning, the so- despite the common environment of the second-
called stateless societies, such as the United States, wave women’s movements and the international
to nations where several ideas of state as actor impetus from the United Nations, the politics
in society coexist, such as Germany (Caporaso, that led to the establishment of agencies seemed
1989; Dyson, 1980; Joppke, 1992; Nettl, 1968). to vary. In some countries, political leaders, hop-
We seek to solve this problem by incorporating a ing to win over women voters, created an agency
country’s conception of the state into the frame- or appointed an adviser for women in the absence
work as a possible explanatory variable. . . . of any demand from outside the government. In
The problem of defining feminist or feminism other countries, the issue became part of party
is especially important and thus especially diffi- platforms pushed by women within party organi-
cult to resolve because these terms are central to zations. In still others, leaders sought to respond
the phenomenon we are trying to document and to increased activism from women’s movement
compare, namely whether the state can further organizations. These observations suggest that a
feminist goals. There is much controversy among major area of explanation for the nature and de-
women’s movement activists, self-defined fem- gree of state feminism in a given country will be
inists, and women’s studies scholars about what the circumstances of office creation. . . .
is meant by these terms and whether a particular The form of women’s policy offices also appears
action is feminist. . . . to have an important influence on cross-national
It is conventional in this literature to set forth differences in the effectiveness of their activities.
a list of feminist ideologies limited to varieties The UN studies have shown a broad array of
of modified feminism: liberal feminism, Marxist types of agencies and locations, from ministries
feminism, socialist feminism, and radical femi- of the national cabinet to ad hoc committees and
nism. Recent studies of gender and international regional advisers. There are equal opportunity
relations have added ecofeminism and postmodern agencies, bureaus, and autonomous commissions.
feminism to the list (Peterson & Runyan, 1993). As a consequence, the second area of explanation
The problem with this approach is that it tends for divergences in state feminism will be the spe-
to restrict the vision of researchers to a predeter- cific type of agency. . . .
or applicable copyright law.

mined set of categories and cause them to over- Looking at the organizational forms alone
look gender-based ideologies that are politically might omit the effect of expectations of and
important but do not fit on the list. It thus denies cultural attitudes about state action in the po-
the right of women in various countries to set forth litical culture. Here is where the cross-national
their own versions of feminist agendas. . . . diversity of conceptions of the state can be in-
. . . For the purposes of the comparison of the case cluded in the analysis. The capacity of the state
studies we used the following working definition: to resolve social problems may be greater if the
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324 Women, Gender, and the State
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agencies operate in the context of cultural beliefs 3 The use of the term women’s policy raises questions about
that define these agencies as the main vehicles for the existence of women’s interests. Clearly there is no
way to verify that a particular demand is in the interest
social action. Women’s policy machinery would of all women (see, e.g., Molyneux, 1985). However,
draw resources from this view to further femi- the United Nations charges women’s policy machin-
nist policy. At the same time, cultural traditions ery with improving the status of women by identifying
of a strong state, especially those embraced by the needs of women in various situations. Similarly,
state elites, may hinder efforts to strengthen non- the term women’s policy is used here to include actions
to promote women in various situations in advanced
governmental women’s advocacy organizations, industrial societies. Such actions promote equality and
by opening access to the policy process without respond to women’s concerns about maternity leave
making these society-based organizations depen- and child care. This contrasts with the use of the term
dent on the state or co-opting them. On the by Hernes (1987, Chapter 1), who separates equality
other hand, groups may not look to the state as policy from women’s policy.
4. For the most recent official list of women’s policy ma-
an arena for social change in the so-called state- chineries worldwide see United Nations, 1993a.
less societies such as the United States, where the 5. Franzway et al. (1989, Chapter 7), for instance, state
government operates within a cultural context that the word femocrat is “sometimes spoken pejora-
that does not recognize a coherent entity—the tively, it refers to those women appointed to work in
state—acting for social goals. In such societies, ‘women’s affairs’ and women’s units in the state ap-
paratus, the bureaucracies” (p. 133). An invention of
policy machinery would be seen as just another Australian feminists, the term is also used to refer to any
social agency with limited potential for changing feminist in a government bureaucratic job (Eisenstein,
anything. . . . 1991; Watson, 1990).
Finally, we must include variations in the 6. Hatem, in a study of Egypt published in 1992, departs
politics of the women’s movement as a possible from the pattern of usage by Outshoorn, Eisenstein,
and this chapter’s authors by using state feminism to
explanation of patterns of state feminist action. mean the same thing as welfare state policies and pro-
Specifically, we focus on activists’ views of the grams.
state, whether they see it as a possible vehicle to 7. This does not mean that these are the only countries
improve the status of women or as an instrument with active women’s policy machineries; many less
of male power that is not to be trusted. Also of industrialized societies in the southern hemisphere have
national policy machinery as well.
interest is the pattern of organization that devel- 8. These include the following 20 countries: Austria,
oped in the second-wave women’s movement, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ice-
whether it was a coherent national network spon- land, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
soring a professional women’s lobby, a diverse set Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom,
of small loose-knit women’s liberation groups, or Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States,
and Japan.
a combination of the two. . . . 9. For a discussion of the problem of conceptual stretch-
ing in comparative research and proposed solutions, see
Collier and Mahon (1993).
1. Students of women’s movements agree that there have References
been two major waves of feminist political activity in
most Western democracies, with the first wave oc- Caporaso, J. A. (Ed.). (1989). The elusive state: International
curring around the turn of the century. The second and comparative perspectives. Newbury Park: Sage.
wave began in advanced industrialized countries in the Collier, D., & Mahon, J. E. (1993, December). Conceptual
late 1960s and early 1970s, thus coinciding with the “stretching” revisited: Adapting categories in
creation of new women’s policy machineries. Histo- comparative analysis. American Political Science Review,
or applicable copyright law.

rians note that in some countries, including the United 87(4), 845–855.
States, the contemporary movement is, in fact, the third Dahlerup, D. (1987). Confusing concepts—confusing
wave. reality: A theoretical discussion of the patriarchal state.
2. It is important to note that feminism is a highly con- In A. S. Sassoon (Ed.), Women and the state: The shifting
tested concept that has different meanings in different boundaries of public and private (pp. 93–127). London:
political, social, and national contexts. The contro- Unwin Hyman.
versies over this notion and the way in which this study Darcy, R., Welch, S., & Clark, J. (Eds.). (1994). Women,
deals with the problems of defining the term will be elections, and representation (2nd ed.). Lincoln: University
discussed at further length in this chapter. of Nebraska Press.

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Introduction to Comparative State Feminism 325
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Dyson, K. (1980). The state tradition in Western Europe. Randall, V. (1987). Women and politics: An international
New York: Oxford University Press. perspective (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago
Eisenstein, H. (1990). Femocrats, official feminism, and Press.
the uses of power. In S. Watson (Ed.), Playing the state: Rockman, B. A. (1990). Minding the state—or a state of
Australian feminist interventions (pp. 87–103). London: mind? Issues in the comparative conceptualization of
Verso. the state. Comparative Political Studies, 23, 22–55.
Eisentein, H. (1991). Gender shock: Practicing feminism on Sawer, M. (1990). Sisters in suits: Women and public policy in
two continents. Boston: Beacon Press. Australia. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Ferguson, K. E. (1984). The feminist case against bureaucracy. Sawer, M. (1993, June). Reclaiming social liberalism: The
Philadelphia: Temple University Press. women’s movement and the state. Journal of Australian
Franzway, S., Court, D., & Connell, R. W. (1989). Staking Studies, No. 37, 1–21.
a claim: Feminism, bureaucracy, and the state. Sydney, Siim, B. (1991). Welfare state, gender politics, and equality
Australia: Allen & Unwin. policies: Women’s citizenship in the Scandinavian
Guy, M. E. (Ed.). (1992). Women and men of the states: welfare states. In E. Meehan & S. Sevenhuijsen (Eds.),
Public administrators at the state level. Armonk, NY: M. Equality, politics, and gender (pp. 175–193). London:
E. Sharpe. Sage.
Hatem, M. F. (1992). Economic and political liberation Skocpol, T. (1985). Bringing the state back in: Strategies
in Egypt and the demise of state feminism. International of analysis in current research. In P. B. Evans, D.
Journal of Middle East Studies, 24, 231–251. Ruechemeyer, & T. Skocpol (Eds.), Bringing the
Hernes, H. M. (1987). Welfare state and woman power: Essays state back in (pp. 3–37). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge
in state feminism. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. University Press.
Joppke, C. (1992, July). Models of statehood in the Staudt, K. (Ed.). (1990). Women, international development,
German nuclear energy debate. Comparative Political and politics: The bureaucratic mire. Philadelphia: Temple
Studies, 25(2), 251–280. University Press.
Lovenduski, J., & Norris, P. (Eds.) (1993). Gender and party Stetson, D. M. (1987). Women’s rights in France. Westport,
politics. London: Sage. CT: Greenwood Press.
Molyneux, M. (1985). Mobilization with emancipation? United Nations. (1987). The development of national machinery
Women’s interests, the state, and revolution in for the advancement of women and their characteristics in
Nicaragua. Feminist Studies, 11(2), 227–255. 1985. Vienna: Seminar on National Machinery for the
Nettl, J. P. (1968). The state as a conceptual variable. Advancement of Women.
World Politics, 20, 559–592. United Nations. (1993a). Directory of national machinery
Outshoorn, J. (1992, April). Femocrats in the Netherlands: for the advancement of women. Vienna: Division for the
Mission or career? Paper presented at the European Advancement of Women.
Consortium for Political Research Joint Sessions of United Nations. (1993b). The Nairobi forward-looking
Workshops, Limerick, Eire. strategies for the advancement of women adopted by
Peterson, V. S., & Runyan, A. S. (1993). Global gender World Conference. New York: Author. (Original
issues. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. work published 1985).
Pringle, R., & Watson, S. (1992). Women’s interests Walker, G. (1990, Fall). The conceptual politics of
and the post-structuralist state. In M. Barrett & struggle: Wife battering, the women’s movement, and
A. Phillips (Eds.), Destabilizing theory: Contemporary the state. Studies in Political Economy, 33, 63–90.
feminist debates (pp. 53–73). Cambridge, U.K.: Polity Watson, S. (Ed.). (1990). Playing the state: Australian feminist
Press. interventions. London: Verso.
or applicable copyright law.

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Chapter 39
State Feminism or Party Feminism?
Feminist Politics and the Spanish
Institute of Women
Monica Threlfall

Introduction of women’s movement activism” (Stetson and

Mazur, 1995: 1). In the Spanish case, the foun-
Spain’s return to democratic politics was accom- ders of the Institute of Women are on record as
panied by the rise of a women’s movement which seeing their initiative as part of the internationally
made a plethora of demands on the new polity sanctioned feminist strategy of ensuring that the
and vowed to change Spanish society in the name appropriate machinery of state is in place to de-
of women’s liberation and advancement in all velop women’s policy. . . .
walks of life. By the end of 1982, a government This [chapter] puts forward two main argu-
had been elected that was particularly sympathetic ments. First, it argues that it is no longer help-
to such demands, headed by the Spanish Socialist ful to analyze recent strategies regarding the state
Worker’s Party (PSOE), a sister party of the social used by feminists in countries such as Spain as
democratic Socialist International. The following examples of state feminism because the concept
year a proposal to set up an Institute of Women has been used in such widely different contexts,
was passed by the parliament. The Instituto de periods, and political strategies so as to now be
la Mujer became the central government depart- misleading. The chapter discusses several cases of
ment responsible for promoting gender equal- “state feminism” and shows that the term refers to
ity during four successive PSOE administrations such contrasting and even contradictory phenom-
which lasted until the party’s electoral defeat by ena that it is in danger of having any real meaning
the conservative People’s Party in March 1996. sucked out of it altogether.
The Institute’s functions were to promote the so- The second main argument of the [chapter]
cial advancement of women and gender equality is that both the use of the term “state feminism”
in politics, employment, health, education, the and the analysis of the various national expe-
family, and the media. riences to which it refers severely underplay
The Spanish initiative was by no means unique. the role of the party in power and of what the
It has been a characteristic tendency of the wom- chapter terms “party feminism” in shaping pol-
en’s movement in various parts of the world to icy at the time in which “state feminism” is said
or applicable copyright law.

press governments to develop their general com- to have occurred. To illustrate the role of party
mitments to equal opportunities (where any have feminism, the chapter traces the genesis of the
existed) with the aid of dedicated administrative Spanish Institute of Women back to the first
bodies. Stetson and Mazur (1995) hold that the political commitments on sex equality made by
array of institutional arrangements inside demo- PSOE, and shows how these developed steadily
cratic states devoted to women’s policy questions under pressure from organized feminists inside
is “the most striking consequence of over 25 years the party. . . .

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328 Women, Gender, and the State
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State Feminism a strategy then the outcome may not warrant the
accolade of being termed “feminist,” whereas in
First let us consider the term “state feminism.” It Hernes’s use it is the results which are understood
comes from the literature on women and the state to be feminist. . . .
and is one of the terms used, but not the only A variant on the use of the term is to talk
term, to characterize the relationship between the about “state feminists” referring to the women
feminist movement and the state. Other terms who have taken up posts in public administra-
are, for instance, “institutionalized feminism” and tion, because many of them were once active in
“feminist bureaucracy,” which has been shortened the women’s movement or the parties (Van der
to “femocracy” by analysts of the Australian ex- Ros, 1994: 530; Chapman, 1993: 248). They are
perience (Sawer, 1995). . . . “State feminism” has not career civil servants but feminists who par-
been used both as a characterization of a certain ticipate in conventional politics and hold public
type of institution, state policy-making bodies for office. . . . But there is further slippage in consis-
women, as well as of a certain type of strategy. . . . tency here: state feminists are criticized by some
“State feminism” has been used by Helga for failing to produce state feminism, or for pro-
Hernes when referring to the context of Scan- moting insufficiently feminist policies.
dinavia. . . . Here state feminism is the outcome . . . Femocrats are simply “Women appointed
of the official response of the state to women’s to work in women’s affairs and women’s units in
agitation. Both the latter, creating pressure from the state apparatus, the bureaucracies” (Franzway
below, and the state’s response in the form of state et al., 1989: 133), that is, identical to “state feminists”
feminism, are held to have had lasting effects on discussed earlier, the state being synonymous
Nordic welfare state development. . . . The term with bureaucracy. This leads to further subtleties
is used in order to differentiate the activities of the in usage: feminist bureaucracies in the state are
state from the voluntary mobilization of women not to be confused with the separate phenome-
and their interests and preferences. More particu- non of bureaucratization of feminism where the
larly, state feminism is the outcome of negotiations term suggests co-optation and depoliticization of
and compacts between the state and women: “it the movement (Franzway et al., 1989: 134). . . .
represents the results of an alliance between the Let us now consider how the term is used in
two” (Hernes, 1987: 162, 1988: 210). . . . the context of a state which does not preside over
. . . Other authors use the term “state feminism” an advanced capitalist economy and society. In her
not to characterize a political experience, but a strat- analysis of Egypt during the Nasser regime, Hatem
egy. For Judith Chapman, as a strategy, state fem- uses the term “state feminism” to refer in general
inism had as its objective, at least in Scandinavia, to the new welfare state’s policies toward women,
to use the state in order to liberate women from and agrees that the product of these was, as in west-
dependence on men, by means of employment in ern Europe, patriarchal: “state feminism in Egypt,
the public sector and state social services. The state’s as in the advanced capitalist states, replaced the old
intervention weakens family power and the status form of patriarchy based on the family with a new
of men by increasing the economic independence form of patriarchy originating in state control—a
and life-choices of women (Chapman, 1993: 248). state patriarchy” (Hatem, 1994: 230).
In this sense the term is a strategy deployed by the The problem resides in the fact that the process
women’s movement, from below. This usage is described as state feminism in Egypt refers to the
crucially different in two ways: first, if a strategy, Nasser regime during the 1950s and 1960s which
then the difference established by Hernes between are seen as “the golden decades of Egyptian state
or applicable copyright law.

the two actors—the movement and the state—and feminism” (Hatem, 1994: 231). Yet Hatem does
the two realms at which the activities in support of not suggest that there was an independent women’s
women are taking place—the unofficial grassroots movement in Egypt in those decades or that
and the official realm—becomes blurred. And if it second-wave feminism occurred earlier there.
is a strategy, it cannot also refer to outcomes, since The picture of activists pressuring the state and
the objective of a strategy may possibly not be ful- forming an alliance with it to advance women’s
filled. A further complication is that if it is primarily policies by creating new machinery of state and
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appointing feminists to government jobs in order Hatem sees the need for a feminism from below,
to advance the status of women . . . is absent from in the form of nongovernmental women’s orga-
the characterization of the Egyptian experience of nizations, as an alternative to the failings of state
those decades. feminism (Hatem, 1994: 237–40). . . .
In Hatem’s view, state feminism was an alli- Undoubtedly the most wide-ranging use of
ance between women—not feminist movements— the concept of state feminism has been devel-
and the state, which only really functioned well in oped by Stetson and Mazur (1995). Yet the
a period of economic growth, during which the fourteen cases covered in their study are all from
state supported women’s right to vote and to take the advanced capitalist democracies of western
paid employment, outlawing sex discrimination Europe, North America, and Australia, with the
and requiring large companies to provide day-care exception of Poland. Such a selection already
centers. The Egyptian government created a state implies that state feminism is a phenomenon of
women’s organization in an attempt to represent “western” market economies. However, Stetson
women. But it used this to mobilize women in and Mazur argue that state feminism really only
support of the state’s development policies, which exists in a given state under certain conditions,
included birth control (Hatem, 1994: 229). This such as when “state structures assigned by polit-
is evidently a very different type of state feminism ical leaders to address women’s inferior position
and appears to be a good illustration of a top- in society contribute to policies that reduce gen-
down process led by an enlightened or possibly der-based inequities and provide an opportunity
simply manipulative political elite. . . . Further- for women’s movement activists to influence
more while women became more dependent on feminist policy formation” (Stetson and Mazur,
the state for jobs, state feminism did not challenge 1995: 2). The authors argue that state machinery
the personal and familial views of women’s must have feminist aims and must achieve feminist
dependency on men that were institutionalized goals and should also increase the access of the
by the personal status laws and the political system movement to the political process (Stetson and
(Hatem, 1992: 233). . . . Mazur 1995: 272).
Therefore it is possible to distinguish two broad In Stetson and Mazur’s approach, state femi-
models of processes of change for women, both of nism is a phenomenon of politico-administrative
which are described as state feminist. One, where structures and their performance, and although
the term is used approvingly, refers to policies on Norway and Sweden are included, the analysis
the part of the machinery of government viewed is of a far less comprehensive phenomenon than
as benign or beneficial, being mostly designed and that dealt with in Hernes’s state feminism, which
led by feminists in a period in which the welfare was a wider political project. Furthermore in
state is already fairly well established. Despite this, Stetson and Mazur’s analysis, two elements are
the policies of state feminism, though viewed privileged above all others: the aims and goals
favorably by feminists working with the state, of the policy machinery, and second, the access
are open to challenge by autonomous women’s to the policy sphere which it opens up for the
organizations. In the second model, the term women’s movement. . . .
“state feminism” is in fact used to refer to rather Given the profusion of elements in the accounts
general policies of the state toward women in sev- we have reviewed thus far, the discussion would
eral countries and decades. In Egypt, aspects of benefit from an identification of the constitutive
early state feminism such as the provision of em- characteristics of the experiences of state feminism
ployment, education, health, and other social ben- analyzed above. In constructing Table 39.1, I have
or applicable copyright law.

efits to sizable sections of the female population used mostly elements from the sources themselves
are seen as progressive (Hatem, 1992: 232), while but I have established the categories and situated
other characteristics of state feminism, particularly the elements within them. There may well be
visible during its decline, such as elitism, absence contested accounts of the experiences referred to
of a grassroots movement, political manipula- which do not use the term “state feminism” at all.
tion of women, and lack of complete freedom to I would have no quarrel with them. The point
organize, are presented critically. Consequently, here is not to reinterpret national experiences, but
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330 Women, Gender, and the State
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Table 39.1. Summary of Experiences of “State Feminism”

Type A Type B1 Type B2 Type C
Definition: A woman-led A male politician-led A male Woman-led policy
political project to political project politician-led machinery of state
create a woman- political project
friendly society
Context/historical 1970s, 1980s 1950s, 1960s Egypt, 1980s GreeceHistorical referent:
period: Sweden Norway 1920s Turkey 1970s–1990s, 13
advanced capitalist
Level of welfare Established welfare Pre-welfare state Rudimentary/ Established welfare
state development: state incipient welfare state + expanding
state incipient welfare
Political démarche: Elected governments Revolutionary or Elected leader Creation of
take on board unelected leaders act launches influential
feminist demands on behalf of women measures women’s policy
for women machinery
General outcome: Steps taken toward Women’s rights Women’s rights Influence on
women-friendly granted granted reduction of
society gender inequality
Relations with Feminists appointed No feminist elite Elite feminist Increased access of
women’s to implement involvement; no involvement; feminist activists
movement: policies for women independent independent and organizations
women’s women’s to policy sphere,
movement movement and influence
marginalized on it
Feminist view of Feminists take steps Women mobilized Party-dominated Dialogue or alliance
relations: to feminize to support agenda established
“patriarchal” government’s between women’s
welfare state general aims groups and

to show the wide range of situations which have in the foreground of these national experiences
been referred to as experiences of state feminism, should be given greater consideration, and the re-
and to question the conceptual precision and lationship between parties in power and feminism
hence the usefulness of the term. . . . needs to be examined. . . .
It is our contention that, particularly in the
cases of the advanced democracies, it is crucial to
The Role of Parties in Women’s discuss the relationships of the women’s organi-
Policy Advocacy zations with each political party or coalition of
or applicable copyright law.

parties that becomes elected because it is under

The problem with using the term “state feminism” their auspices and during their administration that
to encompass all these phenomena is not just one the women’s policy machinery operates. None of
of excessive looseness. . . . Crucial elements of the the above analyses gives sufficient consideration
political context have been either ignored or to the role of the party in power in facilitating or
misunderstood. . . . In particular the presence constraining the experience of feminists in state
of political parties both in the background and administration.
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The issue is illustrated here by an analysis of the of varying intensity who started to work on de-
case of Spain. I use the term “feminist” to refer veloping specific public policies for the party to
to any woman or man active on behalf of the implement either directly or, as PSOE candi-
advancement of women as a gender . . . and as dates steadily gained office, in town councils and
understood in Spain at the time. The term “party regional authorities. This work had a snowball
women” refers to women active in political parties, effect. It became evident that practical steps could
here particularly the PSOE, who did not identify be taken (particularly after the first democratic
themselves as feminists at that stage, some of whom local elections of 1979 in which the left won many
were generally sympathetic to women’s advance- city and town councils), such as setting up family
ment while others were unsympathetic to feminism planning or advice centers for women, or drafting
as a whole. The term “non-party feminist” refers changes to the law. More women from inside and
to feminists working for the PSOE administration outside the party came out as feminists, drawn by
who were not active members of the party. the opportunity to contribute by virtue of their
office—newly elected councillors—or of their
The PSOE and Feminism expertise as lawyers or doctors. For instance,
by late 1979 there were already four women’s
It is important to appreciate how clearly the advice centers functioning in Andalucía. . . . This
foundations of the PSOE government’s policy on was mainly as a result of the presence of a
women rest on the party’s initial commitments to PSOE feminist in the regional government, María
sex equality.1 The party’s first encounter with fem- Izquierdo, as neither the Andalusian party leaders
inism can be traced back to the setting up, shortly nor the government were especially sympathetic
before the party’s 27th Congress held in December to feminism at that time.
1976, of a feminist grouping in the PSOE com- By the 29th PSOE Congress of 1981, the
posed of the women who were actively raising PSOE had adopted an extensive set of public pol-
the issue of women’s rights in different parts of the icy commitments toward women, advanced in
party. . . . A resolution was passed which resolved general by the Mujer y Socialismo group of party
to fight for a slate of demands, typical of women’s feminists (PSOE, 1981: 231–35) but fought for
liberation of the time, and committed the PSOE specifically by party feminists in the delegations
to obtaining “equal rights for women in all fields sent in by each area of the country. Though party
without restriction or discrimination of any kind” feminists demanded a Women’s Secretariat of
(PSOE, 1977: 8). The resolution also sanctioned the Federal Executive Commission, this was not
the establishment of the Women and Socialism achieved, but a compromise was reached whereby
(Mujer y Socialismo) committee. From 1977 the then coordinator of Mujer y Socialismo,
Mujer y Socialismo functioned as a subcommittee Carmen Mestre, was included on Secretary-General
of the Federal Executive Commission’s Secretariat Félipe González’s slate of candidates for the Fed-
for Political Education, at that time headed by Luis eral Executive Committee and duly elected for
Gómez Llorente. This experience shows that it was the awkwardly named portfolio of “Defence of
not the fact of the 1975 [United Nations] Decade Freedoms.” Thus, a declared feminist who had
for Women nor was it a general awareness of the been active in an independent feminist organiza-
women’s liberation movement that led the PSOE tion before joining the party reached the top of the
leadership to become receptive to the issue. Instead, PSOE hierarchy. . . .
it was the actions of the women members of the
party and their use of elective and other decision-
or applicable copyright law.

The Genesis of the Spanish Institute

making party structures which were effective. of Women
The key player in Mujer y Socialismo’s foun-
dation was Carlota Bustelo, a long-time member The PSOE was hopeful of gaining office and
of the PSOE, who had been active in the party from 1981 enjoyed a lead in opinion polls. Party
during the years of clandestinity and was elected feminists set their sights on obtaining an office to
to parliament in June 1977. Mujer y Socialismo promote women’s rights from within the next
brought together a number of party feminists government. . . .
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Though the following year the PSOE’s 1982 a further possibility would have been for Min-
general election manifesto itself did not pledge ister Solana to appoint someone from the party
the creation of women’s policy machinery, it was political hierarchy, rather than the high-profile
a group of feminists in the PSOE who mobilized and independent-minded Bustelo who, though a
to obtain one. González’s first cabinet contained prominent and historic member, did not occupy
not a single woman, but in 1983 the new Minis- any internal party post and had ceased to be an
ter of Culture, Javier Solana, had to decide what MP in 1979. She had as much prestige outside the
to do with a small office in his ministry called the party as within it.
Subdirectorate of the Feminine Condition [sic]. With hindsight, the appointment set a prec-
He appointed prominent feminist Carlota Bustelo edent for the relationship between the PSOE
to his private office to advise him. She put government, women’s policy machinery, and fem-
together the team who designed the machinery inism. For the permeability of the party in office
for women’s policy, later acknowledging that was a crucial element in composing the alliance
they bolstered their requests by reference to the between PSOE and feminist elites, as explained
precedents in other European countries of a body later. In 1984, a feminist trade union leader,
in the administration charged with drawing up Matilde Fernández, was elected onto the party
equality policies (Instituto de la Mujer, 1993: 35). Federal Executive Committee and took charge
Ms Bustelo was then appointed by the Minister of the newly created Secretariat for Women’s
to head the Institute of Women once parliament Participation. Associated with the group around
had approved its creation as a (technically) “auton- Alfonso Guerra, who had become Vice-President
omous body” of the administration, which closely in Felipe González’s government, Fernández was
resembled a ministerial department. an important ally for party feminists.
Yet, in spite of operating in the arena of
Feminists and the PSOE internal party politics, the new Institute did not
become dominated or even strongly associated
In arguing for the role of the party in the with any particular party tendency or current. It
emergence of official women’s rights policy ma- appears that in the PSOE feminists came from all
chinery, one should consider how far the exis- sectors of the party, and each of the players ear-
tence and the functioning of the machinery is a lier mentioned had political friends and allies in
reflection of an individual party’s commitment different sectors, as well as outside among femi-
to women’s rights. In the case of Spain, the view nists. Reinforcing the new Institute’s autonomy
taken here is that without the slow buildup of from internal party structures, the bulk of
internal party support for women’s rights out- Bustelo’s appointments to head its departments
lined above, it is most unlikely that the Institute (the only discretionary appointments allowed)
would have been created. True, the preexisting were of non-PSOE feminists with professional or
Subdirectorate of the Feminine Condition might women’s movement experience: Isabel Romero,
have survived. But it can be argued that had Isabel Alberdi, Gracia Pérez, Vicky Abril, Regina
there been no pressure from party feminists, or Rodríguez—two of them formerly active in a
the political flexibility to yield to it, a small office socialist feminist group, one a former Communist
of this type might have been to the minister’s Party feminist. This fluidity can be seen as a char-
preference, since it would have sufficed to give acteristic feature of the subtle political balance
the impression that something was being done. between state administration, party hierarchy, and
Instead, a much more ambitious initiative was feminist movement. . . .
or applicable copyright law.

launched. . . . The PSOE government drew in selected

Second, the nature of the appointment is also pro-socialist feminists instead of party women
significant. It would have been possible to give the to high-profile posts to run the women’s pol-
issue a veneer of political neutrality by appointing icy machinery. The Institute was thereby able to
a career civil servant or a person with no con- maintain a certain autonomy from internal party
nections to the women’s movement to head the debates, avoiding the pitfall of becoming a step-
old or a revamped office for women. In addition, ping stone for party women who focused mainly
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State Feminism or Party Feminism? 333
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on advancing their political careers. The opera- to clarify that if the term “state feminism” is to
tion of the Institute can therefore be viewed as be applied to the Spanish experience at all, it is
a successful bid on the part of a certain tendency misleading unless the role of the party in power is
in Spanish feminism to collaborate closely with a duly recognized, and unless the compact between
party for the purpose of using public institutions a sector of feminism and social democratic politics
for the advancement of women. . . . is acknowledged.

The Costs of Party Feminism

Nevertheless, the collaboration we have referred
to between feminists and the PSOE had certain 1. The following account is based on interviews and per-
costs. It had the nature of an implicit compact, sonal communications with prominent players in the
in which feminists accepted that at the end of the field, as well as on my own archive and recollections.
No accounts of this type have been published before.
day the government as a whole rather than indi-
vidual ministers would set the parameters of policy
initiatives for women which could be achievable
under a PSOE administration (Valiente, 1994:
41). Several illustrations of this acceptance can Chapman, J. (1993) Politics, Feminism and the Reformation of
be advanced. The first is that the women’s pol- Gender. London and New York: Routledge.
icy machinery, in spite of being run by feminists Franzway, F., D. Court and R. W. Connell (1989) Staking
who were in no way party placewomen, avoided a Claim: Feminism, Bureaucracy and the State. Cambridge:
becoming the site of important political tensions Polity Press.
Hatem, M. (1992) “Economic and Political Liberalisation
over criticism that the government was failing to in Egypt and the Demise of State Feminism,”
live up to its socialist credentials and falling short International Journal of Middle East Studies 24: 231–51.
of its promises. . . . Second, the limits to the Insti- Hatem, M. (1994) “The Paradoxes of State Feminism in
tute directors’ political autonomy from the PSOE Egypt,” pp. 226–42 in B. Nelson and N. Chowdury
party are visible in their general acceptance of the (eds) Women and Politics Worldwide. New Haven, CT
and London: Yale University Press.
government’s fiscal orthodoxy. . . . Hernes, H. M. (1987) Welfare State and Woman Power:
Third, the costs of the compact show up in the Essays in State Feminism. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Institute’s inability to push through acceptance Hernes, H. M. (1988) “The Welfare State Citizenship
for its policy to extend abortion rights at the right of Scandinavian Women,” in K. B. Jones and
moment (Valiente, 1994: 41). . . . With hind- A. G. Jónasdóttir (eds) The Political Interests of Gender.
London: Sage.
sight the directors of the Institute recognized the Instituto de la Mujer (1993) 10 Anos del Instituto de la
decision to go ahead with a new law was made Mujer. Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales.
when it was politically too late and thus never POSE (1977) Mujer y Socialismo. Madrid: POSE.
reached the statute books before the PSOE lost POSE (1981) “Resolución 7.5 Feminismo,” pp. 231–35
power in March 1996. . . . in 29 Congreso: Resoluciones. Madrid: POSE.
Sawer, M. (1995) “Feminism in Glass Towers? The Office
of the Status of Women in Australia,” pp. 22–39 in
D. M. Stetson and A. Mazur (eds) Comparative State
Conclusion Feminism. London: Sage.
Stetson, D. M. and A. Mazur (eds) (1995) Comparative
So far this chapter has made a case highlighting State Feminism. London: Sage.
Valiente, C. (1994) El Feminismo de Estado en Espana: – El
the extensive opportunities afforded by the rise
or applicable copyright law.

Instituto de la Mujer 1983–1994, Estudios / Working

of a social democratic party to power and its Papers 1994/38. Madrid: Instituto Juan March de
prominence in local, regional, and national gov- Estudios e Investigaciones. (Reprinted as “El Feminismo
ernment over a period of over 13 years. It has Institucional en Espana:– el Instituto de la Mujer 1983–
shown how a group of feminists used the political 94,” Revista Internacional de Sociología 13: 163–204.
Van der Ros, J. (1994) “The State and Women: A Troubled
opportunity structure to advance feminists’ goals Relationship in Norway,” pp. 527–43 in B. Nelson
and bring the women’s agenda to increasing levels and N. Chowdury (eds) Women and Politics Worldwide.
of prominence in government. The purpose was New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press.

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Chapter 40
When Power Relocates:
Interactive Changes in Women’s
Movements and States
Lee Ann Banaszak, Karen Beckwith, and Dieter Rucht

. . . This [chapter] investigates the pattern of Reconfiguration is evidenced, first, by struc-

change in women’s movements in West Europe tural changes within the state and, second, by
and North America as they interact with states that the changing relationship between the state and
are reconfiguring state powers. Given this central civil society. These changes are accompanied, and
theme, our task is twofold. First, we clarify the partly reflected, by a changing discourse about the
concept of state reconfiguration and outline its role of the state. . . .
extent and evidence in three exemplary nations.
Second, we demonstrate how state reconfiguration Structural Changes within the State
influences concrete interactions between states
and women’s movements and discuss the effects Structural changes imply a relocation of for-
of these interactions on both states and women’s mal state authority and/or a transfer of state pol-
movements. icy responsibilities from one governmental level
or branch to another. This relocation can first
occur in a vertical direction by shifting power,
which was mainly concentrated at the level of the
The Reconfiguration of States in West nation-state, upward or downward. Much state
Europe and North America authority has been uploaded to supranational or-
ganizations such as the European Union (EU),
The fundamental character of the nation-state various UN bodies, the International Monetary
is undergoing change. . . . As was the case with Fund (IMF), and the World Trade Organization
the formation of nation-states (Anderson 1974a, (WTO). Member nations of the EU, for ex-
1974b; Bright and Harding 1984) and the creation ample, having relinquished independent formal
and development of welfare states (Castles and state powers to the EU, are subject to “supreme
Mitchell 1993; Esping-Andersen 1990; Rieger legal powers residing in the European Court of
and Leibfried 1995), the process of reconfigura- Justice . . . and the autonomous capacity for ac-
tion is highly differentiated, starting at different tion of the European Commission. . . . [T]he
or applicable copyright law.

time points, taking different guises, and evok- Treaties and Directives of the EU have a direct
ing different levels of support and resistance de- effect on every citizen of the EU” (Walby 1997:
pending on the specific context in which it takes 120). . . . Other examples of uploading include
place. . . . For the sake of analytical clarity, we the transfer of economic decision-making powers
describe reconfiguration as an ideal-type process, by the United States and Canada to the North
and illustrate the various dimensions and aspects of American Free Trade Agreements and to the
the process with empirical references to particular WTO. In these arrangements, nations have
states and policies. relinquished autonomy of decision making in
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336 Women, Gender, and the State
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policy-specific areas, and hence, have ceded some Structural Changes in the Relationship
state authority to supranational organizations. between State and Civil Society
Vertical reconfiguration of formal state deci-
sion-making powers is also evidenced by down- States have not only shifted their power within
loading, that is, by the relocation of national state their own realm but also have reduced their own
authority or responsibility for specific tasks to power and authority vis-à-vis civil society. Per-
substate, provincial, or regional governments. haps the most visible part of such a shift in power
For example, the devolution of formal decision and authority involves states’ decisions to offload
making from the British Parliament to the new their traditional responsibilities onto nonstate
Scottish Parliament constitutes a transfer of state venues such as the community, the family, the
power and authority and the formal empow- market, or intermediary organizations. In the
erment of a national region. . . . In addition to United States, Germany, and Great Britain, for
downloading formal authority, national govern- example, the state has shifted away from being the
ments have been reducing their responsibility for sole provider of welfare and the primary author-
tasks by downloading these to subnational territo- ity for equalizing economic inequalities. Instead,
rial units, without transferring the authority over some of these responsibilities are now part of the
policy arenas. . . . economic market or, in the case of alleviating
Parallel to these vertical changes in state au- poverty, have become the charge of the commu-
thority and responsibility, shifts of power oc- nity or of civil society (Birkinshaw, Harden, and
curred across the traditional representative Lewis 1990). . . . One result of offloading has
spheres of the state, particularly the legislative been that families (particularly women) increas-
and executive arenas. As a rule, there has been a ingly bear the burdens of caring for the aged and
weakening of the power of elected state spheres disabled (Bashevkin 1998).
and a growing reliance on other and partly non- Related to the rise in power of nonelected
elected state bodies to make policy. We refer state bodies has been the proliferation of civil
to these changes in state responsibility as lateral society representation within the state itself.
loading.1 The national state maintains its decision- Quangos, regulatory agencies, and corporatist in-
making powers, yet policy decisions increasingly stitutions usually include representatives of civil
occur in the courts, quasi-nongovernmental or- groups. For example, beginning in the 1980s,
ganizations (quangos), and executive agencies of educational policy in the United States was in-
government. . . . creasingly decided by quasi-governmental or-
The movement of policy decisions to non- ganizations (Fuhrman 1994). Members of these
elected state bodies is important because each organizations are appointed by national or state
policy venue influences the specific characteris- political leaders, who usually seek representatives
tics of policy decisions (Baumgartner and Jones of business, teachers, and policymakers. Thus, as
1993; Kirp 1982). In particular, as Baumgartner the number of such bodies has increased in the
and Jones note (1993: 32–33), electoral pol- last ten years, so has the presence of certain parts
itics allow activists greater influence over the of civil society within official state organizations
framing of issues. When issues move from the (Levine and Trachtman 1988).
Parliament to the administration, they tend to These changes in the institutions of the state
become more invisible and depoliticized. Sim- reflect a new power relationship between the
ilarly, issues may become depoliticized when state and other actors. On the one hand, there
they move to the judiciary. . . . As governments is a decline of the traditional neocorporatist ar-
or applicable copyright law.

have increasingly engaged in lateral loading, rangements of the past (Schmitter 1989). . . . On
women’s movements have been presented with the other hand, the structural changes described
an increasingly depoliticized and remote set of previously, particularly the offloading of state
state policy-making agencies at the national responsibilities, mean that an increase in public-
level. Thus, the relocation of responsibility to private partnerships provides new power to par-
nonelected state bodies eventually reduces social ticular private interests. Certain policy areas are
movement influence. increasingly seen as specifically geared to serving
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When Power Relocates 337
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business interests (for example, education, health, Britain Britain’s major reconfiguration of state
security, prisons) and, as a result, private corpora- powers is evidenced in its (1) program of radical
tions have increased power over certain types of privatization of state-owned enterprises, (2) shift
state policy. . . . of many former social welfare commitments and
As the overall political and social power struc- responsibilities away from the national state, by
ture, including the organization and competencies defunding and abolishing some programs, and
of the state, is reconfigured, it affects a broad range by transferring implementation responsibilities
of policy domains and social actors. To the extent to local venues, (3) transfer of responsibilities to
that state reconfiguration is the result of large-scale nonelected venues within the state, and (4) devo-
transformations in the global economic structure lution of some powers to Scotland. . . .
and international world order, states will experi- On the other hand, Britain has not been as
ence widespread and long-lasting structural alter- active as France and Germany in uploading for-
ations, to which nonstate actors such as women’s mal state powers to supranational organizations,
movements will have to adapt and of which they specifically the European Union. Britain’s mem-
can take advantage. We argue that these reconfig- bership in the EU has been marked by a series
uration processes are crucial for women’s move- of fits and starts; since joining the EU, Britain
ments insofar as they provide negative as well as has conditioned its membership by reserving for
positive opportunities that differ fundamentally itself specific policy exceptions. For example,
from the state context that women’s movements Britain signed the Maastricht Treaty but nego-
faced in the 1960s and early 1970s. tiated a series of “opt-outs” from workers’ rights
Structural changes in the state are accompa- provisions in the Social Charter of the Treaty,3
nied by a rhetoric and discourse of the state that and from its unitary monetary and currency pro-
has provided the rationale for state reconfigura- visions. Britain’s resistance to ceding these sov-
tion. . . . This discourse helped to shift and jus- ereign powers to the EU is shared by both the
tify citizens’ perceptions from a vision of states Conservative and Labour Parties (see, for exam-
as activist centers of policy initiatives to one of ple, Butler and Westlake 1995).
states as limited, morally and economically, in
their responsibilities and to an image of citizens France The French state varies considerably in
as customers. . . . In addition, states altered their all reconfiguration dimensions from Great Britain.
discourse about citizen participation from a vision France’s state reconfiguration has been limited; the
of individuals as citizens with basic rights and of French state has continued central state authority
political participation, particularly voting, as the within national boundaries, and maintained its
basis for citizen equality in the 1970s to a neolib- commitment to state social welfare provisions.
eral discourse in the 1980s where citizens are seen Nonetheless, France has moved toward recon-
as clients or consumers whose primary legitimate figuration, decentralizing policy implementation
demand upon the state is for the satisfaction of spe- to local governments and relinquishing some au-
cific needs (Brown 1995: 194).2 . . . thority to the European Union. . . .
France’s greatest step toward reconfiguration
Examples of Reconfiguration in is its membership in the European Union, with
Three Nations commitments to monetary union and to the social
and economic components of the Maastricht
Although we argue that all nations in West Treaty. As a founding member of the Common
Europe and North America have experienced Market (1957), France has had long-standing po-
or applicable copyright law.

state reconfiguration, we also recognize that not litical commitments to Europe as a unified entity
all nations reconfigured in the same ways, at the as evidenced in its transfer of state power through
same pace, and to the same extent. We discuss the Single European Act (1987) and the Treaty of
the cases of Britain, France, and Germany, which Maastricht (1993). In contrast to Britain, France
serve as examples of different experiences with has not reserved specific state powers for itself as
state reconfiguration from the 1970s to the 1990s, a condition of EU monetary union or, obviously,
as follows. as a condition of EU membership.
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338 Women, Gender, and the State
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Germany Germany’s degree of reconfigura- The issues at stake for women’s movements and
tion lies somewhere in between those of France states may be classified as (1) those that do not fun-
and the United Kingdom; Germany has partici- damentally affect the existing distribution of power
pated in the construction of a stronger European and (2) those that constitute direct and serious chal-
Union, has engaged in privatization, has down- lenge to existing power arrangements. . . . The
loaded some previous responsibilities to the states, former . . . may engender strong resistance but
and has offloaded others to the private sector. they do not challenge systemic power arrange-
However, much of this reconfiguration has oc- ments. In contrast, issues that directly question
curred within the context of continual support the social and political order increase the stakes of
for a strong and active state. Thus, it has not gone the conflict for both the movement and the state;
as far as Great Britain in reducing the scope of in these cases, movements risk harsh resistance by
state responsibility and authority. On the other state authorities and other groups. . . .
hand, there have been more attempts to reduce . . . The interaction between women’s move-
state responsibility than in France. ments and the state is also shaped by its context
Germany, like France, has been one of the (Edmondson 1997; Hyvarinen 1997). The context
strongest supporters of the European Union. of interaction can be conceived as a set of layers
Under Helmut Kohl, Germany signed the Maas- ranging from very general, deeply rooted, and rela-
tricht Treaty and forged ahead with the Eco- tively stable conditions to more variable, particular,
nomic and Monetary Union. Under Gerhard and temporary settings which influence the form and
Schröder, Germany has pushed for a stronger EU outcome of interaction (Kriesi 1995; McAdam 1996;
presence in social policy, particularly in the area Tarrow 1998). Major components of the interaction
of alleviating unemployment. Thus, both left and context,4 applicable to both movements and states,
center-right governments have been responsible include political culture, the configuration of power,
for shifting state authority from the national level the policy agenda, and arenas and audiences.
to the European Union. . . . The first and most general context variable
is the overall political culture of a given society
(Almond and Verba 1965; Johnston and Klander-
Changing Interactions between Women’s mans 1995; Laitin 1997; Steinmetz 1999). The
Movements and States in West Europe political culture includes basic and widely ac-
and North America cepted values to which women’s movements and
the state can appeal (Banaszak 1996). Moreover,
State reconfiguration, as a process of political the political culture sets evaluative standards about
restructuring and relocation of power, affects which kinds and forms of conflicts are legitimate
nonstate groups to the extent that these groups and defines the roles and rights of certain kinds
depend upon and interact with the state. How, in of actors in a given society. Although the char-
the context of state reconfiguration, have wom- acter of the political culture does not determine
en’s movements and states interacted? . . . the concrete strategies and reactions of women’s
movements and states, it makes some strategies
Conceptualizing Movement-State and reactions more likely than others. . . .
Interactions A second contextual element that influences
the interactions between women’s movements and
The strategies of states and women’s movements states is the configuration of power (Kriesi 1995: 179–
can be arrayed along a scale from assimilative to 192), that is, the cleavage structure as represented
or applicable copyright law.

confrontational (see Kitschelt 1986). Women’s by major interest groups, the balance of power
movements may choose to use strictly persuasive among political parties, and the composition of
and legal means to become confrontational and government. Conflicts between women’s move-
even potentially to employ physical violence. The ments and states are shaped by the lines of estab-
choice of strategies may affect (although it does not lished cleavages, the involvement of other actors as
determine) the reactions by the state. More disrup- parties to the conflict, and governments’ stances in
tive strategies may provoke strong state reactions. opposing or supporting the movement. . . .
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When Power Relocates 339
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The third contextual element likely to shape changed over time? As our model suggests, the
the forms of interaction is the forum5 where the interaction between states and women’s move-
interaction occurs. It consists of two components: ments is structured by previous interactions as
(1) an arena where the interaction takes place and well as the characteristics of both actors and the
(2) a gallery or audience where bystanders observe political context. In this section, we present a
and react to the interaction (Ferree, Gamson, Ger- rough overview of the shifting nature of this in-
hards, and Rucht 2002; see also Schattschneider teraction since the 1970s, with the caveat that the
1960). In interactions between women’s move- generalizations presented here occurred in vary-
ments and states, some major arenas are the mass ing degrees in specific countries.
media, parliaments, and courts. The choice of the In the 1970s, women’s movements’ interac-
arena has implications for the kinds of interac- tions with states were characterized in part by
tions that are possible, insofar as some arenas (for radical if not revolutionary rhetoric made by
example, parliaments, courts) are regulated and largely informally organized and locally based
controlled by the state, whereas others (for ex- wings of the movements. The section of the sec-
ample, the streets) are open to a wider range of ond wave of the women’s movement that grew
interactions. We can expect that states prefer to out of New Left groups adhered to socialist and
confine conflict to strongly regulated arenas. . . . Marxist ideas and advocated revolutionary change
Women’s movements and states act not only in in everyday life (see, for example, Echols 1989;
relation to each other but also with regard to the Firestone 1970; Freeman 1975; Morgan 1970;
gallery (Schattschneider 1960). The gallery may Randall 1992; Salper 1972; Tanner I971). . . . It
be defined as everything from the small number was this section of the women’s movement in
of those who are physically present during an in- particular that sought to eliminate patriarchal and
teraction to the mass public observing events and capitalist institutions, demanding the creation of a
processes via the media. In democratic societies new political system and economic order.
the reactions of the gallery play a decisive role Other wings of the women’s movement, such
in many political struggles since the majority of as those composed of trade union women or lib-
the voters ultimately affect which groups get into eral movement organizations, were concerned
positions of formal decision making. Because of with specific policy reforms of the state. Yet,
this (and the potential mobilizing power of public even their demands (for example, regarding vi-
opinion), movements and states calculate the olence against women, reproductive rights, and
effect of their actions on the gallery. sexuality) challenged established political arrange-
. . . We recognize the importance of feedback ments and were not easily contained or captured
loops in understanding state-movement inter- by existing politics. While the exact character of
actions. Earlier interactions structure subsequent these sections of the women’s movement varied
ones. Movement and state experiences within the from state to state, in the 1970s they were rela-
previous interaction and particularly their eval- tively limited in size and scope. Despite a need for
uations of its outcome are incorporated into the political allies, the women’s movement had few
next round of interaction. For example, women’s inroads to established politics through political
movements may change their strategies, reorga- parties, trade unions, or governmental institutions.
nize, or redefine the stakes of the conflict based on Moreover, during this period, the new women’s
past experiences. In this perspective, interactions movements tended to keep their distance from
between women’s movements and states are epi- established parties, even those of the left, insisting
sodes in an ongoing process that, at each stage, can on the movement’s “autonomy” (Beckwith 1987;
or applicable copyright law.

only be fully understood in the light of the past. Ferree 1987; Hellman 1987; Jenson 1987). . . .
. . . In the beginning stages of the second
The Dynamics of State-Movement wave, both the constellation of power and most
Interaction bystanders were unreceptive to women’s move-
ments’ demands. While different sections of the
How has the interaction of states and women’s women’s movement utilized different arenas, the
movements in North America and West Europe early women’s movement was characterized by
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340 Women, Gender, and the State
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greater reliance on venues outside of the state. access to political institutions also contributed to
Moreover, the issues at stake largely challenged the rise of feminists in public administration, even
the existing distribution of power. Particularly in traditionally “male” areas such as the military.
challenging were those demands that called for Increased public acceptance and links to other
complete restructuring of the patriarchal system. political allies made women’s movements in many
The novelty of the women’s movement’s countries large, diverse, and multilayered. Wom-
demands and the lack of political allies or wide- en’s movements now included loosely coupled
spread public support allowed states to ignore most networks that extended into many nonmovement
movement claims. Nonetheless, states did make areas, permitting the formation of broad alliances
some concessions to initial demands, although and the aggregation of heterogeneous resources
these varied depending on the specific historical (see Keck and Sikkink 1998). . . . However, in
and political context. Most West European and some cases, this meant that women’s movements
North American states acceded in very minimal became so highly fragmented that they no longer
ways to demands for equal opportunity, equal pay, exhibited an identifiable ideological and social
and increased political inclusion, demands which core and hence jeopardized their ability to act
were the least challenging to existing state struc- strategically. . . .
tures and harmonized with the political norms These considerably altered women’s move-
of a liberal democratic state. In addition, many ments faced a reconfigured state that had relin-
states also altered their policies in the issue areas quished its authority in some areas, had actively
of contraception and abortion, where women’s empowered political decision making by other
movements’ use of extrastate protest was greatest, political actors through offloading and lateral load-
and where larger changes in societal gender roles ing, and had adopted an ideology that precluded
underlay movement positions. Outside the state, some forms of action. On the other hand, the
women’s movements’ activities over the decade state was also more sympathetic to some women’s
led to increasingly sympathetic public opinion movements’ concerns and had adopted at least
toward some of the less revolutionary demands of some forms of gender discourse. The resulting
the women’s movement. interactions for upper- and middle-class feminists
In the 1980s and 1990s, as states began to were decidedly less conflictual although limited
reconfigure, the political context of state-women’s to issues that corresponded with state discourse
movement interaction was different. Women’s and ideology. However, as Beckwith shows,
issues had permeated many social and political parts of the women’s movement and their issues
groups as well as a broad range of more formal continued to be excluded from this institutional-
organizations and institutions. For example, the ized interaction. Those segments of the women’s
issue of sexual harassment spread from the wom- movements that do not engage in institutional-
en’s movement into even more conservative state ized interactions with the state continue to engage
institutions such as the military (Katzenstein 1998; in confrontational tactics. They are hampered
Stiehm 1989). This does not necessarily imply in large part by a lack of resources and political
that women’s movements made outstanding sub- allies. While public opinion and other bystanders
stantial gains but rather that women’s issues are are sensitized to some movement discourse and to
raised and debated in many more and wider cir- more institutionalized interactions, the existence
cles than ever before. Moreover, initial demands of these interactions has marginalized the other
for inclusion in political institutions increased the wings of the movement, giving them little op-
links between women’s movements and politi- portunity to gain support of bystander publics or
or applicable copyright law.

cal parties. In some cases, movements established other political allies. . . .

strongholds in left-libertarian parties, such as the
Greens, which were likely to advance the move- The Effect of State-Movement Interactions
ments’ cause. Other left and left-center parties (and on Women’s Movements
some center-right parties) offered organized women
access to political office (see Darcy and Beckwith As states have reconfigured their struc-
1991; Studlar and Matland 1996).6 Demands for tures, relocated their policy responsibilities by
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delegating or abrogating them, and rearticulated is also likely to disappear where states were rel-
their policy discourse, how have feminist move- atively accessible and responsive to women’s
ments responded? We argue that the effects of movements’ demands. As women’s movements
state-movement interactions on women’s move- had some initial policy successes in the 1970s (for
ments’ development, tactics, discourse, and policy example, divorce reform, liberalization of abor-
outcomes are both numerous and discernible. tion), some strands within the movements learned
Some of the effects on women’s movement or- to employ a neoliberal state discourse in achiev-
ganization have already been investigated; for ing their ends. This is apparent in the successes
example, the effect of shifting power to supra- of women’s movements’ emphasis on equality of
national levels in the specific case of the Euro- opportunity and on equal access to employment,
pean Union (EU) has been examined by several housing, social services, and legislative represen-
authors (Elman 1996; Hoskyns 1996). In a limited tation, even where equality may be posited on a
number of policy areas, the increasing power of male model. Finally, in nations where women’s
the EU has required women to organize collec- movements employed a state involvement rather
tively at that level (Hoskyns 1996: 16) . . . and to than an autonomous political strategy, women’s
use that venue to wrest policy results from in- movements were unlikely to adopt revolutionary
dividual nations (see Carter 1988). We expect discourse.
to see similar responses as feminist movements We are also interested in how established party
alter their organizing efforts to be consistent with links and feminist presence within the state affect
other dimensions of state reconfiguration. For ex- state-movement interactions. We hypothesize
ample, as states decentralize their power, feminist that strong links between women’s movements
organizing, as well as feminist office seeking, is and other social actors, including other move-
likely to increase at the local level. The offload- ments, interest groups, and political parties, are
ing of state responsibility to private organizations likely to facilitate women’s movements’ access
may also lead women’s movements to mobilize in to the state and their influence on state policy
ways that would allow them to acquire resources making. Banaszak suggests that such links might
through offloading. . . . Such mobilization may facilitate policy successes during offloading and
encourage the transformation of local feminist horizontal shifts to nonelected bodies because
groups into service organizations and self-help women’s movements still receive less state rec-
groups. Ironically, women’s movements have so- ognition as a private interest than political parties
lidified relationships with the national state and and trade unions.
feminists have moved into state institutions and On the other hand, as women’s movements
elected bodies at the same time as the traditional establish such links and broaden their scope, they
responsibilities afforded these institutions are dis- may also moderate their tactics, their demands,
sipating through state reconfiguration. and their rhetoric. Movement action dependent
We expect that these changes will affect wom- upon alliances with other social groups and politi-
en’s movements’ strategies, as well as their ability cal parties may be constrained by the nature of the
to articulate and to pursue their own agenda. For institutions themselves and by the (un)willingness
example, one interesting question is whether of allies to engage in particular tactics. Such links
state-movement interactions played a role in the also multiply the number of networks and orga-
decline of radical feminist ideology and identity, nizations involved in the women’s movement,
and how differences in radical and autonomist making coordination among movement actors
stances of women’s movements across nations more difficult. In the creation and expansion of
or applicable copyright law.

might vary accordingly. We hypothesize that a political alliances, the more radical components
revolutionary ideology and discourse was first of the movement may find themselves margin-
abandoned in countries that traditionally lacked alized.
a strong left (most notably the United States and Similarly, the changes in discourse wrought by
Canada), since these countries had no bystanders state-movement interaction and by the process of
or political allies who might be swayed by such a state reconfiguration may alter the frames and is-
discourse. Revolutionary ideology and discourse sues of women’s movements. While a moderate
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feminist discourse has gained a legitimate place women’s movements may have helped to shape
within the political debate, the neoliberal, anti- new state structures in the making, for example,
collectivist rhetoric of the reconfigured state also in the case of constructing new federalist arrange-
limits women’s movements to issues that will res- ments in Canada . . . or in shaping the structure of
onate with a wider public. Moreover, the policy devolution in Scotland (Brown 1995).
discourse of the state is itself limited to certain In which countries and in which respects
views of women (for example, as mothers or have women’s movements been most successful
workers), which may again constrain the range of in effecting state changes and how can this be
potential movement action. Thus, the interaction explained? Have feminist movements been able
of states and women’s movements, while provid- to cast these transformations in West European
ing legitimacy to some types of women’s issues, and North American states in forms and modes
restricts the acceptability of others and eliminates potentially more receptive to these movements,
still others from the political agenda. their issues, and their constituencies? We suggest
that women’s movements have been more likely
Effects of State-Movement Interactions to effect changes in state structures, institutional
on the State practices, policy priorities, state personnel and au-
thorities, and state rhetoric—that is, to facilitate
Given the central role of the modem interven- state reconfiguration—under the following con-
tionist state, women’s movements must engage ditions.
the state to bring about political and societal First, when women’s movements are posi-
changes. . . . Although hostility toward the state tioned to form an alliance with other movements,
and a distaste for male-dominated national politics or when a sympathetic carrying agent (for exam-
have been characteristic of some sectors of sec- ple, a left, left-libertarian, or radical political party)
ond-wave feminism (see Jenson and Sineau 1994; seeks similar ends and can advance these issues
Lovenduski and Randall 1993; Randall 1998), within the state, women’s movements are more
feminist movements in the 1980s and 1990s have likely to be able to influence state changes above
directed their efforts toward states, by becoming and beyond specific policy achievements. . . .
state authorities or agents (for example, elected Conversely, where such allies were not available
or appointed officials, bureaucrats), by mobilizing or did not share or pursue structural or policy
for policy change, and by involving themselves in changes, women’s movements are not likely to
state reform projects. contribute to state reconfiguration. . . .
Because the state is targeted by multiple and Second, when policy arenas related to wom-
often conflicting groups, ranging from compet- en’s issues (for example, equal employment op-
ing social movements to conventional pressure portunity) or of specific concern to women (for
groups to political parties, the impact of women’s example, schooling) have high saliency for the
movements on the general structures of the state state, women’s movements will be better posi-
remains limited. It is unlikely that any single social tioned not only to shape the debate, but also to
movement would be able to change the funda- influence the locations of policy implementa-
mental structure of the state. . . . Women’s move- tion and to direct the construction of new state
ments, in conjunction with other social forces, agencies or quasi-nongovernmental organizations.
nonetheless contributed to structural changes; In those policy domains that directly relate to most
for example, new power constellations between women’s issues, women’s movements are likely
state and nonstate actors developed as the result of to have an impact by supporting an increase in
or applicable copyright law.

the weakening, or even abolition, of corporatist women’s representation within the state apparatus
arrangements in some countries. In other nations, and by interjecting new women’s issues, such as
the decentralization of state structures and down- sexual violence, into the policy-making process.
loading of state responsibilities may have been In several countries, this trend has even resulted
encouraged and supported by autonomous wom- in the establishment of women’s state secretariats,
en’s groups positioned to undertake control of women’s bureaus, and other agencies that are
these functions at the local level. In still other cases, geared to advancing the cause of women (Stetson
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and Mazur 1995). . . . As states abandon women’s neutral language that nonetheless functions as a
policy issues, or as such issues become less salient male trope (Lewis 1998). Such feminized state
for states, women’s movements are less likely to discourse can serve to mask real differences in cir-
be able to influence or to resist state structural or cumstance and power between women and men,
implementation changes.7 despite face efforts to address women’s issues. In
Third, . . . where policy issues involve fem- these cases, while the state’s focus on gender ap-
inist struggles against implementation rather pears to be both a success of the women’s move-
than active support for new policy initiatives, ment and an opportunity for further activity, it
women’s movements are more likely to be also reflects the limits of and political constraints
advantaged in their efforts by multiple centers of on women’s movements. . . .
power. . . . Conversely, where state power is cen-
tralized and unitary, women’s movements may be
advantaged in attempts to advance policy initia- Notes
tives which, confirmed by a central state structure,
are then uniformly applicable nationwide (see 1. We thank Michael Lewis-Beck for suggesting this
Mink 1998). In addition, decentralization of state 2. Indeed, a vision akin to the “civic man” of Berelson,
powers (implicated in but not coterminous with Lazarsfeld, and McPhee (1954).
multiple locations of state power) may also open 3. The Social Charter, as it is referred to by other EU
political opportunities for organized women. member states, is formally the “Community Charter of
Finally, state and feminist discourses have inter- the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers.”
4. Our concept of interaction context differs from the
sected in ways that also serve to feminize state concept of political opportunity structure only in its
discourse; that is, a shared discourse developed applicability to the state as well as movements.
from the interaction between women’s move- 5. A forum is a visible place defined by certain roles and
ments and states, as women targeted the state as rules (Gerhards, Neidhardt, and Rucht 1998).
a venue for issue resolution. States increasingly 6. In other cases, however, changes in party competition
and in party systems jeopardized women’s movements’
interact discursively with women’s movements relationship with and reliance upon established parties
by employing a gendered discourse, that is, a dis- to achieve movement goals (see Randall 1995). As left-
course about women that is not necessarily femi- wing parties lost elections, newly governing parties were
nist or change oriented. This has been evidenced unreceptive to organized feminists and their issues, and
in two ways. First, states have recognized gender feminist movements found themselves without influ-
ence in government (for example, Britain, Canada).
as a legitimate and crucial venue for state rhetoric 7. Note that we recognize that potentially all policy issues
and discourse. Many controversies about rights and state formations are gendered insofar as male power
and responsibilities now include discussions of and masculine attributes are actively, although not per-
gender, at least in the area of reproduction, work, fectly, enacted through state mechanisms, practices, and
and political representation. Moreover, reference discourses (see Brown 1995: ch. 7; Dodson forthcoming).
to equality of the sexes is increasingly included
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stitute for Women.” European Journal of Women’s and Party Responsiveness.” Pp. 11–26 in Femi-
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Abbott, Edith, 278, 279, 281 apartisan movements, as political strategy, 88

abortion policy, 25, 43, 268–270, 271, 273, 296 Argentina, 130, 178, 180, 268, 271–272
Abril, Vicky, 332 Armey, Dick, 258
absolutist vs. technical policies, 267–268, 269 Asia, quota regulation trend, 178
accountability, political representation, 188–190, See also specific countries
194–195, 205 associational activism, 48–49
Acker, Joan, 223n10 association factor, experience category, legislative process
Ackerman, Bruce, 296n1 study, 245
Action for Development (ACDODE), Uganda, 108–109 attitudes category, legislative process study, 245–249
activist hypothesis, parliamentary representation, 160, Australia, 8, 84, 307, 308, 313–318, 322
163–165 Austria, welfare state characteristics, 308
add-on method, Uganda, 109–110 authorization function, political representation, 194–195
administrative appointments, Uganda, 107, 109, 114 autonomy argument, descriptive representative selection,
See also state feminism 216
advantaged-subgroup issues category, intersectional awareness factor, resources category, legislative process
typology, 56–62 study, 246, 247
Advisory Council, Sweden, 99–101, 104
affirmative action strategies, political party leadership, 84 Bacchi, Carol Lee
Africa chapter by, 263–266
quota regulation trend, 178–179 comments on, 241–242
sub-Saharan representation study, 167–172 balanced group, in critical mass arguments, 227
See also specific countries Baldez, Lisa
African Americans. See descriptive representation; racing- chapter by, 37–45
gendering processes comments on, 19–20
agenda-setting model, 284, 285, 286, 288 Banaszak, Lee Ann
aggregative function, representative democracy, 201–202, chapter by, 335–345
203–204 comments on, 292, 341
Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), United States, 277, Bangladesh, quota regulations, 178, 179
279–280 Bannister, Don, 265
Akureyri elections, Iceland, 118, 119 Barrett, Michèle, 300
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, 72, 75 Basu, Amrita, 33
Alberdi, Isabel, 332 Baumgartner, Frank, 336
or applicable copyright law.

Algeria, terrorist activity, 72 Beard, Mary, 282n9

Aliyan, Etaf, 75 Beckwith, Karen
Al-Sha’ab, 75–76 chapters by, 29–36, 335–345
Alvarez, Sonia E. comments on, 19, 292, 340
chapter by, 63–70 Beijing conference, 66–67, 69n8, 180
comments on, 20 Belgium, quota regulations, 178, 181n5
AMNLAE, Nicaragua, 24–25, 27, 28n15 Berry, Jeffrey M., 56
Al Amouri, Shahanaz, 78n28 Besigye, Kiiza, 115n6

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bias studies Chappell, Louise

disadvantage group representation, 20, 55–62 chapter by, 313–318
political party elites, 151–157 comments on, 291
blacks. See descriptive representation; intersectionality; Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canada, 314–315
racing-gendering processes Chase, Erica, 72
Black Tigers, Sri Lanka, 72, 74 Chicago, political machine, 92
Blair, Emily Newell, 92–93 child care policies, welfare states, 309
Bock, G., 307 Childs, Sarah, chapter by, 3–20
Boëthuis, Maria-Pia, 102 Chile
Bogue, Mary F., 278 family life regulation, 268, 272, 273n3
Bolivia, quota regulations, 180 gender gap study, 132
boomerang pattern, transnational activism, 64 transnational activism, 68
Bosnia-Herzegovina, quota discussions, 179 women’s movement and democratization, 38–39,
Boswell, Helen V., 91, 92, 94n10 40–41
Brazil China, women’s activism, 32
electoral system impact, 272 Chinese women, U.S. citizenship ruling, 282n11
gender-related policy, 268 Chisholm, Shirley, 261n1
quota regulations, 181n5 churches, Germany democratization, 38, 42
transnational activism, 67 See also Catholic Church
women’s movement, 30, 38–40 Citizen Political Ambition Study, United States, 142–148
Breckinridge, Sophonisba, 278, 279, 281, 282n11 citizenship, married women, 280–281, 282n11
Britain city councils, Iceland, 118–119, 121–122
candidate recruitment study, 135–140 civic associationalism, 48–49
political parties, 81–82, 85 civil society, and state power reconfigurations, 336–337
reconfiguration and power shifts, 336, 337 class interests, 23, 220–221, 223n10
welfare state characteristics, 307, 308, 309, 310, 336 See also disadvantaged groups, representation
women’s movement, 30, 34 effectiveness; intersectionality
bureaucracy appointments. See state feminism Clayton, Eva, 258, 259, 260
Burke, Edmund, 210n6 Cloward, Richard A., 52nn1–2
Burke, Yvonne Braithwaite, 261n1 club approach, local parties, 90–91
Burkina Faso, electoral system, 171n8 Cohen, Cathy, 220
Bustelo, Carlota, 331, 332 Collins, Barbara, 258
Butler, Sarah Schuyler, 91 Collins, Cardiss, 261n1
Collins, Patricia Hill, 287
Cable Act, 280–281, 282n11 Colombia, terrorist activity, 72, 73
California, local party activity, 94n4 Colorado, local party activity, 90, 94n4
Canada Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), United
feminist political strategies, 313–318 Nations, 320
gender gap patterns, 130 commitment factor, attitudes category, legislative process
political parties, 85, 136 study, 245–249
state feminism impact, 322 Communist Party, Italy, 31, 136, 161
welfare state characteristics, 308 Communist Party, Sweden, 98, 100
women’s movement, 33 communist regimes, women’s movements and
Canadian Royal Commission on Electoral Reform, 210 democratization, 38–39, 42–43
candidate recruitment studies, 8–9, 135–140, 151–157 Confederate flag controversy, 207
capitalist state theory, 300–301 Congress, U.S.
Catholic Church legislative process study, 243–249
and democratization, 38, 40, 41 racing-gendering processes study, 251–260
Eastern Europe democratization, 38 Congressional Black Caucus, 255–256
feminist protests, 48–50, 51–52 Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, 255–256
Latin American gender policies, 267–268, 269, Congressional Members Organizations (CMOs), 255–256
or applicable copyright law.

272–273 Conover, P. J., 129

Caul, Miki conservative-corporatist regimes, welfare states, 308–309
chapter by, 159–166 Conservative Party, Britain, 137, 140n9
comments on, 126 Conservative Party, Sweden, 101–102, 104
centralization component, political party organization, Constituent Assembly (CA), Uganda, 109, 112
159, 161–162, 166n5 constitutional approaches
centralized systems, candidate recruitment, 136 as feminist political opportunities, 314–316
Centre Party Communists, Sweden, 98 quota provisions, 178–179, 180
Chapman, Judith, 328 Constitutional Commission, Uganda, 108, 109
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content factor, experience category, legislative process political ambition study, 142, 145, 146
study, 244 public policy interests, 23, 27
contingency argument, descriptive representative welfare state theory, 305
selection, 216 Domestic Relations Bill, Uganda, 112
Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Dominelli, Lena
Women (CEDAW), 320 chapter by, 117–123
cosponsorship importance, legislative process, 246–247, comments on, 80
248–249 Dominican Republic, transnational activism, 65
Costa Rica, 175–176, 179, 180 double militancy dilemma, 7, 31–32
critical mass arguments, 10, 225–230, 236–238 Dovi, Suzanne
cultural theories, gender gap, 129 chapter by, 215–223
culture variable, sub-Saharan Africa representation study, comments on, 184
168, 169–170 downloading processes, in state reconfigurations, 336
Cunningham, Karla J.
chapter by, 71–78 East Germany, 19–20, 33, 38–39, 42, 132
comments on, 20 East Timor, quota discussions, 179
Cunningham, Representative, 258 economic conditions
as gender gap hypothesis, 129–130, 131
Dahl, Robert, 294, 297n3 sub-Saharan Africa, 168, 170
Dahlerup, Drude Ecuador, quota regulations, 180
chapters by, 175–182, 225–230 education systems, Nicaragua, 27
comments on, 126, 184, 322 education variable, sub-Saharan Africa representation
Dahlgren, Edesse, 94n13 study, 167, 169, 170, 171n4
Dawson, William, 95n15 Egypt, 75–76, 179, 328–329
deliberative function, representative democracy, 201– Eisenstein, H., 321, 322
202, 203–204, 288–289 elections and electoral systems
demand model, candidate recruitment study, 138–139 overview, 7–9, 125–126
democracy quality argument, quotas, 185, 188 African countries, 168, 169, 171nn7–8
See also Sweden candidate recruitment studies, 8–9, 135–140, 151–157
Democratic Party, U.S., 90, 93–94, 95nn15–16, 127 Iceland, 119, 122
See also Congress, U.S. Latin American countries, 272
democratization, and women’s movements, 37–43 nomination routes summarized, 84–86
Denmark, 130, 175–176 as parliamentary representation hypothesis, 161,
descriptive representation 163–165
overviews, 201–202, 215 political ambition study, 141–148
benefits, 205–209, 210n5, 211n7, n11, n16 proportional vs. majority effects, 179
cost factors, 202–205, 210n2 Spain, 327
institutionalizing considerations, 209–210, 211n17, n19 Sweden, 102–103
selection criteria, 215–223 Uganda, 108, 109–110, 111, 114
developmental theory, gender gap, 127–132 voting behavior patterns, 7–8, 127–132
Dhanu (terrorist), 74 See also political parties; political representation entries;
differentiated state theory, 302–303 quotas
disadvantaged groups, representation effectiveness, 55–62 eligibility pool study, 141–148
See also descriptive representation elite bias, political parties, 151–157
discrimination variable, candidate selection study, employment patterns
138–139 Iceland, 117, 121
displacement, as mainstreaming strategy, 283–290 sub-Saharan Africa, 167–168, 169, 170
dispossessed subgroups. See descriptive representation voting behavior correlations, 129, 131
distribution effect, elite bias study, 152–157 encuentros, Latin America, 63–68
diversity mainsteaming, 11–12, 287–290 Equal Rights Amendment, 278, 279–280
divorce policy, Latin America, 268, 269–270, 271, 273 Esping-Andersen, G., 308
or applicable copyright law.

Djibouti, representation statistics, 167 essentialism problem, descriptive representation,

Dobrowolski, A., 33 204–205
Dobyns, Winifred Starr, 92 Ethiopia, electoral system, 171n8
Dock, Lavinia, 280 European Commission, gender equality approach, 284
Dodson, Louise, 90 European Union (EU), 335–336, 337–338, 341
Dole, Robert, 93 See also specific countries
domestic labor factor experience category, legislative process study, 244–245
Iceland political parties, 118 expertise factor, resources category, legislative process
Latin America organizing, 38 study, 246, 247
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family life regulation, Latin America, 267–273 gender quotas. See quotas
family responsibilities variable, political ambition study, gender socialization, impact on political ambition, 141,
142, 145, 146 145–148
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), 72, generational cohorts, as gender gap hypothesis, 129–130,
73 131, 132
Farley, Jim, 93 Germany
fast track approach, political representation, 175–177, 181 gender gap patterns, 128, 131
Feickert, Lillian, 90, 91 political parties, 85
feminism, and state theory, 293–294 reconfiguration and power shifts, 338
feminist bureaucracy. See state feminism welfare state characteristics, 307, 308, 336
feminist movements, institutional settings, 47–54 Gingrich, Newt, 255–256
See also women’s movements Githens, Marianne, 251
feminist welfare state, 277–282 Goetz, Anne Marie
femocrats, 13, 101, 316–317, 321, 324n3, 328 chapter by, 107–115
See also state feminism comments on, 80
Ferguson, Kathy, 299 Goodin, Bob, 189
Fernández, Matílde, 332 Gordon, April A., 170
Ferraro, Geraldine, 50 Gosnell, Harold F., 92
Fianna Fáil, Ireland, 161 Great Britain. See Britain
Figueiredo, João Batista, 40 Griffin, Susan, 297n10
Finland, 8, 130 Guerra, Alfonso, 332
Ford Foundation, 41 Guinier, Lani, 210n5
formal systems, candidate recruitment, 136–140 Gustafsson, S., 309
Forthal, Sonya, 94n9
Foster, J. Ellen, 90 Hacker, Helen Mayer, 226
Fox, Richard L. Hall, Mrs. Frank, 94n1
chapter by, 141–149 Hall, Richard, 256
comments on, 126 Hammond, Hilda Phelps, 92
France Hartmann, Susan, 48
election routes, 84–85 Hatem, M. F., 324n3, 328–329
gender gap study, 131 Hawkesworth, Mary
nominations process study, 136 chapter by, 251–262
quota regulations, 178, 179 comments on, 241
reconfiguration and power shifts, 337 Hay, Mary Garrett, 91
representation statistics, 180 health care, Nicaragua, 27
state feminism impact, 322 Helig, Peggy, 211n15
welfare state characteristics, 307, 308, 310 Helms, Jesse, 207
Frank, Barney, 211n12 Hernes, Helga Maria, 301, 302, 321, 324n3, 328
Fransella, Fay, 265 Hill, Anita, 207
Franzway, S., 324n3 House of Commons, UK, nominations process study, 137
Fraser, Nancy, 302 House of Representatives, U.S., legislative process study,
Fredrika Bremer Association, 97, 100 248–249
Freeman, Jo Htun, Mala
chapter by, 89–95 chapter by, 267–275
comments on, 79 comments on, 242
Friedenwall, Lenita Hurtado, Aida, 253
chapter by, 175–182
comments on, 126 Iceland, feminist political organization, 117–123
FSLN party, Nicaragua, 24–26, 28n16 ideology hypotheses
feminist political strategies, 313
Gabon, electoral system, 171n8 gender gap, 129, 130–132
or applicable copyright law.

Garofalo, Lucia, 72 parliamentary representation, 160, 162–165

gender, defined, 3 ideology variable, political ambition study, 146
See also specific topics, e.g., Britain; descriptive Idris, Wafa, 75
representation; political parties Illinois, 92, 211n17
gender gap, voting behavior, 8, 9, 127–132 Illinois Commission on the Status of Women, 211n11
gender interests inclusion, as mainstreaming strategy, 283–290
overviews, 9–11, 21–23 incremental track approach, political representation,
defining, 309 175–177, 181
strategic vs. political, 22–24, 25–27 incumbency advantage premise, 141, 148
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Independent Women’s League, East Germany, 42 Keck, Margaret, 64, 69n9

India, 14n4, 74, 77n16, 178, 179 Kelley, Florence, 278
individuals as representatives, limitations, 231–233, 238 Kennedy, Jackie, 95n15
informal systems, candidate recruitment, 136 Kennedy, John F., 95n15
Inglehart, Ronald Kennedy, Robert F., 93
chapter by, 127–133 KF (Kwenna Frambothid), Iceland, 117–123
comments on, 125 Khaled, Leila, 75
Institute of Women, Spain, 327, 331–333 King, Mae, 261n1
institutionalization component, political party Kolinsky, Eva, 85
organization, 159–160, 162, 165n2 Koven, S., 306–307
institutionalized feminism. See state feminism Krook, Mona Lena, chapter by, 3–20
institutional settings, feminist protests, 20, 47–52 Kwenna Frambothid (KF), Iceland, 117–123
institutions as representation, 231–239 Kwenna Listin, Iceland, 119–120
Instituto de la Mujer, Spain, 327, 331–333 Kymlicka, Will, 186, 202, 211n14
integrationist model, 284–285, 287
interest articulation argument Labor Party, Norway, 161
descriptive representation, 206–207, 211n7, n11, 223n9 Labour Party, UK, 30, 137, 140n9
quotas, 185, 186–190 Land Act, Uganda, 112
international activism. See transnational activism Lasswell, Harold, 294
intersectionality Latin America
and differentiated representation, 193–199 gender-related regulation, 267–273
and disadvantaged subgroup representation, 55–62, quota regulations, 178
220–222 terrorist activity, 72–73, 77n14
and diversity mainsteaming, 11–12, 287–290 transnational activism effects, 63–69
double militancy dilemma, 7, 31–32 women’s movements and democratization, 38–39
and racing-gendering processes, 252 See also specific countries
introspective representation, 206 law, in male state, 293–296, 305–306
Iowa, local party activity, 90 Lawless, Jennifer L.
Ireland, 73, 161, 310 chapter by, 141–149
Islamic Action Group, Algeria, 72 comments on, 126
Islamic Jihad, 75 Law Reform Commission, Uganda, 112–113
Israel, 72, 75–76, 78n28 Lee, Sheila Jackson, 258, 259
issue networks, Latin America, 268, 270–273 left-oriented parties. See political parties
Italy Left Party Communists, Sweden, 98, 103
female terrorist activity, 73 legal quotas vs. party quotas, 178–179, 180
gender gap patterns, 128, 130 legislative process study, United States, 243–249
political parties, 31, 84, 85, 136 legitimacy benefit, descriptive representation, 208–209,
regime change impact, 34 211n15
representation statistics, 161 Lesotho, 167, 171n8
welfare state characteristics, 308 Lewis, J., 309–310
Izquierdo, María, 331 Liberal Democrats, Japan, 136
liberal feminism, 5, 12, 34, 299, 306
Japan, political parties, 136 Liberal Party, Ireland, 161
Jenson, J., 307 Liberal Party, Netherlands, 136
Jonasdottir, Anna, 191n5 Liberal Party, Sweden, 99, 100, 103, 104
Jones, Bryan D., 336 liberal regimes, welfare states, 308–309
Jonsdottir, Gudrun Liberation Tigers for Tamil Eelam (LTTE)., 72, 73–74,
chapter by, 117–123 77n8, n16
comments on, 80 Liberia, electoral system, 171n8
Jordan, Barbara, 261n1 Lila Offensive, East Germany, 42
Jordan, representation statistics, 179 Lindblom, C. E., 297n3
or applicable copyright law.

justice promotion argument, quotas, 185–186, 190 Lindsey, Ben, 280

literacy rate, Nicaragua, 27
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 226, 227, 228 literature overview
Kantola, Johanna elections, 8–10
chapter by, 299–304 political parties, 6–7
comments on, 291 political representation, 9–11
Katzenstein, Mary Fainsod public policies, 11–12
chapter by, 47–54 social movements, 5–6
comments on, 20 state relationships, 12–13
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Livermore, Henrietta Wells, 91, 93 Movement Act, Uganda, 108

localized systems, candidate recruitment, 136 Mozambique, 167, 171n7
local party politics, 84–85, 89–95 Mujer y Socialismo, Spain, 331–333
Locke, Marnie, 253 multipartisan movements, as political strategy, 87–88
Long, Huey, 92 Multi-Party Committee of Women, United States, 94n13
lottery costs, descriptive representation, 202–203, 210n2 Mundt, Robert J., 211n15
Louchheim, Katie, 95n15 Museveni, Yoweri Kaguta, 107, 109, 111, 112
Louisiana, local party politics, 92 Mussolini, 297n10
Lovenduski, Joni mutuality factor, experience category, legislative process
chapters by, 81–86, 135–140 study, 245
comments on, 79, 125, 160 mutual relationship criteria, descriptive representative
LTTE (Liberation Tigers for Tamil Eelam), 72, 73–74, selection, 215, 217–222
77n8, n16 Myers, Jan, 261n3
Lukes, Steven, 297n3
Nambia, 167, 171n8
MacKinnon, Catharine A. Napoleon, 297n10
chapter by, 293–298 National Executive Committee (NEC), Uganda, 113–
comments on, 291 114
mainstreaming, transformation question, 11–12, National Resistance Army (NRA), Uganda, 107, 113
283–290 National Resistance Movement (NRM), Uganda
majoritarian representation, gender representations, 9, gender equity legislation, 112–113
169, 170, 179 no-party system, 107–108, 113–114, 115n6
majority issues category, intersectional typology, 56–62 women’s patronage appointments, 108–111
Mansbridge, Jane National Women’s Council, Uganda, 111, 113
chapter by, 201–213 National Women’s Party, United States, 278,
comments on, 183–184, 216 279–280
Marxist feminism theory, 300–301 Navarro, Marysa, 65–66
Maryland, local party politics, 90 Nelson, Barbara, 281n4
maternalism, 306–307 Nepal, quota regulations, 179
Matland, Richard E., 168 Netherlands, 84, 130, 136, 308, 309
Mauritania, electoral system, 171n8 neutral state theory, 299
Mayhew, David R., 94n1, n8 New Democrats, Sweden, 101–102
Mazur, Amy G. New Jersey, 90, 91
chapter by, 319–325 New Mexico, local party politics, 90
comments on, 291–292, 327, 329 New Orleans, political machine, 92
Meek, Carrie, 260 New York, 91, 93
Merton, Robert K., 265 New Zealand, women’s suffrage, 8
Mestre, Carmen, 331 Nicaragua, 19, 24–28
Mexico, 132, 273n1 Niger, representation statistics, 167
Mexico meeting, Latin American feminists, 64–66 Nigeria, 167, 171n8
Michel, S., 306–307 Niven, David
microcosmic representation, 202–203 chapter by, 151–158
middle-class bias, disadvantaged group representation, 56 comments on, 126
Middle East, gender quotas, 178–179 Njuba, Sam, 115n6
military institution, feminist protests, 47–50, 51–52 nomination level, political party organization,
military recruitment, terrorist recruitment, compared, 160, 162
77n7 nomination process, Britain study, 135–140
Millett, Kate, 294 no-party system. See Uganda
minimum requirement approach, quotas, 179–180 Nordic feminism, 12, 301–302
minimum wage legislation, 254–255 See also Norway
Mink, Patsy, 255, 257, 258, 259, 261n1 Norris, Pippa
or applicable copyright law.

mirror metaphor, 294, 297n10 chapters by, 127–133, 135–140

mirror representation. See descriptive representation comments on, 125, 160, 168
Molyneux, Maxine Norway, 8, 14n4, 81–82, 130, 161
chapter by, 21–28 See also Nordic feminism
comments on, 19 Nzomo, Maria, 168
Morocco, representation statistics, 179
Moseley-Braun, Carol, 207, 259 occupation test, elite bias study, 153–154
mothers’ pensions, United States, 277–282, 307 Odongo, Onyango, 115n6
Mother Teresa, 52, 53n10 offloading processes, in state reconfigurations, 336–337
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Ohio, local party activity, 90 sub-Saharan Africa, 168, 170

Olsen, Frances, 264 Sweden, 97–100, 101–103, 104
opinions, as representation aspect, 196, 197–198, 223n9 Uganda, 107–108, 113–114
organizational structure hypothesis, representation study, United States, 89–95, 151–157, 161
159–160, 161–162, 164–165 and women’s movements, 6–7, 30–31, 33, 82–83,
Orloff, Ann 87–88, 343n6
chapter by, 305–311 political representation
comments on, 291, 310 overviews, 8–11, 183–184
Otero-Warren, Nina, 90 critical mass arguments, 10, 225–230, 236–238
outgroup effect, elite bias study, 152, 153–157 definitions, 82
Outshoorn, J., 321 with multiple institutional sources, 231–239
relationship model, 193–199
Pakistan, gender quotas, 178 See also descriptive representation; political parties;
Palestine, 72, 75–76, 78n28 quotas; social policies
Palme, Olof, 99 political representation, statistics
Paraguay, quota regulations, 180 African countries, 14n4, 107, 167
parliamentary representation. See political representation Britain, 137
partisan movements, as political strategy, 87 Iceland, 117, 122
party clubs, U.S., 90–91 India, 14n4
party quotas vs. legal quotas, 178–179, 180 Norway, 14n4
Pastor, Ed, 257 in sub-Saharan Africa study, 167–172
patriarchal culture, sub-Saharan Africa, 168, 169–170 Sweden, 101
patriarchal state theory, 299–300, 305–306 United States, 141, 251
patriarchy, definitions, 28n2 politics, definitions, 3–4
pay equity example, problem representation, 265 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 75
pendejo game, 253 pornography, 264–265, 295–296
Penock, J. Roland, 201 Porta, Della, 34
Pérez, Gracia, 332 A Portrait of Marginality (Githens and Prestage), 251
personality trait test, elite bias study, 154 positive discrimination strategies, political party
perspective factor, experience category, legislative process leadership, 84
study, 244–245 postmodern feminism, 5, 12
Peru, terrorist activity, 72, 73, 77n14 poverty, Nicaragua, 27
Petersen, Agnes L., 278 poverty rates, limitations for theory, 306
Phillips, Anne See also welfare state
chapter by, 185–191 power relocations, with state reconfigurations, 335–343
comments on, 183, 210n3, 211n7, 217, 220, 223n10 power theories, 294, 297n3
Pinochet, Augusto, 40–41 practical gender interests, 22–24, 27–28
Pitkin, Hanna, 194, 210n3 Pratt, Ruth B., 91
Piven, Frances Fox, 52nn1–2 Prestage, Jewel, 251
Poland, 19–20, 38–39, 42–43, 322 Pringle, Rosemary, 302
policy agencies, women’s, 233, 234, 235–238, 319–324 privacy law, in male state, 296
See also social policies; state feminism problem identification, framework impact, 263–266
policy responsiveness, defined, 7 Progressive Conservative Party, Canada, 136
See also social policies proportional representation, gender representations, 9,
political ambition study, United States, 141–148 169, 170–171, 179
political culture variable, political ambition study, 142, prostitution, in male state, 296
145, 146 protest activity, institutional settings, 47–52
political machines, 91–92, 94n8 PSOE (Socialist Worker’s Party), Spain, 327, 331–333
political parties public policies. See social policies
overviews, 6–7, 79–86 Putnam, Robert, 49
Britain, 135–140
or applicable copyright law.

candidate recruitment studies, 135–140, 151–157 Quinn, Jack, 255

East Germany, 42 quotas
gender support patterns, 127, 128 arguments for, 185–190
Iceland, 117–123 empowerment question, 180–181
Latin America, 40, 41, 272 implementation factors, 179–180
as opinion representation, 196 parliamentary representation hypothesis, 161, 163,
parliamentary representation study, 159–166 164–165
Spain, 327, 331–333 political representation impact, 175–178
and state feminism, 330–331 sub-Saharan Africa, 168, 169, 170, 171n7
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quotas (continued) Sahlin, Mona, 102

Sweden, 99–100 Sainsbury, Diane
types of, 178–180 chapter by, 97–106
Uganda’s system, 108, 109 comments on, 79–80, 309, 310
Saleh, Salim, 114
racing-gendering processes Samarasinghe, Vidyamali, 77n7
overview, 251–252 sanctions, quota non-compliance, 180
study methodology, 253–254 Sandistas, 19, 24–28
theory, 252–253, 256–257 Sarvasy, Wendy
types of, 254–256, 257–260, 261nn2–4 chapter by, 277–282
See also welfare state comments on, 242
radical feminism, 5, 12, 293–296, 299–300, 305–306 Saudi Arabia, voting rights, 14n3
Rajiv Gandhi, 74 Sawer, Marian, 313, 322
ranking effects, quotas, 180 Scandinavian politics, critical mass argument, 10,
Ranney, Austin, 136 225–230
rape, 74, 211n11, 295, 296 See also Norway; Sweden
recruitment studies, candidate, 8–9, 135–140, 151–157 Schattschneider, E. E., 56, 135–136, 256
Red Stockings, Iceland, 117 Scotland, parliamentary power changes, 336
Rees, Teresa, 284 selective form, descriptive representation, 202–203,
reformist feminism, Sweden, 97 211n14
relationship model, political representation process, self-perceived qualification variable, political ambition
193–199 study, 142, 145, 146–147
religion, voting behavior correlations, 129 Senegal, electoral system, 171nn7–8
representation responsiveness, defined, 7 sex, gender compared, 3
See also political representation Sexual Assault Act, Illinois, 211n11
Republican Party, U.S., 90, 91, 92–93, 94n4, 95n15, 127 sexuality, in male state, 295–296, 298n12
See also Congress, United States Sexual Offences Bill, Uganda, 112–113
Resistance Council system (RC), Uganda, 107–108 Seychelles, representation statistics, 167
resource mobilization, as women’s movement variable, Shaver, S., 307
38–39 Shining Path, Peru, 72, 73, 77n14
resources category, legislative process study, 245–246 Sikh militants, 74
reversal, as mainstreaming strategy, 283–290 Sikkink, Kathryn, 64, 69n9
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC), 72, skewed group, in critical mass arguments, 227
73 Skjeie, H., 188
Reykjavik elections, Iceland, 118, 119, 121–122 Skocpol, T., 322
Reynolds, Andrew, 168 Sniderman, Paul, 157n6
rhetorical strategies, political party leadership, 84 Snyder, Elizabeth, 94, 95n15
right-oriented parties. See political parties social bias, candidate selection study, 138–139
Robinson, Martha, 92 social-democratic regimes, welfare states,
Robles, Rosario, 273n1 308–309
Rodríguez, Regina, 332 Social Democratic Women’s Federation (SSKF), Sweden,
role model argument, quotas, 185 99, 102
roll call voting, legislative process study, 244, 246, 247, Social Democrats, Sweden, 98, 99–100, 102–103
248–249 socialist feminism, 5, 12, 300–301
Romero, Isabel, 332 Socialist Party, Senegal, 171n7
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 93 Socialist Unity Party (SED), East Germany, 42
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, 255, 260 Socialist Worker’s Party (PSOE), Spain, 327, 331–333
Rowbotham, S., 33–34 socialization, impact on political ambition, 141,
Roybal-Allard, Lucille, 259 145–148
Rucht, Dieter social meaning benefit, descriptive representation, 208,
chapter by, 335–345 211n14
or applicable copyright law.

comments on, 32, 34n4, 292 social movements

Rule, Wilma, 168 overview, 4–6, 19–20
rules hypothesis, parliamentary representation, 160–161, issue networks compared, 270
163, 164–165 Nicaragua’s experience, 24–28
Russia, quota regulations, 178 See also women’s movement
Rwanda, 14n4, 178 social perspectives, as representation aspect, 196–198,
Sabin, Pauline, 91 social policies
sacrifice theme, female terrorist activity, 74–76 overview, 241–242
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Latin American family life regulation, 267–273 Supreme Court, Canada, public interest groups, 314
legislative process study, 243–249 Supreme Court, U.S., citizenship ruling, 282n11
mainstreaming models, 11–12, 283–290 surrogate representation, 205–206, 210n6
problem representation, 263–266 Swaziland, electoral system, 171n8
racing-gendering processes, 251–261 Sweden
welfare state approaches, 277–282, 307–310 appointment quota debate, 100–101, 103–104
See also state feminism election routes, 84, 85–86
Solana, Javier, 332 representation debates, 98–99, 101–104
Solidarity, Poland, 38, 42, 43 welfare state characteristics, 308, 309, 310
South Africa, 167, 171n8, 178 women’s movement, 97–98
South Korea, gender gap patterns, 130
Spain, 30, 130, 322, 327–328, 331–333 Tamale, Sylvia, 110
speechmaking importance, legislative process, 246–247, Tamerius, Karin
248–249 chapter by, 243–249
Spivak, Gayatri, 259 comments on, 241
sponsorship importance, legislative process, 246–247, Tanzania, representation statistics, 167, 171n6
248–249 Taylor, Charles, 209
Squires, Judith technical vs. absolutist policies, 267–268, 269
chapter by, 283–290 Teresa, Mother, 52, 53n10
comments on, 242 terrorist activity, female, 20, 71–78
Sri Lanka, female terrorist activity, 72, 73–74, 77n8 Thatcher, Margaret, 138
state feminism Thomas, Clarence, 207
meanings of, 13, 328–330 Thomas, Sue, 211n11, 261n2
policy agency impact, 319–324 Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism (Esping-Anderson), 308
and political parties, 330–331 Threlfall, Monica
Spain’s experience, 327, 331–333 chapter by, 327–333
Sweden’s experience, 100–101, 103–104 comments on, 292
See also state relationships tilted group, in critical mass arguments, 227
state reconfiguration, processes, 13 Togo, representation statistics, 167
state relationships tokenism, and racing-gendering processes, 253
overview, 12–13, 33–34, 291–292 topic extinctions, and racing-gendering processes, 253, 254
double militancy dilemma, 32 Towards Equality program, Sweden, 98
feminism theories, 293, 299–303, 305–306 transformative model, 284, 286–287
law as male, 293–296, 305–306 transnational activism
and maternalism, 306–307 and democratization processes, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
political opportunities comparisons, 313–318 Latin American impact, 63–68, 270–271
power theories, 294, 297n3 and quota trends, 180
reconfiguration processes, 335–343 Tripp, Aili Mari, 108
Sweden’s approach, 100–101, 103
welfare state comparisons, 307–310 Uganda
Stetson, Dorothy McBride gender equity legislation, 112–113
chapter by, 319–325 no-party system, 107–108, 113–114, 115n6
comments on, 233, 291–292, 322, 327, 329 representation statistics, 171n6, 179
Stevenson, Adlai, 93–94, 95n16 women’s patronage appointments, 108–111, 178
Stone, Deborah, 264 uniform group, in minority size arguments, 227
strategic gender interests, 22–23, 25–26 unions, 32–33, 42–43, 104n2, 117
Strolovitch, Dara Z. United Arab Emirates, 14n3
chapter by, 55–62 United Kingdom. See Britain
comments on, 20 United Nations, 64–66, 68n4, 69nn7–8, 270–271,
Studlar, Donley T., 168 320–321, 324n3
subordination assumption, in state relationships, 293–298 United States
or applicable copyright law.

sub-Saharan Africa, representation study, 167–172 civil society changes, 336

Sudan, representation statistics, 171n6 election routes, 84, 85
suffrage, women’s, 8, 14n2 female terrorist activity, 72
suicide terrorism, 72, 74–75 legislative process study, 248–249
Supermarket Demonstration, Iceland, 121 political ambition study, 141–148
supply model, candidate recruitment study, 139 political parties, 89–95, 151–157, 161
support factor, attitudes category, legislative process racing-gendering processes study, 251–260
study, 245 representation patterns, 141, 243–249, 251
Support Stockings, Sweden, 101–103 state feminism history, 319
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United States (continued) “Women as a Minority Group” (Hacker), 226

union influences, 32–33 Women for Life, Chile, 41
voting behavior patterns, 127–132 Women for Peace, East Germany, 42
welfare state characteristics, 307, 308, 309, 336 Women’s Caucus, Uganda, 109, 111, 112
universal issues category, intersectional typology, 56–62 Women’s Committee for Louisiana, 92
unobtrusive mobilization, 48–49, 52n4 Women’s Equality program, Sweden, 98
uploading processes, in state reconfigurations, 335–336, women’s interests, overviews, 9–11, 21–23
337–338 See also specific topics, e.g., racing-gendering processes;
Upton, Harriet Taylor, 90 political parties; social policies
Utah, local party activity, 94n4 Women’s League, Poland, 43
Women’s List, Iceland, 117–118, 122
Vargas, Virginia, 65 women’s movements
Vasquez, Roxana, 67 overview, 4–6, 29–36, 319–320, 324n1
Velazquez, Nydia, 258 comparative analysis requirements, 19
violence against women and democratic transitions, 37–43
disadvantaged representation study, 58, 60, 61 and gender gap patterns, 129
Latin American feminism, 65, 66–67 institutional settings, 47–52
multi-source representation study, 234–238 Latin America, 24, 63–68, 268
virtual representation, 210n6 and political parties, 6–7, 30–31, 33, 82–83, 87–88,
voting behavior patterns, 7–8, 127–132, 243–249 343n6
as source of political representation, 233–234, 235–
Wadsworth, James W., 91 238, 239n6
wage equity and state relationships, 13, 338–343
problem representation example, 265 Sweden, 97–98
and welfare state theory, 305 Uganda, 108–109, 113
Wales, 14n4, 181n4 women’s parties, 7, 31, 117–123
Waters, Maxine, 257, 258, 260 women’s policy machinery. See state feminism
Watkins v. Army, 298n12 Woolf, Virginia, 297n10
Watson, Sophie, 301, 302 Woolsey, Lynn, 257, 258
Weldon, S. Laurel World Church of the Creator (WCOTC), 72
chapter by, 231–239 Wu, X., 32
comments on, 184, 234
welfare policy, racing-gendering processes, 256–260, Yoon, Mi Yung
261nn3–4 chapter by, 167–173
welfare state, 13, 277–282, 301–302, 305–310 comments on, 126
West Germany, gender gap patterns, 130, 132 Young, Iris Marion
widow factor, as election route, 84 chapter by, 193–199
Williams, Clare, 93 comments on, 183, 202, 221, 223n29
Williams, Melissa S., 211n14, 221 Young, Lisa
Winberg, Margareta, 102 chapter by, 87–88
Woman Citizen’s Union (WCU), Louisiana, 92 comments on, 79
Women and Socialism committee, Spain, 331–333 Younger, Maud, 280
Women and Welfare Reform conference, United States,
257 Zhang, N., 32
or applicable copyright law.

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